r/maliciouscompliance | NO ONE Will Talk to You For a WEEK!

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hey everyone my name is Stephen and welcome back to story time without wasting any further time let's get into our stories of the day staffing miscalculations not my problem i am doing a bit of a spring cleaning on my computer because we have time for that sort of thing now deleting some old documents and boy did i find a doozy settle in and apologies in advance but this is going to be long two years ago while I was still at uni I worked at a restaurant for a while that sadly closed down because the owners had gotten too old to maintain it I looked for a new job and quickly found one in another restaurant which belonged to a big chain and was running as a system catering business instead of a small family-owned casual dining thing that I was used to but it would pay the bills and make do and I had no problem adapting to a new system the team around me was incredibly nice and sweet and working with them was actually kind of fun however my enthusiasm about the job vanished entirely only weeks after I had started there for two reasons number one the Stander's or rather their absence I was admittedly spoiled by my former job where the owners had a very high standards but the kitchen in that new place looked absolutely horrible than the first time I stepped in there to pick up an order I made a mental note to never ever eat there until my friends the same number two the management and the working schedules were an absolute nightmare in taking advantage of their workers and treating them like dirt apparently was absolutely normal and no one did or said anything against it management could step outside to have a smoke every 15 minutes but have I dared to go to the loo more than two times in an eight-hour shift I got yelled at for wasting time ironically at the same time we were encouraged to drink a lot during our shifts so we wouldn't get dehydrated since we were running around all the time did they think we would just evaporate all that fluid intake or where exactly did they figure it would go I was hardly ever allowed to take the 30 minute break that I was legally entitled to as soon as I worked six hours or more with the argument that were too busy right now to allow any breaks but it was nevertheless always deducted from my hours the shift sheet and therefore my pay which I was forced to sign off after every shift with the manager present as per company policy even though the information given about the hours I had actually worked there were false not signing was threatened to be considered insubordination and grounds for firing luckily I always made a protocol for myself at home with the actual data on top of that it took me 30 minutes to commute to my workplace with the public transport and it routinely happened that I either got a text cancelling my entire shift when I was literally five minutes away from the restaurant or which happened more often that I came into work as scheduled on the shift plan and was told to sit down at the bar until they had figured out whether or not they had work for me to do I usually spent about two hours at the bar on average until they sent me home again for the day unpaid of course once they made me sit for four entire hours refusing to let me leave until the manager finally decided they had no work for me today after all I was super annoyed and gritted my teeth the first couple of times after I was being told that that was just how they handled things routinely because they were over staffed I still fail to see how that was my problem however after this happened several times in a row I took heart one night and called in an hour before my shift and asked whether or not they were sure I could come in and actually work tonight because I was tired of paying for bus tickets to commute to a job I didn't even get to do the manager yelled at me that I was being insolent for even asking and to come in or he would write me up as a no-show of course I came to work punctually as always and was dragged off to the office by the manager immediately to get a talking-to he told me it was not my place to question the shift plan and that when I was scheduled to work it should be a given for me to show up and they needed to be able to rely on that I reminded him politely but firmly that I always came in ten minutes early for my shifts and that I am always reliable but that they weren't I informed him that I had not been put to work and sent home again several times unpaid when I had already paid for the bus ticket to come and cleared my personal and academic schedule for the shift and that I considered that kind of treatment very disrespectful towards me as an employee my work and time I told them when I am listed on the shift plan to work I should be able to expect and rely on them to to be able to work and earn money that night and I was tired of getting the brunt end of the stick for their staffing miscalculations I didn't apply for this job to not be put to work and get sent home unpaid let alone going home with a - because I had already paid for the bus I get to come into work in the first place he preceded the yellow me that this was just how gastronomy works my experience of three waitressing jobs before that one determined that this was a big fat lie and if I didn't like it the way they ran this business I could get another job and good luck getting one with the reference he would write for me I was livid but I pulled through my shift and decided on my way home that I was going to do some homework that very night because this could not possibly be legal so after about two hours of research about workers rights laws and business regulations in my country I had come up with a whopping four pages of laws and regulations that they were actively and routinely breaking and which I could prove they were breaking thanks to my phone records shift plans and staffing coordination was done via whatsapp if that wasn't leverage I don't know what is if I wanted to I could have gone to the respective authorities and get that Shack shut down for good but I decided I would not Hank all my lovely colleagues out of work since most of them depended on that job but that I'd rather look for a new job and bide my time until then here's the real kicker though what my employer evidently either didn't know are chose to ignore was a neat little law my country that is called default of acceptance which basically means that if you're scheduled for a shift by your boss and you show up on time ready to work but your boss chooses not to put you to work while you are there you are still entitled to be paid for that shift because you fulfilled your contractual obligations as an employee you showed up offered your work and your time as demanded by your boss through the shift sheet and the lack of work is not your fault for me in my situation it meant I was entitled to be paid for every single shift that they had me sit at the bar and send me back home again without giving me anything to do I fell looked over my carefully kept protocols detailing exactly for how many hours I had been scheduled to work which day how long I was there how long they made me wait and who had sent me home that day and I did the math and got the biggest grin you could possibly imagine so I sent out some applications and meanwhile kicked off the malicious compliance phase I did not call in and asked again whether or not I could please come and work and I would shut off my phone for the 30 minutes commute to work so they would have no chance to cancel me last minute again before I arrived if I was on the shift plan naturally I'd be there I maliciously complied by playing the dutiful and downbeat an employee who had accepted their miserable fate and was grateful to have a job at all my manager was very pleased and smug obviously thinking he broke me little did he know he had another thing coming his way I came to work dutifully without question never complained about being told to sit down and wait again and on top of that I made a point of always bringing some homework for uni which the petty little passive-aggressive lady that I am would demonstratively do while I was expected to sit at the bar twiddling my thumbs and waiting to have work bestowed upon me I had decided if I had to comply with this nonsense for some more time I might as well use that waiting time to my benefit and get some studying done so whenever I was told to sit down and wait to be put to work I'd smile save sure no problem I'll wait sat down and whipped out my books knowing fully well that I was entitled to get paid either way because it was their choice not to put me to work and make me wait out my shift I was even getting weird looks from the guests as I sat there in full work uniform buried in my books and my papers on the counter and studying for my exams whenever I was approached by a customer who wanted to order something or complain I'd smile sweetly and pointedly say sorry I'm on standby please try one of my colleague not only did I get some decent studying done I literally wrote two papers partly on that Connor during those two weeks but then continuing with their policy of demanding me to come in without intending to actually put me to work when I was piling up hours and hours of default of acceptance and I kept a protocol of every single delicious second of it meticulously as well as snapping photos and writing down which staff had been there that day as irrefutable evidence that I had been there in case this would get illegal after three months in that joint I had found a new job and when I came to work the next day after my successful job interview at the next place I personally handed my manager my termination letter with the usual two weeks notice he looked very puzzled at that fat envelope I handed him as an addendum I had attached the four pages of workers rights regulations and business laws they were breaking a copy of my working and waiting protocols of the last three months let's see Abel overview of all the default of acceptance hours I had accumulated in those three months and all the 30-minute breaks I hadn't been allowed to take Plus which superior had denied me to take them that day and therefore was entitled to get paid for and a final total of default of acceptance hours and the resulting sum of money I was legally owed in wages underneath that I had written I expected that money to be added to my last paycheck and that I would consider legal action otherwise since the law was clearly on my side my manager took the envelope into the office while I got to work and when he came back to the service floor again he was white as a sheet of paper that manager never spoke to me or looked me in the eye again well as you're doing business with you too good sir I maintained a perfect record of showing up to work until the day I left curiously I was always put to work and never asked to wait during the last two weeks said goodbye to my lovely colleagues and told them all they had rights and to inform themselves and to not let themselves be taken advantage of by this management anymore two weeks later I got a check with my last month's pay plus everything I had been legally owed and no further comment from management whatsoever they also completely neglected to write me a reference by the way as well as text messages from two more colleagues that they had followed my lead and also quit moving on to better things I'm still in contact with them both and we have become good friends whenever we go out and drive by that place we roll down the windows and show it the middle finger it has become a juvenile but fun tradition I have done some bad jobs in my time but that one was by far the worst thanks for reading hope you enjoyed if that were me I definitely be feeling the way Opie was feeling slighted because I would be wasting money to go there waste time and then be told to go back for nothing how would you feel and what would you do if you were in Opie's shoes here let me know in the comments below you want to speak to someone else sure try next week to preface this I work for a call center for the gaming industry specializing in account management basically anything that involves a customer's gaming account I am the guy that ensures your account is secure and I assist with queries relating to the account it has its perks tech working for the industry has its bragging rights but my god I can do without people's stupidity especially when it comes to having customers not being able to answer our security questions relating to the account if a customer passes the checks well done I am happy they are happy and we try to suss out what's wrong now if they don't pass it normally company policy simply requires us to say in a tactful way sorry you are crap out of luck I try to be a bit lenient and give more than ample opportunities for customers to clear their security checks even go as so far to provide an email reminder of what we need and where they can find the info most of the times this bears fruit but not so much the case of this one customer whom I dealt with for an agonizing four times in the span of five months this customer let's call them cereal whiner is a real piece of work whenever he calls I shudder to even deal with him as he didn't leave a good first impression on his first call to me he was lodging a complaint of being rudely cut off by another agent as well as wanting his query solve being new I wanted to give a better experience and so I tried to placate and follow through it was when we got to the reference I found out why cereal whiner got cut off he failed security hoping this was a fluke I go through the security procedure with cereal whiner sure enough he failed now what transpired is how cereal whiner operates almost down to a tee first stage denial I'm terribly sorry cereal whiner but the details you provided me do not match with what we have on file I'm afraid unless you know those details I'm afraid I can't assist you further my way of attempting to give a customer and out by providing alternative details or if they're unsure where to go from here I provide my helpful email this is ridiculous I simply want to do query of the day and I have given you all the right answers his definition of right answers was simply the reasons or convenient excuses as to why he could not provide answers to security questions when asked of him I'm sorry but sadly those are not the right answers when checking them with the account second-stage bargaining well what must I give them because I have given you the right answers well serial whiner you need to provide XY and Z you have yet to do that and haven't done so so what I can do is send out an email highlighting all we need and to make things easier here's a reference number for you is there anything else I can do for you today third stage angry read no I'm not going to stand for this give me a supervisor or let me speak to someone else it's at this stage when the first and third call I had with cereal whiner to placate him with a supervisor call back promise of the four times I had gotten ahold of him he only cleared his security once so this is the sorry piece of work who would star in our story today it was just this past week we are severely short-staffed due to circumstances beyond our control it also doesn't help us with the fact main office has been forced to close and many of my co-workers have not installed their home office setup as of yet as such we are getting hounded by calls from customers who have wait an average of one and a half hours for service some even going as far as stating they waited three hours it's truly not ideal for us or anyone to be frank we could have also helped many more had some customers not fail their checks and throw a hissy fit however I digress its nearing the end of the workday and shift and it seems lady misfortune had to pair me with serial whiner who I didn't recognize at first as I was half drain what can I do for you today I was just wondering about my account I have query just calling to confirm that sir I just need to take down a few details after putting them in my brain woke up and realized I was speaking with serial whiner great just what I didn't need another bloody time waster so I proceeded the call as normal and here's how it panned out I'm just going to have to ask you a few questions can you provide X no you see I had done such and such and as such I can't provide X ah okay then can you provide why I wrote down why to remember but I have lost that and gives another personal excuse so I can't provide why me trying to give serial whiner and out do you have anything to assist with helping you provide y no ok then can you provide me with a Z to be honest I wouldn't have a clue where Z is which is bollocks because he had received my email from the first time this occurred me once more trying to give serial Winer and out well if you simply check look I just can't provide Z can we just address my query please and just like that clearly like two times before I had him he failed security it was at this point we got to the affer mention serial whiner stage one which went exactly like clockwork however this time surprisingly he didn't go to stage two he merely repeated himself that he provided the right answers getting tired of serial whiners song-and-dance I politely interjected me again trying to give serial whiner and out of this predicament serial whiner you clearly did not provide the right answers otherwise you would have passed your checks if you could simply provide me with it was then serial whiner went full-on stage 3 demanding to speak to someone else and cue my malicious compliance now I was half tired and annoyed with half of my brain listening to serial whiner gripe yet when he made his first demand my left side of the brain hatched a devious plan and went on full auto pilot I tried once more to interject and explain serial whiners at the stage for me to do the following serial whiner I am sorry but even if you speak to someone else they will say the same thing I don't care just let me speak to someone else very well you wish to speak to someone else then yeah so I don't want to talk to you anymore right then I am just going to end the call thank you for contacting us click so by ending the call I gave Cyril wine are the ability to speak to someone else he just has to wait the next week to do so as there was only 20 minutes left of active support left and he wasn't going to get through the call queue fast enough to annoy anyone else for the day on Friday and due to the new restrictions we don't work Saturdays until further notice so two days of bliss achi you got to give kudos to people that work in call centers like this because they got to have the patience of a saint to deal with some of these people if I was an Opie shoes I'd be pretty frustrated with serial whiner but with that that's both of the stories we have for today so which of these two stories were your personal favorite let me know which one and why in the comments below if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to let me know which of these two stories were your personal favorite of the day thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime Channel [Music]
Channel: Storytime
Views: 80,618
Rating: 4.91115 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: zoNj7yyGmdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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