Qualifying REPLAY | Red Bull Hardline 2019

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it's final and being with a chance of being crowned the 2019 Red Bull hardline champion as well as bringing you live qualifying action will also be catching up with the riders behind the scenes to find out just what it takes to tackle this most progressive of all the downhill races plus we're being treated to the company of downhill mountain biking royalty and someone who is pretty well-connected around these parts six times world champion Rachel Atherton will be alongside me in commentary to bring her expert analysis to the proceedings as all the qualifying drama unfolds so before we dive into this year's event let's remind ourselves of just what makes this race so unique and how in six short years redbull hard-liners established itself as one of the most dynamic and thrilling races on the planet redbull hardline came around to show the world what the top riders could do we're scouring around every forest and then all of a sudden we saw this mountain with this huge waterfall next to a huge elevation incredible terrain everything you could possibly want on a mountain for a Down on track as soon as I saw it I knew that you know we had to conquer that mountain let's put a track down this and it's gonna be one of the hardest tracks in the world if freeride jumped into bed with downhill then this would be its devil child I think everyone's initial reaction is is this even possible we've got two options show the clear in your sweetie are you going wooden box dripping in its Danny Hart so much hang time he goes fastest but only one man to go gee atherton is on the forum of his life gonna come down the line now he's gonna put some pressure on oh look at that it's a flat rate over Danny Hart takes the win here at the first ever red bull hard line it's four minutes of being scared this train will come sway it's as hard as it get fishing the limits of the sport fernika definitely one of the threats today that road gap going to flap G assitive goes out the second you oh my word this secure drug from cutting up Shorty's gonna go fastest Jesse's done back in the groove a camera Audrey Musa wise is probably my favorite thing about [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the weather this is absolutely awful it's brain the Lancer practices a wild time right now the lack of practice time this week has really left this event wide open it's up by one point they're craving booms he's on a rut he goes fast this here it slow down yeah will it be enough Brian he has got a shot at the title Frank Evans taken a win welcome to Red Bull hardlight 2000 at 18 and tonight longer of our survival all the top guys are coming this year and it's gonna be a race right down to the line [Music] it's gotta be a hard rock after Tunisia turns out lightly bread poha live winner if this year is anything like the previous five we're in for an absolute treat welcome to our commentary booth and welcome to nine times a British champion six times a world champion without a doubt one of the most decorated races of all time rated Arthur now irate how's the foot injury has the snapped Achilles from Lajoie World Cup early this year the recovery yeah I mean yes not that Achilles tendon midway through the season really in them yeah it was pretty big injury no big surgery and it's actually been the most straightforward one I've had so far I'm just waiting million I just can't wait to get back on the bike you know see these guys riding it's really got me buzzing absolutely you've got this is one of the reasons that you moved to North Wales you've got a track on there for 15 years that's the very beginnings of Red Bull hardline finally last year we saw another and family member take the win with G was it an emotional moment for you but everyone that was here watching that yeah yeah really was you know G's been been racing and trying for so many years to get that win and he's had a lot of punctures you know year after year and Dan's been on the podium but for G to get that win you know it was especially as a World Cup you know everyone was here mum's literally in tears on the edge you know and it's I think it's just such a gnarly thing to race you to see him get down safely but to take the win it was yeah there was a few tears and is the gnarliest track how hard it is is that what makes this event so special yeah I mean it is you know from from from my point of view you know it's amazing to see those top guys in the world struggling you know they're they're nervous about the track that nervous about hitting features where as a World Cup they hit everything first run they're really quite confident so it's quite nice to see them approaching it with a different hair different respect really place we've got qualifying today how important is it for these riders to lay down a marker mentally you know to put down a good time today and of course to get into tomorrow's final yeah I mean qualifying super important you know former from a racing point of view it's it's probably the first time that you're gonna do that full run and and this is such a big track you know it's the first time the guys have linked all those big features together first time they've really made it flown and I think for a lot of them knowing knowing that speed to hit jumps in a full run are they going to be too fast too slow you know that that all needs to come into play so it's really important that qualifying run absolutely and of course you know you've done you've won 39 World Cup races how would you be approaching this qualifier I mean you know personally from my from my kind of racing career I like to go kind of hard in qualifying you know it's a real good marker you know you know how your body's going to feel riding things fatigue there's a huge you know huge thing chaos said it yesterday riding that full run his arms were hurting you know knowing that you can hit this big stuff in that fatigued kind of state is really important absolutely we saw that last year yeah the track is running absolutely perfect well all weekend our man with a Mike Rick McLaughlin will be roving around this mountain and he's already been down at the athlete areas the riders make their final preparations before heading up to the start well one of the guys raiding his first Red Bull hardline and of course John O Jones and John who had a massive crash and yesterday's practice session talked us through that one I mean the jumps are really re scary so when everyone sexually in the course together we all sort of try and ride them together and get a big hype going and with that hype often comes big tricks so everyone starts pulling back flips no hand there's massive whips and there's me rolling in thinking right I'll have a go at this I thought I'd be all right I think I just sat on my tire a bit and if you watch the clip you'll see I just thought it got stuck in the air tried to get off managed to get around to my side so it's actually all right pretty unscathed I don't really know how you seem very cool about it but this track famously where they're affected we're standing here in bright sunshine hide much has it changed over the course of this week it's getting a lot better I think even in the dry the dirt sort of breaks up under your tires and you think normal dirt you think I can brake so hard there and then here it's just you just lock up the wheel it's really really tough it's a tough track every year it seems to throw up new challenges we've got a new job this year where do you think the key sections are ahead of the first real-time session today I think the big features when you're riding that's all you think about because they're scary but actually everyone does them at the same sort of speed you know a big hip or a big drop everyone hits them at the same speed it's the bits between that you don't really think about because they're not as scary that's where all the times made up and I think that's why a lot of the the fast races on the World Cup circuit who aren't scared of the big hits do you really well here well there you have them Red Bull hard line filled with big hits and if you do any proof of that here's all you need to know in numbers [Music] this is your Red Bull hardline in numbers first up it's five which is the number of years this event has been held previously it also happens to be the number of different winners as yet no one has ever been victorious here twice see we told you it was hard at Red Bull hardline you get multiple massive features including these big for the cannon dirty ferns the road gap and the final flyer and that's not all there's also the 11 foot high step up which riders must approach at 64 kilometers an hour in order to nail that landing in fact the features on this course send riders airborne for a total of no less than 15 seconds nothing else on the downhill circuit comes close three the number of minutes it takes the fastest riders to descend this course or more precisely three minutes and six seconds last year's winning time from G a furtive and anyone go quicker in 2019 - as in 2.3 kilometers which is the total length of this course from the top to the bottom traversing technical rocks woods berms and of course those gigantic jumps although not every rider will quite go the full distance one the number of times this course can be raced in the Kallenbach that's right this is a complete one off the riders get one chance only does the rest of the year it's back to nature for this stunning stretch of the Davi Valley which brings us to zero which is the total number of mistakes you can afford to make if you want to get on the top step of that podium to become the redbull hard-line champion for 2019 right there's not many tracks on planet earth that give you 15 seconds with the wheels off the ground in the rallies there that's the definition of a good track I think I think the UCI World Cups is five seconds or something else which it's unbelievably pressive and the track today you know qualifying is right upon us now absolutely perfect let's have a look then at the qualifiers the people try to qualify today I should say 20 riders at the top of the mountain k2 Edwards will be the first rider will see the junior world champion from a year ago Alexandre fail he's had some big crashes here in the past Dave McMillan Charlie hotend riding for you they're looking forward to seeing him come down the new bike space exactly Harry Malloy first time for him first time is really are absolutely there are John O Jones the banker from London he does some big crashes already hopefully is not coming down this so Brendan Fairclough Florrie greenland g arthur and that will give the crowd is having the cheer about Florent pi a former bronze medalist of the world championships holy Toledo it's Johnny's Toledo the Mexican there number 16 bernhard kerr previous winner and then we go with the Roger Vesta Vic Colchis and gate and Vijay you are three down so yeah four words - it's gonna be good I think yeah that's G this year I mean it's the defending champion yeah he's ready for it I think you know hardlight seems to bring out some ink in him you know it finds him up like like the World Cups you know don't really so he's putting out all out there this weekend yeah well this is this is kind of probably the one he wants to win he won it last year he's defending that crown as well and yeah yeah and I think there is really something you know when the tracks hardened Ali you bring your a-game you know you step it up a level and it makes you ride like better almost okay we're the first rider is now the gate Kade Edwards is at the top there I think the ride is going to be there is riders going to be extremely happy with perfect near-perfect condition area qualified redline 2019 then is underway Kade Edwards Kate Edwards is on track Jr well chapter stepping it down straight out of gate so he definitely knows how to put a restaurant together yeah he does that's right you know you have to go big as well tenth fear last year Kade and without Dell you know he is one of the roundest bike riders on planet Earth isn't it I mean the man can do down there we watch pretty exciting still only 19 years old broken ankle at the start of the year from that with style over the huge step up I think it's easier for the riders to throw bit a style on those big jumps than to just dead sailing yeah they're more comfortable doing something on junk someone like Kay definitely isn't it yeah it is Pacific middle section open part really I mean massive opportunity I would say here just push the front over the top of a berm there and he's had a big crash already you know so it's drying up but it's not getting easier to apply any beads No caught him out just like that okay and that's the trouble you know you've got these really terrible sections between those where it looks to us like it's easy they really have to concentrate all the way down yeah [Applause] container in it through the water's edge you know I say it's easy he's a strong rider in all departments but cable oh come on isn't it far away to think yeah not far at all you know lives about it's pretty about an hour over their evolution bike park with this girlfriend Tana you know brother cage sorry okay chaos exactly yeah across that huge road gap apparently easiest jump on the track and that's the bit way crash last year thing was it there yet nice to see these riders carrying so much pace down there last year I mean it was really difficult with a wet on it yeah one of the biggest hits that drop we just saw okay he's gonna turn left and it's just this big final run down here little foot off there as well paddling up these take off the right really across that huge 65 million length and that is the benchmark then a 309 point to the time to be he probably lost about 20 seconds or so making that crash he would have lost yeah yeah it could tended neke though begin for a podium I think a this year you know he's been he relies he's raced a lot of hard line that he wants to gather that paid in spots sure yeah he's definitely capable of it as well madman yes he is a madman yeah yes it's great big where describe him Panera is right I mean like you just lost the front a little bit yeah it's a bit greasy up there isn't it still still a bit wet so much style on the waterfalls edge but these these jumps you know as daunted as they've been in the past of course they still are but a lot riding especially ones that have been here in the past really you know dominating the jumps now really enjoyed themselves so Matt Walker from New Zealand at the top next man to go right this track it's gonna fight it is covered especially they don't know hey Jeff I can endure oh yeah that's one big difference between this new juror they'd be more airtime on this track then the whole injury season yep he's right about that I think Jay was saying like the turnaround was like 16 seconds or something yeah 15 coming up good speed yeah Chinese whispers we're doing well though it depends our figure yeah you're in he's off so it's a laid-back approach to the start there's a bit different to a World Cup start yeah no beeps that's that's why we love dreadful hardline it is a different event completely yeah yeah and decide many ways there's much more relaxed approach I think until they get to the lips that's rocky yeah that's exactly it so here's the rock drop nice to see that landings been improved this year cuz it's been you know clean riders land so heavy and savage that drops yeah and I think they're saving a bit of energy for these next features now down this towards this cannon yeah the tribe is just within a second it's a really difficult track to judge though isn't it sorry jump to judge there with the wind changing directions and stuff yeah this is gonna try and stay high on that camber but it's really committed to do it everything trying to drag you down to that wall there we saw a lot of people crashing it and that during practice if the dirts gettin pulled onto those rocks making them a bit sort of slippy yeah that's what I just sort of like paella Bob and he said that have you ever gone into a rice run this relaxed as Matt as we saw at the top there right six seconds out there because of that crash they were so kind Edward tab but yeah so the time is going to come down if Walker continues like this that's not you know Kate didn't lose too much time he really went over the bars onto his onto his face and I think that's the key here before he gets into this these air spins that bring him out to the top of the road gap linking these turns looks like one of the most relaxed probably know if you're pushing for a good time yeah I mean you can't ever relax in a race canoe your full gas all the way I think I used to try to a spit off the road gap is where you relax he hasn't got a bit chance to take a breath relax your arms and legs kind of reset for the last part of the track so a few big rock drops now towards the bottom the truck reverse is back across the top of this mountain narrow down here right tack you got to be accurate yeah and I mean that's where you really see like the World Cup riders coming into their own against some kind of a free rider guys in their wheels exactly between those rocks you know clearing their paddles love ears sends a huge finish line job so Matt Walker they're not under three minutes seven and a half seconds up on Kate Edwards no three oh one point seven now the fastest time so made a bit time again on the bottom section yeah Dosher on air right yeah a little bit staggered maybe you know that's probably not a bad thing because you scrub a little speed on the jump on the landing line admin that's less breaking than you physically got to do yourself so you break you kind of check in your speed on purpose but ya know your eyes did it so you'd have to physically break as much yeah into that after that you don't see this super steep and technically rock section so maybe you'd saved it on purpose yeah well yeah you might there as well you're right these tracks laid out about you he breaks so barely a cloud in sight that makes change for the p-value it's always like that whales fingers crossed yeah fingers crossed Alexandra feo now at the top then a World Cup winner in the past this man 2017 and he's been to hardline a good number of years he has yeah he's had some big knocks here actually lifted off this mountain in 2016 after crashing on that big step up for harder guiding them and there's not many tracks where you get into it this quick is there yeah filled full out the gate it's straight onto the brakes and into the technical stuff nope no room to get really you nervous energy no no where to come on Brit lay the power down and chill yeah yeah exactly it's nice to have a nice cup of easy turns just to find yourself in a bit but yeah he's been looking really good in practice I thought they all especially enough more natural section for this big step three point six like they all showing is the World Cup speed here for us over there nice and clean that's the big jump we had that crash in there I was actually there it was pretty horrific yeah so fair play to him coming back you know super impressive to see him coming back the next year and again tackling it 10 to 2017 she's actually in fifth last year so nice Scandi flick good speed out here though the rocks dry difficult to get up on those in the wet how hard is it raced on this track you know we've got these really technical sections and then you've got these massive jumps and high-speed features what's it like to go from one speed to another is it does it make a track does it make the flow of a try-hard nearly five seconds into the green for fire really you know super hard to set you by cutter for those pictures you want it hard suspension the tires for the big stuff but you want it soft and pliable for the technical group sections so it's really a fine balance [Music] they let their hair down a bit yeah I would have said to an unridable degree carried on they kept bended by the time across the finish line it was like a Tour de France five years yeah almost [Applause] to mates we make Han up again the first overall the polygon bike Tracy Berlin yeah that's right yeah it's an Indonesian bike Camilla good clean down there as well yeah it can really clean and very precise and you know knows what he's doing and point seven so just drop it a tenth or two nothing to worry about [Applause] [Music] so this is the new fastest time sub three minutes three point nine into the green then 257 for Alexander fail that was a pretty perfect run really you know got everything pretty pretty dead-on first real time gonna be seen under three money minutes here I think at hard life look at this big hit it's in sight there's five year 15 seconds in the air right there yeah the ride is insane there's not much you know you can't do you can't scrub it you can't hold it low you just got to go with it boost often and sort of have that hang time waiting in the air to land huge finish jump was it 60 70 cent its yeah 65 feet I mean when you land that far down it you're going 75 feet yeah ridiculous yeah 60 foot on a case then 70 on a what a good jump that's right okay I'll see growth will be the next man 17 riders left to go including this one in chaos see grave not hanging around dropping straight in then exciting rider another ride incredible with this wheels off the ground I feel like care could get a podium you know you could you could be really a contender if he if he has a good run if you person together yeah such a good rider there the racing the race runs don't really come together for him some reason no that's right please such talented rider it depends whether he can stop himself back but everything I think whether was he a good probably I think he probably is yep first backflip of the World Cup in a little shack and then it split one about example felt fit very respectable down the road yeah riding a lot of revolution by Park soo good big jumps there to hit real comfortable yeah is he spin out to loose fast as he was Kade I think so yeah that's right so the big jumps they'll be used to them now look how good he was across there that's credibly technical see great really making light work of it he did mention he was struggling with his arms a little bit by this point yesterday but you know I think a lot of that's the the nerves in the tension you really holding yourself kind of stiff if you like say you got a really relaxed and go with the track rocks there at the end that strike that are so tied together Stern touchdown lessons [Applause] everyone did it together yeah it's like the track builders well I feel like this is what your race beer they listen to the reichian children it makes a comfortable track to race for it's about 55 feet across days so again nearly 20 meters diagonally across that road gap is absolutely on another level to anything you see on any other race track on earth it's massive all these things are massive and if they look big on the TV you know the big in real life absolutely huge that's right yeah when you walk down it it's really scary 4.2 backward so that would see him go third at the moment just ahead of Cade Edwards behind Alexandra feo love Matt Walker incredible now last week we saw a rider sprinting for this not peddling this year right huge on that last year carried so much speed so into third place goes chaos see gray 4.5 back nice kit there looking sharp does look good done it yeah you can be happy enough with that thing maybe it's a maybe it's the wind or maybe they're just a bit hesitant to overshoot see this big rapido because they're all tagging it a little bit yeah it's better to come up short that over jump hit though be able to come up on it yeah I think this is the writers maybe you've seen John AJ's they'd be shooting it yesterday as to put the fear at every yeah I think you know it's a lot of riders first runs that they've done the first full run they've done safe it takes a little bit of gauging and that's why qualifying is so important you know you kind of it's really a test for the main event tomorrow so there's the Davi Valley you're lucky enough to live up here right and here is David McMillan one of the fans acts all the way from Australia this bird from Canberra in Australia rides down that first big drop didn't send it picks it up off the second one Dave is an incredibly stylish rider is me yeah you know he actually said one of his weaknesses is putting a full run together so you know we'll see ya waitin in the past yeah yeah it's nice that they kind of they get to have a bit of fun still pretty wet in the trees there you can hear it please get a lot faster you can see the wind stop there right it's a tailwind so that's plotted out why we're seeing riders come up short I imagined that they did not help well it would perhaps they're breaking because they feel like they're going so clean off that horrible drop they're a little bit further up may be tricky actually have to see it on these cameras but there's a really difficult shape to the wrong way at that difficult left yeah ruts rocks and little stumps and roots everywhere down that section you know it's really a safe way you could make a lot of time or lose a lot of time 7.5 back now then so that shows it some of the other riders oh it was a cop he's have to stop there you've chained it lock the back wheel off that jump then it's never a good thing he's gonna try and free it now but this won't help him get qualified yeah well shame I mean the bikes are taking a hammering they really are yeah taking absolute beating well he's unlucky I'm just cleared off that it's really tangled up yeah then when you snap your chain the best thing you can hope for is it just leaves the bike immediately I'm gonna say right to it no point to do this last straight I don't think you need to padlock that long he's probably thinking it through now you don't think in it Mikey else am I gonna be able to carry that speed yeah you mean that mine so I think you did it'll get the speed talk on the bike we'll be feeling nice with no chain that's for sure wait who are you at Fort William day when your chain snapped up last year was it just works so differently you're not used to it you see how he gets off this big flat drop about bottom out hopefully that's all the bad number 13 is gonna wrap this weekend without a chain snapping Smee so you can see there some of the riders are going to flat and some of them are going a little bit shorter and getting the downside of the rock I'm not sure what millons gonna be a tackle this now this big it's such a long he's got it you reckon it's uphill this this tight comp is so long he's looking like he's having to go incredible chainless great ride 40 seconds into the red that doesn't matter fifth place for him nailed it O'Shea these jokers that's why we did it yeah but you're in that mindset of racing into people you know unless you'd literally off the bike nothing's gonna stop you and he always was a survivor [Music] what should we talk about air anything [Music] so plenty of good action so far very impressive to see day but villain come down there with no chain I mean that shows just how much faster this track is right than it was last year you know that's allowed for the progression of the track you can build bigger and bigger futures and you know trim to send those last jumps and no pedals us pretty cool and the fastest time so far that to 57.8 alexandra fail first rider the only rider under three minutes i mean he didn't do anything wrong where did he know it's a perfect run really pretty clean you know exactly where he wanted to go nothing nothing spectacular but you can't do that here you need to be really perfect everywhere and that's what he was let's have a look at that chain snapping then from Dave McMillan there it is at the bottom safely you heard that big clunk up there right at least he was a at least I didn't affect him on the jumps you know it didn't well it did lock the back wheel up I mean it was nice it's gnarly in here you think you're at it well if we change come off and you're thinking about it we'll just yeah that's that's the thought for William when I snap my chain at the World Cup mean anything well I'm just gonna carry on until until you dear a leaders go anywhere because you think that's that's what's gonna happen so they played him in all this yeah that's right we still got 15 riders at the top very soon the next riders will be taken at the start gate hoping to put down a successful qualifying run including some riders who know exactly what it takes to win here earlier this week I caught up with two previous winners gee atherton and Bernhard Kerr to find out how it feels to stand on the top step of the podium where they keep that trophy and what exactly champions eat for breakfast I'm in the real presence of Red Bull hardline royalty here two previous winners and this is the breakfast of champions alright lads yo what does it mean to win Red Bull hardline I think there's a level of like intrigue about it you know you get quite good riders at World Cups you know asking you like how was it you know what was it like what's it like to go there once it is a race from the similar to a World Cup you know there's that kind of I think it carries a little bit of mystery you know what it takes to get down hardline on for you but what was it like for you to win without its most progressive downhill race pretty rattler I got fifth at Worlds the week four and then one this after and everyone just talk to me about Red Bull huh die no one cared about my worlds resolved no honestly no one cared about the world result like the rebel Harlem wind for me was much bigger and I saw that with their with the general public as well as everyone the bike in the street it's extremely I mean it's the very it's the real cutting edge of what bikes have run everyone talked about it like everyone on the World Cup circuit not just the normal fans like Jie said before the other riders at World Cups it's like mysterious then what's it like how is it should we do it yeah they're curious it's really cool like we get to talk to the other best riders in the world about a man and biking event we want yeah yeah yeah it feels pretty unreal for that you know some of you riders have been here before how some of the riders haven't been here before what advice do you give to those new riders at those points I think that kind of that feeling when we're all riding together is you know my favorite thing about the event but yes the riders are all they're like hanging out together it's a bit of a jam going on you know you're working way down the track the guys that have been here before helping out the new guys and you know you see that kind of you see that fear on some of they get new guys faces you know before they've hit here and then the buzz they get afterwards when they've followed someone through yeah and that's quite cool to see so you know someone new coming up to the event I think I think they just need to be ready to kind of commit themselves to it a lot of people do probably does their but look up to G and it's rad like none of us at a World Cup are gonna go and ride with D either he's probably not gonna help us we're not gonna help guys run against each other for my first year at hardline it was rat Jie Jie's trying to help us all down this track and through these jumps and through these lines you knew that which we did need it over it was weird you know like to have G help us and we like normally he's often up win a World Cup well yeah it's really cool but it is cool and I think even now like a lot of the younger riders for me now to help them is really cool like G helps everyone we and we all help each other it's it's very different from an or a where'd you keep your trophies mine are my kitchen I've actually and it shows you know how I do look at the event I've got a trophy cabinet home and it is bang middle in the center with world champs and World Cups off to the sides here you know it shows what it means to me yeah and you know I'm something with two past winners which one of you two this year probably is going to be the first repeat winner already I'd like to for sure I'm sure he wants to do yeah I know the only thing I do know is that we both will be going harder trying very hard as right lads enjoy your breakfast and good luck for the weekend tonight well that was certainly fun Matt Walker joins us he's just come down sitting in second place at the moment great round what's that what's it like to die up there um today you couldn't really ask for better conditions there's a little bit of wind out there the course and the opens drying massively the rocks are getting grippy and a little bit of slop in them top words yeah yeah it's it's you couldn't really get much better at the moment so how did you approach this qualifier cuz I mean tomorrow is the one that counts really yeah I'm literally just wanted to get down in this round first full run this well ever so yeah just literally start at the top just sort chill ride the track how you know to ride it and then just yeah see how it goes take each headed one at a time yeah how different is it in a full run you know hit those jumps kind of like one after another um it's almost a good thing because it just keeps you rolling in it yeah you stop thinking about each section so much yes you just ride which is a good thing because you can easily just sit at the top the jumps look so intimidating sometimes yeah I don't want to drop in I just want to stay up yeah like stay safe but when you have to get to the bottom and you have to ride the section you decide well saying one way to do it and it's to just to ride it yeah you got to do it I mean you've raced lot of enduro World Series lot of World Cups technically and for difficult you how does this track hardline track compared to even the most difficult of the World Cups and where's the worst the best yeah it's the most technical like demanding back-to-back-to-back-to-back right then there might be one section on a World Cup track that you're like so scared of this and that's the only section you're worried about here it's like one section then you lead into the next section it's the next jump into the next section so it's just the way that it's just the whole track comes together as one gnarly ball you're kind of like yeah there's no luck is there any way that you can take a bit of a breather you don't write reset when you're in the ear are you gonna stick around - for the next run I would love to yes the Quran rule will keep them out any we're gonna go back to the top now we're Charlie Hatton is in the gate there is one of your bikes right fantastic bike those lovely bike look at that best looking bike out yes so Charlie Hartnell on track then 21 years old from the forest the Dean south of here so what's it like math to do that I did it my first time in my race around then so teach you yeah I was like wow I just good I even there Hirono a smooth sorry you're gonna get a wasp sting idiot oh yeah super slick in here at the moment so hopefully carry some speed around it what's this like you turn left quite slick through there so yesterday a bit cautious to me once you line up there can and you just let going fastest toilet moment Alexandre fail 257 good time sub 3 minutes impressive in it I'd say so he's one of the routers I'm picking for a good result here this weekend he's just been looking so good through practice and yeah super smooth super comp neuron the jams why can what he's doing yeah he's your teammate very 3rd year last year he's capable of taking the win isn't he he's good charlie you know he's he's pretty he's quiet he's pretty chilled and then he comes out like all guns blazing in the racing and that's why I like to sing there is one point two into the green then so really pulling to climb up in the open section so the wind affects me on that job that all along a little bit it's more the step down coming in with is quite a crosswind but it's super hard to judge that jump not very consistent with your speed around attending in the sorry state yeah but you just have to go within you kind of anytime you figure out what we're that jumps in he goes once you're up the left and it's kind of a bit too like super intimidating bad it's actually pretty to the fastest we've seen anyone ride the rocks so far from dust dust another record broken perhaps this year at a dry one that's been a while 2016 was the last one looks horrible that there's what's it like on the top of there before you drop off is it awkward or is it quite easy running into that one's a bit funny there's a rock just right where you don't want it to you but I'm to point to set the fastest time of the day yep good call that good cool is looking good through practice gonna be the fastest time so far it is two point four up there to fifty five point three few Charlie hunted nice run Charlie could be one of the fastest today I think yeah that's right impressive up quick these riders again down less than three minutes you can see the windsock going wild all the way in so there's a bit windy out there and is easy about to do all these jobs to have a bit of the play and have a bit so yeah tweet you do as you typically don't want to be keeping it straight just since to you feel a bit it off and say I just want to lean a little bit off some of them and just stop surely there and then okay well thanks for joining us man we're going to let you get down to the bottom now back to the riders area we laid out can go down in the bench race for the rest of the afternoon love to yeah thanks very much for coming in dude if we go back to the top now then for oscar Holmstrom this man's uh a very committed writers broke a frame break first day william on that on that big drop that big rock drop of the bond so just landed that heavy hit you got a new frame to him straightaway and that evening built up a new frame so good yeah pipeline strikes again from sweden this man highlight into the trees there does well to stay up there really slippery that bedrock and it can you see there is actually quite a few different lines up there already you know really quite kind of and i think what i want to know is what what they do with their setup and they just they sign up for the jumps or they set up for the attack because a lot of this just well yeah this is what i mean ii day he actually is he's just been out to the proving grounds and he's trying to qualify for a page you know he's he's super into it he wants to get out there to rampage and you know he's he was saying like he wants rampage to be more like hardline and that's really interesting yeah more technical more about the riding rather than the tricks yeah really cool to see that kind of hope yeah rampage has gone more that way I guess it was you know after the day everything's blessed at such a right yeah is I'm sending the big back flippy wouldn't cushion that much time big jump out to do or now I mean it's it's 45 feet Lily will start 2015 struggling at work at the conversion out two meters 15 meters in length we saw the riders yesterday there as well good good watch the replay tonight beyond it for fire dogs tomorrow so you can see how much more he's kind of struggling with this really technical section than the than the other guys that we make all these time it's not on the channels I agree yeah I mean the jumps you can scrub them a bit you can make a little bit here and there but the bulk of the time you made all the bits between the and sift features right like here how quickly even get down to this big drop and off it spent a little more time who set it up that's great industry there is what's left of it yep gonna brighten another rider we're missing actually got hurt before I put my Jordan of course but I've gotta think about Brooke at this moment inside recovering Wow yeah back injury we know we have toys cardboard ah here though yeah this be carried around why it's early so he's with us in spirit Brook so hard strip after a back flip didn't quite work out goes it a six flight so we'll see you know because these all these riders they come into the hut the hardline event they want it they want to qualify for the main event in any woman they want to lay down and Gudrun everybody's commitment nearly rate nearly rode out first later is favorite tank slapper but you need never know what everyone else is gonna do they do what the other riders if they're gonna fall off or get a few punches maybe we see a lot of punches in practice so he might eat may qualify still he might well qualify yeah that's right now a long way ago thirteen riders to go seven riders down only [Music] but just great to see I think this hard life track running as well as its ever run yeah we've got a race on arounds this year yeah good weather good vibes and Harry Malloy in the start now first time at hardline say first time here yep press away from Tunbridge Wells in Kent 28 years old this man then at the World Cups all summer long gonna go to the firm on the outside there I think the Highline is almost safer than the safer option yeah a lot of site for it how hard it is it is a rider you know we lost the dice practice this week as well with high winds I mean it got easy to turn up here first year and be competitive I would say yeah you know he's probably had how many runs down this track you know three four they've been session of the big jumps but four runs today yeah that's right if we barely knows where he's going that was I would say a massive case there [Music] where you want to be coming up short on I'm amazed his ankles are still in attacks when how is Achilles tenderness better than yours that was a big case I think that's a chaos site she cased yesterday as well he said it wasn't enjoyable so so oh it's that good line there as well nice to think about hard lined you know it woke up sure don't really get those big jumps that pushing the riders and because it's a race you've just got a switch you know keep going wipe your mind fresh and start again yeah not attacking out here in the open as much as some of the other artists we've seen I don't think why do you like to say that that experience of doing the event as well coming to it so 10.6 back from the loin ow I know beautiful job lies another rider that's always riding that revolution bike part you don't settle this 50 to one line near vision line from very sanli and and that gives them the confidence to do these big jumps as these events it's not really like this is it pork slightly flatter regular top 10 top 10 in BDS races finishing this one and his girlfriend on the insync tape so she's been up there giving him some tips line choice and it's almost starting break up a little bit yeah because they're saying it's perfect conditions now certificates Andy Pryor will stop load up which we don't have to worry about before so Harry Malloy's first ever timed run hard liars day over and it's a good attempt to his first time here Malloy comes across the line into sixth place should be happy with that yeah you know let me look back at the past here and Ryder sir they just want to get down this thing you know yeah remember it's his first time Barrett yeah it's a big undertaking the size of these jobs we've seen a lot writers here they come they do practice and then if they are at they were opting out of not doing the actual race you know they're not really confident so you know fair played Harry coming out and sending it first year and doing that full run doing that qualified run hopefully gets into the main event for tomorrow yeah now he knows what it's like he knows how it feels do that full run who knows how that supposed to feel it you should step it up tomorrow so Malloy safely across the line so really good so far Charlie hands do excuse me Charlie Hatton lead him with at two fifty five point three home reload over the three ten the last man we've seen we still got some big big names to come now we got Joe Smith Johnno Jones before we got a Brendan Fairclough flora Greenland gee atherton flow pee I mean probably going to see that time come down more and more yeah I think so I think Charlie's would be pretty up there though and you know it's only qualifying so you know you've got to remember they're they're not gonna put it all on the line they're not gonna risk too much they just need to get down and right yeah but Charlie you know that's he's impressing it a little bit in the last year or two as well yeah I think you know Charlie you know we rode on the track first year on track last year and is getting used to that new bike and then we switched this year to the Atherton bike and it does take time to get used to new bike so beautiful day here in the W Ali Red Bull hardline 2019 qualifying is underway we've had about eight riders down so fast all 12 left at the top but conditions really don't get any better than this up here in Snowdonia Joe Smith now at the top then local rider it was about an hour away very pretty big up there J and a mill hardline veteran it's been three times in the top five on this track is it yeah it's about an hour away doesn't yeah yeah is he done every every hard line leave his fourth in 42nd in 2015 18 2016 I believe he missed 2017 year top surgery and then Soto Smith showed his credentials here North Wales the ginger names are on track and this you might excel out here in the open yeah I think so I think you'll pull well to be fair yeah it's Charlie maybe it'll be yeah yeah pretty close I think the World Cup races it's so precise with their wheels you know yeah exactly they know exactly where they put them exactly where they want to go annoying is it for you when you're in a race round and you miss the light or does it does it snowball in your head I mean is it artists or recover from that mentally yeah I think Batsuit that's the trick to being a good racer is to be able to recover quickly and move on you have to pretty good at you want 39 well still green the Joe Smith comes down by a second though that time advantage I should say yes but who is it is the things you make the stakeholders that you remember not the good bits for this man plenty of top tens of the World Cup low very low over there the World Cup the end of this year peak you can't struggle sometimes joke along the wharf is be track with his arm told me yeah I mean just certainly ticks that box there's not many tracks that will be more physical upper-body than this one I don't think yeah wonder mother there must be pretty fatigue when it's point you know knocking down the track hit some big features already and plenty more still to come so really beats the body up this is a big one he's about to do right now he landed that pretty smoothly yeah very good speed as we say you know it's got to be difficult to set the bike up this you don't hit Bobby now and now he goes red but just 5,000 said so almost neck and neck with hat another moment please game well there's knee attack it pressing over this last right Jamie there so that's interesting none of these writers patented this is litres carried so much speed he's going to go second ah seven hundredths into the road then for Joe Smith two riders now on to 255 at the Bob perfects over there yay like that perfectly huge over that jump jump God name was it [Music] and then super lay all this on the second part just a little bit money every day the banker from London and a man really that's up probably the biggest crashes so far this week attempt you'd have to say sort of searching for the ground like at huge really just yeah who's totally unscathed and he went back up try it again I've jumped it by a massive amount and add another big crash so it's pretty cool Sam do its run this is John o Jones's first I have all tier not a good place it's still gonna go for it I guess it's still pretty wet in those words you know the sun's dried up yeah outside but in those words it's pretty wet no he's coming down towards this big yesterday actually over jumped as well enough to go off big tail wind up there now you can see that wind sock blowing nap in the wind it must play on your mind you don't hit these jumps we've had huge crashes the day before it must be it must be there in the back your mind brother of Matt Jones another mistake out there for Jono keeps it going no well good ride and now look like you've got right off Laurie I'm really off lighter I think we're not seeing the best you know that all the obstacles in there's so many so many rocks freeze on the ground yeah that's right absolutely it's really steep as well that's the one is so steep it's so exposed but yeah Miss Jones as well his brothers here his twin brother the star of slopestyle events all over the globe did turned up on a bike with no suspension won't break I mean ideal for hardline all for all we know this could be bad exactly they look exactly the side sixteen seconds back then for Johnno Jones there's again I feel like it is game with you're up there you know what those jumps they're really exposed I believe he works in risk assessment I wonder what kind of risk assess but he gave himself for this event to be taken insurance out on himself he tried the flip Stock Exchange could crash if he goes down hard ear that's the rumor Dow Jones spin up it's gonna be back at work on Monday sees his bosses are watching and knew what he was doing on the weekend there'd be trouble that was good to that point for those rocks yeah it came down there though if you come down there's a hard to stop it's steep again but you know he's he's pretty beat up John oh that's for sure yeah he seems a big hit it's really big hits yeah it's gotta be feeling incredibly sore you look like a salmon when he was trying to he went for the flip did it he tried to bail and he was still clipped in upside down it wasn't pretty was it and it could have been all honesty it could have been a lot worse than it was it was nice to see him get straight back up to his feet Oh Johnno battling a little bit down here now that probably the only rider with a full-time job so yeah that's pretty yeah pretty impressive Danny work slow now 60 hour week so I believe he does probably gets about 10 grand an hour the Big Finish line one throws his head back he goes into eighth place he survived red bull hard line so we see him in the final tomorrow just ten riders left to go now [Music] but you can see hey it just had a tiny little snip of one of the roots but it cost him a lot of time and and that's that's why it is hard lied you know there's big jumps but the town of the section is so important maybe who's looking at the view I can't wait it's not often you can see it so you got make the most of it and another little slip just just a little slip-up on one of the rocks we couldn't see it that cost him so much time just put it back is there yes I mean it it's an intimidating place and when things go wrong matching it do you know what it's like the player can build on you can't you know you'd be staked to mistake you start to not yeah feel confident yeah I get flustered and it's his first time here say that's right it's this man's first time beer as well t bowler life France 22 years old and this Mon Drakkar rider a World Cup racer is a junior I think a lot of riders are doing that step down for the first time in this run yeah they are just go for her and something we didn't see in last year's hardline in the wet conditions you know the trees comes the lie then there's a lot downhill loevinger I ride as well and sent all the jumps on day one no problem to this bar a couple of pedal strokes across the flat bit there the only flat bit on the entire track that section yeah he's having a good time big step up this really difficult drop here right just it there big drop into that tight corner I think it's you know if things look hard on TV you can see him slow you can see him figuring out technical that means it's super super difficult yeah to actually ride it and when you thought this you know it is littered with rocks yes stops I mean it is if you do put a wheel even slightly out of line there's an very good chance it's gonna take it down into the waffle yeah nearly ten seconds back it's pretty heads the war for that second split huge slapper they're not seeing too many riders you know the past we've seen a lot of riders hitting their heads on their stanton yeah we seen riders in the trees on that jump he was pretty close actually that where is it up big compression before it his body weights not right on the fire every job you pull it this way hold it lower you boosted and yeah that's hard to process all the way down there incredibly technical yeah nice line down there comes closer to the camera it's more to the right oh and a problem there now what's happened because that is not well it's a good place to stop actually before you go off there but it's gonna cost him some time now is he down maybe is he done it before is he not done it before I think he's done it yeah I'm thinking he's probably got some sort of technical fault perhaps I don't know Cheryl guessing as much as you at the moment right there light well first rider we've seen really important today well shame true who's good well you must go in well yeah there's a clean run so far didn't see any real mistakes and when you get to that point there's not really an easy way around that jump that's by far the quickest most efficient ways off the boardwalk just set yourselves 20 meters across it that is what I wanted to do the past is say that I could ride the track just normally have a little rope and abseil down I mean literally 15 years you had your first track see this road but you used to interested at this didn't you it does follow the route if you were trying rocks pick your way what are the left the track listen that's not where Steve peat try to keep up with you down at the top where PE crashed in that first sort of rocky bit racy and drop off and yeah went hey I don't see Steve come and do this track I think you get it what's that right sorry that's a like see Petey Petey come and do the track just ride it you know and I think if you get it Greg didn't fare too well we hit Greg Minnaar last year did he yeah it was a miserable day it was raining and you know that's true enough yeah we're letting off pre-madonna hey sorry Craig it was oh you know when you're as good as that you could probably afford to be yeah right Hey so we're just being told it's a flat front tire for the lathe that's why perfect goodness thing yeah you know that we not have been pretty you wouldn't just risk it front flap no I don't you'd risk it with a rear flap not something of that size but for the front flap even write it down really isn't an option crowd up there great to see so many people here on a qualifying day remember it is only qualified deer day here at hard line will be live tomorrow with the finals all tomorrow afternoon all we need now is jets to fly around that headland impressive no fly zone it is so it's amazing to see them they probably think that about the riders they see them flying off these so here's the light at the moment making his way at the bottom of that flat front tire big pull on the massive cannon I've seen some riders clip that to Dyer that's always a bit worrying for me if you tag that seriously yeah you want a fully cases basic oppressive they can get they get away with so much their last testament to the technology these days bikes progress is so fast technology so the tracks follow suit [Music] well I got this flat air it looks like actually right yeah it could have been there thank God he knows thank God he noticed you know and didn't just you know it stopped and didn't just carry on it do that did it girl well they say there's your top turn at the moment 255 is the time to beat by Charlie hand of strong time that Joe Smith they're right on the same second with him just a couple of seconds ahead of Alex and Raphael a few seconds back then Matt Walker chaos Seagrave john o jones we see him get down just recently there with at 323 and Dave McMillan closing out the top 10 at the moment well one run rock not riding here is Matt Jones one of the UK's top freestyle mountain bikers and here in a week he grabbed his camera and gave us the newbie perspective when he checked out this course which may explain why he decided not to tackle qualifying today what's up everyone welcome to Red Bull hardline I'm at the top of the course we're about to go for a bit of a course walk just kind of wander down try not to twist any ankles and check out the features on what's considered and in fact no evidence suggests that this is the hardest downhill mountain bike course in the world so I'm Way out of my depth this is not my domain I shouldn't really be here and yet here I am the top of the course the terrains mental the easiest iron if you brake I promise you that's the easiest we're gonna get a lot of this just pure mossy rock like if Rock wasn't bad enough they've got moss on it no way everyone's filming me because I'm just that I'm gonna keep using the term out of my deck the hill never ends you never can come to a controlled stop not the biggest drop I've ever ridden but it's always the bit that comes afterwards so I have to worry about because you have to eventually come to a stop or just regain control what's the line lorry inside main line the confidence every single time just be confident okay and if you're not confident it's worth considering that we are in Wales as usually sheep everywhere did you see any shape this hill is too steep for sheep that's the new hashtag the best riders in the world scratching their heads about this yeah so I could Formula One driver looking at a track and thing and I actually being concerned if you catch that his back wheel on that rock I reckon you got a second or two on this straight could be a waste running line is huge it is massive put this in a normal public bike park and people will get in trouble but this is Red Bull hardline apparently this is a new feature I don't know what was here last year but this is a full dirt take-off dirt landing that gets me excited really there's no one ridden it this is untested this is brand new no tire marks you're gonna be first bite on so I wanna I will be on my dirt jump bike it's actually quite a soft landing great for tricks oh this landings huge just don't turn right don't hit the dry stone wall so far this has been an eye-opening very eye-opening kind of experience I can't believe that this style of riding goes on and I've quite naive to it to be honest so it's been good but when I have to get the bike out the van everything's gonna change for those of you who know the hard-line course we're coming up to the road gap which I'm terrified about petrified but first you've got to negotiate this like giant staircase of rocks John Oh any advice it's a weird one if you were a World Cup or something this would be you'd spend so much time looking at a section like this but after walking what we've just walked down this actually doesn't seem so bad so we're kind of all just walking through that yeah there we go through we go but yeah that's kind of in your mind the whole way yeah true more pointless steep rocks you're probably bored of me saying everything's gnarly but literally every square centimeter is almost unraidable that is outrageous I shouldn't be allowed we're nearing the end and actually there's quite a nice chill quite a nice steady section there's a valid reason why it's smooth and that's to be fast because look at the size of this feature this we call this a boner log that is bigger than any bone log I've ridden at Crankworx and Crankworx is the what Crankworx is the ultimate pinnacle of slope style mountain biking this is just one of many features of its caliber at hardline I don't even know if I'm gonna ride honestly this has been so overwhelming for me I'm used to like analyzing a jump on its own or thinking about tricks not this much in a row not back-to-back well it was right incredibly that's good insight yeah it was it was amazing it seemed hit the I mean I think it's mat turned up with a downhill bike he'd have been on on a trail bike and a hard so he did it the big step straight away I think you do trying to try to ride it on a trail bike and you know he wanted to be straight and for me they want to get out there he wanted to to hit those stuff and yeah the only other trail bike so I think he's made the right decision question his decision really asking his twin brother Jono for any advice after what's been going on with him here this way what do you think about Matt is one of the most incredible slopestyle riders on the planet and if he says this is big then yeah he said he didn't realize this kind of riding went on you know he was really kind of blown away by it that kind of trees it's hard line absolutely read board line delivering again yet 2090 we've got ten riders left at the top now some big names coming up in just a few seconds time one of the most stylish riders Brendan Fairclough at the top now then the man who blurs the line between downhill racing and free riding and you would have to say Rach really this event is made for Brendan I would say yeah he hasn't really done anything over the years burger he's missed a couple didn't qualify last year you know I think he's here - he's here to do something this year yeah we definitely lost one of the three riders in the entry last year it is confirmed for rampage Red Bull Rampage at the end of the year but this man took a sixth place in the world cup at the shine this year so the speed is there we know the job don't bother him I reckon he's gonna go for the flip you just had a chat about it there might be a different story tomorrow in those finals runs but you know to make the top 14 here today you don't have time for a back it's good to sit yeah sadly they crashed last year didn't finish last year it's probably bad probably faster to flip or goodness cuz he was you can see him all the tent suckers into a was buzzing he was ready for it he's riding like confident that's what he needs to do here the free racer put it together that dummy Valley hey Brendan at the moment fastest time of the day saying yeah absolutely good to see six times a Red Bull Rampage rider this man seventh year actually in year one back in 2014 they one years old now this man from Guildford in the South Woodbourne explicative Tallis's last time it's the biggest yeah first jump on his first brenda to pick apparently yeah good speed down there it's really tight right hand up nicely around that as well no problem really yeah that's one of the reasons that Matt Jones couldn't ride really but it was decided that it would be a stop if he hit that on a trail bike you know you just have got the grip on those landings like that yeah that's true yeah he said he was breaking up back up that signature smooth style it's gonna pull it back making light of those big drops there 2.6 back for fare craft it's a good run yeah it's a good run maybe maybe we're missing a second it's not speed and style but yeah whips it across that last job back up to the line he goes third 1.8 back so four riders under the 3-minute mark I was killed that's maybe you want to go right now look at the height and a calendar 55 feet nearly 20 meters in length that no option to come up short and then this could've been more perfect at it wow absolutely nailed [Music] and it's got that GoPro on its helmet so we'll be seeing nurse pretty cool footage coming out this evening from its qualifying run [Music] but sure enough yet an inverted view of the Dovie Valley on that Land Rover Green World Championship painted bike the next rider to leave a stop has to be one of the very big fight if not the favorite for this event this year winner of a World Cup in 2019 and with the dominance of a murray peril and loic bruni at the World Cup races that was the Ephrata Blee difficult thing to do in fact only this man Danny Hart stole World Cup wins away from the French it's a casual start for Greenland tucking in his shirt but it might be all business now he's into this Rudd such a cool rider to watch lorry I think it's because he's short it looks sick when you stood up he's aggressive he's kind of attacking all the time worked hard he's right in position this winter said start to realize you don't need to risk your life to win a World Cup what he said you know stalling compared to Brendan see he's not gonna go faster well the first blitz coming up he had a strange finals run it big over the step-up he had a strange finals run in last if you remember he attacked out of gate made a few mistakes and then was like well that's enough and just sort of Road himself maybe yeah maybe you scared himself you know I don't say Lori arrived a lot Lauren you feel like you're not of pace perhaps it's not worth the risk of her pushing it all down yeah cos Lori it kind that's kind of East Island that he's all or nothing yeah he goes absolutely wild always kind of chilled sea and it was incredibly difficult conditions 12 months ago here remember yeah it's the best it's ever been today I think the riders saying is perfect up there I'll point to be today safely what they're into the final so it's a big hit up job they're massive a couple of pedal strokes I think the only time I've seen the right pedal it's kind of up the lip the takeoff of the chubs big one for him was the junior world champion yeah like it's one of the most spectacular race runs ever the solvation take the silver medal is an elite junior to elite championships that sir so she's just our skilled this man compete I think for the for the jump so maybe that's why he's losing a bit of time in that those technical sections yeah yeah it's true your bike feel so good actually as it normally would out those tech parts because of these big impacts on these takeoffs and landings everything's gotta be serviced yeah it's the same at W Bike Park you know you ride the jump line you've got to have nice hard tires and then you ride the the racetrack in this Bobby yes fast down there for theory in 2017 inside the top 10 last year but further into the red for green lifts over five seconds back now so kid runs to shine Hatton yeah really good run try taking down some big names at that time Charlie Hatton and Greenland goes into fifth place five seconds back I got feeling he might be looking for a bit more tomorrow in that final run [Music] much easier that kind of we're the landing of that drop [Music] massive over there it's so huge credible nice but definitely more comfortable doing that stuff than just straight airs it's possible yeah I don't here with Joe Smith Joe currently inside the top five looking good for tomorrow but your run looked absolutely smooth as silk we happy or that one yeah really happy with that one I didn't know what to expect coming into that run I hadn't done a full one yet so just kind of set off how I wanted to carry on and got a bit sketchy kind of brained it back in and just had a really solid run we've seen some very very tight times here are you surprised by that given that it's Red Bull hardly yeah a little bit I think every year it's tightening up a little bit everyone's getting a bit more comfortable and there yeah just pushing on a little bit more between the jumps you think you've done enough to stay right at the front door this one I think I've got enough to stay in the top five yeah fingers crossed I'll have a good one and then back out tomorrow hopefully Joe thanks very much good luck so plenty still to come it's gonna be G asset and next your brother but you know Charlie had and that's a really incredible time Smith they're on the same clock as well only you know and then the next third and fourth on 57s as well yeah the boys are puttin the British lads have put in some pretty good times there so yeah I think it's it's good having it at the end of the year it's a bit more relaxed you know they can just chill out they can kind of and that's some for some races that's what they need to perform they need to be relaxed is the weather any better air in June and July me it's perfect too tight but it's the first time we've seen it without crowd for a while that is true the summer summer months are no different not really not really no it could be it's wet or sunny you got no idea really you just wake up and open the curtains and out yeah I guess that's how it is I think the forecast goes there is a little bit of talk about hardline might run a little bit earlier next year in the summer but how do you think that would sit for these riders I mean you know these with World Championships and World Cups still left after it I mean I think it's I think it's progressed and evolved in enough that the riders are comfortably no they're not getting now they're not getting hurt every kind of jump and you know it's their kind they're pretty sweet you know and I think it would I think it would be better to have it kind of at the style the middle of the season at the end of the season the riders it's hired home and yeah oh yeah I think it'd be good do you think we'd ever see a woman rider air right you know like exactly yeah I think we would you know I don't think it's gonna be long it it's it's still a little bit like they're either good at jumps or they good at the downhill stuff we need to really like mesh that together and create a create a monster yeah we're going to CG next your brother yeah yeah you said that you said actually you do struggle or wash I mean hopefully gonna commentate on him for lunch I just I mean it's I just get too nervous watching him and I have to have to think and say you know he knows what he's doing he does this for a living as a professional yeah but you've also seen the Knox he's taking yeah yeah he's a big yeah he's it's such a tough guy you know gee I've not seen anyone tougher the G don't get away from injuries and walking away from hits and just signed himself up for rampage again so you know this is a real good warm-up for that and a few these riders again out to rampage so it's a good definitely a big warm-up fatigue but one man who is done well here traditionally is Bernhard Kerr let's meet him now coming up when it comes to a podium finish at Red Bull hardline Bernhard Kerr is the absolute man to be having stood on those steps every single year he's taken part including his champion in 2016 so can he make it into the top three for an unparalleled fifth consecutive year so Bernhard come Bernard Kerik coming up a little bit later on but we waited for gee atherton there he is then but she was getting nervous as her brother is about to tackle this track again 34 years old now the winner of eight World Cup races and of course the winner here from 2008 the defending champion that is on track what's he gonna do right is he gonna go for it yes absolutely see wild I think he looks pretty quick up to Tom there after really fast up here I would say got far to the first clock to tell us left so maybe they start nervous and then calm down salad to rhythm don't forget last year he won this race by a huge I get the feeling is the wilder it is the more it brings out the best in G I think it does some he'll say like the World Cups kind of bored of them you know and if they want harder stuff you have fresh stuff to ride and then hardline it is just that how long he bit on the World Cup circuit you to I mean it's a long time baby of course this isn't yeah this is what it's for it's like different it's a challenge they they're nervous they got hit shoot stuff and they got a lay it all out there you know World Cup they do stuff they do have to first run the guys that woke up and you know that's got to be prettier it's hard to go fast yeah it's not hard to ride no that's right exactly thank you by a second that scale that split number two it's Charlie have an amazing second in the middle Charlie's so fast through that middle you're absolutely right there does it where are you geez lack of self-preservation and sister cuz they surely got one he's always a guy that's right yeah yeah without thinking about it you know so it's kind of like well we live it down around a bit of a sticky spot between a rock and a half our opposites a dance quite calculated you know we think it's tough and you really well the time maybe not when you build it with things through it gets to the same point that G gets to in seconds oh geez like ya do it and dance like okay cheese super clean they're on the approach even sets up off the road gap to land right over to the side of the track there those things make the difference gave them a great liner that right have done yeah using all the track he's in every single inch of the track they make massive differences on the clock well we'll see we will he's looking good though he doesn't look smoothen it does look fast yet 12.4 out there mate massive road from gee atherton this is gonna lift the bar here for the rest of the riders at the top only six left after G comes down couple of cranks LEDs they're carrying so much speed and it's a new fastest time to 52.8 gee atherton leads 2.5 seconds into the green massive qualifier drug yeah that was goodie you can see straight out of the gate it's hacking he's good pretty pretty fast the crews kicking up that's a G run of course slight relief he's at the bar by right yeah thank goodness mum's not here it's annoy you today I wonder how many of the riders parents are here you know so hard it's not nerve-racking think to watch them do it's a hard worker if you've got a rider off the track yeah sighs that finish line job doesn't get any less impressive no it's so cool it's so impressive [Music] Floy pee is had a bit of a cold all week actually big flow the tallest man in the competition 197 centimeters till nearly to me it still and his bike is absolutely fast in it yeah the dick crew had to go down and chop all the branches higher kazi's so honestly can barely get his head under the stop yeah he's absolutely massive slope ia on track taking that High Line on this rock so really not making any difference I don't think you know so G go low and low to that bourbon and flows the opposite I think the riders were the landings we built off this rock drop you know they're pleased they it's not as big an impact well it was brutal with it yeah it was hard and it was right at the start as well from the reunion Islands about three hours flight from Madagascar II said one of the islands there could've been a three-hour boat trip actually to be honest three-hour flight sounds a long way but but he's moving back there he's been living in France but moving more and more back now to the Reunion Island and floaty mates with the marine cavalry you know kind of a rising star that in the women's downhill circuit won three World Cups this year and they took 40 maybe a few times really cool yeah yeah so just super impressive and you know there's flow such a nice guy I'm sure he's been giving her a lot of tips and training advice problems at the 2016 World Championships dislocate his shoulder actually in 2017 finish it off this year strong no 5.2 back though he shook his head they knew you out of there the news 5 recovering well you know you know cyber bet his heart was in his mouth yeah and he's hit that next shot confident yeah cuz when it goes wrong here it goes wrong in a big way yeah super quick yeah he uses that to his advantage a lot of the time throwing right round like kind of like Steve one of the last World Cups of 2009 it's drying now to the point it's getting loose a little bit you know maybe like the length of the biking get them from getting through those tight sections that's coming to play Jones made a very good point to me that watching that bit yesterday there these bikes are so big at the 40 mile an hour yeah renders to ride around on the flat on there really need to be down something to speak remiss go chair of some of some fast sections on the hardline track new sections going in so I think it's gonna be a sped up a little bit back all the ones for flow pee the last split then just this long straight now it must be a relief but it gets at this point or maybe when they get we are I think this is probably the touchdown there ten back then in tonight's place for flow pee [Music] [Applause] [Music] big nosedive therefore flow [Music] but could run to pee it's the like a pace probably so I'd lose 10 seconds edit any mistakes are a big mistakes or anything this guy so this man Johnny Salado labora Hegel that's Troy one Diego's got a few names he's just he's just qualified for rampage last week was there proven yes so she's gonna be going there with G and Brendan Fehr cliff they're the three riders here that I got a Red Bull Rampage see now I'm sure he's really kind of using this as a warm-up for that and he said it he's been looking at these events since he was 10 years old you know sort of an inspiration to all the like young riders out here now or never will watch it this is this guy's come up through the ranks appears 5.6 back at the first bit Guadalajara in Mexico actually is he yeah Oh first time at Red Bull ah he's done well ready to get up to speed and get over all those massive features yeah good down there as well 3 stuff there take step and lower line a lot easier probably a little bit slower you'd have to say yeah a little bit and that's the thing if she's a little bit slow it adds up to a lot of time you know there's a lot of times we made in that sort of technical section and I think you really see the difference but quiet did water keep that going so it's going to lost a little bit more time now 14 seconds back there I can't quite up speed for this job yeah they knock over their best free-rider in Mexico this firm does a bit of download as well nine pick up and zone Crankworx the downhill there wasn't a that's that's impressive because that's from the top of the mount to the bottom isn't it what he does everything he doesn't Giro downhill dirt jump it's like yeah one of these all-rounders free racer pre-race exactly I think he's struggling to get his feet he's riding with a badly bruised heel as well on one foot I want to put it down yeah Adam at that moment didn't sort of time train yeah yeah we early way Laura Robb's from the physio down at what they're sorting out the riders yeah tape about Wow was he got down well he's saving this he's getting down up I really wanted to qualify yeah we cried wouldn't it we've had a few crashes and a few mechanicals so don't care though he's doing well on that transition bike company how many riders are left after after him there is only now four riders left only four ardours left after this man comes down to the line then so Salido gonna make it to the Bob stop in the cleanest road but he survived it holy Toledo Johnny Cellino across the line he goes in a 12 place less than 30 seconds off for the man Probert Guadalajara [Music] [Applause] [Music] stiva oh Henry it got himself in a few shapes on the way down they've been the rage gonna be feeling that I think tomorrow so Jodi Selena comes down across the line it was a good run [Music] four riders left to go now then that's all at the top burn occurs up next former winner here you know I think he's going to be keen to he's been injured actually as well he was engineer in 2016 he came back for worlds that year and then went on in one hard line yeah and he's got he got spiral fractures that's right at his hand yeah something so he's he's pushed himself through world champs and the final World Cup yeah that's right yeah he's gonna be on Form today I think no Burnett he needs kind of probably wants to finish off 2019 with a bang yeah he is he's a hard-line specialist isn't he loves it sorry right he's a hard-line specialist yeah absolutely incredible track record just on another subject what you think his chances of qualifying for Anaheim are yeah what'd you think right after that rather prolonged yeah between question Arthur component qualify for a one no it's definitely qualified day though Carney today so the 2016 winner at the top 3:30 word is the time these riders need to qualify that's the cutoff point for the top 40 digging out the gate for care then this is looking fast like Gio Resnick he's keen to put his mark down I think the outside the top three s its 2015 it's all in he is you can see the pace is carrying out of those corners not getting hung up in those wet ruts like some of the riders blasting straight through to the side gives yourself a great line to that right-hander as well yeah when he puts his mind to it burn ADIZ you can do it came close to winning in 2017 second to t aflatoun last year bluebear by a massive six second margin no from your property this is a calling he's pushing really Ardea and his bikes is skipping a the top of all that stuff would not get like hooked up in there in the rocks he looks so comfortable he knows this part of the track he knows it well you see no space good gaps off there as well yeah things like that I get a make him time all the way down well I can only see him extended 2.5 up now so yeah pulling some serious type out of T after turning that midsection G he knows hit way enough to be Kimura now if he wants to win yeah exactly you know that they're all sharing their cars that they're shown like there and I think it's giving it it's gonna line up here Superfinal yeah everything's in place everyone safely down so far as well always nice to see that hard line but with the condition to light leash the track runs so fast that it really is a spectacle them into where yeah it's perfect you've ever seen some dusted some of the sections so the riders are Bobby state for that over to the left off that Kiki Rock to the riders right okay good speed for ya it's difficult but it does give you more a better line into that right hand they're off the road gap now no problems occur looking good so it's so nice to watch no one is it's almost like they're on Rails really confident he knows exactly where his wheels good and that's the difference between the rocker races in the kind of her he was not scared to send that the guys that don't have as much spirits racing you can see it in there that kind of line choice so point high up now fest at the World Championships in Val de Soleil a few years ago loves these difficult tracks is another rider a bit like to either really excels when it's time to go it's gonna be the fastest time of the day two point eight seven out there 215 out of time to beaker takes the lead here how's it all so that was an awesome run really aggressive really attack him 2.8 seconds up up G it's quite a lot I suppose really rates it is only qualifier though but what's gone through G's head now whilst it was two and a half at the second split there's pretty much the same all the way down so he made that time kind of between splits wanted to so that's that's kind of a technical section it is yeah but like we were saying about the length of Mike geez Mike he's about 50 foot long so maybe needs to rein it in a bit but I'll go best to Vic now frog Norway then the Viking at the top of the mountain yeah that's all right he's ready Froggy's been to hardline a lot yeah he's been in a few years and immediately you see the difference you know between him and burn it burn it was absolutely charging time there actually for this man yeah you know he Braga stepped away from really for the World Cup racing full-time actually as a junior at World Cup racing yes laughs big ass and he's had some big crashes here over the years so you know again another rider this comeback and tackling it facing their demons and really kind of put in that these kind of crashes to resk honey you know an incredible ride for him last year it's a sixth place Norwegian national champs leave on his jersey say he rides a lot with our junior race of Mille year Johnson good to see the Scandinavians the race is and he looks good here in the open carrying great speed we go through those to really narrow rocks they're very respectable just be five point one bagger I would see him in around fifth place at the moment at the bottom if you can keep that gap there yeah stays down he managed to save faith it's gonna have to Pat lab now to make sure he's got enough speed for this wall Falls edge he does and he snapped a bike but here before in previous years he's a unit size available surprised some Mazen any fighter gets the Bob with him on top of it and a good recovery it's safe it was but yeah but the track is getting drier right showed it there yes caught him a little bit if that was where a bit greasy like this morning a little bit down straight right and the riders you know the last time they rode it was damp and a bit greasy so they're kind of coming to this stuff not know what the conditions were like they come did not know he's gonna be dry and that kind of that's an undead for this yeah the rest often jump that's what they say yeah I think it would have be quite tense and a few areas in my body let's go while he's carrying good speed at this intersection he looked so good in last year it was like he finally kind of got confident got on top of this track relaxed a bit maybe Mison Dior's low this man but yeah it's a good run really strong run ten seconds back now that last flip but still gonna put while inside the top ten not a really committed rival there's another great run the bowel mere for Vesta Vick comes across the line in eighth place thanks so got a qualify for tomorrow's finals now with only two riders left to the top [Music] I used to hang out at the Norwegian World Cups as a kid watching all the riders should be is that right yeah no it's just a small child tiny yeah he was abusive as well to me back then oh here is a sec was it a tree roof tripped him up on the wire sled babies front tucked under he's still clipped it so it's hard to see in there right when you go in there yeah as well it's pretty dark on those trees maybe maybe didn't see a root or something yeah coming in hot off those jumps in the open and then into the dark kind of dappled light Colchis now then next man and startup from New Zealand 21 years old and a big rider on the Douro world series regular top-10 finish in there and he needs a 322 to qualify this afternoon so that's the cutoff point to make it to tomorrow's final bringing you those line as well remember from here in Davi Valley Snowdonia North Wales 2019 Red Bull hardline revving up revving up for the big jumps revving up for those exactly other guys that you know he's probably his first full run so he's going he's probably going tentative to make sure he's got enough energy for the whole track saving that energy for the big hairs especially if you come here and you'll learn we've done a lot of four runs by now you know it wouldn't even be that ridiculous to say it could be the first to some of them yeah o'clock on it to make you yeah hit these jobs tired because they're intimidated you know when you get there to it off minutes it yeah and you're fatigued yeah yeah you know you blow and you breathe it hard you kind of your arm those lips are huge so they were towering over the top of your head you know and you've got you can't see the landings on them it's pretty intimidating up there when you're practicing rites do you spend to try and do full runs I mean this up something you ain't for being you get to ride physically exhausted as well as that important to ya majority the time you do yeah you're trying to kind of lay that full run and that's something I've learned over my career is that the more comfortable I get in a full run knowing that fatigue known there there's not the end of the world if you are tired you can still ride and understanding how your body works under that fatigue is really important it takes it does take some experience to figure that out there normally you just go right after there's a full run in a race run and that's it they say there's definitely some time to be lost by doing that yeah absolutely so Lucas another ten into the red split to fifteen seconds back now but hard lines a lot of normal races it let's be honest not written by normal pace think I'd be doing a full run before I had to down here no that's right exactly that yeah it does it probably takes the pressure of a clock for a lot over there nice slide and different to normal racing that they're not warming up you know they're not to get on the turbos at the bottom they're not doing like all this sort of war back preparation they're just kind of go into the race I asked some of the riders that they laughed at me and I said well Bobby juniper welcome I think Jean Bennett you know baby Brendon they might have some sneaky tear those up there so yeah but it would help say yeah of course it would yeah so Cole Lucas towards the bottom now cleanly off there as well maybe warming their necks up for those Flatlanders oh yeah you know face burner gee Charlie incredible I mean he's not been hanging about this man nearly 30 seconds back yeah perfect said to this track psycho Lucas gets the bomb his first hard line 26 back into 14th place at the moment the donee gate envies left at the top he's right on the bubble for qualifier I'm the bubble that was all right save it for the bar yeah [Music] there's a good mix of Carnot's we're gonna make some real sizes up there you know and I think it's true enough didn't there yeah what do you about 29 put it back yeah it's on now yeah I believe so Charlie another 29 front and back and then for rampage it all changes again maybe 26 keep it real 24 k-town reason the last man to tackle this hardline qualifier today your mustache to rival yours Rob I don't think it rivals a 316 if he's gonna qualify it as simple as that for this man that's all he needs from this race run for this qualifying run and gate and he's been going pretty wild in practice yes big flips down on flip new Hondas and he's a pretty wild character the step up which is just about a cup now yeah I wouldn't if he's gonna go again big 8 on Vijay and it's nice to see the riders having the time to show what they can do and having a bit of fun you know they don't really get out of the World Cup so seeing him lay the flips down and having a bit of fun it's so cool very fond of a tree here 12 months ago Jeff everybody was almost inseparable with it there was rumors that they were going to pull it up and send it to County he's too far away from it he said he was close to Hague the same tree again lon well the first day little purpose yeah if he done it he's my partner again just a champion 2018 of fraud 6.9 back then so still bad time no good enough plenty good enough for a qualifier for him Oh slippery under there I'll probably go in here if he keeps that pace up you'll go into fifth with it Hannah brendensen run BJP gate and Brendan old teammates as well since still only 21 years old this month but big news the juniors World Cups came second overall in a series I believe to Biddle's they fouled bronze junior medal as well and on cue global this year big PT right over rock to the right sounds you can hear the tires trying to find that grip point you really kind of trying to dig in and on the rock there's no chance why not quite the same didn't give us good alive into that right-hand turn and again like to say that's experience of the track unit probably it is a lot yeah that's right to see where you landed about 55 foot right please fingers crossed over 13 back there to the last split [Music] probably not that much though many of them doing it so vitae comes across the line in 211 and that means he will what qualify to maurice pushed cold lucas out of that last qualifying position pushed him down the order so Malloy is your last qualifier harry Malloy with that 310k just sneaking in there and 13th to be pleased with that fee and qualified paid would have been livid [Music] Jenny went wild on that last section when what okay well let's go down to Rick who is with fastest qualifier burn occur Bernhard I'm just congratulating you here at Red Bull hardline book congratulations again ha people that won yeah pretty happy I wasn't to get out the start so I really had to compose a little of that and get back into it but yeah Stoke put down a good run and try and give it my all tomorrow I think so well or how big a factor is the well oh been this week because you guys had a lot more running than we're used to here it's almost been so good it's been really fun out here we got to ride a lot and some good sessions and the track was so good today it's so fast right now probably the fastest we've ever ridden it may be similar to 2016 but yeah the weather's been awesome this year so far no I would have another one of those runs being off - winner are you gonna have to dig deeper again tomorrow I think we're out there dig a little deeper actually my honestly out the gate I was landed a bit heavy and been a pedal I was worried that all the way down but tidy a few spots after and yeah try and give it my all tomorrow what is it about this place that really suits you so well because you're always up and amongst it here I really enjoy it Dan and Ollie and all the course builders have built something that I think is the best an attractive world so yeah I just really like it I guess I really enjoy it and makes gonna go fast burn up the jobs half done congratulations well done today Alison thank you interesting to hear him say there that the scale of everything it's just so hey Big Ear Fairplay must have calculated quickly for sure like it's pretty gnarly G two point eight seven one nearly three seconds but G you know he's a man that can rise for the big day any yeah yeah and I think it'll just add fuel to the fire really I think there so there's your top ten not that much time just over ten seconds really separating one accord on a course this difficult the time gaps are expected to be a little bit bigger charlie hat and a great ride for him in third place on 55 to 55 along with Joe Smith Brendan right behind him with Alexandra fail and then it's lorry Greenland bragging Festiva carry the top 10 but interesting really down to six you know the time gap not that much not very much at all Kate and Vijay then some of those guys like Kade and a few crashes you know and say they're gonna they're gonna wind it up tomorrow so you know who probably see that change quite a lot we really will yeah absolutely Kay dad was 13th he sees a qualifier just ahead of Harry Malloy as well so yeah good qualifying session and interesting you know in recent years it's been carnage here you know front center but they've really got a major addition yeah they really have they really stepped it up and I think they've kind of they've they've come every year and they've seen they kind of progressed their riding to go with the track progression and that's that's kind of what down wanted the event to be you know wanted to push the riders and and that's what it's done absolutely where we do now know the 14 riders that are in it tomorrow that brings qualifying to a close red board the Red Bull hardline trophy is up for grabs tomorrow please join us from two o'clock where one rider will emerge victorious and be crowned this year's Red Bull hardline champion thank you Rachel for joining us it's been an absolute pleasure again tomorrow thanks at home we'll see you from Derby Valley Snowdonia tomorrow for the finals of 2019 redbull hardline [Music] [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Red Bull Bike
Views: 495,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, red bull bike, bike, red bull hardline 2019, hardline mtb, hardline POV, red bull hardline live, live broadcast, mountain biking, mountain bike downhill, red bull hardline, red bull hardline live stream, live stream, donwhill mtb, DH, gee atherton, red bull rampage, dan atherton hardline, dan atherton dyfi, hardline mtb track, DYFI forest, Red Bull TV, matt jones, brendan fairclough, replay, highlights, bernard kerr, mountain bike, mtb, hardline, downhill, dyfi, UCI
Id: wXAYVpdg6_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 31sec (7411 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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