REPLAY: Red Bull Hardline 2021 Finals

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i think hardline's so special mainly because the jumps are so big it's all in the name hardest line i ever ride when you first turn up to this place you're so scared petrified looks horrendous as soon as you hit that first obstacle there's no let up all the way down for me it still gets my heart going ah above the words you can't really see too much but then you come out of the cannon and it's all clear and you can see what you should be scared of but with the track this difficult in these conditions i think we're going to see a perfect run this oh afternoon oh ah horrible drop there oh he goes down i'm not gonna be downright in one piece absolutely over the moon to be down in one piece that's all i wanted if you want to win this gonna have to race every centimeter of this track point seven back then in the last split for atherton vestavic is going to lift the bar here a hard line bearded curt takes red bull hardline catching for bernard hello and welcome to the final of red bull hardline 2021 we're in the stunning adavi valley here in wales where the world's best riders are about to take on the most progressive race on the downhill circuit as they attempt to stamp their name on this year's trophy over two kilometers of unrelenting terrain combined with some of the biggest jumps you'll see on any downhill course on the planet and the format is quite simple the fastest rider down wins the title and cements their name in red bull hardline history we'll be bringing you all the racing action live and uninterrupted so you won't miss a moment watching with us throughout the afternoon and we don't just have the world's best riders on the course we've also got them in the commentary booth reigning uci mountain bike downhill world champion mr reece wilson joins me it's great to have you here for what will be an unforgettable day's racing what is it that makes hardline so unique grace oh it's i think it's pretty obvious rob we've got massive massive features that you just don't see in any other competition in the season and then between these massive features there's some of the most technical terrain that we've ever seen also so this really is a truly unique event and reese you've competed here a few times in the past i think you know exactly how harsh this place can be yeah absolutely i was here in 2015 had a pretty big crash managed to get up from it another crash and finals it was just biting me came back in 2018 and it bit me a little bit too hard took me down ruined my shoulder and earlier this year of course i can't forget your huge crash in lasay forever now to be known as the flying scotsman how important is it for these riders to get up and carry on and get to the bottom after a crash like that if they can absolutely well i mean there's always a bit of luck involved if you can get up and you're you're pain-free get on that bike and get going because the last thing you want is to be overthinking what's just happened it's best to move on get on down the hill and be thinking ahead okay well shortly we'll be taking a look at the final start list but before we do that we're going to take you down this imposing course every year this place evolves to set new challenges for the riders and this year it certainly doesn't disappoint [Music] i'm about 15 seconds down the course here from the start there at the very top this is a small but incredibly significant section i'll tell you why in 2019 the first three riders to this point were g atherton bernard kerr and joe smith they were also the first three riders across the finish line down at the bottom in years gone by riders have just survived this course they've always saved some energy for the huge obstacles that are yet to come those days are long gone now if you want to win this thing you've got to attack from the very top you've got to be in it to win it from the very first pedal stroke this top section is an incredibly important part of the hardline jigsaw from that key section the riders are going to enter the woods but they're going to be faced with a rock drop much easier than it looks but it's very technical in the wet they're then going to be fired out of the cannon jump which leads them into this massive 19 meter step up these are two of the most extreme jumps on the track this year this takeoff has been moved back and it's also been mellowed out so the gap is much bigger and the high speed coming in is a lot higher it's going to lead you onto the landing which then brings you to the biggest change in the course in the 2021 race this is without a doubt the most significant addition to this year's hardline track a brand new step down on a massive scale 14 meters from the top of there to the landing that's 45 feet you could easily park a double decker bus on top of another and the riders could clear it with ease it is causing problems though to nail the landing requires absolute precision and that will be a lot harder under the pressure of a race run this brand new step down 100 has got the rider's respect once the riders have cleared that massive step down they're going to charge down through dirty ferns over the waterfall hip jumps and that's going to lead them in to the biggest most iconic feature in the track the red bull road gap this road gap has been made a meter longer this year and a meter taller a whole new run-in so it looks totally different for the riders it's going to be extremely important to come into this take some deep breaths and plunge off the end and make sure you're absolutely bang on precise after the riders land the huge road gap up they turn right and head into this relatively innocuous section of track at least after everything else they've dealt with on the way down this part of the course though has definitely played its cards in recent years in 2019 joe smith was on an absolute scorcher before he flatted his rear tire and who can forget in 2017 adam bray and risking all on this right-hander only to find out the local woodwork is a lot more sturdy than he is oh he hits that tree so hard the reason we see these incidents down here is because the riders are exhausted yet they're still pushing incredibly hard it's so crucial to nail this drop to carry as much speed as you can along that right hander there because that's the speed you will carry down over all the kickers and jumps before you hit the finish line [Applause] [Music] well they don't call this the most progressive race in downhill for nothing make sure you check out our brand new interactive history of red bull hardline where you can take your own journey from the start gate to the finish line remembering some of the gnarliest moments along the way with the riders and bikes that have ridden to glory here head to red bull dot co dot uk forward slash hardline history now before we head over to commentary for the start of the final here's a quick reminder of what happened during some of the incident-filled practice sessions here earlier this week craig evans year five here former winner how's it looking this year pretty nice man first dry yeah i think yeah like properly dry it's all a bit different speed's a bit different than that but it's running sick it changes to the course you're liking them yeah so far that hip's really nice yeah and then there's a big drop up behind it's looking really scary that i'm really scared of but i wouldn't want to be following anyone i've always been following them turner's like full dust clown how does that change things does it run a lot faster than usual it does run a lot faster we're definitely having to grab a little bit of break breaks for both just for the big hit just for the how are you feeling yeah a little bit nervous i just had a bit of a crash actually further up oh my granddad how's it looking uh very fast race very fast like yeah i think it's just go as fast as you can on this first bit and then no breaks for the next one oh yeah bragga has just landed he's had a pretty big crash he's he's up and he's okay yeah you look like you've got off relatively sweet you've blown out the cords and that's the worst thing really yeah yeah that's the worst favorite pants well glad to see you up right cheers bro cheers myself and reece are now in our commentary position ready for the start of today's race now yesterday was supposed to be qualifying but due to weather conditions the sensible decision was made in consultation with the riders to cancel qualifying and instead invite 24 riders to compete in today's final for the title of red bull hardline champion reece i'm going to say it was the right decision wasn't it yeah absolutely this course is so challenging as it is these jumps are so precise and if the riders aren't comfortable you're just it's a recipe for disaster to be honest and we don't really want to see that and the riders didn't feel it was right and i genuinely believe that was the right call sidewinds off of this stuff is yeah it's just not what you want to see so yeah we saw a few incidents but today it's idyllic out there look the sun's even shining here in snowdonia that never happened so i think you know it's about as good as it could be isn't it right now oh you absolutely can't argue with us as the riders were saying this morning the track was perfect not a breath of air it is you'd argue too dry but come on we're on wheels let's not let's not be negative it's it's perfect it's looking good it really is and we've seen some amazing action through practice all week haven't we i mean it's the the guys have really been pushing the boat out again yeah absolutely another fantastic year and for me to be trackside this year as well you really get an in-depth look at that you know you get to see you don't miss anything and you get to hear everything the riders are saying and i'm excited for this one tracks dry it's fast and we've got some guys here that are up for a race so one of those guys is jim munro he actually went down pretty hard earlier in the week and this was i'm going to say because of the win the bike just gets kicked a little sideways there rhys what do you think yeah absolutely slight side wind on that step down and i think he was having a hard time predicting it to be honest so i would imagine dragged the brakes came up a little bit short nothing you can do now hope for the best but he's okay he will be starting this afternoon yeah he's a tough unit first year i think first year doing this as well he's been surprising yeah that's right and bernard kerr of course pre-race favourite he went down pretty hard too yeah i know bernard sparrow's pushing the limits this week you could tell for track one he's the fastest guy definitely got my money on him and uh yeah here we can see pushing the limits down there to that rock tuck the front there he goes that sucks the ground here is so harsh as well that's that's a painful one when you're searching for the tents these are the things that can happen well let's have a look then at the start list these are the riders who are going to be in action this afternoon we start off with a couple of free rides big heavy hitters vincent tupin from france thomas jannon from belgium both red bull rampage riders matt huckall in his first ever red bull hardline johnny solido from mexico keep an eye on that man jim monroe we just saw him jono jones elliott heap his first red bull hardline the man from the ews craig evans of course as well here in the past sam gale a youngster from new zealand having a go mateo inaguez one of the up and coming downhill world cup races adam brighton always a contender here chaos seagrave cade edwards they bring a lot to this event lori greenland of course a former junior downhill world champion and then we go to the last four brendan fairclough a man who can ride freeride and downhill equally as well braga vestavic the big norwegian had a great outing here last time joe smith always pushing for the win here and of course bernard curt the last man down the mountain so uh yeah it's exciting that has given me a bit of a shiver that was reading that yeah honestly that those last four guys i think they're all here they've been they've got the experience and i think they're up for a race so i'm excited to see this ending for sure well the riders should be at the top now we're about to go up to the start gate and get these finals underway here we go and the first rider is vincent stupid better known as vinnie t from evian in france this man 27 years old chairs is still cam no wind here we go it's gonna be a good one it's absolutely perfect up there into this first right hander a bit of wind actually looking by the dust there coming into this big rock slab now there's a couple of different lines here two fin that's going all the way down to the third longer way around his head i think he's got a flat tire oh he's got a flat rear you can hear it going not how this man yeah unfortunately that is i predict that being a bit of a theme today rob that's with it being so dry i don't know why but with it being dry these tires seem to slice a lot easier guys are going faster well that's right there's a lot more because it's so dry a lot more stone has come up through the ground oh the amount of loose rocks coming out are just are crazy i don't think you could hear it on the rock slab i think it was just after bang somewhere there vinnie t has lost pressure oh what a shame not what he wanted absolutely not actually i actually spoke to adam brayden in the pits this weekend we mentioned tire inserts and whether they would actually help you for this and they don't because the features are so big unless you have the 30 psi in your tires it's unreadable anyway so what is the tyre insert for people listening at home entire inserts like if anybody knows motorbikes it's a moose it's basically a foam insert that goes inside the tire so if you do lose your pressure you're not riding down on the rim so the tire can stay on the bead so you've at least got a fighting chance of getting to the bottom which is fine in a world cup track when the features aren't as dangerous as this but with it it's the equivalent of having about 15 psi in your tires so when these guys are running 30 35 it's nowhere near enough to get them up the jumps so once you get a flat on here tire insert or not it's unrideable it's over so that's that's cut through it really is cut through it so he's going to be gutted with that to survive a whole week as well well that's the thing he's been here all week i mean he's going to go away it's been a great experience he's had an incredible time it's such an amazing event to watch because you know well a we've got you know so many riders from so many genres here an eclectic mix of riders from freeride from downhill from slope style and then the fact that they all managed to come together and actually see them helping each other i mean you know you know you're a world cup racer the world champion world cups downhills they're not that friendly are they i mean it's like we're all it's you know everyone's out for themselves everyone's trying to win it's very very different here at hardline i think the size of the features and what these riders are going through together definitely brings them together yeah i've talked to these freeride guys a lot actually in the in the pits this weekend that's actually what shocked me how steady these guys have been on the first few days and i expected that you know rampage experience she'd come here and this stuff would be nothing and these freer ideas have sung nothing but praise to the racers and how crazy and gnarly they are especially yesterday with some of the top guys coming down in the wind and saying it was absolutely fine and it was perfect and yeah friedrich stood there going absolutely no way there's no chance so if those guys are saying that you really know they're big these are big old jumps yeah that's right we go from vincent tupin up to tommy jin on thomas from belgium tommy g i saw him giving his back tara a quick squeeze there making sure he's got plenty of pressure in it before he leaves the top him and vincent actually work together at red bull rampage on the same line usually they share a line there being probably the only two french speakers there now this will be interesting the start order actually he was he told me in the pitch just before he went up for his run he was looking forward to having somebody doing a full run in front of him that he could watch to see how the jumps were going to be riding because they explained that these ride guys actually go a little bit slower and prefer to pop features whereas rider racers are very more tucked in high speed so him not getting to see that now i wonder what he's thinking i've no doubt added added some nerves no pressure put on these riders to go unless they feel 100 comfortable a little bit more wind at the top than there is further down tommy g readying himself to drop in he's ridden at every red bull rampage since 2013 this man twice top five finishes there one of the biggest names from slope style and the free ride side of the sport and he hadn't actually done the big step down until this morning i believe crying flipping he's here to enjoy himself tommy tommy just wants to get down to this well let's enjoy it with him then he told me he's going to try and make up for his he said himself lack of speed and a very capable rider of course oh well as i say that he goes off track a little bit but she nonsense we might see some big tricks from him down here this afternoon yeah for having fun he's charging that rock section pretty hot there so flew off the track i don't think the writers are going to be too strict on it on who's on the track and who's not this week turning down left now into one of the very fastest parts of this strike the cannon 17 meters 55 and five feet across there into the step up 19 meters in length some 62 feet and here is that new 40 meter vertical stuck down and tommy g absolutely nails it but he's looking good i've got no complaints here the wind sock nice and dead up there as well so looks like we've got good conditions which is great to see broke his ankle in 2017 tommy g a lot of injuries along the way of course in the line of work he does but looking good here at red bull hardline into the dirty ferns now this big step down and as you said it was fascinating i was under the same belief as you that oh big nag wait to see it on that hip there that hip has actually uh been slightly modified this year bit less kicky war falls edge now two big doubles up over the wall and they are big it's you can tell these three right guys in the air man they're so relaxed they're just cruising throwing the bike around really obvious to see that these guys are very very used to their time so much stays in style and this section looking uh completely different tommy is he pulling up i think he looked down i think he's got another flat we've got another flat wow look at this then it i'm still holding my breath just to see that rear tight it looks like tommy g might have a flat or is he just backed off and taking his time hard to say it's really hard to see i think he's uh no he's going on i think tommy g just enjoying himself on this run first time here at hardline there's a lot to get used to over these huge features the road gap 23 meters take off to landing it's been extended actually by one meter back and a meter higher this year and now one of the most technical parts of the track race these drops down at the bottom that's what i can't really explain to the guys at home that these bikes are set up so stiff for these jumps in between and this these technical sections are so slow awkward tight with a stiff bike that's just it feels horrible it's really difficult to get down there with speed and thankfully it is dry this year there's a lot of rockery in the ground there that is incredibly slippery so the last straight down for thomas huge jump so easy to over jump that gets a couple of pedal strokes in before he comes down to this last jump 20 meters that's 65 feet through the air chin on sets the bar is a 258.48 then the first man to cross the line yeah you can see tommy g is absolutely stoked just to be down there he's he's going to be so relaxed now he was nervous about that yeah he was and with good reason i think it's fair to say coming in a little bit hot they're going to clean off the track it's funny a lot of these guys won't have been racing this at all this week so that's just a small mistake he's not used to coming in so hot keeping the front wheel up there safe back brake brings the front wheel down and yeah see our windsocks dead there so yeah honestly i think we're up for a good race here hopefully these conditions hold out and for most of these riders nearly all of them it's going to be their first time during the day obviously qualifying was cancelled yesterday because of these strong winds that we saw there look at the start and the next man from sweden will be oscar hardstrom fourth time here at red bull hardline which i'm gonna say is a massive advantage to the riders that are here for the first time there's so much to get your head around so harmstrom then the speedy swede on track is one of the guys that's looked again like you said that experience he's been here enough years now where he's getting comfortable enough with the track to start racing it he's looked well he's approached practice well i've been really impressed with oscar and over a second i heard him stomach there yeah had a stumble in there somewhere it's a really really tight left hander and actually if you can if you can get into the game right out of the gate which we know you're going to need to today to take the win that small wood section is going to be massive tweaking the cannon 1.3 up then for this man oh and the rider's saying it was hard to scrub the speed off down there a little bit oh this section is oh wow that's crazy steep guys honestly that is such a steep section there they they've got their brakes that's them breaking as hard as they can and they're only just getting their speed under control that's a lot scarier than it looks picking his way along this strike rocks left and right that can take you out um armstrong looking good through there and extends nearly five seconds up now styling it up too you can see that confidence from the previous years oh feet off as well yeah he's enjoying himself out there it's cool to see the best showing of hans from so far he's had some uh indifferences here at hardline one year his bike didn't turn up another year he crashed and broke his bike another wig one fur from harmstrom but a man who loves this event and down through the section that used to be forested uh these trees removed because of disease actually but doesn't it make the track look different some of the riders saying the waterfalls edge now a little bit more difficult because you haven't got the trees for reference i'm gonna say you're gonna disagree as you were hanging from one of those trees here a few years ago yeah no there's got a few people hit those trees over the year mark wallace we're counting them oh no oh well it's not easy down there he's okay no he's gonna be good after that that was a oh he's gonna be annoyed at himself for that one that was stupid well easy easy done and you know a little bit different to a world cup race here reece where riders would jump up grab everything get back on nice to see him sensibly making sure his brake lever was in the right spot as he goes across the road gap there just as well a little bit sideways actually yeah no you did yeah you don't want to be rushing yourself here this course does not need a rushed attitude at all you need to be cam collected no harm no foul for checking himself before he went off of there that's the right thing to do how hard is that drop there reece absolutely brutal rob honestly it's the equivalent of going on your garage roof and just pedal dropping off the flat you've got no momentum there's basically no landing that's a that's a really horrible drop and again you throw it in at the end of the end of the run it's just it's violent it really is you'll see a lot of head slaps over there this week riders tired when they get down at 2.5 back then it was a good run for hamstrum i think a lot on safely across that huge finish line double hands from wow just 1.7 back thomas you need janon leading excuse me with that 258 and the course record since the start was moved actually to where it is now in 2018 is a 252 a 252 so we're going to see we're going to see a new record for the course of although the track is different big technical section has been taken out and replaced with that enormous step down there it is he's um he's gonna be you know he's gonna be annoyed with that he can see him on some of these jumps he's taking his feet off he's enjoying himself but you know he was on for a good time there as well he was writing all this stuff in between really well so i'm sure he's gonna be a little bit frustrated that we're gonna see what went wrong here he was on the right right i would say oh that rock down the riders right pretty much every one of them was actually chain ringing in it before they drop off so i don't know if that maybe just pushed him a little bit further than he had planned or a lot of things could have went on there to be honest hard to tell from a camera so one of the 50 to 1 crew matt hawking hocknell now first red bull hard line for this man that first drops horrible that they might look like it's absolutely nothing there see matt's another one i think first year here is he's just here for a good time as well he told me today he's really looking forward to just getting the goal running getting down and enjoying himself so you honestly can't argue i've said before the guys that are here for the first year or two putting in there is nowhere no racetrack on earth more intimidating than red bull hardliner right absolutely like you said in the in the pre-show the the the guys from rampage are stood on the top of these things cacking it like they're really scared about this stuff so oh well hocking up styling out across there from buxton big there well fair play perfect on the step down oh carrying some speed down there wow wow so matt uh is he's not shy through a motocross bike around as well so getting loose like that and letting the hips through he's going to be loving that i'm sure lives and breathes the sport with his business merged eagles and great to see him here rides a lot with josh bryce lundy raced here back in 2018 just 1.6 there i'm not surprised the speed he exited the big drop from this is difficult the jump before put you on the wrong line for that left really honestly there's there's so many awkward parts of that in this track where you're just not quite where you want to be and need to be but you almost don't finally tune the track because you're just so worried about the features all week so that's with that experience coming back year after year you actually start to pick lines and get creative for the track a lot of these guys honestly it's just it's riding down with her whether they're six inches to the right or left doesn't really bother them so no sure enough it's fair enough yeah a lot of riders will only worry about the features particularly in their first few years here and as you say reese yeah the more comfortable you get with the features the more time you could spend on the bits in between which are probably the bits where you will win or lose this race do you agree oh hand that's no questions you heard the chain ring there actually a lot of writer's going to be doing that no that is that's about the size of this it's the jumps can only be ridden so fast because squashing them at a really high rate speed is pretty sketchy you can see them all just riding off of you just have to ride those at a certain speed sections in between you can actually get aggressive and make some time back but again they're so awkward it's it sees it throw away as well so yeah it just comes back to how hard this track is and there's that big drop oh yeah hawker's making it look nice actually and so crucial to nail that and that little right-hander there as you can see nowhere really to get a pedal stroking if 5.8 back then of the last split and this big log drop here uh you need to come off it as fast as you can and carry that speed down but it's very easy to over jump in flat land big pull over the finish line double i can help safely down at his first rampage man respectable that 305 on the clock what a run he's gonna be still yeah oh styling up too he's no problem you see the guys there see as soon as you yeah that jump you have to go so fast for that big step up that when you land you have i don't know three meters maybe gauge your speed before going off that blind drop that is in my opinion looks like it's riding as the gnarly section the track that looks really difficult to control your speed for all three of those features yeah there's an awful lot going on on there and it's the first time in a long time this race has been dry but i'm going to say that it's never been this dry like the course is blown out the surface is loose it's rocky i mean it is louis buchanan from inner level in scotland now this is a man who spends most of his time on the enduro world series and he's actually on his enduro bike today a slightly shorter travel bike than a downhill and he's put the big forks in the front of it he's just showing off his drop a seat post at the top i don't think he'll be extending that for any pedal sections to die so what lewis is a racer and i've never seen him in any events like oh he's up yes he's look at him he's racing it he's one of the first guys here that we've seen is coming down here really have a go at this but what incredible this man has been he comes from down and of course did spectacular things as a junior in the world cup bronze downhill medal back in 2010 nearly four seconds up then and we should tell you as well that two days ago this man had a huge crash down and then he goes off the side very well and pulls it back and he's carrying an enormous amount of pace down there and i was going to say buchanan had a big crash off the finish line double and i found him actually being carried out by two riders such uh such was the damage to his ankle so a miracle that this man is riding today and honestly lewis spends basically oh nearly 18 seconds he spends all his time in the tweed valley there's no jumps i mean this is so far from his home riding that's he's he's amazing he honestly he's done amazing this week he's blown me away he really has yeah he's been determined quietly gone about his business some squash in that one of the few that squashes that really well actually this week he's been getting on well with that jump and the takeoff when you get down in the bottom of that hollow it's nearly vertical it's like a wall coming out of the ground that these riders are going off absolutely and the ground being so dry the take-off actually is about crumbling about halfway down so it makes like an almost awkward rocky kicker at the top of it too it's just yeah the dry conditions are causing a whole whole lot of issues taking a different line down through the rocks there avoiding that big rock with everybody hitting their chainrings we've seen oscar made a mistake there so i personally i saw that line and thought it was better so i think that was a good one whoa in the air for the road gap that was interesting i'm not sure what happened there i don't know he didn't look like he perhaps was as fast as some of the others but safely across here for buchanan and on see that landing is that is violent big hit there so what's the advantage now for lewis buchanan oh he's up by over 13 seconds then so it's a massive run from this man just this last straight to go but it's not over yet the big double but he crashed off earlier in the week to come no pedal strokes there couple of pubs a big pull buchanan's done it and he crosses the line fastest 245.8 a new time to beat the first rider under the course record here of bernard kerr's winning time from 2019 up to 252. well that was crazy oh my like that cliff off the right hand side of there managed to get it slowed up and get himself off that drop that was a very impressive bike right in there thinking on his feet reacted fast and got the job done i'm honestly i'm so impressed with this this week that was fair playing come for the tweed valley myself and yeah our biggest table top's about three feet long so this is this is a huge huge step up for him so he's gonna be driving north tomorrow morning with a big smile on his face he can go home very very happy as can all the riders that have just got through this week oh the emotions when you finish this race honestly it's the biggest relief ever yeah the guys are gonna be relaxed tonight they're gonna be so happy all the way from mexico holy toledo it's johnny salido second time here at red bull hardline a man actually that went to red bull rampage in 2019 and this was part of the journey there finished second at proving grounds the qualification back then for red bull rampage and it's unfortunate he got into the day before the finals there but two seconds back then at the first split shows just how crucial actually is the things uh tightened up here this first sector is absolutely he's one of the few guys on our full 650b bike as well obviously he's a man that likes air times and likes to do tricks so he doesn't really have any requirements for a full 29er or a mullet setup in his life so i mean he could argue we'll hit him a wee bit but i'm sure he's not worried about that is that's his comfortable bikes out perfect up on the top for you of course right on the knuckle there for celino perfect and fast down there and of course yeah i mean it's a different genre of the sport he comes from we love a mullet in downhill world cup racing this man probably likes the smaller wheels help with the tricks absolutely yeah when these guys are trying to throw their bikes around in there you just don't need the gyroscopic effect which is what a bigger wheel crates it becomes harder to turn which in some cases is better throwing whips a lot of the guys prefer full 29ers but yeah he's going to be he looks comfortable in this bike i can't he's got no requirements for a 29er styles over there the man from guadalajara just 21 years old massive smile on his face all week to be honest he's been one of the most stoked riders i've come across blasting around on pet bikes and he's been enjoying himself growing a big handful about breaking the air on that one trying to get the front end down and floating through this section again riders as the afternoon goes on will attack everywhere on this track another thing i had as well on this freeride guys all right flat pedals so this rough technical slow paced stuff in between is really fighting to keep your feet on and when they don't ride a whole lot of it you can see here he's he's really taking his time that's that stuff is so tricky so oh he goes down it's so difficult in there well let's hope he just takes a second here make sure everything's okay before he heads off this drop yeah you can hear him hear him making angry noises there he's not gonna be too stoked for that it's just that's kind of considered silly mistakes to these guys the professional bike riders silly things like that it's i don't know if it's maybe a lapse of concentration that's that massive road gap comes after that section so is that all they're thinking about well i know in previous years i've been riding through there going oh no here it comes i was gonna start it's definitely the only thing i would be thinking about and you can see there with johnny going a bit slower just how hard those two drops down to that third drop out i mean it's incredibly technical right rhys the run into those that last drop there's like a an awkward rock on your right hand side and you're basically riding off of a ridge line and you have to you'll see some of the later guys or the more confident guys jumping to the right hand side there's a few routes that you can get a bit of a downside on and carry some speed out but when you're just here to get down you're yeah you're just dropping off the end of a house there it's it's pretty violent whoa big pull across the finish line double solido makes it down and a 310 goes into fifth place good man oh he's going to be stalked for that he'll be on a mini bike any second now i reckon i can't even see him taking the goggles off he'll be straight to the pet bike so rising up behind us he's been loving them pretty perfect their little case be interesting to see if any of the guys are casing that on purpose for uh to scrub off some speed or it looks like it's easier to get all the way over and get your landing done because it's so important for that drop let's see what went i'm not sure what went wrong here where his front wheel maybe just went in the side of something or if he's wait we're in the shadows there we really can see he looks a little bit off balance as he goes over the top it's so steep if you put the front wheel into any holes or rocks there that slow the bike down you can definitely go straight over the bars well this man has been incredibly impressive all week josh low from the south of the uk here and he has been well to me just one of the standout riders this week absolutely and you can tell he's racing it he's a racer he's been at world cups i think he races a lot of the national series stuff he's a racer guy he ain't here to mess around so we could have a competitive run here just over half a second off then at the first split and his very first hard line this man and his uh reset raced world cups until the end of 2017 actually came fourth at this year's first round of the british downhill series so a man with some serious pace on him less than a second off now then at the second split he's been another oh stale and up as well scraps that absolutely perfectly nails the land in my goodness whoa whoa wow josh boy hanging out this is yeah we've got some exciting racing here josh on the move then on the mountain here just outside minutes dowie these riders won't have any time to take in the scenery though low really on the move can he pull back the time yes he can so 0.36 up now incredible he's looked happy all week honestly he's been buzzing on the track he's been one of the few first riders to drop intersections he's just he said to me get them over and done with stop thinking about it just get on and ride them and for a first year here he's approached it so well very maturely done and adding that race spiced it as well and he's looking good this could be a good one and he was one of the last riders to be confirmed i rang him uh just two weeks ago and said we've got a spot for you josh his answer was i'll have to see if i can get some time off work i rarely work for a technology company in london i spoke to me i said did you get time off work obviously he said yes i said what did you say you were doing he said i just told him i needed a few days off so if you're watching this is what he's at yeah josh's boss i hope you're digging this it's a little bit wavered in the rocks but keeps it upright oh lovely across the road gap one of those guys from clips i believe so that awkward section looked like he kind of picked the rear wheel up to get himself set up better for the exit coming up that road gap which is an interesting tactic that one it's a good one here we go right there jumping across there you go perfect you could see him set up so the riders left there to cut back across what's the last split gonna tell us that he was up by point three but the one before and he's over a second now then so pulling another second really between splits three and four well this is good stuff then from josh live here we go one last jump in your head here you're amped up he's gonna the pedals are coming down he's in for it and he's pedaling absolutely everywhere he knows it's been a good one josh lowe raises the bar 243.6 now to turn the beat over two seconds into the green well what a ride from that young man he could be very satisfied with what he's done here today yeah that was that was honestly amazing well done josh he's i could see him being a top 10 with that one look at that perfect get your breaking done modulate it off the brakes easy and then here honestly these guys are trying their best to slow down here this is just them holding on really that is whale off the ground over that rise there that's amazing to watch what shot it's hard to slow down when your wheels ain't on the ground and this dust here provides you with absolutely no traction whatsoever like your brake your back tire can be locked up it's really going to do nothing it just pulls through that dust there's no traction there rider sign just how slick it is as we go back to the top then for the youngest rider here jim monroe just 19 years the oldest man came here as a spectator five or six years ago said one day i want to ride hard life moved here from devon to be a part of the uh w bike park dig crew with dan atherton who's taking him under his wing actually living in his van in the field down the road and he's green and split one then jim monroe fighting there to get his feet back on as he came into that camera shot so i think he maybe had a little unclip a bit of a moment maybe ate some time up there and he's actually on dad atherton's bike here today the brain child of this event dan atherton of course oh and in touch less than a second off honestly james with another one those guys the youngest one here and he's handled it so well and taking a massive slam this week and he's still throwing himself at it mega mega impressive nailed it onto that land in there and another rider be very glad that big catch burn there that left-hander the speed of them on the dry weather this year's helping us out so much has really given us some racy action here this stuff before and the wet was just it's it's like riding on glass with water on the top of it honestly it's like your bathroom floor after a shower it's horrible so these guys are going to be appreciating some dry rocks 2.2 into the red josh low though did lay down a scorcher holds a good line down that landing there didn't close this turn out for himself too much here we go another one of the main features he's going to get see the riders are really patient not too many of them aggressive into that jump you've got to get that one right spectacular showing 19 years old this man this is the only bit here that you can really get a breath after those waterfall jumps and then coming down in this technical section it's the easiest part of the track not that there's many of them i know there is many down to the right wow that's got dug out there you can see it honestly all week every time i've been up at that section of film bets there's been rocks falling out with that section that section's changing almost every run for these guys across the gap wow that bear two it's going to be getting rough by now see some big holes forming the driest red bull hard line we've ever had i'm gonna say he got through there nice carry good speed through that turn he's on the good lines here jump across not bad not as good as not as good as josh but good spends all his time digging and riding at w bike park josh lowe 224 1.7 back from monroe though well what a run from this man up with one of the fastest riders from the uk josh lowe oh oh goes look like him if he went off the side of that there at the start that was oh that was a wild ending he goes third 2.6 back yeah well done well done and everyone knows i genuinely think he nearly jumped off the side of that log out the trees there that could have been huge maybe just took his eye off the ball thought he was thought he was there brothers do say that you know you're getting down towards the palmer it's easy to let your guard down or it's easy to let the pressure of knowing you're nearly there get to you you just don't want to blow it especially you've got a good run and i'm not sure how much training he does i mean he's he's nothing as far as i'm aware he's not in the world cup circuit so he's look at the style on him though putting that crash behind him from earlier in the week as well absolutely look i'm right off the edge of it oh it was right off the edge and he went deep here which means he would do black speed all the way down get his cranks in i think case this little long and low which is so oh me well done and that last straight is slow today right really slow yeah me and matt were actually up there earlier and the guys were taking some rocks out and it's just sand basically and sand and bicycles is not a good combination you can't carry speed well one of the most fun characters here jono jones from the uk a man forever known as the scorpion king after his crash on the step up here in 2019 loves riding his bikes raced world cups back in the day before going to university and has now found and re-found his passion for bike racing point six back and split number one for jono jones he's he's i think he's up for a race here john has been here a few times now and he's actually one of the ones that's been really really brave this week he's been jumping everything pretty pretty and he had a case on this job that none of us will forget safely over it today i think john is up for this he's given his best shot oh the back end getting wayward jones no problem brother of uh slope star rider matt jones of course he's been here all week as well you remove the trees from this section that bit is genuinely rampage those guys are squirming down off that drop for the dust what a shot beautiful isn't it amazing to see some dust here this man's first world cup back in 2012.2.2 into the red now for jono jones and been riding all the uws races the enduro world season this races his third time at red bull hardline get some good strong pedals in there oh he gets sent oh well it looked like he did didn't look like it was a problem for jono it's such a steep kicky jump honestly if your timing is not perfect basically what's happening there is the guys are pushing to try and hold themselves up which compresses the bike if you do that a little bit too early your bike starts to preload back off the takeoff which basically pushes your front wheel down in the ground so if a rider gets stiff legs and i mean stiff as in straight legs straight arms that basically means they're they've been pitched forward their weights come over the handlebars a little bit quicker than they'd expected and you're honestly passenger mode at that point it's terrifying as you found out the two times you competed here i hate to bring a world champion down with that but there it is it's true i've been enjoying front door recently that's for sure and jones well still going it's clean run from him you can hear him breathing man this is and when you're nervous you tense and you don't breathe you hold on too tight your legs pump up because you're squatting down yeah it's it's hard work not far to go now pajano jones interesting to see the rock section as they come into the big road gap looking incredibly chewed up i noticed jono was all over the road all over the show as well oh gets high on that land and that should help him come all the way down to the finish line for this big finish line jump lovely lovely fist bump in 23 meters that finish line down but he goes four three point three back [Applause] i can explain the feeling of getting down here honestly after a whole week of this stuff it's feeling across in that line with a whole run under your belt is just amazing and you can see it the riders are already down rushing and congratulate all the other riders just for finishing 15 to go here at red bull hardline just 15 riders to go the biggest and the fastest edition of this era we've ever had perfect conditions here today elliot heap getting his gopro switched out looks like he's also got his shorts on just so you guys at home know that he is indeed an endura rider which i believe the only one here this weekend louis buchanan also kind of throws a good goal but uh lewis went for the trousers ellie keeping his shorts on so he must like his legs this year he's feeling confident and actually elliot having an incredible season rider for chain reaction cycles new proof and having an incredible season seventh in the first round of the elite of the enduro world series 12th overall at the moment this man haley been giving him boys he's been given a big chance this week about how the physicalities of this track aren't really getting to him as much he's used to riding 12-minute enduros with sprints and yeah hard work so this as far as he's concerned seems relatively easy on the body so physically it should be good trains up in cambria well nearly a second up then 0.849 up for elliott heap here we go let's see how he gets our section key section in honestly compared some of the guys we've seen that was lovely i mean you're not 12th in the ews overall without being a pretty handy pilot so expecting some good bike riding here and he has spent some time as a junior more on the downhill bike just 23 years old now this man oh no what's happened is it he's i'd say he's got a flap yeah i think he has it's a flat rear i think i'll have a look what is it is it a flat yeah it is soft anyway he may just have burped that tyre and let some air out there tubeless if the if the seal goes between the tyre and the rim which it can under extreme circumstances which is red bull hardline you can let some air out they call it a burp and this here there's a hole developing just here it gets kicked down there so a few of the guys go bit too deep in there this left hand at the bottom is going to be nearly impossible to make some of the guys are getting wild down there yeah the tire situation there's absolutely nothing you can do all different tires being used here this weekend and they've all got they've all got different sealants inside the tire but in essence they all do the same job it's designed to get a hole seals it standard so far then the time to beat at 243.6 by josh lowe the man brought in actually as a reserve just a couple of weeks ago very much justifying his position here just ahead of lewis buchanan from inner leaving in scotland just over two seconds in it at the moment and still we've got uh 14 riders left at the top as we go a man who's won here in the past 2017 this man won this race craig evans from sheffield in the uk a former industrial window cleaner this man shouldn't be scared of heights working in a bike shop now and an incredible bike rider i'm going to say it really is craig as craig is an amazing human being and stick him on a bike and he's just a pleasure to watch he's got a very unique styling yeah he'll turn his hand to any form of two wheels basically and he's he seems to be pretty damn good at them and always got a smile on his face once he's the world's most competitive guy he just likes riding his bike so he's definitely here this week to have a good time a warm quip local finds himself two seconds in the red then split number two oh bounces off the top of there do not want to be doing that see that when when socks picking up and attacking the sidewinds and evans went pretty deep up there oh my goodness how did he finish how did he manage to stop that is honestly we're gonna see so much of that as these guys progress the faster you try and go down there the wilder it's gonna get crazy it's his third hard line this man one of the biggest whips in the business fourth hardline excuse me this man 4.7 back so losing some time surprising actually the speed he carried off the drop yeah absolutely you need to you unfortunately you're kind of stuck you have to go at that speed to clear that gap and then after that it's who's who's recovering the best pick your head up off those handlebars and get the brakes off oh see his legs got a little bit straight there dunno thought he was going at the front definitely got kicked a lot of these riders up flat out in just a t-shirt this fella spends a lot inside with josh bryson as well yeah he'll be repping that 51 merchants he's got his 51 pants on there so and the guys are doing pretty well with that so you can't blame him takes the riders left down there yeah but jen i think personally it's the right one i think that's a good line yeah i really do that last rock really upsets you for that it's really key turns before this road gap so yeah they are the slow parts of this track are where you can make huge amounts of time another one here so awkward that's where the drops are in corners rocks in the middle of your lane everything trying to stand the bike up oh wow got a little kick on the drop before it did well to keep it going forwards yeah just dragging breaks through all that stuff just stiffens the bike up and really really makes them hard to control plus eight then into the red for craig evans off this big log drop lovely yeah really nice as well so bad pool 65 feet through the air 20 meters evans goes fifth 8.2 back whoa i don't think that tyre was there for riders to slide into now loving it he's enjoyed that look at that ghost is a bike he's stoked to be down well done craig yes here so you just don't want to land on the top here bounce off the ground that means you're not getting the brakes down so it leaves it all later which you don't want you don't know what you just don't want to be coming off that drop frantically up on the highlands they're doing a mega job with the technical stuff craig ryan world cups it's should be relatively light worth them getting some amazing shots from our racing drones here live action from them incredible to see his front wheel just as he goes off this next drop caught the edge almost went down right there wow good again just good background he was fluid it was loose he let the bike step out to the side kept his weight over the top of it and managed to ride at some good pilot well all the way from new zealand then this man a hired hand for pivot racing this weekend 20 years old sam gale on track looking stylish as well stylish as ever he's been looking meg all week honestly stam's another one of those riders that's really stood out to me this week world cup racer did big things as a junior up so the speed should be there and he's showing us at split one already up by a tenth then for sam gale this dropping made a bit easier this year with that nice landing for him absolutely plenty of control here he's looking comfortable on the technical stuff finds himself intense back then absolutely nothing on this track no nothing at all that's right oh stop beautiful catches the back side there with a step up as well oh deep off the uh big step down controls that speed oh lovely sound amazing on that back there as well of that a big natural rock wall of death there these riders are using oh jumps into this straight as well yeah kade was telling me about that little gap this morning kiosk had chewed him out so yeah a few the raiders on that and he's back to just 9 000 so absolutely nothing in it neck and neck between this man and josh low the man sat in the hot seat out of the bomb 243.6 your time to be pumping there gets a bit wants a bit more speed go focus you see the guys really really steady coming into this one that shows you that it looks so easy on camera and it's really technical jump spends a lot of time in uh queenstown riding the bike park there this man still charging hard through this stuff as well this is where the time can be made up when everybody else is trying to rest and gather their thoughts you can be attacking and really into some seconds here two maybe even three seconds to be made up oh the front wheel dancing on it saved it though only been racing right in mountain bikes since 2013 this fell up and the dream line he said in the bike park in queenstown been his biggest practice for hardline yeah he's been nice and quietly in bernard shadow all week but he's clearly been watching very closely everybody's inverted shadow hard to step out very he's done very well though he's been mature about it he's watching and listening which is the most important thing as a youth just absorb everything you can when you can so up by 1.7 then so finding some serious time between splits three and four can he carry it down the line it's been a great run then for this young man his first ever red bull hardline he's managed to completely get his head around it he's going to set the fastest time i think it's going to be close 1.8 up sam girl takes the lead here in snowdonia [Applause] you'd love to see it look i'm styling out man for a kid his age that's so so cool on a track like this is that is it's just cool to watch heavy landing there even if you get that jump perfect it's heavy coming in here look at that guys skipping around right reps of the town there's gonna be some cool photos for there this week it's a cool shot so i can imagine the photos are real nice [Music] well it's incredible to see dust trails like it's like i've never seen it before no it's been dry this year no it's been dry ish but we've never even been close to dust so this is dust this last time red bull hardline gonna see that last jump with the dust trail following the guys off that huge gap like 70 feet or something dust following them it's really really cool well right in for the common sell noble team this man matteo inegas 20 years old stylish on the bike stylish off it and he's been looking good and we are sends that big step down double out of the gate there trying to hold a high line across the rock slabs and he's up by nearly half a second so in against the world cup downhill race up showing us the pace at the top yeah he's attacking he's here for a race i think first year first year here so he's he's looking confident he's ready to race nearly two seconds up then good speed down there as well lands deep off the cannon and properly clears the step up on the brakes down to this big step down goes deep get the speed controls incredible stuff amazing watching these riders rip look how fluid in again is on these turns he's moving here i'm gonna say absolutely these world cup guys and this technical stuff have really turned up this year everybody's really getting in there [Music] there's one a junior world cup second year elite now still nearly two seconds ahead got that custom flames kit as well he was uh he was really hyping that up at the start of the week it didn't turn up for the first few days of practice so he was riding his casual kit but throwing the race kit on now and he's getting racy that's for sure well it's a scorching run from this man [Music] waterfall's edge no problem a little bit deep there as well but he is pushing on riding hard out in the open air as well got a lot of his french film film photographer guys with them this weekend those guys have been having a great time it's cool to see it going a little bit more international as well this year there's plenty of faces from all over on that white line oh that was fast down there really good so direct well that should see i'm going to say he will extend to the next split time i would expect that you would it's not far away now keeps it together around the long right hand burp now things get 10 the kill again again a massive chunk to be made up down here if you can attack it he's carrying great speed with the looks of things sets up yeah nice nice pretty smooth off there 223 so this is a massive run for this emergent tower emerging talent on the world cup downhill scene in a guest layer one down here a red bull hardline he is going to be amped with this one he's going to smash the timer up 4.2 into the degree 237.49 now the time to beat yanez lifting the bar here wow well and truly raised the bar there that was it was hard to pick flaws with that that was perfect you'd argue [Music] stylish is again another guy that's just turned up this week and been so so consistent in these jumps dialing them in jumping up for the first time and reece you know with no marker for the riders still to come as in they haven't actually had a timed run yet this week that's gonna have them scratching their heads a time like that is gonna mean that the riders at the top left left at the top now they're just gonna have to go all out absolutely absolutely i'll be interested to see what bernard brandon they've done povs they've done full laps those guys will have a rough idea but everybody else has just seen how we go well another fast frenchman on track now tebow lolli 23 years old this man riding for the mob ms mondraker team and finds himself less than half a second off for that first split another one of the rider favorites around the pits team was a great easy going gets in talking with everybody his second time at red bull hardline even more impressive when you uh realize it's in against his first time here he's got up to speed on these features oh my god great fantastic to see him put it into those crash barriers there amazing job well done very very well saved that's almost where the different the difference is made between professional riders and everyday everyday riders these guys when it goes wrong having the ability to stay cam and do the right thing at the right time you can see them obviously just aimed it for the pads and tipped it over right at the right moment there and we did see jerome carolina have a big crash there earlier he won't be starting in this final this afternoon george brannigan out actually with a frame charlie hand on starting i think with a hand injury or a bit of a crash hangover still from legit and johannes fish back out as is harry malloy excuse me yeah harry malloy more with running out of parts for the bikes actually but uh thankfully the light that was the right decision chuck it into the pads there you don't want to be going off that drop any faster than you want to be absolutely it looked like it just came in a little bit too hot and you could tell by the way tried to soak up the takeoff he knew it but it's too late when you're on the takeoff like that you can't pull on the brakes you've got no option but to try and squash through it but if you're going too fast there's really no way out of it so yeah unfortunately it goes down there but so glad to see him okay god not right off the end of that cliff that's a really really scary section so adam brighton at the top now a man known as the keswick kestrel will he fly like one today almost certainly bit a bit ill actually this year adam putting all that behind him now though we haven't seen him at the world cups but a man riding back to form this fella and just 10 riders left to go here at red bull hardline 2021 he's really gathering up the nicknames actually adam he seems to be enjoying granddad at the minute i'm not very sure why he's promoting that i'm not getting involved you said it i think elliott heap might be starting that one yeah those guys are those guys love winding each other up but they can uh they can really wind each other up with the best of them great fun down in that pit as t-boner late continues to make his way down after that scary moment near the top now rob we just got a pretty heavy gust of wind on her back there yes you can hear it on the microphones now so the last thing we want but that could be the biggest factor for today as you said the tapes going there wind does tend to pick up a little bit here later on in a day tracks really strange like you said with unfortunate event having to cut some of the trees out with the fungus up here it's actually opened up a lot of the track and because it's it's on the side of one ridgeline but actually comes down around the hills so the wind blows around the sides of the hills in funny direction so there's three main jumps and the wind comes in three different directions it's either a headwind a tailwind or a side wind so for these guys to try and predict that is it's honestly nearly impossible at this stage in the game when they've not had a practice run it's t-booking honestly i was so so lucky here glad we put the mats down there this morning it's a big rock face under that mat so great job great bike right in there saved it so adam brayton a veteran of red bull hardline 10 riders left to go how's that a fifth a third and a fourth here over here has gone by and a committed race to this man i think he'll bring the pace to this run got that old-school narrow handlebars out he's got a mega step back but he's over a second up in the first flip so brayan 1.1 into the green 32 years old now this man one of the most determined we just had someone calling him granddad there i've not seen many granddads as fast as this no i haven't keeps it green and split number two brain's up for he's another one of the guys that's here he's not here to mess around he's here to win this race so this is going to be everything he's got oh he went so deep on that drop look at the speed of him down there he did land deep off the big four he'd meet a drop everything they can do just get the bike under control coming at that turn adam brighton i think it's fair sale has a love-hate relationship with red bull hardline hates it beforehand loves it afterwards like many of them and he's over a second into the green now so back over a second into the green for brian somehow oh the wind the wind wow some serious hang time there on that big hip jump does well recover it will that be the advantage god what so the wind comes it's a slight headwind on this jump but the jump up from that hip jump you're trying to turn down right and the wind is coming from right to left so the bike your front wheel is like a sail it's like a kite in the wind there and your front wheel will not want to turn down into that landing but your body weight's turned into it you're committed off the takeoff if the wind gets you there honestly again passenger mode i'm writing out a big crash actually on the waterfalls edge earlier in the week so glad to see him put that behind him comes down the riders right there over that big rock still like that line looks so much more direct than the other route absolutely well a lot of the world cup racers sticking to that so maybe it's maybe it's a world cup thing noticing those sort of light choice differences the road gap no problem for the keswick kestrel even though it's bigger this year and here we come down towards the part where he actually well really hit a triad back in 2017 now oh working hard off those three drops yeah he's learned for that mistake round it smoothly this time will it be green at the last split it's gonna be close he's back by point three can brown turn that round here between here and the bottom material was so smooth down there carried so much speed over those last two drops there's so much time to be made there gets a few pedals in here then brighton and again between those jumps well carries a lot of speed will it be enough to see it take the lead no he goes second just over half a second back so matteo in again still leads here would have 237 adam brayden slips into second place sam gail third at the moment josh buchanan are your top five an operation not that long ago honestly it's amazing adam's here he's like you said he's missed out a lot of the world cup racing this year so i think this is his second race of the year so to come into red bull hardline your second race that's oh you see him there the bike just did not want to turn down brooding his way through that break one of the strongest riders up there one of the heaviest is the wind the wind's not going to like him great ride good to see him stick one in there i'm sure he'll be happy with that he's not one but you can't argue with that down hardline okay let's go down to lauren in the finish area start and you made time at the top lost it just at the end where was that time lost um yeah i think it just maybe pushed a little too hard i get caught by the wind on the big hip actually a little bit i felt like coming into the turn and uh carried a bit too much speed and then he grabbed me and i went a bit high but otherwise i can't really complain to be honest i wanted some redemption i didn't quite get it so we'll see where we end up a bit of speed is probably an understatement how did you keep the bike under control when you came off that big drop just as strong as where's granddad come from by the way i'm one of the oldest here so uh my grandson calls me granddad and he's kind of stuck unfortunately so i'm embracing it do you feel like you're taking on that role when you're here red bull hard line helping the younger members uh understand this track and everything it involves uh not really to be honest he actually held me down most today so um yeah i've got more learning to do by the looks of it no redemption this year but will we see you back even more granddaddier yeah you'll see me next year just another year older and i'll definitely be back fabulous well it's great to watch you raise cheers well what a determined compared to that man is race brayton not scared to get stuck into things honestly he's always up for a britain and if he's turning up the friends and the pets he's here to get serious so yeah like you said you could hit here with the tony's voice they're a little bit upset and adam brighton sat in second at the moment 238 and it gets the only rider to make it to the 237 gaps a bit closer this year than we normally see helped a lot by the dry track jim monroe there in six just behind lewis buchanan but yeah 23 minutes 23 seconds excuse me separating the top 10 at the moment stupid and elliot heap unlucky enough to get flat tires on the way down nine riders left here at red bull hardline 2021 from snowdonia national park in north wales i'm rob warner joined by the reigning downhill world champion of the world reece wilson reese yeah living up to all expectations a drive fast hard line this is something to behold isn't it yeah absolutely this is honestly great to watch what a year to do i think for a lot of these guys that are doing it for the first year this is this is the year to do it this weather's definitely helping out the wind's a real pain honestly that is it's a shame that that's creeped in but yeah these guys have definitely got the track for it it does come and go a little bit here blustery let's hope it doesn't uh play havoc with the last riders at the top i can see it's been staying pretty consistent now like from from being here the whole week it doesn't change awfully quick it's it seems to be over over the span of an hour or two so i think we should see some fair racing beautiful day here in davey one of the most stunning places you'll ever go i don't know about for a mountain bike race just to visit it is absolutely amazing my favorite event of the year we're right on the mac loop here which means we get all sorts of weird and wonderful aircraft flying actually below you as you stood on the mountain i think we had a what was it an f-15 american jet go through at 250 feet here in the week that made me jump no it is what a place it really has been cool so this is tayo erlangsen from south africa from cape town the rain in african downhill champion putting her in the right gear before the off that's what that sleeve means on his arm if the riders have a flag on the sleeve that normally means to the national champion so you can see there he's got the south african flag on his sleeve so that's just to show that he is the uh the national champion of south africa which is very cool to be honest and i can imagine no easy feat either no that's right well you talk about south african downhill as you've got to mention greg minar of course who this man rather i would say rather stupidly got in a bet with that he's going to beat him at every world cup hundred dollars on it yeah so basically every world cup from now on is going to cost this man a hundred dollars basically yeah i can see this man being a little bit skimped towards the end of the year to be honest maybe a daft move but maybe it's just trying to get in the man's head get greg a little bit wound up i think he'll do well to do that almost impossible he's a veteran you can't do that but er langston visualizing the course there working out where he wants to be on it he's always happy he's always relaxed i i've struggled this week to see if he's here to race because he's always he's just always up for a good time he's enjoying himself he's a great bloke to be around he really is 26 years old and a man who actually rides a lot at dark fest down in south africa an event with i'm going to say the biggest jumps in the world i mean they are absolutely it's a free ride competition of course not a race but earl angston shouldn't be too worried about these big gaps here a rad man with the wheels off the ground and fast around that first right-hander finds himself just a couple of tents back interested i might give him a good line into that next left-hander i'm not sure who started that this week but i think i see [Music] switching left and right massive chunk could track this actually from that big drop off down into dirty ferns there's a lot of stuff going on here a lot of time to be made and lost but awkward awkward like the rest of it and narrow and loose this year as well 2.2 back so losing some time there in that open section can he pull that back no problem over the hip hard though you can see the riders trying to control the bike on that as they turn down that loose landing that's been said it's one of the most awkward sections of the track that as soon as you land on that landing you have to be all the way to the right hand side the rider's right this on screen left so the guys that land off their titan get down to the left and the camera left are on the good line there first time at hardline another man who's had an awful lot going on this week trying to get up to speed on the course and all the features yeah i've seen i'm sitting nervous at a few points but he's been some of the first series uh jumps this year so i'm sure the jumps aren't what's bothering him but the combination of all this together wind the technicalities of it all is he's definitely been nervous a little bit it's been a really nice clean run so far from earl langston doesn't look to put a wheel wrong oh huge hit there as i said that huge clunk over the top of that rock [Applause] sorry no you go right it's been a big problem this week actually were there rock strikes on the landings with this dust blowing off the track the rocks are coming out and if these guys land heavy the bottom bracket the chain guides chain rings wheels it all hits the ground so hard and it can easily be broken so something to look out for over five back then as he comes over this last strike lungs and sitting down there i think he might have been in a lower gear than he wanted to be i think just spinning out to get it down there down the gears there 4.1 in the end then goes third though without 241 so respectable a good run for tower [Music] that's about the size of it [Music] everybody i'm so glad to see everybody getting off this drop good today look at that down in there oh [Music] yeah that's that that's my favorite part of the track today i'm loving it yeah it's crazy yeah it's look at how controlled there's over the time he's looking really comfortable in the big jumps that road gap is just ridiculous that is [Music] it is absolutely 23 meters through the air for those riders we were terrified just walking out on the end of it to do a link yes it holds my hand the whole way didn't you i think it was the other way around race to be honest well chaos seagrave gets himself ready at the top chaos been a mixed bag this week from what i've seen there's been times where he's just been straight and getting stuck in jumping everything first and there's been other times he'll roll down in a section lay his bike down and just go watch from afar on the rocks and looked rather casual and relaxed so yeah i don't know what kiosk's plan is this week looks like he's in the zone now originally from croydon in london moved to morsin i believe when he was about four years old and more recent times moved up here to north wales live about 45 minutes away because the rider is incredible of course the athen family based here as well kiosk knowing that chaos law in france has been amazing to see this week those french riders coming over their first years here not quite knowing what to do chaos being able to translate into french to help those guys out on it it must have been a godsend for some of those guys because the nerves were high and chaos could go over and i could see him talking through it all and then some of the riders even following chaos in so you can see that's helped connect them in a way so really cool to see chaos helping out like that just 21 years old this man it's his fourth hard line already and a man who loves having the wheels off the ground amazing in here spends a lot of time with cade edwards of course well he lives with kate edwards or kate edwards lives with him and tony yeah it's a bit of a powerhouse that to be honest yeah it's a lot going on there a lot of potential i'm not right insane chaos tried to backflip here last year after telling nobody that's right in 2019 he did that's right the last time we were here so i wonder if he's got anything off his sleeve i think it might depend how his runs going if he's on a good one i think he's going to try and point it down and get a good result this afternoon he's looking calmly he's just he's just chilling no wind it looks like it's i mean sure it's not moving at all the grass isn't moving really have been blessed with some amazing weather today yeah it's absolutely a stunning day i'm sure chaos would rather be getting on with things but he's got a nice view to look at they're just clearing a bit of the course at the moment before uh chaos drops in again this course is there this course is really depleting as the day goes on there's rocks coming out and you just can't risk having a rock or the take off of a jump or on one of the big landings so i think the dead crew are up where they need to be on all the important parts of the track and if anything springs up that's causing a problem they'll just put these guys on hold and get it moved out of the way which is the right thing to do looks like we're about to go then so matteo inneguez from france leading at the moment with a 237 and it's chaos seagrave on track the european whip off champion he won actually at crank works innsbruck a few weeks ago ryden with a broken skateboard a broken wrist high line across there he's up by half a second and holds that hard line right into the trees that's the line that kerr was looking for when he crashed in practice that was lovely i think chaos is here to race this year people is he's charging good i like to see it he's up still by half a second then his best result was seventeen back in 2017 this man oh precise nice nice case there we call that super cross key scrubbing the team off scrubbing the speed off yeah that's right sometimes these riders will do it on purpose [Music] this is a fast run from chaos not worried about the style which he's got plenty of more worried about the speed i'm going to start he looks good so far there's no argument here it can be in the top five you could podium and you know what it could probably win you never know what's going to happen we've seen the punctures we've seen crashes you've got to hang out and he is over a second up now then so taking point six out of energy between those two splits yet still finding time for a one footer that was honest that is stylish as that's one of my favorite favorite tricks that big lazy foot handlebars turned down kiosk is looking good right and fast safely through the waterfall's edge really attack hard out here in the open some time to be made between these features kind of awkward there's nothing to really pump and there's you can't pedal because there's a lot and the track's narrow and there's a lot of rocks to your right to your left stumps that you're wiggling through it's hard to really do anything there so the jump the speed over the jumps you're relying on you could see as he came into that last into the top of there just how slippery it is the bike sliding from him everyone's saying so treacherous lack of the lack of grip up there today strangely enough dust on the rocks and roots is almost as bad as water in many ways so yeah this is really really slippery although it's dry bit slippy out there 1.1 up at split number three looking good down here we haven't seen him do much wrong nice landing to the right of that big drop there the softest landing you're going to get but against his time has gone by and seagra finds himself 1.4 back then with that last split wow i didn't see him doing a lot wrong well like you said he's had that thumb injury has it has he had the bike time has he been training who knows with i've not heard for chaos but hey could have had some mistakes off camera we don't know hard to tell well he goes across the line third one point five eight back then good run from krc grave i can't argue with that i can't argue with that seven riders left to go here now am i asking where he is wales 45 minutes from your house look at this case he's got the back brake on there so he's dragging the brake dragon dragon dragon get yourself lined up off the drop chaos has been here for so many years now these jumps they want to practice he was flown over these watch the foot off here hand of horse turned down into doesn't get any better than that very envious of that you're not the only one look at this this again over to the left riders left then across the rider's right little patch of roots you can't see them in the shadows there but that is every little helps when a landing's that hard this last right hander out across the flat section it's the only chance you've got to carry speed okay well next man is a man who can seemingly do anything he wants on a bike here's kade edwards to be asked to come here just to ride this gnarly track is definitely an honor so you come back and let's give it another go let's see what we can do this time the whole way down you're just like literally holding your breath you're just like oh made it through that he laughed next bit oh yeah he's insane he's crazy he got me so on it and for a full run from top to bottom like with the gnarly features it just gets gnarlier and gnarlier towards the bottom i definitely think birth a free rider and a racer could do well here for sure obviously downhill race has got that mentality to go fast three riders of chill but you know there's big jumps with it's like a crossover across our event so yeah it could be anyone's game it's gonna be uh it's gonna be wild for sure so kate edwards takes his place in the start huh teammate cade i'm i'm pretty hyped for this i'm pretty hyped for this if kate hangs it out here can win he can't he really can't that's no question of that one of the most talented individuals on planet earth when it comes to bike riding styling it straight on the first little step down on this course okay it's so strong as well so strong so powerful well point four five up then and he dropped low there to the uh berm on the outside of that big rock slab yeah he's not shy you get after he's not trying to get after a world cup guys should be on all the fast lanes all the technical lines and you get the feeling this man could go and do slope style right now if he wanted point six up vegas such are his skills but loves the downhill a former downhill world champion perfect kid perfect and there as well kate's really really really cleaned himself up this year we're seeing a lot less of that wild chaotic you know just saving moments he's actually in control of the bike putting the bike where he wants to go there's a definite level of maturity come out of cade this year which i think a lot of people are starting to notice 10th here last time of course had a ninth in legit at that last world cup race there he is .65 up he's the perfect here's everything you need for this race doesn't he has everything you need for this race the speed the jumps are not going to be a problem good lie down there yeah that's exactly what's talking about down the riders right carry the speed down through here you don't need a pedal it just adds float to the track and this needs flow and that's because of his incredible skills in the air that he's able to do that absolutely i think he's i think he's eating some time here this looks really really good it does smooth former junior downhill world champion this man pretty much born in a skate park cade went to in huddersfield lived in a skate park for the early years of his life that's where his bmx background comes from and picked up a downhill bike and he's just a natural two wheels trails bikes downhill bikes anything is insane down the riders right and quick over there maybe a little bit offline soon pulls it back on though yeah no that was that's a you can get that no worries across that enormous road gap one of the most terrifying but the riders will tell you easiest parts of the track absolutely i'm excited to see the split here see what he's done so he's looking really good commentating on his team mate wow fast down there as well next split will tell us everything he was up by 0.65 and it's the same well incredible exactly the same gap as of the split before can't argue with that sort of consistency can't argue with that can he pull that keep that advantage down towards the bob gets a couple of pedal strokes in there it's critical yeah let's go down here kind would sprints towards the line it's going to be club he goes faster 235.7 now the time to be here in snowdonia national park kate edwards leads red bull hardline get on what a run that was oh he's gonna be so hyped with that that was amazing well done cade brilliant look at this absolutely perfect little back break it's the front wheel down perfect landing look at the surface look how loose and blown out it is and as you said you know to see him right that smooth i mean the temptation to backflip everything was there if there's any man out there who can backflip every one of those jumps as kade is uh yeah he's not scared to throw it around no that was honestly i was perfect i was getting another perfect run these guys have got got some tough times to beat yep the time keeps tumbling down just six riders left here now half a dozen left at the top and kate edwards has just oh look at the skills of the man scrubbing off the end of that big log there i mean incredible what you can do on the bike isn't it rhys it's it's actually a little bit annoying out it really is it's so frustrating just as you think you're doing something that's cool it comes out and absolutely trumps you and makes you look silly so but what a guy everybody loves kade great to hang out with well from one fast englishman to one fast frenchman gayton v's next from cairn in the south to france this man been doing that i've been impressing me all week you know what i had guitar down as one of the top three possibly and he went off the edge of that uh v in the rock there and sends this step down so ryden with a huge intent out of the gate gate and bj and he's up by half a second to split one so incredible time keeps it comes tumbling down here it's hard to believe the time that they're making and losing on that first section it's so short but hit guyan he picked a different spot to drop off point six i have now off that first drop that's carrying more speed down there all deep up there deep yeah luke campbell he look relaxed and he's pulled it back look at the pace of it vijay so fast down there wow look at the loose rocks bouncing up you get one of those for the ship that's gonna be a distraction a downhill world cup races second overall in the junior world cup back in 2016. eighth to hardline in the past one point one then so vijay turning it on here today he's strong his fa can i can honestly see him holding this pace to the bottom he's gonna want to charge all the way the line on this one he's got the experience he's here to race this year he knows what he's doing he knows what needs to be done 23 years old yep a couple of years to get his head around this place beautiful happened over there a lot of time in the air there i would say reese perhaps this one here ah not as good as you can getting that one clean because that's going to carry you all the way across this flat bit here you see not many of them peddling he's getting a few in but so tricky about that but he's working hard and he's riding fast through these turns without a doubt hey he's looking racist he's looking racing just over a second to play with whoa [Music] [Applause] whoa good place to start thankfully he stopped turns the gopro off first thing he does so he's definitely okay oh guitar he's again he's gonna be so bummed with that that section is so so hard well he came in over the it was it was a determined run he was he was attacking right from the start and he got caught out there but he came over the top into that rock section with such pastries it's kind of strange that to be honest when you watch it now and i've and i've written it myself and i've walked down it so many times this week that's almost has to be approached the same as a feature you can't rush into it yeah and again i think these guys are maybe just overthinking the fact that the road gap's coming next instead of focusing on what they're doing and taking a breath and slowing down because there's just silly mistakes like that in a section shouldn't really be happening so i'm at the same time though that section's so so tricky yeah you know we've seen a couple of riders almost do what he's done there get to the left of that kind of insider log that marks the track perhaps something in the ground a rock in the ground that's been more more and more exposed just kicks the riders over there getting dug out this hardline track it's so dry this year anybody that's went over that rider's rock to the right that we spoke about down that rock section hitting the chainring unit he focused so much on pulling up over the rock to get down into the back side that if you don't it's throwing you to the inside of the corner and the only people that went off the track or crashed there are the ones going over that big rock so i think that line around it is just more consistent and a lot easier to control but it's not as direct which is why the riders are going for that shorter that's it i know and it almost looks like the temptation on that right hand line where we saw vijay come down you know the temptation might be to enter it too quick and then you get to that drop and you can't go a little bit deep in here don't know if there's a tailwind coming off there no guitar it actually looks like it's where we've got a flat spot in his room that was strange and the camera angle there looked like there was a little wobble could have easily picked that up at the top half so let's see here he does choose the rider's right he's sketchy coming in jumps off a little bit too deep yeah when he's on the inside of the corner and thankfully very lucky there right there yeah it looked okay nasty nowhere soft to land there yeah there you go i think the key to that section is going to be patience today trying to take a step back and hit it calm and collected okay well next up is lori green let's have a look he's a man doing something very special and important to red bull hardline with his work with trash free trails so laura it's a beautiful day where are we yeah we're in bristol in leeward's kind of the area i grew up and i'll show you about i'll follow you let's go all right so sadly this is something we've seen pretty much everywhere we ride you know you come to the bottom of a trail and someone's stopped chilled out and you've got all kinds of single-use pollution so that is the sort of thing that when you're just cruising about daily you don't notice we don't see anything to start with and you get your eye and you start to see the trace of carelessness whether we're in the ocean or the forest these bits of plastic are slowly breaking down and entering the future they're not disappearing they're not biodegrading so just literally mixing in with this so how long have you guys been doing this for trash free trails did the first instagram post in january 2017. some of my best friends have joined in and then now some brands it's clearly something people care about do you believe it's possible to completely remove trash from the trails in the future our mission is to reduce single-use pollution on our trails and wild places by 75 by 2025 and that's a big mission you know so i i believe i believe we can do it part of being a rider is to protect this place totally yeah [Music] if the bottom of your trails come out on somewhere like this what do we do what's the best way to sort out it's really obvious that you can make a positive difference on your trails by picking up any single-use pollution that you see it's just recognized that you can make a difference start simple yeah it's not just up to the individual with companies like yourself i think for us as we flip it around a little bit it's like we need you you know we need the people who are watching this the best people to take action are the people who love those trails and here is lori greyland at the top then a man very capable i would say reese of winning this event today one of the fastest downhill races on the planet a man who loves red bull hardline absolutely we'll not be shy of this he's been here plenty years now i think he's getting to that point where he could really have a shot at it been fourth it in the past is best result a former junior downhill world champion i'm a silver medal actually the year after his first ever elite world championships this young man so greenland on track then let's see what he can do this afternoon hey she's going at it yeah he's watching hard out there [Music] 24 years old now this man takes that high line across the rocks finds himself just into the red nothing to worry about there though look to be fast around that right-hander with that left-hander in there excuse me and the way these downhill world cup races like yourself freeze can link turns just seamlessly 0.14 into the red nothing to worry about yeah so absolutely what it's about just finding that flow he's went big there perfect landing again good breaking zone whoa huge lads sends it down there oh hard to believe these guys are going to make it around that turn look at the pace of greenland out here in the open well showing us this that world cup downhill pedigree right now yeah flashbacks to valdosta world champs run here in the dust this man is not scared to hang out with his he's really giving a shot here oh he goes great good well he was fast in the open section then nearly a second into the green for greenland whoa he's went big there he's got under control though quite well back at that hip jump yeah i mean laura's another one of those world cup racers here so there's a lot of risk at this event so they need to wait up and they need to be precise but laurie looks like he's really giving us a goat to be honest he's does he's looking racy here so i think this is a this is a strong run from him seventh at round one in liar gang this year working hard in the open yeah here and breathing there he's definitely definitely feeling it should love this uh rock section that's coming up the more technical it is the better for greenland comes down to go over that big rock there took his time though precise perfect from greenland there's exactly what you need patience sometimes you've got to go slower to go faster greenland just showed us exactly how to do it lovely oh he's one of the best through there so far that was good i'm going to say it's going to look likely that he's going to extend up at split number three what's the next one going to tell us hasn't done a lot wrong has he raced here absolutely not i'm expecting it to be up and he is by nearly two seconds now then for lori greenland so this is going to put enormous pressure on the five riders left at the top really good chunk of time the times are tight this year as well it's good can't have mistakes so greenland pedaling hard tuck in pulls for this last jump lorry greenland should raise the bar he crosses the line fast it's 234.6 now 1.1 up what a run from laurie that was amazing you can't argue any of that where did i come in his jumps were solid there as well yeah really no complaints there lost a bit of time at the end hard to see where everybody's doing a similar thing down there so hard to tell look at this landing oh so big down the inside holds that kind of middle line down there i mean these guys there's probably a point now where they're never going to be completely content with these runs there's always things you can go up and polish up but for being hardline being as hard as it has been as unpredictable as it is you just can't argue that's solid riding look at that look at that hitting these jumps these huge jumps as hard as they are still trying to squash them though well that's it it's weird it's hard not to rob it's really hard not to when you get that race environment you know you're on the clock every second counts you come into these things a little bit harder which is why i guess we've seen some of those mistakes yeah watch the dustbin falling off the take off here that's insane a beautiful day if you just joined us four riders left here a red bull hardline 2021 and brendan fairclough is the next man to go looking like he wants to get on with it his fifth ever red bull hard line this man and another rider that if he can turn it on here for one run could definitely take the win sends that step down there time to be made there that's for sure he's on it going down towards the berm on the outside and he's up by point two there you go and they'll give him more room into that left hander so looking fluid at the top so far a six hard line last time he raced here in 2019 point four three up then and a man who is going to love these jumps riding with such confidence this week missed the first day of practice but still was one of the first to go off that drop there free jump into that section as well just helping him get him on the ground faster get the braking done and get around that corners amazing right in here he's riding really well 33 years old now from guilford just outside london man who loves riding his bike and another man will be hoping for an invite to rampage to drop through the lair box in the next week or so he actually builds his own rampage in his garden now as well jumping off his house jumping over his cars he's not shy you're jumping over or off things so no stress and after a fourth at rampage in 2019 i imagine he'll be getting that invite so fair club looking good here so far so that's the top half down as a racer you kind of split into two sections that's the top half down you're coming the bottom half you've got about three main features here you can get off that road gap and those bottom two big jumps done gather your breath and can i pick up another charge get over this technical rock section and charge that bomb three times the man's been in the top ten at rampage eight world cup podiums in his career seamlessly go between both disciplines off the road gap then again it was perfect for that rock section it's funny you can the pacing zones of world cup riders compared to these other guys they're kind of just starting world cup riders or some of the free ride guys it's red zones amber zones and green zones they're splitting it down and they're not rushing the sections that can't be rushed yeah that's right pull on some experience there clean down there as well this has been a great run from him 216 for greenland fair club goes behind it 2.3 back now so a fair time gap actually considering he was uh fastest at split number three lost a lot of time then going hard at the bottom so that's where the time is obviously that big brunt middle section big pull over the finish line fair club goes third 2.4 back [Applause] three left to go here at red bull hardline can't imagine is ecstatic with that but hey it's hardline you've he's made it down it's been a good week for him sure flapping in the wind he's always got the shot untucked he's a man of style he's comfortable in there brendan it's always looking good in there it's no problem is it technical ability is another one of those riders that cries out for those steep technical tracks and there's definitely technical stuff in here there's not a whole lot of line choice but of course it's not a world cup so you can't really start demanding that stuff there's enough to take on here as it is [Applause] this road gap if there's ever spectators allowed back here and yours put in years to come guys get yourself down here a watch that is such a spectacle in person well yeah i mean the atmosphere's so good at hard line with the action on track i've barely missed the lack of spectators of course the restrictions in wales a little bit different to what they are in a lot of other parts of the uk and the fans will be back here next year but a stunning day here in davey three riders just left at the top now we're coming to the climax of this red bull hardline 2021 braga vestavic vt next rob and the next man a drop will be the big norwegian here's braga vestavic heartland is just a special feel because everyone is just working together and working our way down and it's always sick to be back here and i missed it i think it's the first year it's proper dry and dusty so that is different i would describe my style more as free riding right now but i love this event so much so i just think it was really cool to come here again every feature is so special and so hard so you're not just doing laps after laps it's more like conquering every section the biggest challenge for me is to put everything together in one run and just be quick from top to bottom to be honest i'm not thinking too much about the position i'm just trying to have fun and just ride with everyone and yeah just enjoy it [Music] there it is then a hundred kilos nearly of norwegian muscle the viking and he has got chords on today he ripped his dad's cords he was wearing earlier in the week it looks like he's got a spare pair despite the temperature i'm not saying i wouldn't have thought they were the most comfortable thing in the heat but no i wouldn't have thought so but hey hard line at three in the pub at six you know he's ready for it all you can't really argue there's a man who knows what he wants i'm doing big things this year coming back from a broken angle actually at the end of january got a lack of movement in it but if you saw his x games real mtb video segment that saw him take second to brandon seminak you'll know what this man's capable of he did actually win the people's choice award over there yeah big off the top of there and there as well what exciting rider this man is bragg told me this week he's absolutely up for it he's here there you're cool look at that point so coming out of the gate hard and we know from years past 2019 that first split so important i think it would be pre-dropped off the rock drop there whether he meant that or not but that is he is carrying some speed 0.59 up now well vestavik very capable of the win here today that's [Music] oh my goodness there might not be a track left for the two at the top after this festive on the move here 100 kg of viking you're just not going to stop it the wind can't even look at him no that's right this is incredible oh and you're looking at the front door there point seven up still best of it attack and he's throwing everything for this this afternoon oh he's when you squashes that lift but still goes so far oh i hope this is the run this is amazing it's absolutely incredible to see what he can do then this man his fifth red bull hardline he's still patient where he needs to be though he's got that world cup experience i'm expecting him to hold this together the rocks shouldn't be an issue he's been pushing hard and he's got away with it so far he's in people's person too the people are going to want we'd love to see bragg do well here calls this event scary as hell but insanely fun down the riders right there and then switches back it looks like that drop so a new line from vestavik through the rocks making the best of two lines there 23 meters through the air well this is looking like a good run point seven up and split three remember will he extend or will have lost time at the last split on track got brand new rear brake fitted his bike just as he went up for this run as well so he's got nothing but faith in the mechanic that was doing that for wow big kick there on that right hand up 216 by greenland goes by 1.66 into the red now he'll do well to pull that back before the bomb he did yeah there's time to be made but it's going to be hard he's on the pedals he's going to try better sidewind here with the looks of things no problem then for braga the norwegian comes down and goes into third place 1.8 back well that was an exhilarating run [Music] [Laughter] incredible heart on his sleeve gapping off the top of this oh yeah how i feel so sorry for his bike yes oh that's commitment behind it oh look at that brad didn't even move off that one every other ride of a head slap i think the uh the ground actually has a dead and at the time it's just getting wrapped up probably no burn less for the last two riders yeah amazing that was amazing to watch brilliant watch it looks like you maybe got a little nose dive off here but oh no perfect should never doubt [Music] craig and dave getting a big hug there yeah the people love bragg well watch out for this man today's dark horse joe smith from around an hour away lives in kazoos and an incredible rider this man and a red bull hardline specialist four times this man has been here inside the top five third place in 2019 remember with a flat rear top of the bottom section this track could have been so much more for joe smith he's here for nothing less than a win and he's up by nearly a second there point seven three five flint that's inside i don't know where there's making that time up yeah george you're so quiet then you put him on a bike and he's like the lightest guy in the room he really knows how to do it over the second mark then the advantage now for joe smith 1.2 up and perfectly over the top of there regulate his speed love leaving that big drop down so age perfect so far for smith joe's had some amazing world cup results as well is a lot of people in wales in the uk is one of the best bike cameras that the world that the world cup scene seen he's here doing his own thing this year with vikings oh big big hit there in the middle for joe smith yeah he's going to take a moment he landed on his feet oh he's staggering around and shook him he's rocked medics will be with him shortly just take a moment joe he'll have that last hit he took there just before he hit just before he stopped came to stop that was a big hit he's just on the plane oh i'm gutted for him what a shame for the vitus rider joe smith it was going so well he looks okay staggering around after it though oh i mean i'm sure we're going to see a slow-mo this year but i'm pretty sure he clipped the pedal on something yup he did clipped his left pedal he's trying he's trying there's just no way and then right here took a big whack there well thankfully joe looks to be back to his feet and in some kind of uh he doesn't look too bad he's gonna roll down gently now joe's definitely not soft he's not a complainer he's he's a tough guy he's gonna tough it out that's how harsh red bull hard line can be that's how quick leah can go wrong even easier parts of this track can take you down again something you'd see in person if you guys ever came and watched this track but these parts in between are so narrow and like there there's the pedals the rocks are all pedal height shen height crank height really really easy to clip something and yeah just rip our foot off for well sad to see joe sat there like that i'm really hoping he's just heads down because he's absolutely gutted i'm hoping he's okay but that was a big hit but honestly it was joe's here to win looking at the concussion protocols already the medics there yeah these guys will be on it wow there is one rider left now at the top of the mountain just one rider left to go murray sure he might clip one of these you can hear the guys talking on there everybody's pretty sure he clipped something there he did he clearly did it set the back end of that bike flying unclipped him and who knows something could have went wrong just before he actually that maybe clipping the rope wasn't necessarily what went wrong he might have been off balance slightly offline but sometimes it's too late you either ride into the rocket you do your best to ride around it and sometimes you just you know we're we're playing with millimeters here when you're at that speed so and the surface you know with it being you can see for yourselves at home just how loose it is out in that open section in that exposed section loosen anywhere else on the track i mean yeah you say these riders are millimeters from rocks and it can go wrong quite quickly as it just does and the thing is funny as well when when little accidents like that happen so george just had a bit of a crash there on the track so has he knocked a rock under the track has he damaged a bit of that bearing there so the next rider that comes down it's not going to be the same track you know things can move things can change so yeah there's a lot of factors up in that hill just one rider left now at the top of the mountain it'll be bernard kerr that we'll see next [Music] everyone making sure that joe's well-being is put first before we let bernard go from the top of the mountain here this afternoon intense times for bernard this isn't what he'd wants out of the top to be honest the cause just before your last run as the last man down has to be he's the most is the most confident man here this week it's been it really has been obvious he's made it very obvious he's he's ready to win and he's he wants nothing nothing less than a win here he's ridden in the worst conditions the wind the wet so this is positively tropical for bernard here and should be he should be relaxed about this to be honest okay well before he drops in let's take a closer look at bernard carr i think this core suits a rider that's overly confident probably i'd have to say if you're super confident you're probably going to ride it good i've won it twice and i podiumed it every time i've been here actually so quite a few expectations i guess but i like pressure so it's pretty cool and uh obviously i'd like to win it again like i'm only really here for that but yeah i just want to have a fun week riding with everyone then just go hard and race day and try and win it again g's not here this year obviously as he got hurt but i think there's a lot of good competition me and g went back and forth in a few previous years but there's so many good guys now and the track is a little bit less technical so i think it's going to be really hard to pull time on people but hopefully i can just make some time up on the jump squash those more than anyone or something but yeah i feel confident [Music] super confident super fast the defending red bull hardline champion from 2019 the last time we were here bernard kerr can he do it again we're going to find out over the next two and a half minutes he's been bleeding confidence this week i'm expecting some really really wild moments here he's going to be hanging out this is where he crashed hard in practice two days ago he's 2.26 up and safely through there two times the winner here at red bull hardline this man last time it was by over three seconds for bernard is he gonna be green laurie greenland's time he's up by point six dead vernon carr so a great top section for the man from guildford and surrey oh getting that back break there so basically when the riders are back breaking they're controlling the angle of the bike to get that front wheel down to the ground using the velocity of the tire he's been doing it all weekend man he doesn't style it and he's carrying so much pace down here making it look easy don't be fooled by that hasn't finished outside the top three of this event since 2015. [Applause] yeah picked it up through there 0.6 now he's on a lovely gainer here just gaining little tents hundreds here and there oh holds it tight off the landing so kurt not being flashed we know he can be squashes that perfectly this man bearing one of those crazy riders that's probably riding no body armor this week just a shirt and a helmet on just feeling the flow this event almost made for him with the big jumps arguably no mountain bike better than this man with the wheels off the ground none of the races really one of the biggest whips out there fifth of the world championships twice in his career over that big rock on the right there nails it looks so casual through there absolutely listen the race cannot be won there but it can definitely be lost just get through there and start charging where it's a little bit easier oh he's coming in there hard on the brakes as he lands there i think he might have got unclipped there actually sitting down he put his foot back on not a great place to unclip across that road absolutely not everything looks to be back on board now for bernard set up to set up lovely cuts across the front of that face lands as softly as he can needs to carry speed down here greenland 2 16 14 still is not much to play with i hate wins enough to make the difference here and greenland was fast on the bomb so it's bernard kergan awards his third red bull hardline win just the finish line here we go he's gonna spread it sounds like that was burner's perfect run so yeah fair play fair play let's back break there i can't quite see it for the angle he's been doing that all week it's honestly one of the sneeziest things to do perfect off all these jumps i mean he's jumped these jumps more than any of the guys that are here this week so yeah but i had my money on bernard all week and he's delivered amazing he's mega stylish mega stylish little back break drag there as well yeah perfect i mean you can see these guys that are actually racing this to when they they're not they don't have they've obviously not got styling up like bernard is one of the most stylish guys throw his website for every jump every opportunity but at this race if you want to win now you have to be racing hard and you have to be focused on the pits in between the jumps just get over the jumps no heroics and get to the bomb he's done it three times a red bull hardline winner believe the hype believe the height baby believe that he's talked it up all week and he's delivered i asked him what he was going to do with his prize money today when he left the pits actually i was worried remember jenks done but no stress money's safe so there's your final results then for this year's race 233 the fastest time ever down the mountain here at hardline bernard kerr with that third win lori greenland not far off in the end just over a second back and kade edwards with a great result there for third two thirty five point seven vestavic in fourth again fair club finishes in fifth what a race that was absolutely that was amazing matthew up there first year as well to be in sixth place competitive josh lowe he's an amazing week good to see him up there yes louis buchanan honestly i can't stress enough what how different this place is from and ethan amazing job amazing job honestly living up to everything it should do red bull hard line an amazing week here the sun's been out i really who is with today's winner bernard congratulations on patrick yeah apparently i'm feeling right now very happy if i'm honest it's super weird coming down with no timing board here without the crowd because you're like i'm not sure if i've actually done good or anything but apparently i have so very very happy i mean you've been confident all week long so happy taking these huge elements yeah was that key to your success today definitely i crashed on the top rock slab but all the jumps for me honestly i felt super comfy on them it was just a couple of technical bits but i almost messed up a couple times blew my foot on the road gap and i've barely got it back in but yeah it helped a little bit hairy how does experience help in those moments um yeah superhero a lot i kind of almost turned into autopilot which i can't normally do but i feel like i'm finally figuring this racing thing out so yeah experience was definitely definitely on my side and how many years has that taken quite a lot of 30 now so a lot of years i mean it was incredible to watch and you're just so confident on this track and it used to be the jumps but do you feel you're really getting hangs with those technical sections as well yeah i think like you said the jumps definitely helps when i come in the week i'm not too scared of them but the technical bits i've been here six years now so it's helping really like i kind of know where i'm going and this now i blew a foot like i said on the road i knew i needed it in for that next bit because i always was crashing but just got it back in in time and you had such a big injury earlier in the week how do you put that to the back of your mind when you're faced with that i mean the back of my mind is very sore the back of my head right now but really tried i tried to hit the rock stab not too quick at the top but still almost messed it up so i don't know really just trying to forget about and enjoy the event it's such an incredible week isn't it and so different to world cup racing i mean i'm sure we're going to see you back here but why does everyone come back every year yeah i don't know because they're all idiots but i guess it's just red bull uk born such an awesome event and i've got to say well i don't know i've got it for him don't worry crash but got it like joe and everyone like it's such a good vibe between the riders as you see so we all just want to keep coming back it was utterly wonderful to watch a huge congratulations and we look forward to seeing you thanks so much and a massive thanks to all my sponsors pivot fly my mom my girlfriend emma dogs at home and everyone say thanks for having us [Laughter] can he do it again we're gonna find out over the next two and a half minutes let's back break there i can't quite see it for the angle he's been doing that all week it's honestly one of the sneeziest things to do perfect off all these jumps i mean he's jumped these jumps more than any of the guys that are here this week so yeah i had my money on bernard all week and he's delivered amazing he's mega stylish mega stylish little back brake drag there as well [Music] yeah perfect i mean you can see these guys that are actually racing this to when they they're not they don't have they've obviously not got styling up like bernard is one of the most stylish guys throws whips off at every jump every opportunity but at this race if you want to win now you have to be racing hard you have to be focused on the bits in between the jumps just get over the jumps no heroics and get to the bottom he's done it three times a red bull hardline winner [Music] why is it that we see him win here reese i mean not once not twice three times most riders you know battle to get down this course once in their career but he's you know he's always on top here i mean like i've said he's is so confident and this is almost bernard's event now you know with g not managing to make it these last couple of years and he's the guy that's been here the most and he loves big jumps rides motocross bikes all the time you know that really gets you comfortable with bigger jumps and yeah it seems to be bearing a dress at the minute it's going to be really hard to knock off in in any conditions and perfect conditions is going to make it even harder he does he laps it up every second of it he was first here in practice to go off all the big drops i mean he did the pov earlier in the week i know a lot of riders kind of said they didn't want to do it burn had stepped up and interesting to him say that his foot came out that's not the best situation really to be it is it what does he mean by that the foot's unclipped from the pedal i mean it has to go back in right yeah yeah so like i mentioned some of these riders on flat some of them on clips so sometimes if you land heavy enough your bike gets hung up in a little hole if your toes are slightly down how we unclip our feet is by twisting our foot and pushing slightly forward so if you land of something really heavy and your foot slips off the pedal and just the right angle it can blow clean off so then you have the only way to get your foot back on is to get your feet level so you have to sit down and clip it back in luckily there's a nice big smooth burn from there to get it back in but i've no doubt he was a little bit terrified there yeah absolutely great to see joe smith at the finish area as well so he made his way down well this year for the first time ever we're rewarding the bf goodrich rider of the week award voted for by the riders here and awarded to the rider that has contributed the most to morale and committed themselves to helping others throughout their time at this year's red bull hardline let's see who's won and it's josh lie well look at that a very deserving winner i think don't you absolutely i'm i'm chuffed to bits for that and you can tell he is as well yeah i mean great choice he's kept his head down all week he's just gone with it first time here at red bull hardline brought in actually as a reserve just a couple of weeks ago what an incredible experience for that matter it's been so mature this week that's that is fully deserved i've enjoyed watching them kate edwards would be happy with that just 2.2 back in the end for third place for cade i mean that's a big result for that man he's going to get confidence from that i feel yeah no absolutely i think kate will be absolutely buzzing with that he's i'm pretty sure he was shooting for a podium here so top three's he'll be stoked on that and i think it's been a long time coming at this event for you like you said this is a bit of this is an event for kade so hopefully that's going to give them some confidence going into the next world cups as well should be good absolutely braga vestavic i mean you know fourth place which is what he had here in 2019 he is a former world cup racer but you know he's he's got over a big crash in the week i think probably more importantly he's got over ripping his dad's cords yeah he said what we're gonna do now is i'm gonna have to cut off my shorts no honestly it's frags rather top section from bragg was wild and that is that's gonna be worth going back and watching to be honest that was i'll be going back to watch that so if bragg sprag's going to be stoked with that he's not he's not really here i mean he'd love to win but at the same time he's not a guy that's going to get disappointed by poor result he's here for a good time he's enjoyed himself and he's enjoyed his time doing it so we're going to see you back here reese i mean we've had an incredible week wandering around the mountain riding around the mountain we've seen we've seen a lot of big crashes but we haven't seen anyone seriously hurt really i mean that is great news isn't it this week absolutely that is exactly what you want to see i've been i've been nervous up on track you don't want to watch these riders have big crashes and you definitely don't want to watch them getting hurt so it's it's been different seeing the track side and watching these guys and when they make it look easy you're like oh i'd love a shot at that and then when they make it look hard you just don't want anything to do with it when it looks hard it's really hard anyway let's go down to the podium then and see our top three from today [Music] so in third place today a brilliant ride down the mountain for cade edwards yes kade there you go break the trophy look how happy he is honestly for that i'm fuzzing for him well done kid from bristol in the uk second place today it goes to laurie greenland [Applause] yeah it was deserves to put him here he's been hunting for one for a while i'm sure yeah he's gonna come back and push for the win next year i think there's no reason not to don't think but today for a record a third time a man who has made this event very much his own bernadette takes the win [Applause] and there was never a moment of doubt in that man's mind i'm gonna say absolutely not you cannot argue that i think he would have been predicting this a few months ago to be honest [Laughter] so congratulations to bernard it's going to be chaos down there for a little bit probably run late into the evening i would say yeah absolutely if anybody starts firing those pick bikes up again it's going to be carnage but it was an incredible result sam gale came in in 10th tio theo erlangston there finished in ninth place a good ride for the south african only just uh eight seconds separating the top ten which you know and of course as hard as red bull hardline that's pretty tight actually that is honestly that's yeah that's really tight a long course and like you said that you can't race certain parts of this track so that's really impressive in a guess first world excuse me first red bull ramp up hard line for that man comes in sixth place just ahead of adam brighton chaos seagrave as well but the top three big smiles on their faces cade edwards 235.7 in the end lori greenland and bernard kerr yeah a great day's racing cannot argue with that that was amazing to be a part of these guys are going to be stalked yeah it was really something wanted to behold well an incredible day's racing we've seen here in the davey valley and all as always this right this race has pushed the riders to their limits and rewarded the best and bravest amongst them rhys thank you very much for joining me it's been absolutely incredible to have you alongside me to commentate alongside a world downhill champion that's something else i've never done before mate to commentate alongside you it's been an absolute pleasure the whole crew here has been amazing this week i've learned so much what a hell of an experience so thanks for having me it's been the pleasure has been all ours thank you for joining us at home we'll see you in 2022. thanks for watching we'll see you next time from red bull hardline [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Red Bull Bike
Views: 804,457
Rating: 4.9509001 out of 5
Keywords: red bull, red bull bike, bike, red bull hardline, hardline, hardline downhill, downhill, mtb, downhill riding, mtb freeride, downhill mtb, hardline gopro, wales mtb, gee atherton downhill, dyfi valley, dyfi downhill, downhill uk, wales downhill mountain biking, hardline 2021, red bull hardline 2021, hardline course preview, reece wilson, laurie greenland, kade edwards, jono jones hardline, craig evans, bernard kerr, adam brayton, hardline daily show, hardline course
Id: 5nuL0xmWdeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 15sec (8115 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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