r/maliciouscompliance | I QUIT in front of my Boss because of this...

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hello everybody my name is steven and this is the story time channel i hope you're all doing well and we've got some exciting malicious compliance stories so let's jump into our first story of the day by cm charles 98. this isn't a real contract you need to take this seriously this story occurs about six years ago in my high school chemistry class i don't know what made me think of it or why i hadn't thought of it before but here you go my high school was a project-based high school meaning that most of my classes were centered around group projects this meant working with students that we normally didn't want to work with to do projects we didn't want to do most classes had a rewritten general contract that protected students if they were the only ones to do work as well as giving general roles to each member of the group but still most project contracts were generally ignored in the first week of my sophomore year i'm taking a chemistry class with my best friend and we are given the opportunity to choose a partner to do a very quick project my best friend and i quickly agreed to knock this project out together i believe the project was as simple as finding an at-home science experiment and recreating it while describing the very basic chemistry principles think using heat to change states or using baking as an example to describe how combining different elements can create a new compound the chemistry teacher didn't have a preset contract like other professors and instructed us that the rest of the day we would be writing up our contracts and sending them to her by the end of the period now one thing to know about my best friend and i was that we were constantly doing random fun projects outside of school without a problem and both agreed that the project's contracts were generally dumb so when the teacher told us to create our contract we didn't take it seriously we had three stipulations in our contract and our signatures at the bottom with a very brief sentence stating that a failure to allow the stipulations would result in a removal of the group our three stipulations were as follows one don't be annoying two don't get annoyed three get the work done signed me and my best friend we sent the contract to the teacher roughly 10 minutes after she gave us all instructions and we began to bullcrap the rest of the class period away teacher then proceeds to print our contract with a handful of other groups and walk down the hall to get the contracts i don't know if she didn't look at it before she printed but when she gets back to the classroom she has a look of pure disgust opie and best friend are you serious this isn't a real contract you need to take this seriously send me a new group contract by the beginning of class tomorrow and that's what we did if she wanted a real contract she was getting a real contract i went to my best friend's house after school that day and we proceeded to write up a 20-page contract with all the bells and whistles i'm talking preamble definitions group member rights obligations provisions action steps steps of removal signatures as well as random article sections and clauses the whole nine yards if there was a remote chance of it happening we included it we emailed her the new contract that night and awaited the next class the next day we walk into her class ready for whatever reaction came our way we sit down and after explaining to all the other groups what we were doing that day she walks over to our desks plops the contract on the table and says you guys are ridiculous sign it that contract was used for every group project the rest of high school whether we were given a rewritten one or not after all we needed to take it seriously didn't we this is a great example of clean and wholesome malicious compliance you're still succeeding in class you're still getting the work done you're still fitting the teachers recommendations and instructions you're just making a big joke of the situation as a whole if this was you would you have gone to the effort of writing a 20 page contract just to annoy the teacher let me know in the comments below our next story is by lyrid fox you have to accept my coupons it's the rules so when i worked for target i was over at guest service and this included the registers in self-checkout we had a lot of issues with coupon scammers now normally i wouldn't care but it had gotten so crazy that we were losing tons of money due to it the manufacturer will only pay out if it is valid in most cases and only for the amount shown and we're needing to crack down in order to avoid more issues one example is a lady applying a five dollar off a new swiffer around twenty dollars but the machine would sometimes not catch it if they applied it to a four dollar item so they get one dollar free for whatever people do this kind of thing a lot and will just go resell the items or return them to a different store for profit the point of sale systems are smart but prone to mistakes for this reason the scammers loved self-checkout i was covering the break for the employee working self-checkout and i noticed a lady doing a lot of weird things inserting tons of coupons soon she called me over because one wasn't working i could clearly see a lot of high value coupons and not a lot of high value items she said not all her coupons were working correctly and if i could just manually enter the discount because we have to accept your coupons that it was the rules because these coupons were correct i said i would need to get the coupons out from the tray to confirm them and then i could i used my manager keys to open the machine and took out the coupons inside luckily it was at the beginning of the day and hers were the only coupons as i looked through the coupons and looked at her stuff not bags yet i confirmed what i knew to be true lots of fraud on principle i acknowledge the cleverness of it all but people's jobs are at risk from the loss and i don't like to personally be scammed i told her i would correct all the coupons so i quickly went in and took out the ones that didn't apply and left the valid ones i handed her a stack of about 15 coupons and let her know they did not apply i told her that i appreciated her calling me over to verify the coupons for her and that i would make sure to let the other stores in the area know of the error so that we can correctly apply our rules that say we take coupons in the end her total went up about 50 and she left without getting anything thank god she insisted on following the rules she would have gotten away with free things i think this lady got lazy and slipped up if you're going to be committing fraud with coupons or anything and some of them aren't working i wouldn't think you would want to call an employee over and open yourself up to a chance of incrimination our next story is by klepto cyclist fine the no package for you i work as a bike courier delivering all sorts of various packages of your online orders i've been doing this job for around six years on and off and i've always made an effort to be kind and patient with all my customers however given the nature of my job we do our best at keeping the pace high the rules for delivery are as follows try the address if no response try a neighbor if a neighbor is available try between two out of five neighbors if possible leave it with them if not we return the package to the depot and try another two times on the next day if still not possible to deliver we give hold the package two weeks until finally shipping it back to the original sender there is some discretion left to each courier on what to do with the package our branch rarely has packages that are not delivered over three days and pretty much never have sent them back to sender however it does happen this particular day i was doing the evening shift delivering various packages to people's homes it is one of the better delivery times since it's past 6 p.m and most people are home from work by then and able to receive their orders with no hassle about half way into the shift i arrive at this lovely suburban home i have a relatively big box to deliver to them to my delight as i walk up to their door i see their whole family having dinner through the window now i'm no fan of disturbing family time but they ordered something and it's my job to deliver it too so i give them a little wave as i approach their door and decide not to ring the bell as they saw me flailing their package around the package is also very clearly branded from a specific brand so they should know it is something they ordered they all look at me for a hot minute and continue eating their food odd but maybe they just didn't see me i ring the bell and look through their window again they all look at me i point to their package and lift an eyebrow they all look back at me look at their food and continue eating alright now i'll ring once more but this is getting frustrating i ring one more time glance through their window and basically shove the package as close to the window as possible as if it's a portal to their backsides and here is when the malicious compliance starts they look at me and now visibly annoyed by my presence they shoo me away now this pisses me off i treat people with respect and it's been a good 10 minutes i've been at their door wasting everyone's time so i walk back to my bike shove the package in my backpack and look at my tracker app i have to report the status of the package delivered neighbors back to depot not possible to deliver i decided to look at what our interaction was which was a refusing to accept package they saw me saw their package and indicated to me they didn't want it so i marked it as such meaning it's now delivered back to sender back at the office i mentioned this ordeal to find out the particular address has been acting like this ever since and my super basically said it was all good by me week later i found out they also blacklisted the address and refused to deliver any packages there anymore they now have to either order through different services or pay for a different shipping company or pick up at our depot instead edit for the many of you asking why i didn't just leave it on the front porch as is custom in the us apparently this didn't happen in the u.s and it is expected that a delivery person can only hand it off to the person named on the box or otherwise a neighbor a signature is also expected to be required for most packages hence not really being allowed to leave it on their front porch without bothering them finally leaving it on the front porch would have been as good as dropping it on the sidewalk as they essentially had no front porch i'm really glad opie put the edit in at the end clarifying these things because as american all throughout i was like well usually delivery people just leave it at the front door what not but it makes a lot more sense when you realize this is a country besides the us they operate a lot differently and it would also definitely be a problem if it's a house that's literally right up on the street as op explained our next story is by medic ff you won't listen to me wonder if you will hear this sploosh my wife had her water break at home with our first kid so we made the drive to the hospital made pretty decent time if i do say so myself normally it takes about 30 to 35 minutes but we did it in exactly 20 door to door as she got out of my truck there was a sploosh as more water gushed out it soaked her pants in socks and shoes it was pretty funny to see her standing there soaked and having steam come off her pants and shoes it was steaming because it was early march so still below freezing we go through the admitting process that i guess you can cut the line in when you're in active labor we were told this after waiting for four others but i digress as we get up to labor and delivery the nurse tells my wife she has to sit in the other chair not the wheelchair i pushed her up in my wife tries to say she should stay where she is but gets cut off so she tries again and gets cut off yet again so i figured maybe the nurse would listen to me and i try to tell her that really my wife should stay in this chair because of all the splooshes so far the nurse is getting shorter and grumpier not letting us speak up about the upcoming monsoon of baby juice this lady will be having to mop up soon my wife and i look at each other and mentally say that if that's what the nurse wants that's what she's gonna get my wife shrugs and says okay i'll sit in that chair the nurse was trying to look busy with the papers so she won't have to help my wife stand up and move chairs as i help my wife stand up and get ready to clear out of the splash zone exactly what we knew was going to happen happened the nurse now with wet shoes looks at us a bit angrily at first and then lets out a resigned sign says i should have asked if your water had broken we said yup that's what we were trying to say then my wife and i squished and sloshed our way to the delivery room a mere 4 hours and 23 minutes later we met our beautiful son after reading this lovely story i can imagine later on the parents will be able to regale their son with the tale of how they were delivered and just the horror on their face as they hear about these slishing and sloshing and our final story of the day is by cranky throwaway fine then just quit okay so when i was freshly out of high school i hadn't decided on what i wanted to do with my life so i got a job at a pizza place near where i lived i've always been the type of person who would rather work than sit at home and i didn't slash don't have a ton of friends to hang out with they started out having me making the food deliveries once or twice a week but that quickly turned into them calling me in daily about an hour after they opened because the managers owners didn't want to make the deliveries and they were the only ones working front of house like i mentioned previously i didn't mind coming into work and would always say that it wasn't a problem about two weeks into me working at the pizza shop the owners insisted that i learn register because they were no longer willing to do it themselves during the week ok sure no problem it's just more money for me they continue training me in every aspect of running the physical business over the next month every once in a while the owners would say they want to make me a manager so they can leave whenever they want great i thought as time went on i would work anywhere between 60 to 80 hours per week because other employees would call out or not show and the owners didn't want to stick around to deal with it they even trusted me to hire a server and a delivery driver and cashier about 8 months into working there running myself ragged for them and never getting so much as a thank you for everything i did for them i decided to sit down with one of the owners and express the way i felt to them hey boss one i know you keep saying you want to make me a manager is there any reason you haven't yet just haven't found the time or reason to train you for it yet what do you mean i already know how to do everything from taking orders to ordering supplies when we're running low on something yes but it's not your place to do all those things yet what do you mean you're not a manager you should not be doing manager tasks alright that's how you want to play it then consider it done for the next two weeks i didn't do anything aside from what they hired me to do make deliveries and only on my scheduled days this went on for about two days and really upset the owners because now at least one of them had to be there at all times to make sure everything else was getting done eventually boss one called me into his back office to talk op what has gotten into you what do you mean you know you need to put in orders for supplies yet we're running out of flour and soda syrup and no orders have been placed i'm sorry boss one but you told me that i'm not a manager and i shouldn't be acting like one so i stopped stop being a child op you know your responsibilities here and you need to do your job i am doing my job and my only job if you want to make me a manager i'll be happy to do those things you really think i'm going to make you a manager after this if i'm not a manager then i won't do a manager's job fine then just quit you need to get over yourself okay i quit as of right now i'm done fine so i left i was scheduled to work all week which meant they were out of basically a manager i ended up getting a call the following afternoon from boss 1 demanding to know why i was so late for work but i just reminded him that i no longer worked there now i was and still am very close friends with some of the old co-workers and heard all the drama as it unfolded turns out most of the employees ended up refusing to work because the owners had to be there full time now and they were awful in my time working there i hired about five people and all five left because i wasn't there to play manager anymore they ended up closing about six months after i left because they couldn't get anyone to stay longer than about two weeks op was a golden employee for these people they walked into a delivery job and just took on all these extra responsibilities and ran ragged for them and worked 80 hours a week for them sometimes the least they could have done is value their employee that did everything and worked well and learned everything make them a manager sorry you have to pay a little bit more you would have been in business still but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which story and why in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and subscribe and turn notifications on if you haven't all of those things help the channel grow immensely so thank you no matter what you did whether you just watched the video whether you liked subscribed whatever you did thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel that said i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll see you all next time right here
Channel: Storytime
Views: 98,095
Rating: 4.9225807 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: _xT0m28C200
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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