The IMPOSSIBLE RimWorld Run - Random Colonist, Random Research, 500% Threat Scale, Techless NAKED!

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so this is why my last series failed we had a ton of wealth but no tech so we couldn't use any weapons this series we're going to try to research as much tech as we can while keeping our wealth as low as possible and a lot of the parameters are going to be similar to the last series which was based off of the rim war mod that was released not that long ago it's a really cool mod that revolutionizes how the map combat works and one of the main parameters in the last run that made it quite interesting i think was the random research aspect where the research that we do is completely random but our research speed is multiplied by three times in my last play through there was a span of like 20 to 30 days where we did not get rated so this time to add a bit more consistency we're gonna make it so we get rated every three days but we also get a orbital trader every three days the thing i like about orbital traders is they do not interfere like they won't help out with raids or anything they just trade via comms and this is actually the only way we're going to be able to trade every other faction on the map is going to be hostile before we get into how that whole thing is going to work our storyteller for the start of the game is going to be freya fierce with freya we eventually have to raid a nearby colony or our people will start to be upset she also works fairly similar to randy random in a sense that she randomizes events but the main thing is she limits tech to medieval and i'm hoping that it's going to limit our random research to medieval tech so we don't end up researching like electricity before we're able to use a recurve bow for example here's the difficulty we're going to play with it's basically losing his fun except for we're cranking the threat scale up to 500 percent we're lowering scarier rot down to zero so when we get man hunting animals we can skin them all the final modification is colonists instant kill down to zero so colonists cannot die from a random headshot and if they do get shot in the head then we'll have time to bandage them up so here's our world map and this time around i'm not going to choose a random starting location as i feel like our parameters are already plenty difficult enough so we're going to start over here next to a couple of these mantidoian factions this is a new race mod that we're going to be playing with and it's a really unique one it's a bug race and i hope we can capture some of their people and i can kind of show that race off the reason why we're starting over here though mainly is because there's an alpine meadow and there's not that many of these on the map it's a high altitude with rich soil lots of flowers summers are peaceful and beautiful but stock up for harsh winters i don't think we should have to stock up for harsh winters because the lowest temp it gets to is 31 degrees fahrenheit which is barely below freezing 32 is freezing negative one celsius for those of you guys who understand celsius the high it gets two is only 69 degrees and we compare that with even this tile right next door is a lot lower altitude and it's quite a bit warmer this grassland goes from 36 degrees fahrenheit to 74 and that's quite a difference for it being just one tile over it's also a mountainous tile and eventually we're gonna want to build into the mountain mountains off a really nice defense against what killed us in the last playthrough which is random pod drops into the middle of your living room alright so here's all the colonists we have to choose from and immediately you'll notice the interests are a little bit different i've installed the interest mod which expands upon interest a bit and like for example if we had magpie do crafting he's actually really good at it he learns it at 125 efficiency burning passion is 150 so he's just a bit below burning passion but if he does it too much he will develop allergies i think that's actually really cool there's also like bored randomly falls asleep when using this skill too often buddy does learn it at 110 percent but yeah so the idea with our start is we're given eight random colonists and we have to choose one of them to make the best of it i did forget to uninstall the prepared carefully mod but i cannot alter their stats until we pass this window so what you guys see on their stats is their unaltered stats like there's no way for me to have altered these with a prepared carefully mod so basically you guys know that i'm not tinkering with their stats at all this girl actually has a burning passion for intellectual with 10 she'd be a really good researcher she's 71 though this girl is old as well and she's frail yeah we don't want that girl this dude squid could be a really good starter actually he's got a decent amount of shooting in melee and he's a fast learner so he learns everything 75 quicker so it's basically like he has minor passions for everything or i guess with the interest framework mod everything is learned at 50 which i think in vanilla it's 35 so he's actually gonna be even better than minor passion he's also got some decent skill and some things that we actually really need like medical could be really good and he's a natural genius at medical slowly gains xp in this skill through innate gifts that's actually really good more likely to gain inspiration in the skill medical inspirations really aren't that good they give you like a higher success chance for your next surgery but yeah we don't really care too much about that with the difficulty we've chosen though there is a slightly higher chance for infections and diseases so it would be good to have some basic knowledge of medical crafting is five so he can make a short bow right away you need two crafting to make a short bow he does have three planting as well he's terrible at cooking but we don't necessarily need a cook at the start anyways we can just eat food raw there is a slightly higher chance for food poisoning i forgot what the starting parameter was i'll just flash it on the screen but the base chance for eating raw foods like two percent so it would increase it up to like again i don't know what the chances but max it's going to be like 2.3 or something so it's really low chance we get food poisoning i will say he's terrible at construction though he is zero in construction that could be a problem he's probably gonna botch a lot of stuff really early i haven't even looked over a couple of these people by the way but like i'm just going to assume they're not going to be as good lagua is industrious so she works quite a bit quicker she can't do social though which i think that's a problem we need to be able to do social to recruit other people the only way we get recruits with this girl is through random events so yeah that's not happening we also got like scorpion who is overweight that's a really bad trait lowers his global work speed and then we got rat who apparently is addicted to feather dust rad is actually so solid and i would potentially go with rad even but she is completely incapable of doing any type of medical if we got a disease or an infection early on or if we got wounded even she would die from just a minor scratch so yeah it looks like squid it is and yeah okay as we can see over here with one of our starting parameters it made it so we're extremely at war with everyone we're negative 100. there's a way to patch up relations through peace talks i don't know if we can do quest for other factions that was the only thing does that mean we're at war with the empire too yep we're at war with the empire okay we can't do any empire quests i don't know if we're even gonna get the starting empire quest where you get the free psychic ability i will say there is the deserter quest later on that makes it so you go to war with the empire and like you get a free person i wonder if we're gonna get that one but yeah so here's our starting map and originally i was thinking a base down here next to the water would be a really good idea although up here to the north there is an anima tree we're going to plop our starter base down to the north over here next to this anima tree and since we're playing as a tribe i have a mod that alters the lost tribe start so that we don't actually start with any tech at all but since we are still playing as a tribe we can meditate at this anima tree create anima grass once we have 20 anima grass we can perform a linking ritual which is going to increase our styling powers and this is repeatable so this might be a good way to get psychic powers to the east of the anima tree we actually have some pretty nice ruins over here and we're gonna have squid start chopping down some trees so we can build into these ruins he's chopping down a kind of low grown pine tree for only 12 wood yeah we did not get much wood off of that he just have three planting too so he should be getting quite a wood from this 94 grown poplar tree we also want to do this as quick as possible because we need to make a bow asap and yeah 17 wood from that poplar that's barely not enough we need one more wood to make a bow so we're gonna go chop down this 99 grand pine tree that's gonna give us a lot of extra wood but we can use that to make a bed later the main thing is we want to make a bow asap because squid is naked and that's lowering his mood and apparently he's chilly which i'm surprised it's not lowering his mood more because we do have that negative 10 mood penalty as well from the difficulty i will say he's gonna start getting a lot more negative penalties though because his comfort's going down it's gonna go down to zero his hygiene and bladder are also gonna go down we're gonna have to make a well so that he can wash himself and then also he has a chemical meter by the way i didn't go over this but we need to feed him drugs and if we don't which like we have no drugs right now his mood is going to go down even more so yeah we're going to start having some huge mood penalties we do not want to go into mental breakdown that could be deadly especially because like on day three we're gonna get raided and by that time that's probably when he's gonna start having all the mood penalties so we need to fix the naked modifier he's also gonna have an eight raw food moodlet too and eight without table oh no thankfully i haven't installed the eating without table as a war crime mod i probably should because yeah i do agree the negative 25 moodlet for eating without a table is pretty realistic but we're not quite playing on realism difficulty yet we haven't gotten to that point all right we're about to make the bow with this five crafting there's a 14.6 chance it's good 47 chance is normal 34 that it's poor we're gonna hope for normal or good i mean we're gonna hope we're good gotta aim high here and it's a i mean there was a one in three chance but come on dude i also had to reload by the way but i wanted to reload after we crafted the bow so you guys didn't think i was safe scummy and like i saved before finishing the bow and then just reverting until i got like a masterwork one which would have taken me quite a while we only have a 0.01 chance for masterwork you can also tell i reloaded because i believe the chunk direction does change when i reload but yeah the reason why i reloaded is we're upping the difficulty even more on this playthrough thanks to the comment section for shouting out this mod yayo's combat we got to start making primitive ammo for the bow and primitive ammo 10 actually takes a lot of ingredients we're just going to make primitive ammo 1 for 13 wood that's going to make us 21 primitive ammo which i believe that's technically arrows that we can use for the bow oh and the bow actually already came with 28 already so we got a bow with a good amount of ammo on squid dude has eight shooting as well he should do pretty well with it now there are some boards to the west but they're in a pack and there's a really high chance they revenge and the whole pack will charge us we're gonna go for this ebex doe which does have a three percent chance to manhunter so yeah it's obviously not that high and yayo's combat also does make the arrow projectile quicker um manhattan chance actually went down to 2.3 because we're further away from the doe that's why we don't want to get right up next to it because the closer you are to an animal the higher the manhunter chance we are also using run and gun on this playthrough so i could technically kite all those bores if they did manhunter although i'm nerfing it by quite a bit i'm nerfing the movement speed for using light weapons up to 30 percent and that's up from 10 so we're not going to be able to actually kite a herd of animals while shooting at them very nice we ended up killing the doe pro tip is make sure we're hunting it and then if we prioritize hunting it then he will finish it off and he doesn't have to sit there and melee it like 30 times to finish it off so butchering up that dough is going to give us 30 leather which is not going to be enough for a tribal wear not even close which i guess is not the hugest of deals naked is only giving him negative six mood there are a few other things we should prioritize like maybe setting him up a bed would be nice with 25 wood and 35 leather we could set them up a bed we also need wood for making a stool there's actually a table really close by that we can use so we'll cut down this almost full grown pine tree this should be a lot of wood actually 16 wood only for that okay and squid wants to consume the dough he was able to put in his inventory by the way he just plopped it and we're not gonna let him do that though we're gonna make him build a stool and we're really gonna hope he doesn't botch this there's a 25 chance he botches and if he does that he'll waste half the wood i think which would be really bad and very nice he did not botch we're now gonna have him butcher up the doe we're gonna lose quite a bit of resources from butchering this thing up at a butchering spot building a butcher table would be a greedier play because he's now hungry but it would be a better investment because we'd get more leather out of this one dough enough to make a bet out of and we'll get more leather from more animals we kill and you know on second thought we're gonna try it we're gonna go for the greedy play here we're gonna chop down this almost fully grown pine tree it's 91 grown that should give us quite a bit of wood there's a few more over here too 16 wood for that i will say we need quite a bit of wood to make the butcher table though we need 95 wood and there is always a chance that it fails i don't like this fox being here by the way if you just randomly decided that it was hungry and attack squid that could be really bad another 15 wood from that pine tree it was also pretty fully grown this one's 84 it's a bit less grown that brings our total wood count up to 32. this is gonna be rough he is about to be really hungry as well i don't think we're gonna be able to pull this off i don't think we're gonna have enough time he's got too many negative moodlets his recreation is also really low too yeah i think we just got the butcher up the dough well we tried and let's see how much leather we get 16 only oh that's rough we only get half the amount of leather because his cooking skill is so low and the difficulty also lowers our butchery efficiency i believe but yeah we're gonna have him eat the meats oh we almost ate it with bad hygiene which increases food poison chance by five percent okay yeah we don't want that go wash first and he's actually having to go really far to wash but that is increasing his hygiene meter and so now he doesn't have the negative movement for being grimy i guess it was so he's not gonna have a mental breakdown just yet and we're also gonna get rid of this negative 12 in a second we swapped it out for negative seven eight raw food he's also recreation unfulfilled we can fix that well i guess he's gonna do it himself he's watching the sunset and there we go his mood's going up pretty good he is now in darkness though so i did a bit of testing on what would be the most optimal play for a square to this point to keep him from having a mental breakdown first i think the best thing we can do right now is go over to this herd of gazelle and get in melee range of them and start shooting at them evidently these gazelle cannot man hunter there's no man hunting chance and this has not always been the case by the way i've seen posts from like a year ago or a couple years ago where people were talking about herds of gazelle manhunting i guess there was some update where gazelles do not manhunter though and we can get in a melee range of them we actually missed that shot it was like a 45 chance wow we missed two in a row when they are laying down though if we're right next to them there's no chance of us missing which makes sense it would also make sense if we could just like aim a shot to their head because like that doesn't seem like it'd be something that's all that difficult to do although i guess we're not right next to them technically we are still a cell away and like if we got right on top of this because i would probably wake it up technically if you think about it and there we go we tagged it in the neck it's actually gonna bleed out in five hours that's a really good shot so good job to squid on that this gazelle is running towards us so we're gonna start tagging up okay he's running away we'll just try to hit that shot yeah we missed it there's like a 28 chance of that hitting we're now gonna run down these gazelles and they don't run that far so we can just walk up to like this herd and they forgot that we just attacked one of their brethren that one's gonna run and that one's gonna okay we'll just oh that one's sleeping let's go to this one and tag it hit in its leg it's gonna bleed out in 23 hours this one's actually not going to bleed out we have to tag this one again in the face boom we shattered its front left hoof but it's not even bleeding out of that it did slow its movement though it's moving at 72 it's still really fast though one more shot should do it and there we go we hit it in the lung and it got another cut in its body it's gonna bleed out nine hours but yeah this hurt over here is sleeping let's walk up to this one and then just boom hitting the body it's gonna bleed on 24 hours i want this one oh it's running pretty fast we did tag it though for the first time on this playthrough i think ever squid could now have a mental breakdown his mood dips slightly below 35 percent all right well we're gonna just keep hunting these gazelle for some reason oh we're getting a minor passion for work when we're hunting and nicely killed a gazelle finally so yeah his mood is actually not in mental break while he's shooting at these gazelle and it's boosting him slightly above minor break which is good we're just gonna plop a butcher spot right here and butcher this gazelle the idea here is we want to keep his mood above minor break and maybe the play here is to not butcher during the night time because we do lose 20 global work speed for butchering at night but yeah we just finished that one and okay nice he's resting this is really good we need to let his rest go above 25 after resting for i think it was an hour we're gonna make him get up and we're gonna let him rest again and what this does is it prevents us from having the sleeping outside moodlet debuff and the slept in the cold and there's one more i believe you can let him sleep for like an hour at a time and as you can see he's no longer drowsy which is really good and his mood is going to go above minor break so we're going to have him just grab this leather he has 33 plain leather now we just need to kill one more gazelle i believe and there's actually two dead gazelle over here they bled out which is very nice let's actually give this one a nice plop in the head that one's gonna bleed out nine hours he wants to rest a little bit that's fine anytime he wants to rest like we'll let him rest we have to resting for only like i want to say 30 minutes we're gonna make him butcher this gazelle getting to be daytime now so he's not in darkness anymore which is good he's now hungry though so we're gonna have to fix that pretty soon and in fact that's what we're going to fix next we're going to grab this leather and meat and he wants to consume the gazelle meat nope we're not going to let you consume meat without a table we're sending it back to our table area and his mood is at 36 which is really good i've seen colonists have mental breaks at 34 mood so yeah and this fox is actually trying to eat this meat which is okay i guess i don't think we want to potentially have this fox man hunter there's only three percent chance but then again it's not like we're really low on meat right now we just picked up 29 from that gazelle and there's a few more that are gonna die soon so yeah we're gonna eat some of this meat at the table or we're really gonna hope for no food poisoning here very nice and now he's gonna wash himself so we're gonna let him do that to get rid of the grimy moodlet and now his mood is actually in a really good spot he also wants to pee in the open too he's not gonna like that negative three mood for peeing in the open he doesn't have a toilet yet which is fine we're about to fix one of his big negative mood blitz which is naked and we only need 40 leather to do that we can make a tribal kilt out of 40 leather so we don't need to make a tribal wear this might also fix his chilly negative moodlet as well because it's not that cold it's 56 degrees outside he is drowsy now so his mood is might is it gonna dip yeah it's at 34. oh then he wants to sleep that's fine we'll let him sleep it off we need a poor one unfortunately wasn't there like a 30 chance of that happening yeah that's unlucky but oh well after sleeping for like i don't know an hour we're gonna put on the tribal wear and let's see his moods at 35 can't have mental breakdown anymore 36 there we go i will say though that was one of the bigger revelations i had where i found out that you don't need to actually make a bed on day one because you get a crazy amount of mood penalties for having them sleep outside and not having a bedroom but even if you make a bedroom on day one they still get mood penalties because you're probably not gonna be able to make them a very good bedroom but yeah it's moved in a really good spot and we're gonna go out and kill some more of these gazelles because we need a bit of leather to make a bed because his comfort's in a really bad place right now it's at zero percent he's always got this uncomfortable moodlet we do have enough leather to make a bed now but there is a chance that he botches the bed like a pretty good chance so we're gonna get more than we need there's actually a few gazelles that bled out like there's this one we hadn't picked that one up and then there's this one and then this one also bled out too we had him pick up one of these gazelles and then he's gonna haul this one as well and i decided not to butcher them yet because i don't know if we're gonna need the leather to make the bed and that's all we really need the leather for right now like maybe if he botches twice in a row we'll need to butcher one of these up or something but for the most part we should be good here there was also a plain leather on the ground over here that i forgot about let's try to chop down this pine tree and we had a bunch of wood left over from earlier this might be enough to be able to make them a bedroom that was only 16 while that pine tree was fully grown but yeah we're gonna have to eat some food pray for no food poisoning and then he can rest a little bit so let him watch the sunset because his recreation's about to dip below 35 i think it was he's really getting bored of doing this type of recreation but yeah we just don't want his recreation to get too low because then he'll be recreation deprived i think now we can start making the bedroom though we got 72 wood 37 plain leather i was thinking about trying to make the bed first but he's almost at one construction if we get him to one then it will lower his chance to botch by not that much but i think the order of operations we want to do here is we want to build a flooring first i think the main thing actually is we want to finish the walls we don't need his bedroom to be completely floored in then again i'm probably not gonna let him sleep the whole night and there we go we got construction level one now we'll have him start working on his bed and we're really gonna hope he does not botch this we need to butch another gazelle if that happened and we got a hostile force coming in in point six days by the way so we're finally gonna get some action please just don't botch this though there's only a 20 chance he botches it i think he's got it yes okay a few that was huge he made an awful bed i think the bed construction is based off his construction skill there was a 43 chance of a bit being awful 43 chance of poor and 12 chance of normal so again we did get kind of unlucky there there was a 56 chance of the outcome being better than the one we got but that's right now we'll let him rest and that's going to boost his comfort by quite a bit for some reason he's chilly by the way and this bed roll is supposed to prevent that it says the variety of pelts and furs provide extra insulation during the frigid nights the warmth of his bed counters hypothermia he doesn't counter chili though apparently yeah we're not gonna let him sleep for too long at a time this is kind of cheesy i will say and yeah i guess there's really no reason to while this room in completely assuming we're not letting him sleep the whole night i guess we'll save all that wood and we'll use it to make a butcher table so we have 31 now and we're gonna need to chop down some trees but like now we're at a point where we're not gonna have a mental breakdown under really any circumstances i think so we mowed down quite a few trees we got 16 16 wood 17 16 16. that's definitely enough for a butcher table i was looking at the map though and the scouting party is almost here they have a scouting party size of 120 i believe it was so what i'm thinking with this now 111 wood we have is maybe we should use the wood for defenses please don't get food poison if you got food poisoning there by the way that would have been so bad i'm talking about like two percent chances so it's like kind of pointless to talk about i guess but yeah getting food poisoning right before we got raided probably would have been gg so the idea here is we're gonna put a spike oh we can't build a spike trap our construction skills too low we need reconstruction order to make a spike trap okay that's not ideal we're just going to wall off this base and we're going to turn this base into a mini bunker by making embrasures these each cost 15 wood though so we're really going to hope that neither of them botch open here comes the raid they are attacking immediately by the way and it's a mantid dude's actually too smart and he's a quick sleeper as well dude also has seven social like we're really gonna hope we don't kill this guy i just realized by the way we're out of ammo and we made both the embrasures the dude's almost here though that would've been really bad to run out of ammo we're at 7 out of 28 only and that actually completely loaded us up we're now at lambo so the idea here is yogus down here is okay he's attacking our stool we can't have that he set it on fire oh no now he's coming for us i'll rip that stool i don't know what he did over there by the way he did something weird but yeah the door closed we didn't claim the door by the way if you don't claim the door then they can open the door and we tagged him he is still moving really fast that was the only thing i ended up claiming this door down here after he ran through it and he went down to attack that because he couldn't get to squid anymore subs would go inside hopefully he can make it in before okay nice that are close on this guy this is an iron door and so it's going to be kind of tanky nice we hit him again that's really good the dude's not bleeding his movement is lowered down to 86 but his base movement is 5.1 which is really quick squid's base movement is only 4.6 so we're gonna have to probably tag this guy a couple more times before we can outrun him and there we go he's backing off and gave up on that door where is he going he's going up here to attack from the side okay that's fine go here to the embrasure and attack him through the embrasure we tagged him again his movement is still 83. we need to attack him like one more time i think there we go his movement 72. he's going to bleed out in 12 hours we're now going to stop shooting him but yeah we're now going to just kite this guy around and we're also going to try to grab this stool or this wood that's on the ground and this meat too it's burning we can actually just pick it up when it's burning i think maybe not on that table actually got destroyed and yeah the wood actually burned which is unfortunate what is very precious to us but oh well i should have picked up that stool before the guy raided us i just wasn't really paying that much attention see i think it is worth it to just kite this guy around it's going to take 11 hours though the thing is if we do attack him at this point there's a pretty good chance that we knock him out and we kill him so i don't think we want to pump any more arrows into them the main thing is we just need to keep squid out of mental break in fact we could do that by actually running back to the base we could have him just go inside and take a little nap and yeah he's gonna take a little rest while yogus is outside i don't know how he's gonna rest but maybe he's just sleeping with one eye open or something you know just gonna knock this door we don't want to let him actually destroy the door because then he might try to set the bed on fire yeah he did not get enough rest in this is kind of bad we're gonna have squid just run outside like he's not below mental break right now but he's getting there can you stop hitting the door down by the way we might have to just tag him here just to make him stop hitting the door because we do not want him to go inside okay phew we did not kill him there and i did end up pissing him off holy crap what were you doing there squid he was just kind of chilling there for a moment but yeah yogas is bleeding pretty bad he's got moderate blood loss i mean he's moving really slow we might be able to let squid wash himself that's definitely something that does not take much time and that will remove his filthy moodlet and actually yeah that was big he's not gonna have mental breakdown now yeah so about the whole mood thing squid is tired now because he's been kiting this thing around forever and i don't know what it's doing oh okay finally went down youngest is gonna bleed out in four hours we're gonna save him and holy crap he has 39 resists that's going to take forever to get through because squid does only have one social well he almost does too but yeah we're not even going to tend him up it's going to be too much of a hassle right now because squid's mood is so in the dumps we're just going to have squid focus on getting his mood up and right now okay he botches the stool of course 20 chance and waste around a tree of wood by doing that but yeah he made the second stool we're gonna have him eat and we kicked the august out of the bed the dude's still on the bed actually squid and yagis are now sharing the bed i don't know why there's no way to bring a prisoner outside by the way like we have no way to move him right now at least not until he dies which is going to die in one hour it's unfortunate though we can't move him because squid's going to see that body that's going to upset him and we're getting raided again so this is not good they're attacking immediately we're going to grab our stool our precious stool bring that thing inside and then we're also going to wall at these doors and we watch the okay very nice we watched two walls in a row and there we go we finally finished it and yeah he's going to observe corpse in a second here there's nothing we can do about it though yep there he goes negative four mood for observing corpse here comes the raider though your broly and let's get attack off nope he's going to set that on fire we can't even hit him from over there unfortunate oh we put out the fire and he's going around it's going for embrasure this is good we're getting some free shots off another shot nice we can actually hit him here he's going for our door which is annoying the iron door is really tanky for a door and we hit him again nice i don't know where he was going but after we hit him he decided to turn around we tagged him again set that embracer on fire but we can put it out instantly it's really good when he sets fires especially in places where we can hit him because it takes him a while to cast a fire and we hit him again we're going to be out of arrows soon here by the way and we hit him again too we're going to make some more arrows because we're getting really low and then we're gonna deconstruct this wall and we're gonna go fight this guy out in the open field because yeah we can kite him now he's way too wooded and we knocked him out this dude's actually really good he's too smart it increases his learning rate but increases mental break as well he's a quick sleeper though so he needs less rest and he's a jogger so he moves quicker i just don't know what we'd want him to do because like he has a vocal hatred for planting by the way so if he sees squid planting he's gonna harass him and that lowers squid's joy and on second thought he doesn't really have any traits that we need and squid's mood is in a really bad place i think we're just gonna let him die we got a couple other things we gotta prioritize like we got these gazelles that are almost gonna rot we need to butcher them up we're getting raided again and they're gonna attack immediately oh no by this dude who has an auto pistol this is bad for us oh we got a mad hair though that's good it's actually going to hit this guy maybe oh knocked his gun out he's not using his gun anymore it's in his inventory but he's not using it okay wait that was huge if we're gonna say that's scripted for some reason i thought the raiders were gonna attack immediately but they're not and okay now they're beginning their assault squid did have a bit of time to do some recreation and get a bit more rest in though but yeah i don't know the chances of us getting that mad hair event oh don't go for a stool i mean it's okay he's being distracted and we're hitting him a bunch like that's just annoying or have to make another stool i don't know where he's going by the way he's trying to go down for this door down here okay well that's gonna give us a bit of time to just chill or we can actually just run down and shoot at him because he's pretty low movement speed now we've hit him a bunch i don't know if we really care about not killing this kid like we really want a researcher and he's got none an intellectual even if we just end up knocking him out like i don't think we're gonna try to recruit him and yeah we killed him unfortunately we can't use this heavier auto pistol because one of the parameters the run is that we can only use tech that we've researched one positive thing about that raider is well there is a dead hair over here which is nice we can butcher that up but he did bring us some beer and squid has a chemical want right now the spear will get rid of that and it might actually give him a positive moodlet depending on okay i actually didn't get him up to a positive chemical threshold although he does have alcohol warmth now that's gonna even plus ten made for five hours and only consuming one drink doesn't lower his manipulation by that much only two percent it's not a lightweight or anything if we do drink the other beer though i think that would boost his chemical meter up to a good place to where he'd be getting positive moodlets i will say that we should probably save it until we get some kind of really negative situation where his mood is really bad on that alcohol warmth could prevent us from going into a mental breakdown but yeah squid's mood is in a really good place now and we're gonna have him start chopping down some trees we need wood for quite a few things actually a few side projects around the base that we need to work on we chopped down a few more trees and squid ended up getting plants level 4 which is actually kind of big he can now sew smoke leaf plants which he can use to make smoke leaf joints and that can help his chemical meter he also got to medical level 6 being that he's natural genius and he gets it's like 4 xp every few seconds in the medical skill but after chopping out all those trees we got quite a bit of wood and we're gonna build in addition to our base or i guess squid's gonna go cloudwatch which is fine he's getting pretty bored of doing solitary relaxation as well we're gonna build him another recreation source in a minute but yeah we're gonna have him add on to this base where he got some embrasures out here just in case we get attacked from the east over here and he botched one of the embrasures which is something we did not want him to botch because that was a waste of eight wood but oh well but yeah we got this room now walled off we're gonna now begin the process of hauling all these chunks out of it yeah he's hauling four at a time which is really nice this actually is not going to take as long as i thought that is thanks to the pickup and hall mod which it says that mods still not updated at 1.2 but it does work it's one of those mods that like if you don't have it it's just or to play the game because they'll only haul one thing at a time even if it's something that's not even that big but yeah we're gonna move our bed into this other room and there's still a lot of work to be done here and there's a lot of this blood from the mandates we killed earlier and that yeah that's taking forever to clean up we did eventually clean it all up though we're next gonna move these urns inside this bronzer and actually provides eight beauty the samsung one over here only gives six uh bronze is a nicer material i guess and before we actually finish up this room i just noticed squid is now hungry and he's out of food i believe we have enough wood to make a butcher table here it's like a 15 chance actually now that he botches yes okay we didn't botch thankfully we're not gonna have him butch up his hair for a bit more meat than we would have gotten if we just butchered it up at a crafting spot and yeah he's gonna eat that meat and now we would like to have him rest his bedroom is now somewhat impressive by the way which is crazy i don't know why it's so impressive but yeah because the room's so nice when he eats in it he gets somewhat impressive dining room for plus four mood then when he sleeps in it as well we'll actually build a roof area we also had him chop down a few more trees and we're gonna have him make a game of year board which again we really hope he doesn't watch this it takes a lot of work and 35 would and nice he didn't sleeping in the room though did not give him a positive moodlet i think it's because we left this door open i held the door open while we were hauling all the chunks outside i'm still over here conveniently bled out we only hit it twice and eventually bled out now he's going for a walk don't go for a walk play some game of year dude you just made this there we go he's playing game of the year because we walled him in here after playing game of year he should have gotten somewhat impressive rec room i'm not sure why you didn't get that i guess the impressiveness is now mediocre because there's blood on the ground why is there blood on the ground by the way there should not be any blood on the ground anymore and i'm not sure what happened it says the room is only decent now wasn't it somewhat impressive at like 80 or something oh it's because we had the door held open i think oh and we got a psychic suit by the way so i guess we don't have to worry about mood for a while not that we really had to worry about mood because yeah he has a decent rec room now for plus two mood i still know why it's not somewhat impressive let's try to have this door held open though let's see what happens i still says slightly impressive i'm really not sure what's going on with that whole thing well either way our boy squids in a really good mood and we're gonna have him go chop down a forest basically there's a lot of things we still need wood for and okay we got a mad squirrel that's not good it's like just when things are going good we have to get some negative event okay thankfully we one shot it think about squirrels like they're actually pretty hard to hit because they're so tiny so i was pretty lucky that we hit that shot but after chopping down all those trees we're gonna finish flooring in this base and the room is now slightly impressive at 56 if we boost up to 65 and get the room up to somewhat impressive and that would give him pretty big mood boost because yeah we're getting plus two for a decent rec room and then plus three for a slightly impressive dining room he should also be getting mood boost for having a slightly impressive bedroom as well the door's not open anymore and yeah very nice he gets plus three we're having a slightly impressive bedroom so yeah his mood's in a really good place now he could start getting some inspirations because his mood so high we got an animal transport pod crash by the way it's a shock a goat ram it's gonna bleed out in six hours i'm pretty sure if we save this thing there's a chance it will join us i will say it's really far though like our base is all the way up here to the north and it is all the way down here it's got five hours left only and it got up oh no wait that's actually not that bad it should bleed out and go unconscious pretty soon here it's got moderate blood loss we're gonna come down here and start chopping some trees and wait for it to bleed out and then we'll save it i don't actually know if there's a higher chance that it will join us though anymore because it got up and there we go yeah it got knocked out again stabilized one of its injuries or maybe two okay it's got nine hours left let's rescue it now i will say this thing only has a handling skill requirement of two but there is a five percent chance that it revenges on tame fail which is kind of high i don't know if we want to tame it because squid has four animals it's gonna be like a pretty low chance that we tame it in order to tame it up we're gonna need some berries so we're gonna chop down this bear berry bush for quite a few berries yeah 34. this one was almost fully grown 29 for that one we could actually make some kibble out of it too we need to kill some more animals though to do that like this ebeck's ram wants to be made in a kibble i think or a gazelle i don't know why i called an ebeck's rim i mean they're kind of similar i guess let's butcher this guy up at our butcher spot for 33 meat and we're gonna turn that in a kibble 20 meter and 20 berries makes 50 kibble and we're getting another hostile forest coming in and yeah it's coming in from the road over here this one's really weak though it's only got 67 combat power so i guess the dude like really sucks or something i don't know we're not gonna do another project outside which is we're gonna wall off this butcher room and we're gonna make another little bunker out of it we made a well here so we don't have to go all the way down to the lake to wash off and squid was trying to feed this thing kibble don't feed it right now i mean he doesn't even have malnutrition like i don't know why i was trying to do that and not allow him to use the kibble we need to save that kibble for when it wakes up and we can tame it oh and the rescued animal joined us that's awesome okay this thing is actually going to be a good tank i think shotguards are renowned for their capacity to store static electricity on their bony structures and they release it as a defensive measure it has characteristics common to many alien species such as three pairs of eyes but it also resembles a goat as it has horns shotgoats are a crossbreed of two different creatures i think it's a crossbreed of one of these mantids and a goat and here comes the raid by the way and here's the dude walrus he like us is chemical interest he's got 11 planting as well but we don't really care that much about planting we mainly right now just need a researcher and the dude cannot research so yeah we're probably gonna try to just kill him and we miss our first shot he's gonna head down here to our bunker area and we can test it out see if we can get a shot off and we did shoot it was a weird attempt what the heck is going on with this guy why is he hitting so quickly it says he's doing 13.9 melee dps and he's got negative okay i don't know what's going on here is this some kind of bug with the mod or something like he already got this embrasure down to 61 i think we're gonna have to wall it off and by the way i don't even think we can shoot the guy right now because i think we're out of ammo yeah what the heck is going on with that he's just obliterating that thing we are out of ammo though and we're gonna have to do something that kind of sucks which is deconstruct this game board yeah okay what the heck just happened dude under the mod settings i unchecked using geo's advanced combat animation because that thing just seemed weirdly overpowered it basically makes it so there's a random attack delay between attacks so i'm thinking that's why the dps was going all weird but i was noticing that his dps was significantly improved by like double or triple i think it was like 13 dps wasn't it at one point so yeah we're not going to use that for now and deconstructing this is taking forever by the way yeah we're not gonna be able to deconstruct that which sucks we're gonna have to deconstruct something else like this door over here or something i can't believe i didn't have arrows for this fight this is so bad he's knocking down our bed oh that's not good i mean we have enough leather to make another one this is one of those things that like it will happen once oh crap he's killing our goat he destroyed its ear okay that's fine we are making ammo reload the bow now the dude is going to come back inside we can shoot at him while he's hitting our bed don't destroy our bed i mean it's awful we could make a better one for sure but a lunatic actually got up he's not in pain shock anymore oh okay the guy is coming back for us and he's setting our chessboard on fire very nice going for a pet now and he knocked it out it's got seven hours left this is can we just get a freaking break here dude like can we just get some time so our pet can heal up i don't feel like i'm asking for too much and now walrus is attacking our butcher table which is not ideal we're gonna have squid come in here and try to aggro him nice we hit him oh crap he's destroying our butcher table that's so much wood oh my god we just lost like 50 wood he's destroying our freaking primitive well too okay we hit him though i mean it's fine like we'll survive i guess but just annoying because it's not easy to chop down these trees i hope he's gonna kill our door too and no he's not he gave up on the door he's really slow now so i think we can just chase him outside do not kill the bed or the stool not the stool please just go down dude we're hitting you okay phew he diagraphed the stool it was one hit away from getting destroyed and we killed him holy let's haul this jerk out of here and yeah so our whole defense situation did not work out that well and our shotgun lunatic did not help us there but yeah he's got a ton of blood loss still we're gonna banish him up and he's okay we're getting another can we just get some time to chill dude he's like yes i do want a challenge but not right now i want to just chill right now oh we got a wild man that wandered in the dude actually has a burning passion for intellectual he is sluggish though which i guess that's not too bad i thought it would lower the global work speed but it just lowers his dodge chance in order to tame them though we need 12 and animals yeah i don't think there's anything we can do with this guy oh what the heck this wild man's eating our freaking berries 14 of them no we ate them all you jerk we're gonna kill this thing we can't tame them and we can't capture them i don't think or actually we can try to arrest them for a 34 chance but we don't want to risk it the dude's better than us in melee let's just put it that way not bandaging himself up he doesn't care that we're attacking him though there's well there's a 23 chance he manhunters actually but yeah he's trying to banish himself and we're just wailing on him and we knocked him out and we'll try to rescue him i'm not sure if we can even have him join us though but yeah we'll bandage him up and if he doesn't join us then we'll have to kill him [Music] oh he joined us he wants to name our fashion so squid came up with a pretty intimidating name for our faction we're not squinting around and also this is pretty intimidating as well squid row we're now going to make our new addition mckeever a bed and one thing i didn't notice about mckeever is he does have a weak constitution which lowers his immunity gain speed and so if he gets infected or if he gets a disease he'll probably die from it like i don't think we're going to be able to save him negative 25 percent immediate gain speeds a ton so mainly we just got to get him out of this room for now and nice we didn't botch this bed it's a poor one which is better than his awful one that he was using [Music] we got another animal transport pod crash kiyoshi the muffler we did save them and mckeever had a mental breakdown by the way he's gonna hide in his room for a while i guess because well for a lot of reasons we really need to give them some clothing but yeah we saved the muffler and it might join us and ko fox's wander in the heck is a ko fox it's apparently a former human it only has a handling skill requirement of two and there's no chance that it revenges on tame fail oh and apparently it can actually do work not much though it's incapable of doing a lot of stuff it can do animals skill is a vocal hatred for animal skill though so it's going to harass their colonists that are doing animal skill i mean we could use it as like a tank i guess because it can do melee this is weird squid's going down to recruit karga the former human and he doesn't have any food kroot failed 24 chance so that's really good there's another one down here by the way cobra a former human who is a ko vicks apparently it's not a ko fox it resembles a mix of a fox and a horse this thing's freaking fast though by the way it moves at 10 movement speed holy crap and it actually can be used as a pack animal okay we could use this for caravans let's try to team this guy too and he joined us it's a person though like it's considered an extra colonist so that means we're gonna start getting raided by a lot more people because if you have less than three people you get rated by less stuff so yeah i don't know if it's worth to recruit that guy cobra is freaking fast look at him move holy crap he can do shooting by the way so we could have him be like the ultimate kitered guy oh and the muffler joined us holy crap we got so many freaking animals now cobra the former human might not be worth because yeah she can't really do anything around base that's all that useful i mean she does have six intellectuals so she can research i guess and so can mckeever we should build them research benches asap oh and here comes a raid mechanoids just one pod it's a mecha droid actually and it's just one dude holy crap this guy's nuts though and he's a killian oh no so if things weren't already weird enough with the ko foxes things are about to get a bit more weird now this mecha droid that dropped in does have a heroic trade it's not a god trait but it does give him quite a bit more armor and i was thinking on this playthrough i kind of want to nerf the heroic and god traits because the heroic and god trade should seem a little bit much in the last series i talked about how i nerfed them by increasing the market value of whoever has them and if your market value is high then you get rated by more people for whatever reason though the mod creator of this mechadroid mod made these droids have a market value of a dollar and it's not like these things suck like they're actually really solid you do need power cells in order to power them up so even if like for example we did somehow capture this guy and made him join us he would run out of power and we wouldn't really be able to use them that being said though later on when we do have the tech to be able to recruit these guys having these things around would be super op because they're not going to increase our market value at all and like i really do like the idea of the mod there's three different mecha droids that have different stats we got the mechadroid alpha which is like the basic mechadroid it costs an ai persona core and apparently you can get these now from shredding a mechanoid or a mechadroid which i think is really cool it makes sense that there's some kind of controller in these mechanoids or mechadroids that are making them move and it is a low percent chance that you get an ai persona core i think they made it like seven percent but yeah you need an ai persona core a good amount of steel class steel mechanoid parts and eight advanced components for the basic one i think this material list is actually decent and then we got like the mecha droid delta which this is the guy that's rating us he has 40 more health than a normal colonist walks a bit slower i believe normal colonists walk at like 4.6 he walks at 4. he also works 20 quicker than a normal colonist and he has a bit more armor 40 to most stuff like gunshots and stuff like that and a lot of protection he gets heat apparently they cannot really burn that well and then we got like the mechadroid gamma which is better at learning negotiation trading but he can't do mining and has less health so i'm not kind of a crossroads right now i'm gonna try to contact a mod creator and try to negotiate with him a better price for these things or if i can figure out how to patch it myself i will do that i do have a patch on my mod list for the eurevian race and the thrombonian race and this patch also affects the heroic and godly traits and i paid this guy 50 bucks to make it and he ended up blocking me which was weird and i gave him credit by the way i didn't even change the author until after he blocked me he didn't even say anything either here was our last dm conversation he asked me to check out one of his mods and then i'm pretty sure this means he blocked me and yeah now the mod says it's created by tier and plays which i was already thinking i was gonna change the author anyways because i'm gonna constantly be patching it to balance out the review and the thrombonian races as well as the heroic and godly traits and i was gonna add more things to it later on as well so i didn't feel like he should be the author and i was gonna bring this up with him later and again he was still the author of the mod until he blocked me for i don't know what reason like i paid the guy 50 bucks for i think it was like 30 minutes of work i think that's definitely reasonable and he didn't seem to have a problem with the price he originally said he was gonna do it for free and i was like no i'm gonna pay you for your work but yeah so if anyone out there knows how to code there's a few more additions i want to make to this patch mainly adjusting the market value of a couple more races like i know pretty much how to do it i just don't know the exact depths i think they're called and i don't know how to look them up i'm gonna do a bit of research myself but mainly i just want to change the market value of these mechadroid alphas deltas and gammas and two more races and i'll pay whoever can help you with that just contact me on twitter i guess i'll just link my twitter also shout out to everyone who joined the council on patreon i'm going to be doing a patron-only vote and it's going to be between kenshi and bannerlord also people that did join patreon can dm me on patreon or discord and suggest names for colonists like mckeever is going to be renicknamed to chaz as he's a researcher and the dude wanted a researcher named chaz i do apologize if this guy dies from an infection by the way i don't know if he's gonna live that long and if he ends up dying then i might rename another researcher to chaz but yeah so we got this i want to say kind of a raid boss mecha droid coming in with his 16 shooting he's got a hand cannon with 18 shots and the dude is a killian which gives him 80 armor plus he's got like some flak pants which give him a bunch of armor and he's like a fleece shirt some gloves and he's got 40 built-in armor so the dude is gonna be really tanky i don't even know if we're gonna be able to take this guy down but we're gonna try in the next episode and that's assuming that i can fix this fashion's market value if not i can just go into the game files and just delete the entire faction because yeah i'm not going to have a faction that's running around with one dollar market value like no with that i want to thank you all for watching and i will see in the next one
Channel: trmplays
Views: 122,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rimworld 1.2, Rimworld New Update, RimWorld Honor Bestowed, rimworld new expansion, Rim War, RimWar, trmplays, RimWorld best mods, RimWorld mod, RimWorld Speedrun, rimworld update, AGDQ, GamesDoneQuick, games done quick, speedrun, Rimworld Gameplay, Rimworld Let's Play, rimworld sseth, rimworld challenge, rimworld review, video game, the spiffing brit, rts, sims 1, sims 2, sims 3, sims 4, the sims, kenshi, mount & blade
Id: Q6KKZwssQEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 3sec (2643 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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