r/EntitledParents PLEASE LET MY SON LIVE WITH YOU! | r/EntitledParents

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hey there mister read it here welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parents stories our first story we'll be reading today let my son live with you and eat all of your food after that soccer mom is mad I fired her no show daughter and after that don't tell me what color to wear now for every thumbs up this video gets one Karen forgets her credit card at the gas pump so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day let my son live with you and eat all of your food hey people have read it this isn't my story but it's my cousins my cousins in their roommate told me this story last January I thought it was funny so I thought I'd share by the way cousin and his roommate are both 16 and my little cousin is 12 an entitled mom demanded better twelve-year-old first-year son be allowed to live in the room with my cousins and their roommate meet everybody we've got my older cousin my little cousin the roommate entitled mom entitled kid security guard and entitled kids a roommate the setting my cousins go to a very elite private all-boys school grades 6 through 12 in the New England region of the United States so it's not uncommon to encounter an entitled parent and kid here are there now let me state that my cousins are not entitled they apply for financial aid and have campus jobs to afford the $60,000 a year tuition now my older cousin is the student body president of the school because of this the president gets a room that is 1,200 square feet has a fully functional kitchen and a bathroom the room also has a large living space balcony and office the other rooms just have two beds two closets one desk and a small window and there are around 150 square feet because my little cousin is related to all their cousin he was allowed to live in the room versus the standard dorms cousins roommate was also the student body treasurer so the Dean allowed him to live in the room too because he was my cousin's friend with three guys living together there was a surplus of video games in junk food just guys being guys with the new semester starting student body officers had to help with orientation help the parents get their first year students settled in because little cousin was already settled in he was just playing games on the ps4 with the door open cue entitled mom and kid entitled mom nice at first excuse me little cousin yes I'm looking for my son's dorm and I can't find it can you help me little cousin hey I'm new here myself so I don't know much my brother is responsible for helping first years so let me call him entitled mother and her son wait for about 25 minutes for older cousin to arrive so little cousin was playing games with entitled kid on the ps4 eating junk food and showed them around the room older cousin arrives hey I'm older cousin you must be the mom trying to find her son's dorm entitled mom now rude yes I've been waiting for someone to help me all their cousin first disregards her tone as orientation day is hard older cousin goes on his phone with the info that the mom gives and directs her apparently entitled kid only lives down the hallway to the left entitled mom leaves with entitled kid and his luggage entitled kid says in that gosh awful voice as he's leaving I want to play more games entitled mom says you can later older cousin has this geez look on his face closes the door and plays on the ps4 with little cousin 10 minutes later there are loud bangs on the door all their cousin sees who it is it's entitled mom and her brat they've returned with his luggage I need your help now our brat runs to the ps4 older cousin uh what seems to be the problem entitled mom starts whining my son's room is small it's not like this one what do we talk to about this older cousin um I'm sorry if you're unsatisfied with your living situation you'll have to talk to a counselor about his situation and nobody has a room like this one because I'm the president the entitled kid starts rummaging through games entitled kid do you have fortnight hey put that down don't talk to my son that way besides my son needs more living space do something at this time entitled kid is still rummaging then little cousin pushes him to the side and locks game cabinet and he starts screaming roommate was also returning to the room with his lunch entitled kid I want to play games little cousin this is our room and you can't use my things if I don't want you to entitled kid screams I wanna roommate what's going on entitled mom interrupts these boys won't help me find a room like this one for my son roommate oh that's impossible this is the only room like this one besides this room is only for the President entitled mom condescendingly then how come you're here roommate explains roommate little cousin is related to older cousin so he can stay here I'm in student government with older cousin which allows me to live here older cousin yeah I told her that entitled mom then says to older cousin and roommate you should let my son live here entitled kid overhears his mom he now thinks that he lives in the room he goes to the fridge and tries to get a soda little cousin blocks him and says you are not our guest nor do you live here don't touch our food entitled kid forget you this is my room too and you have to share older cousin then says to get her kid out because he's a nuisance and bothering them entitled mom says no older cousin and roommate are not having it they asked her politely yet firmly to leave entitled mom walks in and proceeds to unpack her son's luggage entitled kid is also having a fit because little cousin isn't letting entitled kid have any food mom he won't let me have some donuts don't worry mommy will help after I unpack you older cousin and roommate firmly your son isn't living here yes he is my son is an angel you should be glad to be friends with him all their cousin I'm not interested in living or being friends with your son leave now entitled mom ignores older cousin and continues to hunt peck with her entitled kids still screaming I want donuts he then screams at little cousin I want to play your games little cousin says no the kid then starts screaming high-pitched older cousin little cousin and roommate have had enough of this charade and then proceeded to drag them out and throw his luggage in the hallway and lock the door entitled mom and son continued to banging in hell entitled mom promises that she'll get her son back in so she leaves at this time friends were coming over and someone accidentally led in titled kid in the room people confused asked who he is entitled kid tells them who he is and that he lives there entitled kid then starts demanding to use the ps4 author cousin sees him and kicks him out again with him shouting I want to stay his mom then returns with a security guard entitled mom these boys kicked my son out of his room do something security guard lady I know for a fact that your son doesn't live here he needs to stay here this room is much better than the other ones security guard then asks if the mom is bothering them everybody says yes he says I'll take care of the mom and asks cousin to watch the kid entitled kid is dragged out again and he shouts my daddy will mess you up for this the mom was escorted off the campus grounds older cousin and roommate forcibly moved in titled kid into his room for him little cousin ended up becoming friends with entitled kid's roommate as the months have passed entitled kid has been so bratty and annoying that entitled kid's roommate has had sleepovers with my cousin's almost every night because of this entitled kid packs an overnight bag and almost always follows his roommate and demands to be let in I was told it goes down like this entitled kid let me in roommate you can't have a sleepover without me little cousin go away we're not letting you in I want to see my roommate you'll vouch for me you can't play games or have sleepovers without me entitled kids roommate comes out and puts ice cream on the table entitled kid's roommate I stay here four to five days a week because I need a break from you please go away entitled kid OMG traitor so much for loyalty the least you can do is share the ice cream roommate gets up and closes the door OMG let me in i'm not playing my cousin's roommate and entitled kid's roommate turn the volume on the TV louder and tune out his pleas and crying they later woke up to him sleeping at the front or at 6:00 a.m. they stayed there for 10 hours update my cousin's gave me a recent update about the entitled mom and her entitled son that has been harassing them during the school year they were going on vacation President's Day weekend entitled mom demanded that her son be allowed to vacation to New York City with them so entitled kids roommates parents live in New York City around Fifth Avenue for those of you who don't know Fifth Avenue is some of the most expensive real estate in the city entitled kids roommates parents were allowing my cousins and their roommate to stay in New York for free with meals included because they are friends with entitled kids a roommate all my cousins had to do was drive there which is around three hours as entitled kid had been harassing my cousin's their roommate and his roommate all semester he overheard the situation and he demanded to go when his attempts to go fail he then calls his mom who drives from another state to demand that the gang take her son on vacation with them so in February on the 20th my cousin's their roommate and entitled kids roommate are talking to little cousin to try and get a game plan together for the New York trip entitled kid hears his roommates phone call about planning the trip and then it goes as follows entitled kid um hey where are you going his roommate home to New York with the guys why can I come to please I think not why not I don't want you at my house or around my family and titled kid gets upset when his roommate goes to the room to hang with my cousins and their roommate entitled kid then follows the door is shut in his face let me in everyone tells him to go away and they proceed the plan for the vacation entitled kid then proceeds to say Let Me In or I'll get my mom everyone knows that his mom lives in another state so everyone was like go get her then the gang proceeded to plan the New York trip with entitled kid begging to be let in this proceeded for three hours and then his mom came she drove from the neck stayed over she knocked on the door they opened it and it went like this just so you know my older cousin didn't remember who entitled mom was at first because it had been a month since he had last seen her but her behavior soon jogged him around this time everyone was preparing to leave as they had made all of the final preparations elder cousin hello can I help you yes my son says you won't let him go to New York with you guys why won't you older cousin has this why me look on his face author cousin I'm sure that you remember our last conversation me my roommate and brother want nothing to do with your son the place where we're staying is entitled kids remains house and he has expressed that he doesn't want him to come entitled mom and kid look upset and she says that she can pay for her son to go if that's the problem then little cousin gets involved little cousin look it doesn't matter that you can pay for him to go we just don't want him to go entitled mom he is going don't you know who I am how dare you speak to me that way my son will be going with you on this trip and that's that then entitled kids roommate gets involved his roommate hey I don't want your kid in my house seriously he's been bothering me all semester and has made things harder for me I sure as heck don't want him near my family or my home entitled kid buts in with his attitude oMG why do you have to be so mean you spent all your time here and never invite me you have to let me come to make it up to me his roommate no I don't it's my house then entitled kid starts wailing and demands his mom let him go to New York with them older cousin with an annoyed and sarcastic voice says well nice seeing you again bye the game proceeds to lock up the room and bring the luggage down to the car everyone goes on one last bathroom break before they get on the road however little cousin didn't lock the car for those of you that know Fords have a keypad on the driver door to lock and unlock the car little cousin didn't press the buttons right and the car didn't lock when the game came back to the car entitled kid was in the back seat with his headphones on with his mom waving as she drives away it goes as follows roommate hey come back have fun in New York they realize that her kid has just been dumped on them and that they are stuck little cousin says that we should call security so older cousin does they explained on the phone but in mom dumped her kid on them and that they're bringing him over because he is not their responsibility entitled kid takes off his headphones and says come on already get this crap box 94 Crown Victoria and gear now the Security office is around half a mile from the dorms so for a while entitled kid had this look on his face like he had one when they pull up to the Security office his smirk disappears as both the captain of the school and the Dean were there the captain says you want to explain what you're doing in older cousin's car entitled kid is sweating bullets and nervously says I'm going on vacation my mom said I could the captain then says to them is this true everyone no his mom just demanded that we let him go she put him in and drove off the captain then orders entitled kid out of the car entitled kid then asks for older cousin to pop the trunk so he can get his bag out everyone just has this you got to be kidding look when he said that the Dean who I'm told is a very kind old man he gave entitled kid a very firm talking-to it went like this Dean in my 35 years I've never had to deal with a more petulant child than you I was lied on your punishment the first time that won't be the case this time your behavior is unacceptable you have put me in an impossible position the Dean and the captain take entitled kid away he was put on probation so that meant he couldn't participate in sports or other events was given 20 days detention doing landscaping and a security guard personally escorted him to and from classes all in all the gang had a pretty good vacation entitled mom did call entitled kids roommates phone to lay into everybody she was quickly blocked and they haven't heard from her since soccer mom is mad I fired her no show daughter we've got entitled soccer mom we've got her daughter who works under me and also play soccer she's 18 and we've got me so this takes place a few years back it was shortly before my store manager abruptly quit and I ended up running the store for a third of the year part of my role involved dealing with staffing issues at this Dress for Less store it is very hard to get fired for anything including being a no-show if you had two consecutive no-shows or three non-consecutive no-shows in a short period you could be let go for job abandonment you could call in all the time and still have a job and some did for a while but then you would get a lot fewer hours after that because we could not rely on you my boss was still making the schedule and he based it around the availability that was provided to him by staff so entitled kid had turned in her availability at the start of the semester and she was scheduled around that she had maybe one to two days a week scheduled on tops at this point she had not shown up for about two weeks leading to three non-consecutive days I worked that evening and tried to call her to get ahold of her on the second day of her not answering about three calls I decided to leave a voicemail I entitled kid this is OB at the retail store duty you having three consecutive days of not showing up for work we are going to attain your employment with us reach out to me if you have any questions thank you it was the script my company gave me I let the manager know and all was settled the next morning I opened the store and at the moment I was in the office getting some paperwork ready for the day the phone rang and I picked it up to an angry voice demanding to speak to me I politely said that I was me and how could I be of help she proceeded to yell at me how I ruined her daughter's day I stated that I did not know who she was referring to but that I do not recall doing anything today they could be looked at that way she then told me she was entitled kids mom and that what we did was unprofessional and horrible I told her that since her daughter is 18 I cannot go into details of her employment my daughter is just a kid she screamed legally that is not true I replied well you scheduled my daughter four times she cannot work and when she has school in practice so she should not be fired I calmly replied that we staff our store based on the availability that is provided to us and it is set in this system so that it will only allow that she said that is not true and her daughter is on a soccer scholarship at a local Community College I replied that is good for her but if she is scheduled to work and cannot she needs to be able to let us know as we do have a business to run my daughter is going to school honest soccer scholarship and she has to practice hard on soccer so you have to work around that she yelled we staff based on the availability we are provided and for staff to be employed here they do have to show up for their shifts I replied a little testily at this point she follows up with my daughter is going to school to get a much better job than you have in retail she is going to be a teacher I currently replied oh that's nice one of my degrees is in education and you work here she said demeaning Lee I too and luckily it pays about twice as much as a teacher makes so there is nothing in you that can talk down to me I replied angrily as I slammed down the phone the job market for teachers isn't good and I wasn't necessarily delighted with my career at the moment due to some life situations she called back immediately and I picked it up and when I heard it was her I hung up again she did not call back after don't tell me what color to wear as I was growing up my fingernails got the worst end of chewing multiple times daily they and my cuticles were racked my mom had tried many times to break me out of the habit but it wasn't till I was 14 that I really put my mind to it and tried to stop it was hit or should I say bid or miss for several months when I had the chewing under control my mom was really invested in helping me maintain it we went shopping and she let me pick out the colors of several bottles of nail polish this was in the 70s yeah I know way back in the dinosaur era vibrant colors had just become popular and I chose pastel shades of blue green and yellow my mother spent a couple of hours on a Sunday giving me a manicure and used the green shade of polish they were so beautiful and I vowed never to chew my nails again at this point in time I was a sophomore in high school I didn't have many friends and I usually walk the campus alone a couple of days after my nails had been painted green I was stopped as I was walking to class by one of the mean girls in her group she who was a senior said I heard you're wearing green nail polish let me see your hands I'd timidly held them out because the rumors about this girl weren't exactly glowing she looked at my nails and said where did you get the Polish and what made you think you could wear it to school I told her my mother had bought it for me and there weren't any school rules saying I couldn't well I didn't say you could and you'd better not wear it again I was genuinely scared because of her reputation who was she to tell me what to do but I wasn't looking forward to her beating me up either that night I said goodnight to my parents went to my room and sadly reluctantly removed the Polish the next day about halfway through the day I was again spotted by mean girl as always with her mean girl crew she demanded to see my hands and I told her I wasn't wearing green nail polish she reached out and grabbed my arm pulling my hand up she said what did I tell you I replied you said you didn't want to see the green polish you never said anything about blue mean girl quickly let go of my arm and I really don't remember what she said all I knew was I was alive and in one piece for the remainder of her last year at the high school she would give me dirty looks but never again spoke to me middle school mischief so when I was the bell at 12 my best friend and I started being allowed to go to the mall by ourselves I had a cell phone and as long as we stayed together my best friend had a super strict mother who was way too obsessed with making her a mini adult while letting her other siblings do pretty much whatever they wanted well this was back in the early 2000s where hot topic was still dark and scary but was one of the few places to get anime merchandise this started a few weeks before my best friend's birthday and my mom had dropped us off so I could get an idea of what to get best friend for her birthday so we are walking around hot topic and looking at the Naruto stuff when I see a graphic t-shirt with her favorite character on it me hey best friend look you should get this best friend oh I'm not allowed to have graphic t-shirts I was confused it was just a t-shirt it didn't have anything bad on it like some of those other ones it was a ninja and a silly pose it didn't even have a weapon me why aren't you allowed to have t-shirts friend mom says I have to always dress like I would for work and graphic t-shirts aren't appropriate I really don't like my friend's mom and honestly he thought she was dumb because we were 12 no one is looking for a 12 year old to manage their our dealership we go around the mall the rest of the day and every time she sees these shirts with our favorite characters on them I can tell she wants them but she can't buy them at one point I convinced her to text her mom and ask about a cute tank top she wanted with Pikachu on it and told her she could wear to the gym nope big mistake her mom flipped she showed me the texts and well they weren't nice I was furious and then came the fatal texts I forbid you to buy those shirts you look like a slob like Opie oh now it was on so we went home and I was still stewing we never told best friend's mom that I saw that message and I didn't dare tell my mom but I thought about my dad and thought about all the things he has done to take people off who were rude to him like that with malicious compliance and mischief ding I then remembered the key words in the text when it came time for me to buy a present for my friend I bought her all those shirts that we had seen and a few more I knew she would love and wrapped them in a gift box fast forward to the party best friend is opening her gift and gets to mine she opens the box and sees all the shirts I got her and her eyes go wide instantly her mom is ticked I can see it through her forced smile because I know her mom is far too polite to deny her the gift I also knew just what to say to get her not to chuck them in the trash immediately after the party me my mom and I thought they were adorable and now we match now she knew my mom would expect to see them as well later when we were away from her mom we laughed a bit about it and she asked me why I got them I reminded her that she was forbidden to buy the shirts not me for years afterwards this was our system for getting around the rules to avoid this getting any longer here's a quick list of other issues we got around in a similar way and yes I either heard her mom say these things or read them through texts you have too many books you can't buy anymore I bought her a gift card to a giant book shop that no longer exists you can't buy comic books they'll rot your brain bought her about $50 worth of comics Dungeons & Dragons is evil don't you dare buy those books cool bought her the handbook a set of dice and some minis so yeah her mom would get super irritated with me but she also still liked me I think she likes me but because she was super religious didn't like how I was being raised because I was a good friend and she thought I was innocent in all her lectures about this stuff I would never buy her anything that was actually bad just things that were harmless and made her happy my dad might have also helped in this as well by buying us our first convention tickets when he heard her mom say that those conventions were for freaks and overweight nerds which he took as a jab at me I'm not super skinny but not fat either and also helped us get our costumes together for the convention because her mom refused have you ever gone to a convention of any sort if not do you think you ever would please let me know I'd really love to hear from you and shout outs to our region of the day bailius King juggernaut a tea and just a random Bigfoot with internet access become tomorrow's Regenerist by leaving as many reasons you can in the comments below and please listen to my playlist every night when you go to sleep
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 121,204
Rating: 4.9195018 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: lhHkOd6p1ZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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