r/maliciouscompliance | I was PAID for MONTHS for doing absolutely NOTHING

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hey everybody my name is Stephen and welcome back to the story time Channel without wasting any time let's get into our stories of the day can't be visibly doing nothing it affects employees morale no problem my buddy and I were hired to be a glorified help desk support hand holders for a special project senior management at a large corporation had their laptops upgraded including new software they had never used in major upgrades of software they had previously used we are talking maybe 20 people spread across three buildings downtown all within walking distance of each other my job was to sit in an office and take calls for any issue and I mean any issue that popped into their head the only thing more entitled than senior management are their admin people my buddy's job was to actually go to their desk and hold their hand with whatever issue they had oh and read the written manual was not part of the support plan he was great at it after the first couple weeks things settled down and we received very few calls so my buddy was sitting at some desk doing nothing after a few days one of the administers complained that he was doing nothing bad influence on those around him we asked for a different desk but none was to be found he tried looking busy writing up documentation the same person complained saying his job as support so if he's not supporting everyone knows he is doing nothing and that looks bad bad for morale what the heck he technically doesn't even work for your company so I realized that our service level agreement said we had to respond within 30 minutes it was always much less especially if he was in the building so I told my buddy to freak off go shopping sit in Starbucks and read the paper no one but me knew where my buddy was at anytime and I was the only one who dispatched him so I said to my buddy do whatever you want as long as you drop what you're doing and be at the person's desk within 30 minutes and if they called for help occasionally they would ask how long it would take I would say our SLA is 30 minutes he will be there before and sometimes they would say isn't he in the building and whatever building the person was calling from I would say he is in the other building furthest from him and they would never check with anyone at the other building they really had no way of knowing where he was only I did that was my job so my buddy went to the movies when clothes shopping shoe shopping sat in the park etcetera the busybody admin assistant called about a problem one day and said I never see him at his desk anymore where is he I said he is much busier now his morale and I'm sure your staff morale must be much better now no one ever found out about our malicious compliance the managers he helped loved them and wanted him to stay on he said no until they tripled what he was making about a year later he was made a manager and about six months after that he had that administers and fired the morale really improved around there after that honestly it isn't sound too bad you get to just kind of hang around wherever you want as long as you can be on call if you had that kind of freedom where would you want to try to go knowing that you had to be within 30 minutes reach of any technical issue let me know in the comment section down below where you would try to go they don't made a clock out when I go to the bathroom so I did I was a dishwasher for our local pizza joint not the most respectable of jobs but hey money is money I'm a darn good worker I show up 10 minutes early every day never take off and I get stuff done I can put up with a lot of nonsense but this place was getting to me one thing after another most importantly the manager was the most snarky condescending man I've ever met this is important to the story I have IBS issues but it's never a problem because I used the bathroom before work today I needed to use the restroom during work hours which I don't usually do I was in there for 10 minutes tops the place was a ghost town I didn't even have a fork to wash I would literally stand there waiting for something to be used so I can clean it I came out of the restroom and was curtly informed that I needed the clock out next time I use the restroom uh what okay fine I laughed it off and said I would comply I just wanted to continue my shift in mind my own business here's the fun part the manager and assistant manager decided it would be a fun game to make fun of me they're adults mind you hence the snarking condescending part they were loudly talking behind my back intentionally so I could hear them and said something along the lines of yeah I hope he thinks it's funny that I told them to clock out when they use the restroom so I turned from what I was doing literally standing there waiting for dirty dishes and look at them in disbelief two grown men thought it would be funny to poke fun at the dishwasher they'd look at me and say isn't that funny old PE I say no I don't find this funny at all and turn back to my incredibly busy post the manager then proceeds to gleefully sing out hey I'm clocking out to use the restroom just wanted to let everyone know this was typical for this guy last straw right as it was getting busy during dinner when I would usually be swamped with dishes I go to the manager I say hey just wanted to let you know I was clocking out to use the bathroom he was busy so he just gave me the look of okay you can go potty now and I said I would be returning home to use the toilet at my house and that it shouldn't be a problem since I was off the clock he started to argue and I just left not my problem since I was off the clock freak that guy I may get some grief for leaving them in the lurch but honestly I don't feel bad they had it coming this was only one instance of my patience being tested by this snarky buttmunch of a man in the off chance he uses Reddit and recognizes me you are a snarky condescending butt munch I just wanted to make that clear and direct just in case all I'm gonna say is everybody's got to do a job and I don't think dishwashing is a disrespectful job or a job that you can't respect you work hard you earn money I think that's respectable and pretty much any facet it's an honest day's work like that you shouldn't have to needlessly put yourself down the tale of how I got paid four months to do nothing right after school me and three other students with maximum grades got hired immediately in an airport company our job was to run a simulation program in order to train some specialized personnel the job is quite easy it's basically a set of exercises or routines to run over and over on the simulator and it's really really I mean really well paid for an 18 year old first job the only problem is that the program for the simulation was incredibly clunky and slow and the actual routines had to be prepared on another machine entirely and the fun part apparently no one knows precisely how to create these exercises we just had to run the simulator so we just received these exercises load them on the simulator and press Start but 60% of the time they didn't work at all then that was infuriating and wasted a lot of time so we the young smart guys jump off board and decide to help out actually spending a lot of our free time helping creating these routines and trying to fix the common problems well the percentage of functioning routines jumped up to almost 100% and the simulator ran smoothly for months my boss at the time was one of the best human beings I've ever known and surprised to know one he was promoted his substitute on the other hand was one of the worst human beings I've ever known and surprised to know one he freaked up I will just focus on the part that concerns me but he freaked up all around one day one of those routines wasn't working out at all and we just couldn't figure out why our boss gets called because half a day has gone away stood already instead of trying to help he jumps at us and starts yelling that we are incompetence in front of all the other people he goes on a long rant which doesn't solve anything in the training day was called off now is when I remembered that my job is to run the simulator not to create the routines so malicious compliance kicks in and well after that day we just stopped giving a shoot now every day if the new exercises comes in and doesn't work we just send it back and wait for a functioning one which sometimes didn't arrive at all this happened a lot and I actually spent literally months at work being paid to do nothing using the time studying for my University at the workplace and the best part is that my boss was fuming because the training schedule went to shoot and he couldn't do nothing at all after some time the boss's boss noticed that something was clearly very wrong went into his office and absolutely trashed the guy then the boss's boss came to us and asked if we wanted to do the extra job of creating the routines for an extra payment and we said yes since we already knew what to do our boss didn't say anything at all after that so basically I got a long paid vacation and went back to work with a higher salary it was glorious I think that's the dream right there you end up not having to do much work at all and then you come back and you get paid even more for doing something you already were doing I'm sure this is a great story for Hopi to look back on always let the employee get a word in a couple years ago I was working in a discount clothing store the kind of store that would have their own brands who look like popular expensive brands for a fraction of the cost now due to this we had low staff numbers high staff turnover and archaic machines that ran on Windows 94 this also meant that we would have to do all price changes by hand and that the scan tags on the clothing didn't work at the time including sales which happened pretty much 24/7 there instead we would have to figure out what the low-poly image on the computer was or try and scour the store to see if we had an item on to the malicious compliance we were a big target for tourists as most of our shirts were cheap and had Canada written in big letters on them due to this I would frequently get the bizarre barters it would bring up 50 shirts to the counter and ask because they're buying all these five for $10 shirts can they get some for free half through which you tell them no they'd buy five and leave the other 45 for you to fold but we had one guy that took the cake we were having a huge blowout sale happening to get rid of our overstock on a type of shirt that didn't sell well and they were being marked down to ten for five dollars the company really wanted them gone to the point that we were told to throw them on for free however like I said we had to do price downs by hand and due to company policy could not give them the deal until the sale adjustment was complete so this guy walks in all bombastic sizing me and my only other co-worker up while in his cheap polyester suit wanting to buy around 20 shirts off of the problem shirt rack only problem is we haven't priced them down due to the lack of materials in time busy day so they still read $5 each still a pretty good price for a shirt he slams down the shirts we greet him with the salesman smile plastered to our faces go on about is this everything etc when he cuts us off he demands that we shut up and take his money so he can get out of and I quote this think butt mall of course me being a decent person I try to point out the new sale and I was even going to honor it despite the lack of manners but he wouldn't have it and said don't feed me your salesmen BS I just want my shirts and I want to leave is that too hard for your thick head to understand so in classic malicious compliance I bring up the shirts take his card and carefully tell him and right on his receipt no refunds we couldn't do this on sale items anyways as all items are on sale all the time we could never take any items back I enjoyed his face where after the fact I put the 10 for $5 sign up on the rack he just purchased he tried to fight it but ultimately lost after security dragged him out for trying to throw a punch at me in anger this one stuck out but man did this sort of stuff happen all the time at that store thankfully I've moved on from that job and now have a comfy spot at another store with great bosses coworkers and a functioning automatic price system I don't know I feel like I would go insane if I had to do all of the price changes and everything manually I couldn't imagine working at a place that still uses a Windows operating system from the 90s unless it was highly specialized or just didn't need any kind of update whatsoever like worked perfectly with those 90s machines bring your own dishwasher pods part two what even is logic a while ago I posted about the fact that I have to bring my own dishwasher pots to work today the saga of ridiculousness I have to put up with at work continues as the highly esteemed chef of the establishment it's my duty to make sure all kids who pay for a lunch gets one sometimes these school-age kids pre-k and toddlers eat every day don't listen and inform me too late and we have to get everything out of the fridge and heat it up or we don't have enough because I'm cooking for 50 ish a day and it's just gone so the manager suggested I get the list of kids you pay for lunch keep it in the kitchen with me and cross-check each morning with attendance and the teachers to see if the kids brought a lunch or need hours I guess some of them don't want hot dogs even though they pay for them anyway I head up to the front to get that a list the same manager denies me in states that because the kids sometimes bring there's an attentive luck shoe eights it would be a useless plan she leaves and now I'm facing down my mortal enemy the assistant manager who hates me I'm still not sorry for anything in my previous post I explained the concept again in basic English how it would make everything easier for the teacher so we don't have to dirty as many dishes can plan the right amount of food etc she ins us it would be better to use huge Tupperware containers serving spoons etc even if one kid is eating that day in a class she also said I should stop making plates for these school-aged kids which I'd been doing because only four or five had been eating a day to save dishes time and energy for the teachers I grit my teeth and again explained to her how a list I can quickly cross check and update consistently would be worlds easier she says to just prepare enough for 12 a day and to split it since school-age kids will be taking lunch separately now which will ultimately waste food to prepare for that many extra we've been having maybe six a day eating lunch I look her dead in the eyes and said I guess I'll stop using logic then guess who now has ten spare hot dogs a whole open bottle of ketchup seven buns and no dishwasher pods oh yeah let's not do it the smart way let's do it the easy way it's just easier for everybody else to have you over prepare food and dump it even though a lot of kids don't eat the food I think that's the short of it manager wants data for his report which takes longer to collect I'm a site supervisor for a company that manages constructions a lot of employees come and go since the pay sucks but I need the job for experience manager assistant manager and I do the reporting about the situation of the construction and we report it to the client we start making reports on Tuesday and present it on Saturday our flow I do the data collecting on Tuesday to Wednesday and put it on the computer on Thursday give it to the assistant manager on Friday morning he adds it to the other data gives it to the manager by Friday afternoon suddenly assistant manager resigns so I had to carry his part but since I was a newbie manager had a proofread my work and repeats some parts until one time manager decided to present new data and asked me to make tables and charts so I did I had to do over time to finish it which I later on found I didn't get paid cuz overtime is not allowed he didn't tell me that he even got angry when he had to change some stuff I missed like to change dates names really small details next week Wednesday he wanted new data new charts new table instead of just updating the first one next day Thursday morning he wanted another set of new data I told them it's impossible to finish it by Friday he said I managed to do it last week why can't I do it again I said it's Thursday he told me to do it and he'll help updating the other data which I already collected last Tuesday and Wednesday so I complied I knew it will take three solid days to collect the data he wanted which is completely unnecessary by the way he just wanted to show off I went to the site on Thursday afternoon roam around took my time inspecting observing collecting data and went back to the office around 5:00 p.m. Friday morning went to the site looked for a hiding place took a nap woke up at lunchtime ate lunch continued collecting data and went back to the office by 4:00 p.m. input it gave it to him by 5:00 p.m. and told him I can work overtime unpaid because I have dysmenorrhea he had to work overtime to try and finish the report but he didn't I try not to laugh at the meeting when he got dished for presenting an unfinished report with unnecessary data since then he never asks me to add data without asking me first if it's possible to finish by Thursday they yank you around shorted you on overtime after not explaining that you can't do it so you went and got a free nap that on their company time and ended up letting them realize that that data was so unnecessary and faced the brunt of their actions I'd say that's a win but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories that I've read for you today are your personal favorite and why let me know which story and why in the comment section down below and thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime Channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 49,256
Rating: 4.912117 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: u1ba2byfOCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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