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look caricature artists can be mean as all get-out but that's next level how's it going everybody welcome back to easy peasy my name is Robin a hopeful new narrator here on the channel and today I'm gonna be looking at some posts from our slash hmm alright so we got a cute little kitty on the left side and on the right we go oh my god man all I see is a lizard just wanting to live out his true dreams and you know what look it there's some day little guy what can really be said about this bedroom other than whoever sleeps in there is definitely long-lost at this point woo I don't remember this character from cars at all we got a shower buried in the middle of the street I've got no reaction to that I really don't I'm just confused more than anything oh my gosh guys look it's Zach when he was in school are they are they getting married on a trampoline because I think we just found the two smartest people on earth if that is the up that is the case yet 100% these people are geniuses I don't see what's so weird about this one it's just a couple of people riding the subway Oh oh my gosh whoa that is not right not right man you really couldn't hold it in any longer that thing better be hooked on there real well otherwise when they hit 88 miles per hour some serious stuffs gonna go down is she handing Tom Nook a sword yo Tom look I've got the money I will be paying on time I promise you don't need that you know I actually kind of like the idea of the toilet swing on the tree there I think it would be kind of fun to do a backflip off of it once you're all done alright the cat is clearly confused at why the Frog is stealing its food and honestly I would be too I'm with the cat I'd be a little bit mad all right what do we got here looks like a house somewhere in the UK with the longest backyard in history holy cow that is amazing this is easily the fattest horse in human history but I also have a sneaky suspicion that he's the fastest I mean come on all right looks like we got a teacher and a student is making him in Sims I guess it's just the modern equivalent of drawing the teacher in class and making him look real gross except he looks 100% accurate good on her I see nothing weird about this woman she's got a clear suitcase full of bananas clearly it's morning she's headed to work and wants to make sure she's got plenty of potassium for her day nothing wrong with that oh I remember the the spoon glasses they're for blocking out those haters for hate oh that's a dated reference oh my goodness first thing I'd like to know how he keeps that hair up second of all I wonder if he can use it as a weapon looks like that bike is covered in a profuse amount of spider webs time for a new bike all right so we got a cute little kitty hanging and Mission Impossible style off of the curtains there we all knew that cats don't follow the laws of physics come on either this guy is the worst welder in history or he finally snapped because his job was just getting too boring for him because Wow whoa whoa whoa wait a minute so he went through all the effort to isolate himself in his car but he's still accepting cash tell you what man that defeats the purpose i'll venmo it to you what'll it be oh look at the cute kitties building himself a friend that's just the sweetest thing I'm not really seeing anything suspect about this image except Oh Oh someone took a bite out of one of the tree mushrooms I don't think he's gonna be doing well later hmm whether we want to believe it or not people do get pets that look just like them I mean look at these two two peas in a pod a regular pair this sunflower is reflecting I think how we all feel during this trying time gosh poor thing I just want to give it a hug all right we got some happy people on the roller coaster no big deal Oh oh my what side of the bed could you possibly have woken up on to look that mad again I just see a pretty normal wedding I mean that guy has clearly got to be the best man because you wouldn't be doing stuff like that otherwise got to make sure the groom is proper embarrassed by you the whole day all right so it's looking like we've got the two happiest mannequins in human history and where where is this that looks like Japan according to the upper-left sign there yeah that definitely tracks all right that road is definitely not situated like it's supposed to be you had one job just the one okay so this is the nicest banana art I think I've ever seen but it does beg the question why all right so we've got the ring race at the Renaissance Fair I hope every married guy there has taken off his wedding ring otherwise they're in for a rockin tie him all right so this guy clearly just dumped a bunch of creamy ranch into the ashtray of his car and all I can think about is all of the cigarette ash in the box no I got to move on this one's disgusting is that what I think it is oh god that's inappropriate and why does it need to be ready for battle with all the armaments this is just not right ah the perfect fashion item for when you never grew out of your one-year-old phase and or just really need to keep your shirt tucked in perfectly all day long despite maximum kuch I guess for lack of a better word all right first thing I notice here is that really cool shadow going over the ha oh no no no no not right wow you never want to see that even when you're not on a plane oh yeah man Taco Bell's newest fashion hit the tortilla hat fantastic that just looks so crusty it's just great though come on that's the coolest cart I've ever seen bravo Bravo all right so we're all living in the year 2020 this girl is clearly living in the year 4000 and we all know it we need to take some notes from her because that's incredible I'll look at the chicken in his little diamond Armour pants and hey he's smart enough to know you get the pants first okay it looks like a regular box of donuts to me and uh is that a prawn buy yes my favorite way to order my prawns is with extra icing and sprinkles honestly it looks like in this photo this girl's just showing off the power of what makeup can really do or she's showing off her new two-faced cosplay either way I'm here for it all right now would we call this a motherboard or would we call this the heavenly father board I'm so sorry all right is he cutting a roll of paper towel in half out oh yeah there we go that makes complete sense I mean in these trying times you got to make that stock last a little bit longer if there's one thing this picture says it's at the military never half act anything I'm sorry I'm sorry I just animals and their goofy reflections are some of my favorite uh yes an effective way to get your dad to go away and to still clean stuff fairly effectively I don't see what the big deal is that looks like a pretty standard McDonald's to me ah yes it's cat i moody we got a little snake boy going through a cardboard tube because he's clearly bored out of his mind you know it's not very often you see cats still ruling parts of the world but clearly this guy emperor of all the artificial office light touches is this patrick no it's just the Krusty Krab see there you go toilet paper just like grandma used to make looks like a pretty fun Spring Break party but it begs the question which one of those is his girlfriend huh oh I see it's for when you want that super authentic New York subway experience all the way down to the smells even in these trying times Jason the mass-murderer is looking out for you see he's not all that bad you know it's nice seeing the shirt returning the favor for once all right it doesn't matter if this car light was made on accident or on purpose either way massively impressive to me oh my god is this a duckling execution I want to know what that little guy did to deserve this fate what why ah a giant human Trev and you got me honestly I think it would sell it a lot better if there was someone in there sleeping comfortably oh it's the pup the Pope pup Oh gross beware of pants crossing up ahead holy cow what a receding hairline i much prefer the acoustic computer case to the electric one do you think he removed his torso so he could fit in his own house or what what's going on here oh god she's even eating the glitter it's gonna take so long for her to clean all that up all right that is the biggest spoon I've ever seen in my life and that dude is rocking it nice fashion statement all right how much you want to bet the sheriff made him get out and fill up the car for him that's gotta be what's goin on that's got to be the least economically Station three controller I have ever seen all right a nightstand that turns into a shield and a bat sign me up that is really cool you're not supposed to eat the seeds of the flower because this is what you get when you do it's the flaming bag pipe and unicycle guy we need a man like this in these trying times to keep things in perspective for us oh I'm much like the snake from earlier the ferret tried the same thing but it did not work out nearly as well for him as we can see here come on that's just good fun its name's Dave he works in the sewers it looks like we got a classic case of fish drinking a beer I got nothing Oh tough break dropping your phone while pooping whoa someone help that guy out please is that a Domino's delivery driver with a Lamborghini I think I'm in the wrong profession clearly all right as cute as this dog is he's making me incredibly uncomfortable those eyes are piercing my soul well you know what they say work smarter not harder even if you're just trying to paint the road to match your jacket what kind of a world are we living in where we have to have hand sanitizer dealers selling it by the gram 20 20 off the chain hey your graphics card doesn't fit just chop a hole on the side of the computer looks like a Linus tech tips project all right that is the most terrifying hat I've ever seen look at how many teeth it's got man people would never come near me again it would be perfect a guy walking his pet crab around town how much you want to bet this is in Portland I feel like this is what Chinese restaurants always want to do when you ask for regular flatware oh that poor cat probably thinks you're cooking it's brother or something like that come on okay did someone build the bird's nest for the cat or did he evict its prior tenants look I know some of y'all want a cat gf but this is not the way to go about it what you thinking about hey hey you let him out right this second I swear you better do it ah sweet Suze can't hold chicken just like mom used to make oh that is one fab looking breakfast is this how the 1% eats oh I see they're dealing with masks yeah that's a table I don't think a billionaire could afford to buy into right now okay I don't really mind the toilet and the bidet being down at the bottom but the sink being in the middle of the staircase just really bugs me okay who doesn't want a pair of those oh yeah that's the picture right there that tells you everything you need to know about humanity please say hello to your brain new camel be careful they shoot Hey look teachers can only take so much kids these two cats look like they're being interviewed during a spring break party and one of them's just trippin like crazy and that is all she wrote ladies and gentleman again I want to thank you so much for watching the video if you liked it make sure to smash that like button and if you really enjoyed the video consider subscribing you know hitting that Bell icon you know what I mean alright without further ado I will see you guys next time
Channel: EzPz
Views: 321,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/hmmm, r/hmmm top posts, r/hmmm best posts, hmmm, reddit hmm, r/hmmm emkay, r/hmmm ezpz, ezpz, ez pz
Id: UvXVfjncknY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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