r/MildlyInfuriating · NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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my sister-in-law stayed with us and believes this to be an acceptable practicing of eggshell disposal weight that people don't do this I do this how's it goin everyone welcome back to easy peasy my name is Zack and today we're taking a look at our slash mildly infuriating hmm I've had this happen to me a couple times where the paper gets punched out in a over important information not very nice Oh silly me this is how you this is how you eat a banana obviously that a strawberry shortcake ice cream bar I don't like it not one bit what is this what is this is this like a like half of a tub this isn't even like a toddler can fit in there they're not a grown-ass adult my bees died from my neighbor's spraying insecticide well that's just rude someone attached their lock to my bike Wow oh come on one job one job just just don't how hard is it just make a straight line lost his blueberries this is a very depressing image actually my mom put the Harry Potter books in alphabetical order the numbers at the top oh I don't like this bowl who would think this is a good idea who would think this is a good design choice my toilet brush unscrewed itself from its stick oh man time to get a new toilet what how did this happen I would like to know like there's one way to make earbuds okay it's not it's not a complicated thing my little brother eats a burger layer by layer well time to get a new little brother I warmed up a breakfast burrito and there was nothing in it nice the way they check off the days of the calendar at my work that is awful actually I don't even want to know what that thing smells like you could probably get high just sniffing near it this cake I spent three days making for my sister's birthday caught my cat on the counter eating it and had to remove the whole top layer of icing fantastic I can't charge my phone without taking my phone cover off that's just bad case design yeah man that's always a fear of mine getting cheese like stuck in the Ziploc area or whatever you know the place where you seal it up what type of codec don't know then why answer whoo yeah that's that's the thing with every game controller it's it's a little different we have had this couch for less than 24 hours the dog decided to open a bag of flour on it today dad that's unfortunate just realizing that I lost one Oh No man come on wash your keyboards it's not that hard yeah this is this is true very very true actually you don't touch anything but then the door handle that damn door handle don't get your isolation gloves at the discount store yeah not a good idea hey wait a second they're supposed to be filling in this but there isn't my professor talking about some no eating on zoom' while I'm eating cereal and drinking coffee like you're not gonna tell me what I'm gonna do in my own house to F oh man just who did this who who made it off-center okay I want to talk to I just want to talk how the F do they not realize they hung it up sideways homegirl look like she's snatched up the baby and flew away my partner made pita breads this is the bag of flour oh I got shivers not the good kind where is the Spanish flu from Earth gee thanks Google the way my parents crammed our fridge this is revolting this ad tricks you on clicking the X on the left while the real one is on the right nope GameStop claims it's an essential retail service retailer tells store managers to keep stores open even in the face of law enforcement yeah rip game stop it's about time that they die one good luck follow the steps below one hold your breath - like this photo and follow the user below three comment done in exhale oh thanks I'm alright again one job just you ever played a puzzle game before you just rotate it you just rotate it to make it line up with everything else do not walk on the grass while the human race is pretty stupid pick fell into guitar woo that that is unfortunate I won't live can someone explain to my significant other that there's nothing wrong with the second half of a pack of gum that's just a waste the way this picture gives you a mini heart attack yeah I would be concerned do you guys put the pasta or the milk in first I'd rather die ooh who did this again just want to talk the perfect box size for this package fits it perfectly I'm colorblind and I didn't understand my car hyung to me before my girlfriend tell me Oh No if you have HID bulbs and halogen headlights or drive with your high beams on you're the problem these are the worst ones okay I can't be the only one who had that who agrees alright this just it's not hard to just light them up what happened another one okay well these are manhole covers but this is literally the easiest one you just gotta get something heavy enough or strong enough to lift those up and just line them up not hard it's not hard people oh man I hated when calculators did this just answer the problem please even though I have no messages I still get the one new message notification same it's really weird just saw a nurse leaving an overnight shift at the hospital remove a parking ticket from her windshield she has the officer if there was any way she could reverse it he said no one told her to fight it online not a single thank you cancel effing meters typing Air Force brings up this instead of the military branch that is that's a little odd what is that is that fat like is that frozen fat I'm I don't know what that is I don't want to know actually that variety of buns in my mixed bun bag not much variety there is there these types of facebook posts are so fake if you love your mom pass this to 20 people a girl ignored this and her mom died three inches sixty-five days later sorry I can't ignore this because I love my mom oh this upsets me this upsets me very much I hate this stop just clip your nails like a normal person my so-called chocolate chip granola bar contains exactly one chocolate chip well yeah it's called a chocolate chip rinoa bar not a chocolate chips granola bar turn that joke before create your Walmart account first name required Aiden please enter a valid first name sorry Aiden's your not valid why are people this obsessed with celebrities come on Arnold Schwarzenegger's daughter Christina wipes her nose Wow slow news day huh this is my mom's notifications 100 3733 emails good god SeaWorld Orlando and yellow is the car park in red as a lake for humans to play on paddle boats and in the blues where the orcas spend their entire lives this is why SeaWorld bad my family are psychos they painted only one cabinet why paper towel after I wiped a TV screen from an indoor smoking apartment do you ever say forget and eat a tiny bit of paper you can't get removed you know what honestly yeah so this is what my mate woke up to this morning you know you're in Salford when someone steals your freaking garden path lamaze someone stole your paving literally stole my path who freakin does that bought a coloring book and pencils to keep myself busy while I'm off work thought these were full-size pencils that is awful oh man don't you hate it when the salt and pepper don't match unfortunate search pins notifications settings what's the point in picking up dog poo just leave it in the bag yeah what's wrong with you each letter is one solid piece until the Z I made the alphabet by biting at pretzels oh yeah that is that is infuriating actually a zero out of ten about to play some ps4 not your typical girl ps4 Xbox these girls fake gamer grills spend five hours on this just for it to fall into a puddle oh man just finished my four hundred ninety nine piece puzzle whoo that's painful trying to reactivate an account I haven't used in eight years answer your security questions I don't need a question to an answer I already know good work man you played yourself know started bleeding while I was eating ramen I bet the finish would enjoy this they like blood on their food one job just one Joe just line it up just line up the patter all right who's the monster that did this just tear off the toilet paper like a normal human being this barbeque restaurant serves their house sauce in a shaker and it's awful what why why do this stop our unbook it's kind of funny okay you need scissors to cut out these scissors oh no that that whoever did this that there they are the worst human being spitting on your sunflower seeds onto the seat disgusting oh I don't like this image but just cut it normally please oh that that is a sad day when I try to open up your what does that look Roy and just does that rip bought a bag of diced potatoes only to find an entire half the potato in it plastic part on my headphones that stabs my ear Oh stainless false my friend always does this he always lends me games but they never have the stickers why would you do that I was out of the house and I left my room open and guess what my little brother did to my drawing figure uh dude it's just Black Widow yeah I guess I got an ad in my fortune cookie that's a that's a way to advertise things this capitalization have a great day team thanks Lowe's I think quarantine is a good time to bring back the game you know the one all my millennial followers just lost for the first time in years damn it ooh I was about to say this keyboard I thought it was gonna be another dirty one but I know all the keys are just in the wrong spots man I hate tiles that don't light up just please just please line them up this is disgusting this is vile just put it through the cardboard my wife's toothpaste handiwork that even the dog even the dogs like the hell this this is what the car of an [ __ ] looks like they should just have all that confiscated honestly select all the squares with traffic lights I mean you just you skip it if there are none I mean that that's a pretty really mildly infuriating you just don't know how it works the TV is placed too high and the light fixtures block the TV anyways that's awful bad design the four horsemen of the uncomfortable I don't like this next next next next then why is it suggested to me the uploader has not made this video available in your country the fact the emblem on my steering wheel blinds me whenever I Drive West even with the visor covering the window yikes oh this is not printed correctly interesting warning applying this update will drop something and make it temporarily unavailable are you sure you want to apply this update yes cancel that's really confusing and well that brings us to the end of our slash mildly infuriating and I gotta say a lot of it was very inferior oh sorry the ones were things don't line up that it's just one job one job people thank you all so much for watching if you enjoy what you saw be sure did that subscribe button and the bells you notified every time using PZ uploads and until the next one I'll be seeing you around [Music]
Channel: EzPz
Views: 387,730
Rating: 4.919497 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating top posts, mildly infuriating, infuriating reddit, ezpz mildlyinfuriating, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: lveA6RrvLgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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