r/Iamverysmart | delete yourself

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you have failed the english exam oh no it's impossible um impossible also i never failed an english exam except my first one when i didn't know any english at all well done who who asked you who the hell cash [Music] g'day you welcome back to mk my name's jack the snack that smiles back but enough about my life story tell me about you who are you are you a cool person are you a pretty smart person if so then get over yourself jeez you belong to this subreddit i mean geez icarus try not to fly too close to the sun without inflating ego of yours sorry i just think it's healthy that we knock down each other's arrogance down a peg so it doesn't get out of check bullying no that's not sadly anyway you also seem like an easygoing person which i really adore so much for the self-deprecating humor already am i being intimidating i tend to write high-level english already up front where dude what deprecating oh man oh man of just absolute vocabulary caliber but don't worry we're not you can rest assured that i don't intense to overwhelm i in fact trying to impress you oh no his battery's running out quick get him some new double ace you also have a wide pelvis bone which make you look fertile in procreation thus more feminine and attractive say like a woman that deserves to grow my seat oh oh no this is the first post and i am already in like internal pain the real question now can't i can't will you nurse my seeds and grow them you know there are days that i look back on my tinder and just remember the horrible and just pathetic lines i'd attempt to try and get at least one reaction but then you see messages like this and you realize you know what saying hello actually isn't that useless a situation like a traffic accident could definitely trigger an acute stress response or more known as fight or flight this is caused by the sudden and large release of cut including adrenaline and noradrenaline which sends the brain into hyperactivity resulting in a deferral to the most basic survival instincts okay that's not too bad just giving some nice facts about you know fight or flight if i were put into that situation oh there it is the driver that crashed into me would have been in seriously grave danger as my alpha instincts would have taken over and i possess extraordinary levels of strength and speed it's gonna be a lot of icarus themes today i feel he just flew too close to the sun i find it near impossible to relate to individuals on a deeper level if they're not atheists they can be acquaintances and they can be friends but would i ever have a deep connection with that individual sadly there is a point where conversations stray from reason to delusion i noticed this trend in all the people i know that are religious or spiritual eventual lie in one conversation or another they stray from logic this type of thinking just doesn't match my own and i feel as if it would be impossible to form deep bonds with friends and romantic partners that aren't a theists my fiance best female and male friend close group of friends family members i'm close with all atheists adults who are afraid to check their bank account college students are afraid to check both i assume there's a third panel here that makes the last panel make more sense accurate as freak gotta be accurate it's really not that hard to pay for college this just then some random person on the internet has been brutally murdered by millions of college students using a single fork that they seem to keep using and sharing for all of their meals anyone that says it is probably just doesn't actually try i have a phd in pharmacology this is the doctor just in case anyone who wanted to read my autobiography and it's because i actually applied myself student debt is an absolute joke and fabricated by very lazy people it's so easy step one save money step two live on a budget step three get a loan of 100k from your parents step four don't go out drinking every weekend it's so easy guys pov you just started dating a decent guy over the last week he seems pretty cool you think of something clever or funny and decide to share it with him babe i thought of that in like three minutes at work on break something you're gonna find out about me i can essentially run mental circles around most people even as a kid i could my own dad and my teachers i just see depth in everything i can't explain it really thanks for learning how to get dumped within a week see you next time ah our colors oh no not the colors frick you touch i just wanted some good damn shoes if you're sick of corporations forcing politics of any stripe down your throat and you are smart enough to know they're patronizing you then this is the book for you curse of the high iqs yeah that's me right there i'm the little red guy come on read it the books by me you guys please it's my desperate attempt at self-promotion oh come on that's not nice nice doesn't exist in nature every brain and every living being exists to survive and reproduce even friendship is not magical it's a give and take system my little pony friendship as magic would tend to disagree until one side is not giving back and it becomes toxic or you know you have children then screw everything who isn't your child it's just how your biological brain works i will however ask you on the specific meaning what did i wrote that was not nice that's about you idiot a squared plus b squared equals this no give it back i was today years old when i realized how much of a nerd i am my first thought was cute but with einstein c was the speed of light and with pythagoras c is the hypotenuse and i didn't have to look that up first thought thank you for your pointless input day one of curved spike protein mass production my arm is sore and i slept 10 hours but feel great my ribosomes are probably about 10 percent of the way through exhausting the poly chains on the mrna the spikes have started to get migrated into inter and intracellular areas and my t-cells have gotten woken up to witness the start of my immune system producing antibodies against the kerbit spikes once enough t t-cells have been presented an antibody example they will be ready for the real thing like all you needed to do was type that first sentence and it would have been fine you had the chance to stop but again like icarus you've flown too close to the sun the sun being your overbearing ego neither necessary nor sufficient i fail in dating and do they succeeded and don't uh so treating someone as the person they are is neither necessary nor sufficient well for ethical behavior it is necessary however the dark to trad think he means triad exists because it is not essential for all dating goals ah no i see why they don't date you and i'm a being from another planet seemingly according to this profile picture and i'm a furry even we aren't interested in you if only they knew the truth it takes a brilliant mind such as mine unless you're a deb please reveal to us your wisdom yes math is not a natural blueprint coded into nature it was invented in 3 000 per care by the sumerians as a social construct our understanding of math varies with our culture and beliefs edit don't downvote me dad vote your own ignorance i'm 21 female my whole life i felt like i was much more emotionally intelligent than my peers therefore i still feel lonely and even more isolated now i'm also really into visual arts and philosophy and i'm exploring my truth and meaning in those fields i find it really hard to relate to young adult books because they still revolve about things like what other people think having illusions about romance and friendship etc honestly i'm way past these things she says feeling lonely canon in d is the fibonacci of songs don't at me um okay so what does this mean exactly i mean i understand the concept of what you're trying to say but i just don't know the words that you're saying it with fibonacci is the equation for beauty i'm just saying it's a beautiful song is all then say that intelligence is a curse you just find everyone else to be shallow and simple even making friends becomes difficult if you know you know here's an idea maybe stop approaching friendships like a university exam fixing typos in your text is for cowards i'll message someone what citizen you're doing and that's on them to figure out what i just said choose your ignorance and inability to use prapagrama really a great way to teach your children to spell and write a correct sentence feel sorry for you but even more sorry for your children hope you were able to read and understand this as the spelling and grammar are correct you flex hard yet can't structure a sentence the iliad the greatest of all time along with the odyssey okay fine i'll buy it 90 percent of the book is just homer named dropping a thousand names that adds absolutely nothing to the narrative wow so this is the power of the greeks god it's posts like this that makes me so thankful i was educated at a top school where ideas were actually discussed and pleb filth like you are kept on the other wind of the fence so much so that you can't even fathom that there are people who understand or like the greeks if anyone in the world wants to know the true essence of why inequality exists in the world it's captured in lower order people posts like this have fun with your poopy ignorant life a question for the other geniuses out there have you ever gotten to the point where you were all like okay now i can chill out hmm never met one who could i am not saying i will stop being a genius but i will do a better job of loving others into my life if they smell good what none of that cheap victorious skirt stuff just please don't flinch when i grab your hand it's okay to blush how did this go from what was me to i am james bond i touched you now you want my babies what where where was the transition meanwhile in online content that your parents can't believe adults actually are doing and are making decent money from let's talk about pokemon go i never play that stuff i don't follow trends i'm an individual with a mind of his own which in today's world is rarer than the rarest pokemon of which i would have no idea of what that is naturally okay nike no don't put ai chips into more shoes please not good i don't consider myself intelligent but people around me think i am i like to read a lot without any particular topic in mind so when i start talking to people they think i am intelligent even though i am not well this intimidates ton of potential partners they think i am and i quote perfect not interrelation because of all my talking and stuff oh this makes it so hard for getting into relationships so basically if you are intelligent or people think you are intelligent then your probability of getting a partner goes way down oh that's it mate oh you're so smart so self-aware it's because you're so smart that girls lose interest ah yeah reality is going to hit you like a freight train lucky as you you've made it to the finale corner of the video today's special work is by mev just mev hello mev first ever reddit fan art for mk took him three hours to make so let's give it some love hey hey why am i the lowest finger why am i the bottom i don't want to be the bottom that's where pooh comes from thank you for the work mev of course if you ever want to see your work in the next video just post it on the mk subreddit for now though if you did like today's video give us a like and some love if you enjoyed yourself there's always more content on the daily so always be sure to subscribe if you haven't yet and with that all said my name has been jack you have been a wonderful snack that i i don't know if you smiled back or not i can't really see you right now but i hope you did regardless bye bye for now and i'll see you next time
Channel: EmKay
Views: 352,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Iamverysmart
Id: ePXjUk6p9-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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