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well men we wouldn't have won the war had it not been for the polar bear that joined our ranks how's it going everyone and welcome back to easy peasy my name is Zack and today we're taking a look at our slash hmm oh is that a dead guy cake I mean okay I'll give props right that's it that's a huge cake I don't know how many people are there but it looks like you could feed quite a quite a few people but why a dead man oh I've seen the challenge right okay you're doing the okay hand you got a P through it but like this is uh I don't this is cursed oh no not the wiggle worm not the why would you cook the wiggle worm what did he do rest in peace soldier who would win a tennis player or tank tennis tank kid I don't think that's how you do that that's a dog and a pig and what is that under the dog I don't like this she doesn't look comfortable you mess with the bird oh you get the stabbed oh that's just that's just it uber eats it's this is this a death stranding DLC that's what it looks like I don't get what the joke is here they're just it's just the same guy yeah is that a car stuffed inside of a van I mean I'm impressed like I don't get me wrong I'm just a little confused as to why oh my oh my stomach just turned the more you look at it the worse it gets he's got wires and cables all over his bed it's got like pliers in the floor ramen packages cigarettes this is possibly the worst image I've ever seen on the Internet god this is the holy motherboard this is like this is the most powerful computer you will you will ever see nothing suspicious here he's just you just chilling yeah no don't don't make eye contact Oh curlers for eyebrows are these real can someone tell me if these are really not because I want to believe that they're not but you'll never know is this the Oval Office after one too many nights of what there's a cage hanging there's Big Mac boxes that were she's McDonald's an edge flipped over chair what happened who pissed off Trump mm marburo water and Nestle cigarettes the perfect combo the army of cups oh man how long do you think this took to set up imagine just knocking one over and they just all fall oh it's just a sea dude yeah can I get a Big Mac with a side of bullets yeah a large please this guy's got the best seat in the house dude yeah I mean who needs to watch the baseball game and you got a pillar to watch this is belly's just round enough to just fit through there yeah I mean hey if he's comfortable I'm sorry it's that Stalin taking a hit from a bong holy cow it looks like it's straight out of back to the future too it's like a little pancake car I'm sorry what is all of that what's all of that in the in the wrapped boxes doesn't want to know oh my god it's balloon Thanksgiving all the food is just balloons that's impressive that's that's very impressive someone made a turkey out of spam I've never had spam but now I don't want to try it even more what's so what's so wrong about this this is supposed to be funny you know you guys don't drink your burgers and eat your soda what's wrong with you what you guys don't grill on your car your car food what do you what are you laughing about huh it's not funny this guy ran out of Ziploc bags just gotta carry this burger and a glove well these are kind of pointless don't you think it's medieval weapons made that well okay a grenade is not medieval but they're their weapons made out of fine china this won't get you very far I mean unless you whack someone upside the head with a bat you know they'll get the spikes in their skin and possibly glass or if the grenade blew up insurance and fast whatever yeah you know what okay maybe it's not the worst idea well Bobby you know the world may be on fire but uh we still got our anime this this is for hammering masters if you can swing this and nail a screw into something you're you are a force to be reckoned with screw it tomato on a train my god please help this man he's he's desperate for homies like I don't know who that's supposed to be a painting of but I'm he's obviously obviously got to get it home somehow why did it chair Jesus I'm all right yeah I'll find a different chair screw it Power Rangers on a train or well this is this looks like it's Japan so super sentai lot of train I don't know if what the super sentai Rangers are called or if they're even called back anyway sorry I'm getting I'm getting into my geek head holy cow please save him please take the knife okay who gave the cat a knife okay this is this is horrifying what is this whole family on house arrest why does the baby have one I'm so concerned what did the snowman on the right due to the snow on the left you just just stabbed as I stole it yeah look at it his eyes on the ground oh my god hmm can you say that this graphics card is r-tx bready okay I'll go now how the heck are you supposed to get up there is there something secret in there cuz like I why oh this is horrifying wow man the things people do this is how real men eat hot dogs the music with a hot dog antenna yeesh and I thought Thanksgiving was the most American you can get during a meal but uh this guy takes the cake all right you see an Asian girl offering you pizza in a sewer I mean she has the pizza yeah I just run and take the pizza what's she gonna do stop you probably there could be a whole a whole gang in there what I'm sorry what what is this a subway are you taking a coffin on a subway is there a body in the coffin I need there's a lot of questions that need to be answered here this is someone's personal personal roll of toilet paper no one else is using it unless you are the owner of the roll hey don't worry guys nice I saved what I could have the Titanic records are just welded the two halves together and well now I brought it to the surface you're welcome what is happening here at this Wiggles concert why why is there a battle about to happen this is like civil war stuff right now hey Seinfeld what do you what are you doing back there how about a bourbon and beer barrel into the White House I don't think so yeesh this guy is packing hey dude do not mess with him you know how Papa John said the day of reckoning will come this I think this is the day of reckoning now what is this you see there's a lot of images here that need a lot of context for there is not a lot of context here and I can say the same for this image how did the how did it get flipped okay did it he just drove there like that look at the perfect parking you think he party parallel parked and then had it flipped and it just stayed in the same spot no unless who was Superman who did it with extreme precision this this is for the extremely extremely nasty ears you know huh is that's a shower it's just a shower in the ground I don't know what else to say what do you want what do you expect me to say huh what what more do you want from me well this is an interesting helmet for sure but does it allow you to hear perfectly out you know outside of the helmet with those ears do they work you should cosplayers am i right what does this guy think he is what character is they even TV head the chainmail tie that's got to give you at least like 10 protection right don't tell anyone but this is actually a secret entrance to a building I don't know what the building is I just I can tell you know I know a secret entrance when I see one I don't know why but I've thought for some reason the overalls and the minions said Amazon I think that would make this even better honestly proof thank god there's a ladder on this billboard that only starts halfway up so that ad blind people can read the Braille this looks like it's gonna get nasty what Mexican standoff here between the lobsters oh hey kids don't zip tied your nose please just just get a regular piercing oh my can you imagine catching in the act oh man I'd be I'd be living what happened to this person Wow I don't even want to know why there's a hose connected to the crotch I who knew Mortal Kombat games looking pretty good they're having fun with it all right all right there was clearly some kind of explosion here what what was being cooked and how did the lid get get all the way up there I want to know another Turkey that's not made out of Turkey yeah a Superman coffin but it's also on an American flag but it's also only white with a blue stripe yeah this is this is definitely a hmm all right there is like zero fear in her expression she knows what power she is beholding right now well you know everyone looks happy in this photo even even the parents though probably deep down there they're regretting a lot what the heck are these their air pods but they're like hooked into actual headphones what do you think what do you think you'll hear if you put in the black earbuds well look at that why by official nike socks when you just just just do it your own on your own you know what this looks like a challenge to me not a challenge that I'd be willing to do I'm a coward but if you really gotta go and that's the only Porta Potty around hey you got to go spongebob you're looking a little weird what are you presenting to the class today just kidding I don't want to know I want to get out oh my god what are you doing to Tom what what are you putting what he putting there huh why why does he have a gag I'm moving on oh that's disgusting okay man yikes dude dad dad so we'll just push delete on one of the stairs this is this is trippy dude I don't know if we're looking up or down now this look at this you're doing construction and having fun doing it I want to believe this is real so much I assume this is what bronies feel when they just they get too deep into the fandom yeah just I'm just thinking of the end of Terminator 2 and I'm gonna cry II heard people talking about dropping logs but like that's a little extreme I think I think I would kill someone do not mess with this dog oh you will have a bad day he already looks very angry now man is my favorite TV program old creepy guy looking through the wall oh this she doesn't look too happy that she's gotten that buff yikes oh this is tele tell me he's seen he's seen better days he's a man that looks that looks awful just the worst holy cow this guy's like is that like one of his great ancestors is he like staring up an AW like man that he's killing it what is how do you ride this you just run and like use the I don't even know you just like put all your weight on your hands just lift your legs in the air and you're just going I don't know hey kids can you say fire hazard hey come over yeah I'll play with song any song you want just toss it toss a $5 bill down here that dogs very worried don't worry it's Turkey it's not dog I think I hope behold the toilet of doom no wait why is the only one wait a second oh my god Cookie Monster vs. john cena hood with all that obviously john cena you're holding a cookie you don't just keep the cookies from Cookie Monster and well ladies and gentlemen just like that we have reached the end of our slash if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to hit that subscribe button and the bell so you get notified every time you zpz uploads and until the next one I'll see you around
Channel: EzPz
Views: 335,931
Rating: 4.928647 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories
Id: UwlTsGuBefY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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