r/Maliciouscomplaince How OP Got INFINITE Vacation Time at Work!

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welcome to our slash malicious compliance where you always have to be careful what you wish for our first reddit post is from lbr so I work on a family-run pet shop and it's just the owner a husband and wife in their late 50s and me a 22 year old female my boss is an explosive man and when he's very stressed he loses his cool randomly over small stuff so anyway he walked in one morning at 9 a.m. yelling that's it enough phones now I'm banning it leave it in your van don't worry about the work Facebook page I'll do it I helped run the Facebook page for the business too I said okay no problem and probably win and put it in my van I didn't think this was going to last long I assumed a few days 9:20 a.m. I'm feeding all the birds hamsters rabbits guinea pigs etc and we get them fresh fruits and vegetables I had brought some fruit that I bought myself and he had some stuff as well some of this was fruit and vegetables that I hadn't fed the animals before lots of the animals have specific diets and things that they can't eat so whenever we have new food I google and check which animals can eat it I asked my boss can all the animals eat asparagus can they eat cherries his replies were probably or I don't know so I asked if you would look it up I proceeded with Kankakee Riki's eat asparagus can Goldie and finches eat asparagus can hamsters eat asparagus can budgies eat asparagus can canora's eat asparagus and so on and so on and so on through through the 50 or so different types and breeds of animals in the shop then the same with cherries we sort of got this done but it wasted his time and mine when I could have done it really fast myself like I usually do 9:45 a.m. some new stock had arrived that he'd bought for the job on eBay so no prices oh can you look these up and see what they're selling for we do this all the time I say of course can I use your phone right that's it just go and get your effing phone it lasted 46 minutes older generation kids these days always have their faces in their phones why can't they just put their devices away for a few minutes also the older generation excuse me young sir I don't know what happened to my phone can you please fix it what's a Google how do I computer please help me I don't know how to do this our next reddit post is from throw away quit 876 a few years ago I worked in an office with some pretty strange and sucky rules one such rule was that while we could apply for personal PTO paid time off for any reason management needed a detailed summary of the reason before they would approve this resulted in several instances of co-workers applying for PTO for things like funerals and birthdays and being told the current project deadline is more important than your niece's birthday or do you really need to attend your mother's cousin's funeral that doesn't sound pressing it was a really toxic system that resulted in some turnover from co-workers who were sick of being held hostage over PTO furthermore both the department manager and the HR manager needed to sign off on the PTO request which resulted in some really frustrating situations where one approved but the other didn't it didn't help that the HR manager was a dick pretty much the only time you could expect to be approved was for court dates and important medical appointments but you still needed to provide details even if it happened to be a very personal medical or legal situation this doesn't strike me as legal but sadly this isn't the first time I've run into this working in Texas one more bit of context my department manager was also a jerk now going into too much detail he was a power tripping sloth who liked to harass women like me let's call him jerk and the HR manager dick we all hated both of them onto the malicious compliance I had an important appointment with my psychiatrist coming up my meds for anxiety and PTSD were not cutting the mustard anymore and I was in a bad place mentally I needed a meta justman so I took the soonest appointment available work would have to cope with a couple of hours without me I submitted my PTO request to jerk and dick for approval given the intensely personal nature of the appointment I left the details sparse it was rejected both jerk and dick said in an e-mail that I needed to give details about my appointment in accordance with company policy jerk had the nerve to call me into his office and chide me over my unacceptably terse PTO request you know the rules why would you waste my time with such a brief request you know I can't approve this etc I was pissed but as I stood in my cubicle it dawned on me that I could get back at jerk and dick merely by complying with their own rules I formulated a plan I sent an email to dick and CeCe jerk always cover your own butt folks I said are you sure you need the details of my appointment are you positive it's really personal both dick and jerk said yes we need the details of your PTO circumstances you know the rules I replied that it's very private are you sure I need to talk about it we sent some e-mails back and forth until I was sure I had a solid paper trail then I decided well if they really need my personal medical details which I still think is illegal but whatever then I suppose I better give it to them I submitted a new PTO request with all the relevant information that I was going to see my psychiatrist for an urgent appointment I needed to be seen at the earliest possible time because I was having thoughts of hurting myself because I have PTSD from being passionately hugged against my will in foster care I threw in some details about what my foster father did to me how I went numb and used drugs to cope how I was hospitalized as a teenager for a suicide attempt I also screenshotted and emailed my request to a few of the higher-ups saying my previous request was insufficient so I wanted to make sure I got it right this time I submitted it there were no snippy emails this time only approved appearing in green text next to my request in the system maybe four minutes after I submitted it I blissfully went about my day happy to have my PTO curiously neither jerk nor dick emerge from their offices the fallout when I showed up for work at 8:00 the following day I was immediately called into the VP's office one of the higher managers and a woman that I recognized from legal were also present VP politely asked me to sit and kindly explain the grotesque email I had sent out yesterday he was a polite but rather out-of-touch older gentleman so I made myself clear I needed PTO for a very personal doctor's appointment and my previous request was denied by both jerk and dick for being too brief and jerk even called me in his office to complain about my wasting his time I didn't want to be rejected again so I made sure my request was as detailed as possible I also pass it on to management to verify that the level of detail was up to snuff when it came to corporate guidelines and yes I do have PTSD it's all true and they can reference my ad a paperwork in HR for more information VP asked me a couple more brief questions he then apologized for the hassle said I was being credited some extra PTO for my travel and that the company would be reviewing its approach to the PTO approval process I was then dismissed back to my desk I received written apologies from jerk and dick that very morning hand-delivered by a tense and rather petrified a jerk I think legal put him up to it both jerk and dick went out of their way to avoid me for the remainder of my time at the company which was a blessing the few times we were forced to interact they spoke very quickly and looked desperate to end the conversation I guess my PTO request was a little too intense for them whatever the case it was the end of jerks little power trip at least with me personally also that same morning we received a company-wide email marked as important there was a change in the PTO policy request with regards to medical and other sensitive reasons no longer required detail explanations effective immediately bonus one of my friends in HR well not really a friend but a woman who like to discuss crocheting with me at the watercooler showed me an internal email from dick to all HR staff every PTO request from me personally was to be approved immediately and without question I've tested this later that summer by requesting a day off to watching Netflix that's specifically what I put in the request field I planned on quitting soon so I was in a flippin mood it was approved immediately I think they had me flagged in their system truth be told I could have probably taken a whole month off and gotten paid for it but I didn't push my luck I left my company for a much more tolerable less toxic higher paying job about six months later and yes my appointment went well and I'm doing better now I started attending a trauma Support Group med my s oh and I've been able to reduce the dose of one of my meds and then we have this crazy contribution from I've been thinking too much down in the comments I got such a chuckle out of this back when I worked in a kitchen I walked in one day to a crowd gathered a gal gleefully asked me when I lost my virginity I said it was a while ago no no tell us how old you were you don't need to know don't be shy just tell us well I was passionately hugged against my will when I was 14 the crowd dispersed immediately our next reddit post is room to busy I worked in an electricity retail call center it was highly unionized but the management tracked login times to the minute one incredibly ridiculous thing they did was if you were a minute or two late they would literally dock your pay by that many minutes it wasn't really enough for us to notice and I'm sure they didn't actually save any money I mean if you were 15 minutes late I could understand not paying but 3 minutes late well eventually the Union discovered what they were doing and were completely pissed that they hadn't been consulted about this dick move this is where their malicious compliance comes in the union demanded log on and log off times for everyone in the call center what management hadn't counted on was that all of us would often need to wrap up calls and clear the call queue before the call center could officially close this often meant that operators would leave several minutes after their shift on bad occasions it could be 15 to 20 minutes delay before they could clock off but mostly it was only a few minutes the Union made management recalculate everyone's pay for the year based on clock on and clock off time they also pointed out that staying past end of shift triggered penalty rates it turns out everyone and I mean everyone had spent more time wrapping up calls at the end of the day then they were late clocking on each of us got paid for lost wages and overtime rates it cost them a fortune and they never docked the pay of anyone who was late ever again why is it that of person seals from another person it's a crime and you can go to jail if a worker seals from a company its embezzlement and you can really go to jail but if a company steals from their employers then if you're lucky you get paid the money you were supposed to get paid anyways and that's it our next reddit post is from very nice username and for context in this story Opie is a gay male I work at a grocery store my boyfriend and me both buy our groceries there and sometimes he'll see me and maybe wave or say hi we don't chat or waste any time unless I also happen to be going on break my department manager didn't know I was gay when he hired me and he figured it out when he asked me who that guy that was waving to me was he made a weird face not necessarily disgusted but you get the points anyway any time my boyfriend would enter the store after that he would keep his eye on him now if he were to wave to me my manager would start to berate me and try and make it out like I'm slacking when I'm just stocking shelves and smiling in his direction nothing bad at all he didn't care at all prior to learning he's my boyfriend after a week he is a private talk with me saying my boyfriend is causing too much of a distraction and he shouldn't shop here while I'm on shift and that if something didn't change I might be let go I was mad told my boyfriend about it he was even more mad I didn't really want to make a big deal out of it though this is a temp job and I probably won't even have it longer than a year or two so I decided to prank my manager instead of getting into legal or corporate stuff we have other gay friends that shop there crazy enough we look just like regular people so no one would realize including my manager sure my boyfriend won't shop there but what about other gay people that shouldn't matter he just doesn't want my significant other distracting me at work so I mentioned what happened to my five friends who mentioned it to their friends and so on my next shift I bore witness to 30 extremely flamboyant and openly gay men and women flaunting their sexuality in the store my manager was trying to hide in the back but every customer needed the managers assistance for the most mundane questions Lowell he ended up going home early but after that shock he actually stopped berating me for the past couple of months he might just be happy that I'm not very open about my sexuality so he can choose to ignore it is anyone else extremely impressed by how organized the gay community is also I looked it up and the average American spends about $3,000 a year on groceries times 30 friends and that comes out to $90,000 a year in potentially lost revenue just because this guy's homophobic you know if you guys are gonna pay me 90 K you can kiss whoever you want wherever you want that was our sloshed malicious compliance and if you're one of those viewers out there who don't actually watch my videos but only listen then you might want to check out my podcast with the link down in the description also if you want to support me and this channel check out my merch store with a link in the description
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,188,819
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, maliciouscompliance, malicious, compliance, r/maliciouscompliance
Id: GK_9tz-Vj-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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