r/entitledparents | "YOUR HOUSE IS MY HOUSE NOW!"

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hey everybody my name is Stephen and welcome back to the story time channel without wasting any time let's get into the stories of the day the time entitled and took over my parents house I'm back with another story about my aunt and her shameless entitlement the events of the story occurred in 1982 a year before I was born my dad told me all about it some time ago my parents had recently gotten married my cousin and son was six at the time and my uncle had recently lost his job my grandmother insisted that my dad support his sister in her time of need this meant letting my aunt and cousin move in until my uncle could find a job uncle to of course would be welcome whenever he decided to show up my parents house had only two bedrooms one was occupied by grand monster the other by my parents here in India it is customary for elderly parents to live with their adult sons she insisted that my parents give up their bedroom to aunt in cousin because she couldn't imagine her little girl having to sleep in the living room my dad didn't wanna upset his mother and he agreed my aunt and cousin stayed over for a month and my uncle too would come over on the weekends grand monster insisted that my mother cook for them whatever they demanded so my mom would come home from work and would cook three different meals one in accordance with my cousin one according to my aunt's preference and a third for herself my dad and grandmonster on weekends when my uncle came over his preference would have to be catered to as well but were they ever grateful heck no they felt perfectly entitled to boss my mom around and find faults in her efforts to make them comfortable nothing she ever did for them was good enough Anton Grande monster would constantly criticize her cooking and housekeeping skills when my dad did his share of housework they'd mock him for being henpecked almost every other day my aunt would invite her friends over and they'd stay for hours and my mom would have to cook refreshments for them as well any time my mom wanted to invite her friends over my grandmother would put on a scowl that could suck the soul of Adam mentor but Ann's friends were welcome of course the one time I dad put his foot down was when aunt wanted to invite a friend of hers to stay for the weekend interestingly my uncle's sister an example and sister-in-law found an and uncle's behavior to be quite an appropriate she visited once and clearly didn't like the way my mother was being treated she was a strong no-nonsense kind of woman and called out my aunt for not being grateful for the way my mom and dad were putting up with her and told her she should stop being a burden and should help out with the housework my dad tells me that the concern an outsider had shown for her well-being that should have been expected from family members brought tears to my mom's eyes my aunt cried over this too but for entirely different reasons she complained to my grandmom stir that my parents had made her look bad in front of her husband's sister my grandma stir reprimanded my parents for making her cry and my mom ended up apologizing to my aunt just to keep the peace it turns my stomach when I think about this finally my uncle found a new source of income and aunt and cousin moved back in with him but not before they took my parents TV with them back then televisions were a novelty for middle-class households in India my aunt and uncle didn't have one my mom and dad had just bought theirs my grandmother made my parents give up their television to my aunt because they'd been through such a tough time and they'd give it back once they could afford to buy their own needless to say the TV was never returned what a terrible woman multiple figures here way over entitled it really upsets me just reading about it entitled parents screams at me for taking an empty spot this happened yesterday afternoon I 21 year old female was on my way to the store I'm still a student driver and my boyfriend 24 year-old male who is a licensed driver of five years said to park into the Walmart parking lot when I pulled into a parking spot alley he stopped behind us and trapped us in me and my boyfriend are sitting in his car as I'm thinking what the Freak as she gets out of her car with her twelve-year-old and screams for me to get out of her spot my boyfriend just laughs which really surprised me he never laughed at this kind of thing but that ended when she hit his car slamming her hands and kicking my boyfriend stopped laughing and became irate I told him to let me handle it so I got out and called her a brat for pouting over a spot and that I'm trying to learn how to properly drive she continued to scream and I'm getting angry suddenly God sent an angel in a form of an officer I explained what's going on I was preparing for my driver's exam lady confronted me etc IDs were checked me and my boyfriend are cleared the lady starts saying that I was breaking the law by driving without a license the officer told her to go or she would be arrested while the lady was arguing with the officer the twelve-year-old apologized in her mother's behalf I accepted it moments later the child and mother got in their car and left I apologized that he had to go through that and he wished me luck on my driver's exam cops can be good not all are bad thankfully so if you were in this situation and he pulled into the parking spot and this lady comes and boxes you in and starts yelling at you what would you have done or said let me know in the comments below volunteering at a hospital doesn't make you medical personnel because you don't get paid disclaimer I am constantly being accused of exploiting a system first off if I did then I would have known from someone who works there secondly I didn't get a discount due to being a minor lastly the people in my group were just myself and my parents so before you angrily told me that I was exploiting a system I wasn't please don't be that person M Karon NK nice kid M a.m. medical assistant mom me Doug dimmadome owner of the dimmsdale dimmadome me backstory I volunteer at my local VA Medical Center I used to do it at first just to see what it was like now I enjoy it I signed up for a clinical and administrative job four different days and I enjoy both of them both of my parents work in the medical industry one of them being on the frontline of this pandemic I went shopping so I don't go too insane from the quarantine those who have had badges from working in a hospital can invite more people to pers and Max and even get a discount me knowing that I volunteered at a hospital decided to do an experiment my parents and I came in with our badges and masks on and we were all that in everything was normal we were just shopping and talking about our garden my mom and I were asked to get frozen fruit because I like to mix fruit in with my protein shakes until the gates of heck have opened right when I turned around with my frozen strawberries maskless entitled mother stops me right in my tracks and eyes my volunteer badge shouldn't you be at home why are you asking me this you're a volunteer you shouldn't be out here neither should you you're not wearing a mask nonetheless following the social distancing rule at least I have a paying job that's when it hit me are you saying that I shouldn't be here because I'm not getting paid for what I do exactly you are exploiting the benefits of working in a hospital let the real workers have their benefits I don't need a paycheck for working in a hospital it's something I enjoy doing that'll change soon medical assistant mother turns around seeing a strange woman in my face so she approaches us hoping to dissolve the quarrel I can sense the momma bear in her already she says I'm sorry but what is going on finally actual medical personnel can you tell this poser to get the heck out of here well hopes of dissolving it peacefully have gone out the window medical assistant mother says excuse me you cannot tell my daughter that Opie can cut his medical personnel as she also works with patients does she even come in contact with patients with corona me thinking playing the corona card the volunteering season is closed until the pandemic dies down see she is a deadbeat what kind of parent are you letting your kid be entitled you want to scold her coming from a Karen my mom an entitled mother's kid laughed she gets my face and yells at me I don't know who you are but you better not disrespect your adults if you love your mother so much then take a badge off and get the heck out of here entitled mother leaves but her kid stays behind her kid says hey man sorry about that my mama's just scared because of this pandemic she saw you with your mom's and she got angry and wanted to check to see if you should be here or not personally I like that you volunteer at a hospital I say thanks you should try volunteering at the VA when the season opens the kid says maybe I will sometime nice kid leaves to go catch up with her mom after that medical assistant mother and I returned to the cart with the frozen berries I have met Karen's before but that's because they hate me for having colored hair liking anime or listening to metal never have I ever had an encounter as bad is this my hat's off to Opie for taking the time to volunteer in medical services that's an area I bet does not get as many volunteers as it could use so a big credit to Opie entitled mother thinks it is her neighbor's job to watch her kids back story my grandpa is in the high-risk group so my mom and dad are going out my mom is getting her shopping and my dad is getting my grandpa's story so I'm home alone doing schoolwork and I hear unn knock at the door so we answer because we were expecting a parcel so when I get there I am shocked to see my neighbor there with her two kids is your parents home no they are shopping oh well here you will have to watch my kids by yourself then then entitled mother starts to leave and just leaves her kids me too the kids you're gonna have to go with your mom to entitled mother I'm not watching your kids if you leave them I'll just leave them outside no you will watch them because your parents are supposed to watch them today and thatíll mother normally goes out on a Wednesday and my mom babysits because she is unemployed yeah but there isn't usually a pandemic I close the door at this point so I look out the window and see entitled mother drive away quickly and think nothing of it then I hear a knock at the door so I opened the door and entitled mother left her two kids outside of my house and I can't let them in because do you know global pandemic I'll let you into your house and I'll come check on you in about an hour kid one says okay thanks kid two says yeah thanks we can play on the PlayStation I say yeah sure then about an hour later I go check on them they were fine then my mom and dad get back and I tell them all about entitled mother then about two hours later entitled mother gets back and I hear a knock at the door and my mom answers and I hear entitled mother screaming your kid left my poor babies all alone and didn't watch them mother says no you left them all alone and didn't watch them but you weren't home and you were supposed to watch them mother said maybe the news were you aren't supposed to go to other people's houses wasn't clear enough and my mom shut the door I agree that this person was incredibly entitled and how dumb can you be so this pandemic starts flaring up and you think you can just go off somewhere and dump your kids on somebody especially the people who agreed to watch your kids aren't home absolutely not Karen tries to take my pants at a store and then attempts to kick the security in the balls when they want to check the security cameras I was at Lucini which is an Arabic store for clothes and I was getting new pants because my cousin spilled some dim toe a red drink that is made of raspberry on my pants so onto the story M entitled mother obviously Sia's cashier Emma's manager and K is her 13 year old boy the same age as me at the time it stands for nice kid guard security guard now I will try to translate my best because we were speaking in Arabic except when she was yelling nonsense at me so I'm in line at the cashier and then I feel the tap on my shoulder and I turn around yes my little boy wants to have those pants there are some left over there while pointing at where I got the pants no I want those pants referring to the ones in my hands now I could have just given her the pants but I have anger issues and I don't take poop from anyone I am not sure if you heard me but there are more pants over there entitled mother beginning to get mad no I want these pants are you deaf how dare you I told you many times they're entitled mother cutting me off no you give me these pants because you insulted me and you always have to respect the people who are older than you if you considered yourself older than me then act like you aren't a ducking toddler now the reason I'm at the store by myself is because my mom is sick and so my little brother stays home with her while they go to the supermarket to get food and clothes and my father has a lot of work to support our family and so he can't take care of my mother but now we are not poor anymore and are living a normal life and someone called the security and they came and they were three strong men guards he tried to hurt my son me just standing there with my mouth wide open that's not true the guards are listening to her story and the nice kid jumps in no that's not true he didn't do anything to me and at this point everyone is gathering around us and I started to feel like a gladiator in the Coliseum because everyone was watching and wanting to know who wins the guards say ok let me go check the security cameras entitled mother starts panicking and kicks one of the guards in the balls and then one of the two remaining guards tease her and that was the first time I had ever seen a teaser in action the guards cover up and bring her out of there while the kid is crying and following her I feel bad for the kid but in tot of mother deserved it how are you gonna start freaking out and then your response to freaking out is just to give a swift kick to the balls of a security guard like if that's gonna get you out of trouble in contrast to them seeing that opie wasn't guilty and that probably being the end of it entitled mother thinks neighborhood Corona help means that she is somehow entitled to a personal assistant who walks her dogs watches and schools her kids and does all her shopping I live in a largest apartment block complex it's actually nice in Central Europe and when our government issued coronavirus social distancing rules and recommendations the neighborhood office small nonprofit organization of neighbors they offer some neighbourhood help coordinate such as borrowing tools from neighbors a small leave one and take one library slash book exchange and information about activities for kids started a coordinator hood hell for risk group people or people in self quarantine there is no strict stay-at-home order in my country but most stores except grocery stores are closed and it's not allowed to meet in groups of more than five people except if you live together but it is still recommended that if you are tested positive or experience any corona related symptoms that you stay at home for 14 days and that if you belong to a risk group you should be extra careful and if possible not go outside schools are closed as well which makes it difficult for parents of course so just FYI this help group has a lot of volunteers but not many people actually request help it's the same with almost all of these groups so if you need assistance and there is such a group available please do request help people are willing to help and it's not a burden to them just don't be a Karen so about three weeks ago I got a notification from one of the coordinators that I should connect with entitled mother who contacted the group and asked for assistance I was glad I could finally do something so I called this person immediately hello this is my name I got notified by the help group that you need some assistance what can I do for you oh thank god finally yes yes I need she immediately starts listing grocery items and I try to write all of it down as quickly as possible and it would also be great if someone could walk my two puppies everyday and I am going crazy with this school I need someone to watch my kids where they do online classes umm so regarding groceries I started reading the very long list back to where to make sure I got everything while she further explains what exact brands she wants and how much she is willing to pay for it I am Not sure we can get you everything you need because some of these things are sold in stores that are currently closed but I will pass this list on to the person who is coordinating the shopping today and we will see what we can do what are Neen I need these things immediately we are coordinating all the groceries first ma'am so that we can get everything in one or two trips I am sorry but you will have to wait for it until tomorrow and it might be that we can't get everything you need also what kind of dogs do you have I ask this because I don't feel comfortable around large dogs I mean all dog O's are beautiful but I get nervous around large dogs especially if I don't know them two German shepherds when can you come over and walk them umm I am sorry ma'am but I am NOT good with large dogs like yours but I will post a notification in the help group ASAP so that someone else can help you with that okay I am sure someone would love to play with your dogs well I can't believe this you are supposed to help me what about my kids don't tell me you can't come and watch them either I'm sorry ma'am but we are not babysitters I understand that this situation is difficult with the schools being closed but if you have technical difficulty setting up the online learning environment I can try to help you with that babysitter I don't need a babysitter I need someone to watch my 12 and 14 year old sons because they are lazy and refuse to do their homework I am going crazy I am sorry but I can't help you with that what you are supposed to help me she is yelling at me at this point I am trying to I already sent your list of groceries to the coordinator and posted your request for help with the dogs in the group chat I get that the situation is hard for you but we are a help group to assist sick people and the elderly even with so many volunteers we are not prepared to organize tutoring or baby sitters - I'm sorry also I am not supposed to enter your apartment I knew it all you do is care about the elderly but no one cares about single mothers like me also what are you talking about sick people well yes people who can't go outside because they are self quarantine what do you mean did you have contact with infected people how dare you offer to come to my house then are you crazy you know I don't want you people to touch my food or my dogs she then went on how she doesn't want us to bring her groceries or Walker dogs and then hung up on me and problem solved I guess this lady was expecting the world of help for her and it's I'm like this I'm glad she got fed up and cancelled everything I don't think she deserved any of that help but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories is your personal favorite and why let me know in the comments below and thank you all so much for watching and listening to the storytime channel if you haven't yet police consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video thank you all again for watching and listening to the story Tom Channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 53,084
Rating: 4.8786492 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: mkwRX9YIkbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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