REPLAY: Throwback To Red Bull Rampage 2012

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well the weight is practically over as we look at our 21 finalists here at the 2012 Red Bull Rampage and just an illustrious list of the bride errs that dominate the sport the first rider be taking the drop will be Brendan Howie you talked about how this could be anyone's contest as you look at this list anyone jump out that you've seen maybe yesterday in practice that we may be overlooked well you know powder could be anybody right like it's so deep it's so stocked McCall the other McCall you know someone mentioned earlier the Dark Horse Nico [ __ ] we haven't seen him before and that that is something that rampage always continues to deliver guys come out of the Woodworks and they put together a barnburner of a run as we look at brendan howie you talk to all the riders this is a guy you want to take a road trip with always optimistic not afraid to grab the shovel and put some time in and we're going to be getting into the details how much work these guys put in they come out here a week before find their own line build it and then they jump in and it's the gaps the lines that you were gonna see here today defy description you can see up there it's going to be close to a thousand foot vertical drop they have to make it in just under four minutes it's not a time to bet the best of two runs counts and Brendan Hali is on course here we go looks like great conditions out there pot no-win sun shining Brennan's you know coming in a little easy but we've seen him charge this light before and I think he's definitely here to show everybody that he means business just on that fit as he drops it not an easy place to navigate he has to stick that and make it to that midsection tends to turn it up on his line watch this he definitely gets more air no more speed as he gets down the ridge and you know all this stuff is completely blind they don't see anything until they find their little parkour pebble that they put out on the course so they can figure out where they're going and how he doing a great job for bursting across to the other side of the course and you can see just trying to navigate all the way to the bottom and as he approaches this section a great drop-off section how about the early morning light pattern these riders are going from serious sunshine to complete darkness as you can see yes turns it up at the bottom over the McCall knob there so a great creative line we see a lot of guys tend to get lost in the slower section but how he doing a great job on his first run of to where best run counts so a stand up run be seen a lot of riders all week in practice and in qualifiers not even make it to the finish great start off to the 2012 Red Bull Rampage see how up and standing with that full pull that brings us to the judging here judges looking for line choice fluidity control tracks and style and amplitude the jumps are just going to get bigger and bigger these guys are going to start sprinkling and peppering it as you like to say as they get that safety running I mean he's charged into the darkness here he's picking up fluidity partway down his run you know this is this is not the gnarliest run on the hill but these jobs are still huge that's I mean that's a movie you would see that three four times in the opening segment maybe big no hander that's a massive gap looks to me about 40 feet and this is a totally blind jump over the over the rock like this is a solid solid run I hope he doesn't get you know a little bit work being the first rider like can't happen if he's situation yeah we do we do tend to see that judges will calibrate and it looks wow just that curse of the first run perhaps 40 1.75 that would have not even been good enough in qualifiers so he'll look to improve on his second run nineteen years old you find yourself up atop this peak have to make it down on the bottom in four or less minutes and we've watched him all week he has been charging he is fast that's one of his strongest suits it is none other than breath reader making his way to the finals on his first of two let's see what he has and this is interesting opting for a line that we didn't see him taking he was opting for that lookers lookers rider actually riders right if you're going down so take it a little bit and you can see just how soft the dirt is on some of those sloping side sections we'll take a look at the ridge looks like it's a foot and a half wide a bar spin to that I mean whoever does that yeah this kid has an exceptionally large bag of tricks it's a bit new for him to be here this isn't his backyard so you know let's hope to see him come back in a second round and nail that because I think we can see huge things from this guy this was a Ridge in practice he was just dominating taking speed and now he's back to form Brett's focused he's quiet you don't really know what to expect he's a little unassuming but he's got more tricks in his bag than Big D has hundreds in his pockets oh and right there Brent reader taking a little flight and we were talking with a lot of the judges they say these guys are taking it with a little more speed they can make up for it sometimes the speed outweighs the amplitude especially in that creativity in line but right there that's going to spell a definite throwaway for Brett reader you go this is that whole Sun shadow situation and if he just got slightly off line it didn't realize he was going into a big pocket of sand so many just crevices nooks and crannies to this course this early morning light definitely difficult and you see guys that was a jump all through practice guys are having difficulty clearing obviously is taking this as a fun run just getting down because we know that Brett actually backflip out in quality qualities he's got something big on this jump so we watched him practicing look forward to that and run number two and just a little backflip for good measure so it's gonna be it's going to be interesting to watch what Brett reader has to do it's going to be a do or die situation on the the second and final run for him to Ron's best run counts here in the finals at Red Bull Rampage but started off looked like it was going well and just on that upper Ridge Ridge section there big bars spin and it just looks like he got into the pits and and actually it looks like he might want a little too big but look at the style this guy is so smooth looking and sweet on his bike I think he's gonna come back in the second ride you know second ride are you still nervous these guys are young there's a new game for them I wouldn't count him out of the running yet Brett reader you can say a virtual newcomer he's definitely been steadily making his mark in the past few years Sports coming in for reader right now it is a thirty five point two fives and that's out of a possible hundred we are going to see scores up in the 70s and potentially 80s and 90s so expect improvement you're gonna hear a recurring theme about all these riders in the finals virtually all of them always see that the two paths full or the glass-half-full always optimistic and nothing could be true or when you're talking about our next rider part of the coastal crew up on Vancouver Island Kyle Norman he is getting ready for his first of two runs what can we expect to see from Kyle Ricci well pretty big 360 of a drop because it's actually riskier when you take chances early on in the game right so Kyle is no stranger to going big he's not a slow style rider but he does have the tricks so I think we're gonna see a sick line and probably peppered again with a few tricks there's a good section that he just get a lot of speed and then he just starts to turn it on this mid section [Music] and sticks the three on his first run of two gets a little offline candy get back in the flow [Music] [Applause] with 360s on his first two runs I'll tell you what I think we're gonna have a new leader on this one that's the wall ride last rampage that basically massive gap talk about the technical aspect it's incredible he has to be elated I mean talk about a sigh of relief when you're staring down the barrel a lot of these guys they're saying hey the great run I'm not go back for run number two he actually fighting at that boob in the end you see a 93 60 and we see the huge transfer to the wall like that job is so high speed so far with a small pocket landing that he just made it look ridiculously ridiculously easy and it's an incredibly tough let's watch it here's the three it's just I mean it didn't have the wherewithal like you pointed out to basically stick that and then boom right back on the line great I feel like that's the funnest thing I've ever done all that connecting everything from the top is just insane thank you she's one reason I didn't really have that many nerves but they just say he was a fun line to ride I knew that oh this feels so good to be down here Mon peace you're definitely definitely elated but talk to me I mean now going up for that second run any other thoughts I don't know you knew much better than that I think I just did everything I wanted to do alright appreciate the honesty well I guess the lack of nerves are he puts just a hammer just riddled run sixty 3.75 the new score to beat here in the first runs of two at the Red Bull Rampage finals [Music] [Music] so once again a sixty three point seven five possible judging calibration if you're asking yourself how does the judging work well this is how [Music] being a judge at rampage can be very stressful but it can also be very amazing because you got the best seat in the house to the biggest show on earth bars mountain bike heroes anyways Red Bull Rampage is you're looking for overall impression we do have four categories which are difficulty of line air amplitude control and fluidity and tricks of style so someone that can blend all four of those categories into one amazing run and something that we want to see this is a big mountain call someone that uses the mountain riding big line but then being able to throw some tricks in there as well that sets apart the guys that do well here and the guys that do okay here they say that this event is molded athletes into Free Riders because to do well here you have to be able to ride a certain way you have to have some of that royal cop style and speed but then you have to have the freeride technical side up to it as well so it really is you know the biggest and best event on the freeride world tour they do it every two years so they've had two years to push themselves last time it was a 360 you know over a 50-foot step-down I'm really excited to see what's gonna happen this weekend cuz I know what's gonna blow everybody's mind well if there was any rider that knows how to take all those four categories and put it in the blender of benchmark making runs it's our next rider if you go back to 2004 he was a young rider coming onto the scene and wow did he turn heads to be that young and put together a rampage winning run I think it says volumes about the Berlina s' the committed and just I would say forceful aspect of Kyle's straight nothing can be you know really I guess further said about what he what he can put into a run Reggie well you know when you start at 15 years old and are exposed to something like this and you grow up with it his level of confidence has got to be possibly the highest of anybody here and he's got mad style I mean I think Kyle could be one of the Dark Horse's here that could surprise everybody he's got a very unique line that nobody else is doing and like I said his tables and his whips and he's got so much style I can't wait for this right you can see it all in his eyes he's ready for his first ride at rampage I love how he's gonna dip off the ridge here and he picks this line that's totally exposed totally raw and then he jumps it to the more flowy stuff it's it's it's so unique really being methodical here exactly where he needs to get making sure he sticks that top part and this is where it starts to turn out for Kyle Strait this is rugged raw line this is a knife edge we're looking at here with blind drops goes into the canyon navigating his way around and this is where it's gonna start to get stylish from what I recall for practice their break transfer for straight piles bad style yeah I know he's got something lined up at the end of his run here that I don't think anybody else is hit and it's funny you watch them come down in that Canyon he just seamlessly connected perfect linkage for Kyle's straight first run of two you can see him going all the way toward the others headquarters is open for this this is a huge jump yeah the lower element don't don't be deceived watch this big transition and all through practice we were watching riders hit that section that is incredibly soft sand I do not know how he made it out of that I asked him I go how you gonna land on that sand he's like a big and strong push through and he definitely pushed through it so Kyle Strait successfully navigates the top section of the course and he was weary up you know if he could stick that was one of those things where riders are fighting things off the hip off that quarter pipe and then even off that straight kicker but he has to be happy at least one of the books out of two he's experienced goes expect more from Kyle definitely you can see he's warming up he's dropped he's dropping into the canyon mad style that's the signature move from Kyle Strait he's got a little bit of a traversed after his last jump here and here we go into the huge jump you got wind you got soft landing what's coming through his mind just push through this deep sand and keep your eyes on the tires as he connects you can just see just how soft that is and he just manhandles that I think it's pedals that the guy at the berlina s' of Kyle's straight score to beat right now as a 60 3.75 as we wait for scores coming in on Kyle Strait former champ and he has been a power to force in the sport ever since down-low races yeah dirt jumping slope style I mean this is definitely a well-rounded rider and if there's any event that calls on all abilities and every aspects of the sport it is Red Bull Rampage you need to have skills every skill set on a bike and this is where it all comes into play so scores coming in at sixty five point seven five former champ Kyle's straight jumps to the top of the leaderboard for the moment so still in the midst of the first of two runs just a few riders taken that those runs and on top former champ Kyle street sixty five point seven five judges obviously ran wide rewarding I should say big mountain riding if there's one rider in the 21 finalists that lives it breathes it dreams about it every day it's this gentleman Darren berrecloth he can put it all together we watch his creative line but it's going to be hard to see in this early life if we can see him in this Canyon watch as he negotiates his way through this canyon very creative line choice this is absolutely the most technical hanging it out there gnarly line you can take on the mountain straight off the top right into the fall line he's gonna be on a knife-edge Ridge here if you fall here you can start cartwheeling all the way to the bottom this is a serious serious line he seems to be manhandling it like the pro he is and I'll tell you what what we've seen so far at the judge is rewarding Kyle's straight for that line when you see something like this navigates it perfectly this is where yeah it changes for daring now he's into a flow section jumps tricks I mean he's got so much variety in this line Oh now they're out offline you gotta wonder is that shadow is that soft conditions watching him in practice he had a tough day at practice yesterday yet you know spectators in the way motorcycles in the way a little off his line but it definitely towards the end of it he seemed like he was having a full pole especially on that that midsection so Darren is the true competitor is he'll take the rest of this round has been a practice work of the box that's about where he hit the motorcycle last night well true to form though you know Darren's one of those riders that has no problem but their take whether it takes one or two rampages to work out a line that he has in his head he's that creative type I mean it's what fueled him to do the movie where the trail ends I mean he lives and breathes this kind of stuff this is his deal I know he's got something big there but we will will not spoil that surprise we'll see it when it comes in the next run so disappointment for Bear Claw on his first of two runs and you have to you have to think what is he gonna pull out obviously because he knows that the judging that the runs that it's gonna get that much higher coming towards the second runs up to you know he made that top part looks so easy I sure hope they don't discount now how ridiculously Harley that the top section of the the course is called as they're referring to it as the heart you can see at that top section yeah he had this perfectly I think this is the end of the course here just kind of working out the bugs on the last job but he has got some he's got a good trick off there and he has a bit of a Nemus then he wants to pull there and he may have to pull it out after this and that was the section you're talking about it I hope that judges realize how just how vertical and how technical that is coming on the right side of that oh definitely I'd like to know what went wrong here I mean this was the section where he had a yeah it was the easy part of his run he had a good trick plan all right let's check in with Kenan who's with bear claw all right thanks Todd thanks Todd all right Dee you are the elder statesman it's Testament by the line you chose to come down here today at rampage things didn't go as planned I know that what went wrong up in that midsection I kind of cased on one of the step downs this is one of those things where I came in and a bunch of soft dirt ended up slowing me up bunch of photographers and videographers we're all trumping all over the line so it ended up slowing me down and then I didn't get enough to speed to clear the gap and just kind of went on the inside and roll over some bushes some bushes now you're looking towards that second run yeah I definitely definitely hoping to have a good first run just so that I could lay it on the line on the second one but looks like I'm gonna have to just go for a pretty good run safe but a good one for the second one so score coming in for Bear Claw 53 will put them in third place but that it's not even gonna be close to hold as we go down the order former champ Kyle's straight on top still with that sixty 5.75 albeit precarious because he knows it's going to take a little bit more to take top honors at this year's rampage and someone that knows a thing or two about and there's former champ Kyle straight on top for the moment with that sixty 5.75 albeit precarious because he knows it's gonna take a lot to take top honors at this year's rampage someone that knows a thing or two about decisive wins and dominance is Brandon's seminar here's his thoughts so don't let the mello miss the cadence of seven ik fool you he is a Dominator he's been doing it all season a disappointment at joyride so he's looking for not only validation here but let's talk about his focus how long he's been out here working on the trails the gap that you were gonna see in his run unbelievable definitely the most focused competitor here this most serious and he takes his job more seriously than anyone as you can see by where he drops in on the mouth look at this line just like bear claw this is the gnarliest part of this course you cannot make a mistake here or you're gonna have a ridiculously nasty fall and here comes this gnarly gnarly job this is this is the biggest thing out of their most commitment look at the charging pot yep here tom through that firm can t make the transfer Wow he's Rises like it's a slope style of course this is unbelievable and definitely the riders pick to take this in terms of how he has been looking at practice he is completely on point of all the places for 7ik to go down that was a question believe the easiest part there is some kind of hue to curse on this kid the last two biggest contest the last one and this one after coming off dominating the season like handling it like he was on a different level well you let's let's talk about that I think most of the events he won on his first run oh did you it for his big line still you know even with that fall we've seen even with that fall we could see a top score I guarantee ya he's still but we're talking about his dominance early in the season he's been winning events on the first run and not even taking a second run he's so focused and dialed this year that you know he was showing up at these events riding the course slopestyle course is not practicing or sorry not doing his tricks in practice and then in the Rhondda first rock comes up big bang boom killing I want to point out it's it's great that he stopped and have a little convo with bear claw but he does through the finish to cross the finish line oh my goodness how big is this let's have a look at this this this is what oh this is what everyone has talked about all week look at the work they put into it they built a wall you couldn't even get through there when we first arrived here and this massive gap how tough and focuses this guy he goes down brushes himself off and last night practice look at how simple of a fall this is you know for this guy this is a no foot cam like that what a small mistake you know it was got a little caught up even before it almost looked like he was kind of thinking too far down the course you know and that's kind of the deal at rampage every part counts because the soft dirt the sand everything something had take you out so unexpectedly I'm just thoroughly impressed that he got up from this and hits his last movie maybe another one of the top three moves in this whole course when last night in practice he wasn't even hitting now you bring up a good point I mean the hardest part of that line was up top and that's the kind of stuff you can usually phone in so scores coming in for summoning 63 point two five so even with the fall sitting in the top three one of the most charging committed riders is none other than james doerfling in in qualifiers he showed just how much it takes to even make it to the finals this so intent something around with the wind Kinrade went before me he was riding a pretty similar line and he had a pretty bad rats so that maybe like ten times more nervous but I just focused and didn't even look at the flags once I got to the icon and sent it and then it was just game on from there man die Full Tilt into the big transfer to wall ride got some mad Redemption man I had some bad luck on the jump - alright I snapped my snap my fork so I was pretty much out after that so it just feels so good from what I've heard I'm sitting pretty good so after that first run so I think I'm just gonna sit back and watch maybe have a beer - well you heard from him you could tell definitely pump but I think the true redemption is gonna come right now in his first of two final runs I always talked about like the weekend warrior aspect I mean he that's why he's a fan favorite he's the guy that wood is willing to take those chances and he pulls out lightning in the bottle all the time one of the most exciting riders in my opinion I love how fast this guy rides and how he just you know he's committed and you know what breakfast this morning he looked like the most relaxed guy out of everybody I saw here look at this line new line Wow totally committed this is another probably a 25 out of 25 line choice on that top section for sure and we've seen the judges rewarding lines just like this so it's so difficult when you're looking at head on just to tell how steep and technical those lines are that upper part was it was the same that was the first time we seen a rider go there and talk about exposed and gnarly here he goes on the sander 50 foot plus no problem dorfli nice solid charge hey Pat I know you run I'll tell you what he looks like he's writing down a line he is looking on point yeah thousand vertical feet just firing down great speed great flow here's that transfer his nemesis I'll tell you what permission to speculate here I wouldn't be surprised we see definitely in the top three it's gonna be interesting to see how much they reward that top section he navigated that you can see he has pumped again and rightfully so what an amazing run in that was sprinkle that had the technical aspect up top let's not under any the way to finish it on that wall ride I mean there was so much power and tech throughout that great run absolutely super high line choice charging flow sun's out guns out I mean yeah here we go off the oakley senator little style and their just nails it perfectly i mean first time we saw that 250 it's not easy to navigate that's a huge area we saw some big crashes on that exact jump in qualifying so the riders are saying for the size of the air look at the Hang Time you got to land right at the top or you start to get at the flats and then you have other problems where you can get pitched over the front of the bike now this error is they're hitting it so smooth it looks like nothing look at the speed that's got to be 50 feet out and dropping 25 feet plus yes and speak to the difficulty of changing having to just get that slight change of direction and have to land on that off camber not an easy thing by know me easy thing at all all right so scores coming in for dorfli it's a first of two scores we have a new leader 70.5 oh james doerfling we set it down to Kenan who's in the corral right now you shook it up that was a different line up top yeah man just for coming into finals didn't even know what I was gonna ride and then just switch it up yeah I had a fully different top line and then into my same bottom part no I was talking a few the guys earlier they said you were the most relaxed at breakfast this morning you still feeling pretty good I was just trying to stick to myself and I don't know nothing calm about your riding that was a really big you saw you crack your Forks two years ago on that transfer not today Wow so setting the tone early just I think we can expect things are just going to keep upping a tick and that is the quintessential rampage that what that's what we've come to expect so if you were a true free rider this is the event you would choose to do and that is the situation for our next rider up thomas van der ham definitely takes that athletic approach to his training to his mindset and if you were gonna pick one event this is the one you'd want to pick correct well this is the only event van der ham does he films and plays golf and plays soccer plays hockey he's a true ja true athlete and he always shows up whenever there's one of these Edith lives for it loves it and this is his deal so let's see what he's got first run up to four banner hand drop it in you know you can expect Thomas to charge you can expect big moto whips he always picks a gnarly line completely new line here goat goat popping his way down the mountain oh yeah save line is looks like a similar line with an option to add or fling hook then kind of moving over to riders right nice fluidity good speed got that right that's exactly yep here's this line he's got a double drop here with a like a toothpick landing nice I was concerned about that pop we stood up on top of that yesterday and that secondary hit you have to be perfect with the tap on the brakes his fluidity to me here is not insanely good but here we're gonna see some vanderhaus signature on his hip jump lower portion sticks the landing outside and that bad trance were able to make it just narrowly right and he's coming into a super technical part of the course or the step down step up he'll repair how close was that a little too close look back on that and that is one where you just need that ultimate speed here's the big end Wow just speaks volumes about the the progression and the evolution of this event something that was the game-changer that transferred a wall ride and now we're seeing guys I I hate to say this almost toy with it yeah multiple riders in a row I do have to say the top of antler hands run for him was a little slow not so fluid he looked kind of hesitant I'd say slightly cautious he pointed out on that first double even that where he had to come in it was a quick just tap and then it was about a 15 to 20 foot drop he seemed a little hesitant but he brought it at the eye that's I mean you talk about a tough job to judge this the variety of runs you see the guys that have that focus that real big Mountain freeride aspect and then the guys tricky knees tricking the lower sets so the first rider we saw hit the lower line on the Oakley Center this is a new option this year for the center you know made me not be don't reveal it but that's a huge error and then into his hip and I know for practice this isn't as good hit practice who's going about 15 20 feet further so we can expect that in the next ride and you definitely mentioned its it yeah it's that secondary option I mean I think we will see a couple of the other guys the other competitors maybe trick off this as well it's possible yeah but I mean look at the amplitude he gets off this year no he's getting a high amplitude score because he's got a couple of huge jumps in his run and this is what you can pick we want to go big we want to go small he went huge and it should be pointed out that line that transfer line that he built a little bit higher than another competitor right yeah but you didn't quite make yeah so I think the next run we're gonna see more on it Thomas scores coming in for Vander ham 66 point even so that'll put him in second place for the moment we do not expect that to hold because as we pointed out things just keep getting that much more technical and progressive as we move through the first runs of two so the current standings look like this at the 2012 Red Bull Rampage finals on top james doerfling a 70.5 threw down a blistering run we just saw enter him go with his first two kyle straight rounding out the top three but we just keep hammering this point home it seems like the riders are just realizing what the judges are looking for they're making adjustments we saw that from doerfling here he's our current leader so our next rider up interesting story about him where he lives in San Diego no riding he actually hasn't written in four months before coming to rampage I was talking to him and he said here's the deal we do have trails but they're illegal and they booby-trapped the trails we can't ride them I said no booby traps at Red Bull Rampage you're free to go so watch will white as he drops in on his first - an amazing young talent check out the shock it really gives you a feel of where you are and that you're on top of the knife I mean this is like the real real deal and we watch every okay I can't even believe that they can fit the handlebar just the width of that you can barely walk that Ridge I remember saying you you have to lean your bike and not scrape your bars against the thing and he's going to an interesting section of the course here riders right there's some great lines as he approaches the first little airtime for him double drop his first big air beautifully executed great style able to hold on traverse a cross he also is going to be approaching the Oakley Center Wow I got a couple of II don't got some distance so we'll wide putting it together good style big hair flowing out of the back of the helmet I've got a little buck there right on the knuckle on that table force it up to pedal over towards the knob section he's going to approach the new feature to the rampage this year gap to quarter pipe let's see what he has keeps a pretty standard but a clean run I mean you talked about what he had to just accomplish to get to those features on the the middle section in the lower section it's great great navigating skills for sure yeah for well right will white excuse me he's he's here he's having fun and he's throwing down what he's got and one of the younger riders in years old going 50 foot plus and I would say that's the best execution of the Oakley Center we've seen you know look like a dirt jump in his backyard the way he handled it very very well done you can see on the take out there they have rocks because they can't necessarily see exactly where they want to go until they're in the air so they give themselves little guidelines and obviously it worked he landed perfectly I'm giving him a double high-five he adds a little style in every jump and you know we're not seeing that from every rider would that be a high 10 10 it would be double 10 certain think we expect to see a lot of exciting action off that quarter pipe a little later in the game here when we see some of the other riders but definitely a creative way to make use of that lower flat section and it's funny that you know as we here the finals earlier in the week watching these guys at practice and qualifiers on these features definitely working out the kinks we saw a lot of riders go down just on a simple quarter pipe transfer and now we take it for granted now you know you get you get kind of teased and you're like you want the progression you want the tricks so scores coming in for will white 60 even only good enough for sixth place so he'll look to improve on his second and we expect many more great things out of him packed house here in virgin Utah I think it's safe to say the riders are over-delivering when it comes to progression we've seen a few riders jump off that Oakley Center for more on that we check in with Ken and harken thanks a lot guys now I normally don't suffer from a fear of heights but I'm honestly feeling a sense of vertigo right now I'm standing on the Oakley icon sender and this is a gnarly manmade feature plenty of natural terrain here but they like to pepper this throughout the course and this is one of the first ones we're going to show you it's become an icon of sorts for rampage now let me explain something to you 50 to 55 feet to hit that sweet spot of the landing too far forward your suspension is going to compress and you're gonna get bucked off the bike not enough speed you're not even going to hit that landing and I don't have to be a genius to tell you this that would be catastrophic thanks Kenan yeah it definitely puts it into perspective just how technical and how big that drop is sometimes you really can't tell from standing in the front of it but it's impressive to say the least our next rider up out of France a rider who really is going to attack this course with his best friend and that is speed and you gotta ask the question can speed outweigh the creativity the lines in the progression that we saw from dorfli well Antoine Bizet is going to try to say yes absolutely or we I'll tell you what watching him he takes such a fast and furious approach to this course watch this different line off the top just cabbie just stall up right there there we go to the know the set goes down and there you go you can see how steep the terrain is there that was a ski crowd and the set tomahawking is way down and that is great to see the riders standing up as you pointed out it's deceptive you see these riders go down we take it for granted they're threatening these insane lines and the fact that he was tomahawk e and you just saw how much dust was kicked up he was like this roof evil I'm just happy Pat that he actually did stop and his bike stopped because we saw a crash there the other day and the bike went half the course cartwheeling down that's how steep it is so unfortunate for beset on his first of two runs it's just like a debris field when you look at the dust but it gives you great perspective on how steep this course is and you get a good look at how much rock there is there you know I try either this might the third Rampage coming to you as a spectator and it's one of the these things I try to impress upon all people I'm like this is the one event you have to see in person you have to walk the course and feel how insane how unbelievable the gaps and how steep some of these lines are and as you can see right there right we haven't even talked about that how there's no chairlift here there's no Road up the back these guys have to scale the mountain with their bikes on their shoulders the t-bar palma express you know you're you're part of your physical ability is not just riding the bike it's actually being able to climb a mountain with your bike but obviously the immunes type of conditions that this steepness it's something he's used to when you talk about where he grew up riding let's take a look at what happened here I mean he's he's in the gnarliest part of the course so he's clearly picking his way through and right there it looks like he got bucked and caught something with his front wheel fortunately he stopped you can definitely have a yard sale I mean you do not want to tomahawk in the wrong the wrong spot here small errors but where you are that's a huge error it almost looks like he got off line and kind of bailed maybe it was an intentional pull the ejection cord so Antoine Bizet finishing out his run despite the fall not sure if he's gonna bring it all the way to the bottom you point out these riders it is not a timed event but they do have four minutes to finish that run if they can finish it within that it will be a scored run but a lot of the riders sometimes even after that time lapses they'll go through the the last half of the run just to get the practice looks like he's waving it off so that will do it for Antoine Bizet on his first of two he'll focus on his last run [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so still in the midst of the first of two runs and the current standings looks like this james doerfling holding on to that top spot with a 70 point 5 5 followed by thomas van der ham and Kyle's strike rounding out the top three and I'll tell you what we're only halfway through the first of two runs we've already had some amazing memorable moments and Richy I'm sure you have a few of your own as we look back 2002 Super T Tyler Clawson drops into this huge error that no one thought was possible almost goes over the bars rides away and we just keep collecting into moments like that like I said I already have a handful of riders that they've just they've sprinkled so many incredible moments in their runs and if anyone could have a banger part on his first two runs is this gentleman right here Ryder Jeff Cole amidship here we go Jeff look pretty comfortable at breakfast this morning - he's he's charging he's on and he hit the Oakley Center last night like it was a you know not the first time and definitely not the last time here's that transfer that goat trail I think he's gonna drop it now this is another highlight score he's listed ecobee into the line handling it perfectly you can see I mean ish there there's so many great lines little style from Jeff they're still on still on line here he goes on the ridge that was the one I took nice fluid line he's got going on there slow it up as he approaches the Oakley Center six the center as well that's the kind of thing the judges love he just threw a little extra Flair into the top by not rolling any airs we could see a church from golly here and that was that hip that a lot of people just have problems clearing he's it amazing speed on the lower section opting for the quarter pipe line it's gonna take it safe right out you see the see the softer there you just went over rated the undie run a little bitty backflip it's weird to say hey I could do a trick too yeah we were talking to the judges like listen the flip off you know the curve on the bottom is it gonna really reflect but it's it's great showmanship yeah that was a really solid run I'll tell you what's great to see this many stand up for polls yeah we've seen a lot of crashing in history and these guys they're obviously riding in a way way higher level deposits can we can we point out that you said you started to reference it but that the Oakley Center is becoming common approaches it okay had that little hair on the top section I mean you can tell you see how how much style and flair these guys throw into it and what a rider like this does it style it up too much is because it's a very serious error if we point out that new to the course in this rampage you know referring to the Commission's watch how close he comes to going down here but he just muscles through there's so many different variables in this terrain like sand like yeah you just you just had the run of your life and then you're gonna you're gonna fall on on this lots of dirt snakes go Levitch his first run of to score to beat that's 17.5 by dorfli and as i pointed out we're just a little over halfway through the first of two runs all these competitors two runs best run counts judge is looking for that line choice the fluidity the control tricks in the style and the amplitude the height how high these guys are boosting of those kickers tell you what's really impressive is just that the matrix of NARS that were calling the amount of lines and these guys have the shoes from and scores coming in right there 59 only good enough for 7th place so go love it well look towards his second run as doerfling still holding on to the top spot so earlier I was talking to Travis chipper he's basically the Swiss Army knife if you held up giant bicycles for our next competitor giant sponsors crude sword and he said Kurt was out here it's almost like Christmas morning so excited up so early like he's going to open presents but the difference is the presents that he's about to unleash are incredible amazing gaps he's been out here all week devising a line to set himself apart from the other competitors watch the creativity on this first of two runs from sortie he's easing into his run here but we know Curt has incredibly large large cojones and here we go new line off the top this is where it starts to get interesting Kelly yes sore key I look to see this guy on the podium I think he's so sick mad style similar line when we saw a matter how to do but a different option nice style we transfer great speed how's he gonna finish it here hopefully Center already has so much ability to throw a little extra mix there gets a little English on that no foot can put together a full run here bow to me and he looks solid not a bobble and in verse I get back from able to hold on still still be able to make that through I think he casts a little there first time we've seen someone go upside down this morning we expect to see a little more of that and I'm interested to see her speed if he's gonna throw the transfer in that we know that he has that amazing transfer it almost looked like that was a bobble but what a competitor he recovered from the bottle I wouldn't even have noticed yeah cat-like awareness but let's talk about the fact that was a backflip off a 25 foot cliff yeah and let's not forget - no hander I'm hop I mean just the sheer steepness to throw a no hander to have the wherewithal tell you what Kurt Sergei definitely delivering on his first of two runs and I like his approach up top keeping that High Line and then coming it across but looking back on the center nice style it's so hard to calculate how much speed you need on these things and you know it's a hard landing so he wants to he wants to make sure that he doesn't screw up on something that he can't finish his run nice no foot can can really took advantage of all the hits at the bottom let's have a look at how big this back for this Wow great perspective just helpline right it's here we go again another look completely see the body English you got to figure out when the extent went to hold because you don't want to over rotate it and he lands it perfect completely committed Kurtz orgy on the first of two runs unbelievable run scores coming in for Kurtz orgy there we are we have a new leader eating to hurt so we're gonna be send it over to Cannon Kurt you are the new leader top to bottom you chalk that run full of everything I mean talk to me about how you picked that line you had this suicide you know hand her in their way at the top yeah I wanted to pick like a tough line up top and then go into some of the big drops and jumps to the bottom and hadn't really trick too much and I always wanted to throw them down my run and you definitely did now one that really got my attention was the backflip down the step down explained to people out there just how difficult it is when you're doing a step down and then thrown in a back yeah difficult super blind exactly blind that's what I was going for he just did an amazing leap of faith it looks like the early arrival here in the digging paid off for you yeah showed up the beginning the week thanks car yeah get it get her done sturdy and you just did that 82 that is the news score to beat as we march onwards and forward here finals so Kurt sorry on top that's the new one to beat and what a decisive difference to almost 12 points ahead of james doerfling so that is what it's going to take now to take top honors unbelievable so we've seen incredible run so far and let's talk about Logan here as a rider that approaches this type of terrain he definitely tends to mix a variety of background of everything indeed begin to this run well look at the racer right and I think last year he showed up the first time no one really know what to expect from him and he's back and he's been racing and you know killing it little sketchy on the top there these guys know that if they follow to throw a little extra Flair and everything there's the bar scraper then they can actually earn more points but it's the lines and here we go he's jumping into a gnarly line again you'll see a lot of these riders they'll take sections of other people's lines and then weave it back into the line that they've chosen there's more lines in here than a Hollywood script this year so it's easy to get confused and lost I think great adjustment just before I hit an Oakley Center I'll do a huge box letter beautiful he added another 10 feet to that no hander Wow Bingley is brilliant bringing it he's bringing it to town here I don't know this is pretty sick what's he got in the bottom there's that huge transfer curve for the throttle rider to stick that as you pointed out how happy is he finished but he's he's getting fist pump he's definitely feeling the gladiator ask atmosphere right now you can see all these fans it's no easy task to get out to this and that's it is a natural amphitheater and so many fans packing it in and feeling the energy on a great first run of two how about before seeing the level creep up here now or actually maybe not creep up a launch forward and that's a full run it's gnarly line great tricks charging ants a variety dance style let me let me pose this question has as a competitor when you see a handful of competitors do full polls and have great runs does it give you a little extra confidence like yeah everyone's doing this in so can i I I would have to agree and you know that you need to wrap it up because the guys before you just threw down a line and jumped into the lead so you're like well anywhere I could put some more Flair and fire on or charge a little faster and not break as you're seeing here trying to trying to get some style out of everything and you know we discussed earlier with the judges when you do a trick high up on the course in an exposed area you take the part of your chance because you can possibly make a mistake and kill your rut where at the end well you already laid down consequential but he's charged it in here you know this is this has got to be a well above twenty line fluidity great style and then just to top it off we'll throw in a giant box yeah we agree how you talking about let the creativity that line I love that upper upper section how he weaves his way back to hit this that was beautiful that's a substantial gap in the middle of your run and boom you got Al and then you under the hugest dropping around so you said he was ramping it up he just wrapped up the John seventy seven point two five second place unbelievable that was awesome there's a happy camper all smiles all smiles for current leader Kurt soggy we're talking about how much work he put into making his line and coming out here early to work on it and Andre lock on Denis he's another rider who's gonna be up next he knows a thing or two about putting time in and how important it is here at Red Bull Rampage let's hear from my thing the building the thing that uh like building process here is the most important thing you know like everyone is gonna be but we're actually gonna see it tomorrow that like the guys who put more time in their lines or the ones that we're gonna place better digging is building is really important enough right I'll tell you what Richie these guys are all da Vinci's of dirt in their own right and it's interesting watching this guy the past week and I'll say the past two years his confidence we watched it in practice how forceful and confident does he look I he's one of my top picks unquestionably watch how he charges this course it looks like he's just writing down his local trail and that was what he said he said I don't want to slow down I want to do whatever I can do to just charge it the same speed talk I want to be the fastest guy down the course this is my favorite section of his line watch how he weaves this right through there some blind heirs he's got the sickest style out there look at look at the speed and conviction here I mean he just Moto's it you know I've got his bag flip same-sex we just saw Logan he hasn't hit the Oakley Center yet in practice this is his first time because he doesn't particularly like it but he thinks it matches his line perfectly because it wasn't sure you saw him checking that speed and this is this is an odd the middle of that run he is not practiced yet should point a huge buck cases have been able to roll out Lacondeguy I'm telling you right now so on points can we bring up the speed factor how how much faster he was going than some of the other riders on that top section if you could be there live and stand at the top of that course and see what he just rode down and the speedy rode down or not you know we were standing there it seemed like it was you couldn't put it out feels like you're watching Villopoto you know ripped through her super cross like triple section yeah that's the speed that he rides at and you know there's a lot of people that said you know when he started to get into like the real big mountain stuff in her maybe not his specialty but he has grown and he has literally made it his own and he's put his own style on it okay so the Spaniard just slaying it on his first of two there's so many moments we had there like Whittle its out though I I love this backflip but I just I can't get over what he did at the top of the course and and again this is his first time this year hitting this job he doesn't like it so he didn't want to practice it but he so desperately wanted to get to the next jump to do a bad trick so you know that after he's gotten this one under his belt next time we're going to see something totally spectacular off well as we keep pointing out a rider this just continues to improve and Wow never been on the podium at Red Bull Rampage but for the moment he is third place from Lokhande key Wow awesome and we're seeing some shockers here I think obviously we knew any of these guys could take it but we're seeing some interesting riders rise to the occasion really deliver when they needed most and Raymond Hunsicker the Swiss rider rookie think about that think about that everything you've seen gone down what is he thinking right now you know you have to bet that one of the thoughts going through his mind is I can't believe here I'm riding with all my heroes I really must be thinking and I was pretty surprised he's chopped down great quite a craft line at the top here he had his swiss buddies they're helping about Rene hill climber you know mega avalanche winner helping him build this line similar to Nico [ __ ] line and watch I love how raw this line is totally dropping and Haggard raw that's not even carved out we should point out that's section completely natural it's charging nice hipper good style and does he opted for the Oakley Center here also he does this is probably the biggest air this guy has ever hit his life Wow clean stomped landing transfers all the way over to the other side what is he gonna how's that one drop makes that as well nice table he's putting together a really solid run here you know he's a rookie he's making it down the course he's getting some style taking some huge airs this is a nice run for him basic there off the quarter pipe yeah rookie but riding like a grizzled veteran up top I you have you have to respect that line that he did we saw them yesterday Nico [ __ ] was working on a similar line but in between where we saw him come off the goat trail nothing has been manicured that's basically raw like raw mount in between two trails and he just flew through that and that's pretty cool a lot of a lot of talk about the European guys as they're dirt jumpers and slopes Tyler's you know and I got the feeling from him yesterday that he likes the raw lines and that's his style so that's why he built that line and wet for that style this was the area we were talking about literally the control in the finesse there's not a there's not a serious path into it like a lot of the other riders built so this is quite raw quite Haggard which you got an over walking around there and I know from riding this before it's more difficult if you have a perfect trail bill cruising down he threaded together a really nice natural line a nice big job with metal and it's shocking to think that this is becoming commonplace I know the center yes I have a 50-foot drop it's and it's so awesome to see these guys get style of it the rookie right thrown styling right away we saw some of the wily veterans go off and a little stiff yeah kid right - definitely paid the price bet you feel stiff right now went down hard qualifiers off the center just kind of Illustrated just how difficult that jump is and then on the lower half even in Switzerland they do the shotgun 62.5 so Hunsicker hanging loose in 9th place this is the terra firma you dream about incredible terrain here inversion utah and it makes the Red Bull Rampage the perfect place especially when you talk about the soil thanks guys the soil here in southern Utah is legendary amongst the mountain bike community and that's because it's pretty forgiving now not when they start up top that's pure rock very dangerous but if they make it down to the mid section where some of these very big gaps are we're talking 70 foot gaps if they make a mistake it's okay because the soil it's got a fine crust layer like this and once you break through it it just gets pulverized and turns into dust now the soil here has been around since the Triassic so that's pretty impressive we're talking the beginning of the dinosaurs folks but if you look down at the bottom this stuff is a lomi fine silt clay and sand mixture and let's just hope when you go down in this you don't turn into a fossil it's very forgiving yeah it's a it's a it's a curse a blessing and a curse I should say in the same breath I mean you want that soft soft you know landing but sometimes it can come out and and bite your tire right you know if you if you fall there you want to find the cushion but you don't want to be riding down and you find it with your front wheel and it turns you into a fall it's the cushion push and a quandary as we call it and we made reference to Nico [ __ ] I was talking to her earlier and he says you know I feel good about what I built up there they really started working there he's like no I kinda ironed it out another rookie each of the rampage but definitely not a rookie to the bike riding scene this guy's been in the World Cup scene for a long time and he's no stranger to going fast going big and he's picked himself quite a technical line off the top here look at this he'll find he's going to try to thread that natural terrain as well he's just out there Wow only only worked on this those areas in between completely raw as he gets a horse on line yeah you can we've seen so far in the scores the lion choice is massive here they're really rewarding he starts charging and they're really rewarding that the natural terrain and that creativity on the line choice I think he could be a bit of a dark horse here look at the speed you know downhillers they go fast he's got it he's got a different approach to this Oakley Center area he likes the natural stuff here we go this is another new line of his sending it in there and actually charge yes sets him up still has enough speed that transfer racer style throwing his bike around like it's a knowing it Wow it's charging so it begs the question you know obviously seamlessly thread and all that stuff up top and any he brings it down to the bottom here almost kids it's great distance I should say off the quarter pipe but it doesn't take more than that aren't you expecting at least a flip or at least one trick when when guys start to have success on a similar section I think the judges would be looking for something more absolutely I think that's that's what we're seeing unfold here that we didn't see in the qualification is that that was a solid run obviously a top-line choice right I think to be top three at the end of this day I would want to see some flips or spins compared to what some of the other riders down but check out the exposure and how he hangs himself out here this could be the top section this could be actually the gnarliest line we actually saw just how vertical it was I think with the same cassette in that area when he started falling you're on a little goat path on the face of a cliff and you hit a double if you stand up and put your elbow out your elbows touch it at that point I like how I like how he's a lot of variety in his run and I like how he took this option line this is really cool this is the kind of thing in this event that historically has proven to score you higher if you can go just just your own little flair you definitely definitely score higher well it brings up the discussion to a lot of riders to say you know there is a set of riders that like natural only that don't that you know that we they don't want to see the features even though they will use them exactly we're gonna you know we got to say here about this is like he's got style of every single thing he's done so he may not have a big bag of tricks but Dodd category tricks and style are together so we might not even be realizing that he's been killing it was style right here we have seen the judges reward that that sometimes intangible quality styles so important in the sport as we check in with Kenan who's with Niko all right me go incredible run up top now does that racing background help you because you really sending it up there just need to go faster on this it's different you need to hold back because if you go too fast you and the guys in the booth we're talking about the the way you chose that line it looked like the most difficult line on top today do you feel that way well how did you come up with that line honestly I've build another line so that's kind of Thomas to start and I asked Thomas wonder am i can I use your like be getting better and he said yeah that's cool as long you don't take the fool line so I did that's a my role in this kind of Thomas's line and then I just mix it up with something we build very good thanks a lot Nico [ __ ] taking a little bit of banter hams line there I'm just gonna propose this to the riders Ritchie if he wins the $21,000 for first first place I think van der ham should get a cut so current standings kurtz org he's still on top with that 82 and we see Lokhande key he bumped doerfling we thought dwarfing was going to hold onto that top spot bumped him out of the top three but things just continue to get interesting here in the first runs of two at the 2012 Red Bull Rampage so it turns out it takes so much of everything that you've ever learned in the sport of riding to sit on top of the standings of Red Bull Rampage and PR dois referee knows he's going to have the channel everything he's ever learned we watched him in practice and gosh did he look so comfortable especially on the top section what would he have to sprinkle we know that we know about there's two sections where he's throwing in a little bit bigger of a gap but he's good I would see right now he had he'd have to add well I know Pierre's got a lot of tricks in his bag but I haven't really seen much from him out here and I don't know if it's because it's first time first time go at the rampage or if he's just saving it until he actually does his final run here but you know he's he's cruising into the other side of the course and he's dropping into his serious part of his line he's a songwriter this guy he's from France he writes the big mountains he does slope style he can be a contender here slowly methodically working his way across really taking his time definitely going a little bit faster yesterday it seems slightly tentative he sure does yeah now we're seeing a new option the other side of the course this is what I'm really looking forward to it's got two sections here not an easy thing to navigate watch this look at the side look at that you can see where we are but that's the kind of thing that kills your score yeah but you have to land that perfectly so you can get back yeah he's really picking a different creative line cruising all over the hill but just kind of a little bit of start and stop not the rhythm of the flow that we saw from him in practice and you definitely take a chance when you're crossing over and like what and stuff like that because you're kind of killing your fluidity right you know that's the deceiving thing when you twenties don't have or you see those tight shots when they're you know they're billy goat and up in those you know those cliff bands but then you pull back and you see how do you not land at that perfectly 20 foot cliff the consequences could be high so yeah it's always a consideration factor that you're either you're in the steel county lines you go for the live score and I guess the judges well they take your fluidity for the situation he wouldn't be the first rider to really try to mix up his run maybe it didn't go according to plan I think we can assume that but going off the line that we saw him practicing there was a couple of new approaches there he took a shorter shorter line over so perhaps feeling it out for run number two I sure hope so I hope so I mean watching him in practice so much faster let's take a look at what he did here so if you don't stick that you fall off a great but yeah he really had to if you don't stick that you you fall off another cliff yeah he's got a nice fast part of course compared to his upper slow technical part it's a nice style there I mean permission to be critical I mean there was parts of it where it seems like he was just making his way down I would have to agree that we need to see more from Pierre I know what he's capable yeah so scores coming in for Pierre Thuot ferry 51.5 Oh only good enough for 14th for the moment so the Red Bull Rampage title and the overall bragging rights isn't the only thing up for grabs here today let's take into account that this is a premier stop a top-tier stop and it's basically all going to culminate for the FMB World title and you see the standings coming into this last and final event seminar on top but followed by Martin Soderstrom and depending on who finishes ahead of the other person it could definitely spell out who gets the FMB World title here today at Red Bull Rampage so it's an interesting thing you know two titles at stake two gentlemen battling for that and we saw seven that cap problems on his first of two runs the question is can Soderstrom put it together on his first of two and if seven it comes back and does the run we know he's cable of Canada beep solder screw well there's no question whatsoever that Soderstrom is the underdog here this is so new for him he's known as a slope style guys street guy you can see in his rot that he's definitely a little bit out of his comfort zone he's trying to piece together what he knows best but he does not do this like something that does but the Swedish kid is very talented he may surprise us we don't run number one of two navigating that razor razor back bridge off two riders right trying to really work his way all the way across we noticed how just how narrow that trail is right there it makes it look so easy and this is a guy that doesn't spend an awful lot of time on a downhill bike so you know his absolute comfort zone is not here with his bike the terrain so it's all new to him and it's pretty cool I spent a little time with him it's building his line working on his line and seeing his out as you toured it all and I can see what Matt's ty yeah for a lanky guy definitely takes that height and really can pack sit down not an easy feat on a mountain bike it takes that lower force with the hope these sender and watch this transfer just a little bit on the lower section it's coming into his step down step up he's the one that Guinea picked the step up here just makes it we saw him to practice nearly tumbles fall on the backside of that lose no hander I know he really wanted to get a 360 off that but it's quite a struggle for him on the big goes down unfortunate that was that was a solid brunt for him that was great just hammers home how many components it takes to have a stand up front here at rebel rampage and don't be deceived even the even these smaller hits on the bottom they can hurt just as bad if not worse than taking a digger up top you can see obviously rattled by that fall you hate to see that after such a beautiful run just seamless on that top section and visibly rattled so looking back at the lower portion is coming into the option line on the Oakley Center here this is a not typical for him to have to you know fly off a huge drop and land in the sand it's not a prepared slopestyle course he handled it quite well I know yesterday the step-up he had built it and that Vander HAMP came and jumped over his landing and it looks to me like he anteed up and actually made it into Vandor hands landing which is you know this is a whole learning game for Martin this week and here we go this is where it kind of went south for him not even totally sure if he practiced this move I know he hit the jump several times but I think this may be the first time he actually attempted it and it looks like he just hit some soft stuff little off little off the line but it's the it's the curse of the sand in the Virgin desert and you know up to up to this point it looked like he would definitely challenge summon it for that FMV title yeah got him that back tire and just kept that rotation going that and that's a hard thing that was a worthy round yeah to stop the rotation so visibly disappointed Soderstrom even with the fall value you have to reward what he was able to accomplish on the top section of that course was that last hit that gave him problems and a disappointing fifty point two five the judges being awfully critical on Soderstrom he'll have to improve on his final run how okay do you wanna throw this be real general that let cannon to go and that you know that you know much of much folks is put on our defending champion but unfortunate circumstances yesterday update you want the toss on this double hat I liked it yeah thanks Pat now we're here at Cameron's Inc normally we would be watching him way up top of the course but um thanks guys where's this airing thank you that's what I was giving wrong information here we go thanks guys now normally we'd probably be seeing you around this time at the top of the course but unfortunately you're down here talking to me and that's because you had a really hard time yesterday with the canyon gap yeah I'd hit it a few times before and then came in from the top of my line which is a really good shoot tried to hose the chute really fast and then hit that lift way too hard it's too a minute Icelandic too flat and he ejected I think I have a little problem in my knee it's not too bad but so I could overcome that but my heel I tried to ride this morning and I was just just killing me man I try to do a little 10 foot drop and it just my cranks are rotating because I'm favoring my other leg and it just was too much to take so I'm I'm out and it's a tough decision to make but I feel like it would be as huge safety issue I'm hitting that caning gap in the big G out and me buckling myself and getting hurt far worse the license am i walking right now and I should have broke both my legs yesterday well you know we're sorry that you're not going to be competing but we're happy to see you walking around and you heal up we'll see you next year thanks buddy so back to the top a rider that many are anticipating is gonna put the sleeper run Amal sleeper runs together you see he's all smiles right now but he has been ultra focused all week long he's been meticulous about stringing together such an incredible line I've seen I would say about 85% of it there's some other things that he didn't do all the way through but I'll tell you what if he can fold just even that 80% it is gonna be a podium podium placing run we're talking about kind of a call as he gets ready for run number one up to here at rampage I think he's got a super diverse rod pot he starts on you know off the top it's all all the same here you go right you go left but once he gets into it his choice is down the main ridge and it's got a triple sets of doubles boom boom boom boom mad style then he drops into a line that no one else is doing that is and deceptive too because if you if you if there's a mishap in the middle of that section I mean your time bears will get flow and his life comes before he gets into the absolutely crazy long drop he's built that he really of all the riders has done I would say the best job on the lower half duty just go ahead amazing distance on that right in the middle of that Ridge but he's done such a good job at doing a creative approach on the bottom sticks that no problem [Applause] massive sizes Wow the wall ride top-to-bottom up to this point one of the strongest runs we have seen so far I thought the fastest run we saw down not only yeah not only incredibly technical when the speed factor then you throw in the creativity of the line and that you cannot underestimate how big and how deceiving you know just just the difficulty of that refusing to live in the shadow of Big Brother that's for sure yep because following him cam McCaul is going to be dropping in we look forward to that but it's all about team AK right now I'm willing to check in with the judges and see if that was the fastest brought down the mountain nice flow if it was a timed event you see his speed here it would definitely take to take top honors here comes that beautiful law no hander Wow you really see the distance from that perspective absolutely this little manual control the bike control such finesse also a bit of a racing background right you can see with his speed this is the one that we stood up on top of him we're like wow that might be one of the farthest terms of shooting out and this next one here he actually has to turn in the air and it's a really short landing maybe three bike lengths make a turn and off to that massive thing that G on Thurs had made famous and now everybody's handling it like it's a small dirt jump perfectly placed is it one of those things were knitted and what's all these guys see that it's possible then it just then they start doing it it has to be it has to be or you can do it well so can I credible just manhandling stompin all his landing such speed so scores coming in Wow Tyler macaws 69 point two five a surprising fifth place let's check in with Kenan who's with t-mac all right Tyler and what else do you have to do here to get these judges to take notes of you that was a fast big run you were even talking about hurting your ankles on some of those games I went a little too deep on it I think but and then I made it down and that last thing into the quarter pipe I think I want to look too slow on that my my left ankle feels it but I'm so to get back up there again and try to ride it faster and better or maybe I don't know do something we'll see I got to figure out what to do now thank you surprising I mean definitely had us up out of our seats so Tyler McCall puts together a smoking run and just shows how difficult it is to garner the attention the judges and and land on top of the leaderboard but still on top we see him there Kurt shortie 82 that is the score to beat we've got a few more riders with their first of two runs members best run that counts here at the Red Bull Rampage both McCall and Zink probably took six to eight trial runs to try and figure out the speed not to mention McCall's got something on top that I haven't even seen her hit I don't even know if he's hitting it might even be for oppressing here we go Ron number one of two cam McCaul on course we cannot underestimate just the technical aspect of getting down this Ridge to get over there he's going to continue to fire all the way across having to get on one wheel manually and his way over on the opposite side it goes down a solid 90 feet it's like riding a North Shore skinny but on top of the mountain where he gets into it gets a little flow in the middle of his line he gets a little lower line score here but he's charging into this nice big hip beautiful style and how much is it sitting in his head knowing what went down with cam Zink they were both working on this jump together does that resonate does it sit in the back ear by before you know what he's about to do right here I think is what's gonna resonate there it is Oh beautiful that was the other massive move in his line this gets to killing it here this gets him over towards the section still has to get over getting there is half the battle he's there buddy here it is here we go Camp McCall nice beautiful just a perfect landing for camp McCall another big huge drop no pop judges sticks it it's not over we've seen a lot of riders have problems in this lower section a lot of the soft pockets but up to this point a banger of a run he is on top of the world that's what we talked about it's in everything rent flow speed style tricks and a sick mind to boot [Music] I'll tell you what watching Tyler befalls run and then camera Kosmic cut the McCall's might be the new first family a freeride mountain biking incredible yeah that wasn't insane right he's got to be pretty happy and to answer your question about how he feels after zinc's situation I mean I'm sure Zink is probably pretty stoked for him to I just saw them high five in there and he is one happy camper and you know cam Zink at this point just crushed that he can't be out there you know enjoying the party and putting a run together like this here we go we see the first of what we know camp McCall is so good at his suite-style tweaking it out this is his fun part of the ride he's like oh yeah get me do it I'd like it he'd point out that it's fun but he's just on the edge of this cliff on this trail but to speak to how steep we've been you know we've looked over at that section just how steep this is getting over into it using all of his suspension we're getting kind of bucked but it looks like they figured it out now whips it out any just backs it you can't get anywhere else hard tail there you would have been done yeah well we've seen in the past you know that the previous rampage but you know a couple of bikes cracked on this job with a crime camera really taking something out of maybe Carmichael's book their showman true showman so ok right now the top scorer is an 82 held by soar key rounding out the top three is Lacondeguy with a 74 so he wants to get obviously onto that podium what he really wants obviously it's a better than an 82 and it has been so tough to just even impress the judges at this point what is it going to take credible run credible line and then let's suppose bring up the backflip on the bottom team he followed that massive jump with the flip on the bottom that run had everything that you want in a run at rampage that is that's that's the full run top huge on the droplet let's check in with Kenan who's with Camp McCall all right cam this was incredible for you here now this was your nemesis last year you got over it this time in your run in the finals you've got to be elated man absolutely man when you drop in you know you're going for the canyon gap it's always in the back your mind the whole time like make that gap or the trail doesn't link together and I have a new kicker down here at the bottom that I wanted to flip I've written it a couple times but I've never flipped it so by the time I got there I was super fatigued from riding the whole run flipped it really far and almost blew my hands off on the landing but just kind of held on tight and finish the round it's exactly how I pictured I'm super clones you know top to bottom you had a really impressive run just to get to the canyon gap but there was one thing in particular most riders don't hear a lot but you you heard something when you were out there today didn't ya right when I got to the last kicker on the course that I wanted to back clip I hurt my wife standing right there going you got this so I was thinking like I don't know if I do but she said oh so I should be able to get it good job thanks a lot Wow a 7d fifth place for camp McCall I don't know how you feel about that but it you know we're not we're not on the judging side of the table not an easy place to be but do you agree with that well I'm gonna be a judge right here and say [Music] so tough for cam McCaul puts together the hammer of Thor of all runs that we've seen wow just an incredible run so obviously the judges getting that much more critical as we wind down after the first of two runs unbelievable what a big one it's going to take on run number two here in the final sore G still on top with the 82 the question is can it hold when we get to the second and final runs here at Red Bull Rampage and there's Bret reader and join the view from up top a thousand vertical feet over that these riders drop it if you think the view is great from here imagine what it's like if you're Brent reader and you're cruising down let's hop on a little piggyback ride if you will check this out this is so cool gives you a little perspective of how narrow the ridge is doing a bar spin I think he landed on a foot and a half wide trail and you know you can see that all this stuff is blind you have to you kind of have to know it and anticipate it as it's coming you can't see where you're gonna land you have to have this so prepared and so thought out you got to know the speeds for this multiple jumps you're going to hit you can see on either side some good drops as well it's starting to get a lot more speed and flow in here what a cool perspective what a cool what a cool I can't I'm not on guys open up headsets check check check check check 1 2 3 I'm not on either I can't hear myself though check one two there we go I know I'm open such a cool perspective and to think at day's end we will be crowning the seventh Red Bull Rampage champion let's take a little time to reflect back there's been some incredible champs here any any favorites you know you look back in the wax nostalgic Richie well you know being the dinosaur that I am that the heir of Wade Simmons was awesome but what we saw last year out of cam Zink really set the bar for what's bossy yep the 360 off the Oakley icon Center that feature right there and we look forward to more memorable moments as we get ready for the second of two runs so Bret reader had some problems on run number one a chance for redemption here and he's seen what the judges are rewarding is it's apparently it takes a lot you need to have every single thing intact whether it be the city tries to replicate yeah there we go the fluidity he's gonna have to up it a little bit he opted not to go for the bar spoon rarely and that's where he had problems on run number one so already off to a better start he's gonna have to fill this run full of tricks Pat because we can see that clearly the judges are looking for the line that that's awesome that's true to the rampage story it's all about the gnarly line so he's taking his flow line but he's gonna have to throw some big stuff in there and we saw that that that POV perspective you see just how blind just even that drop right there is when you jump on board he's moving into the part of the course where it's getting bigger and further it's a great little drop right here just fun navigates it then right off the knob exactly right you know he's run so far it's been a little bit uneventful as far as the tricks go but right they're trying to silence Richie Schley no I think he heard me yeah Wow it's the the back flip on the lower section and then approaches and look check wait for this one because great jump but when we saw him working on last night yeah you hear some disappointment there cuz last night he was working you know on an off axis rotation there you know it looks like a basically a reverse flare but it's a little bit more going on right yeah I heard someone say three back flip 180 and stick it a couple question that fell over the softer so I guess he wasn't feeling it but it's you know it's interesting when you see 21 runs you know lay down and then you see what it takes to get that top score Kurt's or he's holding on to an 82 it takes so much but he he definitely improved upon his first that's that's a definite drop it into the steep stuff here you know it's like this is loose its technical he's approaching a blind drop so it's all about how much speed do I have you have to memorize all this stuff breaking still Crocs out some nice style whips it oh I'm good to see how the bike works here he completely bottomed down to suspension but as a true athlete he's strong enough to muscle through it and this is the auction right this is a really far jump there's very few guys have been making it he flips it and totally catches the backside perfectly let's see what it looks like from another angle Wow totally sideways pretty cool you pointed out now watch that back tire boom able to grind out of that that's impressive out of stomp dig so scores for Bret reader trying to improve upon that first run and he does decisively but nowhere near enough to get on to the podium here today a fifty eight point two five the best he'll be able to do is fifteenth place and we go right back to the top I should point out Brendan how he opted not to take his second run he threw it all on the line on run number one so we won't be seeing a second run from him which just goes to point out how dangerous this is you know you say I'm not gonna take a second run cuz yeah it's fun but it's not and you know Colin or brought sixty three point seven five on his first run I mean in there there was so much in that run and then he sees what's or ki what look uh Macomb Vicki all these other riders are throwing in their runs it has to be unnerving to think how am I gonna even up and even more well and he did go early so let's see let's say he throws on the exact same Ron let's see how the judges score because you know as as true as it may be and maybe not so awesome the judges take a second every sport doesn't matter the sport judges calibrate navigates that one perfectly couple 360s last time let's see what he's got I thought that was an amazing run the first one he threw down but you know he's going to try to improve on it so as he gets into the feet of his run here there it is again boom sticks up again so consistent on that 360 and he had a second one here right after this section on the lower half picking his way down there it is so he did a 360 one-way 360 another way that's really respectable hopefully the judges have taken that in both directions big gap there navigates the wall rod you saw him get a little squirrely I really hope those judges realize what he just did because the first run I think he could have come up coming a little higher and let's hope he does this one look at all those lovely fans we've got fans from Mexico America the beach tell you what it's great to see him come back and really up that run huh and it just hammers home I mean that that wall ride that just took down you know any rider that tried to tackle it last year near doerfling was one of them you know gee atherton maybe I think the only got is successfully landed now we're seeing what five six guys just it seemed like you know just lay it in at the last point exactly it seems like just another jump on the hill but it's actually massive and so technical can you get any more dialed on a 360 though perfect crushing his suspension the other ones setting up and how what I jump is blind but then it becomes even more blind when you throw three in there he's really got that rotation perfect he's just landing square is square the big transfer is so impressive and we're almost I'm sitting here and completely taking it for granted because I've seen it so many times but I stood on that several times I'm like yeah I don't think most people would zipline this distance I mean it's incredible look at that just gorgeous bike skills let's let's send it down to Kenan all right Kyle you survived rampage here how different is it from riding here to the riding back in BC the riding NBC is moist this rudy is wet all the time this is just completely dry dusty loose so it's a different it's a different place to ride and it's a lot of fun though you get used to it I definitely getting used to it out here I mean you were able to nail the 364 times today that's pretty impressive yeah four times there now that I can run to felt a lot cleaner got through it rode my line out and I feel good about it it's good to be down here in one piece alright congratulations thank you also the rider doing the Sunshine Coast proud just perfectly executed you know the coastal crew they got Brandon seminar compound there they they basically spend a ton of their time there train there watch the master go and you got to think that what you're seeing here has got to do a little bit with following the king oh yeah its progression through osmosis scores coming in sixty five point two five only good enough for ninth and all that says is you know what we've got some Bangor runs being thrown down it takes virtual perfection at Red Bull Rampage to top the leaderboard and our current standings after the first of two runs were just getting underway with the second and final runs it's still the top spot held by Curt soggy mughelli in second and rounding out the top three of the Lokhande and James dorfli just missing the top three I expect a lot a lot from doerfling on his second and final run winning a Red Bull Rampage is the most daunting task the sport has to offer and this man Kyle Strait he was able to do it in 2004 but interesting when you think there's never been a repeat winner let's hear from Kyle straight on that so I don't really feel pressure but I would be super stoked be the first time second time winner there's a lot of alright he says he doesn't feel pressure but I know there's so much pride that comes with his event he's got to be so disappointed he's good friends with cam Zink the defending champion but here's his chance to become a two-time rampage winner Kyle straight on his second and final run yeah exactly Pat one of the only two riders that are the most experienced here to having done all the events as the beginning since he was a kid the other one being van der ham correct exactly he was also a teenager when this all started that Kyle's got an interesting line scored pretty good on the first one so let's see what happens as he drops off the ridge into the gnarly original ness of his line straight currently in eighth place huge err big distance there four straight makes the transfer passed it better an 82 to move to the top spot there's the signature Kyle straight shoulder buzzer and swim just under the Oakley Center as he approaches that other open valley lot on offer right here I don't think anyone can argue that he's the biggest burliest rider in this event and here he comes charging into this air that we saw practice last night that he talked about it's a long one maintain that speed he said it's difficult on the run up just a big suicide it's straight goes down a testament to help make it tough that guy yeah dark crotch tumbling through the dirt boom bouncing up the last yeah the lot last competitor here you'd want to end up in a headlock with because he is a burly competitor but we were talking about that soft landing before in practice so many riders unable to ride out of it it is like almost like a sudden even softer than sand he was able to muscle through at that time but I should say in the first run but restraint just goes to show you can be 1 foot to the side and all of a sudden it's a foot deeper of sand you know and how about how about the fact that you you negotiate a perfect run and it's on that last 50 feet you literally can see the corral from there yeah we're gonna be we're gonna be sitting on his first run for the score I'm sure but let's have a look at what happened here huge air gets his hands off early which is super impressive because usually on an O Hatter it comes late he handled it he just caught such a hard landing I think his his feet and cranks might hit the ground and just anything to stop the momentum can blow you forward and knock you off here by huh unfortunately yeah not the suicide no hander land or just couldn't land it and it just didn't come together for Kyle Strait unfortunate for the 2004 rampage champion the best he'll be able to do it looks like AZ score starting to come in four straight he's trying to better that 65 I believe was a sixty five point seven five first run but with that fall I mean we can assume that it wasn't an improvement yeah I would have to say that I mean disappointment for you know rider that puts so much into his riding and really was looking forward to this rampage in particular I think in cam Zink really focused on you know continuing to make their mark so we could assume that that's a throw away his Kyle's straight his hopes dashed for a rampage victory in 2012 waiting to take the drop none other than dear bear claw and if anyone knows a thing or two about putting together a critical line choice it's this guy he thrives on it in fact get a hop on board here and you this is basically I would say a standard line for Darrin three practice that he took us through well is there a standard line I mean he's such a he's such a burly badass dude that everything he does is incredibly hanging it out there and crazy and he really takes a creative approach to the lines that he brings to rampage every time well as we can see in the where the trail ends last night he truly is the big mountain guy he loves the raw natural terrain and he's showing us that yeah so this is just basically a top Ridgeline which obviously Darrin could practically do in his sleep but the line that we're about to see nothing nothing close to that he has to build on that he had problems on the lower half but watch just Howard achill and just how strung together everything is on the top portion of this bear claw could definitely crack into the top three he just has to make it happen top to bottom here we go his final run I just love the top of this he's just completely committed into the fall I'm right out of the gates you can see the steepness by the the dirt rocks sloughing like snow chasing him back look at the boulders chasing almost hitting him when he cut back across he's bringing some speed to this run the technical portion is right here is so critical that he doesn't fall because it's not so prepared it's much more natural than a lot of the riders have chosen and now he's going to get into his section nice drop where he needed to do some tricks and he caught something I'm sure he went in there cleaned it up really utilizing that train just nice natural bank slalom some style not exactly I know what he wanted to get because I saw soft work those jumps better in practice but he's got something big for us at the end here I know that see it just closely paddling get the speed here maternal section we're gonna see some some bear claw signature move or his nemesis what's it going to be yeah Oh once again such disappointment it's that soft soft landing it's just taking out the best in the sport whether it be Kyle Strait or bear claw it's this contest is his nemesis he's had everything every great deal in this sport and he has not won the rampage it looks like it's not gonna happen and he's you know he's one of those riders that's not opposed to taking two rampages to get a run down he did you know making that making the podium at the last one it's such a creative rider revered by so many and definitely leading the charge of the movement like just pure open riding big mountain I mean I like into some of the riding and I see from him it's like watching guys ski and snowboard in Alaska big a.k lines but he brings that spirit to mountain biking it's so cool here he comes you got to wonder how he's feeling after this like let's not forget that he just had a massive crash in practice at Joyride and he basically broke his back and he's only been back on his bike for around two weeks so you know this is a pretty not super polished right now Darren berrecloth because he's been injured so he's pretty happy to be out here ride and he knows he's not had the training that he would have loved to had for this contest lands on his back again let's just hope that hasn't affected him for his offseason coming back yeah so disappointment for bearclaw one of the icons of the sport we send it down to Kenan is with Darren alright guys Darren you know rampage once again proving to be something of a big obstacle here for you huh yeah definitely I was pretty stoked on my run came down had a good a good line pretty stoked and at the bottom just came in a little too hot and went a little deep and the soft dirt at my front tire it certainly did man definitely went for Annette 360 but you know you've had an injury a few weeks back a joyride how's the back feeling after this actually pretty good I got my my evo protector on and I definitely felt that one cuz I went straight to front tire right to back and man feels pretty good but uh definitely stoked that I'm here hanging out all the boys having fun and yeah stoked to see the show go down well regardless of results was still enjoyable to watch that line sounds good yeah so 55.5 oh the best you'll be able to do is sixteenth for a bear claw but as we pointed out a fan favorite all right a great perspective looking up at the top and I'll tell you what there's a lot of people that are surprised at this rider is not on top of the podium right now you talk about the anticipation the hype the build up and the build out of his line this gentleman right here is supposed to be on top but he's not used to capture everything lightning in a bottle on his last run Brandon 7i here he goes he's looking for two titles here pie FMB World Tour title could lock it up right here and you know duplicate the victory be the only bad - of what - Red Bull Rampage with this incredibly gnarly line on arguably the most difficult line on the hill look at that just that sculpted firm here comes that passive transfer nails it again makes it look so easy has enough speed almost gets caught up on that ledge here we're coming into the trick portion of Brandon's right this is unarguably the best slope style rider in the world and he made a bobble on a simple thing but here he comes into what his element is and what he's best and he plays it safe this was the jump that gave him problems sticks at no problem watch for this next one oh no seven it goes down and with that any hopes to make the podium are completely - for summoning and there's a you know light as you pointed out two titles at stake for summoning at this point Soderstrom another rider who's looking for that overall title the FMB title but you got you gotta know that martin soda strips eyeballs just open like flying saucers and he's like it's a possibility which he probably never in a million years thought where it was well to bring it back to the FMB overall title somatic right now before he dropped in that runt was sitting in 11th place Soderstrom just has to better that on his second run which is a big task so just bring it back to focus for that that FMB World title and it's a great thing that the FMB that this is a premier event it does force a lot of the guys from slopestyle to have to come and do this kind of riding it's actually a true story of their patent I mean a guy like Martin soda sure probably never would have chose to come but he's here and now it's actually a reality for him that he may take this title and how about that he's able to navigate this stuff perfectly but it's it's been the chumps on the bottom that you would have guessed that they're giving him his forte is what's taking him out which is making no sense whatsoever but let's keep in mind how massive these actual moves are that's that's an O an over rotation if he somehow could have got that front end down he probably would have nailed it perfectly didn't even get into the meat of the last part of that yeah and it turns out inches spells the difference out for summon egg being a rampage champion there's so much force from such a huge jump in big trick and he knows with that fall yeah 59 so huge disappointment for Semin ik as we check in with kenan who's with Brandon all right Brandon you know what obviously not not something you're excited to talk about up here very heartbreaking for you you had everything dialed as far as the big mountain side of things but it's the slopestyle something that normally we see very comfortable with kind of just messing you up today all right well thanks a lot for taking the time to talk and we'll see you next year so you can hear it you can see it the body language huge disappoint for summoning the only I would say positive thing I can say is that he can potentially still secure the FMB title and we'll have to see how that unfolds how Soderstrom does in his run his second and final run and the current standings current standings still in the midst of the second and final runs here in the Red Bull Rampage finals that's a score that whopping 82 held by Kurt's orgy that is the score to beat if you like Spring Break if you don't fight the fun then this is your kind of rider he lays it all on the line always a blast to watch james doerfling just outside the podium if anyone could upset the balance of that it is this rider and watch your woman the volatility the excitement and the energy that he brings to his runts is unbelievable he's got the charge crowd he's got the lines he's got all that he needs to grow some sick trick in here to measure up to the curt's or ease of the world yeah after that transfer the line just Billy go Dean as we say on that top section it's so technical hanging it out right in the fall line here still charging with conviction as always move offs or Keys line it's that transfer difficult to maintain speed over that seem happy to pedal a bit over towards the Oakley icon sender he's gonna hit that again the 50-foot step down take nerve leanly dwarf Lane well on his way back to throw on top yeah to get on the podium how unfortunate a great way to get out of a backflip if you have to get out of here like not the time to do it I'll just scrub some bush that we get that back-end washed out and then as you pointed out scrubbed a little bush but he's still gonna go for it put on a show for his man the transfer that we've been watching all day used to be his nemesis and today that's fun he doesn't join with it that's like he's he's leaving his front door and going down the driveway it is crazy to think that's something that used to you know everyone said that Sun makeable and I think it's safe to say a lot of door flings lying a lot of Shorty's line even summoning when we walked upon the rampage this year there were some concerned people we were worried for the riders they have silenced all those worries with the level of riding they've brought to the finals absolutely there was a lot of discussion about the maybe the levels jump too fast too far too soon do we need to step in and regulate okay so for offered dorfli he was in 4th place when he dropped into this run was good through this section I gotta say I feel horrible for the guy he knew what he had to do he did it he stuck it just a little off access and gets taken down on kind of a simple move we're gonna see here in a second yeah you can see just how solid he was going off the sender playing it you know fair we can say that now fairly stock is now you know most of the competitors are doing that and that's the backflip and the guys said it's a hard jump to trick because it's it's far and low so you don't get the pop that you typically want for these kind of tricks to set you up for gas flow it's a very low floater and it's got that weird off camber double fall line landing so we don't expect an improvement no chance fifty five point seven five so the best doerfling will be able to do here today is fourth place if you can hold on to that just chilling like rams and billy goats up there and you'd be all smiles too if you were the current leader Kurt's authority he's still on top 82 and imagine this imagine you're in the finals imagine you've been to every Red Bull Rampage there ever was imagine you've had every spot on the podium except one well you'd be this guy van der ham gets ready for his second and final run he's at a second-place finish here a third place the only one missing from his collection at rampage is the top spy here he goes how can he better that run pot he's got the line score top notch he didn't really nail it on his hip that's definitely can be improved but look at the look at the line this is baby more commiting than the seminar when you yeah you saw the riders you know using part of his line because they know it's so technical they know the judges are putting a lot of emphasis on lines like that he is so precise it just has that depth times technical double drop small small landing off this once and tap it so so far bad getting some kind of trick off that's gonna help very clean and you saw how good speed coming out of that he needs on this section to drop man and to show his Vander hat whip we didn't get on the last one that'll give him some big scores we got to see that here for any hope there you go just getting up not quite as Vander hamish as it could be super technical step up gets a little cleaner that time but I would say it needs one last indelible mark with the judges on the bottom set here here we go massive wall transfer does that no problem solid vapor Vander have but I think it's not going to get him on the podium and his ability to do the big big moto whip he want the whip off at the crank works or he got second at the whip off and you know we didn't get to see it that's one of the signature moves you need to get all those elements in to stand on the podium parent and may I say maybe one of the downside of having so many world-class riders here is that you get desensitized by high level of riding so that transfer to bank wall that becomes standard the the icon Center that becomes standard but this type of riding that's the part that isn't standard that's right but this was this was great high up on the course huge no hander you know he's in the midst of a bunch of technical lines if any mistake he could fall off a huge cliff but you're totally right pod it's it's desensitized from what we've seen today but I think this is where it could have went better for Thomas if you could have got you know big drop and he was looking for the huge moto whip on the step-up and I don't know why but it just didn't seem to work out because we saw it last night practice and it was it was textbook van der half and here decent but not quite what it could be it's almost like he didn't have the speed he was really reaching for it whereas last night he seemed to be landing a lot further and really nailing yeah almost tail tapping the redbull banner there was kind of a lot higher so you could see it on Van de hams face he knows that it most likely it's not enough and it is not however an improvement sixty-eight point two five thomas van der ham has been to every Red Bull Rampage but he will not see the top spot at this year's event so laconic e in the third spot with that 74 mughelli second place seventy seven point two five but I think the big big surprises Kurt's organ we were talking about how much work he was putting into his line he was coming out here with his his build out team Travis chip ray with giant bicycles getting out here early and really manicuring that line and getting things sorted out and they've done a great job and it paid off top spot 82 our next rider in the gate if this is a runner you were to run into somewhere you'd think maybe okay this is a guy you see it the BMX trails I mean he's very you know he's lean and mean a little scraggly but don't let the the light stature fool you will white is capable of some truly big and amazing stuff here at rampage he deserves to be here currently sitting in 13th place just to ride down this course is worthy so every one of these riders deserves to be here our youngest competitor at 18 years old in the finals you see that line from that perspective you just realized this town arrow it is on the other side isn't one his whiskers are brushing the cliff wall and the other side keeping you from falling off a cliff dropping into that Haggard 60 degree or rugged slope and he's gone on record he definitely prefers the natural terrain aspect of this event even though he was opting for the Oakley Center putting it part of his line great job there see him taking his time thinking about what the the 50-foot Oakley Center nice style way down the landing a little extra distance the Superman on that great extension could be the first super bat we've seen yes we good this big drop so will white we were talking about the story earlier where is hometown in San Diego California just inland from there no riding spots hasn't written in four months before he got here to rampage the tenacity they're just powering through fist pod he's happy I mean talk about making the finals and then having stand-up runs 18 years old and I that says great things about the future of this apnea the aspect of this side of the sport absolutely and I'm sure he's just fired up to be here amongst this great crowd of the best riders in the world he seems totally stoked doesn't seem like a an ounce of disappointment on that smile to me and I'm sure you see talent you know this agent this agent much younger up at Whistler I mean in the park it's it's staggering to think how good kids are at such a young age I think once the riders have seen it it's so much easier to duplicate it's good to lead by example I think that's what you were doing and still are by the way but is it a good one or about it's a good positive example but once again I think he's hammering home how commonplace now 50 foot icon sender jumps our way and so cool to see a big Superman thrown on this next job we haven't seen a ton of tricks on the big long floater you went far off that yeah I'd give him an extra 15 foot extra credit points the Oakley 65-54 ateb alistun sand he just 18 years old just handles it and here's the the gap to the quarter pipe expecting to barely makes it barely makes that and then keeps it fairly fairly stock so what we've seen off the quarter like great seen what we kinda had hoped for up that quarter I know that you know reader had big hopes there but he just didn't seem like he had it dialed so all right so will Wyatt his second and final run in the books as we check in with Kennedy hi thanks guys now something you got to know about well when was the last time he rode you downhill bike about four months ago yeah and so you're getting on it here rampage which is probably the gnarliest course out there so you know how did you prepare for this I really didn't the only thing I had to write about my house is just some small viewmaster Johnson a skatepark so I just take my slow stop I count when I can but other than that you just have to practice here and that's all I do to prepare you're also the youngest competitor but you're still going as big as some of the seasoned veterans are you gonna be maybe getting on the downhill bike a little bit more now I'd like to but unfortunately where I lived with not too many places divided but we're gonna work on it well you know maybe you want to move someplace with a few more places to ride we'd like to see it exactly back to you guys yeah two words natural talents will wide and I have to say one of the best things about coming to Red Bull Rampage every year beyond the insane riding is seen the wide eyes and the reaction of those when they walk up upon the scene and see this setting for the first time and Antoine Bizet is one of those riders let's hear what he has to say oh yeah I was taking everywhere like in Europe we got free ride contests but we try to find the craziest place and here it's different like everywhere it's crazy and you just try to find the way you can go without dying so and it's I'd love to hear his approach to it it was so French it's it's okay we thought we just get down the mountain it's the way we do it and I'll tell you of all the riders coming out of France Antoine Bizet really takes that approach that we love it's just pedal to the metal and let's hope we see it here in his second and final run he can definitely shake things up as you see disappointment on his first run a throwaway so let's see what he has creeping right into the gnar right off the gates these lines are so serious if you fall they're a little bobble his own hesitation this is where he went down last time but he Havel it and he's into his line almost taking a trials approach they're really stalling up these lines are sitting you at the very top one of the most exposed parts of the course throws a little backflip super impressive Wow almost shamah nice style there it's just commitment Bizet going strong so far on his second run of two already a huge improvement and watch the speed that you need to continue through here as you come off the Oakley Center has to be a clean we haven't seen a ton of these second runs the leaders are holding so it's great to see some new action happening here there's a new jock flip we see it sticks it don't fall out he's on fire now you can see his run building momentum as he gets down another flip up access oh [ __ ] - litter row off-axis on the second Bizet could be finding himself in the top five comes baby potentially he's the three flip wonder what's he got on the quarter takes it safe he's thinking you know what's under my belt three yeah I just shortchanged him and he shut me up Antoine Bizet after a completely throw away first to run comes back into second run and just unleashes it if you have to say a slight touch but what he was able to do on that top section that's commitment and especially when he crashed right near the talk last time you think he'd be intimidated or scared but charges in and throws the flip right in the most exposed part of the run the ferocity of the Frenchman you have to take it into account see what he did here he handled that top part that he had troubles last time I mean boom we should we should point out from that point of view you're looking down in the bottom Valley of Virginia Tom you don't you don't want to fall there he definitely could be in some serious trouble great creativity not the hugest backfoot but where he did it he's got a score - that's location location location that's like real estate getting excited pat now Pat those leaders were holding so strong and now we're getting into the guys that seriously want to knock him off their pedestal he took this last bit safe he's like I just nailed three backflips and I'm just gonna ride it through because this isn't so critical this part of the course we're talking about that soft dirt there it's taking out the past likes of Eric lawn even Kyle straight so Antoine Bizet we know it was an improvement is it good enough to crack into the top three as to better 74 we sent it to Kenan all right so you made it through that section of the course that took you out the first time I know you were psyched but something that really woke everyone up aside from that was the fact that you did the first flip so high up oh yeah I found this this place stretching for my nine and I found a little place I said well let's do a kick your hand over 50 it's gonna be like originally yeah I did it I got it good so the first time I did it on my own alright congratulation cuz you just moved into second place yes Antoine Bizet and I'll tell you I think you hit it right on the head Richie the judge is rewarding the critical aspect of the lines and when you throw in a flip in there that is gonna lead leave a huge mark and it obviously illustrated in the score therefore Bizet second place unbelievable his first time to rampage and he finds himself in the top three sore he's still holding on strong in the top spot with an 82 and I think everyone could anticipate that you know in these second and final runs it's gonna get that bad it's that much more intense I'll tell you what I don't think anybody anticipated was the consistency of these guys I think we were talking about earlier how we were worried for their welfare but there I'm like I said they're silencing everyone not only are they putting together one great run they're coming back with two solid runs and so progressive so technical Jeff go Levitch getting ready score to beat right now is that 82 by sortie we know goalie has it in him he just has to throw the peppery that you're talking about absolutely he's got speed he's got style he's known for going big and I know there's a bag of tricks in there he just has to bust it all up he said all together this last final run for him here at the rampage and he's also writer he talked about the build-up but he can also impromptu aspect a slight touch there but he can improv his way through sections a little loose there almost went over but he is in a pretty ragged hairy line same time same thing last time he was a little bit soft on a job didn't quite make it he's to pick his speed up a little here to catch his transitions as he heads into the Oakley Center with his unique entrance to it ere entrance hey does he get it he gets it go that's the bag now dip into this interesting step up over that hip there she just tacks it a little bit he's gonna be deep with a new name quesadilla gully right over to the quarter pipe takes a straight shot right to the end so a clean run : edge on it you got to think that the judges are gonna score him somehow whether it be a new entity or something for casing oh I'd say the case factor and then you have to bring up the slight touch I say clean run I should say full pull but there were slight bobbles and it seems like after the judges got done calibrating they obviously started to like put their critical hats on it got that much tougher to get into the top three see what let's see if we see you know he keeps coming up short on all these jobs like good style but just keep saluting you know is it's one of those things like if you watch a dirt jump contest once you've missed once you keep throbbing yourself a speed over and over and over again we clearly here he landed it perfectly and he did not lose any speed but check out the impact on this landing yeah that see how much impact it is the bike hits the ground and what goes through the guy's body boom say like a minor whiplash scenario and he landed it perfectly that's how big the jumps are helped mass and the impacts of taking us safe with some nice jelly style so Jeff go lovage few baubles but some some moments of brilliance did have the backflip however that was that was a nice touch after the sender and a nice tweak on that it was a you know good English on the flip it's such a such a stress and team tripod yeah trying to improve upon that yeah the judges they have been like we said awfully critical as they as they should be so go Levitch an improvement will move them from 15th to 11th that will be the best he can do if he can hold on to that spot yeah sure as you're about to see the Red Bull Rampage is just one of the many stops on the Red Bull Signature Series crossing the globe to bring you the best of the best of the most unique sports the best is yet to come the Red Bull Signature Series all season long on NBC and the NBC Sports Network so a great look at the Red Bull Signature Series and I've been lucky enough to be you know at a lot of those stops and I can tell you of all of the events Red Bull Rampage is the one you have to see with your own eyes you have to see in person the distances that Kurt sort eat our current leader is actually taking he's the current leader a with an 82 what would you do at this point well I would say I know who's coming up after me and I better do exactly what I did last time but better and more because there's it this thing is not over yet sore G is definitely a bad man he can win this thing wants it bad it's one thing you'd like to put under his belt and it's charging it right now nice big Noah header at the top again and shake your head Julie what more could he do to this run exactly it was such a solid Rhonda great style bobbled a little there he's a little short he's trying you know you can see he's throwing in a mat you know he's trying to put in extra little things he's he get just one or two or three more points because he knows McCall and the likes of are chasing him yeah so clean off the center great extension a sort you signature move right there watch this next one boom is big back up again perfect so you know what I think we're gonna see it better it right here right now there it is big transfer and last time he just opted for the small error on the side so clearly that should better that last run pot let's hope for hurt soggy yeah it's been interesting where they've been putting emphasis and when here today it's no easy task as riders and disappearing into the chasm he's got back all he's got Bakley he's got my [ __ ] piggy and there's even some Dark Horse's like go Vega there's some heavy hitters to come and he he can't be too relaxed at this moment not at all not at all it is definitely not a done deal for Kurt's or key terms of taken to the top honors here today he's looking solid here busts up that nice no-hander again like we said way high on the horse the judges a lot they're like these guys are taking chances right out of the gate so that's a high scoring move right there and off the center style sets himself perfectly up for the sortie super-extended Superman that's that like you said signature move one of my favorite moves we did in where the trail ends yeah it was actually throwing somehow he seemed to pull it back great style off the center too you know so we've seen more riders go off this 50 foot plus foot 50 foot plus senator than ever before but we hit and we have yet to see another 360 like cam Zink that's true but the backflip backflip step down if you would have told me let's people would have done this kind of thing when I was doing the rampage I wouldn't have believed you yeah so scores coming in for soar Gyan run number two he's our current leader eighty six point seven five the judges love what they see from Kurt shorty as we sent it over to Kent Harkin who's ressort knee okay you are putting all the pieces into place right now to get yourself at the top of that podium you've got it now sit back and watch are you satisfied with what you've done today yeah I'm really satisfied terrified coming into it and to be sitting already on top of my first run and then cleaning it up in the second run pretty happy yeah I'd be happy to you know rampage is definitely it's not a joke out here you said you're terrified you know does that really weigh on you the weeks coming up to this event oh yeah like losing sleep over this event for sure the scariest we have a little bit more of a nail-biter for you because there's some capable riders you have to go but really fantastic job card cheers man thanks Wow can you believe that comes out on his second run held on to the lead for the entire duration of the first runs after posting that 82 and then comes back with an 80 6.75 incredible performance by kurt soggy who can who can possibly better in 86 point seven five and there's there's something that sorties doing that the other riders aren't is it is it the variety of the line is that because we're seeing some similar moves on the features well we clearly talked about that at the top he's doing the the high scoring score the high high line score choice and then in the middle he's throwing tricks everywhere he's charging he's got it all welcome to Kelly a local here from Utah if anyone knows how to really take advantage of the Train it should be him as he drops in on his final run he surprised us with that back flip there so he's definitely a threat to sargi it's it's completely possible that he has some tricks up his sleeve and we haven't seen yet as he dropped into this gnarly line double drop handling it like it's nothing currently in third place so well within striking distance yeah best run counts charging that section of the course Wow another big backflip it's a little cut up almost off to the side there now what's he what does he have in store off the center fairly straight such a massive drop do it too much Oh beautiful it gets almost all white the engine shut down and he fired a back up no hander it's very similar run too soggy yeah how do you how would you decide for the two if you had to watch this split screen and you were a judge where would you put that right next to excess Orbeez run sort these giant stuff down boom would have killed them no hander otherwise the rocks were quite similar but there's an aspect to the tapas or gaze line though too that it seemed like there was maybe a slight bit more speed or well he didn't know hander yeah - which Miguel he did not get but I think that there was another know another backflip in his run that sorry didn't get so that's where this judge he gets so critical and you you know you dissect it they're struggling I'm sure it's no easy task to get out that abacus and really you know have to quantify the difference in style you're looking at line choice fluidity control the tricks in style and then the amplitude how big they're going off the jumps I'd say maybe two off the icon center that I think on sardis run a little more English a little more style on that definitely definitely the stall backflip though off the the floater and this one was perfectly big amplitude that's partially why he got off line he went so far down the landing and he got he landed the sand box but like you say if it's a direct comparison I think sortie beats him here they're very similar rods and hard to hard to dissect who would have had a better score in each section thankfully we don't have to worry about that we just get to be our judges but no one weighs it on exactly seventy seven point two five Logan's score from the first run he's trying to better an eighty six point seven five held by Kurt soggy currently in third place and he better kind of sense nails right now wondering there's there's so many similarities with so many differences in the two runs that how do they how does the old abacus work it's it's extreme it's uh alright let's check in with Kenan Arkin who's with the the one and only local in the finals can it I thought you're gonna say local boy it's a little bit like rad here now let me tell you what man your flips are so stalled out I mean it's almost like a two-stage flip what's going to how'd you learn them that way I haven't flipped since 2010 last rampage so it's just going for a little sketchy I don't know about the two stages I just hang on for him and and go get go get it you know unbelievable to have a flip on lock like that well and scores coming in no improvement but he will hold on to third place so potential for the podium for Logan if you can hold on to that score Wow so seventy eight point five a slight prune but he doesn't move on the podium I should say right back to the top and we continue with the second and final runs of 2012 Red Bull Rampage and as anticipated the riders the athletes here over-delivering blowing everyone's expectations out of the water putting together such solid quality runs audrey lecomba key here's a rider that we thought perhaps God maybe underscored has so much energy so much speed watch the tenacity and just that the sheer hrodna of this upper section how he charges this upper section is mind-blowing this is easily one of my favorite riders so much style it's unbelievable like this is a gnarly Harley situation and he's charging it like it's a you know a basic bike park trail he knows what he's got to do to step it up and I'm pretty sure he's going to hear because he's so confident so solid and so stylish he knows he's just outside of the podium in fourth place there's that flip same spot probably the best executed we've seen there indeed is his least favorite jump the center which is going to bring him into a jump that he has high expectations to do something great on oh and that's actually that was the move that was going to put him up higher on the podium a pivotal a pivotal part in his run there a missed trick on one of the hits see how style yeah whip that was I mean time really has that moto influence it's so cool but it's you know you brought it out you talked about trying to come back on a second run when the judges know that you've added something more to your run that's that can make the big difference you will sometimes get a four to five point bump I think you got I don't know the minute he came off the Oakley Center and hit that next job that that was the differentiating point and I don't even think he actually cared at the bottom because he's like well that was it he's a smart enough competitor to know I I think it's fair to say that the way that he has progressed in the past two years we are gonna be watching this rider for many many years to come I would say so too and he's he seems to bounce back from injuries and Falls he's so tough and you can see just how narrow that little trail is that they built yeah this section of his line is so impressive he just charges it no hesitation that's what he told me I don't want to slow down once I just want to charge through it like I was just riding down the hill he was upset that it was starting so early today I think he wanted to start the afternoon after some tapas and some siestas I think he definitely needed a siesta ticket to excel is what he was mentioning but he did guy I do glee Center you got to wonder what's going through his mind here and why he didn't do the big pivotal move that he wanted to on his next jump look at the compression on the forks so Lacondeguy run to in the books do we expect an improvement not so much if you consider just the yeah that the strength of that first run scored no improvement fourth place well the bet will be the best he can do Oh I think those in the know in the sport could not have predicted what we're looking at right now there's been so many upsets so many surprise performances but nonetheless entertaining if you are not entertained I would be shocked it has been an incredible day here at Red Bull Rampage Kurt's sword is still in the top spot but how about Antoine Bizet coming in and getting that second place for the moment well for backflips yeah equally split all the way down the course that first one so unexpected on such a high exposed spot maybe not the most amplitude of backflips but wow what a place to take a chance like that and you talk about this event and drawing the likes of riders that you probably would normally see in a big mountain atmosphere Hunziker is one of those riders that obviously potentially out of his element but he's definitely taking some great you know acclimating skills to taking the lines that he's doing and I like the fact that he's a rookie and he's taken the traditional natural approach to the a page he's picked himself a very raw rugged line and he's like no I'm not gonna take the bike park line down here these guys this here we go dropping into it this isn't your local mountain there's no easy way to milk a trail to the lodge for hot coffee that's a raw raw line nice big airs but it does it does say something that the fact that the FMB the the tour that this is the final culminating event getting these riders really and exposing them to what a lot of people will say is the best amalgamation of all aspects of riding it's the so almost not clear the Oakley Center there but it gets these riders out and it basically calls on every like skill set in mountain biking exactly nice big style here you don't like your Sam pot it encourages these dirt jump for slopestyle riders that are normally exposed to us say you know what I want some of that get through his rookie rampage safely and I've harmed and can we point out rookie in the finals yeah well done sir well done great performance for Hunziker on his first appearance at Red Bull Rampage batting Switzerland yeah a valiant effort we talked about other riders out of their element here I mean we you know jinan and pilgrim Sam pilgrim you know they were they were I kind of in survival mode but he's flirting that's a very good point maybe a substantially lesser-known rider and you seem to have a little e yeah you're getting a good look at the kind of dirt how deep and sandy it is applet landing that's exactly smooth like a sidewalk or a dirt Jill he's landing on rocks poking out everywhere it's an acne ridden face a lot of sand in there too full polls for Hunziker a 57 not as good as his first so the best he'll he'll be able to do here at the 2012 Red Bull Rampage is 15th place and a great perspective of just how high this drop is to think that these guys are dropping a little over a thousand vertical feet just zigzagging their way across this range and Nico [ __ ] has been out here all week we talked about it earlier had some some good help from some established veterans really sculpting a line where basically just to get him in and then in between completely untouched just riding the raw aspect of the hill I think you'd be hard-pressed to find any disappointed fan out here today because the level of riding on the first and second runs has been so strong we were talking about Nico [ __ ] just how much work he's been putting in to his line and talking to a lot of that the purist is said you know what if I had if I did have a fantasy rampage team Nico [ __ ] would be on my team I think he definitely shows promise I think has he been putting in the run necessary to get to the top podium maybe not but it's interesting to see what he might add to this very raw line they definitely commits right out of the gates and you know jumping into the fall line right off the start is pretty cool but perhaps he's heading to his original line that he said he didn't like so much I think he's going to because that line he was working on yesterday said he wasn't too sure about it but there it is this headline that he talked about that he was not very comfortable with yet landing on a little shelf all night incredible that was awesome I don't know why he was unsure he happy not like it was he had done it 25 times great style you can see the speed and the style that you know rare other than World Cup racers have seems to be a great time out here every time I'm seeing him he's smiling he's charging there's that option off the side of the center there so the Belgian rider charged a lot of speed let's step up nice not quite all the big big tricks that it's going to take the stand on the podium but not in the last seriously charging the course and say I think we're both guilty of a little bit of a desensitizing aspect we've seen all these riders all week you know around it so much and you know these these tricks becoming commonplace get a little caught up in that soft dirt went a lot faster than most of the riders on that thing but take take the top section of his line consider that for a second where he came in and you're basically you're you're traversing that jump is traversing you know against the cliff it's a such a finite landing zone serious Billy goading he has it's a side he'll thank jobs in if you miss it you're definitely gonna get pulled in and probably tumble partway down the mountain yeah Nico [ __ ] second and final run here in the finals at Red Bull Rampage trying to improve upon that first run score when he dropped it he was in 13th place and there's that that unique lines just off to the side and he does have that confidence you talked about the confidence yeah that's I like the option did not take the you know it's his first time here he's a pure free rider and it's hard I guess because he's like you know I could take the thing that's there but I'm gonna take time to make my own way down and it's just in classic they'll watch these guys in the bill that it's almost they enjoyed that as much as the actual riding up there they were literally with axes you know basically destroying him out in such a good way that the line that they made was incredible how about the fact in the earlier interview how he talked about the camaraderie about him you know I asked Vander Han if I could use his line so no improvement the best Nico [ __ ] is gonna do here this year's rampage is thirteenth so far Kurt's orgeat remains on the top that score eighty six point seven five just a decisive difference Bizet in second mughelli in third and a lock on biggie rounding out the top four Pierre Edouard ferry 18th place and I think we were both of little surprised about the lack of intensity of his first run it's gonna be interesting to see if he turns it on he definitely hasn't we watched him all week practicing was stringing together some great lines it is his first rampage and we know he's totally capable but he seemed pretty nervous but he seems big he has a little more speed conviction he's flowing into it right now but he was definitely hesitant all on all his jumps and stuff but here he's getting to those parts again seems like he's got some good fluid and he gone another raw rugged line you can see how deep the soil could be against sucking it up he has to take these ones small cuz he has this different line here he's charged it now work his way across pointed out that soil through that rough section so hard to ride through and he has this a unique line that zigzags back and forth or off along the mountain it's unique but it is a bit of going back before you got to wonder how that plays into score completely burped on that section right there goes up and over almost double yeah let's get a little stuck you can see great absorption there here it needs to throw a clip or something in there that I know you can do don't think do it but it does look good Oh still able to have speed yeah but a lot of the riders on that want that same jumps need to be casing it so final run for free we have to say an improvement but in terms of what we see from sori and these riders that are coming back with their second runs and they're able to off the intensity you know like you said he would he would have need needed something like some type of hammer some trick would it be a you know flip on that step-down that you and even the amplitude there was yeah really a huge air in the run at all so if you want to stand on the podium here like you're discussing all components to that run well just a few more riders to drop in on their final runs their best run counts looking back on furries run and there's that section that it's gives you such a great perspective oh yeah okay we're gonna how exposed you are but again he is he seems a little he's straight I mean he's textbook executing it but what the judges want to see is that style and in fluid like no tricks and the style is pretty stiff so it's gonna be hard to stand up there with the best without throwing that and watching this on the from the front of this someone that couldn't can't even imagine what is this like when you've done this so steep you can says belt pretty much on his body yeah and that's again that's a typical when you're writing a raw line like that you get pitched forward you got to hold on for dear life and he did muscles an improvement as we expected but not enough to really make a difference best he'll be able to do with 17th Pierre Eduardo II of France so the current standings continue to have Kurtz or D on top Bizet in second and a bagillion third but the plot thickens here in Virginia taw at the Red Bull Rampage because on top of bragging rights of the most coveted event in the sport rampage is also the free world mountain biking the world tour the world title and we're talking about that battle between seminar and Soderstrom here's the situation Semin ik despite everyone's predictions faltered and he faltered drastically leaving the door wide open for this gentleman right here Martin Soderstrom he needs to get seven or better if he does that the world title is his can he do that 7th place you're looking at a s'more held by I'm sorry yeah the McCall brothers rounding out fifth and six so that no easy task when you consider both McCall's the runs that they put in he's got his specialized sled here pointed into the fall line and he looks like he's he's come to take that FMV tour the way he's charging this and I don't think he ever thought he was gonna be in this position but he's a true competitor and he's won contests before and I think he's very very serious about doing this right did bother a little bit on his other runs I heard him talking to Darren berrecloth and the cam Zink about what he needs to do a little a couple of technical tips he's putting together a very smooth run here when he gets into the bottom I think we're gonna see his big slopestyle tricks come into it but you know that the bottom of Tyler McCall has run how strong it was can this even compete with that nice huge improvement there on his last ride and here he's coming into this technical part he's getting pretty comfortable with this just a straight-out tucking the line here he needs to throw down every slopestyle movies ever had to get in their style and Soderstrom goes down right at the end throws a mass of three almost lands in the flats just hurled off the ledge remember the score he has two better is that as a sixty nine point two five I would hate to be a judge that's why and what do you think some of the key right now where is he right now you know that he's done the math you know senator he's done he knows exactly what needs to happen for the most competitive guys in the sport I think he he's probably just let out a big sigh of relief but let's see what the judges say it's hard to know I can't even there's too much so much math going on here two different titles on the line it would be consolation for summoning cuz I know he was disappointed about his performance but looking back in Soderstrom I gotta say this was the highlight of his run right here you know this this lanky Swede just capped it out here on this step of jump which is exactly what he needed to do all the way around down the course because that's actually what he's got on what he's really good at what about the style on this though she asked a little too much we had trouble with that the first time too and I think he actually did a little better on the first one you can see him trying to he that that's a competitor he's not like I'm gonna go down he's like I'm gonna fight this thing because I have to get that title going down with the ship was it better than a sixty nine point two five we're talking about the world title the FMB World title him and SEMATECH battling it it's a great consolation I mean either one of these guys obviously I know I think Summoner came into this thinking he's gonna have both bragging rights a rampage title and a you know FMB World title but just wasn't to be that's for sure you can see he's thinking about it he's probably got his own little abacus out all right let's check in with Kenan who's with Soderstrom all right no we're not gonna show no problem not going to show you the new air conditioner convertible pants you just made but you know the top you know you're a really raging down there you know what happened at that 360 yeah yeah I missed missed a little bit a bit too much spin all right I hate to be the guy to announce the state but you also missed the FMB World title just by a little bit seminar does take it but you know what you guys battled back and forth all year long what does that give you does it give you a new sense of renewal going into next season yeah I mean basically I'm going in with the same same goal that I want to win next year so yeah pretty much pretty much saying I will look forward to seeing you next year all right so scores coming in for Martin Soderstrom member we were talking he needed to better a 69 0.25 and yeah he couldn't do it so that means Brandon Semin ik is the FMB World Tour title champ incredible a great consolation for him like I said I know that he he had different plans here today and it didn't play out the way that he had hoped to more riders can upset the balance and I'm calling him the new first family a freeride mountain biking the McCall's are a force to be reckoned with Tyler McCall when you talk about the creativity on the lower half where we've seen a lot of riders struggle where they've had strong top portions he puts it all together in seventh place here we go let's see what he does on the top here because I gotta say that I think his his top line choice is not sensational although he's charging it and it seems like the judges didn't like as much as the other riders going big on the top he saves it for the bottom and there's something about his score that seemed like maybe his line choice must have been a blocking factor because the rest of his round great yeah I'm sure as a rider you've been there on you know the side of the bike as a competitor is it difficult to figure out what the flavor of the moment is well you can't just look at what you want to do you actually there it is again that huge no hat or you got to look at what the judges want to see and you need to play to them that's the game Tyler McCall comes his first huge error there it is Oh stops it I love this there this looks so technical to me and that is so deceiving from that angle it's huge clears the wall the gap to wall rod once again so Tyler to call another stand up run I think that's the biggest rhythm section in the world I mean how would you compare that to his first run I mean he did everything that he did there was a I would say even a little bit more confidence in sections Jonathan you charge the top Ridge little he really did yeah so it'll be hard to say if that score improves a lot but a gap is that component of the huge tribute in that line you have to get close to an 80 at the better of 70 8.5 to move into the top three judging by the performance that we've seen by him and the intensity how about the fact they're having his brother back Tabaka of the scores right yeah is there is there a little mini story that as I'm sure there's some some friendly rivalry over the years I know sir there's like he's going off a little low floater like you know most people couldn't even do a trick over there's no pop whatsoever I know I used to be a no hander guy without the pop it's really hard to do a jerk like this just what about the speed controlling this to get that speed perfect for that it's a huge error followed by a set up jump followed by this is another huge error this is the one that's deceiving yeah right baby well you got it it's a slight hip it's not that wide it's not that long of a landing and then you go oh I made it and then you're into another huge oh just cars perfect it just it really illustrates where you see it slow down there's just the bike control and the comfort that these riders have whether it be on the air or on the ground tile i'ma call you can see him wait for his scores we check in with Kenan all right Tyler you know what a lot of riders look comfortable on the big stuff up top you're definitely comfortable with the big stuff in the air yeah it was a gamble picking a picking a line on the ridge like that and it got real windy I wanted to kind of drop that rolled and then drop down I wanted to go from the top really bad and wanted to enter the next one but I was coming in and I felt good and then I just saw the flag ripping and I pictured myself getting off line and riding off the next play from the wrong spot and who knows what would happen so I mean I'm happy I made it down in one piece that's all it really matters and that was the most fun [ __ ] I've ever ever ridden all right I know you're also interested in getting over to see the next competitor do you have any insight you can tell us what to look for with your brother that's my brother you never know he's uh he's really down-to-earth guy but when it comes down to it he's competitive and we work together we kind of help each other so I gotten a good idea of what he's gonna do but we'll see I hope he pulls it together we'll see I can't wait neither can I think better than the incredible Vista is the explosive performances we have beared witness today here at Red Bull Rampage only one more rider to go there is Kurt's or key he is in the top spot and the one rider to go is none other than camp McCall the situation is simple if cam McCaul can have the run of his lifetime he will be the 2012 Red Bull Rampage champion and the run that we saw him throw down earlier should have been enough to take a Red Bull Rampage title in the past but we saw Kurt soar he has lined his technical aspect up top what does cam McCaul have to add he has that huge Canyon jump he takes the line across the ridge is there anything he can do to pepper it up as you say Richey to make this rampage whinny run both of course cannon is capable of winning slopestyle so you know he has all the tricks and I'm sure in his mind he's just gonna place all those tricks into some of these huge airs and he's totally capable here I would be slightly surprised if he pulled out something we aren't expecting and tricked something super impressive over that over the the canyon gap well he's got three or four places on his run that he can add things to that would actually be mind-blowing well there was talk before cam Zink unfortunately was taken out in practice but there was talk of a backflip or something progressive over a gap like that I would shudder to think that that's even possible but nice hip job we're right now we're still seeing the same run as last time so surely his plan is to throw a trick in on one of these huge features and there's about three or four of them on there let's see what he's got here and this is a part of lying is highly technical transfer and you could speculate the judges don't like the top section on that line where they definitely like this he's left it down to this this is it right here we go there's that gap nice just has it dialed there's it no problem step down here's where he gets into the tricks of his rot nice whip currently Camp McCall seven place the run to beat right now eighty six point seven five what would you say right now I mean sorry already already pre potentially a pre-emptive celebration what a great year for sorry you know what I I looking back at cam McCall's run there was a part of it like you said that section that you really like the technical aspect but he does traverse he loses a lot of elevation going over there is that something that the judges say you know what we we like what you're doing here but it's not enough and when you take Chris orgy's run top to bottom it's it's nonstop well like we discussed on the last pot basically you can't just play into what you like rather once you're in your mind and built and run off a big move you got to say what are these judges want and I think that's what sort he did he built in every component that the judges are looking for and owned it well there were moments where it clicked for cam McCaul he dropped in with more conviction in the last time and definitely got great amplitude and style I can't get it more flat whipped out than that on that hip and you know it's a different line it's a different choice he this I think possibly this the step down that he had it's a little under under evaluated for how gnarly it was but down here I think is where it went a little wrong it looks like he caught something where his big moves were gonna come into it it looks like he caught a little dust I just well right now it's unofficial unofficial at this point I would say Kurtz or DEET potentially taking the title but we'll have to wait and see until the scores come in but on a technical aspect the way that he's strung that line above the canyon jump I mean that's just a brilliant turning aspect he lands basically in a turn on that just taking that straight is let's not discount so you know took out cam Zink cam what calls first jump on a crashed hard that's the real deal he does not do it cam McCaul could not better that means herte soor G is the 2012 Red Bull Rampage champion we check in with Kenan who's with her soggy man it's been an incredible year for you bro I mean where the trail ends you had one of the most talked-about segments in that film traveled the world and now you are yet another in a long and illustrious line of winners for the Red Bull Rampage man come on Thanks dream come true never imagined actually winning this contest all right so let's let's talk about how you did it you know you got here early you had a slew of guys helping you with your lines I mean we're how did you dream these lines up for this particular run well it's way different this year you're starting from the top so it's way steeper looser more exposed and I had a great crew Paul and tri from giant and then all my boys from back home and and in Kamloops and team effort really it's what it takes out here because it's a hard work building your line all week and then trying to put it together in the end it's it's not easy so stoked all right man well congratulations on a fantastic day thanks man thanks Ken and what a great day just a historic day in the sport of free riding and Kurtz or ghee you know grabbed I believe it was the second place back in 2008 and had to come back you know four years later and to get that title such a coveted title so few hold it Red Bull Rampage champ title and Curt soggy as his name is kind of pointed out an illustrious list of riders Antoine Bizet in second Logan mughelli rounding out the top three and thinking back of what we saw here today you know always every year it it just it provides so much fodder for the history books of the sport absolutely you know a little disappointment for a few of the top riders zinc and salmon are you know tough tough week for them a lot of talk a lot of speculation about those guys being on top but Curt soggy it was almost his to lose because you know he hadn't stood there before if you saw where the trail ends his style and amplitude in that movie took it to another level so he was almost just posting his way right into this victory the scene Stiller and I think we have to say this that the ultimate silver lining of this year's event and it's all about these guys being safe and you know walking away from this event you know I think we came in here and we talked about the matrix of gnar the the crossing lines and we were almost convinced that there was going to be you know some bad you know bad Falls but these guys really proved us wrong and that's that's probably the best news of this event we saw incredible riding without you know some really really bad injuries that we've seen in the past absolutely like basically we saw we saw the organizers get nervous and get scared about everything happening and it actually came together smoothly we didn't have any serious injuries and the young man Kurt sargi is stoked to be here an unbelievable day and as we pointed out so much for the history books of the sport as anticipated well on behalf of Kenan Arkin Richie slam pipe a Parnell we look forward to seeing you at the next Red Bull Rampage where the boundaries will be pushed and expectations will be shattered until then they everybody [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Red Bull Bike
Views: 959,205
Rating: 4.7486854 out of 5
Keywords: red bull, red bull bike, red bull rampage, rampage, rampage 2019, red bull rampage 2019, red bull rampage live, virgin utah, mtb, mountain biking, freeride mtb, brandon semenuk, andreu lacondeguy, POV, cam zink, fabio wibmer, matt jones, gee atherton rampage, mountain bike, freeride, kurt sorge, godziek, USA, rampage 2012, replay, red bull rampage 2012, red bull rampage winner, red bull rampage 2012 replay, darren berrecloth, kurt sorge rampage 2012, throwback, dh
Id: QaN_xAC4nKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 27sec (11427 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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