r/MaliciousCompliance - I Do Work at my New Job and Oh I Quit!

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welcome to our slash malicious compliance where we share stories of people conforming to the letter but not the spirit of a request and today we have three good stories so subscribe hit the like button and here we go the first story is a much desert brick background I work nights at a small chain grocery store near me I have a full time job during the day and head over to this retail job at night and work 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. as a cashier most weeknights it's extremely slow I'm talking maybe two to three customers per hour after a p.m. and we were told that as long as there's no customers around or waiting to be cashed out you can be on your phone we always stay close to monitor our lanes and usually will notice anyone walking down and immediately assist them regardless all of the names in this had been changed so a typical Wednesday night it's about 8:45 p.m. and there's only a few customers walking around the store we have three cashiers two female one male me included a senior cashier female and a customer service manager also female on the front and the stocking staff who are mostly male throughout the store restocking the shelves most of the time we don't stand behind our registers waiting for people to walk up we kind of group up together and chat or lean up against one of the racks and do stuff on our phones in this particular scenario the only male front end employee was on cell check and was meticulously using scissors to trim the edges of ripped out coupons the dude's got odd hobbies I don't judge while the remaining staff all female were either chatting or on their phones I was reading a book on my phone all of a sudden one of the store managers Ted walks over to where most of us are congregated and asks us to come near him that conversation goes like this Ted hey guys we just got a complaint a customer said that she's tired of coming in here at night and seeing all the women on their phones and screwing around while all the men do the work she said that all the female employees ignored her when she had a question and that they should be put to work while the men get to take a break I explained the store policy about downtime but she apparently has only seen the female employees on their phone and claimed it's not a fair policy and should be changed to include all male employees me labra gasps dude what the heck is she talking about we were told that we're allowed to have our phones out if there's no people and nobody's come up and asked us anything most of the store staff aside from the front end is male so Ted I know but can you kind of be discreet I began to ask who she is but he cuts me off I'm not telling you who she is she wanted to remain anonymous most of us roll our eyes but not at him you could tell he didn't give a rat's patootie about what she had to say now while Ted didn't tell us who this complaining customer was there was only two people in the store at this time and one was a guy so process of elimination sure enough 15 minutes later Karen struts her way down my lane with her nose in the air and a satisfied smirk on her lips dropping all her groceries on the belt I give her the customer service voice and fake smile but I keep seeing her side I'm iPhone where it's sitting on the counter to my right where the receipt printer sits i cashier out she snatches the receipt and stomps out not saying a word but making sure to shoot my other female co-workers dirty looks as she leaves she's a repeat customer I've seen her in there quite a few times during my shifts at night and I recognize her is the same woman who consistently complains about only female staff which was confirmed by every female worker I asked after this happened almost every woman that works on the store floor me included has had at least one nasty run-in with her so I turned to my fellow employees and a grin spreads on my face it's on fast-forward about a week later Monday night I'm working my normal 6:00 to 10:00 shift but this time it's me - male cashiers a female senior cashier and a male front end manager all of the stalkers are male that night and are in on what I've been planning and waiting to execute I look up at around 9:00 p.m. and I see none other than Karen's strutting into the front of the store it's go time the front end manager hops on the walkie-talkie to all the stock and crew telling them that Special K is in the store immediately all of the stalkers drop whatever they're doing and pull out their phones leaning against the shelves while they play around even the one male employee at the deli got his phone out while his female co-worker was the only one helping customers it takes her a good 20 minutes to make her way through the store later I found out that she walked through almost every aisle and saw 6 out of 7 stock guys on their phones including the deli who all ignored her the second she rounds the corner to come up to the front with her purchases me and the senior female cashier both get to work heads down and cleaning registers neighboring ones that are open and trying not to laugh while the three male employees stand in a circle phones Karen walks down one of the lanes and drops her stuff but none of my male associates pay her any attention she clears her throat and turns to Savannah my co-worker who is cleaning the lane next to the one she's standing at and I can hear a clear as day Karen excuse me can someone ring up my items Savannah in her most exaggerated customer service voice I'm so sorry miss I'm cleaning like I'm supposed to one of the guys is on that register she points to the group of male employees who all look up from their phones in blink at her Erik the brave one of the group and who just so happens to be on that register just smiles at her and says I'll be right there we're taking a much-deserved break and looks back down its phone this woman starts stammering and ranting about how this is unacceptable but the men in this store have always been so helpful she demands to see a manager who also happens to be female that night and in on our plan Nick the customer service manager tells her with a straight face that emily is currently unloading one of the trucks in the back and can't leave the merchandise but he'd be glad to provide her the customer service number if she'd like to make a complaint she accepts that and he hands her one of the business cards with the number on it I give them a cut-off signal in the charade ends and Erik walks over and begins cashing around the same bright smile on his face karen is grumbling under her breath about how abnormally rude the employees have been when Erik answered the receipt he looks her dead in the eye and goes for the kill shot well ma'am we're just making sure that all of the men get their deserved breaks while the ladies see the work her face turns red and her expression drops as she quickly grabs her bags and rushes out of the store I haven't seen her since and she never called the customer service number to complain the second story is just doing my job as things fall apart I worked at a bookstore in the cafe we got a new cafe manager that was completely clueless myself and another person were the most senior in the cafe I worked more hours than the other guy so we took over a lot of the managers workload she had never worked in any form of food service and never was properly trained she had no idea how to do inventory ordered a bunch of wrong stuff that we couldn't sell it was a hot mess so we stepped in when she nearly had a breakdown she was clueless when it came to use a computer the bookstore got a new manager and she was a hard a and like to micromanage everything especially the cafe as this was her past position in another store she came in and tried to do an overhaul of the cafe asking all sorts of questions that the cafe manager couldn't answer basically I did all the talking as I was doing the manager's job in all honesty I didn't mind it I like to work hard and I wanted to work full-time I thought this could be my chance new manager wasn't pleased with any of it and thought I took over the cafe because I was bossy no be an incompetent person was hired and couldn't find her a with both hands I was told flat-out do your job ok no problem I showed up on time did my work within the parameters of the job description no more inventory assistants other than the basic counting no more ordering or keeping track of what sold best etc no more merchandising or updating the shadow boxes no more helping do the cafe schedule I just did my job like I was told place was clean and tidy as always customers were helped display case was always filled with product tables were bust and coffee crafts were always filled but we ran out of things like milk chocolate to make mochas coffee sleeves she ordered way more product than our fridge and freezer could hold also a bunch of stuff that we had ordered before that never sold but she liked it so that's why she ordered it four boxes of loose jelly beans instead of the package kind which we couldn't return because she opened all four boxes inventory was counted but not entered into the system that was her job merchandise in the shadow boxes wasn't changed within a month the store manager came in and did another inspection and she was horrified things on my end regarding my job description was on point but when it came to the overall management of the cafe nothing was in order store manager turned to me asking why things were slipping through the cracks why we had over 800 medium cups but no lids what's with all the brand muffins in the fridge how come none of the inventory was in the system why the merchandise didn't reflect the theme of the month for the store or the specific holiday that month how comes certain local vendors had not been paid I simply stated I was told to do my job and those responsibilities do not fall in my job description she was none too pleased two weeks later I got reassigned to the bookstore registers and a bunch of newbies took over oh lordy regular customers were complaining left and right and would come up to me asking what the hell is going on a few weeks later I got a call to ask if I could come in and take a shift in the cafe as two people called out sick and I was trained to do the work sorry but that's not in my new job description Jean wasn't happy a few days after that I got a new job decided instead of giving notice I just didn't show up manager called asking where I was I said working at my new job and oh I quit she said you have to give notice well you never gave me notice about switching my job so this is the best you're gonna get people don't quit jobs they quit managers the last story is don't sue we'll let you come onto our property to fix your sewer line the house I grew up in was built on the side of a hill great views but the geography posed some challenges for the city utilities sewage in particular their solution was to put all the houses on the hill and what was called a shared line essentially one big pipe ran through all of our backyards just below the houses basements effluent would flow out from the houses into the shared pipe and then down the hill to the city sewer line by the bottommost house when we moved in we were at the highest point that it was possible to build on and still be part of that shared sewer line but a few years later someone brought a lot just over the crest of the hill and linked up with ours without being part of the planned community that had an HOA that took care of the sewer line among other things and in fact they did so without the HOAs approval and so for the next two decades my family would be the subject of near constant harassment over the state of the sewer their end of the line was lower than ours by just enough that it would stop flowing in clogged often backing up into their basement bathroom and shower they'd accuse us of diverting our effluent to their line because I guess we were some kind of plumbing wizards now the reason nobody built a house on that part of the hill during the original development was that the soil was unstable something hydrology related sure enough over the years that house would occasionally separate from the hill and slide down a couple of inches but our neighbors had connections in the code enforcement agency so the place never got condemned like it should be they just had to shore it up and reconnect all the utilities the thing is the further down the house moved the steeper the negative incline was from their sewer connection to our junction box making the clogs and backups even worse at one point it got so bad that their sewer barely flowed some days it got completely clogged somehow this was our fault they spent the next year calling us every time they tried to flush a toilet an SH came out in their downstairs shower they called a plumber who said they had to redo their part of the shared line and to do it they'd have to bust through our two-story masonry wall so they could get a backhoe onto our property and dig out the line of course we had issues with this we said no you will not come onto our property and tear it up with a big a piece of construction equipment hires human laborers or something but instead they hired lawyers who started slinging paper around according to them we were in violation of state law that specifically gave an implied easement granting a homeowner access through another's property to maintain their own so we hired lawyers of our own who said that we basically had a choice we could win the case but pay a ton of money or just let it happen either way we'd be screwed but they pointed out one important fact that twenty-year-old masonry wall wasn't in the greatest of shape anyway so a few months later we presented them with a bill for $75,000 for the rebuilding of the wall installation of a new set of stairs replacement of the entire wrought iron fence that had separated the two properties resaw ting replacement of ornamental plants and shrubs and some minor repairs to our sewer which they had worked up while relaying their pipes I'm not a general contractor but my guess is that they could have hired pick and shovel labor to dig out that pipe and replace it with a new one for a fraction of that price but no they had to have a giant caterpillar tread machine do it they balked but then we handed them a Xerox copy of the letter that their lorries had sent us with pursuant to paragraph bla bla of the common code of blah blah blah citing the next paragraph which stated that the person using the easement was 100% responsible for any damage that might be cause they still balked but my parents put a lien on their property that stayed there to the day they tried to sell at which point they had to pay up or the purchasers creditors wouldn't underwrite a mortgage I think they had to pay interest too but I'm not 100% sure about that thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe and have a good day
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Views: 132,465
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Keywords: reddit, r/, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, reddit stories, reddit post, reddit posts, reddit cringe, maliciouscompliance, Malicious Compliance Stories, stories, /Start, r/idoworkherelady, r/maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit MaliciousCompliance, reddit malicious compliance, I Quit, r/MaliciousCompliance quit, Job, quit job, work, I Do Work here, I Do Work
Id: LYmQJuoX_1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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