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[Music] [Music] after your runs today that is going to be tomorrow we really want to showcase what you've got what you're thinking so tomorrow we're gonna have a street fest trick and also a park best trick going down so that is not going to be today after your runs we please ask you to leave the course because we want to keep this fair for all riders out there all right ladies and gentlemen and before we drop in our first Rider I'd like to check the temperature in the building soccer sir Hall simple session 2019 estonia all right how about that to get warmed up ladies and gentlemen a jam at number 122 years of age representing Tartu in estonia make some noise for tunnel crews ready buddy the clock is ticking judges here we go this is your first runner here's Tony I'm starting things off 180 yes keeping it the pedals so as we said up to 60 seconds you can see that clock has 15 down as he throws a no-hander watching all the way to flat I know a lot of her viewers at home are seeing this course for the first time yes going backwards 180 with that crooked grind Andy there are so many little details and transitions Nate Wessel every year ups the ante but I feel that he really outdid so this year they've exactly a ride I super super dope to hear all the riders talking about this course and he as you said Nathan Wessel is an absolutely wizard when it comes to designing masterpieces and every single year we hear well this is the best course yet this best course yet and this gentleman got five more seconds three two one and that is time ladies and gentlemen let's hear for tano well we're gonna keep it rolling it so our next rider looking to drop he is 22 years old from Finland let's keep that round of applause go and this is Judah kajari yeah buddy starting off nice nice and easy here with a good old Stevie Bart's been taking that momentum whoa two feeble five off attempt here no a big drama here Terrell he's got a lot of time as you said there's not going to be any point deducted because judges want to see an overall badass impression such about that Oliver tooth yeah one thing on that toothpick I'd like to note that was top to bottom of the a frame rail super smooth on that tail whip Tommy Thomas in staging you were going to be our next rider to go and junuh you got a little more than 30 on the clock taking that manual off to that rail here we go nice combo here got a few more moments for a final thought on the course yeah wrap it around they've got a little bit 15 seconds to go 15 seconds whoa another big drama come on let the crowd get it behind you ladies and gentlemen Juna from finland five four dozen long way is going to continue one more time let's hear Fortuna victory well Andy and her third rider this is fourth time at simple session always a crowd favorite he is 25 years old he's one of yours give it up for Tommy Thomas Tommy on course to dropping in the local boy here from Thailand spreading them wings first easy no hander Oh throwing down the combos now handed to bars straight after followed by that whip slightly slip the pedal here down but no a big a drama at all another huge bar spin bike parts are blowing off right there I think he might have lost little hard to see from our perspective up here that's definitely got a little bit frustration how about it let's get some crowd support out there that is the local Tommy Jarvis and speaking of support and broken cars shout out to Justin as always here is simple seven simple sessions favorite let's see and the good news is that Tommy has another run in this attend but it looks like we're taking the attention to rider number four he ladies and gentlemen all the way from Moscow and Russia 23 years of age gave it up for Omega chronic jumping in on his Lula bike here throwing the bars I believe he might have gone over hitting that peg right they're very stylish on that whip 540 with the bar spin talk about putting a lot of tricks in in a short amount of time so that is one of the things yes 180 tail whip the judges not only want to see the difficulty of tricks out there the creativity but they also want to see the number of tricks that you can throw it and that a lot of time the reason being I mean any to pull combos like this back to back it's very difficult as a level of actually where you can wind up messing up goes up with that but right going for that 360 out of the double peg rhyme with 14 seconds to go come on you got this brother it will make these are the last moments in your first visit to the simple section 19 course we got 4 seconds remaining think about your last ring looking it down and that is it time Olay DS and gentlemen let me hear one more time for roaming boot Kaufman we are going straight back to the top Darrell yes so we are gonna go to the top again riders we're gonna keep it rolling so that means that Tonto a crudest is gonna be dropping in a 60 seconds from run at number 2 of 2 the judges ready crowd is ready let's roll tamos ready dropping in here we go Juna be ready next here we go bars to smack eyes here going to wit 180 where is he taking that momentum here tail the classic question going that feeble down that red bull which another steezy no hander turning around on the Kelly bar quarter pipe backwards with the crooked grind getting the 180 clean coming back at us that is such a difficult thing Andy when a rider changes the momentum backwards especially in the middle of the run you have to then regain your momentum but right now we're seeing with 20 seconds to go looking smooth out there double to 180 so let the Foreman's brother 15 seconds remaining aiming on the other side already took two wars to death stop wait let's hear five seconds three think about the last one and that is a time ladies and gentlemen one more time let's hear for the ESCO in a town Oh Cruz but we are gonna brief [ __ ] across the pond to our finish rider taking his second run and shoot up Jerry yeah there you go hit that peg slide it on over at the back end he means business doing at that width all eyes haha you're looking like he was aiming for that raelia Darrell yeah he had the focus going on so many nerves go into a rider when they start their run up your bar spin coming up on the ail hav and 360 out of that dish I really like that like transition dish here of that LHV obstacle op rail they got a little more than 20 seconds bars many attempts taken at us over ice 15 seconds on the clock here for Juna out of finland doing it for sport tack stone and higher on premium and the sports X distribution rail ride to bar spin out and that looks like a last bit of a finishing touch on his last run ladies and gentlemen on the buzzer 30 very modest Yuna page re from Finland all right Tavia Thomas the Italian are so Indian local boy Tommy whenever you ready and whenever your bike is back ready Dustin he got the boy covered right he got the boy covered shout-out to you Justin my man Dustin a big big a round of applause here for you and it's javi he you gotta be ready here my friend and he's back on course here one more time the tallinn estonia local boy 60 seconds jumping in Tommy Thomas come on Tommy get this party rolling and show your local crowd what are you up to had a technical issue here on his bicycle and with the love and support of Dustin he managed to get for his bike doctor ready and rolling and he's rolling in right now no hander coming out of the local boy there's another that's that tailwind this time pulley a fully executed perfectly no slip straight into that huge a bar spin all eyes on this gentleman here he hits who wants this he wants this and he needs this after like a bit of a handicap the first run here oh they did it all to fakie a little more than a 25 seconds to go up reel two bars out oh yeah here we go 15 seconds here Tommy Oh another peg rides at no hander looking at your last little moments here Tommy what do you got for us come on Estonia this is your local boy 1 and that is time ladies and gentlemen thank you very much here Tavia Thomason audits halan Estonia and we're wrapping up here jamming number one of the last a rider roaming at Buca from Moscow roaming whenever you're ready last and second performance here in a gym a number one out of today's 3 p.m. a street qualifiers here ready brother course it's your 60 seconds let's drop it alright we are here in the support right now bar spin - ice picks so smooth and confident the bars went around hands went on and then the backpack just going down the railing in a 540 bar spin Wow Andy we are sent you different riders put their own spin on that same trick with the 180 tail whip foot going down a little bit but still has plenty of time to work with 35 seconds so a little more than half way as you can see that toothpick slide it down back and going on the opposite direction and also opposite on that 360 we do have our BMX judges who are up here calling all the Technic street moves so even if Andy and I say something regular or opposite they are gonna be the ones that are knowing all of that because they have to paint and eyeballs but right now you have ten seconds to work with come on let's dig deep and see what you got five seconds - come on there are the love to Russia here for romic and that is a time and thank you very much ladies and gentlemen there one more a round of applause for romaker buco all right champ - to the courts for a couple minutes of practice Alfredo Mancuso Casta on today even the bread Mahalo and Austin foggy you guys are gonna have about two minutes of practice right now but I would like to take this opportunity to say that we have autographs and pictures going on right now kick it off at 3 o'clock on our fire main entrance that the nel HP Bank booth it is right by the entrance 3 o'clock kicking off it's an Madras Copsey and a Danny Lee on our two at Red Bull skating skaters so again that is going to be right now at 3 o'clock going on to the LHB booth Madras and ops we got Danny Lee on they will be out there you can grab yourself some photos and an autograph very cool that they are going to be meeting with all of our fans but right now we are taking a look at the bird's eye if you are online and checking us out on session de and this is our BMX Street qualifier the way it works our riders have two separate runs both up to 60 seconds they are both going to count our judges Tom Salinas Dave leeward mark is filthy Brian Kachinsky a camp Kujawski and bart dijon are going to be giving them a score from one to a hundred we can see as scores come in the finish rider pajara is going to be on top with a 57 2.60 so there's definitely still a lot of room to work with again the best numeric value a rider begin is 100 but we are getting ready for our jam number to hit we started coming all the way from the you it states 32 years old Los Angeles is where he calls home on some [ __ ] the come-up Subrosa shadow aquahydrate third time at simple session let's get loud for alfredo Mancuso afraid Oh dropping in Amy for the LHIN V obstacle they'll appear straight dishing it out with a turndown I ball in that a dig a bulk a no Alfredo has been a no stranger to the BMX game for quite some time and living out in LA you could follow a lot of his adventures online he's definitely one of the guys that likes to vlog as far as this BMX and entrepreneurial life goes yes 30 seconds right now come on Alfredo handplant up on top of that big quarter pipe really really nice performances coming out of Alfredo in his first a run always good to get that first run out of the way good combination right there from afraid of interacting with our media paparazzi here a little bit yeah Andy that was a great top of the manual into the petal flip so technically the feedback on the petals and then throw down a flare so that is going to wrap up his first run but right we got our gold medalist from a summer session 2017 and Riga Latvia he is from Russia he's always a crowd favorite let's get lab for the red bull rider Kosta ya cost job I'd love to see Crofton entering a street competition here Gerald we normally see you in the park competition this year he's actually a double threat here at simplify sir nineteen such as without down with 316 no handle dig volcano pressing that nose down to a bar spin yeah Andy that's such a good thing to note is two years ago we actually went up dividing the competition yes where riders have the opportunity to either enter Street or park for the last two years Garrett Reynolds took top honors he is not here with us but he'll be watching at home it'll be interesting to see for all of our viewers is there a different approach that Kostya takes in the street component or the park section Kosta is one of the most talented Russian riders out there is technical abilities of are insane look at that opposite tail whip cost is also another rider who's gotten big into the box level go for that nollie tail whip Andy and got three to one and that is it time and thank you very much Raptor there's that witness right after that buzzer kostya Andreev very excellent first performance here in Street qualifying and we are dragging the attention to brain brick and welcome him here for the very first time to simply say it's his Estonian dip you ladies and gentlemen doing it here for on some [ __ ] give it up for Brad of Mulholland Branagh jumping in I'll see you my friend of 60 seconds smacking that feeble on that ledge taking that bulb at a truck driver also known as the 360 bar spin all that Smith grind down that red bull ledge I like to see that over tooth full-length grime bar spin into good momentum awesome good combination finding them lines here on the Nathan whistle design masterpiece with a little more that 30 seconds still on the clock yeah so all of the viewers at home and here in Saco arena even though this is the street not petition riders can ride any part of the course and they want they're not just restricted yeah definitely and be very cool that was a double peg ride Yap - excuse me double tire ride gap - double peg on that round rail but like I was saying a rider can choose any obstacle off the course they want as clock is winding and that is time whatever leave early for the what a pearly performance here coming out of brat Valhalla and we are taking the attention back to the top ladies and gentlemen alfredo of Matt Cassell it is your to run a number a to my friend Alfredo Marco so run number two entering right now here we go so we are going back to the top unfortunately Austin Auggie is not going to be ride and I know he's got a lot of fans out there so if you watch it at home make sure you pull up his channel on YouTube Austin Auggie and you can see his adventures but right now it's all about the adventures of a mr. Mancuso on the course let's see we saw the flare in his first run and there you go Manuel peddle flip looking for another combination out of our subway sub ledge looks like he's aiming something on the other side of there of course here Terrell with his last to 20 seconds remaining where is he taking that speed manual Alfredo looking for the line 2014 was his last simple session this is his third time on the GoPro quarter pipe definitely under the thread the needle on the side of that box jump that is a very narrow takeoff and landing and that is a time a thank you very much it's you California thank you very much to a Fredo a man Kusum and that means only one thing we're all going back to San Petersburg Russia Kostya Andre a second a visit to the course cost out whenever you're ready the crowd is waiting the judges are ready 60 seconds a run at number two in gym - there's that a pig of 180 our kostya bars Oh bars disaster a bars the mani attempt here Oh down up real down with attempt here what if he as you said it already he Terrell if this guy's an absolute tech wizard yeah cos just God that you technical abilities not only on the box jumps Hoover Santa bring some of those jumping aerial maneuvers to the street let's see double peg up no hander to bar spin that rail does not give you the most amount of hang time Acosta just getting it done for twenty seconds to go there you see a little bit of a reverse order no hander into the ice pick going down to a frame rail gosh they're looking to pull some big combos out with the knobs tail whip so cool the way his feet just Superman back behind the bike five seconds till Anacostia here we go what are you taking those five seconds clear one day thank you very much on the buzzer that was a Kostya Andre have in a second run here and a BMX the street qualifiers alright makes the gentleman out of Great Britain 23 years of age again I'd like to repeat myself this is his first time here in Estonia first time a simple accession so after a quick breather we am gonna see him back right now for his second run Brad a Mulholland whenever you're ready Brad to the course is yours put another hot minute dropping in pressing that a week for his foot between the four P&O wheel yeah Oh having some difficulty with the bar spin right there out of that feeble grind but you still got a lot of time it's so cool that simple stuff should not only breathe local talent but also around the world this is first time in that simple session and this competition is known for putting riders names on the map big Smith grinds so smooth that's where that front peg is on the ledge back tire is up and you can just see throughout the years whenever we have riders and their first time here at simple session usually it's a good sign of things to come they come back every year not only provide it really good on the course but also afford the parties and right now we have Grandpa Holland with 18 seconds he's gonna sure to use those alas at 15 as we speak right now Darrell look at that speed up rail another bars out here coming out of Brad five seconds where is he taking this feat there's a let's ride double peg our own and that is it time it ladies and gentlemen tallinn estonia i let him hear you one more time brad of mulholland RI and that concludes here jim number two and i'd like to ask the champ number three riders of mocs plasini AK for poland at risk patrick tilt from estonia hans olav of straumann from norway and from finland a play and me die a I'm a very very sorry and apologize upfront if I haven't probably have misspelled on the other name but these course is yours for the next one to the minute of warm-up max Chris Hans Olaf and habla II get a warm-up and for your attempt number three here if you are just joining us in Saku arena or on session AE this is our BMX Street qualifier that is going down we have 13 different jams they are going to be broken up with two separate groups it doesn't matter if you are in the first jam or jam at number 13 we will be taking 12 riders on to our final that will be taking place tomorrow online the entire full schedule is there if you were here in saco arena the only thing you need to know is that you have the hot seat we're going to be doing BMX Street directly into our Park qualifier and then you just got to be ready to party tonight for our cent simple session 19 after-party going down at Club Hollywood we had a barn burner last night but yet we are just getting going two big nights of legendary parties coming our way Club Hollywood always treats us right year after year that is why we go back can't get a look at the screen right now you can see our next four riders lined up Colin Estonia Norway and Finland so definitely a very international but also European focused Heat right here we are given our judges just a minute to get their scores in the way it works for them they have to figure out where the numbers are gonna fit you can actually see Tom sillens Brian Kachinsky Hakeem and Marcus and Hank they're all under the watchful eye of Bart de Jong they are trying to put a score to each one of the riders but we can see holding strong pajara from finland with that fifty seven point six zero so that is going to be the score still to beat as we said it doesn't matter if you're in the first seat or the last seed you are gonna be one of the top 12 scores that means you're gonna have your ticket for the final all right Daryl Estonia here simple session 19 it looks like the judges are ready the DJ is ready myself and you are ready and that means only one thing we are getting ready for Jim and number three with 19 years of age Doudna 4ff a mix and socks tour and Skullcandy first-timer here a simple session please welcome 19 years old from Poland mocks blue team - mocks this course is yours a 60 seconds long my friend oh look at our smack on that front tooth down here I like his speed taking that speed for a five attempt here but a big difficulty but no problem the judges won't be too harsh on that one yeah really cool half cab right there that was the 180 and the little attention to detail where he nah lead off this from a Weedle Oh nicely done going back where it's landing fakie and then getting that revert out that is right do not adjust your computer screen you actually can see that there is a dip in at the bank right before the quarter pipe a cool feature that Nate Wessel put so some riders can keep their flow going if they decide to trick off the rail guys 360 here we got 15 seconds on the clock here 15 seconds still on the clock after that crank arm the petal slipper here from mocks and five seconds still to go on the clock here first time first performance in the books let him hit you one more time the 19 year old polish kid mock solution yang thank you very much to moxie and we're going to continue with Chris Patrick until 19 years old from Parnell Estonia Chris Patrick whenever you're ready 60 seconds this course is yours ready my friend Chris Patrick here we go jumping in starting off things here with a three tap all over the dig of volcano and I just been told here taro the visitors stone you know tree competition for the street riders it's getting picked from all over the course so basically since the you know the pita though the park riders are faults likely that are threading this obstacle a little bit more than the street ride if the judges and wrist I'll just decided for this visit Estonia award and competition the street riders will get their trick kicked on all competition from everywhere on the contest well that is very cool so in addition to our BMX Street best trick and park best trick which will be happening tomorrow what Andy is actually talking about is we have a visit Estonia contest it goes on every year and for our street riders they will be picking their favorite movie yellow 360 tire tab that there be picking their favorite move of their contest to see and that is going to be time thank you very much here Chris at Patrick Tillett from Estonia you've got another a hot or one other run since short time but now we'll check in the attention to Norway ladies and gentlemen due to four elements shop here 18 years of age all the way from Norway hans olav a straw man sold off dropping in here we go there's a novel double peg er this time taking it down with a bar spin added a to that down drive this time taking it to speed of the opposite direction for an up rail a nice like the likes the likes to keep things here on that area of the course oh good evening good line here at him coming out of the Norwegian hunt Olaf here is no stranger to define those lines with 25 as seconds is still on the clock / - 'the real a 180 out you got ten two seconds on the clock han Solo that might be enough time for a light little cherry on that cake he is going to focus on the second run thank you very much hans olav and we are gaining a ready for our finish contender here jam at number three last a rider here at first iran is applying 25 years old from Oulu in finland definitely a crowd pleaser he's been here a couple of times but this time first time riding in one of the twins like his C's I like his style throw them bars to take that Smith grind out here Darryl yeah a blegh going up and over the rail hitting the front bag almost going into that barricade almost being the key word as I Blaz able to keep it rolling a feeble walk in the front peg and there you see back in that bump tire kind of hitting that switch coming back at us tail whip around feet on the pedals now you see him just getting in that zone out there tail tap setting up for a little bit of momentum as he charges back with the 180 looking for that double peg potentially a combination out you still got 12 seconds finish trout and his twin brother here of course tearing him up a little less than 10 seconds a five right now where do you got apply 8 alright and that is it time if thank you very much my friend tabla just finished up here is a first a run in a gym number three and that means only one thing we're going straight back up to the top back to of mocs Pacific from Poland MOX whenever you're ready this minute is yours and only your's if you like war to see what this guy's for here and BMX three qualifying run you're more than welcome to cheer a brother up yeah and we're seeing a lot of riders their first time here at simple session that is what's so cool if you want to make it out next year we have our big 20th anniversary edition you can go on to session dot EE and you could wind up trying to sign up and vie for your spot out here at simple session even if you're not going to ride in the contest you want to get out here and join the festivities we have three or four days of max party going on that takes place in between our practice and competition nights and they are just as legendary as the riding 15 seconds to go feeble looking for the 360 unfortunately not able to get that full rotation around you see if tipping off to the side five seconds still on the clock here mocks what Eagle arms come on make them count make them count alright and that has to be after the buzzer here judges ladies and gentlemen big three thank you very much it that is a mock appreciate from Poland thank you very very much here do different habit of BMX here the polish is shredder first time attending here at simple session a 2009 achene looks like you want to have a special one but this has to be a fast one come on max this one is the last one only because this is your first time and there's a three one more time than Becca hands together for mops and intrusive Patrick its II love my friend Chris Patrick you ready 60 seconds here we go and now they're more than welcome to hook a brother up he's from partner in Estonia three tire tap yeah that is on the dig volcano we actually has some very cool limited-edition and digging t-shirts along with their simple session nineteen mercs you could get up on the top floor but we have Bart Simpson doing a tailwhip over that 360 tyre tap volcano that we just saw out of Chris Patrick Tilton riders again we just want to stress there will not be a best trick after your second run please save that for tomorrow where we invite and encourage all riders to enter in in the contest haha right there we see him holding his left arm I hope that's not too serious it looks like his shoulder is popped out he might need the love of attention from his Brotherhood let's give this gentleman a quick little moment here the good news is he's able to walk away himself will fly his the shoulder just dislocated but I've got a doctor and he's getting treated and looked after as we speak the good news is he can hear you so if you let him give you one more time the local boy from Estonia Chris Patrick Jill all right now that means we're going to go back all the way to Norway I'm sold off Hans Olaf what have you ready my friend 60 seconds long this Court is yours where is he starting and run off way oh look at that a trail always having a smile on his face I'd like to see that yeah that's definitely a good thing is that is what simple sessions about even though this is one of the best BMX contests in the world Hunt has always been put first and that isn't apparent with our riders selection out here look at that the enormous double tire ride on the red rail dropping it to a manual and they get that double peg to 180 on the damn rail a great combination to do in the middle of the run having a little bit of difficulty 20 seconds to go as nods Olaf charges back looking for the redemption but the feeble to smooth barspin on the high side right now here with a whip hop here with the last five seconds on the clock press in that backpack here front wheel on the ledge is called stall feeble Drive and that comes the buzzer thank you very much ladies and gentlemen to the Norwegian Hannes hold up strummin [Music] all right habla a getting their last little finishing and the beard yeah here we go I live in LA retain doing it all the way from Finland definitely getting the simple session love look at that bar spent here Daryl coming out a so smooth yeah and he also see that brotherly love as she is being cheered up by his sibling out there coming back at us yes number one 180 double peg ride and then get McQueen dismount 20 seconds still on the clock it my friend oh good combo that's a nose boat to ice if I'm not mistaken that I've got a wearing Michael if my glasses right this yeah Andy very cool to see this style and talent coming around that is one of the things that stands out most about Abu is Britain's first and second run just his confidence by controlling style out there so that is going to be time for Jam number three let's put our hands together as we welcome out Jam number four you are gonna have a few minutes of practice robin notch b anthony Ponza max Sabrina and Johnny Atencio you are gonna have three minutes in the practice while we give our judges a moment for scores one more time Robin coffee Anthony pans out mock Sabrina and Johnny Atencio to three minutes warm up [Music] beautiful recaps here coming out of the last gem here on the big screens of lie here with that whip hop after that to the front a to the smacker [Music] all right well as I mentioned we are coming live to you around the world session dot e you could follow the action internationally but right now we are in Tallinn Estonia for simple session 19 where we are watching over 90 of the world's best riders try to qualify a spot out there and make it in to the final we just had the first three jams go down and we are getting ready for jam at number four the homies on the big screen the ladies on the big screen hi ladies Evaristo maybe we should bring the the kiss-cam back alright gentlemen thirty seconds still on the clock to warm up and then the courses Robin coffees for one hot minute and he opens up gym and number four with the first out of the two qualifying runs here in BMX street qualifies what a beautiful Saturday afternoon here in the sikozu Hall hosting for the 19th at time here and the beautiful country of Estonia I'd like to say it's a BMX mecca globally here people from all over the world started and love to come here for all more than nineteen years before we celebrate the big twenty next year but now ladies and gentlemen that wraps up here with the warm-up for Tim and number for enlightenment now I'd like to see none other than the 22 year old German do know off come from Mannheim in Germany for radio bison comes form one of our sponsors give it up for woman Caffey evolving on course inhaling that up rail to whip out and I love hearing your German enunciation of Robin's name out here as he does that toothpick slidin down you can see that back tire just drifting over the rail there are no front brakes on his bike finding that balance point for that nose manual looking to do the same thing across our subway sub box I know Robin has 30 seconds still on the clock getting speed looks like he's getting that speed for a down wave on their role in original of moves here or original lines finding them lines here at this time on the LHS via Beck good transfer from that satellite dish out with a little more than 10 seconds to go [Applause] just happen what just happened you just walked away with a cheater one more time let him heal Dominic a pain making his sponsor comes form proud that was conformed indeed that was insane and making an athlete a big smile on the face but that was a very cool trick indeed well champ number four is just heating up as we welcome in our second rider he is coming from my hometown of it New York a USA doing it for called further Brant at FTL BMX this is Anthony Ponza yeah Anthony always here a crowd-pleaser coming to simple session and check that big three out here Daryl yeah it's so great to see and he's riding develop over the years definitely a local out on the Long Island scene now spends a lot of time riding in New York City representing Colt BMX barspin looking for the manual fourth time here at simple session it feels like just yesterday we are calling his first run but we are sin had developed year after year into a very strong powerful rider getting that fakie looking for the dismount you still got time Anthony 20 seconds to go yeah oh that's it up ice here 15 seconds come on Anthony come on challenge Estonia let's get behind the nor Yorkin 180 out the difficult way right there I know all the boys at Green Lawn skatepark are cheering on the FTL riders he puts down his first run and we are taking the attention right now to the 26 year old Russian doing a foot he'll ride push off ladies and gentlemen please welcome back to Estonia Maxo Sabrina max whenever you're ready this echidna shred I can promise you that already look at that so so spoon up real 180 bar spin out whip hop here into the GoPro Bank getting a little bit speed on that GoPro rolling for a little bit down with LH feedback obstacle flaring and so called and whoo a flare is a backflip with a lady followed by a truck driver which is a 360 with a bar spin and I think I told you that this guy shreds and he just proves it on the spot with a little less than 30 seconds on the clock here yeah and he proved positive is also last year he actually qualified for the finals and finished in ninth overall definitely looking to up the ante and he's starting off in a very good way with that combination at the 360 out chip Rina with 10 seconds to go as the truck drivers that's the 360 with the full bar spin can'tcan't foot Jam coming back as he's got to 1 and that is buzzer for max ship Rena great run out of max without a doubt hands down good on you here max uh but the good news is we're gonna even see him a ride at a second time but now we're gonna see a following gentleman here about for the very first time originally from Albuquerque New Mexico but currently residing in Huntington Beach California the third time visiting in a simple session here his first time was actually 2007 18 20 years old let's hear it for Johnny attention Johnny boy jumping in here as we speak here due to four Subrosa up rail bars out and this guy is absolutely hearing it apart no matter if it's on the street corner or on the dance floor oh look at that here Darrell look it a good so far taking that speed a little bit a little bit of a curve here a little bit of a carve on that dig volcano aiming the etnies quarter pipe just to get that speed back for that Campbell of the house without Campbell back here yeah so in this heat we're seeing riders with different styles on the course again riders can opt to use any obstacle it doesn't matter they can even hit the Box jump if they want we saw max Katrina actually utilize a few more of the features out there but right now it is all about Johnny Atencio as he has his final 9 seconds to go looking to pull something big out does Johnny charges back alright ladies and gentlemen regardless let's back them together for Johnny on Atencio so we are gonna go back to the top again I want to remind all riders we are not doing a best trick today that is going to be saved for tomorrow will you have an opportunity in Street and Park to show your best tricks but Andy back to the top exactly right back to the top and back to the Coons forum rider Google been a copy who absolutely amazed us here with that last move he just didn't run number one so one more time welcoming back row number two Ben caffee I love how international this event is and right now Germany is being represented very well not only on the course but also on the mic by Andy's isis teachers on his fellow German rider going for that hang five into a volcano that was insane our dig volcano that's such a rounded transition hard to air but we are seeing Rob and having no problem as he goes upside down and around and grabs the transition there's no shortage of insanity here just followed after that and a down whip on the GoPro roll and simple session 19 Camelback transfer getting that speed for the other side of the street side because this is Vivek Street qualifiers and Evolvin has 15 seconds 180 whip come on love in 10 seconds still on the clock for you my friend that this is your last and second run here and be a big Street qualifiers of 5 4 last moves here crank arm snide t undock thank you very much give it up here for the Mon I'm local Hobbit coffee so we are moving through jam number four looking for his second run I know the internet collectively is cheering on our New York Ryder Anthony Ponza here we go Anthony hailing all the way from the New York area ridin in New York City a lot being cheered off by Billy Perry's other FTL rider on the side 60 seconds starts now good starting off things here with a huge 360 over that rail over that Red Bull Rail taking a good at managing use here of the Red Bull quarter pipe smacking that backpack for a so-called I speak crime bar spin a little more than 30 seconds half a minute still on the clock crank on slide down come on Anthony people here in Estonia love to see this kid shred 360 bars been fakie pulled it haha hop on it and just like for that nose bump just before it dropped back in yeah Andy for myself personally it's so cool to see and that he's riding out here we have a local park we worked for over a decade to get built a Long Island Anthony definitely made his presence known in the park and now he's been doing it here at simple session as this is fourth time on the course making a lot of fans not only here in the arena but also around the world how bad let's give it up for Anthony Ponza yeah the D thank you very much here and we are going back to Russia ladies and gentlemen to the 26 year old a boxset Sabrina Max this course is yours and I'm very very sure this kid will amaze us just another sick of times take a look at this here tell that's it up rail for I want any bars be keeping the fakie Oh Oh big three hop fakie back in here and you are right about impressed last year as we mentioned he made the finals got ninth place overall if you even qualified for the final that is a feat within itself but chip Rita knows it's a 2-run format both runts are going to count in order to get you into free to go it backwards popping up onto our stage so if both runs are going to count chip Reena notes at these 25 seconds he has left are going to really mean a lot for his overall score a little more than 15 2 seconds here max 180 the half cow trying to go up here on the red polka water-pipe big bar spin here a Magath nicely smooth in yeah I love the way he grabbed the transition on that bar spin Nate Wessel designed this course with a lot of little pockets for riders to get that transition and ended things off with that toothpick hang in the back end over thank you very much Mac Sabrina that was the second and unfortunate last performance here in gym and number four for you and we're concluding this or with a none other than Johnny Atencio from the United States for the second visit to the court Johnny the course is yours for another hot minute here we go ladies and gentlemen he wants to hear it come on Estonia let's create some energy let's print create some momentum for Johnny yeah people get that hard way coming off you have two ways to come off the ledge hop is to spin to the right rotation you can see them a justice speed with the fishtail of the backend it's pretty standard issue for riders to not run breaks these days if you ever wonder how they their speed you saw that right there in Johnny's riding as he winds up kicking his back-end a little bit to adjust for that a frame ledge car spin off the readies roller a little more than 20 seconds on the clock here Johnny pump it back in aiming for that [ __ ] in Estonia obstacle carving the dick volcano where is he taking this speed in this last at 10 seconds here barspin barspin hop I was the opposite directions but if I'm not mistaken and that is a time in ladies and gentlemen Tallinn Estonia after the up rail he raised his hands one more time less bang our heads together for Johnny Atencio and that concludes a jam and dumper for here too and I like to ask following the gentleman to get warmed up and get the blood flowing in the next three minutes David Jones from the United States Daichi chichi Kihara from Japan Nicholas buddy from France and Marie allows her first time here at simplify [ __ ] mr. mu I'd like to see you here on course so marry me Colossus at Daiichi and a Jay but the course is yours to get the blood flow in three minutes Wow Andi USA Japan France and South Africa we are seeing why there are over 30 different countries represented out here in the simple session course I always like to call this event the family reunion it's the first contest kind of kicking off the season of the year everybody comes out here for a good time and you know it heady sometimes we see a lot of riders that maybe don't enter a lot of other contests and it's because they'll make back out here because it's not just the event it's really like a festival vibe we got our parties going on all night over at the park in hotel people are partying to all hours of the morning but most importantly it's riders hanging out with other riders having a great time so if you were on the fence about ever coming to simple session mark your calendars now because next year February 8th and 9th we have our 20th anniversary edition which just happens to fall on 2020 so you want to book your tickets now it is gonna be February 8th and 9th if you've ever been on the fence about coming too simple you've been saying that's the contest for the last 10 15 20 years I've wanted to go to next year we want you here well everyone that's checking in around the world we are very psyched I know that I got Santana down in Austin Texas along with trike money aka will Adams who are cheering on our riders as the standings come in ship Rena on top of the board with the sixty seven point eight zero and Robin Cox fee with the 61 point eight zero and juniper Jerry holding on strong in that third with the fifty seven point six so those are the scores as they come in it's from a one at to a hundred that is what they wind up getting awarded obviously the closer to a hundred that you are that is going to be higher up but you're just riding against your fellow rider out there and the top 12 will make it to the final and bear in mind here Daryl we are just about to witness jam number five but we are having a total of a third attina jams here and these handsome gentlemen here on the big screens are the four gentleman which are part of a gym and a number five ladies generally got jab Jones from the United States the Japanese here contender Daichi Teshigahara Nicola body from France and none other than mr. mu Lemuria lobster who made the journey from South Africa over to Estonia for the very first time you hear the buzzer gentlemen and that means that no more riding please everyone stop or your and we are interning the competition the judges can I get a thumbs up please are you guys ready all right thank you very much no more Rodney please krill the course we are getting ready for a jibe Jones right now I know down in Orlando Florida the entire Sabrosa family Ron Bonner and Ryan cher are cheering it on jail because he writes to them along with his brother Trey Jones I know Trey is having his VHS collection pump right alongside of the screen as he is getting ready to cheer on Jeb as the 18 year old is gonna have 60 seconds to work his stuff out here definitely comes from a BMX family through and through all right boys and girls and to make it official and to welcome him officially here to simple session this is his first time here riding a simple session 2019 dude the first up is the rows out and the shadow conspiracy 18 years of age let's hear for Ted Jones here we go Jarrell Jame a very exciting rider to watch he has that Jones BMX in his blood and you can see the speed we talked about this course being open for riders to utilize any feature they want and we are seeing Jeb blasts over that box jump turning around on our lhv vert wall as Jeb now comes in to her visit Estonia spine using the momentum though that ball corner for a bit of an alley-oop pocket here on the candy bar is fine next to the visit Estonia obstacle and he got a little less than it's 30 seconds on the clock here Jay very cool trick right there I believe he hit his back peg on the vertical upright of the GoPro quarter and was able to revert around there is why you're seeing Jeb enter the street competition as he bunny hop in and rode that rail down that is a round rail on the pole champ right into the wedge as Jay mez two seconds to go looking to put a final thought in and that is time for Jamie Jones oh that's the way to leave the course here at nose press on that red bull ledge one more time Jade Jones alright ladies and gentlemen it's an absolute pleasure and this just look like this warms my heart because one more time this is what simple session is all about the Brotherhood the BMX camaraderie all over the world this next gentleman is this his third visit here he comes from the land for the Rising Sun ladies and gentlemen 23 years of age from nagoya in a japan please welcome kaity Teshigahara dicy dutiful for birdie and whenever you're ready one minute looks like he's ninja dropping true Japanese style who wants to see you jumping it hot like Just Dial bit of everything here no big deal yeah flying down from the friendly skies right there Japanese rider paying a little bit of homage to Drupa Sanson who has actually won this event I believe of five times in the past drew signature style was always tuned in to drop it for the highest optical so so created that's higher slide and that alley-oop back in there so it's an original riding stock coming out of the Japanese here Darrell yeah but we are seeing the Japanese rider thread out the big flare top two shafts Gaara is definitely putting in his opponent touch as he does that petal flip right into that crank arm a bottom bracket bash on the rail trying to land right in the wedge backwards but jumping off the side five seconds daichi's five seconds look at that surfer style here shout out here to Hucker what is he digging in speed easy to say aiming for a flask or something I don't know he's driving for something I show the Japanese love one more time let's hear for 13 Wow talk about winning over the crowd here in Saku Arena Japan being very well represented with dachi all right now it's an absolute honor to introduce you the next gentleman an absolute style machine from Leon and France do not forfeit the bikes welcome Nikola bidet and he go and he always one of my favorite riders out here known to just bring his own of flavor from France very cool transfer set up again riders can start anywhere on the course that they want to and a big part of it is to set up for the future tricks they want to do so smooth there are no pegs on Nicholas bike as that is just all pedal on that sub ledge 30 seconds still on the clock so original hair also a part of the marriage a true big 360 over the dig volcano shout out to Alex Valentino that is an absolute brought partner and brother in crime here watching us live right now nickel but a look at that that down pedal move drawing on the Eddy's quarter pipe with a little more than 10 seconds on the clock oh no drama for Nico you got time brother yeah do we mention no pegs on the bike because it is all about the finesse as you can actually see them going up the rail as the time comes down Oh on the bottom bracket right there going backwards so that is going to be the buzzer but the Frenchman is gonna have another opportunity for run at number two again jam number five has four riders in it they each get two runs sixty seconds apart as we welcome in our next rider from South Africa without a doubt our fourth rider is a first-time here to simple session an absolute style machine here ladies and gentlemen doing it for Red Bull odyssey vans and sunday bikes he's from John's Bay in Western Cape South Africa give it up for Mari louder mr. booze in the house yeah very good to see you in Estonia first a run here look at that t-bog to smith down yeah and you can always tell a riders power and style by the way they drop in and we are seeing worried just come in nice and strong look at the momentum bill as he suicide no handers right up tabletop so Holly out of that Red Bull quarter pipe smooth and on the Smith grind they consistency with 35 seconds to go is what we are seeing it from the South African rider as he doesn't 180 very cool over right there landing backwards nice and smooth in it to our Yandex taxi wedge Oh No press 180 getting a little bit of wobbly but you still got 12 seconds if you want it that he does a quick little tire manual building the momentum charge and back final thought 360 tabletop to the sky and that is time for run to number one out of Borya Lobster so that means that we are gonna go back to the top of the course as we witnessed on his first run flying out off of the grind ledge we are gonna welcome back the 18 year old and Jeb Jones James Jones on top of the simple session 19 roller here we go making his brother Trey and Florida proud as 62nd starts out the clock Jay with that transfer this time a little bit more throttle pin down nose pressing across the descent for the Box jump big air over a pump BMX Pro box she go in the distance he could see surprising himself right there first time here in that simple session reppin for the Sabrosa crew Florida very well represented with the Jones family as there's that ice pick again trying to get the revert around that ice pick is when you hit in the back peg but this time it's on the right threading the needle in between the space and the lip and landing you got 12 seconds come on jab deep deep let's see you got six seconds to go looking for that energy trying to hit the power pack turn it around on the Kelly bar quarter pipe at the buzzer ah-ha-ha-ha going to clean there you go doing a very chimi levan style exit right there stage left for Jamie Jones all right while our next rider who is looking to go from Japan rut number two his first run he made a lot of fans here this is dachi Teshigahara [Applause] yeah I dig in the style the first run but this is a to run format where you've got to have bolt runs count towards your score that is something that is so important is the consistency we are seeing the unique flavor there you go petal flip it around driving down that roller and then getting that reverb back into the quarter pipe to see him dropping his right shoulder as he grabs the transition right now Japan is so well represented thank you oh you still got 20 seconds to work your magic gachi look at that down wait I love how he just kicked his frame here over the deep volcano ten stacks seconds of like a fastplant to downside ice chinko whatever that was look at that combination cheating himself under that rail two seconds one and that is the buzzer one more time he wants to he'll make some noise for Daiichi Teshigahara [Applause] clearing that wall out of the coupe's form quarter pipe in a two of the backdrop here I just love that dampen East I had arrow yeah they're equal to see unique flavor out on the course again twelve are gonna make it to the finals another feeling that is what's gonna take the originality and also the consistency all right Nicole whenever you're ready my friend CC seconds the course is yours whoever's ready make some noise from the kumite the fit rider from Leon of France Mott course representing advance shadow conspiracy Bros bikes door sparkies France and the French Connection getting involved there with the people standing side line a little more than 30 seconds on the clock remaining here in a second bit of to the course for the Frenchman super smooth and stylish the pedal grind on that Camelback simple session 19 ya bar spent back at us we are seeing it the Frenchmen go up with the tabletop out of that crank of our pedal grind we talk about French riders in general yes be it's so smooth it's stylish but Nicholas bidet is on a whole another level as I said he's one of my favorite riders to watch just because of that little bit of finesse that we saw even right there hit the pedal looking for the 180 and that is time for Ratnam merci beaucoup would be cool thank you very much Nico bidet and shout out to all the French camaraderie here watching us live right now and we drag the attention back to the Western Cape in South Africa to the a Sunday and several sarees at the Sunday and Red Bull a rider one more time welcome him here here in Estonia this is Mary louder so we saw high speed and a lot of consistent tricks in his first run to BA get to Smith start things out in a similar fashion over hitting the front peg you see of getting a little bit sideways surf and coming now but able to keep it rolling there's the foot plant 180 consistent consistent consistent very cool attention to detail utilizing that back tire on the ball coming in from that quarter pipe into the beauty here and seeing the performance in the second run right now Jerald absolute amazing having in mind that Murray was in fever in bed the whole day of yesterday like coming out of his bed and just this wedding is balled up literally here in his bed last night with 40-plus fever and performing in such things as that big three tabletop over the dick volcano ten seconds on the clock Murray loud to the simple session poster boy is unleashing here and I'm sooo firework and showing the world with South Africa BMX riding is all about time that was the buzzer let's hear from Murray louder Wow a great run and and he said Morey riding even though yesterday and over a hundred degree fever very respectable to be out there so that is going to wrap up jam at number five riders please court clear the course as we welcome it for practice Alex Kennedy Joris Coloma Felix donut and a Billy Harry for jammed number six as we check out some highlights that was Jeb Jones with an ice pick on the vertical and there is our Japanese rider ninja drop it in but right here is all about that petal slide coming down hop it up in to the tail tap so impressed with Japan out there again if you are tuning in around the world this is our BMX Street qualifier two years ago we separated it to really honor both different styles of riding Park and Street so they are two separate contests just because it's very difficult to judge maybe a box jump trick against a very technical grind combination so we do want to honor all styles of riders riding out here which we do but right now it is a street qualifier afterwards we're gonna have our BMX park qualifier go down but what you need to know is that we have 90 riders in both of our different classes we are going to be taking 12 into the finals of each from the course out here if you are following make sure you check us out on Instagram simple session we've got some really cool behind-the-scenes footage going down in our stories all of our different riders from Tony Hawk being out here on the skate side of things to our Bo competition where you can see riders like Billy Perry who's going to be in this course out the parties that go down we've got our riders getting ready and we've got also some behind the scenes in competition you can follow us on twitter at simple session and if you're watching at home the hashtag is just simple session or hashtag simple session 19 or hashtag visit estonia if you want to follow Andy's ice on Instagram and give him a follow Andy I believe it's just your name a n dy Z e I SS on Instagram absolutely right yeah thanks for the shoutout and that's straight forward just my name that's how we Germans love it keep it simple well I do the same with mine it's just at derald now da r r yl n au give us a shout on our direct messages we will give you a shout out during the show I know people from all around the world are watching as we take a look at those mug shots no that is not for the custodian police department but that is from our simple session board Alex Kennedy Joris colombe to Felix still not and Billy Perry a very international field as well being represented out there London of France Germany and USA 28 28 22 and a 24 those are the stats that we have for our next riders as we here our practice bill going off all right ladies and gentlemen especially you gentlemen on course I'd like to ask you to stop running right now and clear the course because we are opening a gym and number six a very very shortly now ladies and gentlemen the the gentlemen you see on that simple session 19 Camelback in the far back is the gentleman who's opening up here jam number six an absolute legend of our sport 28 years of age Juniper cult a clot in 70s ladies and gentlemen from Croydon in London England give it up for Alex Kennedy it's the aka time and aka is dropping in for the first and minute here we go smacking that front to that front peg taking that speed to that red bull quarter to seventy back out for a ke T Bob to Smith's so so creative and we think a typical Alexander Kennedy's style drying over that hunchback taking the speed he where's he taking it the all good visit to the spine transferring into the spine grind in this time smack on the front tooth over catch and spits feet air in the both corner inhaling the dig volcano in the 360 X up twenty seconds on the clock free evil off on the lah speed taking a satellite dish out team on 180 at least remedies on by a get down ten seconds we are seeing some signature Alex Kennedy moves out here looking for that spin on the double peg up but still utilize the 55 seconds before his crash the fullest how about it's simple session Alex Kennedy Wow you want to talk about original run Alex entity Alexander Kennedy you are welcome alright we are taking the attention to the next rider and there's no shortage of style and technical finesse when it comes to this a gentleman from Strasbourg in France doing it for shadow considers conspiracy and Sabrosa Mike some noise for Jolie's Kalume we all remember as Julie's from the video parts or whatever he destroys with his technical moves and super style yeah Joris always a favorite here at simple session committed and not only to his healthy riding but also healthy lifestyle and his goes up pegye back to barspin remember a few years back we wound up premiering the Sabrosa video and ever since then euros has been a proud favorite here at simple session with good reason though super technical combos sometimes utilizes some petal flips is sometimes some rotations even double tire rides on the rail that means he's got a big bag of tricks when it comes to riding rails 13 seconds to go and as you can see Daryl this guy has absolute style he owned that style also part of that original mary-jane true here such as equal buy they just we swiftness before and that is the buzzer and one more time let him hear you that was the first run for Julie's oh cool ooh alright an incidents absolute honor here to welcome one of my friends at one of my native country of representatives here 22 years of age dude it for one of our sponsors Coons form make some noise here for Felix doughnuts feelings are dropping in here he is part of the Kunz film crew they occupied an Airbnb apartment here and Estonia in Italian having a bloody good time let's take a look at that one here beauty tech combination here that five tile tap yeah Felix known for his back wheel boogie as we see the tail tap coming in fakie really has unbelievable back wheel skills if you see a rider maybe has a strength it's definitely that back wheel motion for Felix as you can see that Manuel just what I'm talking about coming around at the high speed 180 BAM I love how it is will look like super locked and in those manuals he seemed like he could do anything and everything eat or out of a manual yeah want a ride she has that back wheel or what feature as far as a trick that's almost their specialty it usually means that they put endless hours in riding by themselves focusing on that back wheel which Felix obviously has and there comes the buzzer Daryl thank you very much danke Schon first performance a failings of donuts well our fourth rider of jam at number six this is a fourth time here at simple session you're gonna know his name because he is all over the Internet another one of my boys from New York doing it for volume merit his own company Follow the Leader give it up for Billy Perry Jew to see here on course Billy representing the number 12 on his back lhv Stiles with a whip DP big tail up into that suicide no hander toboggan over the volcano there is that 180 with the bar spin I believe that was in his non-traditional direction going around Billy Perry odd course just letting things rip as he goes up the rail and he as I mentioned I'm so proud at psyched to see Anthony Ponza and Billy Perry out here as he looks to that whiplash rolling on the front peg we saw in our local skate park out Long Island New York green lawns throughout the years come up and just develop his skills now he is an international superstar on YouTube and here in a simple session as he looks for the tail whip coming out of the double peg grind well the New York scene darrell has always been one of the strongest all around the world here especially one comes to the street side of things Billy Perry thank you very much for a run at number one and we're good news is we're gonna see you one more time but now worker taking it back to the top ladies and gentlemen back to the Croydon a resident aka Alex Kennedy whenever you ready Alex this course is yours and I'm very sure there are some 8k fans in the so let him hear you well one of the biggest is me right here because Alex Kennedy for the last decade has been a Street pioneer pushing the sport in new directions what usually people go left he will go right with his own style right now we see a very focused Alex Kennedy as he doubled pegs up and over the simple session 19 a roller Kennedy charging him with that double peg grind gapping up into the spine Kennedy charged in over and around let's see where he's going to go as he just pressed past that 30-second mark 360 X up transitioned the transition here we go feeble up getting it two times in a row taking the foot off a little shout-out to John Engelbert known as lucky not only was he the first rider to do that lucky stone but also used to feeble grind up the side of ramps like that but Alex Kennedy given in his own spin and that is gonna be time give it up for Alex Kennedy thank you very much Jake a second performance here in the books and the heads of the judges are steaming as we speak before we are getting ready for the next rider also who guided the guy who holds a very very unique and very creative technical style Missouri's okulu Missouri is getting ready charging towards that visit Estonia transferring with a big down with never underestimate and this is in this Monsieur Julie so Coulomb here full speed ahead going for that downward transfer this time smack that back wheel and that back peg you show me it's got many many tricks operating this bags oh look at that except peg two bars out you want to talk about technical moves here this guy owns them look at that over crook 20 seconds on the clock juries some of those moves are so so a technical is super hard time we have to press basically rewind to have an idea to coke what this guy is able are capable to do three seconds there comes that lucky grande down on the buzzer ladies and gentlemen one more time let him hit you that was a jewelry circle loom messy at puku juries thank you very much for your qualifying performance here again only 12 guys have not mistaken are making the cut for tomorrow's finals and this guy is one to have a little bit of talk with that he wants a Fiat have a bite of that cake Phoenix donut on course bar sting coming out of Philly's there's that firewall Wow that's that seven has a seven though of back West traps in that back wheel down go and fakie God keep in that moment he wants to lock in that above that manual with a little bit of a half a minute remaining look how comfortable he just looks here balancing on his back wheel big one and out back in super smooth 20 seconds on the clock for Felix good that's a to that train calm cut grind combination 15 seconds Felix going over to the other side be able up Smith fakie Oh feeble free baking and that is a bull right on the buzzer ladies and gentlemen let him hear this is Phoenix - that's theater feeling I'm feeling shout out on cooks for a shout out on out of home ec in Cox for Felix doing I'm representing and doing it to its finest all right well you can see that USA flag NYC to be exact here we go rut number two Billy Perry please keep all eyes cleared on the course especially for our film ours as BP starts things off with a petal flip coming in tail with at hyatt this time smooth - the petals suicide no hander followed by that Follow the Leader toboggan 180 bar spec come on Billy great 20 seconds as he spins a handle bars coming around but is all about the consistency - runs they both count as he throws the handle bar set up for that toothpick hanging over the back end Billy Perry with the Hang five oh you still got 25 on the clock here Billy I'm sure there's gonna be a lot of things still could to come from the volume box Ryder 15 seconds doing it for New York here ten seconds last little finishing touches here crack arm up and over and we say thank you very very much a big shout out to all New York's pmake street scene represented here by it none other than Billy a Perry not come close ladies and gentlemen Jam and number six Jam number seven riders Andres a Choa Santiago la Verde Gaspar Gwen two lanes and a Mark Burnett the course is yours for the next three minutes to get that blood flowing Wow so Andy we have that one more Jam for group number one and then group two we'll have a practice and then we will keep things rolling but again right now we have all of our riders around the world watching on session da-te this is one of the largest webcast in action sports around the world that's because our founder Arista collar Bray has been a pioneer on the tech side of things as far as it comes to action sports believe it or not estonia known for its history its old-school building style and flavor is also one of the biggest tech cities Skype is from here along with a lot of other kind of forward-thinking tech companies so reso definitely embraced that early on and that is why our webcast goes out to millions and millions of viewers but again if you want a shout out you can follow Andes ice on Instagram at Andy's ice a n dy zei SS or myself super simple it is at Daryl now da RR y el and a you we've got tons of messages coming in from around at the world I want to give a big shout out to the lip Lords that is right we are talking also about gage doom there who is watching from the United States we got Brant Moore again from Ohio with the lip Lord crew we also have coming in all the way from Canada Kempton and Jay who is cheering on down from under down under DMC media definitely taken in all of the action out here so psyched for all of our riders cheering on also with Harold Teemo who is here in Estonia saying go riders go but right now we are getting ready for our next heat you can see out on the course a little bit earlier you actually saw some of our riders who have yet to get things going there is the mustache blazing on that top lip of our rider from jam number six that is Felix though not as we get ready for jam at number seven I think about that Leo jam number seven take a little look one more time about the different kind of countries coming all the way from all over the world to simple session we have two Colombians one Argentinian and one representing the United States here the South American the Latin American scene is super strong here always a blast to watch a ride in Estonia yeah Andy that's the cool part about this being international I know what the internet Instagram and everything else you kind of get a blending of styles in the world and especially a contest where people really worried about their scores I'm not saying that scores are important here but a lot of riders come to showcase their own style and we can see from around the globe maybe if they have a little bit more of a focus on grinding or maybe on balance tricks that we'll be able to see it so I gotta be honest with you since we have two riders coming in from MIDI in Colombia in this heat I'm really excited to see the style that we can see from South America that will also be represented as well from Argentina and also from the United States of Mark Burnett all right and with no further ado I'd like to introduce one of those badass writers from South America ladies and gentlemen do know for cult and faithful Footwear from Medellin Colombia 23 years of age his his second visit to simple session here in Estonia all the way from Colombia a dress I'll show on dress this course is yours me amigo let's see it one of the finest Columbian exports here on the BMX bike look at that let up grind too far spin out you're using that momentum / Smith - I speak bunk oh my goodness they did i disappoint you no I do not look at that ladies and gentlemen yeah this is some tech riding but also look at the power out here as the 360 bt going flying in the air that is one thing that we always want to see from our riders is the power of the course because that usually translates the confidence you do need to have the finesse to pull these tricks but that confidence can definitely go a long way and the more that somebody has put the time in their bike you can even just see the way that they grab the grips on their handlebars before dropping in if they got that experience to back it up well right now it's got seven seconds to go kicking that opposite tell if the pedals as andre a Choa works through at the and that is time for run at number one god the water here muchos Gracias thank you very much here on tress and we are keeping it in Medellin Colombia doing it for twin a BMX tienda BMX and hey Leo brand 20 years of age Santiago love their day Chicago whenever you ready my friend the course is yours you good me amigo one hot minute here we go Santiago first time riding a simple session check out the 360 camp head over the deke volcano Santiago likes to keep it keep it camouflaged I'm here and I love his Steve's here crank arm bar spin out no problem for the Colombian spinning them bars here on that corridor fight taking that speed all looking at inhaling a speed jump big flat e shout out to Gary on them and Maxine shower on and here not other than Santiago definitely opened that books now with that one-handed flatty super stylish 50 seconds still on the clock Santiago bar spin judges are smiling that isn't normally a good sign and good indication that he like what they see three two one and there's the buzzer muchas gracias thank you very much Santiago love everyday Sam and Ian love here at the Ryder support out here for good reason that was a solid run we were seeing his first time out here at simple session definitely sight the smile is matching the flavor of the riding but we are going to keep things down in South America for our next rider coming from Cordoba Argentina exactly right representing an advanced at 80 spikes and primo BMX in one place world ladies and gentlemen it is his ticket a simple session a visit from Argentina Gaspar going to Lyon Gaspar whenever you ready my friend this course belongs to you for the next minute judges already in Estonia the talent trout is ready oh look at that what a way here to enter the course full speed fully committed all pressing that front wheel of for a nose manual up and going for that 180 attempt good combination of coming here from Gaspar go over the rail getting lost somewhere between a 180 landed 90 right there blowing off the back of the bike so much is going on especially in your first run out on the course this is his second time here at simple session come on cause bar 20 seconds on the clock my friend come on me amigo this simple session trout is behind you am i right Tallinn Estonia let's make some noise so much goes into a rider's run out here you got to make sure that you're able to put it together having some difficulty a rut number one but that means that as far is gonna have an opportunity in his second run to make things happen so that is three riders down and we are going to go from South America and move on up in location to the United States our fourth rider is doing it for Subrosa cyb season's coming from Albany last year he got sixth place in 2017 he got tenth so that means he is moving up the ladder he's a favorite here put your hands together for Mark Burnett mr. Burnett getting ready as we speak here Terrell on the high side here entering the Street course right now the clock is ticking for 60 seconds off rail bars out low that a combo car 180 pick right up yeah the tech combinations is definitely what you need out of Burnett but let's also throw it the number of tricks right there he did not have any dead rails as he passed every single obstacle I know that run broad Bonner and Ryan shared down at Sparky's distribution are cheering him on as we see that quick double tire ride whoa original transfer here yeah that was badass hitting the back tires he box over a loop style grabbing the transition on the other side of that grind ledge definitely one of my favorite tricks we've seen so far yes Mark Burnett even though he's in the street contest and he just didn't realize what just happened he is just all with his open jaw ladies and gentlemen with a beating one more time Mark Burnett Wow some mark having a crash there at the end of his run but I got to tell you Andy that run was packed with technical style and originality I don't think that's gonna hurt his sport too much but it's gonna be two runs out here that count that's what's important so he's gonna have another time to kind of reset the deck shake that one off and get back on there as we go back to the top of jam number seven exactly right my friend back to the table about to you signore Andres Ochoa Andres whenever you ready my friend representing Colombia and Medellin the cult Rider is about to drop in here for a second the last visit to the course in Jam number seven here we go already super impressive to watch here in run number one maybe he's able to amp up the antes a little bit in his second performance here as you said Darrell both run count yeah that consistency is key that is the format here both runs are gonna count so you have a total of 120 seconds as he gets the tailwhip out of the manual so cool the way he's able to just flick that backend around you saw his weight go over the handlebars and just put the feet right on to the pedals again riders we are not doing a best trick today that will be tomorrow so you want to make sure that you pull both of your runs in the allotted time as a crooked draw goes down to the bar spin coming out let's do still remind those guys that was one shriek we're actually picking from today who couldn't even pick from today which is the visit dystonia award hair towel maybe it's either the Columbia rider on dredge with the last five seconds on the clock who knows he's a be the last one and that is a time muchas muchas gracias one more time let's make some noise here for Andres hor and we love to see that energy up especially when a Costa Latin America ladies and gentlemen one more time also due to medellin colombia santiago la verde now santiago absolute unleashed a firework here in number one run number one let's see what he's got planned for this second visit here we go starting things off with a big 360 table over the dig volcano smack in the back pack on that pole here we go there's an le what was a double bars and now not mistake it's dismissed all who bought this at garage a 180 out i like he stars hurry on he is smile and that's what I love to see people riding with a big old smile a grin one side for the fates of the other check out that speed into that air time ladies and gentlemen 25 seconds on the clock here Santiago la verde absolutely on a emission barrel yeah you can see the confidence is what we talk about that translates to the bike control and also the power behind his riding putting those strokes down as he winds up crank arms slide it to 180 he's got 7 seconds of the downside now it's super exciting style double pegs a 180 at the buzzer and that was a full second run and give it up oh yeah thank you very much muchas gracias Santiago la verde from Medellin in Colombia if I'm not mistaken that was a bad as a runs here absolutely nailed it and think about that that's actually his first time so coming all the way from Colombia first time to Estonia and now delivering the goods like he just did in the past 120 seconds absolutely amazing but there's no shortage of amazingness insanity right now we're going to keep it in South America hemisphere in Argentina Gus bar of Gwendoline Gus bar this course is yours or one more time if you want to have it you're more than welcome to take it 60 seconds here we go started things off nice and easy with that 270 Smith and stop in and there's that pole yes she pulls it this time pressing that nose will of that nose front and back up on the most manual 180 out well Andy we're seeing our riders defy logic on that half I'm out somehow keeping things together but that is very important to do as you wind up going 180 after that toothpick drifted the back wheel over into that crank Laurent smoothly executing out the back end and then getting that half cab on the flat ground tail whip coming up this is the run he was looking for his first go-around all right again both run counts here brother so there's good news here in the books look at that front wheel prep dig 180 of volcano move here 10 seconds still on the clock my friend what he got for his me amigo look at that can he pull it ladies and gentlemen three seconds still on the clock is enough time for a last banner ladies and gentlemen what do you guys think of this guy got spark go on the line from Argentina that was not my mistake is pretty much a fool Pula - that's me absolutely insane here that riding level coming out of the South American Hemisphere but we have one gentleman left here in a gym number seven and he absolutely amazed us every single time whenever he shows up to Estonia mr. Mark Burnett whenever you're ready represent Michelle Rosa and shadow conspiracy he is also one of the poster boys if not not mistaken and Mark Burnett or can be whatever Mark Burnett a dropping in as we speak for run number two Darrell yeah nice and smooth look at that this time getting in that Smith 180 around hitting his peg and then rotating back look at again Burnett putting on the rail demo in both directions brunette is 20 years old he's definitely a favorite amongst three riders around world that was a huge hop you actually see his hat flying into the crowd dust in orbit getting a souvenir down there hitting that back wheel coming back at us there's that tire pump again transfer 360 into that OSS I got to tell you even though is what this foot came off that was the wild style that I love I mean I almost add points for that the fact that he kept rollin it's so crazy the way he boxes back wheel can we see it one more time there's that real light boys be back in this time for a mr. Burnett and use the seven seconds big 360 supersonic speed there's that pole a jab boom one second left there's the buzzer one more time Mark Burnett Wow big run added Burnett shut down Jam at number seven as we mentioned Burnett last year got sixth place overall so hopefully he will be one of the twelve riders making it into the final but now Andy if I'm not mistaken that is gonna wrap up all of our riders of our BMX three qualifications group number one and that means that group number two is gonna have some time to practice out on the course as we take a look at some highlights so riders in our second groups heat 7 through 13 you guys are gonna have 20 minutes on the course look at that one-handed tabletop that was Santiago love everyday doing a big picture perfect flatty right there one hand off shout out to rob Darden who I know is watching out in China he is known for doing big one-handed flatties like that but riders out on the course please keep your eyes peeled for one another I know everyone's super psyched after watching the first couple heats out there as we get ready to give our riders 20 minutes and then we will have our second groups of qualifying if you are at home watching this is the perfect time right now to pull up some of those riders and YouTube pages that we were talking about we mentioned Billy Perry Anthony Ponza also Austin Auggie he is in the house we didn't see Austin out on the course but he is definitely another youtuber along with that you could go down to our set our simple session YouTube page as well where we've got a ton of vak content from all the years past you can do some brushing up on some of the footage to see what it took for Garrett Reynolds to get that top spot last year again if you are following us it's so simple hashtag a simple session at simple session Instagram and at Twitter we want to hear more from you you can let Andy's ice snow at Andie's ice or myself at Darryl now dar r yl nau the messages are coming in a Sabrosa brand is watching and look at this we got a new leader mark brunette with the 78 point to 0 Alex Kennedy with a 71 point four zero and Max ship Reno with a 67 point eight zero so Burnett raised in the bar set in the new standard after we have our first group of riders the first 17 state the course the seventy eight point two zero is the score to beat just as I was saying that his sponsor Sabrosa was checking in with us online as shout out Mark Burnett I know that Ryan share and rod Bonner are so psyched along with Mark brunettes mom who are cheering him on we got big Cain a watching all the way from Asia checking out our contest and our riders again we also have lioness Boris who is cheering on all of our different riders saying that this is BMX along with my man Kiwi dreadlock he is in the house he will be here Lloyd party repeat following the long tradition of hosting the most epic madness in Northern Europe the simple session series will return with insane action both on and off the course [Music] one spectacular course one big party [Music] don't miss the most anticipated BMX and skated end of the winter welcome to the legendary simple session 2nd and 3rd of February 2019 in Tallinn Estonia watch live and on-demand on Red Bull TV and session de [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you truly love something [Music] it's hard to stop you from doing your best [Music] - twelve it's a little bit nipply [Music] that's not to experiment with a lot of different things [Music] what's up guys my name is Anthony Panza we're here in the sauna actually in the changing room I'm about to jump into this lake right now right check this this Lakes about 4 degrees this is the Estonian way of going to the sauna you come out you jump into the laser you jump into the lake you go into the song it supposedly makes me feel good we're gonna give it a try wish me luck god bless [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you you [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] but I don't feel it anymore at the park the other day you were killing it like no I [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright gentlemen on the course we got about two minutes a two minutes left on the course to warm up two minutes and then we're going to continue a BMX as three to group number two with a jam eight Monica last kiss from LA via Andre Padova from the Ukraine Johnny rakes from the United States and Marty Lena pool from Estonia to administer gentlemen and the judges are awaiting for you guys and we get the party rolling Saturday afternoon simple set to 2019 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right gentlemen I'd like everyone to act I'd like to ask everyone to clear the course and stop writing because I'd like to see a gym and number eight on course right now everyone please stop writing make some space everyone that it not belongs in jam number 8 please and be so fair be so kind and make some space calorics andre Joanie and Marty all right Tallinn Estonia what you just witnessed over the past 20 minutes war the warm-up to practice for group number to be a big Street qualifiers we got approximately another six agenda set to go in today's demanding Street qualifiers only 12 a gentlemen will make the cut in advanced for tomorrow's the BMX treat of finals for the grand finale on Sunday afternoon but the focus remains on this a Saturday afternoon for now so I'd like to check everyone here in the building are you ready for the next group no more riding the judges are ready Jim a number aid ladies and gentlemen on course for the first minutes representing Riga in Latvia I'll do the pupar BMX is 17 years of age let me in for my cutie marks whenever you ready 60 seconds my friend here we go Marek starting things off in our second group that you are just joining us is their BMX street qualifications we have 13 separate heats we broke them down you separate groups it doesn't matter if you're the first rider or you are the last rider you will have two runs on the course up to 60 seconds of peach apiece both runs are going to count because it is an overall impression given to our judges and we are gonna take 12 riders moving on to the final nicely done right there coming in backwards especially that 180 bar spin 360 - Emmanuel are you kidding me 17 years of age what is going on here be the mixin riding here in Latvia five seconds on the clock here Daryl this kid is not as scared he is shredding and they wants the buzzer what do you guys think - crowd - Wow Andy that was such a powerful combination normally we see riders put two three maybe four tricks if one but right now marks is not stopping the buzzer has clearly got off but he is just out there he's clearly in his zone right now you know this is a he's just not he's unstoppable he's like a Duracell battery right now look at him he is not listening to whatsoever you guys good thank you very much of my Rex Cross Keys Wow all right we're taking the attention to live off the Ukraine that's 20 years of age to do that for BSD invite stuff Andre put Oba [ __ ] whenever you're ready my friend is 60 seconds that's the time of this course belongs to none other than you Andre Padova bar spit nollie coming in representing BSD Wow a very cool combo they're going back wheel over up on that Craig I'm spitting out barspin Emmanuel double peg over we got a lot of young guns in this heat 20 years old for the Ukrainian rider but we are seeing the future of BMX right now and live real-time Andy you and I always talk about simple session being a breeding ground for new talent this contest is so focused we have the road it's a simple session with qualifiers going on and then this is the biggest stage first time here at simple session very very technical rider especially simple sessions one of those prompt contests is this side of the world here always coming through here with the new talents on the Baltic countries in the Ukraine or Russia look at this kid freeze second still to go there was the father thank you very much Andrei Padova out of the Year dream and we are keeping that energy up right now 19 years of age this is his first visit to Estonia too simple Judit for the boss Matt Garrett Reynolds company fiend bikes animal bites ladies and gentlemen and plants basically this is Johnny Rick's Johnny whenever you ready one hot minute my friend coming in here for the feed a rider oh my goodness look at that taking that moment in taking that speed chicken it Oh three just muscled it around effortless look at that cabin around do you want to become a fiend Ryder I think that's the for less this dad are you looking at wat to conquer 30 seconds here looking good so far here Johnny still keeping that smile on your face I like to see that one hand X up over the dick volcano 15 seconds going full tunic whipping it out 10 seconds so Johnny getting a little bit lost there in that cab out around he's gonna wave off this verse from but definitely a good first time here at simple session off the course he has a part in the recently released ride BMX headlights video but we are gonna see Johnny for his second run and we talked about this being one of the younger heaps of riders out here this next rider is 19 years old he's actually a local boy without a doubt brother this name rings it definitely a few built he is one of the strong line of four brothers the youngster 19 years old from Tartu party line of Allah and if you are following the line of wool brothers you know exactly what these brothers are capable to do so getting a little bit of a slow start but come on Estonia let's back mark delete it boom yeah there we go we're seeing the Youngblood Street style right there that 180 barspin coming up tail whip on our lhv catwalk off with the truck driver that's the 360 full bar spin lane and bull you mentioned a BMX family the BMX brothers won a part of them out here on the course as a Kelly bar quarter pipe air charge of back at us bar spit the ice pick you see have just put the backpack on that chopping block on the a frame rail lucky stalled to 270 and that is going to be time for Lena bulls first run thank you very much Marty thank you very much to the line of our brotherhood here and we are moving back to the top of gym number April marks Kowalski's from Latvia this can absolutely impressed me here in front number one hair day all this absolutely unstoppable all right one hot minute barks whenever you're ready here we go [Applause] dropping in the first run was a technical demo put in long weeks in combinations let's see the 17 year old rider who's been habit since he's 10 years old he'd show his skills at showcase and we're seeing a rock around coming backwards 180 bar spit look at smooth 30 seconds on the clock here yeah Mike's again now we're going to remind the people here and the riders of both Iran's actually count here in qualification with another 15 a second still on the clock barracks will still make good use about the second a final approach to the course yeah I'd love to see the finesse right there coming out of that 360 from the feeble grind look at this just racket at some points did three seconds to go double up 180 boom at the buzz they're getting it done for the 17-year old Latvian writer thank you very much Marv exits thank you a lot Mia we are taking attention back to the Ukraine to hydrate the Ukrainian yeah the biggest a detour rider 20 years of age first time a simple session whenever you ready you're more than welcome to keep it into the bowl and get it started no big drama no big drama enough time still on the clock there's that truck driver also known as a 360 and in the middle left at 360 you spit those bars here we go Ukrainian got a half a minute left good combo trying to get it out there red running out of luck a little bit here again there's the overall impression coming out of both of visits to the course let's get behind them come on there's no nipple any guy's name do you trade in needs a little love I need a little support here from us it looks like he had enough all right thank you very much regardless Thank You Andrei Padova to the you train next rider Jonny rakes the feed rider always with a smile on his face that's what I like to see jumping in into the Red Bull Quarter five red bullet weight and absolute here Smith knows bunk bars Finnegan the combos keep coming yeah it's so cool the fact that you have an opportunity on this world at a stage out here to show your riding Jonny Riggs riders all around the world are checking it with us and they really love your style we got Aaron Brown out in New York City saying that your Styles very reminiscent of some legendary riders Oh [Music] it looks like ease everybody how about you bang your hands together place for Johnny to de finibus maxes back pad there might have left a dent in the ground all right good you see him back on the bog regardless one more time that a rejoinder egg for the feed runner all right Martine land of all whenever you're ready multi course is yours for another minute second a las approaching visit to the course Street qualification gym number eight hold him right up airing it out bars two bars yeah that double bars been so smooth and the cadence catch them in between keeping that smoothness going on the 180 out of the double peg ride lane at bull nineteen eight years young car BMX shop Vance stone and Street View his sponsors that help back his riding 28 seconds to go Lane a bull drunk driver coming down two for two on that trick mr. consistent when it comes to the 360 Bart Smith got a quick panel foot and coming dollie bar spent 14 seconds let's see if he can maximize the time as it's going tick-tock tick-tock five to go Layton bull coming at us bar spin device big and that is going to be Tom big round of applause for Mario Lena blue and all the riders of jam number eight all right gentlemen and ten number nine the course is yours again the blood flowed in the next 120 seconds fitted above from Greece Matty loose goatee originally from Argentina currently residing in Barcelona Kristoff's reminisce from in Latvia and Artem argh argh-argh occur from Russia those four handsome gentlemen of course is yours for the next two minutes fitted with Nazi tree stops and Artem nice little replays here coming on the big tree that was Andre port Oba as we check in on the big screen tons of riders globally check it in and we got Michael DeWitt who is actually watching simple session 19 throwing down that hashtag we could see his setup of the laptop became checking it again with China he's actually gathered up a bunch of Chinese riders and he is watching here the events and I became saying that he will be here for the 28th anniversary that is February 8th through 9th if cane will be in the house you want to make sure that you're here we got the T Z D a ka Zoll he is here in the house I had a chance to meet so last year at the party in Estonia very psyched to have him here cheering on and we got down in Mexico Gobbo our brother Gobbo is watching right now Cabo we miss you we love you can't wait hopefully you'll be here with us at the 20 we got for one for skateparks they are definitely cheered on they're pumped on the course design of that mr. date Wessel design so riders you're gonna have another 30 seconds of practice as we look at the screen right here 22 through 27 that is the age range dub FINA par BMX and he'll ride bath plus goatee remains and our Goff are going to be your four riders all right riders if we could clear the course our first rider is coming from Athens Greece he's got 60 seconds on the clock called dub we were talking about Phillip off here we go Philip is already riding here the club has taken here up rail ice down representing Athens in Greece super strong scene over there in Greece a look at that tech move coming out of the street rider from Athens doing it for dub colt whoa big half-half drop here yeah look at the power you could just tell the grease dried or fill up offs got a lot of power that definitely could be something that translates with big bunny hops and also be able to muscle the bike around there's certain riders that just have that ability and there's that bunnyhop tailwhip a lot of strength 15 seconds for Bob cause he cruises back off the catwalk 360 almost grab at the beanie right there maybe some extra points if you would have been able to hold on to that oh what a show-off just showing off his hair Steve's right now one second are and that has to be time thank you very much a filly from Athens in Greece all right and then next rider is no stranger and we've witnessed him ride and shred and party and dance and whatnot at several contests it is multiple the Wilco and appearance here originally from San Luis and Argentina but he's living and breathing Barcelona Spain please welcome mati la Scotty another one who's a favorite big transfer with the no-hander first rider we see open it up some new lines out here again this course was designed by 1/8 Wessel it is of all be here for the weekend so our judges want to see a rider's unique approach to the course the way that they're able to look at this like no other rider we've got night other riders a 180 I've hundred eighty eyeballs out here they want to just see the way that a rider gives it his own spin and Maddie lost good he coming out with that no hander drop in yeah money looking good get a little less than thirty seconds still on the clock my friend there you go Mia Miko looking good so far looking at that 15-second mark here in your first visit to this course not I want 80 out of that subway wedge up five seconds last move here buddy what is it going to be man you all up at the buzzer thank you very much muchas gracias and Marty last Cote before we run a drag at the attention to the 26 euros a Latvian from tukums dutiful par BMX and kink Christoph's very modest place second it plays a simple summer session in Riga Christoph's is on a fire he wants it Lahiri ladies and gentlemen he is dropping in as we speak first visit here's Christo's UPS man 188 our super smooth ice smack that front wheel to live it went from a nice to the feeble yeah so difficult to adjust the speed you see that back wheel fishtail to wind up finding that sweet momentum of Smith to 180 just squelch it around that and rail right there very cool to see the bike awareness knowing that that was there you did not hit the front wheel my smooth day mice and you got 20 seconds my friend I'm grinding over that camel hump rail or a doesn't peg run and then and straight into a 180 landing fakie 10 seconds come on my friend you got this looking good so far put that cherry on that cake ask that 270 Smith and that is a time and thank you very much ladies and gentleman that I was tree stuffs right mountainous from Latvia all right a fourth and last rider here Jam number 9 first visit to the course the 20 year old Russian coming from Moscow due to foot hello ride bike shop art says argick Oh Artem whenever you are ready and he certainly brought his fat Rafi here to Estonia our time dropping in 270 drop big no-hander full speed ahead with another three imam likes to go super fast smack on the front of peg-wheel extension on that rail down another shadow conspiracy rider so great to see so many riderhood companies backing our athletes as we see it 360 no hander from the Moscow rider we have definitely seen Russia step up the game in the last few years lead in the way of BMX in our competition to the European scene and right now arts have been charged with 20 seconds to go trying to keep his feet on those pedals as he dances back around going for that foot jam putting the foot right left front wheel fun at the balance point 8 seconds to go over the volcano at the Dome ender good extension right there 3 2 1 360 at the buzzer nice performance here first a visit approach' to the Nathan Oso masterpiece simple session 90 course we're moving back straight back to the top Phillipa Bob from Athens in Greece whenever you ready to Phillip courses yours my friend just in front of our eyes here they're all getting ready and getting that zone getting that ball putting the earplugs in dropping in right now whenever you're ready for them this cord is yours but catch that momentum he ejected here a little bit but don't beat a deal and kept that flow going what a way to start as Ron they're getting that speed here yeah that's where we see that power I was talking about the massive forearms and upper-body strength holding off for that 360 he wants it terrible let's see trying to dip in for two quick little body check and then he's back alright where's McGrath helping a buddy out let's give that guy a moment got winded a little bit I guess checking on his right elbow on the big screens that you can see our judges Thomson bright tints T Hakeem Marcus Bilka Dave clear Worth and a bark - John and the good news is that Philip is back up at he's just shaking it off waking it up about his run is done ladies and gentlemen but let him hear you anyway ladies and gentlemen let's set some loft to Athens and grease fill in the buff thank you very much all right sit your let's go team whenever you're ready Miami go Geert are more than welcome to the set they sending it here a rut number two Maddie let's go team here we go dropping until just the seed ride are sporting a very big new mustache on that upper lip let's see that supports the style out here the nollie barzmann you know [Music] so technical rail right rail lied down fully in cooks well off his weight distribution on that balance yes as we are we are in the middle of winter here in Estonia sometimes there can be some flight delays out here Mady definitely had that he did not get much time to practice at all on the course so this is almost his practice run looking good out there all things considering and he still got a little more than ten seconds on the clock Maddie what do you got for us looks like it has one more got four seconds that was the buzzer that is it has to be for the crowd crashing that front wheel down book just grab my time buddy let's go any ladies and gentlemen before we take it to see the attention to the 26 year of not being cruise down three mountains the great rider all aware of already impressive with a super impressive and an amazing and I'm pretty pretty confident Christoph's will be able to step it up a notch if he can bring that fire come on Estonia trees - right - of course [Music] 362 interns and start his second run all over the Campbell back with a no-hander aiming for that rail to go hand her off link it together the combos backwards crooked grind over right there very cool the way he just brought his back leg and wheel over the rail looking for the goofy dismount having a little difficulty getting out of that one but a very creative bride line 27 to go to see cars over the simple session wave pulse PETA ad was he taking that speed Schmitt up 180 out getting that feedback from that offered by the Red Bull quarterpipe evil on Annie back into that transition that 10 second to width little patent scratch there over that coping line three seconds oh just a locked in on to that rail that cocaine ladies and gentlemen one more time let him hear treestars ravenous from la tía finishing off here at gym number nine boys and girls are Tim argick of the 22 year old Russian on his way on a hill ride a bike tuna foreshadow conspiracies Subrosa and artists also had another 60 seconds where my heart f fans at he wants to hear you come on big big no hander massive huge at 360 jesus smacking that rail with that front pack representing that shadow logo with pride here the Russian rider whipping it up in the LA speed bag obstacle smack in the back back at the front back 360 down oh the G turn on top of the deke of volcano fully in control the Russian writer with the lid less than 30 seconds remaining oh nice and the toothpick up and then over 180 same way opposite direction downwards this time looking at that foot jam on that deke volcano nine seconds enough time near our time to unleash a last little cherry big 360 and there was the buzzer one more time let's hear from our target Oh and ten number Wow Andy we are working our way through jam number ten please take the chorus Tajiri blah Alex hyoma Matt ray and ditto macaques Ruggieri of globulin Alex hi I'm Matt Bray and [ __ ] please take the course you guys got two or three minutes to practice we are gonna roll with jam number ten looking at some of the highlights coming out of Jim number nine here all those riders are in really a really really good technical Street riding this is again I like I hate to repeat myself but I can't remind you guys enough that this is a pure beauty of Amex a competition for simple session Aristo Mario's that decided a few years ago to dedicate the street riders a full contest for themselves and divided Street up by it with the park guys and he we still got riders checking in from around the world we have stand that no doubt here trying to keep up with the simple session and madness we also have riders from Down Under talking about from Australia booty den Co is watching and saying hey let's go cheering on all of our street riders out here very very cool to just see what is going to happen as we wind up progressing on through as we mentioned the last two years Garrett Reynolds took top honors in the street competition he is not here this year as we've seen he sent the few of us being the Barbie riders out here to take that top spot but we will see as we work our way through qualifying there is a look at the battlefield as we take a look at our warriors getting ready to come on out for our XP Jerry blob all followed by Alex high-end manta ray and in denim Cox ladies and gentlemen we got a check Republican and Australian and to the North American riders here and very a mix and it's so cool to see also morale that you would think of normal circumstances the next rider like Alec time himself is more orientated the Bulls or the parks around the world but this kid can absolutely shred this streets yeah this is going to be a very interesting heat you see we're gonna have a very diverse riding out here Matt ray definitely a powerhouse same with Alex hyoma we're gonna see the competition heat up as they want to be one of the twelve out there taking a look at the standings Mark Burnett still solid with the seventy eight point two zero Alex Kennedy with the seventy one point four and chip Rina witness sixty seven point eight zero so the score to be to be in the spot is to basically bring up to the 80s Mark Burnett holding strong at seventy eight point two zero all right boys and girls there we are opening gym at number ten twenty years of age do the press up Rosa and the shadow conspiracy out of the Czech Republic cheery blob all a teary this Court is yours my friend welcome to simple session because this is his first visit here to Estonia and first attendance here at simple session in the year 2019 the course is yours my friend at julie blah blah here we go full speed ahead looking into that all that was two maybe even three times around entering into the visited Estonia obstacle spinning those bars it's supersonic speed up rail went out coming out a Giri yeah you could just see the power again a lot of riders at the moment they grab their bike they've got that power which basically equals the confidence and that translates from thousands of hours of riding their bike whether it be in the streets in their hometown at the local skate park or what obsession and with their friends and Giri right now getting tech lucky stall up into the toothpick hitting the to ten combinations revolving around that front peg oh yeah looking good my friend a giri and making the czech republic BMX eat better seen very proud all of them probably watching this live right now simple session nineteen and there was the buzzer ladies and gentlemen one more time that's here for G block that was a badass double tie rod to double bar spin so Jerry put down in the big solid run we are going to keep it rolling though of jammed number ten as we mentioned we have BMX street ed parked two different competitions on the same course and riders are able to enter either or well thankfully for us we are about to witness the next rider are doing a double duty this weekend coming from a Brisbane Australia doing it for colony bans Lux and stance Australia this is Alex hi AMA now let's hi I'm dropping in the company rider he's a true truth Brizzy boy look at that speed he's breaking through the course here Darrell yeah that's what we're talking about the confidence out of hyoma coming in 270 utilizing that roller as he flips around in the half cab hi um we're gonna have an opportunity to see two different unique approaches to the course so he actually has to figure out four runs on this named Westland design course but right now Oh his first run is very interesting as he does that tail whip out of the double peg coming up hi I'm looking for his line front tire flat that is disappointing for hiya but we are gonna have an opportunity to see a second running Allen Alex for a run at number deuce all right making the course already and clearing things up here that's 23 year old coming all the way from Boston Massachusetts to Subrosa rider Matt ray is about to drop in Matt whatever you are ready my friend this course is yours all the way on the highest probably to one of the highest if not the highest side of the course Oh 270 barspin to drop in Ray is a powerhouse he definitely utilizes that body strength and you see that on that talent where he kicks it down side but actually traveled it up ray can throw all the BMX tricks that you would see in a jumping contest but on flat ground his his bunny hops are so big suicide no hander perfect clap behind the back ray Iraq and stronger shadow and Subrosa going backward yes looking at that here we got a little less than 30 seconds remaining on the clock here format taking the speed up for a big truck driver that isn't 360 with a marksman that was another one with the double bars this time landing backwards we'd like to call that in fakie as you said really really impressive to watch here Darrell the true powerhouse the Boston shredder here showcases on the simple session course another up legend barspin mountain that was the buzzer thank you very much Matt ray Wow big run for Matt ray third rider inner heat one more warrior remains of jam number 10 and coming all the way from Huntington Beach California doing it through BSD combat crew epic ride shop shout out to epic I know you guys are watching right now this is none other than Denham Cox yeah damn good to see here in Estonia welcome to Tallinn big 360 here out of that L HD satellite they should pull speed ahead into like a garage transfer on that visit Estonia spine obstacle finding them lines here continuing on the street side this course has to offer straight up the candy bar quarter pipe he's aiming something or pay me for something going for that gap to reel one more time we've seen that before such a burly burly move here Terrell yeah you need some precision going on because that led you're jumping off of that is shortened it's only about two bike points maybe two and a half so you got to get your act together before you jump off fifteen seconds to go dead-on ooh sliding that front peg he might have clipped the back end but it didn't matter she was able to roll out smooth five seconds charging back here we go right before the buzzer heads thank you very much Dan Emmett Cox on the HP California all right Alan Estonia we are not holding back anything we're going straight back to the top back to you dearly Jimmy blah blah the Czech Republic a rider here gets at the nut kosis from his home in denim that's what I love to see here the Brotherhood and the camaraderie in the Vitamix community who's super strong if not these strongest here at simple session in Estonia and a Giri Allah 3a barspin that is so hard to cope here cuz it's a triple bar spin three times around look at the double right there hand stays on the fan blade as Jerry just guides it around two times lightning speed Jerry charging back over double peg to manual double that is how you do it quick foot jam back at us again all eyes on those handlebars can throw around at lightning speed nollie bar spin lucky stall toothpick nice oh yeah ten seconds on the clock here come on you got this TV a big here a whippin the last seconds and that isn't the buzzer we want to give you that one and that is time ladies and gentlemen one more time Egeria blob oh wow talk about walking in the line the double tire on the rail ride so impressive well look at the tape run at number two he just had the pit crew working on his front tire shoutout to Dustin Mauro right now the 23 year old from Brisbane Australia Alex hi I'm on the course here we go hi I'm charging down double peg gapping when the no hander you see the flash going off let's see 10 whips around to a foot champ tail up to talipes in a 1 as high a bar spins out hi I'm such a talented rider he has been on a tear not only over the last year but since he was a young rider and now we're seeing it all coming to fruition as he doesn't downside at tail whip out of that double up maíam kick in that tower around yeah that 180 downside tell it was so cool out of my own as he double peg up the rally but here is a tire ride looking for the gap down Alex you got 15 seconds as you are trying to figure out what to do boobs we love to see coming out of the Brizzy boy making the colony owners Clint Bell are very very prime right now shout out to Flynn and Bishop Clint probably watching his live right now middle tonight in Australia one more time let's hear for Alex I am what every dumpster drum here hey there oh yeah that is what's important we talked about consistency both runs matter even though he had that flat tire his first 30 seconds were solid will our next rider taking his second run looking to solidify those this is Matt ray so Matt Bray on the highest part of the course right now you see them up on top as he truck drivers in that is a 270 drop with the bars been so difficult cuz you are not traveling anywhere forward there is a forward charging bar spin three truck into that down side bunnyhop tale with Matt gray we talked about having the power he could put the jumping tricks down with or without a quarter pipe this time choosing to do so with that Flair on top of the elevated lhv catwalk doing that 180 and then a width of double barspin width at ecole can go straight into the flare this guy is absolutely on fire look at that want any half cabinets with the bars out if I'm not mistaken 20 seconds still on the clock Matt ray truck driver up to step up the Thames with a double bar spin 360 feet in a Red Bull quarter pipe little less than 10 seconds looking at the five mark right now wind 360 at the at that time Estonia what do you guys think of Matt ray well I think it's unanimous Estonia loves Matt ray bye everyone cheer down lying and saying that was badass I think around the world they all agree that Matt ray solid second Brian one more rider remains exactly right here to knit on the Alex down the keyframe here come from BSD it's the HP rider denim Cox Dan and whatever you ready my friend drop it in brother full speed add and he's gone for that gap oh my lord and he just gets up he just Mane's and he just mans and grabs back his being a thief Raymond's BSD bike maybe he's gonna go for it again later on but he still has a more than half a minute left here full speed at the question is can't we get behind him here we go buddy [Applause] this guy is swimming he is paddling and he's getting the law for the Estonia trout here ten seconds on the clock here didn't Cox I am very very sure the home base at Epic BMX here watching online they're laughing their butts off right now definitely very much steam it out for Denton across so that beat Jim's hand is gonna clear the course jam 11 at Miguel samajis Sam Jones Felix Brandenburg and Anthony Karen please take the course semaj Jones Brandenburg and Karen taking a look at a couple sub couple of highlights here Darryl I'm Louie really really was super impressed by Turia blob all of courts Alex a high in there with his a typical Brazilian brizzy style skis here look at that that bars bit 270 droppin topping on the bat-ray followed by this huge huge a backside a back flip 180 which lights we like to call the Flair do the combos that half cab with that bar spin truck driver up to step up followed by a 360 double Barnes bit to fakie and then we got a Denon of [ __ ] here pressing that front F of front axle extensions that big onto that rail super super stack they're rioting and again there's no shortage of Kimora and sanity coming your way jam 11 is about to starts and we still got a couple more after that and looking at some of their riders we are still - but about to expect you can only imagine what kind of temperature will start to go down here in this Sokka Sokka Sokka Suho Arena Alex hi I'm here with his wizard be pressing that front wheel down and whipping it around top rail down without double shooting this week in a simple session nineteen 360 no [ __ ] till tail with [Music] whenever the gentlemen are ready right now we are ready to roll with a champ and number 11 ladies and gentlemen [Music] one quick reminder before we continue with a gym number 11 ladies and gentlemen there's a meet-and-greet planned here at a six o'clock here pictures and autographs of getting sign of the LHB a bank a booth that is near the main entrance Red Bull BMX riders Daniel tears and Kenneth Atencio will be able to sit there and you have to be able to have a little bit of a chitchat meet and greet meet Daniel Dhers and can Atencio @lh feedback booth at 6:00 p.m. all right were you get the party rolling judges thumbs up all right judges I'd like to see that we're gonna take the attention she's in the finger Germany representing one of our sponsors Kunz walk and also shadow some Rosa taken over the world here 21 years of age Miguel's body Miguel whatever you're ready my friends let's see it the comes form rider dropping in with 360 bar spin all the homies at cooks farm shout out to fool Adan uniform on and zipper and all the other guys here the oh geez makin cooks for my beer makes really really shine in Germany and all over in Central Europe look at that tech combination coming out of Miguel 20 seconds still on the clock big el aiming for that day volcano clearing over the one footed X up catch - some speed for the last 10 seconds of its first to visit to the course all up to the LHB all fast planted satellite dish out and there was at the buzzer tight all the time out of thank you very much in Vigo all right judges we're gonna take the attention to the United Kingdom Doudna previous idea dub MX substance and dude the 26 year old - UK citizen Sam Jones whenever you're ready Sam course is yours my friend here we go wherever Sam Jones fan that look at that head 5 and down the Red Bull legs over crank on rail ride bar spin-out ESM look it's very good indeed those prescient three on the dig volcano still got half a minute left a little bit more actually I just scraped the last bit of that real here with this bottle bracket 22nd and all that five to a very comfortable ski the trail ride real bride Sam Jones looking very good here fifteen seconds but there mo there we go keeping it fakie keep them ka-ki full cab around Sam Jones and three two one after that those three fakie ladies and gentlemen one more time let's hear percentage Jones getting the knockos from endless yeah you yeah Bacchus I see you I see you all right we like to call up the peeper do different we the people residing in rossbach Germany close by Cologne twenty years of age makes and launch of feelings back feel like such a dominant rider had a huge year one at the nora cup for ride BMX magazine a Readers Choice Award that means he's got fans all over the world big truck driver gaps so smooth and he grabbed in that transition able to set up for the nice pic look at the way he's twenty seconds into his run it keeps building momentum we see right there the cap fly it off but setting up for the five forty barspin grabbing that hat or visit Estonia roller brandenburg is an odd one right now getting that transition Nate West so that is a great feature of the course allowing for the speed to just keep cruising as pranit Burgas 15 seconds while his run is certainly cruzi but it's filled up with the girth look about he is probably one of the guys who has one of the biggest treat bags in the business we even throw it down the flare unfortunately going down with a little more than a 5 seconds on the clock but the good news is he still got one or ought to go so please bare hands together one more time for Phoenix back-to-back alright ladies and gentlemen this next rider is an absolute tech wizard representing federal bikes Red Bull vans Mary Jane Oakley dub and the BMX Avenue doodler [ __ ] Tara and floss clicks and noise for Anthony P Anthony if you have been watching the simple session Instagram account this guy is absolutely on fire already on the practice runs up a believable tech pose here take a look what he's able to do leak 180 landing into that yellow wedge going over the dig volcano Paragon Ethan year looking to up the ante be in the finals parent such a talented rider I know that everybody the European scene knows that but for all of you who are watching maybe in the US and this is your first time seeing happy parents take note he's been crushing it for such a long time but he's got the tech the power and the finesse he's the full package deal is he has 15 seconds to go parrot charge it back at us nollie hitting that front peg for that drift over woman 85 seconds my friend getting some speed here last one full leather nose a tooth Brian and that is a time mess people fool around so come on thank you very much Anthony can't wait to see you shred for a second run judges ladies and gentlemen taking the attention back to the top back to Miguel the 21 year old a German who represents a shadow and Subrosa here's Miguel dropping in with a 3/16 at Bart's bed look at that pressing that back wheel and then that's a 720 rotation yeah Miguel that's that crooked 180 out yeah you can just see the power in that front wheel pivot right there 540 but just tick tocking on that front wheel Miguel ripping things up hit both rails on the way up and way down original moves coming out here back wheel boogie checking the hair - still looking good as we kill sets up on the red bull quarter bar spin back at us Andy without a doubt he got a little bit more than 10 seconds still to go buddy taking the speed back to his back wheel straight into the rail going to that 180 out or running out of time there goes the buzzer that subpoena Duncan to get Smiley's signal finger Germany couldn't calm a rider now the time to shine for another five minutes for the BSD rider Sam Jill tear down who said whenever you are ready my friend of course is yours yes Sam already having a great solid last year we saw that Battle of Hastings we're down the source of BMX park he really threw down some tech front wheel moves literally taking the talk out of my mouth talking about his hang fives going on that damn ledge Sam Jones he's still got some time I see you're limping maybe grabbing the family jewels but let's put it on the line as you got 40 seconds to go Sam Jones look at the dig deep as he charges back yes oh yeah I like what I see her coming out of Sam yeah and I know you and I were so impressed with Sam Jones is riding at Battle of Hastings where we wanted a witnessing the BSD rider against all odds working on that front wheels magic and there we just seem floating that was like Sam Jones versus the volcano right there just drifted in Reverse falling backwards there's a five thank you very very much to the doomed rider Sam Jones ladies and gentlemen Sam want to give you props man for getting back up and ride and I know you went down hard in the beginning you're probably talking a few octaves higher but props to you for finishing out your run we got two riders left and it's the Germans 20 years old he has been making a noise and around the world the We the People nighter as I mentioned coming in off a door a couple Ward for the reader's choice this is Felix tranberg P Burke starts his second run off right now ladies and gentlemen and that's the loop powerhouse an absolute smooth operator looking at his age again he's only twenty years of age look at that are you actually serious Felix absolutely tech war is a dream to its finest you delivered just after fifteen secret after his a second run here yeah Andy I had to read his age two times just to make sure he was 20 because he has been at simple session since 15 years old and even back then he was making his presence known but now Felix really coming into his own 360 over a Red Bull a-frame riders we the people looking for his line as he double pegs switch to the ankle coming off with the 180 brennenburg 15 seconds for that tailwind exactly my tails 10 10 seconds currently on the la jinn the a quarter pie of a satellite dish in with a big 540 gut bucked off right about the same time where he ended up his first run regardless give it up for the 20 year old We the People Rider one more time Phoenix coming back hopefully all the moments before that last crash will be enough for print burg to be joining us in the finals again we have 12 riders that will be advancing one more rider yet to go for his second run we talked about him being the total package this is the 24 year old Frenchman Anthony Perrin that's apparent doing it for federal bikes Red Bull heads and the Mary Chain a true and if you want to become a member of the marriage in extreme you got to bring that certain speed to the table such yeah that part's pitch i sanded down that let's look at he just smack that tooth and went over that rail yeah Karen we talked about the finesse the French riders always have that book Aaron really brings it to the streets me just look at that hopping over the toothpick ride coming down his weight was entirely over the handlebars and he just floated the grind down a lot of riders have kind of just you know sloppily hit that front peg on not really be in the balance point but not if you're Anthony parent being 180 over a rail land and backwards his parent looks to strut his stuff 23 seconds to go exactly right my friend looking almost at that 15-second mark right now big big shout-out to theta robots currently working on their FCS a project that is premiering sometime next year and those animals here still finding the time to ride the contest and getting them clips for FTS but here at apparent getting in that bull menhir big 180 bar spin right into that Bank coming out Anthony pass thank you very very much as in the RI and that concludes here Jim and number 11 all the gentlemen and gentlemen and gentlemen of number 12 Reed stark Justin a street courage Adams the course is yours for one and a half minutes Wow Andy those are some big names that you just read off Reid Stark Justin Street and courage Adams I know that riders all over are definitely psyched to see those three distinct styles out on the course these riders were talking about Reid as stark is always one of my favorites I know he definitely is here as well at simple session that's because for the last two years Reid has been in the finals last year he had a very impressive showing in the fourth place which he was just outside of podium and then the year before that he was second place so he was on podium there's only one spot to go up Murray to start and that is in first but courage Adams we have out here everyone knows that he has been pushed in the sport of BMX Street all the crazy link lines in manuals I don't have to tell you that though because I know you're following our simple session Instagram and you saw some of the wacky combinations coming under the back wheel of courage Adams but then you know what's sandwiched right in between one of my favorite riders Justin screen we are gonna see finesse screed I'd like to call it dirt rider the reason I say that is because dirt riders got a certain flow and sneezy nature about them and Spri will bring that to the streets he'll bring that to ramps and you'll see if take a basic trick such as a bar spin and just do it his own of flavor so jam number 12 the party is getting turned up out here we will be back in just a few moments where we started off with start spree and Adams all right gentlemen and this is the time I'd like to ask you and remind you to stop your riding and focus on your runs we're going to open up a gym at number 12 the riders are already that the judges are ready all right Estonia it is my absolute pleasure to introduce our next rider I had an opportunity to ride the streets of New York City with him earlier this year and he was talking about this moment in particular being here in Saku arena being cheered on by the fans in Estonia - how bad it let's put our hands together for Reed stark oh my goodness I am pretty excited yeah you should be Andy Reed is one fast powerful rider definitely brings his oldest spark to the course where he will just light the fuse and has that trail of flames behind a gap to Smith dried start a four peg rider knows how to use them here we go yeah grunting yeah yes what an original line that was yes start originality go hand in hand Safari [ __ ] is his company and safari style is indeed as he flies up let's see where starts gonna go its 23 seconds peg bunkin up in that burnt corner tire slide the peg bomb off the spine I know Nate Wessel is super sightseeing readout on the course utilizing it like no other you got eight seconds to go Reed look at that up definitely a few inches here on the course that no one else actually thought of using there goes the buzzer one more time where am i read start fans right here I am raising my hand is I'm a big fan of Reed starts we're gonna see one other run but Andy I gotta tell you this heat in particular shows the diversity of the MX reads start discrete machine but the man who likes to blend the style with the streets being cheered on by his dad right now this is the fit bike co-writer Justin Springs yeah Justin welcome back to Estonia simple session 19 who wouldn't be the same party without you brother Logan top rail that's a bar spin 180 out yeah just watch the finesse of speed look how smooth coming out of that bar spin with the 180 from that cricket going backwards Street BMX has been in his blood since a very young age I actually think he was riding before he was walking speed 30 seconds as the entire fit bike coach cheers him on Chris Paul or dougie fresh and the boys over at the building let's go Street twenty seconds come on that whole Jam barspin out here they're all telling seconds still in a clock for Justin messages coming in from Odyssey PMX nuna Oliveira getting a hike right there on streets toothpick slider and it looks like streets gonna throw up the double deuces for his first run all right ladies and gentlemen thank you very much to Justin's breeding as an absolute pleasure to introduce you to the next rider here to gym number 12 if you haven't been a living under a rock for the past two years you probably know this guy is literally setting a new pace for BMX patrol from balance and BMX Street riding current really released his perch project for event an absolute firecracker originally from Nigeria now resides in Madrid vanya give it up for turrets Adams dropping in here right now here what do you got for us pressing that front wheel oh my goodness Wow courage throwing the handlebars may be looking for a combo how does that but one thing's for sure that was just aimed at for that crooks fourth quarter pipe you have to pay attention to his front wheel or his back wheel you never know where is gonna press it down and hold in that balance point getting that weight distribution right done the fly bikes rider here at doodling very and very and look at C Z crank are all look at that Batman yellow bars out to the front present that front wheel 15 seconds courage 15 seconds for the Spaniard oh that's how far spin to Manuel hit great but get back to keep the coin back to get it together flat second hole jam ice bars out muchas gracias courage Adams all the good news is ladies and gentlemen courage all of it also has another second or run ahead of himself we are taken aback the attention to the top mr. Reid is start the kendama wizard the kendama magician he actually in fact came on a bus ride here from Riga Latvia to host a kendama event over there and he arrived the last night I don't know Thursday night if I'm not mistaken to make it to simple session 19 and if this as I said it again this place would not be the same party without this guy so whenever you ready have another extra breather and the time is yours Reid start alright here we go come on Estonia welcome in Reid start Reid start things off gap to Smith grind double up fast icepick coming down and SAS is definitely the name of the game with big grinds if your name is Reid start here we go looking for another original yo gap to Smith grind coming back at us his start drops in a nice and smooth as he gets with the double peg right this time hitting that Smith onto the roller now 30 seconds on the clock half a minute full speed ahead going into the visit Estonia spine here nice cars going up now he's on the roll in stop everyone that the who knows that reach dark heat means business come on who wants to see a little bit of those Goods here we go yeah hitting that double peg grind grinding around the perm yo hitting the back peg as he just falls out of the sky from our visit Estonia flag start with three seconds to go looking for a final thought charge and Andy gap double time give it up for Reed start I'm gonna tell it to you again this guy used some last couple of centimeters of inches and no one else would ever dream up and he just made so so effortless but now back to the California Duda from Marietta fit a box at Odyssey secret BMX shop the 23 year old adjusted spree justin whatever you ready get this pawn your world will ya here we go 60 seconds Justin Springs spreed last year seventh in the finals if any rider can even make it to the finals it's that simple session that is like winning a World Championships yes look at that talking about Andy the finesse at a spree the way that he threw the bars after just pressing all of his weight into that toothpick utilizing the whole rail all Jam to bar spin screech dad right now is so pumped teaching his son to ride a bike at such an early age and now as a professional rider travel in the world the fit bike rider coming back at us as he looks for his line screech crank arm into the transition very cool the way you utilize that hop in and press in the front wheel no front brake needed Craig get it over here over crank arms you got five seconds on the clock Justin and there goes the buzzer ladies and gentlemen at tallinn estonia after that train after that smack please one more time baguette hands together a round of applause please for Justin his freaks will all eyes in the BMX world collectively or on one of the most advanced riders in 2019 for Street known for the technical lines and abilities this is courage Adams courage coveted for a second run let's see where he's going on the front wheel throwing the bars yeah oh that is what he was looking for his first run as courage throws down a quick Smith on the red bull damn ledge Bart's been to icepick logo those lap he's trying to lock in that next Wizardry that combination up a feeble and that's 360 out press that back wheel back into the other side of this tree course full speed ahead up crank on bar spin out fake it manual the two boys do it do it courage put it all on the line pushed as chips into the center of the belt table as he is gambling on some super technical courage Adams gambling with the hard line trying to put it all together hopefully that will pay off and he will hit the jackpot being one of the 12 riders advancing to the finals jam 13 please take the course Donna key Mills rapert ed Hoffman Donna key Mills Rayford in Hoffman's I just hear your seat Donna key Mills Rae for an approximate yeah this is insane this is basically a final it is like a final we have going on in Jam it number 13 and our riders Alex dannika Lewis Mills Brock Rayford and Bruno Hoffman could all potentially be a writer that could take the top spot well let's take a look right now as we see breed start that was one of the cooler mozi scene of the contest along with his gap to grinds the thing that stands out with Bay with Reed starts riding is the fact that they're unique to this course not taking away from anyone else but he's finding minds to jump into these rides you have to set up for same thing goes with courage Adams where he was able to put some of these manual lines together because of the different transitions that are out here and they're unique to this course you're taking his skill set you basically have would then have to find the lines and I do think that reads start definitely demonstrated that by not only double tagging on top of that curved wall but also by having the gap to double peg the gap to tire ride and finding the transitions coming into an atom so that was an awesome heat with Jam at number 12 look at this mine up right here Donny key Mills Rayford and a Hoffman aged 20 through 25 but all powerhouses in their own right nice little overview beauty shot here of the simple section 19 Soccer Hall arena here always a treat coming back here to simple session and Estonia especially in this wonderful venue and this wonderful house of and BMX taking a look at the top scorer ray 84.2 zero credit bird seventy nine point two and holding strong with the 78 point two zero followed by parents pre Kennedy and we are going to be takin the tops well some read start is on the bubble spot along with Markham are Gough so if you are sitting anywhere close to number 12 we have four riders remain there's a chance that you might get bumped out we definitely would not want that to happen to 80 of our riders but this is going to come down to our final heats right now so riders the bigot please clear the course our judges are ready Bart de Jong head judge is given the thumbs up the fat B of X network is saying we are good to go look at the battlefield as the smoke is ready to settle for our last and final heat Jam at number 13 our first rider coming from a Scotland a doing it for BSD fans and a monster coming in fresh off an X Games gold medal down in Sydney for BMX Street let's welcome in alex Donna key Oh mr. Donaghy oh very very proud Scotsman here doing it for PSP in advance of Monster Energy he'll look that smile on his face I love seeing Alex ride because he's always having that smile yeah done I keep putting three heads in on the rail fun 40 tried for that revert now Donaghy is dead one of the guys pushing the tech abilities in Street for the last few years any time he has an edit that hits the internet people just lose their minds collectively because of moves like that triple hit on the a-frame bars bent back at us Donna Keith halfway mark full jam to those we delete sure to get that front balance point as done he turns around with the people you want to talk about tech look at these insane things what he's trying to do here now Alex Donna key with 15 seconds remaining on the clock come on Alex we're about VSD where my Alex done to keep friend Zack come on give this guy a little bit of a fire there's but Donna key coming back at us feeble back wheel trying to find the line Donna key that is going to be time he will have another opportunity out here want to get down a key some props riding injured at the moment putting on a show for us and also all the fans who are checking them out but that means we are gonna move on to our next rider 20 years old Sydney Australia and a we were down there for the Sydney X Games and witnessed this rider put it on exactly right we first met I think of the year before that at the bouts I hey stink when you come over and basically showed everyone what Australian street riding looks like and then as you said we went over to Sydney to watch him ride and earning himself a silver medal he Sydney local boy doing a freaky clock and gig on hook bumped up the to the monster team please welcome from Australian Louisville Lewis here haunt and makes you look at that bar is a real bars out whatever yeah if you had not had an opportunity to see Lewis Mills rakia you are in for a treat remember the name sure spills as he has the tricks and the consistency to back in up twenty years old it is hard to believe because of that consistency and also when it comes down to competition time he's able to get to that zone and almost turn everything else off little less than thirty seconds till to go my friend waiting out for us at the Aussie here Ryder here look at this thing what he is said of trying to accomplish here first time a simple session and I know that he's got a lot of fast sitting in the crowd come on let him hear you big big truck driver drop here from Louis Mills for the Sydney boy smack that front peg all that rail there goes the buzzer thank you very much man this is Sydney Australia's Lewis Mills so Mills first run checked off the listener next rider twenty four years old finished third last year so that means that he qualified a four in the finals definitely a big rider with big hops power to match volume Odyssey bands Rock Rayford yeah Brock good to see you back in talent knowledge at front tooth smacker right there there's a 360 bar spins like that step up 180 bars find that lines oh yeah an absolute powerhouse this guy is able basically to muscle around anything he wants and wherever he wants those block tape another bigger three bars and you still got 25 seconds on the clock here Brock off rail free of CC the hard way out simple session nineteen eighties though the space are they're catching some speed oh yeah all that real ups right off that played it chooses draping the blade on that coping dig volcano Jeter net last second and there goes the buzzer abraca rapers Oh cried hard 180 over on you XE serious thank you very much Brock we're going to see one more time later on well Andy one more rider remains I know you might be a little biased because you are a German along with him but he is a favorite here because last year he finished second overall he was one spot away from the top doing it for federal bikes fans Red Bull a claw dub this is Bruno Hoffman full speed ahead for Bruno oh lucky impressed I want Eddie out smacking that back peg I was the opposite ice I think it was on that down ledge look at that lucky back to sever the end so much tech coming out of the Frankfort local again as you said he placed second here at the last a year yeah so close to get in the top spot Garrett Reynolds who got it too years in a row just pitched out with a couple of extra points off the ejecting over the bars 15 seconds Bruno you know every second matters 10 seconds let's see if Bruno can get back on and come on Estonia where bruno hauptmann fence bruno trying to find that moment one more time for the last for three seconds press that manual and that on the book sir that is it count ladies until about one more time let me hear you for Bruno Wow Hoffman getting it done last seconds get back from that crash knowing it all matters said you know what I'll just put in a crazy Tech combo right here at the end of my run you guys could just sit on that one so Alex Donaghy is gonna come back to the course Donaghy 60 seconds we talk about a big two runs that count is an overall impression so all seconds matter as Donaghy comes in once excuse me once Donna keep coming out here and delivering the goods as we do true the truth Donna key style come on Donna key digging deep right now going over ice pick hitting it on his non-traditional side right there left foot is forward double peg from the manual to a 180 Donna he just showing the consistency Bart's been back at us again he had a little difficulty in his first run saying you know what I want to try to get the full pull in my second as Donna he charges back feeble back wheel boogie you got 15 seconds come on Alex who wants to see this come on ladies and gentlemen telling Estonia here we go here's their feeble they're at their free five seconds to go Alex here comes the buzzer we're going to see it anyway come on up the feeble and Oh ladies and gentlemen one more time I would like to hear you for Alex Thunder King all right Louis of course is yours my friend 60 seconds long do the for Sydney Australia here we go [Music] bars a peck grunt of bars 180 outs Lewis on a mission here what we're still 40 seconds still on the clock Darryl there's good good good chances still here the oppas Andy here like some more points as you sit it's an overall impression every single trip and every single second count come on Mills Bart's been landing that crooked trying to get the eject with the 180 but coming right around you got 20 seconds if you wanna Bill's throwing up the double thumbs up and way they don't how about a round of applause to the twenty year over in Sydney Australia so two of riders remain and these are two of big riders finished third and second respectively it is the big boy rock Rayford great for jumping in all the way from Huntington Beach California Lavanya man Odyssey rider thrown down the 360 adding a few bars pins there is Bart's been coming out that Red Bull quarter-final bars 180 overpack ride of the hard way 180 degrees out Rayford let's see them power at work as he knows box to Bart's pit this time first go we did that tabletop right now though it was all about the barspin Rayford circle and a half let's see where he's going great for doing it for volume going up yeah so smooth right there putting all the topics down as Rayford charges back at us ten seconds for Rayford double tire on the spine and nice and smooth Andy all eyes on the dig volcano here pressing that front wheel down super smooth ladies and get about one more time let me hear for brawn rafer well one more rider remains Oh Rayford after the buzz they're just putting on a little bit of a demo that is not gonna count the one more rider remains it's so crazy to think he is only 25 years old that is because he grew up in as the magazines and be a expedia now at 25 years old we are seeing the Germans look for his second run here at simple session 19 exactly right he's taking that speak one more time for that lucky 180 and off that ledge taking the moment that advantage that Red Bull quarter pipe has to offer for an awful vice down that ledge oh did you see how would you have believed all over that so beautiful to see him here Oh Colonel Hoffman delivering his typical signature moves here yeah and he what you're talking about was that style being totally we know ruts and now what we're seeing is the tech come into play so Bruno showing you that he's got bold things to offer whole jam three out might have been even like a pack a peck combination crooked that's good that's how we know Bruno here and he's still got 15 seconds Bruno pressing that batty here's the convo here's the combo are teasing it around five seconds last ticket and that is a time Tallinn Estonia Lamia Facundo fine ladies and gentlemen and to all riders in a gym and number 13 and all the street riders I would like to ask you please a big round of applause to all ridership free of extreme qualifiers we're gonna take at least a 30 minutes a break if I'm not mistaken - a warm-up 20 minutes or 20 minutes riders to warm up the park riders the BMX park riders on course please keep your eyeballs open you got twenty minutes of practice I know for all their fans around the world watching we are gonna do 28 minutes of practice in the meantime make sure that you're following us at simple session it is so easy to do you can hit that hashtag simple session or hashtag simple session 19 because we are gonna be checking in to see how you are watching I want to know what your home and set up just looking like are you watching on the phone maybe a laptop maybe you got a bunch of friends around like big cane out in China where you guys party and you are watching the world the best riders going on but that was there BMX Street qualifier that just wrapped up we are getting ready to witness the park written in a totally different way as we've got our BMX park riders getting ready to cruise as mentioned earlier you can follow online and give him a DM to get a shout out that is Andy Zeiss at Andy's ice a and dy zei SS or myself at Darryl now dar ry l and a you we will be giving you guys shoutouts throughout the entire time but in about 20 minutes we are gonna get the party underway for our next vmx park of qualifications a couple of highlights out coming out of the VMAs the qualifiers here that last Jam was certainly stacked o with a technical wizardry and the highest level of BMX street riding that was that huh Brian hop over grind to one idea of coming out of Brunel's in his run number two Oliver all beauty shot here of the sukkah Hall and very very shortly we should be able to know who are the twelve gentlemen that will vans to tomorrow's finals judges are currently sticking their heads together making sure the right gentlemen are advancing to the finals we got Marcus Ville t hagath Dave clear worth Akiko uski Bryant in ski tops and apart identities Jean here and making sure that they're right at gentlemen are going to see a back on course 12 of them I'm going to jam this on one more time for tomorrow's two Street finals like to pay attention to all the riders here on the Park riders side please and make sure to always have your eyes open be aware of your surroundings in the meantime I'm going to just thank some of our sponsors out here for back in simple session 19 making it one of the best events in all of Europe big ups to Yandex taxi that's right and X taxi download the app use the promo code SS 2019 to get a 3d Europe discount on your first ride so if you want to go to the party tonight that Club Hollywood it's that simple download putting the code in and you are going there for next to nothing because Yandex taxi already has the best rates around on our first floor we've got our activities going on you can try out the brand new video game Pumped BMX pro that's right you can try it before it's going to be released in a few days pumps BMX Pro that is going on on the first floor we also have in our LHV area you can meet some of our athletes for a signature signing I believe right now we have Kenneth tech CEO and Daniel Dhers where you can go grab yourself a autograph and beat two of the world's best riders while you're up there you can grab a delicious Kelly bar that's right Kelly bar is in the house and we've got all the bars you could try along with retro Tony Hawk videogames so a very cool area to check out that is right on the first floor also though Andy we got something cool going on a bed a penpal tattoo studio is set up and you can actually grab yourself a tattoo on the first floor as well kind of a cool souvenir to roll away simple session i keyed with some egg but we want to thank all our sponsors for being out here and really backing talking about redbull lhv gopro Kelly bar PR coup [ __ ] form any subway pump BMX Pro Yandex taxi the Fabiano visit Estonia Ministry of Culture talent city how much time we have I might I lock down a meeting for I don't know get inked or something you think they have a time for like a quick little five minute souvenir tat it depends what you're looking to do maybe the the smiley face that says simple session you might have time for that but if you're gonna do a full back piece that's maybe a party montage of what's gonna go down at Club Hollywood tonight you're gonna have time for that but if you maybe keep it simple with the one in the night maybe an ancestor on in there you'll be good to go alright alright I'll see you guys that I made at hair tattoos studio all right Brian's again you got about 15 minutes of practice please keep your eyes peeled this is group number one on the course as mentioned earlier I am Darryl now joined by Andy Zeiss and we will have our BMX park qualifications going on in about 15 minutes Oh Darryl here are the results for a BMX requalification in first place mat rain followed by feelings of bragging burger courage Adams Mark Burnett brought a Rayford a brutal Hoffman Anthony parent Justin Street Alice Kennedy Giri a blob all from the Czech Republic and the last to joining finals are Lois Mills and Max ship Rena all the guys are just announced congratulations you made the finals all the other guys massive congratulations as well for an outstanding outstanding BMX qualification a day at superstition 2019 roid party repeat following the long tradition of hosting the most epic madness in Northern Europe the simple session series will return with insane action both on and off the course [Music] one spectacular course one big party don't miss the most anticipated BMX and skated end of the winter welcome to the legendary simple session 2nd and 3rd of February 2019 in Tallinn Estonia watch live and on-demand on Red Bull TV and session de [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] when you truthfully love something [Music] it's hard to stop you from doing your best [Music] - twelve it's a little bit nipply [Music] there's one experiment with a lot of different things [Music] what's up guys my name is Anthony Panza we're here in the sauna actually in this changing room I'm about to jump into this lake right now right check this this Lakes about four degrees this is the Estonian way of going to a sauna you come out you jump into the lake or you jump into the lake you go into the sauna supposedly makes you feel good we're gonna give it a try wish me luck god bless [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: simplesession
Views: 1,046,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simple session, bmx, bmx street, reed stark, alex hiam, bruno hoffman, alex kennedy, courage adam, broc raiford
Id: YMcAkpN77js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 230min 3sec (13803 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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