Crankworx Les 2 Alpes Slopestyle 2015 Watch Party

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[Applause] welcome friends of slopestyle and welcome the viewers of Red Bull TV welcome to one of the most beautiful places on the planet ladies Alps France and we are here for stop number two on the Crankworx series date number three of competition and today we have in store for you the best of the best the much-anticipated slope style competition I've got the best seat in the house and I am joined by two guys that know a thing or two about mountain biking to my right is Tristan Marek and to my left legendary cam McCaul and Tristan you've had a chance to be out on the course watching practice what can we expect today it's been a big week what has unfolded out there the tricks what's been going on the progression it was just practice I feel like I have the best seat in the house watching practice but don't take it from me take it from the guy that was riding practice this morning cam yeah I had a chance to gear up and get a couple laps in and like you said they were throwing down so huge a practice and it's already evident that it's gonna be all killer no filler out there the course is is flowy it's great to ride and have fun on but when you're trying to remember 12 tricks and do them all in a row when it counts man that's gonna be the name of the game that's gonna be the struggle these guys are tackling today and I can't wait to see who can deal with the conditions the nerves and put a run together well a day of drama is set for us that is coming up shortly and you couldn't ask for a better setting for a slope style competition phenomenal ladies Alps France camp it's been a hard one here this week to keep our eyes on what's going on with the competition because look at the backdrop here we're in late Iselle we're in the Alps and that is the Serie that is what we're looking at yeah this place is ridiculous it's surreal when you look around it looks fake the mountains are so tall this is the mullet of locations if a mullet is business up front party in the back we got winter up top summer down below something truly for everyone it is again you're coming down into the valley it is green it is lush but wait we've got one of the best bike parks in the world here single track everywhere endless kilometers but again that is your backdrop that is we can take your pictures and check out everything here ever heard a place be described as the bullet of competition camp you may have a new hairstyle so that's ladies out France and so much has happened over the last couple days this is the third day a lot of drama-filled competition you guys have been out on the course so why don't you catch us up we started the big week here with the European whip but we saw some classic old-school moves right out of the back there yeah whip off is such a crowd favorite it's all about kicking your bike out sideways as far as you can get it and still being able to bring it back straight but people like to have fun with it we saw he look like hers back flips so we saw on we saw the previous champions Casey Brown Bernardo Cruz Finn Isles so many big names and then D SNS it was all about that the next day there's all about Great Britain actually finals was Bernhard Kerr and Sam Reynolds and it was a really tight race between those two guys yeah different Corsair big tricks look at Reynolds just a big smile Kerr taking his first win out here Crankworx laid his out and the next up the nighttime event pumptrack that is where it is all about Duncan and we even - keeping the momentum going yeah palm track kind of starts out as a friendly competition but as the brackets go on into the night hours people want to spray that champagne and it's cutthroat yeah see them spraying down their ACC taking that and well nothing tastes better at the end of the day well you know guys it's so impressive to be on the sidelines and watch these guys do their tricks my jaws always landing on the ground but for you at home to get an athletes perspective of them going down the course we have Sam pilgrim we strapped a GoPro onto him and this is what it looks like yo I'm Sam pilgrim I mean let's do out for Crankworx Europe and this is the GoPro course preview check it out into the first feature skinny drop stare into the firm let's jump on course no hander oh yeah 360 out nice 360 flip on the jump over the roller slowing down into the huge huge road gap really scary big jump also very scary into the whale tail really big feature the GoPro course preview on the crank works your course let's do it thank you to Sam pilgrim for showing all of us what it is like to go down this course twelve trickable features unbelievable so I don't need to tell any of you at home to get on your Instagram or your Facebook or social media and hash tag but I will tell you the hashtags hashtags for this event hashtag l2a hash hash tag LT way forever is that correct that you may know better than me I mean the youth of today L - yeah L - a forever crank works and of course Red Bull TV just a few of the you know the importance but you guys can add your own Flair on there you know hashtag best roommate ever this week you know I think judging by what we're seeing on the course so far and slopestyle they're gonna have to be hash tagging all killer no filler that's how we're gonna see that one thrown out there before the end of the day I want to know why you hashtag Tim is the best roommate ever because you're the best roommate ever you're too kind all right enough of this snoring we also have the triple crown as one of the awards here at Crankworx cam you know a little bit about this why don't you tell us some more well this year 2015 we see the Crankworx World Tour with a really exciting event the slopestyle Triple Crown the first time we've ever seen this it is a new epitome of the sport and we started all off in New Zealand in the beautiful town of Rotorua the man with the plan there was none other than Brett reader he's been derivative for a couple years and kind of following but he showed that he's leading the charge this year coming into the 2015 season with a commanding victory in Rotorua he said before that event that he wanted to just make sure that he stopped somebody from winning the Triple Crown but now he's the man to beat and there's a whole laundry list of riders trying to stop him one of those riders was the guy who was victorious in level 2a last year Anthony Mussoorie after being on the tour for quite a few years having some struggles but being on the podium once he put it all together and was on top of the podium in l2a Nikolai Rogan he was a BMX prodigy in his younger years started out when he was about eight years old and it's excited to see him transferring into the mountain bike world now he's got a more well-rounded bag of tricks this year and he's definitely one guy to beat Thomas Shannon the king of consistency he's always adding new tricks to his back and if anybody happens to push himself too far he's the guy sitting there ready to pick up the scraps but we got to talk about Brandon 7 he is always the man to beat never off his game doesn't even consider going for second place third place he's always got his eyes on that top spot and he's always secretly planning something new that new we had who's gonna be spraying the champagne this year it was Brett reader and Rotorua I can't wait to see who's going to be in l2 a and then the granddaddy of them all will finish things off in Whistler British Columbia next month in horse racing the Triple Crown is considered the greatest accomplishment it is now part of mountain biking and right now Bret reader is our current leader trying to go for that unbelievable Triple Crown it's a huge feat and you got a chance to talk to Bret earlier where is his mind at his mind is that he's it's he's Pro he's quick relaxed all things considered but he is knowing what is at stake there is a lot of pressure and it's put onto him by himself but rather than me tell you guys about it let's hear what you had to say earlier so Bret let's rewind the clock back to stop number one on that Crankworx world tour and you said something you may be probably you know bitin your words on a little bit now you wanted to make sure nobody else won this Triple Crown well you got your wish you are in the lead for the Triple Crown right now and the only person that can technically go for it what do you feel it now it's top - I know I know it's crazy I I got myself in this position now and you know I think it's gonna be the hardest thing ever to to keep going it's not like my my my number one goal here like I just at the end of the day I just want to like do my run make it to the bottom do the best that I personally can and then hopefully hopefully that it is what it takes right yeah well I mean that is what it takes but I mean do you feel any sort of like do you understand maybe what the magnitude is yet or is it because it's the first year of this title the Triple Crown or is it just you know it's Crankworx you know it's gonna be a big and you want your name on that title at the end of the year yeah I know it's gonna be so hard like I know I know the magnitude of it like the battle for for first place is is insane even just riding practice with everyone you know it could be anyone's day depending on how how good we do and if we can pull it together so yeah I've just I've practiced a lot I've basically done my run in bits and pieces and I just got to link it together well we want to wish you the best of luck in that one you got your wish you are in the lead for the Triple Crown it's now now all up to you and you can just take the approach it's another contest but it is history in the making here at ladies out well as you guys can see he is very he let the curtain down he let the curtain down really let his emotions out and showing exactly what is at stake here Cameron you've competed against them quite a bit what do you what do you take from that in terms of how he's feeling here this weekend it's really good that he's able to talk through that there's a lot of emotions going on right now being in such a high-pressure situation but the fact that he's riding so well right now means that he's truly in control of his destiny the only person who can win it today is him and you know he can also lose it for himself but there's a bunch of other people 19 other guys out there just gunning for he's got a bull's-eye on his back but he's got all the right thought processes to pull it off to is too early to place a bet here today or what yeah man this this course is always something that's very unpredictable so you wouldn't be a smart man to be a betting man out here but you'd be a dumb man and not bet on Brett reader at Brandon seminar well we've heard from reader let's go touch base here with Tina she's actually with somebody who's very important that is going to help decide how things are gonna fold here later on this afternoon thanks Tristan I know you know a thing or two about mountain biking and especially that technology but I bet you anything colin duncan can beat you in the judging department colin has been judging Crankworx since the very beginning Colin you know what you're doing but when you watch these competitions someone like Branden seminar who is pushing it and they do something like a court 720 with a combination trick it might have a slight slip-up how do you guys judge that well today and every day at Crankworx we judge on an overall impression format so we take the entire run and we watch that from top to bottom and we'll give a score out of a hundred now if there is a little slip-up we have a deduction scale where we will be taking points off of a the said perfect run which can be up to 40 points out of a hundred for a full bail and then down downwards to maybe two points for 20 points for a petal slip still award rewarding progression with that of course like with a run with a quark 7 in it and everything else being perfect you could be well into the 90s but having a crash or a little slip would take off maybe 20 before a petal slip maybe 20 points so then you're you're down a little bit but you're you could still be higher than a lot of the other average runs in the field Wow rewarding progression you have a big job to do today well that's the fine details in judging camel why don't you tell us about the big picture Thank You Tina wow that was the nitty-gritty that is how progression is getting judged here but cam let's break down a big picture here what let's see what exactly is gonna take for you guys and the athletes out there well it's crazy slopestyle is an ever evolving form of competition which means the riders are always having to bob and weave and change their strategy to win an event yeah the judges having to progress along with the riders it's not a one-man show here it takes two of those to tango here and make it happen with our athletes with the sport and with the big tricks I would not want to be one of those judges the riders are nervous but the judges got to be as well so amplitude cam what is that well amplitude is how high you go one guy who really embodies this is Anthony Mussoorie the distance between the top of the ramp and where he's flying is really high and he's like a firework up there in the sky and in some Missouri going back but degree of difficulty again you have to have the big tricks right yeah the guy who's got this figured out it's Nicolai Roy gakuen he comes from a BMX background the last couple years he's been a slopestyle sensation turning to one of the most consistent guys doing tricks that nobody else wants to try execution you need to be having masters a PhD in this don't you nowadays while the man with the PhD is Brandon seminar he has disguised aggression doing really difficult tricks with making it look effortless and what about overall impression that is where you need to bring it all together to have the complete package everything matters especially now there's no room for filler tricks and the guy who's coming up leading the charge this year he's not biting that anybody's heels anymore everybody's chasing him it's Brett reader oh man again he is setting us apart he is the guy that is leading the charge for all of our athletes here Wow cam class has been in session today we were learning so much we haven't even seen the first rider drop absolutely you know let's play that game we've been playing all week in out on the bubbles let's a diagnose what we're gonna see here well what is gonna be in I mean we get to pick these things what do you think is in in I'm gonna say 725 out of the last six Crankworx podium runs had that trick so it's 2015 you gotta have it man that is crazy that is it at the level that we are at now out though strainers you can't miss a trick you got a trick every feature otherwise you're not even gonna get in the top five not even in the top ten for that matter absolutely all killer no filler and on that point on the bobble would be doing your showstopper trick on the perfect banger trick jump people are taking those tricks at unexpected places and that's how you get the top scores yeah you can't wait to that last jump anymore it needs to be coming out on the first jump otherwise that is all you guys are gonna get well let's break things down even more even more to you guys so 20 riders they get two runs yeah pretty easy format easy to wrap your head around 20 of the best slopestyle riders in the world they get two runs throw out the worst save the best and it's scored out of 100 points so you're going for that perfect score of 100 and people aren't even doing safety runs anymore everybody's going for the jugular in both two runs so it's a different game and that just makes a better show for us to watch going for the throat right away if you want to get into that top three at the end of the day that is what its gonna take for our riders that's gonna take for all of our athletes here well you saw their can that's a perfect way maybe if you're sleeping in right now maybe you're missing the start of our broadcast well you can look at it later on online on Red Bull TV you gotta watch it even if your alarm didn't go off you can't miss ladies out Crankworx slopestyle it's part of the Triple Crown man that you didn't miss you didn't miss Rotorua now we're at stop number two and of course we still have that other stop later on the summer but today we're in France is a beautiful afternoon here it is sunny it is warm but one thing that happens when it's sunny and warm in the Alps is we get a little bit of wind cam what is that wind gonna do for us here it's true it wouldn't be crank Rick slope style ladies off without a little bit of weather a little bit of drama there's always drama surrounding this event and today is no different the wind came up real heavy right when we're about ready to start these first fronts so we're on a little bit of a hold right now the riders just kind of waiting it out and the way the weather works here is it's calm in the morning it's windy in the middle of the day and then it calms down again toward the late afternoon so we're keeping our fingers crossed that's what's gonna happen it seems to be dying down a little bit right here so it's looking like it's going the right direction well for more on the weather let's go down to Tina the third member of our announcing team here today and you guys that's just part of doing events outdoors is you have to deal with weather and today it is the wind the good news is it is sunny and very nice out here but Nicolai walk us through the steps from the athletes perspective from your guys's perspective of what led you to deciding to hold off on competition well we've had practice all day and the conditions were pretty good but about an hour ago the the wind really picked up and we tried to ride through it but more crashes happened in that hour than in all the practice of the whole weekend so we decided it was just a bit too dangerous for now and we wanted we want to put on an amazing show and in this wind we can't do it so we're trying to hold off and hopefully the conditions clear up and we'll go for it yeah and you guys can see behind me the athletes the bikes they're waiting for the wind to hold off also the good news is there is tons of light here in ladies Elle France almost until like o'clock tonight so at one point we will get this event off we're just kind of waiting for the wind at this point guys thank you very much Tina does that mean we're gonna have to wait till ten o'clock tonight Kim I don't think we'll have to wait that long I remember something similar happening last year we're sitting up at the top and the end of practice was getting real windy but then the Sun started getting a little bit lower and the wind started to die down a little bit we had an amazing final out here last year is it weird you're in a different seat this year last year you're hanging out you would be in the same situation as the riders instead you're sitting next to me in the booth here yeah I'm really excited to be in the booth next yeah I competed in this event for a long time and I had a blast but you know the time comes to move on at some point for everybody and I'm such a huge fan of the sport I'm just blessed with the opportunity to sit here and call a shot with you well we're stoked to have you here but let's take a step back right now let's rewind the clock and let's check out exactly how things unfolded last year and crank who at work's ladies out in the year 2014 [Music] let's escape [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Chester [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a recap from last year's Crankworx ladies elf so again the wind on a bit of a course hold right now we do have a couple riders that are up at top right now they are just maybe waiting to drop in here we're gonna send a couple what do we call guinea pigs camp yeah it sounds like we're gonna have a couple kiddies up there let's see who we got it looks like maybe Carson's storage and Brett reader you know send them down have them report back if it was too windy maybe we hold a little more if it felt good then we might be getting started here pretty soon well we've seen Brett step up in the past right he's no stranger that but Carson the starch he's the guy that's gonna set it off for us is awesome that Carson's dropping in to be the guinea pig and test out the conditions right now I live in the same town as him these days and he's the guinea pig for us when we're out right because he's on a super high level right now so he's a guy who gets to try stuff first and in the entire 20 Ryder field here he's the first one to drop in and test the wind yeah so again this is not judge folks for you guys tuning in right now this is not a judge front this is just the riders trying to decide is it go time do we pull it do we put it into drive do we go on the green light here so Carson is just testing everything out make sure see if he's comfortable things and camp this is a guinea pig this is a tester run in the wind yeah you know if this was a judge run we'd be you know pretty excited he's putting together a really solid package here on this guinea pig test run and I know he's got more on that jump but that just goes to show he's just testing the speed but maybe a little bit of tactic as well he's getting an extra practice run over everybody else yeah again he's riding you know most the riders I'd say they're riding bumped and bruised practices a long thing but he actually tore open his elbow earlier on today they're having a little bit spill isn't he these guys are gladiators you got to really push through all the pain all the nerves all the lesson desirable conditions I mean if you look at the trees you can see they're wiggling pretty good but a crazy thing happens when you're a rider like Carson storage and you got your head in the right place you really want to try to make it go out it is when the adrenaline starts flowing all these people are here you know the contest is getting close to happen sometimes you can ignore some of those factors that could be inhibiting and hopefully that's what we see happen but you can see there we've got the little weather graphic in the core temperature 26 degrees we got the wind it's coming about 25 K but the problem with it it's not a steady 25 k it's gusting and that is where the riders are having their issues if when was steady the entire way they'd be comfortable that you know of sometimes you have a headwind some jumps you have a tailwind well when it's gusty that's what you should either come up ridiculously short which said that's not what you want to do or you get overshoot there's nothing scary being in there knowing this carry you already have so much nothing about just trying to remember the tricks you want to do in the speed that you need to take into the jumps to do those tricks to add something more to it trying to like feel the wind as you're going down you don't want to be glancing off course to see a tree or a flag you want to be looking oh yeah where you're going not where you are not at the trees and thinking about the tricks you have to do next so you know if it's in your head then it's already winning you got to put the wind out of your head completely but if it's too windy then there's no ignoring it it's just there no not at well we saw Carson storage come down to test out the wind well let's get exactly find out exactly what he thinks of the conditions right now Tina you're down there with Carson yeah Carson you just did your guinea pig run what's the result what are your thoughts you know the winds pretty bad but it's getting better and you know just took a run down just to test the waters and you know it's it's pretty good when you were on the jumps in the air could you feel the wind yeah a few of them but where it was really bad like an hour ago it's not as bad now I think it's good to go we're just gonna have to go when it looks right and yeah it's the slopes all contests we're in the mountains and yeah part of it and that's part of it we'll look guys a couple more riders are coming down testing the waters out or the dirt out to say and I will get back to you with the results well you can see Sam pilgrim on track right now he is given to his one go there so this is the biggest thing cancel the problem is if one rider wants to go but the others don't it almost becomes like a bit of a vote who is it who makes that decision of who is gonna be dropping in and are we gonna be starting the contest the great thing that's happening today and it's different than it was in the past is the riders are truly United right now they they all talk to each other and decided that they wanted to be together there wasn't any rogue saying you know what it's not windy I'm gonna ride there like look let's be smart about this they're all gnarly dudes but they're all you know smart dudes and they don't want to put themselves in a unnecessarily dangerous situation if you waited a half an hour and it would be all the difference so you heard Carson say this is slope style we're in the mountains it's just part of the game and I love that perspective slope style is inherently gnarly and these guys know what they're getting themselves into yeah exactly it is the name of the game but as you can see right there the guy who is in the Church of the Triple Crown Bret reader he just came down half the course and he's hanging out checking it out on the lower part now [Music] a teensy reader kind of made it almost the whole way down the course I'm guessing they've got a few select areas where they are concerned of what's going on he's getting moving here again into the lower section and you're facing different directions on each straightaway on this course - so if you have a consistent direction of the wind it could be a tailwind from one straightaway it could be a headwind on the other straightaway you just never know what you're gonna get so these guys are calculating every little bit of their run but something that's tough to predict and calculate is that wind yeah exactly and especially with the riders they've got big tricks you know if there's a little bit of wind if they're hesitant they don't want to unload something they maybe haven't tried too often but Brett we've seen him step up in the past we saw him step up previously mainly at the X Games in Munich where the wind was a huge deciding factor more than anything else and he really had he really took the bull by the horns there and made that contest happen it'll be interesting to see if we get some insight from him there in terms of what he's feeling is it a go is it an hold right now I just have to wait and see experience is definitely key you were talking about Brett's X Games gold medal and unitize and that was the witnessed situation we've ever seen him he was a guy saying hey let's do this and yeah and then 555 one five by home next concern of course stop it so we get closer to 7:00 7:15 that 7:00 again solution so you guys comfortable doing that well that's the thing I dropped in but but when I dropped in it was dead I was like okay I'm gonna go now cuz it's dead we're like getting practice while we do it and we're also figuring out we're figuring out like when the gusts if the gusts are gonna slow down and get in the gaps can I get bigger you know it see there Darrin Kinnaird the head honcho here Craig works a guy who pioneering where we're going with the sport Oh Craig works with the event itself they created the triple crown chatting to the riders and you can hear him there safety is paramount it's it's not hey this is an event you guys are my monkeys get out there go it is I want to make sure you guys are safe I want to make sure you guys are comfortable with the environment that we're putting you in is your you're not just risking a little bit here cam I mean the consequences are huge on these tricks if things go wrong in the air there's a lot on the line it's a tough situation to be in but as you can hear when we eat up in there everybody is doing the right thing the event organizers are saying look we understand that you're not going to ride it if it's too dangerous to ride and the riders also saying look we want to make this thing happen let's just keep riding try to kind of wrap your head around the patterns of the wind and figure out a way to make it happen it's a little giving a little take and everybody's working toward the same goal yeah well I felt like we were lurking on a conversation they're like we're we are giving you guys the fly on the wall because they didn't know we're listening in they didn't know where hey you know they're probably saying it's another camera down the crowd not the fact that we are whispered listening to every word they're saying that we went quiet was like what are they saying that's cool it's thinking alright guys don't say anything you don't want the world to hear yeah exactly well talking about the world we were down in Rotorua back earlier in 2015 lay back when and that is where stop number one of the Crankworx world tour happened and let's just take a step back let's you keep talking about time machines let's hop in that time machine and let's check out what happened earlier this year down in Crankworx Rotorua well it's time to get this thing started Rotorua are you ready pet a lot of rain this morning so it's coming out sunny now we've taken the tops off and yeah the course is drying out quite nicely here so I think [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] rat reader right number one hotel that starts at their corks in 2002 Duran come on opposite truck going up with the flood drop back flip read this is looking great he's gonna tell it on the water love [Music] I think we're also nervous because it's just like it's still March it's like still the winter season from basically back in North America I don't know it's just so nerve-wracking sitting at the top of that road [Music] [Music] [Applause] lawn dart Rodion can't even imagine how cool this course as you know feels like we spend more time in the air than on the ground so that's an unreal feeling so couldn't be better [Music] one big 360 another way to celebrate here than a victory lap these guys are good friends here we go Bret reader laying the bike sideways he's our champion out here today he's soaking up every bit of this victory lap [Applause] [Music] let's hear for breath [Music] [Applause] [Music] I always feel like I'm in bread and shadows so to come down and win today it feels amazing Brendan did get hurt and he couldn't do his second run so I mean maybe some can argue that he would have had the winning run but it's so hard to say with the level of riding the psyche it was the best one ever for me right so far for the Four Diamonds series was like the best work that I'm pretty sure everybody loved it too [Music] kamme pinch me pinch me all right there you go pinch ow yeah not so hard I thought I was dreaming there for a second but ah you didn't say when to stop stop pinching me okay I wasn't dreaming man I just I can't get over every time we watch these highlights from there of what where we were what happened and the way things unfold Brett right in there you can see clearly in the hotseat with that hundred fifty points he is leading that charge but you know we're talking while that was going on and we got it we got it let's think back here morning of that slopestyle dude it wasn't just sunny it wasn't you know flowers and rainbows it was an absolute downpour downpour to the point where I was like there is no way this is happening this afternoon yeah you could see in that video a similar thing to what's happening right now in lady's out what's happening in Rotorua we woke up in the morning it had been raining all night and it's wouldn't raining all morning luckily they tarp the course but still nobody thought that it was ever going to dry out in time for the competition they pulled the tarps off the Sun came out it dried up and it's kind of a Crankworx tradition for something to happen with the weather right before finals it happened in 2012 when Thomas Shannon took the podium it was the windiest Crankworx I've ever seen and it's just tradition you know Crankworx has a tendency to go off without a hitch but usually at the beginning that's a bit of a bumpy road well every course has its advantage and disadvantage as we saw in row to row the ground there was like a sponge it felt like an infomercial I was like wait check this so we're gonna soak everything up Anthony was there your last year's a winner here he is out again we are on a course hold right now just checking things out our riders getting a little bit of practice getting comfortable with what it is if we're gonna go for what's happening [Music] so Missouri there haven't a look hey Kim you've competed more than me I come from a downhill background you come from the slopestyle when you're testing a course this way is there anything you're looking for cuz we talked about how you don't want to go but what is there anything specific when you're trying to figure out how should we compete or should we compete the biggest thing is wind direction on each individual straightaway if it's a headwind and then the speed is going to change drastically because you have to try to go faster because you've got all that wind resistance and you have memorize how much you're supposed to brake for a jump if you've got a head win you're gonna have to brake less but how much so it's a guessing game already but you add the winton into the mix and have straightaways going different directions then it's just another thing you have to guess about see the riders dropping in kind of fast and furious here they're all getting their chance to try and figure things out I'm gonna say one thing though we haven't seen Brandon Simonet drunken yet so is it he's comfortable with it he doesn't need it or maybe he's just hanging out letting everybody else do the the grunt work what's going on everybody had so much practice their runs are dialed and you know maybe Brandon's just thinking hey what's the point riding in the wind and relearning the speeds if we're not gonna run the contest until the wind stops anyways so there's a strategy where you just want to keep ride and stay warm we're seeing a ton of riders come down the course right now which is always a great sign but then the guys want right it might just be thinking I'm gonna wait until it's nice so I don't have to relearn speeds yeah exactly that is the thing it could throw you off you've got your run dialed you finish practice earlier on today the last thing you want to do is go down do one more run and then find out it's not gonna be enough so we just saw a huge train of riders come down into the corral there well we've actually got somebody down in the corral we got t2 Dixon Tina what's the environment with the riders well I am with last year's champion Anthony maseri who just came down also an Anthony what's your assessment of the course right now well the winds died down a bit it's gotten better but still a little bit windy halfway through the course the girl a few more laps and sailor feeling when you take these practice laps what specifically are you looking for as far as judging the wind or yeah as far as it are you working on your speed your braking you know figuring out the timing on the jumps really yeah well it all depends this course it's got a lot of different switchbacks in a lot of different angles so and some of this strikes the headwind and tell it to tailwind and some of the side wind so it's really hard to judge so ideally you would just be calm for you guys no tell with no side window and how is it feeling for you on certain smart spots that that weren't very windy then it who is it more side wind headwind tailwind it's different various throughout the course so it's most evening little right now which is a little bit of a tail and in the side we got the road gap so so at this point guys like you said it's just a waiting game but it is getting better thank you very much to their last year's champ giving us a bit of insight what's going on there and you know we'll just have to wait and see hopefully well things will get going here it is getting we're in the booth and we can actually make our own assessment the wind has gone down the Gus aren't as vicious before right before we went on air there it was actually thinking like it feels like we're gonna take off here little Wizard of Oz all said we're gonna fly off the hillside well we've got Darren Kinnaird down at the bottom let's listen what's going on just wait if you guys are comfortable we can start this thing on the latest we have at the moment is starting at 5:30 10 after 5:00 spots and feedback well Brandon and Logan just went out so we can wait for them to come down and then make a decision or it's not a good thing you can start without anyways in the middle of your it seems better now but let's wait for them to come down and let's how about how about this guys let's aim for 5:30 to start what you can hear it right there Darren chatting to the riders again staying in touch with that with what they're you know what their wants are what their needs are sounds like we've got some issues with the wind still specifically on that row graph I didn't quite catch what said pilgrim said there though I love Sam pilgrim strategies alright well everybody say if you drop in when it's a law then you're gonna have a big gust halfway down he says we'll just drop it was a huge gust and then it'll wall right in the middle of your run that guy he's a scientist what if the wind catches me he's thinking well what if I just drop into the wind and it's not gonna be there when I get to the bigger tricks the bigger jumps Anthony was saying that there's a side went on the road gap in a tailwind on the big jump after the road gap that's pretty well because that jump you have to slow down so much for as it is with no wind so getting the tail end into that you'd have to brake twice as much and I personally was using both brakes coming into that thing in still overshooting so I couldn't imagine hitting out with a tailwind yeah well we see Logan Pete there one of the BFFs him in Brandon 7ik they're hanging out on top again wind hold at the moment here we'll see if he's gonna drop in and give it a whirl give it a test for us here you can see they're looking down on the beautiful valley there that's the problem we've got the wind we've got the Sun and that is when those two elements there you can see Darren was chatting to the rider saying kind of 5:30 it's not the guaranteed cutoff time for you it's not like hate 5:30 comes and they don't drop in that's not gonna be it but he's just setting sometimes you're just trying to figure out with the riders make sure they're getting going we can see their branded seven he's hanging out you know this guy he's probably hungrier than ever after what happened down in Rotorua camp yeah you know he does not like to lose and he crashed a trick that he's been landing a lot at home and one of the situations where he knows he could land it and said he just wants to dance you know blow the peat drop it in but would you really say that that Brandon lost in Rotorua he crashed it's not that he'll I you know I don't know if I could go say that he lost on that one because I quote Ricky Bobby either your first your last we were the first of all my calculators you lost yeah you nailed it their words of wisdom for Ricky Bobby Goodall Ricky Bobby you can see their track feature anytime you see riders not pulling out at that halfway point with their tests to win that's a really good sign that means they're feeling all right sure they dragged up bumped around a little bit by some gusts but they're pushing through and that's a sign we might be able to get things underway here pretty soon well he's Canadian he is pretty burly she has many chainsaws any chance as many chainsaw has many flannel there so again he's backflip in that final jump right there be interesting to see exactly what his take is Brandon Sam enough now his turn to give it the test as we heard Darrin say he was waiting for these two guys to come down see what they their take is on the wind it'll definitely be interesting to hear what Logan and Brandon have to say after this wind check run because that was kind of the determining factor if we were gonna be able to pull it off and start things at 5:30 so whatever these guys say is kind of be gonna be the gospel here Zacky stick into a safety run they're not really doing a lot of tricks doing more than I would ever do and probably most of viewers at home throwing that down but she'll win test run for Brandon seminar is like a dream run for most p.m. everybody else just dreams trying to link together one of those tricks on this course and he's just you know yeah welder if we can here here when they come down exactly if there is any update on how they feel with the wind [Music] about it now okay okay let's head up now first rider will drop whatever word michgo he's already going up okay okay Mitch let's head up when you're ready we'll go okay guys have a great show feel free to hesitate in the start okay those guys are so awesome I swear they're embarking on something that's so gnarly so nerve-racking so scary and you know Darrin how say you guys ready you want to start a fight there they just all nodded their head like bunch of tough guys let's go do this looking danger in the face and they didn't even flinch they're not even sweating down there they know what they need to do it's camp what would you do I mean you've gone through this process before you you're ready to drop in you have a win hold what do you have to do mentally now what do these guys have to do mentally to get ready now for competition time you got to do a couple things you got to flip the switch you got to put the wind out of your mind just flip the switch and go into go-for-it mode and then you have to get refocused as well doing a slopestyle run you have to lose your inhibitions and be able to flip that switch and go for it but you also have to be really focused to remember everything so it's almost like turning your brain off one side of it and then turning your other side of your brain into like high speed mode where you're in the extreme sense of focus and this is what you are a professional athlete you know the ins and outs of that I never even thought about that information right there I would just think you know some riders mented a little bit stronger but oh man what am I gonna need to do to kind of pop into that competition mode so you guys heard it there Derek can hear chatting to the riders getting a feel for things we have the green light so the riders are hopping on the rope tow they're getting towed back up to the hillside that means for all of you guys that hope competition will be starting soon exciting times twisting is exciting times we're gonna see the riders dropping in here very shortly so you can see the riders going up of the rope tow their best part about ladies up slopes of course that rope tow there's no tracks there's no pushing your bike you can see sit for many laps in a short period of time you just hook that thing underneath your crotch or at the top you drop into another run I bet you if you're gonna have that the backyard back in the day with the pool with your drop in ramp you would have had one of those I've been set well here we go this is our start list this is our running order for run number one tonight Mitch to be Simon Pasha they were alternate before today camp they got the call though this morning it is their turn they are in competition so exciting to see all those guys who are on the alternate let's make it in they've been working so hard it's incredibly difficult to get onto the diamonds here you come here as an alternate you hope nobody gets hurt we hope something leads to you getting into the event and boom there they are you've probably never been in that position before have you you've always been the guy you've always been the number one invite ya know I haven't been on the alternates before but I have a feeling if I try to sign up for this one right now I might be on the alternate list so you can see the rider the last rider dropping on rut number one there Brandon seminar it's going off the FM beat standings from last year and here is our format 20 riders 2 runs max score a hundred points that's a lot to take in cam yeah you know it's a pretty mellow format not too hard to wrap your head around they've they've adjusted it you know a lot of growing pains trying to figure out what works best for slope style and this is definitely at two runs best one counts the strategy is do you go for the jugular both runs or do you do a safety run and then go for it after you have to have something in the bag the way it's shifting these days is they go for the jugular each run and it's crazy have you what's the most amount of competition runs you've ever had to do in a comp because didn't we have four back in the day then we have your two qualifiers and you had your two super finals and yeah I think there was probably five runs back in the day you had to qualify and then you had to do two runs to make it into the super final and only the top eight made it into the super final and then you could improve on your score then some people said ah let's drop the scores and have to do a new run and it was just so complicated and we realized that that would have led to the best run of the day maybe not winning so right now it's cut and dry it's simple two runs best one counts yeah exactly exactly so the question is what are we going to see our riders again a throat down right away we talked about earlier safety runs is there gonna be a safety run or do you just know you know I've got to go for it just in case that second run I get blown a little bit harder watching seminar can Reader compete against each other is completely different than watching a contest where only one of them is on the list they push each other so hard and it's a it's a mind game trying to figure out what the other one is going to do and it's a huge advantage being able to drop in last based off of the overall point standings from last year and something that gets to go last today he gets to see what Brett reader does in his run and that was the situation in Whistler last year and Brett went straight for the jugular right away and Brandon had to change his plan well you guys have heard what the writers say you've heard what we have to say we want to hear what you have to say go to Crankworx comm we've got our poll question today so at stop number two of Crankworx slopestyle Triple Crown series well well what is gonna happen well we've got your options right here one two three four number one Bret reader will get one step closer to capturing the Crankworx slopestyle Triple Crown Brendon seminar takes the wind thus ending Brett's quest for the title and Cena Missouri becomes a repeat winner in ladies l or number four Nikolai or gakuen takes his first cracker slopestyle win cementing his status that is hard man that is hard cuz you're like what do you pick there I mean part of me is like pick number four I want to see where Gaghan he is coming on he's coming on strong but I want to see history man I want to see Bret reader capture this thing in its first year and take that Triple Crown of putting his name in the history books and cementing his his legendary status already any of those options can happen but really like the truth of the matter is we're in a golden era of slopestyle the competition is so exciting right now because you have so many riders who are on such a high level and in the top two who are always ping-pong it back and forth and then the drama is if they push each other too far who's going to be there to pick up the pieces so you know I don't know if it's ever been this exciting I don't know if it will ever be this exciting again but right now we've got a great show on her hands well on any given day how many riders do you think technically win I'm gonna say 20 you're gonna say 20 okay well cuz you know it's not impossible for nineteen riders to crash it's not impossible especially at the wind and the amount of features on the course and the amount of bangers are all trying to do on even the smallest features well some serious contenders there we saw the start list again we want you guys to go to Crankworx comm post your phone but this is where it all begins we've got our first rider he's from Canada we got Mitch to beat up and the starcade there he's supposed to drop it on run number one so excited to finally start this thing Kristin he's got that mirrored lens in I of the Terminator Mike is ready he is looking down again he was an alternate before today he got the call this morning let's cheer be running that mechanical gyro they're not having to do the math on his head thinking about bar spins and talipes no you can just go for it G and our riders may be waiting for the gusts to come down as you saw from Darren there he is letting them have extra time Mitch looking at the trees trying to judge exactly when is it and deal time to drop in this is when the crowd starts to really squirt your adrenaline you're hearing them cheering and you know it's about time to drop in and do your job and that adrenaline just starts getting in your veins and it's on it is infectious you got to control it too much adrenaline you're not gonna make it down the course no enough adrenaline well looks like the adrenaline is flowing to Mitch to be dropping in this to be starting out 316 ginnis start drop going into the small whale tail with a backflip shred into a 360 carrying momentum through the middle section that was talent he's bringing in he stayed in composed backflip tail upon the first trick jump nose manly into that road gap this one's the one they were saying they had some wind problems with deeper straighter on that we were to hearing about a talent on this going for the Superman seat grab Indian air despite the tail end looking good looking good al you've 270 opposite 360 on the spine right into the big whale tail not getting the trick in but back flipping out okay coming down only a couple more features left the third trick jobs gonna be a backflip bar spin for Mitch to be he's got one last feature this dirt dessert step down nice Borg backflip our first run is in the bag first run in the bag Mitch to be breaking the ice setting the bar we saw little issues there maybe get call it the wind it is hard yet he has got a lot probably going on mentally today not only was he dull turn it get in the : but let's go back up let's check things out here big back foot to start off the run basically it's no better feeling than getting to the finish crowd especially or the first rider on course he did get a trick on probably 90% of the feature so that was a great run Superman's secret Indian air grabbing the seat crossing the legs and then spinning folks ways we had opposite 360 on one of those on that spine which is like signing your name with your opposite hand super hard to do so he'll be getting some variety points for that backflip bar spin on the third trick jump and a nice smooth pork out back lift to finish the run yeah again solid around there Mitch to be breaking the ice for us here and you said it get the hamsa trick they're so good the judges they see that stuff but let's see what the judge is saying here sixty two point five zero so first run in the bag for Mitch to me and the first run for all of our riders here the good strategy to how he's doing the regular the opposite back-to-back so the judges definitely notice that yeah here we go Simon Padgett from France he is 18 doing it first specialized our second alternate that got the call here this morning you know he's going to be feeding off the crowd and that French culture here the young gun Frenchman you know the crowd is going to be behind him he is one of the biggest riders let's see what he has sports here rookie on the Tasman series starting out this run off the skinny drop with a nice bar spin movin right into the small whale tail talk no hander in three-sixty on same as what we saw for Mitch to be just styling out the hip rolling in to the first of three perfect trick jumps backflip Talib oh and that's gonna be the end of the run for some badges hot is it you can see maybe breaking a little bit too much or a bit too much head win their case of that and going over the bars and not getting the feet back on in time yeah they were talking about that trick jump after the road gap being a tailwind then that one is facing the exact opposite direction and he came up short so it could have had something to do with a headwind well he is all good fans he is up you know though that's gotta be a frustrating one he's gonna have to dust that one off beauty with the to run format he can throw that one away he has one more run he's gonna be able to watch all the other riders do what they need to do here and hopefully he'll be able to harness that for run number two having a breather on the side there thankfully salmon patches has another run sometimes when you you have a crash you just want to get right back up there you don't want to wait for the whole field to go because the Adrenaline's flowing and it's like get me back up there let me do my run but it looks like he's gonna be able to utilize his time sit it out kind of start feeling a little bit better it's gonna need to hit the control-alt-delete and start over start fresh reboot that hard drive all the tricks there and do it in run number two again not really getting there may be a sense of the win there things actually pretty mellow right now not too crazy but let's get crazy here for one of the Canucks a canadian writer paul genovese c21 doing it for Fox and chromic he is up in the game we are seeing him really start to come on here with the diamond series yeah paul genovese he's really climbing the ladder he's on the diamond series this year making it into this event and you know he's gonna cement himself in these Ryder lineups cuz he's riding really well Marvin combination going into the wheel tell perfect truck driver out he's off to a great start helping the hip he can paddle into this first of three perfect trick jumps going for the backflip bar spin such great style on the upper part of the course here we got that difficult road driver gap he's able to trick it with a tuck no-hander backflip tuck no-hander leaking all these tricks together and complementing the trick before with the next trick yes here he goes here he goes love the Superman secret Indian air slipping paddles a little bit but holding on to composure into the whale tail back foot board footed X up on the step down such a tough variation on a step down jump double tail whip on the third trick jump he's got one more feature for you nice smooth backflip to finish things off propulsion Avicii bringing the heat on run number one there again new to the day I've been serious here with the FMP working through adversity working through the win there and putting together a solid first run here no hander to the bar spent combo great option to start it off first three features all hat bar spins on fourth feature had a tail if you notice that Mitch tubes running that mechanical gyro a lot of guys doing that these days mechanical gyros hydraulic gyros that basically means your cables don't get tangled paul genovese he does not have one of those detangling systems so he has to constantly be thinking all right how many Parsons am I going to do until I get wrapped up and thinking about the math you miss a trick where's that me you still do the next trick that you had on your plan well the Canadians are pretty smart they know how to count we know how to fall trees we know how to count those things as we got and he's throw the bars side to side on that one now waiting for what the judges say we saw a couple bobbles in there falling down him broke down earlier on what kind of deductions we see you don't get feet on the pedal that's where deductions come in so tough to be a judge because you're trying to think you know what is coming up and how big of a deal are these bubbles going to be the bottles are really small in Pauls run just a little bit of a slip pedal on that secret Indian air alright here we go one of the judges have to sand run at number one paolo genovese seat lock it in and second place with a 57.50 so that is from deductions that is why he is not in first place right now but he's got one more run at one more attempt to try and get up to the top step of that box again awesome aerial shot there cam of all the fans the course top to bottom there I just love the way we have these riders ranked from from Louis qualifying to highest from last year's series because it's just getting ramped up as we go the next guy is somebody I'm really excited to watch out of France Mehdi Ghani yeah you were actually telling me when we were chatting about this is a guy that you could say it could be the wild card he could either do the pole bass aka win it or he won't bars been off that top feature of the skinny drop Betty Connie new to the diamond series but looking like a vet with that back clip arts but in a truck driver out of the first small whale tail tail it right to pedals on that hip I told you he was gonna be leaking together a good run front flip he did it so many tricks can we leak them all together on this highly difficult course tough no header on the road gap he's into that next trick jump with a big backflip tuck no-hander he look like he wanted another trick on that combo he's got him you should see how many tricks is gacho holding it together didn't even take a foot off on that slide Oh tuck no-hander into the big whale tail backflip down ready to tired third trick jump backflip town he's been holding on into the last dessert step down backflip bar spins does it oh man that was a great run for Mehdi Ghani that is how you ride the course that is how you put down technical tricks top to bottom cam you called it I told you he was sick right you told him you told us he was gonna be sick like I never heard this guy I was just hoping that he'd be able to put together a run look at this front flip tuck no-hander this slopes out course is really difficult you see him thriving on more dirt chomp oriented tracks but I've seen his ride and I know that he has what it takes to link him up on the more difficult features like that whale tail you know there's three lip downs on this course a flat drop at the top three perfect trick jumps and he trick every single one of them Mehdi Ghani arriving in the future setting a standard he's here Betty Yanni has arrived on the series he is here and it is gonna be awesome to see what he can do what are the judges gonna see for the French rider sixty nine point seven five we have a new leader cam moving into the first spot Betty Gani I'm really stoked for him he's not a lot of struggles with injuries he's on the older end of the spectrum and he's been around for a long time but just the injuries come in at a inopportune moment making it so he doesn't have the points to get to the diamond series but he's finally here well we can see the course we can see the riders meddygon e in the lead right now he's in that first spot taking the lead well as you can see there we've got our leader port Mehdi Ghani sixty nine point seven five Mitch Juby in second with a sixty two point five zero Paul jennett VC with a 57.50 this is just run number one camp and we're only a few riders in I told you it just keeps getting better and we were worried about the wind but everybody's finished a run except for silent patches here we've got a bunch of solid runs in the gate and Tom Ben Steenburgen coming up next that is right another one of the Canadians riding with a little bit of a tweak to me right now he's not at a hundred percent when it comes to a stop you need to step up stepping off off the first skinny drop a front flip we have not seen that yet not even a practice tuck no-hander toboggan in bar spin out oh look at this he is setting the bar so high right away turning up the heat you mentioned how he's coming back from an injury but he is such a tough guy he's doing a trick on every single feature doing what he has to do injury what injury cam look at this run another front flip on the biggest trick jump on the entire course landing absolutely perfect Tom the Trek's III project rider on the diamond series right now it has been on the diamond stairs for a long time but he is definitely looking like he belongs well he is making a break oh right now a few more jumps to go we got the last straight trick jump on the course he's not able to get a trick on that he does have one more feature the finish step down with a smooth backflip to give a nice little icing on the cake and that what a run front flip off a skinny drop cam like are you kidding me he's started this thing called mini flip Monday on Instagram where he flips something is the smallest thing you can find every single Monday and he's front flip I think he has the smallest front flip in the world right now so even though that thing is a smallest feature on the course it's still bigger than what he look at this look at this you have no idea that is just a small drop and he is doing that and then straight into combo did you see him rearing back grabbing the rear brake and the jumping from his pedals to initiate that front foot putting all of his energy and inertia from the back to the front that was that one weak link in the run straight area not jump I know he had some big plans for that one tricks that he hasn't tried before and he's got another run to try to pull it off yeah maybe getting caught with the wind now up to the judges it is up to them what are they gonna say waiting for the Canadian rider here where's this gonna put him fifty point two five good enough in fourth place so again big tricks but he's got to link it all together we did it earlier what's in what's out what's out you can't straight air anything costly mistake right there a perfect slopestyle run is basically like a well-formed sentence you have to have a capital at the beginning and a nice period to top it off at the end and then fill it up with some great content he had the capital letter he just needs to fill it up with some nice words well drop annex in next Sam pilgrim second in the 2013 ladies ell slopestyle 2014 though he's gonna want to erase that that was not a good year from him what happened to him last one we didn't really see him but man is he ever looking on point now yeah you can definitely go back to last year and say that he you know he had a couple hurdles to jump over and maybe just wasn't feeling it so much but he really looks back on point this year that back to the old Sam pilgrim that we knew before just like robotic technical tricks back to back to back and you know it's tough to do stop need a break every once in a while so I think last year's break is exactly what he needed well let's see if he's looking refreshed here in his first pick Compaq 360 on the start skinny drop moving right into the small whaletail backflip tabletop in landing with good speed a 360 tail the biggest trick we've seen out so far 270 click table on the hip what trick does he have for us on the first oh there we go cork 720 we did the trick you gotta have in 2015 pilgrim has it flipping the world gap the first time we seen that competition today backflip talk no hander he's a cabin run together the crowds going nuts they are really good in set-builder he's been coming out here for years and years he's always been a crowd favorite tuck no-hander into the big whale tail backflip tabletop out what's he got on this next trick jump backflip tail up catching early and trying to squeeze around the rotation just barely pulling it off blast dirt to dirt step down another straight backflip smooth run for said pilgrims Sam pilgrim his bags have children is healthy pilgrim is stoked on that look at that look on his face that just shows how great it feels to finish your run without a crash getting over maybe that mental hurdle from last year and linking it up top to bottom there let's take a look at this he was really high in that backflip tabletop getting those amplitude points getting a technicality punch the 360 tail whip out degree of trick difficulty very high on doing that on a step down oh cork 720 the trick of the year you got to have it so hot right now so hot look at that he almost got hung up under rotate on that backflip talent but he was able to make himself small slow off the rotational inertia and get to the wheels something tells me this could be a new leader here but that is just my opinion it is up to the judges we're gonna have to wait and see what they say loving that big toothless grin we've seen it forever what is Sam pilgrim gonna walk away with here seventy eight point five zero we've got a new leader at Ken camp let's go down at our word with our leader right there thanks and Sam with a seventy eight point five oh you are our new leader but 2014 was not your year how redeeming is it to just be able to put that first run down including that backflip over the road gap yeah actually that back from the road gap like two years ago three years ago I crashed that real bad so it's real good to be able to do it again and feel so good this year having fun and made a run down which is always really good you know to be able to get this one run down after the wind hold how are you now approaching run - well now we can just go how much time and drop some bigger tricks and just have actually more funds there's less pressure now so yeah enjoy alright one run down for Sam guys we'll send it back to you Thank You Tina it is gonna be hammer time cam it is gonna be hammer time for all of our athletes great to see him kind of come over a mental hurdle from three years ago they're crashing on that backflip and now he's sitting in the lead comfortably by almost 10 points and that rope has been on the course ever since he started having the slopestyle on this hill and it's always been gnarly to flip it a feature like that it's never gonna be not gnarly and the fact that he can conquer that demon is just great well the next rider in the gate we saw him testing it Carson storage 22 from Bend Oregon one of your buddies he's got five diamond tour starts to top tens today is his sixer we will have to see what he's got oh man I am so pulling for this kid been riding with him a ton at home living in the same town as Carson right now start now with a tailwhip into the small whale tail opposite 360 out into a regular flat spin 450 on the hip going both ways getting that technical trick points 360 tail up right to pedals on that first trick jump now he's into that road gap that we were talking about before once he got 400 is he gonna recover yes he's flipped on but he got him back on in time to figure out his speed and get a nice quick flip on that next trick jump going for truck driver on the spine this is a crane run gone bar spin off to the big whale tail 360 down he's got another couple opportunities for you here 360 opposite world opposite 360 downside tail up missing the pedals a little bit but not so much where he can't finish this run with a nice court out backflip on the step yes Carson storage putting it together a year on round number one so good to see watching him try to piece that run together in practice there was things that he was struggling with but he stopped small here comes little bobbles of the pedals we've seen the judges kind of be real critical on that any one in the bag just like Sam Cohen was saying it allows you to go for the juggler in your second run look at this again tail whip up chop then get that opposite three off of there the great thing is he landed on the pedals when he needed to if you miss the pedals on one of those whale tails you can't hit the next one something like this boom fell off but he had enough time to recover tap the brakes and get into that flip on that trick jump you see he must be part cat cuz he recovered so well on that getting the feedback on I heard him now as he passed us got opposite 360 downside tail is so technical spinning this opposite direction do to tell kind of like a decade well somebody get him some mount mix he's still got one more run to go here to the judges right there there's a common deduction will there be yeah there was the deductions that are easy to see to the untrained eye but then there was also the opposite variation so you would know her holding that seven five camp good enough for six he's got to clean that up though yeah and he's got what it takes to clean it up having that confidence of one run in the bag is sometimes all it takes to get a banger second run big tricks just needs to do a little bit different there get the feet on the pedals to put that together oh look who's next the next rider he is the Czech Republic from one age 25 thomas zeta he's got a neat diamond tour starts hold mass so this is a guy a bright bike I don't know if he's ever changed a bike it always seems like the same bike each and every round over the years here he has been running the same bike for a lot of years he's had the same ride inside for a lot of years you just see him add more and more tricks his riding style is just boom boom boom boom he fits as many tricks as he can with the each individual feature he's the guy running one of those hydraulic gyros because he'll be doing bars fins and tail ups in the same jump in in variations with spins and flips let's see what he has for us Tomas dropping in with a bar spin starting off of that bar spin not having to count the cables suicide into the small whale tail 360 tail whip out I love that go and tell begin on the hip now we've got our first trickable straight double truck driver to tabletop trying to fit as much in as he can on that jump the road gap going just for an x-up setting up he loves the straight trick jumps and you've got a smooth tail looks like getting a little bit caught up in the win on that tail up usually stretches out the legs like a big Superman but he's holding it together with a backflip table top on the spine yes he is down at the lower part now big whale tail bars been in 360 down all right this is one he loves he loves a straight trick jumps bars pin to tail whip so tough to fit both those tricks into one jump they're straighter on the last step down the judges aren't going to love that but they are gonna love that bars gonna tail up here in the second blast future a bunch of the tricks good solid first round you can see maybe changing things up being safe on the jumps that he knew where there could be wind again he's been hanging over those riders are dropping in pretty quick before we went to contest you can see that combo there right away off the start making that 360 tail up out of the small whale tail looks so easy just textbook feet to the pedals on to the next feature that road gap is really tough to trick and use going just for the X up on that keeping it smooth so we can lay out this nice tail up on the biggest trick jump on the course yeah exam a favorite part here the bars gonna tell Vincent pedals a little bit but such a hard trick the kind of will balance out at a certain point can't well we are seeing other riders to go here back sorry down the crowd there pull my weight and that Fork is a score wait for the judges so again we've seen a bunch of little blips there thirty six point two five so good enough for seven but this is where we're at cam this is where we're at it's not that we want to give somebody a low score but this is where we have to have our deduction so we have our range so when somebody puts down that flawless run we have something to go with how about that you can do a bar spin to tell up and a run and still only be one guy the guy who crashed out of the run that's just speaks volumes to how tough this level of competition is this year yeah very much so again getting a full game there you can see our standings up on that right hand side Pilbara I'm still sitting in there and the man with zebra pants Tomas Lemoine he is the guy he's been doing so much five-diamond starts 13th overall in the 2014 series there we saw him being at third in the pumptrack and rotor up fourth in speed and style there but he got fifth in 2012 here with the latest out slows down so many results camps only accomplishments but he just needs to add the one thing he needs to get himself a gold medal and the time is now with his run number one this guy well-rounded or what you just listed off a bunch of accolades from a ton of different disciplines he's got the full package you don't see that very often with the really young riders but he's had he's been the protege of dangerous Momoa the old free rider from back in the day and he's really led him on the right path he's a slope style specialist he has a stood on the podium here in his home country of France yeah and he's looking to do that today so what you're saying is for all the young athletes out there ride everything don't stick to the one discipline and then when you figure out exactly what you want to do then get into that one discipline that's a way to do it man if you can ride a little bit of downhill a little bit of everything get the wide variety of bike skills they're gonna come in in in handy when you're riding a slope style course because sometimes you know you're in ladies out friends for example you got rocks you got loose conditions you gotta know how to corner so he is up there he is waiting on the gusts of wind we still got a little bit here it's not that as dead calm now but he is just trying to wait for that optimal of when to drop in do you think pilgrim dropped it when it was windy he did say it that's what you say his strategy was the run seemed to go pretty well for him so whatever he did it seemed to be the right thing okay here we go Tomas Lemoine there we go talk no hander off the start skinny drop that things only about seven inches wide backflip looking for a variation not able to get it into the whaletail perfect truck driver out though oh he was just getting back the momentum but missing the bar spin after that tuck to bar combo making up for it they'll get moving flip bar spin on the next trick job I love this composure hearing just pretending like that mistake never even happened because there's so many more features on the course huge flat spin 360 tuck no-hander holding him off for a real long time fat foot bar spin on the spine and the stop point horsemen into the round tail with a 360 X up out he's definitely recovering very well from that small mistake up top backs up Taylor slipping one pedal but getting back on it oh no this is exactly what we were talking about he has all those plank skills to not wash out but it can still happen to anybody tucking the front end of that and you can saw he is not pleased with himself he has got pride he is from France and you know it he almost made it down so close one more jump to go on that jump you basically have to transfer from left to right to set up outside and that burner will square off and get a lot of speech for that dirt deterred stepped down he may have landed a little bit inside on the left the jump before it had not been lined up perfect for that burn just lost the front end well we saw him last network through the determination and through any adverse conditions he's gonna shake this one off we know he'll be back on that next run there he's not happy with himself but we saw from that run he has great composure so I know he's gonna be able to push it all side get back up there for a second round and fixing mistakes as you can see up here here he comes he's got the transferor get the flip whip and he was landing that a ton at practice super smooth so I was almost thinking that was a gimme but not the front end there it's kind of a weird crash no way you'd expect feet off the pedals having to make a corner really quickly after that jump it's no surprise that he lost the front end so the judge has given him a 30 point 75 good enough for it but he has got that second run that is where he'll be able to try and link it together do the French bread well let's go down to Tina she's down there with a special guest of the chorale well we got we have talked about this before that these riders are warriors and always pushing the level an Antoine we wanted to see you here compete and slopestyle you've decided to sit on the sidelines what happened this morning I wanted to write so much but this morning while I was jumping the last step down I got blown by the wind and pretty much couldn't do anything my bike did 90 degrees and I hit the ground pretty hard in my head and just since that I was trying to I did a few run trying to trying to ride but I knew I couldn't go for for my best friend for what I wanted to do so I prefer keep it safe and I know I'm not a hundred percent so I'm keeping him safe for the we still have the whole season to go and I want to have fun still unknown so that's my decisions yeah there are a lot more competitions coming up now you said keep it safe safety first but as you sit here and watch these riders go down what's your perspective yeah you like everybody when I wanna go so big and the jump is the the spot is pretty good and I know right I had big plans like everyone everyone can send it and you just you just I crashed so I can't ride like I know I would have gone big like everyone goes and I'm pretty stuck to watch my friends going big but it's not it's just not my day well thanks so much for your time Antoine sitting on the sidelines but still supporting everyone out there guys Thank You Tina and as he said it they're just not his day that is what the athletes have to do be able to see the big picture we know he'll be back he'll be wanting to be healthy for Whistler that is where it counts next to the World Tour and here is our leaderboard right now you can see the Great Britain Rider Sam pilgrim doing his country proud and strong sitting up there with a 70 8.50 but can we still got some heavy hitters to come here we got some heavy hitters to come we got my ringer sitting there in second place Meghani you made the call did you made the call you made the call not booked today not yesterday you actually made the call when we were driving on Thursday there you kind of like there's this guy Manny guy he could beat my wildcard for slope style finals I'm stoked he didn't make a liar out of me no not at all we are back up there we are looking at Logan Pete he is up in the gate there 25 years old from Roberts Creek maybe heard of that that's where the coast gravity bike park is pretty rad little spot and last year was his breakout you're getting a fourth at that Joyride you know that little event that we have in Whistler each and every year man Logan peak and fourth place at draw ride was so awesome he's been in the game for a really long time had some gnarly injuries and actually took a couple years to get back but now he's training partners of Brandon seminar could you possibly have a better training partner it seems to be working not at all he's got the keys to that all-access compound there on the coast and of course not showing it's just showing that last year wasn't a fluke getting fit that round number one there in Rotorua so he was on the kind of boxer with that fifth position showing that you know what he is ready he's here he's now and like you said he was injured a few years ago people kind of forget it's not he's a new router he's just been around forever and he's had some adverse conditions to work through with injuries which has just made him stronger you watch him ride and you can see this composure from a veteran rider it's it's kind of reminiscent of the way Brandon rides you don't see their head Bob at all when they land and they put their bike exactly in the right spot when they needed to be there and he you know he's he's following the right footsteps I think exactly well you can see right there look at the wind in the background that is why we're just having a little bit of a break but talking about a break we're not seeing somebody here right now camp due to a break and he broke his leg again his tib and fib we're talking about Martin Soderstrom the wrong kind of break the kind of break you don't want unfortunately man he's had three in the last couple years on this leg you can see the hardware there from the break before he'll be out for not as long as he was for that huge one he had a joy rod but still a good six to eight week er yeah look at that hashtag they're a little bit of beep-beep-beep on that one but we want to see the big guy back you saw him last year he just didn't look like himself in all the events he was struggling he wasn't happy broken again and then really in Rotorua though you saw a complete different person we saw the March Soderstrom that we all loved from years ago he was smiling he was happy and he was healthy yeah so it's a big loss for Crankworx in general and not have Martin out here he's a crowd favorite everybody loves him he brings an amazing energy the big sweetest brat Jay calls him he's always gonna be a contender for the podium and even in some of the other disciplines as well DSN as the pumptrack challenge and the slopestyle well that's it I remember a couple years ago at Crankworx he took the pumptrack challenge and might as well made it a DES and s he was tricking jumps and you're like what is what is this guy do it he's gonna wear himself out in that pumptrack challenge he's one of those guys I mean he's older than Lemoine but he was one of the first riders to do it Lemoine has I'm kind of start out and you know have a great well-rounded package of skills all right well it's looking like we are getting the green light Logan peat is ready and he is dropping in on his first run Logan peak on 360 off the skinny drop to start things off on the right foot tail up into the small wheel tail with a 360 as an opposite 360 acts up out there we go with the regular 270 Logan naturally spinning to the right back clip bars been looked like he was pulling it in trying to get a tuck no-hander but getting that back flip parson on that first straight trick jump flip on the road oh man he's so perfect right into the berm lining up for the next owner with the back flipped out Oh Oh coming up short so hard to judge speed for that jump you got a break you don't know how much you pop a little bit more for the back flipped out next thing you know you're hitting knuckle he looks good off the road gap before that big trick jump there he's all smiles though he knows he's got a second run and he's got that adrenaline flowing through his veins right now he's like give me back up to the top get me to the top you know if you're smiling right away after a crash he is confident he is confident inside right that logan pete smile on his face is happy i have a feeling he's gonna put on a show for us and continue out this run just for the fans well he's putting his helmet back on because as much as he's crashing he still has a chance to get a couple more jumps in AKA extra practice before going into run number two they're throwing up the hands it's extra practice and it's also just considering that you know he came all the way from Canada the crowd here loves him and he's gonna put on a show such a good sportsman here such a great guy there we go 360 out of the whale tail what kind of show is he gonna put on for us looking like he had something big maybe just think out there I know what he's thinking he is treating this as a practice run I know what he's thinking on that jump you know what he's thinking well he's thinking combos that is the scary thing for us right here camp you look at the riders and it's not even two combos now you gotta make sure you get more than two combos if you want to get a good score it's ridiculous we're talking about how there's 12 drinkable feature if you do more than one trick of each jump how many tricks is that well let's look to see what happened here he got the extension he got it around I love his style of backflip tell if she's not even looking for the flip he's watching that bike whip around just trying to get his feet back on get the backflip over the road gap there the bets upon the road gap is worth huge points because that's like a that's a true mountain bike kind of free riding feature it's a step down it's dirt the dirt it's on an angle super top to trick all right so 22 points good enough for ninth spot there for Logan peat next time he says next time next time well he has got another go around to go around right now Yannick Granieri one of the most successful slopestyle riders ever still doesn't have a win though camp could this be the day he's in his home country could he pull it off home soil if he was gonna get a win on the diamond series this would be the one from the crowd would absolutely go nuts Yannick has been on the scene for a long time got a big fan following and actually riding a slow stop bike here he's traditionally been riding a hard tail he's gone for dual suspension each time well if he were to win something would tell me he'd almost for him misses flight to Crankworx wizard because he'd be partying so hard if he did get that he is 28 our oldest competitor in the field here today he got fourth it'll s-blade his elf in 2012 and 2013 can't he get a breakthrough can he get into the top three here a couple fourth under his belt so close to that podium you know he smelled it before he wants to get up there yeah he smelt it not close enough for a link there to get onto that he's hanging out up there again you can see the standing Sam pilgrim still sit and comfy in that lead there there's a hefty lead over Mehdi Ghani as well but can Yannick Granieri do something about he's got an x-up off that first skinny start drop he's landing in his armpit whoa truck driver holding the hand off man that truck tire had so much style he left his hand off all lazy oh my gosh trick jump corks 720 Yannick Granieri a new move for him he knows that 2015 he's got to bring the heat with the cork seven missing the pedals by recovering nicely just like we saw storage do but you know I gots a back flip tail up on the next jump Yannick is on fire right now flat spin ex up now he's coming into the big whale tail bars been in backflip out two more chances to cement this run double tail but they're no longer unique Ranieri man he's been doing his homework oh the booklet barspin he had it together that turn from magic to tragic real quick from flawless from the top there big tricks we've got some of the best medical personnel in the game there they're gonna give him a once-over we've got the best out there though they are on the scene already they're checking him out there hopefully nothing too serious they're not too sure what went wrong on that one again things were looking good they were looking clean and flawless up top camp just he just showing tricks that we had never seen him do somebody's been practicing this winter that's what was great about that run you know he's on the older end of the spectrum he's 28 some of these guys competing against 18 at the court seven the SS and judging by the crowd it sounds like you may have stood up now looks like they're cheering about something else he's kind of taking a breather down there the medical staff is rolling in we've got great medical staff out here it's not the first time we've had a rider down two ladies out and they always do the job yeah they do the best they're with the crowd okay hopefully nothing too serious hopefully he can shake that off there he was having a little little fiber a little breather right there that was a really hard crash but part of me had to believe that you know he was staying on the ground just out of pure disappointment that run kind of just wiped clean he did it all for nothing that cork 720 that dumb whip tricks that he didn't have last season he's doing now he's done his homework he's just recently bought an airbag to practice on this trick here is a look at that double tail whip and he landed it perfect you see a lot of guys slipping pedals on that jump he just had one more trick he needed to do it was gonna be a backflip bar spin but sometimes the bars get hung up in your knees there's not a lot of space in that cockpit right there and boom wasn't able to get the bars all the way back around a straight oh the right shoulder taking it right to the shoulder in the head there and just just hanging out for a second that's the hardest thing for all you fans at home when we're watching obviously we don't know what happens the minute they hit their ground sometimes people are just taking a breather sometimes they're just lying there sand to themselves what did I do that for why did I do that well sometimes a rider didn't even know what happened you know that's usually the first question here your head you go up what trick was I trying yeah exactly he's gonna be like wait it wasn't the quark 7 or the dumb lift that I've been working feverishly on the last couple months it was the flip bar all men yeah a million times into their bank but great to see Yannick Granieri he is a okay heat is up but at the top there we have got Sam pilgrim still sit and good on that one you can see they're a bunch of our runners they've been slipping pedals having issues sometimes that's the name of the game and run to number one and it's funny camp some contests every first run locked loaded high scores and then the second run we see difficulty today kind of seems like the trend first run riders trying to feel things out not going perfect which means they're gonna have to go to that second run and then you got a guy like Yannick Granieri just dumping it out right away he's been practicing so hard he's like why would I start the contest and not do the tricks I'm practicing no looking at the top one of the French homeboys he got fifth in Joyride in 2014 Louie ruble he is our next rider to drop in you got to remember too this is a world class field you see a lot of French riders in here it's not because this event isn't France there's no the free pass you get from being local these guys earn their spot in here you see all the French riders in here that's good slope style real big in this country these days there's not well let's see what the local can do here on the first drop we were both going for toboggan keeping it smooth and simple off that first skinny drop smile well tail well candy ball taking both feet off putting both hands on the seat completes origin from the pike tail up on the hip trick jumps gonna be a perfect backflip tail right to the pedals carrying speed into that road gap the toughest feature on the course to trick tuck no-hander get in their next trick jump under flip watching the land and go by the whole time as he's flipping underneath his bike he's got the style between the jumps there the 360 toboggan and loves the toboggan in this run toboggan up into the whale tail back flip out two more chances what Lulu Eber bullring transferring backflip tuck no-hander he's got to make it to the right side of that landing and another backflip to finish things off for Luger ball solid first around that Lyra whoa buddy get together he's safe folks he is safe he is good at the finish there and he feels so good too and he watched his buddy Yannick Granieri they ride together a lie sighs buddy go down and you know he was thinking I'd you did not do that I can to land all my tricks and get through there with a smooth run be able to experiment a little bit the second run so it's a hard one to shake up a look at that cannonball full extension on all limbs now that was an opposite 360 out of that small whale tail the cannonball was great that's kind of a really difficult trick to do with a win so no punt he's throwing caution the wind trying the tricks that are way harder to do when you got that air moving around and changing the trajectory or your wheels a lot of Street backflips in there he's gonna be wanting to kind of throw some variations in on the next run but there's something to be said for getting a smooth one in the bag waiting on the score right now elbow hanging out there what are the judges gonna say on that one we saw three tricks the exact same the toboggan they're definitely a safety trick on that but if you do it too many times if you do kind of wonder if more than once that was where deductions will happen what are the judges gonna say forty seven point seven five good enough for six plays right there for Louie true blue on a run number one I did like the variety in that run though you don't see too many people doing the cannonball which is that trick where you get completely off the bike you hold on to the see with both hands or feet are flailing off by themselves I liked how he's kind of stepping outside the box a bit yeah thrown out the cam is zinc signature trick that we've seen him so many times well talking about breakout rides the 2014 Rookie of the Year Nicolai Roy Gaskin let's get in touch and impersonal with him right now [Music] a lady up was quite a rollercoaster ride for me last year massive crash in fact it's one of the biggest crash that ever had somehow walked it off and was able to do a pretty sweet the real game when you're when you're competing is with yourself because it's your run that you have to do with your score that you have to get I love sending in our I love pushing myself because that's the best thing you know progression and you know pushing your limits [Music] all I can say is Wow after watching that camp Rookie of the Year last year but he is making a break out here this year and he is on the cusp of his first wind he's really getting it figured out he came from BMX but he's you know strategize in a different way for slopestyle now that he's had a couple years on the tour he's doing the casserole and the quark 720 the same run 720 rotations on different axes kind of like what you'd see in skiing snowboarding so you made me a BMX earth but he's dipping into inspiration from all different sports let's see what he has for us here tail on this first drop he'll up being the incredibly tiny skinny first drop huge amplitude on the Superman seat grab o-360 talent out of the whale tail he is doing some tricks that you would not expect on those small features cash roll yes perfect landing if he could do a corks I'm gonna count for the same run that's how you get the points ahead on the road cap coming in you got to see him on this booster jump napkin this is a heater of a run coming into the large whaletail going far spit up double the whale tail kidney hold it together get those feet to finish this run sometimes you just need to straight out oh no he's not gonna have the speed for the last step down what is to come if he can put it together oh it's amazing to see this kid put together on run he has the eye of the tiger no matter what happens he wants to hit that next jump his feet were off for a half of that burr but he was still pedaling trying to make it into this second last feature never say die never give up Nicholas buck action oh my gosh look at him right there the crowd is going nuts for him he threw down the gauntlet in that run I thought I was gonna say everybody else up at the top lest we just have it shivers and up their spine because if he could put that together top to bottom they need to bring more than their game they bring their eight-plus game they need to bring more than they've ever brought to the table then I can't wait to see that replay that triple tau of how he was the amplitude the degree of difficulty of the drink the execution yeah and all body than that one move let's go back to the top and see how this run started out Superman see crap into the small whale tail 360 10 out there was no dull moment in this run no not at all bringing the big toys to the sandbox here there's the end of the casserole landing completely straight he did have couple crashes on that trick of practice but able to iron out the details of the final run double whip out of that whale tail is so tough the step-down aspect of it makes it so difficult but losing the pedals was what caused him to not really have enough speed to clear that jump without half the paddling push and then losing paddles again once landed on it we will see him and run the number two he's gonna shake off this first round 11th place that just doesn't look good beside his name he is looking at too strong here this year again he got second and rotor route earlier this year Nikolai you had the run going including that triple whip just word of things go wrong I don't know I just things kind of went wrong after the step down I double whipped it and some reason one of my feet came off and I tried to crank it to this next one I didn't think I had enough speed so tried to jump it and yeah I just wind blew me a little there and that's where it all ended but it happens how you told me earlier that you have to be a hundred percent precise on this course is that true with especially that bottom part and combining every jump and trick yeah you know I made a little mistake on the drop so yeah the next jump which was impossible so you have one more run so best of luck thank you alright guys well thank you very much there Tina we were hanging out with Nikolai drag I can we are gonna have to see him in that next run nothing changing on our leaderboard right there Mitch to be sitting in a third meddygon in second and Sam pilgrim still sitting in that number one spot with seventy eight point five zero welcome we're getting in to the big names into the nitty-gritty six more riders to go and run number one Simon gods Nick the next rider up out of Poland look at that he's running two brakes on his bike you don't see too many guys running a front brake but he's got some tricks that you can only do if you have a front brake let's see if he throws any of those out of the back today that will be interesting to see he got fifth Atlanta's help last year his top result fifth I her fifth overall in the FMB 2014 standings he's riding from Poland probably not many mountains they're probably a little flatter than what we're seeing here in the Alps yeah you know these guys coming from the non mountainous regions just really making happen you got to travel sometimes to get to the mountains his brother rides BMX oh he's got that influence riding with his brother and then he's the guy who's been interested about biking so he goes on trips he was out of rampage last year doing it up oh there we go he's starting off with the tail up on that skinny top drop my amplitude landing low into the snow will tell the battle if not get the trick out of that first straight trick jobs give me a front flip bars bid for Simon God Zig holy cow we see front flip but it's not very often we see it a variation like that's a really high score move the front over the Mars bed now link it up with a back flip of the bars but kind of just getting that variety score going both directions with the bar some variation back foot one foot again I was fine I can't wait to see him on this next trick jump you gotta surprise us sometimes Oh [Applause] kidding boost on that into another stratosphere just as I said we couldn't predict what trick he was going to do he went for the trick of the year of 2015 the quark 720 thats a new one in his bag he knew he had to learn it still maybe not a hundred percent dialed in but I did see him doing in practice so I know he has her figured out it just hits on his way on that temps he does have in there again look at this air 450 drop they're getting that looking smooth you got bunch of really cool foot variations having that burn foot bars bending over the back foot bar spin straighter into the whale isn't gonna help him but the backfoot tabletop definitely is definitely increases the point value even just thrown in a tabletop then there is your cork 720 just being a little bit off axis going straight to the knee hopefully you didn't tweak that thing and we can see it for a second run knowing with those Street here's my prayer but 16 get enough for 13 but we are down into the core routers we are down into our final few for round number one all right which means Simon gothic has dropped in the next guy on course he got third here last year he's been competing all weekend long using TS and s that is right Sam Reynolds is in Viki aid he was talking the other day about how he grew up watching crank works and he feels like it's so amazing to be a part of it he usually stood on the podium here last year and remember how over the moon he was he stood on the podium at King s make it second D s and s let's see if he can do it again in slopestyle bar spin off the top skinny drop going into the small whale tail backflipped octo hander leaving it right out to a tailwhip start things off right getting the style point for the tabletop on the hair now stuff gets real with the trick jump backflip talent coming into the road gap will heat rip the rug gap go through that top my hander getting something in there to fill the void no sorry to do them gonna win three gone three sixty over the spot tuck no-hander up into the big whale tail backflip down all right nothing can what does he got on this jump a double tail whip it's coming together cam it's coming together he got the paddles tuck no-hander the step down that's exactly what he needed to do to put the last little nail in that run Reynolds linking it together top to bottom there do you get style points for 80 shades get some sound points but you're definitely gonna get style points with this treat combo backflip tuck no-hander in tail whip out I like how that run just progressively ramped up started out with some stuff it's a little more stock still really difficult to execute but then go right into more difficult things like the backflip towel without a tuck no-hander on the rogue out but here's my favorite part of the run becoming completely separated from the bike no foot cane with the feet hands off the bar just like he did put that back with no hander to finish off you can see if shake his head he is so stoked if you had a serious tail wind that bike would fly away from you there but he kept it within his grasp well we'll have to wait and see what the judges say is the podium within his grasp for his that number one spot can he knock out his best friend off the top step of the box there's one of those runs you could potentially see hop into the top four here okay what the judges say oh you know what was a huge about that run I think what did it for him let's take his hands off on the flip on that last step down everybody's flipping it you do a variation and the judges will reward so there we go Sam Reynolds pop it up into second spot with a 72 so the runs getting a little bit closer to his buddy Sam pilgrim up in that number one with a 78 man this is deja vu from the S&S he got to Great Britain rider sitting in the top two spots alright well this guy got second last year he can ride amazing when there is a little bit of wind he is from Belgium he is 21 Thomas genin Tov eg the king of consistency we were talking about him earlier in the pre-show this is his first time riding a slopestyle bike in a diamond event he's traditionally written a hardtail you see a lot of these guys starting to ride the full suspension bike especially on these rougher courses but like we said before the king of consistency watch his composure watch how he packed so much into one run let's see what he can pack into this first drop 360 there spinning that that thing is so hard a trick to spin it you got to make sure you don't go off the skinniness the tuck no-hander in 360 tuck no-hander i love how those tricks complement each other there we go with the 270 Talib on the hip corks 720 on the first jump you see how early he spotted his landing he's gonna get the execution points for that Oh tail up on the road gap backflip talk to Hannah for a second I thought he's gonna miss the variation thank goodness he got those hands off that's what he needs to do three their opposite 360 on the spine rolling right into the big whale tail missing the trick up for making up for with a quick 360 table down the step down on the retail second last feature going for the town web I know he wanted a little bit more there but he's keeping the extrude one last jump Oh a double well that explains why you didn't double with that second last jump because he was gonna do it on the harder future that's like when we were talking about in the pre-show do the harder trick on the less likely feature get those points something was telling me he wanted to double with I think he wanted something else on that straight tail up down there we're gonna look at that up there we gotta look at that look at that style this is what he is known for is that composure we're talking about watches landings boom the whole body absorbs arms and legs in the same time go and tail upon the road cap and you see like I stood pedals on that not Tommy G backflip really stretching the hands out on that tuck no-hander get the variation he did straight to help I think he was looking for another trick after the tail buy saw what he's doing in practice but here was the banger of the run the double tail down the step down so much more difficult to do when the lip is higher than Landon yeah look at that style catching it early variation execution overall impression those are all the things that he is doing well and he's doing a very good for the judges one to the judge is a save for this the suspense is killing we have a new leader yeah any 2.50 Tommy G you're at the top of the leaderboard so tough to compete with the composer of Tommy G all right well let's see what Tommy G has to say right now that's right Tommy you are our new leader how close was that to the run you wanted to do what almost days but due to the bad condition and the stress and a lot of waiting and the rough crashes before me I tried to chill a bit little bit more but didn't quite get the whip to know and I wanted but well yes I'm stoked to be at the bottom not injured and have the chance to do a second one and you have one solid score under your belt and another run to go guys we'll send it back to you Thank You Tina you can see that it's just some insight into what the riders are facing up top right in their camp it's not just hanging out in high fives there is a serious game there is a title at stake and you got to get sure get over all those adverse to the conditions yeah he was spilling his guts just really describing how nerve-racking it is to be at the top that course just waiting for your run you know Thomas Shannon is on such a ridiculous level that even a run like that he's not 100% satisfied with well with that he is our defending champion here from ladies'll dropping in next the man he's got amplitude the man who can go bigger than all Anthony Missouri there we go he wants to stand on top of that podium just like he did last year here in France it was his first huge win on the diamond series his second podium he wants a third right now you know he is gonna want to go for it right there what is he got for us here folks Anthony Missouri start things off with the tap a little bit of a bobble may be losing petals by recovering nicely Matt cliff bars been getting things off to a great start double truck driver out of that whale tail that was an opposite Talent on that hip flip getting the variety going all different directions getting a trick on that road gap he's gotta flip that out of his mind and just move on to the next job straight back flip once again kind of just keep moving on and get to that next trick get into the danger zone straight flip down he's got two more jumps for him let's see how high he goes on this job oh man from my angle he was like 15 feet off the takeoff backflip bars down the stairs yes he lands it and brings it together footrace on the step down so keep looking how the judges scored right now and that bar spent so early on that as well on that flip yeah he's working that mechanical gyro as well you can see so he had a pretty gnarly in sedated Craig Burton years back where he actually had to stop his run high back up its realized that he was cables too much don't have to think about that anymore he's got the gyro and he can spin those bars with that bike space as he wants so looking like ran over the gate slipped a pedal and that kind of set things off here you can tell he's Russian his tricks a little bit not letting the course come to him that run started out similar to how his run started out last year except he ramped it up cuz it 2015 he did a double truck driver out of that way up tail bailing that front flip so hard to do 360 taalib right to the pedals and gone classic and the immerser East style straight to the moon on his flat spin 360 but here's what really did it cabin off that run to the back foot bar stone on the step-down how can somebody so tall in stature but let's see what the score says is it gonna push him to the top Oh sixty seven point two five so good enough for fifth place but he's won here before cam he knows what he needs to do on that second run yes in the fifth definitely nothing to shake a stick out especially when you looked at that run you know there's a couple opportunities for him to ramp it up a bit he's actually sitting in a good spot cuz you know he's got some more of the tank alright well the guy who back in Rotorua's said you know what I want to make sure nobody else wins that Triple Crown well he got his wish he wanted rotor ax we have got Bret reader up our second last rider here for run number one whoa Bret reader the only guy in the running for the crank rigs Triple Crown if we haven't mentioned it before you have to win all three of the crank Rick slopestyle events to be able to take that Triple Crown championship title first of its kind and he has got all the pressure on the world but really it's himself this guy is a perfectionist it's not anybody else he doesn't worry about what anybody else is doing it is all up to him he wants to put together that best run and we've seen him rise before we've seen a rise to the top when conditions are difficult when other riders fail he is there to jump to the top if only we knew what was going on inside that head right there the strategy it takes to compose these runs is just ridiculous well because there is so much mon stake he is hanging out there just making sure that he has the optimal conditions because there is one more rider after them and it is biggest adversary so you know the reader wants to make sure everything is perfect he doesn't want to leave anything to chance here he is get away for when that wind just goes to the right amount so that when he drops it he can link it all together with his combos camp you know brett has his plan he knows what he needs to do but he also knows that Brandon gets to watch his run and drop it after Brett so Brett really wishing that he got to drop in last so he knew what to do but right now he just needs to focus on his own plan and execute his goal it is almost like a chess match and we've seen it all through practice there always is maybe not obvious to the regular person but they are always checking up with each other is numb too it's not a what's going on here or this or that they are trying to see what each other has and Seminole has the card up his sleeve so our judges hanging out down there our established panel yeah we chatted a call of Duncan earlier on today there can't really tell he's got that camo shirt on they're blending in they are all smiles right now man I'd be chewing my fingernails down to the bone if I wasn't in that judges Tower and I wouldn't have any fingers left I was just chewing it down to the mid of my palm here I don't envy their position right there I don't envy the fact that they have to do what they do but the thing is they are the best in the world that's why we have them they have the structure they have a way how they do the judging it's not just by chance it's not just by hey that kind of looked cool now there is a formula and they follow it to a tee and I can't wait to see Bret readers around the fact that we're all sitting here we get to watch his run right now it doesn't happen that often it happens a few times a year a handful times here and not every one of those starts pass Brandon stamina breathing down his neck right behind him want to take the title from them no not at all again I feel the space oh my god reader started this run off the bang bang flipping the flat skinny draw that things only about backflip tail fin double truck drive around the well town Bret reader on course opposite 50 on the road primary coming into the trick jump front flip bars fin landing perfect what's he got on the road gap Brett reader road Matt Road gap opposite panel left coming right in this trick jump perfect execution on that man if he can hold this run together this is a bigger but back foot bar spin on the spine tail it up into the whale tail truck driver elbows up and sleep back lip balm the toggle and ER one more one more jump step down opposite Bob's at ridiculous doing is the unthinkable Oh what is going through this guy's head oh my gosh what is gonna be going through 72 they're men all eyes on Brett Morita right now but all mine is on bread and seminar what is he gonna do right off the back no don't forget he back flip that start skinny drop right into the flip move up the double truck out the opposite 450 the opposite tail upon the road gap doing the opposite on those really difficult trick features the Cork's 720 spotting his landing so early reminiscent of how he did that in Rotorua another trick that he did in Rotorua that took him to the wind as the backflip Marshman a tuck no-hander but here's the banger backflip opposite tail up on the step down I remember just a year ago the banger of his run in Whistler was to flip whip out of that whale tail now he's doing clip awful whips on step downs well he is looking relieved also stress at the same time he is waiting for that score what are the judges gonna have to say here okay what are the judges gonna say for the Canadian rider I have a feeling Tristan oh my god we are into the 90s Brent reader has burst the bubble oh my gosh well Tina what is going on down there and the only athlete so far to have gotten in the 90s Brett how did you strategize that run it was near textbook I missed a couple things I kind of had to improvise last minute and I made it down somehow I feel incapable before I'm about to drop in but somehow I just saw it works I feel really good that I made it but Brandon's at the top of its a job and yeah everyone knows what that means but that's a huge score that's near the score that you had in Rotorua when you won so how do you clean things up because you do have one more run well I'm just gonna I'm gonna do exactly what I practiced and yeah hopefully I can I can land it if I need to all right guys Bret one more run to go Thank You Tina a lot of feelings down there and I would be feeling like Elena I couldn't imagine you just linked that together he had more things that looked like it was planned out to a tee camp man there's a couple of things I loved about that interview he talks so much info out exactly what's going on through his head he said he feels so incapable when he drops it it reminds me the drummer of the Foo Fighters oh it said if you think it's the worst reps on the stage it just happens but he also talks on the fact that well Brandon's gonna drop in here really soon and you know what that means well we do know what that means these two riders Brandon SEMATECH Bret reader currently tied for the most diamond wins on the tour ever four wins each so that means the 24-year old router from Squamish BC three-time FMB champ he is dropping in next Brandon semanas Brendan gonna gonna be able to answer this run we saw Bret readers start out flat drop back flipping that tiny little I swear that thing's like four feet tall about seven inches wide and that was something that was so new just a couple years ago being able to back flip at all of a flat take off but this one's like seven inches wide and it's so small it's basically like flipping off a curb well leave it up to the Canadians to know how to get across the skinny and throw down a big trick but what is going on in this guy's head that is secure that is a question and as a helmet revel in the chaos well he is in the moment there is chaos all around him Brett reader talked about how you had to improvise I love that sometimes things don't go as planned you got to think well I'm gonna fly by the seat my pants Brandon seminar dropping in trying to answer Brett reader he's got the flat rock bat flip on the tiny little oh my god opposite whoa just barely walking on the opposite tail upon the head he's got a regroup right here he did not suppose that Oh Oh flip double tail oh my gosh she's so low but not even slipping a pet oh this is classic Brandon 7 of composure flipping the rug gap oh my god he's shrieking that bar speed ahead tricky jumps at Lord even part of the course essentially thanks a person is fine tell into the whaletail truck driver down to more features of brandon segment to answer back readers cubes for tough no hitter to tell it Oh trick that took him to the lead a couple years ago here one more feature between those two guys knowing that they didn't go to plan for each of them but my had respect before each of their riders they're the mutual respect is so awesome it's like right look we volunteered our rides we both saw the cars we've been holding for the last few days let's go into round two there we go we had the three whip in he almost threw it all the way right there at the opposite truck driver out of the little whale tail well go even the feet on the pedals there but again look at this rain here bring it around looking up delayed that was and so many times he almost threw it away but he completely recovered put me in that row cap almost landed sideways but pulling it back straight at the last minute his cork 720 that was textbook from the get-go this is a trick that took him to the top step of the podium a couple years ago here barely slipping a pad off is that even a legit slip to the pedal he didn't even touch the ground it just didn't didn't stay on it in that classic way to finish a run Brandon 7x been doing that for a little shy but now on a step down the back clipped out but for every ride that backs up opposite tale well the judges bill about that you said it what are the judges gonna say the suspense is killing me I want to see what the judges have to say what do we got what do we got friends we'll be dropping second-last let's go down again a word with the man who had a few issues Brandon 7 up with Tina and Brandon you just kept playing through from jump - jump combo - combo what were you telling yourself that entire run just willing my way down the hill long run tiring so just a couple couple bobbles that wasn't good but I gotta clean that up and yeah just let's try to keep it going as best they could you know we had that wind hold and a lot of guys went through and took some practice runs I noticed you only took one practice run so you've had quite a bit of weight going last before that run do you feel like now that you've had that one run done you can go back up and approach the second run in a Brandon Seminole way yeah hopefully like usually you know you wait forever and ever to go to go and then then you get your first round the way but then the adrenaline just sticks in after that and second runs are usually a little bit more like strong right off the start so hopefully that will help me alright guys it's gonna be a great second run Thank You Tina thanks cam it's the stage has been set dude they both landed their runs not perfect there is room for improvement and they are gonna be dropping second last and last rider here on their second and final run what do they do it's a chess match having breath say that his run wasn't exactly what he had planned he had to improvise but still being in the lead and having Brandon kind of described his run as just hanging on trying to push through he had a couple situations where he almost fell but just in true Brandon SEMATECH style making a crash potential crash situation into a perfectly landed trick well looking at the top three there they have all won a Crankworx World Tour stop before Tommy G in third with at 80 2.50 Brandon Semin up with an 89 point two five and the only rider to be in the 90s and ninety three point two five Bret reader it just goes to show that experience is key the top three guys sit in the hot seat position right now have all won a crank or stop like you said just goes to show that they learned something along the way and still at the top of the game well we are far from a two horse race here there is so many riders that know they can clean it up they can do more in that second run one run down and in the bank one more to go [Music] all right well you're looking at the hillside there I couldn't think of an any better setting for us to be here today crepe works laid to zel and it is your slopestyle final one run in the bag you can see they're in the fence I wish you guys could see at home what the fans have been doing they have been going nuts any time it is a French rider on course here and it's just a beautiful day not a cloud really in the sky there blue skying all around camp in the Alps and what a day I can't keep talking about it because the stage is set dude like it is it is a storybook going on right now but how is it going to end we have one more chapter and that is the final run we're only halfway through there's so many guys who had great runs that's just kind of the wheels fell off halfway through and then the top two obviously that's gonna be a grudge match down to the end having Brett reader just really slide into the hot seat doing some tricks that we didn't expect the backflip Bob's the tale upon the last step down Brendan always says to flip up on the last step down but I haven't Bret kind of just inch it up to the next level of difficulty doing that awful one what does that make Brandon have to think for strategy for the second run yeah exactly the coolest thing for me though the fact that Bret reader came over and gave seminar at the bottom as much is they battling it out as much as you know they are trying to go for that same title they're trying to control their own destiny they still got time and they still got that relationship where it's like dude it didn't go good for you it didn't go good for me let's put on a show here for run number two the epitome of mutual respect you know those guys probably don't talk very much during the week leading up because they're all trying to think of a way to edge out the other guy but when the cards are out on the table both of them stomp their runs it's it's mutual respect you know hug me dude nice run well well looking at the hillside there you guys have heard a lot of what we've got to say but I want to know what you have to say - you know what's going on down there you have one of the best seats in the house it is a great seat I am not complaining you know I've been standing down here and obviously talking to the athletes and my perspective is that they're just hungry they're not satisfied with what they've been able to do so far and not hungry to necessarily get on top of that podium just hungry to perfect their own runs and that includes Brett reader I mean he had that huge score at ninety three point two five and he these told me I need to clean it obviously still very worried about Brandon Simon Akoo like you said just willed it through that first run you know and I have to bring up the wind hold that we had earlier I asked some of the guys if that's affecting them at all and Yannick Granieri said no you know once you start down that course you don't fill it the adrenaline kicks in Nikolaj reg Atkin basically said the same thing and he was more frustrated with himself on his mistakes so like I said guys I just am sensing hunger and you know not they're not satisfied with what they've been able to do so far yeah well if you've nailed it there some riders waiting more some riders being comfortable with that not an easy one for all of our athletes here cam I love to hear Tina talk about how they were you know there are say that they're just hungry for more a true champions never really fully satisfied with what they've accomplished and even here Brett's and the wheels fell off I didn't do exactly what I wanted to do I had to improvise and even though he's in the hot seat with a 93 he still feels like he could have done more I feel like he kid that relax a little bit more appreciate the moment but you can see the riders back up top they're checking things over but we've got one run in the big and there has been so much going on check out all these highlights here from run number one well I can't wait to relive this Tommy G the king of consistency delivering on exactly what we would expect out of hand watch him land arms and knees just acting as another few inches of suspension he is a tall rider he is lanky on that bike and there's all about the double tail up for his run on that step down Brandon salmon a really technical three wimping into that think of it's very narrow you see people falling out of that in years past but he landed right in the middle and backed it up with all the rest of the tricks of his run yeah you can see there I love that seven I think he has the best seven in the game and then that the flip went there he never looks like he's struggling on that seven Brett reader coming right out of the game with that flat dropped backflip on that little tiny flat drop and this is where he improvised he was trying a different trick all week on that jump but he went back to his old faithful to put heart attack and then the flip model Whipple to step down like give me a break that's next level that is insane that is crazy and see the riders hanging out up there again that was just your one two three the thing is out we have a whole nother run and there is a whole list of riders so here is our drop in order reverse order from run number one so we take the ranking from one number one flip it upside down we know it says Bizet on there we're not gonna see Antoine he is out today which means our first rider in will be Simon pate yes I'm app engines is the rookie on the circuit right now and really excited to see him on there Carson Storch as well up here on the diamond series for the second year in a row and just really looking to make his mark yeah well you can see the listeners they go through the pack of Canadians the four of them there they'll be dropping in one after another and then at the top step after run number one but what can Sam pilgrim do camp can he does he have anything to say about this battle once you remember what he said at the end of his run they Tina said it what are you gonna do next time he's old now I could get crazy I've got a safety run in the bag and I can throw caution to the wind and see what kind of weird stuff he can make happen so I'm expecting some variations he's got some different variations that I've seen him do this year that he hasn't done in years past so I think second run is a time for that so there you go 20 riders two runs our judges working on a score of one to a hundred again hundred being perfect first run they're usually figuring out their range there and what's going on but our first rider that will be dropping in on run that number two Simon Godsey AK he's from Poland he got fifth last year and led his L the Kin he improved on this he is sitting right down the bottom at 18th you know that's not what he came here for Simon godsake went down in that quark 720 at the bottom of the course can you iron that out now starting off with that tail up on that small drop again flip in 360 click in the table out of the small whale tail quote 450 bar once again making a couple adjustments to his run really strong this time front foot bars spin again even smoother than first run it's looking clean it's looking fresh going for one foot table on the road gap just got to get something in there this huge trick jump it's going to be a back flip bars when catching the bar super early and stretching it out slow on the rotation starting out sidesaddle this time oh that was awesome you might have done that last run to starting out sidesaddle with the backflip putting the foot back over onto the pedal on the way down flip table getting the variation out of the whale tail once again and here's the jumper he had the problem before yes of course when it is time one more trick he didn't make it this far last run oh and he's not gonna make it that far again this run Oh too bad he just kind of lost pedals maybe slid out a little bit he landed the trick he got the hard part out of the way what happened camera it seemed like he should have been fine there he just didn't have the speed I saw him kind of fiddling with his pedals I don't know if maybe his chain got jammed or he lost traction something happened when he was a little bit slightly off camber there together he had it going top to bottom and it's the cruel fate the final jump is where it ends there the crazy thing about the way the contests are now is if you missed the last feature back the day you might get a somewhat respectable score but now if you miss one of the twelve features you can't see he's gonna prove him on much of that 18th place right there do you not much place to go higher up on that when you miss a jump well he jumps up to 15th there but not really that's not what he came here for that's not what he was hoping to improve his first run because he got that quark 720 but without being able to finish the course not gonna jump up in the one of those hot spots no not at all you got the mini leaderboard there one two three four keeping you guys at home up to date there as always we want to thank you guys for tuning in and checking out all the action here and things are just starting to heat up this guy had a massive first run and it all went wrong on that final jump can he clean it up can he fix it up it is Yannick Granieri I was 100% not expected to see him backup for run number two he drove his shoulder and head into the ground so hard on that last feature trying that backflip barspin but it's great to see him back up at the top I told you before these guys are warriors he's been practicing so hard he wants to put it all into one run here yeah he is a true fighter he is not gonna give up something tells me is probably the French fans there as well giving him a little bit extra and he's he's going through the run in his head they're going through the hand movements what does he need to do Wow does he need to land that again he was flawless until that final jump and unloading tricks we hadn't seen him do before camp at the point of his first run the runs that we had seen leading up to that I'm pretty sure he would have gone into the hot seat now having all the rest of the top guys go I'm not sure if that run would put him up there but we've kind of seen his cards we know what he's got and there's a lot of room for improvement to polish it up he's been practicing so hard I really hope that he stops this run well it is now or never here for Yannick Granieri run two of two he's up there waiting for the wind right now eased in so he can drop in yeah the wind actually picked up as soon as he put his hands on the handlebars so it's definitely a smart decision from right now just kind of being a little bit patient waiting it out trying to find that window yeah exactly well we're at the bottom of the course you're down by that final jump there way up at the top there quite a ways up that fridge hillside giving you an awesome view there everybody on their feet further their countrymen right here boy everybody at home should be on their feet this is the final run run the two of to and that is the little log drop we keep talking about there at the start I can't stress enough how ridiculous it is some of the tricks are doing on that spinning off it is tough to sit so narrowly but flipping off this is ridiculous because of how small it is well you were riding practice earlier on today was it that tricky wasn't laying whoa man I'm kind of happy that this I don't have to step up my game here to flip this or for their spin off of it oh yeah fun to ride but the tricks these guys are doing on this course like forget about it well you've almost got the best job now dude you get to go ride you get go hang with your buddies ride these amazing one-off courses I can't complain then you have the safety of hanging out down here with me in the booth I love slopes also my friend such a big fan of it and the level at that right now so just excited to be a part of it yeah so we've gotten a win hold right now you enter here looking like he's about to drop in no pull the trigger he's dropping he's got an X up off that tiny little start drop going front how is he doing this after that crash he had run one truck driver out on the hip did he get that work 720 he landed it perfect in the first run looks to be on point perfect two-wheel touchdown he tailed this thing last time does he got it again perfect looking right at home on this course backflip Talent once again perfect pedals Yannick Granieri right back up to speed for where he left off flat screen heads up far spit into the big whale tail backflip out all right can you get this double duel or two more job was so perfect first run double tail it perfect once again here's where all went wrong in the first run Kenny stop it backflip straight he does lands it cleaning it up top to bottom the first run he did it all for nothing the scores wiped clean across on that foot Parsons right now I gotta finish this one blood group computers growl keep it simple to back up the other tricks that he backed in that run you know it's not really lacking much but not throwing the bar s the red ones he had so much other go look at this front flip in to the first big feature there so massive so narrow and he landed sold far to the side just learn with disaster but still getting the truck driver out and the tuck no-hander on the hip having no problem with that and again so many good tricks on that one so we're now down at the bottom the stress of riding is over now it is the stress of what to the judges say how do they think I did and where isn't gonna play some here you know he's gonna want a big result cam you know he's gonna want that result in front of the fridge crowd here personal goals are a huge part of it as well he knew that he did that run and it didn't matter so to be able to go through the finish line and make a count that's the personal goal that he had accomplished today we're gonna see what the judges say about a score and see if he moves up into the leaderboard dude such a valid point right there it is one you wanted to even if the score isn't what you want you accomplished everything that you set out to do on course sir Yannick Granieri stoked looking relieved at this point but is now we are waiting on the judges here as they're trying to figure out where doesn't stack up what is he got we saw at 8.25 on a run number two we know it's a brute fourth place perseverance pays off I'm not sure how his right shoulder is still working he drove into the ground so hard but he got back up stomped his run and I send in fourth place Yannick Granieri doing a good on that first run jumping up into fourth position there there we go looking at that leaderboard Yannick Granieri and fourth Tommy G and a third their Brandon seminar Brett reader rounding things out but again we saw it in the first run cam lots of riders having issues the endocrine area managed to clean things up which means the next oh this guy anything can happen he could go from zero to hero let's see what Nikolai real gakuen has for us never ever account out Nikolai Rowe gakuen he had his issues in the first run but we got a glimpse into what he has planned for this second run and if he can pull it all together come on I can't wait to see him on this finish line step down if he makes it that far his same trick combos here he goes Nicolas Roeg action getting the tale about that tiny little start drop once again going for the huge super insi grab big amplitude 360 tail out of the small whale tail once again double whip perfect the pedals once again taking some speed in the next jump where he did a casual fun another casserole landing just as smooth as the first run tuck no-hander over-the-road gap and here's where he goes high count of one two three nicolai rogue Atkin on a tear on the spine a smooth backflip going into the big whale tail he's going far spin up can he get the double whip down stop he's got it he's got it feet on the pedals coming in to this last section of the course front flip bars Ben come on Nikolay hold it together wineglasses you speed double it down top to bottom are you kidding how did you get the speed to clear that line step down nonetheless a double weapon are you kidding me look at that run top to bottom front flip bar spin on this last jump you have to transfer so far to make to the land you'll get the extension there on that first one and then just getting it out of the ball there that is so cool to see we knew what he had up his sleeve cuz we saw almost his whole first run but we didn't know what he had in the last few features in the Scottish rule man I never get tired of this now the Castrol is the coolest looking trick he's the only one doing out here today the triple tail up making it look like a single tail whip and here's that front foot bar spin where he had the only bobble in his run perseverance paid off for him once again as he sprinted it out got the last step down on the double tail whip man just squeaking it out just bringing it around there let's think about the jumps that he double FTL with all the hardest show it's a tiny little hip the whale tail step down in the last dirt sand dirt step down I just don't even know what to say there things are heating up here in France and now the question is where will this score put them we saw it happen to Yannick Granieri crashing on nut run number one that put him in fourth there after run number two Nikolay though in now up to the judges hands is that enough to jump up into a possible podium position what are the judges gonna say sixty four point seven five Wow get enough for ninth place so again look at my little things in there maybe not full pedal slips but those aren't deductions we're not the professionals at this one cam I thought that would have been a little bit higher but we talked about it a little bit we talked about how huge of a factor it is slipping your pedals Colin was talking about at the beginning of the show and he wasn't lying man that that run was jam-packed he had a tiny little bobble and maybe you know a couple repeats but he was doing them all on different types of features so I feel like it must have led back to that bobble yeah the judges they play for keeps man when they say they're gonna deduct something they are going to deduct it there so there we go we are kind of getting into it again here and run the number two you know nickel arrogant after that second in Rotorua man the fire is gonna burn strong for him before we see him again here in August but we are looking at Logan at peat next again he had his issues on runt number one in the middle part of the courser you know he's gonna clean that up you know he's got all the tricks to do so it was really cool to see him just put on a show for the crowd and finish out that run he didn't have to he could have soaked and gone to back up to the top of the course but he's enjoying his time out here in France enjoying the fact that there's a whole Hill full of people were cheering him on Tunnel Logan peat fans out here and they want to see him stop this second run how can you not be a Logan peat fan again last year getting fourth that Jordan in Whistler fifth in our first round of the Crankworx World Tour here down in Rotorua well it is all on him now you know he's gonna want to get some solid points you know he's gonna want to link that together you gotta pay close attention to the direction of his rotations he's really good at spinning opposite and he's doing some opposite spins on some unconventional places definitely those intricacies that the judges like to see yeah they are looking for everything so Logan peat hanging out up there waiting for that wind to calm down a little bit again this is his final chance to make things right after run number one you want to make sure you're dropping in in the best condition in the lowest amount of wind here it's gonna be hard to not get any wind at all looks like he's getting set to drop in Logan Pete dropping in now Logan Pete starting out as run 3:16 that incredibly skinny drop right into a tail up into the small whale tail getting that mom visit 360 down land in a little over rotated by recovering perfectly regular 270 far spin on the hip first trick Jimmy's got a backflip bars been tucking it in landing two tires perfect backflip talent perfect landing getting all the judges categories build around the execution another opposite spin on that spine jump tuck no-hander into the whale tail truck driver out so clean two more jumps two more jumps to go going for the combo talk no-hitter to tail it landing perfect one more feature for Logan Peet backflip top dog top to bottom Logan peat looking relieved at the bottom there that's exactly what he needed to do you just never wipe that smile off his face he didn't get down on himself for messing up in the first row another chance let's do this he did not beat himself up look at that tail whip big out of the Kishin air it's an opposite rotation out then he goes right into a regular rotating 360 bar span we called that the truck driver a variation that's popular with these guys some of them doing an opposite as well that big backflip but look at this combo this is where it went wrong on run number one and stomping it on round number two we said before I love how he's staring at the bike he's not even thinking about the flip at one point talk no hander to tail by huge combination to do on that second-to-last feature and he had to take his hands off on that flip that's what the judges want to see the straight back lips are not getting rewarded on that they want to see a variation let ma no hands and he did it they're fun in that run Logan Pete Biggs Bullock and relieved but that what my awesome hairdo yeah somebody get this kid and hair sponsorship one of the judges gonna stay here on a run at number two I can't wait to see eighty five point seven five oh man where does that put him I can guarantee you it's not a team where is that get all their toys get enough for third place Logan Pete jumping up on that let's go down into the crowd and see how he's feeling and Logan's just acting so casual down here but Logan you win from a score of 22 much higher - now you're in third position just how redeeming is this for you yeah it's awesome I knew I could do it just had a little slip-up on the first run so feels great to be at the bottom I did miss one thing on the last but you're tired and you know got a little scared but Bobby all right well you're sitting in third right now we've got a lot more riders to go though guys oh my god in third place right now man I just cannot wait to see if that stands there are not such a solid run and there you go there is our leaderboard can as Canada sweep one two three Brett reader Brendan 7 up Logan peat we are in the middle of our second run so much action still to come well that is the hillside right there and that it was Logan Pete just doing what he needed to do in the clutch in clinch mode pulling it all together cam I just can't I'm on the edge of my seat right now yeah Logan another guy saying that he kind of had to improvise run not get exactly what he wanted but you would have never known it well let's get into that Thomas Lemoine we saw my weekend long tuck no-hander off that first drop thomas Lemoine starting out strong backflip into the small whale tail doing it for his home country of France here it's got the crowd behind him who's the real high with that nice stylish oh oh not coming around on that seven we saw him kind of that trick that he did on the hip where he's doing like the inner table he did that to start out that for 720 which is something that you don't see very often no no no he is looking okay he's sitting upright taking off his helmet there again you come up short on an under rotated quark 7 you are gonna hit the ground you are gonna hit the ground hard but we've got the best medical people out there and you can see he is bad up there our youngest competitor Tomas the boy so much pride for the French rider here thousand one with a little bit different style than the rest of the guys out there he's got the zebra a little bit heavy metal we look super casual with the clothes he's wearing but he's got the full face helmet I think he might be running a mouthguard safety is definitely the utmost importance but you got to be a bit fashionable as well and if your fashion is all about deeper pants hey why not go for it hey you gotta set yourself apart from everybody else cam and that is the best thing with mountain biking it is an individual sport you've got your friends you got everybody else but it is only the end of the day and is what you feel comfortable and and in the old pants there if that's what you feel comfortable in a zebra pants all the power to him look at this man the crowd is so behind him but even after that really hard slam he's bleeding he just wants to put on a show no heat wants to feed it up and he is maybe just feeding off the pants right there oh thank goodness he did not rip those pants there's not much to those things no flammable this is not a run that's gonna be scored this is a run clearly for style and entertainment just showing off to the crowd there stay classy oh oh look at Oh Mickey just went flip flip just for kicks the 360 on that final jump so Thomas some more things out going well about that second run but so much to come all right 10.25 matters with the judges and see right there where we saw him all weekend long we saw him yesterday camp so walking away the judges give the 1025 but the crowd gave had way more job no that is right there so we are getting into the nitty-gritty of our second round here Thomas Lemoine coming down not going to plan there but he looked good he had zebra pants dude I mean I don't know where he got him at fair enough maybe so from his sister check him from a girlfriends I'm wondering he's one of the younger guys and he's got this super outlandish style I don't know is there some kid out there who's 12 right now going I'm gonna ride slopestyle zebra pants are we gonna see more of that in the future well maybe well more of we're gonna see in the future we see Tomas Zetas right now he is up there he is hanging out 8 diamond tour starts what can he do he run run at number 2 I have if I recall right get a pretty good first run but he has so much room for an improvement here with all the other competitors and that bar got raised exponentially there at the end of run number one there was a couple awesome bangers in his first run but yeah a couple a couple of features where he maybe miss a trick but that bars been a tail up he'll be looking to get the feet perfectly on the pedals on that one cuz that's definitely the center point of that run that barspin itself so he can clean that up and get some of the tricks that he maybe missed before he'll be looking pretty good yeah he will be looking pretty good there again a little bit of a weight here on the wind normally the riders dropping it in quick succession there but we're giving them a little bit of time they can drop it when they are comfortable here you can see the trees they're moving I would definitely be sitting there doing the same thing at Thomas ADA is doing right now just wait for ease up you see the world actually happens so it's definitely worth the wait moving in a groove and there's a bunch of French fans in those trees areas you found out the hard way in the other day when you're going for a walk through the woods that was more than walk doesn't know you're Nathan woods and I realize there's a whole crowd people standing right there I quickly aborted the mission pull out pull out find another world yeah oh man hanging out up there wait for that one to come down you can see the standings on your right-hand side the only rider though in the 90s with a 93 point two five Brent reader but the story is set he is going to be the last rider dry rot loss rider dropping there but we still got one more day your camp just because it is Saturday is because it slopes now tomorrow we have the downhill presented by XS and that is where all the action will be happening there the best downhillers in the world guys like gee atherton not just going for the three-peat he's trying to get for you guys got a tune in Craig look at the time zone figure out what is gonna work for you there for all those on the west coast of north america 5:00 a.m. that's gonna be an early one but the beauty is it'll be online it'll be back on there set that alarm you know you don't want to miss that just because Saturday is slow style doesn't mean Sunday doesn't have an amazing show downhill that's always a barnburner well you could get up you could have a coffee or you could crack up cold Red Bull hanging out waiting for that wind to come down we felt it in the booth here it definitely kind of whistled through here a pretty good size Gus there look at that look at me dips his head down look at that sticker it's a cartoon of himself doing a huge Superman tale I want to see him do that on that second straight trick jump after the road gap so you keep talking cam about Oppo you see Oppo but what is opera what is that for the fans at home there may be just tuning in for the first time don't know the ins and outs of the sport basically doing a directional trick your opposite in unnatural direction to put it in terms that are a bit relatable try signing your signature with your opposite hand and having it look close enough to perfect that you know they'll accept it on your credit card statement but you got to have those opposite tricks right like if you don't have that in your repertoire it's not gonna go far you're not gonna do well especially on a 12 hit course like this one here friends it's not necessarily a deal-breaker because there are so many tricks you could do on a mount bike you can do all the rotational stuff and even if you're not going different directions you could be like Nikolai oh yeah can work you can spin on different accesses he'll do a course 720 backwards and he'll do the casserole which is essentially 7:24 word and he'll just add more tricks if you can only tell up one way he'll just do three of them in one jump well that is breaking it down for you guys there at home what up Oh is and with that it's not a deal breaker that there's so many tricks so many combos you still have so many options here so again we're just waiting on the wind to simmer down a little bit here it's getting a little restless here on our second run we knew is probably gonna come back at some point it's come back right now but again as soon as that dies down we will get right back into the action Thomas is doing what's difficult right now it's really hard to sit the gate because 30 seconds feels like 30 seconds to us it feels like hours to him but it's smart he's doing the difficult thing but it is the smart thing waiting it out yeah it's gonna pay off in dividends because we know he had big tricks on that run just slip in that pedal on that second last jump there and run number one I never had the patience I would sit up there and it'll be windy and it just needed to go no drop at the worst time and get windblown but it's good to see the composure of these guys and the way the game has changed you got to be patient all steps of the game yeah well you were you're a man of your own breed their camp you just wanted to ride your bike you had more fun just being on the bike didn't matter what the conditions were around you and that's why you're always so fun to watch in contests or videos or just even riding trails for that matter ad D in slow style don't go hand in hand to well where am I good yeah hey look a pigeon while we're have a wind hold at the moment no you didn't just actually change the channel National Geographic that's just a shot of a tree to show you the wind well there you go you can see the judges they're hanging out waiting patiently watching things on the screen there so they don't miss a single move they're both halfway down the course there but let's check out some highlights this is Braille readers winning run from one number one here yes opposites help see look at that that was the epitome of sinus signature and making it look right that opposite tail did not look opposite and it was on the most difficult obstacle trek on the course speaking of opposite backflip opposite tail up challenge in the bike the unnatural direction wall doing a backflip couldn't even tell they couldn't even tell that it was opposite there and that's what you need though that is why he is in that number one spot you know what's awesome is he had a quite a gnarly injury here a couple years ago and it was on a back flip opposite tail up fast well here we go Toula zeta dropping in alright now get the bar spin there we go he was not affected by the wind on that first feature but it was a smallest feature on the course Bart's been except changing things up 360 down doing a couple adjustments to his first run but also going back to the bangers that served him well oh there we go Thomas SATA style and 360 bar spin to click tabletop what's he got on the road gap backs up again same thing he did in his first run and here's where we see that straight talent that's where he's most vulnerable to the wind you can see you got a little bit sideways missed a pedal just slightly but they recovered perfectly for that off-axis backflip on the spine coming into the whale tail bar spin up 360 down and this is where we want to see that bar spin the tail from Thomson teeth changing it up he's going straight tail just trying to get to the bottom of the course get a score in the bag last step down straighter but he's through the finish line Thoma Susannah he is a Tobin acting like a bit of a sail out there when he starts moving around on the bike but he made it down clean on Ronda number 2 we're gonna see a definite improvement on his core and his position where is that gonna stack him up though that is what we were waiting for it from our judges let's go back up top here just go with the X up over the rope gap plane at safe camp you know that the wind was really messing with his head he set up there for so long and he made some some improvisation to his run where we saw him through the forest in the tail Binstead he just went straight for the towel and not tricking the last step down just because he knows that wind is a factors here's that wind gets in your head it's really tough to get it out of there waiting on the score there there we go first run score is gonna stick the thirty six point two five good enough for sixteen spot here overall yeah they definitely you can tell they rewarded him for the barspin to tell up in that first run because he actually made it through the whole course on the second run but he didn't improve the score yeah it did not improve at all so a few points down yeah this guy is gonna need to improve one of your training partners a guy you see on a regular basis from the good old US of A Carson Storch straight out of Bend Oregon the first slopestyle riders just kind of hailing from Bend Oregon uh a lot of us have moved there but he's born and bred we've got a bit of a slow stop course going now that he's able to practice on he's been pulling out all the stops and training recently well he's got two great mentors he's got yourself now that you're resident and calling yourself a local there man he's also got Curtin Forest who has been living it down there forever in the day teaching him all the tricks of the trade is nice to see Curt all the time here way back in the early years all since down her was my idol he was the first guy to kind of just start doing slope style stuff before it was even a sport well he was a bad dude he hang out with Palmer but this is another bad new Carson starts coming in on his final ride you can see how skinny that thing is from that perspective three six in that tiny little drop tail it been going for the opposite 360 out keep it things rolling with the flats been regular 450 so dialed right into the trick jump he's got that three with once again stomping it clean in the second run just as he did in the first and this road cap he chucked the tail before again but this time he gets perfect pedals you know he wanted more on this jump before he's got the flip web now yes he's getting it he's getting it this is exactly what he was envisioning in his head before he dropped in for this run while the 360 inward table bump in the whale tail 360 off carry speed into the final section of the course opposite three two feet outside this time coming up short man the complimentary tricks in that run having the regular 360 tape up top and the Oppo three down but whip down here but the wind whipped them in the wrong direction but he's gonna put on a show for the crowd hey why not you gotta give it up for this guy Carson starts uncommon and always full of fun Oh flippin it with barely any speed starting from a standstill then it's a bummer he wasn't able to get that full run through the finish line but he's really shown that he's he's upped his game the last year and he's here to play he is showing that he's ready to be a contender cam but let's go up top look at this changing things up getting the tail whip right there and you would never know that's an opposite spin but it was and you can tell because he spun his natural direction going 450 slightly over 360 because it's a hip jump and pin it in on that as well making that look so easy tricking that rope gap is so tough and he wasn't able to do the flip within the first run but he landed it perfect here in the second one thing that didn't go perfect was that opposite 360 down whip just sliding out I was really hoping he was able to kind of sit on the seat keep his momentum but tired from traction and that was it yeah Karsh to the storage got a smile on his face he is healthy is he actually got stitches earlier today after a crash in practice so he's been pushing through the pain and just making it happen you know he's even hungrier at the next round of the world tour here for Crankworx yeah that's just the tip of the iceberg for purchase orange will be breathe here in 2015 very cool to see him start to progress here in the last couple years can't wait to see what he can do here when it finally links went up for the judges hanging out there writing down their scores ready to put it into the computer here oh and he comes in with a forty eight point two five so improving on run number one camp he's in that top fifteen fourth place is obviously not what he wanted coming into this event but it's all about the points you got to stay on the diamond tour you don't just get a blanket invite for the whole season get those points every event matters because you want to be invited to the next one consistency is key if you want to keep on that tour it's kind of exclusive you can get kicked out if you're not you're not performing your end of the bargain well here we go Louie Robbo coming down earlier on he had a forty seven point seven five you know he's gonna want to clean that up here on run number two we were bullets doing some really unique tricks in the first run let's see if he goes for that cannonball Kidd stepping up into this small wheel tail and he does taking the feet off grabbing the C with both hands spinning spinning the opposite way out of that way of tail getting the tail whip moving right along to the first trickable straight jump backflip talent perfect carrying the momentum into that road gap he was going for the tough no hander but that thing is so tough to trick especially the wind didn't get it but that's a classic Lou Ruvo move right there going under flip on that cork 360 there we go again the regular 360 barzmann on the spine tuck no-hander up backflip down it's coming together cam he's coming together on this one whoo transferring that backflip tuck no-hander moving so far to the right of the landing that last jump backflip tabletop a little bit better than the straight backflip throw the the bike sideways a bit you need to do something in that backflip and lure ball dead throwing it down Louie rowboat cleaning things up there and we saw it in TS and s you gotta have the style even just a little table with that backflip that can go a long way with the judges let's jump back up to the top of the course actually my favorite part of the run right there is the cannonball really tough to do in the wind tough to do in that step up as well he's spinning both directions like we've seen a few the riders do judges always take note on that ya ain't know the ins and outs of the riders they stay up to date with what they are doing get extension there on that tap no hander and then coming down into that then his flip tuck no-hander 's have more extension than most his hands are almost going backwards kind of like the suicide style but he's got his bars in his lap to keep the bike connected to the body so getting a little off kilter there not a huge table on that one but is that gonna be something the judges noticed and they reward him for here you know a smooth run all the way through to the finish Crowell is big and he definitely learned from a way the judges are doing things try to throw variations in where he could and let's see if he can improve upon that first runs fourth yeah working through the conditions 55.5 his hero and improvement on run a number one but only bit enough for 13th place right there once again it's all about getting those points staying on the diamond series every run counts every point counts you want to stay alive on the tour well this guy he's only got a few diamond starts here on the FMB tour you got first back in 2012 and the 10 best trick tub and Steenburgen bet do you remember what he did first feature right out of the gate last run it he threw and let's see if he throws down here on a second round and he does it had the front will begin landing so hard the forward momentum is so tough to slow down those front foots pop no hander tip toboggan touching the seat 360 out of the whale tail on the hill going straight three six that you would have needed a variation on that but the name of the game is continuing on getting a full run the wrong cap you get disease out not by the time front slip landing so smooth on that massive jump that's the biggest jump on the course any fries lives in the world the longest front foot bar spin into the wheel tail back lip out hold things together trying to get a trick afterwards but just keep it as smooth one last feature Tom Mann Steve Burgin flip it into the finish Corral what he is doing there off the first drop that first one we're not gonna see it again but he landed so hard he's flipping forward as fast he can just to get it around you know he had all these smooth tricks on the middle of the course but hopefully we get a chance to see that huge boost at front flip after the road gap he did get the hands off and then on this front flip look how high he went it's so difficult to time the rotation but he didn't even head Bob on that thing landed perfect rotation perfect spot on the landing tail up on the second-to-last feature and finishing it off with a smooth backflip no variation but he's in the finish prowl yeah at the mini flip monday intervener there check him out on the Instagram is they don't want to miss those things so is the king of bitty flips king of beggar's limbs he would flip anything bear small he's got it all but lets us see what he has here from the judges of 55 so improving on his first run jumping up into 14 on that top 10 there cam there used to be a case where if you did one front flip in a run there was so few people doing it that it would be such a huge factor in your run but you know yeah two of them he's sitting way down there on the leaderboard well we're in the heart of Rhonda number two here in our finals for slopestyle you see Canadian one two three that was your leaderboard right there your surprise pick he's still up there in that top ten Mehdi Gandhi I'm pretty pumped on that you know that was the ringer I like to kind of pick somebody that's unlikely and the fact that he's still sitting in the top ten I'm glad he didn't make a liar out of me well this is a guy right here I could watch for hours on end paul genovese see such great style so many tricks and he's just kind of scratching away at the surface of what he is capable here on the FMB diamond tour camp paul genovese he looks like a video game when he's going down the course and he doesn't run a detangler he has those cables doing all the bars and whips and has to keep track them so he doesn't get too wound up well what is he got for us here I'm Rhonda number two he does have a bar spin off that first flat drop and it won't be the first time you see this bar spinning tuck now entered a bar spin a 360 bar spin out of that whale tail getting that talent rewinding the bars straight into the back foot bar spin whoa looks like you may have slipped to pet a little bit there slipping a petal on that one Oh such a tough angle to see what happened the backfoot barzmann if sometimes did you do that trick your feet kind of levitate off the pedals that may have been why he had to stop right there that will be a deal-breaker in the big picture with the judges can but you know what he wants to finish it out for you here France and he wants to do the run top to bottom Paul's got some real big booty stylish trick so I wouldn't be surprised we see some super secret Indian airs for the crowd right now is run score is going to be a wash because of that bobble but you know the wind is blowing so hard right now is just getting it down to the bottom there's probably his main focus no one foot and hips up on the step down he's still charging there on the combo oh man he's thinking about those points right now it ain't over till it's over Oh flip bar down instant Redemption the trick that he messed over the top of course he gets on the step down at the bottom locking it in there can't be setting he doesn't have that gyro in there he has to be very careful which way at the bars are going which way the flakes gonna go on all those combos there the fire spins and those tail whips like I said before ATV and slopes out not a good combo luckily he's not afflicted oh it was a backflip double bars but now that we have that other camera angle it's easier to see that's why he slipped up you spin another bar spin in that back flip on that first double I'll take a double bar combo to go please sounds tasty and I thought he was just gonna cruise her in the finish line but he's thinking about the points no exactly they're so 33.5 zero only good enough for 12th position there but he's after the points he wants to stay on this tour the diamond tour for the F&B [Music] well here we go we are getting in to the final bit of our second runs here there is your leaderboard Bret reader out in front camp not by a pointer to quite a few points at that by four points man it seems like it was so long ago that we saw Brent and Brandon's run and you kind of forget that they're still yet to go we have a ridiculous show still ahead of us yeah well Mitch Juby he was an alternate until this morning he got the call to come off off the bench kid you are in the big show he put together a solid on run number one he needs to clean that up here on run number two got to canada proud he's got that detangler the math killer so he doesn't have to calculate like paul was doing there thinking about the bars and tail ups and he made it in as an alternate so he's just excited to be here he had to do some last-minute practice to put a run together and let's see if he can stop this second one he's waiting on a little bit of wind here trying to get it to calm down you can see on the left-hand side underneath his name there those are the riders still to come up so the big names there but Mitch should be dropping in on his second and final run Mitch to be a late entry off the alternate list but no stranger to slope style competition been doing it forever backflip into the whale tail a 360 out get things started off on the right foot tail up on the hip coming into the trick jump what's it going to be backflip tail whip and he lands it perfect man that's just a textbook maneuver everybody's thrown out right now tuck no-hander on the road gap he's got another straight trick jump ahead of him love the style on that Superman seat grab and tricking the hip with a Lu 270 going into the opposite 316 that could pay off with the judges it's always important to spin both directions Mitch to be one of the Andy Turner's in our field here not afraid to the other way backflip bars spin on the second-to-last feature of the course he's got one more to nail it is it will hip on the step down Oh many limit oh nothing that comment flip flip on that sit down are you kidding me the ended down with a bang house not expecting the back flips help on the step down out of mr. B I seen him do before but I had seen him do it yet today getting it giving them a high-five but look at this here getting the extension there on that first in and then getting the three out of that camp yeah he woke up this morning not even thinking he was gonna be in this competition but grab his bike just in case somebody pulled out he ended up getting into the main show and look at that style that Superman seat grab Indian air crossing the legs up getting the flip bar on the second last jump so he could save the fanger for the last one going for a flip flip on a step down he had two flippers in that run but one of them was on a step down so not technically a repeat but doing it on a different obstacle it's almost like doing a different trick sometimes and all different ring all together looking relieved his day and the office is done he's just waiting for the paperwork to come through and see what those results will put it there isn't gonna be improvement on score number one or is he gonna be staying where he is at the judges hold the key to that and there you go and improvement 63.50 so close to a top 10 11 the spot in their camp look at that to a point higher than his run in the first round so he's got to be stoked you got to be happy he was not even on the list until this morning but that is the game here and the game is gonna get set and reset here you're defending a ladies L champion Anthony Missouri it is his turn here to do good and try and clean that run up and get into the top step of the box there Anthony maseri has great history here a year ago he was the man staying on the top step of the podium he's trying to do it again with a tail up off the first drop coming right in with a backflip bars been into the small whale tail getting that double truck once again out it's a 360 with two bar spins that second barzmann is the one that's really gonna pop his score front flip tuck no-hander your drink John kidding me he's added a little bit to each trick that he had before getting the tap on the road cap Bank flipped Helen where he wasn't able to do before perfect two pedals he's adding the spice that he needed to up that first transform 360 Jeff once again a small foot down but he's still on a track bar spin up into the big whale tail flip down and what is he gonna have Oh classic Anthony mystery boost one last feature will he have a variation been flipped out [Applause] [Applause] Oh nuts right now nobody saw that coming I mean I would have just been pumped to stop the flip up and he was thinking I feedback on the pedals Chuck the bars on this speed bump again let's go back up top look at that boosting into the whale tail there and getting the combos back foot bar spinning a 362 bar spins out a smooth tail up on the hip and then he did do the front flip talked on handing me out that second angle or you can get a great look at it then just adding those variations in are gonna improve the score so much and doing something that nobody expected barspin on that speed bump at the bottom of the course and that's just classic an anthony mystery run wouldn't be complete without a huge boost in flat spin 360 here's where it happened though backflip tail on the step down and look at this let's hold on to him here right here and see if we can watch him toss the bars where nobody expected to look at this he wanted more cores he's like 12 features is not enough give me 13 Matt is in seat you can tell he was letting the course come to him run number one seat really and really pushed not letting things happen naturally he's got to be in shape to usually get a little bit of arm pump after home on the bars doing all those tricks but to Chuck him down there at the bottom shows he's been working on some fitness now he's got his push-up game strong they're waiting on the judges game here look at that buff little muscle hamster that is Anthony was here what is it gonna come through as what is that score get is see [Applause] number one let's go down and chat with Tina and Anthony Missouri you had some huge tricks a lot of variation but what was going through your mind here at the end especially through that run I mean you had surprised everyone oh you know I just wanted to make myself happy you know I'm top of the run I wasn't really feeling too much pressure to be honest with you I just felt like I was riding with my friends and just stoked you know felt good and when you have no pressure it's easy to ride oh yeah guys and Anthony put on a show for us especially down here in the corral well thank you very much Tina again for her speeding across the finish line no biggie what is it ladies out where Anthony Missouri is just on here it's the longest most challenging course and you know he does have a tendency to have mistakes we saw a mess up in Rotorua but when he stomps his run it's always a contender for the top five and right there just feeling like even though this course is challenging because it's long he wants to be longer well o Canada 1 2 3 4 camp I'm sorry I am sorry there is no American in that top 8 right there Canada sweeping 1 through 4 right now but there is still lots of riders to come here on their second and final round there's some Americans and then are gonna try and mix it up here's my here's your welds man here is your wow pick Mehdi Ghani he came in here he is in that place right now you know he's gonna want to step up that game and step up higher into the overall he's hanging onto that top 10 he was my my ringer because I know what he has in his bag but he's never really been on this stage before the diamond series and so it's really excited to see him put the others first run but was he saving anything for a second I know he has so much in that bag but what's he gonna show the world here right now what does he have for us he's dropping in right now Madi Gandhi Mehdi Ghani out of France he's got the local crowd behind him with a bar spin on that first feature going flip bar up painting the line close to the edge there 360 bar spin down he looks compiled this may be his first time in start but he's calm cool collected sending huge tricks like a back lift tuck no-hander has coming into the road cap the most difficult feature to trick on the course getting a smooth tuck no-hander looking like no problem I told you he's got combos he's run on that spine look at this run right out of the gate up top man he was hanging on almost going off the edge that first small whaletail but getting the flip bar in 360 bar out keeping her smooth with the tail up getting a trick on absolutely everything even the road gap with that talk no hander great extension on that by the way and then he used that great extension when he did the backflip bar spin and tuck to enter the trick that helped arena win Rotorua Mehdi Ghani has that one as well on the theme of tricking everything even getting the hands off going up the whale tail and flipped up no hander down so tough to do with such a short lip backflip tail and he needed a flip variation he knew it he's a smart competitor and he got that flip bar spin to finish it off right Wow cam I am on the edge of my seat that was crazy that was insane well he was hanging on to the top 10 tonight before I have a feeling it's gonna up the score but we'll move him up the leaderboard is this gonna dig anything difference with the Canadians waiting on that score right there many Connie is so spooky he's on at nine he's like I don't like that when the five popped up you see is I just go boom I'm a fifth place I am in fifth place it is my first time here at the FMP diamond chore wow wow wow all right again looking at the Scenic's all around us here I'm looking at any of those mounds I am looking at what is happening on the course Mehta Gandhi popping up into fifth position their camp you picked it you picked it at the start of the week he is coming through in the clinch there man we should have made some bets because you'd be a rich guy right now oh it's so glad I picked him I'm always rooting for him but something always happens so as I see him pull it off and I'm like all right I happen to say that that's good I got lucky on this one well coming in next he got third here last year Sam Reynolds dropping in Sam Reynolds bar spin off the top coming right into the small whale tail flip tuck no-hander getting the variations tail up right down Sam Reynolds would stand on the podium here last year he wants to do it again he has the tricks to do so let's see if he can hold on cork 720 oh man is that the trick of the year what everybody throwing it down on that jump so hot right now top no hander on the road gap coming into where you did the nothing came before once again feet alongside the bike hands off just floating luckily didn't get wind blowing on that the sole vulnerable being completely separated from the bike going in to whaletail misma no hander but no big deal keep it rolling with the back flip out Sam Reynolds coming right at that burn going Double Down Oh Oh losing control throwing the bike out he's all good though you got a little bit separated from the bike there in that double tail but he's all smiles one of the best smiles in the game there Sam Reynolds going down there on that trick but oh my god give it a wave to the fans give it a wave to the French crowd all right Sam Reynolds that crash Jeremy's run the number one is what he's gonna have to stick with their 36 point 75 get enough for ninth is a top 10 not like last year's third but still solid results all whites in that big picture cam that's a good thing he's not acting angry right now because I feel like it's impossible to be angry we wearing 80 sheets no oh you gotta be stoked there we go looking at that a couple French riders up in there many Ghani Yannick Granieri we saw them a drop in earlier but hold on a second it's hammer time it is Sam pilgrim and he is ready to throw down on his second run it's Samer time we had Sam Reynolds going down with the Robocop sunglasses now we got pilgrim right here with less than all of his teeth boom three six he started things off on that skinny tiny little drop so technical backflip barzmann in to the small way to tell 362 about so much going on in this runt getting inverted on that 270 table getting that cork 720 Sam pilgrim is on a heater he's had a history with this rug gap he gets the backflip table this time pretensions of a few years backflip tail up catching so early taking a breather right here and making sure you know it's got a few more opportunities for tricks he wants to make them count whale tail up tuck no-hander down flip with a little bit of a table railing speed out of that firm and he's got a back flip Superman going super high in the air what's it gonna be on the step down backflip tuck no-hander take him there we go he added some more sauce to the run that he had for the first round chick whoa the score hammertime just finished there any threat top to bottom on that one Sam and Sam giving each other a hug Sam pilgrim looking at this run great combinations right out of the start game played far up in 360 tail without making all look so clean getting that 360 quick table with the Alps in the background somebody snapped a photo of that please corks 720 the trick of the Year landing it like like it's the easiest trick ever but it's not it's the hottest trick no it is so 2015 right now backflip tuck no-hander on the step down getting the variation on the step down the judges love it let's see what number they assigned to that run I am very intrigued to see what will happen here what are the judges gonna say that Sam pilgrim made it right into the finish before this huge wind gust were hoping that it slows down for the next rider together waiting on the judges crane here what are they gonna see that toothless grin even with after all his podiums he still hasn't gotten that tooth fixed you know it's because he likes it it's just part of his Flair there he's always got the guns out he's always gotten the tooth missing some people wear zebra pants some people no teeth so the judges are debating right now punch it in the numbers and looking at things there here we go getting that entered in what is it gonna do though for Sam pilgrim what is it good - anxiously waiting right here league isn't expecting an improvement but the question is how much of an improvement enough to move them up into the top five what's it gonna be yeah what is it gonna be here the British rider Sam pilgrim 84 points in the five spot is enough to move him into the top five top five great to see him coming back here after all the things that happened last year but your one two three four they're still looking good on that well his strategy paid off he had a bit of a safety run and then added some extra stuff to the second one and boom there we go he's even proved to score well we have a few riders left we have three riders left Tommy G brat breeder and Brandon 7up the question is what order are they gonna finish in here camp is where it is at Tommy G dropping in the drama Tristan setting it up 360 off the top drop backflip tuck no-hander into the small whale tail 360 tuck no-hander going identical to his first run this looks like a carbon copy so smooth this guy is ridiculously precise get in that cork 720 coming up a little short but not even slipping a pedal he's still on track the road gap he tells it once again avoids the wind and goes right to the back to the parchment a tuck no-hitter so late on that but squeak it into the last second on the spine that's deidara looking like a decade suicide off bringing it back to the old school in a 360 with a click table going down off the whale tail he's got two more features for a 360 barzmann to tuck no-hander he has combos for days right now no emotion that's honestly how he was when he won joyride a few years ago he is so calm cool collected that's just another day at the office for Tommy G's so much emotion from him after run number one looking at the combos here carbon copy and rap number two he seriously is a robot the backflip tuck no-hander up 360 tuck no-hander down I swear we're watching a replay from the first run but he's just that dialed to helping that road gap avoiding the wind getting the flip barzmann and squeaking out that tuck no-hander at the last second that no hander can mean so much on both those variations the flip are to talk and the three bar to tuck it can be a deal-breaker cam that can be a deal-breaker for sure be a dealmaker for thomas gent on right now well we're gonna have to see here what they save carbon copy run and improvement but how much of an improvement will it be well some of the combos men were quite a big improvement here we go what are they gonna say not satisfied even though its first one was so awesome you had more yeah Tommy G right there well it is here it is now you have to be online you have to be here friends to take it all in camp Brandon 7f second last router he has to play it all out he has to put all his cards on the table if he wants to take the win here today and stop Brett reader in his quest for the Triple Crown oh my goodness one of the most dramatic moments we've seen in the history of slopestyle here 2015 we have the Crankworx Triple Crown King Brandon Seminole swipe out from under Brett reader well Bret reader the only rider to beat seminar ever NIF seminar cleanse his runs top to bottom we saw it at X Games we saw it a bear claw Invitational you know that did not sit well with seminar and there he's gonna want Redemption and he's not gonna walk away with anything other than first in his Mon eyes there Brandon seminar does not like to lose he does not like to see a two next to his name is gonna do whatever he can to get that number one next to his name it all begins right now Brandon 7 on flat drop backflip off the first tiny little drop 3 c2 tail fin will he transferred no he lands perfect missing the bars spent on the Apple 3 but that's okay he's got more in the tank getting the opposite Taylor on the hip not even pedaling in that per carry the speed backflip double tail whip Oh wrong once again but holding it together just having fun of course knows me on the back flip on the road cap landing perfectly smooth except one man he's looking like he's on fire right now on the spine backflip bars been to one foot he can't get streaking out the variations tail up up the whale tail 360 bars pin down all woman's doing exactly what he needs to do Brendon subject 360 bars spin on the second last jump he's not gonna call it quits is he he Oh Brendon he is not happy with himself here he did not get the combo yeah I don't even know what to say on that he didn't get what he was after look at Brett's face right now exactly what he needed to do when he missed a combo that he was going for that second he just pulled the plug he knew that the run that Brett had was so high he would have needed to land it to take them let's see what the judges say not enough means his first run sticks which means one thing only camp that means Brent reader is still in your number [Applause] he stopped for whatever reason I didn't know why just me in the first about 40 years that's a horse won the Triple Crown it doesn't happen very often is a human gonna do it this year it's so unlikely look at the emotion in his eyes there is the thing it is like this student is becoming as a master cam his eye beats two in a row here oh my gosh he's soaked up the victory lap in Rotorua he's gonna soak it up it's gonna feel so good here in Lakers out I cannot believe that he did it I knew he had it in him actually this is not a victory lap he's still tricking things our river shanwa used to do this when he would win a contest here drop in and still doing all the tricks grant reader just rejoicing in the glory right now he won the second stop of the car bridge Triple Crown and he overcame his demons he had such a hard time here and they do sout right now he's doing another victory lap he triumphs over Brandon Center something that is so hard to do at any freeride discipline [Applause] [Music] congratulations to predator oh my gosh what a victory lap [Applause] [Music] he works so hard and trying to win in the era where Brandon sound like this dominant it's such an uphill battle but he's doing it well let's go down and have a chat with our winner right now crank works events to slopestyle competitions to victory laughs for you and now two wins but how would you describe this second win I don't know again I don't know what to say I don't know how to feel like I was pretty much committed to going to the top again if Brandon had a landed that you know he would have bumped me down know how to do another so I'm still shaking I don't know it just seems unreal you can't put into words to it but you did show us on the course because you had that arm pump out there for sure for sure so so happy well how do you keep this momentum going we have the next stop crank Forex in Whistler well I guess I'm gonna go home and work my ass off more again yeah just practice practice practice practice have fun well right now the hard work is paying off congratulations on this huge win guys I'll send it back to you Thank You Tina again congratulations to Bret reader and he said it there he's got some work to do he's got to work his ass off this is the guy he's doing the unthinkable here in the Crankworx World Tour but let's check out his winning run here from Berlin number one so excited see Bret reader have the formula figured out to winning these competitions flipping that flat drop only in at Brendan SEMATECH we're doing that going opposite tail upon the road cap making it look like a regular one of the most difficult feature on the course of trick and then of course the trick of the year the court seventh one and then the one that helped him win Rotorua that's his trick for this year the backfoot forest from the tuck no-hander and then coming on a left field going back lift opposite tail on the step down I don't know if anybody expected that to have it he would traditionally do that on the jump of the normal flip flip on the step down but he's constantly progressing he said goes on the works and obviously he did homework before this event he has done his homework cam I think we are in the year of the reader it is his time and his time is right now taking that win they're looking at the leaderboard one two three congratulations to Tommy G taken that bronze medal silver going to seminar and you know what that is not gonna sit well that means that Bret reader has jumped in to the lead in terms of overall diamond stop wins forever he has got five of them now can you believe that he's still alive and the Crankworx slopestyle triple crown - I mean the horse did it this year is Brecon to be the horse it is crazy to think about that the brainchild in the offseason we unveiled it down in Rotorua and now Bret is doing the unthinkable there he has the two wins look at that 300 points perfect across the board one more event though later on this summer for him to complete that trifecta man these guys are gonna be gunning for him he truly if he didn't have a target on his back before he really has one on it now because he's 2/3 of the way there Thomas jinan continuing with his consistency and Nicolay rigged a can of course pulling out the stops like we expect him to something tells me we're gonna have to book him for interviews right now if we want to speak to him in four in Whistler there because he is gonna be controlling all his time well cam Wow that played out and that played out to its full extent what a dramatic day dude and to think that that was the second stop out of three I can't wait for Whistler it's coming at ya six through the 17th of August that's only a month away it's definitely gonna be a banger market on your calendars you're not gonna want to miss out Craig works calm that is where everything is gonna get recapped and that is where we'll be coming from when we get back to where it all began 11 years ago in Whistler all right so our fans hanging out camp some things up here in a few words for everybody at home there Craig Brooks is always full of drama there has never been a canceled Crankworx slopestyle it's been so close so many times but here today we thought maybe we would get canceled canoes because it was windy but the guys are gladiators they did whatever it took to put on a show here today and in true Crankworx fashion we had a ridiculous competition that's only two out of three we got Whistler coming up next month well you guys tuned in you saw on the action here it did not disappoint for all of us here at crane works myself Trista Marek Chemical Tina Dix and we want to thank you guys for tuning in hopefully did not disappoint and we cannot wait to see you come Crankworx Whistler make sure you guys check out all the action we'll see you in August [Music]
Channel: Crankworx
Views: 282,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crankworx;, Crankworx, Rotorua;, Les, Gets;, Innsbruck;, Whistler;, Red, Bull, Joyride;, RBJoyride;, Joyride, Crankworks;, mtb;, vtt;, Downhill
Id: P5F6tLO3lV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 55sec (11995 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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