r/prorevenge | Landlord BEATS Evil Tenant: A Malicious Compliance Story

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hey everyone and welcome to story time my name is Jake and today we are going to be looking at the subreddit Asajj pro revenge where people tell us that best stories and when they got revenge on someone or something they didn't like if you know around here please do hit subscribe down below so that you never miss out on another video but for now let's sit back relax and enjoy some pro revenge stories your lease is still valid even though you were evicted okay I'll try to keep the details vague enough to keep me anonymous hence the dummy account this might be a little long vocal and I am the landlord of some apartments in the city I sign the lease agreements and go over the basics with tenants although they don't usually want me to spend hours delving into the fine print 99% of the time it's a breeze and everything is fine one lady let's call her Karen had been paying her rent via a new bank account and new checks for the last several months all of a sudden we got several charge back fees on our account she had put a stop payment on the checks and closed the account I immediately called her hey Karen it looks like your checks bounced for the last few months I just want to make sure everything is okay oh no I promise I'll get this fixed okay you've been a good tenant in the past so I'll give you a month needless to say a month passed and she didn't pay so I called her again hey Karen we still haven't received payment so I'm afraid we'll have to file for eviction oh god no I'm an old woman I can't afford to be evicted I'm trying so hard to pay can you give me another shot as long as you pay before the court day the eviction doesn't have to go through the court date arrives and guess who hasn't paid yet at cor the judge rules for a 24-hour notice to vacate Karen in tears comes up to me afterwards can you please give me another chance I to Ford to go anywhere else I'm sorry Karen but the only way I could do that as if you paid off the debt signed a new lease agreement plus a first month's rent plus a new security deposit and I don't think that's going to happen goodbye so I left and I thought that was that my maintenance guy would come in in a few days to do the inspection and clean up and then we'd put it on the market he shows up a few days later and there's a problem they're still there so I call the sheriff to schedule a set ow a problem though according to the sheriff the 24-hour notice was no longer valid as we had struck up a deal afterwards so the Corps had reversed the eviction decision I had no recollection of having decided that this would happen I called the Corps and they informed me that the eviction was no longer valid as apparently I told the sheriff that I was giving her more time in validating the decision etc what happened was that Karen had called the sheriff and told him that the court had reversed the decision because of a non-existent deal she had been called the Corps and told them that the sheriff could not a victor as I had waived the notice and she had used my words twisting my denial of an extension into a deal I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt I sent Karen a copy of the new lease agreement asking for the deaths in addition to rent for a first month and a new security deposit her lawyer then contacted me yes she had the money to hire a lawyer somehow informing me that in fact her old lease agreement was still valid as my deal you know the one that would require a new lease agreement invalidated the eviction decision so I filed for eviction on the grounds that she had not paid for several months now five to be exact and therefore had invalidated her old lease agreement and then I read her old lease agreement I already know these contracts pretty well but like I said I don't usually delve into the minutiae this time I did we show up a call Karen has her lawyer Karen is bursting grinning like a fall-like she's won the lottery her lawyer looks fairly happy as well the judge asks me to speak I would like Karen to leave the apartments but she is refusing despite the fact that according to the courts last decision she should have left over a month ago now earned miss current Miss Karen cannot be ejected from her home without a new notice yes she is not yet paid past you rent however she in the landlord struck up a deal giving her the time she needed to pay via a verbal agreement this deal made directly after the last court day invalidated the last decision so Miss Karen will require a new decision and therefore a new notice before she can rightfully be evicted from her home until then her lease agreement is still valid insert legal jargon and Lund Lord what do you have to say well Your Honor I have to agree they have made a very very compelling argument Karen and I did indeed make a deal giving her the time she needed to pay and yes her old lease agreement is still valid I guess well according to the terms of the still valid lease there are some additional things that the court needs to be aware of that I'd like to go over for clarification I'm sure you have a copy your honor yes I do and you have a copy lawyer yes I do excellent well your honor if you look at section 4 subsection a on page 2 you will see that after 10 days of non-payment a late fee of $100 is applied if you continue reading to subsection B you will see that after 15 days of non-payment additional late fees of $10 per day are applied until full payment is rendered if you continue to subsection C you will see that failed payments assessor Tate a chargeback fee of $50 per failed payment if you will continue your honor to page 4 section 7 subsection F you'll see that if a tenant is in any way responsible for a loss of rent including leaving an apartment in a less than move-in-ready condition failed payments or lastly refusal to vacate in the case of an eviction the tenant is responsible for payment of said loss of rent in addition to any other debts owed in addition on page a section 14 subsection a you'll notice that the tenant is responsible for any and all legal fees resultant from the eviction process including attorneys fees such as for the attorney I hired to help me review this lease agreement finally on page 10 the last page section 17 subsection B you will see that the tenant is responsible for all HVAC services rendered on their unit as we sent in a company to fix the unit in Karen's apartment at her request we have the invoice here for the replacement unit in addition to the totals for all the fees listed at this point the lawyer has gone completely pale it's clear that he was more concerned that I would fight the whole deal thing than the terms of the lease he thought he'd have to fight to keep valid Karen looks utterly shell-shocked her mouth slightly again like a child confused by a game of peekaboo the judge meanwhile is completely unfazed until I hand her the invoice alongside my maths a spreadsheet and a piece of paper with the total debt owed circled and highlighted at the bottom of the page her eyes widened to the size of her mouth as her jaw dropped with an audible gasp as you can see your honor the total owed is in excess of sixteen thousand dollars I will happily accept the payment in the form of a cashier's check I'd hate to have to charge you another $50 fee for a failed payment should another personal check bounce lawyer do you have anything to say at this point the lawyer looks like he's about to pass out Karen seems to have stopped breathing the judge remains silent for a moment and then collects herself I'm afraid you'll have to address that matter of debt in a different court than this one landlord we are here only to judge whether miss Curran is to be evicted from her home today oh if she wants to stay I'd be happy to let her as long as she agrees to continue to abide by the terms in the lease agreement specifically those clauses outlined above and pays the debt owed today I'm going to rule for a 24-hour notice to vacate unless miss Karen can produce payment at this moment karen says still quiet speechless even her lawyer is eyeing the window I like to think contemplating his decisions in life that led him to this point maybe thinking about jumping I don't know right a 24-hour notice to vacate and landlord yes you'll want to file those charges in small-claims car or a higher court if it exceeds the amount that you can legally pursue in small claims already filed your honor the case has now been resolved and needless to say I got a fairly significant bonus in addition to a slight raise that's really good how they were going into that course so proud and so strong that they were like we've won this no matter what and then they just get a complete 180 and they end up going against a completely different case use my mug and you'll get burned I work for a major regional airline as an aircraft maintenance engineer in their heavy maintenance base being located in a regional center we had a relatively tight-knit work force we were all a big family but as families go there were some personalities that just did not get along others that just did stupid stuff without thinking in the break room above the sink there was a board with hooks on it for us to hang mugs if we had them I decided to bring in a mug from home just your standard plain blue colored mug I would hang it on the same hook every time as others had done with their own personal mugs a couple years pass and the company purchased some mugs and glassware for the break room and meeting room management asked us not to leave any cups or mugs in the sink or on any of the benches coincidentally the mugs they bought with a very same type and color as my mug so I thought the safest thing to do was write my name on my mug so it would not get confused by the cleaners as one of the companies I took a black marker and wrote my name on the bottom not long after this on one particular day I went in for a smoker and went to get my mug for some tea only to find it missing from the hook after a brief search I found it out in the hanger on a bench I took it back and thought not much more of it a few days later it happened again this time it was left in the sink whatever wash use put it back on the hog like always this pattern of my specific mug being used by someone and left in random places this had to stop I tried writing my name in big letters on the outside of the mug it still would go walkabout I would leave a post-it note in the mug saying not to use it I would find it sitting in the sink half full of cold coffee I got the label maker and made a large dayglo orange sticker with my name on air with biohazard symbols as a bit of a joke this time it completely disappeared this was frustrating for me and amusing to my shift crew I had just about enough and decided to end this game of cat and mug anyone who works in aviation maintenance knows that most large aircraft use a hydraulic fluid called Sky draw to explain this synthetic oil supposedly is safe to use in handle but in reality is not nice stuff if you would get some on your hands you would experience a slight warming sensation leading to a mild sting any cuts or breaks in the skin of your hands or fingers would almost instantly sting with contact with this fluid softer skin like your armpits if you were unlucky was even more sensitive if you got this stuff in your eyes it was an agony that simply water would take minutes to abate with this being said the MSDS listed no toxicity or adverse effects short or long-term minor discomfort with skin contact was the only detrimental effect listed after consulting the MSDS to confirm this fluid was non-toxic I decided to bring in another mug from home and leave it on my hook as usual but this time with a little surprise smeared strategically around the rim the trap was set sure enough the next day I came into work to find my mug missing again no one owned up it was a bit of an anti-climax but Mach number 3 did not go missing again a few months went by and we were having some beers with the other shift crews I was chatting with this bloke who was known for being extremely laid-back but also for having multiple used mugs on his toolbox I told him about the problem I was having with my mug going missing all the time and he taught me that someone must have spiked a mug on him for no reason I asked what it was he said he wanted a cup of coffee and took a mug out of the break room after a few sips he wondered what the weird taste was that quickly led to his lips feeling like they were on fire he said he dropped the mug in his haze to get to the bathroom to try and wash his face washing with water simply spread the burning sensation further around his face he said that he never took another mug from the break room again I told him it was me and we both had a laugh he took it like a champ and never borrowed anyone's mug ever again personally if it was me I'd probably just take that cup home and go get a different one that looked different but you know motor oil works too hey everyone I hope you all had a really good day and that you enjoyed that video if you want to check out some of the videos then click on screen right now or check out the playlist down below if you enjoyed that video then please do leave a like and if you want to submit your own stories I think you can do so by joining the discord in the top link in the description but thank you so much for watching and I will see you very soon
Channel: Storytime
Views: 130,409
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Keywords: reddit, r/, Storytime, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, episode, story, time, stories, reddit stories, reddit story, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, ozmedia, redditor, rslash, Gio Films, mister x, darkfluff, pro, revenge, prorevenge, r/pro, r/revenge, reddit prorevenge, rslash prorevenge
Id: O8ceuIo6pnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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