REPLAY - Crankworx FMBA Slopestyle Innsbruck 2018

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versus an unrelenting blitzkrieg of trick technicality in a mountain biking version of Game of Thrones but that was then and this is now at round one in Rotorua reader got his revenge and now fresh blood is looking to step onto the podium the Triple Crown of slopestyle is on and the stakes are high in the Crankworx FMB a slopestyle World Championship Crankworx Innsbruck slopestyle presented by Kenda starts right now yes Michaela it is true it starts right now and we have that same feeling we get every time it's another stop of the Crankworx FM PA slopestyle world championships we only have four of those stops a year so the hair does the thing it does it climbs it stands on its end on our arms because we're so excited for the show the display of mountain bike expertise that we're about to be privileged to I'm your host cam McCall alongside my brother Tyler McCall and Tyler stop number two stop number one was a doozy to say the least and just a year ago we saw what we've all been considering the best slopestyle mountain bike contest in the history of the sport the history of the discipline what are we expecting to see out here today I think it's gonna be similar to last year but last year was kind of a battle between two guys this year everybody's on point everybody who's here deserves to be here everyone's on fire practice runs have been insane I think it's gonna be a big show well the course is something that everybody always raves about we talked about how great the course is in Rotorua New Zealand for stop number one we got the same crew who builds this course all the way up here on this Northern Hemisphere Tyler you actually had a chance to go ride the course take a look Innsbruck Austria we got Matt Jones over here about to drop in on eight features of trickable goodness in the Alps you ready Matt ready doesn't ever be let's give it a run so the course does not start off easy we're into this weird big wood wooden flat drop and then the dirt to dirt this course builder Tom Haines loves the dirt to dirt jumps they're always huge and now the bone the log no shortage of their time there and then the kickers really start we've got the left hip straight into a right hip build a black jump fig and now the whale tail the last jump is where that absolute hammers go down we've got some huge kicker jumps a massive whale tail an almighty boner log that course is unreal oh you're dangerous cheers Tyler that's a good course I'm into that right guys back to the studio Tyler that looks like a blast and a lot of people say this is their favorite course on the circuit but there's always that debate does that mean it's the best course the best lifestyle course we've ever seen what's your opinion on that oh I think it's subjective to what people have at home what they've been training on what they're looking for and what kind of tricks they want to do on what kind of jumps I think it's the most fun course I've ever ridden and I was telling people that and then I thought about I'm like man those jumps are big those landings are tall I would be scared to have to do such scary tricks every run so under ride scary to check out imagine when it's built perfect you can ride things that are so big but get the riders out there doing some of the biggest tricks in the world because the jumps are so perfect do you feel like the speeds leading into all the features are spot-on so I was a little nervous following that there's one of my first runs and I asked him what the course felt like how it float and you said you literally you just drop in and you ride it the only thing was a whale tail you kind of have a little more speed than you need which kind of gives people options for different tricks out of that thing so other than that it's just you drop in ride it and trust the course builders Tom hey Emerson welcome elephant elevate trail building I always do a great job and course flow is perfect riders seem to be loving it you're never gonna have a great course unless you have great dirt and we only go to the best places in the world for mountain biking that's why we're right here in Innsbruck Austria and if you're not familiar with where we are here's a nice little zoomed in satellite view right in the middle of these gigantic alpine peaks is this city known as Innsbruck they call it the capital of the Alps we've got a couple bike parks here and it's so rare to have a gigantic city centered right in between these big mountains usually you're in a little village or something like that so a lot of the riders really enjoying the atmosphere out here just ramping up the intensity for today now one of the guys we all have our eyes on was a part of that two-person dogfight last year it was Brett reader and Nikolaj rigged at so Nikolai thanks for joining us let's talk a bit about last year it pretty much turned into a two-man battle between you and reader you guys were one-upping each other each and every run tell us how important it is to have a competitor that pushes you and does that change your strategy what does it do to your psyche yeah you know what having a competitor that pushes you just you know makes you be really on your game and you know makes you just stomp tricks that you weren't even potentially expecting to do in your run so yeah it's a massive motivator and it puts on a lot of pressure as well because yeah having a having a competitor that can that can definitely beat you with with any run that they do is it's quite nerve-wracking but it definitely is a huge motivator and you know it's exactly what the fans want to see a battle like that when two riders are just going back and forth and you know try to do the best run of the day so yeah massive motivator exactly as a fan myself I'm hoping for some more battles like that today we love seeing you guys push each other and now I want to talk a little bit about Rotorua we all know that when you compete you're not going for fifth place you're not going for fourth place you're going for first so tell us about your result there has it changed your mentality or training ritual for coming into this event yeah you know what when you compete you you're you might have goals in your mind but when it comes down to the run and you're on that start rep it's kind of just you versus the course and you know the first run that I did in Rotorua I was super stoked on it was exactly what I wanted and yeah I got a give it to the boys they heavily heavily stepped it up in the in the second rounds pushing me from second to fifth and yeah I had to give it all I had which I'm definitely not opposed to doing I love sending it 100% what I got and I didn't work out that time but I can't complain I'm still coming into this one with the same mentality and I just trying to do the best friend I can down the course and hoping the judges enjoy exactly a nickel out well thanks for the insight good luck out there can't wait to watch it Thank You Tyler well the big question now is will we have deja vu of last year the two necessary ingredients in that recipe are here on site we just heard from Nikhil IRA gakuen luckily the third member of our team Michaela Gatto is catching up with Brett reader so Brett we've been seeing on Instagram you posted that you've done a new trick it seems like you're pushing yourself a lot for this film that you've been working on do you think filming is beneficial or detrimental for preparing for a competition like this I don't love doing it right up to a contest but at the same time you're like doing tricks when you you know maybe isn't ideal which simulates a contest so I don't know I mean all in all it's it's it's a positive if I can be filming rig where I'm training for contest so totally and you had a bit of a slam in practice but you seem to be absolutely dialed now physically and mentally how do you move on from something like that yeah that took a toll on me the first day was a complete rain day we didn't get to ride on our first practice a second practice day I like came into practice feeling so good tried my new trick on the flat drop crashed came up short like hurt my wrist there's no way I was able to ride later that day and then the following day which was yesterday I didn't ride at all like a couple straight airs so I'm on my some like two and a half hours into practice right now so I think at the end of the day I'm not as prepared as I really need to be and want to be for this contest but I've made the decision and I'm gonna compete I'm going to try to do my best and yeah I hope it works because it's been a bit of a mental mental challenge the last couple days yeah use it as fuel we'll be watching for sure thank you thanks guys well it's great to hear where Brett's head is right now and I know that two words that do not exist in his vocabulary are good enough even though this guy should feel like he's on top of the world because he won stop number one in Rotorua you saw that Instagram clip he's continuously pushing the sport he landed that flat drop backflip tail up at his home training center just to try to maintain his status as the guy to beat let's take a look back at how he once stopped number one down Rotorua New Zealand the first stop of the Crankworx FMB a slopestyle World Championship set the bar high for a thrilling season ahead the main focus in Rotorua New Zealand was on the russian-american nickel IRA gap Caen and Canadian Bret reader spending most of the winter on his bike definitely paid off as Bret lay down a flawless first run Lord 7:20 on the step-down stops it with a score of 90 4.25 reader stated his intention a ridiculously high score rogue Atkins first run was solid but not enough to challenge reader for the lead in his second run Nicolai Roy Gaskin went for broke he's gonna bring some crowd pleasers Wow a twister under rotating his signature 1440 on the maga Zamani booter rogue akkyun handed the wind to a headstrong Bret reader I'm already looking forward to the next one My Mind's already there I'm already on the start droppin Inspira so yeah I really hope that I can just do what I need to do and show up there the way I felt here before the contest taking the second spot on the podium was Belgium's Thomas Jinan and in third was a newcomer to a Crankworx podium Italian charger Diego covers hace completing his second run with rogue Atkins signature twister missing the podium by less than a point Tomas Lemoine secured fourth disappointed rag akan had to settle for fifth the level was raised super high so I really had to step it up in my my second run and went 100% all-in with the 14 40 in the last trick you know you can't expect that to go out perfectly sometimes I hit the ground pretty hard as well so I'm stoked to be here and we got a long year ahead of us so only more to look forward to so needless to say Brett reader started the season out exactly how he had hoped taking the win on stop number one but we got to talk about a guy who we call the king of consistency Tomas jinan that guy got second place in Rotorua so he's looking good for getting those points for the overall title at the end of the year we're gonna tally up those points every single stop yeah it's important too it's not just a race for who's gonna win this event it's a points battle as well and they want to win that king of Crankworx and you know the World Championship and how about a guy who got on the podium for the first time at stop number one Diego covers Aussie so Diego in everyone's mind has always kind of been an underdog but I don't think he's an underdog anymore he's proved that he has what it takes to get on the podium I think he's gonna bring that confidence into this run here this guy is bringing tricks that not a lot of people have in their bag which is why I took him into consideration when I was building my fantasy Crankworx team for a slope style take a look at who I chose now I started down at the bottom a new rider only cost me 70 $600 Erik fedko then I went with Diego Cobras Ozzy because for $8,700 he had a podium already this year that's a bargain and now I'm starting to run out of money but I still was able to capture the king of consistency Tomas jinan but now with only a little bit left I'm thinking 70 100 bucks for Matt Jones that kid is due for a huge performance so I'm feeling pretty good about my team I think that's a good call man realistically you can't go wrong with any of these riders you just got to be straight smart with your money and how you spend it I would love to buy a nickel aragaki nor a Bret reader but man I'm gonna have to save up for an entire season to be able to put one of those guys my team films I'm feeling the strategy out not everyone can drive a Lamborghini so you got to choose wisely alright I'm gonna get there I'm gonna get to my destination well if you're new to slope style let's take a look at what we have in store for you right now we have 14 of the best riders in the world they each get two runs the best run counts who's given them their scores we have four judges they're all very esteemed they know what they're talking about there's big money on the line especially if you win three of the stops you went an extra 25 thousand dollars of course 2017 the guy who had the most points after all the rounds with Sweden's Amelia Johansen he took away the overall title well Tyler I talked about how we have 14 of the best Loeb style mountain bikers on the planet who are they we got Alex Elanco which I'm pretty excited to see it wouldn't feel right without a Swede in here and this is his first crank work so I'm really excited to see what he's gonna bring to the table so some new faces out there Alex Elanco Erik FET cone is second Crankworx slopestyle appearance and then of course the last rider to drop is going to be Bret reader basically reverse order from our current overall rankings which after only one stop is just the results from the stop number one down in Rotorua New Zealand well if you love slope style you came to the right place today a slope style Saturday it's Crankworx innsbruck slope style presented by kenda and if you're sitting on your couch tuned in your TV you came to the right spot and do not go away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well it's about that time the anticipation is slowly building as we stare at the beautiful alpine peaks of Innsbruck Austria the second time we've had a Crankworx festival here and by the looks of the tert the crowd turn out we found the right place it stopped number two of the Crankworx FMV a slopestyle world championships we have the best riders in the world and it starts right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well there we have it the crowd is starting to make noise and if they're loud now I can't even imagine the decibel levels we're gonna be achieving once we drop our first rider we're getting a look at him right now this is a young rider out of Sweden yet another talented rider to pop onto the scene can't stress enough how difficult it is to climb the ranks and make it here to the top of the sport he's done what he needs to do he went to some of the smaller level events got the points he needed and now he's here his first Crankworx ever the only sweet to be here he said he feels a little bit lonely he wishes his friends were here but I'm hoping we get to see his friends Max and Emil healthy but now is the time for him in order to make it to the top of the sport right here at Crankworx there's a smaller series of events we call them gold events on the FMB a world tour this is an event called swatch rocket air in Switzerland Alex Elanco showed up to this event and absolutely just drop the hammer stomping his run and at these events if you're a relatively unknown rider and you're the highest finishing rider who isn't already invited to the next Crankworx event you find yourself right where Alex and Lang Co has now found himself at the top of the star tower at a Crankworx event looks like he's getting ready to job drop and we're pretty excited for this show to get going here now I met this kid last winter I was visiting max Frederickson in Sweden and we drop a couple hours to a little tiny indoor park it's so wintery the only way you could ride was to go indoor and here's this long blond haired kid in there doing big tricks on tiny jumps it's time to see if he can drag those tricks to the gigantic features here on a Crankworx slopestyle course we saw it rock and air that he has what it takes to see if he can do it on the bigger courses first rider dropping alex Elanco what does he have for us it's got a truck driver off the start you're off back flip double bar spent on that baked dirt to dirt feature I'm going to can it with an opposite 360 spinning in his unnatural direction crippled truck drivers getting a lot Oh No well Alex Elanco going off course before he can make it to that next hip feature Tyler tell me how much harder it is on those two features after the cannon log to do these technical combos so those jumps are what we call hips where the takeoff and the landing are offset so you're either under rotating or over rotating slightly sometimes it's hard to calculate exactly how to get it on the money and everything what Beggar's going well I think he just under rotated a little bit on that blue his rear tire let's take a look here this is the cannon leading into the future where you have the mistake let's see if we can figure out what went wrong a great opposite 360 and then this happened [Music] Ripple truck driver so it's light over rotation so that may have been fine on a straight perfect double but this is a hint so maybe he doesn't spend as much time on hips but he's looking clean to practice just a slight miscalculation you it's a calibrate your trick accounting for that angled landing figure somewhere around the 30-degree hip angle you have to make sure you don't just do a trick like you would practice in an indoor park on a straight tabletop box jump so Alex Lanka will make his way back up to the top luckily he has another opportunity to get a top-to-bottom run here in Innsbruck well take a look at our next rider Yaakov ensel out of the Czech Republic a guy who has clawed his way back to the top of the sport he fell off tour last season he's been in the scene for a lot of years he's been in he's been out but he hasn't given up now this is a guy if you follow Crankworx and all the other disciplines we feature here at these festivals you know him from dual speed of style once he was relegated to dual speed of style losing his place on the world slope style to her he started to dominate that discipline but now he feels so happy to be back on this stage he decided not to compete dual speed style putting all of his efforts for this moment right now in slope style well in practice I gotta say I've seen I saw him riding like I've never seen him ride before he looks like he's hungry he wants to earn that spot back on two or full-time not just a one and done and he's been bringing some new tricks based on practice 360 tuck no-hander on the job [Music] nice 360 table on the dirt to dirt here he comes into the Canon log we go that he switches petals indeed he did so double tail there coming up a little bit [Applause] showing that he deserves to be here he clawed his way back up to the top of this sport and just dropped a hammer of a run I'm glad he was able to hold on to that he's a little squirrely in a couple of points you know it wasn't the cleanest he's he was looking for but he was able to hold on get one in the bag and in the end for a first run that's kind of what you want to do watch these petals right now so he switches just dance that's not necessarily an opposite for him it's just the way if he feels more comfortable doing it some riders choose to switch their feet there he almost lost his pedals there's cranks spun going up and man you do not want to miss your pedals going into that because there's not much time to stop and here's the last trick that front cork 720 we call it a cash rolls invented by Daniel Dhers in the world of BMX you're seen mountain bikers throw it on slope style now initiating that rotation over his front shoulder rather than the back puts it on that really cool looking axis now we're waiting for the score for Yaakov ensel our first top to bottom run of the competition a 67.5 puts him of course in the lead right now so our next rider as the judges prepare their scorecards is going to be that man right there Matt Jones out of England another rider who was on the tour last year but was having such a hard time stomping a run top to bottom Matt Jones starting his run flat flip watch how high this kid goes on everything that goes in he always has so much style and it just looks fun when he's on his bike now keep in mind that amplitude is definitely something that the judges look for also extension yeah you never see his hand halfway out so a backs left tuck no-hander into a 360 dr. handers and execution is another thing they're looking for he's doing exactly what he needs to do right now perfectly smooth right at the top of every landing come on Matt Jones Wow so happy to see it land around slopestyle mountain buddy happy to because that's only the second top to bottom fragrance competition he crashing whoa boy last year in Whistler and now he's put down a run with some hammers the amplitude is something that really stood out for me on that run he's got to be he's got to be happy about that one and I was talking to him earlier and he was saying he's not sure if he should go for points and go for broke and I think that was a happy medium that's that's gonna be a good scoring run well I heard whoa look at the crowd right there he's just showing that he's comfortable he's not stressed fully confident everything that he's doing look at him smiling just staring at the Alps right there I learned something about Matt Jones today I was talking about it to somebody who said they heard he was a straight-a student all through school they said he's a real smart guy well he must have studied the judges criteria because he ticked all the boxes in this run everything was textbook perfect he wasn't stressing it wasn't rushing it everything was perfect two pedals and I think the judges are really gonna take note of that when you have execution like that you don't need the tricks that he's been struggling with like the double backflip there we go a 79.5 puts Matt Jones currently in the hot seat well now he has a second run to experiment a little bit having that to fall back on he's got a base to work off of so I'm pretty excited to what he's gonna come up with see if he's gonna hang it out a little bit more he's always got stuff on reserve next rider in the gate out of Germany its Lucas cannot now we spoke with him at halftime at stop number one he was an alternate but he wasn't able to make it in all the riders who were on the start list staying healthy and riding the finals but he pushed forward he made it here now he's going to be a part of stop number two he's been enjoying every minute he's been spending here in Innsbruck take a look when I try here from Germany the mountains suddenly start to crow then you end up in like this good sized European city in between the mountains your name's Brooks we have the skate plaza as well and it suits me pretty good because I grew up actually writing skate parks and yeah we basically went there every day from like 9:00 till 7:00 in the evening and then I started to build my own jumps and then I had this upcoming passion for dirt jump and slopestyle yeah it's always cool to come back in the skate park and play around a little bit I think it helps for your overall bike control for me it's pretty awesome to finally be officially in the Crankworx serious I mean it took some time now we have 2018 when I started it was 2014 but I mean I finally made it here and I hope to throw down a good one I mean I would say I'm a friendly German but Austrians are more friendly for sure I like that every time I come to Austria he's earned it it's great to see Lucas can ops not only enjoying his time here in Innsbruck but putting those kehna tires on the start tower of a crank Rick slopes off course this will be his first crank rich slope style appearance he's been working his way up the ranks for years it's first contest so it's so much work to get here you know it's like it's not like his career starting right now sometimes you only see these guys once they make it here but I've been falling in for a while I've known that he has what it takes using the booth with us doing interviews last time and now I see you're dropping in for a crank work now all comes down to if you can pull it off when the pressures on and he looks composed big front slip on that dirt there they're coming in a little over rotated but muscling it out thanks 361 foot a cannon off the cannon there straight into a double tail up on the hip truck driver coming up a little short but he's just gonna try to salvage a run here and make it down so maybe this isn't quite what he had planned but he's back on track now 360 spin on the last jump great combo to finish things off for Lucas can opt not a smooth of a run as he was hoping for and we talked about how great the execution was in the run from Matt Jones the judges love that when they see you pedaling in between the features they typically have deductions for that but all of his tricks were pretty on point especially that last one right it started to go a little bit wrong here where he got a little bit too much snap on that front flip tuck no-hander that's a big jump you got a lot of time to rotate he went a little over Oh so he might have hit his head on his handlebars there threw him off the rhythm a little bit but he just wanted to salvage around and get down well it's important to it's important to make sure that if you're going to make a mistake you just look forward and try to push through now I think that he cased some of these jumps on the right part of the course casing means you're coming up a little bit short you can see his rear tire didn't land exactly where he needed it to but fortunately getting into that whaletail feature you don't need a ton of speed so he was able to salvage but that last trick was spot on so hopefully he'll be able to get him solid enough score and then fix it up and run number 2 well it's a 60.5 good enough for third place for Germany's Lucas can op he knows what he needs to improve but it's great to see him gonna top to bottom in the bag it's good to see him be able to recompose himself and just get a run down and land that banger at the end and get some points and now he's got something to work on he know he's gonna be looking for more and run to in the world of slopestyle a lot of riders look at the other riders to decide how they're going to compose their run one guy who does the exact opposite is simon god's yak borrowing equally from BMX and motocross adapting these tricks to the mountain bike you never know what he's going to throw flat flip one foot a can off that start jump so that's the biggest trick we've seen there I love seeing old-school Superman's in a slope style run truck driver on the hip there so this is a good chance to make something 720 nice and slow perfectly into the transition great control that rotation double tail into the whale tail risky move there the front flip horse Ben to finish things off Simon Godsey egg comes out swinging clean run lots of variety I always say this but I like that he mixes in a Superman not normally a high scoring trick but the way that he does it the judges just have to give him points because it looks so darn good now God's yak not practicing as much as the other riders this morning because he said he has his run on lock and he's just ready to do it he was just off the podium last year with a fourth place position you know he's looking to stand on that box this year he's always close he's always got the tricks and sometimes it doesn't all come together but he looks to be in top form today well third place in Lachey last year was his first podium appearance and if all goes his way he's doing exactly what he would need to do to get back on there so this right here he's doing it for 720 but the jumps a little bit of a hip so he's actually doing about a 700 degree rotation which takes so much air awareness to be able to just subtract 20 degrees from the spin to land perfectly in to where the landing is smooth on the double tail whip up great extension on that back lip tuck no-hander down but none of this matters if you throw away this front flip bar spin could this have been any more smooth perfect a two-tire so calm and collected Simon Gajic awaiting the decision from the judges will it be enough to knock Matt Jones out of the hot seat Matt Jones currently sitting with a 79.5 you're looking at our judges there right now that's head judge on the left side of your screen Paul Raque we have former competitor Pierre Edward Ferry Grant Fielder all the way there on the right judges who've been there before been judging for a long time and used to compete in these types of situations so they know exactly what they're looking at they're taking their time with this score needing a 79.5 or better to move into the hot seat Simon Godsey goes second with a seventy six point two five now the third member of our team Mikayla got Mikayla Gatto is standing by with Simon Godsey a key all right so to me that looked like a run fit for podium but you were kind of going like this you didn't look that happy where do you want to improve for a second run I overshot the first job and I couldn't extend my Superman pretty well then I did into a bursty non-ebola look so I screw a couple jumps in the beginning the rest was okay but it's not enough I want to improve all right well good luck and around you thank you well you can see Simon Godsey is motivated to get back up to the top of the course these guys are their toughest critics that looked like a great run to you and I but he knows he's got some room for improvement and we're lucky enough to we're gonna be able to witness that exactly that's the beauty of two runs here but now we have Eric fedko German rider this is his second Crankworx appearance and I was a huge fan after watching him ride for the first time in Rotorua this kid is just so consistent and composed he's been killing it ever since practice started everything but yeah yes I saw him oh so I saw him feeling that out a few times in practice never expanding at that time he went for there was a 360 C crap Indian air not sure if he just under rotated a little bit maybe slipped a hand what we knew he was gonna be going for that trick because as you said in practice he was taking his feet off touching the seat we just hadn't seen him extend it yet and we knew he was gonna be going for the glory here here's the 360 he takes his hand off puts it on the seat does a Superman seat grab Indian air means he's crossing his legs in the air what do you think happened there time well he went full extension on that he wasn't just feeling it out he knew he had to go as big as he could we're gonna get another look here I think but it looked like maybe he missed a foot maybe he's just a little bit off-balance there's not much room for air on a trick like that you're coming in your feet are off swinging around your hands off and you're spinning in a circle there's so many things that have to go right to get back onto the bike you see Nikolaj or gakuen always a great sportsman down there making sure the Eric fedko is okay and we were talking about Eric fedko earlier today saying that he's like he's like Old Faithful he always delivers he's so consistent we weren't expecting to see a crash out of him but that just goes to show what happens when they're saving something for the finals the extension on that 360 Superman seat grab Indian air couldn't have been any better so the medics checking out Eric fedko at the moment but that jump that he tried that trick off of was one of the most interesting jumps on the circuit we'd love to see it's taking it back to the old school a dirt to dirt double good-sized we start out with this flat drop that's the flat drop that Bret reader was attempting that back flip tail whip on hopefully we'll see that later walk us through the rest of this course Tyler so after that big jump you got to check up a little bit into this cannon here it's not small either nothing on this course is small but then it sends you into these hips here we got a left hip into a right hip which is where we're gonna see really good opportunities for back-to-back regular and opposite tricks and we're talking nine meters for both of these hips so not only are they hipped on an angle they're around the 30 foot range for those of you who aren't on the metric system and then you're into this what we call a whale tale risky to do big combos in because if you miss your footing there's not much room to stop and then this is the best way to finish a slope style run one gigantic money boot or at the end key feature on every course it's kind of similar to what everyone practices on at home and that's what you want to end with is your favorite trick your biggest trick and what you think you're gonna get the biggest score on well it's weird to see that course graphic without all these screaming fans alongside but it's great to see Eric fedko standing up medics taking good care of him hopefully fingers crossed we'll see him make his way back up to the top for a second run it's such a bummer to see I did not see him make any mistakes in practice he was just looking so clean and confident and I saw him do some pretty big moves I could tell when he was feeling out and he had a really good run plan so I know he's pretty disappointed he's gonna see how he feels hopefully we can get him back on the bike for run number two if he's feeling good well one thing we know about that kid is he's a tough kid so if anybody can do it it would be him back up to the start our our next rider in the gate looks to be the BMX legend turned slopestyle top dog Brian Nyquist always an excitement when he drops into a course no matter what kind of bike he's on right Nyquist the first competition we've seen him riding a fully suspended slope style bike meaning it has totally front suspension but rear suspension never thought we'd see him on a rear shock but on features this big he says he likes to get away with a little bit nice big over rotated 720 which matches perfectly into that hip there 360 one-handed X up kind of a Ryan knife foot signature watch that's 20 into the whale tail much a high-risk maneuver into a double truck out come on Mike woods that's cable the muscle through there that's all those 20-something years of experience to get through that run there this guy he is old faithful always delivering a run stood on the podium at Red Bull Joyride last August never thought he'd be competing in slope style now he's one of the best in the world holding on to his status on the tour he did exactly what he needed to do right there to move himself up the rankings and move on to all the rest of the rounds four seasons to come if he keeps this up that right there is kind of something you'll only see him do a 360 one-handed X up and this right here 720 into the whale tail he did that first day of practice I asked him about it he said you know what I knew I was gonna do it I couldn't stop thinking about it didn't think I'd do it first day of practice but I just had to get it out of my mind out of the way now some of the top riders and slopestyle mountain biking are getting close to 20 this guy's getting close to 40 but no slowing down I was gonna say be careful calling him Old Faithful you all want to make him mad there on that old word around young at heart Ryan Nyquist always stepping it up well last year he experimented a little bit and he learned what the judges like and what they don't like he was trying some tricks where he was land with his handlebars backwards the judges didn't seem to care so we went back to those tricks that have served him well throughout his BMX career tricks that put him on the podium last year in Whistler the big question right now is he gonna get higher than a seventy nine point five to knock Matt Jones out of the hot seat well here comes the score for Ryan Nyquist watch the bar climb how high third place currently behind Nyquist a score of 71 Mikayla gateau well what's up so you've been competing since 1995 on various hardtail bicycles BMX is in hotels you're on a dually now tell me what's up man yeah I just uh just before taking the full dive into mountain bike rolls you know I figured I needed dual suspension just to finish it off but yeah how I made this frame for me a new thread slope and it's feeling good I was kind of nervous I only wrote it like three times before this event so I haven't really tested it out but it's feeling good happy with that run happy I didn't die in a couple spots so I'm here standing and uh laughing away well you're standing in third right now so welcome to the dark side Thank You darks Ryann Nyquist it doesn't matter how high pressure the situation is this guy's always have more fun than anybody oh yeah he's the youngest one out here in a certain way Oh big time so talking about one of the oldest guys in the competition now this is the youngest guy who's ever won a Crankworx slopestyle doing it when he was I want to say 15 in 2011 now securing his status as one of the main fixtures on the series never ever being bumped off well I know with this new Crankworx series and them cutting down the riders and everything it's I you know the consistency is a huge factor because you have one inconsistent event and that might bump you from the whole series right so I think that's something a lot of us are kind of shifting our focus to is to try to stay consistent at the same time as trying to like push yourself into those top spots so I mean for me I'm trying to stay consistent trying to you know stay in that top 75 or whatever but also you know maybe in my second run push myself a little bit towards the podium well great inside from Anthony Missouri he seems to have cracked the code on how to stay on tour but you hear him say right there it's a fine line between reaching your potential and staying on tour is he gonna go for glory or is he gonna play it safe time what do you think pretty excited for this right now he's thought I'm doing that and practice pretty much everything that he's planning on doing he's already done so his confidence is to the roof cannon there may be getting a little toss from the wind able to recover lane a perfect on that hip so he's back on rhythm Pig front flip on the hip there now 360 in see what he's got out of the whale tail back flip one foot can he's got something big horse on the last jump here so I know he may have had different plans for that run there so he was going a little impromptu switching it up with his speeds maybe how the winds were throwing him around so that's his experience Anthony's been on tour a long time he's calm collected he was able to get a run there and there wasn't anything small on that run so I think he should have a pretty good score right now oh I thought for a second he was gonna throw it all away that casserole would have meant nothing if he fell on the flip double barzmann and if he just did a flip bars but his score would have been considerably lower so he knew that he needed that extra bar spin but it was such a risk like he said in that interview it's a fine line balancing your risk versus reward exactly so check out this cash hole here that is a big jump he only has them smoother on the big jumps than when you see them to him on the smaller one exactly sometimes you see those mostly on steeper jumps and this one here such a risky move so exposed to the wind up here in the Alps especially doing that trick yeah double tail up when you're off your bike the wind just wants to throw you around but it's using his core strength to hold it all centered locked in then this right here the backflip one foot a can out landing a little off-kilter but still able to maintain its speed look how late backflip double spin hold it together oh man he must have had a big sigh relief after that that right hand grabbed on to the grip just moments before his tires touched down so a great save there for Anthony Missouri putting that one in to the finish Corral what are the judges gonna do with it - knock Matt Jones out of the hot seat he needs to better a 79.5 to break into the top three he needs to beat a 71 I have a feeling this is gonna be a pretty big score I think this is gonna keep him on tour he always delivers he always does what he's got to do to stay in there such a good guy to have out here at the comps he's always progressing always learning new things [Music] so as the judges deliberate Anthony Missouri sister his job has been done time for the judges to do theirs this can sometimes be the most nerve-wracking part of the process well here comes the score for anthing in Missouri and run number one good enough for third place a 73 so he nods his head knows that's gonna be good enough to get him some points but you can tell he wants to bump that up a little bit you see him shaking his head so current standings as they sit right now Anthony Missouri goes into that third-place spot podium position so far Simon Godsey a full three point to five points ahead of him sitting in second but Matt Jones holding on to that hot seat spot for quite a long time right now dodging a lot of bullets all right our next rider getting ready in the start tower from France young rider age 21 Simon passes now this kid we just never know what to expect from him the way he practices for a slope style contest is very mysterious kind of reminiscent of how Brandon Seminole used to practice in his competitive days I saw him watching his competitors practice a bunch maybe not using all the practice time but when he did he made it count you just kind of watched what his competitors are doing maybe watched how the course is flowing I'm starting out with a truck driver off the flat drop [Music] backflip there so he doesn't get a combo so the judges are gonna take note of that but we'll see if you can make up for on the rest of the course here that was an opposite tale up on the cannon they're just doing that is unnatural direction slight under rotation so this might be a throwaway form couple mistakes these will offer them these straight backflips are not going to help and he knows it stranor down the whale tail means that he's waving off this run he'll put all of his chips on the table for run number two may seem weird to see a router make a small mistake and then throw the whole run away but these days everything has to be perfect so some of the things in this run that didn't go his way which caused him to throw in the towel let's take a look back someone pass Jed's is a rider who usually surprises us in the finals with stuff we weren't expecting from him but we had this truck driver right here it was a double truck driver on the hip and I remember the landing was a little sketchy so this landing is he's supposed to spend a little bit more than 360 because the landing stilts to the left he's spinning to the left so he wasn't able to get the extra rotation there luckily he didn't go down but he knew who made it must be made a mistake the judges were gonna take note these guys want to put down their their top runs well realistically these days if you do a straight backflip on the second feature of the course right then and there you know your score is not gonna be high it would be a lot of ground to make up but he'll get back under the top of the course but the man sitting at the top right now was one of the riders who are a part of the two horse race last year the best battle we've ever seen in the history of slopestyle we're talking about Nikolaj Roy Gaskin I was able to catch up with Nikolaj try to figure out what makes him tick in the next episode of McCall meets take a look just climb up the ladder to the roof of that family house with your bike I don't know if you notice but the ladder is really sturdy also okay now let's get a peek oh yeah that's steep alright yeah yeah normal oh my goodness the bag is super stiff as well have a landing down there [Music] but that you thunders in their bag princes they got deck G out got him pretty good but after this role and no role in his ever scary [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's no secret that this doesn't resemble a slopestyle course at all there's not space like the some of the guys having candidates should just build whatever but give a lot of credit to my dad for the ideas that he came up with well Tyler how about the engineering on that training facility I'll tell you what this guy has earned everything he has that airbag is not in fighting yet he's learned so many tricks on it we've seen him in practice adapting those tricks to the course already and now here we go last year's reigning champion dropping into the Innsbruck slopestyle Oh paddling it's got a 1080 twister watched how he slows that down he's spinning three times but it looks so easy when he does it oh this is looking like his run last year so clean no pedals tripletail up on the hip they're coming to the next hip he's on a here casual ground chuck we saw him get on the last jump in Rotorua doing something unique up there cork 720 down the step down coming into money burns in the cash but he goes down oh man he was pulling out all the stops right there and everything was looking so perfect oh he was just hanging on by a thread by the time he got to that final feature I can't believe he's still tried that casserole bar spin now the Cork's 720 on the whale tail was so huge and the fact that he did the one-handed Superman seat grab into it all those so close so such a big trick out of the whale tail and he's hanging off the back of his bike by one hand going into it so not much time to set up but he's still able to land it perfect that there a 1080 on the first jump so calm and slow and it the way that he pulls in that last 90 degrees now the first third of this run was identical to what he did to win just a year ago but take a look this is a trick that he used in Rotorua the cache rolled ground chuck it's called I called it a casserole sea crab sometimes it's hard to keep up with these tricks especially what Nikolai's doing it brings his own style to everything so that there now we're seeing it mid-course and look I mean a lot of people talk about Nikolai's style saying that it's different that's a stylish trick right there that casserole sea crab this right here the Cork's 720 in one of the biggest moves in his run but it may have thrown him a little off-kilter you saw in that quark 720 down he landed a little bit on the side losing a little bit of speed he sprinted into this casserole bar spin just barely under rotating I love the way that he does that casual bar spin he throws the handlebars with his left hand so it's kind of into the end of the spin he's got to get his knees out of the way and if he Clips one of his knees the hole spins gonna stop so so much going on right there so hard to get right he was just just a hair off so nicholai rakat came the 2017 champion here at Crankworx inspir actual towel book toward his second run to improve but we now focus our attention back to the top of the course were thomas Lemoine a guy who's been pulling triple duty out here putting his name on the signup sheet for so many different disciplines in our own Michaela caught up with Thomas Lemoine check it out that's right cam like you said this guy is the only slopestyle router to be competing in three different events this week he did the pumptrack on Thursday night he won the dual speed and style the next night which was his second win there and he is competing in slopestyle today and I would say he is looking to improve on that bronze metal run that he had here last year now another interesting thing about this guy is that he is currently sitting second in the overall standings for the king of Crankworx so he could maybe even be the only slopestyle guy to be king of Crankworx at the end of this season it's going to be interesting that's right Mikayla a lot of the riders out here who compete in slope style don't compete in the other disciplines because this is so much to focus on but what king of crank works is its points from all the different disciplines added up through the four stops and it's $20,000 at the end of the year if you're crowned king so he had a big day yesterday on speed and style we'll see if he's fatigued he's not looking like it's so far back flip tuck no-hander to bar spend big 360 Tucker hander off the cannon there 360 inward table to bar spend such Lemoine style on that opposite 360 tuck no-hander I think that's a new one I haven't seen him do that yet front flip into the whaletail truck driver out landing really low there see if he's able to get speed Wow there were so many things about that backflip Kayla that weren't easy and weren't supposed to go right he landed low on the thing before didn't have the speed but he was able to raise her through using that raised her background push through his feet were backwards it looked like he was able to switch those before he landed this kid is so mentally strong doing so many events out here some people say they got bigger fish to fry when they talk about speed style pumptrack he just wants to fry all the fish just do everything he's going for a fish feast out of here this guy is unstoppable he can win in so many different disciplines out here at the Crankworx festivals and the judges love these technical combos he into his 360s a true athlete doing multiple disciplines out here when you watch him ride when you watch the way that he passes those handlebars we're watching it in slow motion but it looks like he's in slow motion in his head everything is just so calm and slow and not rushed the amplitude his ability to carry speed he's one of the only guys who could land that long on the whale tail and then still not only make the last jump but get a trick on it like a backflip tail we're looking forward to seeing the replay of that backflip tale because if you look right now he's riding right foot forward let's take a look at where his cranks were when he caught his pedals after that backflip tail up Wow so you almost missed the whole landing there pushing through you can kind of see how he thrusts they're grabbing his head which now he's left foot forward not worried about it you know he's just gonna put him on switch of money lands super chill not worried at all all the riding this kid does and all the events he competes and I do not know how he finds time to scribble on his jeans the judges right now taking their time assigning a score to that run because there are so many little subtle intricacies that add that result in points yeah he was on a real good one there with the opposite 360 tuck no-hander linking things on hips and that was pretty clean even though he had a small mistake at the end he probably wanted something bigger on the last jump can we just keep a camera on Ryan Nyquist throughout the entire broadcast we'll just have him in a little shoebox in the bottom right hand corner so if you're just joining us you're wondering what our current rankings are take a look at the screen right now Yakov Benson in fifth place Ryan Nyquist the man you saw joking around in the riders tent sitting in fourth but the top three Anthony Missouri Simon Gothic but Matt Jones still holding on to that top spot this could be a huge breakout performance for him [Applause] now Thomas Lemoine is not only looking to podium this event he's looking for those valuable points to try to become the king of Crankworx if that twenty thousand dollar bonus check at the end of the year if you do get that crown so much to balance trying to do multiple events making all the practices and not sacrificing one event and he's going for the win and everything that he enters so the super impressive to watch him as an athlete compete here at crank works at multiple disciplines well Thomas Lemoine's first podium in slopestyle was last year right now he gets a seventy seven point five good enough for a second place so far can he hold on to and repeat on that podium not bad I think he's sitting in a great spot right now and although that was very impressive we know he has more in the tank but now look who we got cam one of your favorites in the start gate Diego is one of my favorites and the main reason is look he's a great guy but also you never know what to expect from him he's a crowd pleaser he'd seen his friend Evo right there flying the but he got his first podium and stop number one this year he is fully arrived on the crank rec slopestyle scene no longer an underdog not working his way up he's at the top diego covers aussi has this to say about his own style and process for choosing tricks well I don't want to send the twister here I could do it but I don't want to be the Nikolai's number two so I got my home style my home tricks I would do something different this time that just makes you wonder doesn't it if that's not hinting at the fact that we may see something new right now I don't know what is so I'm pretty excited to hear somebody say they could do a twister but they don't want to you want to do something different so this is gonna be exciting here ride or die rider Diego what are we gonna see right now I've been riding great and practice from tip car spin on that jump they're landing perfect two two tires his speed is on one flip there I love that angle seeing how high off the ground he is holding it together 360 tail up on that hip backflip bar spent on the next hip losing a little bit of speed backflip no-hander out of the whale tail this is where we have our question marks here Oh backflip cliffhanger unfortunately not able to hold on that has to be what he was talking about that's got to be it that's not a trick you see every day and that's something new she did not try to do that small you went full extension looked like he maybe just missed a hand there maybe missed a foot he was onto a pretty exciting run right there I love the fact that he's not just going to do a trick that he does have in his bag that he knows will score well to update you if you miss Rotorua he did a front court 1080 it's called the twister and he got a podium position a third place but he's trying to be different get some creativity points because that's also a valuable category on the judges scorecard the front flip on the Canon log is going to score really high so everything was going smooth up until this hip you just came up a little bit short it's kind of a chain reaction effect once it happens on one jump it's pretty likely to happen on the next so that's why you see you guys peddling trying to make up for it judges take note of that but it's better than just pulling off track but we were so curious what we were gonna see on this last jump and I was not expecting to see a back flip cliffhanger but we're gonna get a chance to see what went wrong here shortly great extension on the back lift tuck no-hander out of the whale tail big points for that but no points are gonna count because he didn't stop his last trick look at that straight line on the extension unfortunately so he's hooking his feet onto the handlebars and completely laying back it looked like the bike may have caught up to him and hit him in the butt which he wasn't expecting and kind of through the rotation of the bike off and then your hanging off by your feet you know you need everything to be in the right place when the bike gets bumped a little bit out of whack you go to put your hands on they're not in the right spot kind of throws everything off so unfortunately Diego covers Ozzy we'll have to head to the top of the course and hopefully try that backflip cliffhanger again because I would love to not only see him stomp that trick let's see what the score would have been for all those other moves exactly I think he was onto a really good one there well guy we don't typically see not finish a run he earned the nickname king of consistency for a reason he's the last European competitor to win a Crankworx slopestyle stop now is Holi back in 2012 can he do it again here today 360 tuck no-hander off the start job same thing we saw Jakob pencil doing truck driver there looking like he may have wanted something else but it looked like he was over rotating a little bit opposite 360 one foot a can over rotation but able to go through he says you know what spike looks a little out of whack you're just gonna look to run number two to clean that up [Music] so talking about how consistence it's consistent he is and then he messes up his run that's not what we expect to see out of Thomas jinan but he is a veteran in this discipline so I know he's gonna get back up there strategize a way to make sure he stomps this so here's where it went wrong we're doing the three opposite 360 topside can and ready stop here we go you see the foot came off the pedal and now his eyes are up looking at the next jump but you have to be mega composed all right roll the film in order to get the next jump but not having enough speed you usually pump to get enough speed you see me barely made it over that jump not enough speed to have a trick that meant the end of the run for Thomas Janome it looked like maybe his rear wheel got bumped out of alignment which made it rub on the chain stays slowed his rotation the wheel down lost his speed so it was gonna go fix that bike up get back in the gate from run number two everybody's human even guys like Thomas jinan who you rarely see screw up everybody makes mistakes sometimes well at this point we have only one rider left to drop the current score to beat is helped by Great Britain's Matt Jones it's a seventy nine point five but if anybody can smash that and break into the eighties it's this man right here the guy who once stopped number one in the 2018 season in Rotorua the guy who got second place last year right here in Innsbruck during the best battle we've ever seen I'm talking about Brett reader yeah I could do a safety run and probably still do pretty good but that's not who I am I don't care about the points I don't care about the rivalry I just want to do my run well you heard it right there strong words from Bret reader he came here with a goal in mind and he's not gonna leave without at least trying that goal so he's got a new trick we saw him put it up on Instagram the other day he tried it off this first start drop in practice had a big crowd here we go he's gonna do it again backflip tap off the start drop first one we've ever seen in competition into a front flip barspin man that's got to feel good to get through that can he hold it together backflip bars but now he's done a lot of this run already in practice I was an opposite Fork 720 into a 47:20 that's exactly what the judges want to see on those hips there here we go coming into the last job backflip off Hellmuth magazine that before either all he's stepping up the game Brett reader the host guys just so impressed with the way that he's always able to step it up he's not in top form right now and foreign in terms of his body he's a little sore and battered but he's able to get back up stomp that flat drop backflip Caleb we've never seen that before that's a historical move right there he posted that trick on his Instagram he landed it at his home training facility in his backyard but the reason why that is so historic were gonna go into detail right now with this replay take a look so there's no take off on that platform there he has to initiate the spin with his body only now you've seen that trick off of things like a whale tail or lip downs where there's a kicker to initiate the rotation but doing a flat drop backflip is tough enough but we've never seen a variation like a backflip tail whip don't on a flat drop and that right there was his opposite direction spun cork 720 into regular so he's spending different directions in those and that's what the judges really like to see look at the style right they're putting all of his limbs in the right place at the right time to be so efficient with his body movements now we haven't talked yet about the last jump because he was so perfect on everything else it almost seems insane to nitpick but we're getting close to that final feature there but the opposite 360 bar spend a bar spin back right into the regular 360 double bar spin and then this so watch here he's gonna kick with his front foot his left foot here that's how you know it's his opposite direction back flip opposite double tail up comes in so awkward unfamiliar feeling when he do an opposite tail like that so everything has to be taken into consideration the score to beat was a seventy nine point five held by Matt Jones is it gonna be enough he had a minor bobble on the last jump but he broke new ground at the top of the course Brett readers new leader and eighty 6.75 being rewarded for progression Michaela Gatto is standing by with her new resident of the hot seat Brent reader alright so for someone who says he's not completely on his game you're currently sitting in first you did a historical backflip tailwhip off of the first flat drop what the heck man well I'm not on my game I got to admit I'm my legs are my legs are weak I'm weak I I fell a couple days ago and I'm still recovering from it but uh oh yeah feels good to get down here definitely have some stuff to clean up for run - how good did it feel to stomp the trick that you actually crashed on two days ago for sure it felt good it's a little different than what I'm used to that's this draw for that trick there's so many elements of the trick where you have to take into consideration and contend with his loss the last jump here having some difficulties on that last jump so hopefully run to goes better yeah well that was a super solid run regardless and enough space for round two to clean it up a little bit but congratulations for currently being in the first spot thank you yeah there we go well what a run for Bret reader a guy who's never satisfied luckily will react he'll be able to go elastic in because he's currently sitting in the first place position of course he went last just now because he won the last event but you know if anybody pushes him let's say like Nikolaj rag acting like he did last year you know he's gonna throw it all out there we go there's a look at our current standings we're going to get all the riders back up to the top of the course Crankworx Innsbruck slopes out presented by Kenda second runs coming up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we ready to go to Red Bull TV you have the beauty of watching this contest on your own terms watch whoever you want to watch what watch whatever you want to watch throw it up on your social media share it with your friends check out anybody's run as many times as you want first run we saw from all the riders especially the last guy we saw drop Bret reader were you guys expecting that flip it you know you had that in his bag yeah I expected that but it's still crazy mind-blowing now we've got in the booth up here Reid Boggs in Torquato Tessa two guys who have been here at the top of the sport competing on the Crankworx ture Rodney slopestyle contest for quad so you've even had a podium but just tell me how difficult it is to stay on tour with the way the format works and the points you need to get an invitation yeah because now in krang course only 12 guys are in so basically it's 12 guys plus two wildcards every event so 14 guys in total and it's pretty hard to stay in as you see the level it's super eyed and you just have to go to to the gold events who try to collect points or two in a white car while current gold events are really good to just go to to these events like examine Alex Elanco it's a good fun it just goes to show I mean you're a guy who's been on the podium in Rotorua so even a guy like you who's tasted the juices of a podium spot you have what it takes it can happen to anybody you can have an off day and lose the points so what is your strategy to get back here my strategy actually it's not thinking about too much about points because if you stress too much yourself maybe you will miss up and that's not that's not good I think it's just try to go to to go to gold events and trying to do your best and and that's it actually as when I started and when I became a Crankworx rider I was just thinking about that not watching too much the ranking but just having fun on bike and doing my best so Reid we saw you in Rotorua you're amending a hurt shoulder which you injured at rampage you're hoping it just maintains some points in Rotorua and even that wasn't enough unfortunately so how frustrating is that to be riding not at your top level which made it in turn make it so you're not on the rider this year yeah it's definitely difficult well I'm just more motivated than ever I'm gonna head to a gold event after this and try to get some points and make it to the next one so you're using it as fuel doing what you need to do go into the gold level events and working way back up the ranks yeah definitely yeah thanks we hope to see you up there guys I know you'll do what you need to do you've played the alternate card to your advantage in the past and made sure that you stuck around and you did practice with all the riders in case somebody unfortunately pulled out of the event that's how you rode every single spot on the tour last year so did you ride every practice here being an alternate today yeah this one it was definitely busy because I was jumping around from whip off and speeding style but I definitely tried to get on the course as much as I could and yeah I was ready to jump in today if I needed to but yeah I'm stoked to everybody else and looking forward to the next one well you guys stick around we got more we want to do with you but the judges are the ones who decide how good your runs were what kind of points they're going to give for your tricks and that in turn decides if you're gonna be at the next event the third member of our team Mikayla Gatto is check in with the judges and figure out how they come up with these scores that means so much of these guys they thanks cam yeah I'm just nervous sitting here these these sheets I don't even like this this is like Greek to me explain what is kind of the first thing you look for in someone's run well we definitely start with the diversity of tricks you're throwing then it goes into execution style your amplitude what we'd use in another course the house more lines would be here use of course that is useless here so mainly the diversity of your tricks and your execution or we're standing out right now and as far as Bret readers first done in competition the flip whip off the flat drop do you take into consideration someone doing a completely new trick that you haven't seen in competition before would you take that in consideration but then it all comes down to how we did it where he did it and he did it perfectly and he did it in a very high-risk spot so definitely worked to his advantage perfect and one more question because I'm allowed to pick favorites Matt Jones's run was the energy that was coming off that guy he that was his second run that he's completed in three years do you take into consideration kind of like the energy that's that the riders have or is that something everything's just completely emotionless no that'd be more of like a crowd favorite pic or factor that a qualifying they're like we we completely separate emotion any sort the riders or the judges when we're giving our scores so it is exciting I'm happy for them but when it comes down to the pen and paper it doesn't matter perfect well it song it's like you guys are pretty dialed down here so are up here I should say so I'm going to vacate before I get a little bit too stressed out thanks Micaela so it's good to hear from the judges where their heads at and what kind of factors play into their score making I know it takes a little bit of time to absorb the judging sometimes but right now after we just saw those first runs do you feel like all in all they got it right or do you feel like there's any spots where they messed up either of you I think everything's bought on right now they know what they're doing and yeah Bret readers run was just off the charts it was pretty mind-blowing no that's that goes without saying he did something that nobody's ever done before and landing in a competition his first run it brings about this question does anybody have what it takes to knock him off the spot and if so who I don't know it's like it's like hard to be a judge and like decide who's this person who put in the least so say a guy like Nikolai because the battle was between those two guys now Nicola is looking at this run that we're watching right now what does he need to do if he landed his run do you think it would have been enough yeah but you mean Nikolai Nikolai yeah I mean yeah they are different but both runs are super are super technical like Nikolai is going like super huge with huge rotation and things like that but I think would be like last year last year was like a huge bottle I think it's the same we can hope it's the same I think if Nikolai gets a run that he wants to get he's gonna be up there with Brett and it's gonna be good for second runs and as for cross as viewers what we all want to see is Brett have to do another run you know he doesn't want to have to but you know he has it in the tank he's got more and yeah we want to see another battle well the anticipation builds into second runs I can't wait to see if we're gonna see a repeat of that dogfight between those two guys now if anybody can do it it's gonna be Nikolai those are our opinions you know everybody has their opinions and you know out there with the internet anybody can voice that opinion and we have our pesky friend Kelvin Huth who likes to comedic lis voice his opinions he'll catch you up on what happened in Rotorua right now take a look [Music] no bad days talk-show my name is Kelvin Hutt and this is my co-host missus Packers we're gonna be talking Crankworx slopestyle she's beautiful I need a break one of the biggest shockers of the last event was Nikolaj rogue acting getting fit that simply is not good for Nikolai and he's gonna be out for blood now for those of you who don't know anything about Nikolai he's like the FMB spigen spinner except for this fidget spinner only likes to spin one direction it's not a fan of going the opposite way that's my rooster it just crows all day long it's so annoying one of my favorite young up-and-coming slopestyle athletes it's Diego Sockers Hachi yeah goes topper Sachi Sauer Sachi from Italy his new sponsors are reira zippers and David Michael's winery which is fantastic because we all know how much the Italians love their zippers right behind Diego in the last event was French athlete Thomas LeMond aka Thomas lemon now my hopes for the future of slopestyle is that French Ashley Thomas lemon it's going to be sponsored by a Velcro company that way we can have the French and the Italians battling it out really settling the debate of zippers verse velcro once and for all if you want to see more these know bad days talk shows go visit my youtube channel it's Calvin Hoth know bad days and uh yeah we'll just talk more Crankworx it'll be awesome it'll be good fun and enjoy the show get all Calvin tell her thoughts on roosters thoughts on roosters thoughts on Calvin man he's always good for a laugh such a funny guy bringing a light attitude to the sport here but he's got some good he's got some good points there you know he knows what he's talking about well Thank You internet for giving everybody a voice even pink white commenters why not everybody's got everybody's got an opinion why not get it out there yeah there's a saying that goes along with that also we won't go there but where we will go when we return from this break is run to a stop number two of the Crankworx FM ba slopestyle world championships you're not gonna want to miss it stick around [Music] [Music] [Music] well there we have it those beautiful alpine peaks we've been speaking about of course we're in Innsbruck Austria for the Crankworx Innsbruck slopestyle presented by Kenda if you call yourself a mountain bike fan then you're tuning into all the broadcasts for stop number two the crank where it's World Tour right now we're gonna be starting the second runs if you haven't seen the first runs we'll update you on the format each rider gets two runs with the best run counting that will be our start order right now reverse from the current rankings so that of course means that Brett reader will be dropping last being able to watch what all of his competitors have to say and then finding out if he has to answer back and what are we hoping for we're hoping for somebody to make him answer back so we're gonna see eric fedko dropping in first he had a bad crash so I hope to see him in the start gate see all the riders hanging out on the rider lounge right now some getting psyched by listening to their favorite music others goofing around like Ryan Nyquist everybody has their own method to prepare for these high-stress moments but man watching these riders stomp their runs and celebrate in that finish line berm it's polar opposites what they're feeling at the top of the course right there and we'd love to watch that process of course all the fans enjoying the beautiful Sun out here in the Austrian mountains it's a perfect day first slopestyle we say we don't want wind over 10 miles per hour it's sitting right there at 10 so hopefully it continues to die out through the day but we haven't seen it cause too many problems for the riders out there like we've seen in the past at different venues so whoever scheduled today a slopestyle day did a great job these riders have a lot of airtime we need some still air you never know what you're gonna get up here in the Alps we had some rain on the first day of crank works perfect skies now look who we got in the gate he's back up how is a heavy crash this kid is strong and we don't know a ton about Eric fedko this is his second appearance and a Crankworx event but we know that he's composed he seems really strong we now know that he's incredibly tough riding more than most in practice putting in the reps but unfortunately in run number one crashing on a massively extended 360 Superman's secret Indian air on the second feature of the course at dirt dirt double I'm so psyched to see him back up in the gate because he was looking so clean and so dialed in practice I know that if he puts this rundown could put him up there in podium contention Eric fedko dust the the dust off of his shoulder drops in for run number two here he goes switching up his trick they're playing the tactical game just gonna try to get some points see what he has planned for the rest of his run double truck driver so he's not taking it easy no he's sore from that crash Faye's backflip tail on the hip double tail it clean on the next hip pixie down side tail up into the whale tail back tuck tuck no-hander out now he's got one more chance to while the judges know he's got this truck dropping a hammer on the last jump after a smooth run top to bottom blowing out that back tire and the crowd goes wild that gave me goose bumps man I was rooting for this kid it's so good to see people get up after a crash like that he didn't let him in the face and he know it's be hurting tomorrow got that last trick got his feet on the last second oh the energy alongside this course right now after he stomped that run the crowd pulling for him because this is the jump he crashed on right now being smart deciding to do an easier trick and focus all his energy on the rest of the course he's new to the scene but he rides with so much experience it's like he's been around forever maybe he wasn't a hundred percent dialed on that 360 Indian air up there so he switched it up didn't want to risk crashing again and he clearly had quite the run planned after that well you got to talk about each one of these events is the battle the big war is to stay on tour try to rank high in the overall world championship series make sure you get invited back for next year but this was a huge risk and it's gonna pay off look at that slight under rotation but it didn't matter he broke out of it smooth riding on his brim with his tire just flapping around now you don't see a motion out of this kid very often he's usually strained to the point but when he stomps his run he's all about playing it up to the crowd and they're loving every minute of it he works hard he can tell after his result in Rotorua he wasn't content he wanted more so he went home he's always posting new tricks that he's learning on Instagram we knew that he was gonna come out swinging and it's so good to see him be able to deliver out here now I put Eric fedko on my fantasy team you saw that at the beginning of the show he's looking to beat a 77 point five right now to slide in a podium position is it going to be enough right now Thomas Lemoine currently sitting in third place a podium for this young rider would be huge for his career and helped him stay on tour here come our scores how high will this bar climb up that ladder here bruising in 82 1st 2nd place getting up after a huge crash dusting off himself and dropping the hammers sitting in second place in the 80s the only other rider we have in the 80s right now is Brett reader who's sitting in the lead such a good story right there I wasn't expecting to see him get up in the start gate once we saw him we thought maybe he's just gonna roll down maintain some points but he went out he's sitting in second place right now well we just saw Eric Fed go recuperate his energy focuses mind in the right direction and stopped his run this man is going to have to do that same exact thing Thomas Shannon run number one had an uncharacteristic bobble on this opposite 361 foot it can causing him to lose speed not able to finish his run and this guy has one red bull joyride in Whistler so if anybody knows what to do right now to walk that thin line not risk too much but still stop his run it's this man right here Tommy G has another chance right how he right here to make it down the course starting out the same so far 360 no hander 361 foot of cam let's see if he goes with the opposite one foot of cam 360 choosing to just stay 360 not getting the combo there now that was an opposite 360 tuck no-hander oh - a 360 tail it's so smooth double tail up into the whale tail 360 invert like only Thomas and on does help on the last job just what we saw for him Rotorua they put him so high in the ranking so that's got to feel good Thomas Jen on the 360 bars Bennett's help is the trick of the hour right now seeing two riders drop back to back who messed up their first runs and now stomping the same trick on the final jump see we knew it we call him king of consistency for a reason this guy always delivers he knows how to strategize and make the changes necessary to get a score in the bag these guys coming in with the never-give-up mentality and it's proving proving to be a good call here Thomas Shannon switching up his run slightly but in the end able to make it down finishing with the same truck same trick that got him on the podium in Rotorua you see sometimes when riders mess up a trick in their first run they'll try to just get that out of their mind take it away it's only one of seven features try something different and that was definitely the veteran decision for Thomas Shannon one of the highlights for me was how clean that 360 Taylor was right there everything was just so slow he wasn't rushing it and that's what the judges like to see now watch this guy in slow motion his extension on things like that 360 table are so picture-perfect and then watch how early he gets his feet back on the pedals on this 360 bar spin the tail up so he already through the bars kicking the bike getting his feet on that could not have been any better so the judges are gonna take note of that as well he had opposites he had triple combos he had a little bit everything trick selection execution amplitude it was all there where will it place him in the rank right now of course Matt Jones knocked down into the third place position with his 79.5 Thomas Shannon is going to need to beat that score in order to move into a podium spot so we're seeing riders get a little bit closer to reader we're gonna we're gonna see if we're gonna have anybody knock him down and force him to do a do another bang or second run see the Grieco asking you shall receive I wanted to have a to box with Ryan I close at all times and we now have it Thomas jinan is the king of consistency I suppose Ryan nycos would have to be the king of entertainment always good to have him around now the judges are looking a little bit stressed maybe we need to get Nyquist into the judges box to lighten up the mood a little bit a lot of pressure on these guys never an easy job at these slopes now especially when the levels so high and so many people land runs two of the riders that we saw not get a first-round stop their second run and that kind of changes everything well the judge is taking their time because Thomas jinan basically embodies what they look for in a slope style run execution meeting so much these days with every rider having such a deep bag of tricks you have to have precision with those tricks so here's how our leaderboard looks currently top five Simon Godsey acts still hanging out tell us someone in fourth now of course Matt Jones Erik fedko and Brett Reda rounding out the top three where will Thomas Chinon sit in this ranking we are about to find out he looks more nervous and how that he did to start his run Thomas Shannon a seventy six point seven five good enough for fifth place knocking Simon gods yet down the rankings looking content with that I know he had more that he was hoping to do but as we call him the king of consistency it's how he stays on tour he always gets a run he's always somewhere up there so even if he's not in the top three he's somewhere close gets his points makes them hungry looking to the next event well we're in ocean away here in beautiful Innsbruck Austria you see those mountain peaks but let's talk about Whistler British Columbia the place that we all know and love the best bike park in the world is getting even better garbanzos open but they're also opening up a whole new section the Creekside Zone it's officially open now it features five brand new trails spanning over 13 kilometers and this is the first season you'll be able to ride it so if you haven't been to Whistler get out there nine even if you already have get out there and try the new trails well back to business here in Innsbruck we have our newcomer to the game out of Sweden alex Elanco currently sitting in 14th place now he didn't have exactly what he was looking for and run number one so a lot of room for improvement here Tyler here he comes starting out with a truck driver off the flat drop backside double bars been right there on that jump coming into the cannon we'd love to see this could get a run all the way down the course opposite 360 maybe losing a little bit of speed double truck driver so that's where he made a mistake now so he's already on to a better run Oh double tail has a big case there's the last chance you got to push through and get those points out to lonk Oh back on rhythm cork 720 to finish things off and that was perfect good to see Alex get a run in there maybe not exactly how he wanted it but he made it down and he had some big tricks in there he's frustrated but I think he should be happy this is his first appearance and a Crankworx he's got the nerves out hopefully he'll stay on to her hopefully we'll see him again but bringing that experience with him and now he's got a base to work on here well first appearance on the big stage and I got to say he's doing pretty well here that backflip double bars been putting the tires at the very top of that landing over some of the highlights here for you Tyler just the way that he was able to clean that up he screwed up on it and first run that double truck driver there was able to slow his rotation down and then ending with this perfect textbook cork 720 unfortunately a couple hiccups in that run the judges will definitely take notice of that you can see Alex Elanco shaking his head knowing that there were a couple mistakes there but no matter what it always feels good to finish a run in a Crankworx event and he's one of the few people in the world who now knows that feeling these guys are perfectionist so that's why you see them shaking their hip they want to be in the top five I think he should be proud and holding his head high because he worked really hard to get here and he got a run down at his first Crankworx ever just ridiculous the talent pool in Sweden with two of our Swedish riders out Emilio Hansen still healing up matched Fredersen still healing up but there's still a Swede in the game what will the score be for Alex Elanco and his first Crankworx appearance it's gonna be a fifty eight point seven five good enough for a twelfth moving up a couple spots in those rankings hopefully we'll see him again in the future [Music] but next up another guy who's got a lot of room for improvement from his first run out of France Simon passes so I'm Run 1 we saw him make a mistake early on him throw the whole run away which leads me to believe he's got a lot planned he wants it all to go perfectly smooth so far backflip bar spin so he missed the bar spin and first run on that trick opposite tail up on the cannon there's it's unnatural Direction double truck driver other opposite tallip so interesting trick selection here we're gonna expect to see some some kind of regular tail combo on the last jump here maybe we need some balance what's it gonna be that's been doubled kala perfect to the pedals I knew there's me some kind of tail combo in there that's one of his biggest tricks and he has so lets hoping we'd see it and that's got to feel good as well can well that's great to see we saw him crash real hard a couple years ago in New Zealand on that trick now he's clawed his way back up to the tour stomping it here in Innsbruck despite having not so good of a run in his first attempt so shows that he can brush it off and get back up there put his head in the right space hatchets gonna improve on his score without a doubt so good to see the four guys that we saw screw up in the run number one sitting the lowest in the rankings able to get a second run solid down the course now it's not so often you see a rider do two different opposite to help variations before you even see them do a regular tail variation so you knew he had something planned for the last jumped in yet true but to be fair one was on a cannon one was on a jump so I don't think the judges are necessarily gonna call that a repeat trick but it leads me to believe that maybe he wanted to double tail up in there on the second one but I had a feeling this was coming here this is his banger this is what we were expecting to see him pull out I love the axis on that you called it a flat spin 360 double tail he's almost leaning back like a flip whip but he's in between those two worlds and it just looks so good it's great to see a big smile on that kids face he's been all business all week and now we're gonna find out what score he's earned for his efforts [Music] needing to be 279 two point five to break into the top three and here it comes the score for Simon passes a 72 good enough for 8th place moving into that top 10 you know he probably wanted to be a little bit higher but in the end of the day ending up at the top 10 at one of these events even though there's only 14 guys just beating six people it's it's not an easy task especially when everybody's starting to get a solid run down the course now this next rider in the gate having the season of his career right now landing on the podium in Rotorua earlier this year with a third place but things didn't go so smooth for him a year ago here at Innsbruck take a look at one of the worst crashes Diego covers Aussie says he's ever had [Applause] just going for a backflip tail fair on the hip we talked about how difficult it is to do these technical combos on a jump that has an angle landing but this is worst case scenario not only did he not catch the pedals he put his leg through the frame got absolutely ejected off the bike but he popped up like nothing happened and he's back here again in 2018 looking to land on the podium again so he's gonna try to keep that crash out of his mind right now keeping everything moving forward I just saw him practicing a double bar spin on the roll in there so maybe we'll see something crazy on this first dirt jump here front flip double this kid man he's always stepping it up this is so huge to perfect so he crashed on back to a tail on that last year now I did a backflip bar spin Attila and it's a hip I keep saying that but man you can't even get this last trick a casserole out of Italy stopping another huge run here Dan's run proving the Rotorua was not a fluke this kid surprises himself every time he drops a run like that that's a big run and Brett's looking pretty nervous up there I think that could be could be in contention what do you think well not only did he stop those huge moves but the execution was incredibly on point he was putting his tires in the right place he was catching his pedals early he was landing straight we're gonna have to watch this entire run from top to bottom so right here he added a bar spin he didn't land his first run but he still wanted to step up even though he just needed to get a run in the bag tell me why front-flipping that cannon is worth so many points well you can see how high he is off the ground and if you've ever ridden a cannon leaning over the front it's the last thing you want to do you're looking down at the ground that's probably 20 feet below you at least those elevated features the front flips are gonna be worth so many more points than if you do it on a double jump now here the biggest combo in his run so it was a backflip bar spin to tail him the tail was a slight downside to it because it's a hip and he crashed on that last year without even doing a bar spin before it so he's stepping it up slipped a pedal he was able to recover foot barely touching the ground so hopefully they won't dock him too hard for that but think about it if your run is progressive enough we saw Brett readers flip a pedal but he's still sitting in first place exactly if the progressions up there the judges don't dock you as hard for the little mistakes but the style in that casserole there's so many different ways to do that casserole which is basically a front cork 720 Diego makes it look so good now Diego covers hace we're gonna find out how he's absorbing this run how's he feeling Michaela Gatto thanks cam yeah so you were just saying to me like to me that was an absolutely stomped run but you were saying you wanted to throw in a table into that last cash roll you crazy yeah yeah actually I did I kind of makes it the first in a second round I wanted to do because I got a crash and then during the last scheduled I was a little bit opening because I wanted to do table but when I see the landing was like oh maybe no no no the crash man so these guys are doing decisions on the fly in the air as they're flying around just making last-minute changes to your tricks that's insane congratulations on stopping that run yo-yo-yo-yo Diego well a lot of improvisation in the sport of slope style they're crafting the runs as they go and another thing they're never satisfied so we're gonna get the score right now for Diego Carver's I see what will it be all the way in the second place 84 for Diego covers I see wow what a performance so close and so well deserved he got his first podium in Rotorua at the last stop proving that it wasn't a fluke doing it again out here he's in contention to stay on that podium so we'll see what the other riders coming up have for us today well you see Bret reader on the phone there in that split screen it just makes you wonder who he calls in a situation like this phone a friend what should I do if this man right here happens to land a run and history repeats itself [Music] [Applause] it is a long thought process that went through that I think I was actually pretty lucky to not do my first run exactly the way I wanted because it was kind of less pressure it was things I knew I had to improve on and then some other options that I thought I could step up I was thinking of just a front flip tail upon that last jump I saw guzik try it I had done some but I was talking to Nyquist in Missouri I just asked them what do you think boys cash roll whip you think that's enough and they're like they like go for it I get all stoked but then I think like first I got to get to that last jump before I do this cash roll whip pretty much didn't think I was gonna land that to the last second and I didn't think I didn't know if it was gonna beat readers first run score either because reader had an absolute killer of a first run so when it topped it I knew put reader in an incredibly pressurizing situation and yeah he stepped up like I've never seen before that right there that run that he did really proved that he's almost unstoppable under pressure you see Nicolai Roy Gaskin reminiscing about what happened exactly a year ago a case of deja vu at the moment Brett reader sitting in the hot seat nicolai reg akan having the better brent reader score can he do it there we go making that person it's again so he's on pace here for another solid run Oh perfect so clean no petals Wow this runs looking exactly the same and so perfect see if he gets his pork 720 again so much this feels so much like last year such a fun kid to watch ride a bike he always feeds off the energy it's what we always say and I gotta believe than him watching Diego put down a run and hearing the crowd go up you know he wanted that feeling he wanted to get a run and it felt crazy he can do those tricks that he did up top and his first run again the fact that these riders can deliver under such pressurizing circumstances it's this crowd I tell you this crowd is behind these riders we're gonna get noise complaints from the city of Innsbruck here pretty soon if riders keep dropping runs like this man that run is pretty perfect ham notice how he didn't take many pedals if any between the jumps everything was on lock landing at the perfect top of the landing that right there doing a cash roll but taking the time to look back do a reach-around it's called a ground chuck comes from BMX it's actually usually just a trick on its own it's not usually thrown in a casserole but that's Nicolai for you he's the only guy we've ever seen doing a cash roll with a behind the back seat grab so this song get a little offline off to the riders right on that last run this time he landed perfectly in the middle and I knew he had something big for us on this last job he was working on this in practice but he actually took a huge crash about 24 hours ago when I saw him hit the ground I was taking all his nicolae gonna be out but never count this guy out such a competitor always going for that top spot think that is exactly what we wanted to see our old men the judges are seated right beneath us here in this tower and I do not envy their position all right the score coming in for nickel IRA gakuen will it be enough it is all a repeat from last year he goes into the ask and you shall receive Nikolai always delay Oh micaela cacho-negrete gakuen after he moved into the lead dude that was friggin awesome yeah I mean after the first run there was a lot of pressure to just get back to this last jump but I wanted to do it for these fans I mean I gave them an insane one here last year and just trying to get them stoked again and yeah the feeling coming through that berm is unbeatable and yeah looking forward to the other guys having to drop today is going sick today it's going down for sure man Congrats thank you thank you Jaken you cannot script this the fact that it happened once was insane and now it happened again just a year later a look there at Bret reader at the top a very familiar feeling so right now looking at the scores you gotta wonder if Bret didn't slip petals on that last landing of his first run on the bakflip opposite double tail would he be above Nikolai that's what's going through his head right now he's wondering should I switch up my run should I just stick with the run and try to clean it up so lots of decisions going on at Bret's mind right now well Bret doesn't just need a couple points he has an 86 point seven five he needs to better a 93 this guy loves pressure he loves to be pushed he rose to the top last year can't wait to find out if he can do it again but before we get to see Brent reader of course we have this writer right here Lucas Knopf the kenda rider out of germany in his first cranked word slopestyle appearance we had him in the halftime panel in Rotorua he was talking about how all he wanted to do was make it to the top level the Crankworx World Tour and here he is he stomped his run last time but he left some room for improvement this is his chance to show how he works so hard to get up here and then he deserves to be here oh wow did he hold on to that and let her first run over rotating but able to hold on see if you can shake that off clean up the rest of his run here double tail up looking nice and smooth coming into the next hip there we go he's not coming up short this run like he did in the first attempt truck driver down the whaletail one more chance to wow the judges kale with two parts but now it's a big move I haven't seen him do that one yet I don't even think he did that in practice you saw him catching flip flips early and you could see he was motioning wanting to get that bar spin so with the pressure on Lucas can opt out of Germany stomps his run so Lucas his style he's always trying to cram another bar spin in there and you can see in that run maybe he missed a bar spinner tuck no-hander to almost threw it away right here at the top man that was so close to being disastrous but he's able to muscle through that thank you front suspension so that right there it looked like he was going for a 360 tuck no-hander to barspin but at least he didn't let it faze him so right there he's trying to get his hands off but at least he didn't throw that whole jump away I was able to get that bar spin so stole a truck driver the presence of mind to mess off the variation then still squeeze out a bar spin so right here backflip tail he's got to get his feet perk up on the pedals him spin those bars around there's so many things that have to be in the perfect position to be able to get that bar spinning that is commitment I don't feel like he caught that early old was in the perfect body position he just forced that barzmann to happen and good thing it's gonna help his score for sure well what will the score be for Lucas kenapa proven that he has what it takes to be here on the Crankworx FMV a slopestyle world championship series [Music] well the score coming in for Lukas cannot he's going to improve moving into ninth place with a seventy-three point seven five so incredibly hard to get here to become one of the top 14 in the world and hopefully those points that Lukas can off just earned will bring him to the next stop of the tour well that can only help his ranking and I'm hoping we'll see him in lege well take a look at how many fans we have out here I know you think you're a fan because you're watching at home but they take it to the next level showing up in person but being a fan isn't easy here's some guidelines on how you be a slopestyle fan after 15 years of extensive worldwide testing the following are scientifically recognized methods of showing support for your favorite Rider Airport vuvuzela novelty homemade signage Instagram hashtag cowbell ThunderStick screaming however studies have shown that fan nakedness has a detrimental effect on athlete's performance and that's why you need this but you can't get it here you have to look here it's also available on site at the best mountain bike destinations on planet Earth so go online get yourself some Crankworx world tour our merchandise provided by fox and hopefully buy a plane ticket come to one of these events at some point [Music] well take a look back at the start our yakov been so after clawing his way back on to the tour dropped a first-run with a little bit of room for improvement and if anybody can do it he's the man this guy never gives up Jakob 'he's been on the scene for a while he's been on tour he's been off to her and now he's back on and he wants to stay on we saw him pull out a speeding style to focus on slope style so that shows how bad he wants it because he's one of the best in the world at speeding style and he's opting out to get his chance right here to take his second run Frank Burt's Innsbruck slopes out the dual speed style world champion from last year but yeah it just shows how much he cares about slope style couple Kate's landings and run number one so a bit of room for improvement let's see what he's got looking smooth so far coming into the cannon backflip they're switching his feet for this double tail up right here going back to left foot for getting that 720 speed was a little slow but able to recover 360 downside tail fin feet back on the pedals backflip double X up what did you have for us on the last job just under rotating coming up a little bit short on that cash flow right there but that run was looking so good [Music] so it's got to be a little bit disappointed that was his last chance but still proving that he has what it takes to be on this tour [Applause] well Jakob vinsol a guy who never gives up he fell off the tour but he did not give up he had some problems in this run but he never gave up he kept on pushing through trying a huge trick on that last jump with that casserole the fans love him they know him from dual speed and style now I'm hoping we'll see him not only back in slope style but we want to see him back into a speed style as well the 2017 dual speed of style world champion still proving that he has what it takes to be out here though he's just got to clean it up a little bit but we know his tricks are there well Ryan Nyquist had a fantastic first run but he's currently sitting in 12th place only ahead of two other riders that 71 looked good at the time but the level just continued to increase but this guy is such a veteran competitor if anybody knows how to increase his score Brian Nyquist is the dude for the job safe to say he's been having more fun than everyone all day but now it's game time time to be serious and stomp this run truck driver off the cannon landing curse me at the top there seven here we go [Music] one-handed X up some pretty similar to round number one here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] on impact Ryan Nyquist knowing that a fantastic first run was only good enough for twelfth place he had to throw the biggest trick in his repertoire that 720 bar spin Alma also had a couple other elements that he improved as well 720 into that whale tail I can't even do a 720 want to do it there nothing skinny there's no room fair to see him get that twice so here we go a replay we're gonna savor some of the moments of brilliance from this run right here unfortunately we know how it ended but tricking all the difficult features a truck driver off of that cannon and the 720 on the hip we're not seeing that a ton we have seen it a couple times so far but that's a classic Ryan Nyquist move right there that 360 one-handed X up over for me it was all about the 720 into that whale tail so that's 720 there he had to over rotate on purpose which is such a tricky thing to think about while you're spinning around twice if this one's the one into the whale tail look how he lands perfectly in the center now this one needed all the speed he could get he knew he was going a little bit too slow but he chucked it anyways says this is my last chance Oh for it his hand actually blew off right when his rear tire touched the ground otherwise he may have been able to muscle through that one but so much impact if you don't catch perfect transition on that landing so we know it's not going to improve because he didn't stomp the final feature only a 37.5 Ryan Nyquist stays in 12th place and will be looking forward to seeing him next week in Lachey [Music] well next rider to drop anthony missouri the youngest rider to ever win a Crankworx slopestyle top now he's looking to get back on that podium he had a great first run that's one of the biggest moves we've seen in the competition with so much style getting that cache role perfectly clean again Oh hailed such a risky move off that landing squirrely but he's back on track front flip talk no hander on the next hip struggling for speedy Bay here all right he's looking good coming into the last job all same trick is what he used to finish his run and run number one anthony missouri holding on to that one now pretty similar to run number one will it be enough to move them out of that current 10th place spot so you watch when these guys get a little bit off line this course flows perfectly if you land in the center of everything right at the top if you're a little off line it throws your speed off forcing you to pedal and you're just trying to get back on track the whole time get back up to that flow find your speed find your rhythm he was able to get back into it but I can't help but think he wanted a little bit more on that last job look at the hand right there having to tuck his head to the side of his front tire so it doesn't buzz his visor look at that coming up about a half a bike length too short it slows you down so it takes persistence to keep the run rolling after a blunder like that but Anthony Missouri never a guy to give up whoa he actually threw that second bar has been not holding on with his guide hand the entire time backflip double bar has been still a great trick but knowing Anthony I had to think he wanted a little bit more out of that it's crazy to see him trying that Castro on the final jump in practice and crashing but then deciding you know what I'll do it on the second jump instead the longest jump on the course so Anthony Missouri looking to better his score in order to move out of that 10th place position he's currently sitting with a 73 we had that interview with Anthony Missouri earlier talking about how hard it is to balance throwing a banger run and risking a ton or stomping something and staying on tour so he improves by just a quarter of a point seventy three point two five he would have needed 0.5 more in order to tie the next rider ahead of him in the ranking so he'll stay in 10th place and we'll be looking forward to seeing him next week in Lache if you can see that flag at the top of the screen right there it's definitely moving a little bit more than it was at the first run so we're seeing a lot of riders have trouble may have something to do with that win this next rider in the gate Simon godsake out of Poland is a rider who does tricks that are very difficult to do in the wind he's known for his Superman extended tricks the variations that are more less common in the world of slopestyle trying to be unique and earn podium spots that way what's he got for us today starting out with a flat flip one foot again oh he does not care about the wind proving that the wind is not in the back of his head doing it Superman anyways which makes you so spotted blowing around looking clean so far coming up a little short there maybe but we'll see if he's back on track whoa come on distance Clark 720 maybe the winds starting to hold these riders up a little bit yes somehow able to small come on Ella what's it gonna be the final jump front left out we had to throw it away oh that was such a good run the trick we saw him try on that last jump last year he wanted to stick it so close but man that's your man up top in the wind look at this look at the extension the bike is vertical the legs are perfectly horizontal the most difficult time of the day to do that trick but he does not care now we heard him in his interview with Michaela after his first run saying that he had a lot more he wanted to do he wanted to add the bar spin on that flip on the cannon log now nikolai were gakuen is sitting in the top spot and he did that same trick that simon was trying right there so you know if he would have landed it considering everything he did earlier on the course that really would have shaken up the standings unfortunately a crash means a score of 43 for Simon Gajic putting him into eighth place let's take a look at what our current leaderboard looks like at the moment holding down that top spot is Nikolai Rigg Atkin Brett readers still sitting in second this feels a lot like last year doesn't it Diego Carver's Aussie sitting third feels a lot like stop number one of the 2018 season but we're just crossing our fingers here hoping to see Brett reader at the end of the event drop another hammer to unseat this man right here Nikolaj Roy Gaskin last year was the best event we've ever seen let's if history repeats itself don't go away [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] well we're in the middle of second runs here in the beautiful Austrian Alps outside the beautiful city of Innsbruck the place where we saw a ridiculous showdown in 2017 between nickel IRA gakuen and rent reader things are shaping up to be very similar to last year but of course we still have some more riders left to go Matt Jones sitting in good position right now but being bumped down by a lot of other athletes he was in podium position for a long time but now currently sitting in fifth we're looking forward to him and of course we're looking forward to seeing Brett reader who made history earlier on and run number one stomping that new trick off the start tower but before we get to them it's all about this man right here Frances thomas Lemoine [Music] he's sitting in a good position here but you know he has more on the tank he's going for that king of Crankworx overall so he's in six right now it gives him a lot of points but he's gonna try to get more and it's not just about the king of Crankworx it's about ffb World Tour and so he's gonna try to step it up right now who bigger extension on the tuck no-hander there on that variation the backflip tuck no-hander debar spin 360 tuck no-hander perfectly smooth no pedals into this next job blue missing the bar spin on that 360 variation opposite 360 tuck no-hander cleaning that one up though the much more style than in roadblock adding a no hander to the front flip into the whale tail Wow double truck driver out what do you what did you have on the last job that is the trick he used last year to land on third place run thomas Lemoine will he be on yet another podium here in innsbruck proving he always has more in the tank he may have missed a bar spin but he added more to that run he got a double tail out of the last job landing switch footed again but not missing the pedals able to recover clean it up not touch his feet to the ground getting all the points that he cut out of that flip double look at that Nicolai Berg Atkin always the first to congratulate a fellow competitor on stomping their run it's all about executing your goals out here and leave it to the judges to determine what place that results in Lemoine always so smooth and about two feet higher than everybody else he's a big rider he carried so much speed but he's still fluid with this big size able to use it to his advantage now just dial in his tricks as well that's an opposite trick for him spinning his unnatural direction but able to still make it look good it doesn't look awkward even though it might feel awkward because it's not his natural direction it's easy to forget how big these jumps are when you watch riders like Thomas Lemoine make them look so easy but those hips 9 metres in distance around 30 feet so that trick right there was one of my favorites one of the spots that he stepped it up in that run was taking his hands off on the front flip into the whale tail but here this is the trick that put him on the podium last year backflip double tail up so he added another bike rotation in there feet on the pedals he's usually right foot forward his pedals spun it didn't faze I'm able to get him on stop it perfect to the ground and how can we possibly Express to the people how much presence of mine you need to be able to catch your feet in the opposite stance if you're in the middle of a trick so technical as a back flip double tail whip muscle-memory wants to revert to your natural foot direction so being able to have the presence of mind to switch that recover so much experience well what will the score be where will it put him in the rankings oh it looks like it's an 83 just off the podium but a valuable fourth place for so many reasons the king of crank arts overall title plus the Crankworx FM be a sole sell world championships overall series oh look who we have Matt Jones so excited to see him back on the Crankworx - were here he had a solid first run but he has more in the tank so he was riding so smooth an the first run now if you aren't familiar with this guy and you only saw his first run you must think that he's just a flawless rider but it's been a long and difficult road to get here he's had a lot of trials and tribulations on the Crankworx world tour last year so 2017 season I was in for the full Crankworx tour Rotorua started off real a real treat I broke my wrist the day before finals and then was kind of scrambling to get fit to get healthy to come back for AJ which was the second stop I rode that first run did like probably the best run i've ever done top to bottom and then was like probably two miles an hour too fast for last jump it was like a game of inches i overshot a double flip exploded second run blew my tire and then the following week we're here in innsbruck the exact same story happened double backflip on the last jump cased at this time second run blew my tire so it was like the most insane series of events just a consistent mess up from my half and it cost me a lot of points and then whistler I was in for that I took it really steady did a safe run got top ten and that's kind of been like my benchmark of points and then build on for this year so that was kind of a strategy that's kind of allowed me to be back but you do have to be kind of in it for the win here get maximum points at one event to event so there isn't really room for like taking it super steady consistency is key but you do have to be like be a winner to be on this toys 12 riders right there's nothing there's a look back at how difficult of a season Matt Jones had last year now steady said he gets you an invitation back but it does not get you a podium it's crazy that we're calling his first run steady because it had so many huge bangers but you just saw that highlight reel the tricks that he's capable of that he was trying last year when he kept blowing out tires over rotating under rotating coming up short you got to think right now with that flag becoming a little bit calmer and having a great first run in the bag this guy is going to dump it out here in his second run these routers have such a fine line to walk playing the game of should I just try to get points stay on tour or should I go for the win he has one solid run in the bag so he has room to step it up here so much style landing smooth reminiscent of his first run backflip tuck no-hander on the cannon there again take it the way he takes no pedals go so high full extension on the 360 tuck no-hander right there get it Oh 20 over over rotating just putting him a little bit offline still air in his tires but landing offline not able to sink up to that whale tail he will stick with fifth place here in Innsbruck but the crowd loving it they know his story they know how far he's come but another thing they know they know what happened last year between nickel IRA gakuen and Brett reader nickel IRA gakuen currently sitting in the hot seat with a score of 93 but that man right there Brett reader this is his turn to answer and he has what it takes he did something in his first run that nobody's ever done in the history of this sport what does he have to be this is Nikolai reg Atkins first run huge tricks all the way down we're looking at a triple tail up right now on a hip a new one for the 2018 season the cash were all sea crab the ground chuck and then branching out different tricks a one-handed Superman sea crab now this is the trick he's been working on on his airbag setup in his backyard the Cork's 720 off the step-down but here was the nail in the coffin that put him in the hot seat the front flip tail it perfect two pedals and then of course a victory celebration in the finished burn boom any day you get to see make a live to his victory dance is a good day it's a treat to watch this kid ride he does that dance you know he's happy and that he got his run and his runs are nothing short of insane he's such a positive force out here always pulling for his fellow competitors of course Nikolai Rican wants to stay with that number one alongside his name but Brett reader would do virtually anything to swoop the rug out from under nickel IRA gakuen breads never been one to be happy in second place we rarely see him have to pull out his reserves he made a couple little mistakes in his first run so we'll see if he's gonna change up his trick choice here if he's gonna stick with it and just try to clean it up will we see that backflip tail up again Oh stomped it oh we missed the Bartman on that front flip will he carry on oh [Music] okay good he's still going a back foot barzmann on the cannon still capable of sawing here now he's gonna wave this one off I would have loved to have seen even without the Bartman on that front flip if he cleaned up that backflip opposite double tail at the bottom if it would have been enough who knows how many points they deducted for him slipping pedals on that we will never know Brett wants to get the run that he has in mind if anything isn't going perfect he says you know what I'll get it next time I'm in second place well he's walking away from this healthy he's got another event coming up next week there we have it you know what that means it means for the second year in a row nicolai reg akan will take the gold medal here and the Crankworx Innsbruck slopestyle presented by Kenda but great to see the sportsmanship between these two riders at the top of their game [Music] michaela is down in the finish line berm with our first and second-place riders Brett reader and Nikolaj reg AK and Mikayla excuse me sir what happy beer just really excited oh here they are oh hello okay so congratulations on winning again thank you you're welcome my question to both of you actually is what is more nerve-wracking you sitting in the start gate or Brett sitting in the start gate waiting to see what he pulls I honestly it's I it's a tough question I mean it's always game of suspense with slopestyle especially in an event like this when either of us can take it and there's just so much risk in the run that you know anything can happen so it's nerve-racking either way but I mean once the run is done you don't really care like if you're first if you're second I mean you obviously you obviously care but the hardest part of the day is done I mean you've done your run you're you're not injured or anything so yeah the pressure the pressure is there that it's always nerve-racking but yeah honestly sitting in that start gate before the run is where all the pressure is when the run is over there's a big relief off the shoulders well you did it congratulations super stoked for you slopestyle winner nicolabird gekkan [Music] massive congratulations to Nikolaj Roy Gaskin for doing it again here for the second year in a row of course we talked about first and second place so much but we got to give it up to Diego covers ah see going back to back third places so far in the first two stops of this series now Thomas jinan fourth place a position he's very familiar with the guys wanted he's had all the spots on the podium a fourth place again for him and Tomas Lemoine wrapping up the top five but Erik fedko I mean this guy's already in the top six and he had more in the tank he had to go a little bit more cautious in the second run really hints at what we may see next week in leisure so second event of the season this is where consistency really plays this part when you see those standings right there well the crowd here in Innsbruck Austria treated to another world-class show provided by the best riders in the world and next week we're gonna have stop number three and Liz Jay check it out this place of the track of the best mountain bike riders in the world 90 kilometers bike trails here the gorgeous la region Bart you [Music] [Applause] [Music] so if you live close to Lachey hop in your car show up in person bring your vuvuzela clang some bike parts together if you're hanging out at home you can't make tillage a make sure you do exactly what you're doing right now log in watch it online because if this show we were just privileged to is any indication next week is going to be off the hook you got to think having them back to back to the routers that are disappointed with their performance here are gonna want to deliver in lege the routers who delivered here are gonna want to deliver in lege so those that had a good result have the confidence those that didn't have a good result have the fire and that's what we're gonna see in lege it's true it's fresh in their mind and luckily a lot of riders are able to pull through this week without injury we had a couple crashes where the medics tended to the riders but most of the people can be healthy for next week and that's always the most important part well one of the rules we live by whether you're a rider here in these competitions or you're doing what we're doing commentating the live webcast we just say don't read the comments because you might see something that you don't like but of course our crew here boom box sits through the comments for us and they find some of the more hilarious ones [Music] well right now a comment from this event fat-finger says damn history repeats itself and so so true except Bret reader not land in his run that would have been a fall repeat of last year but you know what when they're on the edge right there anything can happen so we always appreciate the viewers logging on a pink bike tell us if you like it tell us if you didn't like it just say whatever you're thinking hey if you're Calvin Huth make a vlog we may even feature you on the webcast we love our fans out here and we can't wait to meet a whole new group of fans live and in person only a week from now unless Jay France here's how things shut down today looking at our top eight the top two same as last year third place same as stop number one this year but a couple fresh faces there Eric fedko in fifth place now Matt Jones getting a great result hopefully he can carry that momentum into next week Simon Gajic hold things down in 8th place now Alex Elanco on his first performance in a Crankworx event bringing up the rear right there but showing he has a ton of potential and we're looking forward to the next time we see him Ryan Ike was a little bit of ground to make up next week in France well we're getting things set for the podium but before we do that we're gonna start something new we're calling this McCall's call this is virtually some honorable mentions and right now somebody we have to give an honorable mention to McCall's call number one goes to Matt Jones Tyler your thoughts on his performance out here today he's always had what it takes he's had some ups and downs bad luck with crashing on the last job after such amazing run so he played it smart here smooth you could see him smiling while he was riding such huge extension on everything that he does look at that that was what you're talking about he's looked over at the crowd Midway while he's backwards with both hands off the handlebars this kid also puts so much time in off the contest circuit doing video parts which takes up a lot of time it's hard to train while you're doing that so there's also busy but still dendrimer and it just looks fun when he's riding the bike that's why that's why we got to pick this kid well big congrats to Matt Jones the extension on that backflip Superman spot-on well move it things right along Michaela's trying is to track down the man of the hour nikolai roy gakuen but until she gets her hands on him she was able to pull it off well she's got the third place finisher out here the guy who's got two third places to his name so far I'm talking about Italian Diego covers hace Mikaela thanks cam Diego this is actually you got third in Rotorua third in a fist and third today yeah what about next week what's going on I hope second or first maybe looking to improve do you have any more of those Instagram fresh tricks to pull out in Lachey well maybe yes I got some new tricks what I wanted to do here but because of the first crash in the first round I couldn't get my second right as I want so maybe next week I would do something more yeah so are you saying that third place run was a tiny bit conservative yeah yeah yeah it makes it about my first plan and second to get a good run and good score yeah well I mean we can't wait to see what you do in Lachey yeah let's see hey go make an Evo proud you see his buddy out there the guy who encourages him with criticism it's a really funny situation if you don't know what I'm talking about check out the Torquato test episode of McCall meets evil the grey haired muscley gentleman you see run around alongside the course but big congrats to Diego Cavanaugh see can't wait to see if he can get either a second or a first next week in Lachey well we know he'll be coming in with a lot of confidence third place in Rotorua now he's know he knows it wasn't a fluke he knows he's a multiple time podium finisher at Crankworx and he's got another one just a week away he was the guy that we were always talking about as the underdog the privateer the guy who didn't have any sponsors this year he's pulled down some out of the industry sponsors he has like you heard Calvin who's saying a zipper sponsor a wine sponsor doing whatever it takes to make it happen live the dream he spends half of his time working at a bike shop in Switzerland but the rest of his time he spent practicing for tricks like this there we go after a huge crash last year on the backfoot tail up on that same jump he ups the ante doing a backflip bar spin to tail whip proving that he's not scared and then you saw him do that casserole and then you heard him talking about how he wanted to add a table top to that casserole top riders out here never being content with what they can stop always thinking about the next bigger better trick and you know with a week in between Diego's gonna spend all his time just crafting another run he knows the course in Lachey and he's the guy who always writes down his ideal dream run on his notepad he hands it to the judges asked them what they think he definitely knows what the formula is here for doing well well it's finally that time for the podium let's take a look at the champagne stairs [Music] [Applause] so they got Diego second time on the podium here so happy after watching that run it's insane to hear that he had more in the tank he called that a conservative run but look at him he's on the podium it's got more in the tank and I hope that he unleashes it in lege Diego Cobbers I see all smiles here in Innsbruck the season of his career right now the podium is a good look on Diego and I think we're gonna see him up there a lot more in the future collecting those novelty checks this season confidence goes a long way in this sport and I know I keep saying it but man he's got to be full of it right now Brett reader you saw the sportsmanship when he wasn't able to stop his run he congratulated Nicolai Roy Gaskin you know this guy may not have won today but he made history doing that backflip tail off the flat drop there's no lip no kicker no transition to initiate that rotation in order to rotate fast enough to do a tail up while you're doing a backflip you have to be Brett reader it's why you never say never and slopestyle 10 years ago you might have said no one will ever do a backflip tail up off of a flat drop backflip tail up was a the best trick you see on a dirt jump and now he's bringing it for the hardest feature on a slope style course proving that you just never know what's gonna happen next in this sport but Brett always leading the charge and this guy right here Nick Fifer got c'n delivering two-time Innsbruck slopestyle champion [Music] you know you watch Nikolai ride Joyride that has been his Achilles heel there's something about the course there that makes it so he just has a hard time putting together a run now if that's a difficult course for him this one has to be considered a dream course for him the only two times we've ever had a competition here he's taking home top prizes [Music] nicolai rakaat can standing exactly where he wants to stand such a well-deserved win for him right here Brett didn't make it easy on him and he didn't make it easy on Brett but in the end of the day Nikolai standing back on top [Music] [Music] well the champagne tastes so sweet mixed with the sweat and body odor of a competition uniform but no champagne is sweeter than the champagne sprayed at redbull Joyride in Whistler British Columbia [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you got it log on to crank slash Whistler slash n slash VIP book your pass get the best seats and take it all in the best way possible we're working on getting Nikolai rag akan over to the booth to talk with Tyler and I but before we do that let's take a look at a groundbreaking run a run good enough for second place here in Innsbruck the first run from Brett reader so this right here is what we talk about as a world's first backflip taalib off a flat drama he also was throwing in opposite court seven 20s mixed with regular court seven 20s it's not just the tricks that he does of course it's the way he does him but the way he composes a run there's genius balance in his runs when he does the flat drop backflip tail on the top jump you know he's gonna have something further down to complement it and in this case what was it Tyler this was also something we've never seen in the slopestyle competition before backflip opposite double tail whip so we saw him do it clean in practice just slipping the pedals there and you got to wonder how many points the judges deducted from that we hear that a petal slip can be up to ten points depending on the degree of the pedal slip so well if that was the case he had an eighty six point seven five if he had ten more points he would have had a ninety six point seven five which definitely would have beat the 93 of nickel I rigged a kid but unfortunately the world will never know but fortunately we only have a week to wait till we see these guys square up against each other again oh look at this well you can't see right now because the camera is not showing us but a very stinky gentleman just showed up to give us high fives the man of the hour Nikolaj reg a keen champagne in hand man you smell good buddy I was talking to this I guess just have yourself a time you earned the right to enjoy yourself right now Nikolai I was hanging out with you outside of Boston just I don't know a month ago or something you were working on quark 720s on your step down a very very well-built step don't wreck it he at all into your airbag and we saw you today right before the competition stop that you said when I was there you were already mentally on the start hour in Innsbruck did everything go your way today or what it didn't go as perfectly as I thought I mean crashing on the last feature as both of you may know is the worst thing ever because because your second run you have to do your entire run just to get back to that same feature you crashed on but yeah made it happen and yeah like you said the the core key was deep in my mind and yeah I made that one happens super scary one but it worked out so I couldn't be more stoked well first run you landed a little bit to the side of the landing on the court 720 on the step-down how did you iron it out cuz you need all the speed you could get to get your last trick off the final jump I honestly think that uh I was thinking possibly too much about my last trick in the middle of that cork seven because I knew I had to land pretty perfect so in the second round I kind of focused more on just getting that Corky dialed landing good and then just cranking my way into that last jump and the front flip tail whip was actually planned all along and and a bit weird on the on the cork seven I just went through a few tricks in my head and that little flat bottom and just went for a cash roll bar and that didn't work out so I was definitely kicking myself for for making that little change but it worked out in the end so no complaints so can we talk about the trick that you chose to do into the whale tail you knew you're gonna do the cork 720 out but you didn't choose an easy trick it's a little windy out here you chose to hold the seat with one hand and hang off the back of the rest of your body tell us about that trick choice into that cork 720 yeah the Superman seat grab one hand into the whale tail is is one that I was super stoked on just because it's super unique I mean it's honestly a trick I've been doing since the BMX days so I feel pretty comfortable with it but like you said with with the wind factoring in with the fact that I have to cork seven pretty much right after catching those bars which are getting blown around in the wind it wasn't the mitt wasn't maybe the smartest trick choice but I was stoked to get that one done no I don't think it was as good of an extension as I could have had it but uh but yeah I mean you got it you gotta try to be unique out here I mean all these guys are just you're growing down hammers constantly so you just gotta try to you know distance yourself from the crowd and do things that other guys aren't and I think the Superman seat one hand was was one of those things exactly I admire the fact that you didn't just choose to do barspin in there and that may have stepped your points up even higher in the judges mind you do something so risky into obviously one of the biggest things that you run here's what I'm curious about the people at home they only see the two runs that you do in the competition they don't see all the work you do in practice to get ready for the competition take a look at the monitor yesterday you were going for that front flip tail and you had a pretty big crash at any point did it discourage you for trying it in your run see this is the one you rode away from yeah yeah I think I think the fact that those I think the fact that those from flip whips in yesterday's practice the fact that they didn't go perfectly made me a bit nervous in that first round which is maybe why I switched my trick level up but it also made me super focused in that second round knowing that I had to you know give all the force I had to get that around so you know sometimes you just want to hook things in your run but sometimes those couple attempts in practice even when they go wrong they help tremendously on on the day of the finals so and with the rod and learn I guess yeah epic day right here and you know what I don't know if you heard but you have to rinse and repeat just a week from now you know there's another event Lachey next week right honestly I feel like if that second run hadn't gone my way I'd be pretty nervous to get that Redemption in in Lachey but now it's a bit of pressure off the shoulders and give me a week to see you know relax and then get ready for that after that I mean not really relax but get ready for next weekend this is your course right here we've only had the competition two years and you've won both of them if this is your course then in the spectrum of courses you dislike and courses you like where does Lachey sit I mean this course is I think all the riders can agree that it's an epic one I mean Rotorua is super hard to beat if that's an epic course that we come here and it's it's just so floaty and then well-built and I mean you see the guys just doing and doing crazy stuff in all their runs but Lachey I mean it's they changed that course up a lot over the years and I think some more changes are are coming this year I don't know but nobody knows until we get over the rows until we get there but uh yeah Lachey is is a course that I haven't been able to do conquer yet in terms of our results so yeah I'm gonna try to do that next weekend but I mean all these Crankworx courses we can't complain about them I mean they're so massively built and these guys put so much work in to potentially have the riders come and tell them they need to change everything so huge pressure on them and yeah big ups for for building these courses for us to to throw down our gnarliest stuff on well you won the event today and not only did you do that you earn some really valuable points for the Crankworx F MBA slopestyle world championship overall so we'll be pulling for anybody we're gonna hope you keep up telling those points and on that quest for that world championship title at the end and for those of you at home of course tune in to lodge a to watch him but tune in tomorrow for the downhill risk it's gonna look like this check it out bust out the champagne d-h season is in full swing gorgeous technical machines to ogle gutsier a strategies to ponder but public enemy number one is still the clock Danny Hart is back can the 2017 Crankworx Innsbruck winner make it two in a row here in ensberg 2017 overall Crankworx champ Tracy Hanna is also here and she's on the hunt she won in Austria last year and is looking to do more of the same in 2018 back-to-back weekends of live downhill action starts here on the roughing raw tracks at goat cheese round two of the Crankworx world tour the ixs innsbruck downhill presented by RAF Ison Club is gonna be live tune in on Crankworx comm so don't miss that if you're a mountain bike fan a mountain bike rider you probably loved watching today's slope style but you gotta watch the downhill race there's nothing more pure than just a bunch of riders racing against the clock routes Rox it's gonna be a good one but speaking of a good one this competition today a doozy Tyler final thoughts final thoughts were in Brook delivers again Nikolai's standing back where he wants to be I want to see him carry that momentum into lege I want to see the riders that have mistakes here carry it over to lege use it as fire and I think we're reset for another really good show in just a week well back-to-back Crankworx World Tour events it only happens once a year between Innsbruck and Lachey we know you enjoyed the event today we know you're gonna love the downhill tomorrow and if you got a brain inside your head you're gonna log in next week to see if Nicolai Roy gakuen can do it again or Brett reader will be in for redemption thanks for joining us we'll see you next week [Music] [Music]
Channel: Red Bull
Views: 1,868,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, extreme sports, Crankworx, Crankworx 2018, Crankworx Slopestyle World Championship, Crankworx Innsbruck, Crankworx Austria, red bull mtb slopestyle, mtb slopestyle, Slopestyle live, MTB Slopestyle 2018, Innsbruck MTB, Innsbruck Live, Innsbruck Slopestyle, Red Bull Austria, Red Bull Innsbruck, Red Bull MTB, Red Bull Bike, Red Bull Mountain Bike, red bull live stream, red bull live event
Id: 6IV_JRmA7zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 56sec (9596 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 16 2018
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