r/maliciouscompliance | "I WANT *EVERYTHING* ADDED TO THE CALENDAR!" Okay Boss...

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hey everybody my name is steven and welcome back to the story time channel by the way less than 50 of people watching this video are subscribed so if you've enjoyed what you've seen please consider subscribing so you won't miss out on our future videos without wasting any more time let's get into the stories of the day notate the account thoroughly you got it i work at a call center for health insurance one of the things that people really seem to get mad about is when we tell them we can't do something because it would break hipaa which is a federal privacy law that specifically protects health and medical information so a few days ago a gent calls in on behalf of a provider's office provider in this case meaning doctor wanting to check eligibility and benefits for a patient he gives me the npi national provider identifier number for the practice and per hippa and all my training i ask him to verify the address in the system he gives me an address that is decidedly not the one in the system and when i politely explain that he says he doesn't know any other address so i told him that we couldn't properly verify him we're required to verify the following three things for a doctor's office or facility npi or tax id number name of the practice facility or individual provider and address as it appears in the system i couldn't give specific benefits for a patient but i could give general plan information gentlemen just kept sitting on the phone line demanding specifics while i kept patiently explaining why i couldn't do that he finally goes off on me telling you that he's been doing this for years and he knows he can do it and to transfer him to my supervisor and make it quick a little irked at that particular demand because a transfer takes more than a few seconds to set up these days due to working from home i politely said that i would need a minute or two at least to set it up and put a note in the system provider rep says yes please put a nice long note in the system aye aye mother trucker into the transfer notes went the following the name of the caller the npi number used the request to speak to a supervisor why he requested a supervisor the address he gave that wasn't in the system what he had initially requested what i offered to give him what i had explained to him about why i couldn't do as he asked his admission that he didn't know the address in the system we have room for 4 000 characters in the transfer notes i used all but 25 of them i transferred him and took more calls but got curious during my break and took a look to see what happened noted onto the account were multiple notes from multiple supervisors that he was unable to be verified and that we couldn't give him the requested info as explained to him by the initial rep who took his call the final supervisor note said that he was requesting a call back from someone higher than that supervisor but that he got mad and hung up before giving them his number after the supervisor requested a minute to get the callback note together so as a result of him telling me to put a long note in the system he got none of the information he requested he got nobody who would break hipaa for him and he is getting zero callbacks because he refused to be patient and wait for the request to be completed properly don't ask call center reps to break hipaa folks we will rat you out to other reps and you will get zero of what you requested hipaa is definitely not something you want to mess around with and this guy is clueless if he's not able to understand that i should do my job okay i got my first job at 16 working in a ski resorts restaurant in the kitchens i was a line cook that was my job but on busy days i'd help bring out food just to keep the plate area clean enough to put more up this wasn't a particularly busy day but the meal i put up wasn't getting taken out and i couldn't see the waitress after five minutes i made sure that the only two items from my side of the line were the only ones on the ticket and went out to deliver the plates before they got cold i approached the table with my best smile and chirpy voice and set down the chicken tenders and fries in a caesar salad in front of a karen and her child what is this you're not our waitress i understand and apologize for the surprise i just wanted to make sure your food wasn't cold before it got to you unacceptable kitchen staff shouldn't come out of the kitchen you should do your job take this back it's probably filthy i looked at the kid who was about to dig into his golden fries before his basket was swiped away from his mother and shoved back into my hands he looked surprised then like he was about to cry as karen shooed me away back to the kitchen i went back dumbfounded but the customer is always right right guess i'll stick to my job in the kitchen the kid was crying and karen just gave him a few quarters to play the cheap arcade games we have in the pit before going to her phone the waitress wasn't coming back but i had to do my job right my job was in the kitchen maybe 30 minutes had passed and that karen looked impatient with her kid nowhere to be seen i assumed he was still in the pit playing games so i went in the back and took the small set of stairs down to the pit as kitchens were connected we had a main floor kitchen upstairs kitchen bar and the pit bar i left through the pit bar and saw the kid sitting around board because he spent all his quarters on games i gave him a fresh basket of chicken tenders and fries because why should the child suffer because of a horrible mother i even got him a nice caffeinated pop to then hopefully make his mother suffer throughout the rest of the day with a hyper child the rest of the hour went by and still no sign of the waitress the line cooks were getting worried and as i was getting out to go look for her the karen walked out with a child who was bouncing off the walls i found the waitress in the bathroom who was so sick she had been puking for the past hour her pores were starting to get a little red because of the simple force of vomiting for that long somehow no one knew she was there until they went in she was sent home and the manager ended up waiting tables for the rest of the shift i kind of wish the story was more exciting but malicious compliance with a karen honestly if i could just piss off and title people like her all the time i'd gladly work in customer service for a long time how exactly did they know they were kitchen staff was it the outfit if you were in op shoes and this kieran told you to go out because your kitchen staff and that you probably made the plate dirty what would you have done let me know in the comment section down below i want absolutely everything added to the calendar sure thing boss this is the same kind of story often told in the sub and mine is dumb so i'll keep it short supervisor introduces a new project management tool to the team our team is only three people and we don't need a giant professional software solution both of us underlings point this out supervisor insists we worry about it being a waste of time supervisor says it'll be worth it we ask for clarification on about what exactly do we need to enter into the new tool supervisor says everything everything absolutely everything you do should be entered and checked off co-worker underling gets a gleam in his eye i understand so we enter everything into the calendar leave home for work entered arrive at work entered sit down a desk entered and so on and every time we accomplished a task we log on to the program and mark it as complete coffee check write an email check and every time we do this the program automatically sends an email to supervisor that the task is done to the supervisor's credit he took it well then laughed about the overwhelming emails and it was only a few days later that he dropped the program and we went back to the way it was before i think it's okay to cut supervisor some slack on this one they're trying to just boost productivity and although they don't need it because they're such a small team the thought was there one of the reasons they probably pushed it so much despite the pushback from op and the other co-worker is they probably spent some money on the software so they didn't want to just give up on it everyone must join a work call regardless of working hours sure a company i worked for is global offices all over the globe it wasn't often but it was expected that if you were needed on a call outside of your business hours you would make arrangements to join typically a crazy one-off scenario where they needed to find an urgent time slot for a single call it sounds awful but it really was infrequent and most folks were very conscientious when planning meetings in comes a crappy meeting leader we'll call her karen based in europe who scheduled a weekly reoccurring call at what would be 4 a.m for west coast usa i was east coast so 7 am for me wasn't bad but i reminded the meeting leader that the meeting made for the next day was outside their hours she said they'd see the meeting in their afternoon and be able to accept for the next day it was especially selfish because there were eight participants from west coast and karen was the only one in europe next day no one from west coast joined karen made a big stink about it to management that they'll all have to join weekly for this call sadly it worked and those poor souls had to join at 4 00 am every friday within only two to three weeks someone from west coast became very interested and offered to champion the project and become the leader karen was happy to relinquish leadership and be a participant only that very same day they took over the project the reoccurring meeting was moved to normal business hours afternoon west coast time evening europe time karen was not happy and in the first occurrence kept making remarks about how it's very late friday evening for her whenever she'd answer a question my brain is a bit fried because it's late evening here but or let's not drag this topic out any further as happy hour here has already started haha on the third week of the rescheduled call she stopped joining even though her participation was key being the only representative from europe the new leader had to go to management to get her to join and when i dropped off the project they were still meeting fridays i hope she learned her lesson can somebody say hypocrite she starts complaining about evening on fridays but yet made eight people on the west coast go to weekly meetings at 4 00 am the west coast people had it way worse than she did a filled zoom baby shower slash gift parade i was on another sub and found something that frankly kind of blew me away under a thread about asking for suggestions for games to play at a baby shower the sad and stressed update really had me reeling apparently she has no clue why the 200 people she virtually invited are not playing by the rules and is causing a lot of issues now with family and friends grandma is posting about the baby shower she is throwing for her two daughters grandbabies number eight and nine since kovid there are only actually 20 people physically invited to her house and she only has catering for 20 people because of this that's totally understandable with kovitt right now you really don't want to have large gatherings of people and if her daughters are pregnant especially you don't want additional people around them if necessary the rest of the 200 people invited were supposed to form a parade in their cars and dropped gifts off then go home and attend a zoo meeting for the next four hours watching her daughters open their shower gifts she did not include the address of her house on the invite because as people rsvp'd she was going to assign them their place in line so that people weren't sitting in their cars for an hour waiting to drop off their gifts the sadness and stress 65 of the 200 people she'd invited hadn't even rsvp'd out of the people who were not invited to the house the few that said they would give a gift didn't see the need to attend a four-hour zoo meeting to watch her daughters open gifts since they weren't physically invited some of them decided to pick up shifts at work which angered her and the rest of them didn't have a valid reason in her opinion to not attend the zoom meeting to watch her daughters open all their gifts i was astounded yeesh just be grateful that people are sending gifts if people aren't physically invited and can pick up a shift at work so what i'm going to bet that the 200 people invited were her spamming her facebook contacts of every single person she could think of and sending them a generic invite i don't know anyone who has 200 close friends or family members of the people who said they would still give a gift i'm assuming those people are from her actual close friend or family group i couldn't believe she was upset they didn't further want to watch a four hour zoom meeting of her daughter's opening gifts hey congratulations on your new grandbabies i'm sure everyone wishes them the best but when it is not a close friend or family member people really don't feel the need to sit in a zoom meeting and watch people they probably barely know open baby shower gifts i loved baby showers with my friends and family and the gift opening was cute but when you go to a 2-3 hour gift opening it's just kind of boring hope you liked my gift i have laundry to do and you are not going to notice if i'm there or not really i certainly wouldn't sit in my car for an hour in a line of cars to drop off gifts at a certain time kovit is putting a lot of stress on people and it's true people shouldn't be having large gatherings so i guess you just have to be grateful for the people still willing to gift grandbabies eight and nine with something whether they attend a four-hour zoo meeting or not she was getting a lot of support though on her thread wishing her well i just thought wow she's actually really angry and upset and has no idea that she's asking for way too much inviting 200 people gift grab just be glad some of them are actually going to drop off a gift op definitely hit the nail on the head here it almost seemed narcissistic like woe is me all 200 people didn't show up giving gifts and fulfilling my dreams include me in all conferences moving forward all conferences i used to work as the only conference facilitator in a preventative services program with two units four case planners each at the time i would schedule all necessary conferences with the case planners and outlook supervisors were required to participate in some of the conferences depending on the purpose and i would invite them to those after a few months one of the units was assigned to a new supervisor on her first day she approached me and asked to be invited to all conferences for her unit i asked if she knew that supervisors did not have to participate in all conferences and informed her which conferences she needed to be a part of she responded that she still wanted to be included in all conferences moving forward since it was her first day we hadn't gotten a chance to talk about how i did my job she didn't know that i periodically planned all conferences ahead of time for all case planners and was often fully booked for the upcoming week or two it turned out that on the day she asked her unit was scheduled for conferences with me every day with at least one or two each day for the next two weeks after she has to be added to the email invite i included her on all of the conferences for her unit the next day she came by my desk and told me it wouldn't be necessary for me to invite her to all conferences and just invite her to those she is required to attend i did as was asked but had a laugh to myself after she left if only they understood how everything worked before going into it it's all hands on my daughter told me this story after spending the weekend at her cousin's house the last morning there her uncle's girlfriend was making breakfast once everything was done and almost everything was set out for people to eat she went to make herself a plate she noticed that there was nothing to scoop the food onto the plate with so she asked where are the forks her uncle's girlfriend told her it's all hands on meaning help get stuff out for breakfast my daughter being the smart alex she is took this instruction literally so she went over to the eggs and grabbed a handful and plopped it onto her plate with a smile on her face her uncle's girlfriend looked at her for a moment doubles over laughing and said that's not what i meant my daughter looked at them with a big old grin on her face and told her but that's what you said my daughter thinks she was hilarious i kind of agree to be fair if i asked where the forks were and somebody said it's all hands on i probably would be like wait you want me to use my hands i don't need your help okay good luck have fun a few years ago i accepted a contract to write some material for an engineering class the result was a set of heavily hyperlinked latex documents that compiled into a single pdf of a few hundred pages with a nice table of contents embedded images and carefully written equations in both breakout and inline with text i was contacted by a student who's been given a short-term contract to convert the latex to html so the class can go online only two small problems problem one student doesn't know latex problem 2 student doesn't know html i suggested that the easiest solution particularly within a short time frame would be to use an online tool to convert the latex to html preserving the original structure and hyperlinks of the document set and using a javascript plugin to render the native latex equations i offered to volunteer some time to make sure it went ok to the extent that edits or new material were required the easiest solution would be to edit the latex which student can learn quite easily nope student didn't want to do any of that student has a plan one import entire pdf rendered from latex into adobe acrobat 2. use adobe acrobat to convert content to word 3. edit content in word 4. manually screenshot every equation in the pdf and drop screenshots into place in the word document 5. use word to automatically render the html for a website i politely suggested that the plan has some issues the document structure will be lost where it is gonna vomit out a single slab of html corresponding to the monolithic pdf input equations will be mangled embedded images will be rescaled nine different ways resulting in major quality loss it's okay student is confident no further help required malicious compliance not helping not my circus not my monkeys the content was pristine when i handed it off and i have a record of the conversation have fun storming the castle opie honestly kind of overstepped their boundaries to the point of trying to help this person figure it all out and they blindly give it a cold shoulder and they say no the way i'm gonna do it instead of going from latex to html i'm gonna go through adobe acrobat and word and convert it three times backwards and just a terrible process how i tricked my entitled cousin into eternally cleaning the backyard so i have this cousin let's call him nick and he is incredibly entitled but this is the story of how i finally got revenge on him this happened before the lockdown but i didn't use reddit then so here we are nick and my nice cousin let's call her l came over to watch movies and weird cartoons note we are all 13 to 15 years old and a few hours later my mother called me to help her clean the backyard we have many plants a pool and a wooden deck i headed over and elle offered some help now nick always wants to be the best nothing is ever enough so i assume he thought that being a boy the nicest thing he could do was offer help as well because boys don't do chores so he did little did he know as soon as he said that i already had a plan then my mother saw the three of us and decided to separate the chores nick was going to water the plants elle was going to clean the deck and i was going to clean the exterior chairs and stuff perfect at one point my mother left to get us snacks perfectly predictable and as soon as she left nick finished watering the plants also predictable he came to me and tried to look like he was willing to help asking me what he should do next i stood up and showed him a part of the floor near a grass patch and told him how that spot was always dirty i said that he had done enough and he could rest after cleaning that what happened next was a mixture of predictable satisfying and funny he had the garden hose in his hand he used it to water the plants and used it to try and clean that spot the dirty part was directly in front of the grass patch and the water hit the grass and a lot of dirt mud and water flew and got the floor even more dirty than before he said done elle started laughing as she noticed my plan and i just pointed at the floor he looked and his eyes went wide to see the floor even more dirty he tried to clean with the hose again and failed miserably elle and i sat down and enjoyed the show after 10 minutes of fun my mother came back with the snacks and tried not to laugh as she explained to nick how we tricked him he was furious and tried to slap me one hour later my aunt came and was told what happened nick got grounded for trying to hit his cousin and my favorite part for being dumb usually being lazy ends up giving you some kind of critical or analytical mind of some sort where you can break down things but in this case nick was just lazy and not that bright but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what i want to know is which of these stories was your personal favorite of the day and why let me know which story and why in the comments section down below and thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the storytime channel today if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video from the story time channel thank you all again so very much for watching and listening to the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 119,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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