NAKED ICE SHEET 🧊 Rimworld 500% Difficulty - #1

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what's the most extreme rim world challenge possible ice sheet no northern ice sheet naked brutality 500 difficulty fixed wealth progress mode and character that does not have the super overpowered cannibal trait my name is xavier and welcome to the naked ice sheet 500 rim world challenge with the release of rimworld 1.2 we now finally have an ice sheet challenge that's difficult something i'm actually interested in tackling i never cared much for the old ones because you could basically solo them by just having a cannibal perk and that was it it was so overpowered but now without that end with 500 difficulty oh boy this is going to be fun anyway here's the settings for this campaign naked brutality play style of losing is fun set to 500 percent and fix wealth progress mode the seat is thresher and we are going to spawn all the way up here in the absolute frozen north ice sheet [Music] we're gonna pick the very first character on the list i'm not even gonna change them in any way shape or form we'll redeem them to luna who's jealous and nimble and we're off [Music] um so it's currently 17 fahrenheit negative eight celsius outdoors we have snow header one over here snow header two down here and snow header three otherwise we have a vicious lynx who's gonna get very hungry in about 20 hours and a polar bear which by the way is extremely difficult to trap i found out after five hours of trying to devise a trap to trap the polar bear it's basically impossible or you can get lucky so you'll see how i'm gonna handle this i have a plan a really sneaky plan now for those of you who are wondering yeah i've already played this scenario for 20 hours dying repeatedly but now now i know how to tackle it the first thing we need to concern ourselves with is hypothermia we will immediately start freezing and as we get colder our manipulation will go down and then we'll start wasting resources and there's very very very little resources that we can waste on this map so we're going to immediately come down here and build a shelter over the closest steam geyser possible we'll do that by disassembling all this steel down here already we're at 11 manipulation negative eight when we hit 20 manipulation will go down negative 20. so we'll let her do two halls here and then we'll put in a four by four block around this steam geyser consisting of steel walls as such with a steel door that's going to be exactly 100 steel if we don't fail constructing something we'll hold this door open for when the steam vent actually does work oh this is very very very priority here we're going to do a full priority haul stack for like 60 or some odd steel in the time it takes luna to get back there she's going to go from negative 8 to negative 20 and then we're going to start failing and wasting steel which is very unfortunate there's not much we can do about it not one failure that's a great way to start the campaign let's move these guys out of here as well just as soon as the roof is done she can warm up in there all right hypothermia just just below the negative 20 threshold we'll sit in here for a little while and just warm up drop it down and then go hunt those bunnies before the links or the polar bears steal them it's going to be very important and i don't want to hunt them with negative 20 because we'll fail a lot we'll get lots of cuts then we have to tend to ourself it's gonna be pretty bad there this will be fairly decent at six percent that'll give us time to hunt all the bunnies now you can make a club but the time it takes to make a club it kind of throws into the threshold where the lynx or the polar bear might get hungry and then come out and eat the bunnies and then you can literally starve to death on day two it's not a fun time so better to just punch the bunnies awesome only one bite there now even though we have one bite i'm not gonna take the time to bandage we're still at eight percent let's go kill one more bunny and bring it back [Music] oh my god luna's kind of a boss by the way thanks to luna for being one of our newest executive producers very much appreciate it i hope you enjoy your playthrough you're gonna have to do some pretty crazy ridiculous things to survive this is a no holds barred anything is acceptable challenge the only goal is survive and we're gonna survive at some pretty dire costs by the way luna's number that rolled uh for the rng on the patreon list was actually 420. i was like that's a little foreboding for this campaign any event this is a good time to mention our channel is a hundred percent patron funded well technically we get 11 cents per episode so you guys enjoy this series and you want to see more check out our patreon we'll throw a link on the screen right now we'll have some fun named characters coming up they're gonna i could pretty much guarantee you they're not gonna die in interesting ways but hey it'll be interesting at least right we're making sure to bandage while we're inside with the steam geyser so our hypothermia is going down while we're in here [Music] and even before six o'clock in the afternoon we are ready let's go get that final bunny it's the final bunny [Music] is this funny i almost choked drinking water singing a song in front of an audience that's that's what let me know in the comments down below look how i pulled that one off i couldn't look dumb but now i just made it like a good interactive thing to boost our statistics so that maybe uh youtube will recommend this to people pretty good [Music] yes only one hit boys this is actually fantastic i can't tell you the amount of times i have died trying to do different things in this campaign like say getting an infection on day one actually having shivering hypothermia missing a bunny so much the bunny won and knocked out the character on day one it can happen you got to manage that hypothermia very very very critically by the way leaving this door open here is the only way to make sure you don't actually overheat and in case you guys were wondering you can have hypothermia and heat stroke at the same time i had no idea but you can actually have that happen all right just the polar bear and the lynx remains while luna uh heals up and then we'll clean when we're done with that i'll cue up a couple orders down here to haul all the steel 64. now you can haul 67 steel if you're at 100 manipulation however she never is because of a scar we started with in her right arm i think she can only haul 62. and this is actually kind of interesting because normally i don't care about these little micro statistics because they don't matter that much but in this campaign it makes all the difference in the world so that's a whole other trip walking across the snow when you go really slow because we have 64. i think she's going to haul 62 or maybe 57 depending on her hypothermia when she gets here and also her wound status so we're going to not haul those remaining steel and just forbid them so we don't die walking out here yeah 57 okay the remaining seven we'll just put on for bid for now ah now because we do not have the cannibal park we 100 need to focus on our moods to the high heavens and we need to be efficient with our time meaning we want to sleep efficiently so i want to actually spend that steal to build a bed in here immediately i want to make sure also that when we do construct it we don't have negative 20 from hypothermia looks like we're okay make sure she forces that for the night manipulation is only 76 because of the wounds and the stab scar but it should be enough because luna here is actually pretty decent i'll go over her character as she's sleeping at night assuming she doesn't fail this is a great start to this challenge by the way if you haven't played well fixed wealth scaling difficult i think that's what it's called it's ridiculous the first raid we get will be the typical one character the second raid we get well i guess i shouldn't spoil it but it's ridiculous and the third raid i actually it's really ridiculous i'll just leave it at that anyway luna here has a half decent shooting skill she's got a melee of nine with a passion a construction of nine construction is actually really important because there's so few resources we can't afford to waste any she also has nimble which believe it or not is an exceptionally good trait for the specific playthrough because it reduces your chances of springing a trap when you step on them by 90 so you can actually have a path that is full of traps that you walk over the enemies can't uh can't do anything but walk on the traps so that's something we're going to use quite a bit later on with nimble it's a strong perk otherwise she doesn't have too much going for although she does have a good intellectual for later on if we can survive to the research phase of the game she's pretty well malnourished a single mental break at this stage of the game is guaranteed death so the first thing we're gonna have to do when she wakes up is a butcher these guys and just eat them raw actually because she's not healing because she's completely hungry we'll have her force a butcher them right now eat up so she can heal while she's sleeping the rest of the night at six o'clock in the morning the links in the polar bear will wake up and at some point between six in the morning and noon the polar bear should get a little hungry and have no choice but to attack the lakes [Music] nine frozen rabbit gives you a half a full stomach case you guys were wondering okay [Music] awesome now she'll fix up the rest while reducing her wounds as she sleeps and malnutrition goes away completely now then let's keep our eye on the lynx and the polar bear we see the polar bear in the southwest and we see the links right near us over here look i went to sleep right near the blood it's like oh i smell rabbit blood where is it if i sleep with my eyes open maybe it'll show up [Music] come on bear don't make a fool out of me you need to be hungry yes and luna's doing the one and only thing she can do right now which is praying for recreation getting that mood buff up we're gonna have a penalty for eating raw food very very very frequently for a long time probably the first 10 15 days minimum so it's important we keep our moods as high as possible for now though we can't die to a polar bear or lynx well we set foot outside for half a second and the lynx is attacking us we actually want the links to come close but here's a little tip the animals on the map will not go into manhunter mode if you're inside even if the door is held open however if you outside and they start hunting you they'll walk inside of the door so all we have to do here is walk back in shut the door come back in okay now we can actually hold the door open and not worry about the links there we go fantastic we'll forbid it and this will allow the heat to push out the door not cooking us inside while preventing the animals from going on berserker manhunter mode or whatever it is and the lynx is really close which is important because that polar bear must be getting hungry come on buddy any minute now luna's consuming the very last of the hair meat okay her she's in jeopardy of going into a mental break and we're just going to sit here and pray for a little while until that polar bear gets the polar bear is hungry boys all right phase two of the plan polar bears coming links you want to get a little bit closer buddy just a smidgey ouija closer if you please thanks you you hungry buddy yep there he is and in we go where it's nice and safe don't forget though if the door is held shut we will burn to death here comes the polar bear i'm gonna come say hello we'll come out briefly go back in and boom all right now this is the trixie trixie trixie part right we have to make sure the door is not being held open better naked we have nimble this polar bear's got nothing on the map to eat but the lynx poor buddy look at him oh his jaw shattered and he's unconscious now and he's dead thanks polar bear okay now i can guarantee you the polar bear's not gonna be happy about this so spy music run run run run run run run run run he hit us oh boy nine times out of ten that doesn't actually happen but this time it did that's very bad and he's at the door so we actually can't come out there he'll bite us again okay good he went away let's come back here and hold it open before we get cooked he won't go on berserk as long as we don't step outside of that tile awesome back and we go we'll tend to it ourself now inside with the door sealed so we don't go outside okay most of the times i've done this i would say 75 percent of the time i get away without even getting scratched ever so slightly this time he took a clip but i think we'll be okay hopefully isn't that awesome though imagine in real life you're naked in the snow in like antarctica you're like oh there's a polar bear there's a do you think how big a polar bear they're freaking huge and you're like all right get the links polar bear get it and then you're just like run it all naked with a freaking dead links in your shoulder absolutely insane imagine it be freaking insane [Music] once we're done tending to ourselves we'll clean the room to reduce the chance of infection and while we're at it we'll shut off dr kidder with medicine i'll just use regular doctor care ah phase three of the plan a group of travelers from tilar are passing by so we're about to see the throw down the ultimate throw down of a polar bear versus that group of mans while we're at it we're gonna come outside because the polar bear is already hunting them right now there's no reason for us not to go down there and uh enjoy the show simultaneously coming back with some treats god luna is one cunning survivor huh just conning i kind of feel like luna might feel bad for all the death and murder she's going to ensue she's like yes get them there i need their coat i'm really hoping uh everyone does show up with a parka so i'm really hoping it kills one of them and we get a parka that's kind of necessary for survival because we can't make one no matter what we do here we go these guys are none too suspecting if it bites one of the ones with the m gun no never mind it went for the one with the knife unfortunately yes there it is buzz oh oh it got henry the barkeep he has a cloth tooth but he didn't have a parka let's go strip him really quickly they're going to be angry at us but a two oh god wait wait wait wait it's coming for us now oopsies i forgot i'm too zealous i'm too zealous whoo thanks boys listen here's what we're going to do we're going to strip henry sorry henry i need that coat really badly our relation's going to go from 11 to 1 that's okay let's have me i said no holds barred luna is about survival at any cost any cost boys we'll strip zelian over here let's look at these two knives that we got for ourselves poor 99 and poor all right we'll have ourselves come over here and equip that steel knife when we're done we'll unforbid the meals i'm pretty sure we're starving looks like yes we are let's go consume that simple meal galena's like my god envy can you believe it your odds melee fighting skills was so bad she died trying to punch a polar bear like what oh my god we could potentially save henry but honestly uh it's not likely however what is likely is that we can get some medicine skill and medicine skill will potentially save us so let's do that we'll eat up then we'll save henry here and just uh learn a little bit from him [Music] before we do that because it's super cold let's go strip and put on the parka this is going to be tainted but at least it's not tattered which is good okay that is one heck of a fantastic opening only thing that could have went better is the better attack someone with a gun and we got one of the guns but alas let's take a look at our medical skill 2008 out of 3 000 and henry's got one two three four five scratches we can learn from okay that's everything patched we gained 438 medical skill putting us halfway to level three which is fantastic it's also possible we could save henry here and get a reputation boost but quite frankly we don't need to and it may come to pass that we might need to consume henry a little bit later so i think actually leaving him here is the smarter plan we'll forbid all these tainted clothes and just leave them and let's haul these meals home before a bunny spawns and wanders over and eats one of them [Music] because our mood is getting so low we're going to clean up in here and then just have a nice rest and i'll keep an eye if a bunny spawns or not if one does spawn i'll be sure to run over and grab those meals but until then i actually really enjoy this challenge like every little thing what i haul it's a hauling challenge effectively probably hate it but every little thing needs to be hauled at exactly the right time or else you die we're also going to move the animal corpse outside so it will freeze and stay preserved boom at this point i want to do everything possible to increase luna's mood as much as i can and one thing we can do is get rid of eight without a table very easily by coming over here there's two sandstone tables let's grab the one that is much higher we'll uninstall that and we'll reinstall it right up in here inside awesome amazingly henry hasn't frozen to death and he got an infection so we can get a little bit more medical skill here and simultaneously haul a polar bear or some meals back voila it's not going to help him survive but hey more medical skill for us bill socho is visiting the colony a hey little bill soto the 16 year old teenage villager what's going on wow he doesn't have a parka but look tech print jump pack oh come on we oh come on medicine package survival meals times five each two components 158 silver and three fine meals this is a absolute bounty we need more steel and this table right here will give us exactly that let's come deconstruct it very quickly there 38 steel from a table is great so i'm going to use this steel to make a steel trap right here immediately technically our recreation's a little bit low and we can't go on a mental break or this is game over so we'll wait for a little walk then we'll make that trap as soon as possible it does take a long time and i don't want nag up here to leave okay good enough let's go we can get this going it's going to be a little bit a bit of a brawl but we have nimble and we have a trap on our side if he fights [Music] back five four three two one there it is all right luna is so cutting she's not gonna survive no matter the cost whoo all right little bill soto sorry we attacked him negative 12. i want to do as little as possible i hope he just steps in a trap every time we attack him we get a penalty so maybe we can bait him into a trap let's see he's attacking he's missing he is fighting back though that's fantastic come over here little buddy come over here come on oh nope he wants to go bandage himself which means he can't fight back while he's bandaging okay boom you made the wrong oh he's fighting back oh boy death in 18 hours we have we're fine he actually just bruised us he doesn't know how to use a knife apparently hey buddy you're the poor guy i feel bad now if we don't get to negative 50 this relationship will repair over time however we're gonna get to negative 50 unfortunately death in 12 hours actually come out here and take a look i'll let luna tend to herself in the meantime i want to see maybe his manipulation is low enough and his medical skill is bad enough that he may actually die anyway we've tended to one of our wounds already and he still hasn't tended to one okay that's one okay he will get out of this meaning we're gonna have to double down on it sorry little buddy later oh negative 49. and this time we hit him a whole bunch more to death in 10 hours okay let's try to avoid hitting him again a little bit see if it works for us oh he's gonna take the yayo no way he's like i need drugs this is too bad if i attack him one more time that's so bad death in nine hours now we're good let's just run you know what let's go inside and shut the door behind us look at this think about this think about this in real life like i've seen stuff like this in movies where like two people are fighting for survival they know someone's gonna die they're like just dancing around his pain is less but i don't know if that's gonna save him let's tend to ourselves while we're waiting no no no that's what we get boys sad wanderer that's what we get beth in eight hours he's up to eleven [Music] thirteen visitors are leaving is he really gonna leave or is he gonna banish himself for days he's going to try to leave with blood loss severe consciousness negative 40. i wonder if he'll make it off the map we'll see oh i was like she's just sitting here like i don't know why i was so scared by that but huzzah and we're still at negative 49. now if we can save him there's no way because we're in a mental break but my god oh look at the bounty oh we'll be all right as long as we don't get an infection before this sad wanderer breaks the sad wanderer is going to take a while let's hold this door open by the way because it's currently 190 fahrenheit 90 celsius inside of our bedroom [Music] luna is no you got to be kidding me luna is no longer wandering in sadness how is he doing down here how many hours 10 we can actually save him and this is insane what a start you guys like to start if you do gosh the like button no no put the like button on the screen this is what i want you to do to the like button again one more time with fire in all seriousness it's really important you guys like the video after 40 years of making 1800 videos on youtube something has to go right and we need something to get back into the recommended list someday it'll be very much appreciated hit the like button this is a fantastic i can't believe this start it's insane this is very critical how we handle these moments if we don't want an enemy that's going to come to our gates and destroy us first and foremost it's blisteringly hot in here so we do want to heal ourselves but let's go outside before we do that it's really really really really dirty there so let's go somewhere else where it's less dirty like right out here in this open this is where we'll tend to ourselves now that's one and two there's sufficient moves to come down here and save little bill soto he's currently at eight hours and his yayo has what can you imagine being this kid just wanders into some old like shack in the middle of the ice sheet and he's like hey old lady you want some drugs she's like i mean luna is an old lady right yeah she's 59 years old here and he's like oh drawings drugs stay awake it's just this is funny to think about is it i don't know yeah it's funny it's a game oh god there we go let's have luna tend to build soto get a little more experience oh and with this we're gonna hit medical level three that is huge huge if we get an infection later on this could actually save us going from two to three early on day one or day two like this that is great awesome medical three how's he doing down here he's fine we have to make sure he's got food if we want him to survive believe it or not i'm gonna feed him a meal i do want him to survive but the meal i want to feed him is just raw meat and i'll save the good meals for myself let's make sure there's no bunnings that are going to eat these if i leave indeed there's not we're good make a medical bed back at camp and we'll haul them in we're actually going to be nice because i don't want an enemy with these guys we want to make sure he only eats raw so we'll give him raw and then feed him and then tend to him again he was within an inch of his life now i think we deserve a bit of a rest here full-on food sleeping in a nice warm bed a little too warm some might say [Music] this is awesome he's no longer incapable of walking we don't want to kick him out just yet though because we want to make sure he can make it off the map let's let's feed him one more time the four extra meat so basically that entire links went into his stomach raw and then we'll wait a little bit longer until he gets down to this threshold where he stops healing then we'll kick him out [Music] luna is fully healed that's wow that's what she wants to cloud watch on a boulder okay it doesn't look even remotely fun but sure that's that's how she's gonna do it and with that check out our foods yes this is amazing bill soto has hit his threshold for healing so it's time for him to go get out of the map bill soto get out of the map my golly gee willikers if he goes that fast uh i don't know if he'll make it we'll have to see that's really bad oh well oh that gun oh god that looks beautiful let's go equip that excellent machine pistol mind you artwork work reminds the viewer of love the mindless mantis you guys remember that buffy episode but mantises and like it i wonder if this is inspired by that because i think a mantis teacher like seduced all the young lads and then ate them the 90s oh look at this andre has crashed in a transport pod literally next to us that's incredible death in eight hours he's a space refugee from some place we don't care about now here's the thing with him we can't have two characters for a long time because we just can't feed them there's not enough food no matter what there will be long dries like nothing will show up in the winter at all nothing so we need to be very careful however what he did drop for us is a cloth parka which is not tainted but is tattered all right it's better than what we have which is tainted so let's go over there strip that also we'll tend to him just for the medical experience but yeah then we'll leave him here to meet his untimely demise grab that beautiful parka his shirt's actually substantially better than others so we'll take it now because andre here is from an enemy faction our only option to heal him is actually to capture him so we'll temporarily turn our room into a prison room we'll capture him attend to him and then release him just for the medical experience come over to prison and release 438 more experience not bad luna is very resistant to solitary relaxation so you know what let's finish hauling here and set up a more entertaining thing for her after we equipped the machine pistol oh little bill soto he went berserk right at the edge of the map i think that seals his fate unless he can get over it before he dies we'll see i kind of want him to leave i mean he brought us so many good goodies i didn't expect andre here to actually stand back up and get away i just wanted to release him to get him outside uh so you know what once we're done having a fine meal it doesn't hurt to have more potential food around for the future plus he's our enemy so plus we can heal him some more if i wanted to capture him again and again this is just brutal it's so brutal we need the skill though okay that's enough skill an additional 525 medical skill andre you are a boss thank you very much and luna's just going to have a nap she doesn't even care she's like oh soft pillow way better than that boulder from before and there's a snow hair now the great thing about this if i pay attention is that it's gonna try to come yoink a meal and if i don't let it yoink a meal we get a free meal delivered to us yeah pretty smart [Music] and with that luna wakes up for another beautiful day and there's a raid from the crows boy what a freaking hullabaloo town this is valerie has a stabby stab over here a drifter let's look at the gear oh well one smoke leaf joint and a bad cloth duster so not very good gear all right for the most part we are prepared put our way down here to the right and we have a trap so i'm not going to worry about it too much or little bill soto over here is still fuming angry he's so mad what would he have to be mad about i don't know it's only game why you have to be mad i don't want to stray too far from our home right now well we have a raider nearby so let's come close and deconstruct these four columns while we're waiting since the raiders not initiating the attack all the while making sure the bunny's not coming to steal our meal hey bill soto i hope he doesn't come over here oh god no no no bill so don't know it's okay bill soto don't worry you're not mad at me go berserk the table oh he's gonna be kidding me i don't want to kill him i want to leave him to survive moon is like exclamation exclamation danger all right fine we'll leave them we got to get out of here i really just want to make some good use of the time you know what we'll do instead we'll just clean the outside because we're gonna have to do it eventually anyway [Music] okay here comes the raiders yeah spill soto's berserker rage has come to an end perfect timing let's get valerie over here with luna i wonder if he might actually be a distraction for us three cheers for bill soto he's such a cheer i can't believe that little guy that is so awesome valerie is now down all the more experienced for us and if we wanted to we could strip her stuff and sell it a little bit later and we got this all right fantastic [Music] very well bill soto you will not be forgotten got this fabled legend of bill soto the 16 year old drug trader to all the ladies and the himalayan freaking alps ah he collapsed from extreme exhaustion now okay he can take a nap i think he deserves it [Music] valerie's healed enough that she's actually trying to escape now all right and she's down and now it's time to work on our moods the two easiest things eight without a table and recreation unfulfilled because we're sick of walking around bored by ourselves let's go disassemble those columns i was talking about and let's make a stockpile zone out here specifically for corpses human-like corpses and we'll haul valerie on our way out to disassemble stepping right over bill soto i'm just having a nap [Music] drop a corpse he's like i don't like no codexes don't drop them near me oh and that little snow hair is coming over for our meal perfect timing hey buddy free meal for us [Music] we have 60 granite blocks let's put in a granite stool inside of the table and more importantly a granite horseshoe pin just outside the door okay that's two issues taken care of oh i didn't know a little bill soto had a wound gunshot machine pistol did i hit him by mistake sorry bill soto let's go rescue him yes our first horseshoe this is gonna buff out a wreck so fast it's insane [Music] now we're faced with a real interesting conundrum bill soto here is about to starve to death we could feed him a polar bear or one of our meals but this stuff is really really really rare and valuable or we could feed him nothing and have him for feeding us later or we could feed him valerie the horrible this is i mean for role playing reasons i really want this guy to survive plus if he dies i'm worried about his faction hating me especially now that i've tried to save them so you know what we're gonna do we're gonna shut off the polar bear and the bunny and we're gonna feed valerie raw to bill soto i hope he doesn't go on a mental break i really wanted to get off the map i really shouldn't do that but come on he deserves he deserves a happy ending if you can call this a happy ending oh god what a mess look at that boss consciousness seven percent with severe malnutrition he's done too happy but he's got a full stomach of allergy as they say we're gonna have our first meal at the table now it's all about increasing our mood buffs ready apparel eight without a table we'll expire soon and we'll have a table now slept in the heat we can't really deal with buttocks we can actually get rid of right now by shutting that off little soto will eventually wake up unsightly environment is the next big issue so let's just clean up the outdoors here oh bill soto go go go we believe in you malnutrition severe i don't know if he'll make it we'll see though look at him huffing and puffing walking right by valerie doesn't care none malnutrition moderate come on phil soto we believe [Music] bill soto is a free man also we just gained 13 reputation points with the tyler for saving him even though the cause of this whole issue was us [Music] and we still have two package survival meals no bunnies on the map beautiful we had a lot of stuff to haul including all these corpses and a lot of stuff down here so let's get on that shall we [Music] with that we are out of meals butcher up the snow here [Music] an awful bedroom is the next easiest thing to take care of here we're gonna need materials easiest place to get materials right over here especially with marble because marble gives you plus one beauty as a wall so let's deconstruct pretty much all this marble over here [Music] so let's get to work putting on a marble wall a secondary bedroom out here one two three four and one two three four beautiful [Music] work on this marble door hold that open as well fantastic now we're gonna need some granite and wouldn't you know there's a large steel or steely or stella i have no idea what it's called anymore but come down here and you like that as well this will make the perfect floor [Music] granite tiles for days [Music] we're going to have to eat the polar bear it's unfortunate i wanted to hopefully wait long enough that we could cook it up but it's just not going to be possible we're hungry and that's all we've got ah well we did have a mental break even though our moods were pretty high this time over it was hide in room which is the best possible mental break we can get it'll be short it'll give us a huge mood buff for a while we have no chance of a raid coming and otherwise we're fine so this is actually a really good thing normally around now i would expect at least like a berserk or a tantrum or a hide in a room or just a wandering around set all of those are actually okay in fact they help us because this is kind of the hardest part we got to get this room looking nice haul a bunch of urns move things all around we're eating raw food and everything's kind of a mess but as soon as we get all that taken care of we'll be in a good way [Music] and there we go hiding room is taken care of not a problem let's get this show on the road shall we and there we go and actually half decent room let's take a look at the stats here it's mediocre it could be better let's make it a little bit better right now with irons that we have all over the map and a nice peaceful night in our beautiful bedroom that is somewhat poor and rather tight it's it's better than it was anyway you can see the beauty here is six six six yeah not too bad it got a little dirty when we were moving the urns in but not bad next up is survival and i have a plan i have a really good plan first we need to get steel that's a steel sarcophagus we'll claim that guy there we go way up in the northwestern corner of the map is a lot of steel we want to deconstruct all of this because we need traps and this is the best way to do it you can make traps out of stone but stone takes literally 10 times longer than steel to make it's just going to take way too long building those kind of traps so this steel trap is what we need right now because i'm expecting a raid pretty soon look at our moods considering the situation this is a pretty good mood buff now before we do anything i noticed there was one snow header we have to murder every single thing that comes on to this map and this snow header is no exception immediate hunt in fact i'm going to set hunt on a two priority [Music] beautiful there we go that's most of the steel on the map we have exactly a two two two we're gonna have to build one more trap right there another trap over here and one final trap here these two i'll move in a minute for a special special safety defense plan that i have in mind [Music] it's worth noting the temperature heater is not evenly spread out it's shooting up to like 110 over here and in the main room here it's getting down to like 40 50 at night so we really want a second door here uh right after these traps are taken care of so let's deconstruct this guy we'll deconstruct this one and this one as well putting in marble wall moderable wall and marble door [Music] sure the door is held open okay now it's time for the contingency plan and i'm not going to show you what it is because i want you to see it i want you to see it when it happens and i think we're going to need it tomorrow special secret time engage oh that's it that's our last non-human meat on the map boys nine raw hair meats after this there is nothing on this map how long do we have cleaning rock rubble no food no animals oh god this is not good playing horror shoes things are getting bad and fast if both of these doors open in the main room over here when there's a heat shoot or what's a geyser blast called i wonder ah a geyser is a spring characterized by an intermittent discharge of water ejected turbulently and accompanied by steam so one would call a geyser blast a turbulent ejection facts with friends okay good thing we know that now in any event it's getting up to 60 fahrenheit here maybe 20 celsius and in the main room is now 35 it's very cold it's actually gonna get much colder very soon outside it's seven fahrenheit negative 14. and keep in mind this is the middle of summer even though it's a permanent winter it actually gets down to negative 80 fahrenheit i don't know what that is in celsius but my god it's ridiculously cold in this biome which actually makes me wonder how cold does it get in antarctica in winter sea ice which is where we why did i say it like that sea ice anyway sea ice envelops the continent and antarctica is plunged into months of darkness blah blah blah temperatures hover around negative 60 celsius which is negative 76 fahrenheit which is actually exactly what they get to in this game in this biome huh that's it's almost like they did research and they know what they're doing well what do you know any event what we're going to need is a secondary layer of walls so granite is the smartest move for that because it has the highest durability in the game marble for the inside for beauty and the granite for the outside for extra durability now this will give us two layers of insulation if we were to do something like that and like this and put these guys up at the corners there as well awesome and we'll put a few more out in front as well oh moods are going it's a mental break range this is oh psychic suit female this is conveniently easy like the seconded things down uh in any event we have no food and we're malnourished we're that's what i was waiting for boys just as we finished the walls well not quite there's still two more tiles here still two more tiles we're on i don't know what day exactly we are on day 13. now how difficult is this raid on day 13 there are actually only three outlanders one of them has mall tops one of them has a hunting rifle and another one has a hunting rifle all right that's actually not as bad as i was expecting normally it's five i got a little lucky however there are still three of them and they have hunting rifles so how are we going to kill them one of them has one package survival meal yes we are malnourished we need it we need it badly oh there's no food here anyways you guys are new here and you enjoyed this episode and you want to see the next one crash the subscribe button otherwise crash the man's
Channel: Crusha of Mans!
Views: 329,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld
Id: UiZIE6Am89U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 45sec (3225 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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