RimWorld NEW UPDATE! (Jungle Tribe Episode 1: Day 1-20)

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all right well there's a huge update out for emerald and I asked you guys if I should start fresh or if I should continue my last series 60% of you guys wanted me to start fresh and I love the comments how are you pea brains voting him to repeat in another unfinished series and then I like this bait no point of voting continue since you're gonna start fetching okay yeah why the hell did everyone she's fresh sorry I genuinely was looking forward to doing an episode 5 of the last series so I was gonna do that if you guys voted for it however there's nothing like a fresh start in rim world we're gonna be completely random in our colonists as first start we're gonna be starting as a Lost Tribe which it says it's difficult and the rich explores extra difficult but I feel like the rich explore scenario is actually easier than the tribe because with the tribe you start out with very little tech and with the rich Explorer you start out with tons of tech so yeah I feel like Lost Tribe should be the second most difficult scenario or maybe even the most difficult because at least with naked brutality you don't get raided at the start and you start with decent amount of tech there's new difficulty now losing is fun the setting is designed to be unfair huge threats will crash upon you without mercy until your colony dies I think this is basically just merciless unless they added another difficulty level to the game which actually would be kind of fun we'll be playing on this one though and our storyteller is gonna be rainy random and our seed name is gonna be still Loras I guess it was random when we were given global coverage is gonna be 50% and population is gonna be crowded I like there being a lot of colonies on the map so we can trade and I think it makes the game more interesting since we're playing as a tribal people I like the idea of starting near these tribal colonies as for example if we attack blue plateau and we take some prisoners there they're more likely to join us because we're also tribal people I've also never played in a tropical rainforest so I feel like this could be a cool change of pace to give us some defensive terrain to work with we're gonna start on this large hill tile alright so here's what we're given we got 8 colonists over here and we can choose 5 of them out of all of them we're definitely gonna dump off cheetah because cheetah has a bad back - 30% movement and 10% manipulation that's pretty bad green also doesn't seem all that good she's got ten cooking which is the most out of everyone with a minor passion for it however taka Maki who has a burning passion for it with seven cooking three less but he's gonna learn it quicker taka Maki was also got a burning passion for plants with ten in it a miner passionate for mining with the Lebanon and eight construction and okay ban bore Bay is free oh that's even worse than a bad back - 30 % movement - 30 % manipul yeah we're gonna ban bamboo Bay the three people were leaving behind us cheetah with his bad back van boar Bay whose frail and then green the heart tender whose really only super exceptional at cooking the people were bringing along is frog who's trigger-happy which is awesome it's the best shooting trait however he is jealous so we're gonna have to give him the best bedroom sad note I didn't notice his tie was editing but jealous is actually buffed with a mod we have an debuffs some of the negative traits now it's is actually perfect for a frog he's got nine and social with the burning passion for it and this is gonna improve the trade price that we get from other colonies a burning passion for art too so when he's just chilling around the base we'll have make art assuming there's no prisoners any talking to or there's nothing that needs shooting talking Maki we already went over him he's good at plants cooking and mining and also he is sanguine by the way which is one of the best traits in the game he is a permanent mood affect of 12 the only negative is that he has a creepy breathing trait which I think does bother other people we got yo Kroy who's not really exceptionally amazing anything although he does have E in intellectual which is decent 8 implants and 7 and crafting with minor passions for all those and I don't know if that's gonna be our best crafter I think it is our best researcher though he's kind so he can brighten other people's days and he is unfortunately ugly but to make up for it he does work slightly quicker we got a beeble who's decent at construction and plants and she has a great memory so she learned slightly quicker she's also our best medic unfortunately with five medical that's not that high that might be kind of a problem cousin rainforest to get more diseases finally we got weasel which by the way I haven't looked at their relations but apparently weasel had relations with cheetah who were leaving behind I don't know if he's gonna like that I also just realized we're only bringing one female who apparently is a lover of you okra so I think they're gonna be able to sleep together that's actually gonna be really nice at the start but yeah weasel is apparently really good at art but we already have frog who's good at art so I don't really know if we need him too much although he's good at melee so I guess we'll just use him as like a meat shield if he dies then oh well I guess he's also abrasive so that can piss people off a lot although it does make him have more melee skill he has seven melee now alright so with the tribal star we start out with three random animals we got a top here and oh wait that's not a part of our colony we cut pretty useless animals we got this pug we got a Somali cat and we got a beagle well the new mod when you do butcher animals you get more meat so if we are running out of meat they're gonna be the first ones to go or I guess they're not completely useless Minerva the Beagle is wanted to talk a Moo and that gives him five bonus mood check the Pug is also bonded to Abbeville which gives her five bonus mood here's what we're looking at for the map we got a few places that actually would make for a good base mainly over here at this huge area of rich soil this would make for some really good farmland the only issue is down here to the south east there is a insect hive and there's a mega spider with some mega scarabs down here it is dormant so apparently it's not reproducing and maybe we can just wall this off and not to deal with it in our starting area we've got this top here and we're gonna have frog start shooting at it and might actually charge us if he hits it we do some pemmican as food but that's not gonna last us that long so we need to start cooking up some actual meat and there's a tiger over here that's a bit scary I think those things can turn into predator mode and they start attacking our colonists so we're going to figure out a way to take that thing down I already checked its speed and it's quicker than colonists so we're gonna have to definitely take that thing out as a group and with only three shots actually we kill the top here to the east of our farm area we get some rooms already pre-built for us we just got a wall them in and add a few doors and we can use this as a base at least for now well everyone's building on up we just got frog on auto hunts and we're gonna have them hunt some more of these tapers I think we can also turn them into leather and we can either sell the leather or turn it into clothing or we can make bed rolls out of it that's probably will do with our first few tape beers that we kill just so we can maybe send someone out on an early trading mission also having frog on otto hunte even if it's like some of the more crappy animals is gonna allow him to level up his shooting skill quicker and since he's trigger-happy he requires less aiming time so he's gonna be shooting more and that's gonna level up his shooting skill quicker holy crap why's a weasel hunting the alligator accidentally had weasel on melee hunting mode but thankfully he did not get tagged by this alligator which is actually really tanky but we did kill it and that's gonna provide a lot of meat one thing I just realized is we can't actually make real beds ran out to hunt animals and a lot of them so we can turn their skins and feathers into bed rolls just so we can have basic beds to sleep on around camp and okay this is actually not good this cassowary when to revenge mode and is now attacking taka Moo who by the way is really slow he's a really bad leg and he's kind of outrunning this cassowary yeah he's outrunning it barely and there we go frog killed it taka Moo does have a scratch on his leg and his foots wrap and okay that's not good this cassowary revenge and his attacking weasel and just completely shredding him weasel does have a decent melee skilled oh so we're gonna have em attack the cassowary and yeah he was able to tag it like just pretty much instantly we'll have frog also melee attack this thing and we were able to kill it we still got hurt really bad he's gonna bleed out in eight hours actually with the tribal start we did start with 20 herbal medicine and we'll use a pretty good amount of that on weasel to heal up his injuries there's a pretty good chance they do get infected though cuz he just has so many but it's not a really big deal weasel is not very useful around camp the main thing is we need to talk ammo even though he does not walk very quick he's really good at planting and mining and cooking as well in construction like this dude is carrying the team right now luckily he did only get a couple scratches so he should be fine I doubt he's gonna get any type of infection and okay we're getting rated already by two people with guns we're not even on day two yet and we're already getting raided and these guys actually seem like they mean business what are they shooting it oh they're setting fire to our smoke leaf fields we can't have that we got everyone in kind of a short range and we're just gonna get charged to Lourdes who's setting fire to our smoke leaf we're gonna weasel actually charged in tank as well weasel weasels down the old croix needs to charge Indy I guess go to melee mode she's melee attack the guy everyone just yes around Indy as long as we get him as long as we get Animalia mode of this guy then you can't use his gun and yoke Troy actually his hurts pretty bad this HP is low well it looks like we did end up killing Indy and we also killed Delores unfortunately didn't knock either them out Luke where is HP is low but he just has a bunch of bruises he's got 20 hours to live frogs got 21 weasel is also low HP but he's got 19 hours not really any super bad wounds there everyone should definitely survive one good thing about getting rated at least till the bodies start rotting is we can have our animals use them as a food supply we've trapped our animals in this really small room with the Raiders and they've already bitten off both their heads yes this may do permanent damage to our animals 10 but at least we don't have to feed them for now and like yeah this beagle is going town on Dolores and so is the Pug another good thing we picked up from the Raiders was a couple auto pistols this one's actually good and that gives it quite a bit more accuracy in close and short range than the poor one it's pretty important to get a decent modifier on a range weapon as accuracy is everything with range weapons that we're gonna be able to use this to hunt now and at close range it's usually pretty good raagh just kind of get unlucky here and yeah once he gets really close then there's a much higher chance to hit it's not that bad that he's not really hitting a lot of shots though because he's getting shooting skill every time he shoots and this thing shoots quite quickly we got a couple negative events going on we got a heat wave which isn't too bad for us no one even has really any each stroke yet but little crow actually got malaria and a bee bill is tending it right now and she got a 52% ten that's pretty good I think he should definitely survive this we do need to get him on an actual bed though that will help him get over it quicker and actually we didn't end up researching complex furniture and we got some bedrooms over here we just aren't using them because of the heatwave it's too hard to cool these rooms right now because we don't have ventilation researched it and we can't build any type of venting system so we're having everyone sleep in our main room for now it's a barrack and people don't like sleeping in a barrack although it's a slightly impressive one so it's not too bad we got our first quest the flowing Duchess who is being chased by a man hunting beagle the first quest is always really easy to do and now I gotta decide who we want to accept a quest with the person we're gonna accept the quest with is taka Moo who does not want to do shooting our melee as once he gets higher titles eventually we're gonna need to get him some royal clothing and that stuffs really bad in combat so we're not gonna want to have anybody that's doing combat take these titles but a quest we have to protect this guy who sneaked day this guy's a bunch of abilities one of them being Manhunter pulse we're gonna use that on half this herd of rhinos and this tiger and okay so for rhinos and the tiger went into Manhunter mode which ordinarily would be a bad thing except for we do have this traitor over here or I don't know if they're a traitor they're a visitor I guess they're gonna be able to take on this herd for us hopefully weird little get killed and they'll drop their equipment so either way it's a win-win for us and Oh okay Hoenn actually got killed chili actually got killed as well in see how they managed to take out three rhinos this one's actually bleeding to the point where it's gonna bleed out in six hours and they also got those tiger as well so that's gonna be a lot of meat and leather that we're gonna get we could actually try to finish off the rest of the rhino herd actually while we're at it we can help these guys out and use burden on these rhinos and that actually slows them down a bit and okay Gus actually got killed we lost more relation with them Dalila got killed as well we're down at negative 23 with northeast Oh mate if en which I don't know if that's all that bad of a thing and chaos got killed as well alrighty well Mostyn ended up getting killed we can finish off the rest of these rhinos though soon eeek did slow this one down and that ability is super useful when hunting these rhinos it only lasts for I want to say like 15-20 seconds but we can drop it on him again and doesn't actually cost that much heat for SUNY Cote nice we just took out that Rhino and also a bertigo pulls as a decent ability to will make the Rhino I think start puking randomly yeah it's just gonna start puking and it's not gonna be moving for a bit it's an AoE ability too but yeah there goes the other Rhino plus sneak day actually her name is I don't know how I pronounce it earlier shuttle actually showed up and we're gonna let her out because the every mood was terrible when I send her back to wherever she came from and yeah we got the quest done talking mock you got two titles from that we're gonna talk a movie use this sigh link and neuro former to learn this ability pain block that's not a great ability as it doesn't actually block damage it just makes people think they're not injured and so they won't go into pain shock which what will happen is like I still probably just keep going until they get killed this actually might not be the most terrible ability as Taku mu has a painful scar on his leg and that always gives him serious pain I wonder if he can pain block that out and yeah actually he has no pain right now and that lasts for 120 seconds well it's not like a super long duration but it's got I guess a non-combat use so that's kind of cool over here we got our animals back in the corpse cage where they are happily chewing on these corpses until they do spoil to the right we got talk and move cooking up some of this meat and rice and we're turning into pemmican we got a lot of meat down here and a lot of its gonna go bad pretty quickly 1.2 days is gonna spoil it would be nice to trade this meat off nearby faction of cameo tarpit but it's gonna take us one and a half day to get up there and the meats gonna go bad before we can even get there we're gonna try to cook as much of this meeting the pemmican as we can though as pemmican does not go bad and we can also turn a lot of into kibble which maybe that's what we should do right now I think kibble cooks a lot quicker this is actually amazing luck so a bull cos trader just came to visit us and they're gonna buy all of our rhino meat for one silver a pop and they actually will buy our pemmican as well but we don't need to sell them that we also have some Tiger meat as well we can sell them and that's not even all the meat we have we still have a couple more animals to Blitzer up which are actually gonna spoil very soon we got a butcher those o best and actually I kind of messed up there if we have frog do the trading we can get a better price even we butcher up to nine seventy nine more rhino meat we're gonna sell them that and the monkey meat as well and okay we bush up the last Rhino for 334 meats get some pork somewhere I'll pocket me too and they actually don't even have enough silver to buy all this stuff I wonder if we can buy any other goods they do have quite a bit of cloth we could buy for 215 a pop we could sell them some of this musk ox wool we got from a cargo drop it's really good at insulating against cold the 70 degrees protection against a cold but not so much against the heat so yes doesn't really help us too much we're kind of in a hotter climate we'll sell that off and can we buy altar cloth yeah we can't actually buy other cloth and we don't even need to sell them all of our musk ox wool million sell eighteen of it and I'll be an even trade we also in event where a couple of thrombosed actually enter a territory and okay yeah we actually just pissed one of them off only I think here frog run and frog oh we got tagged pretty hard you got scratched twice by the thrombo and he's actually gonna bleed out in 12 hours the rest these guys are taking it though and they might actually be able to take it down I actually kind of hope they don't get killed here either cuz these are our nearby trading partners we don't want them to be mad at us and yeah they got it down the Surma went to paint shock there's one more thrombo over here that yeah okay it's really easy to tag he's a little tagged it and he's trying to run but no I hope U's gonna be able to make you out is he good yeah I think he's good okay weasel made it out he got tagged once and as a stab to his shoulder but he's fine these guys are gonna take on this other thrown before us hopefully and hopefully none of them actually get killed somebody actually put some dirt in the throw boughs I like kicked up some dirt or something and I don't think it's very accurate well it's hits and yeah they knocked this one out too so frog actually just got inspired creativity and if we have a make art it's gonna be a really high quality to levels higher than what it would have been as he does have ten skill it could even be legendary ideally we have make a sculpture out of the best materials we have and we do have some of this gold ore that we could potentially make a sculpture out of although I don't know if we're gonna have enough I think we need 500 of it and it looks like we're only getting 33 from one node so yeah I'm guessing this is not gonna be enough I think the next best thing to make a sculpture out of is this Jade as it's got 2.5 x Beauty and we're not gonna need 500 of it to make a sculpture although if we get enough we could make a medium sculpture which would sell for a lot more or a large sculpture rather it requires a hundred Jade and yeah we're gonna get a hundred here alright so with a hundred of the JB mined out we had frog make this Jade large sculpture and ooh nice he made a masterwork one if we want we can trade it off it's got a market value of 1,600 but its beauty is 1,300 and what I'm thinking is we're just gonna install this in our main rec room / dining room area and people can just look at this while they're wandering around the base and while they're eating and stuff and that's gonna boost their beauty by quite a lot and yeah this is actually amazing so yo Croix who's our researcher has this buff gorgeous environment for 15 bonus mood his beauty bar is full and his mood is almost full and the thing about having full mood is people get inspirations a lot more often like the crafting inspiration we just got we also get this buff slightly impressive dining room which is weird cuz if this room is considered the dining room it should be extremely impressive like that's what it says it's extremely impressive and that's what it says for the rec room buff - if they do play pool in this rec room which by the way we built this pool table out of some of the cloth we got earlier from the trader if they do any recreational activities in this room which they're always pretty much gonna do they're gonna get this buff as well extremely impressive rec room or six bonus mood another thing that's doing a really good job of just boosting their mood maybe they changed it so you need to have a separate dining room and rec room not exactly sure surrond a 17.5 and we have not been rated since day two but here we are with a pretty lackluster raid loo over here has a melee weapon and griffith also does their crap melee weapons and oh nice we knocked out Griffith and apparently they're all fleeing there was four of them but I guess the other two are not even gonna try to enter our defense basically we have kind of amazing set up here and there's embrasures here which people can shoot through Griffith actually is really solid he's a quick sleeper so he doesn't need a sleep much he's iron-willed so it's really hard for him to have a mental breakdown he's also decent as social so we could send him out on trading missions if we want to and he's pretty okay at intellectual so we could haven't beat our second researcher if he does end up joining us or I guess Griffith is actually a she and she does not like alcohol or recreational drugs which is completely fine and you know evidently they were not all done with this raid Karen is apparently still attacking us only one of them fleed she was attacking from a different side so I'm guessing that's why she decided not to flee but yeah maybe we could knock Karen out too she might be a nice addition to our nope never mind she's dead Griffith is a part of the assassins and I'm guessing they're not tribal because she is quite a bit or is this 27 with an 83% recruitment difficulty so yeah it's gonna take quite a while before she'll join us and while she is prisoner we will have an extra mouth to feed so we have to decide like is it worth it to keep her around or would we want to sell her off as a slave all right so it's getting kind of late and I want to try to get these episodes out daily I'm gonna do a little base overview so to the bottom left down here we have our crop fields and then we got it walled in and Raiders should not attack from this side unless there's sappers which sappers will attack from any side they want to but as long as there's a way to get into the base the Raiders will attack from this main choke point we have over here on the right and basically just got to go through this maze and we got embrasures that we can shoot through while they try to go through it they can shoot at us but they're less accurate unless they're right up next to the embrasure then they're really accurate next to Griffiths prison room we got kind of our loot vault with all our leathers and we also got a bunch of pemmican just in case we've run out of food we have to build er quests where we have to build monuments I think that's cool about these quests is we get the reward right where it's built but after building the monument we have to protect them for this one's 32 days and then this one's 15 days and if we don't protect them there's consequences like we'll get a mech cluster with a lot of stuff that we do not want to deal with or this one will lose relation with the empire of rodeo though we have the new quest system we have different rewards we can choose from the dangerous construction is going to give us a power claw is actually kind of cool it's a replacement for a hand and it does really good mailee damage although it slows whoever is using it by 8% or we can take this reward glitter or medicine times 9 I think we're gonna take that simply because glue medicine is the best medicine in the game and if we get any really bad diseases we can use this and they won't die the other monument quests the extensive edifice is gonna give us either a side trainer burden which I showed you guys earlier it slows where we target with the ability I really like that ability actually the other rewards are this atheneum which is like a magic crystal that we can use for some late-game equipment I believe and some silver or we can do like this hyper weave which is a material that we can make into a really decent armor but we don't really have anyone that's got really good crafting yet so we don't really care too much about crafting materials we're definitely gonna go for the side trainer and we'll be doing those quests at the start of the next episode with that I want to thank you all for watching and I will see you then
Channel: trmplays
Views: 233,188
Rating: 4.9249191 out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, RimWorld new update, Rimworld Meditate on it, meditate on it, RimWorld best mods, RimWorld mod, RimWorld Speedrun, trmplays, rimworld update, rimworld 1.1, rimworld royalty, rimworld dlc, rimworld expansion, rimworld new, rimworld royalty dlc, rimworld new dlc, Rimworld, Rimworld mod, speedrun, Rimworld Gameplay, Rimworld Let's Play, rimworld challenge, rimworld review, kenshi, mount & blade
Id: _nIFhpbc_4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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