r/maliciouscompliance | "You need a Doctor's Note to STOP Teaching!"

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hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel just a quick reminder that we have a giveaway going on all this week so if you don't know how to enter and are interested stay tuned until later in the video and i'll tell you exactly how to but without delaying the stories any further let's jump right into our first story of the day by lady ray raines i need a doctor's note to stop teaching okay let's play background back in january i took a teaching position at a title 1 school title 1 generally means families have low income and schools have very few resources i was fine with that i took over the algebra 1 class in the middle of the year because the other teacher had had enough that should have been a sign but i took the job anyway as spring break began to stretch on i had accepted that we wouldn't be going back to school for the year i got a call from the principal of the elementary school the district where i worked had one elementary two middle and one high school shortly after spring break aka before the changes to teaching were made offering me what was pretty much a dream position for the 2020-2021 school year i took the position and signed a contract as the debates lies and harassment about the upcoming fall semester carried on over the summer my mental health plummeted i mean almost rock bottom that led to even more physical health concerns and a stronger course of medication for mental health i was terrified and often went into a panic at the drop of a hat awful things were being said to us and thrown at us towards the end i cried just opening and reading emails from the school so i decided that this job where i had zero resources and was under the poverty line even fully employed wasn't worth my mental and physical health we were going to have to triple our responsibilities with half of the supplies we needed i quit and turned in a very professional resignation letter here's where it gets interesting my principal and superintendent tried to counter my resignation because i was under contract even though they'd violated it already but that's another story and it took several well-written emails to be released without penalty i'm one of the few teachers actually licensed in my area so they didn't want to lose me even if that meant making me angry i resigned for health reasons kept vague in my letter never give them more info than they need and the superintendent said i needed a doctor's note he informed me of this two and a half hours before the board meeting the school board has to release you from your contract if the superintendent counters the action is scheduled okay let's play i scrambled and my primary care doctor sent a note over three minutes after the deadline to get it submitted to the board the superintendent pulled the we haven't told teachers yet but we're starting the year online so this note doesn't count because you have to prove you can't work from home okay i called up my psychiatrist i've been seeing him for six years for depression and anxiety and some other stuff that's not relevant there's a particular nurse there who has a thing for people who mess with disabled people now i function very well and work very hard so my disabilities don't seem obvious but they are still very much there she drew up this absolutely scathing letter about how the district has caused intense emotional stress and created a dysfunctional work environment she referenced an ada bylaw too i think she sent it down to my psychiatrist's office to get it signed he reviews everything and i said okay hang on let me try one more thing i had not previously responded to the superintendent's email about a second note but i decided i needed to i sent back a short email that said that i was disappointed that i would need to share such private medical information after already supplying an original note but that my psychiatrist would be sending one over because i wanted to do my best to comply with your requests apparently psychiatrist and disability are the magic words for getting out of a contract because of how many lawsuits those words open up i got a call later that day from my principal the superintendent didn't even have the guts to call me himself saying that i've been released from my contract i called my nurse back and let her know that i didn't need that note because they decided one was enough but it's still in my file in case the district tries to reverse their decision please do not tell me i'm a horrible person for giving up on the kids or that i'm being selfish i've heard it all and i don't need it again so first and foremost for any person mental health is the most important thing i would think that you always need to be in the best mindset and even though they did accept the position assuming that they were able to deal with that and work through that it ended up being too much for them it ended up being too much of a mental burden and there's just no way that it's reasonable to expect them to work through that do you guys agree with me or do you think op was actually in the wrong here yes or no let me know in the comments down below the next story is by hold fire blondie lesson plans must be posted by the door my first year as a teacher i worked in one of the largest schools still left in new york city our bosses were jerks teachers are required to have a lesson plan every day but nowhere required it like this school they wanted them printed out and posted by the door every day they'd come by and pick them up occasionally and if they didn't like you and your lesson they'd come observe you and give you a hard time now new york city has a rule that says that the bosses can't tell you a specific format for how the lessons plans are written or where to write them so they could be digital like a google doc written in a book typed out and printed or it could be written in ketchup on a pizza box one co-worker who is sick of my boss's stuff and on her last year in the system duct taper planned to the door written in ketchup on a pizza box she is my hero she said it took a lot longer than just typing it out but she was sick of so much nonsense that she needed to make a point teaching kids is one of the most important things for the development of children but i can see how there would very easily be way too much micromanagement to the point where it just pisses off teachers and that's needless considering how much teachers get paid i would very easily put some stock into assuming that it was some bad apple teachers that caused this very dumb rule to get blown up and enforced for every teacher and then it ends up becoming this system that can be abused and picking favorites which surely was never the intention our next story is by aided furball assistant manager gatekeeping the storage room i used to work in big lots about five years ago honestly it was a fun job not the best paid job but fun nonetheless we had a new assistant manager who i'll call kim come in and god do i have so many stories about her she wasn't a bad person but she wasn't a good manager if that makes sense anyways kim and i did not get along very well and she and i would constantly butt heads on anything one day corporate decided that associates were no longer allowed to go in the back of the store where we keep our extra stock none of us believed it at first we thought she was making it up because she was still new and like most new assistant managers she was making new changes and we thought this was one of them nope this one was a change corporate made and none of us were happy about it so about a week after the new policy was up we were all in the back unloading the truck for the week and we got our first pallets to our station so we can stock the store i finished my first pallet and out of habit and just simply forgot i went to the back to get my second pallet so that i can get back to stocking and wouldn't you know it the kim caught me right as i got the jack for the palette what are you doing back here getting a second palette i already finished my first palette so i came here to pick up the next one you do know you're not supposed to be back here anymore right i do but i forgot i just came back here out of habit whatever next time just stay at your station and when you're done i'll pull up your next pallet she let me take the second pallet to my new station and after i had finished i did what she told me to do i stayed at my station i think it took about three to five minutes before she came up to me what are you doing now why aren't you working i'm just following policy ma'am you told me i'm not allowed to go to the back and get my palette you do know you're wasting company time right why didn't you come tell me that you were done with this palette you told me to stay in my station when i finished my palette so i did i'm right here at my station i take a drink of my dr pepper just to annoy her she was pissed she knew exactly what i did in her comprehension of the situation just made her mad without a word she goes back to get my palette comes to me and leads me to my next station and just says come get me when you're done aye aye ma'am i started work and she avoided me for the rest of my shift until i had to get her for my next palette not the best malicious compliance in this thread i know but i thought it was funny and our hate relationships grew stronger that day oh there ain't nothing like a hate relationship in the workplace actually it kind of sucks the next story is written by good ship hair causey only allowed to leave the ship in a straight jacket okay then this story did not happen to me but was something that my father witnessed i won't name the ship my father was working as a civilian advisor to a group of royal navy ships about to go on an exercise and he recounted this tale which he witnessed this leading sea man wanted a few weeks leave which he was actually owed but was turned down and informed that if he went away he would be awol and he'd only be allowed to leave if he was carried off to the naval funny farm in the sort of coat that ties up behind him and so went to his chief petty officer who was quite the jovial sword from all accounts and very close to retirement which meant he was keen to get a last one in over the officers after being told the story he said be part of the flight pad working party at 0.930 the chief then went to see his brother who was a marine musician at the same base and asked him to get his group onto their ship at the same time as the work party started come the next morning the work party is cleaning and repairing the helicopter pad when the musicians arrive and the chief said loudly abandoned ship whereupon the leading sea man took a leap into the dock a boat was put over the side the guy was picked up and taken to the base hospital before being sent to a mental rest home for three weeks for evaluations come the three weeks being up he came back on board and said that he had been asked why he had suddenly dropped his tools and jumped into the dock and was rescued by the dock's guard boat and sent away because he was clearly nuts to jump off a perfectly good ship the leading sea man told the medical officers at the mental rest home that he had heard the chief call abandoned ship and so left the ship by the quickest way possible the leading sea man had a nice three weeks rest in the countryside learned how to paint watercolors and came back with a commendation for quick reactions even though it was a false alarm i mean that's pretty good a banned on ship abandon ship i'm just surprised that they so willingly took them right off to the mental rest home maybe it was just a sign of you know different times the next story is by rafasaurus don't bother helping me okay so as nurses if we feel we're in danger or if a patient is overly aggressive we were allowed to leave the room for our safety this was while i was in an ain equivalent of a cna in america also to note this patient wasn't in danger if we left her alone patient was really aggressive i answered the call bella as soon as it went off as it was near the end of my shift and i had nothing to do i did what i could patient was straight away yelling got offended when i put on gloves to move her clean underwear then when i couldn't find her cleaning thing for her brace as i didn't hear where it was due to her yelling i asked her again and she came out of the bathroom screaming just as i found it gave it to her then when she couldn't leave it to dry where she wanted she had another screaming fit in calling me useless incompetent stupid etc and wouldn't accept my alternative her nurse came in to do the medication round during this patient directed her anger towards the nurse and i quickly did my alternative drawing idea got a thank you and she calmed down then her nurse was checking the medication and patient's id patience says what's taking so long ner says i have to check your medication it's the same freaking thing every day you incompetent woman nurse says i need you to calm down patient flailing her arms around she was also much larger than teeny tiny me i don't need to calm down if you're not gonna do your job then don't bother helping me at all the nurse and i look at each other smiling nurse says okay we won't help you we then walk out with the patient screaming behind us documented it told the team leader then i went home shaking as my shift ended 10 minutes prior during all the yelling i'm surprised i didn't break down with the yelling i don't like loud noises and it reminds me of my parents when they got angry while i was a kid thank you so much nurse you saved me later found out the patient had done similar stuff on every other ward she was on not sure what happened after that but next time i was on that ward she had already been discharged bless these nurses for having to put up with people like this and working through it as best as they can i definitely give nurses a lot of credit for the work they do and the hours they do too especially in the current day situations the next story is by aikido pity want me to throw the boxes out the back okay so this isn't a big one like all the others on here but it's amusing i work in a restaurant it's very high volume which means a lot of prep and a lot of boxes we had been leaving the boxes at the back door i break my boxes down and fold them and put them in another box to save space well one of my managers let's call him mori came up to me one day and was like hey from now on can you throw your boxes outside i look at him and clarify you want me to throw my boxes outside instead of setting them by the door he nods and walks away i would like to clarify that i have a good working relationship with him we joke back and forth and see who can come up with a better insult i smile if that's what you want later on when my box box was full of broken down boxes i jammed so many boxes and it was almost bursting i saw maury go outside i took the box box went to the back door and as mori watched threw the box box at the dumpster causing it to burst and filling boxes everywhere he just stared at me open mouthed i looked at him and said you said to throw the boxes out the back door he just smiled sheepishly and shook his head he ended up getting all the boxes up as i had done what he had asked he watched how he words requests around me now like i said not exciting like the others but still amusing i think it's honestly great that opie has that level of levity in their workplace even though it's kind of a light but also kind of mean-spirited thing it's all jokey and it's all just about one-upping each other and having a good time with it and i think that's really fun so quickly now i just want to give you info on the giveaway so if you want to be in with a chance to win 30 in amazon gift cards all you have to do is leave a comment pertaining to something you saw in the video on any video we upload this week and i will pick a winner from a random video on sunday night after the last video has gone out and announce it on next monday's video so feel free to comment on every video from the week to better your chances of winning again i do want to stress that the comment has to be related to the video so you can't just leave a random comment and expect to win and whilst you're at it why not like the video because it helps more than you know that being said our final story of the day is by arrow fx m go and tell the head teacher so i was young and a bright kid but my jokes were pretty terrible at our primary junior school we had all female staff including the school caretaker i just want to stress it was a great environment and i loved it there anyway the caretaker was called mrs winterbottom and i found this rather amusing so i said to another kid look i'm mrs winterbottom and shivered shaking my butt unfortunately this was with an earshot of our class teacher who said that's really disrespectful if you think it's so funny go and tell the head teacher so i did and i knew there was only one way i was getting away with this while fake laughing i said mrs wright wanted you to hear this joke look it's mrs winterbottom and shook my butt again pretending to shiver she thought that the class teacher had found it funny so she fake laughed and sent me on my way 10 000 big brain iq move right here rebranding it just a little bit so it's not your idea expressively that was a great idea but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you enjoyed the stories today please consider giving the video a like and if you haven't subscribe and turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video and if you had a favorite story of the day let me know which one and why in the comments down below but no matter what you did whether it was liking commenting subscribing whatever you did thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you all have a wonderful day and as always i'll be back tomorrow with more reddit stories right here on the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 32,126
Rating: 4.920927 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: f1SR6an23YM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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