Red Bull Signature Series - Rampage 2012 FULL TV EPISODE 22

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welcome to one of the most beautiful and formidable zones on the planet located on the edge of Zion National Park in southern Utah do not be fooled by this majestic landscape this desert range is made up of precarious cliffs jagged rocks and easily reaches triple digit temperatures on the daily its hostile location for humans just to come and visit let alone to figure out a way to come and compete yet mountain bikers flock here to seek lines that most of us wouldn't even want to hike they reach speeds of up to 40 miles an hour and they'll be hitting kickers in the 60 foot range there is nothing else like it in the world of mountain biking let alone all of action sports this is rampage and you're watching the Red Bull Signature Series [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody I'm Sal Masekela your host of the Red Bull Signature Series and welcome to virgin Utah this amazing valley is the mecca of mountain bike free riding its terrain and conditions welcome riders from all over the planet to some of the best riding in the world but what the riders today will be doing really will blow your mind as far as what's possible on a mountain bike you see they'll not only be descending these cliffs which hosts some of the most hostile terrain on the planet they'll then have to send themselves off of manmade obstacles would send them way into the air where they have to perform tricks not limited to 360s backflips and tail whips imagine if you would that you're on the most dangerous mountain run on your ski or your snowboard but instead of snow for you to land on it's just rocks dirt things that are jagged they like to cut you it sounds fun right well how about we check in for the first runs of the final with Todd Harris and Jamie Bestwick Thank You Sal alongside the eight-time do Cup champion Kenan Harkin will also join us we welcome you to Utah for an exciting day of competition and we have the very best mountain bike free riders here of rebels rampage the judges it's gonna be a hard day for them how they decide who wins this thing well it's all about line choice as they descend down this very steep mountain in any way they choose but the main judging criteria is on their fluidity the style air and amplitude tricks and of course line choice well let's take a look at the course more writers perspective as they try to grasp how steep this is keep both wheels down as we go on board with Tyler McCall and Chris Van Dyne what up Tom McCall here the top of redbull rampage during your GoPro course preview yeah and is it apart from the top you can see just how drastic the drop-off is on either side Jamie there's nowhere to hide on this course beautiful beautiful scenes here at Red Bull Rampage Chrisman dine on one of 25 different options on this course huge drop downs huge sets of doubles but all the time they are gaining insane amount of speeds it's high very intense action and it ultimately leads to some of the biggest hits on course like this huge left hand here as we take a look at our competitors here today a stacked international field yep Darren berrecloth cam McCaul Brandon Seminyak that'll cost Martin Soderstrom they're all out they're all in it with a chance and they need to because this is a very unforgiving course and the dangers are left-right and straight in front of you let's take a closer look at the top favorites in 2012 there have been five athletes who have established themselves as writers to watch out for in 2012 in 2008 one of the sport's biggest names cam McCaul had a winning run he just had to figure out how to get over the 60-foot canyon gap [Music] on his final run he successfully landed the canyon gap only to crash out the next big drop and knock himself out cold and out of his chance at the wind mountain bike legend Darren berrecloth also had a standout run but crashed as well leaving the podium wide open for fifteen-year-old slopestyle prodigy Brendon seminar to take Moore's place and big mountain rising star cut soggy taking second in 2010 most eminent and kamek all were out with injuries dare berrecloth was able to conquers demons from 2008 but it wasn't enough to be cam Zink massive 360 off the oakley icon sender but with Zing's crash in practice yesterday our list of five is now down to four 2008 champion branded seminoma 2008 second-place Kurt Sardinia 2010 third place Darren berrecloth and cam McCaul with his arch nemesis that Canyon gala well the riders are getting set up top and the crowd is gathering let's go down to Kenan Harkin who's with former rampage champion cam Zeke thanks a lot Todd here with Cameron Zink we're gonna talk a little bit about this course now cam the reality of the course is it's rocky it's steep and it's dangerous you found that out firsthand on that canyon gap definitely yesterday it was kind of Twilight Sun was in my eyes and I and it was hard to judge my speed going into that canyon gap which is about 65 feet ended up hitting the ramp way too hard and getting tossed over the bars and getting sent to flat on my feet at about 80 85 feet and heartbreaking the night the night before rampage finals and you know and I tried to ride this morning it's just too much it's a safety issue you know I can't even ride my bike and you know hold on well you know what we're glad you're okay I'm glad you're standing here talking to me and let's talk a little bit about what some of your competitors are gonna be facing today you know I look at this and I really don't see a safe way down there really isn't a safe way down I mean if the easiest way down would be the ridge line but the way all these riders out here ripping it I mean you got to be triple in and double and ride fast on the ridge line this soon as you veer off it gets dangerous immediately all right well thanks for hanging out with us your warrior in my opinion man watching you ride in practice was worth the trip out here Utah we're gonna see him next year I'm gonna throw it back to you Todd Thank You Kenan disappointing not to see cam Zink compete today as we head to the top it looks like we are set for our first rider this will be the Canadian Kyle or Brighton so Jamie he's gonna opt for the left side of the course the 26-year old Canadian our first competitor here and he is making this look very tedious as he approaches the first big drop and crazily enough the judges view this side of the cost as the lesser side but as you can see from the pictures we receiving this is absolutely dramatic action was going on huge step down drop-offs man he is picking up speed all the time counter Bratton he is just on a tear right now some of the bigger parts of this course coming up huge 360 down that step down look at the speed and the landing that he lands into and then he has to brake tentatively creep up to the next stop and then hit it hard once again big that's a huge hard 360 therefore Canada's finest Carla Bratton look at the speed as he comes through that rampage crowd all the time gaining momentum in one of the toughest sections of the course that is a huge absolutely insane action here in Utah for Carla Bratton that is a solid run to get things underway well the fans certainly appreciating that remember he went off the left-hand side not as tricky but it's a full run for Kyle or Braun to kick things off some definite highlights in this run look at this 360 look at the scenes he has to over rotate in order to just break check that bike it's preload the suspension and then let the suspension work for you when you land these guys are hit some of the biggest lines on the rampage course I'm making it look very easy so the score for Kyle is sixty three point seven five remember it is two runs we only keep your best score but no Braaten seems to be pretty happy with that first run next man to drop in will be the American Kyle straight he won this competition back in 2004 what does he have for the fans here in Utah will have that when we return you're watching rampage part of the Red Bull Signature Series you welcome back to the majestic landscape of virgin Utah and the setting for the most challenging mountain bike competition on earth it's an event with humble beginnings as Sal Masekela takes us through it over a decade ago a group of mountain bikers saw what was happening in big mountain skiing competitions that sparked a dream of creating a similar competition for mountain biking in the unique terrain of Utah it was really wild when it started so raw just a big old hill and most of us hadn't touched the dirt before and it was just pretty freaky to be honest from its humble beginnings rampage quickly became the most prestigious contest in mountain biking you know there's a couple returning champions Kyle Strait Kyle you know grew up right from the get-go they threw him into the mix and he went out and threw down it's gonna be interesting to see who's gonna reign supreme so here we go American Kyle Strait now 25 years of age ready to take his first run he won this thing back in o4j me when he was just 17 years of age yeah it was a case of straight out of high school and straight into the canyon for Huntington Beach is Kyle Strait on course right now he's taken the left side but as we know there's some very big lions on this part of the course the mark to beat is a sixty 3.75 does he have enough he's be very careful but look how close he is down the edge and getting ready it's really about a pickup fast it's gonna come at him at warp speed and he's gonna hit some very very big jumps drop down there for Kyle Strait he has to hit the brakes hard because he knows the next tricky section is coming up fast he one-footed in there on that step down Karl Strait is putting together a great run nice hip jump there for the fans and it's looking very good for this young man from California huge section of the crowd there for this Utah event it's a long-standing event the mountain bikers love it it's a very very challenging competition as we can see as Kyle takes that huge left-hand hit Kyle straight with a great run let's go back and look at this look at this drop look at this step down that's got to be 25 feet and he has to hit the brakes straightaway because this is a descent course all the time you are gaining massive amounts of momentum well the marks of beat was a sixty 3.75 put up by the Canadian nor Broughton and Jamie this was an insane run his score comes down it's a 65 point seven five so Kyle's straight the American goes to the top of the leaderboard we'll have much more Red Bull Rampage when we return to Utah welcome back to Utah's we get sent for our third competitor here at rampage big mountain legend Darren berrecloth who is only weeks away from injuring his back while training last summer Darren under-rotated a front-flip on his bike and broke his t7 t8 and t10 vertebrae and the whole burger was crushed down to about half the size that it should be which is something that would normally debilitate 99% of normal people in my practice I see people like Darren who are able to sustain serious injury and get back up and do it all over again five weeks ago he was competing in the Red Bull Joyride and he broke his transverse processors but even a broken back couldn't keep him from coming back out here to rampage early going out there trying to kill myself with anything new moves and stuff considering I just broke my back five and a half weeks ago Stoke could be here anyway the boys get to ride have fun so here we go Darren berrecloth of Canada set to drop in on the most difficult part of this course Jamie the heart yeah Darren coming from a BMX background needs to put some of those tricks into play on the very technical part and he's diving straight into the heart of this course right now as you can see he is just teetering on the edge of disaster all the time and building off generous amounts of speed to big drops like this the scenes are so dramatic here from Utah look at the views of Darren berrecloth just hanging on the edge trying just not to have that extra mph as he drops off these cliffs and then just flying into these jumps I mean this is not for the faint of heart Todd remember it is two runs we only keep your best score 65 points 7-5 is the mark to beat and berrecloth is down that's a tough break for Darren berrecloth known for these type of situations he is the legendary mountain by rider Burt even legends can have enough day on a dramatic and spectacular course as Red Bull Rampage there's where he ran into problems though disappointment for Darrin on his first run remember he gets a second run his score of 53 so it is still the American Kyle straight on top his scores sixty five point seven five that is the mark to beat here we go another great world champion in Brandon seminar and like Darren berrecloth he has chosen to go after the heart Brandon no stranger to winning competitions this guy excels in this kind of high-pressure situation diving straight in for the kill into the heart of this Utah Canyon can Brandon lead off where Darren berrecloth failed he's got to get a full pole remember it's two runs we keep your best score sixty five point seven five is the mark and you look at the sheer drop off on this course every side of him is apparent danger the fans love this I love that shrub my goodness I mean you say the word insane and it's so loosely thrown around but you have to be insane to ride this course and a lot of pressure on Brandon Jamie remember he's looking for the rampage title plus he's in the running for the FMB title as well and you know that is on his mind as he comes down this course super anxious times for Brandon summer oh no and that's what we're talking about the pressure of the title becomes apparent as Brandon hits the dirt [Music] man that was a tough crash for Brandon seminar insanely fast part of the course looking for that next bit hit look at this Jamie he's gonna ride this thing out and you know what that could be the difference between winning the title this year it's just getting to the bottom of that cause get some points because in this game you never know what's gonna happen so after a hard fall he comes back and is still taking one of the most difficult lines on course Brendon seminar getting it done here in Utah all right let's look at this again Semin a great up top but he had some problems at the bottom look at that drop down that is absolutely what it's just mind-boggling that coming into canyons and this that was supposed to be a no for kangin and look that's what it was supposed to be but it turned out to be horrific ly wrong and could this be the deciding factor in the FM beating title this year he goes up and over the bars but he gets back up and rides his bike to the bottom and this is the bottom section picking up speed all the time he just needed to finish disappointed with this run but remember folks it's the best of two runs he can come back second run and smash this course 60 5.75 the mark to beat he gets a sixty three point two five but impressive in the fact that after the crash he got back up and got after it as we go back to the top this is james doerfling 26 years of age from canada and he's gonna be rocking a tank top are you kidding me yeah he's filling it out a little bit more than our host Sal Masekela but as he teaches on the edge of danger he is off to a flying start here at rampage a very difficult section remember the mark to beat is a 65 point seven five they get two runs with the ram-paige title on the line and some competitors still trying to get the FMB title how about door flings line dolphin is charging right now just look at the drop-offs the danger I mean this is not just you gonna get hurt this is the kind of thing that could take you out of mountain biking for the rest of your days that he is doing very very nicely right now into this Oakley sander Wow what a picturesque setting here in Utah young man that grew up in British Columbia so he has no stranger to big terrain huge step-down jumps there for james doerfling see the speed that he picks up into this left-hand hip hitting one of the biggest lines huge jump landing on the side of that Canyon Wow I mean you keep saying dramatic and you keep saying picturesque but it really encompasses everything in the world of mountain biking let's go back and look at us one more time a great run by Canadian James dorfli looking by together great run from James dolphin he takes that neon green bike to places none of the other riders have hit so far the Oakley icon sender great images from Utah and then comes to this huge transfer remember it's an iconic jump that took gee atherton to second place just a few years ago and his score is good enough to move into first place he's standing by with Kenan thanks guys with doerfling right now now you shook it up that was a different line up top yeah man just for coming in the finals didn't even know what I was gonna ride and then just switch it up yeah I had a fully different top line and then into my same bottom Cawley's part so you know I was talking a few of the guys earlier they said you were the most relaxed at breakfast this morning you still feeling pretty good oh I was just trying to stick to myself and I don't know try and become so well nothing calm about your riding that was a really big you saw you crack your Forks two years ago on that transfer not today not today buddy redemption good job so as we take a look at the leaderboard as of right now James dorfli leads the way 70.5 Oh still has his second run to come then it's straight nor Brunton SEM enough and Darren berrecloth rounding out the top five we'll be back to Utah with more of rampage part of the Red Bull Signature Series you welcome back to rampage as we take a look at our leader james doerfling let's have a look at a couple of ones we missed thomas van der ham had a very strong run here in utah yeah thomas van ham the canadian the 28 year old put it together a really good run strong riding is what you need you have to be a strong rider in order to do that but look at that huge step down picking up speed very very quickly as he hits some of the biggest transfer lines here of rebel rampage van der ham would get a 66 even on his first run of two also Antoine Bizet took a very interesting line as a twenty three old Frenchman has made his way to Utah the Bizet the young gun firing from France it's all about being creative you have to be a notch above all the other riders and Bizet just going for it straightaway before also taking one of the gnarliest crashes and showing everybody how intense this course can be [Music] so Bizet does not get a score on run number one he'll have to make it happen and run number two back to a rider to look out for certainly Canadian Curt soggy as we take a closer look at this small town hero that curt soggy he's almost a hybrid of everything in the sport he's very mountain bike which is so rad and there's only a few dudes like that so where do you I think that he's like a big mountain great I think what got me into big mountain riding was just growing up in the small mountain town of Nelson BC the population Nelson's only something like 10,000 people but most of the people in Ellison ride bikes and it's not just a hobby here it's more of a lifestyle growing up riding the trails and Nelson has pretty much prepared me for anywhere else in the world I've ever gone you ride you get a lot better quick out here sorry just a little small-town kid that just lets his riding do to talk to me riding was such a big part of my life when I was first getting into the scene and trying to push it so much and now it's nice to have other hobbies when you get back home to go fishing a lot snowboarding a lot more and sledding kind of just trying to try to get it the most out of Nelson really [Music] when the first round page happened I was only 12 years old and ever since then it's been a dream of mine just to compete in it I think this contest is the biggest contest to win for our sport and you know I've had a close second but that's just not good enough I want to you know I want to win this thing Kurt it's a total competitor out here and yeah one to worry about and Kurt is definitely a strong competitor here at rampage coming close in 2010 with a great second-place finish this guy is hungry but let's hope he's not eating dust as he drops him from Run 1 Kurt's orgy on course remember the mark to beat james doerfling has a 70 point five-oh soggy on costs right now looking very very focused in this very dangerous part of this rampage course looking to build some speed and hit some big gaps huge no-handed step down there for soggy this could be the Ronnie's looking for early on turns of speed picking his line perfectly and a little bit of style remember Jimmy that's part of the judging criteria nice and wets out there for soggy that's what the judges like to see but they also want to see him hit some of the trickier gaps like this the Oakley icon sender nice tabletop just the speed alone you have to have to get to the next big no for Ken this is soggy at his best was he gonna install folks in this last part of the course oh my god huge banquet but he only just saves it on the landing he's gotta get ready to set up for the final jump watch he go folks Oh little disappointment as he goes down that step down here at the finish line Todd but just a slight bobble for Kurt sorry otherwise Jamie that was a stellar run for the Canadian the mark to beat a 70 point 500 owned by james doerfling Jamie I'm gonna go on a limb I think that was a better run yeah I think that was a better run he had some definite highlights in that run but let's take a look at him right now Kurt saw his first run here a rebel rampage action-packed high speed huge drop ups and insane gap jumps big no-handed suicide there for Kurt soggy he wants to win this thing and with whipped out tricks like that it's definitely gonna help his cause this is the big hit look at that big backflip that one the trickiest sections needed to get this right because there is another big jump coming and that is definitely going to be imperative to him taking the high score of the day well this format you get two runs the highest score wins it all doerfling has it right now at a 70 point five oh but soggy gets an 82 even so Kurt soggy overtakes doerfling he is your new leader Kurt you are the new leader top to bottom you chalk that run full of everything I mean talk to me about how you picked that line you had this suicide no hander in their way at the top yeah I wanted to pick like a tech lineup top and then go into some of the big drops and jumps at the bottom and hadn't really tricked too much and I always wanted to throw them down in my run thanks guy so a great run for your current leader Kurt sorry while we have a break let's check in with Sal Masekela you might want to get involved in the conversation let us know what you think about rampage you can do that by following us on Facebook or Twitter of course or you can log on the Red Bull Signature Series calm on your mobile device thank you for the reminder Sal will have much more when we return to virgin Utah you're watching the Red Bulls Signature Series welcome back to the Red Bull signature series here at rampage now for you guys at home it might look like the rioters simply roll up to a cliff point their bikes down and go for it that's only partially true you see months in advance a team of course builders like these guys behind me they move out here and they start building the jumps and shaping the features but the riders they're no prima donnas they come out here with the shovels and the picks and they customize their lines to make sure that they are optimal what does that mean for us in the end it means the most technical lines at top speed and of course doing it all by going big ramp it just kind of evolved into this event where it's not just about how you ride and what you're riding it's you got to build your line like you're building to win it's probably the toughest part of rampage is finding your line and building it you got to do something original and something that not everyone is hitting you're making it exciting for everybody I think we should almost put a berm here for you everyone's got their support truth you know is people coming out with their girlfriends their family or just close friends I haven't really seen what salmon egg has been building because I'm kind of on another area of the hill but I've just been hearing rumblings there's there's some section that he's built they're calling the great wall of Brandon I think he's got a lot of people working for him if I've heard correctly there's like 14 people you know just working around the clock you know maybe if it's dark they got headlamps or something you need to build something that can over do someone else's line but you know is your style that you think you can actually pull off there is your current leader Kurtz or geese sitting on an 82 he got that on his first run of this to run for Matt to the top we go this is Utah and local Logan Bingley's set to take his first run 22 years of age from nearby st. George Kurt's Augie has set the bar very high let's logan Bingley can use his home crowd to his advantage as he sets up for his first run here rebel rampage the relative safe confines of that goat trail and looks like Bingley's gonna drop down now hard to the left this is where he's gonna pick the speed up folks look at this fast action down this very tricky rampage cause all the time line selection is key it's about joining the dots here at rampage big section of the course it's a huge banquet and Paul got shot because he knows the next hit is very important to getting a great score here nice down that Oakley icon step down built by the technicians and the stylist of Oakley and coming back very stylish of his own with a huge suicide no hander judges putting together a complete score for Bingley a nice big drop there again carrying a ton of speed it's very fast and flowing in this section big transfers like that have definitely gonna help his score the judges they got to be pumped on this room Todd talk about local knowledge at its best Bingley doing a great job in front of the home crowd fast and furious on one of the 25 different line selections here a rebel rampage and selecting backflips over a big set double is definitely going to help your quest for that first place spot the Oakley icon Center huge jump and suicide no handers well that's just eye candy for the fans well the mark to beat was an 82 put up by Canada skirts or gay will it be enough for Bingley he gets a 70 7.25 but remember it's a 2-run format good first run for Utah's Logan Bingley as we go back to the top from Spain this is Andre Lacondeguy 23 years of age ready to take his first run of 2 this guy is all about bike riding whether it's BMX mountain bikes or freestyle motocross this kid does it all and he does it well just dramatic pictures here you want to stay on that path but not these guys Jamie now they're looking for the big kicker yes on the road to hell right now and he needs to bring that fire and intensity looking for that first place spot all the time and whipping it out for these Utah fans big downhill fast section huge backflip they're already racking up the points as he heads to the Oakley icon sender very tentative in this part the course what's he got folks big step down so fast racking up the miles per hour huge note for Kane Kane those fans there love in that section remember the judges looking for fluidity style air and amplitude tricks and line choice in Lokhande gate really has it all in this run another backflip there I'm not sure if repetitive actions will hurt to score but you never know in this game you know it's all about putting together a solid run and ultimately just getting to the finish line is key to runs we only keep your best score it is kurt soggy of canada who has the best runs so far at 82 we just watched spain's andre Lacondeguy take his first run Jamie I think he definitely had to speed the style the amplitude error but did he pick the right line you know what he may have picked the right line but I think the trick selection may have heard him look at this whipped out action as it comes into this fast downhill section Oh the time it's loose rocks it's everything is thrown at him to pop this guy in the dirt but hey a back flip on the dirt that's always gonna help you score with these judges look at that beautiful no can on that set of doubles but it was the second backflip will that hair to score I clip the top a little bit but you never know it's all about variation and that's what the judges want to see first runs score from a Carnegie a 74 so that puts him in third place we'll be back to virgin Utah for much more a Red Bull Rampage you're watching the Red Bull Signature Series [Music] welcome back to virgin Utah our current leaders Canadian Kurt's orgy well as you watch these riders descend the mountain we're wondering how they get back to the top right now let's join Kenan hearken to find out how he helped Martin Soderstrom in practice yesterday all right all day long we've been watching the guys come down the hill and it looks like a lot of fun but how do they get their bikes back up it's not an ATV and it's definitely not a helicopter they hope it their own two feet take them back up to the top now I've got Martin solder strums bike I'm gonna bring it up so he can practice today and we're gonna start right now let's go for a hike so this bikes about 35 pounds and we're not even a quarter of the way up and I'm already winded that's pretty bad which way to the top thank you this way yeah so really not a road map here it's just picked the way of least resistance and push so how many times this week have you pushed your bike up any advice soggy all right all right so I safely delivered Martin's bike to him here and well let's check out my Casio G's 1 commando here a thousand vertical feet with a 38 pound bike on my back in 30 minutes not bad great job all right man listen do me a favor shred way nice work Kenan well there he is Swedish superstar Martin Soderstrom he is sent for his first run of competition this is a huge run Jamie remember he's sitting second on the world tour not only does he want to win rampage he's looking to win the World Championship definitely so you know Martha's more node four is kind of slopestyle riding he's got the tricks he needs to bring the tricks this afternoon he's got to stay ahead of Brandon seminar in order to take the crown tricky section here handles it no problem already is just looking and teetering on the edge of danger both sides of him can lead to disaster and he needs to put in some of those fine tricks that he's got Sweden's Martin Soderstrom that's got some of the best on course but tricks like that night-night whip not clearing the double the judges aren't gonna be favorable on tricks like that but if you can pick it up in this bottom section run is back on track mark to beat is an 82 put up by kurt soggy Wow beautiful table top hit jump there huge step down here we go he's picking up speed all the time and he's cranking towards this jump was he got folks nice suicide step down there hands off the bike all the time he needs one more big hit big 360 for Mark Waters tomorrow my goodness man that's a tough crash exactly when he didn't need it so the Swede comes unglued from the bike and this has all kinds of ramifications remember it's an 82 to take the leave that runs not gonna do it but the world title also on the line you know what it wasn't the best one we've seen so far but he needed a complete run tricks like that huge table truck transfer beautiful flow in fluidity the judges they're eating that up all the time they want to see some of the bigger tricks Martin's got them but unfortunately they didn't come out in this run but that that was huge 360 but ah just eating the just at the finish well the mark two beats in 82 so ders from nowhere near that lady does have one more run as we take a look at the standings as of right now it is kurt soggy on top with the 82 we'll have much more from virgin utah you're watching the red balls Signature Series [Music] your natural instinct this panic has this gigantic wave is coming at you the jaws event was just an idea I had in my head for a few years and then with what's happening in the paddling movement within big waves and with jaws being one of the most progressive big wave spots in the world it just seemed like a pretty good fit with paddling you have to sit there and watch the whole horizon go black with a wall of water it is carnage and chaos that jaws I broke my back over here at the spot one wipeout you just got to go there's no way around it you just got to show people that you're not scared and you love that feeling this contest could set a whole nother bar in progression and big waves well while we're away American Tyler McCall had his first run and it wasn't too bad didn't put him on the top Jamie but this kid is very talented taking a very tough line it's hot love a cold indeed taking one of the biggest lines that huge style and that's what the judges are looking for amplitude style fluidity down on the course and obviously big tricks definitely help you score and he would ride to a first run score of 69 point two five so Tyler's safe at the bottom looks to the top and his big brother cam McCaul an incredibly talented rider who's been haunted by the canyon gap let's hope he can conquer his demons today as we take a look at his practice run from yesterday so this is the last practice session before we wake up and have finals tomorrow today is kind of like a face your fears day for me luckily I got Zink here I feel like that might've been a little slow peddled and then that break I jumped that big with how many consequences it's so easy to let it get into your head yeah but he's probably been thinking about that for the last two years since the last rampage [Music] bird so damn scary and right away it looked like the worst crash anybody's ever seen trying to do something comfortable and smooth but it always ends up being earlier than what you think your sign yourself up for can I go back and stay over this all night until tomorrow morning [Music] so here we go cam McCaul 26 years of age this is gonna be a very tricky section for him Jamie remember he's had problems on the gap jump what's going through his mind right now Cam's looking to hit the Nitro button when he gets to the canyon gap he's the only guy we've seen do it so far he hasn't got to it yet but believe me it's gonna be explosive when he gets there so the californian on course run number one remember the mark to beat Kurt Sagi has an 82 even fast downhill section in the canyons of Utah Red Bull Rampage putting together one of the finest courses we've seen so far beautiful hip tables up there for cam McCaul it's looking good so far but like we said before anything can happen look at that drop down folks he's building speed all the time hitting the brakes because some of the cliffs are so tricky you just have to slow the bike in order to make the next hit it's about connecting the dots if you want to get that score this is it folks here we go boom big can't cut it for comical man the demons are slayed and he is slaying this rampage course marked Abid and 82 put up by Kurtz org you remember he went down the right Ridgeline and then a little style to boo Wow talk about big tricks that's one of the biggest tricks we've seen so far on this rampage course he's looking good the judges man they must be loving every second of this room from chemical but did he do enough to take outs or Gees 82 he's got to be happy with it especially the canyon gap which he concurred with consequence all around him cam McCaul led himself on a charge on this very difficult section of this rampage course but none more so than the canyon gap his nemesis he slayed those demons and put himself in contention with this great run well the judges give him a 70 even an amazing run with that cam clearly earns our Cassio Gees one commando stop moment of the day [Music] well Jamie it started with the massive canyon gap err take a look at this one more time to distance the height the amplitude speed is of the essence as he hits the 60-foot got jump called the canyon it was his nemesis he made the jump man what a reward for cam McCaul and coming back so strong at the finish and that's so important here with these rampage judges they want to see big tricks and big gaps and there was none other than that backflip from chemical so run number one is complete and that man is your leader Canadian Curt soggy and his 82 leads the way the McColl brothers check in at 5th and 6th and Brandon's seminar curtly in 10 will be back to Utah with more of rampage part of the Red Bull Signature Series welcome back to Red Bull Rampage as we are back for the second run of the finals while we were away Kyle Moore brought and Kyle Strait completed their second runs let's start with Kyle lor Braaten the Canadian 26 years of age looking for something special here in the second run Jamie but again he opts for the left side yeah opted in for that left side judges just not favoring that side they think it's a lesser part of the course less intense less dangerous but I mean you'd have to be a Ford the thing that this course isn't dangerous everywhere is danger and that is apparent especially when you're doing big 360s on that stat down and huge gaps like that high speed transfer his score on the second run was a 65 point two five then it was American Kyle straits turn to take his second run you know Carl's won this event before knows what to do 17 when he first wanted coming back strong at 25 years of age Huntington Beach is finest coming at you with a very nice-looking warm footed tabletop and scrubbing that jump to just take up some speed for big suicide no handers straight to the dirt land in the hole his score of 56 point to five so that does not help him remember it's two runs we keep your best score back to the top of the course we go Darren berrecloth getting set in the gate for a second run before he drops in let's take a look at the bike that helps him survive rampage so yeah as you can see this bike is a lot different from what you see in your average garage you know suspension out here is a very key factor it actually travels 8 inches in the rear and it 8 inches up front [Music] these are hydraulic disc brakes and the difference here from a normal brake is that their hydraulic fluid goes through the line and actually drives a piston which clamps down onto a disc such as a car would have another couple things right out of the gates would be you know really strong wheels I got a couple of custom things I did to this I put a little bit stronger rear wheel which is because I'm famous for blowing up rear wheels last but not least the frame this is a little bit more laid back per se so that when you're going down steep hills it's not so steep over the front you're actually in a bit more of a more comfortable position alright so there you have it this is my specialized status this is my bike to survive rampage well it's gonna be the bike and the body remember his first run score was a 53 it's two runs best run count to right now it's soared he on top with an 82 and Jamie the fact that he's out here writing is amazing coming back so soon from injury absolutely nobody wants to ride injured and nobody wants a doubt in their mind when they ride this Red Bull Rampage course it's just that intense that dangerous but already berrecloth taking that specialize on a different route and more tricky route than that first run Darren berrecloth being very careful and for good reason if we go picking up speed now he's looking for the big hits just a little off line therefore berrecloth not hitting some of the tricks that you need to take that top spot here at Red Bull Rampage but he's doing a great job so far getting down the mountain great one-handed tabletops but I just don't think this one's gonna cut it bear claw picking up some speed as he makes his way down a big feature here we go Jaime's build up for something big definitely got something bidding mine Todd here we go this is it last year of the rampage cost hmm big basically all my goodness and these are the consequences that the riders are facing out here in Utah today walk him back down bear claw looking to pick up an attack Kurt's Auggie's winning run so far had all the elements he's charging down the mountain but he just didn't put some of those big tricks he's got into play I said 360 but it just went so wrong you can't over rotate 360s on such a consequential course like Red Bull Rampage so Darren berrecloth comes unglued on the final feature of his second run he picks up a 55.5 oh it's a better run in his first one but not nearly close enough to take down Kurt's orgy's 82 so this is it for Brandon seminar so much on the line for him not only a Red Bull Rampage title but he is in the running for the freeride mountain-bike world tour and this is the final event Jamie you has to have a good run here to keep his hopes alive for that title this is the biggest run of Brandon seminars life he's got to get this one right he knows so Dustin's crashed in his first run but so did he it's imperative he gets a run under his belt because Soderstrom has one more run left in him can he put it all together all the focus in the world on this run for Brandon seminar and how treacherous this has got to be he's got to keep all that behind him right now and just focus on each and every little drop and that is not a little drop wow that's an absolutely massive gap for Brandon salmon oh it's so good so far but as we've seen already even the best have been challenged by this tricky rampage cause there is no let-up on this course Brandon's seminar of Canada pedaling getting more speed setting herself up for this huge gaps but it all culminates in this last and final hit here we go folks huge crash oh no Brandon so no eats the dirt has this ruined his chance to lift the FMB crown [Music] what a turn of events for Brandon seminar completely dejected as he comes unglued in not only his first run but his second run and he was in the hunt for the title it puts a lot of pressure not only on him but Martin's Soderstrom who still has his second run to go on his quest to win the title Brandon's seminar from Canada charged down the mountain he built the one gap that he had in his mind with his friends and he laid it down in true FMV style look at this folks huge gap the landing so steep the speed out of hand and it culminates in this big backflip gone absolutely wrong is that the moment where Brandon Salmon up gives up his chase for the title well that run earns him a 59 nowhere near what he wanted did he do enough or has he lost a title we'll find out with more competition when we return to Utah the Red Bull Signature Series [Music] welcome back to the unforgiving terrain of virgin Utah while we're away Canadian James dorfli had his second run and Jamie remember the mark to beat was an 82 and you've got to think as these guys come down the final run they're feeling the pressure yeah the second run is the chance to go for broke if you posted yourself on that leaderboard second time out you could definitely maximise on things that you missed in your first run and james doerfling doing a very good job so far the Oakley icon sand a huge moment there as he comes down that mountain grabbing speed to hit this big backflip jump over the double but coming up just a bit short and running into those reeds you know the fans are loving it the james doerfling well he wasn't too happy his first run score a 70.5 his second run of fifty five point seven five so he holds on to his first run another Canadian Thomas van der ham now remember his first run score was a 66 so he is within throwing distance Jamie of our leader but he's got to clean it up yeah had all the work to do yeah he posted a great score first time out but it's all about this second run build on what you have put in the tricks that you missed and make them count because this course if you're not paying attention it will definitely take you out for the count thomas van der ham was chasing the score of sardis 82 even chose a very difficult line but again the judges will dock you for any imperfection in his brutal terrain creative lines and big caps like that transfer here at Red Bull Rampage great score but still it's not gonna press the leader so now we head back up to the top Frenchman Antoine Bizet he grew up in the small town of Versailles with no mountains around he's got to be feeling a little overwhelmed with the top and he's set to drop in here in Virginia Tom so here we go in a second run now remember Jamie on his first run he crashed spectacularly near the top he got a zero so for him this is it the one and only run to try to win this thing and if you come offline by such a small amount they consequences are massive it almost like an avalanche but already he's building up his pace he's definitely got further than he did first time down the magic Wow he just did a backflip on the top part of the course we've not seen anybody trick that section Bizet already laying down the foundations for a great run very technical line so far for Antoine remember he had a zero and run number one looking to top saw he's 82 beautiful tabletop on one of the sandbag jumps and he's heading to the Oakley sander Todd being very careful on the approach wait till you see this drop huge moment there for Bizet picking up crazy speed big backflip for the Utah fans he is on fire right now could this be a podium run massive step-down big Colt out backflip over that tabletop jump Bizet is on fire and he's looking to take home something from this rampage course taken a completely different line and mixing it up for our judges remember they are looking for fluidity and style air and amplitude tricks and line choice Jamie this may be a winning run for the fans one last backflip these Utah fans and the FMB fans are loving every second of bossess run here at rampage the mark to beat is an 82 put up by soggy and he continues to put on a show to the very end in his first run Antoine Bizet produce a spectacular crash any second he came back with a spectacular run he started on the most technical choice he could peg action and intensity right from the very beginning and it all culminated in this beautiful banquet on a very technical section of this rampage course but he wasn't done the Oakley Center drop was insane the speed was massive for this big banquet jump for the Utah fans but would it be enough all the way to the end Jamie he just kept bringing it he was relentless cold out banquet over that tabletop jump on one more time for the fans he let it fly and how about this score for Bizet a 79 which puts him into second place right behind kurt soggy in first well before we get to more action let's check out another intense event which also takes place in the dirt it's the Traxxas torque off-road Championship Series I guess you got a pretty hell of a rivalry between me and Johnny right now I'm ready to get it on you know what I mean that's let's do this you know I race Ricky a lot he's a gentleman and the gentleman went away once I start showing him inside I knew at what time he swapped off the job I'm like all right he's not willing to let up and then I finally pass him and I feel the thing land on my back and flip over the top of me or drive over top of like are you kidding me and we're still going man if the fans do get their money's worth that time I don't know where else you're gonna get it because you find that in stock car racing [Music] there's a fight I think Ricky's a good character he is a character there's no doubt about that wasn't aiming for you bro I was straight off the jokes with the deal Dave I didn't go after him I said you need to think about what you're doing before you do it I'm not gonna hit you kid real don't make a threat because I'm not gonna hit you kid Johnny's a champion I want to kick his I like the guy as a person I have a world of respect for him but for me to show my worth as a driver he's the guy I got a beat you welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series everybody you know it's greed that southern Utah is pretty much the epicenter for mountain bike freeride but like any group of progressive action sports athletes sometimes the epicenter just isn't enough so these guys scour the planet going to the far reaches of the earth to try and find uncharted lines before their mountain bikes and places where most people have never even walked and now thanks to some beautiful imagery and amazing storytelling you can go on the journey with them a new film called where the trail ends [Music] the last three years we've been filming for this new movie where the trail ends and just been traveling the world searching for the next big mountain and terrain this whole movie like you're going to some places where there's not even roads out there you know and he was so far from everything that it just seemed sane like crashing there is like it's one of the worst things you can happen this project definitely has been a lot more than what I have originally thought it was gonna be you know I've learned a lot of things I've seen a lot of places I've grown a lot of appreciation for a lot of cultures a lot of people when people see the places we're riding right now haven't explained it just complete freedom like whatever you want that's crazy I think shooting for where the trail ends will definitely give us an advantage for rampage so it'll be really interesting to see how the riders do out there and hopefully we can do pretty well back up at the top as we take a look at our current leaders Kurt's orgy leads it all with an 82 as he gets set for his second run now what does he do here Jamie because he's got a great score but he knows there's still a lot of talent still to take their second run as well yeah he's got a lot of talent coming up but he's got the highest scoring run so far of this rampage contest if you can clean it up I definitely think he'll get even more rewards coming off the right-hand side as he makes his way down that treacherous Ridgeline the scenes are fantastic and here he goes folks speed is building all the time big downhill gaps setting up for massive drop-offs and jumps Wow only the brave there tackle rebels rampage course Canada's Kurt's orgy your current overall leader with an 82 does he have a cleaner run or does he play it safe as we head down to the Oakley icon Sunday he's looking very good so far tired but it was the bottom half of his first run where he came a little unglued bobbles on the back flip her his score first time out but the super man over the doubles well definitely impressed the fans here in you Tom this time he's very clean on the back flip Kurt saw he looking very good remember he's got an 82 and Jamie this might be even better it's definitely better than his first one he's charging even harder to the finish line but will the judges give him that Red Bull Rampage crown he's so desperately looking for soggy got an 82 on his first run and this one may in fact be much better let's go back to the top and look at it again very technical big variety and he cleaned up the backflip landed it almost perfectly great seams at the finish but he had all the work to do early on big suicide no hander on that step down look at the night knack over the hip jump here in the Utah canyons and the Oakley icon sander giving it some style on a very big drop look at that huge Superman for these Utah fans wow he really turned it on like we said he was hungry a big back flips cleaned up from his first run well they'll satisfy your appetite if you are a rampage judge so kurt saw he was sitting on an 82 on his first run looking for that much more and that bottom section may have done the trick the judges give him an 86 points seven five so an even better score and further distancing himself from the rest of the competition [Applause] so a new work to be eighty six point seven five for a Utah native Logan Bingley now he had a strong first run score Jamie as seventy seven point two five but now he thought he was happened to just knock off maybe an 82 the mark to beat now 6.75 and logan Bigley has got to pull a very big rabbit out of a very big canyon if he wants to snatch away that lead from kurt soggy treacherous lines with massive consequences here at Red Bull Rampage so far so good but will this Utah crowd spare their local rider on to victory will Bingley lives just down the road in st. George Utah how about that stomps it has to get a handful of breaks to get himself back online yeah and the fans getting up close and person that backflip but it's the Oakley icon sender that shoots him down the mountain straight to a big bang flip over the doubles Wow these fans are loving every second will the judges love every second - as he makes his way to the finish [Music] Logan Bingley carrying a lot of speed big transfer line for Bingley huge moments in this run will it be huge enough to smash the win away from Kurt soggy so he got a 77 point to five on run number one I don't know if that's enough to take away the 86 points 75 but Jamie I think this is good enough to get him on the podium well we're about to find out Todd as Logan Bingley gives us some of the highlights on this Red Bull Rampage course big suicide no hand is down the step downs all the time firing out the speed hitting the big lines with bits impress the judges Bingley scores seventy eight point five oh so that puts him in a third place for the time being we'll be back to virgin Utah for much more of rampage you're watching the Red Bull Signature Series welcome back as you see our leader Kurtz or D the Canadian and as we head back up to the top a serious contender here has got to be Spain's Andre Lacondeguy there is the view from Lokhande he and Jamie he knows exactly what he has to do the mark to beat eighty six point seven five and Canada's Curt soggy has set the bar high for the remaining competitors in the 2012 Red Bull Rampage but Lacondeguy on course already teetering on the edge of danger can this be the winning run for this young man taking a very tricky line is Lacondeguy now remember our judges are looking for fluidity and style Aaron AmpliTube tricks and line choice are you seen a wooden run here Jamie so far it's looking very very good big back flips are definitely gonna help you score edging into that Oakley icon Center man it's tough to call at this stage I'd rail a Carnegie of Spain on course for a second and final run looking good so far but missing that jump there that's gonna hurt a score the fans are sending in to the finale it needs to produce something very very big Todd well it's tough to be critical on these guys Jamie because just getting to the bottom of this course is such an accomplishment but when you have the talent level that we have you can't waste any jump it definitely is but when the judges have a criteria you have to meet what they're looking for not this time out for the Carnegie but he will be back to this very demanding competition just never got into the right flow knew exactly what he had to do unfortunately the Spaniard unable to deliver looking back at some of the highlights of Spain's Andrew Carnegie big whipped out moments nice banquet of coming into this important Oakley send a jump but miss tricks like this huge Superman seat grab would definitely hurt his core in his quest to be the rampage king of 2012 for hay throwing out that style at the finish line always goes down a treat with these great Utah fans Sofer Andre Lacondeguy he gets a 69 point 500 on his second run now remember it's to run best score counts he does not look happy our leader Kurt soggy out of Canada he is now in prime position to win because there's just three riders left that can unseat him before we get back to the top of the course let's take a look at what it took to win the last Rampage competition we're looking at the Oakley icon Center still pretty damn big I hadn't seen the Oakley Center before I got to rampage in 2010 I just heard people kind of chirping about it and and then there I go - I think you might go spinning it was it I was like all right I can spin this [Music] and then almost killed myself first time got my head checked out thought I had a concussion and then the medic let me go back up and then sent it that's good champ after without Oakland this drop wouldn't be 2010 rampage champ but these athletes are redefining the definition of what's possible on a mountain bike and you know that's what we do on the Signature Series we scour the planet to find you the most unique events possible just like this one here in Virginia tah so whether it's snow sand ice or dirt from the mountains to the ocean or anything in between if it makes the cut we'll bring it to you on the Red Bull Signature Series a television series unlike anything you've ever seen in 2013 the Red Bull Signature Series takes flight over snow water the elements of nature harnessed for man's passions 15 of the most progressive and innovative competitions unified into one epic series in Red Bull Crashed Ice Races compete head-to-head down a collision course of twisting ice freeride mountain biking pushes to new extremes on courses both wild and man-made backcountry filming in competition merged the most spectacular snowboarding run ever crafted and surfers take to the super-sized swells of Maui's jobs the Red Bull Signature Series in the evolution of sports watch it all year long on NBC go to Red Bull Signature Series comm for complete schedule details welcome back as we take a look at our leader Canadian Kurtz orgy's sitting on top with an 80 6.75 at the top of the course Martin Soderstrom has one run to wrap up not only rampage but the freeride mountain-bike world title now the bottom line is he has to beat Brandon summon X Corps of 60 3.25 to get it done taking off down that tricky right-hand section of the course is it gonna be so discerned for the win these fans are urging him on his teammates are urging him on can he get it done now remember he crashed at the bottom of his first run scoring a 50 point 2 5 so he's got some serious work to do yes he definitely needs to pick it up in this second and final run here at rampage what was missing from his first the amplitude the exaggeration of his tricks needs to hit on those points this time out if he wants to keep the judges in his favor big step down from that Oakley icon Center John beautiful tabletop over that hip transfer it's got all the makings so far of the run that he needs can it keep it together needs the table 60 3.25 nice suicide no hander there from Sweden's Martin Soderstrom whipped out over that hip jump this is the important part of the car oh and he's done it again on the 360 Sweden's Martin Soderstrom may have given up his chance to win the 2012 FMB World title remember he needed to top the mark a Brandon seminar coup felt like he threw it away but the door has maybe just opened up a little bit more it's all in the judges hands and the pressure just a little bit too much he tears out his pants but Jamie I think he's got bigger problems right now I think the title may have just slipped through his fingers yeah definitely great moments in Martin soda swims run like that huge drop-off on the oakley icon sander but tricks like this tabletop over the hips definitely helped his score but it was the 360 finish that really caught him off-guard beautiful whipped out tricks everything was looking good until it got to this point overcooking the 360 that's not in his playbook he needed to be perfect he came up just a tad shot well he needed to beat Brandon seminar in the standings he's not gonna get it done with that 63 so you know what that means Jamie Brandon seminar has just won the 2012 FMB World title and I'm pretty sure that 360 is gonna haunt Sweden's Martin Soderstrom for quite some time but props to Canada's Brandon seminar for charging hard and hey you know what it isn't your day you can still get it done it's still a great day so one title has been determined we still have to figure out who is gonna win Red Bull Rampage here in virgin Utah back to the top of the course we go to competitors left and there the brothers the McColl brothers first up it will be Tyler Tyler McCall put down a great first one needs to build on that but the danger is there from the off on this tricky course look at the speed he's getting so far as he heads down the canyon and in to some of the more highlighted sections of this rampage course now remember is a two run format his first run score netted him a 69 point 2 5 if he wants the title he's gonna need to better Kurt's orgy's eighty six point seven five so a lot of work to do Jamie what can he do on this course and the line he chose to get it done well so far it's all down Hill but big tricks like that suicide no hand up on that step down jump they will help him out he's got to go as big as he can because he knows his brother is coming right behind him and Kurt saw he has set the bar very very high for him to be big cat jump there on that step down double nice transfer line as he comes to the finish line here at rampage so a good run for him Jamie but maybe it started the top his choice of line maybe not aggressive enough to get the judges attention definitely rode the ridge line a little too long here it's all about line selection but sometimes you can get your line wrong needed to replace that long line with big tricks amplitude to catch that judges eye so it all started the top for him Jamie it looks like a pretty radical line but compared to what some of the other guys are doing you just didn't do enough yeah the trail is tricky but if you sound too long you get into trouble with the judges they want to see big tricks they want to see me receive amplitude and at the Red Bull Rampage cause it's got it all but he got in trouble early on came back very very strong but I don't think it's enough his second run score a 71 even a good run but not enough to get him on the podium so that takes us to our final competitor can McCall knows exactly what he has to do and we'll find out if he gets it done when we return to Utah and the Red Bull Signature Series [Music] welcome back to Utah there's the leader Kurtz orgy and our final writer of the competition cam McCaul as he gets set to drop in Jamie he's got a conquer the 86 points 75 for the win and more importantly he's got to do the canyon gap successfully again yay faced his fears first time out and that canyon gap this time he's got to bring the heat well he tricked the canyon gap that's the question on everybody's minds right now and we're about to find out judges looking for fluidity style air amplitude tricks and line choice this is our final competitor cam back all on course and as he blazes the trail in the Utah sunshine speed is picking up fast nice in there over that little head jump all leads to some of the fastest section on this rampage course well you look at what he's trying to accomplish Jamie getting to the bottom here is just a feat in itself but drops like that and the speed that he's carrying he has got to be so precise with one small little bobble and he's done that he's come in from intensely fast speeds to hitting the brakes to almost the virtual stop but this is where he needs to speed this is it folks huge 64 canyon gap McCool uncle's right now can he take the win from soggy now he did not trick the canyon gap there was rumors that he might try to backflip it he plays it straight was that a wise call I don't think it's gonna be a wise call for him he needed to do something extra special on a ridiculous gap but perhaps to McCool for just jumping the gap in the first place he was the one that set it up and hey he fulfilled his promise so our final competitor cam McCaul brings it to a finish this was definitely the highlight definitely needed a very big trick over that when you've got an unsurmountable score to beat you've got to bring the heat suicide no hand then that step down we'll bring you the point but he definitely will look back at this run and think man I had to bring the back flip in order to take it away from Kirk so the final score of 69 point 2 5 a great performance by cam McCaul but is not enough so he is your winner of rampage [Music] the celebration has begun in earnest here in virgin Utah as Kurt's orgy has taken top honors and claimed Red Bull Rampage what an accomplishment for him remember his first run was good his second run was even better he's now standing by with Kenan Harkin Kurt's Augie you get to add your name to an illustrious list of rampage winners congratulations yes so stuffing I'm talking earlier and you said you're actually terrified of this contest you have to be feeling a great sigh of relief right now yeah I came here absolutely terrified but I don't know it's so gnarly and to put it all together it feels really good well you've had an amazing year where the trail ends a lot of people talking about your section waterway to cap it off let's let's make it official right now folks here we go rampage winner 2012 congratulations so it's Kurt soggy taking the win and he earns our Red Bull signature moment [Applause] and it was tricks like this Jamie a huge step down backflip that helped him become the new rampage champion yeah when you want to be a step above the competition you've got to go big or go home cut soggy went as big as anybody did on this tricky Red Bull Rampage cause look at that it's prank flipping into a step down landing what a way to cap off a fantastic performance for Curt soggy the Red Bull signature moment and the victory final standings look like this was sore he getting the win eighty six point seven five Bizet in second and Bingley the local kid holding on for a podium position right now we sent it to sound amazing thank you guys so much for joining us here at Red Bull Rampage in the majestic Zion National Park near bridge in Utah you know this event promised to be one of the more spectacular in action sports and it clearly over delivered congratulations not only to our overall winner but to all the competitors that faced off on this brutal course the Red Bulls say that the series continues with torque off-road championship racing from cran in Wisconsin on December 29th right here on NBC next stay tuned for the PGA Tour Franklin Templeton shootout thank you so much for joining us today on behalf of the entire NBC Sports crew tot Paris Jamie Bestwick Kenan Harkin and myself and we'll see you next [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Red Bull
Views: 8,043,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andreu lacondeguy, red bull, redbull, red bull rampage, rampage, mtb, mountain, mountain bike, mountain biking, bike, biking, ride, riding, freeride, dh, downhill, action sports, downhill mountain biking, trail, extreme sports, pov, gopro, canyon gap, backflip, best of red bull rampage, jump, jumps, trick, tricks, kyle strait, top tricks, best tricks, sorge, freeride mountain biking, nic pescetto, kurt sorge, graham agassiz, agassiz, aggy, red bull rampage 2012
Id: LyTYCvFkldE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 52sec (5032 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2012
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