Beginners Guide to Start in Cities: Skylines – Design and Manage S3E01

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starting a city in city skylines can be a mess for new players especially if you don't know what you're doing in this video i'll guide you how i create a layout that's functional and realistic from the very beginning of a brand new city throughout the course of the next videos i'll explain the mechanics features and services that you unlock throughout the game in a chilled and relaxed atmosphere and i'll expand this small starter town into a massive and complete city the tips tutorials and layouts in this series are relevant for both players who play city skylines on pc and for players who play it on console without mods i'm targets and this is part one of design and manage my cd skylines let's play series for beginners the first thing you will notice when you start a new city is that you don't have a lot of stuff available if you look down at a ui you only have roads and you only have one particular type of road to build however if you build a little segment of this road you unlock other types of roads and also other services one of the roads that you unlock is actually this two lane gravel road which is a road that we are going to use to build the initial layout of the city and the reason for this is that this road is cheaper to build and cheaper to maintain and because we are so limited by money in this early stage of town i find it as the best road to start building a city i am going to start by building our residential blocks in other words the places where our citizens will live and i am going to just build a regular grid i'm going to start off on a coastline so that people have a view to the river now i'm going to make a perpendicular road all the way over here and this is going to be our main avenue that will eventually connect to the highway i want to go for a two block long neighborhood as you see here the two main lines that indicate the length of the segment i'm going to snap at the second line and if you notice i left a one block gap in between both roads this is because i am going to convert this road into an avenue which is going to make it wider and this little empty block that you see here is going to disappear by leaving a one block gap between both roads i will not be wasting any zoning space for this block however i am not going to leave any blocks in between i am going however to leave another one block gap on the other side like so and i think we can connect everything right about over here okay so this is a nice starting grid for our town now i can move on to our industrial layout which i'm going to build right about over here when you start off a new city all of your zones so residential commercial and industry need to be close to one another but as you expand your city you can then relocate your industry to other places in this particular city for example i have this brown area over here which means that there is some oil underneath which is going to be adequate for building an oil specialized industry and over here to the north side i know that i have some fertile land which is going to be useful to create some farms however for the time being i will have to build some generic type industry and i'm going to build this right about over here so let's make a dedicated grid for it and i will be making a different wreath in the grid that i've made for our residential just to make things a little bit more interesting [Music] okay i think this is a nice starter layout for our industry now we need to connect both of these layouts together i am going to delete this road and make a coastal road right about over here that will allow us to create a few additional houses next to the shoreline and i'm going to connect everything with the curve road and now i believe i can connect it over here and now i want to build an additional connection to this layout so let's make a little block here that is going to be used for a commercial and connect both of these like so and same thing over here make an additional block we now have a nice layout set in place but i need to make sure that i have all the necessary services to jump start our city and those services are power and water so i'm going to start with water i am going to build a water pumping station that provides water to our citizens and i'm going to place it right about over here upstream another element of water besides the water supply is also the sewage and for that i could go for a water drain pipe that throws the sewage directly onto the river but i do not want to pollute this map so i think i'm gonna go for a inland water treatment plant yes i could go for a eco water outlet or for a eco inland water treatment plant which are less polluting but they're also more expensive to build and more expensive to maintain and because money is such a big issue in this early stage of town i think i'm gonna go for something cheaper i want to place this facility right next to our industry but i want to build a dedicated layout for it or a dedicated road so i think i'm going to build it right next to the cliff okay cool i think it looks great now we just need to connect all the roads alright so i think it looks great and we even have some space available to build additional water treatment plants when we have the need for them we can now start piping down our entire layout i like to place my pipes underneath the main roads but that's just a personal preference now that water is set up we need to figure out our power situation a lot of people like to start off their cities with wind turbines i personally like to go for the coal power plant and this is because this type of land has a bigger power output and it will be enough to fuel our city until it has a couple thousand people living in it wind turbines are however a sustainable source of green power and i'm definitely going to place a few of them on the hills or on the mountains but for the time being i'm going to stick with the coal power plant and i think i want to build a dedicated road for this facility so i'm going to build a road right about over here and place the power plant over there perfect and i even think i can connect this road with this road just for looks and connect these two segments with a curvy quarter circle another thing that we cannot forget is to cover our entire city with power cables so that everything is powered up from the beginning i'm going to start off by providing power to our water treatment plant now i think we can keep going and expand this cable all the way over here and now i want to bring it to the shoreline and connect it directly to our water pumping station now i want to set up a cable that goes all the way over here that's because i'm going to build a bunch of houses over here and they will be connected to the power directly and i think this is enough to cover our entire city with power from the very start all of our necessary services are set up both power and water and we've also built a nice starter layout for our citizens to move in and we still have 9 000 in the bank so i think we're going to be good the only thing that we're missing here is to connect the highway to our layout and that's what i'm going to do now for the time being traffic is not going to be an issue so i do not need to overthink this connection so i'm gonna build it very very simply i'm simply going to grab the two lane one-way road and i'm going to connect it directly to our main avenue this is going to be the road that people will use to get out of the city as for this road over here i'm going to connect it somewhere else perhaps over here so let's figure that one out okay perfect this is an acceptable solution for exiting and entering the city in this early stage of the game with this we can now start zoning our houses i am going to start off with our residential and all of this is going to be residential i'm also going to build a few houses on the shoreline so something like this and over here as well as you're noticing i'm not zoning anything in this road because as i've mentioned i'm going to upgrade it to an avenue when the road expands it will delete every single building that is built on it so i'm going to hold on and build my commercial in this little block instead [Music] before i unpause the simulation and let the city develop there is also something very important that we must do i need to go into our economy tab to the budget panel and set the budget of all the services available to 50 the reason for that is that your power and water facilities are way too powerful in this early stages and a 50 budget is more than enough to serve your entire city when you have a very low population same thing for roads traffic is not going to be an issue in this early stage of the game so by doing this i will save on expenses and reach a positive income much quicker but now i think we have everything set up so i'm just going to unpause the simulation and let our first citizens move into the city okay so now we're having the first citizens moving into the city and here they all come using the roads that we have just built and we have also just reached a positive income so this was a very nice start by reaching a population of 340 you unlock your first milestone and with this a few extra services do you unlock taxes lowens in case you need an injection of money then you also unlock garbage healthcare and education garbage and education are two essential services that you should build as soon as you can now for garbage you actually have two options you have the landfill and also the recycling center landfills are cheaper but they also occupy a huge portion of terrain on the map and they're also more polluting they are also very annoying because if you want to move them to other part of the city or if you simply want to delete them you have to empty them and get rid of the trash that they are containing before doing so so i like to go for the recycling centers because they are more manageable and i think i'm going to build them right next to our port station but i actually think i'm going to continue this segment of road so build it all the way over here and place the building directly on this road okay cool so trash is now set up we need to figure out the education and it seems that we don't have enough money to build an elementary school so one of the things that i want to do is go into the economy tab and ask for a small loan so that i can build my school another thing that i should do a zap is go into our tax step and set the taxes all the way to 12 on the three different types of zoning 12 is the maximum amount you can set your taxes to without having your citizens complain so go ahead and do so to have that extra income okay now we have enough money to build the elementary school and i am going to build it on this very central location so that it can cover the entire residential neighborhood so this is going to be a good place for it there you go it also seems that we're having our first shortage of power so if i go into the power tab we can see that power is getting into the red zone so i'm going into the budget tab and raise it all the way to i don't know 65 that should be enough for now by reaching a population of 700 you unlock your second milestone and that gives you access to industry specializations namely forestry and agriculture and also some other important services such as fire and police stations i usually only build these when i need them so when you have your first fire and your first crime so i'm not going to bother with this for now so at this stage the city is in a pretty good shape we have 40 000 in the bank and also an income of almost 2 000 so one of the things that i want to do is go ahead and upgrade all of these roads so that's traffic can flow a bit better so i'm going to grab my normal two-lane road which is the road that i'm going to use and i'm going to upgrade this main road that connects directly to the highway and i also want to upgrade all the roads that have buildings adjacent to it so the industrial sector i also want to do the same for our commerce and i also want to go ahead and upgrade the main road to the avenue just like i said i would do now that we already have a working avenue i can go ahead and zone the commerce right next to it we don't have the demand for it but i can at least reserve the space already we do have however some demand for residential so i think i want to go ahead and zone this entire block [Music] reaching a population of 1100 will get you your third malson which unlocks a lot of stuff namely the parks and park areas that are going to provide some leisure to your city and it's also necessary to upgrade your zone buildings to higher levels the city is developing quite well we have a lot of demand for residential so let's provide a few more houses for people to move in let's make an additional block and build some additional houses here and maybe here as well [Music] oh look at this it seems that we have our first crime scenes in the city so now this is an indication that it's a good idea to build our first police station and i'm gonna build it over here in this little curve actually i think i'm gonna relocate it over here okay better it also seems that our entire city is connected itself with power so we do not need this unnecessary power cable so we can go ahead and demolish all of them okay much cleaner [Music] now that our city is pretty much set up with about 60 000 in a bank and an income of more than 2600 into our economy tab and set the budget for roads all the way to 100 and perhaps we can do the same with power because it was very close to 100 already in the in the future i'm gonna set all of these sliders to 100 and i'm not going to touch them ever again at this point we will be making so much money that this type of win maxing is not going to be necessary so i might as well just leave them all at hundred percent i've let the game run for a while we have a little bit more money in the bank and now residential demand is through the roof so now it's time for us to keep upgrading and developing our city i am going to expand this avenue all the way until the bridge and i'm gonna break the grid a little bit just to make things a little bit more interesting and i'm gonna expand our residential grid and i'll finish it off by connecting to the avenue with a 90 degree angle we also have a lot of space to the right side of the city and really get to the hill so let's maximize zoning space at least for the time being and i'm gonna finish off the layout with some perpendicular roads that are going to pretty much be dead ends i was on some houses here making a peaceful neighborhood right next to the hill [Music] and here we go reaching yet another milestone we unlock public transport one of the most important services in the game to manage traffic as traffic is not an issue right now i'm not going to worry about public transport for the time being and the other relevant thing that will unlock is new types of roads that we can use to decorate our city it seems that our current trash management system is having a difficult time getting to haul the houses so we need to build yet another recycling center i think i'm going to delete this little segment of road and i am going to build it right next to the other one there we go now that we have unlocked new types of roads i want to grab this new small industry road and upgrade the entire industrial neighborhood this doesn't have any particular effect i just think that this type of road suits the industrial district better than a normal road now that we have unlocked parks i think it's a good idea to start having some leisure to our citizens and it just happens that this little space here is perfect for a small park with trees there we go perfect fit but justice park is not enough to provide enough leisure so i also want to grab this little plaza and i want to place it right next to the avenue to provide some additional leisure for people who are shopping at our commercial zones better but we still have some red areas in our neighborhood so i'm gonna place a basketball court right next to the elementary school right across the street this will deliver some houses in the process but that's okay there we go we now have a nice blue segment and these houses will be ready to upgrade when they reach the right level of education and also when i place some public transport before i continue i need to upgrade our power situation because our budget for power is already at 100 percent i think i can go on and create an additional power station and i'm just going to place another coal power plant right next to the first one after solving the power and leisure situation we now have another problem on our hands which is we have a lot of dead people in the city so it's finally time for us to build our first cemetery and i already have a location for it i am going to build it right next to this road on the outskirts of the central city i don't particularly like how the edge of the cemetery clips with the hill so i'm gonna relocate it a bit to the right and i think i'm gonna modify the train a little bit better just to make this fence a bit more realistic by placing the cemetery here we can now start developing this side of town so let me just upgrade this road this road will eventually continue and wrap around this mountain around the highway entrance and will eventually connect to the civilization that's going to be on the north part of the map since i already know what i want to do with it i can already expand it now for the time being i can place some houses on this main road that we have just upgraded so that power can transfer over to the cemetery [Music] when we have unlocked parks we also unlocked a very interesting feature of the game pathways pathways are very unique and interesting because they provide walkability to your city citizens prefer using pathways than the sidewalks on the side of the road grabbing the public transport or even driving a car so if you happen to build a pathway between their workplace and their home that is actually a shorter distance than if they had to let's say catch a public transport or drive a vehicle they will almost certainly use that pathway making it a very efficient tool to reduce the amount of traffic in your city if used correctly i exemplify this effect by building a pathway between my residential neighborhood and also my industry see what i tell you citizens just love the pathways let's keep adding some more pathways i think i can build another one connecting the avenue to this residential block so something like this cool i'm also connecting the dead ends of our roads in our neighborhoods which makes them even more useful and provide additional walking paths now that i think about it this pathway will be perfect for a cycling road so that people can cycle right next to the hill on the outskirt of all the buildings so let's convert them [Music] i've reached a point in my city where it's very difficult to develop this is because i have a lot of demands for industrial and i have no more space i want to build industry on so the next step is to move on to the north part of the layout and build some dedicated farms but before you do so i wanna future proof this part of town by adding a few more additional main roads and main connections so for example i know that i will want to build something on this little highland over here so i can move on and create a bridge that connects both of these lands together that's what i want to do now so i'm going to grab my road tool and i'm going to try to create a bridge i don't really like how the pillars are positioning themselves so i'm going to try to adjust the terrain to manipulate this [Music] let's try again okay i like this distribution much better so let's create a bridge very nice now we can connect it to the layout and upgrade this entire road i also want to build a additional bridge on the upper part of the island so let's do so by connecting it to this road and i think this is an acceptable angle [Music] okay nice i'm not going to build anything in the island but at least we already have the connections i want to do the same on this part of town i will eventually want to develop this area on the south part of the river so we will eventually have to create a bridge and i have already decided that i'm going to use this avenue this main avenue for death i'm noticing that we have a bit of an inclination as we get to the shoreline so i can start making our bridge a bit before that and take advantage of the elevation for that i will have unfortunately to delete this existing avenue and all the subsequent commercial buildings that are placed on it but that's okay by playing with the elevation of the road i can try to make a ramp that is horizontal as possible which is just aesthetically pleasing this looks good enough for me i can now bridge over to the other side and i'm gonna try to make it as horizontal as possible once again this looks good enough when building this ramp i lost a bit of zoning space these blank areas are great to make custom parts just connect the ends with some pathways and place some custom trees and you're set [Music] and look at this we have our first building demolished by fire this one so this is a good indication that we need to place our first fire station and i'm gonna place it right next to our police station there we go and now that you're at it and now that we have a lot of money in the bank and also a great income of 3600 we can also build our first medical clinic because that's a service that we still haven't placed in our city yet and i'm gonna place it at a very central location right about here right next to our park seems good [Music] but that's it for this video i hope you've enjoyed the start of this brand new let's play series and stick around to watch the city grow if you're a new player and found this video helpful make sure to watch the next one for more tips guides tutorials and design ideas i'll be waiting for you in the next episode where we'll be setting up some farms thank you all so much for watching and as always have fun you
Channel: T4rget
Views: 209,193
Rating: 4.9732461 out of 5
Keywords: beginners guide, ep 1, cities skylines beginners guide, cities skylines ps4, cities skylines xbox, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines tips, cities skylines guide, cities skylines how to, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines ep 1, cities skylines, city planning, city skylines, city layout, city, design and manage, cities skylines how to start, how to start, cities skylines how to start your city, how to start your city, cities skylines starting layout
Id: 6XtXfv1Zi9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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