Rimworld Survival Island SOLO Colonist vs Randy Random ALL Passions NO Skills #4 | Going Underground

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welcome back to our life on an island last time 10 rim crabs joined us so now we just have an army of crabs running around you left a lot of good name suggestions so I decided on mr. Krebs whoops that ones female Claudia Claudia crabby kingler crab brave brave dr. Zoidberg and I was going to name this one the fresh pinch of bel-air but I have only enough room for the fresh pinch so I just have to live with that Will Smith would be proud next I have to bring power downstairs because ultimately I want to move all their lodgings downstairs it's far safer down here and I could make the upstairs be entirely for security and prisoner holding afterward we'll need to dig deep so I'm starting with a steel power transmitter column and this should bring power above and below now there'll be more over time but I'm just hoping that we'll luck out on some steel as we go that's good on dugu just build that steel power transfer column and great before much else I want to make sure that we get power transmitted between levels and we can't really go out on this quest unfortunately and I can't believe I almost forgot this in my playthrough from the beginning it had been my goal to create a banana republic and that's what belongs here now we're really upping our recruitment chances with flamingos we want to get him to join ASAP because he's a good miner and he also has the underground err trait and he's a fantastic miner just as good as undue goo and he's also evil and if that didn't seem like a lot of tasks we also need to start surveying underground for steel and components although it looks like only coral I'm sure there's got to be some deeper down here we can always go to deeper levels if we don't find anything at first or banana farm has begun and we have a blight on the hill roots ooh that hurts we just lost all of our heal root now lest it taint the bananas this should be satisfying to see yes yes do it oh good good save them save them huzzah the blade is gone next we can start to expand our coral wall to encompass more of the island and claim more land that's starting to Ryan me more and more of Cuba I love Cuba the next trick will be to add shelves so that the room doesn't get so ugly and that way we can efficiently cut stone blocks without having to go up and down the stairs all the time after an absurd amount of resistance lowering flamingos perhaps ready to join us soon we can reinstall our horseshoes pin at a safer location and our crabs can make love in peace crabby has been fertilized who is the father hell if I know if they go off to crab sleep only some of them use my dig not yeah they should all go to bed sleep wherever you're comfortable Carbon dr. Zoidberg are really getting along who their eggs have been fertilized I've never had to care for rim crab eggs those need a crab barn okay some sort of lean-to out here and we could just wall in those eggs put on a wooden door Wow raising crabs I never thought I'd see the day and we'll set this the preferred spot for eggs animal eggs never thought I'd see the day I'm going to be a father I'm going to be a father too crabs make that three my newest problem is the unbelievable amount of dirt but we must be doing something right if our new war is won on dirt and not against Raiders I'm also fighting a war on nudity so we're going to need some cotton plants a jade meteorite has struck the earth in the middle of the ocean now Jade is a wonderful material it can skyrocket mood boosts and make everyone completely happy in your colony but it would also skyrocket our wealth which is rising daily with the growing crab population so I'm content to leave the Jade there for a while until a trader comes along until then coral is fine well I think it's time to give PEX what he's always wanted he's a transhumanist and he feels limited in his feeble human body now the only thing that he will take that's not going to be so debilitating would be installing a denture a wooden jaw don't ask me why he's just always gonna be upset if he doesn't have this and so I'll do it out of love well that's weird it can't happen unless if there's herbal medicine nearby and for that he needs to be on the lower floor for it to be sensed alright just someone do this at some point we'll set up a new shelf for herbal medicine all right pecs are you ready scalpel sponge wooden jaw hopefully this won't kill him I just want him to be happy let me just clean up the operating room there we go clean clean it up clean it up the sand off the Florida they are much better kids any of the operation and there we go he's going to be happy and he's pleased about his body part now two out of three of my colonists are happy the other one needs pants and she's jealous and on dugu's finally had some luck compacted steel underground we can use this hopefully it will open up a vein and we can find even more of this stuff yes that was right there is more behind now although it's rare when you do find it usually there's a lot of it more spacecraft landed nearby in the lagoon Oh more friend I almost lost these crab eggs why are these crabs trying to abort their children crab he didn't want her child I'll save it I'll save it your he'll adopt your crabs even if crabby can't have you now crabs eat vegetables raw meat corpses seeds live plants meals processed foods liquor and kibble so I think devil's claw leaves working that too and I'm gonna make an area for them to store them I don't want my crabs having their children out in the open keep my crabs safe in a home a crab barn it's just wacky enough to work let these crabs eat let these crabs [ __ ] let them be happy there they go there they go eating the please eat them it's special for you come home my crabs come home like the prodigal son you finally have a crab form oh they're loving it here they're loving it yes fall in love here kingler and crab rave and they could just eat off the coconut trees well that's quite fortunate we'll grow them even more coconut trees for crab meals and we can't do nevermind like just you're on your own crabs now armed with enough steel we can transmit power downstairs and I've said undo go off to do some cleaning next he should start his research and we'll also put in a lamp just to make sure that the power is set up right and it looks like the power is transmitting from the upstairs so we can get light downstairs which should help combat some of those underground or statuses you know like they won't be tired or upset if they're in the dark and great we're finishing off our research on batteries and we'll have sustainable power I'd also like a light in here eventually or really just to move the entire research operation somewhere else there we go much better have some light by which to study on dugu the next thing I really want is micro electronics it's pretty much a game breaker and we've had good enough relations that we could have some traders come in now as time goes on I'm going to start to move operations underground so for me that means wider hallways and eventually bedrooms for our colonists downstairs I just like the look and feel of it you don't have to agree with me and this is more or less the structure that will go for it's going to be like Hoth from Star Wars pretty much a snow base except it's all coral upstairs we'll eventually just be to fend off Raiders and raise my crabs [ __ ] my crabs are running out of food they don't eat Devils cold damn these crabs will they at least eat bananas oh my crabs go hungry yeah shame my crabs eaten either devil's claw leaves nor bananas what else will whet their appetite okay crabs be free crabs be free like a wrench we've always completely shattered the resistance of flamingos and we're being raided by the novel world Accord these people have guns guns and knives but they're terrible shots and bad at melee in the words of Eminem I'm not afraid do your worst nav Oh world tribe pecks and I and our are armed to the teeth we will destroy you so sealing back in my crabs we'll assume the position of Defense and cower in the doorway and they veered off to the side I honestly think we could start a shootout with these guys though and probably win just out on the beaches here we go mile come on pecs ooh pecs is right arm is really screwed up but he is also not wearing a shirt and he's been shot twice okay you've got to back out of this one buddy he's really screwed up this guy does have a flak jacket okay we got a hit in death in 17 hours I'm dugu might want to retreat here pecks desperately needs emergency treatment okay cron door four just stand by he's bleeding out okay he'll make it it's just I don't want on dugu to get shot otherwise we'll be relying on spike traps for defense and they might kill my crabs and set fire to my fields well i'm dugu's managed to avoid getting shot oh [ __ ] mmm I should not have said that okay I'm due google run back he's been shot he's gonna shout in the kidneys it's really not good for your kidneys okay crabs get back to the safe space I want all crabs on security force duty subdue this bandit they're beginning their assault well if they do die we get a good revolver and a sheep wool bowler hat I dare you to get past my crap no don't say fire don't say fire oh [ __ ] I can't really do anything about it but yeah okay ooh no okay the fresh pinch okay great no don't get on my roof there on the roof just doing something okay and they are fleeing and good okay he's you know I'll have to put out that fire Pratt I don't like you you're going to die in three hours and you're very badly maimed so hope you had a nice life yeah our people are safe and kraan door fur is putting out the fire Thank You Kuran door fer you have earned your place in our colony I was wrong about you I was wrong crabs back to bird land oh yes teamwork makes dreams work we lost half the medicine but we saved the bananas mmm yes good my people good save our fart whatever it is a resort there we go well done well done team and undo who gets a good revolver and on dugu also gets dinner as well as a flak jacket that's that's pretty nice ah the Food Network a kron door 4 will also be less upset by wearing tainted clothing than being naked so I stand by it well crowned or furs almost completely reduced the resistance of flamingos so I'd say he's just about ready to join us and a wanderer has joined an uber old rebel named sergeant we're getting up near the maximum he's a another bowler hadded guy coming into the ocean okay he's good at construction I hate his traits okay well at least he'll just do construction he'll he'll pretty much just do that all the time hey not everybody comes in with a bowler hat and if he doesn't fit in there are other ways of disposing with him next we'll start to build out a power room a place we can store our batteries and we can give Sarge in our first underground bedroom there he goes and we'll see if this conflicts with the upstairs you got a normal quality bed and yes we're finally getting recruitment on flamingos all of the resistance is gone it's taken a long-ass time and another rare thrombosed I prefer the term expendable and also expensive finally a mining partner and we could add batteries to our [ __ ] show transport pod crash that's a lot of colonists at once this gentleman's a hard worker night owl and an optimist incapable of caring not particularly good at anything but this is a nice trait and so is this if I can't save him I can't eat him welcome aboard lad found Orford go save him will he expire will he expire three hours three hours he is not doing well okay just save him right here on the spot if you can he got cut on the neck and tore who he's addicted to alcohol not such a bad addiction though he's an itchy stab scar maybe you could pull through I want him in my life I hope that he joins us and the batteries are charging now this I find a more suitable habitation oh I didn't even notice this baby rim crabs now we have one two three four five six if six more rim crabs they're adorable I'm looking upstairs it appears that Houston has decided to join you should is thankful that you rescued him Houston is thankful that you rescued him he has decided that he would rather stay than leave and is joining your colony I hope nobody's angry at us instead well now we are literally the a a support group he's addicted to alcohol and we don't have any beer so we have these underground meetings that will have to suffice okay if he recovers that would be wonderful he's in good hands here he's in good hands and we got a party going on with Kron dorver didn't picture her as the partying type but okay okay she's throwing a party at the fire and Houston has it one beer he's contributing I guess that's his last one that's actually quite sad no he had four left all right all right we'll just force him to throw away the rest okay we need to just slowly wean him off of this I haven't dealt with an addiction in a while okay he feels better all right I guess we could just condone it for a long for a while for a while anyway oh we recruited flamingo exactly what I wanted now this guy is a fantastic miner and I need him to be with us great wonderful wonderful now we can practically just have a specialized miner and he also happens to be a fairly decent doctor as well so I'm just gonna assign him permanently to mining and down in the deep we're gonna start our new home down here we have three excellent miners at our side and I think we can practically just move the entire colony underground except for the crab farm and the rig and all of the power obviously that we'll need to stay up here a plague on the crabs nevertheless we can now delete all of this stockpile zone from the hallways and make our new rooms into the actual stockpile zones that and give people bedrooms down here I don't think it's going to harm them so badly just to be in the darkness for a while we can light it up and they shouldn't be underground too long that they get the underground or debuff in general I think it's more secure to up here they're kind of exposed to attack we have a heat wave an unusually bad event this is why we need to start cooling down or underground I anticipated that this would happen and I wanted to insulate us from the temperature so let's just fill the entire floor with passive coolers and one for each bedroom for now it's the best we can do and much as expected it seems to be cooler downstairs it's 102 degrees Fahrenheit up here but when we go down the stairs it's 81 and 76 in the room so I don't know if I should attribute this to the passive cooler upstairs and if temperature carrots frizz in that way but maybe we have a little bit more insulation downstairs hard to say hard to say now it's a hundred and twenty-two degrees above ground and even in the house it's 118 but below ground it's still 63 to 77 so I definitely say that we have a better either better insulation or assist the passive coolers taking over one or the other though were safer under here so now Houston might go crazy he's experiencing the massive pain of an alcohol withdrawal and I think he drank all the alcohol and we've got most of our colony under ground at this point it's just kromm door four really just grande or FERS sleeping upstairs they don't move furniture very well between floors so I'm okay with that she was going to snap anyway let her have a catharsis and feel good she's hot now we have three minor break risks one due to alcohol withdrawal one due to heat stroke and one due to not having any pants I need to take care of my people and a days she was jealous of sergeant's bedroom underground ok facts you know what to do help her good good just bring her back with love ok we will rescue you from yourself well this is awkward it turns out that we can actually rescue her between levels every time I try to bring her downstairs she just gets stuck in this infinite loop so we need her to just weather this horrible inhospitable condition upstairs no Kenny take her Oh heat in fact he can I stand corrected well this is a funny happenstance and she'll recover from heatstroke very good very good an addiction Council is passing by Sammy Guerra door I wonder what he's good at maybe he can help us and a tortoise is self tamed too bird land with you join the crabs now you finally get more power going down here for some reason I don't think that the energy is transferring from the upper floor I'm creating power up here and trying to send it down to the batteries but they just don't seem to be linking right up so this is the best I can do we're being raided by the Devils again these people hate us still only one guy am at the second hardest difficulty I don't know why Randy doesn't kill me more but I've questioned him in the past two my own failures so I won't do it again well I'm sending everyone to the defense this time all of you can get drafted prepare to die bump stop criminal scum we'll just hide in the trees and shoot him in the face everyone's in position everyone's in position ok shoot him in the face great job oh wow none of those shots hit ray we've hit Bob with a roo in the right lung and the torso well done well done people well then wow we're gonna need some training you're gonna need some real training here a flamingo has decided to join us ok to Birdland there's a lot of danger right here though and flamingo has ironically been shot right here no we didn't even get to eat him alright my people ok just go back to your lives right now I'm playing on blood and dust but maybe I should turn it up to the most difficult difficulty I don't like playing on it cuz I'll get sent diseases more often but no let's just wait till some terrible [ __ ] happens anyway we have a really decent underground set up now and I'd say that we're ready to start specializing in duties were not duties yeah duties not like doodoo duties but like duty like you know jobs so now it's time to divvy up the tasks next time I think we get some actual research going now we'll probably put on do goo up to that whoo he's doctoring now though and then after that and after that our colony's full speed ahead I don't see anything limiting us anymore it's just organizing and well that's pretty much it anyway thanks for watching I hope you're enjoying this island paradise playthrough as much as I am I'm glad that we struck metal cuz I was worried that wouldn't happen but it did so there's supposed to also be components down here and cross your fingers for that cuz we got a long ways to go but I'm liking the way it's going and the animals that are pretty unexpected but fun too anyway thanks for watching give me some more animal names I got a name more rim crabs I got a name of flamingo and we have a tortoise now too so yeah leave that down below maybe thanks for watching my name is ambiguous amphibian and as always I'll see you guys in the next video bye bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 118,360
Rating: 4.979084 out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld 1.1, rimworld game, rimworld survival guidesland, rimworld naked, rimworld difficult, rimworld solo, rimworld 2020, rimworld z levels, rimworld mods, rimworld solo colonist, rimworld all passions no skills, rimworld all passions, rimworld single colonist, rimworld solo survival, rimworld lets play, rimworld let's play, rimworld modded, rimworld mods 1.1, rimworld thrumbos, rimworld 1.1 let's play, rimworld video game, rimworld animals
Id: F_RqGpBPtzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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