r/Eyebleach | hey girl aha

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bye-bye i'd be scared too took me a second to realize it was plush and i was like oh god [Music] what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk today's squeakathon is brought to you by the unending cuteness of r slash eye bleach let's get started he seeks your attention and he has it oh look at those eyes oh my goodness i cannot take it he is just too cute my axolotl bonnie i freaking love axolotls the care for them is just so complicated otherwise i would have one but hi bonnie bonnie looks like he's hanging out between two cactuses cacti cactuses her first fearless bath left her proud and warm oh good job she looks so proud of herself import cat.zip extract all to folder that poor dog is like i don't know what's going on but i'm just gonna stay still i usually cut repeat posts but this guy is so cute i'm gonna leave him in hello again little pupper control c control v the cute edition i also like that this post is called big and small sleepy time i have a few pictures of freya in like her blanket nests i i really need to post those to i bleach i have this kitten i have this puppy the way that kitten is looking at the dog oh my god i can't handle my heart hurts looking at it my cat's silently contemplating if he should burn the house down fire my little shoutout and his butterfly pose nobody told me about kitten yoga why did nobody tell me about kitten yoga oh my god are these copy bars sorry keeping off the cold floor it's kittens and bumper car slippers it's kittens in bumper car slippers oh my god somebody needs to animate this in after effects yeah sure that looks humping pets are weird one big happy family wait is this benson is this benson from the last one with the the cat with the coffee oh i don't know but he's certainly dapper i don't think i've met a picture that i wanted to like physically hug this photo just looks warm this is the visual equivalent of hot chocolate oh my god their eyes are so pretty the one on the left is i found the food the one on the right is please can i have the food fairy p fairy penguin what oh my god nobody told me these exists oh you are so chubby and blue this angry and fat tiger cub oh my god it's early and i haven't had breakfast yet the tiniest oh i saw this in a meme and i'm stealing the memes so deal with it this is what happens when you accidentally open a link in a new window instead of a new tab this cute ferret running that's not a fair at running that's ferret yoga something else everyone has neglected to tell me about i'll see he's doing it i have a little ball oh boy for me bro i could still play with it with my ball this this post feels a little lost because um i'm on the fence about this being cute i understand cute animal food oh my god oh the floppy ears i grew up with the shetland sheepdog and her ears did this all the time and it always made me happy excuse me sir sir that's a bear that is not that's a bear i understand you think it's a dog and i understand you've been misled by uh that creature and its breeder but no that may bear presenting the tactical goat lightweight and handheld for rapid cute deployment she always comes to greet me when i come home oh the best thing to see when you get home oh why is the kitty so wispy their whiskers are so long please can i have squishes thank you for the skitties oh my god it's a dog with hearts on it that's so cute fresh organic cats get yours today sup i love the waterfront i love puppies i love the view i love this entire image it is perfection i found these kittens in my backyard they're all inside cats now oh that's so sweet of you i'm glad they all have a loving home now the best part of my new job is meeting all of the shop dogs wait you have dogs that just like hang out at your shop how do i support this institution went to adopt a kitten yesterday and her sister started crying for her as soon as they were separated so now i have two kittens best decision ever they're just wrapped around each other it's so cute i wish the family who gave me this craigslist kitten six years ago knew how happy she's made me internet if you can see this and you gave away a cat six years ago on craigslist that cat has a very loving owner oh my god why aren't we doing this with more animals a lion and a tiger cub oh my god why are tiny animals so fuzzy oh it hurts gus has been my best friend in lockdown a lot of pets have gone absolutely above and beyond during the pandemic to you know keep us kind of sane cat cat are you okay i'm slightly concerned about where you are right now i'm floofy and i know it i've never seen a mother and baby hedgehogs that is ridiculously cute max says hello hi max you look really excited about something did you figure out how to burn the house down this mouse looks like it belongs on the cover of a beloved illustrated children's book it really does like the over exaggerated it really really does how deep is the mud that's about three-quarters dogs high no don't want to talk today oh the incident story my brain invented grandpa doc i'm not sargonius here doctor little kid let me just take a look it'll be fine he's over 15 years old now but once upon a time he was a tiny orange kitten oh so regal and floofy now he was just a little pocket furball before hi i am freshly arrived boxcat he helps me paint he looks so eager i'm completely unaware that i'm standing on top of your artwork this is helping right no he looks so happy do i want hot chocolate frosted flakes or cuddles i think we're going with cuddles secret cat they must not know why i'm here if this cow isn't the flower maid at somebody's wedding this is a missed opportunity like come on this is instant adorableness oh my god it's a dwarf hamster this shouldn't be legal she brought us a present through the doggy door she was so very proud i brought this stick just for you i picked it out special oh they both look so happy and leaning into each other i find this really cute but uh i've also watched people stream dagon rompo so uh yeah but really cool that that happened naturally despite how scary her bandana is bailey truly is an angel oh oh god but she really is an angel happy kitty seals are rapidly climbing the ladder of lexi's favorite animals like we've got bunnies puppies and kittens up there but seals are getting to be like fifth place at this point oh yes such a dignified gentleman look how he sits with his tea on the heater my soul is healed you've seen monorail cat i now bring you monorail red panda it's a slightly slower today is buddy's one year adoption anniversary so i woke up to my phone showing me memory picks this is my favorite one so far the little crown of snow on his nose oh that's a mood every single time i wake up and this is how i feel on saturday mornings i gained a study partner today the best distraction you could have yes absolutely nothing quite like a snoot in your lap oh it's the same stuffed animal hey i'm an arm armor tulip field in the netherlands oh that's just nice calming and pretty let's send a puppy through it this is clearly just a canadian riding a wolf you're not gonna tell me otherwise oh a distinguished gentleman he must be on his way to ask someone out on a date my boy had to go to the vet this is how we got him back oh no oh no he's been tim burtonized yeah he's just chilling 10 years difference oh wow heterochronia and a split faith that's really cool i didn't know this was so common in cats you've pooped your last bork partner i'm the pupper sheriff around here and that brings us to the end of the medicinal properties of our slash eye bleach i swear i just feel like genuinely happier every single time i view the subreddit and our dessert for today will be some lovely fan art today's fan art is brought to you by mk reliability and they say mk oh look at the cute doggies this is probably from an r slash eight bleacher wholesome memes video thank you so much mk reliability and if you enjoyed looking at cute fluffy things with me hit that like button if you want more adorable animals in your subscriptions feed hit that red subscribe button as always my name is the lexi kitty but you all can call me lexie have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next
Channel: EmKay
Views: 146,683
Rating: 4.9587059 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Eyebleach
Id: bIYFavCC7zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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