Rimworld: Desert Doom - Part 1: Dust. Wind. Dude.

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[Music] hey folks this is decoherent and welcome to a new rim world colony so as the name suggests this will be an extreme desert colony which I don't believe I've ever actually played this is also the most heavily modded colony I've run yet I often stick reasonably close to a stock experience but this time I am throwing caution to the wind and mods into the hopper so let me give you a not very brief rundown of the major mods here so questionable ethics is going to lead off our medical mods or whatever it is you want to call a mod that lets you undertake and I quote organ growing organ extraction and animal and humanoid cloning so yep that sounds basically right up my alley I'll also be using this to replace the prosthetics mods as well as genetic Grimm which frankly wouldn't have a lot of use in a desert anyway I'll also be using the priority treatment mod which has ponds treat the most life-threatening wounds first and not you know take a nap and field medic which adds a craft to a medical item that you can use to stabilize colonists out in the field the largest changes are probably going to be in the area of combat the first big mod here is what the heck which lets you hack modify and use mechanoids for your own purposes there's a number of mechanisms in place here to keep this balanced - including the fact that the bad guys can do the same thing both LaMotte author and users swear that it's not overpowered so I don't know we'll go ahead and give it a try I've also added the rim sandal mod which adds a tremendous array of interesting late-game weapons the new weaponry is designed to be alternatives to late-game guns rather than simply replacing the vanilla equipment I haven't really tested it so I'm just basically going to take the author at their word on the lighter side of combat I've added the mod sometimes raids go wrong which lets Cassandra mess with the luck of incoming Raiders they'll have chances to you know crash their drop pods or get chase my Manhunters or whatever this sounds like something that'll add a bunch of comedy which is sorely lacking on the rim I've also installed the run-and-gun mod which as it sounds lets you try to warm up and cool down time on the weapons force severely reduced accuracy I think this might turn out to be essential for things like bug invasions if I move inside a mountain so I'm gonna go ahead and give it a try the parameters are adjustable and we can disable it entirely so you know we can kind of experiment as we go more vanilla turrets and razor wire will give us a few more options to set up some very defenses since I am used to an entirely animal and Breakfasts based defensive system since this is a desert Colin I couldn't resist the opportunity to become a Petro State so the rimma feller mod has also joined the group as the Rockefeller pond might suggest this adds oil to the game complete with oil wells refineries and some interesting materials made from these petrochemical products from just a bit of testing I think this will add a lot of variety to our days also frankly oil producing desert nations are no strangers to hostile invasions so this is actually pretty thematic moving on to interpersonal relations our colonists are now equipped with the rumor has it and rational romance mods so they can gossip amongst themselves but yet manage to carry on functional relationships I've also got the interaction bubbles mod installed so that we can keep a closer eye on their social interactions in the larger context we've got the more faction interactions mod which expands the ways we can well you know interact with other factions there's a good handful of stuff in there I'm looking forward to encountering but just to get it rounded out I've also added prison or ransom which lets me extort hostile factions for silver that's frankly a little more lawful evil than I typically run so that should be pretty cool let's trade and hospitality run things out with some expanded trader types and a more interesting visitor system I've also added a ton of cosmetic mods which I'm just gonna throw out you're really fast here we've got new statues figures lights floors and furniture there's also some neat GUI mods including rim HUD which you'll see makes a lot of interesting information easily available to us progress renderer so we can get a cool time-lapse of the colony's development the heat map prosthetic icons better hauling and the long asked for color coded mood bar in the futile hope that I'll pay more attention to my colonists needs although I don't will really use any pets I've also included the Alpha animals mod the animal gear mod to give them horse armor and animal variety coats that makes every animal look unique unfortunately nothing really lives in the deep desert but maybe we can pick something up from a trader who knows ok and after that giant fire hose of information let's go ahead and let's get started new colony we're gonna modify this scenario so this doesn't call you mater Cassandra I don't trust anyone's Ironman system for a seed sure and we'll kick the temperature up one notch to make sure it's got a lot of desert okay how does this look um this is not too shabby let's see here I've got some extreme desert right here in the middle oh that's kind of nice and near two factions yeah I like that who are these factions do I care about them a civil union and I don't care about a savage tribe at all so let's actually camp pretty close to both of these guys this will be fun so let's pick large hills probably rather than mountainous yeah I think that'll be okay and then I set up a preset for everything here so let me go ahead and load it so we've got three kind of random people I rolled until I got people that weren't totally worthless so we've got fercho who is beautiful in a jogger the sexual orientations here are added by a rational romance I believe so that's what they're doing in here so these okay at construction but can't do any intellectual that's fine we've got Hiroshi here who ended up being a star Knight and a star Squire so he's actually got good mailing which is worthless but whatever he likes cooking even though he's not very good at it so that'll be fun and we've got Marcus here who is going to I don't know maybe be a researcher he's in a brace of acetic which isn't terribly surprising given that he's in room world but that's okay equipment i modified a little bit so first off I took out the pet because in my testing I just wasn't able to keep pets alive and I added some plain leather cowboy hats clothing is gonna be a real problem we're not gonna have leather available to us we can grow cotton the cloth is pretty terrible so until we get later in the game and I can start making some synthetics we're really gonna have some trouble so I want them to be able to survive in the Sun to compensate for this I took out the flak pants and the advanced helmet and I traded the knife for revolver and I had to add a couple survival meals to make things work okay actually let's crank this down a ways then again to kind of compensate for that so besides that I think this is okay so let's go ahead and let's get started all right here we are okay so let's take a look at this map well this is interesting huh okay this looks fine hello ad una lesk okay that's weird so let me introduce rim hug to you because this is pretty great so what this does is this takes a bunch of information about them and crams it into one little screen here I made it a little bigger so I can read it so you can see well they've got their name health food food rest recreation their skills what they can wear all kinds of good things it's pretty fantastic that's gonna save me a lot of tabbing around so looking at the map where do we want to set up here this is interesting there's a couple little buildings right here I wonder if either of these are the ancient danger right there right there it's probably this huh cool okay any other wildlife that I missed in iguana no no probably not for long I think we may actually start right here in this area this is actually a pretty good spot yeah this is a great spots you've got some gravel here we do need to go ahead and get some food growing right away the entire first part of this game is gonna be rushing for hydroponics and can we make it there before we all starve to death so that should be you know kind of an interesting little test yeah let's do this we need to be careful of soft sand because you can't build on it and unlike water you also can't bridge it so this might be okay to have kind of this little area at our back yeah let's just let's start our base right here that'll be okay so as I said first off plants I'm just gonna go ahead and enough step number one here is growing zone we've got to try at least to get some rice out so that we don't starve to death and rice would be fine I should be able to get one harvest out probably before everyone dies we can just go ahead and use this area they'll love it anything else we want to do right away okay who's good at shooting someone was eight six six oh I didn't even notice you guys are actually all pretty good at the gun well hot damn why don't you guys go ahead and grab some weapons that's fine and let's go ahead and let's set their work up fire fighting at number one patient at number one doctor maintaining maintains organism fats using medical and analytical knowledge no that'll be cool go ahead and do that hacking which will not come up for a little while yet bed rest yeah all virgin ly basic stuff which is flipping light switches stuff like that sure warden handle negotiate cook I can put you all at hunt on the lowest priority now you're gonna be my researcher and that's a little troublesome because you're actually really good at construction too so at the beginning I'm probably gonna leave that as your highest priority but then I'm gonna knock it down later six is pretty solid too so that'll be fine okay so let's go ahead and let's put some storage zones in we can go ahead and we can just put everything important inside right now we can put junk outside and let's actually add one more zone for things that don't need to be inside I'm just luring these down here I don't I don't care at the moment we'll move them around it's no big deal so down here I want raw resources go ga plasteel silver steel yep all that stuff add a preferred set so go ahead guys start carrying and start planting oh yeah I need to restrict you guys as well let's see here so another mod that's in here that you can't see at the moment is there's a mod that automatically sets appropriate schedules for night owls and that's pretty great because sometimes I go entire games without seeing them as longtime viewers know so we'll go ahead and we'll set up kind of a basic schedule here now that all perishables urgently mod is what's causing them to run all over the map and collect food okay we're gonna get these occasional lag spikes once a day this is progress renderer what it basically does is it flips all the GUI off and then has you know this nice clear shot then and it takes a picture of the map and that'll be pretty cool so we'll have this nice time-lapse going on okay so you guys are getting some stuff together here ever so slowly and getting things planted mmm I forgot to put sleeping spots inside we can just go ahead and do that you guys are gonna hate this but it's better than being outside for the first day so go ahead and do that and you haven't collected wood yet yes you have okay I hate using our wood even for temporary walls because we can never ever get it back but needs must so we'll start with that and then go ahead and build your roof here and all this just became the home area there you go go for it all right so our priorities are going to be getting some electricity up air conditioning hydroponics we have to do batteries in there first - so we'll make sure and we'll cram batteries in as fast as we can let's see here I'll let you guys pick things up a little more then I'm gonna have you take these things apart just so we get a little bit of free materials okay it looks like you guys are doing okay on the steel we've got components and steel right here next to us that's pretty great I wish you weren't walking past potentially deadly animals but well you do you what's this with rhenium right there exposed on the map huh cool well that's neat okay now you're going for a walk so let's go ahead and let's tuck some stuff to be deconstructed that probably and that and we'll take out the floors as well you should always remember to take out the floors cuz it's much quicker and it's free materials so we'll use that to kind of expand our initial base here once our girl were finishes planting everything are you even any good at it no oh I forgot to set up the highest-priority haha just kidding go ahead and do that alright what is this anyway sandstone um that's fine since stones a pretty good material sandstone and marble slate yeah that's good for three yeah for sure and we'll probably build in this area initially I think I like that we can always move things around later although frankly I probably won't but maybe this would be a good spot I'll kind of box that in I don't want to go over here over here because like I said I can't build on that stuff so so while they're sleeping let's see here what should we do we can do some planning oh well that's neat so we can choose how much of the map to render I didn't really look at progress render oh that's kind of cool so if we sketch something out like no this maybe is kind of a minimum base area something like that and then we'd build back in this area and grow out here and have power out here will that work okay maybe is that enough room for our turbines um well no not really let's make it a little longer and we've already got a Doudna Liske okay hunting us yes who's it hunting huh Hiroshi who is right there okay well everybody let's test out your combat prowess and also add una Liske and these are bugs unfortunately so we're not immediately use them for anything but oh well we get what you get right that sound and everything by the way is stuck so that's kind of cool bubbles we'll go ahead and we'll check those out in just a second here come on better get it run away nice stager Oh what how was it doing what in the world was that burns by a fire web oh how cool is that that's neat okay Cantus nice treatment you're not my doctor are you nope okay that was cool I'll leave it here and down to maybe something he'll come eat it on bleeding out in six hours this is so great I love this mod I don't know why it took me so long to get a run around to it your attending and this will also show what their next thing queued up is and fercho unfortunately I have to turn you guys down in bedrest now right after I said you should get bad rest I actually need you guys working this is too important at the beginning of the game so we'll do something like that once you've got everything disconnected so here we go I flirted with fercho by telling a story about poker fercho rejected the events go ahead and tell me how to pronounce this by the way because I don't actually know and let's get the floors out here like I said can't go wrong with free materials the answer is always yes so this one is gonna start hunting us momentarily as well so I probably shouldn't let these guys spread out too much is this an ancient danger over here or can I take this apart come over here okay I can take that apart and I thought I saw another one I guess I didn't okay let's go ahead unless deconstruct that that structure is gonna get taken apart by baddies shortly if I don't so there's no reason to bother with it we'll just take it out yep yeah and then you guys haul the stove over and we will be set to go remove floors said a word about here right yeah Wow seriously you talked her into that Wow actually who talked that into who fercho tried to romance my playfully making fun of his age how old is he he's 32 he's young okay okay well I can put a double sleeping spot on the ground for you guys sure I'll have beds up tomorrow I think yeah probably it's good to put in the spot though cuz otherwise I will forget 4 : K okay um set owners okay good enough well that's gonna be creepy for Hiroshi it as they're all like laying on the ground in one room ah yeah well okay so now we've got some stuff actually let's go ahead let's make beds first I need to start getting rid of some of the negative modifiers right at the beginning if I let them start to build up bad things will happen as you well know again if you've watched my channel bad things build up in a hurry and let's actually make a table for them too while I'm at it we can make that out of Steel we can actually probably get away with a C that's 15 materials versus 28 yeah and make a one by for no particular reason other than it'll be good enough for them and then go ahead and make some steel stools as well there we go oh and let's add a horseshoe pin which will save us from all kinds of mental breaks I'm sure that's the power of the horseshoe I guess okay so far so good no you already got one bed made fantastic oh I can just go ahead and move these inside then excellent and I'll force you guys to do it right away I'm really Supes and I'm really sorry you guys have to sleep next to each other that's that's super creepy and I don't care for it I mean maybe they're into that but I really shouldn't be making those kinds of presumptions at the very beginning of the game and let's go ahead and let's put this zone back why don't you go ahead and put these beds in here so I can get them fixed okay and just need to double check to make sure I don't put the right people it's been literally two minutes and I've already forgotten who's in a relationship okay there we go good deal here comes an iguana what are you doing consuming grass not for long I expect that to promptly get killed by the other Doudna liske yeah and that's about it for wildlife yeah not great alright where are you guys going Oh more stealing stuff I forgot about that it's really nice that they defer that so far down the priority list so we can probably go ahead and start putting some structure in yeah let's go ahead and let's close this area off I'm gonna need to put an indoor storage that'll probably end up down here I've got a hundred so I've got what 25 left something like that so go ahead and get working on that you know whenever you've got time that's fine you're still picking up steel yeah hauling steel times four yeah thanks actually do we have any vents near us for geothermal later no we don't well oh well nobody deal okay I wish you guys would stop hauling like 14 steel at a time but yeah and there goes the iguana which means we're gonna have to come kill this I wonder if I should just kill it preemptively so we don't run into trouble that might not be a bad idea I don't know flooring so there's a lot of extra stuff in here I'll notice that's the pause we'll be dealing with it's okay oh do I not have you all in construction at some level no I don't okay so there is furniture Plus and this as I went to furniture there's more floors I kinda wish they put them in the same menus you know as the original stuff but no it's okay you know the point is that it's there okay and I ran a sandstone oh well no big deal oh this is steel crap I didn't even look okay nevermind we'll deal with that later they say so many things so the one complaint I heard is that yeah when you zoom in all of a sudden you'll get tons and tons of spam but that's okay I think that's pretty funny okay so what do you guys have Oh stones shouldn't be in there stone should be out here let me just fix that really quick items manufactured actually it doesn't matter it's promptly getting turned into walls so now we've got you know there's some granite around here nice okay well it's throwing some granite i've got 178 that's 120 there we go go ahead and put some walls in there I'm not sure will up with the we're out la put the visitor entrance but I'll I'll pick something out it doesn't matter at the very beginning here but it will matter within the first hour or so so we'll get that taken care of yep no meal source I'm well aware of that actually you know what I think I've stalled too long we actually need to have research going already yeah this is probably already too late but let's go ahead and let's get started we can use steel for now this is gonna be come in doors down here so let's just go ahead and let's just make it I know it's gonna have a work penalty but we got to get that going there's just no time okay building away yeah how do we want to enclose this maybe something like this initially visitors okay so we're gonna visitors on a fairly regular basis and this is pretty cool they come they talk they hang out sometimes bring you gifts all sorts of cool things happen however I don't want anyone to come by until I've had a chance to build guest beds so I'm actually just gonna send them away so this keeps popping up because otherwise I will forget about them so we can do something like like ice we can just use this whole thing for right now yeah that's fine so we'll go ahead and we'll do that here momentarily I need to get some more stone first um yeah let's start with batteries that's Priority One so now we're gonna lose kay whose name I'm not gonna fake quite yet Steel is a resource we have a lot of let's just go ahead and let's build another copy you're being very industrious working all night and is that all the convenient walls we have and it kind of is I could take that one apart I guess it may be quicker to just start cutting apart around blocks though you know it probably is let's just go ahead and let's put that in here anyway yeah yeah it's probably fine we'll put that down here cuz this is gonna be you know outdoors that's an okay place to put it in the sense that it's not good but it's okay so what's the penalty for being outdoors here anyway now 42% oh that's terrible okay yeah that is pretty terrible can you actually go ahead consuming package travel meal why are you up in the middle of the night by the way yeah rusting I was gonna say okay can you go ahead make this for me you're cleaning sand why don't you go ahead and just make these for me quick because I should probably get that bill going right away actually rather a lot of granite okay well anyway let's set up our bill cut any stone blocks do forever I guess you can take it to the nearest stockpile and we're gonna set a radius so that won't include the entire map just stuff that I haul over there hopefully at the moment though it doesn't matter so Oh a name this faction name is actually pretty funny south today or a onus Stan that's pretty funny we just used one of those I can't think of anything really funny fun bin I like that [Music] pea Hearst let's go back with fun bin that's stupid alright we'll do that I like that okay so one of you guys why don't you come craft not assigned to crafting oh right I need to set all you guys to craft um firk oh I guess I'm gonna have to have you do that yeah I don't like it but I'm gonna have to have you do it well that's not true I could have Hiroshi work on it he sucks at it but it'll give him some good practice thirty-two percent this is good one colonists Idol really I suppose that's probably right let's go ahead let's actually just delete this let's put this inside and then I can set a bunch of this stuff to be hauled in our dumping stockpile can be over here yeah that's fine go ahead and do that why don't you go ahead actually and haul this limestone over or this marble I'm sorry go ahead and do that that's what I'd like to have done first because we'll use limestone for the walls you have any cut yet or marble I'm sorry marble for the walls okay let's go ahead let's just put that in wall goes I don't know here I guess we'll spare some wood for a door this is the last one that we'll make out of wood how should I go ahead and do this for rooms well we can just go ahead just put a door here we'll need some space in here for eating and hanging out so go ahead and do that and while you're building that should actually make them some nice rooms right off the bat who wouldn't that be weird let's do that so let's say I end them over here so leaving the hallway one-two-three-four / yeah we can do this won't this be amazing I've never started out with good rooms there we go oh this is gonna be great they're gonna love this actually it may as well just go ahead and cue this up let's just go ahead we'll make this indoors soon and these will be walls and we'll need to set up some mining to kind of make this place look a little nicer something like that this needs to be part of the home zone cuz I like to do the home zone manually otherwise they end up like running all over the map and cleaning sand and stupid things like that so we'll just set this up for what I've got at the moment and this area should be roughed in alright looking good getting better yeah I need defenses need meal service I know believe me I know this is not lost on me okay yeah just just go ahead and go to bed I guess I guess that's fine let's get these bricks out of here yeah yeah poor Hiroshi hopefully you're a heavy sleeper oh I'm sorry man but well oh well color boudoirs look at this I'm gonna glance at it feeling stressed why what's up with you buddy awful beric rebuffed they just got in a relationship seriously okay well anyway you DUI gasps all right I need to turn off mining too and we don't have any good miners so yeah I'm gonna put this on all of you even at fairly low priorities yeah yeah I just gotta have you work on it oh here's our two last jounalist as we expected that's okay let's wait till it gets a little closer and then we'll grab everybody and come kill it extra we should probably do that right away everyone come here we should be able to handle it right maybe provided it's not shooting webs at us fire webs or whatever come on kill it kill it kill it oh this one's gonna keep running okay I don't know who it's chasing Furcal maybe nope oh yeah it was okay great just leave it up there to rot it's okay all right carry on everybody Roshi buddy what are you doing relaxing okay what I need you to do though actually is come haul a bunch of marble chunks here and then chop them apart so that we can make walls and things like that and a base and I'd better get some power up to here we're probably not gonna turn that into a building for quite a while so I guess let's go ahead all we have is wind turbines available twist at the beginning I can put it right over the growing area here it's gonna wreck some of the stuff I planted but that's okay yeah that's fine go ahead do that and we'll get some power conduits in obviously we're doing a battery zip what we can go ahead and we can put a light in won't that be fancy yeah you go ahead and do that whatever it is you're doing and we can go ahead we can use some more of our precious wood for doors no we really can't we really can't let's just do some steel at the moment it's also not a great use of Steel but well here we are tada and now you've got a light during the day yay research faster all right fercho you're taking a survival meal and then why don't you come cut some stone we need more and Hiroshi is actually cutting out the walls actually that's not a good use of your time let's clear this let's have you two switch basically okay yep come work for a little bit not much longer but a little longer fur coat actually since you're out and about why don't you go ahead and make this stool it's so that your body's got someplace to sleep here we go normal quality good enough and now we can actually go ahead and bring these beds inside that's good enough for now it's not very good but it's good enough for now at least we'll lose that barracks penalty so go ahead and move those over please need batteries yeah I'd love to have batteries fight access to batteries and it's something that would be all over made a comment about ah I keep missing these will zoom in and we'll keep an eye on these over time all right let's reassign your rooms just to make sure I've got the right people yep there we go don't sleep on the ground please thank you all right so what's our next priority gonna be um hmm yes thank you do that in your own room I'm sure everybody will love that this is actually pretty great we have hardly any modifiers here this is really good and I think we're gonna have time to get a harvest in before everybody dies that'll be really great well obviously it'd be really great but it's greater even than it could be under other circumstances and I would interrupt your research but seriously I can't I just I can't all right welcome to the indoors hooray so what's this look like now 75% yeah that's fine it's good enough okay so next up I'm wondering actually if I should temporarily have to research benches probably not let's look these guys finish up working in these rooms quick and then we'll need some granite hauled over as well Hiroshi how are you doing yeah hungry unfulfilled yeah okay I'll let you go go ahead and go eat I should probably put a door on the inside here but we'll get to that actually I should just move this zone I don't know why I have this down here copy settings delete and let's go ahead and let's move it over here just here is fine it doesn't really matter and here's our first raid our tribes person hello black tobacco okay do we want to try to capture you underground or a quick sleep or psychically death Wow look at this guy I wonder if we'll be able to capture and recruit him/her probably not unfortunately but I'll make an attempt in the sense that I'm gonna have all of my people come shoot at her but besides that I'm gonna make an attempt there we go here comes our first assault yeah come on up here let's see how well that wooden Club does maybe we won't kill her actually I didn't look at your health as your health okay oh you've a peg leg no I am gonna discriminate it against the disabled here and just let everyone shoot you yeah you're basically dead don't walk the table come on guys okay well now I got to make decision whether or not I want to capture I honestly don't think I can we're down to 20 meals no we can't afford that you don't even have any gear do you know you don't all right well no unfortunately I'm sorry you're just doomed okay carry on people remove our table inside as such a person fled out that's good do you want to go ahead and carry them over and toss them in a grave that's fine is this any better than using your bare hands oh yeah it is who's gonna be out combating most of the time it probably wait who uh who loved melee that was you so why don't you go ahead and equip this as a sidearm then you've got a club won't that be awesome yes yes it will okay care of that stuff on in very good how's our plants doing 60% I think we're gonna get away with it it's still not very hot out yeah we're totally gonna get away with that okay good deal I should probably do something about these rotting corpses but Matt how are you doing on batteries not doing super great again I'm wondering if I should put together a second resource as a second research bench for the first bit I don't know man this is worrisome okay you've got some more stone blocks done let's go ahead and let's just continue this granite wall like I said I don't know where the entrance is gonna be but well I do now actually it's gonna be over here apparently so we'll do that I'll set up something fairly straightforward at the beginning probably the usual like trap kill box thing and then we'll see what I can expand into later once you've got some better technologies available to us look at you working away gosh you're industrious good job okay added another zone out here for rotting corpses that will be okay I'm gonna need you guys to take apart a little more space in here and the reason is and they're not gonna like this our nutrient paste dispenser needs to fit in here that's right no beating nutrient paste frankly I need the efficiency I just I just have to have it so that's what they're getting they're not gonna like that at all but well so it goes chatted about beards the other colonists you are a gossip aren't you she is I mean I suppose that's ok in its own way but still AE batteries are done cool and now we need hydroponics and then solar panels but hydroponics first we should be able to get away with powering hydroponics from wind for a while although not for long gab it about facial hair this is the second time that's come up hmm it's a little weird oh there's an iguana we got to kill it unfortunately it's gonna come udall our rice so actually you're right here come here kill the iguana I don't even have any use for it once it's dead come on kill it good job carry on it's also getting pretty hot our rice it's 84% so I can harvest it so it should be ok let's go and let's throw a battery in here by the way before I forget about them and then we should probably just go ahead and put in an AC unit it's really hot and they're gonna get pretty and happy about that so go ahead and just put it I don't know here I'll have them make that in the morning okay getting the cooler in the battery built very good one cooler can probably keep it reasonable in here yeah I think that'll be fine yeah I think that'll be fine and is this enough room here for a nutrient paste dispenser boy they're gonna hate this but yep yeah well there's plenty of room for that so what else is nice about using rice is that it takes so long for it to break down I don't have to put this in a cooler so go ahead and put a hopper in actually why don't you take these stones out to your rooms are just gonna be awful for a while and I'm sorry about that and I'm gonna turn this off even though there's no power to it because we don't need it at the moment speaking of which let's go ahead and let's run some power over to it come on there we go yeah maybe one wind turbines not gonna be enough to we'll probably enough to keep the battery charged construction botched really disappointing you know what build - and that's just rip our metal supplies unfortunately I mean I can go ahead and have them start mining especially since somebody's idle why don't you go ahead and do that just start mining some steel we're just gonna need tons and tons and tons of steel we're okay in components for the moment so I'm not gonna have you deal with that go ahead and take apart this ship chunk actually yeah there we go once the wind picks up it should make it okay in here first stalwart researcher who's researching away in the hopes of keeping our colonists surviving because they have 15 meals left but this will be fine yeah yeah for sure this will definitely be fine okay good we're gonna go to a with that we may yet wipe but at least it won't be from starvation probably I think and when you're done laying on the sand why don't you go ahead and haul those components in look at this queued yep I'm gonna keep sending them away they'll hang out in the area it's good for them though they can hang out in the extreme desert and wait for a step time for them oh yeah yeah okay this is great this is tons of power okay we'll just go ahead and build another one of these so I don't forget a nutrient paste it's not that bad of a debuff it's like minus four so it'll be okay it'll be good for him we're not gonna have much longer though when things can grow outside so we do need some more power because I am gonna have to put in the Sun lamp which is frustrating but there's really not much else I can do about it I can't leave these things outside in the winter I can go ahead and just take the roof out and that will be nice but I can't do that in the summer it's simply too hot we don't need this little building so let's go ahead and let's take it out rice is at 95% good good good low food I know it's okay I got a plan our plan is a good one ish there's no question my plan exists how about that and check it out we've got rice coming inside hooray should I even let you regrow this I guess you can try cargo pods really it's leathers come get this stuff right now that is super important oh this is I can't believe we got leather out of a cargo pod that is gonna be a big deal I'm very happy about that okay cool you know what if this thing avoids rotting no they won't it doesn't have time I was gonna say I can chop it up and stick it in a hopper but they'll eat the survival meals first and that's a okay here we go so a funny story so the power just went out here for a moment I have my tower on the UPS but nothing else so luckily actually everything turned out okay here so hooray I'm just really glad that the recording didn't get corrupted so actually this is a good sign to go ahead and take a break so before you close the tab hold on a couple things first so first off if rim world looks like a lot of fun to you you should go and purchase a copy it's not very expensive and as I say constantly it's important to support the developers of the games that we love so that they can continue to make them you should also go pick up the soundtrack it's only a couple dollars the music is great and composers don't get the recognition they deserve secondly it's apparently become a tradition of mine that I'm giving away a copy as I said to go buy it so if you go ahead and leave a comment just you know whatever post anything you want tomorrow right before the video posts I'll draw someone and stick it on the beginning of the video so that'll be what 2:30 p.m. Central something like that hopefully I've posted it up here in UTC so you can convert it and I think that's it yeah if you've enjoyed the video feel free to subscribe or leave a like or whatever but in any case thanks for watching and I hope to see you next time
Channel: Decoherent
Views: 782,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Rimworld, 1.0, Desert
Id: yusKuLgqLsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 16sec (2476 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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