r/IDOWorkHereLady - Karen Thinks She Is Owner Of This Place. She Got Fired Immediately From Her Job

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welcome to our slash I do work here lady where we share stories about employees that are mistaken for customers and the first story is Queen Karen of house dum-dum long may she reign some backstory I'm a banker but due to this whole Cove at nineteen situation I work at a different location than my usual branch I live in New York and banking is still considered an essential service so what my bank did was temporarily closed the majority of the branches in my area and those that are remaining open are open in two shifts team a monday to wednesday team b my team thursday to saturday also we now close at 3:00 p.m. instead of 5:00 p.m. and the dress code suit and tie is no longer enforced right now I don't really do all my normal duties so the majority of my day is just servicing clients ordering new debit cards helping set up online banking etc we're also instructed to do servicing through appointment only so people won't be sitting and waiting there I also have to do traffic control the teller line still gets pretty busy and we can't have more than a couple people inside the branch at any one time so I asked them to wait outside online until it's their turn towards the end of the day around 2:30 I step out of the branch for a moment to take a few pulls in my vape when a middle-aged woman walks past the line and enters the branch I respectfully come up to her and tell her ma'am I apologize but there's a line outside for those who are waiting to do a transaction she just looks at me and walks away from me and sits herself down in my office by my office I mean my workstation since I'm just at that branch temporarily and only on Thursdays Fridays and Saturdays but I've been working from that office for almost a month at this point so let's just call it my office I walk in after her and ask her what she needed help with she just looks at me and tells me to leave I explained that I work here and this is my office or at least I tried to she gets up and comes to the teller and tells her that I'm harassing her because I think that she skipped the line makes a big thing out of it the teller had my back and did confirm that I did work there and that was my office she was expecting to see the person who usually sits in that office but he only works Monday through Wednesday now I asked her again what she needed help with normally I would explain the whole situation on how it's by appointment only now but tensions were already high and we are trained to de-escalate when we can so I thought if it was something small I can just quickly help her and not make things any worse what next I will never forget for the rest of my life she sat down in my office and told me that she needed a new debit card sounds simple enough right wrong I asked her for her ID since we can't change add or order anything on behalf of the customer without verifying their identity she said she left it at home and that I didn't need her ID since she's a regular customer I apologized and said I can't do anything without ID she then flipped out saying I don't know what I'm talking about that she doesn't want to deal with me etc bankers are allowed to help without ID only if they've had a consistent relationship with the customer for every year which the other guy probably did so never ask for ID she then went on to scream how I don't know who I am dealing with she has a lot of money here she can have me fired she demands that I do what she tells me I'm a bit frustrated at this point but I'm still at work so I still acted professionally as best as I could I didn't want to get into it with her and I just told her I'm sorry but my hands are tied she walks out of my office sits down on the chair outside and starts waiting for another banker I try to explain to her he's busy with another customer and it's appointment only but she won't let me get a word out I pull that co-worker out of that meeting with his client and Jiri confirms that she needs ID and couldn't wait there she just stands up and walks out now at the beginning of this story I want to remind you that that all happened after 2:30 p.m. and we closed at 3:00 p.m. by the time she stormed out it was closer to 2:50 p.m. after she stormed out and my coworker and tellers wrapped up we spoke a bit about it and they told me she's always like that before we knew it it was 3:00 p.m. and we began closing the branch including rolling down the gate at around 3:30 p.m. as the majority of my co-workers have finished their end of day procedures and have left it was just me and a teller there finishing up next thing we know queen Karen is back banging on the gate she demands I opened the gate she got her ID and she needs a new debit card I tell her I'm sorry but the security system is on I can't turn on the computers and open the gate I tell her we're closed she screams at me saying no you idiot you close at 5:00 p.m. it's only 3:30 p.m. I tell her we changed the hours of all open branches a month ago and there's a sign in the door of the lobby and on the walls around where she's standing to cheer the new hours I told her she can come in on Monday when the banker that knows her will be here and she can get done anything she needs she then goes on to curse my life out and then picks up one of the small metallic garbage cans and starts throwing it at the gate over and over while cursing and saying she's going to kill me and burn this whole place down guys never do this in a bank the security that even the smallest bank has is no joke next thing you know the repeated throwing of the garbage can at the gate triggers our alarm which puts the bank on lockdown and calls the police the police arrives and our security team calls to advise us on the procedure a security rep speaks to one of the cops and says that we have footage of this woman damaging bank property trying to break in threatening arson and threatening the life of a bank employee this woman was mean and as crazy as she was got arrested and in tears was put in back of the police car which I kind of felt bad about but there are just some things a person should know not to do now this lady was definitely crazy but this is Corona 2020 and everyone's a little on edge I didn't want things to escalate this much but it was out of my hands I have no idea what happened to her or what she was actually charged with or whatever since I read that New York is dismissing certain cases as not to put people in jail to risk getting the virus I'm not sure if it's a felony doing what she did in a bank though which is a federally regulated institution what I do know is that we had to remain in the branch until our bank security team arrived I had to meet with HR over the phone and write an incident report and it just goes on I spent all today with HR as well I'm not in any trouble or anything since security footage backed up everything I said but this lady was something else she thought she was queen of the world F Bank property and rules and even the law she needed a new debit card and that was worth getting arrested for the second story is I do work there but I can't help you I was enjoying my day off from a busy dispatch center where I answer incoming calls and handle whatever comes my way this is just one division of the rather large EMS company where I worked I walked into my hairdressers for my scheduled appointment this winter Monday afternoon I was looking forward to getting my hair cut scalp massaged in just a little girl talk I walked in and greeted my hairdresser I was walking towards her station I realized they still add on my bulky winter sweater I turned back toward the coat rack and pulled my sweater over my head and hung it up as I was securing it to the hook a screeching voice comes out of the depth of the salon lady do you work for them me um excuse me I look down at my shirt and realized I was wearing one of many t-shirts that my company makes every year to commemorate the company during a week-long EMS week celebration this particular shirt happens to have the company's name in huge letters across the back GD it I think to myself as my head hangs just a bit and resolve me yes I do I should have said no but you know I was caught off guard lady well maybe you can answer a question for me me putting on my polite face because now I know I'm cornered I smiled my public smile and turn around me I'll try at this point she literally goes off she's asking me why an ambulance crew did something or didn't do something and why they would ignore what she was saying and just basically going off at me about a 911 call she was involved in this diatribe lasts about a minute where I'm just standing there on my day off in his salon waiting to get my hair cut there are so many snarky responses I want to give this woman but I've already admitted to where I work I don't need a public complaint filed against me she finally stops so I can speak and I politely inform er me I don't have an answer for you I don't work in that division he would need to speak to an ambulance division supervisor apparently this is not good enough she goes off again basically she's just repeating her previous rant in questions maybe she thinks by doing it again I'll be able to answer her questions not a chance in heck am I going to engage this crazy woman with the highlighting foil sticking out from her head after another minute I repeat what I originally said me I can't help you I don't work in that division I work in dispatch you need to talk to one of the ambulance division supervisors crazy lady but me I can't help you I break eye contact and walk over toward my hairdresser who's standing by her chair with her mouth hanging open as I sit down crazy lady starts up again only this time she's not asking me questions she's telling everyone in the salon how she thinks an ambulance crew should do things that she's sure to resolve a whole bunch of problems with her advice an insight that she's sharing my salon trip is ruined every time I try to start a conversation with my stylist this crazy lady interjects as though someone asked her or she's my friend lady let me tell you you're not my friend you don't know what the f you're talking about you managed to ruin my salon trip and pretty much my entire day off I won't wear that shirt in public again it's been moved to the PJ drawer the third story is from the other side this is told from the other side so it may not fit 100% in here also mobile yadda yadda background so a few years ago I was student at a dance studio I had been there about 1.5 years and was taking a bunch of classes so I started to volunteer there for credit usable for classes or dance nights one of my duties was the front desk during dance nights checking people in collecting payments answering questions making sure that people didn't go into the studio with their outside shoes etc now at the front desk we had a list of everyone who is allowed in for free this included staff who I knew all events specific VIPs performers bands DJs and teachers of other schools that had a program where any teacher of a studio in that program could go to any dance night in that program for free as far as I was aware the only person who was allowed in for free that wasn't on the list was the owner this story so one night I'm at the front desk when this gentleman comes in clearly not expecting to pay I asked him his name and it's not on the list at this point I tell him that the list isn't always 100% up to date so I would need an employee to vouch for him if I'm to let him in without paying I am alone at the desk with the cashbox so I can't go looking for someone he seemed surprised and starts looking around the studio from the front desk I thought he was looking for an employee but he seems to be looking at the walls okay maybe he's looking at the posters we have up of notable people in the field to pass the time 30 seconds to a minute later and the owner comes up and she greets him by name turns out he was the founder of the studio not only that but when he sold the studio to the current owner because he was moving country he sold her the majority but kept a minority of the company and became a silent partner so I had effectively told the founder and part owner of the studio that he wasn't allowed in his own studio he joked that they should put his photo up somewhere so the volunteers and new teachers would be able to recognize him and while I was assured that was an understandable mistake my face must have gone three different shades of red they never did end up putting his picture up but I was able to recognize him the next time he came to the studio about a year later and we were able to laugh about it the last story is Karen thinks I don't work here since I'm too young and dumb context medium sized beauty clinic Stud bloke Botox IV drip and aqua Noir my uncle is the owner and I worked in financing 22 male with a high a voice the story normally I'm used to people saying you look young to work here and stuff but we hired a new manager while I normally work from home and managed the stocks this Karen thought she was the highest level below my own she wasn't she was about third to the first manager so she asked to see our state in stocks and income and profits my uncle gives me a call and asked me to come in and show her I agree and come in wearing semi-formal clothing she sees me and says why are you here I reply I'm the person in charge of Finance just me haha she says no I'm too young and to get out or she'll call the police for trespassing the receptionist who is also new asks how much is it for a facelift I reply three thousand quid the manager says no it isn't it's two thousand quid these range from 2700 to 4500 quid the receptionist says I believe him more since he's been working longer and is the finance person for this place the Karen didn't give up so I called my uncle and I told him why did you hire this idiot and her do he replies only one I could get why I say she thinks she owns the place could you come over and tell her otherwise the Karen snatches the phone and it's like owner owner tell this brat to leave the premises my uncle snaps back that's my nephew you're talking about and this is the person you wanted so nothing big happened afterwards she just asked me about prices income and profits etc etc then about two months later she was fired for being abusive to employees by asking them to go to the shop for to get her coke the drink not the drug and stuff she also made employees stay overtime without paying which God found out when my uncle made a check up so she got immediately fired thank you for watching have a good day
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 194,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit IDWHL, r/idontworkherelady, i dont work here lady storiers, reddit i dont work here lady, i dont work here, mistaken for employee, idwhl reddit, funny reddit stories, mistaken employee, i do work here lady, r/idoworkherelady, i don't work here lady, idontworkherelady, i don't work here, /start, r/, #idontworkherelady, idwhl, i do work here, idoworkherelady, Employee, Karen, r/IDontWorkHereLady Karen, r/IDOWorkHereLady Karen, r/IDOWorkHereLady fired, Owner of this Place, fired, job
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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