It's that MTB Slopestyle time of the year. | Crankworx FMBA Slopestyle Les Gets France 2018

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writers has ever ever ever locked down the Triple Crown of slopestyle [Applause] Phylis a slopestyle live and direct from the mecca of french mountain biking ranked works Lachey see all the action on Red Bull TV well take a look at what happened just one week ago it was the second stop of the Crankworx FM PA slopestyle world championship and Nikolaj or AG Atkin made it two in a row this time using some new tricks a front flip tail at this time along with all of his old favorites tricks that nobody else is doing Nicolai Roy Gaskin will be looking to repeat here in beautiful Lachey France for round three of the Crankworx World Tour there's a look at the sunny mountain peaks that make up this mountain bike paradise that we know as Liz J now we're halfway through the season and it's been a doozy to say the least I'm your host cam a call alongside your slope style expert and my brother Tyler McCall Tyler what do you think we're gonna get we're gonna have here I mean this is like the boiling point we kind of know what to expect because we've had two stops already but we're seeing a lot of crazy developments here at the later hours of practice yeah we've had some beautiful weather here the last two weeks actually in the Alps anything can happen but uh two amazing courses in a row we've seen some insane stuff in practice already I feel like I say that every time but this time the guys have had a lot of days and uh they were just really ramping it up this mornin wind conditions are seeming to be pretty favorable for the riders so I think we're gonna see another great show one rider in particular a young rider is looking very favorable at this moment in time strongest in practice looks to be ultimately focused let's talk about Eric fedko fedko has quickly become my new favorite rider you can watch him grow as an athlete as a rider as a competitor every stop and he's just getting better and better more consistent he's so calm and collected and the stuff that we saw him linking in practice can really slot him in the top three I think and now a guy who we can't call a rookie he got a third place here just one year ago a guy who has so many unpredictable tricks with huge extension Simon God Zach this course is pretty suited for him lots of airtime straight trick jumps and he's got a lot of bangers he likes to go high for extension on everything so he's another one who's definitely gonna be up there today Simon God's yack one of those guys who's looking confident in practice as well and we kind of have to touch on it some riders having a hard time deciding what tricks to do so there's gonna be a lot of question marks once we get into the competition here of course each Rider getting two runs so if we were going to compete in fantasy Crankworx those are some of the riders we'd have our eyes on based on the last few minutes of practice but Tyler you actually put together a team yesterday who did you choose these are my picks here you can't leave reader out he's always got a winning run in the bag it's just whether or not he puts it together and I'm going on with the home field advantage got a couple Frenchie's in there jinan from Belgium but he rides with those French guys all the time and they're in front of their home crowd it's got to rile them up they got a lot of friends and family here and I think that can only help them put their runs together good strategy if I were to put together a fantasy Crankworx team I would have my new favorite rider on there Simon God's yak because there's something about this course that really gels well with him and I had to sample the goods here on this course so of course I decided to follow that man himself Simon Gajic take a look at the course preview so if I'm gonna take a run through this course I figure I might as well follow somebody who knows what they're doing and with a 3rd place here last year Simon God's yak I feel like I'm in good hands but are you ready to rip it yeah let's go all right well judging by what he's wearing right now I'm not sure if he's taking me to the beach or through the slope course but regardless I'm along for the ride a nice flat drop into this big old booty hip now this is kind of like a little trail flow style thing to get your get your feel right people be tricking that but it's really small now into the 4 pack this is where everybody will be linking up their crazy tricks regs to AH pose if you got a gym on the brakes for this cannon nice little scrubber here let's see it's super easy to over shoots you got to go slow now whaletail yeah sorry man and of course big old trick jump to finish it off yeah buddy so I'm a God egg what uh yeah so what a fun course it's one thing to ride through and get a feel for what the flow is but to trick every one of these features at the level that these guys have to trick them on now to be one of the best in the world only 14 of the top slopestyle competitors in the universe invited to this competition it's not easy to get here and right now it's not easy strategizing what tricks they're gonna do once we finally drop them now you're probably wondering where the third member of our team is Mikayla gateau unfortunately she was taking advantage of the amazing trails we have out here and she happened to take a big spill she's injured she had an AC separation of her shoulders see the top of that screen right there that's what a healthy AC joint looks like the bottom those the acromial a friendly girl so far apart so she back to Canada she hit her head as well so she wasn't able to be with us here today so send her your well wishes at Michaela gateau and we're gonna have to do it without Michaela here today but Michaela wasn't the only person crashing out here in Lachey in the last minute of preparation Tomas Lemoine actually went down on the second feature of the course we haven't really got to see a full view of this see he went down real hard Tyler yeah it looked like he was going for a 360 tuck no-hander opposite 360 tuck no-hander variation that jumps a slight hip so kind of some weird angles going on looks like he hit his head pretty hard I talked to him he said he's feeling alright he's really sore he has an injury in his left hand from that crash and we talked about how once he gets through today he can chill and he wants to get a run down he said he might just try to put one down and call it a day since it's just two runs best run counts so best wishes to him I hope he can pull through cuz he was looking really good in practice for that unfortunate crash so it's great to hear that Lemoine will be able to compete out here he knows how to push through a little bit of injury unfortunately Michaela out but luckily we got another expert on hand and drew needling he's gonna be taking over the field reporter duties out there he's standing by with Thomas Lemoine right now Andrew well I've got Thomas pneumonia we're finishing up practice Thomas how has it been going for you it's been a good week a bit of wind during the week so we didn't have the full training we should have but I guess now everyone is ready and I feel ready for it and what feeling do you have just leading up to the competition what are the nerves like I just think about my run I'm focusing about what I'm doing and I see how it goes all the base we can't wait to see the action thanks Andrew all right good to hear he's gonna be back out there riding like you said ty he may only just take one run but a guy who's as consistent as Thomas Lemoine that may be all he needs now just a week ago he scored fourth place and you know he was looking to improve upon that today always a top five contender let's take a look back at the action from stop number two in Innsbruck just last week the second stop of the Crankworx FMB a slopestyle world championship brought with it the most highly anticipated rematch in recent slopestyle history brat reader he came here with a goal in mind here we go backflip tell about the start drop in what was almost a carbon copy of in spur up 2017 Brett reader led the field with an eighty six point seven five at the end of run one having landed the sports first backflip tail with up a flat drop in a competition run he also debuted the first ever backflip opposite double tail whip slipped pedals however cost Brett points as the fourteen riders regrouped for their second runs step up nicolai rogue Atkin having to pull out all the stops nicolai through all caution to the wind and set about destroying the course nikolai rick akan can he do it the crowd was treated to his signature twists are off the second feature a Superman seat grab one hander up onto the whale tail a cork and then for good measure he finished his run with a front flip tail whip awarded a score of 93 rogue Atkin took the win reader had to settle for second italian diego coffers aussie mirrored his rotorua result by taking the third podium spot likewise thomas Lemoine riding solid found himself in 4th again and 5th was snapped up by two rookie eric fedko who will walk away victorious in Lachey well that's the question we all have in our minds right now who's gonna take the third stop Nicolai der gakuen and brat reader have been dominating this season but man we're seeing a lot of question marks when it comes to those two riders runs they have so many tricks it seems like they're having a hard time deciding and then guys like Eric fedko look like they have exactly what they wanted you already dialed in now if you're new to slopestyle mountain biking here's a look at the format we'll be running off of it's the top 14 riders in the world and this is where they come from it's the top six from the rankings and last season the current top six from the lower-level events they meet up and then we need to round it out to 14 so two wildcards earn their spots from the gold events that's one step down from these Crankworx events the highest placing riders of those gold events find themselves catapulted onto the world stage right here for a total of 14 riders now the overall winner is gonna take home $25,000 now there's four stops if you win three of the events any three you get an extra $25,000 so two riders still in the running for that of course the winner from Rotorua brat leader and the winner from last week's second event innsbruck nickel IRA Gaskin so who are those 14 riders Tyler take a look at our start list started off today we're gonna have French local Louie rube oh he he's one of the riders who got the wild-card and I like the fact that there is a wildcard so we get some new guys in here followed by Jakob Lucas Matt Jones he had a good result last week in Innsbruck and yeah then we're gonna round it down all the way with Diego Nikolai reader our heavy heavy hitters well there's a look at our top 14 riders in the world the anticipation is building this is round 3 the Crankworx World Tour Crankworx Lachey's slopestyle stick around [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back mountain bike world to stop number three of the Crankworx world tour and of course the event we've been waiting for all week capping off Sunday with the third stop on the Crankworx FM ba slope style world championship we've got all the riders in the gate and we're about ready to see what the story will be this is the crank rich Liz a slope style and it starts right now [Music] [Applause] around we're finally here the riders been practicing all week and that's been a show in and of itself just to see these riders strategizing trying to carefully craft a top-to-bottom slopestyle run without repeat tricks and plenty of bangers to get the judges going the first rider we'll see today is that man right there Louie or a bull out of France now he was not on tour all season last year made his way back on climbed back up the ladder to the top and he's gonna be looking to wow this French crowd here on home soil so Louie revolt teller I know when your favorite riders he's got some unique tricks out there what are we gonna see today just like you said I love the fact that he rides with a uniqueness to his tricks and I'm curious to see what Ronnie's gonna put together starting off with an opposite 360 double tail up on that first jump there now I think we're gonna see some unique combinations down low here this is where Louie really excels truck driver on the small step down big cork 720 on the first jump of the four pack see what he links this with Canabalt de no foot a can that's what I'm talking about right there that's something unique to Louise style right there not many people doing that 360 toboggan on the cannon they're controlling speeds on the whale tail with a big dump 360 and tuck no-hander out one more trick backflip tail up catching so early what a way to start this competition a great run in the bag for Louie Rob oh well there we go Tyler great to see a rider like Louie ball not only put down a run in front of the French crowd but get back on tour it's been a while since we've seen him on the Cray perch slopestyle World Tour he showed a lot of perfection in that run right there everything was consistently clean and as we can tell from the last stops not something judges really take into consideration so feet perfectly on the pedals there no I didn't see any any pedaling in between jumps this course here as you know kandi wrote it it's a lot about regulating speed lots of braking and that right there a cannonball to no-footed can unique combo you chooses to do those foot tricks rather than like a body spinning variation or the bike spinning and kind of old school but old school meets new school there with Louie sometimes it really pays off to think outside the box and do some combinations and nobody else is doing and we're seeing a 70 1.25 right off the bat here so if that's any indication this is going to be a great competition I'm gonna keep things rolling right now with another very exciting rider out of the Czech Republic 28 year old Jakob pencil now last week in Innsbruck I was only two doors down from him and on slopestyle morning this is what I could hear he brings his guitar to every stop on the tour take a listen hear his version of Black Sabbath [Music] hey every riders got their way to stay loose right here and this has got to be my favorite way Yakov vinsol hanging out on his balcony looking at the slopestyle course probably planning exactly what he's gonna drop in and do right now to the tune of into the void from Black Sabbath now I know that you're a sucker for Sabbath so unfortunately for him you're not a judge coz he'd probably be getting some bonus points he'd have an 80 already right now before even dropping in another rider who had to claw his way back on to tour we saw him winning the duel speed in style overall championship last Crankworx world tour but right now it's all about slope style for Jakob pencil [Music] Jakob starting out with a 360 tuck no-hander on the flat drop same thing we saw him doing in lane in throat get a little bit of style on that skipper there front flip that small step down that's gonna be one of the bigger tricks we see on that today into a 723 since you took 900 a barspin so that wasn't a repeat trick there since he threw the bar spinning speed 360 into the whale tail here look at that 720 on the 4 axis some called a casserole he loves calling it the misty 7 and he hadn't done it all week until that moment right there great run for Jakob pencil whatever you want to call it that was a great end to his run right there and he's gonna be stoked to put that one down [Music] so as the judges tabulated Tyler walk us through some of the highlights of this run so he was able to link a lot of things there this right here is one of my favorite parts that is not a big jump you're gonna see a lot of spins on that maybe a couple tail ups but I don't think we'll see a ton of front flips this right here locking that shoulder down into a nice 720 on the first jump of the four pack now he landed a little low but luckily this speed is more about regulating speed not trying to trying to generate so he's able to get back on pace through that next jump and finishing right there with that frontcourt 720 casual men ste everybody has a different a different name for it but whatever it is that's a good way to end your run he's initiating that 720 on the bottom jump over his front shoulder putting it on more of a forward axis and there we go Yakov ensel moves into the lead with a 76.5 now already well into the high 70s right now the only two riders dropping this is going to be a ridiculous event here stop number three I'm a guy who was not on tour last year he wasn't even on tour the first event this year he we had him during the halftime show he was an alternate in Rotorua he wrote Innsbruck last week and here he is again Lucas can opt out of Germany now this is his first Crankworx season he's got a lot to prove I know he has a lot of tricks in the bag starting out with a front flip bars but on that first jump there that's not a straight jump so that's a pretty unique trick to see on that 361 foot a can on that into the 4-pack 360 tell what looked like he maybe wanted to squeeze in a bar spin there nice clean backflip tail so he's back on pace shearling speed big front flip on the can in there double tail up into the whale tail so he's on a good one here truck driver down one last jump 360 for Lucas cannot now that run showed a little bit more of what maybe he was looking for at Innsbruck so able to pull it all together here in ledge a and that's got to feel good well he learned how to put together a run last week and now he learned how to better that run and he's risking a lot in his first of two runs here you know what three runs and three stomps this is very very contrasting to what we saw in Whistler last year for example where it took so long us to get some consistency all riders on point all the practice is paying off good sign of things to come for sure so that right there it's hard to tell on the camera angles but that jumps a little bit offset so front slip part spins a really good trick on that able to link the 360 tail up on the first jump of the four back into this backflip tail up catching early you know he's a rider who has variations after catching the pedals on that back look tail maybe something to work on to run number two well he did throw that down on the last jump here back flip tail too far Spencer who knows what he has planned for run number two but this guy is always able to squeeze more bar spins into his runs this right here catching so earlier so much going on there he's doing a 360 kicking the bike around it's got to get his feet on get a seat between his knees wow that angle shows how things almost went wrong notice if those feet come off but don't touch the ground it's gonna be way less of a dog to a score and there is the score in 81 in the first place so constant one-upsmanship here from our top three our first three riders I have a feeling we're just going to continue to ramp things up [Music] take a look at this the ever persistent Matt Jones out of Great Britain that's got not only as one of the top slopestyle riders in the world who's been working so hard to maintain his status on tour keep those invitations coming but a rider who really puts a lot of effort into his video projects as well gone over the winter he said it took three months complete filming and this is just a look at how much work this filming stuff is so much time for doing unique things now he masterminded all these ideas things that he drew on paper things that he wanted to do things that he's always thought about he finally had the chance to do it but as you can see it takes a lot of work doesn't come easy first time I've ever seen he wouldn't do that Kevin man you put in the word for that well just think about splitting their time between getting ready for these competitions and also trying to do things that you would never even be able to do in a competition you're never gonna see a feature where that trick would be possible so great time management out there for Matt Jones he's definitely been peaking this season let's see what he's got starting out with a flat flip on the start drop his amplitude is one of my favorite things ever with a big 360 tuck no-hander getting a lot of style there on that feature alright so here's where he really excels oh yeah I've been 20 landing perfect oh the double flip to tell the flip the crowd just went crazy for that one Matt Jones controlling speed into a backflip talk no hander everything's looking really smooth dump 360 bar spin in back flipped I'm gonna hand her out [Music] signature massively extended backflip zoom in on the last jump Matt Jones just put down another run something we had we still have so much trouble with last season let's take you back a little bit of history on this ride or last season he had such a dramatic series of events not being able to finish runs flat tires over rotated double backflips and we haven't seen him stomp a run with a double backflip he's been taking it easy in order to get top to bottom after the the struggles from last year this is the first time we've seen him put down an a run in his first attempt this right here I'm not sure if you can hear the French crowd but everybody loves double flips and they went crazy for that one right there there it isn't slow-mo yeah it's my possibly have into that not the longest gap on that jump so you can see that he just landed about seven feet down but that's what he needed to do and able for able to get that whole rotation and put it down to two tires oh how about the extension on that backflip Superman he makes that to try to click a lot easier than it is so when it comes to the criteria on the judges scorecards would you say he pretty much ticked all the boxes he did his feet landed on the pedals he had great extension great amplitude a little bit of diversity so I think I think the judges are gonna like that one there I'm not sure how it's gonna stack up on Lucas I think he had a little bit more variety so I'm curious to see a lot of energy for Matt Jones run a seventy eight point seven five is what his score will be good enough for second place so good to see our first four riders all getting a run in the bag here so Simon God's yack the next rider in the gate out of Poland a rider who always brings huge extension like what we just saw from our last competitor we caught up with them earlier and here's what he had to say yeah last year I got my first podium on Congress here in leisure and I came here super motivated to do even better practice is going well I just flip the monologue first time in my life so pretty stoked on that and looking for more tricks on the course so Simon God's UX strategize his time management very well this week he was out there you saw from the course preview in board shorts and a tank top just getting speeds figured out the first two days but this morning he was dropping hammers we're gonna see what his plan is right now Simon rides with a similar style to Matt Jones always going so high oh no going down on the double tail on the second feature one of the riders who was looking strongest in practice right now the first time we've seen a rider drop today and not finish that run such a disappointment we saw him practicing double flips as well I know the French crowd wanted to see that so we hope that he can pull it together for second run but it looks like he's gonna keep on going down the course here might as well you know he may not be the only rider who doesn't get a top-to-bottom perfect run no he's just gonna use this as an opportunity to stay loose may put on a little show for the crowd [Music] the French crowd they're always they always reward a little bit of a showmanship [Music] Simon just working his way down here now obviously this one's gonna be a throw away one of the routers with the load style they're cracking a nice whip for the crowd he's just gonna reset and focus on run number two well we've got two competitors in the field here today who are fathers Simon Godsey a canoe father as of last season he missed the first event of the tour last year because his daughter was being born [Music] so he'll be looking toward run number two with only a twenty four point seven five from that attempt but the other father in the field is the guy we're gonna see dropping next he's gonna be trying to take one of these podium spots away from vince'll jones and can op who were holding onto those positions at the moment this is Ryan Nyquist a guy who Tyler you brought this up in the day at dinner he's probably done more bar spins than anybody in the world you guys had this conversation about it so Nikolai and I were wondering how many bar spins Ryan necklace is done in his life we did our own calculations we came out to 1/2 million and we're curious you know we kind of inflated that we're curious what Ryan had to say he said a quarter million bar spins pretty insane so Ryan Ike was easy to say he's the most experienced rider in the field coming from the BMX background a father of three always dropping the hammer when the pressures on and I quit special trick there the backflip one-handed X up [Music] perfect perfectly executed 720 on the first shuttle de 4-pack backflips suicide no hander another knife special now regulating speed into the Canon log Oh 360 suicide no handers 720 into the whale tail risky move able to pull it off 360 one-handed X up backflip suicide no hander de bar has been around things out Brian Nyquist perfect first run that could not have gone any better Tyler that was pretty beautiful and there are so many tricks in there that were only gonna see Ryan do he runs one of the most unique bike setups he's got a front brake on there which you need to use to stop the front wheel to do a couple of those tricks he is doing out there he's learned so much not only about how to do these tricks but how to strategize how to practice how to manage your time throughout the week this is the best riding we've seen from him all week and he was showing hints at what he had planned but everything went perfect in it so right there you can see that his front wheel isn't spinning the reason for that is if you take your hands off without doing a tuck no-hander you think it's suicide knowing under your bars just want to spin and revert to backwards so stopping the front wheel for some scientific crazy reason stops gyroscopic forces so he's able to lay his hands back like the only way he does that right there doing that trick again into a barspin so while just doing a backflip first step he hits the front brake takes his hands off put some back on and then tosses the bars a lot going on right there don't forget to pinch the seat so you can stay connected to that bike ride Naik was like you said bringing tricks oh you're not going to see from anybody else out there in the field and linking them together with precision judges like to see the uniqueness and the technicality you like to see tricks that are original to each rider and everyone's a fan favorite of Ryan Nyquist here Ryan Nyquist run number one a score of 74 good enough for a fourth place right now the ever entertaining Ryan Nyquist and Ernie thing let's hear from him well thanks guys I've got nycos with me in my calculation you've added four more boss wounds to your tally I'm not sure you even noticed that down that run no I completely blacked out I was just like at the top of the course then all of a sudden I heard my song and now I'm down here so score came in fourth I'm happy with that just getting that first run it's pretty good it's like the equivalent of it you had like a really nice piece of cake and you've been waiting all day to eat that cake and then you finally get to take a bite of the cake and you're like ah his cake is so good and then you finished the cake and you're like dude that cake was awesome and that's how I feel I was like that run doing that run I'm really happy there you go have you got any more cake left in it for the next run oh you can't have your cake and eat it too so you know I had my cake so I'll see if maybe there's another piece up there before i black out again oh there you go guys back to you cam yeah thanks Andrew I'm hungry I don't know why I would love some pastries great analogies there you never know I thought he was gonna be serious for once in an interview and then he came out with the whole cake thing curious to see what he can make up for a second run but right now your current leader is none other than Germany's Lukas can op who cooked up a mean treat for the judges finishing things off with that 360 tail whip to bar spin at the bottom as we said earlier he's a crank works World Tour rookie so it's pretty cool to see him sitting in the hot seat right now he's worked hard for this and he's sitting right where he wants to be scary thing is he has more on the tank - this kid just always squeaks more bar spins and after every trick yeah it's so much different hopping on the biggest stage in the world of slopestyle and you saw him just ironing out the kinks last week but right now leading the charge but he's gonna have to answer to this man here next out of Canada Anthony Missouri a guy who was won the slopestyle on Whistler early on his career [Music] the antenna Mazzarri looking for his first baked result of this season always going so hot now that feature there we're not sure how much the judges is going that but he's able to get a check on it backs up bar has been on that tiny step down there we got it Castrol on the first job of the 4-pack able to clean up with that front flip there he may have wanted to talk to the hand every but he's able to hold on there you go there's the front flip top two hander missing a trek into the back flip tail up on the last jump clean the pedals so as ron was looking really good there cami may have missed a trick into the whale tail Anthony Missouri a guy who has won in France when we used to be in they dues out the big result last year for a fourth place just off the podium and Whistler a great run but not flawless we saw him miss the trick into the whale tail right there but front flip tucked away in her off that cannon that's definitely gonna help in this casserole Wow man he almost landed a little low there but luckily he was able to recover speed maintained down and then this right here the front flip tuck no-hander into the cannon that's not something you see every day and look how low he took off so here's another look at his cache or on the first jump there we had some really big moves in this run so it's so unfortunate that he missed one trick into that whaletail the judges really take that into consideration well what will the score be for Anthony Missouri it's going to be a 66 good enough for sixth place if he's an Iron Maiden fan he's gonna be loving that a little motivation to get back up to the top for Anthony Missouri consistently one of the top riders in the world looking to get back on that podium in the 2018 season definitely not what he was looking for there and it's pretty crazy that with all the tricks he had in there he can get a 66 but that just shows how much it takes in consideration missing one trick on this whole course now we have a handful of French competitors out here getting this crowd on their feet we're gonna see one right now this is simon patches throwing out with the truck driver on the first drop there now that looked like an opposite double tol so big moves on second feature there for him it's doing the small step down [Music] well if opposite tail up so this is somewhere he can really excel here go a lot of opposite combinations choosing to go with a back slip bar spin controlling speed into the cannon breaking their tail up bar spin in opposite tail down very unique move there we go Simon passes puts it into the finished corral some very surprising moves out there a lot of technicality with those opposite variations but maybe a couple spots where he could have improved but we saw him do things just now that we did not see him do in practice we saw him doing a lot of straight backflips straight 360s in practice not sure if he was trying to hold his cards close to his chest or if he was just feeling things out but I really liked his trick choice there that right there the back flip opposite tail up and then next up a thing that we did not see him do in practice which is definitely going to score hi Tyler tell me why doing a 360 tail up on this feature is worth so much it's just uh doing tricks like that off of a cannon there's not as much airtime you don't get the pop but this cannon here that we have in lege is a little bit steeper than normal so he has a little bit more time to do that 360 Caleb so you gotta think he's looking for more of a variation it's crazy to say that a backflip barspin isn't a huge trick on the last jump but in practice he was adding a whole lot more to that so he'll have some room to improve in the second run but what will the score be for run number one for seven pages he's always surprising you don't see him throw a ton of stuff in practice and then he just drops the hammer in the run so needing a 76.5 are better to get on to the podium not sure if that'll be enough to threaten the lead but a podium position for simon pegg des would be big for him in his career right now so difficult to stay on tour so a lot at stake here for Simon pizazz looking for a big result and that run could give him a decent score we're getting a look at it right now there we go just off podium position so far a 75 puts him in 4th place now I can't help but think he wanted something a little bit bigger on the last jump but showing a lot of potential now fedko the guy in your screen right now the young German rider our tour rookie came out swinging last week in Innsbruck so now he wanted a big variation on the first dirt to dirt jump here going with a 360 seat grab Indian air going down so hard not sure if we were gonna see him even try to take a second run so a swing and a Miss strike one for his first of two runs but look at that medics checked him out they gave him the all-clear and run number two with all the pressure on this is what he did showing so much resilience changing his trick strategy going with something he knew he was going to land and then just dropping hammers rested lay down getting his first top-five finish into crank words you say first because we know there's a great chance and it's not going to be his last looking just as strong if not stronger than 90% of the field out here all week in practice I said it last week but this kid rides like a veteran and it's such a surprise that he's a crank works world too a rookie now expect to see that trick right there the 360 bars Bennet ale from him on the last jump if he's able to get everything the beginning of the course the middle of course had finished with that trick at the bottom we're gonna see a huge score here from Germany's Eric fedko Eric who's looking so strong in practice [Music] there isn't that clean style everything is just so perfect Oh rolling the dice their unique little half cat Lube there this is where things are about to ramp up opposite 360 on the small stuff down there he crashed on last week 360 inning air into a backflip double barspin everything's going perfectly to plan for Eric random triple truck driver on the cannon 360 downside come on into the whale tail a huge move backflip Tucker out come on here put it together [Applause] we saw him piecing that together in practice and a husband my palms are sweaty just hoping that run came together and that couldn't gone anymore perfect that was absolutely ridiculous I would have been devastated if he messed that run up because he was so rock solid every single day in practice that's exactly the run we were expecting from him so right here just how he lands so stout and strong so confident in the moves that he's doing unique move right there on that small feature of the course now this trick right here this is what took him out in Innsbruck look at this pause the tape I just want to notice take a look at this more than horizontal here and so much space between him and the bike perfect execution roll the tape that 360 Superman's secret Indian air that's the trick that took him out a run one just a week ago execution extension everything was perfect there triple truck driver there could have played it safe with the devil but you know he wanted to get one run in the bag I want to say that was his dream run so I don't even know what else he could throw in for round number two how about the amplitude on that 360 downside whip into the whale tail this right here he looked like he was going long before he was gonna rotate looks like he was about ten feet down the landing there and able to just muscle it out now that's a trick that he did not try all day in practice he left that one up for the finals with all the pressure on this young rider rising above and will he rise above Lucas not on the leaderboard right now he does you have a new leader Eric fedko catapults himself into the lead with an 87 point seven five and Andrew needling is gonna catch up with your new leader Eric fedko right when he's done with this selfie you must feel amazing you knew on Twitter but man what a run yeah I'm just so stoked I don't know what to say I'm I'm just happy to that I made run down and now able to say here I I always do my Banga run in the first one so there was pretty much the best I could do I have problems with my hands because I crashed names Brooke so yeah I'm just stoked that I pulled my run together let's hear for your next run man thanks Andrew kneeling well welcome to the new era of slopestyle mountain biking we always talk about the different strategies out there how they decide what to do in each run a lot of riders opting to do a safe run in their first attempt but Eric fedko saying you know it's 2018 I'm here to stay dropping the hammer and first run now a big question mark she's gonna be able to sit down and see if anybody can beat him if has to add anything more to that do you think he has anything more man who knows he's got so many tricks and we can see him grow as a rider at each event here so such an interesting strategy throwing down the run that he really wants to pull first run confidence and consistency for Eric fedko but this is the guy who we always talk about when you're rowing with diversity thomas Lemoine always signing up for more than just the slopestyle he entered the duel the pumptrack race just a few nights ago and he earned a silver medal it seems like we're always talking about wet metal this guy earned earlier in the week before we drop him for a slope style run he never walks away from his frank words empty-handed always trying his hand at different events battling there with Teague and right in the finals some of the contract writers in the world to showing how versatile is how much of an athlete he is but now he's setting his sights on this slopestyle run right here in leisure Lemoine started this season out on the right foot getting a fourth-place just barely missing the podium and Rotorua New Zealand he had a silver medal earlier in the week in that pumptrack as we just saw he's got some entertaining pants on his always let's see if he can stop his run now we saw him with a heavy crash earlier in practice so we're stoked see him on the bike there backflip double bars but doesn't look like he's taking an easy but still having some fun on that little feature 360 in work table two bars but you can hear the French fans just cheering on cheering him on here [Music] into the cannon with a 360 tale of another big move there don't slip into the cannon such big amplitude double truck driver down backflip tuck no-hander to Barsky didn't right there join an absolute banger run now we weren't sure if we were gonna be able to see him after that massive crash you saw at the top of the show but this guy is so persistent he said he was gonna drop one run he wasn't sure if he had enough in the tank for two he may not need to that thing was absolutely on point that right there so much style into that trick 360 inward cable the bar spent getting his finger on the brake lever there now one of the biggest moves of his run was the front slip into the whale tail he went so high on that game I was worried he wasn't gonna get the whole rotation the amplitude was ridiculous and he almost threw it all away and bear in mind look at that bear in mind his hand is not a hundred percent so landing low it's got to be hard to hold on to that grip and to do tuck no-hander zanbar spins while upside down with an injured hand French crowd showing so much rapport support for their hometown hero Thomas Lemoine here the French slopes out contingent always coming out in full swing let's see what is it gonna be a second place right now for Thomas Lemoine an 84 3.75 points behind their current leader Eric fedko now a rider who we always absorb into that French crew of course he hails from Belgium he lives in France now but Thomas Shannon the last competitor from Europe to win slopestyle at any of the crepe Works festivals he did that in 2012 [Music] now as you know one enjoying his time here always loves to hop on the downhill bike take a look at how he spends his down time here at round number three came to lose a few weeks ago it's super chill can just know like hanging out and feel the montane while the tracks were really fun now we gotta show McAra some some fun trails I think my favorite riding in leisure was between the tracks you have like some good lines super fun and then the more you write it and the more you can like create like new burns and all right just fun to mess around between lines I wouldn't say that I write down here because it helps me for substyle it's just I just like riding bikes it's always good just to feel your bike and you know it's it's different that's how I keep you know the good balance and never get tired I need my day to write a different stuff do my tricks have fun and then go somewhere else quite some singers and I like riding all day that's for sure Thomas you know not only one of the top slopestyle riders in the world a rider who's at home on anything two wheels loves to ride downhill you can tell when he rides he just has so much control and efficiency over that bike and some style that's unrivaled in the world of slope stop start out the season huge with a second place in Rotorua looking to get back on that podium here in Lachey now he was telling me on day one how much he liked this course said he liked it better all of course she's ridden this year 360 table on the slide job going for an opposite double tail upon that first feature third trick we don't see him do too often so you know knowing that to maintain status is one of the top riders in the world you always have to be taking yourself out of your comfort zone we saw him doing opposite Alps in practice were you surprised to see this opposite double whip I was I'm not sure if I've seen him do that yet so he's kicking with his front foot there you don't have as much leverage your legs aren't used to moving in that direction your arms aren't used to spinning the bike around in that direction such an awkward trick I'm sure he has that locked in at home what kind of a kind of a unique jump there it's a little off set looks like he's able to brush that one off it looks like you just missed the catch on the second tail there you usually put your leg down and stop the bike you miss the bike so that thing just kept on rolling go roll down to the finish corral and strategize for run number two of course we said he's one of the most stylish riders in the field of the Mo's my controller hopefully we'll see if they go 360 for my last you just the French hands see that he's not injured Gary's gonna be able to get back up for uh number two look at that stuff from Tommy G Thomas Chinon will wait for his second run of course let's remind you who our current leader is right now it's Tour rookie Eric fedko he scored an eighty seven point seven five with this run time he did not hold back we heard him say he wanted to do his dream run run number one such a unique approach for a new kid on tour but I like it man so much potential we finally got to see him put it all together triple truck driver on the can in there the biggest move we've seen off that so far so much amplitude on the 360 downside taalib in look how high he is right there on that 360 bar spin to tail it it would have just been such a shame and he threw it away on that last jump there because he hadn't done that trick he saved it for when all the pressure was on and right now plenty of pressure on all these riders because it's not just the podium here in Lachey that's up for grabs it's also the world championship overall right now leading the standings Bret reader hot on his heels is Nikolai Bracken but Diego covers Ozzy with back-to-back third-place finishes on the first two stops of this Crankworx FM ba slopes without world championship series Diego has solidified himself as one of the top riders in the world we always talk about Brent reader nickel IRA gakuen but this could quickly turn into a three-horse race here if Diego Diego covers Ozzy out of Italy keeps up at this pace man I can't help but think that he has some secret troops in his bag always so fun to watch them practice I'm very excited for this run right here starting out with the flat flip on that start drop yes natural in the first show we actually saw him crash on that this morning in limp away we weren't sure if he's gonna be able to get back on his bike so that's gotta feel real good on a front flip Superman I believe ours being the tail it perfectly clean so his run is going great so far hoping a front flip covers Aussie riding on the edge of control the entire run yet still managing perfect landings up until the Train fell off the tracks there man that was looking perfect so good to see him stomp that cash roll up top after we saw him go down hard on it and practice this morning a couple surprises right there that front flip Superman we haven't seen him do that yet in practice but Diego like you said having a big crash a couple hours before the event we saw him limp away we weren't sure if he was gonna be able to take his run valuable points are on the line maybe taking this as a bit of a practice run for run number two the pressure will be on for Diego covers ah see if he wants to maintain podium perfect status so far this season I think I could tell what he was feeling out on the last jump there man I want to see him get that last job yeah we saw him last week try a backflip cliffhanger in his first run he threw it away last week also but put it all together and run number two so hopefully we'll see history repeat itself here in leash a second run there he said we're gonna start calling in the second run Diego he did the same thing in Rotorua also through his first run then stomped a trick that you normally only see from this man right here Nicolai Roy Gaskin yeah I'm super stoked to be here in Lachey I mean last weekend definitely went better than I could have ever expected I mean I definitely was even between the two runs after crashing the first one I knew that this week would be would be quite a lot of pressure if I if I didn't nail that second run in in Innsbruck but I managed to do that so it's a it's a little weight off my shoulders and honestly gets me a bit more Stoke to to try to you know do another run pushing it this week rather than you know feeling like I need to do a run that that I know I can land if it wouldn't have worked in Innsbruck so definitely the vibes from Innsbruck helped me for this week because now I'm just stoked to to be here and and kind of more more pumped and nervous about about this event this weekend so nicholai are gakuen in a great head space right now a dangerous headspace if you're one of the other 13 competitors because he has nothing to lose right now he's already coming home with a gold medal from last week Nikolaj Roy Gaskin can you make it back-to-back weeks here in Lachey Oh plan a 360 no tripletail if they're barely getting it on just in time now when he says he's gonna let it all hang out that's a scary thing because he has so many huge tricks in his bag I knew what for Nikolai Brigade and doubled back so if I did not think he had the speed for that into a perfect Court 720 [Music] on the can in there we haven't seen them do that in competition I want to say no hander in double jealous [Applause] always delivering finishing with the twister there oh my goodness Nicolai Roy Gaskin with personal first with first for the sport going double backflip going casual off the cannon oh that is going to be tough to beat substyle fans Nikolay is so on point this year all those dream runs are coming together alright so not starting out easy there with that triple tail we've had it we've seen a couple people having trouble on that jump this right here the double backflip he front flip the small step down before that I did not think he had the speed proving me wrong throwing it into a court 720 can walk us through this right here well right here this is a first for slope style mountain biking doing the front court 720 we call this the cash roll named by Daniel Dhers started in BMX and we see this on perfect trick jumps on the slopestyle world but we don't see it off of those log jam features we call those the cannon logs by huge extension on that frontal tuck no-hander in but you knew he was gonna do this at the bottom didn't yet every trina-- closer banger putting that twister down a frontcourt 1080 perfectly des tires so right now doing the Castro on the cannon and then adding a rotation to that same trick on the final jump but is it going to be enough I gotta say there's a not a chance in the world this doesn't put him in the first place there we go how high will his score climb will he be no he does you have a new leader on 94.5 for Nikolai rag at Caen Wow nikolai regan with nothing to lose dropping one of the best runs we've seen andrew needling how buzzing is this man right now you coming off a win in innsbruck or does it feel like to stomp another huge run i honestly feels incredible it's so quiet up there and then once you get down here to the real heat of your run these french fans are just in full force so yeah that felt unreal I'm home stoked as can be and what were the conditions like we hearing this a bit of a headwind on the first straight yeah it's definitely a mind game with the wind the wind's coming from who knows where but uh you know some of the guys are getting lucky some of the guys have gone down simply because the wind so yeah tough conditions out here but we're kind of used to it as a slopestyle riders well what an unbelievable run I don't know if you've got anything more first I'm a bit scared for the next run over to you guys thank you Andrew kneeling I can't imagine what he would add to that run that was what he's been dreaming about all week he's been so casual and cool knowing that the pressure was off because he won last week that has to be absolute dream run for Nikolai rag a can take a look that name the top of the list how about that score 94.5 sitting exactly where he wants to sit and as he said he loves when the crowd goes crazy French crowd really gave him the support there to pull on his dream run so brat reader last weekend Innsbruck he was going for one of the best runs we've ever seen in slope stop trying to take out Nicolai Roy Gaskin who of course won that event it was a first for slopestyle mountain biking a front flip tail off a flat drop and he backed it up with heaters on every single feature but it all came down to the last jump where he brought another first for this form of competition a back flip opposite double tail of and we can't help but believe that if he were able to not slip pedals right there that he would have been in the top spot last week so slipped pedals the Achilles heel for Brett reader this morning going for that same exact trick you know he wanted to make up for last week's mistake but check out what happened so he went for the same trick in practice this morning it went similar to how it did last week in Innsbruck so that might be playing a played a small part in his head maybe he's gonna change his run we saw him experimenting with some different tricks and practice this morning big question marks coming into this run we saw him slip the pedals on that back up opposite double tail then we saw him try a bunch of other tricks some of which weren't working this guy has so much to choose from he was strategizing with Trek team manager Andrew shan-dro what's it gonna be for Brett reader Oh starting out with a front flip on that start job not something we see him do to regularly opposite fork 720 it's just blasting that third feature there showing some uniqueness and style tail upon the small step down he's really gonna ramp things up here front flip bar has been on the first show of the floor pack backflip bar has been on the second job don't rub their backflip tail up on the can a big move for Brett boy Wow going for an opposite truck driver looks like as far as got a little tangled out yes pulling it back together into a quark 725 spin at the bottom brow reader not giving up no if you watched him all week in practice you know there's a few moments there or he missed tricks but it's great to see him keep his head on straight focus on getting at least something in the bag and for Brett reader even if there's a few mistakes it could very well take a podium spot now even though we know that that was not a reader dream run it was still an insane run and I can't help but think he's gonna get a really good score for that this right here the front flip off the start drop that is not something we see in competition very often at all linking into an opposite fork 720 front flip bar spent on the first jump of the four pack here now in practice we saw him doing a tuck no-hander after that you can tell he was trying to put the bars in the lap take the hands off maybe it's under rotation was slightly under so he changed up a few of his tricks in this run now this right here things almost went real wrong he tried to throw the bars there that was an opposite 360 going for an opposite barspin it's like his bars got tangled on his knee there but their forks 720 bar spent a trick that would hold its own in any best trick competition I gotta say we're so happy to see Bret readers still get that quark 720 barzmann off the last jump despite missing a few tricks up top but these judges they know that maybe he had some more he wanted in that run but they have to judge it for what it was and that's exactly what they'll do you gotta expect a very good score for Bret arena right now not what he was wanting probably not enough to take the lead away from Nicolai reg Atkins but will it be enough to take away second place currently from Eric fedko now as we said that's not the run he was looking for but on the plus side he has a run in the bag so he's gonna have a second chance and we're gonna see his score real shortly here what could have been but what actually happened what's the story gonna be for Bret reader all the way up into second place a 90 22 5 so it's got to feel great for Bret knowing that he has so much room to improve that score and all he needs to do is crank a few more points into that to battle with nickel IRA Gaskin look at our full leaderboard tied so good to see Eric fedko there in third place Brett reader obviously in second Nikolai way out in the top spot Lemoine rounding out fourth place Lucas can ops Matt Jones now these guys down here they're pretty happy they have a second chance they're not where they want to be sitting but we're gonna see them pull it all together and run number two well the stage is set for a ridiculous set of second runs here at the crank rush Lachey slopestyle second runs coming up after the break [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so if you're just joining us here in Crankworx lege and you're a little worried that you're missing out no worries log on to Red Bull TV and check out the analyzer you can check out anyone's run whenever you want watch it as many times as you want throw it up on your social media share it with your friends share it with your family Nikolai's always doing crazy stuff my favorite part is sharing his celebration dances so get on there check it out oh what a ridiculous set of run number one for our field of 14 out there so far now we're gonna try to digest what we just saw some very very high level of progression from guys like Nikola IRA gakuen we talked about progression we got a couple notable faces here in the booth we got Danny MacAskill and Tony Seagrave guys impressions from those first runs was that what you were expecting or a little bit of a little bit of a surprising show I can't believe what they do how much they it's so impressive to me I saw you doing one hander though yeah the runs too they've been playing mind-blowing you know it's really I've got that fear for them every time they put over these jump but there's something I managed to put a full rundown sauce awesome so Tony we saw you take a huge win in Fort William this year now we know that you're British you were riding in front of your home crowd can you speak for the crowd kind of amping you up does that help you we got a lot of French riders in the field today do you think the French crowd could help get them stomping their runs I think so I think every every year I get support winning me excites me so much because I know that there it's the one everyone looks forward to most especially as Brits because you know that everyone's gonna be cheering you on so I think especially the French ones here they're gonna be real amps and thinking they're they're gonna throw it down because they want everyone's get excited for them I guess exactly a little extra motivation is nothing but a good thing for the French riders in our field today Tony do you follow this for it or is this just mind blowing like can you believe the tricks that guys are doing here can you appreciate how it's different from last year does it just look like fireworks it's just what Nikolaj does to me I have to ask like I look at my boyfriend I'm like what did he even do like and he has to explain like how many rotations and like bar spins he did because to me I just can't my brain and eyes don't process it that's the way he's got to absolutely and Danny you have this ability in your videos you're one of the most well known riders on the planet you have this ability to do things that nobody else can do on features that everybody can relate to so when you watch a slopestyle course like this where these features are pretty big is it completely opposite to your world or do you see some similarities and I mean it's just it's hard to really press scale to how big the guys are going here I mean each one of these jumps is pretty much the size of like a house you know it's one thing I tried to do in the videos is do you know writing things that people could relate to excited about you know standing next to the surreal tale thing there I mean it really is just insane stuff yeah and now when we look at the run that's sitting in first place right now you see some similar tricks from Nikolay racket you're a big fan of the front foot Nikolay has a lot of front foot variations in his run now that what do you call that when you roll over I wait backwards roll I don't know sausage gonna call a sausage roll that's actually felt like I don't think we're gonna see that today you know if I'm in this style I mean if you look at the videos what I'm doing is like such small scale you know you really these guys are just so high up you know above each landing and yeah I get to kind of play it right into small stuff but well let's take a look at Nikolai's run right now the run that's sitting currently in first place are you said standing next to these lips when you were on your way over to the booth you were surprised by how tall they are yes I'm in at the ramen there must be like 20 feet high at least each one so if you're if you're getting it wrong you've got 20 feet or more coming down from home-state feet down to the flat so it's really insane and the dirt is well it's not snow they're landing on the peak you get it wrong on this stuff you're gonna it's gonna hurt nicolai capping his run with that 1080 if you had to do one of the tricks from Nikolai's run which one would it be I don't know I could maybe do some of the fun Club stuff maybe I think it's great to have you guys up here in the booth a World Cup winner a video part specialist who blows mines on a regular basis and it's crazy to see both of your minds blown because you're at the height of your division of this sport so it's pretty cool to have you up here appreciating the riding that these 14 riders are doing so thanks for showing up let's take a look at the current leaderboard right now nicolai rig a can of course sitting at the top of that list but Bret reader with a handful of mistakes looking to fix it who do you guys have your money on here for run number two well I don't know you can't you can never die reader reckon he's gonna burn an amazing sacred run I'd like to you know do a full run as well he's always a dangerous one and Thomas the morning I'd like to see start step up about as well so yeah so it's cool to hear Tony Seagrave and Danny MacAskill slopestyle fans out here known the names known the tricks this is round three of the crank rich Lachey slopestyle stuff three of the tour we're gonna have the second runs up after the break don't go anywhere it's gonna be nuts [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] all right welcome back to beautiful legit France or right now we're smack dab in the middle of round number three of the Crankworx FMB a slopestyle World Championship some surprises out there and run number one but it's never a surprise to see that man leading the pack nickel IRA Gaskin he won a week ago at stop number two in Innsbruck no pressure on his shoulders he was already coming home with a big result of gold medal around his neck he wants to make it to going back-to-back this week would keep his hopes alive for the Triple Crown something we can never forget about Brett reader also in the running for that Triple Crown for that you need to win three of the four events Brett reader one stop number one nickel IRA gakuen one stop number two so if either of them wins something that's never been done before could potentially still be done but one of them would have to win in Whistler right now we're getting a look at our start list for run number two so now we call it a rear rack the riders that didn't have a good first run has the lowest scores we're gonna see them dropping first Thomas Shannon Simon Godsey AK we saw them both crash on the first feature so they're gonna be our first riders to drop today followed by Diego lazarey Ruvo and so on ending with Nikolai Rick talkin before him Bret reader so will we see Bret top Nikolai's score and Nikolai's step it up in order to maintain that first position let's get things wrong here run number two doing stop number three of this coveted World Tour niki lauda gakuen so far ruling with an iron fist on the European leg of competition but Thomas jinan the last European rider to win one of these stops it's been six years we're waiting for him to do it again started out the season great with the second place a little bit of trouble and run number one but if anybody can do it he's a veteran route here he can put it behind him and stop a run here number two currently sitting in last place a place where he is not used to sitting see if he goes with the same trick here on the second feature opposite hold it together Tommy gee well you don't see that very often we call him the king of consistency because if he's not on the podium he's usually hanging out in fourth or fifth place but unfortunately with an uncharacteristic error in his second run after an uncharacteristic error in his first run Tommy G will just be waving this off and doing one for the crowd here in France smells throwing so much style down to the crowd please tell me he's gonna just do that 360 team on every single feature nobody here would complain and she does that all the way down before so much style so uncharacteristic to see him every single trick he can do he can do it just about as good if not better than anybody else in the world unfortunately no scores here for Thomas jinan we've heard that there might be a pretty hefty headwind on that second feature there that he went down on so whether that played a part those mistakes or not we don't know but such a shame to see Thomas Chinon not able to get a complete run here so we get to see the start of our second runs here are featuring riders who did not stop their first runs of course Thomas jinan went down and run number one so we saw him go first Simon God's hick also going down on that same jump that we saw she's not having problems with and both runs both of them having trouble with the double tail up now Godsey acts was regular so you know he's got that on lock a Talib is a trick where you're very vulnerable to the wind I mean that's picking up slightly and it's going a different direction on that first straightaway than it is on the rest of the course so that's a very clutch moment for all these riders out here but run number two for Simon Godsey AK starting off of that flat backflip again changing his trick up so I think that's really good strategy their double talents are such a hard trick to do in the wind pump it for a nice dump 360 front flip on a small step down into a cork set all blown out the back tire Simon God's yet not getting perfectly lined up with the landing there on that cork 720 such a bummer I didn't want to give away any secrets but in practice we saw I'm linking that cork 720 into a double backflip in his run top to bottom was looking so good today yeah the entire final straightaway once he comes out of that front flip off of that burn kicker feature he had leaked so many difficult tricks and I know he was gonna finish things off with that backflip Superman's secret but unfortunately we're not gonna get to see it now he amended his plan there knowing that he had problems on that second feature so we thought it was gonna be smooth sailing here once he was going with the wind but what went wrong here on the 720 so he came up wide a bit short on the rotation of that and he needed all that speed for the double flip on the next jump anyways so even if his rear tire hadn't blown out I think that would have shaken up his run pretty heavily so fedko still holding on to that bronze medal position right now with the 87 0.75 but Diego a guy who's got two bronze to his name already this year he's knocked out in his second run both times second run assassin not faze when he screws up his first runs always able to pull it together under the pressure and here he comes from number two you go covers Ozzy with his final chance to get a medal here in Lachey starting out clean with a big backflip Oh cash rolling that jump putting a foot down able to hold on riders having a lot of trouble with that first jump now let's see what he's got planned for this run flips Superman on the first show of the 4-pack missing the back foot bars minute hour after that in his first run man he can still bring this run around so many tricks in his bag 360 taalib and perfectly smooth backflip tuck no-hander keeping these safe and smooth maintaining points for Diego covers hace now I don't think that was the run that he was looking for but that was good strategy for Diego maintaining points as he said getting a run down he still had some really big moves in that run so he pretty proud of himself right now able to push through how to crash this morning take a look back at the replays he had some trouble with his casserole but he held onto it somehow that jump right there is giving riders a lot of trouble today Oh a better angle at that fun flip Superman catching those pedals early that's a trick that nobody else is doing out here create extension on that such a hard trick to pull around when you don't have your feet on so usually you pull the bike around with your feet front flip bar spin on the can in there so he had some really big moves in there 360 tail up in but man if he got the run that he was leaking together and practice and if parts of run number one but still very great solid run for Diego well the good thing is the judges are trained to judge by what happened not what the riders were doing in practice so you see him shaking his head they're only getting the backup tuck no-hander we know he had bigger plans but what will the score be ooh sixty nine point five only could enough for eleventh place right here so Diego was sitting pretty high up the leaderboard in the overall standings with two third places in the first two stops of course Bret reader and Nikolai wrote catkin leading the world championship so far but if Nikolai is going to be able to hold on to this win here he may be able to shoot up into the lead Anthony Missouri out of Canada a rider who had a fourth place last year in Whistler looking to get back on the podium he won in France a couple years ago so you know the crowd loves him so we saw him putting together a really solid run and run number one but missing a trick into the whaletail so if you can piece it all together here he's got a really good opportunity to break into the top five Oh backflip bar has been on that small step down there really like that doing the cash roll again just landing a little bit off line a little bit over patient having to pull off course there so we're seeing a few riders not able to pull together their second runs baby the winds picking up a little bit hard to say a lot of pressure on these guys to get their second runs down so Anthony Missouri would not be able to improve on his run one score which means it's a great thing he kept going after missing a trick and run number one because you never know what can happen and run number two some riders having trouble out here but definitely always thinking about those overall points trying to stay on tour which is so hard to do these days one guy who fell off but was able to climb his way back on is that guy right there who we were bowl out of France I was able to catch up with Louie ribald in this offseason when he was on his quest to get back onto the crank words world tour [Music] this seems to be kind of the hub of the French soap star seen around me on we all come from the general area Mary Getty maybe you were like ten guys were doing the competition like or a friend in you know we just write it like for pleasure just for fun so we build something fun not for them trainees what's it like to have you know and choose this has it home you have no real things to training for such time I call him my coach when I go to general is like ok good what I have to do is pretty red alert and I'm worried for all the other nationalities because you guys all were already been dominating and now this is just gonna accelerate things so as you can see no coincidence that we have so many riders in the top 14 in the world from France a lot of camaraderie a great riding scene based around Lyon lunar a bull fighting his way back on to the World Tour getting a wild card at a gold event earlier on now will he capitalize on this opportunity Loui always having so much fun on his bike bringing unique tricks starting out with an opposite 360 on the first drop their double tail up they're able to pull it together we saw a lot of riders having trouble with that to an opposite bar spin on that tiny little feature after that to a truck driver there Fork 720 so smooth everything's looking really good for Louie right cannonbolt to tail up slipping a pedal but that is a big move such a neat combo for Louie [Music] [Applause] with so much backflip tail perfect of pedals such good execution in that room with so many riders having trouble in run number two movable keeping his head on straight knowing how lucky he is to be here how hard he fought to get here and how badly he wants to stay here stomping a run for the all the pressure on here in Lachey that was a great run one of my favorite tricks I've ever seen Louie do is that cannonball too late tol so he bobbled on this trick but this is a trick that nobody else is doing explain to me why nobody else is doing this so it's basically a nothing but he's putting both hands on the seats called a cannonball and then he has to get his hands back on to kick the tail up now doing talipes late is such a weird feeling because you usually kick them while you're going up and mend his rear wheel skip before he was able to get his feet on there on his bike a little bit out of line the judges improving his score from run number one he betters the 71 point to five with a 73 not enough to break into the top five but hopefully enough to maintain some points so we can keep seeing his unique and creative approach up here on the world tour but the next rider will see not only one of the best BMX riders on the face of the planet he's now solidified himself as one of the top slopestyle mountain by competitors in the world and now he's kind of trying to step into the interview realm snagging the microphone from our colleagues take a look yeah you know I'm pretty much you there was one pro out there interview me on the pro interviewer and I not really that modest about it I'm pretty much the best maybe use over one part of the course it doesn't talked about much as the uphill part we're going up the hill what we get scored on here judges are highly looking for how much you sway your hips as you're walking I'll do example so I'm gonna walk elaborate my steps hips are moving you see the hips moving moving there's a judge kind of in the wild over here so they approach the judge so okay hey so listen I'm here I'm a safe person I'm safe as part of the courses not usually talked about is the uphill part so I know you guys judge heavily on the downhill part but the uphill part what do you guys look for I was trying to explain that you guys look for a little bit of swagger how far your hips move when you're walking moving moving you want to make sure your steps aren't too big because then it looks awkward okay and then high fives allowed or not allowed oh absolutely it depends who you're high-fiving with girls yes boom pound it thank you very much sir my score just went heavily down heavily down I test a judge so right Nyquist one of the most entertaining guys out there has more fun than anybody in the days leading up but he's such a better you know trying to put on the game face and he's more serious than anybody when it comes to this moment right here with all the pressure on run number two for Ryan Ike was another backflip one-handed acts up on that feature that we've seen some riders have trouble with sneaking in a truck driver on that small little hip another truck driver on the step down [Music] Ryan Naik was going down on the 720 barspin now remember run number one was absolutely flawless for Nyquist and we know he has that 724 span he brings it out usually in the second run so a little bit of room to experiment right there the experiment fell flat but luckily Ryan IKOS appears to be healthy he knew he needed more to squeeze into that top 5 he's all he's got something on reserve he can always squeeze another barspin in or another suicide no hander so he was letting it all hang out right there for that 720 Bart's been on the first jump in the four pack so in a world where it's so difficult to become one of the best in this sport get invited on the list of 14 Ryan Ike was currently sitting in 9th place overall in the world rankings so if he keeps this up hopefully yes hopefully we'll see moves like that for years to come when 39 year old veteran on anything that has two wheels sure so much originality into his tracks and it's such a shame we couldn't see him put down that whole second run but that no foot can nothing into the whale tale such a cool move [Music] so Nikolai Regan enjoying the show that NIC that Brian Ike was just put on for the crowd but look at that man right there if anybody can knock Nikolai drag a can out of the top spot it's him he broke ground last week doing the first-ever backflip tail off of a flat drop right now it's all about the score for Ryan Ike was of course not going to better the 74 he had and run number one so the ninth in the world ranking currently sitting ninth in today's competition now all the riders putting modifications on these hardtail dirt jump bikes to optimize them for a slopestyle course with so many features Simon hashes out of France doing what a lot of riders do using a BMX detangler something that Ryan Nyquist has been using since long before slope style mountain biking even existed he's got his census grips on there of course the padding the bikes looking to be on point for one of a handful of French competitors we have out here today now he came out with a great first run a little bit of room to improve here a couple tricks I could have been a little bit better let's see if he can better the score here and run number two Simon passions I really like the trick choice that he had run number one sticking that opposite double tail up on that second feature again now he's really playing the opposite tail up game here and the judges really like that in warden backflip opposite tail up see what he links it into on this four pack backflip bar spin a tuck no-hander so he's stepping it out from run number one we know the canon another three six regular talent beautiful opposite bars been a bars been back into the whale tail opposite tail it down perfectly clean in this last jump simon pageants definitely improving parts of his run there i have a feeling the score will go up he's shaking his head you know he wanted something more than that last jump in practice he was doing backflip double bargeman two one four cans only managing to get a backflip single bars been here but you saw it looked like he got a bit caught by the wind when he was doing that opposite tail out of the whale tail that right there able to get the trick that took Thomas and on out the opposite double tail whip able to squeak out a little no hander there that was just a straight backflip bar spin around number one so adding another combo in there still sticking with that 360 tail up on the cannon big move this right here backflip opposite tail up such subtleties to that run that the judges really take note of how early he caught those pedals now he was showing a lot of potential in that run this kid has so many tricks check out it looked like the wind affected him here at all on this opposite tale about oh yeah which is why I was very surprised to see him sticking that opposite tail about such a risky move to do in the wind now looking for a backflip double bar spin two one for Kent only getting the backflip single bar spin but hey crossing the finish line with some improvements when you compare this run to his first run two runs down the course nice consistency out assignment pages salmon patch has improve his score he's currently sitting in 8th position right now behind Jakob pencil he'd need a point I have to tie a pencil of course Nikolaj Rican leading the charge to the score for the second run here for seven pages he had to point to that takes his 75 makes at a 76 only good enough for 8th position right now but those valuable points though he moves into seventh those valuable points for the world tour doing what he news he doing what he needs to do to keep himself as one of those top 14 riders now rider who made his way back onto the tour this season we saw him relegated to dual speed and style at the Crankworx festivals where he became the world champion last year but doing well enough at the lower level gold events to find himself back here in slope style so taking a season off of dual speed and style focusing on his main discipline he had a great first run a little bit of room for improvement right now and an opportunity to do so for Jakob pencil out of the Czech Republic [Music] currently sitting in seventh place not a bad position for Yakov pencil he's going to be walking out of here with some points that's a big thing for him so he's got something real to play around with here you'll see if you roll a dice 360 tuck no-hander very technical move on that start dropping some style light on that third hit another front flip at small step down out of the berm 720 perfect maintaining speed into a 360 tuck no-hander to barspin very good for Jakob so far actually able to speak out a small handle the truck [Music] rotation on that Castro he calls it the misty 7 what's stopping it for a second there I thought he wasn't gonna be able to squeeze that around yeah be able to land two runs Jakob proving why he needs to stay on to her right now a great consistency out there for the Czech Republic's Jakob Wenzel having a smooth first run to fall back on but adding some to his second run and even though the wind has come up he's still stomping that double whip to start things off able to get that double tout that we saw take out a few riders in our field now do you think this 720 was a little bit cleaner here in the second run as opposed to the first I think it was he landed perfect at the top I was worried he didn't have quite enough speed he landed low on the front flip right before but look at that right at the top and then if you had to choose something to nitpick this would be it that would be it his hands weren't fully extended he still got them off so it's gonna be a little bit better than just a straight backflip but the judges are looking for full extension but everything else had great execution now that's 720 right there on a different axis than the 720 he threw up top that one going over his front shoulder noticeably different than the 720 heated up top he's using that top shoulder lunging into the lip to initiate so he won't get docked for repeating that trick doing two 720's both on separate axis row gakuen your current leader Brett reader it's going to be trying to knock him out but does Jakob pencil have what it takes right now to move in a podium position the scores coming in for Jakob pencil pencil moves himself up he's currently sitting in fifth place without 82.5 adding a handful of points so great to see Jakob pencil not only proving he belongs here but hanging out a pretty comfortable position in the rankings it's great to see for Jakob he's been working hard to get here now he's sitting in fifth place something that might get him back on to her full-time but right now a rider who's finally figured out how to put a top to bottom run in and he's been adding bangers to it now so turning over a new leaf this season his Great Britain's Matt Jones [Music] now Matt Jones always going so much higher than the rest of the competitors we always see great extension from him moving a tabletop in that back flip off the flat drop 360 tuck no-hander able to get the hands off getting some style in that next hip know he's got big stuff planned for this four pack right here 20 no hander stepping it up for my number one missing the double flip that we saw him do it looks like he's gonna throw this run away he wanted that double flip on the second jump in the four pack Matt Jones knowing that a big reason when he scored in his first run was because of that double backflip so he's gonna stick with his run one score right now there's a look at our current leader Nikolaj rogue Atkin he says he felt like he had no pressure coming into this event because he'd already won in Innsbruck just a week ago so he came in here with no pressure and he did this so many big moves out of Nikolaj doing exactly what he needs to do to get into that top spot double backflips triple tail whips [Music] so guy who's already got all the rotations adding that double flip twos repertoire and this has got to be a signature right here Tyler that right there doesn't even make sense he's the first one to bring it to this sport the 1080 he calls it a twister doing it on that forward axis the frontcourt in 80 Nikolai's twister that's why he's sitting in the lead and Lucas nock is gonna be looking to move himself up that leaderboard Lemoine think a reader wrote gak in your top four Lucas not would love to see himself on that small leaderboard right there he's sitting just outside the top four in sixth place right now this is Germany's Lucas Knopf now Lucas is already sitting in a great position for a tree works world to a rookie but you know he's looking a bit up still sticking with that front flip bars been almost under rotating hold on [Applause] looks like this might be a throwaway around forum I don't think he's gonna improve on his first run school such great runs in their first attempt they know they miss even one trick there's not going to be a chance to improve so another case of that here for Germany's Lucas can op he'll stick with his number his run one score he's sitting currently in sixth place now not a bad position for Lucas to be sitting in there we go Eric fedko who's currently sitting high up those rankings right now Nicolai Roy Gaskin at the very top all smiles for those guys as they watch the rest of the field of competitors try to knock them off their pedestals so Thomas Lemoine had a crash in practice we saw that earlier he told you Tyler that if he got his first run he was going to rest his hand which is sore from that crash and not take a second run but look at this he's hanging out in the starcade you know how Thomas in the wine is he's a true competitor he's in front of his French crowd his score was really good for taking it easy never backing down from a challenge right now France is Thomas Lemoine dropping in for run number two Adrenaline's kicked in he's gonna forget about that crash this morning and try to step it up for run number two here truck driver into a back flip double bar spin the hand around on that third feature there nice 360 table here he comes in the four pack 360 inward table the bar has been so smooth [Applause] double tail up stepping it up Oh at least sleeping a pedal getting off line pretty consistent okay down the spigots outdoors now the guy who won this beat in style just a week ago deciding that he wasn't going to compete and speed in style this week but still he got a he has to take a sample of the track a little improvisation out there from Thomas Lemoine has he had a great start to this run to risking a lot with that backflip double tailed going offline and having a little bit of fun for the crowd so here was that backflip double tail up so he was trying to step it up right here this would have done huge things for his score everything was looking perfect he was just a little bit off line a little bit under rotated and then just decided to do a speed run down the course see you can take them off the start list for dual speed style but you can't seem to take them off the dual speed of style track now we have speed and style happening later today and as a competitor I'm a little relieved that Thomas just pulled out of that event cuz he's always so fast in that event I think we need to have a new event here Crankworx festivals you drop in on the slope style and then finish wherever you want find your way on the downhill course the pumptrack full freeform synchronized swimming take a look at the leaderboard right now shower Simon Padgett is nice to see him sitting in that eighth spot Matt Jones and seven Lucas Knopf big result for him sitting in six plays pretty sure that's a guaranteed top six for him Jakob pencil also climbing his way back up into the ranks we just saw Thomas Lemoine Eric fedko sitting in third place this could be a huge hole for him followed by a reader in Nick LaRocca oh this is a Craig rich Lachey slopestyle your top three riders take their second runs after the break don't go away [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] well we're back here in Lachey with three riders left to go in our competition the climax to a great week here in beautiful Lachey France of course this is one of the most popular destinations for anybody looking to have a mountain bike vacation or taking the views of the best riders in the world competing in slope style this guy is solidifying his status as one of the best in the world right now currently sitting in third place the rookie on tour out of Germany Eric fedko take a look back at why he's sitting in third place right now so Eric fedko is actually a guaranteed third place so this gonna be his first Crankworx podium he came out swinging here truck driver off the first drop backflip tail up a little half cab on that feature there and then this is where he really started ramping things up this is my favorite part of his run the 360 Superman secret ending there the trick that took him out of run number one Innsbruck going with a triple truck driver off the cannon there into a 360 down side tail up into the whale tail and ending with this huge amplitude on this truck driver to taalib 360 barspin the tail whip now the fact that he was able to save that huge trick for his final run to go shows that he learned from last week and here we go Eric fedko currently sitting in third place with an opportunity to move up the leaderboard now he heard him say that he pulled out everything he had in his first run but not sure if we're gonna see him try to step it up here looks like he's already taking a little bit more easy and run number one also he's happy with his score from the first run he got that dream run so he's gonna sit back enjoy being on the podium spot taking his first this kid is here to stay so people see him celebrating his first Crankworx podium we were sending Eric during the break saying what in the world is he gonna do to improve that run because it was so incredibly flawless it already had some surprises in it so great to see he's thinking about maintaining his health and safety here and just loving that bronze medal andrew needling let's hear from our bronze medalist Eric what an amazing achievement you're a guaranteed podium here you're a rookie until what does this mean to you it's my first Crankworx podium and I'm so soaking it means really much to me so high I can just I just can't talk right now I'm just stoked well there you have it guys congratulations Eric what an amazing run you stopped there thanks Andrew Eric fedko is gonna joy enjoy the rest of this competition as a spectator before he joins these next two riders on the podium the question right now is who's gonna be at the top we see this battle it's like Groundhog's Day between Nikolaj Roy Gaskin and Brett reader Brent reader right now trying to fix a handful of mistakes from his run now he's got one more opportunity to do so if you didn't know this guy so well you would think that he had a flawless run but he has so much more to add to here in his second chance Brett reader all pressure on right now if he wants to take a leap and keep his hope for the cracker to Triple Crown alive now we all want to see him get that classic Brett reader dream run so far starting out just like run number one run flip on the start drop the opposite cork 720 on the second feature hellephant so we're gonna see if you can step it up here on number two already able to get that front flip bar spin to tuck no-hander point with a back flip opposite tail up on the second jump of the four pack everything's looking really clean here so far moving into a regular backfield two opposite truck driver in regular truck driver down 720 an amazing run nonetheless fixing so many mistakes from run number one here in his second chance but not getting the same trick that he had off that final feature now that would be a dream run for so many of these competitors out here such a good run for Bret we know he wanted a little bit more he was able to get that far spin in the court 720 on the last jump and run number one when you're trying to add so much into every single feature here on this course it's so hard to not miss just something so many technical moves that the judges just love here like that opposite cork 720 on the first jump this right here is a back flip opposite tail if I know me say him had a lot during this run what do you think can this still could be in contention for Nikolai it's gonna be close well let's talk about some of the strengths the front flip off the start drop nobody else is doing that out here a back flip tail off the cannons gonna score incredibly high and now even though he didn't get the bars been in that court 720 out the last feature let's judge it for what it is it's still a court 720 with huge amplitude perfect execution man the more you think about it he had opposite cork 720s regular cork 720's opposite flip Webb's regular flip flip on the cannon opposite truckdrivers regular truck drivers so many technical things he front flip the start drop one thing that nickel IRA gakuen doesn't have in his run is opposite trick so right now we're gonna find out how the judges way out tons of rotation and risk-taking versus a lot of balance within the run with all those opposite tricks the glare jacket on the left there Brett reader awaiting his score will it be enough to knock Nikolai Rican out of the lead here comes the score for Brandt reader did not improve his ranking did add a couple of points but Nikolai Rick akan realizing that he has gone back to back on his European trip right now flawless on the second and third stops at the Crankworx FMV a slopestyle world championship nikolai reg akan gets a victory lap another close battle out here in lege Nikolai's sitting on the top spot again curious to see what he's going to do for the hands again still just doing a double tail up in the wind all he's doing it for the fans talking to the fans on his way down how is this so easy for this guy he's worked with me laughing right now doing tricks but most people in the world would be psyched to land once in their life bang them into a victory lap back-to-back crank converts wins for him still naturally mechanic just for fun showing that he is so on point this season let's start calling out a casual roll with an iron fist he's alive and well with a triple crown I'd say that was a pretty impressive hit to be runcam Andrew needling is standing by with our champion Nikolai we got him my goodness and that was just a victory leg talk us through how you feeling going to neuro here I came in put this in stores right now I'm speechless I mean tough day out here a tough week for us with this wind but all the boys gave it all they had and big up to Bret for putting down that run under pressure I mean it was flawless but I am so stoked to be undertaking the win being up to these French fans were coming out in full support today and hell yeah I enjoyed that victory laugh as much as I possibly could that's amazing do you think the result in road to pushed you to push harder here when you came into innsbruck analogy I think honestly my mentality when I drop for an event is to just give it all I had and that's what I didn't Rotorua didn't work out for me quite well and it made me as you can as you can probably tell quite hungry for these two European stops but uh yeah not much else to say well amazing riding in congrats man oh thanks for that interview Andrew this guy is unshakable out here and we told you about the Triple Crown at the start of the show we'll remind you what that is there's four stops here if you win any three of those events you win the Triple Crown which means an extra $25,000 on top of the $25,000 you for winning the overall nickel I reckon within the last five minutes has just turned himself into the only person who stand the running to win that nobody else has ever won that Triple Crown since they offered it up and he'll have to do it right there in Whistler for redbull joyride this slope where this sport was born so many years ago and now when we finished this highly anticipated climax of the season right there gets your VIP tickets on the Crankworx comm website for $109 you can get the best seats in the house to see if nikolai rigged a canopy lumen trap will crown there's a look at our final results Tyler what a show final thoughts our top tube similar to last weekend Eric fedko sitting in third place we saw such a great show from a lot of the rookies out here Lucas Knopf able to get a sixth place Matt Jones in seventh Simon Padgett showing a lot of potential in a second run ending in 8th place Simon Gajic not sitting where he wants to in that 14th position so we're gonna see him coming into redbull Joyride strong pulling out all the stops to get a big result at the end of the season right there so of course with those results we're gonna see a shuffle in our world tour rankings which means a lot for a couple of these riders been aiming Lee Eric fedko he'll be moving up the rankings but once we get a look at these current World Tour rank is we're gonna see where Nikolaj rogue Atkins didn't I got I think he just catapulted himself up he's still sitting there in second so Brett reader with a win and a second on the first two stops Nikolay with a fifth and two wins still not enough to knock Bret reader out of that top spot but Eric fedko moved himself up into fifth place in Diego Cavanaugh see without a podium position for the first time this season moving down into fourth Thomas Lemoine ever consistent hanging out in that fourth-place spot [Music] so what a great way to cap off the festivities here at round number three of this world tour so many events from pump track to downhill of course the whip off and we finish things off here with slope style what a great crowd turnout always so much enthusiasm out here when it comes to slope style some of these fans not being able to relate to the tricks they're doing but always being able to appreciate it of course all these fans taking part in the action getting on the countless number of chair lifts and the ridiculous network of trails out here in a hotel voir region what's your name so as we digest the ridiculous display of slopestyle mountain biking we were just privileged to we're gonna get one of our judges up into the booth shortly alright well Pierre can you hear me yeah I can hear you again how's it going man that could not have been easy for you guys now Eric fedko came out swinging was it tough to balance the run between Bret reader knowing that he had more in the tank didn't get some of the things he had planned and then Eric fedko who executed his plan perfectly was that one of the situations you guys were definitely spending some time on today yeah like contest after contest like we got the same crew for why now and we just like take our times like review the tricks before the event we also talked a lot about like situations and between like the first one and the second one we always try to like other review and told for 5-10 minutes together so what about this if that blah blah blah so when you actually have to like be quick and do a score it makes it way easier so when it came down to that battle for silver medal right there between Eric fedko and Bret reader what were some of the moves that really stood out for you from Bret to put him ahead of Eric fedko I think fedko impressed us every single event but he's still like a little bit young you know and he still have like a lot to learn if you compared to a guy like reader and dude reader is godlike he's super clean and he's got a nice tie like he still got like crazy banger and this is also that we told us to they're like we we like even if reader is not doing his best friend he's still like doing is the sickest run you know so like I think fedko still need like two or I get like banger tricks a little bit more you know yeah two up the the trick difficulty level with the same execution of course is really fun is good to look at for sure absolutely but what one thing I really liked that you guys did today was you're judging the trick for what it was not it could have been exactly like when Brett did that quark 720 me missed the barzmann how much did that hurt him that hurt him like it's it's definitely like we can seen our idols like it's kind of a it became like not average shrieks you know what I mean but like lots of people can do like seven 20s now and putting a bar spin into that tree especially the way reader is doing it it's so perfect that it's for sure like way more points that just regular 720 for him now that run from Nikolaj or gakuen was that one of the best ones you guys have ever seen dude I can't even think about it's so crazy man yeah like he knew exactly what he what he has to do and every year is improving improving like seeking about doing like he's it just seems like this show is like thinking more about his runs and like you just pull a double flip like perfect today and he's getting like cleaner and cleaner every contest like that was so amazing my like crazy good so I've noticed how much he's clean things up in his runs everything is perfectly executed we used to see him pedaling a lot kind of bouncing around is that something that you guys are taking notice of and scoring um extra points on how clean is landing on everything this season you know like it's always the same like like it's what happened like in his brook like if someone is learning like let's say easy tricks and put a foot down it's gonna hurt you score like with this level of competition we're not really gonna go crazy in ponds addiction if you just let it live it sideways like when you do a twister man it's like you have to lean sideways if you learn like straight he's gonna lose his balance and cross you know what I mean I can't believe he's doing that 1080 in a victory lap just one we were watching and then we were like okay what it's the first time we see like Roger King like winner contests on his first run right and so we were like okay guys just like we don't have to score this one we just have to enjoy and then look you know it is the best cache road he's been doing all weekend on the burn annoyed you learn like so good and same with this twister man it's the best Whizzer he's been doing like his whole life we're just like quitters been like no way that was the soaked well we could we could totally talk about this all day I got to thank you for a couple things first of all thanks for talking to us right now it's for judging the runs on what they are not by how easy Nikolai may make it look or by what else Brett might have in the tank so I think you guys did a great job thank you so much very head judge here today in innsbruck i buy buy buy better cheaper [Applause] there we go get a look at our podium festivities right now as eric fedko will taste the sweet sweet champagne of a Crankworx slopestyle podium for the first time in his career I gotta think not the last time he worked so hard to be standing where he is we've watched him grow as a rider each stop so far we know he has a potential to stay on a podium so it's so good to see him standing there on his first Crankworx podium I want to say first of many to come now noticing his kid in practice all week he's kind of a lone wolf a lot of riders roll with a pack he kind of just gets up there and does his thing so focused for such a young rider now Brett readers standing in that second spot akin we all know he's always gunning for the win but he has still been having such a good season here when the Crankworx world tuner towards the brett reader even when he doesn't get his run he still only gets beat by one person he's got to feel good about that adding another metal and novelty check to his humongous collection of souvenirs from Frank works festivals the last handful of years but this guy the bigger the crowd the bigger he'll go which makes us wonder what will the story be come August in Whistler for Red Bull Joyride the nicolabird a can have what it takes to take home the Triple Crown for the first time in the history of this sport looking so on point this year cleaning everything up bringing new tricks in just loving standing on that top spot of the podium you know he's getting comfortable up there he wants to stay up there both these guys I'm sure have to be super proud Erik fedko right now Crankworx rookie standing on his first podium first season on the Crankworx World Tour it makes you wonder if Nikolay rigged a king or Bret reader have ever opened up a bottle of champagne without spilling the entire thing hanging out at a dinner party I would not want either these guys to open it up I feel like you ruin the entire dinner there'd be no champagne left for the champagne glasses but Eric fedko learning the ropes from two of the best this sport has ever seen right now [Music] I'll take a look at the fans here enjoying the podium festivities and we got to thank all of you for tuning in on the broadcast and one thing we kind of go off of whether you're a rider or a competitor out there is you just don't read the comments because you might not like what you see but of course our fearless leaders at boombox decide to sift through those comments and find some more of the critical and sometimes hilarious ones you guys think you exist in a bet in a vacuum out there now we're forced to look at your comments sometimes larkey one says I'm so sick of everyone calling 720's cash rolls so why don't we take this opportunity to talk about that a little bit a cash roll is a variation of a 720 and sometimes it's a fine line we saw some cash rolls out there today we also saw one in dual speed style and Innsbruck last week this was Tom van Steenburgen now sure that may not have been a perfectly executed cash rolls a 720 with a hint of a forward axis on it maybe he just didn't have all the cash upfront he had to put some of it on credit but you just saw Brian Nyquist doing a level 720 without being on a forward or backward axis now here's a look at your champion today footage from last week Nicolai Roy Gaskin doing a casual which is initiating that 720 rotation over the top shoulder for him he spins left so the top shoulder is the right shoulder so larkey one hopefully that's smooth it out for you and I and I hope you get out there and you try some 720s based on the inspiration from these ridiculous riders out here today and speaking of inspiring runs we've got Andrew needling down there with an inspiring character well Britt talk to us how you feeling about today I feel humbled and and relieved at these two weeks of bicycle competition are over and I'm excited to go back home and and get on my bike I feel more respect for a nickel-iron Atkin than I ever have I you know like to come and to win multiple time cinderelly's is really hard and and he's done it here and and now he's stolen the Triple Crown opportunity away from me and and yeah today's been tough this contests been a tough one for all the riders we we haven't got that much practice it's been windy every day the contest was windy it was a tailwind so we were you know constantly either having a headwind on the the first straight and then a crazy tail and on the second so all in all like it's hard to comment how I feel right now I'm bummed on my performance that was for me some riding contest from coming from me and and yeah I'm I'm excited to go home and I I'm already thinking about about Whistler and and how I can perform them well exactly that you still leaving it as the series leader so all the base for Whistler thanks Andrew for that interview with Bret reader kind of commenting on his feelings about today's festivities but Nikhil I reckon we got him in the booth right now and I got to let you in on what Brett said he just said he has the most respect for you right now than he's ever felt and you know what the writing is something that we can always respect from you but the mental game he said he can speak toward how difficult it is to win back-to-back events now you're in the running for the Triple Crown do you think this was mostly a mental game because you seemed to have the physical aspect of things on apps lockdown I mean I think this week especially has been quite a mental game it's been pretty frustrating for all the guys with how much wind we had during practice just today has been quite hammertime everyone came out here this morning on a mission and yeah it was tough even when the contest started those first two hits we're quite exposed to the winds so pretty heavy mental game I mean all of us slopestyle boys kind of have a pretty good mental game after some years of competing but yeah the mental part is just important just as important as the physical part sometimes especially on days like this so yeah so to do that from Bret yeah we saw you doing a triple tail up on the second feature a jump that we saw a lot of riders having trouble with double tail ups on we heard that there might have been a headwind on that did you think about possibly taking it easier or did you just want to send it all around number one I definitely had that headwind in mind I definitely landed that first trough and gave it all the pomp I could possibly have for that triple tail whip and I think I needed it that thing barely came around so there's definitely a bit of a headwind but that's actually the optimal thing for this course because if we have a headwind this entire last straight is unraidable which has been the case basically all week this week in Lachey's so yeah the first two features were a struggle today but it actually ended up being a bit better for the rest of the course and we were able to have this event so nicholai this feels like Groundhog's Day it was just a week ago where I was sitting up here smelling you it's Bo it's champagne it's the smell of victory and right now you have two wins under your belt we're gonna be rolling into redbull joyride in this situation where you have the Triple Crown potentially up the World Tour potential you seem so light-hearted all week you roll with the crew you guys have a blast and then you put your game face on for the finals are you gonna try to not let the pressure get to you once we get to Whistler I mean honestly the pressure is always there but it's tough to not enjoy this competing lifestyle I mean like you said we got a crew we got a bunch of us that hang out and just have such a good time I mean we're out here in France a place where people might come for vacation and we're out here is our job competing so definitely try not to take that too much for granted and try not to let that pressure get in the way of of having fun and really enjoying this lifestyle because as both of you guys know it's pretty epic you're doing it right man it's so possible to just get so wrapped up in the stress and the pressure but every time hung out a couple times the last few days and every time whether we're sitting down eating a pizza or something you're cracking off jokes you're keeping it light and even the moment before you dropped in it seemed like it was calm and mellow for you how did you do that victory lap those are some of the hardest tricks from your winning run and you did them and it sounded like you were laughing to the crowd halfway down you had a microphone in your bike I can hear you laughing and talking to the crowd I mean victory laughs or else is something you can't take for granted and they're honestly a bit easier because the pressure is off doing your run is is way harder because even the tricks that you know you can do they for some reason become way harder you're cold you're nervous they become weird but when you're doing a victory lap I mean the pressure is off you've won the event so for me it's especially I just like to go out there and and have fun and do the tricks that I'm confident I can do like especially the twist here down here at bottom so yeah you don't really know how many times in your career you're gonna get to take a victory lap so you can't take advantage of those moments amen to that well I love the run you did today I love how you smell right now horrible way to see you your next big event is gonna be redbull joyride in Whistler for those of you at home the next big event you have to watch is redbull Munich mash coming up later on today take a look at what you guys will have in store for you if you keep it locked to Red Bull TV 3:30 Central European Time get those wakeboarders holdin on to that rope being winched across some dirty canal somewhere in Europe chucking big tricks like the Nikolai rag Atkins of wakeboarding and then I'm sure that's gonna be a great show gonna keep the momentum rolling but Nicola I reckon I got so many things I gotta thank you for thank you for the show thank you for being such a good sport and thank you for wearing a little bit more deodorant today than you did last week I could smell there's a little spice in there somewhere masked by the champagne and Teller I gotta thank you for being up here in the booth for me and of course I got to thank Andrew needling down there in the finish line Corral our entire crew and viewers I got to thank you at home for tuning in stay locked for Munich mash and we'll see you in August for the climax of the Crankworx FM be a slopestyle World Championship Red Bull Joyride we'll see you then [Music] [Music]
Channel: Red Bull
Views: 156,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, extreme sports, Crankworx, crankworx 2018, Crankworx Slopestyle World Championship 2018, Crankworx Les Gets, Crankworx France, Red Bull MTB Slopestyle, MTB Slopestyle, Slopestyle Live, MTB Slopestyle 2018, Les Gets MTB, Les Gets Live, Les Gets Slopestyle, Les Gets France, Red Bull France, Red Bull Les Gets, Red Bull MTB, Red Bull Bike, Red Bull Mountain Bike, Red Bull Live Stream, Red Bull Live Event
Id: ozeNHCUizDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 29sec (8129 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 24 2018
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