r/maliciouscompliance | Impatient professor? We'll just flood your WhatsApp group.

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hey everyone my name is Stephen and welcome the storytime today we're gonna be reading some malicious compliance stories tales we're following the rules can lead to some just desserts and let me just say if you're not already subscribed the storytime please consider doing so but with that being said let's sit back relax and listen to some captivating reddit stories can I see some ID with all the grocery stores in the news from the pandemic I was reminded of a story from my years working as a cashier at Wegmans for those of you that have never heard of it it's a fairly large chain of family-owned grocery stores that are all very nice think generic grocery shopping prices and a Whole Foods type atmosphere anyway I hated being a cashier people can be really testy and rude to the service industry and it definitely gave 16 year old me a newfound respect for folks that put up with it every day one of the annoying rules that Wegmans has is to 100% ID everyone who looked under 40 in the group when there was alcohol in your cart that rule made so many people upset an ornery and I hated enforcing it but I would get reprimanded if they saw I didn't ask after watching some do take nail clippers from the display case cool dip his nails on my belt and put the Clippers back into the box I decided enough was enough I has to be moved somewhere else with less people my front end manager offered to put me downstairs in the wine cellar to be a cashier there the seller was simply a lower level of the store that only sold wine not a whole lot of foot traffic down there and no nail clipper display cases I happily accepted my new manager down in the wine department was something else trading off for condescending customers I now had a condescending nitpicking manager there wasn't much to do down there so he would spend his free time just hovering over my shoulder watching me scan wine and not pick my performance after a customer left why didn't you ID the obviously 45 year old mother of three teenage children why are you leaning on the till why aren't you going faster why didn't you refer them to me for a recommendation of a red / white I was getting more and more fed up with it but agreed with my parents that I needed to stay at Elysee to finish out summer one week towards the end of my sentence the manager came in very frantic looking and called a shift meeting with everyone he told us that the wegmans were coming to our store for a visit and one of their planned stops was the wine cellar we all needed to be on our best behavior everything must be clean and we need to follow all of the rules everything needs to be perfect it's my reputation on the line here yes sir understood so the day comes my station is sparkling my shirt isn't wrinkled I'm standing at attention at detail for hours as they do their store visit finally their entourage comes downstairs says a load of me and the manager runs over to greet them and fauns over their every need as they tour the cellar at one point colleen Wegman grabs a cart and starts loading it up with wine that the manager is suggesting they make their way to the front where I am and the manager immediately moves right behind me to watch my every move hovering I greet them with the standard hello did you find everything you needed today opening and began scanning then it happened the first bottle of wine triggered my POS system with the prompt I was waiting for age-restricted item enter date of birth I paused for what felt like minutes I could feel the manager behind me instantly tense up what was I going to do can I see some ID mrs. Wegman my manager freaked out no no no you don't need to ask her for ID I am so so sorry ma'am do you know why that is simplex what would you ask her for her ID well sir she looks under 40 to me in standard policy is to card everyone in the group the Wegmans all got a good laugh out of that and Colleen agreed that I was correct and obliged me with her ID the manager chuckled nervously but I could tell he was ticked for me derailing his perfect to wear with that antic they bought like six hundred dollars worth of wine and went on their way my two-weeks was graciously accepted the next day hey Opie was just following policy good on Opie for sticking it to that manager impatient professor will just flood your whatsapp group I rarely use reddit but for the first time today I was part of an act of malicious compliance nothing special but we had a good laugh about it so here it goes sorry if my english is not perfect it's not my first language I am a student in Italy right now we are all quarantined because of the beer bug but universities are still holding lessons using Google meat we have been in contact with our professors during last week via email whatsapp and stuff and today at 9 a.m. we started our regular lessons as of class was in session this morning our main professor the one holding the most important lesson of our course send an email around 10 a.m. telling us he'll be holding his lesson tomorrow we already knew this because he had told us already multiple times in multiple emails and in his message he wasn't asking for a reply he sent this while the whole class was already connected with another professor and following her lesson so we didn't reply right away after an hour he sent another outraged email asking why no one had replied to a super-important message yet considering we are all home and with nothing to do we were literally following another lesson all of us queue the malicious compliance 50 or 60 people replying sorry professor I was following lesson name got it see you tomorrow at the same time in our whatsapp group after the first 30 he just replied ok I got it you made your point I told you it was nothing special but we are easily entertained during this quarantine any little thing you can do during this quarantine to have some fun sounds good to me especially when it comes to all the schoolwork you still have to do one day or fourteen your choice so with the world being on fire at the moment we were told last week that everyone in my role had been granted essential worker status as they are expecting our team to pick up the slack for the rest of the company we were told on Friday that all holidays and non-essential leave hospital appointments bereavement etc had been canceled I was due to be off the day cuz I was meant to be taking my niece's out for the day as a fun treat obviously we're not going anywhere anymore but they were both really excited to spend time with their uncle so I had planned some things to do around the house instead cut to this morning and my boss is ringing me to make sure I'm on my way to customer aise I explained to him that you can't cancel a holiday for Monday on Friday evening and expect me to go along with it I had this day booked off for months and I was taking it he threatens to give me an official disciplinary meeting if I don't get in work right away I cough loudly down the phone and explain to him if he wants to play that game then I'm self isolating and he can see me in two weeks I asked him again if he's now okay with me having today off and he says no I explained to him that I will contact HR and let them know I'm beginning my quarantine period and will contact them again in 14 days to see if I'm ready to go back I feel for Opie because they scheduled this well in advance and they deserve to have this holiday off so I'm hoping that the boss doesn't try to find some extra way to have revenge after the two weeks is over give it to me for free or I will leave be me be supervising cashier at a hardware store store closes in five minutes cashier comes up to me and asks me to find a SKU for some dryer ducts that have no barcode can't find the accurate SKU so I decided to walk over and ask the customer what the price was length was etc go up and started asking him what the price was couldn't even finish the first sentence before in a very aggressive tone say I already freaking told her I don't know the price now if it's gonna be this god dang much of a hassle either give it to me for free or I'll just go I said okay to him and to leave the store and took the Ducks towards the return cart he responds with really you're gonna do this yep I sure AM have a great night he stormed out the door what was this customer asking for this customer got exactly what he was asking for they're not gonna let him have it for free be unreasonable get a bad reward get the crickets you pay for I work in a small local pet store where we sell crickets we sell cricket cars they are basically a car that has a given 250 crickets the cards are $20 and you see if quite a bit of money by using them customers would tell us so many crickets in what size and we would go get them and scratch off the amount of crickets wanted the bugs are bought in increments of 10 so someone couldn't get 15 crickets but had to get 10 or 20 one day I had a lady come in and asked for 20 large crickets I ran and got them and handed the bag of crickets to her she stares at the bag for a few seconds and almost immediately blows up yelling about how I tried to rip her off giving her less crickets than she ordered and all that she said that she wanted to get exactly what she paid for she wanted me to count them fine I grabbed a pair of tongs and another bag and counted she got 24 bugs I apologized and took the extra for crickets she started yelling that she wanted the few extra crickets I just looked at her and trying my hardest to keep a straight face told her you get exactly what you paid for she turned a maroon color and storm towards the door she didn't know this bud we have two separate entrance and exit doors she tried to exit the entrance door I told her that the other door would let her out and to have a good day I haven't seen her since that's a really good system my only thought is maybe in the past she got cheated maybe not at this store but somewhere else and maybe that's why she complained or called them out but obviously she shouldn't have Kearney have at least one my father worked as a police officer starting in the early 1950s in a mid-sized city he walked a beat in the north part of the city yeah it was before police cars and radios when he got to a payphone he used his dime to call the operator she refunded his diamond connected him to the station to report all was well as the years went on he decided to try for promotion I remember him studying many thick tomes for long periods he finally got promoted to sergeant and he transferred into homicide as a homicide investigator he was often called upon to interview people currently held within City Jail the city jail was headed by a captain at the top it was jail policy that the investigators wait until it was convenient for the jail staff to provide the inmates requested for an interview this meant long wait times usually inmates get fed go to the nurse's office or to court talk to their lawyers moved into other cells etc then it happened a man wearing two prosthetic arms killed another man by striking him in the head with one of the arm hooks according to my dad the man wore a type of harness and elastic which caused the hooks to function my dad took the arms and placed them inside the evidence room as murder weapons then he dropped the suspect off of the city jail it took about a week and my father was summoned to the District Attorney office in City Hall when he entered the office there sat the captain of the jail needless to say the jail captain was livid the DA asked my dad if he placed an armless man in the city jail my dad told him yes the DA asked where his arms were my dad explained they were possible murder weapons and had been placed in the evidence Locker for testing and safekeeping the jail captain interrupted and stated the arms had to be returned immediately because the staff was having to feed the inmate and wipe his butt when he used the bathroom he accused my father of deliberately taking action to cause issues due to the jail policy of assigning homicide investigators who long wait periods the interview folks held in the jail this was the first inkling the DA had of what was happening in the jail he told the captain the homicide investigators were acting in his name carrying out their duties and were to be an override to any Jail priority short of full scale rioting and if that was an issue he would gladly walk down the hallway with the captain to the chief's office to discuss it further the captain looked sullen but agreed reluctantly then the DA asked my dad if it would be possible to give the inmate at least one arm so he could function while in jail my dad said it could be done if he wished it and that was how the new jail policy came about the funniest part of this story is the fact that at some point they got this armless guy who was charged for homicide somebody had to sit around like wait this armless dude was charged for homicide he was jailed what yes uh his arms were murder weapons what a story why don't you just let me drive okay this is going to be short but funny I am a female part-time paramedic for a private ambulance company I don't have a set schedule and pretty much just fill a hole in the schedule once or twice a week while on my four days off from my main job to keep my skills up and have extra cash the greatest thing about this is that I get to pick my schedule and the EMT I'm working with yesterday I was working with an EMT I had worked with in the past let's call him Blane so Blaine and I are getting kicked around from post to post by dispatch filling holes left while other units run calls Blaine decides he's hungry and pulls into a Wendy's parking lot I should mention here that the ambulance we were in yesterday is a giant diesel behemoth their heavy cumbersome they have a huge patient compartment that I love but they are a pain in the butt to drive in a cramped parking lot oh and did I mention it was prime lunch hour in a senior dominated part of town yeah so the Wendy's is right at the edge of this parking lot and it's madness people are trying to zip out of there and get back to work the parking lot is nearly full and we're trying to avoid making patients out of the elderly pedestrians who can't see or hear our elephant of an ambulance I notice that it would be easier to just go straight around the outside of the drive-thru and park outside of the Wendy's parking lot but still within the shopping complex I said why don't you go around Blaine who was a sassy black woman in another life in contrast to his current nerdy white self says why don't you just let me drive I love Blaine he's got a point he pushes the pedal and I pushed the drugs he gets his food and we start heading towards the actual designated posting location which is on the back side of the shopping center were in now Blaine is about to make a wrong turn headed towards a Main Street you can get to the posting this way but it's Ruffin an ambulance with elderly drivers and the public in general and he did say that I should just let him drive he makes the turn and is committed to his decision when he realizes his mistake and says as much in a colorful fashion I muse I wonder if you knew that Blaine says why didn't you tell me you did tell me to just let you drive we never made it to the posting we were kicked out on a call before Blaine had to fight pedestrians and traffic to correct his error and Blaine had to eat a cold cheeseburger after we dropped the patient off at a hospital with terrible offload times the end this absolutely sounds like a kind of a good body movie to me I think I would enjoy the story if it was incorporated into a bigger bunny movie like that and yeah he did say just let him drive but with that being said that's all the time we have for today thank you so much for watching and listening to the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and let us know drew that about these stories in the comments below thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime Channel [Music]
Channel: Storytime
Views: 43,602
Rating: 4.9214625 out of 5
Id: LfP5Oubhvy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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