The Amanda Bynes Story: Part 2

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[Music] medication 34 reported a gasoline tank on fire in the driveway avenida de los arboles at moore park community i've read reports has said this was her parents neighborhood i've also read articles that said that there would be no reason for her to be in this neighborhood at all but i don't know it was close to the retirement village she was at the night before so from what i've gathered from all the different news stories she's got just a small gas can and her dog with her and maybe she was looking for her parents house and couldn't find it or something so she just picked one she either pours the gas on the driveway gets them under her pants and her dog and then lights the puddle anyway which ignites the gas can as well causing a trail of fire or she lit some kind of piece of fabric and had it sitting on top the gas can and that caused like a mini explosion that started a bunch of little fires around the driveway either way something causes her pants leg to catch on fire so she stops drops and rolls which scares her dog and he runs away at this point someone a man named andrew was driving by and he sees her laying down with her pants on fire and goes to pull over by the time he's out of his car and walks over to her pants are off they're not on fire anymore and she's chasing after her dog he asked her where her hose was thinking this was her house and then asked if she was hurt but she said no and she took off after her dog now others have stopped to help him put out the fire he tells one of them to call the cops and he gets in his car to go find the person who just started this fire he sees her on her phone crossing an intersection where she meets a cab driver andrew jumps out of his car and runs to the cab driver and tells him not to take her and that something is wrong with her she tells him she needs to go because her dog has just been burned and this is when she runs a block down into a convenience store in the footage she can be seen running in dog in hand and she goes past the register to an employee's only area where she tries to wash off her dog after a moment the employee goes into the back and asks her to leave by this time the cops and the fire department have arrived at the scene of the fire which had already been put out soon after they find amanda because she didn't go far from the scene of the crime when they questioned her about the fire they decided based on her answers she would not be charged criminally and instead need to be held on a psychiatric hold aka a 5150. under this hold she would be held for 72 hours for psychiatric evaluation at the end of those 72 hours either she'd be released if she's found to be stabilized or doctors can request a 5250 which will allow them to extend the stay for two more weeks during this time lin and rick decided they would file for a temporary conservatorship over amanda's person and her estate in the paperwork they said that amanda's life savings from acting once sat at 4 million and has depleted quickly with 1.4 million dollars spent in a matter of months on june 4th she withdrew 100 000 cash and she did that again on july 2nd they said they had no idea what she was spending all her money on but they presumed a large portion of it went to eid way they also voiced their concern for her mental state saying she was growing more and more paranoid taping windows shut which aligns with the stories from the people who sold photos of her to intouch and covering smoke alarms with towels which makes the photos of her broken smoke alarm at the ritz make more sense they even said they believed her to be practically homeless in court the judge denied their request for temporary conservatorship because he wanted more information about the situation so he extended her psychiatric hold instead amanda however believed she was being held illegally and requested a hearing for the next day july 26th when the time came amanda rescheduled so that her medications would have time to kick in by the time they went to court and her lawyer thought that she would be able to make a compelling case once she was stabilized her new court date was set for august 1st so back in the singed driveway a neighbor of the homeowner had offered to pressure her driveway for her but she rejected this offer and said that she wanted amanda's parents to pay for it but when tmz got in touch with rick he said that he would not be paying for it and that that would have to be amanda's responsibility but luckily amanda's prospective rap crew was already saving her ass ceo of chingachang records daniel herman wanted amanda to sign with him so badly that he stepped up and paid for the 1 000 worth of damage to the driveway interesting anecdote about ching chang is that at the same time michael lowan negotiated a deal with him to give lindsay's little sister ali a deal for a country record but it later fell apart after michael threatened to burn daniel's house down anyway in the days leading up to amanda's court date it was reported that she was doing a lot better on the medication they were giving her and i just want to know is it not illegal for people inside these facilities to be selling stories to the news outlets cause i found stories that were saying employees said they had to change amanda's room after she kept insulting her roommate and i was like how do we know this were we a fly on the wall were we there or someone just breaking hipaa but even with her improved state doctors still said in court that she needed to at the very least finish her two weeks so that they could further analyze her and talk therapy and give her medicines as they believe she wouldn't take them if they let her go so her next hearing is a week later and at this hearing it's decided whether or not she'll continue to be held which would lead to a conservative ship like her parents were asking for if her parents win she goes back to treatment until september 30th when a real hearing is held for a conservatorship and if they lose she walks free at the hearing it was decided that she would be placed on an extended 30-day hold the very next day the judge grants lynn a temporary conservatorship her lawyer was in court fighting for her but to no avail at the end of the month she was transferred to the ucla medical center her spot there was not cheap though it cost 3 500 a day thankfully for her wallet though she didn't stay there long after about a week and a half she left at the suggestion of her doctors and checked into the canyon treatment center in malibu which by the way is the same place that had to make a 250 thousand dollar settlement with actress brooke mueller after someone shared confidential information about her treatment with media outlets two or so years prior also even though this is a luxury treatment center it's still fifty thousand dollars less a month for her to stay there on september 24th her court date finally comes from the wreck the year before however due to her extended stay in rehab her lawyer argued that she was unfit to stand trial and the case was transferred to mental health court where they would evaluate her state a couple days later another one of amanda's lawyers went to court for a vase throwing incident and asked for the case to be postponed for 18 months while she sought treatment this became a big deal in the tables because everyone was like she's going away for a year and a half which would have put her release date in 2015. but the good news for her in that case was that due to the troubles they had finding the base she would likely get a plea deal or the whole case would get thrown out altogether in november the judge on her rat case rules that she is fit to stand trial and is now considered competent but as far as a conservatorship goes she was still not considered mentally fit enough to care for herself a couple weeks later amanda is out of treatment and living at home with her parents and as long as she continues to go to therapy sessions four times a week her base throwing case will get thrown out no pun intended once she got home it was mostly good news she was seen at disneyland with her parents it was released that her dog sherbert was living with a new family which was sad for amanda but much worse could have come from the events of that night it was announced that she was enrolled part-time in feder for product development and when she started reports said that she was super nice and sociable and she would make presentations in front of everyone and she was comfortable with her classmates and this is awesome because fashion's something she'd always been interested in it seemed like she was finally being herself again from the public's perspective people start to notice from paparazzi shots it appeared she was removing tattoos namely the angel wing tattoo that sat prominently on the front of her arm she also had a diamond tattoo that i know she removed and a tattoo in hebrew that i believe she still has but this seemed like a positive sign to everyone that she was ready to wipe her slate clean and really have a fresh new start in february when lynn and rick went to court to sort out conservatorship duties the judge told lin well done very good job thanks for amanda seemed really great later that month she was able to take a plea deal for her accident in 2012 and that gave her three years probation and three-month alcohol course now a lot of the coverage of amanda and her hospitalization and recovery would either suggest that she was schizophrenic or just flat out say that they knew for a fact that she was in march though lane came out and said that she did not suffer from schizophrenia or bipolar disorder and that her only problem was her cannabis use and now that she was no longer taking that she didn't need to be on any medication this caused a lot of speculation people thought it was a terrible idea for linda take her off her medicine and more so that it was inaccurate to say her daughter suffered from no mental illnesses many pointed to the fact that she was held under a 5150 and now a conservatorship which is only meant to be given to those who are gravely mentally ill so many people looked at these things and thought that either lin was in serious denial or that she was lying to the public to protect her daughter then after a six-month hiatus she returns to twitter she shares that she's doing good and taking classes at fitm says that this is her only twitter account i'll get to that in a minute a sketch post photos of her celebrating her 28th birthday in cabo and some pictures at the fitm debut fashion show that summer things seemed great for amanda she would pop onto social media to share photos of her still looking happy and healthy she was acquitted for the vase incident and it was reported that she was looking for an apartment to stay in while she attended classes other than that things were literally silent from amanda until they weren't [Music] in the early hours of september 28th after no major news from amanda since the summer she's arrested once again for driving under the influence this time of a stimulant likely adderall police say they pulled her over after she stopped at a red light in the middle of an intersection she was cooperative but she looked disheveled and she failed several sobriety tests and remember she's already on probation at around 7 am she was fully processed and given a bed and everything but then at 12 40 pm she was bailed out by someone not her parents i don't know who but in fact her parents didn't even know she'd been arrested the next morning when x-17 caught up with rick he said that they haven't really heard from her since the conservative ship ended they found out about the arrest from the news and amanda never came home what was last time we heard from him well at the end of the conservation i mean other than you know greetings we knew nothing about this we were called by the press i know nothing and the president seemed to know much so i don't know so she was released yesterday it wasn't to your care no no the conservative ended you know that right it ended okay you hadn't you read that it ended and once it ends she's 28 she does what she wants so we don't know it's the last year from this point her behavior becomes more and more unpredictable she was reportedly kicked out of venom because she would skip class a lot and when she would show up she would be trying to pay her classmates to do work for her then after arriving in new york with a bandage on her face things only seemed to get more concerning there's a video posted for riding a city bike she was seen limping around bloomingdales and she allegedly went to the club alone and scratched someone who was taking pictures of her in the midst of these stories being posted online she returned to twitter to say not to believe anything the tabloids say about her and that she wanted to transfer to nyu once again you see everyone saying where are her parents why aren't their parents doing anything why don't they get a conservatorship like jamie spears i think it's really interesting to see how much the public perception of conservatorships has changed in only six or seven years on the 8th of october amanda is allegedly caught trying to steal from a small boutique and one hour later she's seen on security footage of barney's air humping a security guard and shoplifting according to amanda while she was shopping she found a hat that she liked but realized her purse was in the car but her driver was nowhere to be found then a woman starts chasing her and trying to snap photos of her so she uses the hat to cover her face and get out only problem is that the hat had a security tag so when she tried to leave all the alarms started going off and she got stopped when security talked to her she explained the situation and said that she had no intention of actually stealing the hat so they let her go but they did ban her from the store all this is happening intouch publishes an article saying that they had an exclusive interview with amanda where she announced she was engaged but that's not all they said her fiance was a 19 year old boy who worked at a bait and tackle shop they also include some interesting quotes i'm very needy for friendship and i hate men i want to them but i can now say i'm engaged get away from me i don't know if they've manipulated her words into that sentence that makes no sense or if they're just exploiting her mental state for wacky and wild quotes but either way like i said she had just returned to twitter after five months of silence and in her turn she tweeted that she would be suing in touch for lying about her entirely she also said i finally hired the best lawyer in new york city to sue in touch magazine because they're utterly insane and lying to the public about me i'm also suing star magazine for doing the exact same thing i will sue anyone in the media who lies about me and says i ever gave them an interview when i never gave literally any magazine a quote and she said she was getting married but this is important because this i think is when sam lofty comes into the picture and on that note let me have a drink quick rundown sam lefty was britney spears manager right before her very public breakdown in 2007. he's known to have been a bad influence on britney he would give her drugs and then try to take a percentage off the top of her passive income she was making while he managed her his influence and control over brittany are a large part in why many believe britney is in a conservatorship today britney spears actually has a restraining order against him as does courtney love for the young people courtney love is lead singer of the band hole and kurt cobain's wife who sam also got close to at her darkest times and mailed her and told to choke and die sam lefty slid into amanda's life as he did with brittany and courtney and made her feel like he was the only one on her side he got her he knew people he was gonna get her legal justice against the tabloids against her parents for holding her against her will all of it all she had to do was come meet him in la so he could set her up with his hot shot lawyers obviously amanda didn't like that because that's where her parents were and she feels controlled there but if she can just get there meet the lawyers say her piece everything will be fine so the morning of the 10th amanda tweets that she's on the cover of every magazine and then she talks about how all they use is bad photos of her which is probably because she called everyone ugly but she wants them all to stop saying she needs mental help because what she really needs is help looking pretty so help anyway an hour later she comes back on to talk about how she's so in love and it changed her life because in her childhood she was abused i need to tell the truth about my dad he called me ugly and then asked if i wanted to do things with him then i had to live with him which was a total nightmare i will not be brainwashed or manipulated by anyone anymore so let me live my own life without unhappiness and misery two hours later she tweeted my dad never did any of those things the microchip in my brain made me say those things but he's the one who ordered them to microchip me and by this time her siblings had come out and said that they were really upset about this and her parents lawyer made a statement that they were heartbroken if i had my timeline correct right after this she arrived at lax in the video you can hear paparazzi asking her if she regrets the claims she had made that morning to which she responds they're all true and i will sue also i thought this clip was interesting thank you so much [Music] like how dare you like my parents are insane when amanda leaves the airport she's picked up by a car service that is there to bring her to the london hotel in hollywood to meet her lawyers finally and while she's in the car she tweets out you feel like a brother to me at sam lefty except that's not where they brought her instead she was dropped off at a hospital in pasadena where her parents lawyer tamar armanak was waiting and sam lefty had tricked her she's once again held on a psychiatric hold just like last time after the initial 72 hours are up the holds extended for another 14 days on the 29th ling goes to court to get another temporary conservatorship over amanda the court document cited the security footage of her at barney's the photos of the woman she scratched in the club her recent arrest and once again her spending this time they said she'd bought jewelry from cartier for strangers and at the time of the filing her net worth was 5.7 million and remember she used to have 4 million in the bank and she owns those properties as well with her only income being from her rental property in calabasas so the conservatorship is renewed and a 30-day extension is granted for her hold so this is where it gets confusing the articles say the hold was extended but then the next day she's released this typo riddled article from e news says that even though the judge said she would spend 30 more days in the facility she still has a right to plead her case so she was released the article says that a conservatorship is used to say what someone can and cannot be forced to do and being in a locked facility wasn't something she could be forced to do unless of course she puts herself in danger again and needs to be taken for a 5150 so apparently she just you know was stabilized from her medicine and asked to leave and they let her go right after her release she's seen wandering around on sunset and eating alone at mel's diner she went back on twitter saying that she was released from the hold that her parents and sam tried to have her on because she's fine she says she's going to court to fight for her freedom because people need to see the real her the next day she's in mel's again this time with her lawyer and they both end up being late to court which i think is so irresponsible for a lawyer to have even like got like why would they go to lunch so like late eventually her lawyer goes and he's turned away because even though she's out her conservatorship prevents her from entering into any new contracts and thus she couldn't find her own council which is this is why that part earlier was really confusing for me because they said that even though she was under conservatorship she had a right to plead her case so i'm guessing they mean that she was supposed to just go by herself and represent herself maybe and she can't have i don't i don't know i don't think it's fair that you can't have a lawyer i'm pretty sure pretty sure everyone has a right to due process and counsel so this is when things start to look really turbulent for amanda according to her she had no place to stay and she was living day to day on amex gift cards from her parents usually they were fifty dollars sometimes a hundred she was staying with her hair stylist and two of her roommates at the time remember them they're gonna come back in a second her parents also came out though and said that they had been paying for a hotel room but she didn't want to stay there and i mean yeah if she's thinking someone's always taking pictures and videos of her she's not going to want to stay in a hotel room paid for by people she doesn't trust this is when amanda talks explicitly about her conservatorship for the first time she says i was diagnosed bipolar manic depressive so i'm on the mission and i'm seeing my psychologist and psychiatrist weekly so i'm fine i'm not living with my parents i'm not legally obligated to my lawyer said if i comply with the courts and take my meds and see my psychologist and psychiatrist then i'll get unconserved thank god now you'll remember her mom did come out a while ago and deny that she had any mental illness specifically schizophrenia or bipolar disorder so either amanda's lying or as i've seen some places report lynn and rick don't believe in mental illness and i've certainly got a relative like that so that sounds believable to me especially because they're older or maybe she was just trying to protect her from the world and the press because unfortunately there was and still is a huge stigma towards mental illnesses especially bipolar disorder two days later amanda's photographs sleeping on a couch at the beverly center which is a mall thankfully it seems she was safe she could have very easily been robbed or hurt her purse is literally just sitting right there but these photos made the rounds that night and heidi montag of all people reached out on twitter to tell amanda she could stay with her and spencer in their guest house and this was really sweet but also really short-sighted because heidi and spencer lived in santa barbara which is over a hundred miles from where amanda was so needless i think to say heidi didn't hear back also interestingly the comments under the video i found of heidi talking about this were like leader alone old lady another thing people saw as a red flag was the fact that she dyed her hair purple which i also think is interesting that that was a sign back then and that's really just a common normal thing to do now okay so back to that engagement amanda was talking about so allegedly she gets turned away from getting a tattoo in honor of him because she doesn't have an id then she says that the caleb i'm gonna say just warning if that's if i'm saying it wrong i kind of don't care but the caleb pusey character is not who she's engaged to and she doesn't know why he would think that but then she says that he's her gbf and then she says that he's not gay because they've had sex but the point is i think she was telling a little fib also her mom went to court around this time and agreed to open a private trust for the financial part of her conservatorship so that amanda would have necessary funds to house herself speaking of house remember those roommates one night whilst in the car one of them takes a secret recording of amanda i'm not gonna play the entire thing because i don't want tmz to copyright me again but i will leave the link in the description for anyone who wants to hear the full thing i don't want my father in face that's why i said i wanna for him as a joke i wanna literally like lead him into a ditch and i haven't decided how i want to prepare so sorry this is keeping yours okay feelings as you can tell she's clearly not in her right state of mind and this is the first time the public has really gotten to hear her stream of consciousness as opposed to reading it on twitter someone in amanda's family we don't know who saw this footage and told tmz that they wanted them to post it because it could be a wake-up call for medical professionals to intervene and get her help which i don't know why it would have to be public i don't like what medical professionals are checking tmz but why they couldn't just show it to her doctor or something maybe i just don't know anything but that just seems weird these roommates are also trying to get money from lynn and rick for damages to the apartment like hair dye stains and cigarette burns on the carpet but rick and lynn told them to pound sand because they stayed with her against their suggestion and fully knew how she was meanwhile amanda was being photographed at one oak she toured usc and she said she wanted to transfer there to study psychology and she said that the video of her that her roommates recorded was just a joke and she was also in therapy to talk about her dad so no one needed to worry about it and that if you were worrying about it you probably just didn't know her as i'm sure you've noticed amanda has been in the news a lot less in recent years i think this has probably been great for her and her mental health i think having social media and with such a large following while she was going through such a hard time definitely made everything 100 times worse i mean you guys have seen a twitter reply section literally people just say anything on the internet to get a response especially when it's someone who seems like they need a slice of humble pie but in october of 2015 amanda went back to fit him she was seen out and about looking healthy there of course were some tabloids that would post really unflattering photos and say she looked fat now and this is just something they do to everyone i just don't understand what kind of awful you have to be to take photos of someone who who you publicly also accused of having and then say that they look fat now like that's just disgusting and i won't ever understand 2017 was a big year for amanda she went to court where her mom petitioned to end the conservatorship over her finances and the judge said that she'd made great improvement over the last couple years but i have seen that it is possible she still isn't in control of her finances because it is possible that lin could have made someone else the trustee of the trust so i don't know how that works hopefully though if she's not in charge of it it's a legal entity so that there can't be any type of like personal squabble holding her money from her because i don't think that's fair i you know it's still her money she should at least be able to feed and house herself and get herself where she needs to go her probation also ended and she did her first interview in four years where she announced she was ready to try her hand at a comeback i'm going to start acting again yes when you told drake i actually wasn't being insincere i was like saying you're serious i was serious but i was also on that was my way of saying like let's do it man but i was like on trying to be hilarious in november of 2018 amanda was on the cover of paper magazine and she did a candid interview explaining pretty much everything though some did criticize it for smoothing over the problems but i thought it was pretty in-depth for first magazine cover in four years and it's a deep dive into your personal struggles she also officially filed a trademark for a vintage fashion line but unfortunately the pressure of being pushed back into the public eye was too much for her when this cover came out i remember people making conspiracies like the avril lavigne one that she was a clone but the sentiment was just that she looked nothing like herself and blah blah blah and as we know that's a sensitive topic and she went from having her privacy and appealing to once again thousands of unsolicited comments about her appearance so after battling it on her own for a while she decided to check into rehab while in rehab though she finally graduated fit him with a degree in merchandising and she was there for six months before moving into a sober house and a couple months later she left the sober house for sweet sweet freedom after her release she was still attending therapy in aaa but what interested fans most was her new tattoo she posted a photo on instagram showing off her new ink after teasing a photo of her at a tattoo shop now this leads me into my next point disturbing photos this is something i see a lot not just with amanda but definitely most frequently with her every time she posts a selfie no matter what it is the comments and endless articles will refer to it as disturbing please can someone please tell me what is disturbing about this photo of her just sitting there looking at the camera please someone explain to me how that is disturbing and if you're 700 years old and you're about to say because she's not smiling first of all yes welcome to the world it's hard we don't always smile but also i must direct you to old photos of her where she would do this exact same look to me it's quite evident that she's just doing like a smolder but apparently that's frightening to some people i guess some people would say they're concerned because she got a tattoo maybe this is an unpopular opinion but i don't see tattoos as a sign of losing it or whatever i personally don't think she's done anything to raise concerns to the level at which people responded to that selfie but again maybe that's just me i grew up around people covered in tattoos so that might just be my bias and maybe she's just way better at hiding things now than she was before but especially since she was still in treatment when she got the tattoo i don't think it should be that great of a concern there's also similar comments to this on the video on her youtube channel of her singing along to asap rocky paul who i'm gonna get to but i'll just show you a few because they're so annoying to me imagine just posting a video vibing to a song and people comment that they're scared normal people i know post videos sing along to music on their snapchat stories all the time tick tockers literally post videos like this and get 7 million followers on a tv show and a record deal but she posts a simple video and all the comments are conspiracy theories about how old people are drinking her blood or something like y'all literally need psychological help i see the same type of thing under lindsay lohan stuff particularly that cameo she did for the company phamra before everyone opened their eyes and noticed it was a cameo all the comments were like oh my god she's literally in a cult these stars have really been ruined for life like please reel it in y'all need an interesting show or something to watch because please get out of these women's comments being so strange here are some suggestions like you believe that these are people with such great treats so you drag it up at every possible opportunity so you can talk about how broken and ruined they are you're literally a freak imagine doing that to someone who isn't famous like what is wrong with you anyway back to the story while she's in ia she meets paul michael paul is younger than her and there's kind of nothing known about him publicly good for him and amanda revealed they were engaged on valentine's day 2020 however her conservatorship could pose a problem to their relationship it was rumored at the time of their engagement that lin didn't like the idea of amanda moving into a relationship so quickly and felt that she needed to remain in an isolated environment and that allegedly caused a rift between them reports said that because of the difficulties posed by her conservatorship i.e the fact that her mom would have to approve the marriage which would then have to be legally approved by a judge she and paul broke up and amanda was really not taking it well and he confirmed it to intouch which i'll admit i did think was a bit suspicious but i don't know what the context of the interview was but i'm sure it wasn't anything super serious because the next day they were back together later she posted a video talking about her conservative ship case and talking about how she was paying high rates and she felt it was unfair hey y'all i want to say thank you guys so much for your support the fact that you've been rooting for me for years means more than you know today i want to talk about a controversial topic my conservatorship case i have been going to a treatment center that charges 5 200 a month there's no reason why i shouldn't go to a therapist who takes my insurance for five thousand dollars less a month this is why i've asked to see the judge next week regarding this conservatorship issue thank you guys so much for hearing me out i'm sorry that this is what i'm dealing with and i'm sorry to put my problems onto the internet but this is what life has come to so thank you guys so much for always supporting me love you all peace out appreciate your love and support love you guys bye i saw on some sites none i don't think that i would consider reputable but some places were reporting that a judge had ordered amanda to go to a psychiatric facility and that she agreed but never showed up but they never presented any proof no court documents and i can't find any statements from tamar or her lawyer about this so i don't know that it ever did happen but it is what the people were saying at the time also by the way her parents lawyer's name is tamar armanik i don't know if that's pronounced correctly but i'm going to pronounce it like tamar braxton i also read an article that paul denied the breakup rumors and said that their accounts got hacked but that's from the national enquirer so take that with a grain of salt but that would also insinuate that he was doing interviews over social media like dms or something also to note she got another face tattoo around this time and she was being really active on social media not in like a bad way like she was before just posting a lot of videos like this one that i was referring to earlier and another one where she talks about self-esteem and paparazzi whenever i see a paparazzi photo the majority of the time i look nothing like myself i'm talking 16 chins face looks completely different and it's an all-around terrifying experience to look myself up online quite honestly like i'm about to cry just thinking about it but i wanted to post this video so people know that i'm just like you i want to look my best of course i can take an unflattering shot but the amount of unflattering shots that i see online i know that my photos are being photoshopped i i just i don't look like that in the photos that i take or when i look at myself in the mirror so that's all i wanted to say i hope you guys are having a sick day i love you and i'll talk to you guys soon bye which this is something that we know she's been struggling with for some time but it does seem that she's handling it a lot better now i mean there's gotta be more than one person watching this right now who's experienced not liking the way you look so imagine you feel that but then also you have no control over the photos that are posted of you every time you leave your house like imagine all the photos that are posted of you are pictures your mom takes with the flash later that month amanda posted a sonogram and announced that she was pregnant and then people kind of heard nothing for a minute but her personal lawyer came out two months later and said that she actually wasn't pregnant i've seen people speculate that maybe she was lying but i mean there's a sonogram with her name on it but i've also seen some people speculate that because of her conservatorship she had to have like you know what but from what i found online i don't think she can be forced into any type of medical treatment or anything unless she poses a threat to herself and i don't know what threat to herself having a child that she wants would be so i do not think that's something that could happen however she could i think have lost custody of the baby once it was born this is obviously a super personal topic so i don't even want to speculate what happened because if she wanted the world to know there would be no need to speculate when her lawyer came out to say this she gave a little update on her instagram saying update getting my bachelor's degree from fedem taking online classes trying to get a 4.0 gpa looking forward to starting my online store in the future hashtag goals spent the last two months in treatment working on coping skills to help with my social anxiety that caused me to drop out of school months ago back on track and doing well i'm now living in transitional living and doing therapy during the week still engaged to the love of my life paul hope you're all staying safe love y'all paul in interviews said that she was in therapy and always working really hard to battle her trauma and trying to get through this there were all these reports that amanda was going back to court to fight for freedom in september 2020 but there have been no updates about that at all so maybe no news is good news and she was able to go to the other psychiatrist but until there's an actual update who knows and she's still been seen out with paul and from the public perspective and my perspective they look pretty happy and loved up and i think they make a cute little couple this is unless you've heard from twitter user persianla27 virginela27 is an account on twitter that has been hotly debated for the last six seven years and i really don't know what to believe i feel like there's compelling evidence to say it's real and to say it isn't so i'm gonna show you everything that i know someone who makes videos about this a lot again is sloane so i'm gonna link his channel below don't forget he has a lot of videos on this specifically and he has eyes on the inside so he gets to do a lot of videos about those tweets and stuff but when i watch his videos and i see the tweets that are posted they seem so regular and that makes it really believable to me and they're usually kind of sad like she'll complain about her fiance being a pos and about her parents not giving her money for transportation which makes it really hard for her to get places and thus fulfill her end of the conservatorship which is her aaa and her therapy and whatnot the count has also posted things referring to their own sa nothing specific but they have alluded to it and mentioned it a few different times they have also posted this photo of amanda's id and what they claim to be the inside of amanda's apartment which i don't that's not compelling evidence to me because i don't know what the hell amanda's apartment looks like so how am i supposed to take that as proof and i was so torn by this account because on one hand she isn't a conservatorship and there definitely is a possibility that she's being silenced and not allowed to post on her socials freely but then i came across some sketchy the first red flag for me was that this account asked for money a lot they didn't just start asking for money they've been constantly asking for donations from the followers since the dawn of the account they originally had a gofundme in the bio that got shut down almost immediately and they put a venmo in the bio and one of the archived versions of the page that i found shows the bio with an amazon wishlist the list still exists and is public so i was able to check it out it's titled personal wishlist and we have a lot of emojis on here which i found to be an immediate red flag because i've yet to see amanda use an emoji not on her normal tweets not on her weirder tweets i mean in like very recent history she started using like the alien emoji and stuff but but this was back then and there's heavy usage of them on the amazon page and on the twitter page in general but let's read the description always leave people better than when you found them if cinderella had went back to pick up her shoe shoe emoji she would have never become a princess crown emoji for privacy reasons i will be having my gifts sent to my bff and future assistant drita to either california or new york depending on the date's heart emoji so my first question is who is this drita person and after extensive research for anyone named drita that amanda bynes follows or is in her circle or even just any assistant at all that she may have i can't find anything i can't find anything about her having an assistant after she got dropped by caa so i don't know i'm feeling like anyone who bought stuff for this amazon wishlist got played but furthermore i had a hard time believing that someone who went to fashion school graduated from fashion school would like these items even if she isn't wealthy like she once was she's still been in designer clothes and i know money doesn't buy taste i know i know i know say what you want about her style now but i think it makes sense the clothes still work together they're cute and this is not cute objectively it literally just is not not to mention i feel like some of the stuff on the list is just like a basic parody idea of what someone would assume amanda bynes would want like i might be reaching but all the dog stuff like since it was so publicly known about the fire stuff that happened with the dog and how much she loved that dog and the one before that had passed away and then this amy winehouse sweatshirt which i feel like is a cheap joke about her or something and while i'm on the topic i feel like a lot of the actual tweets from this account give me the exact same feeling i feel like it's someone making a mockery of her mental state and they don't sound like tweets she herself was making here are some examples be like be like literally like this is where i go stupid like i just want to like i want to like granted these are older tweets i don't know if it's possible that the account could have once been fake and now it isn't i don't know how that would work because it still says the account was made in january 2013. but also there was this tweet where jax from vanderpump rules which is a show on bravo who is tweeting at someone just literally minding his business and this account just interjects with this photo again first of all this feels like a cheap plan to things that are publicly known about amanda i didn't mention it before because it felt kind of irrelevant but she definitely had an affinity for diet coke you may have noticed in the photos from her stay at the ritz there were hella diet cokes just sitting around half full what makes this more obvious to me is that fingernail say what you will about miss amanda laura binds but if there's one thing about her she has nice nail beds she has those nice healthy rectangular nails that are most of the time covered with acrylics so this was a huge red flag for me especially those cuticles but then i found my smoking gun these are all from a twitter account called at i had your dad and i don't believe they're still active but credits to them for all this sleuthing so this selfie was posted to the persian account normal right it's a messy blonde wig amanda wears a blonde wig all the time except that when you lighten this photo up it's very clearly not amanda and it's not even someone that kind of looks like her at all first of all i don't know what this idiot was thinking when they posted this photo genuinely if you're catfishing as a famous person why the hell would you post your own face why wouldn't you at least try to photoshop her face onto it or facetune yourself to like kind of look like her anyway some further decking showed that twitter user by the name of dos legere i don't care if i'm saying his name right i really don't tweeted i am persian la i know what you're thinking what does that mean i could have tweeted that but let's push in on mr doss's profile picture shall we and this i feel like is undeniable evidence unless this whole original post from the persian account is fabricated to make it look like the dos person posted this photo of him in this wig then maybe but i don't think it is he also tweeted at amanda and was like you have to tell them it's not me and she like he tried to say that amanda bynes was framing him and i was like who the hell are you there are also other people that i have seen people believe the account belongs to but i don't know about those i don't have evidence certainly not of this caliber but it would make sense if it's a bunch of scammers that are selling the account to each other because that also would make sense why the tweets used to be so stupid and now they're pretty convincing but like i said i don't know something a lot of people point out also is that when amanda was held under her 5150 in october of 2014 this account tweeted right after that but the tweets were a hack they did this a few times they said that they were hacked when i'd first seen all these hacks my initial thought was that they were probably posting it themselves to try to prove that the account was amanda and that these stars from all that believed that it was really her and that's what i thought but then once i saw this they posted a hack right when amanda had gone under 51.50 but people started calling it out i don't know why people would call it out if it was supposed to be hacked but they started calling them out and the tweets were immediately deleted so that's what a lot of people point to to say that the account is fake but like i said i've got all this evidence the general consensus from what i can see from around 2015 to 2017 is that the account was fake people were coming for ashley banks's neck but now surprisingly it seems like a lot more people believe that it really could be amanda but it's possible that someone saw that she had a secret account before and they saw an opportunity to capitalize on the fact that she'd already made it believable that she could have unauthorized accounts and they're preying on the fact that people feel sympathetic towards her situation especially in recent years where people are much more aware of the severity and possible permanence of a conservatorship with movements like free britney these people are preying on the fact that people want to help for what it's worth amanda's verified twitter account has denied these accounts several times one of the times saying that she had a private instagram that was hacked and that's where that id photo came from and i know this means nothing because in this case if that account's run by her parents like persian suggested is of course they would say that that account's not real this account was also connected to the amanda mines fashion instagram where allegedly amanda was calling celebrities ugly once again seems like a cheap replication of things we already know and a celebrity who had been called out or maybe they said that the person had an std or something tried to sue amanda for defamation but then her lawyer gave them proof that she didn't know in the account and the other person's lawyer got in touch with instagram and got the whole account taken down so that could be another piece of evidence that's not real or you could just say that that was done by her camp to silence her there was also an account called cheeky tweets 28 that a lot of people circa 2014 15 thought was the real one this account posted a thread explaining how the persian person stole her photos and whatnot and what people would usually say to prove it was real was that cheeky tweets tweeted that they were about to get control back over the verified amanda account and then that same day amanda returned to twitter which could have been a coincidence could have been someone close to her who's familiar with her situation that's like exploiting it to get followers but interesting note about chicky tweets is that to my knowledge they never asked for money and it's not still up and running personally i don't think it would make any sense for her secret account to have her name and photo on it if she didn't want the parents to know then why not act like a normal person but i mean i guess it would make sense if she was trying to get money then you'd have to have people know who you are i don't know her lawyer's been trying to get rid of these accounts for years but to no avail with twitter instagram because parody is the ultimate loophole so if they try to come for these accounts and say you're impersonating someone they could just say it's obviously a parody like no one would ever tweet these things my biggest thing about persian really is just how damaging it is if it truly isn't her the person is always tweeting about how paul is a deadbeat the parents are the worst her life is awful and they make it seem like she's broke and using again and they always post weird stuff seemingly to get a reaction from people not to mention that they're always tweeting from an iphone and amanda is 100 a samsung user and i know you could just say that she's tweeting from someone else's phone so she doesn't get caught and maybe so like i said i literally don't know every time sloan posts a video and i see the tweets i'm sitting there like oh my god i feel so bad for her like she needs help and then i'm like wait hold on i don't even think this account's real it's a catfish moral of the story is i need neve on this stat because if that's not amanda then it's so insanely up like seriously up but if it is her then she obviously needs help and i've seen comments on sloane's video before saying not to talk about the twitter account so it doesn't get caught but i want to make it abundantly clear her team is very aware of the existence of this account and of the alb instagram that probably goes with it and the venmos and whatnot they know they've been trying to get them shut down for years because they've always been getting money from people also you could look at their social blade they're not at all afraid of getting attention or followers they had thousands of followers a day sometimes so don't worry and the account is private anyway i can't believe i forgot to talk about her song but recently she released a song called diamonds featuring precise which i've seen people say is paul so i think it's featuring her boyfriend paul but i've i've seen people like when they hate on the song they insinuate that paul is using her celebrity to try to break into the rap scene but as we know we because you've been watching my video right even paying attention and we know that she's obviously been wanting to be a rapper for quite some time and even before that she wanted to be a singer so yeah also worth noting is that lil uzi said he wanted to do a song with her so we'll see if that comes to fruition because that would certainly be interesting when i was researching for this video i felt like i knew amanda and i know it's just a parasocial relationship but i feel like i kind of get her she's just a girl who grew up with too much public attention not enough home love she's got stuff she struggles with maybe mental illness and her parents are probably too old to even relate to her especially considering her level of fame and the role that social media plays in that and i think things just spun out of control like she couldn't get a grip on it i think she deserves a lot more respect than she gets i think she deserves a lot more compassion than she gets and i think that she deserves privacy if that's what she wants it's obvious that people sticking cameras in her face in a dark time exasperated the problems her point of view while she's in the streets in new york high as a kite dissociating was probably a scene from the white bear episode of black mirror people don't even seem real they're just chasing you and filming you i don't think there's any way that that wouldn't make you break and once again i want to say that i hate the discourse around her these days people love to comment on her photos and videos and say that she's ruined or destroyed by hollywood or by dan schneider or whatever else i think that's a disgusting way to talk to someone who you believe to be a survivor i really do i think that that does absolutely nothing but make matters worse what she needs is to be uplifted to be told that physical beauty is not the end-all be-all and it does not define your worth and probably a hug because she's been through a lot of sh in such a small span of time i mean so often you've seen people get torn to shreds in the tabloids because of similar things amanda struggled with and they don't even get to make it to the end of it we're coming up this summer on 10 years since amy winehouse and that's a perfect example of someone who needed help and instead was made a mockery of as if her life was just a joke to everyone and if amanda wants to start acting again i hope she does it on her terms and roles that she likes and feels fulfilled in with people she feels comfortable around in an environment that is safe and if being in the public eye is too much and it gives her anxiety trust i get that then i hope she can go to mary kate and ashley route and annihilate in her chosen field and stay on the public eye for her own well-being that's what i want guys i have a lot of good stuff planned for the future i've decided that i'm not going to just do pop culture videos i want to broaden my horizons and talk about more stuff that interest me don't worry i'm still going to make that and nicole video eventually but i'm currently working on a video about the so-called declining quality of disney channel shows and a video about anatod's literary and cinematic masterpiece after so stick around because i have a lot of great ideas and i can't wait to share them with you and i'm going to try to be faster with my videos because this one was a little delayed by the funk i was in but i'm no longer limiting myself deal with it [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: mila tequila
Views: 748,734
Rating: 4.9631371 out of 5
Id: QJhGJ55XAsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 8sec (2948 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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