RimWorld / EP 1 - The Exiles / Tomb World Survival

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hey everybody run I'm here thanks for tuning in to the very first episode of Tim world survival the scenario that one by popular vote if you curious about the voting results or the schedule of this series hop on vrata Montcalm so we start off with three X aisles here and the intro text reads the three of you had disobeyed the elders of your past Society they've exiled you as punishment but wanting to prolong your suffering they also exiled you with resources as a false hope of survival prove them wrong alright before we land let's take a look around we do not seem to have a cave system all that close to us that will be somewhat penalizing if I was to pick I would maybe settle in this area here let's check the structure limits yeah we could settle out here the reason picking this area there's a whole lot of scattered steel there and there's this whole mountain system here to take advantage of but it's pretty far from our landing spot so that poses another challenge so before I do anything let's introduce the characters we've got a grow here a grow peeper he's tough a quick sleeper an optimist who shoots mines and craps let's give him the bolt-action rifle we've got James here who's a constructor miner and artist jogger quick sleeper volatile let's give him the revolver and then we have a storm and stormy Horemheb sanguine industrious night owl medical plants and melee gets the knife alright now the next let's actually go ahead and allow all on unfor bid everything and the first thing i want to do is to stockpile in this cave it is pretty cold out so what I'm gonna do is have a grow you call the wood store me you call some food and Jane's u-haul components now this is a somewhat I wouldn't even say somewhat a pretty heavily modified rimworld so it's not going to play like you expected to I don't want to spoil anything but let's just say I created a mod for this and it should be penalizing but fun alright so we have gotten to the cave here that I want to settle so the first thing I'm going to do is to change everyone's work priorities to definitely mine and construct I don't want anyone going back outside there is a nuclear fallout outside that really can't be healthy aggro Jane's actually aggro already has some radiation build up just to demonstrate how immediately damaging this nuclear fallout is it is no joke spending an hour outside makes you quite sick alright given the temperature of this cave my first goals is to wall it off so that it is he double there's no point in creating heat if there is we're just gonna vent it out to the the atmosphere here so I'm gonna put a steel door here I'm actually going to spend a little bit more resource to wall off along the roof line and the reason for that is if someone is trying to raid my base I want nuclear fallout raining on their head and them not to have some sort of overhang that protects them forget protection of my enemies we're already botching some construction projects but alright storm here let's go ahead and paint a zone call this area 1 and I'm gonna paint it very crudely but I'm gonna paint it to only really include the cave here we don't want them venturing too far so let's go and restrict now we have to limit the amount of time we spend outside to reduce our radiation build up the build appears about nine point three percent so it would be very wise to pick and choose when we go outside for sure now the next thing I want to do is to try not to use the wood power as that much so I'm going to make an initial campfire out of wood and then definitely aim to never have to refuel that thing again now fortunately due to the constant nuclear fallout there is almost no chance that wind turbines are going to be interrupted by trees or plants there really aren't any so I'm going to set up a wind turbine here or actually you know what hmm I think our wind turbine is far less likely to be tampered with if it's back here I'm curious yeah there is indeed enough space to sneak one in there yeah we'll do just that so that means already destroying the the wall that we had built replacing it with some steel door now one artificially imposed rule I'm going to make for myself is I'm going to treat anything that doesn't have a naturally occurring roof as are irradiated which means I'm not going to just create roof zones all around the map in order to you know create safe zones I'm only going to cave hop that is a restriction of this playthrough so if you're curious why I'm doing sort of some tasks the way I'm doing it it's because I am artificially you know creating a restriction for myself now the little fire that we have here is really not warming us up much so I'm gonna create a temporary heat Hut zone here out of steel it seems like steel will have a lot of I don't want to freeze to death so I'm definitely going to create a teeny little zone that we are able to heat safely and efficiently and then next I'm gonna unrestricted cast away and these guys are warming up and he is going to work on this turbine trying to limit the amount of time he spends outside I'll probably actually have him come back into the mining area and lose his hypothermia once stormy here has lost hypothermia stormy you are going to be unrestricted and forced to halt oh I see we didn't even pick up the weapons that's problematic you'll be you have no path oh right because of the forbidden door that would be true stormy you are going to grab the knife and haul the meals now the problem is we got here on a single trip not a roundtrip so there is the issue of round trips being potentially dangerous we haven't really measured how much exposure we get from a round trip so here's a good measurement it is going up pretty quick definitely a dangerous amount of radiation and this is something that we'll have to constantly manage okay so we have definitely gotten back inside the first thing I want to do is to start heating this cave because it is cold out ok so we we got about 16 percent radiation making that run let's do another restriction here and prevent future running and the radiation goes away slowly it seems but surely now the first big barrier to long-term survival almost certainly will be food right because we don't really have a secure source of it there's a bad temperature penalty here what I could do to fix that is to close this door and we'll continue mining now with each additional tile Oh Jane's you are zone restricted how are you even going out there yeah the cave is warming up enough that we'll be able to remove these inner walls now the issue will be wind power isn't all that reliable so at the moment it's generating power but it won't always so a reliable constant source of power would be quite nice to to obtain and seeing that people are starting to sleep let's go ahead and create some actual beds unfortunately out of Steel but there's really not much of an alternative a good alternative here - good beds in a normal one okay so two heaters is keeping the cave fairly temperate not perfect now just because we are desperate and in a really terrible situation does not mean we can neglect our need for things like recreation so that is a another very important thing to manage okay so Jane still has buildup you've got initial aggro here he's going to make it run for let's see we're gonna have you drop your bolt-action rifle and equip the revolver and haul the wood might as well get two things now of course I could use the caravanning method but that is going to be forbidden as it is sort of sort of cheating at least I've been told that all right so for furniture will go economy furniture here will have a stool that doubles as a research chair and a table so we don't have to eat on the floor how is agra doing aggro you are you have radiation and you're shivering looking good and the radiation of everyone else is decreasing alright so there is the revolver that I failed to pick up getting the research bench going and let's immediately have a grow focus on research despite him being armed uh you know actually let's see no I take that back stormy you are going to be our researcher and then on top of that let's change some restrictions here so stormy you are a night owl so this means that you want to be asleep between 11:00 and 18 alright so that's one two three four five six seven eight all right changing your sleep schedule around a little seems fair and let's change your mining priorities you're the worst miner so we'll definitely get you to research the first thing I want to research will be hydroponics don't think this scenario is all that survivable without it there is however some stony soil here so what I'm gonna do is let's go in zone some potatoes and we do happen to have store me as a grower and plant cutter now the issue with this will be our absolute lack of power in order to get the grow light going the Sun lamp but that is a problem for probably jeans and adding solar or adding a additional wind to our grid now of course because this that actually is yeah we'll build it there all right mr. Jane's you're gonna be unrestricted your buildup has decreased and I think whenever anyone's radiation lowers we'll have them go outside and work on as much as many as the outside projects as possible all right so let's go ahead and although it's ugly drag power around the edge of the cave here eventually maybe we'll we'll fix this to have power built in to walls and things we'll have to make this home here as time goes on plugging in the the lamp here a grow you were going to be area restricted Jane's same with you who's a major break risk chances you're sick in minor pain in darkness dull barracks yeah there's a lot a lot of reasons for you to be pissed I get that do some recreation so we need 2900 watts and this is not outputting nearly enough another project to be undertaken when we're able batteries would also be very handy but I think hydroponics is probably the chief concern at least initially because the other ways to generate power solar would be great truth be told but I think we really need a steady source of food as we are running going to be running out of things to eat pretty soon here now of course we haven't really explored this cave very much we could dig pretty deep into it we're not cave but the mountain I should say living like Iron Man now aren't we ok it's off for growing period checking the health of everyone doesn't look like anyone's fit to make a run for goods yet everyone is still pretty irradiated now so far I haven't mined out any of the marble so we're not generating any filth and I might end up attempting not to have any natural or non natural floor tiles to limit the amount of Filth that this base generates I'm also curious if we'll be able to heat the base with only two heaters seeing that we are about to lose a Sun lamp or a fireplace I can start to double insulate though that would not be against the rules in any way as long as we double insulate inwards rather than outwards obviously it is very low wind right now very gentle fallout and despite the fact that it's a the middle of the winter or the summer rather it is really cold out that's because it's somewhat of a nuclear winter isn't it it's the way it is all right so I'm double insulating everything that can use it looks like we are losing our radiation build-up genes here I'm going to unrestricted get working on that turbine again yet another once we have battery is this will be very helpful and fixed I think all right the grow light is on for the first time ever back to the restricted zone check in his health yep built a bunch of radiation while out there stormy it is your turn to haul some food so I'm creating double walls anywhere where we are mining out Steel removing the single wall just press that X I'll fill one in here too looks like the two heaters for right now are enough to keep us warm but that might change now we do have a grows own here that we can make yogurt maybe if someone is skilled enough to do it no all right what about cycloid yes these guys are now idle now any additional removal of stone around here will result in rough tile or huge marble I should say which can cause filth so we're gonna have to fill it in and not have it be home zone so let's go ahead and repaint the home zone to accurately depict where we care about and where we do not and I'm gonna have it turn off for automatic automatic home zone expansion so I really don't feel like cleaning up dingy caves or anything like that that will be an important thing to modify and looking good so for starting in mind like this we got to drop a steel door to separate it out so it's not filthy additionally we could go ahead and set up a sculptor table out of steel we have plenty of steel that doesn't material that we have an abundance of and mmm you won't have it share what I'll do is I'll put it somewhere in the light sculptor table and stone cutter with a stool in between now if we want this to be homey art is going to count for a lot I am constantly miner breaking one thing I could do to prevent some additional miner breaking is some chess that wouldn't be terrible 15 17 7.5 so through this door we've reached some steel aggro is not allowed to go out there because of the restrictions here the area one restrictions so let's change them a little bit so we can keep getting steel and let's take a look electric stove would not be terrible to make although it's probably not going to be powered on very much npm almost definitely to be able to conserve food we're gonna want some sort of refrigeration although likely mostly a vegetarian or vegan diet not by choice but simply by the fact that there is really not going to be any meat source here is something that's going to be very hard to come by maybe we can get into animal husbandry I don't know I truly do not we have a lot of minor breaks I bro is almost ready to go for another hauling run that's really the only disadvantage of living as far as I am from everyone else I'm gonna spread out the beds here a little bit so that we have fewer disturbed sleeps it might not work perfectly but it should be okay for now until I have proper bedrooms so the radiation buildup hurts breathing blood filtration which then hurts pretty much everything else also puts them in a little bit of pain as it builds up it gets obviously far worse it is a I can tell you right now without spoiling too much a severe problem to allow it to snowball don't do that if you can help it alright so we are at minimum wind here again we might want to think about an additional wind project as you can see we are definitely running out of real estate if we put one inversely pointing back it would prevent this one here and we'd also have to mine out some tiles so a wind turbine like this might be most ideal for next project and we can fill it in with solar once we have solar researched I'm going to wait for a grows radiation build-up to drop to a minimum or a little bit lower at least than it currently is as you can see I am carefully mining out this area here to prevent both cave-in and opening it up to the outside eventually I'll have to but for now I can avoid that okay you are just about ready for another unrestricted run to get food food in my opinion is more urgent than medicine although the medicine would be great don't get me wrong we're going to probably starve first okay so here we go we get to name some things so my faction will be called to world X Isles and this town will be called the vault a nice homage there I think and the growth rate of these potatoes is dismal how is your hydroponics coming because we are relying upon it heavily agro is shivering and cold and irradiated but the inside of this cave is actually looking pretty decent alright see you are instead of doing that if you're already out here work on the wind turbine you're already gonna radiate yourself you know area one we're going to ignore roof here alright Jane's house your radiation build up you're okay back to area one then [Music] no stay inside okay aggro you are you already made a run you get a little bit of R&R but guys that is all the time I have for the very first episode so let me know what you think let me know how this looks if you are very interested in the mod you can hop on discord maybe I'll share it tambul tell one thing I think I'm gonna do is publish it publicly once I balance and test it a bit more but I don't want to penalize people that don't know the inner workings of the mod but I didn't want to release it if you have any questions about this series drop me a line and I do hope that you tune the next time so thank you all very much for watching and I'll catch you all later adios
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 104,449
Rating: 4.9612441 out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Let's Play, Choose Your Own Adventure
Id: DndY0UTODz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 52sec (1912 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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