r/Madlads · what a nice young man

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oh well we're literally going to find you if you don't wear a mask in city limits suck it nerds hello everybody and welcome back to easy peasy my name's cougar and today we're going to be diving on into our slash the maddest of lads let's get to the madness shall we i promise to support my customers 24 7. today is 24 7. you got me in the first half and the second you are a work of art you are a piece of crap not to seem arrogant but i already know that oh burn baby girls why don't boys get our signs ugh their signs stonk yes doink no how do you recycle a gas the same way you recycle liquid and solids you fought into a bag because that's how i do it don't cross me or i will start the band and we will play your least favorite type of music and become huge and the name of the band will be your car's license plate number and you will look like you got the vanity plate with our band's name on it and oh my god you will feel so stupid tread travel stead i support you i stay up past my bedtime and play destiny too ooh this kid deserves more than zero views let's get him some views boys he broke the mom's rule me and my cousin went to italy and my cousin was really stupid and everyone he passed by instead of saying hello he just said pizza what a mad lad my cousin did the same thing when he went to the united states instead of hello he just said big mac big mac big mac hi as an american i can tell you big mac to all of you is it possible to breathe when smiling of course i just wanted you to smile i was like what in the hell but i smiled you really got me bud when is your cake day you can snap your fingers and the whole world will chain at once happy cake day say it fools yeah i'm good i'm good i'm good happy cake day i ate a cat you make me want to cry that's in my opinion known of cruelty but even so i do respect your opinion i will eat another one they are so delicious i'm making tea and coffee cup there's no telling what else i'm capable of maybe destroying the moon 67 comments 68 69 comments if you comment screw you and now 70 comments ruined it bread when i was 12 i got rid of parental controls on my laptop and never told my parents about it my god he's one hell of a mad lad been very bored during lockdown and have taken the leave in reviews of the dbd driver that will no doubt confuse the crap out of the office staff oh us please ray james your dvd driver five stars james knowledge of the migratory habits of the african swallow were very helpful parcel was for some reason attached to a coconut what the heck if you could copyright a word what would it be copyright because then i own every time someone copyright something oh yeah what socks fan buys a hundred cardboard cutouts of himself to take up in field section at guaranteed rate field my god how much did all those cost it had to at least be 20 bucks a piece that's that's two grand damn it just recently conquered my fears of the dark at age 30 hello you have become brave boy i salute you nah nah just don't give a freak anymore i could die i'm trapped inside can't leave my house can't even go shopping so yeah bring it on darkness django unchanged by rent or [ __ ] my friends django unchanged full movie 2012 absolutely free that looks real i need a naked photo of your mom to confirm it though dms are open and waiting and now they roll in baby it's time to be swimming in mommy donate the gift given by your ex here you go here's my kids see you later buddy hi jamie can you make it so i'm in cali or hawaii this is a cover photo for my single i'm dropping thanks you've already dropped it i would straight up use this but uh why does this guy kind of look like he killed you in his sleep and the bedroom looks fake behind him in the original photo what is going on here 10 year challenge year 7 to uni ooh that glow up let me see your ears take the headphones off let me see them stick out i know they still do ask me anything then edit the question to make me look like a dick if you could have a threesome with any two people in the world who would it be with ah definitely my younger brother and oldest sister well this has to be been an experience what's the last thing you asked your mother to do die okay don't get entangled okay i can admit that's funny i'm definitely gonna block you but the joke was very funny will smith got roasted my dude i want to work at mcdonald's get lunch at wendy's and eat in burger king my god the triple threat for everyone asking if chris brown has seen this he has film cow blocked on twitter i love film count oh god let's be honest we're all buying this to fly over our homes statistically someone's going to be playing while an actual plane flies over their house and it'll freak them out my god my son got this balloon on valentine's day he accidentally let go and it floated up to the ceiling days later it was still up there i said be patient it will come down but he didn't believe me if it comes down i get an ipad he said i agreed then i glued it to the ceiling all right no i'm sorry i'm calling out this one's fake you know why why couldn't the adult reach it on his own ceiling no just no regis dies at 88. oh i'm hunting the crap out of ryan seacrest just you hey buddy how do you feel when someone who comments in your pulse gets a gold i don't know you tell me that never happened just preparing for the heart hey break oh no me and my friends were in a group playing in the most strict teachers class so we decided to name our group i swallow come we ended up getting first at some point and she said well done i swallow come almost got detention lol legend r slash mad lads and then r slash easy peasy am i right yeah i uh i really don't know what to say to this guy's stupidity but i shall read it to you worst book ever this book is riddled with historical inaccuracies such as black women being denied the vote until 1964 poor arguments and a lack of any decent citations the book did inspire me though if something this bad can be published anyone can write a book anyone can write a book getting it published is the hard part how to install android on an iphone oh or you just buy an android it's cheaper anyway what can i say food was awesome i got very strong from beating up all the other fellow inmates i want to come back in again soon one day but for now i will keep robbing all the local gas stations until i finally get to go to my true home prison monica lewinsky i have an intern joke never mind i have charles manson's joke and it kills oh burnt man walks down oxford street wearing nothing but a face mask if only he was wearing it in the right spot but man this guy's got a pretty nice body i mean his legs could use some definition but look at those arms and the pecs baby he's got it all heck yeah always dies but responds possessed by some demon because of gold he literally is candy from south park i i don't know what show this is but it kind of looks cool i'm gonna have to find it after this too bad he died of ligma before his execution finished what's ligma i'm a medical student and i've never heard of that disease before is it a foreign one look at my balls alright it's not premarital sex if you never get married follow me for more biblical loopholes well well well i finally found the loophole now i just need a loophole of that i'm a loser and will never have a girlfriend or boyfriend not cool auntie masters they stole a pic of me off my profile and are making fun of my acne and saying i should cover it up with a mask oh no the anti-master is roasting their own jesus to the guy who made the maze generator i made the maze solver in minecraft touche touche i i hope this works when you split a meme in half so you and your friend can each post half to both gain karma did it work ha but you post both halves here's a little lesson in trickery i will gladness him i'm sad he's gone the f in male stands for funny men what a god i made a minecraft knockoff game in one day people e actually bought it and i made a profit hell yeah my landlady told us not to say hey to her so my friend helped us draft a message instead and i dead face dead face hey i'll be moving out after june 1st please don't address the lady of the land please allow that i establish residency in the premise sometime after the first day of the sixth month of the year r2 lord 2020 warmest regards peasant v of the oil fields i am gone milady or in layman's turn suck it karen on an ask reddit post about bad movies the guy who wrote the books the movie was based on showed up jesus that's gotta suck eragon this oh i see i see i see this is the one i'm going to make a chest full and netherride hose and there's nothing you can do about it so far i have 38 method right after crafting more important things update i have twelve nephrite blocks update two crafted and at the right beacon please help me why are you doing this my friend am i mispronouncing netherright i don't know i've never heard it pronounced i just read it in minecraft shut the frick up damn it no no i will not it's not hilarious to me the kitty got hurt what makes you cry nothing it's never gonna make you cry never gonna say goodbye never gonna tell a lie and hurt you which legendary reddit post slash comment can you still not get over this 14 year old kid in not safe for work post when asked what he was doing there and replied i don't go to work when a male octopus finds a mate he rips off its penis and throws it at the female so she can inseminate herself he then grows a new penis what a legend go freak yourself and raise a bunch of kids honey i'm gonna be busy growing this one back delete your reddit okay delete it check out my profile if you don't get it winky face see y'all next year oh we got him not a jake paul fan but this guy is getting ko'd you can't say otherwise otherwise i said it what's gonna happen to me nothing crows is so overrated man yes but uh don't tell anybody please please don't tell anybody shout out to the members who are subbed to my only fans who respond to my kitty pics with poggers yeah that's worth spending the money for the trouble with political jokes is that they often get elected to office tony potato jesus christ my god it's right we almost voted these nuts in kanye west as president oh arrow to the knee show me after work your child is very hyperactive today it's been kicking my side all morning or child when it's abusing my inside it's yours child why is that what i'm known for abusing your insides oh they went there they went there they went there is there a woman who is prettier than me my mom also like almost every other woman who doesn't say oh my god i'm so pretty because beauty is on the inside not the outside which is where you are lacking my friend boyfriend mine two diamonds made them into a hoe and named it after me should i be offended or propose now oh shoot he wasted the diamonds on a hoe but you're his hoe and he framed it i don't know i don't know don't quote me on this but i think ears are part of your head i think ears are part of your head 2020. i said don't quote me i said don't quote me got him for you pacific rim ost soundtrack well as a huge fan of kaiju i can say that's a good soundtrack what else we got never gonna give you up never gonna let you down it's because you always get trolled hello from turkey james here's a photo of me which my friend photobombed can you make him disappear it's a potential profile pic and he's ruining it what friend i'd honestly just used that that's the greatest profile pic ever james fredman please do a photo of mine i'm begging you my dude the only reason i'm fat is because every time i freak your mom she makes me a sandwich ah you're looking for a giving gentleman to take me shopping foot the bill and help me change in and out of clothing this has always been a fantasy of mine having an attractive man get me naked in dressing room and help me try on new things shut up you snitch we're here for the poor not for the wannabe porn actresses these two women have coveted 19 linked to one cup not properly washed at a newly reopened restaurant don't believe me google two girls one cup for the article oh dear god all the kids are karen's who have never heard of that video are in for a bad time don't look it up hey mother fricker i'm gonna put my chromebook in the wrong slot what you're going to do about it a boston woman dressed as a sloth was one of the first eliminated on the bachelor aka men on the bachelor have no taste i don't know what generic butt white man they had on but she was too good for him no but you don't get it the reason for the sloth costume is that the bachelor's big thing about him is he's a virgin i know it's ridiculous so she comes out of the goddamn limo saying failing about and goes hello i heard you like to take it slow and it was the best thing i've ever seen on the bachelor and he definitely didn't deserve her i've seen this clip online and she deserves better and i think she actually ended up getting married if i'm not wrong so good for her lol my lips are bleeding want me to kiss your booboo to make it better played this at our wedding my mom cried you married your mom no i married your mom congrats she's getting strong towards 70. thanks son i'm a solid 19 and a half myself made an account just to ask for the song name that's one reason to make a pornhub account city sounds mega city eight hours use this as background and tell my boss i was late cause of traffic i was on my bed the whole time well i just want to say that i'm a huge fan this is from uh the pick of destiny starring jack black and this is a professional drummer who rocks an awesome band and just look up the song from this movie it's awesome i want to put spiders on their laps and see what happens why are people on this site so mean this is actually really cool that's a braid with three different hair colors from what looks like three different ethnicities and those girls are all friends this is a beautiful display of friendship what is wrong with you i want to put a spider on the laps and see what happens see uh how strong that friendship truly truly is wet painters did this man just post an entire episode of spongebob i think he did i think he freaking did over here oh my god so i just figured out the word hurt it's past present and future you will be heard you are hurt you were hurt because if something truly hurt it never really stops you poetic little crap it's because it's an adjective you will be stupid you are stupid you are stupid burn this recipe was very easy to follow and took no time at all since my husband doesn't like chocolate i replaced the cocoa powder and sugar with lentils and carrots i also took out the vanilla extract and instead added some celery garlic and vinegar it was the best chocolate syrup my husband ever tasted we'll try again hey man at least they're healthy elon musk says twitter sucks love elon i'm going to go driving my tesla spaceship now kovid has killed 1.6 million people in the world and you are alive use a few seconds to thank god thanks for killing 1.6 million people now can you please let us go outside any day now hey i used to date this girl lol well at least i can bring back the memories william hey that's me lol hey that's me lol will you listen to me i'm not the messiah i swear tricking tesla autopilot into thinking my girlfriend was a traffic light this could go very badly but uh it's jack massey welsh and i'm willing to see how it goes my grandpa's tv remote ran out of batteries so he bought a new tv mad of the century dbrand.com shipping usa all right then all right then dbrand all right then can i help you never mind i saw the spam yes do you want to see my noodles babe uh just send me the virus link thanks not clicking on it but thanks dj cook tells me to turn volume down i just dropped my water bottle if you didn't hear that me puts on headphones in and turns all the way up oh yeah what is so stupid but it actually really works eh long story short a boorish guy was bullying my grandfather at a movie theater my grandpa turned around and literally blew air on his face this man was so weirded out that he left the theater i'm so proud of your grandpa take this sonny what the hell old man i forbid you from taking another step down these stairs hmm what's your regret in 2020 i actually said on december 31st 2019 2020 will be a good year give me your worst universe and here we go oh you did this to us you're the reason i can't leave my house mr matt doormat19 i'm gonna find you and i'm gonna hurt you at a top comment in jreclips change the original comment with hitler did nothing wrong oh no why would you do that but it's also okay it's kind of funny even though it's messed up well if you made it this far it's time for another fun fact about cougar i've lived in the following country slash uh states whatever i list off canada australia new zealand new york pennsylvania uh texas florida california i think i said canada and a whole bunch of other places and by live i mean i was there for at least two months with a rented house i've been a lot of places even though i'm broke as hell anyways thank you so much for watching feel free to like come subscribe and let us know we'd like to see more of down in the comments below be good people and remember have a good day
Channel: EzPz
Views: 80,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/madlads, r/madlads top posts, r/madlads best posts, mad lads, madlads ezpz, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: F8YRsSbM_gI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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