Replay Urban Downhill MTB | Red Bull Valparaíso Cerro Abajo 2019

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once a year valparaiso stops the port comes to a halt routine is paused and the endless stairs are emptied those that are normally used to be climbed once a year will only be used to go downhill once a year Valparaiso starts to be seen by the world so that everyone will witness a new coronation the king of the port seventeen years have passed a beverage the King may change with the rain remains the same far near a race it's all or nothing a demonstration of determination a gauntlet from peak to ocean which will crown a new king once a year fun potassium is said hola is now welcome everyone across the globe to the 2019 edition of the Red Bull valparaíso Sarah Abajo with me today is the one and only Claudia : hello everybody my name is Addison's wada and we're coming to you from the land of foucha coladas narrow streets and endless colors the Yunus Seiko world heritage staple of Valparaiso Chile today Claudia we're looking at a downhill urban mountain bike race looking for some riders to watch what do we got going on well one of them is Gabriel Gabriela Cho Venini just coming off a winning streak and it's his first time here actually ever but let's see if we can go with that winning streak very excited to see we're on a bit of a delay there we should have introduced the riders you're gonna come up shortly but looking up at the crowd look at that crowd we've got on the street it gets bigger and bigger every year looking at the final feature on course here that's they call that the flower shop I think you were telling me earlier that the winner as he goes by if he's got a substantial lead might even get a bouquet of flowers going through yeah thank you if you if you're gonna win that's where you pick up your flowers so what are the expectations for today Claudia well as usual at those City races in South America lots of people well the weather there we cannot complain I would say but the weather looks about as perfect as we can get looking out at the port right now this is the major port for the western side of South America a huge port and the largest port in Chile oh you did some research I tried you know I studied up actually you know buta coladas these elevators that you see going up and down the city I look I did some research into those those are pretty fascinating so the steeps are the roads and driveways and walkways are so steep here hence why we have the hundreds of thousands of stairs that were racing on today but they've got these up looking back at our writers to watch who we got there is Gabrielle Chava Nene from Brazil first time here and this is actually Johannes Fishbach from Germany former four-cross pro still but now he switched to downhill super fast there as well next one here and then we're looking at Pedro for the theory he is without a doubt a moment a rider to watch in this moment in world world urban downhill mountain biking wow they're mixing this up for us Matias Nunez he actually got injured and practice can't race today and then the man the myth the legend you can't count them out two-time winner here in the defending champion Tomas Slavik by way of the Czech Republic let's see what Slovak has got going on for us today but quick let's take a look at what our course is today Claudia run us through some of the features on this course well the graphics are gonna run us through it they said that there is a less pedaling on the track this here I think it's actually the same track that just added more technical features which then makes it less pedaling and well as you can see there's still lots of straights but one of them key features are those stairs there they get really really narrow towards the end and I wouldn't want to be racing through those narrows because you just have to make sure you don't hit your trick your handlebars to the sides checking out the course earlier on the bottom of those Boccaccio stairs it is there are if you've got full downhill mountain bike bars me I'm talking 800 mill or more there's only a centimeter maybe between each tie the bars it is crazy narrow I would actually consider cutting down the handlebars for that section but you know a lot of features as you see here a lot of jumps they're quite big a lot of fun they look - but at the end it's not only the most skillful rider that's gonna win this one it's also the fittest one because it remains quite pedaling yeah and the final features on that course I mean we've got the container that you jump out of the flower shop but you can't count out the bus an 8 metre gap on that one probably with the speed you come at it 8 metres is not that much I'm hoping for these riders sake that sounds like a very large job looking at the hot seat on screen that looks comfortable we actually have got a new addition this year instead of just one in the hot seat we've now got it for all three of the top three riders looking up at the start start list we are stuck kicking it off today with win masters out of New Zealand mark Mauricio hakuna by way of Chilean Rojas Chile again Beto Nicholas out of the chili and then Jonas Fishbach out of Germany Adrian Laurent Geronimo PES Pedro Fiorina and Thomas Slovak rounding it out he is the fastest qualifier of the day by way of the Czech Republic with a 251 that's two seconds in front of everybody else two seconds is allowed on a track like this well last year he beat his fastest time and this year it's a little bit slower but the course is 200 meters longer so I have a feeling that might be coming into play here and you see that the strong peddlers are wet are up there so well I wouldn't say it's an easy trick it's still gonna be very gnarly if you want to hit all those technical features at full speed no it's not and I was reading earlier that the course is 1.9 kilometers long it seems longer than that but that's because of all the stairs and the 237 meters of drop that's a lot of drop in two kilometers that is really I wonder how they built that City getting another look at our hot seat and what you got going on live there if you're with us on Red Bull TV we have got an action-packed day coming at you I'm talking about Valparaiso today Red Bull Valparaiso Sarah Abajo that's what we're looking at today if you're at home they'll waiting on the info waiting on everything to get kicked off make sure you jump over and download the app and by channel script Oh download the Red Bull TV app for free and enjoy some amazing content anywhere anytime on all those devices looking up at all those GoPros cameras everyone is ready for our first rider win masters to come blasting through that container drop oh these spectators should watch the race and not just their screens well there's no race on yet but look at that city though absolutely fantastic the rolling hills of Valparaiso just a beautiful sight the architecture and the colors that you see in this city are bar nine amazing and this is actually pretty much the kickoff of the 2019 mountain bike season first big event it is and we were talking about it's the kickoff of sort of the downhill season a granted this is urban downhill so it's a little different but this is really a kickoff of all mountain biking this this year I mean we've got a ton of the four-cross riders we got a ton of down here our feet we got some of the top-level World Cup riders out here today yes and you know only two weeks from here we're gonna kick off the redbull pumptrack World Championship also in Chile then a few weeks later Crankworx in New Zealand I heard rumors that some of these riders might not even be leaving they're just gonna hang out in Valparaiso until pumptrack rolls around oh really that's good to know and then remember also it's only a bit more than two months until we kick off the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup and don't forget that you can check out all that action both the pumptrack World Challenge and the UCI World Cup downhill circuit yep you're gonna catch all that on Red Bull T vs Red Bull go there for any and all amazing information and well the best content around looking up looking up at the start gate right now we are just getting ready we are only moments away from dropping our first riders of the day and then it is pretty much get pedal to the metal and full-on the entire afternoon so the first one out of the gate it's gonna be win masters maybe he's doing some wheelies somewhere he's probably shooting his next Instagram video but speaking of win win is one of my favorites because he's always there we go win is out the gate here we go dropping down look at him hard on the pedals he is known for his enduro racing so you know he's not scared to match the power that he'd come from though he wasn't standing him to sin to start tough he was getting an extra running start it's called tactics and secrets uh-huh looking onto our course we've got the first flat track corner we saw couple riders go down in that last year but no problem for win right now getting down through our first feature that's gonna be over Jessica's yard yet win by way of New Zealand hitting the first stairs on course Boccaccio's corner get ready that is probably gonna throw a few riders off today I saw in practice and qualifiers it's giving some people some trouble but not win no now look at how narrow this gets towards the end of these stairs right here it's getting more narrow and more narrow you're gonna be so close to your hand to those posts with your handlebars every time it just it gets me every time but dropping down right through yep that's through the hostel the local hostel yeah we are running through that course today that is about the only dirt collection seat on course today rest of it is all concrete I wonder if going I was if you ride that right the full width of a downhill handlebar if you're actually gonna make it through the house they were they were telling me that it's only a few centimeters on each side not quite as narrow as the stairs but not much wider down over the wd-40 drop you can hear the dogs in the background when masters peddling super hard you can see him not right now but you could see him pedal super hard you see that there's so many flat sections it's gonna be burning already halfway through the course here your legs are gonna be burning they were talking about the average gradient again the 45% range so it's very steep there but when you want to get on that top step and get into that 250 low 250 range like Thomas Slovak is you gotta be on pedals the whole time yeah you know the steep sections are only in the stairs but those those streets here I mean they are steep but still you are gonna you're gonna be pedaling as hard as possible it looks like it as we get towards the back half of our course you can really see the endurance come into play trouble and that's exactly where City downhill racing is so hard because that we're not used to race on tarmac we're used to dirt and to find that limit where the grip is on on the road that's where it gets really tricky and that's probably also what win masters is struggling with well I would guess I would guess judging by this come on yeah when getting up doing it for the crowd I would guess that those tires are not necessarily designed for racing on pavement like this they're they're more off-road tires yes I am I think the top guys will choose different tires they will not just right there is doing it for the crowd what a showman himself yes I do expect the top riders in this race ride special tires not just normal downhill tires okay so you think they're actually running a little bit different setup than they would in a traditional downhill scenario hi I'm pretty sure because you need to stiffen up your suspension with all that pedaling there's no use in having the suspension fully supple there's no roots and rocks on the trailers just stairs so you can just have it stiff looking back up at the courses take a look at some of the highlight moments of wins run as you were expecting a lot of and there is trouble for witnesses right there we don't know if there was some gravel on the road but if even if there's not again here that grip is so hard to touch on the road when you're not that used to it and I would imagine just from the type of cycling that I do the grip changes from top to the bottom of course you're gonna be riding on different types of pavement and asphalt so it's gonna change throughout the course I would imagine that that plays into fact there but we are backing up on the starting here we're looking for must Mauricio hakuna by way of Chile age 31 of the top three - will we see another flying flying start right here his timing is his time is already running so I wonder well I have a feeling you can correct me if I'm wrong but for what I know it's like the UCI downhill they have to cross that plane there's actually a trigger that they cross going out of the gate and that's what officially starts their time well I do see a light beam and they're a laser which is probably what's gonna break her the time but we haven't seen the writer going out of out of the gate yet well once we see that door they're open I have a feeling it's all game on looking at Wynn up in the leaders seat that's the hot seat so far taking the fastest time of the day he is our first writer though I don't know if it will stick let's see if we can get a look at what his time actually is well with two crashes I doubt it's gonna stick for very long [Music] waiting for Mauricio Cunha I think that's how we say his name is from Chile 30 years old once again we are here in Valparaiso Chile today this is on the west coast of South America I you know I made the mistake earlier stay in the west coast of Chile but but Chile doesn't really have an east coast so I guess it's just the west coast there but they are on the west coast of South America we are about 120 kilometres north west of Santiago it is a tourism capital in all of Chile tons millions and millions of people living there got about a million inhabitants currently I believe the last census said about a million inhabitants so that explains why the streets are so full and it looks like just about every one of them came out for this event today these streets are packed and this event has been here for 17 years and the success just has become bigger and bigger as you can see at the crowds on the side of the track it's always a big party in town when this event arrives so a funny fact that I was looking up you know doing our research for the show so we sound semi educated it can't be too educated but Sam I hated there are a few riders here that have actually won at this event before looking at Mart Mauricio hakuna by way of Chile yet that's actually our next rider the guy in the gate he's won at this event before Claudio yes so maybe uh I don't know he's a bit nervous there I'm not going out of the gate trying to defend trying to win this again there I don't know what the wait for there he is there he is out of the gate this is his 13th running at this rate he's not only taken first but he has more than anyone else in this field today doing it out of Chile the local boy coming down hard on the pedals through that first section this is one of those flat sections where all of your endurance and energy is really going to come into play and sprinting that card out of the gate you know that's going to require some fitness to be able to sprint all the way down to the finish line because there's a couple of more straights further down one of them right here it is and you can hear the dogs in the background hopefully they are all tied up and locked down had a couple issues with that last year but so far has not been a problem this year down through our first stair section looking good so far coming down to that super tight section watch again right at the bottom of this so far at the first split Claudia we are just over a second up on win masters well that's gonna change unless he crashes through there it goes through the only third on track this turn right after the track after the third right there will be quite tricky when you come to the street with dirty tires but back on the pedals here over the bus jump Oh a little short on that bus jump how is that gonna affect him on their bottom hand well that's gonna probably cost him some speed but with the mistakes that when master stayed further down that's it's not gonna be a problem to be taste I'm but obviously Maurizio doesn't just want to beat when masters time because he won here before and I assumed that's what he wants to do again today he's looking like it right now he has been on the pedals every opportunity I've seen him so far even in that stair section he's pedaling alright but he's through the stairs now and now it's all about pedaling and jumping another jump coming a hip jump out of this turn smooth no problem and on the pedals again right there that has to be one of my favorite features on all course because one it looks good but - it's extremely technical coming out of a shark fin like that into a gap has to be one of the harder things on this course Oh a little slip is he gonna hold it thank you makes it clean through the line that's where wind masters actually fell just last run he fell right there and he was in trouble - have you seen he almost went to the curb so that must be one of the key sections right there he must erase some BMX back in the day because that foot down flat out style is very BMX s go through the second section that win fell in here we go through the container down through the flower shop what's the time gonna be in the speed talk looking like Peter Sagan down there here it comes through the flower show what's the time gonna be a Smasher of two 5678 that is going to bump Maurizio way into the number one spot but if I'm right we're nowhere close to winning qualifying time no we've still got about five seconds behind tommix last Thomas Slovak winning qualifying time but that is still a heater down there have you seen when he went through the flower shop how close his handlebar was to that exit that's everywhere on this course yes you can see it right here look at the last stairs how close was his handlebar to that rail here's that little bobble on the detail on that big bus jump again eight meters long and look right there it feels like it or it looks like he almost touched it that is scary that's why these gentlemen are doing this and not us because they're the pros of this Ryan row has another Chilean in the gate here we go doors open gates down and we are on course the first one we actually see taking the correct start not doing a flying one that will cost him my second I would say that's okay he looks like he has got it under control on the trail bike we're gonna talk about that in just a little bit but Ian Rojas is hard-charging on the pedals as we move down towards our first split we're about halfway there [Music] next pedal heavily straight let's see if he's still standing up or if he starts tucking these events are so unique is urban downhill format Clara can you tell me a little bit about what why are these events so popular what makes them what they are well you know it's access to the spectators the spectators don't have to travel to the mountains to see the riders they actually can stay in their cities no problem with those stairs for free and Rojas bought his time 4.6 seconds back through the hostel down through the only dirt section on course today will he state yes he does he and Rojas all got adjust what was he doing there what was going on he was probably locking his suspension to be able to pedal harder I don't know he also comes shot comes up short on that jump so I was actually thinking that that jump would not be very big but maybe without the pedaling they need to do beforehand it is quite big because they might just not have enough juice in their legs to actually push it hard enough well that jump is so big and it's about halfway down course and it's also on a very flat section I was finding as I looked earlier that it's on a much flatter section so really does take some horsepower to get over but as you mentioned earlier he's actually riding a small bike with only a single crown fork while we saw the rider before on a on a full-on downhill bike and I would have expected the small bike to be a lot quicker in the in the pedaling sections but what is actually losing quite a bit of time but maybe he's catching up on it well let's see we're about to run through our second split here he is going to be behind by only 0.6 seconds so he made up a lot of time on that section Wow now that is surprising so he had a very slow top but then caught up through the middle so it's all down to the last bit of the course the last 20 seconds now going now he's getting in that speed tuck little check on the helmet down past our final stair section coming into the final features pull it out of that container the crowd is going crazy the cell phones are out and he is in the speed tuck one more feature before the flower shop and then it's all about the finish line gonna make it not gonna make it in the green he goes second fastest currently with a time of two 5852 Ian Rojas out of Chile looking up at our hot seat right now boys are just starting to get comfortable is going to be a long afternoon but let's take a look back up the hill at what we just witnessed on the small small bike here you can see he wasn't that close to that rail with his hand definitely on those stairs I would want to be on the big bike but then on the rest of the track you know with all those sprints you're definitely better off on the small bike small meaning just less suspension single crown fork otherwise pretty much the same okay so as we're talking about different bike setups and that sort of thing let's talk about riders what type of rider is geared towards this or what type of rider with this course oh wait we are back up in the gate no it is all about racing action Alberto and Nicolas another Chilean up in the gate out of the gate hard charge and on the pedals only one new years old and actually here his best result was nine sprinting quite well here is he on the big one-oh is he on this smart bike let's see I haven't seen it I believe he's actually on a full-size bike we're talking full eight inches of Inchon dual crown so yeah bike setups are very important but what type of rider does this actually care towards you know as you can see from former results it is the four-cross riders who really have two sprinting legs that are doing well here not saying that a downhiller can't pedal but the explosive pedaling is really where does the four cross riders are stronger at the technical features are there but they're not as many of them as in in a proper downhill race not look that was a pretty sketchy one right there have you seen how close he went to those rails yes indeed so as we're coming down to this run you're telling me that it's it's more the riders that are I mean for cross from my understanding is essentially a sprint out of the gate and then a sprint to a bottom of a very short track versus downhill racing is typically a little bit longer track quite a lot longer actually with quite quite a lot more technical features in there now this is a mix out of both it's a long track with a lot of jumps and features but also a lot of Sprint's in there and some downhill riders handle those Sprint's better some don't but in for cross there's no choice you have to handle the Sprint's pair really well because otherwise you will not be a four cross racer well Alberto is coming down we already ran through the first split but coming up upon our second he is still hard charging on the pedals down through that final stair section on course what's it gonna be will he go into the green getting close here on that finish that looked nice actually this looks a lot of fun you said it's tricky it will be tricky but it's also a lot of fun what's not so much fun is that you have to keep on pedaling it right after alright coming into our second and final split time on course he is down 1.8 seconds yet so he is 1.8 seconds faster right now that is really good in the green and actually what you've seen that he didn't even try to get grip there he just used the curbs as berms he slid into both curbs which is probably a good strategy if you're gonna go out of control start out of control and finish in control versus go on the other way exactly down through at the container section coming out of our final flower drop what's it gonna be the flower shop tells all this seems fresh look how he's sprinting he goes a fastest currently with a two fifty four point nine two that's one point eight seconds faster Wow the times are coming down rider after rider when musters doing his social media duties right there at the finish line so we have the big bike in the lead at the moment you see where this bike excels here on the stairs no problem for him but the pedaling wasn't the problem for him either so he's definitely in shape let's see how long that time last for the hot seat this is where it's gonna start to get spicy because you were talking about favorite riders earlier my personal favorite is up in the gate next talking about a Remi Mattel yay but right now it's all about Alberto Nicholas the 21 year old out of Chile sitting on that top hot seat right now looking back in the gay dreamy metalia by way of France doing it for a young 28 years old this man you can see them all over the internet crushing the trails up in Whistler right now it is all about of Valparaiso Chile and you also know him from Red Bull Rampage as the guy who rides it the fastest let's see if he's the fastest today he's definitely out charging up there but sitting down now too saving it slightly to then go into the technical stuff with his experience and his knowledge I'm assuming that he knows he's got a long way to go and needs to conserve as much up here at the top as possible well you know it's only a two minute 50 track so conserving energy on a two minutes fifty track I don't know if that's the strategy you need to be able you need to be fit enough to push it as hard as possible from top to bottom and this is why they've got you doing the expert in me hosting because you know just a little bit more about what's going on in the mind of these riders right now like Remy coming down through the stair set quite conservative at the last stairs and I can quite understand that because it is just so sketchy there and in that first time split he was up by 0.6 seconds so he is fastest through that first half the course so far and he does not seem to lack any energy right there on the pedals as if it was out of the gate Remy is flying down this course Natalya on course down through that wd-40 drop looking good that is a amazing step down with a huge trap we're talking two meters of drop in that course Remy is out 11 fastest qualifier which means after him we've got 10 riders to go doesn't look as fresh anymore now as he's been sprinting up at the start so hard he's pedaling a little slower maybe just shifted up one gear but he doesn't look that fresh anymore as he did up top well tell me what these riders does the temperature have anything to do because I know Remy is sort of based in Whistler not completely but Remy seems to be based out of Whistler a lot so he's used to colder temperatures does the heat have anything to do with that but let's actually take a look at this time split and see where it isn't see what's going on on course split coming up right now he is 1.5 seconds fastest right so he's working for him you did not use the strategy of using the Kurds as berms there so I don't know if he went through those turns as fast as the other guy we started we just saw before that will be interesting to watch as we come down towards the bottom because a little bit different style from what we've been seeing with other riders will it go faster that's the question he definitely looked the fastest through this section here that I've seen so far he's good he looks comfortable he's got only 5 seconds to go if he wants to take a leave what's it gonna be sure to 53.1 3 he knocked almost 2 seconds off of off of Albertson Nicholas how we're both struggling with the names for the moment so I'm I'm not as embarrassed as I just was before qualifying that would have been the second fastest time so of the day that's the second fastest lap on course alright and you can see there at the last couple of stairs where he was going a little slower just to be sure to go straight but then the rest of the course he was on it also riding the full downhill bike ok so so far it's a nod towards the downhill bike they seem to be doing very well yes it looks but we still have quite a few fast guys up there let's see what bike they choose that is very true we have still got 10 riders to go here in valparaiso chile looking at the top of five currently broom italia by way of france bento Nicolas in the - Mauricio akuno rounding out that top three these are the top five fastest riders of the day so far - 53 132 53 13 is the fastest time in the time to beat right now to think that those 27 seconds by when masters are because of two crashes on the track so he didn't actually go that slow yes indeed yes indeed well we are doing it for Red Bull TV right now Claudio it's been an amazing day so far that weather is amazing temperature is beautiful what are we about to see we're starting to get down to those will call them faster riders because they are the faster qualifiers what are we about to see well you know next up is Gabrielle cha-cha very knee Joannie knee sorry we're not used to those names yet because this is not a World Cup it's different riders at the start some of them race World Cups some of them don't the next up right here from Brazil 20 years old gabion giovannini yes Gabriel is coming off of winning the most prestigious before cross races in South America doing it by way of Brazil 27 years young and boy those legs look like they know it it's actually his first time here at Valparaiso we've got a couple first-timers here today and it's amazing to see which is bringing new talent in especially from those South American countries really really progressing the culture and environment this year it's not about dogs it's about the kids keeping them on the leash and out of the way just to keep them safe but we are down going through a small chicane jumping into those stairs looking fast and hard charging will he get some doubles maybe a triple in here definitely not scared and staying nice right smooth consensus just as I say smoothing consistent a little bit of a bobble but he holds on coming up to just past the first a split rolling into a minute in three seconds Wow going deep on that jump almost landing at the flat bottom 18 seconds behind there must must have been a problem up there but we are looking down course I'm going to start looking towards that second split time that will tell us off right now we're gonna tell you sitting on the one with a 213 in that second split we'll giovannini go faster dropping down through the wd-40 drop that is a hard turn they're going from dirt to a assuming wood plank firm like that that's got to be hard I wonder if the time where his first split time was right if so he must have crashed up there and as said earlier he goes deep on that jump - that's the second jump I see him landing almost at the flat bottom it's all about speed and he's trying to squeak out every last little bit of it sometimes you just got to send it deep and go for it just gonna send it yes but if you want to keep your momentum you better land early in the backside so you can actually push in and gain some more momentum if you land flat bottom it's gonna cost you some speed and therefore also time so so the first split was incorrect here up bite we are down by 0.7 seconds so he still got a make up just a little bit point 7 of a second 0.7 seconds back from really metalli a rolling down in the final bit of this course and 53 is the time to be that is all about Fitness now those 0.7 seconds are totally feasible if he's got strong enough legs he's got ten seconds to go if he wants to take that lead well from from previous races already this year he has got a lot of fitness it's gotta be tight what's it gonna be Oh slides into second place with a 253 only 0.4 seconds behind Remy the times are getting extremely close as we get closer and closer to that 2 minute and 50 second line and I think they're gonna get a lot closer even now in the top 10 look how he attacked in that last bit after stairs I've got a wonder did that little bobble in the stairs cost him that point four seconds no I wouldn't say so because the guy in the lead Remy Mehta he was taking it really really clean and slow through those last couple of stairs just to be safe so I don't think he just lost time there by attacking hard okay so just clean and consistent is what got Remy through there Philippe on our gluto another Chilean up in the gate they are locked and loaded here in Chile today our charge on the pedals here we go down through the first section first big feature on course and followed up directly by the first big flat pedal section this is where your legs are already burning that lactic acid buildup is going I'm raising right now and he's been sitting for quite a bit that can actually be a sign that he's already tired but it can also be a sign that he's very smart and saving it for further sprints down only time will tell Claudia only time will tell and speaking of time we're getting close here to our first split just after the Bokashi Oh stare drop what's it gonna be getting close here just getting ready to dock that split off oh he's slow by 0.5 seconds but he looks good calm and consistent rolling through the bottom half of that stair section very smooth there so that half a second means nothing for now and this is a guy who has some experience here he raced here three times or no this is his third time actually he was tenth yes best best result with Penn's tenth in the past 10th at this race is something to be said with the with the level of competition that's here in the amount of elite riders that show up year after year 10th place is nothing to scoff at scrubbing that one nicely he came a bit short on the bus jump quite a lot short actually but he's sitting again it looks like maybe he's riding a dropper seatpost because he's able to pedal yes he it is a dropper seatpost he just dropped it right there that is a smart move because then you can actually pedal while you're sitting and then lower your seat when you go into the stairs again so I'm assuming you you guys should be able to conserve a little bit of energy sitting and pedaling versus standing up and using all that muscle exactly I mean obviously if you sprint you're standing but are you able to sprint for two minutes fifty at full pace or is it better to use that dropper seatpost sitting down while you're pedaling you might oh and he goes fastest at split two by over one second and that's exactly what we're talking about maybe you know that little bit of energy you can save by sitting down while you're pedaling is one two what makes you fast towards the end of the track towards the end of the track is the pointy end that's the that is where the metals come down if you could say all the pedals give a little getting a little et action coming out of that container and he is still hard charging on the pedals a little bit of an arrow tuck just to seal it down and there you can see how much look so much more energy and he goes he goes fastest bike two and a half seconds and not only fastest so far he's the fastest of the entire day yes and it shows that you know that strategy of sitting down in the right moment and being smart about this race be it being strategic that's what pays off now let's see if all the rest of the guys are ready for that too taking a look on course here looking up at some of these I mean he is pedaling essentially from top to bottom so he's obviously got the fitness to do it he was actually point eight faster than Slovak and his qualifier within Slovaks qualifier actually so that means Slovak has to go faster not only Islamic everyone else [Music] alrighty looking back up at the starcade Lukas out of Eze doing it for Brazil today 23 years young one of the younger competitors in the field today dropping down out of the gate this is actually his first appearance at Red Bull about Basel cetera bajo so will that affect you today or will you be able to overcome that adversity [Music] looking good and coming through fast very clean smooth lines down over the first big feature on course first stair section of the Danford loop or a first stair section of the race I should say for Lucas Alves holding everything together and keeping it nice and tidy and he's actually the latin-american downhill champion so that's who we have on track okay so what that means is that he's no he's no new man to this and he is fast as it split number one bite over a half a second wait six seconds up that is a lot at this point in the course yes and he was pinning it really hard up top you could see him standing and sprinting everywhere now let's see if he can keep that up all the way down because we know what strategy the current leader has done he was sitting down up top to save some energy towards the bottom you could see him sprinting hard at the bottom now that's a completely different strategy right here because he was going flat out up top let's see if and keep it hip if you can keep it up all the way well he's the first person I've seen today make it nice and smooth over that bus jump so something's working for him and he seems to be doing well so far and he's on the full-on downhill bike to is not riding the small bike it keeps getting better and better it's downhill bike versus trail bike the competition is on it just keeps switching back and forth which one's faster Gremio eyes fastest on the downhill bike then Lukas knocked about Lukas is on track right now to try and knock down the time of Felipe or go toe here we go through a split - what's it gonna be he's got to beat to 12 on the clock oh he's late and he lost some time lost almost he lost over 2 seconds in that section and that might be I might be wrong but it might be exactly that strategy from a sprinting too hard at the top not saving any energy and maybe just not having enough power in your legs to sprint that hard down here because this is a different energy than what we saw before and I see what you're talking about he doesn't have a dropper post on his bike so he can't he's not able to get extension on his legs and he's not real able to pedal as efficiently now let's see no it's not know anything a lot of time down here lost a lot of time in the bottom section - in over two and a half seconds back to point seven seven nine back that's gonna drop him into third place currently the right behind Graeme Mitali a and Felipe Luthor this is definitely where he was still on pace here through the stairs and also through that third the only third on track then he clear pretty much cleared it not hundred percent there were a couple of inches still but then that's where he started losing time towards the bottom you were right I was I was completely wrong and that he did just hang up just a tiny bit well a quick look it up at our hot seat we've still got seven riders to go down our course here in valparaiso chile looking up at it right now it is going to be all about bernardo cruz 27 years young doing it for brazil best placing here is third place that's pretty high up on the board and that is one guy that likes to go sideways on the jumps because he's one of the whip of world champions yes he is the good old crank works festival bringing us all the fun action the wood dropping out the gate and he is hard charging there let's see if he goes sideways today too or if he goes for speed only oh that's absolutely we were talking about being conservative or letting it all out but right now he has got that big red line he has turned it up to 11 right now all the way to the edge he pushed a little pass I saw that back tire sliding but he keeps it under control down through Jessica's yard first major stair section on course this drop is shown a little bit of trouble for some riders but getting through nice and clean all right into the longer stairs here keeping it clean oh yeah oh good no problem keeping good momentum through that trick eternally stairs goes fastest by 0.5 seconds so the letting it all out of the bag in once has so far benefited we'll see if it holds on as the last rider did the same thing and slowed down towards the back half of the course yes we're about half way not yet not even halfway and you've seen how much sprinting there was already and there too there's just gonna be as much from here on down so he has a point Oh five-second buffer that's not a lot of time on a course like this even on only a three minute long 250 minute long course point zero five is not a lot of buffer he still has energy here he looks like he's not struggling with with power but he still has a minute to go here we go last and final stair section on course coming down through look at the crowd and that beautiful view we have got for you today crowd just lining the streets as endless people as far as you can see and right now Bernardo wants to give him a show is it gonna be a whip on those final jumps what do you think I don't think so he wants to win this race so there's no time for whips no but he has lost a little bit of time in that section I believe or did we miss a timing gate regardless we're gonna find out at the bottom and he's still got the energy it's still there he's still on those pedals but as you see he cannot sit down like there's we've seen before because he does not have to tell us telescopic dropper post the one thing I did notice is that he wasn't able to sit down and pedal but he was actually still standing up and sprinting where I've seen other riders before sort of sit down and do a sloppy pedal where he's standing up in full hard-charging is it gonna pay off no it's not he loses a little bit of time at the bottom goes in for well if I saw it right he was about four seconds back but the time didn't stop so crews doing it doing it four Fazil here taking a look back up the course some of the highlights down to that sec she's got a little problem there good thing his suspension was working well because that could have thrown him out of control but he kept it in control tiny little whip right there not a real one and in all the other jumps he probably just didn't have the space to actually put his bike sideways looking up at our riders right now gentlemen up top but we are back on top of the course with posture horn strum Sweden twenty nine years old best placing so far here is going to be 14th but he wants to improve on that this is his third running at Valparaiso and he is looking to drop into that podium position the door opens the gate is off and he is on course very experienced rider did a lot of World Cup racing welcomes from Sweden but lived in Switzerland for a while training hard all summer long looking fast through this section holding it together nice and tidy it doesn't look like he's quite coming out of the gate as fast as the riders we've seen before but the fastest rider we've seen so far today didn't do that either sort of played a look and serve it up to the top maybe that's what he's doing here maybe he's just got one of those four cross riders who have those super fast spinning legs so it's a slightly different style where you when you push a little harder gear but this is where he is good at look how straight he keeps his bike that was absolutely no problem for him there that was the best and smoothest line we've seen so far today from Bri there looked clean controlled no issues in bonded that one way at the flat bottom up at the first split we have 2.3 seconds faster all right no there we go can he pull that all the way down to the finish line oh oh that was a clean one no that was all the way over finally we see it clean and clear over point three seconds up we've seen that many many times today will it stick only time will tell [Music] all right that is going to be some good social media coverage hopefully if they using the Red Bull cv8 hashtag so we can go and check all that footage a little bit later today and you can see how low his seat is and that means for him if he wants to pedal he pretty much needs to be standing and sprinting he cannot be sitting and pedaling so yeah there won't be any sitting in pedaling it's all stand up and sprint for him isn't it yes I mean you can't turn your legs while you're sitting but it won't be very effective split - what's it gonna be point one seven back that is not undoable looking smooth - their little foot off just to counterbalance but looking smooth and in control lost a little time so far in this bottom course but still hard charged on the pedal getting a little pump action in there it does look to me that the small bikes are faster here definitely not not up on the stairs but at the bottom half I might be wrong but I'm that's my guess as we come across the line I'm gonna put a pin in that because I want to talk to you more about that but right now it's all about the finish line point for one point six seconds up with a nice little nose wheelie to finish it off it's gonna slide him into second place Oscar honks from by way of Sweden dropping into that second place so talking about the differences between trail bikes and downhill bikes I know you explained it a little bit earlier but why is it such a big advantage well we don't know if it's such a big one but on the on the pedal II stuff that bike is just a little stiffer it's a little lighter it has less suspension you lose less of your energy in that suspension and you know that might not matter that much at the first half of the track and it definitely doesn't matter on the stairs where it's the other way around but then when it comes to the second half of the track and your legs start burning you know that little bit more that you can put down onto your tires they just make a difference because the bottom half is the part of the course is so far we've seen the top riders really make up a lot of time it seems alright looking up at our current results Phillipe out of Guto in the one Oscar hallström in the two and we're gonna tie you around and out that top three to fifty fifty-five is the time to beat right now the fastest time of the day qualifying and race alike to 50 55 at that time to beat Claudio oh yes and one guy who really will not have a problem with all that pedaling is the next one in the start a delay in the start gate I let you introduce him yes indeed this man doesn't need much of an introduction but will give it anyways oh man the reining just like a reigning champion fishy has a collection of both for cross and downhill titles yonas Fishbach is gonna be the man up in the gaper right now looking up at Filippo or Guto sitting in that top hot seat back up to the top of the track Jonah Johannes Fishbach doing it out of Germany getting ready to take his run of the day our number 5 qualifier looking to advance that by just a few seconds right now one of the world's best four cross racers then swapped to down hill and was one of the best or is still one of the best they're to Germany's finest now on track now you will see some sprinting sorry oh no not at all you have a good relationship with him and I appreciate any in every bit of commentary well the gate is out he is on course and you are not kidding me he is hard on those pedals I feel bad for those pedals right now they're they're not having a fun day that chain will take some some work right there when when Johann des Johannes when he pedals that's no fun for a bike some serious power coming out of this gentleman right now and the skills to back it up that is the combination you need today you need endurance power and skills it is really you got to have everything to win this race here yes and Johannes is actually on a smaller bike with the single crown fork now let's see if that's trouble for him on the stairs here and I don't think it is he's 1.5 up it's not at all not at all as he comes off of that roof transfer Oh a little cat through there out of the hostel he looks so fast and so comfortable right now oh yes and that power is still coming no struggle for him there let's see if he clears this time properly yep that was the nicest one so far that is clear he even landed a little down the backside you know just making sure you don't clip that edge because you don't want to slow down down the wd-40 drop looks like he's already in shape for the World Cup which starts in two and a half month yeah just at the end of April you were telling me well we look forward to seeing them we look forward to seeing him and all the UCI World Cup competitors they're on Red Bull TV end of April the right now it is all about Chile it is all about Valparaiso and it's all about this urban downhill course you see in front of you Johannes Fishbach on course out of Germany you know that Luke's oh that looks pretty much perfect to me he was 1.5 up at the first foot what's it gonna be just about to take through the second split it's gonna be more I tell you Oh am I wrong no it's less we're almost even a little trouble there yes he lost a just under a second Abbey 1.4 seconds he lost on that but he is still hard charged on the pedals in this pedal section from what you're telling me might be a section for him to excel yes but he's not on that proper post so you as you can see as soon as he talks he cannot pedal anymore and maybe that is really what makes a difference but we'll see but he's definitely still on the power here but he's only got five seconds to go if he wants to take the leaf out of the flower shop what's it gonna be hold on to your seats second place sliding into second place with a two of 5079 Felipe Acuto holds on for one more point for seven seconds back the Ohana's Fishbach sliding into second place who would have thought that I was almost sure that he's gonna take that bleep by a big margin but maybe that dropper post really made that difference that strategic run that we that we've seen well I want to give you a note that I don't know if you know about Philippe or guto last year he squeaked into the top ten he was 17 years old he's only 18 years old right now and already smart like the super experienced rider see the boys giving each other camaraderie this is what it's about it is definitely family and friend oriented sport showing the love to each other but right now it is up all about the flying Frenchman alien Adrien lo-roll know if you want to see it right then he's the man who knows to pedal as well even though pedaling is not very his discipline because he's one of the fastest pump track racers in the world so that's not where pedaling counts but look at him look yes it's not but he still knows what it takes he also does a little bit of slalom and that does require quite a bit of pedaling so he knows trouble getting extremely close to that handrail just putting it on the edge red and the limiter all the way to max yes he was a little closer to that rail that here than he want would 1 2 I'm gonna assume that that might have cost him just I will tell me we're coming up to the first year here we're about to find out in just a second how H in the Rawls run is going what's it gonna be point two seconds back but the last rider we saw with a little bit of Plus here was wave Irish this race is over for him he had trouble again finding his balance getting at little too close to the railings with his handlebar and at the third time the trouble was too big I think that's where he lost his race he cannot catch up that speed at that time stills gonna send it to the bottom and look good doing it getting a nice little bit of style over that bus jump eight meters through the air that's a long ways I got a full city bus in there he definitely wanted he definitely wanted to win this one here and I think he was overcooking it a little bit you could see three times the same mistake up at the first half of the track well we have still got the fastest three qualifiers of the day coming up fastest three qualifiers still to hit the course right now it's all about aging a little all coming down through split to know he had some trouble up on top but he's still gonna finish out this race do it for the crowd well I'm sure he's still pinning it as hard as he can he he probably doesn't know that well look he only lost two seconds so the mistakes weren't that big no they don't call him the flying Frenchman for no reason at all still hard on it this is that section that your legs are just burning and screaming please stop don't do this to me but that is where the winners are made down through the final features out of the container drop through the downtown crowd flags flying cameras out everyone is just having a good time and bumping along to the music right now through the line go in 2.6 seconds slower sliding him up into that top five that's still sliding into the top five placing yes and you know there were two major mistakes up there and I would say he would have been right up there because he did look extremely strong that being one of those mistakes we were talking about a little slip-up in that stair section there but he was able to let push it all the way to the finish line at max pace it was really just those two major mistakes that costed him those two seconds well we have still got the fastest three qualifiers of the day to go but right now it is all about Filipa or Groot Oh sitting up in the number one spot oh that hot seat looks comfy and classy your honor Lopez doing it out of Argentina waiting for that door to open in his run to start yet on ammo drop it down out of the gate third fastest qualifier of the day is he gonna have what it takes to get to the bottom well we're gonna find out in just under three minutes here here we go all right I'm definitely not holding back as you can saw he was sprinting is that the right strategy does he have the power to put push this all the way to the finish line we will find out now could that be the key it's the rider that has it to sprint at the top and still have some back in for the bottom yes but if you don't have it you need that dropper post or that strategy let's see going into this there's now one of the key sections all right through the first split at the bottom of this stair set 0.7 seconds back Wow super fast through that turn at the bottom of the stairs I haven't seen anyone going that fast through that turn now that means something it does not sure goes down that's that corner we were talking about earlier you go from dirt to asphalt and that that's got to be one of the more difficult to control sections of the course yes exactly you come on dirt every every writer who writes through it pulls a little more dirt onto the road and the turn is actually on the road so it's it's a quite mean that tricky turn so you're not only fighting traction because well these bikes aren't necessarily designed to do well they are but the tires aren't necessarily designed to hold what they're doing right now they're putting a lot of g-forces on that but then you have the dirt in and it's just sometimes it just takes it over the top just a little too much and as you saw with men when masters crashes it is already really difficult to find your traction on the clean road but then when there's dirt on them it's really a fine line and obviously they're pushing for the wind now so that that fine line gets even finer yeah and so with with a race like this it's really like you were saying finding that fine line but pushing it to the edge [Music] and maybe pushing a little further than you should but being able to control it well you know that's what downhill racing is all about pushing that edge like managing being out of control and getting it back but you know I recently read read the saying somewhere and and it wasn't even related to mountain biking it just said if you're in control you're not going fast enough I love that that definitely applies to this race right here Geronimo pea is unfortunately not gonna work out for him today but he's still gonna finish it off a little seat grab for the fans that is one thing I have to say I love about downhill mountain bikers is no matter what they're gonna do it for the fans yeah I know when I was racing I always said the cool thing about downhill racing is even if you don't do well you still love it you still love it and the crowd loves it as well well with a 3:17 0.41 gonna slide him into 12th face not the run he wanted but still looked good doing it looking back up to the top let's see what went wrong looking good through this section holding it together nicely and then right here is where it all went wrong oh yes he's still on the third tier then going on to the paved road his front wheel slides away both wheels tied away actually okay I guess no spectators got a bit of a scare right there that's one I'm assuming there's sometimes you can see silent riders save that but I'm assuming if you hit the railing like that there's not much saving well you know you could probably save it on third because at some point you can gain that traction back but on the road it's gone so Philippe Philippe a grito is guaranteed at least a third place the right now we're gonna see what Pedro has to say about that Pedro fear that Riva is on course right now and he wants something to say about it he wants a lot to say about it and you see a single crown fork that means full attack for this guy he is in it for the win right now Pedro wants a piece of second fastest qualifier of the day those two turns we saw up there I think this is the fastest I've seen so far now first stair section not scared look at him attacking for commitments smooth keeping good lines - here holding it completely in control while out of control just what you were saying earlier step second stair set and he's gonna go wild let's see if he can keep it straight jumps Gatz here's where it gets done here's where I get soup at point one two seconds up right now looking good right there that is a huge margin and he is on fire right now Pedro furry area is looking awesome right now okay no problem for him getting onto the road from the dirt smooth through that section we saw Geronimo was slide out last night but it is no problem for Pedro right now Oh keeping it low on the bus jump I don't know if that was what tip or if there was trouble I saw his gears were skipping before so I hope he's not in trouble with his peer shifting missed just a little bit maybe we'll find out towards the bottom if that was on purpose or not but we're gonna find out very quickly here whether it was a good thing or not and that's what it all matters and what it all boils down to will he beat the clock oh he went sip on that Chum sending it's so deep on that jump [Music] all right that's not far to go to the second split does he have the endurance to keep it up can he still provide the power that's needed to take this top spot just a few more seconds and we'll know where he's at in across the split needs to be to 12 to be up and he is he still over a second up on Philly putter Goethe all right now it's all about fitness let's see if he's got that juice in his legs all about the finish getting down to the pointed end of this run just a few seconds left speed tucking opting not to pedal yes but he's not allowed to sit down much more if he wants to take that win here we go this is what it's all about coming down through the container the last hard charging pedal section out the flower shop three seconds to go what's it gonna be and he goes fastest bike almost half a second point for up to five zero hey Jeff Federer all right Chile sitting in the number one Felipe our Guto finally knocked down to that second spot and so the dropper post got beaten also on a small bike though so we got two small bikes up there looking up at it keeping everything nice and tidy up top getting through this section that gave Geronimo just a little bit of trouble nice and smooth no problem for Pedro looking fast keeping low now I've got a wonder easy it faster to scrub that bus jump that is a very good question because obviously as we saw before all the other riders who wanted to clear that bus jump they had to go quite high losing a lot of time up in the air so maybe that's why he opted to stay low not clearing the whole jump obviously not getting as much backside of it either but that might be the solution but now but did he save enough time to counteract well it's all about Thomas slamming in the chick in the gate now the gate has dropped down he is on course this is the last man to do it right here he is the one that can deny Pedro Farina keys of victory Thomas slapping 2017-2018 can he make it 2019 and you know if if one of the guys here knows how to keep jump slow then it is this guy Thomas Slavik goes down losing going to check on him and see about Thomas Slovak make sure he is okay but pho Federer up on the stage he knows that he has taken the victory let's hope let's hope that Thomas is all right there yeah we're gonna get the guys down there to check on him make sure he's okay after taking that hard slam right now it is all about Pedro finita the Chilean taking that number one spot up on the stage the crowd is going crazy right now the local boy alright we're gonna throw it back on top and see what what happened there audio hmm well just attacked a little too hard and that right-hander and probably some dirt there and that's what we were talking about all race long that grip is so hard to judge and obviously his front wheel just slid off in a very very bad moment I hope he's all right there because that slam was hard well one man that is not feeling sad right now is that man in front of you page a photo reader does it for Chile bringing it home listen to the crowd they are going nuts down there it is just a party and having a good time the energy and excitement in this gentleman right now taking a look back up let's look back up at Pedro's run Claudio walk me through this what did he do right in when did he do it well it seems like he did it right from top to bottom he did not hold back he did not run that strategy of saving energy up top he pedaled as hard as he could and was able to push it all the way through and there was that little difference on the bus jump he was the only one not trying to clear it he was the only one keeping it low landing on the bus they're doing another little hop to then get the backside and it seemed that this was the strategy because jumping the whole bus was just spending too much time in the air yeah I mean he took it by over a half a second so that is I mean that could that could easily be that extra half a second of six trying to sail over that bus jumping getting so high but he also just looks so smooth through all of these sections yeah there was not much of a mistake we could see and obviously also no problem for him going from that third on to the road and back on the gas right they're not sitting down just sprinting he's obviously in shape and there you can see he didn't know it almost put him into trouble though trying to land on top of the bus it almost got him bucked over the handlebars I saw that it looked like he wanted to kick him forward but he kept it in and smooth and under control still able this is this is where that endurance comes into play as he's still able to really lay down that power on the bottom half of his course here a couple of times during his run he was putting his hand on the helmet but that was a gnarly moment right there where he sent it to flat bottom and bottom and got bounced but three times on his run he was putting his hand on his helmet and grabbing it I don't know what that was all about talking to his trainer or something just readjusting that helmet to make sure he can see everything that he needs to lots of things running around down there on the streets you want to make sure you stay clear of all that as we get towards the bottom end of this run yeah we're replaying the winners run page of Ferreira out of Chile but it is the last little section on the course and he is still producing so much power just set down for a couple of seconds and then did another sprint so that's what you have to do on this one so looking back I mean it really I didn't I didn't think about it earlier but this guy has been winning so much this year he already won taxco he won a madea medine I mean he's already been on a streak all year yes so he must be the new king of City downhill let's throw it down to an interview with Pedro Ferreira see what he's got to say about that winning run just now well I hope you can do some lip-reading there because I think we have some technical problem I can't hear him but that might be my ears can you hear him yes Pedro has got so much excitement right now I'd still like to know so it's an incredible feeling for him he is already the winner in Mexico and Colombia but the win so close to home to home there's a completely different feeling si siempre lo sube materia fondo si le pont au locate any IE satya give us a low suficientes it's a say hi I knew it had it in him and when he was riding all the way down if the faculty keep giving everything and it was there was a good flow and yeah so ah gracias a chili the renewal of a whole career sensu bono el mundo you show me much okay Ringo when he will and he will moong dal in the lubrano siggy Phillipe le muchas gracias big good food like everything cream so this really happy and thankful with with the people of popery so that's its message I think that because we have this race here it's really up at the crew here to have a have him as a winner well congratulations pitifully de taking it home just got word that we are attending to Thomas Slovak and looking over make sure he is doing all right we'll have updates with you when they come our way what an afternoon we had here Claudio the racing this afternoon was absolutely jam-packed redline turned to 11 start to finish quite some action towards the end not the action that we expected but I'm sure the crowds will love a local winner oh I mean he's already won in Mexico and Colombia this year so to take that right as he was saying to take this win so close to home any that's got to be just amazing from a racer standpoint what does that feel like well you know winning is always good but winning at home is even better but you know with him winning so many races in a row now that his confidence must just go up and up and up his confidence is going up and right now he looks like the man to be in the urban downhill world well we are wrapping things up here in valparaiso chile looking out at our crowd I want to thank them for coming out and supporting us and for all of you here on Red Bull TV checking out the action watching what we got going on live so speaking of red pool live I mean we've got so many cool events coming up Crankworx is gonna be very soon in rotorua coming up in just a couple weeks and then you've got a couple things going on with the UCI downhill yeah obviously the the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup it's gonna start towards the end of April there we have to focus on his run again though Fishbach up on the hill let's see what it took for him to slide into that third place so that means actually we have the top three are on the single crown small bike so that clearly shows you that on this track at least maybe not in general in urban downhill racing but on this track the small bikes are faster and Felipe are good so the young end of the group good enough for second place today he's only 18 years old and riding extremely smart with a with his own strategy with a dropper seatpost being able to pedal while sitting and that put him into second place it was hard to beat him for the others so hard to beat so hard to beat that only one man was able to do it and that man is none other than just gentleman right here a jumper Riera with the run of the day fastest time of the day beat the qualifying time everyone else on course and stuck his run top to bottom smooth as butter and looking fast all day [Music] down through the finish line with that 250 almost flat point zero eight four but we'll call it 54th flat well thank you for sticking with us here at Red Bull TV all day for fountain for Red Bull valparaíso looking up at our final results leaderboard Benton Pedro Philippe Johannes Oscar Remy Ma Tei rounding out that top five chili chili German and Sweden followed closely by French it is a mixture of an international field here in Valparaiso and boy we are glad to have it look forward to many years to come but for this 17th edition of Red Bull valparaiso cero Abajo Claudio I want to thank you so much for coming and hanging out with me today and giving me all your amazing insight and knowledge thank you and you know what this was the season kickoff we're gonna keep on going we have got a lot of action going all all year long between bikes to world rallycross to Red Bull play streets we got everything and it's gonna be right here on Red Bull TV my name is Addison Sawada cláudio cool or a rolling in with me all day for Red Bull Valparaiso see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] you you
Channel: Red Bull Bike
Views: 460,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, red bull bike, red bull bike videos, bike, bike videos, live, live stream, mtb, red bull valparaiso, red bull valparaíso cerro abajo 2018, red bull valparaiso cerro abajo 2019, red bull valparaiso 2019, urban mtb, urban mtb downhill, tomas slavik, tomas slavik winning run at red bull valparaiso cerro abajo 2018, urban dh race, downhill, downhill mtb, mountain bike, mountain biking, dh, action sports, cycling, global mountain bike network
Id: 4-zbgSNO5Uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 20sec (5180 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 10 2019
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