Speed & Style Finals | Crankworx Innsbruck 2019

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So fkn rad

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AlmightyNeckbeardo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 17 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Be warned this is not a clip, it's 2h long lol

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/gnu_blind ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 17 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

King of crankworx for a reason

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/bonez555 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Nyquist actually did this for around half his slopestyle run one year.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Rezrov_ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 18 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
speed we've got you covered style got that too what makes the Mons Royale speed and style interrupts worth watching has all the other questions that need answering will crank work speedy style world champion Thomas Lemoine rebound from having his hopes deflated at stop number one in roadie good are we going to see the rise of another relatively unknown like New Zealand's Billy me club come through the ranks and take the lens is the moment this kid launches his career expect to see but here in the Austrian Alps it's all about the beauty of uncertainty but finding out the answers is guaranteed fun round two of the Crankworx world tour samandriel speed and style innsbruck [Applause] [Music] welcome mountain-bike fans of the world take a look around at where we're hanging out right now you recognize this place from years past this is Innsbruck Austria third year back here for the Crankworx World Tour and this is stop number two of the 2019 World Tour I'm your host kamek all alongside our expert analyst Andrew needling Andrew we got speed and style today who are you watching for well 2018 world champion of speed and South Thomas Lemoine but he had a bit of a hiccup at the first round in Rotorua he had a tire blood on the first jump he was flawless last year but he's already off to a bit of a slow start this year you know what that tyre blowout in that 360 mistake that was the shot heard around the world for speed and style fans right there but sometimes incidents like that leave the door wide open for fresh faces to really catapult their names on the world stage in this case that name was Billy meek l'm relatively unknown until that result right well yeah but now he's a household name at Crankworx what a huge win from in his home country of Rotorua so he's back here today we're gonna see if it was a fluke or if he can carry that momentum into stop number two so obviously keep your eyes peeled for the reigning world champion Thomas Lemoine and keep your eyes peeled for the young up-and-comer Billy Meachem but a lot of strong riders out there if you had to pick one wildcard Andrew who would it be well Thomas has stayed he's doing huge tricks out on course he's got double flips down and seventh when he's on the first jump and he's forced to the gates as well cam so I'm gonna look out for him to do well he's incredibly locked on his tricks biggest tricks in the game he's fast through the technical sections with the gates and the berms and if you're new to speed in style Andrew walk us through the format and tell them why that matters well cam this off speed it sounds a hit format we got to run one per course that's two runs total we're gonna take that time but we're gonna give them a trick bonus so they're gonna decrease that time it's gonna give him a run score the lowest combined run that will advance look at our 2018 champion Thomas Lemoine he will be in the field so those are the riders were looking at this is what the competition looks at let's catch up with the third member of our team Michaela Gatto for a course update so we know the riders have to think about their speed on this one we also know they have to think about the technicality of tricks but another thing that we're throwing into the mix are the gates if they don't land their tricks properly and setup they're gonna be squeezing by to try and get around these things I think there's gonna be maybe some bunny hopping going on bit of controversy we saw it earlier this week and the dual dual slalom so keep your eye on these bad boys because it could get spicy thanks Michaela spicies right that's really where some crazy stuff can happen in those gates and that's where it can completely ruin your fantasy picks for those of you who logged on a fantasy crank are calm and picked your team you're doing the right thing Andrew you did who did you choose well I've got some heavy it is sentimental tears on the podium a lost year as well as Greg what Thomas Lemoine up to the 19 champion and to spice it up through and read bugs a little word of advice here for building your team make sure you don't pick two people who are gonna be facing off each other in a bracket starting things out because then you only have a 50% chance of one of those riders moving on because it is instant elimination if you take two runs and you're not the fastest you're out we go from 16 to 8 to 4 and then down to 2 we'll be giving away some hardware here and some very valuable points for the speed and style overall and the king of Crankworx this is the Mons Royale speed and style Innsbruck and it starts right now [Music] [Applause] for speaker [Applause] [Music] it's time race fans mont-royal speedin style Innsbruck we've broken it down to the top 16 we have our first heat loading up in the gate right now great day for it a little bit windy but these guys will be pushing through making the most out of the conditions out here today it's remarkable what tricks we've been seeing going down in the preliminary round so far by these riders take a look at who we have on hand Andrew yeah well 2018 wolf champion is dropping first against your brother Tyler McCool let's go down the brackets we've got big names Carl Strait alien Iran Sam Reynolds he's been on the podium before youngster Kate Edwards he's gonna go against veteran Greg watt Reed bugs Louie row let's not forget Billy meet Clem against Martin sort of that was the final at the first round and now one of those guys is going home early well the wait is over we're loading our riders into the gate let's take a look looks like Thomas Lemoine has loaded up on that riders right side of the course he'll be on your lookers left when we get that straight on camera view he'll be going up against Tyler McColl now Lemoine not only is he competing in three events here in innsbruck the pumptrack the speed in style and the slope style tomorrow but he's undefeated here on this course this is the third year we've been back in innsbruck he's won in 2017 won in 2018 he's the reigning world champion in the discipline of speed and style he qualified first out here today it's an understatement to say he's the guy to look out for today now Tyler McColl issues with baggage his bikes didn't show up here so he's actually riding a borrowed bike right now looking to salvage some points borrowed it from Kyle streets wife Rachel's straight there they both ride the same bikes so this is gonna be a tough one for Tyler McCall going up against Thomas Lemoine to all those accolades we just mentioned but anything can happen here in speed and style Andrew well I look into three PGA that'll be a great feat if he can pull it off but he's got to get through a bunch of rounds entirely McCall like you said a little bit off guard here not on his own equipment that will be a challenge especially in a discipline like speed and style where bike setup is key it's way better to borrow a bike and just make it happen than it is to sit around and kind of wish you had yours so it's a good choice here to salvage some points but going up against the Titan of Thomas Lemoine first round is not going to be an easy path so good stop by both athletes [Music] Oh 360 bars for the ex up from thomas of wine bring a backflip from tyler McCall thomas Lemoine he's Faust here up the course so he's a head up the speed as well as potentially the tricks where you go into the final jump back flip bar spin for Thomas Lemoine and a backs up look like et peddling spinning those cranks for Tyler McCall now this is where we get a glimpse at how this format really works here the deficit between Thomas of mine and Tyler McCall was one point five one with Thomas Lemoine crossing the finish line first now we're calcaneal the trick scores Lemoine scoring a 126 on jump number one a 105 on jump number two Tyler McCall playing defense with a 77 and a 65 respectively we'll find the difference between those and then make the deductions from the overall time thomas aloin will be leading into the next round by two point four well there you have it I'll first run down that's giving me a little bit of explanation how it works but basically Tyler McCall wasn't able to match Thomas Lemoine on speed old tricks so obviously is deficit got even bigger once they tell it it all up so the way this works here we've got an esteemed panel of judges and they've kind of set a baseline foundation of what some of these standard tricks are going to be worth for example take a look at your screen right now 14 points for a bar spin and as the tricks get more complicated the points will increase all the way up into quark 720 140 points a double backflip all 240 points leaving a little bit of room if you do variations on those top-level tricks 150 points will be the maximum you can score and that would equal one point five seconds that will be deducted off your time per jump now these are the people who make those decisions right here Pierre Edward Ferry Paul Raque Hank and Jeff Govich we have the same crew at all crank work stops here to keep it consistent not an easy job no not at all these guys in between these events are going back to the drawing board like we just saw in that graphic they've put the tricks down they have a sick amount of points that each one carries so in the gate now Kyle's straight on the right side of your screen Lucas Schaeffer a little bit more of an unknown rider but we're doing a little research on him today so much style out of this guy they're off yeah unbelievably stylish on the dirt jumps but some big tricks as well well backflip barzmann for Kyle Street looked like a 360 bar spin for Lucas Shaffer yeah I think was false but to even Ken Ken as well so he's got some great combos or Kyle straight look at the horsepower yeah Kyle straight we would expect it to be Foster's on speed Oh Kyle's straight barely holding on to that tail up right there that was the slowest help I've seen in a long time Landing low almost getting separated from that bike and getting the leg wrapped up in the front tire so now we'll crunch the numbers allow those judges to assign some points to these now we're trying to keep the math easy here so for example Lucas Schaeffer scored a 130 on the first jump that will equate to a one point three deduction from his time and once all the math was over here Kyle straight still the leader so there you have it that's why someone like Lucas chef he was able to bring back some time on Kyle's straight here Wow cam look how slow that tail was yes it's in slo-mo but by word he was hoping for that thing to come around but now that is just a great example of just staying patient a lot of people would have jumped off the bike at that point but he's got a lot of experience we're now along he's been throwing tails her but Lucas Schaeffer so that's what we explaining he's not as fast on the speed but his tricks were better than Kyle straight she's clawed back some of that time and he's only got about half a second to make in the next II whoo here we go this is a good heat Thomas said on the right side of your screen this is the wild card we were referencing earlier in the broadcast and Garrett Meacham his kids from Aptos California definitely looking to climb the ranks similar to what we saw from Billy me Clem he is poised for a breakout performance can it be today he qualified pretty high up fifth place qualifying position for Garrett Meacham [Music] as Thomas did has been throwing huge tricks just in practice qualification can he do it here tonight in the finals look out for that 720 and riders left 360 bars Ben exit for Garrett Meacham in a court 724 Thomas stead so there you go he's throwing those huge tricks so he know he's gonna out score him in the jumps he needs to keep his wits about him and make up some time in the speedboat the double flip for Tom instead now knowing what we have set for these trick scores a double flip scores 140 a cork 720 scores 140 but Garrett Meacham definitely doing what he can with the tricks that he has in his bag to play some good defense and he's able to cross the finish line first putting 0.54 on Thomas stead but now we're gonna take these jump scores turn them into seconds right now what will the difference be so great job by Garrett Meacham knowing he's going up against the guy with the biggest tricks in the field but doing some combos to be able to make sure that that time benefit that instead gets is as small as possible I mean look at this this quark 720 on the first jump for Thomas stead what a great shot having these two riders in the air at the same time a 360 bar spin 2x up for Kara Meacham and with that trick he would score 126 points but men if Thomas dead can try to get through this bracket right now and continue to do this cork 720 in that double backflip options once these guys it's gonna come down to Kenny stay close enough so back up to the start Marcin wrought from Poland going up against Adrien LaRon a former king of Crankworx now Marcin wrought last year we saw him here he qualified 17th went up against Thomas Lemoine in the first round he got knocked out but he came back a year later now he qualified fourth so he qualified ahead of Adrien laronne out here so we could have a potential upset on our hands so hailing out of Poland Boston Road little bit sluggish out to start a day long he's from the race background I ran 360 table for Adrian Llorona 360 double bars been for marcin rot both of them cleaned through the gates of the slalom section of the course the wind is picking up here they are keeping it low Aidan lunch flying on the speed version backflip Adrian Rome backflip bars spin for marcin rot so despite crossing the finish line point nine eight behind marcin rot had way better tricks on both jumps and I gotta say that that's gonna help his cause a lot I'll betcha Marcin rock will be but nope Adrian laron is the leader so speed playing off right there now Adrian laronne doesn't have as deep of a bag of tricks as marcin rot so banking on his race background here after four races this is what our brackets look like right now and Andrew explain what those names in yellow represent well they've got the advantage because we're gonna throw them back to the top they're gonna switch lane so thomas Lemoine has the Vantage curl straight these aging out Lucas Shaffer Garrett Meacham and Adrian lon like we said they have the advantage because we've illuminated them in yellow Oh what great action already in our first four races we're gonna get the next four brackets in the gate ready to drop for your right after the break stick away what [Music] [Music] halfway through round of sixteen here in the mantra I'll speed and style Innsbruck and it's already proving to be fantastic level of both tricks here and head-to-head racing that's the beauty of speed of style you take both of the things you love about a Crankworx festival and put them together now this course is one of the best on the circuit we strapped a camera to martin Soderstrom as he followed the young gun Billie me Clem down the course take a look beautiful Innsbruck Austria Venus tile is basically all about racing and then doing the biggest tricks that you can this is the GoPro course preview whoo here just two rollers really like this first step up step down first trick jump double roller roller hello Billy hello yeah boy haha big burns and this the last trick jump and that's the GoPro course preview of the Montreal spin star dude I think this is my favorite speed of silence good okay well one thing's for sure the GoPro course preview is have taken a step up in 2019 that was ridiculous I mean back in the day there's no way you could have got those angles no you get such a first angle view it's like you're riding but you don't have to have any of the danger falling off back to racing here next heat in the gate it looks like we have Sam Reynolds on the left side here screen Peter Kaiser actually lives here in Innsbruck he's gonna be facing off against Sam Reynolds a guy who had a great season last year three podiums out of the four events in 2018 for speed and style yes second here last year so we know he's got speed qualifying a third position so he looked to make it at least the same as if not to the finals again but he's got to get through local boy Peter Kaiser he's got a jump on him Sam Reynolds 361 for the X up it looked like a 360 double bar it's been perhaps with Peter Kaiser oh wow did he hop over a gate while Sam Reynolds leading out the speedier into the final jump we know he's caught up on speed we're not sure if the tricks are just yet so he's down on tricks while big tricks from Peter Kaiser down the bottom here so he's backed by 1.81 seconds that's before they do some number crunching so Sam Reynolds 98 98 even for both of his so Peter kaisers taken him on the jumps so look for him to decrease some of that time that he's done okay there you have it P dick eyes that he's down by 1.3 seconds off to the telly to everything and I gotta bring this up I mean the tricks are great 360 double bar has been for Peter Kaiser 361 foot an x-up but look at the gates right here watch Peter Kaiser right side here screen does he hop this second gate he does sure he does let's see what the judges see about that that's absolutely he's he's not why man for that that's a job that should be the max different so Michaela talked about this at the top of the show saying this could really be the deal breaker here for some of these riders and this is what happens when you miss a gate our maximum differential the furthest you can be behind by in this format is 3.5 seconds that differential will be applied to Peter Kaiser score so obviously the local crowd here pulling for him he's gonna have an uphill battle once he gets back to the top of the course and switches sides of Sam Reynolds but back to the top here now for our next heat Kate Edwards on the left side of your screen this kid what can't he do he's a World Cup downhill racer but he's got all these tricks and Greg watts a rider who had a fantastic season the last couple years his last three appearances in speed and style have been podiums he was third here last year second in Whistler last year so he's been on fire he qualified sixth place here but with the diversity of his competitor he's really gonna have to dig deep into that bag and Kate Edwards known for his racing it's surprising how many tricks he has but Greg Watts was the first to land a lot of tricks on a mountain bike he can dig as deep as he needs to so youth versus experience we've said that a lot throughout the weekend Crankworx the juniors are coming out and making a name for themselves outside on that backflip double bar spin almost missing a gate but that's his experience you're talking about Andrew coming into play yeah he knows just what to do he's one of the most consistent riders in speed and some backflip for Kate Edwards backflip bars fitness suicide no Hannah for Greg watts Wow knowing how far behind he was that's what I'm talking about he has the deep bag of tricks and he has the presence of mind to know how deep to dig in that bag that combo is gonna score high yeah and Kate Edwards slipping a bit on that last jump only scoring a 56 so there you have it Greg watch close a ton of time back he's only 0.1 seven back that's the experience right there for greggwatts let's take a look back at some slo-mo replays a 360 double bars bent for Kate Edwards a backflip barspin tow bars spin back now that we've slowed it down we can really realize the subtlety of how difficult that trick was he's in the upside down position throwing his bars one way he catches it he throws his bars the other way before even putting on his second hand that's why he's scoring 133 on both jumps those very very technical combos I mean without doing a cork 720 or a double flip he's almost getting the same amount of points because of how high the degree of difficulty is on those combinations let's not cut out Kate Edwards that was a big trick for her him the 360 double boss pants caught a huge amount of points so those guys are gonna get reracked to the top they're gonna switch clothes they're gonna go out of the game alright next heat in the gate Reed Boggs on the left side your screen lumira ball the French rider two heavy hitters and speed and style here facing off so even up the gate into this first jump Oh back hometown for lunar bull kind of fumbling a little bit but getting its feet back on the pedals Sun out before those gates read eBooks looks like a 360 Bella Boston as well these guys are nice and even yeah this is exciting racing coming to lost job the backflip bars Bennet tucked I headed from Reed BOTS and I think a back tuck tuck no-hander from Louie Rabaul so Boggs cramming in those combos that's gonna help he scores a 130 up top - Louie rebels 124 that backflip tail up and then a 126 for Reed Boggs on the bottom job that's because he had a three part combo and there it is that's the difference 1.26 on the second jump for Reed Boggs and just a point nine eight so cramming in three tricks really really pays off things happening so quickly fuss cam it's tough to even spot what they're doing but you got it there it was a 360 double bar spin for rebonds salut gyros a little bit sketchy on that first jump Oh got it around though just didn't get it - both pedals and how did he make these gates here he land with one feet on the pedal and somehow get that left foot on set up wide Wow great shots and great visuals there does yep backflip tuck no-hander for lure going a backflip bar has been a tough no hander for Reid bugs that's the difference between a 126 and a 98 scoring here three part combos are really paying off here we see greggwatts doing it we see Ruiz Boggs doing it and take a look at our brackets right there you saw read bugs get the advantage of her lure her Bowl that is why his name is illuminated in yellow Thomas someone with the advantage over Tyler McCall now we referenced earlier tell him occult riding that borrowed bike let's send it down to the fourth member of our team who's standing by with Tyler Darin hey folks I'm here with Tyler and I just want to ask what's it like riding a girl's bike in this competition you're gonna go there or yeah hurt sore subject right now but it's not bad Rachel Strait loaned me her bike I was waiting for my equipment to show up I've been here six days the airline's lost my bags pretty unfortunate I didn't want to have to compete on stuff that wasn't familiar but just decided to scrounge all my friends stuff at the last second got twenty minutes of practice and haven't written a hardtail in a while but at least I'm riding it's a bummer but I'm just trying to salvage some points for the overall and hopefully you carry some momentum going into Whistler sounds good and how you feeling about this wind gusts that keeps coming up and down it's crazy it comes out of nowhere right now it's dead calm so you drop in and then you'll be coming into the last jump and you feel just straight side wind it almost took Kyle's straight out stopped his tail about halfway through so you got to kind of just ignore it or change your trick last second but it's not ideal for sure yeah calm I want to check his pants after that one that's for sure well there you have it Tyler back deep you cam thanks Darren berrecloth fourth member of our team great to have him out here and I love the fact that Tyler just found a bike it's better to race and salvage some points than it is to sit around and grumpily wish you were racing but take a look at these two guys too that are never grumpy they got a lot to be psyched on they were first a second at the first stop of the tour and look back these guys are getting close here they're matched up again at the stop number two they hung out together for that GoPro course preview but this was stop number one finals between horn Soderstrom and Billy me Clem yes so a game a relatively unhurt Billy going up into the bedroom all-star off Crankworx one Sullivan he was managed to take him out and win that gold medal but they're about to match up in the first round here so polar opposites here and in these guys are having a lot of opportunities to get to know each other out there this will be just as high-pressure here today in round number one as it was in Rotorua for round number two but Martin Soderstrom wagering a few more chips than he needed to with that 360 double tail that's what took him out Billie me Klem knocked out so many big names on his quest for that gold medal he's of course the leader in our speed and style world championship series with only one stop under our belt so far at this point of course he's also racking up those points for the king of Crankworx overall currently sitting in fourth place with 231 points opportunity to get some more points and climb up that leaderboard both for the world championship of speed style and the king of Crankworx but Martin Soderstrom is never a guy who's gonna make it easy for his competitors so redemption redemption round four so Nostrum he's looking to go ahead be a qualified in second while camp landing that trick that took him out at Rotorua sir he's confident knows what he wants to do Billy meet them they're keeping him honest he on the speed he's a hit bars been a talk no Hannah for me Clement a 360 tabletop with that trademark Martin Soderstrom style on the final jump no sodas from scoring big on the first time but 126 Billy only a 56 on jump number one so there's going to be an advantage there for Martin Soderstrom so he was hanging tight under a half second behind Billy me Clem was Martin Soderstrom what will the scores be for the second jump a 70 for Billy but yeah a 103 for that 360 table from Martin Soderstrom will it be enough to edge them out it is Martin Soderstrom will be the leader by such a small margin here so hard always a crowd favorite Michaela Gatto get in there number one number two you're back in first round how's it going out there that's tough it's very windy yeah I heard you say just when you finish that you were happy that you got the first one over with oh yeah I go up it's get you on the loss on the thing pressure got me there I was gonna say do you feel any pressure being up against an experienced rider like Martin you already kicked my ass and Martin so you've been doing this for so long what do you think is the most important thing to remember when racing speed and style I guess - same as you um you just have to focus on yourself as soon as you start to look over to the other guy you get super stressed and you're like oh we did that trick and you try to go faster but you just have to focus on yourself and do your own things yep so you think you have your whole run predetermined you don't change it depending who you're beside it changed it sometimes definitely yeah sometimes you focus a bit more on speed sometimes a bit more in style but it was more like that before like now everyone is so fast just look at this first round first and second in Rotorua so it's like you have to be flat-out - every single well we're super excited to see what happens in round two here well thanks a lot Michaela good to get inside the minds of these competitors a lot of strategy going into this you're not just focusing on race and like you would and dual slalom been thinking about coming into that ramp at the right speed for whatever trick you have planned but martin Soderstrom illuminates his name and yellow he'll have the advantage when they get back up to the top of the course and switch sides it's time to do exactly that for our first heat that we saw your first place qualifier Thomas Lemoine on the right side of your screen has a two point four advantage over Tyler McCall riding that borrowed bike on the left side of your screen yeah like what's on us from said you've got to focus on your own race because if you start looking around or wondering what the other guys doing there's no ways you can be present and like you said you might mess up the speed into one of the jumps and we don't want to see any crashes idea if we can help it so Tyler McCall usually banking on tail what variations now not able to do tails on this bike the front brake is not routed down the head tube so it's gonna be tough for him going up against Thomas Lemoine here at the reigning world champion 360 double bars Ben for Thomas Lemoine like a backflip table for Tyler McCall there like you sit toddler McCole playing quite a lot of defense here but that's not something that's gonna pay off against Thomas and a boy who's flat out with speed and I mean he's full of style it's got a bag of tricks Lemoine straight flip Tyler a call straight flip so that will be a wash there for those scores with such a huge disadvantage going into this second round thomas Lemoine will of course roll into the round of eight so there we go that's our first elimination of the competition here Thomas Lemoine your reigning world champion moving into the round of 8 Senate Ally McCall into the stands I mean that's not a bad place to be right here we got a great crowd on hand Innsbruck Austria second day of webcast competition here and another heat loaded into the gate Kyle Strait leading this matchup by 0.58 over a fresh face Germany's Lukas Schaefer and if they were handing off time bonuses for style Lukas Schaefer would be first in line however it's more about the difficulty and amplitude of your tricks but start will add to a bit all right what tricks will they choose here on this first of two jumps back foot bars spin for Kyle Strait a 360 bar has been to one foot it can't squeeze it in that camp can it's always going to help at the end of that trick there for Schaefer so ever stylish shave a but he's down on speed yeah and that's not gonna help him at all cost rate it too lost jump huge advantage on time here for Kyle Strait and he cleans up that tail whip so Kyle Strait had the advantage moving in Lukas Schaffer didn't stay close enough didn't do tricks that are going to score high enough to overtake that disadvantage Kyle's straight will be moving into the round of 8 meeting up with Kyle's with Thomas Lemoine so we actually haven't seen this happen yet but we should talk about it the level of competition is so high here that all these riders so far have been doing tricks because to get to the point of the round of 16 you've got to have already eliminated some riders but these are the points for your tricks right here for example we saw Martin Sjostrom do that double tail whip and that scored him a hundred and twenty six points but if you don't do a trick well you're gonna get - points which means time added to your run time yes so these judges have predetermined these points based on sitting down and seeing how difficult these tricks off so you know as an athlete if you're gonna do a certain tricking and get a baseline of a school there's room to grow there if you put extra style on that baseline trick but also if you do the trick a little bit sketchy they can take some points off of that baseline as well now look who's in the gate right now Andrew this is your wild card yeah it is he's letting me down here because he's behind but he's got a big bag of tricks he's got the double flip alter lost jump pitches shoes he's already done the cork 720 he just needs to up his game with the speed so this is interesting actually the baseline score for double backflip is 140 he blew a foot off and they gave him a 130 so if he cleans it up he might be able to knock out Garrett Meacham here point four is what he has to make up so will we see any bigot tricks I mean there's not much more he can do oh man that --cork 720 is on lock every single time a truck driver variation pretty carrot Meechum I believe it was a 360 double bar spin and he's a little bit close in speed and that's what I said he needed to do so you keep him a little bit more even than speed yeah and he's a winner on speed this is gonna be so close cab Wow he's getting the maximum allowed score for both of those top-level tricks 140 on the first shot 140 on the second jump but Garrett Meechum look at the defense he was playing he's only scored about 14 points less on the road oh it's three hundredths of a second that's nothing this is proof that speed and style format has evolved to perfection here you can do the biggest tricks but you gotta have the speed as well Garrett Meacham if he slapped at all on this run he would have been eliminated 360 bar spandex up for Meacham cork 720 on the first jumper instead absolute perfect double backflip on the second jump for instead and a backflip barzmann I believe there was more to that variation backflip bars been a one-foot can for Garrett Meacham so really if he didn't squeeze in those extra tricks and stay that close you got to remember Meacham had the advantage going into this round that's why he was able to not cross the finish line first year so much playing in to these eliminations well that's an exciting run that's OD around a 16 so we've got Gary beats him he will be through to the round of 8 and who will he meet up Wow Garrett Meacham could be pulling a Billy meet him here and stop number 2 if he keeps this up in the gate now Adrien laronne your 2017 king of Crankworx let's take a look at where our standings sit at this moment for the 2019 king of Crankworx keegan right not in this competition he's not a trick guy he's sitting in first place I got to imagine after this competition he won't be sitting in first any more he has more coming up later but Adrienne LaRon in the gate right now opportunity to slide into the lead he's been the King before he would love to get that crown back but he's got to get past marcin rot right now who's very close to only 0.1 3 back marcin rot the fourth place qualifier now Lauren didn't qualify in the top 10 so marcin rock could do this here he will be focusing more on speed but he has developed decent bag of tricks 360 table further on a 360 double card spin for marcin rot out of Poland Lawson rut he is a little bit ahead on speed right now what would it say into the final jump Wow rot in the lead look at this only point 1/3 was the disadvantage a backflip double bar spin for rot and a backflip for Lauren look for a huge score on both jumps for marcin rot a 1:40 on the first shop now that's the same as 720's and double backflips are scoring and a 126 which is the same as martin Soderstrom double whips are scoring he only needs to make up 0.1 3-year marcin rot will advance knocking out adrian laronne and crushing his hopes of moving to the top of the king of Crankworx leaderboard today let's keep an eye on that I feel like the lane that Lawson rut riders right land maybe a little bit quicker so this is where he scored a 1:40 maybe he did three bars but he did it was a-ok o 2x up 360 double pars been 2x up there yeah these judges they must have a telescope or something cuz they're not missing anything and then a backflip double bar has been scoring a 126 there so those straight simple variations on the 360 in the backflip for Adrian Laurent are really his Achilles here now in 2019 marcin rot has been working in the last 365 days yeah looking good fourth place qualify he will be going up to God meet him who is the boys qualified that is gonna be a heavy tassel coming up gloves will be often it's only the round of 8 I mean Meacham versus rot right there both of them an opportunity to really make a name for themselves out here pull a billy me club but only one of them will advance out of the round of 8 that will be an interesting heat all right next even the gate Austria's Peter Kaiser on the left at the 1.99 to make up behind Sam Reynolds the guy who was on three podiums last season yeah one of the most consistent riders here in speeded style 361 foot an exit for Sam Reynolds and way more to the combo from Peter Kai's we'll have to wait for that replay but it was definitely more than just a 360 bars but there was some additional third tricks being put in there with Sam riddles always one of the quicker guys in speed backflip tuck no-hander for Sam Reynolds a backflip bars been a one-foot can for Peter Kaiser going deep Wow a 1:45 score for Peter Kaiser in the first jump I am a big time looking forward to seeing that replay because if Marcin Roth scored a 144 a 360 double bar spent 2x up and Peter Kaiser scored 5 points more I got to know what that trick was a 130 on the bottom jump for Peter Kaiser he's gonna win both jumps but Sam Reynolds was so far ahead he advances look at that this is just proving that you can score the highest we've seen all day and still get knocked out if your competitor is fast enough 360 triple barzmann they had to score higher than the 360 double bars for 2x judges doing a great job out here yeah it's Sam Reynolds playing to his strengths we know how biggest trick saw fullness slope style rider but man he's fast and that's really really paying off I mean Sam Reynolds had such a great season last year but he had a hiccup before this event he's recovering from an injury I want to hear more about that recovery let's send it down to Michaela gotto [Music] staying up in the booth they're recovering from an injury tell us a little bit about that yeah out in South Africa I broke my wrist pretty good in February so yeah I've been working pretty hard to try and get back for Innsbruck Crankworx it's one of my favorites so yeah couldn't miss this one and yeah making the start line was my goal so yeah anything from now as a bonus and yeah really happy well you're doing great today and you came second last year what's your favorite thing about being here in Innsbruck well the weather's amazing as you can see it's awesome course the guys always do a good job the dirts fun and everyone's here so yeah it's a good time perfect and you feel like coming in with a bit of an injury do you feel like there's a bit of pressure off of you to perform yeah no I kind of put the pressure on myself to make it here you know so the pressures kind of gone almost and yeah that's when I ride the best and have a good time so yeah awesome very stoked well we're excited to see you have a good time out there yeah I'm Michaela thanks for that update so impressive to see Sam Reynolds back in top form only four months after a big injury that is not easy and he's doubly lucky that he's here not just the injury I know he lost a wallet or got it stolen and he was at Munich Airport not knowing how he's gonna get it I wallet no money so hopefully some friendly fans or someone gave him a ride so he was able to make it here and with three podiums last season looking on point despite recovering from that injury we may see him on another podium today if he's able to keep this up Kate Edwards in the gate right now leading greggwatts by 0.1 7 greggwatts finishing in second place in Whistler last year the third place here last year he's got to get out of this round so greg was with some of the digas deepest bag of tricks that we've seen here I think Kate Edwards missing some of that trick so that was not as good as his first round but if speed is looking good big ones needs to hustle Yenter has something big on the lost jump backflip for Kate Edwards a backflip or it's been a suicide no Hannah for greggwatts now he finished 0.62 behind Kate Edwards but he's scoring a pair of 130 threes to Cades 125 and 56 will it be enough to make up that point 6 2 + o greggwatts knocks out Kate Edwards and advances into the round of 8 well there you have it that was a big trick on the lost jump that's way Kate edges have been struggling scoring way too low on that last jump well the difference between a straight backup and a backflip barzmann to no hand are there that's the difference between packing it in and getting ready for the next event and moving on to the next round okay loading up right now looks like it's gonna be read Baz and Louie RuPaul read leading this one out right here thanks to his combinations in their first run Louie verbal trailing by 0.6 of a second [Music] okay lure both the Cork's 720 rebound to 360 double barzmann now Louie that trick is going to score high usually it's a 140 was perfectly executed there is 144 Lily report 120 century bods well Stoick calls it to the wind a new year a bow back hotel for a ball back foot bar spin a tuck no-hander for bogs this is going to be tight 126 the second jump score for a bull another and a 126 for Reed Boggs so Reed Boggs advances into the next round but lune rebels got to Pat himself on the back he did everything possible to try to get out of this round all right take a look back perfectly executed court 720 going upside down on the back flip adding a 360-degree rotation to that backflip from Louie ripple and the Reeboks with a 360 with two bar spins and a backflip tail whip for Louisville and they're getting the backflip arstan put those handlebars in his lap taking the hands off for Reed Boggs that's how he scored a pair of 126 is now despite crossing the finish line first the deficit he had going into that run was too large for looming Rabaul and Reed Boggs moving on to the round of 8 the reed bucks doing just what he needed to on that last jump sneaking through over louie rebozo he will be in the round 8 and who will he see will he seem odd sort of stroke or bulimic nip and what first round down a rotary so these bikes the riders all set him up a little bit different but moderate and Soderstrom was one of the best in the game let's take a look at how he sets up his speedy style bike first of all take a look at his cables a lot of riders out there for slopes that will have a detangler so they can do as many bars mints and tail ups as they want both only to trickable features here barn Soderstrom just counting the amount of whines he can do he's got pedals that are different to what you'd see on a typical race bike cuz you got to take those feet off if you're gonna do a double tail up so those tiny little flat pedals for Martin Soderstrom but you got to be tracking in those corners especially those flat gated corners so he's riding a fully suspended bike there front and rear travel it's a steed that has served Bart sodas from very very well over the years right now linking up with the same guy who beat him at stop number one looking for a little revenge here Martin Soderstrom leading out Billy me club by a little over half a second here Martin really has the tricks on this course Billy with less high-scoring tricks and Martin Souter's from but we saw what happened at stop number one Martin Souter sort of made a mistake so it's anybody's game here still so no swim through that double tail up in the first front clean that's what took him out in round one against Billy will you throw it again [Music] so Martin Soderstrom going for that double tail beginning it's been scoring him a 126 I'm sure that's what it'll score again make them with a bit of a bar spin variations not gonna score as high he's really gonna have to cross the finish line ahead of Martin Soderstrom or get a big trick here bars been a tough don't hand it for me Clem 360 table for Martin Soderstrom not going to be enough for Billy Meachem we'll wait for the official word on this but you gotta imagine Martin Soderstrom is gonna be rolling right through here at the experience paying off learning from what happened at stop number one he's not gonna put too many chips on the table and try that 360 double whip just yet but you know he's got that to tap into if he's able to make it into the final two stops in a row take a look at where we sit here Andrew that we do so we've got Thomas on the line up against Kyle Strait Gary trimming it moss and rod Sam Reynolds against Greg warts those two were on the podium here last year in Reed box he's up against monsunos oh he's looking incredibly strong here he was on number two qualifier so our round of eight and set here in the Mons Royale speed in style ends were a second stop of the Crankworx world tour we'll get them back up to the top of the course in they gate when we come back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now why do you hear everybody referring to this place as beautiful innsbruck take a look at your screen right now we got alpine peaks grass meadows and if you're curious where innsbruck austria is pulls Uli out just so we can zoom you right back in yeah we're in Europe in the beautiful country of Austria on the western side in the Alps innsbruck austria there's a city right over there I mean there's tons of little villages there's a gun I let it take you up to the top of the hill so you can ride you downhill bike if that's your kind of thing you're into there's also a crank work stop for the last three years and right now we're in the middle of speedin style Innsbruck your reigning world champion in this discipline is sitting in the gate right now thomas Lemoine now this guy competes in three events at all these crank work stops but he uses the same bike for all three of them yeah this is Andrew well there you have it uses the same bike for pump bike speed it sounds slopes up it's a choice sea bass and the tricks he likes to do and he's not running a front brake because of those slope style tricks now it's a it's a pretty interesting choice because sometimes the bike won't be ideal for certain disciplines but there's got to be something said to be said for having some consistency when you throw your leg over that bike it's the same bike you were riding yesterday you feel comfy on now Kyle Strait is lined up alongside Lemoine right now Kyle Strait no stranger to the podium in this discipline can he knock out the champ toll older forum Thomas Lemoine a reigning champion a backflip horseman for Kyle Strait a 360 bar spin for Thomas Lemoine but Kyle Strait one of the bass slalom rod is in the world with low it'd be tough to mention speed look at why he's hanging tough tail whip for Kyle's straight look like a straight backflip there for Lemoine let's see a 126 with the score for Lemoine on jump number one but only 56 for the second so it was a straight backflip looking forward to those slow-mo replays of these tricks with Kyle Strait scoring a 105 for that backflip barzmann on the top jump what will his score be on the second jump he finished a tenth of a second ahead of Lemoine he's scoring a 120 last jump that must have been a double tail up then yeah looking forward to those replays but Kyle straight will be the leader after run number one here in this round of eight heat number one all right go back to the replays now we know Kyle straight to the back to Parchman let's watch thomas Lemoine 360 barzmann with two oh whoa Wow I want to say I don't we pause with the wrong way oh my through the gates but oh my goodness he's ridden his balls 180 degrees - what they meant to be way so that makes the brake on the wrong side as well he's mid doesn't break on his right hand it's on the left and he look at him go well is he only has one of them like we said hard to get a mixed up now let's see how he remedies his situation he was picking up some incredible folks at home that is just unheard of to be able to let alone ride the bike but also he's managed to pull a backflip do it but a damage control that last jump it is not what we expect from him to score so low on the jump but now we know why we're so blindsided and dumbfounded by his ability to just stay calm cool and collected with his handlebars backwards that we didn't even look at what Kyle Strait did on the last jump it's got to have been a double tail up because he scored so high but Wow if you thought Thomas Lemoine was impressive before how about that I dare anyone at home to go outside in the road grab their bike flip the balls 180 and even just ride on the road with it you'll hit angle your whole reach is different now man that is just unbelievable that he kept it so calm and cool okay let's try to recover from that because we have another heat in the gate right now now these are our wildcard competitors looking to do what Billy me Clem did in round number one and that is win this event and make a huge name for yourself Garrett Meacham qualified in fifth place Marcin wrought from Paul and qualified in fourth place now they're meeting up in the round of eight only one could survive this will be a proper duel let me think about it whoever makes it through this bracket right here will be in the top for a shot at a medal they can go through make it names themselves he had crank works that's what the crank works series is all about how often do we see it we saw it it's slalom this year we sort of wrote around one I wouldn't that be cool to have to surprise winners in the first two stops of the 2019 World Tour I'm a fan of that so Andrew you see those flags waving this is speed of style they're doing tricks in the air explain to me how difficult these tricks become when the wind starts blowing well there's one thing dealing with wind when you're on the ground with a minute you lift off those wheels they're pretty light they get blown from under you you lose your balance and it's just treacherous for the riders especially when they're going upside down trying to throw tricks it's just too dangerous for them it comes down to those wheels haven't spoke cinema if the wind was able to just blow right through the hoops you wouldn't have that big of a problem but those spokes kind of turn into a sail they're spinning so fast they pretty much become a surface yeah I mean even if it's blowing hard enough it blows your body off-balance it's just not a good recipe for doing the tricks that you want to do here so a weird thing about wind is obviously it's going to change your speed if it's a headwind or a tail wind but if it's a side wind and you're not doing a rotation you will fall into the wind because it'll kick your wheels out from under you but if you're doing the rotation it tends to be a little bit easier because your bike has its own kind of force of rotational fills yeah so luckily a lot of these riders are choosing those backflip variations those 360 variations but a guy like Martin Soderstrom who's doing those double whips and he's such a large stature just his body he's gonna be really sitting out there prone to those wind issues okay Garrett Meacham on the left side of your screen marcin rot on the right here we go they're off but what are these tricks going to be 360 double bars spin for Garrett Meacham looked like a 360 barspin except for marcin rot and holding the mail through the gates at section of this course these guys of Nick and Nick hating to the loss feat chip we go Marcin wrought with a backflip double bars Ben and Garrett Meacham with a backflip bar spend a one-foot he can knocking out the timing lights so Mars and rock crossing the finish line first but not by much only six hundredths of a second and very similar tricks for these guys take a look the timing lights doing their job before they bite the dust luckily we were able to get a read on that time right there six hundreds of a second was the differential but Marcin wrought scoring a 140 up top that is huge Garrett Meacham scoring a 135 on the bottom so really tight not only in time but in trick values Wow so he's 0.1 seconds waiting these guys I mean it makes sense they qualified fourth and fifth they're very evenly matched so 360 double bar spin for Garrett Meacham and you know that might have been a 360 double barzmann 2x I think it was from Watson rut so he should scroll of an eye on the first joke okay they knocked down the timing lights who did it and did they miss a gate now there's no more gates after this jump so it's all fair play once you land that jump so watch keep your eyes on this timing sensor right here bye-bye yeah that's about 700 bucks buh-bye that could be a max differential because he has taken across on the other side of that timing beam yeah Crankworx might put that on his room his room charge right there yeah hopefully as a put a credit card down on his room well we're getting word right now from our officials because there was crossover of lanes there will be the max differential applied all right as we figure this issue out and get our sensors back up and running let's send it back up to Darren berrecloth all right we're here with Thomas Lemoine with an insane run landing with his handlebars backwards and having to finish his run with his bars backwards how was that that was probably the scariest thing that happens to me while racing my bike that was like so weird and I was like stuck like this and I was just like thinking what should I do and then I was like okay just go like impro and try to go to the end kind of work but I have like some some times to recover now so I try my best to try to win nice and how was that actually ripping through the course with your bars backwards braking with your opposite hand I think I didn't even break because I was like slower and just like trying to hold on that was like super ridding the brooms and yeah weird kind of funny though so I'll take it yeah absolutely I think that was pretty rad I think he should have got full points for the both those jumps bars backwards awesome thanks Darren that's absolutely something we're gonna be talking about for a long time and one thing that I was thinking about is he did a flip variation on the last jump trying to get that backflip X up and if you over rotate a backflip you're a lifeline is that rear brake you have to land with that brake on to avoid over rotating and landed on your back it would have been on his other hand we've been hard to reach because it's all underneath the handlebars so wow the presence of mind from that champ there so we're in the midst of the round of 8 here in speedin style Innsbruck 2019 who's got advantages here going into these second rounds and room well we just saw God meets him he's gonna carry the max differential against moss and rot that's 3.5 seconds Kyle straight edging out thomas Lemoine as we know there was an issue there now Sam Reynolds will be up against greggwatts next and then last but not least Reed bugs Martin so no strip Wow Garrett Meacham you know do you think back to stop number one Billy Michael I'm had a lot of crazy things happen to him allowing him to get through some of those rounds and it really just goes to show just staying smooth and consistent and you know riding your own race and leaving that opportunity available for your competitor to make a mistake can carry you all the way into the finals we saw it last stop we might see it again here with Garrett Meacham so the Crankworx world tour for 2019 is a three stop tour we're talking about the first stop Rotorua we're right here in Innsbruck right now but of course we capped the whole season off every year in Whistler British Columbia where it all started and that's where we'll be giving away these World Championship titles but these are the current standings right now essentially the results from Rotorua and grab all these names cut him up on a tiny little piece of paper throw them into the office fan because it's gonna look a whole lot different at the end of this event yeah well exactly that Billy is already out he's had a shower model sort of swim he's still there but we've got the likes of some heavy hitters Craig watts and Reynolds in the gate podium containers here from last year they're up next I mean the credentials on these guys are insane Greg Watts finishing out last season in fourth Reynolds in second overall last season with three podiums there you go 361 foot annex up there for Reynolds another one of those crazy upside-down Bart's been combos for greggwatts but Sam Reynolds is aggressive and commits it into those flat turns one of the fastest or that lot we are striving to see these riders are throwing all sorts of tricks the Sun is out here and we're getting word as you can see the judges tally ating the scores here so Sam Reynolds will be your leader by 0.2 now we're gonna throw them back to the top they're gonna switch lanes they're gonna Duke it out again so back up to the star here our fourth heat in the round of 8 Reid Boggs currently living in Bend Oregon going up against the big Swede Martin Soderstrom we watched his GoPro course preview we took a look at his bike we talked about his storied history with big results in this discipline he's got to get past Reid Boggs right now what a most decorated slopes are athletes in all of Crankworx history and speed and salman sunstroke all right that double tale for martin Soderstrom so Reid bugs is fighting to stay with once ownership on the speed here and he's doing just that barn Soderstrom gone for that 360 variation not quite getting the table that he's been getting before I read Boggs looking for that backflip barspin to tuck no-hander but I'm not sure if she was able to squeeze out all the elements there so Boggs scoring a 126 up top barn Soderstrom also a 126 so that'll be awash in a 50 for Martin down there that's the difference between getting a 360 click table with that trademark Soderstrom style and just a standard 360 so martin Soderstrom will be the leader going into their next run but let's go back into slow motion all right we know that martin Soderstrom did a double lift so let's focus our attention on reed bugs he's got that 360 bar spin and he's been looking for more of a variation after that bar spin he's been doing 360 double bar spins but almost squeezing a little bit of a table there but missing the table on the last jump was martin Soderstrom all right Boggs did get that back from home and her bank that's why he's sold way ahead of Sona storm on the lost jump that's helped him pull back some time all right Mikayla is trackside let's throw it down all right so in Rotorua you would have already won by now because you beat Billy in the last round so what's next exactly it feels so weird no it's just always so cool to come to the spinner style events because I can meet all my friends again like Ray knows we were competing back in the day greggwatts straight all those guys so I think they're all still in so really hope to ride against them again and your best guess at your stiffest competition here today oh I mean if LM alright Woody's bars like the wrong way maybe I can beat him but if he's riding with it the right way then I think I'm gonna struggle he's looking so fast well you're looking great out there too so good luck in the next round thank you now that's a cool point that he was bringing up is there's a lot of riders in the field here that we're familiar faces from slopestyle seasons of past years but there's also those new faces Garrett Meacham looking to make a name for himself out here he'll be the young gun in the field looking for that catapult moment but Reed bugs right now trailing Martin Soderstrom in this round of eight bracket all right looks like Thomas Lemoine on the right side of your screen Kyle's straight is leading Lemoine by a little bit over a half a second Lemoine our top qualifier here greggwatts or sorry Kyle Strait qualifying a night this could be an upset here so Thomas Lemoine will look to tidy up this run and hopefully finish with his balls the correct way around there he goes he gets the 360 double bar spin it squeezes an X up in his ball so Tom's Lemoine already fixing that mistake yeah so he'll be scoring higher on the fish jump than the first run and now he's riding with the balls alright we were on into the second jump that's gonna help double tell for Kyle's straight and it looked like a backflip Hersman X up for Thomas Lemoine blowing scoring a 144 that 360 double bar it's been 2 X up up top Kyle Street getting a 105 but straight a 126 on the bottom jump for that double whip that is going to help his cause and he will advance Wow Kyle's straight knocking out the reigning world champion Thomas Lemoine not Lemoine has been undefeated here this will not be a three-peat for Lemoine know that it's the first big upset of the night and calling Kyle straight taking Lemoine down an upset is not the nicest thing to say about Kyle's favorite like you said Lemoine was going for the three-peat here tonight he was undefeated in Innsbruck I mean we all know that Kyle Strait is always a favorite out here but the stats don't lie thomas Lemoine has won the last two years on this course he was the world champion just last season he won two events last season so no matter who beats him it's gonna be an upset Kyle Strait doing what he does best out here mixing dual slalom and slopestyle tricks knocking out the champ and you do need some help sometimes to get on the top step of the podium there's no hiding from that fact maybe this is the help and the conference boosted Kyle Strait need to go all the way so Thomas Lemoine will not be standing on the podium today but he'll have one night to think about his next competition because bright and early in the morning 9 o'clock local time will be kicking off Crankworx innsbruck slopestyle an event where he's always a podium threat so exciting developments here at Kyle's straight moving in to the round of four this time we take a look at this heat right now this is exciting Marcin wrought a full 3.45 behind Garrett Meacham you remember this was because of that issue knocking down the timing sensor so all but over for Lawson rut but can you put some current get and force a mistake here transferring off the side and that first jump landing now all Garret Meacham has to do is cross the finish line and he'll be moving into the round of four so that's not the price she was trying to put on Garret succumbing to the pressure that he's got on his own shoulders Mawson trot crashing out Wow well we hope that Marcin rod is doing all right it looks like he missed the landing up there but Garrett Meacham will be facing off against Kyle street in the round of for the veteran verse the young gun there we go Marcin trots doing all right oh wow this is not the last we'll see from marcin rot all right let's take advantage of all these different camera angles we have right here and figure out what happened to Marcin he was going for the 360 double bar spin he transferred off to the riders right side of the landing is our slow-mo look 360 double bar spin he over rotated and transferred wow I hope he didn't run into a fence or anything well it's a good thing for Garrett that that happened because it didn't look like he was getting his combo on the first jump let's hear from the young gun Michaela all right so you competed in Whistler you were sick and Rotorua this is your first time on the live feed yeah here in Innsbruck his first time here but I was actually on the live feed Whistler and Rotorua 20 was last year 18 yeah but this is the best you've done so far yeah definitely I haven't made it out of the round of 16 yet besides this time pretty stoked about it and did you notice him disappear into the pond back there yeah just a huge cloud of dust I was like oh dang and then and then you just you're going into the set just cruise the way down not gonna crash not gonna miss a flag play it safe yep well you're into the semi so congratulations thank you yeah Garrett Meacham I mean I've watched this kid grow up at the local dirt jumps when I used to live back in Santa Cruz turned out as a little tiny kid and he's good at everything he can ride moto he can ride BMX so it's great to see him focusing on the Crankworx World Tour but speeding style is the perfect event for this kid his first time in the top four he may even take home a medal if he plays his cards right yeah I mean he's going up against Kyle Strait and he qualified down at ninth so he called about a 5th on paper should have a really good chance to go through so Sam Reynolds leading out greggwatts 5.29 but greggwatts always a threat because he has so many crazy combos so these two saw each other last year in the semi-finals now it is the round of eight [Music] Gregg what I think is aging hit on the points there from jump number one Sam Reynolds trying to rely on a bit more speed here to take down great ones Brenna's is gonna cross the finish line first he's got that back flip talked on handed by Greg watt so that back clip bars spent a bar spin back that's gonna be a huge score Greg Watts corn a 133 on the top jump to Sam Reynolds 95 and a 140 on the bottom jump that's absolutely going to beat out the 98 of Sam Reynolds let's crunch those numbers and see who will advance Sam Reynolds gets it so speed paying off right here Greg watts digging deep for those combos but it was not enough so Sam Reynolds is Pacey running quite conservative on the tricks I say conservative compared to someone like Greg watts but he's heavily relying on his speed so who will Sam Reynolds face off against in the round of four will it be rebuffed will be Martin Soderstrom Soderstrom qualified in second Bri Boggs qualified in seventh we know Martin Soderstrom has a lot of tricks to choose from he's been choosing that double whip on the first jump in that 360 table on the last jump [Music] so pretty much nothing in it six hundredths of a second between these two rebar that 360 double pars when he gets bored bar spins his time Manas or was sticking to the double tail whip it's gonna come down to this lost job they'll even on jump schools another one we get that back foot bars gonna tuck no-hander Martin with that 360 tabletop now Reed's gonna score pretty high it's a wash on the first jump they both scored a 126 a 103 from Martin on the second jump for that 360 table and a 124 for Reid bugs backflip barzmann a tuck no-hander well look at this kenri bugs make it up he cannot Martin Soderstrom rewarded for his consistency through two rounds he moves on to the round of four to face off against his old buddy Sam Reynolds so take a look at how these semifinals are shaping up here Andrew we are locked well a little bit of healthful Kyle's straight he took Don Thomas Lemoine he's going up and Garrett Mitchell another younger Sam Reynolds experienced against modern soda sort of the legend of speed and style wow what a huge opportunity here for Garrett Meacham can he take out the legend Kyle's straight and Sam Reynolds and marks odors from the old friends meeting up again in that gate here in the Mont Royal speedin style innsbruck don't go away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you on the ride and you're gonna call it and I'll call it my don't joy to take a look at where we're hanging out yeah there's been an olympics here that's the ski jump but most importantly there's a Crankworx here for the third year in a row Innsbruck Austria we're right smack dab into the meat potatoes of Montreal speed and style Innsbruck we're down to the final four now this place not only is it host to a former Olympics it's a Crankworx video but also it's a great place to hang out ride all different types of riding allow Peter Kaiser to take us on a tour take a look like home we're Hinton's Brook at our new Durkin spot [Music] [Music] so basically an instructor have a big BMX scene and the crew is around for quite some time now and they kind of got things going with that place here and yeah the city gave us a property and we've been here for like two years now and yeah things starting to shape up and running great now so it's good fun I [Music] mean it definitely makes for a good training facility here and the third Park here is kind of just a good place to come together like all the students were like riding and all the BMX guys we're just coming up here and having a great time [Music] basically Innsbruck is located right in the middle of the mountains the Austrian Alps and what makes sense book so special is basically the variety of things you can do here you can like grab your enduro in the morning go for some morning labs ride the bike park run at the edge in the afternoon basically and still have like even in Dutch obsession out here combined every type of riding in one day and still make it like a chair leg cause it's all so close together and it still is quite a big city where you could like have other activities as well tranquil experience it was like a good start to got like the community going and like the whole bike scene going at someone there has been like a big scene before but it still was a kind of a kick start to get try to still get out of projects going get people involved in general there's definitely lots of potential here so come here and have fun I guess well what a spot huh if you haven't been here yet maybe put it on your list of to do locations to visit for a mountain bike holiday come join us at crank works if you can make the time in June this is mangia Royale speed and style innsbruck and our brackets look something like this Andrew well call straight the veteran going is relatively new coming Garrett Mitchum he did tell us he has been in the main show but he's never advanced past the round of 16 whoa he's in the semi-finals here he's got a 25% chance at a medal here some pretty good odds but he's got to get past this Titan right here Kyle straight so this is where it is paramount to focus on your own race Garrett is sitting up against Kyle Strait that must be intimidating but if he can just be calm focus on exactly what he needs to do it that's his tricks on both jumps and get a bit of speed out there Kyle Strait took the gold in Lachey last year the powerful castrate he's out with a bike length to lead already so Garrett Mitchum with a truck driver looks like the backflip ball spin bike I'll straight and he's out front with speed Wow he's he on the ponies right now look at cow he means business yeah call straight with a big advantage but big double tilt by calls straight then Meacham getting that variation the back flip bar has been - note to one foot can get entangled in the finish line Corral so Kyle's straight riding like a man possessed like I said is this gonna give him the confidence he need he took out number one seat Lemoine came out swinging here in the first heat of the semi-finals so Kyle straight a huge advantage on speed there and he had the tricks backflip horseman up top and the double whip down at the bottom let's talk about speed Andrew what was it that cow straight did so right in order to get such a huge advantage across that finish line well he's opting for a backflip on the first on which you can do pretty much add race speed and he's carrying great great pace yes she though oh my goodness keeping low through the rollers not much else to say except he's riding committed he watch Garrett he was no slouch in that run so it really speaks to just how fast how straight was going to cross that finish line with such a huge leap but kudos to carrot Meacham just staying focused not getting discouraged by how far ahead Kyle Strait was but good tactic by Kyle Strait I think by doing the backflip and a boss when he gets a good school but he's almost able to push through the jump and stay at race speed so Strait will have that advantage going into their next round but right now it's all about the old friends Sam Reynolds and Martin Soderstrom these guys have competed against each other so many times not only in this discipline speed and style but they shared podiums and slopestyle a lot back in the day and don't let that handshake fool you both very very humble riders but witness gate drops it is all to play for we know how competitive they are [Music] barn social in that double tail on Sam Reynolds opting for his 361 foot x of the gate he's been doing it all night [Music] Sam Reynolds not able to pull a hit as much as his other competitors on speed no hand about Sam Reynolds 360 table for Martin Soderstrom the judges love it when he clicks that bike flat let's see what they score him there's a lot of room for variables here when you do a 360 tabletop the judges really analyzing how flat that bike is called tabletop for a reason so Sam Reynolds he's bouncing back from injury yeah it's his first major competition monsunos supposed to be doing a lot of injuries in his career while there's not much in that camp for hundreds of a second separate these two riders once we've crunched the numbers and Calton those trick scores Sam Reynolds with the advantage let's take a look back at our slow-mo replays so one foot except Sam's been doing that all evening notes it schools him a 98 Martin Sloan ashram with that double tail of feet right back to the pedals eyes up checking out those gates Sam Reynolds with his tuck no-hander flip Martin Soderstrom with great extension on that 360 table take a look here that bike is flat that's the difference between the minimum 360 score and a little extra they scored so similar on that bottom jump 0.99 and 0.98 and only four hundredths of a second separating them after the tricks haven't count out well take a look at the bracket Sam Reynolds will turn his name yellow he has the advantage of her Martin Soderstrom going into their second run in their semi-final heat Kyle's straight with the advantage over Garrett Meacham Kyle streets looking like he's absolutely on fire today that is he's hopped up he's got some energy eats up on 1.66 big margin to pull back for Garrett that's actually gonna make it difficult for Kyle Strait going into this next run because he's gonna have to decide do I have to do these difficult tricks I have such a big advantage and it's there you know the double whip and the backflip barzmann are working for him it's almost gonna make it more difficult if he switches it up to the more easy tricks exactly sometimes when you have a big lead it's tough to defend it but I think Cal State should come out I do that backflip boss when he's doing on the first jump all afternoon all evening here and it really pays off so Kyle Strait currently sitting in 8th place in the king of Crankworx overall standings right now now what is this king of Crankworx overall standings all about andrew explained well we've got three stops around the world and you can enter any competition or all of them all season long you're gonna tell it for your points and at the end of the season we're gonna crown a king and queen of Crankworx there's $25,000 up for grabs for the woman and $25,000 up for the man it really is a true test of who's the best all-around mountain biker on that year last year the best was Sam Blenkinsop for the men he won that crown and Jill Kitner for the women now currently he can write is sitting at the top of that leaderboard but don't expect him to be there for very long he's not in the competition today a lot of valuable points up for grabs a hundred points going to the winner of speed and style no for the women via verbeek she's been unstoppable this season her gap is sizable and those women are all eyeing her up for the downhill tomorrow trying to chip away at that lead she has so there's a look at how things sit right now we got laronne out of this competition Lemoine out of this competition men come out of this competition best man Steenburgen not here so Kyle Strait is the guy with the biggest opportunity to move up in these rankings he's currently sitting in eighth but a hundred points for a win would bring him to 268 and that would put him in third place sorry in 4th place so a lot up for grabs here for Kyle Strait if he's able to continue use that advantage over Garrett Meacham and advance into the finals well great crowd on hand here at Innsbruck we love holding these events toward the evening everybody's hanging out making sure they're keeping that beer garden in business we're back to business now riders in the gate Garrett Meacham trailing Kyle straight by 1.66 I'm really interested to see Andrew the cow straight goes for the backflip horseman and the double in here knowing that he has such a huge advantage it's almost harder to have to make that decision when you're not backed into a corner you know you go well do I just take it easy but sometimes that's when bad stuff happens well exactly we heard it from Metro Pilate he thinks well when you think can you lose it so Carl straight can he just stick to his game plan it back to the husband cutting schools well and he's really quick at the top your foot to stick to that what will the decisions be here for Kyle's straight they hit the first job yeah he's caught that on block so he's stuck with that and he's out front with his feet now maybe this is where he listens to a bit of your advice camp and maybe pulls back on the double bossman I mean double tail woman does something else Oh Garrett charging he's got a 126 on the top jump that double went for Kyle Strait all right this is gonna be interesting you know Kyle had such a huge lead here so I feel like he will have done enough but Garrett Meechum going for broke scoring a 126 and a 135 - Kyle's 105 and 120 so he will chip away at that but without crossing the finish line both times it's gonna be tough Kyle Strait advances so there you have it cow straight had a little bit of help against Thomas and Amoy but he's making up for it here in the semi final your first man to the gold medal match up Kyle straight alright so Garrett Beecham we want to analyze this to see what the future holds for this kid hopefully we see him at the final stop in Whistler a 360 bars spin 2x up on the first jump I mean this kid's got a bright future yeah 360 ball 2x up on that fish jump so the fact that he was so close to Kyle straight here on the speed while stopping his tricks we definitely look forward to seeing more from this youngster out Aptos California but Kyle Strait the veteran moving right along so Google Kyle straight face off against and allow me to remind you that Garrett Meacham yeah he's not gonna move into the gold medal round but there's a perk to making it to the Final Four you get out right now you have an opportunity still for a bronze medal all right well he's hanging out at the top of the course let's throw it up to him all right folks we're here with Sam how was that last run but well just wicked to be out there with old Matt and you know like he said yeah it's cool to be back with the old slopestyle boys and yeah - ray smart and there's normally a pretty scary thing and yeah we I think was like for hundreds or something between us so we're back to the start again for round two and yeah having the time in my life nice you got anything I just leave we're gonna throw down on some of the jumps I'm still not so confident after the old wrist you know so I'm just trying to go for speed speed speed today yeah actually I have a lot of experience with injuries myself so I know you're talking about it's not easy to get back on the horse and you know get things going you a lot of fears and stuff that's going through your mind so I feel ya big old mental game and I'm just not ready to crash yet you know I'm trying to go for the speed rather than the trick yeah there you go boys back to cam thank you we're getting attacked by a spider here Terrence oh thanks for holding down the fort we got rid of the spider and things are all good now but yeah like like Darren was saying right there it's so incredibly impressive for Sam rentals already be back on Form after four months since that wrist injury now Kyle straight solidified himself a spot in that gold medal round Garrett Meacham still has an opportunity to get that will they be meeting up against this next heat will determine that right now Bart's odors from left side of screen going up against Sam Reynolds Sam Reynolds leading this matchup but not by much for hundreds of a second that's a blink of an eye no really nothing in it here's the moths Orchestra riders right Sam Reynolds riders left so instead of qualifying in second Sam in food so no surprise these men are evenly matched Sam Reynolds with that 360 one footed exit that's been serving him well and Montes earnest ticket to his double tail up on the first jump clean both riders well going deep therefore monsunos from there caring a little bit extra piece here Sam right onto that backed up tuck no-hander so I'll just run with these signature 360 tabletop so both riders sticking to pretty much the same right I'm on one of the judges gonna tell us here just point one to what Martin leading those tricks that is going to help right there it is it gonna be enough it is more from knocking out Sam Reynolds Martin Soderstrom will meet up with Kyle straight in the gold medal round so Sam Reynolds relegated to the bronze made of metal but it's not all Oviatt he can still bounce back and gain a medal for himself but that is great for him just to be in the Final Four coming back from injury but what as final we have Kyle's straight mods on the strip some of the most experienced riders in the field and the newcomer Garrett Meacham against Sam Reynolds in the bronze middle mention well there we go our finals have been set right here we're gonna find out who the medals go to shortly but if you're enjoying what you're seeing here all this to real action they might as well stick around on Red Bull TV and see if four wheels tickles your fancy take a look at WRC we're here on the stunning island of Sardinia for round eight of the World Rally Championship now the top three drivers Sebastien Ogier boy tonight and Thierry Neuville separated by just ten championship points trust me this weekend is going to be an absolute scream and you can watch it all right here on Red Bull TV now if you're watching in the UK it's 9 o'clock Friday night Saturday night Sunday night 10 o'clock c EST do not miss it so there we go racing action of all shapes and sizes and wheel configurations for you here on Red Bull TV of course or right in the middle of Montreal speed and style our finals have been determined straight going up against soda from for that gold medal Meacham and Reynolds there's one medal to be won there who's gonna take that bronze this is what we're all waiting for here Andrew needling not disappointing here in the Mons Royale speed and style Innsbruck finals coming up next [Music] [Music] action heating up Innsbruck Austria we're down to our final four here in Montreal speed and style Innsbruck the crowd is soaking it up they're done riding the hill for the day there's some kids riding around on the pumptrack but everybody's excited to see who's gonna take the gold in speed and style Andrew I mean a cast of characters out here one new face but three absolute established champs out here somebody's going to add to their metal collection today while concentrate the winner in Lachey last year Martinus strong saunders true no stranger to the podium second it rode to its top number one in Sam Reynolds knots up three podiums last year can he take down the youngster garret Meechum that's the big question we saw a big upset at stop number one in Rotorua but it's all about landing those tricks keeping your eyes up and being as fast you can't through those timing sensors now you're the rates expert Andrew needling so take me to race cool [Music] okay let's look at cars Street staying solo kind of scrubbing off those things hard on the pedals again I mean look at him he's just absorbing that lip and staying as low as he can it so that's his technique through those rollers I see how Martin takes it in sauna stroke he's opting on that first road as you saw he's gonna keep his back wheel on the ground he's driving his hips and he's feet down and trying to gain momentum by doing the manual so two different ways to do the same section of traffic generate speed at all costs here Martin so deshawne putting those long legs to work you got to think pump in the back side of that rollers gotta help but castrate I mean you see some people reaching to double those cost rate scrubbing showing how much speed he's carrying through that section and that is how those two have found themselves where they sit right now in the gold medal match up one's gonna add to their trophy collection the bronze medal is going to go to either the youngster out of California Garrett Meacham or Sam Reynolds the guy who had three podiums last year's season he's come back from a big wrist injury to be here again at stop number two well they're loading in the gate right now Garrett Meacham on the left of your screen Sam Reynolds to your right and you know when Garrett Meacham woke up this morning this is where he was hoping he would find himself still alive at this point in the competition but it's definitely his first time in a bronze medal match up there first time advancing out of the round of 16 thread straight through round eight he's found himself against Sam Reynolds now Sam Reynolds says you know what he's focusing on speed he's not willing to risk it now Garrett Meacham he's a youngster what is he willing to throw you're right seems kind of has his tricks and he's sticking to them but Garrett's been fluctuating a little bit he's been consistent let's see - Sam looking to get the jumpy on speed there you go 361 for the exit for Sam Reynolds and get it looked like the 360 del watchman for him we've seen that as well before this is with Sam Reynolds who's trying to put the hood on get on the speed of this course Wow Reynolds is quick into the last jump first in the backflip tuck no-hander get to the flip ball spin to one foot Ken so that's a big combo trick for Garrett Meechum he's a hit it jumped number one and jumped number two as well but he's got a lot of time to cool back he's got a callback point seven four that's a bit but he had better tricks let's see wow it goes back a heap of time he's only nine hundreds back man keeping it close right there really rewarded for that 360 pars been X up let's take a look back the replay focus on Garrett Meacham we're in that black jersey 360 parts been getting that X up that means you get more points than from standard 360 one footed X up the judges loved the combination see there so lots of things going on I'm mid stuff well it was a double Paul but that is very technical to actually do the X up off the throw in the Boston Sam excelling through the gates putting point seven and speed up against good Meacham then a big combo trick from Garrett here on the last jump it's going with a flip barspin Wow to one foot can they bring Sam finding those points there's two elements being put together in Sam Reynolds tricks on both drums there's three elements being put together and Garrett's jumps so that's how he was able to narrow that margin to just nine hundredths of a second so it's going to be interesting to get them back up to the top of the course but here it is run number one of our gold metal bracket Kyle Strait the guy who won speed the stylus a last year on the left side of your screen and Martin Soderstrom your second-place qualifier out here today no stranger to the top Steph him to the stop top step himself both these guys know what it's like to get a gold and silver here so this is what all the training the preparation the visualization comes down to this this is heat one of the gold medal match up saunas from coming over sickened at Rotorua [Music] so they can make out the gate into the first jump harness room with that dumb atella towel straight seat to his backflip bossman but he's a bit down on speed but this is where he makes some of it up Shawn destroyed equally false qualifying it's sick and so he no good he is neck and neck into the final jump 360 table for Martin solar strum and a flawless double tilt by Kyle straight straight to the pedals pitting through the line wow this is the cream of the crop right here this is what speed of styles all about two riders with so much speed landing their top tricks side by side getting right on the pedals and sprinting through that finish line take a look at 50 Rachel your 100th of a second these are the best riders in the world on top of the game throwing some huge tricks or what trying to go as fauces each other next to each other that is one of the tightest heats we've ever seen now these guys have definitely been in brackets together before let's hear from poseable Michaela alright so over here there's too many tires yesterday you had a few big slams but then you brought it back today kicking out Thomas Lemoine earlier on how did that help your confidence levels oh it doesn't really change a thing I mean he was riding awesome had a mistake hard day for him but just trying to stay on it try not to make mistakes that's what uh spin style is all about you know being smooth and doing the right tricks how's the body feeling pretty sore but tomorrow will suck and Martin you I heard you say earlier oh man this is gonna be a long night speaking of confidence levels you kind of caught yourself and corrected yourself but there's got to be something in there that tells you you're you you got what it takes it feels really good at the moment I've everyone else I had my fair share of injuries and it gets to your head so now it feels really good and when I see that some fans here still remembers me it's pretty awesome well we love you let's give it up for Martin guys we remember you Martin who could forget Martin Soderstrom the AVA humble montz on the strip we loved having him out here and he's riding on top of his game again here we go we knew it to expect a back flip Irishman from Kyle Strait and right alongside him perfect parallel precision with that double tail of Martin social taking off the same time landing at the same time they pretty much this was synchronized swimming at its best and they the opposite tactics through the roadless monotone assume he's doing the manuals Kyle's straight he's opting to squash the jump watch them land these jumps perfect execution on both those tricks and then they sprint it out this is my favorite part about this matchup and this is what speed of style is all about here Wow look at that cow straight straight to pedals and then getting as many pins tricks as you can maximize that speed I mean you can only fit one in right here but it would be a crime not to try Wow so one hundredths of a stick and separating two of the best riders in the world we're gonna push them back to the top of the hill switch lanes and then they got to go up against each other again Carl Strait leading out that gold medal match up only by a hundred the second over Martin Souter's from Sam Reynolds bleeding out Garrett Meacham one of those riders will walk away with that bronze medal now this discipline andrew has existed for quite some time it's kind of gone from experimental stages into polished finished product right here what do you think about where we stand now we've been fluctuating the format for years and it really seems to be working doesn't it yeah the judges will be number crunching in between races in between these events I think they've got a very good formula boats great is they listen to the riders they're ever adapting this format well one step further now that this is proven and working so well for the men in Whistler we're going to debut a women's category for speed of style I can't wait for that so Sam Reynolds loading up in the gate alongside his competitor the young gun from Aptos California their Garrett Meacham so how do we get here in this bronze medal match up with Sam Reynolds having the advantage let's take a look back at run number one between Sam Reynolds and Garrett Meacham so Sam Reynolds taken off with the same trick he's been using all day that 361 footed X up Garrett Meacham getting that 360 barzmann axe up then Garrett Mitcham keeping him a little bit honest on the speed but Sam Reynolds so far throughout the day and that triple combo by Garrett on the last jump he clawed back some of that time it's all to play for here and heat 2 of this bronze medal match up all right let's wait for these graphics here see what this differential is not much nine hundredths of a second still anybody's game here now Sam Reynolds coming off that injury he's been very consistent with his trick choices both these riders consistent with their execution of their tricks but Garrett Meacham will he try something crazy here in an attempt to knock Sam Reynolds out of that bronze metal spot so Luke - Sam he knows to cross the line first because he city's focusing on speed all right what will the trick choice be here for a carrot Meacham 360 bars been looking for maybe another bars better at least that X up yeah she Sam Reynolds his signature one foot eight sub 360 and he's out front by heavy margin here in this speed this would be good for Sam flip tuck no-hander Oh Jeremy Jim gone for that combo Oh Sam Reynolds buddy buddy crouched down you can make it through the tiny pulse I think he's crashed kind of off to the finish line we couldn't see it on our camera angle he looks a little bit banged up there it's not laughing just yet all right well let's take advantage of our cameras here now take a look at what happened here on this last job the scores are any hair Garrett Meacham meeting out most jumps Minh Cara Beach oh he did it it was enough he takes home the bronze medal wow he's really clawed back that time I didn't think it would be enough but that just shows you caution to the wind throwing some big tricks here and it's paid off all right Michaela let's hear from the youngster but it's safe to say I think we're all paying attention to you now oh I think it might be the red hair now I think it's your performance today you just got bronze how does it feel Oh unreal words don't even I can't even think right now my mind's go to million miles I'm just so excited so did you prepare differently for this one compared to your past just a lot of days on the bike and then took more focus on fitness and in the gym so I think that played a little part well it seems to be working because you just got podium thank you congratulations yeah Scarah Meechum it's been a long road for that kid a lot of setback and all is off here bronze medal for his performance amazing and I mean doing it against Sam Reynolds that has to feel great he has to he had to go against the fourth place qualifier in the round of 8 that couldn't have been easy just goes to show you know putting your putting your nose down and just focusing pays off so there's how it looks right now Garrett Meacham taking that bronze but look at this gold medal match up this is gonna be good Andrew the heavy hitters of Kyle's straight of a modest honest Trump but there's nothing in it camp well they're loading up in the gate right now Darren berrecloth standing at the top of the course let's check in going on putting an insane show super tight racing a couple new faces in the show and it really feels like this new format with the judging is really going on well with these athletes and just want to say this the sports been around for about seven years and I just super stoked to see all the boys throwing down and having a good time back to you cam that's it Darren that's the thing that we can't stop talking about the fact that it was an experiment to begin with and now after so many changes I mean this is even a different format than we had just a couple months ago it's stop number one in Rotorua and it's even better yet so in the gate for their second run in this gold medal match up mark Soderstrom and Kyle Strait this is how we got here Andrew while Kyle's straight on the left side of your screen with that backflip Austin on the first jump - so Nostrum ever quick on the speed look at the two different techniques there and we get to the final jump it is neck and neck for both these athletes car straight he's been opting for the devil tail upon the launch up Manas orders from signature 360 tabletop birds congratulating each other they safely through Heat number one and that's fun to watch just for you no visual entertainment value but take a look at the differential it didn't just look close not only did they cross the finish line close their tricks were so similar that there's only one hundredth of a second separating these two riders so what we'll strategy mean here cap will they stick to their tricks and just hope that speed will pay off he's one of them gonna throw a quotient to the wind and risk it opinion it is the final is achill worst you can do is sick and place here your miles will risk it I mean Martin sores from rinsed it at stop number one he tried that 360 double tail but it took him out that's why he had the silver medal in Rotorua yeah Noah's Cowell straight is likely going to do the same two tricks those are Kyle's biggest tricks right there but Martin will he risk it all I think this course it's a perfectly for you to risk it on the last chump you basically can make it even with a crash over the timing beams you might not get scored as well if you don't land a trick perfectly two pedals but maybe that is where you should risk on the second jump okay race fans this is gonna be crazy we're moments away from gate drop gold medal match up here in Sweden Stalin's Brooke and months of preparation and it's all down to this [Applause] go so risking something different they wanted SodaStream with his double tilt it was clean victory left a mirror image of what we saw in this time Martin Soderstrom is the one on his bike and he will take the gold medal retention for Martin Saunders from bouncing back from injury off to injury second place in Rotorua it's one step better in his gold medal for martin asana stroke unlucky for Kyle Strait who crashes on the first jump well if anybody knows what it feels like to crash on the first jump in the final it's Martin stores from he did that at stop number one now Kyle Strait allows history to repeat itself here Kyle strain will take the silver medal Martin's soldiers from with yet another gold at a Crankworx event so was that a change of tactic for Kyle Strait did he get unstuck they were the st. tweak he was doing I would say we need to take a look back at the replay and see if maybe he was going for broke trying to flip double bar or something here we go let's go to that replay focused your attention on the rider in black and red here back Swiss gone upside down for the one nope he just fell he just fumbled just ppreciate getting to him and we've seen him fumble a back flip bar spinning for just a couple years ago in the Lachey he had that crazy crash while he is flawless all night with those Kemp really unlucky and annoying to do it in the final they have a crash isn't it crazy he had lulled us into a a sense of security watching him do that trick so perfect time after time again wall Mikayla's standing by with a very happy Martin Soderstrom let's talk to him Michaela you guys were practically tied what was going through your head oh I don't even know I just knew I felt like the whole night I just had to push it and push it and push it to go faster and faster so yeah this feels incredible especially when you beat like so many big and really strong names like Uranus and straight and wow what an are what are they feeling a little relieved Oh can't you tell so relieved and especially doing it obviously in front of this amazing crowd thanks everyone [Music] thank you so much whoo party at Martin we're all invited everybody from the crowd 10% rule yeah he's so easy to root for he's had so many ups and downs in his career yet he keeps on coming back and it's not rare for him to come back and take a gold just a year ago he crashed during the whip off broke his scapula he had to recover from that great to see Bart so Trebek it seems like every time he's to the top step of the podium we're talking about what he's had to do to come back and get there again and always talking himself down very humble monsunos I'm trying to take the pressure off himself but we know when he gets in the gate he wants to win flawless evening for Martin so Nostrum taking the gold medal well we got a whole lot more to talk about we're gonna be crunching all the details when we come back don't go away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow time for us to digest all the action we were just privileged to Andrew in the Mont Royal speed and style Innsbruck gosh what a triumph for Martin Souter's from there yeah you couldn't have written a better script if you tried more than soonest from bouncing back from second place at round 1 snatching the gold medal today redemption for him well here's how he did it it was such an evenly matched heat between he and Kyle Strait it was one hundredth of a second could you ask for a tighter round and this is what it looked like it was old to play for double tailed by monks oh no sir and Kyle straight missing the back foot Boston he done that flawlessly all afternoon that's crazy you know if you've thrown bull's-eyes all night at the pub at the dartboard what are the odds you're gonna be able to keep doing that you know that backflip bars was working for him so well but lucky for Martin Soderstrom he missed the bullseye when it counted the most friendly sportsmanship here Martin who's what it's like to throw it away in the finals he did it at stop number one but stop number two back to the tops of the podium where he feels most comfortable so we told you is really going to shake up the speed of Sal World Championship leaderboard and it did Martin Soderstrom catapults himself to the top right there 180 combined points from the first two stops but Billy me clump not his day today but that win in Rotorua is still holding him in second place yeah Kyle's straight he jumped up that leaderboard he's now in third so it's all to pay for when they head to Whistler round three the final round of the Crankworx World Tour [Music] now we love being able to share this action with you and we love to hear what you have to say about it you know sometimes we talk about how you don't want to read the comments but truthfully we love it we love to see what you have to say so fire those comments into pink bike look what we got right here holy f-bomb Lemoine's backwards bar run was insane do you agree you're not joking there that was ridiculous we missed it until we looked at the replay because who on earth rides with a pause Becket's will thomas Lemoine does is going for the boss spin 360 the double Oh No look at that Franzen huh that bar is now 180 degrees to what it's meant to be so the stem is facing backwards so the reach is even shorter oh and cam remember he rides his back brake on the right it's now on the left they not only made it through the course he threw a backflip for good measure on the last jump he's got plenty of friends from Great Britain or Australia or New Zealand I'm sure he's hopped on a bike with the rear brake on the left side before but in the midst of a run the presence of mine to hold on to that thank you for commenting we agree that was one of the most outstanding moments we've ever seen in speed of style from Thomas the point yeah Thomas Lemoine able to hang on to his paws 180 degrees well he's hung on to the king of Crankworx leading standings there eight nine long he's in sick and Kegan riding he's into it but wait there's more Thomas Lemoine will be back tomorrow on that course right there with an opportunity to get even more points to extend that lead in the king of Crankworx that's tomorrow morning Brighton squirrely 9 a.m. Central European Standard Time [Music] well what a ridiculous final here Andrew kneeling in the Mont Royal speed and style entrance final thoughts well Garrett Meacham cementing his name among some of the greats few Abel's able to take a bronze medal Kyle Strait confidently got through the finals but made a mistake and then Redemption from on and sona's from one of the nicest guys on the circuit humble but ever so skilled taking the gold medal well I'm your host cam McCaul alongside Andrew needling Michaela Gatto and Darren berrecloth most importantly we want to thank you for joining us and we'll see it tomorrow morning for slopestyle [Music] [Music]
Channel: Red Bull Bike
Views: 229,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, red bull bike, red bull bike videos, bike, bike videos, crankworx, crankworx innsbruck, crankworx 2019, speed and style, speed and style mtb, speed and style crankworx, martin soderstrom, nicholi rogatkin, red bull crankworx, mons royale, dual speed and style crankworx, slopestyle, slopestyle mtb, slopestyle crankworx, matt jones, innsbruck, innsbruck mtb, austria mtb, mountain bike, mountain bike tricks, mountain bike speed and style
Id: JB04c4V0tJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 7sec (7567 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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