REPLAY Maxxis Slopestyle in Memory of McGazza | Crankworx Rotorua 2020

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[Music] [Music] [Music] how do you follow up one of the best slopestyle seasons ever you bring back an absolutely classic course and let the professionals take care of the rest the pilgrimage to the southern hemisphere is on for the first stop of the Crankworx FMV a slopestyle world championship and the 14 best slopestyle competitors on the planet are here in Rotorua Erik fedko the German technical terminator is back 2019 breakout star David God's yet present the first ever triple crown of slopestyle winner Nikolaj reg at Caen in the house 2019 redbull Joyride champ Emil Johansen here and healthy plus eleven more go-to guys that love doing things that seem impossible the max is slope style in memory of Mikasa coming to you live from the most fun you can have an amount like best boat in the southern hemisphere Frank works Rotorua Kelley would be so stoked [Music] yes yes yes yes slopestyle fans of the world the wait is over it's a long seven months between August and March and if you've just been thirsty for slopestyle action well we're about ready to let you sip from our Goblet here the maxis slope style in memory of my Gaza this has been tradition for the past six years now this is the way we kick off the Crankworx FMV a slopestyle world championship series on an absolutely legendary course designed and built by the legend himself but Gazans left us a few years ago and in honor of our dear good friend this is another part of the tradition is we have the Maga so trained we get all the friends slopestyle competitors and Kelly's friends from all over the world to just jump on that slopestyle course go one after another and just enjoy the ride in memory of our friend and what better way to kick off the season I'm your host cam a call alongside my brother Tyler McCall who of course you missed them and speeding south because he's nursing an injury but you would not miss slopestyle right come all the way down here for this I came here just to watch this show this is the most exciting event to me because it's been so long since the last one Red Bull Joyride we don't know what these guys have been working on but we know they've been practicing they know this course they've ridden it before they know what they're coming into and here we're checking out the Maga so train paying tribute to the guy who built this course originally Kelly McCabe so here you see all the competitors getting a couple last-minute runs here one of which is the Mikasa Train it's been an interesting week you know outside sports mean outside weather and wind has been a bit of a daunting condition the last few days so part of the story has been all week that slopestyle practice although scheduled to be abundant has been sparse due to those heavy winds so the riders got out here early this morning and they're doing the last-minute preparations to get their runs ready one of those runs being the Maga so train that you're seeing right now but some wild stuff going down in practice I've already seen some moves out there that I've never seen before definitely not in competition but I saw a couple things that I'm not even sure if I've ever seen done on a slope style mountain bike before it's been a good show already hasn't it Tyler we're not gonna ruin any surprises but yeah like you said we've seen some crazy stuff just for them the last hour of practice cuz these guys haven't had a ton of time so the last hour was kind of crunch time and maybe the riders that have ridden here in the past have a bit of an advantage but even some of the rookies were looking really good so when we last left these guys back in Whistler it was a ridiculous show of course and Mill Johansen grabbing his first gigantic slopestyle win here he had cracked the podium on the Crankworx world tour before this but of course you know the story of emilio hansen battling back from autoimmune disease and finally summiting the massive mountain that is slope style competition but that guy who's currently spraying him with champagne as we reminisce from August he's not going to be here he's the man who won the first two competitions of the 2019 season and was second to only Emilio Hansen at the final stop he's decided to take a step back this season and it makes a lot of sense when you really hear his perspective he's been focusing on this sport for the last ten years and to be at the top you pretty much have to put all your other bikes away and only ride that jump bike that very like specific bike for slope style it doesn't as the sport progresses and change it doesn't resemble a normal trail bike as much as it once did and to prepare and be ready you have to constantly be on that bike only taking crazy risks he's decided to take a little time off to just butter up his other skill sets hasn't he for a rider like Brett who isn't just I mean not to say he's not dedicated to slopestyle because he's one of the best we've ever seen but such a well-rounded rider who is at home on a downhill bike as he is on a slope bike he was missing out on other stuff he wanted to go do training for rampage riding downhill trails and just having fun doing that so now he wants to take a step back focus on that and continue to build his whole skill set as a mountain biker and just have a little stress --less life for a little bit and hopefully we'll see him back so as he builds his skill set obviously he already has a broad skill set he's one Rampage before but as that skill set is building he puts time on that it'll build the anticipation for when he finally returns we're not sure when that's going to be hopefully maybe joyride we'll see what do you think Brett but let's talk about who is here today one rider that would be a fool not to touch on is David gods heck why do we need a touch on him well he finished on the podium the last two events those last two events happened to be his first two Crankworx slopestyle events of his career so he's podium perfect in Crankworx slopestyle if you recognize that last name it's because his younger brother - Simon God's yet who's been on tour year after year he's currently working on getting back on to her how about another familiar name Nikolay rogue at Caen a rough season last year but this guy has won this competition here number of times yeah he's always enjoying himself at any event but he's always going for it completely all-out so when you see the fact that he didn't crack the podium last season it's not evidence that he wasn't trying it's actually quite the opposite all he tries is to win so he's not usually taking the approach to just get points stay on tour he has one goal and that's to do the best run he's capable of and that's why if he's not at the top he's gonna be far down but we know he's been practicing he wasn't happy with last season so really curious to see what he's gonna do today look for Nikolai Berg a keen to absolutely send it because that's what he does but he's also down for anything even if you ask him to strap a GoPro to his head and give us a tour of the course so let's check out the GoPro course preview with Eric fedko and Nikolaj reg Atkin what's up everyone Nicola rockin here with my dog Eric FET go we're out here in Rotorua for the 2020 max's slopestyle in memory of kelly magatha we're about to show you guys the course it's super sick let's do it bro let's go drop it into this first step down big step up trick jump all air cruising into this dirt to dirt hip giving her some Steve's now into this new on-off techie feature we're just gonna go on through ticular spin off now into the whale tail getting into the serious section down here didn't belong and low into the last jump Derek Scott oh yeah oh yeah there it is 2020 runner rule cars so a lot of familiar faces out there Nicolai Roy Gaskin is back we had an up close and personal view of his face there in that GoPro course preview those seem to just keep on getting better and better but we got a big field 13 of the world's best slopestyle competitors it's so hard to get here but one unfamiliar face a rider that we're really excited to see get the invite to the first event of the 2020 season oh and marks let's throw a headset on them and catch up so oh and this is your first time riding a Crankworx slopestyle event you've been working super hard coming from Aptos California where we used to have a ton of spots to ride now there for you and far between you spend a lot of time riding a brand in seminar house how have you been preparing for this event in particular honestly we've just kind of been doing the same thing especially Brandon comes to town and we me and him and Ray George keep like a tight kind of training regimen going like twice a day almost every day of the winter and yeah kind of doing the same thing we always do just trying to add a few new tricks it's so exciting to have a rider from our local scene make it onto the big stage right now it's been a long time since we've seen new talent coming from North America question Brandon's kind of taken you under his wing that helps with your riding but has he given you any insight into how to handle the mental pressure is your biggest competition moment today uh yeah he definitely helps me a ton with like everything but mainly he just want he like told me to have a plan going into this and just really like think about my run and like map it all out start to finish and then I just have like the whole idea in my head going into the run so Brandon's ridden this course before and as we said you spend a lot of time riding with him did you guys talk about certain features on this course cuz it is kind of disadvantage that you've never ridden it but you do know what features are there and I'm wondering if you guys kind of talk through your dream run before you even got here a little bit but yeah our main jump at home is kind of similar to the - this last jump but everything else is a bit different so I didn't have like too much to base it off of and then obviously the boner log being taken I was kind of like a huge just I don't know no one really knew that was gonna happen so we're all starting from scratch on that well you're the pride of Aptos California right now you're holding it down and it's great to see in this event we can't wait to see what you do sweet thanks get it yeah we'll be rooting for Owen out there it's great I mean something that's been happening the past few years in this sport that used to be kind of dominated by athletes from Canada and America the Europeans have just been absolutely taking over especially with you know Brandon Simon like now taking taking you know his focus elsewhere not competing in slopestyle now Bret reader doing the same thing and it's left the door open for those riders that kind of learned from what they built what they turn the sport into one in particular Emilio Hansen who won Joyride last year can you believe the story of this guy I mean he had to battle an autoimmune disease and 2019 was a wild year for him with ups and down so you remember he had a crash here last year wasn't able to compete in the final but he just battles through all of it and sets his sights on the main goal which is to be on the top step of that podium and it actually worked out at joy Rodney's coming into this competition feeling healthier than ever luckily there's been a documentary series about his journey so for more on that check out part 2 of every mystery I've lived it was like sweet I've done a competition I'm back you know but then like kicks you in the butt again and says not yet having that's a bar as well as the hashimoto that's two things we already know about every stress situation from inside or outside is triggering this virus [Music] trying so hard to get back on tour the more the time zones can where you understand that I got a it's a question of time when the symptoms coming back it'd be cool if like one day I was in joyride like that would be that would be blast [Music] [Applause] I don't know about you but I just can't wait to see where his career goes from here if you imagine how he was riding when he was still dealing with those health issues and then to see where he left off in the 2019 season on the top step of the podium the stuff that he was doing in practice I was mentioned at the top of the show I saw some stuff that blew my mind he may have been involved in some of that stuff we're not gonna say what but he just gave away some of the who but yeah the stuff he was doing last year was very high caliber and that was with him taking time off so now he's got his stuff figured out how to keep his disease under control he's riding healthy he's able to practice so now we're gonna get to see the true Amil and everything that he's capable of well we're getting closer to competition here thanks to all the die-hard slopestyle fans for tuning in but for those of you who are maybe joining us for their first slopestyle competition Tyler explained how the format works all right so the first event of the Crankworx World Tour takes here obviously in New Zealand competition format these guys get two runs it's a best-of format so only one run counts so they do have a throw away and basically right underneath us where we sit on this tower overlooking the final jump there's four judges who are keeping their eyes peeled for all the subtle nuances of these runs they're looked over by one head judge and they're the decision makers last year they awarded Brandon sorry Bret reader the overall he took the title but if you want to take even more money 25,000 bucks extra goes to an athlete who can win all three events that means there's no throwaway events because this year we have three stops we used to have four but right now there's no room for anybody to take a silver take a bronze if you want to take that Triple Crown last year Bret was so ridiculously close I mean first at the first two events second only to Emilio Hansen at the third event so we'll find out right now who's going to be the only rider after today to have an opportunity to win that Triple Crown in the 2020 season it's going to be exciting we've had the battle between Brett and Nikolai but now that there's only three Crankworx events whoever wins this is the only person that's capable of doing that we're gonna find out a lot today just a couple hours until we'll know slopestyle history this can't get any better this is the Maxis slopestyle in memory of my Gaza and it starts right now a lot of it just comes down to like nerves some guys are just impossible to be noticed I really wanted to show everyone what time arrived I was this is like a feeling that of marriage thousand bike racing before this year so much going definitely a winner [Music] yep the wait is over the time has come the 2020 Crankworx FMVs slopestyle world's championship series starts right now with the Maxis slope style in memory of Mikasa it's become a tradition to start the slopestyle season cure and the locals wouldn't miss it we wouldn't miss it and we thank you for tuning in we know you wouldn't want to miss it big names 13 of the best they're all hanging out at the top of the course right now let's take a look and who those riders are gonna kick things off with Owen March and then Tim bringer he was a 2019 season Rookie of the Year that's how he won his spot here Thomas and Mangia known back after that crazy shoulder dislocation an entire year spent last year recovering from that Lucas Hooper Anthony Missouri the list goes on in the last three we will see her Erik fedko Emil Johansen and Thomas Lemoine leading that 52-week seating list in the FMB a world tour that's why he will be the last there he got 2nd place here last year and in practice he's bringing some really unique stuff and he won speed in style last night we can't forget that so he's had a busy week already but obviously we know he does well on this course his best Crankworx finish was here last year so excited to see what he's going to do I'm excited that we're starting out with Owen marks I mean we grew up in the same town as that kid and I remember seeing him show up at the jumps just a tiny little Grom just learning how to catch air and to watch I'm probably like 12 years of a progression leading to this moment and it's it's cutthroat out there this is a dog-eat-dog series having an opportunity like this to earn some points can make or break your career if he finishes high enough he'll be able to get invitation to the second stop of the world tour in Innsbruck Austria were moments away from giving him his Crankworx slopestyle debut our fingers are crossed it's been a long time coming for owen marks we've seen him since he was a little kid we know he had the potential and it's been a steady climb of progression until we find him here in the start gate of this Crankworx slopestyle contest it looks like we're there we got live picture on screen right now of Owen Marx preparing to drop in kick this competition off right here the start I dare say ready when you are so right now he's kind of just gauging the wind making sure it's calm enough right now the big important moment so you want to you have to wait one extra second for the wind to calm it's worth it here we go Tyler and here he comes off that start step down with a backflip double barzmann men big move for the rookie here nice flat spin on that shark-fin there might have missed his combo there but he's started this run off really good so he's gonna keep it through with that 360 tail up right there on the hip bar spin up on the new feature that's what we're calling the street box riders didn't know that was going to be there so it's a new feature this year opposite 360 up for him regular 360 down bar spin on the long and low coming into the last jump it's a cork 720 yeah perfect we saw him go down on that and the last little bit of practice that's great to see him get back up and stomp that one I mean that's that's exactly how you want your rookie debut to go a top to bottom run with a little bit to improve in your second run but like you say we saw him crash on that court to practice that right there that first move was to stand out to me a lot of these riders have ridden this course before so they know how much air time there is there know how tall the lips feel this is his first time riding here like we said the riders haven't had a ton of practice so Owen just kind of putting it all together right now figuring things out and that one that's the first time he's landed that one today I believe he went down really hard in practice so we're gonna get a gauge right now and how the judges are scoring based on how they assign a number to this run right here the score coming in it looks like a 60 1.25 for Owen Marx's first run and he knows that he has what it takes to perform under pressure after that performance but he also knows that there's a couple opportunities to improve in that second run we can't wait to see that but move let's move things right along here to the 2019 season Rookie of the Year now there are feeder events on the FMB World Tour that you can earn points to earn a spot into the big show also they take a look at all of your video parts you're posting online and each year they award a rookie of the year we're watching some highlights he's been traveling around to different competitions different riding spots and some of the highlights this guy is capable of our ridiculous we can't wait to see him apply these tricks to a Crankworx slopestyle course backflip double whoops too far the list goes on and on he's an absolute linebacker isn't he he's a big dude and he comes from BMX so it's good to see him on a mountain bike and he looks right at home on it he's got some crazy tricks oh I think he could also shake some things up in this field today here we go Tim bringer on course 360 double bar spin off the start feature coming into the shark fin nice big backflip there he can't tell from the camera angles but that's actually a hip jump into a double flip step up right there double tail up on the hip so far everything looks like it's going great for today's opposite tail up up onto the box and a bar spin down bars for the tuck no-hander up tuck no-hander down huge backflip on that long and low right there one more jump executed casserole Oh see Nikolai he got him giving him credit that is exactly how we want to start out a slope style competition to kick off the 2020 season if these two first runs are any indication this is gonna be one for the history books I look back at this run from Tim bringer I got to imagine that was the run he was looking for I couldn't find any mistakes in there everything looked flawless to me landing exactly where he wanted to not taking pedals between the features having some unique tricks on the hips all right Tyler so some huge bangers in this run and really no glaring mistakes how do you think the judges are going to rank this compared to the first one we saw from Owen marks well I mean it I'm happy I'm not sitting in the judges shoes cuz that looked like it was a really good run to me and we have so many more runs to come yeah we'll see where they rank him consider elements like that double backflip in the middle cash roll to finish things off this has got to be a big score here I believe it was a sixty one point two five that we saw from Owen Marx gonna see where Timothy stacks up there we go 75 points 75 moving the 2019 Rookie of the Year Tim bring her into the hot seat here in the maxis slopestyle in memory of Mikasa so from two rookies kicking off this event to a certified veteran in the form of Thomas shun on who has clawed his way back to competition here if you remember he burst onto the scene in 2012 winning redbull joyride and it's been non-stop consistency for him ever since until last year 12 months ago here in Rotorua Thomas Shannon on the first feature 360 talk no hander and then look what happens we've been wondering why you didn't see him at Innsbruck you didn't see him in Whistler you happen to miss this this is why recent opposite 360 tuck no-hander the shoulder came dislocated in the air so he had surgery he's been rehabbing he's back and strong we've called him the king of consistency in the past and now it's great to see him back here and if anybody knows how to put it down when the pressures on it's this veteran here Thomas gentleman so excited to see him back at the start gate it's been a staple on this world tour Sicily finishing an almost every event that he enters that looks like a 360 bar spin the tail could be some big move for Thomas and on step up right there going through the topside double tail with creative with the nollie 360 up fastplant opposite 360 down having to grab some pedals there long low not yes so excited to see him get another run somebody is back his name is Thomas Joe Nolan and we are happy to have them what a run that it's classic Shannon he is not he's stronger than ever he's had a whole year to think about that right there you know it's been haunting him he takes this stuff very seriously so switching up the trick here from last year that's good to see a unique trick to 361 foot a can X up big move right out of the gate you know talk about what it's like coming back from injury you have this opportunity the mental games can mess with your head but all the experiences man has you know it's just like riding a bike he didn't lose an ounce of it he seems to like this new feature here switching things up with a nollie 360 up fastplant opposite 360 down judges are gonna like that and that right there is my favorite thing that we see out of this guy so much style and everything that he does but he's definitely battle with cash rolls in the past it's great to see him going all-out and dropping that one on the maga so money booter he has such a different looking casual - I don't know what it is about it but I always loved watching and pull that trait out of his bag it's style I think that's what it is about it true so thomas jinan smooth classic trademark run from this legend here what's the score going to be 81.5 he moves into the lead see the judges rewarding the style the nuance the variety of thomas jinan he will be the man to beat right now let's take a look at who we have next this is going to be Lucas huppert a young rider who puts a lot on his plate we talked about how hard it is to get onto the invite list here but he's also balancing so many other things in his life as well only 19 Rizzoli's full-time in University for the last four years working in apprenticeship five days a week somehow still finds a way to train and has worked his way all the way up into this slopestyle event right there with a 360 tail whip and he has so many tricks in his bag we haven't seen him do a ton of contests runs yet so we don't even know what he's gonna pull out big backflip tail upon the step up there yeah 20 on the hip perfect truck driver up bar spin down things are looking great for Hoopoe right now 360 down look up on the box that was a big move 360 down where's Ben on the long and low and what will he pick for this last jump yeah [Laughter] Oh Lucas Huppert you watched him last season he was so strong and it's easy to forget how young he is he's only 19 years old right now and what we're seeing is that he was still learning last year even though he was getting legit results earning him a spot in the 2020 tour he's getting even better I don't think we've seen the full potential of Lucas huppert yet not even close she heard him there after he lands his run safe not bad I guess gosh if that's not bad well look out for run number 2 put in the exclamation point on this run here with the cash roll we're seeing a lot of riders choose the cash flow on this last jump we saw some of practice oh is that Lucas Pike so the tire just barely holding on you see that some sort of fancy orange tube here you Tyler said you heard about some special tube some of these some of these riders are running I don't know much about them but I know they're super expensive and way basically nothing so anytime these guys blow it too it takes a little hit to their bank account but that's what these dudes are willing to do the sacrifice we're getting some weight shaved off their bikes to make these rotations a little bit easier so good thing that thing held on it didn't pop off until the last jump there Lucas Huppert what's the score going to be top score right now belongs to Tom Agee Lucas Hooper I mean a big podium performance out here to start off this would mean Allah for his career of course each rider getting two runs so they take a look at their score from run number one and then they strategize they try to come up with ways to beat it and they also take a look at what everybody else is doing that inspires them there we go seventy eight point five four Hooper and he moves into second position so we've been watching this course for the last six years we talked about how big some of these jumps are but you don't really get a feeling for it until you walk around and you see it with your own two eyes for those of you joining us on Red Bull TV from your couch you're not here you can't see with your own two eyes so we're gonna help you out a little bit we measured them so take a look this jump right here one we're calling the shark fin 12 meters long forty feet long so we're gonna give that measurement to you in metric and imperial but let's have a little fun with this let's take a look at the next feature this step up and let's use a unit of measurement that I kind of prefer and that is Anthony missouri's so this jump is seven meters tall 23 feet long here and that's also known as three Anthony missouri's or one Tim bringer so this is Anthony Missouri's 10th season on this world tour which is insane he's been so consistent for so long always able to stay on to her one of our favorite people to watch has such good style and just goes so high on everything that he does so Anthony Missouri launched his career in 2011 of the huge performance at Joyride he has won a Crankworx slopestyle before and this is his 10th season but or certain things off with a backflip bars but he's looking pretty relaxed in the gate so he's looking really confident in this run so far backs up one foot can on that shark fin a feature front flip he might have gotten his hands off on that as well flat spin on the hip I like that he calls that the Teemo pretzel yes stopping the flip up on the last jump okay I cannot wait and so the replays you've got to be kidding me okay in practice he crashed hard on that tail up off of the on/off box so I was really psyched to see that he was still on the start list but men he almost threw it away but never gives up this guy take a look back at the run that's what I love about Anthony's runs is there so action-packed and exciting to watch great extension on that front clip tuck no-hander right there let's see if we can get a replay on that Street box but most guys are on offing and Anthony is just like nah I don't like that thing I'm just gonna jump the whole thing oh this is so exciting to see them bringing some unique features to the course I think I think it's it's something that's needed let's take a look tail up off his feet were barely on he was sitting down down the landing somehow gains composure front flips that long and low leaks it right into this backflip tail up to finish off the run so Anthony Missouri doing it for the fans a lot of the riders out here pulling for him excited to see him still on tour after 10 years and for good reason he absolutely kills that he represents a unique approach we couldn't imagine the tour without him and there he there's his girlfriend watching obviously excited about Anthony stomping his first of two runs here the first stop of the 2020 season what will the score be for tone that's right I don't know how he managed to stand up after getting so squatted down on that tail drop and then still front-flipping the longest jump on course yeah doing it right there for shorty lund he's got the rough AF sticker on his top tube anthony missouri strong run where will it put them yeah the judge is taking their time with this one because things that nobody else is doing at least riders that we've seen so far like gapping the street box he comes from a BMX background way back when when he was a kid there we go 70 1.25 good enough for 4th place right now so I like what we're seeing right now five runs five stumps Owen marks Anthony Missouri Tim bringer Lukas Hooper and Thomas Jin own starting this party strong and stomping their runs but the man to beat Thomas jinan and in his run at that cash roll rewarded with a 81.5 here in run number one of the maxis slope style in memory of my Gaza rest of the riders coming up after the break don't go away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back mountain bike fans slopestyle time here in Rotorua New Zealand stop number one of the 2020 Crankworx World Tour and look at where we're hanging out skyline gravity park this place is amazing so much riding to do here both at skyline and across the valley at the on a what a WA forest take a look on board view right now Keegan right the Kiwi take an advantage of some of these fun trails I always bring my bike every time I come to Rotorua because this is what you'd be missing if you didn't so if you're a mountain biker you've been watching for the last six years and you want to make a trip out here make sure you check out the trails out here locally and the world the raw does their second at none even runs shuttles it's just too good to be true so back to slope style action right here let's take a look at our current leader Tomas Jean known back from injury it's been a long road to get back after that shoulder surgery but look at this Redemption 360 one-footed can X up on the first feature that tail whip on the shark fin and then just increasing the magnitude of tricks 360 bars minute tail up the double tail up and then it's all about the variety spinning both ways and then you got to cap it off with a bang or right here's the cash roll to finish things off that's how you earn yourself an 81.5 and put your name at the start at the top of the results list but there's a whole lot more to come here a tough list of competitors that jinan is gonna have to fend off if he wants to stay on top of that podium next of which right here a rider who was on the alternate list but the pre-qualified rider Torquato testa from italy will not be riding in the slopestyle event at Crankworx as the new zealand authorities have advised that he'd be itself isolation with Torquato off the start list Janka vince'll moves up from first alternate and into the big show and of course in true Yakov vinsol Yakov vinsol fashion he's got a ban shirt on looks like he's repping Destruction today he was wearing Slayer in practice there's a good chance he'll probably keep the playlist rolling and grab another bad shirt for run number two but let's see what Jakob has and if he can capitalize on this opportunity getting off of that alternate list taking his time making sure he's ready to drop in once you drop in there's no turning back let's see what he starts off with a 360 tuck no-hander making that look so easy off the start step down backflip tuck no-hander on the shark fin there on that hip right there with a big 720 opposite 360 up regular 360 down everything's looking super clean for Jakob so far here a huge front flip right there does he have the speed for the magazine money booter he does a cash roll to cap it off man that is the trick of choice down here at the bottom of the slopestyle course Jakob Wenzel a guy who has dominated speedin style at Crankworx events in past seasons fought his way back onto tour first alternate here make it into the big show and he always takes advantage of these opportunities when they come around to put a strong run together try to get those valuable points and beyond the rest of the tour he makes that 360 tuck off the start feature looks so easy - and then linking it to the backflip tuck on that feature that doesn't look like it but it is a hip and that right there was also a hip so he had to over spin the 720 I'll be able to figure that one out perfectly oh I thought about something he likes it if we call this the misty 7 which makes a lot of sense if you pay attention other sports like snowboarding we call it a cash roll here because it was invented by Daniel Dhers way back when on a BMX bike and that's what he named it whoa look at the reaction from his girlfriend hardest job in mountain biking is to be the girlfriend of one of these guys the Yak Avenger likes to call it the misty 7 so we'll call it the misty 7 cap off that run and the big question right now is what will the score be we're going to look there on our split-screen view of the judges deliberating Pierre Edward Ferry Jeff Govich grant chopper fielder Hank for you talk what oh there we go that's legit okay y'all convinced oh look at this well haha 85 taking over the lead yes from the alternate list to the top spot here nice work that's got to feel good coming into this he wasn't sure if he'd be here to ride speed and style or slope style and then he got the work but he is in and now he's sitting in the top spot all right up in the start Keaton out next rider to drop from Germany Lucas cannot a rider with probably the biggest following out there on the Internet he's got most of Germany watching him right now so many fans starting things off huge with a 360 triple bar spanned a truck driver off of that start feature a backflip bar spin there might have been a double bars but I'm not sure what to wait for the replay truck driver on the hip coming into the new feature this year with the double bar spin up bar spin down backflip on big truck driver off so far that's the biggest trick we've seen on that feature these riders are loving the puzzle upon that long ago which is so insane to me yeah capping her off with a smooth backflip tail up there Lucas can op that's a strong run triple truck driver to start things off I want to count how many times his bars spun in that whole run I wouldn't even be able to keep up yeah so that I mean a truck drivers big on the first feature double truck you're pushing it but a triple truck driver the judges are going to take notice of that and that's going to help him get closer to that top score currently held by jakub n so let's see counting one two three you're right let's see how many bar spins there work on this back flip coming up after this shark fin here we go Oh backflip tuck to bar that's what it was okay cool so you got the combo in there that's gonna score much higher than a backflip bar spin such a risky move right there to spin and throw your bars get them all on and pump all the speed you can for that huge front flip on the long and low there we go getting both feet on the pedals at the last second there the judges are looking for cleanliness with everybody riding at such a high level there's no room for any tiny mistake if you want to get a top score and threaten the lead currently being held by Jakob vinsol so judges doing their thing as Lucas kenapa looks on six riders to go here and run number one of two and the maxis slopestyle in memory of Mikasa and we're Wilkin ops it on these standings he's gonna have to beat a 78 point 5 to move into podium contention another Lucas is sitting in bronze medal territory right now Lucas Hooper what will the score be here for kidnap and I hope he's not messing with me he told me to pronounce every single one of those letters in his last name that's a lot of continents I think it's messing with me they could be messing with you judges taking their time with this one there's a lot on the line here and we always joke about it we say we don't want to be a judge that's why we sit up here and just talk about it but the judges they don't take this job lightly either it's a very important role a lot on the line there we go Lucas cannot with a 70 3.25 moving into fifth position so a strong run a respectable score but you know he'll be looking to improve upon that and run number two back up to the start of the course Oh Oh things are heating up Tyler behind Nicolai on the start gate we need all attention to the top because any time this guy drops in he's doing it for the crowd it's doing the most insane tricks out there and always having so much fun such a ball of energy what's he gonna start out with the course 20 the biggest thing we've seen on that start feature so far today working out that backflip on shark finning pedaling for something huge yeah twister 1080 rotation on the step-up Wow into a perfectly rotated cash roll hill onto the street box 360 down without the fastplant this time to suicide million or unique move up right there 360 inward X up clicking that thing big tuck no-hander and this is where Nikolai shines the last jump man going for the front flip tail up he was so close just slightly under rotated man I thought he was without hard but you can tell you is fighting for speed into the mikasa money booter this is just more of the same it's such a shame to see here for a rider who's been consistently a gold medal threat season after season not cracking the podium last year after similar things happening you see a flawless run up until the last jump gotta believe that run was very capable of putting him in the top spot that move right there three rotations calls it the twister you know he debuted that trick right here on the Maga Zamani booter now he's clicking it and dragging it up to the top of the course allowing himself the opportunity to spread his wings and get something more unique down on the final feature something you don't see very often that front-flip Tayla but i like this too choosing some different tricks and what you normally see him do somehow pinching the seat with the calves therefore that suicide no hander but here's where things went wrong I'm glad he didn't crash harder though he he made the most out of that such hard work to pull that rotation around while doing a front flip I thought he was gonna get hitched right there yeah how did he hold on he does his push-ups I don't know how he was able to hold on to that one alright so Nicolai Rick yakin that's frustrating but let's throw a headset on him and catch up with what his plans are for run number two hey Nicolai what's up what's up Kim man things were looking so good in that run right there it all came down to the last jump tell us what happened on that front flip tail up right there yeah I want to see that run felt perfect felt like I was just on it there and came into the front flip tail up at the end I went off the lip and knew I might be coming up bit short tried to get the leg out tried to bring it in and almost rolled it out of the end it's one of the it's literally my least favorite trick it's the hardest trick ever to get that last bit of the rotation so I landed it a couple years ago in Innsbruck when I won the Triple Crown and I didn't win in practice but that one didn't go my way so plans for run - same exact run and I'll hopefully stomp that thing down bottom and do a huge Celie that would be high that's what's up I think it just came down to speed right there you know that when you land that trick it gets rewarded because you've used it in the past is that really what you're gonna try to change it's just everything the same just get more speed into the maga Zamani booter ice not even about the speed it's about the the force of the pop into the front flip I just barely didn't have enough front flip there so I'm gonna try to send a real hard off the lip and hopefully that thing comes around for me well that run was looking typical Nicolai super exciting so we can't wait to see you stomp that last trick and do the classic Nikolay celebrations thank you boys I'm going to send it will be selling with your buddy go stomp that gonna try my best boys yes alright Nicolai organic will bet get him back up to the top of the course but we still have one three four five riders left here and run number one next of which a rider who made it onto the podium here in Rotorua 12 months ago from Sweden the hard-working Alex Elanco and his best result here just a year ago when I've noticed about this guy is he always gets better he's always learning every time he comes he has a new trick I've seen him doing some new opposite maneuvers that he's been working on at home really become quite the full package in the slopestyle game here now isn't it 360 X up to one foot a can big move right out of the gate double tail if on the start feature we haven't seen summary of those tricks yet look like a back foot barson on the step-up hitting the eject button on the court seven alex Elanco running into issues not sure what happened there everything was looking so perfect alex has some of the most dialed pork 720's in the game he really does and it's crazy to see him messing up on that trick in particular because he's been posting a lot of his training footage up on his YouTube channel he goes to a training compound that has multiple lips into a foam pit and his warmup is to basically quark 7 every one of the lips the steep ones the flat ones and everything in between so an uncharacteristic error there for the hard-working Alex Elanco let's take a look back that move right there stood out to me because it's what we saw our current hotsy leader do 360 X up to one foot cam but we saw Alex do it in his unnatural direction which obviously the judge is gonna take note of here's where things went wrong I'm wondering if a foot slipped off or if you just thought he was short on rotation and had to hit the eject but you know what a rider like Alex Elanco from Sweden spends a lot of time riding into our parks and they don't typically wear a full-face helmets in those indoor parks I'm wondering if he was I having a hard time with the air awareness spotting as landing it's different when you've got a face guard and a visor but everything looked good there I'm not sure why he jumped off but hey it's easy for us to sit here with microphones and critique why somebody would jump out in the middle of a cork 720 doesn't make much of a difference we'll send him back up for second run but look who we have in the gate this is gonna become a super common name up here David gods yes he is so far podium perfect at his Crankworx appearances so David God dziak burst onto the scene last season he is taking the slopestyle thing serious of course he's also professional BMX competitor to be at the top of two separate sports it takes more than just riding bikes so he's always posting training footage whatever in the world that is I would not want to be his sheet rocker oh maybe I would that's job security but he's getting to do some vertical push-ups for you I suppose and then oh yeah apparently this is taking the world by storm he's working on his extension on his Superman's there with whatever that's called this flash challenge or something there was a time when you just wrote a bike to get good a fight riding but the level of competition these days is improved to such a point where you got it I don't know what is that pole dancing you got to do all kinds of crazy stuff to be ready for slope stop we're gonna find out right now if all the training and preparation is going to pay off David gods yack dropping in we saw him doing some huge moves to practice really excited to see this run right now you never know what this guy's gonna do he basically has every trick in his arsenal oh come on truck driver on the shark fin huge cash roll on the step-up right there just not able to get the speed for that long and low but man that was an action-packed exciting run out of David God dick David gods yet having an issue with that barspin we're watching virtually a tornado of dust right now as the wind came through and I'm wondering if that had something to do with David getting a little bit blown sideways doing the bar spin off of the on/off box that would be one of the most vulnerable tricks you could do coming off of a flat drop especially if there's a strong side wind but David gods yet if he wants to maintain his podium perfection on the Crankworx slope style world tour they'll have to get back up for run number two but let's take a look at some of the moments of brilliance here the triple truck driver my favorite part of that was the triple tail whip he did on the hip he could have played it easy and done a double tail at first run but he what's going for the win out here and he wants to show that he's here to play and he is so capable of competing with these top guys out here here we go opposite bar spin right there possibly getting caught up in a little bit of wind he was struggling for speed off as well which didn't help I mean if you saw he almost under rotated the front flip variation onto the box which caused him to lose some speed the combination of that speed loss plus a little bit of a side wind it would have been pretty tough to bar spin off of that drop under those circumstances so the score coming in for David God's dick it's gonna be a throwaway a 30 and he'll look to run number two to maintain his podium perfection the Crankworx slopestyle world tour but let's take a look at this fun little start list let's see who we got next because it just keeps getting crazier and crazier oh yeah Eric fedko the German had a third place at Joyride in 2018 did not crack the podium in 2019 but that doesn't mean he wasn't one of the top riders we were paying attention to last year and he's continued to just completely fill in the gaps he's got very unique trips he also is running a slopestyle specific bike let's check in with Christina chapada with a pink bike bike check what's up guys Christina should powder here at pink bike and we've got Eric fedko here he's gonna run us through his super sweet slope style bike yeah I'm here with my rose to brewster gym bike which I'm really stoked on cause it's super light I got SRAM components on it I even got the gyro so I can spin my bars as many times I want sweet ass how much psi are you running into tires you're taking pretty big hit so I would imagine a lot I don't know how many psi but I got four bars that works also how about your fork I noticed a lot of people like if I try to push on it I can't even move it so how's that going - pretty soft I think I have like ten bars on it usually people run like 12 or 13 bars looks good good luck this weekend can't wait to see okay there we go a little insight into the bike setup from Eric fedko there you see him with that hydraulic detangler you get great braking power out of that thing and never have to think about your cables winding up too much how many bars pins or Telep so you can do from top to bottom in a slope style run here and let's drop them just process that for a second I'll be seeing that on the step-down yet truck driver - tail up such a huge move our favorite Eric fedko moves the 360 seat grab Indian Air hotel up on the hip he's gotten even better in the offseason this is ridiculous this guy shows up he's better he just keeps getting better and better bigger tricks combos like that ultimate 360 up truck driver down backflip off the login though we saw him do something big and practice on this jump right here back to tell ya it's so long but able to pull it on that was an exciting action-packed run and I can't get over that first move 360 bars Ben and Taylor have we ever seen that on a step down whole week about the bookends on this run kicking it off the step down 360 bar spin to taalib and then on the final jump the backflip barzmann to Taylor and then his extension has become even large like what do you even call that now it's like a 360 heart attack Indian error because he's almost going vertical the extension on that 360 Indian air that was insane this right here just a threesome Khalid is known as a huge move on a feature like that but he used to be able to throw in a bar spin before the 360 tail whip man this guy is so exciting to watch that right there's so much violence so unique see the look over on that 360 sea crab Indian air as well just like stolen and out for the camera operators it was an opposite bar spin there off the street box so even though small little differences in his run play a big factor into the score opposite 360 up that run was the whole package man you spin in both ways had huge combos on everything rides with so much confidence that he always has you notice that from the very beginning with this young rider it's like he's been doing it his whole life the first minute tailed look how long he goes on this landing - there's about eight to ten feet down goes long get the feet stay on the pedals it's kind of everything that the judges are looking for they're looking for variety and tricks are looking in precision in the execution and for those reasons I'm really wondering where this score is going to land him in those standings the score to beat 85 held by the czech republic's jakob vince'll as we await the score for Germany's Eric fedko such an exciting run right there's so many things about that the judges are going to take their time process there we go whoa we're into the 90s folks and ninety point two-five skyrocketing eric fedko into the lead exciting yes oh my Eric fedko a lot of people are saying you know what I think this might be the Euro fedko and after that first run of his 2020 season now that was no some good speculation there's what the standings look like so far break it down for me Tyler excited to see Jakob pencil and second-place been on tour for a long time second place standing in that spot would be a great finish for him Thomas and on obviously we haven't seen him complete a Crankworx run since redbull joyride 2018 it's almost been a whole year another newcomer Lucas Huppert and fourth place Tim bringer last year's Rookie of the Year rounding things out for the top five but this guy what can I say about Johansson cam well he's kind of the man to beat and he's kind of in the gate right now and he's kind of gonna be filming this run so he can watch it and enjoy it later he was the winner of last year's Red Bull joyride it was his first win on the Crankworx FMB a slopestyle World Championships tour and he's at it again here we go 360 Taylor the inward table right there classic Emil and style oh truck driver 2 opposite downside tail whip oh wait a minute that wasn't opposite triple tail if I had to process that one go through a regular double tail I've never seen him do that move fast plant 360 up nollie 360 Cal oh my gosh opposite 360 opposite bars been regular 360 in ripped able to parse that out [Applause] 60 windshield wiper and the crowd goes insane go other riders - hahahaha like what is this kid capable of by the time he got to the on/off box he'd already done more tricks than anybody else's full run that was that was mind-blowing that was uh that was one of the best things I've ever seen come on alright let's try to break this down do these Stacy Caleb I still got some time I'm gonna throw some style in there I forgot about oh my gosh so many things truck driver - opposite down side tail up and one that's Ranger I had to think about this for a second that was an opposite triple toe which I've never seen anybody in the world do I heard he had it in practice last year but was unable to pull a run so I'm great so happy we got to see him do that this year - a regular double toe up on that hip that right there was a tongue twister opposite 360 bar spin the opposite bar spin back oh how did he have so much time in the air we're watching him in slow motion but I'm pretty sure that's how he sees the world this right here I had no idea what he was gonna do let's break this one down 360 regular tail whip right here when most people get back on he decides to revert the bike the other direction into an opposite tail whip now a tail up to tail it back is not a common trick we've seen a mountain bike slope style it's called the windshield wiper I've never seen a meal do it ever and you just did it in a 360 after doing all that other stuff in a run we've been waiting an entire year to see that run all the rumors about what he was doing in practice last year we weren't able to see the run because he crashed in practice that may have been one of the best runs I've ever seen haha its mechanic Ryan go they're celebrating a job well done and what will the score be Erik fed COEs the man to beat the score to beat a 90 point two-five Emilio Hansen packing more in then maybe we've potentially ever seen in the history of this sport scored a feat of ninety point two five he has a 96 Emilio Hopson goes into the lead no way okay we have to throw a headset on this long-haired Swede right now talk to him Emil that was quite possibly the best slopestyle run we have ever seen we know we you were working on some crazy stuff like that last year unable to compete how good does it feel to do that stuff you've had some of that in your bag for a whole year and even unveiling some new stuff I mean it was three years ago since I did a solid run here or run at all actually like 2018 I was injured 2017 no 19 I had a crash and yeah it just feels like Redemption on the tough stuff that is in my past and to be able to get that run together with new tricks that I've been working on and wasn't able to do last year plus new stuff I worked on in the offseason feels just amazing ok so I have to ask about the 360 windshield wiper is that something that you were planning to do in this run last year or is that something new that you've learned since then I learn it pretty much during this winter and my ankles do not like it to be honest but yeah I make it work and getting better and better at it that was crazy man watching you ride looks like you're in slow motion so great to see you do all those combos I gotta believe I got a hope that was not a safety run cuz you packed so much into that run but we'll see how the rest of the field does and see what your second run will be yeah perfect thanks Emile alright he's got a target on his back I can't wait to see if anybody has what it takes to knock him off and I I don't think that we're just like buzzing on adrenaline and speaking things that we're going to take back later I seriously think that's one of the best runs I've ever seen life like ridiculous most of those tricks were triple combos meaning he was spinning and doing two combos in the rotation which is just like completely unfathomable well let's take a look who we have in the gate right now it turns out the 2020 season is going to be one for the history books we've already seen that exemplified in the rest of our field but now look at this guy hot off of a win just last night in the clip Rotorua speed of style presented by Mons Royale he was going up against Greg watts to veterans in speeded style both of them with a lot of wins under their belts and Thomas Lemoine able to put the whole package together here against Greg watts you got to think that he has less practice than anybody else out there because he was getting ready for that event you gotta also think that he had less sleep than everybody because he didn't leave the venue here until it had already been dark so a big week here when you're gunning for those king of Crankworx points your name is Thomas Lemoine Crankworx means a lot of events not a lot of sleep but also he's the last rider to drop here and run number one let's see what he's got yeah perfectly executed 360 taalib off that start step down now Thomas got his best finish inside here last year with the second place Wow going for a big 360 tail up on the step up there for speed a bit unable to do jumping without and throwing the bars pinion front flip ah truck driver down so much style not three strips of table right there what crazy looking cash roll we don't see that trick out of Lemoine too often and it was looking so close so people who will criticize that being called the cash flow cash flow is basically a quart 720 on a forward axis so when you see them throwing it over that top shoulder not the trailing shoulder it puts them into a strange rotation that was a real hybrid of a cash roll and he wasn't able to put it down to tires and I take a look back at the beginning here I was surprised to see him peddle in this flat bottom you see a lot of the other riders pedal but Lemoine is always able to carry so much speed but he must have got a little bit out of rhythm there was struggling for speed the features in this line flows so well together so if you make one mistake it's hard you're always trying to compensate make up speed for the next feature it was almost a straight seven there but you know he was going for the cash roll so let's talk about the street box he gapped it Anthony Missouri was the only other rider in the field we saw happen I think he did a toboggan off it and if you put this whole run together he fixes the mistakes they'll definitely shake things up but that's not the run he was looking for he will focus on run number two but man you gotta be kidding me the first round of runs for the 2020 season hints that this is going to be a wild ride folks there's the man right there the current leader ml Johansen with a run that earned him a 96 the closest riders Erik fedko a whole five point seven five points behind Yaakov ensel holding down the fort there in podium territory in third place position Thomas and on just outside the box so he'll be looking to run number two man we're off and running here in the 2020 season Max's slope style in memory of Mikasa second runs coming up stick around for halftime show [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we're just hanging out up here in the booth trying to digest the insanity that we were just able to witness of course we're hanging out at skyline gravity park here in Rotorua New Zealand and I'm your host cam a call once at my brother town recall we're still catching our breath from those runs and we decided since we can't make sense out of it we needed to join some homies some friends who could maybe help us understand one judge grant fielder and one just kind of a legend Kyle Strait one of the guys who was involved with the birth of this sport you've been competing in this sport since it started and I'm just gonna kick it right off with a question when we were first doing slopes I'll oh three oh four whatever we were just like this is an experiment this is kind of cool would you ever have thought that it would have turned into that I think that was one of the best slopestyle runs I've ever seen from a male it's kind of a different sport than what it was when it started isn't it it's completely insane like talking with a few other friends and we're like you know I like everything one of those riders for the most part are not slipping pedals or not like they're just cruising through their lines doing the banging there's tricks off like every single time we would have been like oh there's a foot dab there's a foot dab look I got squirrely you know it's so it's it's grown so much and they're good those guys are so much more Dow than we ever thought you could be yeah I know and they're doing like four more tricks in one jump like I don't think one well definitely know one trick from that run is something that any of like the earlier slopestyle redditors could ever conceive of doing so he used to be like a couple years ago we could have at least done one or two of those things but now it's a totally different sport I mean you still compete in speed and style so you still have to do a lot of tricks but uh but yeah what do you make of just this taking off on its own path do you like to see some of those newer features being added to the mix that Street box is a little bit cool it's just the tricks are carrying it but now we're seeing some additions to the course design as well yeah I love seeing the the street box I mean rike I mean it kind of goes back to I'm sure you guys been talking about a bunch of a team oh but like yes I love seeing that right that kind of brings it back to like when we were competing as well so it's it's cool to see that and then also just you know just the flow of the line right like so all those guys are riding so smooth and I always like riding or watching people ride super smooth for sure so speaking of riding smooth chop a lot of smooth riding out there not a lot of throwaway runs when you saw that run from Emil I'm hoping that I didn't influence you at all by just kind of screaming at the top of my lungs is one of the best runs I've ever seen but what was what was the banter like between you guys because you have to place that somewhere where it it represents what that run means in the context of what everybody else is doing right well Emil the moment he's about to drop in you know you're gonna expect a lot of craziness so much very variety lots of tail it's lots of BIOS pins and in fact the question I'd rather you ask is what could be the negative side to it yeah yeah so this is complete try and dig out so obviously Emil has done a lot of tower works but there's lots of variety in there so he's mixing it up opposite so he's doing opposite tale opposite triple toe up straight into regular double whips and it's funny your conversations you're having with Kyle like you would have never thought would Oppo triple whip would have been possible like but now it's just for breakfast for him so but the scores obviously showed that his run was clearly straight up in the 90s in there yeah cool is he's leading the charge right now completely sculpting the face of what slopestyle is but he's also a well rounded rider he was out at rampage this year yeah I know that'sthat's what I love about the guy he's just up for it you know that they're young keen and ready to just send it slow Sal's is a great little springboard now for a mountain bike career you've seen riders like seminyak reader and now a meal transition into other facets of the sport but another thing that I think about here so slopestyle riders they don't get to go ride the trails when they come here they have to just be laser focused on this but the riders that do get to go ride the trails they know there's so many good ones out there and Max has had a cool initiative last year with a with a custom tyre and tell me more about that yeah last year max's developed a tire and the goal of it was to support raise some money to support the local trails out here [Music] we're going to ride the Thalia high trail that Maxis has funded we put a ton of work and effort into and we're stuff it's good to be on a rail [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in seemingly fine so I guess I'll spawn cases I built the child is just like getting everything and I'm just like trying to follow him like it's actually like such like natural rhythm that's it couple high fives voice girls yeah everybody the trial has been exceptionally popular all summer you can tell from the lines lines that have developed in it low lines cut cut lines all sorts in yeah it's hugely high traffic and being loved is the new go to trial and summer so much fun trail riding to be out here and they'll be plenty of time for these riders who are at the top of the list here it slopes tout to be enjoying those trails when their slope style days are over but right now we're just so grateful they're putting on such a good show great to see companies like Max's supporting the local community and more trails just keep popping up so these guys are going to have plenty of time to ride these trails as I said more trails have better so it was great having Kyle straight up here in the booth breaking it down chopper Fielder one of the judges cool to have their perspective but Kyle's straight he's been having a long week right now a week that started out so fantastic let's break down some of my top five moments of the festival so far kyle is involved in one of these take a look so Kyle's straight in the dual slalom race take a look at that chain snapping off when you have the horsepower of captain Lyle your chain better look out that was my first highlight second highlight Garrett Meacham going for that quark 720 a trick that you would expect to just see and slopestyle but he's bringing it out in speed and style if you don't watch all the events out here look at your missing slalom speed and style and the international debut of the women's category good speed was just last night where we saw riders like by overbeat and Jordi Scott racing and tricking Jordi Scott taking top honors they're the gold medal shoots with tuck no-hander and tire grabs and then for the men another one of my favorite moments right here was this guy who's so busy during a crank were accessible thomas Lemoine we just saw him to his slopestyle run but less than 24 hours ago he picked up the gold medal in speed and style all right my last favourite moment so far Jill kinder she's back for a full World Tour run here trying to regain the throne for a queen of Crankworx of course via verbeek won it one year ago and so Jill Cain are back for more you saw her there take the gold out from under Casey Brown in the dual slalom so if you're just joining us on Red Bull TV for a slope style you got to join us the entire week cuz there's so many events so many events and all these athletes out here a lot of them anyways are gunning for that king of Crankworx so there's more than just each event it's such a whole world series and there's so much at stake who this could be fun okay back to slope style let's take a look at our first place run so far side by side with our second run so far almost six points separating these two runs now let's break down where Emilio Hansen got those points so right here Petco with the truck driver to tale which I'm not sure I think that might not work a little bit higher than a meal right they're both huge triple combos we never thought we would see on a start feature like that both riders pulling out big tricks right there but a meal obviously being the standout and the opposite triple tail triple tail would be a big move but to do it your unnatural direction yeah there we go that was mirror image right there identical hotel up so a lot of similarities here in this run so far it was all about that second jump as the game-changer where Emile had that 360 bars been a down side tail whip wow you can see so many similarities but Emile just adding any little things to just up the score against Eric fedko bad ice it's insane comparing those runs and knowing that one of those is second place and it's not in first because there weren't for a meals run that run would be so hard to beat from Eric set go it's like every time you're watching Petco's run going on I think he's got him there you know like the 360 sea crab Indian air with the best execution we've ever seen out of him you're like oh yeah Amell did an opposite triple whip you know if it was a triple whip you'd be like all right you know the triple whip probably takes it but an opposite triple whip it's just taking it and that's the mental game right there taking it all right this is going to be a step up and then just thinking outside the box how can I step it two times up exactly he's on a whole nother level and these guys are trying to play catch-up and see what they can do in these second runs here okay so hint hint this is going to be a crazy season how are we going to finish off this season the way we always do at Red Bull Joyride where this sport was born Whistler British Columbia if you're gonna come hang out with us make sure you pick up a ticket for the VIP experience there's still some available you can be hanging out in the skybox presented by the Bearfoot Bistro the best seat in the house get your tickets at Crankworx comm slash whistler slash VIP here's a look at some of the riders you might be able to see if you get your VIP tickets yakov ensel holding down the bronze metal spot Erik's fedko in second we just saw his run side-by-side with your current leader the 96 belonging to ml Johansen can't he'd go back-to-back wins he won joy ride last year he would love to win here and the maxis slopestyle in memory of Magatha but every rider gets another run we're gonna kick it off after the break don't go away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes yes yes joining us live from Rotorua New Zealand stop number one of the Crankworx World Tour and stop number one of the Crankworx FMV a slopestyle World Championship this is the maxis slope style in memory of Mikasa I'm your host cam McCaul alongside Tyler McCall and Tyler I thought about this a minute ago thank goodness it's not boring you got your foot in a walking boot you came all the way down to the southern hemisphere can't even ride keep Majan these guys didn't put on a good show for you I got nothing to complain about that was some of the best riding we've ever seen which we do say a lot but every contest just gets better and better yeah this is the day we're gonna be talking about for a long time and there's still a whole nother run to go all these riders get to take aim at that top score being held by Emil Johansen we're going to see Alex Elanco starting things off for us and look at that he's in the gate we're ready to rip alyx Elanco had his best finish here last year his first run didn't go to plan he had to hit the eject button on the fourth feature so you got to know he's frustrated it's been working really hard in practice all week he knows the run he wants we know he's capable of doing big things on this course alright so keep your eyes peeled for that fourth feature as Tyler said hitting the eject button on the Cork's 720 a trick that he can do in his sleep so one more opportunity here to get a good result and some very valuable points hopefully stay on tour join us in Innsbruck for the second stop that's what a lot of these riders are thinking about get those valuable points here we go Alex Alonso on course starting things off with an opposite 360 X out we saw him do a combo on that and run one but still a big maneuver right out of the gate backflip bars been on the step-up so this is where things went wrong for him and run number one choreo money getting it so perfect making it look easy the second time around using the up box feature to a truck driver up opposite bar spin down double bar spin at 360 down that huge drop the massive front flip on the long jump yeah I might have crashed on a quark 720 the regular direction in the first run so I'm gonna do an opposite one in the last jump second run that was a great run there for the sweet Alex Elanco so a couple things that he missed at the beginning of this run that he had and run number one but he was able to put it top to bottom that's what matters most get those insanely valuable points take a look back he's clearly looking sore in the finish crowd right there this was not a light slam he took and run number one so it's great to see him get back up there and maintain those points so that may have not been the dream run he wanted to do but still ending it with an opposite cork 720 spinning toward his front foot therefore the opposite makes it a little bit more difficult also if you consider that's like him signing his name with his opposite hand being ambidextrous been able to do these tricks both ways that's something we come to expect here from all the top riders on this tour but it's not something that we can ever take lightly and the judges right now making sure they give credit where credit is due for this run hear from Alex Elanco it's like signing with your opposite hand while upside down and backwards I smell a feature we should try to get all the riders to do that look at that there's the man to beat right now he's in the fortunate scenario of being able to hang out watch his friends take aim at the target on his back but wow the run that he dropped still has our jaws on the floor now fellow sweet Alex Elanco doing what he came here to do and getting a 77 for his efforts putting him into sixth position not bad so he was sitting in last place after run number one able to get back in the starcade after that hard slam sitting in sixth place so we're likely to see him in ins for so here's the way we do this here run number two we drop them in reverse ranking order so we saw Lemoine be the last rider to drop and run number one he had an issue that's why you're seeing him be the first rider to drop and run number two so a couple little bobbles in the middle of this run but a crash on the last jump so close holding that one together right there - just slightly under rotated on that 720 rotation buddy's got another chance so here he is in the start gate he was our last rider to drop and run number one now he's our second rider to drop run number two almost Lemoine on course 360 tail ups so clean I love how nosedived he gets on that trick right there who's got the speed and the rhythm going in this run for that cue yeah tasty double tail a big move right there for Tomas Lamoille double truck driver on the hip there we go we're calling out the team old prince and that's when you jump in the hole feature a truck driver down great style in that 360 table let's see if he can stop this one clean there we go there's something to be said for not having to wait a really long time after a mistake you got right back up there yes don't he rides with so much perfection and that's why I run number one just didn't look like a typical Thomas Lemoine run we're not used to seeing him drop last so maybe having all that extra time to think about it played a part in how run number one unfolded but with this reverse dropping order he was able to do a second run right after fix those mistakes and land complete run top to bottom I mean I like everything about this run you don't see him peddle very often but this is why he needed the extra speed to just boost off that lip that 360 double tail whip now jumping that whole Street box the plus side of that is it gives him extra speed for that step up there so it's able to do a big maneuver up like that front flip got like the street box especially seeing Lemoine and Anthony gap the whole thing and now Lemoine doing it with tricks I love the features that have options not the biggest feature on the course but it's nice to see them get creative Lemoine one of the most creative riders in the field of course his spare time he spends it rapping recording music as if he has any spare time this guy competes in pump track speed in south and slope style so waiting on the score here for Thomas Lemoine he did his job for the day that's the first one we've seen in run number two here what will the score be and most importantly where will that slot him into these standings yeah the rotation was even better on that cash roll in the last jump the first one he didn't he didn't have it from the get-go it wasn't on the access he was looking for so absolutely everything ironed out that last run could tell he was able to get the snap right off the bat put that down perfect two two tires you know when you see Lemoine take a petal in a slope style run he's going to be launching there's a reason clear for takeoff one of the best riders out there at generating speed love seeing riders jump that whole street box there's a famous German legend named Timo crit so who back in the day kind of made that popular just jumping over features on course great to see that stuff coming back Lemoine waiting for the score here the judge is taking their time to crack into podium position he's gonna need to be an 85 that's the score that Yakov ensel posted he's currently sitting in third position but take the lead he'd need to better a 96 all right the score coming in what will the story be for Thomas Lemoine there we have an eighty eight point two five so he does better that score from Yaakov Ansel and move into metal territory third place at the moment for Thomas Lemoine so our next competitor is typically more on the quiet side but we did take the opportunity to catch up with David God's yak earlier have a listen I feel more confident now after writing the past season on the slopestyle courses I have more experience now and I hope I will do better on the slope style features I like hips so that four features is the hip I like the most I think the new feature is pretty interesting and can't wait to ride it so what is he talking about well if you didn't know he also competes in BMX and he wins some of those events he's won BMX dirt at the X Games before so he's talking about those more slope style influenced features like the flat drop you saw him crash a bar spin on the flat drop so one more opportunity to get a score here and remain podium perfect to Crankworx slope style this guy could really really shake what's up in this field right here already starting things off huge cash roll mid course Oh up on that hip catching with so much time perfect pedals opposite tail up up table down I would love to see him make it to the goal kick [Applause] won't be a top-to-bottom smooth run for David gothic I'm just having it in fall off the box that's such a risky move right there with that new feature the riders don't have as much speed up onto that Street after the street box'll opting for the front flip tuck no-hander up there David Godsey ex-fiancee looking on she is even happier than us that he didn't fall off that on/off box the first year we had this competition I believe 2015 Carson Storch fell off of that thing okay this he's not done yet oh you're right look at that it's just gonna put on a show and I saw him doing some stuff on the last job how's your gait starts I just wanted to see him get to that last jump because of what God is doing in practice so maybe we'll get to see yeah he's just checking to see if he can even get the speed from we're not sure but I know he wants somebody kid of an e-bike [Applause] look at the size of this crowd they're so enthusiastic Davey contacts gonna give him a show huge 316 what's he gonna do on this last job the crowd just doing that for fun his runs gonna be a throwaway but still going for at any rotation tuck no-hander I saw him throwing twisters on that jump at least three times in practice so I knew he was gonna throw in some kind of combo okay Tyler you told me that these orange tubes are supposed to be $60 and they're supposed to decrease plows for the only tubes were seeing right now those fancy orange tubes oh they're supposed to be light okay something I don't know much about I'm it's crazy I'm coolin it's a new age stuff it's a special effect tube so when you're doing it for the crowd and you do the sickest trick it just explodes it's like pyrotechnics man I'm so glad he was able to stop for the end of that drop right there look at the attention on that almost hyper-extended his elbows okay I hope when you're watching at home well you're screaming at your TV because I just turned around and looked at the crowd they are so into this right now and I hope you are too David God take a rider who is always down to do it for the crowd he came out last night for the best trick competition took the win with a casserole bar spin a lot of the riders reserving for slopestyle but he knew there's going to be an audience there and he was willing to put on a show so not going to be another podium for David Ghazi ik this will be his first time not landing on the podium but let's take a look at some of the nationalities that are currently in the top three spots all European fun little statistic in the history of Crankworx there's never been an all European podium there's always been at least one North American on there but take a look and who has the opportunity to keep that streak alive Nicolai Rick gakuen the man who has won this event before he's only got one more opportunity to get a score in the bag if you remember from run number one he had a great run going he was going for the front flip tail whip on the final jump it looked like this we talked to him on the headset he said it wasn't about the speed it was more about meeting a little bit more snap on the lip you need so much rotation to be able to that bike around put your feet back on the pedals and he'll actually hook those feet on the pedals and use the feet to pull the bike down to finish out that rotation so you know that's on his mind right now but he needs to take it one step at a time a lot of features on this course each one of them needs to be perfect here we go here we go anytime Nikolay drops in it's gonna be a show yes cork 720 has that on such lockdown cork out flip on the shark fin peddling for this 1080 rotation landing so smooth the king of these unique new-age rotations Nikhil Eric I could tell about 360 down there comes up so fast suicide [Applause] [Music] that's the Sally we're asking for hey it all went as planned this is hey we told we would selli with them let's do it come on I'll leave that up to you you look like you're gonna throw another shoulder out yes Nicola alright alright so we talked about that fun statistic earlier we need to see the score here will he be able to beat the 88.2 5 of thomas Lemoine and put a North American on this podium so many rotations work 720 on the start step down such a huge move and this right here man ad rotation mid-course so let's talk about the front flip tail because I remember in the past you know he's done the cash roll whip and Innsbruck he's also done honey whip but I feel like I remember him saying that the fronting whip is actually harder he said it's the hardest trick that he does also his least favorite but the judges love it because they know the technicality of it nobody else is doing that always means something we'll see if we get a replay of it but I want you to watch his feet because if he doesn't get his feet on the pedals on the tail off of the front flip and the rotations not gonna come around okay well let's take a look at this front flip tale up here he needs to get good snap off the lip and here we go watch these pedals right here so right here he puts his feet on and then hope you got good grip on your shoes because that's used to just pull the rest of the bike down whoa look he was floating until the last second oh man yeah even up until the last second he wasn't attached to the bicycle always about the big fisted punch for the celebration way to go Nikolai rag Atkin all right I can't wait to see if we can stay on this podium as North American riders who used to compete in slopes now we got to be rude for this score right here all right can this all European podium be broken we're moments away from finding out he needs to be the eighty eight point two five of Thomas Lemoine right now I mean all the way since oh four there's always been a North American in the top three what's it gonna be how high will it climb look at that jacket let's go 93 only three points off of Emilio Hansen rewarded for that we're so used to seeing him in that top three last year his best finish was a fourth place starting to fall off tour he was close to falling off so consistently in the top three but now we see him where you belong sitting in that top three second place for Nikolai or gakuen right now we have more riders trying to shake things up that's all right right here Owen marks we know him so well growing up in Aptos California new face on this crank work scene we saw a lot of potential and run number one I know he has more he can add it's tough for these guys that haven't ridden this course in the past because they haven't had a ton of practice this year so they have a lot more things to figure out all right so take a look back we're gonna refresh your memory he was the first run of the day and we said that he had some some things that he could polish up a little bit now take a look at earlier on here there's a couple features where he just did a bar span you know he's going to be looking for more than that this third feature is one of them what do you think part of it I didn't want to give away what he how he was thinking but I don't know he has so many tricks in his bag he's got great combos his bar spins and tails have come so far it's throwing them all into tricks now so we'll see I'm really curious to see what tricks he's gonna choose for the second run right here because I know he's capable of big things backflip double barzmann again making that look so easy big flat spin on that shark-fin going for a bagless killer choice good choice Lou this kid reach 62 it will you get the speed obviously shakes me up regular 360 that's got to be one of the biggest drops he's ever spun hasn't written in time these courses before coming into the last job court 720 completely straight to the landing on that last jump great performance out of the crank work slopestyle rookie Owen marks rising to the occasion and showing there's a reason he earned a spot into this competition I just got chills we've been watching this kid ride for so long since he was just a little guy around in the Aptos post office jumps it was evident from a very young age he would be here one day worked so hard every day to just hone these tricks in [Music] he hasn't spent a ton of time on a course like this for a young North American Rider there are not too many events that they can get to unless they have these big travel budgets to go to the European events but any time he's shown up he's ridden super successfully look at this last jump here just if you think about it being an exact 720 like the line straight down if you were to draw this as a grid work he's pointing straight down on the landing no over-rotation no under rotation so all the tricks that he's doing the execution is what's going to stand out for the judges that's kind of Owens forte is doing things so perfect so clean and throwing so much style in there even just the flat drop three off of the box it's like he kind of had his bars turned inward his knees dipped into the top tube now he's what we call a goofy footed rider so he's left foot forward but his natural direction to tail whip and to spin is a little a little different than normal so goofy footed you say or do you say goofy or goofy foot a little bit of both yeah okay all right what's the the debut of Owen Marx going to look like here on the Crankworx World Tour looking for those points to be able to earn the invite to Innsbruck later on this summer come on what's it gonna be I want to see this climb so seventy two point two five puts him into eleventh position and a great learning experience out here for him he proved that he belongs and hopefully he can take some of those points stay on two or seventy two point two five a huge improvement as far as numbers are concerned from run number one but did not move him up the rankings very much oh yeah Anthony Missouri in this tenth Crankworx slopestyle season we talked about longevity we talked about Anthony Missouri look out backflip Bart's been throwing those bars so early this kid's tricks are so dialed backflip one foot a can on that shark-fin look how high he goes on that front flip tuck no-hander alright give me one of the best there's ever been in that trip down the only rider we've seen do that [Applause] one more jump backflip dumb kid gonna get again oh man oh it's so good that he rolled out obviously feet off the pedals don't get deducted a little bit for that but what a run there's always so much energy in his runs they're so exciting he goes so much higher than everybody and I don't know something about his runs have always been my favorite to watch like that how does he throw the bars so early right off that step-down he's just always pumping and riding with as you said camp so much energy so high on that front flip tuck no-hander right there got a BMX racing background able to get the speed to jump over that whole box roll bars babe oh man I love seeing that I just love that I hope we keep seeing these these features that throw a curve ball into the mix add it to the slope style courses go back flip double tail after such a good run we're like come on just be flawless be flawless the cranks moved a little bit he gets his feet above but not able to connect the tread of his shoes to the pins of the pedals but you know what he rolled out he'll get a good score there they always take into consideration what the trick was that there was a bobble on so a back flip double tail up with the bobbles obviously it's going to be scoring higher than just a back flip tail with a bobble but the bobble will still factor in close to perfection on empty Missouri second round he was saying in practice he was having trouble getting those cranks to stop spinning while he's kicking that tail up which is why tailing off the drop is so wild too you just don't see too many riders to helping off the drop because if your cranks move you're coming down with so much impact curious to see how the judges reward jumping that whole street box and the tail up on that flat drop just great to see riders breaking the mold doing unique things in their runs as well all right let's take a look back at when he gaps so he goes off the dirt touches down on the wood you're seeing riders right there's a bunch of different ways but only Missouri and Lemoine are gapping the whole thing and to add a trick to it you saw both Lemoine and Missouri at tricks I'm a fan of this barzmann because he actually went deep as well when he caught the barzmann he was still correcting going on land and deep but that's what we've come to expect from an anthony missouri run is just so much energy it's so fast-paced this right here has to be one of the scarier drops we see on tour to take up such a steep landing with such a sharp knuckle so yeah that trademark flats been over the hip Anthony Missouri hey says what how do they always take so long for me because they're always trying to just figure out what just happened because it's always so exciting you don't have a chance to breathe when he's doing a run you know shaking his head he knows that if he was able to get his feet on the pedals for that last jump or maybe higher score in sixty nine point two five so not an improvement from run number one they obviously talked him quite heavily for the flip double whip with blown pedals so top four as it sits right now Lemoine right outside of podium contention eric fedko on the bottom step of the podium nickel ira gakuen hanging on to the second place in a milieu Hansen with a nice comfortable buffer three points ahead of second place but Lucas can op an opportunity to shake things up one two three triple truck driver off the start feature now we saw a few straight bar spins in this run from Lucas cut off and run number one so I'm curious to see what he'll do James things up back flips up no can't hander to bar spin the main okay snuck another bar spin in there 3 whip barspin double bar spin out bar spin down flipping up onto this and off feature with a slow truck driver down one flip on that long and low right there Oh back to help me a herd of you yell you can hear him scream and we know what he was going for on that he caught that flip whip so early and wanted to add a bar spin yeah we know he's like that's all I had to do it's funny I I think he was sizing it up and run number one as well he was looking to catch the pedals early and have a little gauge on how much time he had left but I feel like that was like a speech exercise for you Tyler it's like say barspin fifteen times fast if I'm not wrong I believe he did cram some more into this run so we'll see if he's able to improve his score yeah you know what the backflip tail will get scored as a backflip tails instead of missing a backflip tail a far spin but it was quite obvious what he was hoping for we're gonna take a look back right now watch him catch those pedals early stare at the handlebars he burns it for a second thinking about giving those handlebars in that front wheel 360 degree rotation but if that's the only thing you can criticize about a run you did a great job great showing out here for lupus canal and as you said they're not going to judge that knowing what he wanted to do it was still a flip with perfectly two pedals cannot hanging out in tenth position right now he's hoping to move up judges with the opportunity to reminisce here he spins those right there one two three case there was any doubt yep somehow he was able to squeeze in three bar spins and that's lip down 360 Lucas can off with a huge online following you know all of his fans are hoping for a big number here from the judges but look at the right side of your screen there Emilio Hansen the man to be 96 for that run Knopf looking to move up from tenth place camera shy Emilio Hansen all right scores are in for Lucas cannot but 70 6.25 he does improved by three points moving himself up one spot in the rankings 9th place at the moment so the Red Bull Rookie of the Year will be our next competitor we caught up with him a little bit earlier to see where his head space is that coming into his big debut have a listen I feel pressure yeah for sure because like I got like the rookie thing so it's like I didn't get like a workout like everyone at like a god competition so I can extra think a little bit so I am just carry to trade bad and like yeah who is this guy and thing like that but I'm not scary to to ride with other guys because I know them and are cool and I know that I got the level to ride with them yeah for anybody who's saying who is this linebacker there we go we get to know him a little bit tallest rider in the field right here to think that he came from BMX is mind boggling he Dwarfs this slopestyle mountain bike here all right Tim bring her run number two double truck driver to start things off we've seen him at some of the lower level FMV events doing huge things with such big combos like I've seen him do that but we just did double backflip tuck no-hander Wow how did he get enough speed for that next job [Music] now this is important for him to still get a run all the doors and at some points looks like it's gonna be a throwaway still doing a casserole to finish things off lots of potential from that tall Frenchman right there double backflip tuck no-hander on the step up well I know exactly what we're going to go back and look at for our replays of this run double backflip tuck no-hander here it is man front tire landed first so barely squeezing out that double backflip tuck no-hander meaning that he had to do it bit of an improvisation for the rest of the run unfortunately decided it wasn't going to beat his score from run number one to kind of wave it off but still gave the crowd something to cheer for over that off-axis seven on the bottom jump but then we see a lot of potential out of him and hopefully we'll see him a few more stops this year it was like I said we know he's got some big tricks in his bag [Music] so scores in for Tim bringer 48.5 not going to improve on his first run he'll stay in 10th place right now but I know this is not the last we'll see from him but it's going to be tough with only 10 place scorers so we'll have to wait a couple months to see if he shows up in Innsbruck Lukas Hooper next rider in the gate from what I heard he grew that mustache specifically for this event he thought he'd looked cool that's what his friend Swiss Chris told me look at that he's getting it ready there I think it looks pretty cool it seems to like it was Chris doesn't lie all right Lucas Huppert seen if the moustache was a good call is it his good luck charm three-sixty tale a big move out of the start feature downside tail upon the shark fin huddling for something big right here backflip tail up on the step up landing that super clean yeah fork 720 on the hip man everything has got a lot of perfection in a truck driver up barspin down we succeed downside tail it up great move up that on off right there 360 down bars got on the long and the one more jump go pedal all the judges Oh tail up obviously looking at a combination nice burn Bruce and the finish line the crowd you know this is like a mountain bike rider crowd when they all cheer for the Berberis we're up here the announcer's booth getting dusted out by that but i was cool to see him rail that corner alright i look back at this run here from lucas Huppert 360 taalib what I notice about this young riders he makes everything he does look super easy catching petals early on every trick alright let's speculate what were you what do you think he was going for here I don't know I I would imagine maybe tail up to bar spin about to be maybe you wanted something altogether and just you never know we'll never know we're hoping you never know one thing we will know shortly is the score 70 not an improvement he stays in 7th place lucky number 7 for Lucas Hooper what is the rest of the leaderboard look like let's take a peek where's the beer alright so Lucas Hooper into the seventh place and into the beer garden as we take a look at the rest of our standings Thomas Genoa in six Wow gonna be great to see him try to improve upon that Jakob been so pumped off the podium all the way down into fifth place Thomas Lemoine fourth eric fedko holding on to bronze medal turf Nicolai twere a jacket in podium contention to keep the momentum alive for the North American contingent and the leader Emil Johansen with that 96 all the way down David Ghazi ik bringing up the rear this time two unfinished runs for him but we are far from over here this is going to be good Thomas J known back from injury smooth run in number one what's he got for number two Tyler well we'll wait and find out but we talked a lot about the technicality of these guys tricks but let's talk about bike setup real quick Thomas Shannon riding for Max's tires going with the maxis icon I'm sorry the pace in the front running 65 psi these guys run so much pressure and that's to hold these tires on so they don't blow off in an under rotation but sometimes there's nothing they can do and the tires are gonna blow but he's got a slick tire running for speed in the back lots of tire pressure as well max is making some of the best slopestyle tires out there as well as downhill tires Thomas Shannon coming in with a three six you can tax up go up on the shark in there how did you spin that bike around so fast after the truck driver truck driver - tail up straight into the top side double tail whip he's bought 360 up opposite fastplant 360 down see if he gets a speech opposite tale about how did he get that oh that was risky right there regular z6u down [Applause] no going for the casserole adding the 1 foot a can in there no testing the shoulder going down so hard things ok this guy works so hard one of our favorite people to see on this tour man that's tough to see right there jinan working so hard in the offseason to get back from that shoulder injury from this event a year ago and now looking so on point all day all week and then last run taking a tumble on the final jump so we talked at halftime about how much this sport has progressed back in the day there's people riding all different types of bikes different types of gear a lot of open face helmets but a new development Crankworx has implemented is mandatory full face helmets and know you can understand why good reason but it's great to see that becoming a rule just to keep everybody that much safer out there Thomas you known making his way out of the finish Corral now we look back at how he crashed a little bit under rotation on that cash roll sat on the back tire cause his momentum to stop there you go you see that left shoulder impacting the ground he saw him pointing at it kind of signaling wasn't sure if it was in good shape so we hope all the best for Thomas going on right now such a nightmare of a crash these landings are so tall and we get bucked to the bottom like that is not gonna feel good alright so Thomas Chinon makes his way off the course says we take a look at the current standings for the Maxis slopestyle in memory of Mikasa jinan will not improve he's sitting in sixth place right there Jakob insulin v Thomas Lemoine in fourth Eric's bed coat Nikolay red jacket and Emil Johansen rounding out the top three hence bed Co crank it up a notch and knock a meal out we're about to find out don't leave your TV [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back slopestyle fans of the world we're hanging out the southern hemisphere North Island of New Zealand the beautiful town of Rotorua a mountain bike town trails everywhere you look and mountain bike fans everywhere you look today because it is the maxis slope style in memory of the man Mikasa it's the way we kick off every World Tour and wow has it been a show but guess what it's far from over current standings fed Quahog at Caen Johansen sitting into a podium position but look who we have in the gate Yakov ensel was hanging out in a podium spot for a while today he's just outside now in fifth place so another opportunity to increase that score right here and of course yes Black Sabbath this time yes Jakob now Jakob as we said got into this comp as an alternate so these points are super valuable valuable fifth place is a great finish but the better he can do the more likely he is to be on the start list and innsbruck and Joyride this is an important run for him right now already doing a great showing out here today but obviously wanting to improve on that and get those ever so valuable points in the world tour Wow lots of style right there with that 360 table backflip tuck no-hander oh yeah backflip landing that so perfect man that looked terrifying for a second on a big jump out of the shirt dirty ah man Jakob starting so strong landing a little off-balance on that double flip and looked like they had been a little short of speed for that 720 on the next hip jump right there knock of that so pops up he appears to be just a bit frustrated after that run he's got to remember he is going to walk away with a fifth place so not a complete throwaway of a day for Jakob pencil getting a top-five finish at these events is no easy feat yeah okay well let's look back because that run was so good before it came to a screeching halt here's where it went wrong the 720 it looked like he came up a little bit short on rotation and distance gotta think if he had the right speed for that his rotation looked like it would have been perfect with that double backflip on the jump before as we said they robbed a little bit of speed for that one right there we saw that same thing happen to bring her when you double flip you're rolling the dice both with that trick and the speed you're going to have for the rest of the run the Jakob Wenzel making it off of the alternate list here today and making a count sitting in fifth position right now and you know what I'm thinking about who we have left I don't think we have anybody who's behind him left to run so Jakob may be safe with a fifth place position right now hope to see who's left to go but that's going to help his points in order to not be on the alternate list for Innsbruck hopefully make it to the big show as an invited Rider oh wow getting word in my headset right now that Eric fedko is happy with third place it's been a long time since he's been on the podium and he landed his dream run so consider this a bit of a celebratory run for the crowd they might even train it cuz I think Emile Johansen accomplished what he set out to do today both these riders guaranteed the positions that they're in and they both look so happy it looks like they're just gonna train down and have some fun they worked hard today they deserve to have this moment right here your third and in first place finishers they're still gonna put on a show now if you're gonna watch two riders in today's field do one for the crowd these are the two you choose right here stylish in their tricks but it's fun to see them not having to do the tricks that they know will score high and just have some fun with it so much mind control so much style out of both of these guys it's too younger hiders really leading the charge of New Age slopestyle right here [Applause] all right in middle Johansen taking the gold better look at the podium celebrating in the finish Corral here Eric fedko in third place Nikolaj reg akan in second and back-to-back wins going to Emilio Hansen I think we've entered the age of Johansen we knew it was coming many people call him the future goat the future greatest of all time we've seen so much potential from him seeing him accomplish such big things overcoming so much in his early career now we're seeing his full potential we're into the Johansen era how about we reel back a tape and take a look at that historic run that earned him the gold medal all right Tyler good luck calling all these tricks o-360 tail up to inward table biggest move we saw in this feature right here 360 bar spin opposite downside tail whip opposite triple tail win which we've never seen in a contest double tail up on that hip right there fastplant 360 up nose bunk 360 down opposite 360 opposite bar spend a regular bar spin down okay cool now we get to see in slow-mo I have some more time to call these tricks to please fix the inward table look how slow and casual he does that bar spin to the couch finger right on the brake lever eyes up ready for the next jump this one right here is mind-blowing 360 Taylor stopping the rotation of that bike these bikes aren't that light it hurts to stop that bike he said it's hard on his ankle but he knows that was going to be a super high scoring trick alright well let's take that helmet off in the headset on he's gotta be feeling some emotion right now Emilio Hansen we see you sitting exactly in position we've known you're capable of showing so many crazy tricks out there how does it feel to stand on top again I mean it's surreal I've this is what I thought about all winter when practicing and this is what I'm determined to do and the feels amazing that he pays off yeah so much hard work and tramping over so much crazy adversity I mean this is what I was saying up here in the booth is I feel like we've entered the era of Emile yeah that's a lot of pressure to put on your shoulders so no pressure but what is the preparation look like for Innsbruck stick to the plan yeah I mean I just gotta keep doing what I do have fun on my bike and take it serious when it comes to training and health and yeah let's take a long time to figure out what works but even though you're so young you've been through a ton so whatever you're doing just I don't think you should change the thing stick with it thank you that's the plan thank you alright time for Emile Johansen to get into the celebration right now and Wow look at our leaderboard Erik fedko Nikolaj Roy Gaskin Emilio Hansen taking the top three spots Lemoine just barely off of that podium but Yaakov Bensel performing from the alternate list into the top five jinan a sixth place finish despite having that big crash in the second run we can only imagine what his score would have been if you would have stomped that could have shaken up the podium perhaps and Nikolaj or a gakuen fixing that pattern that manifested itself last season where he didn't crack the podium even once so we're back see a nickel I rigged a kyun into that top spot and wow it was so close for a North American to not be on the podium of slopestyle for the first time in 16 years we are far from over here at Crankworx World Tour oh we have another event tonight the pumptrack RockShox Rotorua pumptrack challenge presented by torpedo seven kicking off 8 o'clock local time here in New Zealand are you hanging out in the west coast of the US it's 11 p.m. tonight 8 a.m. Central European Time so join us for that of course more downhill action tomorrow Sunday's downhill day Andrew needling will be joining me for that that should be a good show but Tyler final thoughts can what do we just what did we just witness right here and will 2020 be the biggest slopestyle season in the history of the sport it's quite possible and some of those newcomers had a lot of potential to show some of them made a little bit of mistakes in both their runs but they're using this as experience we hope to see them on tour some more but man it's gonna be hard to catch up to a meal you said it stop number 1 is far from over we've got pumptrack coming up later tonight we've got downhill coming up tomorrow so join us for that and then where will we see you next after that Innsbruck stop number 2 you're not going to want to miss it take a look at a little teaser [Music] [Applause] [Music] June 10 through the 14th don't miss stop number 2 Crankworx Innsbruck and Wow we're gonna be on pins and needles waiting to see these characters take to the slopestyle course there and mill he's gonna start chipping off all the events that he hasn't won yet I mean he's won Joyride now he's won Rotorua he's only got one more stop left to win until he's done the hat-trick you know he'll have his sights set on that coming June 10th to the 14th but Eric fedko 2019 season missing the podium working hard all offseason he is back the new age is here with Eric fedko showing so much potential in his rookie season and being so close last year putting in the work in the offseason and then make the lion rogue at Caen not able to make a podium last year we know he's not like to miss the podium so it's great to see him back up there in 2nd place [Music] Tolleson that's so much respect out of everybody for this guy we all know how much he's been through and how hard he's worked to get here it has not been an easy road for him but man it's so great seeing him live up to his potential and he is paving the path for what this sport will be for years to come you know what I hope it gets to the point where he just overshadows the huge story about the autoimmune disease and and how he was almost having to quit his professional run here I hope that he goes on to so much success that we forgot that was even part of the story look at that three points ahead of Nicolae rigged a key and Emilio Hansen but you got to give it to Nikolai I mean when that 96 from Emil got posted I was thinking all right well nobody's gonna get even close to that but only three points away getting rewarded for that front flip tailwhip all right Tyler final thoughts from the competition we saw here today that kicks off the 2020 season I think the new age is here and like you said we've never seen a podium that doesn't involve North American so luckily Nikolay is still able to hold on to that for us but Eric fedko Emil Johansen and the rest David God Zack especially we didn't see him get a run but we know he's capable of being on the podium he did it twice last year so it's gonna be an exciting season and I can't wait to see what we have coming up next well we got to give a big thanks to the riders out there and we got to thank you all for tuning in and joining us for this action if you happen to be tuning in through Red Bull TV then stick around we've got the rollout post show coming your way we're gonna get the podium athletes up here in the booth thanks for joining us and stick around for the post show [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to the roll out here we just watched the Maxis slopestyle in memory of Mikasa this is our post show where we try to make sense out of the insanity that we just saw I'm your host cam McCaul alongside our analyst specialist Tyler McCall and we're going to be joined by the entire podium Eric fedko Nikolaj reg akan in amil yoga and Tyler it's going to it's going to be pretty interesting to pick these guys brains because I was one of the best slopestyle competitions we've ever seen exactly and we say that a lot but it's true and they just keep getting better and better we have these new guys coming in like Eric fedko Emilio Hansen finally riding healthy riding to his full potential showing new tricks unveiling things that we never even thought were possible at all nicolai back on the podium such an exciting event Nicolai back on the podium and only one spot away from the win he took second place let's talk about who took third place eric fedko a rider who has been on the podium before it was 2018 joyride so he went the whole 2019 season without cracking the podium but look he came out swinging first feature in particular 360 bar spend the taalib on the first feature a trick we never thought we'd saw on a feature like that his classic signature 360 seat grab Indian Air everything was so clean looked so relaxed while he's making his way down this course right here he had regulars opposites it's an opposite 360 up onto that on/off feature right there 360 regular bar spin down backflip and this right here such a big move believe this is a new one from him backflip bar spin to tail whip great run right there for Eric fedko solidifying his third place finish well what opportunity we got here be able to watch that competition and then get the men themselves up here in the booth things are rocking things are rocking because there's a whole lot of energy that just joined us take a look at who we got Erik fedko Nikolaj Roy Gaskin and Emilio Hanson organized based on height right here I'm pretty sure yes he's got the number one mic we are so organized here all right let's be incredibly organized and start with third place Eric that was a ridiculous run your extension on your 360 sea crab Indian airs it's going vertical now and you haven't had a chance to see your run because you were busy down there doing it take a look at that screen right there we're gonna show you back some highlights and have you explained to us what it was like performing these tricks stomping the run the emotions may be the source shins I don't know what what was going through your mind during that run come on let's see the run let's go Eric fedko the first trick blew my mind wow yeah I worked on it enjoy it last year Gooding planet so I'm so so that I landed this here so it's ready for the run now but you wanted to do it what off the start feature Joyride last year yeah I tried it let them know they can ride in air as much attention as I can that's become one of your signature tricks and somehow it just keeps getting better and better at ya plant more there but you know not that much practice and yeah you actually looked at the crowd or maybe there was like a camera operator standing right there but you like you stalled out the extension and you're actually going vertical with those right now are you aware of that are you striving for horizontal are you thinking oh I'm just gonna push this thing into heart attacks dude I don't know and tried to go like all the way up with my feet and yeah I would assume you're so confident with it it just it is whatever he feels like at that moment in time just blast lip and it just does what it does way too far but yeah yeah holding on ohne you went that far with today's pillow but you can't tell by the way you lay tell me about today's speed you said it was crazy that he was able to go so far on that last job some people were struggling getting speed for that last jump you think it was wind it was was it just it was super dry what's the story I would I think it's like I'm kind of the first time we hit this course top to bottom was basically this morning yeah so I feel like maybe like we didn't have the speed that perfectly calculated and you obviously want to give it all you got for the last job especially for like a flip bar whip or a front anyway up for a 360 windshield wiper you know so we're obviously giving her flat and can hold on that's that's better than coming up short I hear you man practice situation was insane talk to me about that a little bit I mean overall the course changed just a little bit but I feel like that little change to affect the whole speed coming into this last section a whole lot so I also think that's something that it got affected like when it coming down to full course but overall practice I mean yeah we all probably hit the last part of the course four times yesterday or something so it's like I double target pedaling all the way from the drop landing into the lift like crazy so it's far so many like this course I've been one of the few courses on the Chronicles series where a lot of riders doesn't even take a crack like you literally drop in chainless and you would make it top to bottom but today it would be really hard well let's keep it rolling here and let's take a look at the greatest hits from your run Nikolai it's so good to see you back on the podium surprisingly not on the podium at any of the events last season but look at that starting out with a Corky keeping us with the flip because I need a lot of speed for this twister coming up fools she worked I was at the cashier that chemistry bit mellow on the on the gym feature but just trying to keep it together holding on for this last frontier if that gave me issues in the first run I see you do I know I see that one okay you usually do the fastplant 360 and both of the flat drops here you kept both feet on the pedals is that so you can get the variation to the 3x honestly I had a really big crash at dark Fest the way and I have some very like painful issues with my left knee oh wow and that just happens to be the knee that I do footplant threes with so full n3 is kind of out of the question I did one on the little drop and damn that hurt so I had to keep the foot on your land switch alright so your knees a little bit funny with pride or offense it makes sense why you're not getting jam it into the ground to start your threes but how do you keep your shoulders in this pocket after in your cell ease I don't know man to come out I am in myself all over and Innsbruck a couple years ago with the fist bump so I don't know I kick I can you guys know the feeling when you land a full run is on yeah it's yeah it's hard to prepare for like what am I gonna do after around you just go where the flow and you're probably usually so amped that you just can't control yourself I like that like that's one thing that makes slopestyle unique is just being right there that the crowd has such close access to you and the fact that you guys just get so fired up when they get fired up and I get the opportunity during these broadcasts now to pick one of my favorite moments we're calling it cams call-out and I know exactly what I'm gonna use for this one all right let's roll on cams call-out okay so when the crowd is cheering your run has derailed but you still want to give them something to yell about and your name is David Gahan dziak you sprint into the drop and you get as much speed as you can for the final feature you do a twister a front cork 1080 no hander so much extension that your elbows almost go out hyper-extended I don't know who's going to hurt their joints soon or you Nick life for your Sally's or Nick live for the extension on its twists or no handers but look at this adding pyrotechnics to the show his back tire explodes the ground explodes that's what it's all about man it's like sometimes you guys look like you just can't control yourself because there's so much energy going on yeah man we just have so much like hype coming up to the event and like you just want to put everything into your run so when the run goes wrong I've done it before you know you get back up and you keep sending because that's the mentality that you have when you're dropping in for your runs all right speaking of mentality what kind of focus does it take to do one of the best runs in the history of slopes out let's take a look at that screen right there we're gonna roll the winning run by Emilio Hans and then the one I hear what you have to say about it I mean look at it that messed up that trick I've practiced a lot of home and it's really hard especially only step down with a very flat take off with that right there I mean it's kind of going too fast right now for me too I had to take a double take to even know which direction that triple we're super scary cuz you're going so fast into that under spin 360 and then switch triple whip is super hard to have consistent I'm yeah really stoked I managed to do that double whip on the second hit so much wind and then yeah some fastplant and all these stuff and then that that thing was not supposed to be that late okay probably got caught in the wind and I was like ah I better just get this one around Ronnie I did the first time this morning really scary to be honest yeah I made it okay here you did right before the finals started I told the viewers I said I saw something I've never seen before hopefully in the finals I didn't spill the beans but there were the beans right there that trick obviously it's never been done a competition but you person I mean look at maybe two or three months into it okay I do a few times a week that's what style is now though isn't it yeah it's a lot of preparation and a lot of Sarang Cole's going into this one but made it happen and so excited I couldn't control myself riding around the burbs I just blew into the berm after my run yeah three amigos right there celebrating a job well done in the finish line Corral I just want to say on behalf of every single slopestyle fan in the world congratulations but also thank you for putting on a show for us we love it we can't wait to see what the rest of this see they care about door thank you so much big on behalf of everyone I think today wasn't really hard when practice and all that was not ideal so I'm still everyone is oh I'm super stoked we could we could make it happen and everyone was shredding man everyone ripping so high five I want a piece of this action right there right there right there I'll relay them for you yeah yeah three I'm kind of stranded here oh and um before we go we'll do air fives thanks for the show boys all right everybody you're out of here go celebrate have some fun you guys are to be careful with that trophy it's sharp oh my goodness look at that well this is going to be a crazy season a few months to go until we get to Innsbruck Austria for stop number two and these guys they they don't hate each other they're having fun they're good friends and that's the best when they're having fun everyone's getting along everyone loves seeing each other's runs and Emilio Hansen the only guy capable of winning that Triple Crown so we'll see if it's going to continue to be friendly competition Wow well the season has only begun there's so much more to come and that was just a taste of what the Crankworx FMVs wolf style world championship series has in store for you our beloved viewers I want to thank my co commentator and bro Tyler McCall for joining us and breaking down the action somebody's got us Co all those ridiculous tricks from Emilio Hansen thanks for pulling those tongue twisters most importantly thank you for watching we'll see you tonight for pumptrack [Music]
Channel: Red Bull Bike
Views: 384,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, red bull bike, crankworx, mtb, mountain bike, best trick crankworx, rotorua, crankworx rotorua, crankworx 2020, crankworx replay, red bull rotorua, red bull tv, mountain biking, tomas lemoine, slopestyle, mcgazza, emil johansson, erik fedko, nicholi rogatkin, thomas genon, slopestyle replay, crankworx slopestyle 2020, slopestyle rotorua 2020, lukas knopf, brett rheeder, mtb slopestyle, emil johansson winning run, dawid godziek, mountain biking 2020, new zealand
Id: zGKI4ZjwxSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 41sec (9401 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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