r/maliciouscompliance | "SECURE IT, BUT LEAVE THE KEYS IN" Alright Boss...

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hey everybody welcome back to the storytime channel my name is Stephen and let's get into our stories of the day trick me claim all of my work for you and your slackers watch it backfire my first time posting here my brother got into talking about bad work experiences and told us this story cast Sam my big brother lazy slackers Boss Big Boss VP me small background my brother was working at an at-will employee in charge of making small commercials for local and very rarely state company / businesses think of a small airplane hangar with 60-ish employees and a studio apartment for the higher-ups the set up my brother was a gofer for his lazy manager and his four slacker employees his usual job was all of their work while they were out of the office going to bars and strip clubs my brother was told that they were going to important business meetings during all these times and one day he got a text from our mom and dad that said with pictures hey we found your manager and co-workers at the strip club when he got this text II checked the company work records and saw that they had all taken credit for his work and left his name out of it the boss came down to his section of the office and told them that he was being reprimanded for not doing any work for the past month he was told in an email that he was on an unpaid suspension for the next month with the big boss and VP CCD in the email queue the malicious compliance my brother and his team were to oversee a multi-million three million or so contract commercial for a company that was to be in the Superbowl 2016 can you see where this is going my brother knowing that he was going to be blamed for the fallout but in his immediate resignation two weeks after his suspension on we four I'm with my brother in the car eating sonic and he gets a phone call from a frantic boss asking where he is my brother said I'm in my car next to my little brother eating at Sonic he started to cuss and shouted him to get back to the office when my brother chimed in with if I'm so useless at work I'm sure lazy and slackers can do it all right it's not like they're currently at the local strip club every time they say that they're going to a business meeting right and I put in my resignation two weeks ago remember there was a 10-second pause in the call if you want to talk to him about it go to the club and ask him yourself my brother gets a four-way call the next day from the boss Big Boss and VP all apologizing and asking him to get back to work immediately to which he responded with as I have told boss and big boss I put my immediate resignation in two weeks ago with big boss's signature on it VP said I wasn't aware of this my brother continues since I haven't done anything in the past month I'm sure lazy and the slackers can do it all right it was then they realized they screwed themselves over a false report from lazy a month later he gets a call from an ex-coworker saying that the big company sued the company into bankruptcy and a let go of everyone lazy and the slackers were fired only two days after the four-way call karma is a witch obviously you wouldn't want to return to working full-time for a place that treated you so badly and blindly went with a false report without looking into it but at least for this one job you probably could have come back and got a nice paid bump from it if that was the case despite knowing the flaws that were present would you have done it let me know in the comment section down below secure it leave the keys in it Roger that LT this happened back in my army days on deployment to Afghanistan I was an e4 despite being in for around seven years at this point because I decided to self medicate for a while before seeking help for PTSD and was a bit of a fixture in my unit after spending my entire army career in this unit despite my free cups I was well-liked by most of my unit and especially by my co company commander and first sg4 sergeant the enlisted counterpart to the CEO I was what the army calls a deployment soldier someone who you loved to have in your unit while deployed but gets a bit let's say distracted and has a tendency to get into a bit of trouble when back in garrison or the US for too long I was known for being sarcastic a jokester and hardworking when it mattered but tended to be the typical long-term efore when it came to bold duties in garrison for instance taking a three-month staycation when our Oh H base defense duty but that's a story for another time also important to the story I was also known for rarely being seen without my best friend Jay who I went to basic with and was lucky enough to be in the same unit my entire career and if we were left without supervision for too long well leadership knew not to let that happen consequences could range from the time the entirety of the barracks living members of the company missed PT the day after st. Patrick's Day due to the three-story beer bong monstrosity we created - well this story through the story I had recently been switched to ops operations basically they put me behind a desk to be the armored guy that makes the pew pew scope you again when they stopped queuing from the front line despite having no training and definitely not the best person for the job this led to me being the lone person on the night shift as trips tend to take very good care of their weapons when downrange and if something does break it it usually has to go to Battalion Armorer's the guys that were actually trained to fix them so honestly there wasn't much for me to do I won't get into all of my duties but it wasn't much it wasn't hard and I was bored cute side note the best nights were run the mine Dawg assigned to us couldn't sleep and came to the TOC Tactical Operations Center and I got to play with her most of the night back to the story before I switched Jay was in the lead vehicle which hit an AED he was medevacked out on a chopper but luckily himself and two others were concussed and beaten up but otherwise okay rest and peace to the driver sadly he was only 19 and was placed on life support but it was removed at the request of his parents less than 24 hours later anyway Jake came back to the unit but leadership was wary of sending him back on a mission too soon and he was placed on night shift with me to this day even the CEO and his PL platoon leader usually a second lieutenant aka butter bar can't explain why they thought putting he and I together on night shift unsupervised for 12 hours and night was a good idea with both of us being well-liked and in our specific company for longer than anyone else there we got pretty brave and there were quite a few antics and Frank's bold on the company leadership most of which were tolerated and laughed about and I can go into detail later if anyone is interested this antic however was not loved by the officers not at all while deployed military cooks serve midnight chow which is exactly what it sounds like since we were on a larger base this time around our unit was issued a gator think electric golf except where the rear seat and Club holders would be there's a small dump truck bed we would use this to drive to pickup midnight Chou and drive back and sometimes other members of the unit would use it for work or just to avoid taking the buses on base well one particular morning a group of lower enlisted took it to the gym and stayed longer than usual and when the officers woke up they wanted to go get breakfast only to find they had to use the bus because the Gator was gone Jay and I were berated and told that we weren't supposed to let anyone below uh platoon sergeant rank use the Gator first we'd heard of the rule but whatever this happens all the time in the Army adjust and move on so we were offs we were still allowed so we didn't care that is until one morning I left shift with the gay turkey still in my pocket and they couldn't find them or use the Gator until I showed up for my next shift thus ends the gator use for anyone but the first sergeant who never used it anyway the CEO and the XO second-in-command to the CEO on the officer side usually a first lieutenant but in this case a butter bar our exact orders were the key stay in the Gator and no one uses it without our permission and I was told off pretty harshly by the XO usually you can get away with a bit argument with a butter bar the good ones anyway after you've been in the military for a while and this XO really was a good one I guess he was just having a bad day or something I don't know but I knew better than to press my luck and argue there's more than one way to break in a new Lt after all so now we finally come to the malicious compliance Jay and I were fairly annoyed with the XO's actions and since we had nothing better to do that night and I sure as heck wasn't gonna let him think his rank allows him to not give people decent human respect we spent the first few hours thinking of how to teach him a lesson knowing the CEO had left of the brigade headquarters earlier that day we came to the conclusion that since we couldn't bring the key inside anymore but still needed to secure the Gator we'd need to get creative that night we decided that since we had to be inside and couldn't have eyes on it we'd need to hide it or at least place it out of reach outside on a smoke break we saw Connexus or railroad containers for civilians speak they were stacked too high with empties on top and extra supplies on bottom we looked at each other and immediately knew what to do we took turns building a makeshift ramp that night and slowly ease the Gator up to the top of one of the stacks turned it off left the keys in and disassembled the ramp luckily we left before the exo woke up and the first sergeant didn't notice it was missing since he never used it getting back that night we were a bit nervous but when we walked in the first sergeant tried hard to hide a smile we knew we were in the clear then sure enough the XO comes to us with a red face XO says what the heck was that what was what sir don't give me that shoot the Gator well sir you said we had to keep the Gator secure from anyone without your permission but we have to stay inside and couldn't see it since we had to leave the keys in it as well and didn't have any guidance we thought the best thing would be to put it where no one can reach it this is the point the first sergeant breaks down laughing and the XO knows nothing will happen to us so he says okay that was good you had your fun but don't put it back up there again Roger sir we later found out they used a crane from the contractors to get it down probably for the best no one got hurt that way still under the same orders with one caveat and inspired by the crane usage that night it took a trip to the contractors and after explaining the situation to them they happily agreed to use the crane to move a barrier from our mortar bunker out of the way long enough for us to fit the Gator in then replaced it there was physically no way to get it out without a crane things happen much the same that night except this time we had new orders that we were not to hide the Gator at all the first sergeant stayed behind that night for a few smokes with Jay and I laughing but telling us he can't protect us forever but he was interested in seeing how it all plays out so he wouldn't stop us from continuing but tread carefully we thanked him and quickly came up with our new plan but this time waited until about 3:00 a.m. thinking the XO may have a surprise visit sure enough around 1:00 we saw a red flash light beam shine on the Gator during a smoke break and while he can't prove it was the X oh we assume it was around three we began unscrewing the entire front wall of the TOC drove the Gator inside and replaced the wall that morning the XO unexpectedly arrives of the first sergeant before we were off shift the first sergeant walks in and laughed so hard he can't breathe hearing a loud sigh outside the door the XO enters stares at our work and walks out head down without saying a word this time the first sergeant made us undo our work since it would interfere with operations and later that night the XO told us we'd made our point and we even got an apology after that anyone could use the Gator as long as it was backed by breakfast and the co had one heck of a laugh when he returned you give a couple of best friends way too much time and include some boredom into it and you'd be surprised what stuff you can pull off just make whatever the customer asks for they used to work in a run of the mill pas behind the bar choices were three out of four ales that changed regularly one beer and two loggers on tap this all changed when the owners decided cocktails are the big thing and suddenly the two bottles of whiskey two gins and a vodka behind me become a huge array of spirits of all kinds and flavors with a fridge stocked with fruit juices and all sorts the boss was right and the new cocktail menu proves very popular this alongside a bit of a makeover sees the pub getting a lot busier than usual I've got nothing against the pub being busy but it takes a lot longer to make a cocktail than pour a pint or a vodka and coke on top of that the menu is very extensive and I don't know the names of the drinks so I'm constantly referring to the menu to make the drinks ordered my slowness is not acceptable to the boss and when it is clear I'm not going to learn 50 plus cocktails in a weekend I'm instructed to just ask the customer what's in the drink they're ordering as this is quicker than looking it up in the menu I do so but still check the menu when I'm suspicious that a cheeky customer is upping the alcohol content saying doubles when the measures should be single for example I'm caught doing exactly this and I am berated by my boss in front of a busy bar for checking the menu when there is a queue here's the malicious compliance I started making the cocktails exactly as instructed to by the customers Long Island iced tea two double vodkas in there no problem Mississippi Mud Pie as both the Irish creams in okay Purple Rain with all five of the sour spirits in here you go I make whatever I'm told to this lasted all of a week before the boss saw what was happening and allowed me to check the menu again the customer's always right but if you give the customer too much power they'll probably just take advantage of you but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories is your personal favourite of the day and why let me know which story and why in the comment section down below and thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the storytime channel today if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video from the storytime channel thank you all again so very much for watching and listening to this storytime channel you
Channel: Storytime
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Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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