r/maliciouscompliance | "I DON'T WANT NEW CHAIRS... JUST FIX THESE!"

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hello everybody welcome back to the story time channel my name is steven and let's get right into the stories of the day can't order new chairs but i can order parts let's build some new chairs i worked for a number of years as a senior computer technician for a very large and well-known technology company the room that repairs take place had a lot of restrictions and precautions one such consideration was for esd electrostatic discharges you couldn't wear any fabrics that might cause static the mat the repairs were done on was ground and every technician had a grounded wrist strap all of the tools complied and so did the chairs the main focus of this compliance are the chairs over time the cushions on the chairs were cracked there were a ring along the base to put your feet on that was constantly loose or wobbling the gas shock on a few chairs was shot and there was a trailing chain piece attached to the base to ground the chair that was commonly missing if this piece was missing the chair was no longer esd safe and could no longer be in the room for whatever reason the person who was supposed to take care of repairing or replacing the chairs just wasn't doing it i finally got tired of this and stepped in i emailed the department in charge and asked what needed to be done to replace a few chairs the response i received was i am not allowed to order new chairs it is not on the budget i can however order the parts required to repair the chairs i was then sent an order form listing all of the parts that i was authorized to order i explained all of the issues with the chairs and how it would be more cost effective to simply replace the chairs no i was not allowed and i must order the parts if i want the chairs repaired you can guess where this is going five chairs needed replacing so let's order us some parts and build five new chairs i'm pretty sure the cost of all the parts and the shipping totaled more than just buying whole new chairs on top of that i was paid to disassemble the old chairs to salvage parts and then build the new chairs also i could only do one chair at a time since the others were needed in the repair room all of them are still in use except for the ones with the broken trailing chain in the end they spent a lot more money on my time to disassemble and reassemble these chairs than just ordering completely new chairs i guess it comes down to this thing being some kind of budget and tax related thing where buying a new chair doesn't qualify for some kind of tax break but pieces is like an operational thing which does give them tax breaks it basically leads to a bunch of dumb decisions hate my class too bad you forgot which one i was in a fevered memory of mine from a terrible time business calc in college i went to a big university and all undergrads in the business school and a few other schools i believe had to dig business calc nightmarish course for the non-math people and my professor made it all the worse he was the kind of professor where if he saw someone doing anything other than paying attention he would stop what he was doing stare for a few seconds and then yell or throw his chalk at them one time we had someone up and leave in the middle of class he retook attendance just to figure out who it was complete hot head well i was dating this girl in one of his other business classes hers was only 50 minutes long three times per week whereas mine was an hour and 15 minutes long two times per week apparently he wasn't a tick in that class i guess he just couldn't stand us maybe he just had us at a really bad time of day or something well maybe two thirds of the way through the semester i had to miss an exam no idea why but i had a legitimate excuse and he was going to let me make it up in his office everyone took the exam on either wednesday 50 minutes section or thursday my section i heard from the lady friend that he only required a 10 out of 15 to get a 100 percent you could basically completely screw up or leave blank any five questions and those were gimmies i thought heck yeah this went from being hard to easy just like that so i studied and showed up on time about 1 pm if i recall correctly the friday after so i hadn't been to class yet as expected the exam had 15 questions on it at the top of my paper he wrote in red ink 1pm to 150 indicating i only had 50 minutes for the exam i thought about saying something because i definitely should have gotten an hour 15 but figured whatever i only need a 10 out of 15 anyways in the other class did it in 50 this guy is also a tick remember so i just kept my mouth shut next week he's handing back tests my class did not get the 10 out of 15 perk we had to get 15 out of 15. not sure if anyone else knew but it was complete bs because it's stupidly easier to do while antenna 15 versus 15 out of 15. he screwed my class over hard on that one fair would have been 10 out of 10 for the other class of course he didn't tell us any of this i got something in the high 70s maybe an 80. not bad but i only had 50 minutes mffer i walk up to him after class and say i thought we only had to get 10 out of 15 right he sarcastically retorts the other class only needed 10 out of 15 but that was to make it fair since they only had 50 minutes but i only had 50 minutes holding up my test pointing to his big red ink trying to force a look of confusion he takes the paper looks at it for what seemed the long moment dramatically scratches out the previous grade writes a big fat 100 of the top and says i guess i made a mistake and that's how i pulled the a in business calc do any of you have stories where teachers showed extreme favoritism to maybe particular students maybe particular classes like this if so let me know your story in the comments section down below don't mention his kids reminds me of a guy i used to work with he would talk about his kids constantly but have you ever mentioned his kids for any reason under any circumstances he would lose his stuff and start screaming don't you talk about my kids don't you dare talk about my freaking kids i once got this response when i told him i was sick of hearing about his kids the stupidity of his response was completely lost on him that pos would constantly use his kids as a human shield from any form of criticism and then claimed that people were attacking his children another time after one of his moronic rants i simply said nothing to him he gloated thinking he made a profound point what's wrong nothing to say you know i'm right no i just don't want to talk to you about that topic what why you know why are you threatening my kids don't you threaten my kids he stormed off and i thought that was that i briefly commiserated with my co-worker who witnessed the whole thing minutes later someone came out telling me to go see the boss in the office the guy told the boss that i threatened his kids lives he then promptly went home so that it wouldn't be able to address his lies to his face meanwhile i'm getting a call from the vice president of the company and treated as guilty right away i told them that it was bs and that our co-worker witnessed the whole thing they didn't want to bring him in though but they told me that they were taking this very seriously i told them that they should just call the cops then they all suddenly got very quiet then the vp finally spoke up well i don't think we need to do that i pounced on them with that no i think we do you all seem to think that i threatened to kill another man's kids and you're refusing to even listen to co-worker who saw and heard everything so we should just call the cops it's a very serious claim so it should be taken seriously so let's call the cops get them down here get a full-on investigation going in in which they can interview co-worker and check the security cameras that'll clear this up real quick the boss told me to just go home since it was the end of the day i made sure to point out that they were letting a guy that they had just insisted threatened to harm a child go reminded boss that he was a father asked him how he could let me leave in good conscience if he thought i was actually going to try and kill the other guy's kids he just told me to go home again next week at work other guy acted like he never went off all crazy like that boss tried to pretend it never happened never got an apology for the accusation either that was the worst place i've ever worked i'm wondering what's going on at this guy's home that makes him act so defensive like that maybe i'm just overthinking but i hope it's not projection of anything clean the fryer just before friday night rush yes ma'am as my current job begins to start back operation memory brought back to me my previous years as a long-suffering line cook for those of you who have worked this job you know what is simultaneously the best and worst job in the world the people are great but if it wasn't for the low pay long hours working conditions stress anyway i was in management training at the time and this was used constantly to coerce me into doing many downright dangerous things such as in this story but this time it bit them in the rear this is not exact as it was a few years ago so exact times may be off and word's not correct but it's as close as i can remember and will happily answer questions for clarification when i can the story on this particular friday i was working what we called salad side which meant i was in control of the salads pizza oven and fryer while it could be a lot to juggle during busy hours i had managed to get into a pretty good groove through the morning shift with no orders in the window no tables on the floor but a bar regular the day's prep all finished and the area cleaned and restocked i was looking at a good 30 minutes break between my shifts we didn't get one scheduled nor were you guaranteed a meal on a double shift you only got one if you finished on time i figured that i for once had a good chance at a break after checking with the other line cook on duty i let the general manager or gm know i was ready to go on break and to check my part of the kitchen from now on she will be referred to as lazy daisy because that is what she was lazy she is the source of many terrible events in this building and her nickname used here comes from these she walks and immediately goes to the deep fryer which had been forgotten about by the previous night's crew as is tradition why isn't this been cleaned out because it's in the middle of the day we can only clean it out at the end of night shift and the night cook didn't do it last night like it is scheduled i can do it after close tonight though the oil was too viscous in the morning when i arrived and the sickly pump could not cycle the thick oil through the gunk trap properly therefore the oil must be heated up first but it has to be allowed to cool down enough to safety cycle the oil even if we tried anyway the time spent cleaning the fryer prevented a lot of essential prep work to be done before opening and then you had to hope the fryer would be ready before opening while this may not be a problem with some friars this old girl has seen better days and took forever to get started often the opening manager coming in at 8am had to turn it on to make sure it was alive for the 11am open the current roster managers usually refused to allow it to be taken offline during normal hours as they didn't want to have to deal with the but my nuggets problems so i didn't think to come to her about it no idea what possessed her to want it done now of all times good being lazy and swap out the oil and clean this fryer out it's disgusting this is not the attitude i want in future management and good future management would know not to change out the fryer oil that is currently sitting at almost 400 degrees fahrenheit 200 degrees celsius i could lose a hand doing that it will take a while to cool and clean if you don't change the oil and clean it up right now i will have a talk with area director and discuss this promotion of yours she then proceeded to strut back to the office to ignore her job and eat her lunch this was doubly insulting as i have not had a chance to have my own lunch now i sat there for a moment kind of just seething until the other line cook came over and said don't it's no safe mucho caliente i'm nodded in agreement trying to figure out what to do i have ignored her in the past on these kinds of things but it never ended up with me on top we stood there for a moment suddenly trying to figure out what to do he was a good man and very concerned for my safety and was adamant i not even try since i had a bit of an injury reputation that's when light bulbs popped in my head oh i'll make sure the fryer is clean all right and i'll make sure that oil is replaced you know the rush starts in not too long and since my night shift starts in a few minutes no need to do it quick the other line cook stood there for a moment looking at me like i was crazy then smiled eyes closed shaking his head at me as if to say you are an idiot and you are gonna hurt yourself he then shouted out heard servers 86 fried him letting the servers know we couldn't do fried items i put no effort into doing the next step swiftly i cut the heat then headed out to the back dock and grabbed this metal tube on wheels we used to transport the old grease while the grease typically was not insanely hot when transporting it out it was still at a mean temperature and needed a lot of precautions as it would quickly heat up the metal i won't bore you with the steps required of changing and cycling grease but know that several times hot speckles of oil popped onto my face and arms it was painful but i knew this sacrifice will be worth it as i am perfecting the art of gunk poking several tables walked into the door including a 12 top 12 person table of mostly little kids i was able to see them because the majority of the kitchen was visible from the dining room and vice versa because of the open concept design of the restaurant the server whose section it was grown because night shift was still several minutes away from arriving and she hadn't even finished looking at her snaps oh how fortuitous lazy daisy began to stir in her office so i knew i had to rush this next step i pulled the gunk trap out slid in the wheeled grease tube and began to drain making extra sure the flow wasn't strong enough to splash and burn my feet off since it was only a 2 slot fryer this happened very quickly just quickly enough that she arrived as the last drop went into the tube the distant childish chorus calling out i want cheese sticks could be heard in the background what is taking so long we have customers now and the grease isn't swapped out why did you waste so much time cleaning i simply shrugged as the night shift began to walk in it takes time to clean it out with it being so hot i had to be extra careful you demanded i clean it and i haven't even had time to wipe it with a towel yet but it's still too hot i would need to wait i wasn't lying the medal was still extremely hot and she knew that as if on cue i heard a ticket print and despite my pretty bad eyesight i could see it as plain as day what was on the ticket three orders of the best mozzarella sticks this side of the balcones i guess the server was too busy playing on her phone to hear the other line cook call 86. oh well that's not my problem lizzy daisy turned and looked at the ticket then gave me a death glare how long i shrugged again usually takes a bit the left fryer is still acting up but i can crank up the right still gonna take a bit with the new grease lazy daisy puts her hand to her forehead frustrated just put the old grease back in because of the rapidly rising heat of the wheeled grease tube and lack of hand grips besides the one next to the opening and the significant number of obstacles in the cramped kitchen it was now impossible to put the grease back in without severe risk to anyone nearby and she knew that no can do if i try the grease will be spilling everywhere and i will probably have to go to the hospital if i try even if it doesn't spill i will still have burned hands and do you really want all these guys seeing me pour grease in this dirty grease encrusted tube lazy daisy had this look of absolute defeat and she marched over to deal with the table as i dumped the cold thick new grease into the fryer then pour the old grease into the grease bin on the back dock the fallout the love fryer took forever to heat back up and wasn't ready until well after the rush was in full swing the right side was much quicker but still took quite a while anyway aging and broken equipment was common in this building and commercial grease fires are not often prized for their turn on speed the parents of the little kid army were complete and total karen's and began shouting obscenities at lazy daisy which could easily be heard over the growing bustle of the restaurant and the snickering of the line cooks the other morning line cook even found an excuse to say an extra few minutes to watch before he headed out for the night lazy daisy then spent a good part of the night going from table to table explaining that there was no fried items as servers never pay attention to any 86 call no matter how many times it is repeated and as a current server i admit to doing this far too often to be this judgmental this only infuriated and stressed her out even more once the right side fryer had finally heated up she spent even more of the night explaining why all the chicken parms eggplant farms nuggets wings fries mozzarella sticks etc were running so far behind after all we only had half the usual frying capacity she ended up having to buy a lot of food for the tables and stay late to put out fires as the other manager lucy was terrible with tables all of which was in perfect view of me thank you open concept kitchen after clothes i got a stern talking to from lazydaisy and lucy but they knew i had won this round and knew that a lazy daisy was the one who demanded i cleaned the fryer so soon before the night began i never ended up eating lunch that day but before i turned off the fryer for the night i made sure to sneak out with one quick item a batch of five delicious mozzarella sticks i think it was uninspired management they just tried to find something for you to do boss two around or whatever and obviously they weren't thinking two and two i would like ice on the bottom i used to work in a cafe slash diner as a waitress my job is your typical food runner and sometimes bus duty if we are understaffed always anyway one day we had a group of college group who most were really nice but one in particular was the clown he started off with dumb jokes when i was writing up orders he responded with food please or a cheeseburger without cheese when asking for drinks he responded with a nice cup of water with ice at the bottom with some of his buddies telling him to shut up and waving me an apology well no problem buddy you can thank my 7th grade science professor warning us to not lick metal poles when it was cold or it'll stick like in the movies and went back to fulfill this specific request to the tea i grabbed one of our milkshake tins gave it a quick rinse and packed ice cubes at the bottom i crushed some additional ice and added them allowing the entire thing to form one solid cold clump and being cold enough stuck to the wet interior of the tin i returned triumphantly plopping down the tin in front of the fool water ice at the bottom as per deer customer's request at first he was confused as he was the only one with a metal tin then i hear him suddenly mutter holy sh what was cut off by the rest of his group cheering in disbelief that i had conquered his quest he and the rest of his buddies even took a few pictures of the cub and before leaving stood me a personal tip as a thank you since then our diner special was ice at the bottom as a running joke and everybody gets a new kick out of it when they see it it was some real ingenuity to craft the ice cubes at the bottom of the cup sausage egg and cheese biscuit my mom was an overnight manager at a truck stop she regularly had to deal with drunks in the obnoxious sunday morning crowd there was a man that came in every sunday morning very early no sooner than his order would hit the window he would start yelling loudly is it don yad where's my food and other rude things the staff cringed when he walked in my mom had enough this particular sunday after a very rough saturday night full of drunks this man walks in with his usual crew and sits at his usual table just like clockwork he started yelling as soon as this ticket hit the window mom threw a biscuit on the plate added a piece of cheese raw sausage patty then cracked an egg and added the top part of the biscuit she took him his order personally slammed the plate down in front of him and calmly asked him if he wanted his food now or if he wanted it cooked he never yelled after that day he became one of the nicest and best tipping customers i'm surprised for a guy that's so bold as to start immediately yelling when their ticket goes up that they would back down so easily and just stop yelling after that but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what i want to know is which of these stories was your personal favorite and why let me know in the comment section down below and thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the storytime channel today if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 85,873
Rating: 4.9046745 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: l4XFlWB0fvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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