r/maliciouscompliance | If you open that, you'll cost us THOUSANDS of $$$

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hey everybody my name is Stephen and welcome back to the story time Channel without wasting any time let's get into our stories of the day so you want your sample to arrive in two days very well then happened a few years back in my old job I was on the sales team of a small Chinese chemical firm that was still trying to develop new customers the procurement manager of one of our potential customers let's call it lucky star asked us to send a 230 kilogram sample one steel-drum net weight to their site for industrial trial usually the way it works is that we'll ask our logistics company to truck it to the closest transit hub where the drum will be loaded on another truck bound to a different transit hub repeat the process until it gets to the destination this will usually take around two to seven weeks depending on the trucks availability lucky stars procurement manager is fine with the delay but the site manager won't have it through to seven weeks is unacceptable we need them now this is actually not uncommon in our industry lots of site managers are in the payrolls of their company's supplier so whenever a new competitor shows up their spies will feed them infos and alter lab results my boss knew it well so he told us to ask lucky star site manager if air freight and other options is okay the boss said but make sure you record your phone call and I did just that the exact exchange was forgotten but this is roughly how it went how long will it take depends on the flight schedule but it will probably take about one to two weeks since we'll need to get approval from the airline first provide them with MSDS and other documents for safety reasons unacceptable you're too slow we can get the sample to you in two days if you wish well do it done at this point I'm starting to lose it but I told them I'll see what I can do my boss was listening right next to me he said did you guys figure out the payment details I told them the sample will be free boss said did you say we'll handle the shipping cost I say no boss says good he told me to send the package of the two-day option but with payment on arrival which is ten times more expensive than the usual method so I did just that a few days later I got a very angry site manager screaming on his phone he was later on replaced by someone else recently the truth was revealed to me turns out the procurement manager my boss and the replacement guy were all in it together they all worked for the same company for about a decade until they decided to quit my boss went solo and founded his own company in the same industry his friends were all headhunted to lucky star one two procurement and the other two production they claimed the whole thing was to get rid of an old free without any progressive mindset and won't bat an eye of lucky star suffered financial losses they claim they're actually doing a fever for the company with a new competitor in the supply chain it will bring down the production cost by forcing actual competition I left the company to pursue other careers afterwards but I still think about what they told me that day occasionally these companies aren't holding back these companies are out for blood even though there was past history to it it was all in the intention to get that guy in hot water another zoning law tail this happened in the 80s in a well-to-do Bay Area suburb and several family members were the architects of this malicious compliance my dad and his cousin owned a large parcel of land ten acres that was full of junk piles of dirt and rocks and a few abandoned vehicles beyond rusted out being the kids of real estate developers and entrepreneurs they decided they wanted to build two office buildings but their land was zoned for light industrial and they needed it to be rezone to commercial so they filed the necessary paperwork and make the surrounding community aware of their plans this is where the community gets worried that a sudden influx of cars during the day at office buildings would lower their quality of life and starts protesting and sending letters threatening legal action if they proceed with the rezone process so my dad and his closest cousin slash best friend get this idea to use the mostly useless lot for something that the neighbors and the community would really hate in order to make an office park seem reasonable by comparison after hours of ideas are thrown around they decide to build a massive go-kart track as it falls under a light industrial zoning law loophole and then they decide to go for the grand slam and make it a 24-hour go-cart track the surrounding neighborhoods and community as well as the immediate neighbors were so vocal about this new venture that they began pleading with my dad and family members to reapply for the rezoning and that they would all support an office park of the god-awful 24-hour go-cart track not being that vindictive Leary started the process a week later to convert the site to a commercial office park if you lived in this neighborhood how would you be feeling about this go-kart track and also the office Park in comparison let me know in the comment section down below do not open that gate you're doing thousands of pounds worth of damage this story belongs to my dad who served some time as a caretaker serving two schools in the UK one really good and another not so much no prizes for guessing where this starts the school previously had a regular gate that would be left open during the day there were fences in the main ground to keep visitors away from the main body of the school so there were no safety concerns but the new headmistress decided that they needed a more secure front gate when all was done a new code operated gate was installed in the vehicle with Allie leading into the grounds you drive close to one side tap in the code hydraulic pistons would open both sides for around 30 seconds and then close again there was a pedestrian access gate right next to it on a second keypad powered by a mag lock my dad never liked technology that much especially unnecessary technology but the whole thing wasn't so bad so things carried on as normal now the school itself is accessed via the wide valley from the residential Road that it's on because it's also a less affluent area very few have Gardens big enough for driveways so there are always cars parked on both sides as a result it's not that wide if two cars were to come across each other one would have to pull into the gaps or the rare driveways existed to let the other pass then the gate starts malfunctioning every now and then it just not open for some reason my dad would hear about this have to walk over to the gate climb up the side a maca panel and disable the hydraulics then press a button to unlock the mechanism at which point he could just push it open once whoever's needed it has passed through he'd close it up enable the mechanism then re-enable the hydraulics and it'd be working again at least until the next time this went on for several months with the headmistress not really responding to the request to have the gate looked at as it always kept on working once it was reset so obviously it can't be that bad then one day after my dad's manually opened and closed the gate for someone he receives a message to see the headmistress in her office coincidentally within the range of the treasurer and the secretary at which he's told I understand you've been unlocking the main gate manually you're doing thousands of pounds worth of damage and you're not to do it the usual protests go through but the end result is the same no more manually unlocking the gate no problemo we all see where this is going the fateful day rolls around my dad turns up to work at around 6:45 a.m. having a 7:00 a.m. start and the gate won't open no problem he'll just oh he's not supposed to so knowing exactly what's going to happen later he parks on the road enters via the pedestrian gate opens the school and gets on with his usual duties it's also raining quite well not too heavy but certainly where you not want to be without cover this only serves to add to his sense of well-being over the next couple of hours he encounters the arriving teachers and kitchen staff who tell him the gate won't open and can he please come over and let them in sorry he says the headmistress has had a meeting with him and explained he's no longer to open it so there's nothing he can do there are a little put out by this but he has a good relationship with most people there so it's just accepted and he goes back to his duties at some point someone who left their car at the gate to go and get it opened has come back to find someone else behind them and so on by around 8 a.m. the ally has around 5 cars in it and the rest are spilling over down the road in the middle of all this being a Monday a delivery truck has turned up and in all the fuss the teachers have had to unload it and store the contents and their cars to let the driver escape to the next drop-off which would have been a challenge in itself my dad while expecting this is blissfully soldiering on with his duties until a certain headmistress manages to track him down as he winds his way back towards the front this poor woman has been out in the rain for about ten minutes looking for him and her appearance shows it makeup running hair bedraggled she informs them that the gate won't open - which he replies yes I noticed that so I parked on the road today as they turn a corner on the way to the gate he's now faced with the massive congregation of teachers parents and kids all of which have had to park down the road and walk up in the rain all standing around angrily no doubt the entire road is blocked at this point with around 300 students worth of parents trying to deliver their spawn as well this is where he chooses to make his stand and in full view and earshot of everyone completely deadpan declares well the last time I opened it you told me I was doing thousands of pounds worth of damage and done not to do it I will never forget that exact phrase and tone of voice this exact imitation is thoroughly enjoyed in our household she lives gobsmacked and in this pause he also adds I think I need to have it in writing when I can open it and what I can't as this is all very confusing this snaps our out of it and trying to ignore the obvious glances and whispers of the onlookers look some dead in the eye in response very curtly I think you and I need to have a discussion to which he replies yes I think you're right he then happily ambles over to the gate climbs up and opens it deciding to come back later to close it when the small army of disgruntled x' has dissipated well he never did tell us the exact outcome of that meeting it's clear that while rocky anyway the relationship did not blossom at all after that luckily he retired a couple of years later and often Ponder's the fate of his successor all I can really say is if there's actual damage being done then maybe you should look at it and get it fixed mailbox customer gets and doesn't get exactly what he asked for I own a mail shop you've probably seen a hundred like mine we have mail boxes we rent and we rented one we'll just call them box 109 109 wasn't a nightmare customer but he also was never Pleasant he always accused us of changing the lock on his box because his key didn't work inevitably he just wasn't using it correctly and I'm aware of how crazy this sounds so he closes his box we are required under the United States Postal Service to hold mail for six months and then we can return to sender or send to the customers last known address we are not required to provide this mail free of charge in the interim usually if it's just a piece or two or something we know is important we'll call the customer and hand it over with a smile well 109 tells my employee that he is expecting some mail from the DMV and he'd like her to tell them when it's here time goes by were now at month six and I am getting ready to return to sender my employee sees the stack mostly stuff from the IRS and says oh let me call them I say okay that's awfully nice of you go for it so she calls he comes in and proceeds to berate her for calling him for mail he doesn't want apparently the letters from the IRS are just annoyance letters he intends to ignore he leaves before I get the chance to kick him out too slow in the draw it's now been 8 months since his box is closed guess what came for him the other day his stimulus check my employee looked torn and I told her he said everything from the IRS is just crap return it to sender we're just doing exactly what he requested I gave her the honor of doing it just goes to show you that you never quite really know how it can bite you in the butt when you be a jerk my 7th grade math teacher didn't like that I used the restroom when I was back in seventh grade I had this horrible math teacher a few examples of what she did was take my kindle when I read after I finished a test when other kids were also reading wanting me to come by at the end of school to pick it up from the front office taking away my calculator when I wiped it off with my shirt as it had eraser shavings on it because it was distracting me what she even wrote a racist comment on a Hispanic friend of Mines test when she returned it after grading not going to give more info including the phrase written because it would let you just google it and get the school name she was a overall horrible person well here comes my part of the story so back in seventh grade I drink a ton of water because I was very thirsty frequently and by extension had to used the restroom a bunch one day I guess she had enough because she said that without a doctor's note I could no longer go to the restroom during her class because it disturbed the class and I also believed she thought I was skipping class cheating or something which is super unlike me because I love math and relating to the cheating on tests I didn't even have a phone at that age so I don't know how she thought I was pulling that off so what me and my family did is that we went to the doctor's office told my doctor the situation he's super nice and he laughs and writes me a note so the next day I asked to go to the restroom and she says something along the lines of unless you have a doctor's note you can't use the restroom I promptly hander my doctor's note and leave the classroom kind of anticlimactic but I hope you guys enjoyed it one story that definitely sets me off all the time is these teachers that don't let kids go to the restroom it's fine to make assumptions maybe they are cheating whatever it is if they're not you can really be hurting that child i fried my friend's computer just so we won't have to do his work okay so lately the teachers have been giving us work to do online and they gave all of the kids in the middle school I go to a Chromebook the Chromebooks cost around $500 each the work the school has been giving us is not that hard it is easy to do etc my friend hates doing schoolwork and so do i but I managed to get through it my friend would always complain about how hard the work is and how it is unfair how he has to do it my friend recently got an email from his teacher saying that they want to meet him at school and check his Chromebook because he's been going on some sites he should have not gone on he got all worried and started asking me if there is ways to get the Chromebook to turn off so it would not turn on again I know my way around tech and computers I said yes my friend asked me how I said I can but it would cost you my friend cut me off and he said I will pay ten dollars I'm just thinking to myself on what my friend just asked and tried to make sure if he really wanted me to do this my friend said yes I wanted to clarify with him that if he gets in trouble than I am taking no blame he agreed my friend broke my xbox in a fit of rage because he lost at a game and you did not even apologize or even try to make up for it this is where the malicious compliance comes in I have a collection of USB killers in case if you don't know what they are the basically USB drives that can fry almost anything making it not work again I charged up one of my USB killers and then I went to my friend's house my friend was waiting for me he paid me $10 I plugged the usb killer in you could hear a pop when I plug the USB killer in I took the USB killer out put it back in my pocket the next day my friend goes to school it turns out he had to pay back five hundred and twenty dollars because of a computer that was thought to have been dropped in water my friend was really mad at me I told him that he said to me to get the Chromebook to turn off so it could never be turned on again and that is what I did sorry friend but you should have at least apologized for breaking my xbox and acting like it was nothing I don't know what he was expecting bye can you make this thing turn off and not be able to turn back on again this one screams like surprised Pikachu face to me like he basically told this guy hey break this thing and then they get all surprised when they actually broke it but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories was your personal favorite and why let me know which of these stories today was your personal favorite and why in the comments down below and thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video thank you all again for watching and listening to this storytime channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 94,639
Rating: 4.9095955 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: y7pYnkbHgKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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