REPLAY | Red Bull Joyride from Crankworx Whistler 2019

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[Music] just tried to put on a show man that's why God I don't think you can ever have much experience there just like insane in my head I've done it before but it's still hard everything you're physically here redbull joy Rachel Irish jackets win welcome slopestyle mountain-bike fans of the world the time has finally come to put a bow on this spectacular Franklin hang out where this sport began hallow ground the boneyard floats out port in Whistler British Columbia for Red Bull Joyride just a year ago one rider Nicolai Roy Gaskin was able to become the first rider to ever win the Triple Crown of slopes out this year there's a rider who has a chance to do the same Bret reader just as Brett reader made it very clear last year that his agenda was to attempt to take away the Triple Crown from Nick Clegg at Caen this year we have 13 other riders with names like Emil Johansen who is riding healthy this year newcomers David Godsey AK max Fredrickson also back healthy all these guys have their sights set on taking away the dream from Bret reader and all these athletes looking for victory today are competing on a brand-new course with new features laid out in an original way not only in the features absolutely enormous but there's actually options so a rider can choose which feature is going to allow them to unlock their biggest tricks this newly redesigned course has been the talk of the village all week the crowd is excited about it the riders are excited about it and to get you up to speed let's go on board with Emilio Hansen and Nicolai Roy Gaskin in this GoPro course preview everyone Nicola rocking here with we are here at Crankworx Whistler for Red Bull Joyride the final stop of the tour we got a new course this year crazy course with some options big jumps we're gonna show you what it's all about what do you think I know it's it's gnarly that's fun we're gonna take some different lines down the course I'm following ml see how it goes alright I'm dropping in after a meal he's taking the flat rumbling I'm taking the step down and with the big spin oh here coming in Emma's going born I'm going for the up box option epic feature now coming into the big berm maximizing the speed into this big jump and let's taking the hip I'm going all the way over big flip all that feels insane now going into this big big flat drop ml spinning I'm cruising off the end taking this steep berm maximizing speed into next big jump big boost Oh a most easing into the techie shark-fin get it now into the big steep trick jump some flips now we're almost at the end into the toilet bowl feature cruising around slowing down jumping into the final wheel tail end up with the bar spin and spin I'm flipping out oh yeah and there it is yeah I'm pretty sure that is exactly what we're looking for in terms of a slope style course to polish off the end of this amazing 2019 season we find ourselves up in the booth right now I'm cam McCaul your host alongside my brother Tom McCall and a new face in the booth today he had eighth place here last year joyride Matt Jones now Matt more nerve-wracking being up there at the start of the course getting ready to drop in or here with us uh you know this is a different vibe but yeah the ride is up at the top of the course today they've got it they've got their work cut out you're thinking about every detail there's so much on your mind and if it all works out you have the best day ever but it is a lot of work and I'm really excited for all those guys up there right now and Tyler I mean it's been a crazy season so far only three events on the world tour this year and Brett has won the first two you think he's got what it takes to win here he's the only one in contention for that Triple Crown and last year he was trying to take it this year everyone's trying to take it from him so Bret reader obviously wants to win this okay so for those of you who maybe haven't been as close to the action as we have all season let's do a little reminiscing let's take a trip down memory lane and see how the first two events went we kicked off the season down in the southern hemisphere Rotorua New Zealand now it's great kicking off this season early in March this is usually the time where it's still a little bit cold where a lot of these riders are coming from one of which right there alex Elanco the youngster found himself on the podium with a third place Thomas Lemoine always a competitor in any event that he enters that a crank bridge had a busy night last night with speeding style but now he's got his sights set on his last Franklin's event of the year joyride slopestyle so that was a huge finish for Thomas Lemoine getting that silver medal there but look at this guy he kicked his season off on the right foot he's won on this course before and he absolutely dropped the hammers to do it again flat backflip tail up off the drop first place for Bret reader now in a season where there's only three events every single one counts so much if you want to keep your hopes alive for that Triple Crown so stop number two Innsbruck Austria and a fresh face on tour if you're familiar with BMX spirit you know that he won bronze at X Games dirt but look at that he's the brother the younger brother of Simon God's yak and he stomped a third place run an infra David God Zach but this guy it's the first time we've seen him truly back in top form Emile Johansen Emile's had a lot of time to think about the tricks he wants to pull throughout his recovery now we're seeing a healthy emil bringing new tricks to the game so if Bret reader wanted to go one and two he would have to better the 2017 Crankworx MMVAs old world champ Emilio Hansen in his comeback in Brett Lee saga and up till one a ridiculous run showing a little skin in the finish line corral if you remember now nikolai tro gakuen starting his season off ruff big crash in New Zealand another big crash in Innsbruck and always a showman he jumped right back up after that crash and crashed again so Nikolai were gakuen looking to clean things up here in Whistler and Bret reader looking it to repeat on what Nikolai did last year and win the Triple Crown all right look at this this is what Red Bull Joyride is all about we have the craziest fans in mountain biking we call this the super bowl of slope style for a good reason now we've all competed in this event before what is it about this event that just increases the adrenaline levels you know it's got to be the course the course and the crowd these are the gnarliest jumps I've ever ridden in a row you know you train at home on your setup but no one has this in their backyard no one has this level intensity with a crowd this big so it's all down to this one day every year so the Crankworx festivals are full of energy and joy right yeah maybe the peak of that energy but one rider who's competing in Red Bull chard out here today has already had a very long week I'm talking about Thomas Lemoine now thomas Lemoine always gunning for the king of Crankworx points he found himself in the speed and style finals going up against Mitch rope alot Oh now Mitchell pelota was the number one qualifier going into this event he wanted those points to secure that king of Crankworx title which he did at the end of this event thomas Lemoine had to settle for a silver but ii think the biggest event of his year is coming up right here today and he was doing casserole 360 double tail ups you know that takes a toll on the body so we're looking for him to peak here at Red Bull Joyride but Emil Johansen this story we can't possibly tell enough the 2017 world champ having to take the entire 2018 season off except for Red Bull Joyride last year where he came back not a hundred percent but he still had a great finish with a fourth place but nickel IRA gakuen with such a perfect season last year we had talked about it so many times thinking that it was virtually impossible to win three slopestyle contests in the same season he did just that it was a back and forth between Nikolay and Bret last year Nick like coming out on top winning that Triple Crown it's on ladies and gentlemen red bull joyride time and of course as always we got to extend a big thank you on behalf of Crankworx Whistler to the Squamish and lil watt nations for welcoming us on their beautiful traditional territory to do this dance we call slip style mountain biking and finish up every season the way this sport began so many years ago all right let's take a look at who we have on our start list here today kicking things off this guy has been off tour for a while on injury hold max Frederickson making his return will it be a triumphant return well in a few minutes we're about to find out how his first run goes moving through the order dropping 8th will be Emilio Hansen and then a guy who's been having a real good season there Torquato testa with some very consistent results of fourth place to start the season a sixth place at the second event and then we'll finish things off with Thomas Lemoine and the man who could win the Triple Crown Brett reader well how does this whole thing work check it out we call it the Crankworx FMV slopestyle world championship this is the biggest contest of the year each rider gets two runs the best one counts we got four judges determining who wins the competition $25,000 to the winner if Brett reader wins all three he'll get an extra $25,000 so yeah it's true to say there's a lot on the line out here and that's why so many of you are tuned in on red bull TV and this course is absolutely lined with crazy fans so hey without further ado let's get this on first rider in the gate out of Sweden finally back from injury hold backs Frederickson very important comp for max here almost falling off to her trying to maintain his points he needs a solid result here in order to stay on this tour opting for the step-down feature here get things started triple truck driver already starting out with a huge move right there for max Fredrickson truck driver to tuck no-hander squeaking in all the combos now wrapping that big long perm he's gotten options here it's going for the straight jump back flip bar spin a tuck no-hander getting all of those barspin and tuck no-hander combos in there now the big drop that we see mid-course this year opting for the straight 360 carrying all the speed around that firm into this big step up double tail with [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nice and smooth they're coming around the toilet bowl now we have the kokanee whale tail to end things off double tail whippin big move in [Applause] I don't know if he gets bonus points for that but that sure is an exciting way banking to your rental joy rad brother first rider of the event always sets the tone for the rest of the competition that is a long run and the whole time I'm thinking alright pax hold it together kick this off on the right foot this kid trains more than anybody out there he goes to the gym six times a week so that's what it takes to be able to hold on when glanced sideways your tire blows out on the final feature all right so max was able to squeak in a lot of combos they're opting for the straight 360 off the drop but everything else pretty much had bar spins talk no handers and talipes thrown in great way to start the show he's had pretty bad luck with Crankworx pence in the past as of late so landing that last feature and riding through you know he had some PTSD based on his past crashes on the last jumpsuit Crankworx events all right what's his score going to be for max Frederickson Wow 78 to kick things off the Hat is a good score so close to the 80s out of our first rider but while max is fixing that tire let's take a look who's ready to drop in second here Lucas Huppert the Swiss rider youngest rider in the field at 19 years of age Lucas also works and boast the University full-time somehow sneaking in training and working his way up the points structure and now he finds himself in the gate for redbull joyride the most prestigious slopestyle comp of all years now we got a couple options up there we see him taking the flat drop with the truck driver big move for Lucas starting things off with a big front with all the cable the muscle that one out slight over location that shouldn't hurt his score as the first rider taking that hip jump option with a double toe it I like seeing that already it's always good seeing people switching it up whoa going huge with a 360 X up off of that flat drop going for a big cork 720 there just over cooking in a little bit we saw him taking petals out of that firm might have been a little too much speed so good seeing Lucas getting up from that these jumps they are so big and to walk away from the 720 crash on that German exactly Matt when you talk about those jumps being big I feel like the main factor in these jumps that make them you know be categorized as big is more the airtime it's not necessarily the distance are these steeper than what these guys train on it looks like they're going straight to the moon these jumps are so steep like you'll see right now coming into this take off they punch you straight into the air and that gives you the time to unlock big trick so he's back on course with a backflip going into this toilet-bowl feature so at times it can be hard to adapt that trick you've been training for at home on jumps that aren't quite as steep jumps that don't offer up as much boosts and airtime so Lucas huppert will have an opportunity to recalibrate figure out how hard to pull that Clark 720 on that jump in his second run well in years past we've seen on a couple different occasions multiple riders drop in to start our competition and not finish their run so for max Frederickson to hold on as our first rider to drop in it's great because at least we have one in the can right now Lucas Cooper not able to get a top to bottom right now here we're getting a look at our esteemed judging panel we got chopper Pierre we got Hank we got Paul Raque and Jeff Gullah vich now these are the same guys who judge all the events on this world tour so they've got this thing down to a science but the next rider in the gate getting ready to drop in Paul coudair now he's had a great season so far this year most notably in Innsbruck the last event we had on this world tour fourth place so earning his right on this world tour it's so hard and prestigious to become a part of this club Paul coudair dropping in relic relatively fresh face to the scene now with this guy I want you to pay attention to which direction he's doing his tricks that was an opposite 360 spun that one to the right Oh backflip tail up on the cannon right there big move for Paul so if you go in for the straight jump option with maximum airtime a backflip double bar spin and they call this section now the flight deck you get so much time cruising up to this drop which is just enormous a flat drop backflip nice and smooth for Paul right there so I think we're gonna see some regular spins coming up or a double mid-course Paul has some huge tricks showing lots of promise in this run now the riders are referring to this as a spine jump so much airtime I believe that was an opposite 720 able to stay on line oh come on it was all going so so well therefore pool now that is the feature on the course you would least likely expect to see anybody make a mistake it is basically a setup feature it's not even one of the features you're going to see riders tricking it's a little tiny jump into a 270 degree berm calling out the toilet bowl section it's mainly just a redirect your speed and your line up for that final whaletail feature okay if somebody's at least important jump on the course in terms of school you know like that's you slow yourself down and it's gonna have helped count for overall impression but to see Paul go down there I don't think he was expecting that crash at either he just landed a little off line so that big 720 I want to roll the footage back and try to see if we can figure out what was going on was he just thinking about the kokanee whale tail coming up here we go backflip double bar spin on that big Gert Sacher triple threat feature and into this joyride runway flight deck here flat drop flip going pretty deep and that led him right in to this double backflip where he also went deep so we're gonna try to figure out if this was a chain reaction that was causing him to get a little bit off his game baby speeds being affected by some of these overshoots we're getting closer to this section where he messed up here Forks 720 I believe that was his opposite direction land and long and then look just not hopping far enough to get across now do you think that was a matter of speed Matt or do you think he just needed to pop a little harder well the riders have been saying that they haven't had as much practice as that often hope for this week and maybe that's just maybe the first time he's landed like that on that jump and moving forward to the toilet bowl you've only got to be a few inches off of these jumps can take you down so first reaction they're out of Anila Johansson now to be those top riders dropping last you get in that situation because you had a great season but it's got to be interesting to watch riders crash in front of you just waiting for your turn at this course but right now the next rider with a turn on this course Diego covers Aussie out of Italy Diego's got some big moves we thought that Nikolai or gakuen was the only person able to do a twister just last year then Diego pulled it out of nowhere so he's got all the big moves all the tech moves regulars pose everything that it takes to get on the podium podium here redbull Joyride 360 X up off the flat rope that's an option now let's look that's off the Canada front flip back trick blows my mind it's so much airtime off of a big cannon like that where did he go in here for the triple threat straight down the middle back trip to tailwind this brother is on a fire right come on the flight deck this is a humongous drop he's got a flat drop backflip a lot of variation in this run rotating in all directions one - that's a double tie web con Diego keep it together getting lots of variety in this run he's got the spins it's got the flips and the tail whips so what's it gonna be on this big jump right here front flip bars been at the AYGO caverns Aussie signature move right there loving the front flip combos navigating his way around that toilet bowl and now coming in to the kokanee whaletail truck driver in what's he gonna choose out backflip bar spin perfect execution all the way down in a full pull for Diego cafes Ozzy and run number one look how excited he is that run really although spend so much technical maneuvers he's so spoke to that run and so he deserves to be and you know why it's so great to see Diego stomping a run in his first of two attempts here at Red Bull drives because he kicked this season off with a lot of troubles finishing outside of the top 12 at the first event finishing in 11th in Innsbruck but now for him to stomp this run and all of these technical maneuvers like this backflip bars for the tail take a look at where his feet go straight to the pedals very early eyes up catching and regaining control that bike making the plan for the next future a run executed with precision such a mental game out here especially when you get into your third fourth fifth all these riders go through these growing pains and it's the tough ones who are able to come back and get a good result that run was incredible Diego is another rider we've seen dealing with a lot of injuries in the past appears to be super healthy here and riding to his full potential which is always great to see what's the score going to be he needs a 78 better than a 78 to move max Frederickson out of the lead now the judges taking their time on this we've seen four riders drop only two riders make it top to bottom Diego Cobb Rosati with in 86 rewarded for the precision and the great trick choice is out there all right Diego man to beat right now we're getting close to the ninth is already four riders in score in the mid-80s we got a lot of big dogs to come things are starting to take shape this guy right here that has made himself one of the most exciting people to watch drop into a slopestyle course now across different sports to third place in BMX dirt at the X Games and then in his first ranked work slopestyle appearance last stop is ragazze Berea the frontcourt 1080 no hander the twists or no hander the doubles help off the cannon now his big bro is a fixture on this Crankworx World Tour but younger brother Shawn he's got what it takes as well not only is he top of his game in two different sports he runs an equipment rental business out of his family's property where they also have their training facility so two big third places across two different sports already this summer for this man and he's looking to get higher than that third place he's got a bag of tricks worthy of doing so hi I'm crew t-shirt david Gajic has every trick in the book in his trick bag so I'm really curious to see what he pulls out here has he been working on his flat drop tricks that was one of his downfalls of not taking the win in Innsbruck so I'm sure he went home focused on all that he's got the jumps figured out that's for sure pay close attention to this he's going for the step down backflip I'll spin already off to an absolute storm which way to going it's at the right hand side first rider to take the up box with a double tail whip round this verb this is the first absolutely huge jump on course and what's he got straight down the middle twister it makes no sense how you can have a rotation like that on such block making that look like a straighter big tail whip on that drop that we see mid-course now that feature used to be the ender cashwell bars been with such a slow rotation but able to pull that in while that flare held that sharpen that's the BMXer in david right there David is looking so relaxed working his way down this course with a triple truck driver coming in to the toilet bowl squeaking it a little toboggan in there trying to get the bonus points and now the Whale - what will it be for david Gajic front flip no hander in a [Applause] demonstration be precise but hold it together stay patient run gigantic move after another he must build triumphant right now you could see from Thomas Lemoine's reaction he's just raised the bar here in Whistler to a level that we might have never seen this is going to be an unbelievable showdown the top spot is currently held by Diego covers aussi with a score of 86 now when that score came in we said that's getting close to the 90s this run absolutely has what it takes to take over the top spot the big question right now by how much how much room are the judges going to be able to leave for the rest of our star-studded field out here looking so calm and collected for his first redbull joyride appearance here now we saw him in Innsbruck getting right onto the podium and you know he wants to do the same thing here at the biggest comp of the year he's watched his brother ride it many times and now it's his shot now he got a little bit sideways right there I was thinking don't throw it away after all you've done backflip tuck no-hander little sideways keeps his eyes straight his torso straight muscles through the big question now what will the score be what will the sports of B be I have a feeling we'll have a new one look at that ninety 1.75 huge run you got a new leader his name is David God's yet calm this is crazy we're already a few riders into the first heat and we have spots if to the 19th yeah that one is going to be tough to beat but if anybody's going to do it it's going to be the handful of riders we have coming up next and the look who cours if we weren't excited about Milwaukee boys we're getting right into things here we got Nikola and rogue at Caen in the start gate so tough season so far for Nikolai Roy Gaskin Ron Wood to start the season ninth place it's Brooke 14th place so going downhill but to start his comeback last night at best trick he decided to get a little practice for today's slope style competition take a look now he didn't have to do this competition this is the best trick contest lots of people trying their hand out of most the slope riders just chilling relaxing getting their rest for the big day today nicolai may have needed a big confidence boost so we decided to go there and just throw a casual twister X up take the win and now he's got to be fuelled so he is the ultimate showman you don't usually see riders playing around on a jump that isn't all the slopestyle course just to get practice but he'll do it for the fans and we got the most fans all year right here cheered his name nicolai always thrives off the energy of the crowd the step down there that's a new move for him you get that first time hold it together come on come on Nick alive he's going straight down the middle of one - come on so he's stepping things up a little bit more than David goddamn right now 360 X up down so I'd say if he's able to finish this run out like he hopes this may be able to top David guns if these runs are very similar Taylor come on move holding on see if he maintains his speed into this step-up triple just making everything happen now he's got a little bit of time to recover and think about these big moves right here to finish things off come on man collage straight back flip and once he go for the step down the burchard there's this showmanship this is phasing he was on edge that entire run I can't believe he made it to all those features there was really some moments during that run where you're thinking he's not going to get away with this and it just kept it going he kept the true girl he got to the finish and a cork 720 on a step-back I mean 12 months ago that was a pretty brand new trick right and he just throws it straight into around Omar but just can't script this kind of stuff you get David Godsey Crawford in with a run where his biggest trick was a trick that Nikolay brought to this scene and then they Claude answering right back start things off by cash flowing to step down cash role to start cork 7 2 n those are two cool moves right there in that right there how do you sleep all that in there's not very much air time on that feature now this is the same jump that David Gajic did the twister this is basically a front flip with two other spins so it's a frontcourt 1080 but let's start tallying how many times he almost threw this run away here this was the moment here he touched this landing in the back where we go remember that somehow made it I mean even up top he's roosting in a berm and pedaled into the section gosh and then finishing so perfect with that I mean if you think about the way he book ended this run did a cast roll off the first step down and a quark seven off the last step down that is such a nicely complementary way to start an around all right what will the score be it needs to be 290 1.75 he lands at 88.5 so the judges want a polished run declare gakuen going exactly what he needs to do I'd say save tricks but just clean it up exactly now he may have had a couple bigger moves in there compared to David Gothic but David was so smooth on everything he did so if Nick Lang is able to clean that up I think he's able to edge out David godsake but we got to wait for run number two but before that we have more riders ready to drop and right now we have Jakob pencil oh yeah can you just got stock up yeah we have a habit of talking music he loves heavy music and right now he's flying the colors of the band that started it all on the course where it all began for this court he was rocking Iron Maiden earlier in this season he was rocking Slayer earlier in this season that's a it's very appropriate to go Black Sabbath when you're dropping it on the boneyard slopestyle course doing it for Tony Kizer and Ozzy can he put a run together that will impress and do it for the judges the oldest competitor in the field right here proving he's got what it takes to stay on tour he's way back up last season I wouldn't just say he's the oldest I would say he's gonna use that to his advantage because he has some of the most experience out here he's been on this world tour for a long time now knows exactly what it takes he's been close a lot of times starting things out with the 360 X up run for a back flip off the candid lock there now that's a good move there's no transition to get that rotation started and he's choosing the hip on the triple threat right here gone for a topside double camera now this is the flight deck building up I don't know how these guys cut that speed along that look 360 no Honda on a flattop that trick was my life you're not gonna see a lot of those today super technical it is a casserole that seems to be the casual jump right there talking to hand her out of the shark fin so far he has not missed a trip in this run there it is that's the 720 where Paul called Dirk seem to lose all in speed and X up into the toilet bowl once he got Tyler into this whale turn so far everything's clean it's got a truck driver into the coconut whale tail the backflip xs-2x up out so great combo unique move right there for you off the pencil that was his signature move and speed and style and he was able to be the speed and style overall world champ pulling that mood right there judges liked it for speeding style so we'll see if they like it out of a step down slope style I'd say the judges only had one category to pick apart Nikolai's run and it was the cleanliness I would say Jakob Enzo's main strength in this run was his cleanliness so yeah Kobashi had a crash investor days practice session and sprained his ankle and he was thinking maybe is even going to be on a ride today so to see him stop that run top to bottom it was extremely clean is amazing that's such a long week for all these competitors out here and they're dealing with injuries they're dealing with wind and this crowd just has the ability to pull these riders out of any funk that they've been dealing with all week and yaakov Bensel just rising above the adversity and stomping that run also further up the course we saw him do that double towered on the hip feature and not many riders have been hit in those hips you have got options this year it's good to see you have to be using those options what do you think you think it's gonna score higher to choose one of those hip options on the triple threat I think of your tricks deserve it of that high score it's only gonna get more points do it on the hip because it's a more technical way of riding so we're waiting for the score to come in for Jakob pencil right now to see if they reward his cleanliness and the use of that hip feature on the triple threat as they deliberate Jakub weights trying to figure out what his plan will have to be for second run there is so much of these judges to calculate smoothness I you know it's just so many different variables and it slopes though running let's just enjoy looking at the words Black Sabbath drink red Bull dry write to my favorite things coming together alright score coming in for Jakob pencil where will it place him a seventy four point five good enough for fifth place right now and if he's able to hold on to a score somewhere in that neighborhood he'll be collecting more valuable points to stay on tour but we're gonna take this opportunity right now to catch up with a man who's currently sitting in second place Nicolai or a gakuen Nick like can you hear me yeah I can hear you okay I know sometimes in those high-pressure situations everything happens so quick when you were watching the replay to the run where there's some elements that you kind of forgot about because it's all happening so fast oh man that run fell rowdy like from the start the 360 double tail whip got a bit weird drifted into the corner got the twister and it all got really crazy I tried to catch no variation to jump after the big flat drop and I wasn't able to do it and lost a bunch of speed into the shark fin and I thought it was all over man Noah's wheeling down but just you know it is trying to hold it together as hard as I could here at your ride and yet made it down but I really rowdy run a lot of moments in there that I thought it was all over but yeah so stoked to make it down and I'm gonna try my best to clean it up next run well we can always count on you to push through regardless of what little things happen we know you got the tricks if you clean that up I got a feeling it's gonna climb you up to the top so go get it to you thank you thank you I'm do my best yes Nicolai man I can't imagine joy ride without Nikolai anymore you know this is his sixth Joyride and he's been such a big part of the show for the past six years so email Johansen we saw him rocket ship back to the podium last event after trot trying so hard to battle illness and get back on tour this guy could see receive shake things up today so take a look at this a half of a point separated Bret reader and Emil Johansen for the top and the silver spot of that podium just a couple months ago and right now this is an opportunity to not only beat Bret reader but to win Red Bulls joy ride the thing that matters the most to all these competitors out here Emil has been referred to as the future greatest of all time showing so much potential anytime he gets on a bike so good to see a healthy hair starting out into 360 Caleb now that was an opposite truck driver to in retable this guy can do any trick any direction choosing the hip right here that I used to see with a huge support 720 so much more difficult to pull that on a hip than a straight job a 360 unturned down to barspin just appreciate how smooth Emil is riding doing all these technical tricks but landing so perfectly a double truck driver to downside so it it's that double truck - downward is my favorite Emilio Hansen trick that he has in his bag right there bars been in a meal getting another great run in right here Red Bull Joyride coming into the kokanee whaletail if he holds this together only 60 toy - come on an opposite and a regular 360 tail left to either table out so many things about that that are hard to explain why they are so difficult the first one the trip into the whale tail spinning his unnatural direction wall spinning the bike his unnatural direction and then reversing it on the next thing and clicking a table in there just for added speeds points so it really is the subtleties the intricacies of this run that don't meet the eye when you first watch it I cannot wait to replay this in slow motion little things like choosing the hip of the Triple Threat for that court seven things like getting this 360 double bar spin to downside weapon catching the pedals so early look at this that trick is just ludicrous so many things going on but look at how perfectly the hands at every time like you see a lot of riders doing truck drivers off of that drop but to do three-sixty unturned down - truck driver and every single time the bike is whipping around the feet just magnetically attract himself right there you - that body good like a feather doesn't it it is so light such easy work for me now in this course but here we go the opposite through of being the regular three woof - unturned down out now that is the cleanliness that the judges were looking to see from nickel IRA gak and they just saw it from a meal but will it be enough to beat the 90 1.75 currently held by Poland's David Godsey ACMA Hill Johansen this guy's going to be around for a very very long time he will set the precedent for the future of this sport but will he win Red Bull Joyride this year his first of two runs in the books the judges just trying to figure out what to do with it look at those top three schools already [Applause] 9188 and an 86 with hands over so many riders to drop still they can shake things up too you know what these guys have two completely different approaches to this course but they can respect the way the other rides here we go the score coming in for Emil Johansen where will he land 95.7 five you got a new leader his name is Emilio Hansen we called the future of this boat will this be the year he wins the biggest event he is now the man to beat what a story for the unsweet right there sotell good to see him back riding these contests sitting in the top spot after all that he's been through that's not going to be easy to be how do you follow that up Lucas can ops great rider on tour right now consistency is his strong suit let's take a look at the bike keys right now here at Red Bull Joyride today it's going for a hardtail as a lot of these riders are you just I am ill dropped that top score on a dual suspension all these riders are usually either choosing a hard tail or a very short travel slope style specific bike Lucas has gone with the single speed he's gone with only one break you see the left side of his bar or a front brake usually would be it's absent and of course very stiff suspension up front to maintain speed pumping down these landings will he be able to take this steep for a successful trip through this Joyride course Lucas cannot has become a staple on this world to her put in his work now it's finding himself mid-pack on the start list going with the truck driver off the first flat drop nice cakes front flip similar to what we saw from diego create or edit to get a good score did that move right there Lucas is choosing the hip or the triplet throughout feature right here double tail just going a little bit too slow coming up almost a complete flight length short there he just looks shocked doesn't he he must have been fingers wind out there what'd you think was it play that and they can come up so sure there's just a massive miscalculation there when you're going to hit one of the hip features they're on the triple threat you're going to have to ride a swervy line and the trail flow needed to judge the speed is a little bit different for those hips than if you were to just sail smoothly out of that Berman lineup for yeah the bigger option but the more straightforward options so looking to get rewarded for you know we're all in the dice a little bit hitting that hit but miscalculation unfortunately you sending them to the bottom of the landing great to see them up quickly talking to some of the riders it's been apparent that these features this year actually quite spread out and I think that means there's actually more time to kind of miss calculate speed especially this drop here there's such a long runway it's like walking the plank on the pirate ship you're just second-guessing yourself am I going too fast am I going too slow so then you see these riders landing perfectly at the top of that landing you know they're just experts at gauging speed so Lucas cannot get a do one for the fans out here get get himself to that shuttle truck so he can make his way to the top of the course for his second try where hopefully he can put a run together and get a score to get those valuable points stay on tour [Applause] ready to see that he didn't get hurt from that crash right there these features are not small it's a long way to fall from the top of that landing down to the bottom Lucas able to dust himself off and we're going to see him take a run number two so tight you say it's a long way to fall from the top of the landing to the bottom we've all done it think about how far the jump is how far would you say the jump is on that triple threat there I would guess it's 35 feet twists around 30 to 35 feet so that's a long gap and with all the speed needed to clear that gap when all of your momentum stops and you get pitched down to the bottom of your phone a good 12 to 15 feet too flat so speaking of scale let's take a look let's break down the scale on some of these features it's 8 meters aka about 24 25 feet from takeoff to landing on the up box and not even one of the biggest options on the course so this drop is just enormous 23 feet down six point four meters out I think we're gonna see some pretty impressive tricks on that today it's called the air time to do it so here we go Bret reader riding this jump that we said was around 30 so somewhere around the 26 to 30 range and when you air per far down the landing you're going to even further so one hockey stick three rock Chuck's and three Whistler bears oh yeah let's add on two bowls of poutine for those of you who don't use either American or metric system we got some tangible items for you here I didn't go for some booty this guy right here every time we see him ride a bike he has something new he gets better and better every time he gets him the start gate I think we're gonna see some tricks from Eric right now that we haven't seen for many of the other riders he's got a super original trick bag tricks that he's brought two slopes thought I'd say and if he displays them today he could be punching for one of those top schools so that's why we see him choosing some very interesting courts tricks on this course he doesn't want to do the same tricks it says it's boring if you do that he wants to mix it up try new things some of those new things tricks like backflips Superman's secret tricks like 360 C grab Indian airs one of my favorite riders to watch because you never know what he's been working on he always brings something new to the table and he's not afraid to adapt those creative tricks to the more difficult features let's say now he's opted in for the step-down backflip tie with that's the way I'm making him on jumping into the slope star run okay guys that's a new one for him as well going straight into a 360 down side tail up there he's choosing the straight jump what's it going to be yes Sarah did she grab such a unique a reason why Eric fedko is so exciting to watch on these horses truck driver off the big flat drop they're keeping things in such smooth as he usually does 60 seat grab mini now another one of his signature moves a little table on the shark fin looks like he's just having fun with it that's what the judges love to see truck driver to tail a huge combo right there for Eric Redco this one has just been perfect so far isn't it even getting some style into the toilet bowl right there and now coming in to the kokanee whale tail for a 360 tale about landings all smooth everything is so calculated he knows everything he's doing is in his comfort zone and now he's got a solid run in the back this is just indicative of the new wave of slopestyle riders you see Emilio Hansen at the top of the leaderboard right now with precision and packing in little variations that just show your element of constructive control so things like typing out of the shark fin walk catching and doing that table but the extension is something that is unique to Eric fedko so let's check out some of these replays backflip gets his hand on the seat then extend his leg all right stop there we go perfect straight line right there and look he's blind he's still staring at his handlebars he's not looking down to the ground that is commitment roll the footage that is a train that is a trick that you can do you can land that it's also a trick that you can do so well when we displayed that just lady and this is what I'm talking about he catches the tail up yeah most riders would say that's enough but he gains control and even just that little bit of a table top afterwards shows the judges that he's a couple steps ahead of the tricks that he's doing and then to start out with a backflip tail man and with a 360 tail both on step down features it's going to be a great score I'm not sure if it's gonna be what's needed to knock a male out of that top spot but we're definitely looking at possible podium contention here for Eric fedko so score coming in for Eric fedko he will need an eighty eight point five to get into third place not good enough in eighty seven point two five fourth place so Eric fedko a guy who's been on the podium at crank Berg slopes out looking to get back he's gonna need to do it in his second run look at who we have on screen right now the talk of the town for the second time in his career he's eligible for the Triple Crown of slopestyle a feat only accomplished by his competitor Nikolaj reg Atkin just a year ago Brett reader would need to win the contest here today he will be the last rider to drop the anticipation building for the run by Bret reader but right now feast your eyes on this the young swedish rider 23 years of age he finished on the podium for the first time in rotorua earned himself a spot to the entire world tour here I'm talking about Alex Elanco Alex seems like one of those riders who is not afraid to put in the work if he sets his mind to learning a trick he will learn it and then he'll learn it both directions Alex Elanco showing lots of variety lately opposite 361 foot can right there to start things off and to those rings are 360 with three bar spins triple truck driver looks like he's choosing the straight jump on the triple threat with so much speed backflip double bar has been going huge on that jump right there this is the flight deck huge 360 step through that's a one third kind of car that boom you have to rail that firm to carry speed for a cool 720 so high up in the air landing so smooth on everything so far just getting an X up in right there but what's it gonna be for this big step up right here opposite courtship come on Alex amazing to see a cork 720 in both directions a little bit squirrely there he's still on course a little bit of time to recover coming into the cochlear I'll tell [Applause] hard to see from our angle what he was doing into the whale tail right there but as you can see he wasn't able to maintain the speed to hit that final feature out he had such a good run going the opposite 361 foot can of start things off and then the regular 361 foot can on the flat drop mid course showing great variation regular court 720 opposite court 720 such a shame to see him have to throw it away right before the very last feature on course so Alex Elanco had a fourth and a third place to kick off the season lose all the way down in 12th place at Innsbruck so he wants to repeat what he did to start this season not how his middle event went but he's gonna have to do it in his second run right now if he wants to revisit that podium but a great run packing in all those tricks the opposite Park 720 the Train started to fall off the tracks with some cases but the leaderboard looks like this right now Nicolai were a gakuen probably the highest-energy runt we've ever seen out here good enough for third place so far David Godsey AK sitting in second if he's able to stay there that will be his best result his first event he finished in third place and Emilio Hansen the man to be right now 95.7 five not leaving a lot of room for our final few riders of course ending off this run one start list will be Brent reader and we're all looking forward to that take a look who's in the start gate right now Torquato testa Rahner who kicked off his season very well with a fourth place finish and then a sixth place finish in Innsbruck Torquato tests are dropping in Torquato rides and trains with the Agra cavern it's got a different style than Diego he's got big moves as well though 360 bars gonna start right there it's a unique move backflips Superman on the Canon log I don't think I've ever seen that I have not either on the longest jump on course coming into the flight that let's see where he's going this absolutely enormous drop a flat drop backflip the slowest rotation never see them apart or quad owes on another free run right here such a smooth 720 on that step up right there getting a bar spin out of the shark fin this jump right here till Prados got some big moves well buried shoes backflip tuck no-hander two bars been great technical combo in right there getting a little bit of everything into this run coming into the final feature to cope new whaletail double truck driver in back lift no 15 [Applause] [Music] the highlights to me or the backflip Superman on the Canon log in the backflip no put a can out of the whale tail you don't see that every day that run just had a bit of variety so much flavor from all all handles didn't it backflip Superman on the cannon is that's the first time I've seen that drink I was thinking about it a couple of years ago there's no way so you have some of the best backflip Superman's in the game you might be able to explain a little bit about why it's so much harder to do on a feature like that I mean a cannon look like that it just has no pop no transition to it you have to generate all of the backflip in yourself but let's have a look at this that is a huge double backflip you can see him after the first rotation just looking longingly into the distance where that landing is well you know what this is a great strategy this is why he's clawed his way back on a tour after falling off is taking those big tricks putting on more difficult features doing those combos on step downs doing the double flip on the biggest jump on the course and that's why he's third in the overall rankings right now despite falling off last tour clawed his way back on and now in the top three overall because of these great decisions and the way he's able to execute these ambitious runs it's been so consistent all year and look at the way he lands right at the top of all these landings this right here back foot no foot cam full extension on that getting the pedals spotting the land right at the top couldn't have been any smoother and I don't know how you would score at this contest that run was so clean such big moves but everybody right there that you see in that results list also had big moves with perfect execution so it's so hard to say where they're gonna put him Torquato test a differentiated self by the tricks he chooses but where will he land in the rankings right now and eighty six point five for Torquato testa good enough for fifth place right now now remember he's the 12th rider to drop so landing fifth place means that it's pretty indicative of where he'll be going into halftime here as we have two more riders to go we only have two and a half points separating sixth place from third place these riders riding on such an insane level and right now we have Thomas Lemoine the hardest-working rider at Crankworx I will say that confidently doing pumptrack speed and style and slope style sounds like a pretty busy season let's take a look back at what this season has been like for the very versatile Thomas Lemoine Thomas Lemoine if competing in all these different disciplines isn't enough he's also a rapper making music videos accompanied by his bike riding but he competes in the Rock Chalk ultimate pump track challenge Rotorua first event of the season he took top honors and then in speed and style in Rotorua which may have been able to make it another win but he blew out a tire had to hand it over and then up his landing on the podium in slope style so look at that I've been three different events we're always talking about him got any Crankworx top how about innsbruck of course he was riding pump track again trying to get those valuable points for the king of Crankworx overall series drive a good place in speed and style they're riding with his bars backwards such a competitor always does whatever it takes to win we're talking about three different events when we're talking about all top fives throughout the first two stops the fifth plates of slopestyle the last event we had here on this Crankworx FMV a slopestyle World Tour and he's got new tricks he's been working on at his makeshift training compounds at home but nowhere he finds the time to rap go check him out on Instagram he's always entertaining out there just look at his pants right now Thomas Lemoine dropping in for his run so much style out of Thomas Lemoine you'll see it out of these first features right here a double truck driver just catching those bars so smooth backflip tail up on the up box which is a harder option compared to Canada log right there Thomas the lines been so busy all week but you can't tell Wow 360 tuck no-hander two bars been on that hip feature there silky smooth up each of the other people might have been struggling in speed Thomas get tip make 360 tabletop on the flat top and that's going to boost the style points on this run these steep ticker jumps opposite 360 no Honda Wow incredible in blue cable on that for 50 out of the shark fin right there double back the Benson new move for Thomas little wide this season he could just create speed out of nowhere Landing low on that double backflip but still able to clear in and trick in the double backflip bars been in huge Thomas a little more what a run I mean I feel like that's the first time we've ever seen him take a pedal stroke in his local competition the hotel the two tricks that he chose in there that is really going to have an effect on the judges the fact that he's always top five and all the events so far this season I'm really wondering where he's going to land in our leaderboard right now you could see that how that racing background just allows him to create speed between jumps so a very well-balanced run out their regular tricks opposite tricks let's digest some of these finer moments look at this on the hip so that's gonna score high a 360 tuck no-hander would score high on its own but he adds in the bars but it's those subtleties that the judges love look at this arms perfectly instead extended on that opposite 360 tuck no-hander so checking that box on the judges scorecard of technicality and then for amplitude and difficulty of trick yeah you might as well throw in a double backflip look how low you landed look how high he is there to the hole it's well over 6 feet making that jump look so small it's so high in the air and that right there regular to 360 Tucker meter out of the whale tail appreciate just the falling time there into that finish crow you are on the way down in the air knowing if they all goes to plan in school and we hoping to seat up here so Thomas Lemoine his score in in eighty two point two five good enough for seventh place right now and after a run like that it just goes to show the level of competition we have out here right now walk me through this leaderboard as it's it's Tyler Emilio Hansen sitting exactly where he wants to be he's been through so much sitting in first place David God Zack the new guy on the scene switching things up sitting right in front of Nikolai wrote gag him so would it ml do to find his name at the top of that list right there well he started out with the 360 tail looks like he can even add more to that in the second run if he needs to but take a look at this using the hip option going for and 720 on the triple threat and then look at these combos everything just looks so easy when he does it's almost not even fair that right there 360 barspin barspin downside caleb and i was an opposite downside though for him so many technical things about this guys riding right here now we talked about this so much when we watch his runs and slow motion it's almost as if he'll its life in slow motion to be able to pack so much that is a great example right there 360 tail catch the bike early goes for that unturned down the judges love all of the elements they're looking for and that's why he was rewarded with a 95.7 five and he's looking to take that Triple Crown out from under this man right here Brett reader the last rider to drop here and our first of two runs at Red Bull Joyride he won the first two events of this season if he wins here you will be the second rider in history to win the Triple Crown this is what we've all been waiting for huge moment for Brent reader right here I have goosebumps this guy is so exciting to watch on a slope style course you know he's always practicing new things what front flip on the stock drop right there also making that look so easy popping a huge backflip off the cannon there maybe he was looking for a bit more there but he could definitely make up for hair going down the middle into the yes opposite court 720 spinning the wrong way on a cone 720 on the biggest jump on the hill got something big planned right here Wow up for the flat drop with no transition no kicker that's a regular cork 720 coming into the shark fin the tail whip downside tale about of the shark fin right there looking so relaxed calm and collected as Brett reader usually does choosing oh just turn around there you go you're good then you do one in the other direction it defies physics that trick makes no sense Brent one of the few people to do that 360 Caleb up backflip bars Ben to Tucker yeah you know what I am so proud of this guy right now for continuing on with this run that was such a leader of a runner we've never seen a windshield wiper in the slopestyle competition before and when she messed up on the second feature just doing a straight flip in years past we've seen him wave off the run and just put it all on run number two I am so excited to see him go for that run right there because this is really going to have an impact on our rankings there are some really high risk moves in there yes that might not be exactly what Brett was looking for but the backflip Taylor on that big flight back drop the front flip to start things off but cook up a flat drop is such a heavy high concert in smooth want to talk about heavy and high consequence this is how he has been winning this season the backflip tail off the flat drop Matt you touched on it earlier a cannon has no radius doing that back lift the flat drop has even less it just put it justifies physics a black took the flat drop backflip was a revolutionary move not so long ago and to add a tail whip into it in a slope star run filled with other bangers like that cork 720 Brett's a boss you said it right there now here we go the regular tail out of the shark fin and I'm hoping the next move we're going to see on this replay isn't talked too hard because who sloppy on the landing but this is a huge heavy move for 2019 opposite tail whip to regular tail of reverting it back in the opposite direction now these bikes they said they have some weight to them and to stop it and spin it around the other direction right there it doesn't feel good it doesn't come naturally it's not easy to do so if you're going to make a mistake on any feature on this course this is the one to do it it's not that big of a deal to miss that toilet bowl feature so the big question we have is how much with the judges dock him for those slight little little hiccups in this pretty banger run here doing things that we I've never seen before what is the score going to be for Bret reader I can only hope they won't talk him too much oh wow 70 1.75 good enough for 10th place right there I guess the judges are making a statement that they want perfection that is very interesting now the two things that really hurt him are flipping the second feature and blowing pedals I would love to hear what Bret thinks about that score right there and hopefully it'll motivate him to get back up to the top of the course for his second run all right it sounds like we have a Brecon you hear me yeah I can hear you guys can you hear me yeah I got you man I'm really psyched that you kept pushing through that run I know there's a couple times there that you would have liked to have gone a little bit smoother are you gonna clean up that same run going up back to the top because I feel like that's the only thing the judges had to pick apart from that run yeah I mean I had a couple slip-ups to be honest that was a really last-minute decision run I didn't know what I was doing like on my last practice run and I completely changed it up I just I thought that I got it I got it just try my best and you know it does fire me up to see the other athletes sending it and yeah I really yeah I'm going up and I'm gonna do another one you know what Brett I love improvisation and I feel like right now the best plan is no plan do whatever feels right and I can't wait to see what you pull out of your back pocket run number two go get it go win this thing thanks cam all right I've known this kid for so long his first season on the tour he was asking me all these questions about how to construct the slopestyle run now he can write a book on it to think that he dropped in and did that run without even a plan and he was just making up as he went can't wait to see what he's got for us and run number two I can't wait to see what all these riders have and run number two the final stop of the Crankworx FMB a slopestyle world championship of course this is Red Bull Joyride second runs coming up soon don't go away [Music] well here we go welcome back slopestyle fans of the world if you love this sport you'll love this event check out the huge crowd we have on hand here at Whistler Bike park's boneyard Slope everybody's getting into the action riding the Lance but the story of 2019 is on our hands right now the Triple Crown of slopestyle up for grabs you know what this is the spot we want to be if Brett reader wants to win that Triple Crown he's going to have to make a big improvement he's back down there in 10th position with a 71 point seven-five but that run showing moments of brilliance if he's able to clean it up maybe add a few things there's no telling what the story could be now this is Red Bull joyride second runs coming up right now [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah I think one thing's for sure there's nothing you could do to take my eyes off of this screen right now Red Bull Joyride 2019 one run left for the 14 best slopestyle competitors on the planet they've earned their way here through gold level events on the FMB world tour through their rankings the last 52 weeks on the Crankworx FMV a slope style World Championship Tour and our reracked start list for run number two looks like this will be kicking things off with Lucas Hooper we'll see Brett reader sooner than we did in run number one he's in the middle of the pack but of course the man leading it out Emilio Hansen will be able to hang out at the top read the room see what he would have to do if anybody's able to knock him out of that spot but it is a tall task the first rider who has an opportunity to tackle that tall task is Switzerland Lukas Cooper Pinkus has worked super hard to make his way your run one did not go howdy hope but we'll see if he's able to collect himself again run number two down this hill he needs to get some points to maintain so we can see him on tour next year this is a big moment for hims got lots of jitters Rep boat joyride that's what these kids dream about and all the other contests they go to to work their way here so Lucas Hooper with his second chance right here to wow the judges truck driver off the flat drop nice move right there for Lucas Hooper front flip on the cannon things are going smooth so far for Lucas Hooper and rut number 2 opting for the hip once again double tail and clearing it perfect getting both pedals maintained and speed into this flight deck big flat drop looked like a 360 X up on that looks like he's pumping all kinds of speed into this jump right here oh yeah if you think back to round number one that's where things fell apart for Lucas everything from here on is an improvement to Lucas Hooper to get out of position with a big cash roll right there bars been in Lukas having a great run going so far now coming in to the kokanee whaletail let's see if he can finish off his first Red Bull Joyride around with a 360 down side Caleb in and a truck driver out yeah execution for Lucas Hooper right there and that is exactly what you want to see on the Red Bull joyride rookie now the youngster out of Switzerland 19 years of age in his first Tyrod appearance showing that he belongs here of course he earned his way here but that run very well may have just earned him the right to stay on tour for next year the big question now what would the judges do with that run Lucas Hooper is through in the euphoria of finishing a joyride run now you think back to run number one he threw it away on that court 720 and we see him here on this split screen stomping it with perfection nose down front tyre touching very straight there and then complimenting that cork 720s with a casserole basically to 720 tricks on separate axis of rotation and then he finished it off strong here with this 360 bar so we call that the truck driver out of the co CD whaletail so smooth so Lucas will get rewarded for his execution right there so look at this we got Lucas's dad here watching Tyrion his son very emotional experience I feel like I saw a tear rolling out behind those glasses and for good reason he's proud of his son out here all the way across the world and doing it with all the pressure on his shoulders now what will the judges do with this run he's currently sitting at last place 14th with the score of 33 point 2 5 you know it's going to be an improvement but where will he sit in the rankings how many points will he get for the 2020 season [Music] judges understanding how much is on the line here so they're taking their time and really taking their time with this one all these points are so important one position that mean you're on tour or you're off tour so they want to make sure they get this right right here one good thing about having the judges take a long time to score your runs you get a lot of camera time get your sponsors logos shown I see a little stir in the judges booth the score coming in in 84 somewhere to put Lucas Huppert in seventh place that is huge for the young rider look at his name sitting on top of Thomas Lemoine max Frederick's and Jakob pencil forgot reader all the names that he's looked up to you for so long good point it doesn't matter how long you been here or what you have planned it matters if you put it down with the pressure and Lucas Hooper did just that seven place so far for him as we focus our attention back to the start tower of this Joyride course another youngster this one out of France Paul coudair now Paul had a really promising and I'm going to run having to throw it away on the second-to-last feature at the toilet bowl but before that he had cork 720's opposite cork 720 double backflips everything you need to bump your way up that results list that was an opposite [Applause] okay two things to say about that hey we're excited that that crash wasn't work wasn't worse that was a rodeo move right there but he we are so bummed to see him throw it away this was a huge opportunity for Paul coudair he finished 4th place and in trucks and he was looking to just you know increase his trajectory curve at the high end of this sport but that was his final opportunity here at Red Bull Joyride mulku there will finish no better than last place here unfortunately an exciting rider to watch on course so we hope they'll see him in Rotorua yeah I mean walk me through the complexity of spinning that top dropped your opposite direction he had great style and he was nose down but I'm sure it's hard to correct when you go in your office away exactly everything is happening in an unfamiliar fashion I'm sure he practices that one at home but we could do that in his sleep in a regular direction but he knows he you have to have the opposites in there to get the high scores these days to hang it all out right there now we have Lucas Knopf in the gate for run number two now Lucas went down super hard trying to double tail up the hip on the triple threat jump the big dirt dirt feature so Lukens cannot looking for those points to stay on tour last opportunity to get those points the German rider here we go let's see if you can clean this up starting off with a big move right there with a 360 far spin front flip on the cannon and this is where things went wrong in run number one just go in a little bit too slow right now it looks like he's comfortable so kid could he got it perfect great two petals right at the top of the landing now everything from here lucas-kanade truck driver on that bake flight deck flat drop The Strand step off with a clean backflip tale of grabbing a pedal not getting a trip trick out of the shark fin right there but like I said this is already an improvement so he will be moving look the results list Oh Lucas can op goes down on the 360 bars pin to tail at least he can go back to the hotel room tonight knowing that he went down swinging the big move right there for Lucas cannot as we heard some of the other writers saying it's hard to judge speed going into these features because there's so much time in between each feature [Applause] so Lucas could not not going to take that second opportunity to move up the rankings he will stay down in 13th place right now here's a look back at this crash 360 bars been to tail up catching the bike and then spawn that land and realizing it's just a little bit too short now there's not a lot of room for error the knuckles on these landings are very small and peaky and then the ideal landing area is not very many bike lengths so it's hard to judge speed for these features especially considering how high these tall and steep ramps shoot the rider into the air one little extra top of the rear break going into that jump and that mr. Lucas come out so hard to get speed right for these kids so we're working our way through the reversed start order and run number two here the man at the top the man to beat we just saw him on screen Sweden's Emil Johansen now an opportunity to cheer on his countrymen Alex Elanco now it's a long history of Swedish success on the crank world to her Alex Elanco looking to be the next rider in a long list of successful Swedes he started this season with the third place in Rotorua New Zealand his taste of the podium now you know he's not happy with sitting in 12th place no this has been one of his best seasons to date I love the way he starts off his run right here opposite 361 foot a can very technical move for him he had a great run going him remember lon and just missed the last feature right there with a 360 triple bar same like on the catalogue pumping a lot of speed into this feature right here back triple bar spin so right now he's stepping things up we've got three bar spins in that back clip where as run one only have two regular 360 one foot a cam so that's great variation getting the opposites in there big court seven somebody with a little bit short can you make it out of the shark fin he can all right so it's gonna continue into this red pill step up right here the backflip bars been to one foot again switching his trip up there for a number one getting an x-up into the toilet bowl so really he can't the honor of riding through the red wash at the end of this joyride course I'm on number two backflip one foot again coming up a little short has been able to manage his feet out of that ride through that arch Alex Elanco with trouble and run number one the main goal on hand not finished in 12th place at his first Red Bull Joyride he just put together a great run you gotta know he's going to improve upon that fifty five point seven five and move up the rankings get those points Alex Elanco barely send in 12 plays that's exactly where he finished in Innsbruck if you like he's done his job he are packing in so many bars spin variations on these features that backflip a triple bar has been there was a couple of instances where he did one more bars than than we're expecting the judges love that and you mentioned that he complimented the 360 top side note began with that opposite 360 top side 1 foot can I should say I was almost thinking he's gonna throw it away they're a little bit short on that court said how I was holding my breath but the extension that he got out of those one foot cans something the judges also looked very goofy into now we did have a couple mistakes in there but can't overlook how great that run was what is it about Sweden they keep producing such ridiculous slopestyle mountain-bike talent their training indoors most of the time they're only winters are long I think it's what they have to do to keep warm yeah gotta keep blue bars for barzmann judges taking their time with this one so Alex Lanka wanting to finish higher than 12th place right here okay seventy two point seven five sitting in eleventh place right now and the leaderboard looks like this Emilio Hansen untouchable so far at the top of that list we are looking at your current leader and Bill and we're going to take a look at the run that put in there now that's an opportunity where he can add even more off the start feature so the judges seem to be loving it when the riders are choosing the hip option there they love to see these four part combos if you counted out a 360 to Parsons in a tail up form things going on at once right there that's why these jumps in 2019 are so tall and steep giving these riders ample air time to pack in so many variations and that's really what's doing it right there that final feature really putting a bow on that run with complimentary tricks unexpected variations the ambidexterity of that kid right there in the precision he was able to execute these opposite tricks with is reminiscent of this guy we got right here man why are not used to seeing Bret reader drop this early in the lineup and this could really shake things up right now the guy who won the first event of the season in New Zealand he won the second event of the season in Austria this is the second time in his career he's been eligible for that Triple Crown you know he's trying to think about his run and not about that $50,000 on the line if he were to win but here we go Brent read our second run joyride 2019 will he try to clean that run that he didn't run number one or stick with this okay so that was a front flip off the flat drop there now double bar spin off the cannon alright so now he's got everything going on in these opposite courts 720 on the dirt the dirt right there spinning his unnatural direction maybe not so smooth fork 7:20 everything is looking perfect right now and when pret gets into this mindset he is hard to stop and now he's coming into this unique trick right here yeah windshield wiper I believe you man switched that to a double tail at party telephone the angle was a chairlift in the way he's coming in to the kokanee whaletail what will it be 360 Taliban opposite so smooth so collected everything was perfect widget right there and look at a meal to battle let readers run number two right there this has to be an insane abundance of emotion for Brett Rina right now we talked to him before the event he wasn't liking the course he wasn't feeling like he had a run that could shake things up but never count this guy out I feel like the fact that he was kinda confused on what to do it took the pressure off of him II just went I know what I'm just gonna bob and weave and see what I can piece together and that's what you piece together if you're the best slopestyle rider in the world right now undefeated so far in the 2019 season let's look back at this run Tyler so this right here he only did a straight flip on that and his first run and I think that just threw his whole vibe off knowing that it wasn't the run he wanted to do but as soon as we saw him land mat we knew everything was on fire everything was working perfectly and to think he had to do this twice right here can't explain how dangerous that is so many things that could go wrong making it look so easy that one's a scary one to even practice not one you want to do unless you have to and to win this competition he had to now who think about the athleticism of this guy and the experience that he has is even if he's not feeling the course he's a little confused there was some tricks he's been training hard for they didn't feel it would be appropriate on this course even while improvising and changing his plan against what he wanted to do he still Trump's around like that you're right tie the chairlift was in the way during his run but that was a TT left so smart decisions they're using his experience to know then he was little sloppy on the windshield wipers to going with something he knew G is going to land and that right there backflip opposite tail up not something we see every day out of the whale tail all right well that Jones is hanging out the finish Corral let's talk to Brett Brett honestly dude with all against all odds with a couple of mistakes in that first run you just blew my mind with the most impressive run how do you feel buddy I blew my mind too I wasn't I wasn't even expecting to do a run like on that caliber at all and then all the boys are sending it and I was just like man I like I like I'm here like this is my chance you know like regardless of all the shitty practice and everything that's happened this week like I had to try it so yeah you said going into well as he landed your first round and got down he said they won the tricks you even had planned all week I mean you've been improvising you've been coming up with different runs last-minute is that the run you had planned or was that actually above and beyond what you thought you'd even have to do no no like this was maybe gonna be the first run that was maybe average for me and then I like last second like right before I dropped and I was like I'm gonna do the flip I'm gonna do this that this that and amazing buddy I'm so stoked for you congratulations okay great storytelling down there this is really shaping up to be unscripted all Emilio Hansen at the top of the leaderboard right now 95.7 five Brent reader comes in improvises a banger of a run what will the judges do with it the score to beat 95.7 five the judges taking their time and Mill just waiting to see if he's going to have to better the run he just saw from Brett reader I can hear the drumroll here comes the score Brett reader with a 94.5 good numbers second place a smirk from Brett and a sigh of relief from Emil Johansen so close I mean a half of a point the milk dodging a huge bullet right there this is I mean this is the new chapter it slopes all right here half a point between them and Innsbruck and right now its aim to name for the top of the leaderboard oh yeah that's you Senate I that's thought in a bullet read readers so close to be being able to potentially take that Triple Crown and they'll have to try again next year for that but not a bad day for Bret reader still sitting in second place so the cool thing we like to see from Jakob pencil for second run usually picks another band shirt yeah the energy seemed to work for run number one he's looking fired up right now to is in 11th place company he is Friday that could be he's bouncing he heard he had a sprained ankle wasn't sure if he was gonna be able to ride but he got a perfectly clean run and run number one and now it's his chance to step up the caliber of tricks and try to get some more points break into that top 10 potentially top three people a big thing starting off the 360 X up rate [Applause] back to the handler on the Canada now coming into the triple threat opting for the hip again switching his feet went for the double tail up I love the lady switches his hands doing double della flight deck drop 360 tuck no-hander another move that he saw from him [Applause] [Music] natural exit yeah combo in able the wool gone loony clear the shark fin yeah stepping up the risk on that jump right there just getting a little bit off line well he's doing what he needed to do he had a smooth run first attempt and then add in the variation maker I can appreciate that cash for all X up you can also appreciate the fact that he landed low in sideways he kept pushing but unfortunately the speed lost with that unsmooth landing on the casserole X up caused him to case out of that shark fin and the Black Sabbath shirt seemed to be more powerful jutsu number one I say he sticks with the Black Sabbath shirt all season next year I feel like he had more plan to I've never seen that look in his eye on the start gate everything was going smooth I feel like he was gonna show some new stuff and the final features yokka pencil sitting relatively well in the overall standings we hope to see him back on form large but that will be it for Jakob pencils redbull Joyride 2019 so with a cash roll being a 720 rotation he was trying to add that variation in there let's look back at how far we've come with that trick the 720 how many different variations we've seen during the time line of this sport the first 720 land in a competition way back when in 2006 then at c ed sold in 2007 brought it that's a name that we haven't heard in a long time but Brendan Semin I bring in quark 7 24 into 2015 and then Bret reader upping that with doing that trick opposite rotation I like seeing that picture Jamie go open right there oh yeah in the no foot can this sport has progressed so far since its inception in 2003 never would have thought we've seen ourselves talking about frontcourt 1080s but we've got our next rider in the gate right now max Frederick's and another Swedish rider we've seen him on injured reserve for so long he needs a huge result here to stay on tour through the FMB point structure works he's if you're hurt and you miss events they freeze your points so here's his opportunity to stay on tour double truck driver on the start step down right there oh no sir now strong for max Frederickson put a dead sailor on the second feature this is not what he needs to stay on tour right here looks like it now Pietro and pinky saw him do a triple truck driver on that start feature only getting the double this time but still even a double truck driver such a good move and we would love to see max finish out his runs with all the tricks we know he can do so we've seen max do this in the past is this uh trick early on and then just waved the run off and that's something we've seen Brett reader do a lot of the past it's kind of a learning thing you know of course you want your dream run but in this game sometimes you got to improvise Brett reader kind of finally learning that and it's been serving him well he's sitting in second place right now you gotta think if max Triton continued to try and do whatever tricks he could muster up you'd be able to move up the rankings he's sitting in ten places because of this right now he won't be moving up any further we're hoping that those 10th place points will be enough so we'll see him to start the 2020 season in New Zealand but it's not going to be a guarantee for him there we go Thomas Lemoine in the starcade now a lot of great camaraderie out there between our competitors let's take a look at what Emil Johansen your current leader had to say about Thomas Lemoine told to Muslim moines oh wow yeah he's he's a fun guy really he's a loud dude like you you'll know when he's in the room he's a funny guy I enjoy hanging out with and he's he's got a lot of energy as you could see on all his past results when it comes to pump track and speed in style and Crankworx slope style and all that he's so talented he got such good bike control and he's strong enough to pull off really good runs when he in all different disciplines so yeah he's amazing well there you go if that isn't enough to get you excited about our next competitor in an endorsement from the current leader right now and it's true this guy has the most energy out of anybody out there and to dump that energy he competes in so many different disciplines at all these Crankworx stops but this is the one he cares the most about this is his final run here for Thomas Lemoine starting things off with the double truck driver off that start step-down coming to the SRAM up box with a backflip tail with big move right there for Thomas of the month so far things are looking just how they were run number one railing that burn hitting the hip 360 tuck no-hander debars been so smooth so much style any time this guy he gets on a bike it's a pleasure to watch recentiy cable on the flight deck flat drop right there the stram step up with an opposite 360 tuck no-hander just a slight over-rotation landing a little heavy on the back wheel losing his feet and not able to carry speed into that shark fin right there Lemoine go in tact with that opposite 360 tuck no-hander you know he's sitting in ninth place right now so he was looking to improve on that but he's also second place in the world rankings overall right now based on his results from the first two events he had a second place in Rotorua and a fifth place in Innsbruck so you guaranteed to be seen him in 2020 despite this run right here where he will not improve on this current 9th place ranking but it's gonna do something for the crowd right here on the kokanee whaletail look at how many people are down there in the finish curl and that'll be it for Thomas of the minds busy 2019 Crankworx World Tour competing in so many different events yeah you know it I'd like to say ty this is what's ridiculous he kind of reminisced about you know the days of old with that throwback timeline there and there was a time when 316 the final feature was such a big deal and that was the capper to a huge run now you see Thomas Lemoine just dumping out a stylish 360 even when the run is a throw away just goes to show that level these guys are on so this right here look at the size Thomas Lemoine well over six feet tall and look how much he just keeps falling right there great style out of that 360 table I mean if you're hanging out on your roof maybe watch some fireworks maybe you're a roofer everybody's been on a roof at some point in their life they know that when you're standing on the edge your brain tells you don't fall off of this these guys are rolling up to that same height on their bicycle and willingly not just riding off it they're spinning and flipping and doing all kinds of acrobatics off of that thing put yourself in their shoes and really helps you appreciate the athleticism of these top 14 slopestyle athletes in the world here at the event we call the Superbowl of slopestyle mountain biking redbull Joyride so Diego caviar za z loaded up in the gate currently sitting in seventh place reviving his season right now he has been unable to get a top result a result that he's worthy of so far this season best result so far an 11th place so already improving upon that you would like to make that 7 a lower number and get a smooth first run let's see what decisions he makes here he did everything he did was landed perfectly smooth he's got a huge bag of tricks so we'll see what he chooses can run number 2 right here he's got a base to work off all right maybe get his hands off her I think I saw tuck no-hander in that front flips off the channel so he's trying to speak a little bit more out of this run he had a big move right here in round number one ass bar spin to Taylor he has that trick so unlock it's insane there's so many things going on flat flip right there great to see diego riding so smooth that will take short oh man you can tell rowdy took off there wasn't enough speed and that's what we're talking about that really illustrated the lack of margin for error on those two steep jumps for the middle section of the course they shoot straight up in the air the case knuckle is about one foot wide and if you come up short that will cause your run to come to a screeching halt so she was landing all those tricks so smooth like this backflip bar has been to tail whip lucky for him the trick that he has on lock is also a trick that the judges love to score high it's very much on point watch how smoothy lands on this flat drop back but watch the head no Bob just eyes up into that bird you see a lot of riders dropping off of a house and their bobbling but here's where things came to a screeching halt the cash flow let's see if when we get to the landing alright pause right there you see this landing right here is only about a foot wide on the top and he landed right on the very top that's going to compress the entire body and Bucky over the bars roll the tape there's no amount of fitness and strength no amount of days at the gym that are going to allow you to push through that Casey of a landing so Diego covers hace thrown together what could have been a high score here unfortunately we won't know when he would have had planned for the bottom of the course but let's remind you where we sit right now the top score to beat 95.7 5 Emile Johansen was the man who dropped that score now this guy so much going on in these runs regulars off of bar spins tails everything that these judges are not right there 360 inwards table to barspin 360 barspin car spent the downside to opposite side 205 everything the judges are looking for back clip double Kayla perfect petals right at the top of the landing no baubles anywhere in this run and that's why his score is where it is as a 95.7 five okay so as a little perspective here this is a guy who's been called the future of this sport by none other than Brandon seminar when he shared a podium with him back in 2017 and Mill was second place granite seminar one Brandon seminar doesn't compete in this discipline anymore Emil is the heir apparent now he hasn't won a Crankworx slopestyle stop yet if he was able to win redbull Joyride as his first Crankworx stop now that would be as firm of a statement as you could ever imagine but next up in the gate we got a whole slew of riders looking to take that win away from Emilio Hansen right now Torquato testa with his opportunity now Torquato had some unique moves and run number one in the gorge the judges rewarded that so he's getting that 360 off the start drop and this right here see if he does it again bag Eclipse Superman getting better extension than number one he held that extension he did not much air time on that but my party is going to over rotate that for just a second there whoa did he get his hands on oh my gosh looks like he's going for the flat backflip tuck no-hander work 720 bar spin Torquato is gone for and they're sitting in six ways not very far off of that third place Johnny everything he could find this Red Bull joyride podium we have seen consistent and concerned at four cuatro testa in order to get back on tour but it's been a while since we've seen tour cuatro testa really throw caution to the wind we are going to have to go back and analyze this run because this is the tour cuatro test that we've been waiting to see for some time now first of all I want to look back this wouldn't drop in the middle of course does he get oh you got to be kidding me okay then [ __ ] on that swell huge now we see not too many flat drop back foot variations that would be a new one and then taking a page out of print leader in Brandon 7-inch book with his court 720 bars but unfortunately just like Diego coming up short on his own no he went long sorry rear-wheel not able to slow down the rotation so close Torquato has always been one in the past to try some crazy stuff this season we've been playing seeing him play it super smart but with getting that first run score in the top ten he knew he had some room to play with so it's great to see Torquato stepping out of his comfort zone and trying some new stuff and run number two so Torquato with a fourth and a six on the season currently sitting in another six spot right now Kenny you hold on for those points so we can see him throw a caution to the wind again in 2020 but one rider who has been so excited the last two seasons is this young German right here Eric fedko with a podium last year right here at Joyride he is currently sitting in fifth place right now needing to move up a couple spots if he wants to repeat what he did last year guaranteed a top five position at Red Bull Joyride we'll see if he's going to take that result or step it up but knowing this kid I think he's going to try to step it up jazz his trick right there with a huge move 360 bars pin to Taylor changing his boom flare with a 360 Caleb Wow completely changing his run up so far from round number one really do Oh missing the secret flip and that was an exciting start to a run but missing that's humanity crap flip right there wilderness bore but it looks like he's going to finish this run out truck driver sic 360 seat grab indian air Easter's having fun now but this run is still so on point I mean he's pretty much doing a wave off friends but he's still doing all his biggest tricks just feeding off the crowd man that wasn't exciting start to around he was gunning for that top position that's for sure what do we got over here yeah so fun the way he does that that was kind of one of my favorite looking things of the day right here and he's doing it just for the crowd so Eric fedko with the fifth place ranking to lean on that's where he will live and a very respectable position out there in a hint at what he'll be bringing to the 2020 season which he'll undoubtedly be invited on this kid so consistent expect to see him back on the podium soon the future of slopestyle is looking bright did you see at the combo that he was trying to link up right here yeah truck driver to tailwhip but did you see what he was wanting to get out of that up box baguette 3 whipped apart latrine whip and then use trotta's grab bars been in there that have been six tricks out of to start features right there just staring at the seat wanted to put the hand on there with that trick you have to be committed right off the lip so you missed that window and it's not gonna happen but he's still threw down a whopper of a run trucking that flat drop the height of a two-story building [Applause] that was sure to be an insane run but not a bad day for Eric Petco guaranteed that 5th place position getting the point he is well on his way to a great 2020 season well Eric fedko is not only one of the best in the world he's also a fan of his sport so I know he feels just like we do very lucky to be able to watch Nikolaj rug at Caen and David God's yet with their final chance of knocking Emilio Hansen out of that gold medal territory two riders that absolutely have what it takes to pull that off two more runs to go in Red Bull Joyride 2019 you are not going to want to miss it stay tuned [Music] been a blast Road globe-trotting the last few years on the crank rich world to her but it's also great to hear that his building mountain biking across the world excited to do it all over again in 2020 but right now throughout the entire season these are the situations that we imagine situations like this where a milieu Hansen is sitting in the leaders spot with a 95.7 five and guys like Nicolai Roy Gaskin are thrown out all the stops trying to knock him off and run number one Nicolai Roy Gaskin was absolutely going for broke and he was not going to stop until he absolutely Bella over I mean this guy there was no stopping him his run was showing huge promise of taking that top spot everything started off great then he had a couple slip-ups made course but that right there 360 in work barspin cash roll right here everything was going pretty smooth and then right here things started going a little ray coming up short on that double tail whip but somehow must clean it out Mota people just pull off track right there he squeaked in a triple tail whip after that and then ended with a cork 720 if Nick lier gakuen is still rolling he's still trying to win even after a crash in Innsbruck he popped up and still cash rolled off the cannon log so what will the story be right now can Nicola rig a can knock Emilio Hansen out of the hot seat and win back-to-back redbull joy rides oh man this is exciting Nicola Arrow gakuen feeds off this crowd always a threat for the top position starting things off like run number one with that cash flow 360 double tail such a huge move right there right now he's on pace to be on that top spot what will it be on the dirt feature oh my gosh I thought he's gonna come up a little bit short right there planning perfectly smooth right now he's doing everything the judges are looking for 360 barspin on the flat drop coming in so fast into this feature right here [Applause] [Music] Oh my gosh that run was insane everything is going perfectly to plan he looked so calm cool and collected I felt like there was no way he was going to make a mistake in that run well if I know nickel IRA got King I know he's going to do something to finish his way down this course who could leave it so with one more bullet to dodge Amelia Hansen a tentative smile Neal one step closer to getting his first Crankworx victory well this is crazy well first of all let's watch and see how Nikolai rig akan entertains the fans out here twelve Mahon chippings just for fun he was having to hammer [Applause] like when I wrote back it will have to settle for fourth piece 2019 that will Joyride but man is that exciting you know what he has done though is he turned this season around without results in the first two events a fourth place is exactly what Nicolai needed and let's send it down to Sherlock Jones [Applause] [Music] mikolai dude I'm so gutted for you man but you still put on a great show I know this year hasn't been one that you'll look back on fondly but last year you're still will be only the only crown of the Triple Crown how do you feel to be here in Whistler pulling such a good show man so stoked to be here it's the best vibes every year I felt really good in that run bummed to crash but I'm still sitting in 4th place so fourth place and joy ride is not a bad days mountain bikers dream to be out here riding this so thanks ways for being so epic and I'll be back yeah we're excited to see you back behind curtains your head nicolai rig a can with a smile on his face always puts a positive spin on it it's true fourth place at joy ride still a good feeling but one crazy situation we found ourselves in right now that we haven't seen since 2012 we haven't had a European winner we haven't had a winner anywhere other than North America for a Crankworx slopestyle stop since Thomas jinan worn joy ride in 2012 and right now it will either be Emil Johansen who's currently in the hot seat or David gods yak will blow mines and sweep the rug out from under the young Swede we will shortly know what the history books will read damn it got six rookie season on the Crankworx world tour and right now he's the only person with the chance of taking this win away from the new Johan don't know restraint backflip right there so will you watch it's like rise run number one satisfied with that third place positions Wow well I was not expected to see that happen I suppose it is 100% official here Emilio Hansen's first break which slopestyle win comes at Joyride 2019 I'm sure it's a first of many wins for this young Swedish rider who's been called the future of this sport but David God Zack deciding that run number one was exactly the run he wanted and not trying to better that in run number two surprising to see but sometimes you look at the people that are ahead of you and you look into your own trick bag and you're happy with God ticketing third place in Red Bull Joyride his first two Crankworx slopestyle appearances in two third places but right now the story is all about this guy we've never seen a victory lap during a creek route slope style event from this guy because surprisingly he hasn't won one yet he was a 2017 world champion out all of 2018 with illness his parents in Canada for the first time to cheer on their son and apparently that was the kicker that was the catalyst needed for this young kid at the top of his sport to finally win an event he beat guys like Brett Reiter did God take Nikolai where gak in Eric's fedko and now he gets to celebrate from the first time we saw Emil drop into slopestyle course we knew this soon he's going to come look at him just playing around on the start step down oh my gosh your knees hitting a show on having fun with his victory lap treadmill joyride champion 2019 and man this kid has been through so much I can't imagine what is going through his head right now come on fast plan to Huff the drop it's really fun to see what these riders will do when they're absorbing such a career accomplishment in front of such a huge crowd and this guy with so much style just riding for fun right now telling us what tricks he really likes to do here and you know he's thought about this moment for a long long time right now pumping the fish to the crowd it is official it will you it has one dreadful joyride 2018 [Applause] and that's got to feel good all his competitors so stoked to see him back on the scene so much respect between all these guys out here [Music] how much he's been through and what has been capable of since he won the overall in 2017 [Applause] [Music] you know what it was so emotional to see him get fourth place last year multiply that by a thousand seeing him win this event autoimmune diseases injuries he's done it now let's hear it from the horse's mouth let's send it down to Matt Jones with your winner Emil Johansen Mao oh my word this has been an emotional year for you an emotional career for you and you've just done it you've added first place at Red Bull Joyride to your trophy cabinet I can see there's probably some tears there and soon there's going to be some champagne so what's it taken for you has it been this brand-new Joyride course is it your hard work or yeah what what do you think you can put this win down to oh my god I can't even hear what he's saying I'm just busting in there I don't know are you stoked [ __ ] yeah yeah Boris not me [Applause] [Laughter] you're a legend well done dude I'm excited to see where this is all gonna go for you in the future you've put in so much work it's been tough for you right yeah it's been really rough I mean last season here it was ten months off my bike before coming here and then I managed to pull the run off but the battle wasn't really done there I've still suffer from some problems from here from time to time but way more stable node and I've been in the past and I feel stronger than I've ever been so yeah I'm super stoked you've had it rough and it's all come full circle you put in the work ready and you've won congratulations dude yes Emil Wow thanks a lot Matt Jones what a great story I mean for two years in a row we've finished off the Crankworx FMV a slopestyle world championship series but something that you could not script never a dull moment out here at Red Bull Joyride and for the 17th year in a row these riders have performed on command and giving us the show of the year it's like Old Faithful out here on the boneyard is it Tyler oh yeah and I think we're gonna see Emile's name up there quite a few more times in the future so look at your final result list here cast of characters out there and David Gajic Bret reader and Emilio Hansen standing on the podium soon plenty of autographs to sign here everybody welcome to the Red Bull Joyride post show where we get some special guests up in the booth and we digest what never disappoints it's always the best show on two wheels Red Bull Joyride right now I'm joined by of course Tyler McCall Darren berrecloth and Matt Jones but our special guest right now is your fourth place finisher out there today this showman Nikolaj rag and welcome Nikolai what's up guys how you doing how'd you like that calm thank you I just have to say that thank you for the show it was insane out there I mean everyone was just throwing such good runs and uh yeah epic I mean you guys know how it is out here it's the best best day of the year for slow riders yeah we started out the show and we wanted to I wanted to put these guys on the spot a little bit get some guaranteed predictions out there and Darren tell me what your guarantee prediction was my guarantee prediction was you doing a bit of a showman dance at the end of the course and unfortunately we didn't get to see that happen we were all rooting for you I know that that first run just felt a bit too sketchy in some bits to do a full-on Celie so I was kind of more of a relief to get to the bottom of it all make grab I mean I was hungry for the Sally but the run just didn't feel worthy you know go around we just couldn't get keep on to it I know yeah just trying to put the variation in the cash roll to get try to get me up on the podium but uh it's the way she goes just undercooked a bit thank you for effort thank you well I think you didn't get a chance to celebrate down there but you still get to celebrate the fact tool the only slopestyle athlete to ever take the Triple Crown how does it feel looking back on last year knowing you still had that result and you still own it man it feels mind-blowing last year was things just went better than I could have ever imagined and I was rooting for Brett today he was hungry for it and that run that he did the second run under so much pressure after the first run went wrong was just so impressive to see he just missed a few bits in there which couldn't put him above ml and Mills Run is just so on point we've never seen a run like that ever so yeah hats off to Bret for for making it happen under pressure and I'm sure we'll be battling it out for the for the Triple Crown in years to come now Nicola we'd be missing an opportunity if we didn't take this chance to have you walk us through your run so we're gonna play that footage and I want to hear what's going through your mind while you're doing all these tricks all right all right all right open in with this cash they'll have to go super slow into it I landed decent and then this 360 double tail up got really sketchy all over he's moving on to the the twister this mister felt good epic jump you know it's the highlight money booter all the fans are going crazy there it feels so insane to land that and just hear the roar of the crowd truck for me never done that before first ever truck for me and then this is where the variation was supposed to go but didn't quite have the speed for that cash roll and yeah just a little little dirt spray there didn't give you that much speed and then here's where I thought it was all over caught the double whip knew I was casing and yeah holding on for dear life the last thing I wanted to do was go over the bars because that was going to be quite rowdy and then realizing I'm still alive getting around the toilet bowl and then here the cork 720 lovely stomping that one and the head up just screaming so so so I've in disbelief couldn't do a cell II felt too sketchy but uh oh there's a little one yeah alright so um Darwin was right obviously obviously top honours is what you're shooting for right there but you seem to be a writer who's able to enjoy the process how does this crowd differ from other crowds you compete in front of throughout the year man this crowd is absolutely ridiculous I mean there's so many people lined up on the hill down here you just see them coming down the road and these people love mountain biking I mean they're here they're probably riders themselves or they're just ready for party I mean we're on a Saturday evening final full full party mode for Whistler so it's absolutely unbeatable it's just crazy you're coming down the course and you're trying to kind of be in your own zone but we just can't help but uh but appreciate how crazy it is that we're able to put on a show in front of a crowd like this it's amazing what you really did is you turned your season around the first two events didn't go out to plan but you know you got a good result here you got forth you got points that's always nice but you put a big smile on everybody's face out there and fourth place at Joyride is you were a part of the show everybody's gonna be talking about you tonight so for that kudos but apparently I'm getting to my ear right now we've got a comment we want to read from pink bike let's see what's that comment so to think that Nichol IRA gakuen that David Gajic has all those massive tricks in his bag but he didn't try a second run now I feel like this is something we would never expect to see out of you why do you think David waived off that run man for David I talked to him a bit before his second run I asked him are you gonna send and he said no I'm chi'lan for David it's just so incredible his first season he podiums in Innsbruck he podiums here I have a feeling though if I hadn't crashed in that run and I went above him oh yeah he would have been hungry for that podium spa you know it I mean being on the podium he was just so relieved he just wanted to enjoy coming down this course appreciate his podium finish rather than maybe sending it and having a big crash because to be fair it's it's gnarly out here and the run that David's doing is uh is no joke double flips twisters you know so yeah respect respect David for appreciating the moment but uh he would have been sending he was hungry for the podium it's a real deal so he's podium perfect in his first two Crankworx appearances but let's see what that run one was so we can appreciate what was going through his mind when he was thinking up there at the top what am I gonna do to better this your guys runs had some similar things to them too so when you came down and started doing similar things but squeaking in the little extra combos we wanted to see what David had in his bag as well that right there the casserole barspin big move for David so this right here it's almost like a flare transfer out of the shark fin I'm sure the judges were rewarding some some variety points for that your double tail up definitely was probably the banger we saw all night on that but you know what he almost threw it away on that flip tuck no-hander and those are things that go through your mind when you're considering trying to better your first run in your second opportunity you're going man I've barely held on for dear life the whole time you want me to try to go do something better so great show out there from Nikolai or a GAC in today now what was your favorite part of the whole at Whistler experience this week oh that's that's a really difficult one I mean honestly spraying down ml and seeing the disbelief in his eyes that he was experiencing that moment that he's been so so hung before that was insane it's basically all of us with shaking up red bulls just spraying him because you know that's the moment we dream of being a joy ride champion so that's an incredible moment I'm so stoked for him and I know how that feels too so yeah good camaraderie out there and a lot of times in the history of Crankworx slopestyle we see these two horse races but today I swear it's like a four horse race insane this guy right here ended up in third place we're gonna watch him just savor the moment on the podium it's a great feeling right there I know his brothers watching so proud of him right here to Crankworx is two podiums shout out to Simon Kazakh brother of David we'll be seeing him in a few months in the Utah desert for Red Bull Rampage water into this bowl what an entry yeah and you know what there was a time when Simon was the mountain-bike brother and then David as the BMX brother but that line is quickly blurring considering he's now cemented himself as one of the best in the world but take a look Bratz reader grabbed in that silver medal we had an interview with Brett earlier on he said he didn't like the course if you were to show him in a crystal ball the picture of who get in a silver medal you know he'd be stoked of course he wants that top spot anytime he's competing but he really Salvage he did he dug himself out of a hole of you know what could be considered a little bit of negative thought and that has to be commended you could see the moment that Brett got to the bottom that relief was lifted right absolutely and here we go here's the winner everybody knows a meal story he's been through the wringer done everything he could to train get back healthy get back onto this top step and he's dreamed of this for so long he's got those Thomas Lemoine inspired pants on looking sneeze and honor are you net no no I I've got the colors up top you got your own style you know the size or no peak yeah he's looking he's looking pretty Steve's out there he's got the gold lettering on the on the jersey to go with the gold medal yeah he was foreshadowing how this day would end right there but that shiny gold embroidery mill Johannsen something tells me this isn't the last time you're going to see him stand on the top step of the podium here at Red Bull Joyride Brandon seminyak is wondering how many five times he called Emil Johansen the future of this sport and we can't wait to see what the future holds for this young Swedish competitor [Music] it goes the champagne [Applause] well there it is your podium for redbull Joyride 2019 David Godsey with the bronze medal Bret reader with the silver and Emilio Hansen with the gold [Applause] [Music] slopestyle is one another sports alive in my opinion we're putting a lot at risk when it comes to the tricks we try to throw it out you try to make sure you could run it tired at if you can trust the whole week and past that week so you don't need to really need to change stuff too often this is a dusty course you kind of want it to be a bit softer just to make sure that your back tire just don't slid on the top let it loose there Joey rod is basically the biggest event of the year I think this one is the event to do good at so it's a lot of practice going into this event trying to make sure you got everything dialed well all the little decisions he made everything from tire choice trick choice execution the dealing with all the pressures that come with it especially not only in front of this gigantic crowd but having your family on-site that always plays a bit of a bit of a role I know Nicola your dad comes to a lot of the competitions you always feel like that kind of invigorates you not having your family there for support is is insane you know it's like it just increases the emotion because you kind of forget that they're there but then when when you get a good run and then you just see your family they're so stoked for you you know they were feeling nervous for you they don't want you get hurt they don't mean to have a bummer day so you know it just feels insane to have them there have that sports moments that families remember forever so it's always good you're sure so Brett reader with the silver medal here it seems like just yesterday we are analyzing side-by-side the first place and second place runs from Innsbruck and we've talked about the first place run already let's take a look at Brett readers silver run and kind of just digest some of the finer moments pretty insane that we're talking about a silver medal run right here mid watch Brett readers run we had no idea what he was gonna do he said he wasn't feeling the course very much but he came out swinging with his front flip right here he could have chosen so many different tricks right there do you really have no idea what he's gonna do I like it when he grows us for a loop we would have expected to see some sort of half cab variation on these flat troughs he didn't do any he came out with a surprise that front-flip drop in opposite corks 720 on the biggest feature on the course right there and this one of the most dangerous moves you can ever pull on a slopes out for us flat back lifts tail whip had to do that twice today [Applause] [Music] coming into this we weren't sure if we were gonna see the windshield wiper again but he chose to plan a little bit safer knowing he could land that double tail whip and right here we had no idea who was going to take the top spot Emile's run and Brett's runs were looking pretty on par at this point right here backflip opposite tail whip to finish off Bret reader second place run he's so casual with that back flip opposite tail up you know there was a time when just doing that on a straight jump was gonna score high and you could tell that it was opposite I was doing it on the step down and it looks identical to his regular version well speaking of casual nature we just had this very tall Swedish guy casually stroll into our booth so I got to do something very important I gotta say thank you so much for everything your showmanship your attitude your smile and of course your riding and we can't wait to see you in Rotorua next year way back later Nicolai Roy Gaskin can you guys smell any champagne yes aroma in the air we can smell him so vividly so Nicola regretting doing the little baton pass off to Amelia Hanson your gold medalist out here today with this very unique trophy you see [Applause] yes ml really strong smelling air now [Laughter] it's hard to imagine because we've been considering you the future of this sport for a couple seasons now you've been through so much you came back here for a triumphant fourth place last year there was times that you said you didn't even know if you were ever gonna be able to ride a bike again but there are times where you thought you've never stand on the top step of a Crankworx podium you've been there before but you haven't won yet what does that feel like and how long you been dreaming about this moment it's really hard to put into words how much this means to me I mean struggling the past with both back issues and ottoman issues have put me on a path that I thought I never was going to be back on track riding bikes it's been pretty it's been - pretty [ __ ] rough years to be honest it's like the year officer the world tour championship thing I was not imagining at all this would happen one day and now being here two years later and making it back to the podium my ones got second on yeah it's it means a lot and it's just nice to see it all the hard work pays off like I mean I have been on the ground many times dusting my shoulders off after crashing on big tricks and yeah it's it's definitely not easy putting it off now we've never seen a victory lap from you because you haven't won a Crankworx Lopes out until today so let's talk about the victory lap later let's talk about the run that allowed you to get the win right here I feel like this might be your first time really seeing it on camera so I want to hear you relive this moment you want to hear from me yeah yeah yeah you don't want to hear from me I've already done that if I about this run yeah yeah the choice to do the hip instead of the straight why did you make that decision most people weren't hitting it straight and for me it felt like I could show like somewhat a different style of them going on the hip and as well we struggle a lot with headwind in practice and stuff and and I thought quarks having it would be a good trick for actually writing it with headwind so I was like kind of prepared for Countess de type of thing and then yeah I guess the rest of the round I did it flipped up a whip also a good trick to be honest when it's a lot of headwind like if I would do a lot of combos into wind it's really hard to pull it off in the end though like 3-way poncho and I was not easy to pull off in the wind I never done off to step down did you know that you had a winning run as soon as you stop that laughs right there to be honest I've I dreamed about having it would winning round after the first round of course but I also missed some things that I would like to improve so I knew that I don't know if the judges knew that I had something more in the tank you never know and it's a really packed filled with awesome riders and the riders they got different type of riding styles that I do that I really can't like compare just like oh I did one more Bart's been there one more bus been there is he completed different rotations so it's yeah it's really hard for me to up top stand and watch every single rider drop and then trying to stay calm and also like being prepared I had my headphones on trying to be amped for doing a second round I was ready to try to improve but just yeah just improving that run I thought was gonna be impossible and then like just doing the run itself improving it would be it would be rough one well you're such a young guy you've been able to get to such a high level of riding in such a short period of time and now you've won the biggest event in the world so I can't wait to see what happens when we find ourselves in the southern hemisphere in March and you've had all these months to practice more tricks and squeezing more bars bends in places we never expected I gotta thank you so much for entertaining us out there in congratulations thanks a lot means a lot so Amelia Hansen from winning the battle out here but we got to talk about the overall Crankworx FM PA slopes out world championship series we are giving away those awards right now Bret reader with two wins and a second place giving him enough points to stand on the top step he is the world champion for two years in a row and you know you know what that feels like in 2017 you were standing on the top of that yeah it's way to go so Torquato testa nail in that third place and Thomas Lemoine holding on to those consistent results well that's all for the 2019 season stick with us for 2020 just a few months to go we're gonna kick off a whole nother season where we will rewrite the next chapter of this amazing sport of slope style mountain biking in beautiful Rotorua New Zealand [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] well if you joined what you saw here join us in March 2nd through the 8th for Rotorua New Zealand where we start from scratch and write a whole news story gosh what a show Tyler final thoughts in the event today I think that's one of the best we've ever seen we've known this kid's gonna be on the top for a long time ever since we saw him drop into the slopestyle course we knew it was coming so long-awaited but we knew he'd be here and here he is top step I don't think it's gonna be the last time we're gonna see him here kind of foreshadowing of what we're gonna see in the future well thanks to all of our competitors out there for working so hard for our entertainment thank you to emilio Hansen for putting down the run of his life and giving us that entertainment I got to thank all of you for watching us out there I've been your host cam McCaul alongside Tyler McCall Matt Jones Darren berrecloth and our entire production crew here home thanks for joining us when wolfsea again in Rotorua come March 2020 [Music] you
Channel: Red Bull Bike
Views: 1,744,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull bike, red bull joyride, red bull joyride 2019, joyride 2019, slopestyle, crankworx, crankworx 2019, joyride whistler, whistler canada, whistler mtb 2019, red bull rampage, rampage 2019, nicoli rogatkin, triple crown slopestyle, crankworx red bull joyride, emil johansson, brett rheeder, slopestyle mtb, crankworx whistler, mtb, crankworx live stream 2019, crankworx live, red bull tv mtb, red bull joyride live stream, red bull joyride replay, emil johansson joyride
Id: pYkC4emEUaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 52sec (8152 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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