r/entitledparents | "YOU CAN'T ENTER MY HOUSE"

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hey everybody welcome back to the storytime channel my name is Stephen and let's get into our stories of the day entitled parent tries to enter my apartment to measure the bedroom so this happened three years ago I was renting a basement apartment that I loved my landlords were great aunt and uncle of my childhood friend and I lived there for three and a half years halfway through they told me they wanted to solve a place but probably not that soon since the husband was working on a commercial ship nine months at a time I just asked them to tell me when they decided to sell anyway 13 to 14 months pass and they decide to start the process they introduced me to the Realtors everything gets sorted out up to this point everything is going great Realtors give me 24 hours notice before they bring buyers I can stay home during the showings or go about my business I have no complaints about them or my landlords throughout the entire process then one day I just got back from work and didn't feel like going out again Realtors came with a family of five or six it was announced I just forgot so I decided to stay family consisted of mother father adult daughter and two or three kids can't remember father was a piece of work now thing is I lived in a touristy town on the Mediterranean coast it was summer people try to pull all sorts of cons here entitled father says I know you said someone lived here but we hope to stay a couple of days to get the feel of the apartment realtor says um what this place isn't for rent hope he already lives here well I can't buy something just like that but okay obviously we can't stay the night I say sorry no you can't I live here he moves on measures things left and right wondering out loud of their large wardrobe will fit into the bedroom how he wants to buy an apartment for his daughter cuz she wants to go to college here eventually they pack up and leave for the beach I saw them later Beatrice two minutes away from the apartment the next day there were no scheduled showings so I decided to do one thing everyone does when they live right next to the beach take a nap after work but before had even hit the pillow I hear someone coming down the stairs there were only two basement apartments and my neighbors went away for a week I get up and go for the door to spy but before I even made it halfway there someone rattles the doorknob and then 10 seconds later starts knocking I was really confused and freaked out I go to the door and lo and behold it's entitled father from yesterday I do not open my door who is it it's me in total father we were here yesterday what do you want I want to measure the space in the bedroom to see if my daughter's wardrobe will fit no you're not getting in but I can't buy the place if I don't know it's for my daughter then call the realtor they have all the measurements on file I'm not letting you in I'll bar this place and evict you good luck I have three months left on the lease and you can't do shoot about that my landlords told me that at the place sells before my lease is up contract with state I can't be evicted before my lease is up I already had a place lined up entitled father starts cussing out and I hear him go away I called the landlords and Realtors after that they were all mortified and worried someone like that just came to my place try to let himself in and threatened to evict me entitled father did not buy the apartment after all because landlords refused to ever deal with him again Realtors told them it was sold to this day I believe their plan was to find a place to crash at for a few days for a free vacation under the pretext of buying the place for their daughter I still had to improvise webcams around the apartment to keep an eye on it while I was at work for the remainder of my stay there I spent the entire summer not feeling safe in my home honestly given the situation I think Opie was actually on the nicer side of things if you were living in this apartment an entitled father showed up rat of a doorknob and was trying to get in to measure the bedroom what would you say to them let me know in the comment section down below the time and entitled mother tried to drown me in sauce fairly literally so are slash asked credit has a thread about the tackiest thing you ever saw at a wedding and I was reminded of this fun incident from the three months I worked catering worst of all my food service jobs by the way so campus catering rarely did weddings and honestly the food we made was so bad and so poorly handled I'd think you'd want to avoid it but the father of the groom was a big name on campus so it was held on campus and we had a cater it I'm managing the entrees serving up terrible chicken in a thick congealed sauce and vegetarian pasta that's basically just a half but pasta primavera with cheap nasty oil on it seriously I love me some primavera and I wouldn't touch this garbage with a ten-foot pole we're winding down the last of the food is out in a few minutes we will put the main course away and set out the dessert course suddenly entitled brat appears he's about ten so he absolutely knows better than to do this he decides that it's going to be the funniest thing in the entire world to yank the tablecloth away seriously he was giggling the whole time so I knew something was up when I caught him with the edge of the tablecloth I moved fast kid don't even think about it it's going to end very badly entitled brat giggles more and starts pulling so I walk over take the tablecloth out of his hand and tell him to scram I go back behind the table smooth my apron and continue my awful job and that's when things went badly entitled mother says why did you chase my baby he wasn't doing anything wrong ma'am your child was about to pull the tablecloth down and it's my job to stop him if I don't I could be fired yes this happened to a colleague we are paying for this wedding don't you know who I am that's when I realized this was the mother of the bride ma'am I understand but there are lit and that was when she jumped across the table grabs my head and tried to force my face into the tray of sauce for the chicken a very hot tray heated by a lit sterno underneath I of course started hitting her and screaming the father of the groom came running over entitled dad comes running over the bride and groom come running my boss comes running entitled dad suddenly decides to try helping his wife try to shove my face into the sauce I start clawing at him too while the groom and his dad try to pry these people off me the bride screamed something like you promised you promised I'm not entirely sure here it was chaos my boss is standing off to one side like a potato all the while entitled brat is sitting off to the side laughing like this is the funniest thing he's ever seen in the end the table went over and was caught on fire from the sternos a fire extinguisher was employed and the wedding was basically ruined my boss pulled me aside while it prepared to file a police report boss says you can't talk to the police I say actually I can if you talk to the police I'll fire you that's illegal you can't do that boss says your choice I followed the police report and told them what my boss said he didn't fire me entitled mother and entitled dad pled guilty to misdemeanor assault the bride handed me a huge slice of cake because she was pretty sure my boss would steal my tips he did this sounds like an absolute nightmare already an awful place to work providing awful products and then having to deal with these awful people it's just every terrible checkbox checked off my baby sister nearly dies reason is an entitled mother so I'm from India and English isn't my first language so let's get to the cast eeehm is entitled mother and kay is nice kid pu was poor uncle me as me ms is my baby sister Arya my baby sister was born one and a half months before pregnancy and had a lung problem called bronchopulmonary dysplasia and she had a problem in breathing for an extensive period we have a nurse living with us for her my family has a rare kind of Karen who being poor acts like a rich person and always irritates other people with her lifestyle stories she once tried to buy a 50 to $60,000 car by her husband's account a day after her husband's mother's death but my uncle was in a poor state and canceled the car and didn't say anything she has done the same thing with several purses shoes cosmetics etc despite the fact that my uncle makes sixteen an hour and she doesn't work living in a ten people family that poor guy is also working weekend jobs at fast-food joints just to chip in more so my sister's first birthday came and we had a party do mind our side of the family makes a lot of money thanks to my grandfather and my father's hard work and planned a grand pool party Aria was in the house while we partied outside with low music so that she doesn't get scared and cry the entitled mother came with nice kid and poor uncle G was mind blowing ly crazy shouting loudly after being called to stop several times she was vegan but we all were not so she sat inside the nurse brought Aria for a night bath her towel was lying on the kitchen table which entitled mother was using as a tissue so during arias bath the nurse called for someone an entitled mother came to her the nurse told her that she was going to bring a towel so if she could just take care of her it'll be appreciated the nurse went to Arya's room to get her a towel the entitled mother mysteriously wanted more food crazy woman couldn't have waited for a few minutes and left Aria in her tub and went to grab some food the nurse couldn't find any towels so she went outside to ask my mother as she is the one who washes the laundry she went to my mother and while asking her she spotted the entitled mother and the convo went as follows there says hey uh what are you doing here who's with Aria entitled mother says oh sorry I just came here to grab some food so who is there with aria at this point her wristband connected to arias baby breathing monitoring band started vibrating entitled mother says I couldn't find anyone it has not been so long she is one years old she doesn't need someone for a bath I was serving her food I threw her plate as I saw the nurse running inside and I too came inside to see Aria coughing and slapping with her head mostly in water I called an ambulance while she gave blows on her back and gave her chest compressions the ambulance came in loaded Aria while I the nurse and many other guests were crying my father and poor uncle went to the hospital while nice kid cried loudly saying sorry and was so scared entitled mother was making confused faces all around the party my mother was sitting on the bench crying her eyes out when entitled mother came to her and asked what happened I just finished my food inside I heard an ambulance his nice kid and poor uncle okay my mother was trying to hit her but me and other guests were trying to stop her everyone was so disgusted at her that they didn't even utter a word after that a lot of things happened which I cut to shorter form we put charges on her she lost poor uncle and entitled mother got a divorce poor uncle got the custody I don't know about the charges but she got a lot of years in jail plus a lot of community service that included the money she stole from poor uncle's account you might think what happened to aria she is now seven disease free and we are all grateful for it poor uncle got a better job and nice kid and I are good friends well a good end is what matters I'm glad that the entitled mother was brought to justice I'm glad Aria is okay and fine and doing well now and I'm glad everybody else is all in a good position entitled dad picks on teen girls because he's intimidated by bouncer I am a hostess at an outdoor beer garden we are open to families during the day but in the evening everything becomes 21 plus yesterday a couple came to eat with their toddler for lunch who was screaming and crying before they even walked in as the hosting team we made sure to seat the family at a low top table with seats with backs to accommodate their child because we are nice and thoughtful hostesses apparently the couple that their child run around the restaurant and make a mess with the gravel on the ground and the bouncer asks the couple to please keep their child seated he even referenced the signs on the wall stating children must they seat it naturally the couple gets angry and decides to leave on their way out they march around to the hosting table and start berating us hi I think you guys did a great job as hostesses you were nice and all but I have a suggestion just a suggestion we came to this restaurant because it's kid-friendly and we wanted to just have a good time but that man told us our kid can't run around and have fun how was the kid supposed to stay seated in a place like this that's made for kids to run around myself and other hosts visible confusion you should have told us beforehand that our child wouldn't be able to run around when you see that someone has a child you need to inform them of the rules before seating down I'm just trying to make a suggestion for you guys to help you do a better job next time because now our experience was ruined and that's why we decided to leave and then the man just walks away and the three of us were just left confused and pissed off like one I think I know how to do my job it's not your fault you can't control your child in public too this is a bar it is not exactly family-friendly we just tolerate children during the day three it's not my fault you're so insecure as a grown man that you have to take out your anger on three 19 year-olds because the big scary bouncer told you to control your snot Goblin huh yeah I don't know what this dad was thinking but a beer garden bringing your kids you better be well aware that your kids need to be behaved in a place like this entitled mother steals from tiny 7 year old when my grandma was 7 in 1954 she and her five siblings had newspaper routes as they were an impoverished Irish Catholic family once a week she and her sister would go collect from the various customer they lived in a very cold climate and due to their financial situation they didn't have proper winter clothing they each usually made a dollar a week which their mother kept an iron fist over to put in the bank to teach responsibility but if they were given a cash tip they would spend it at the dime store on chocolate bars to keep warm and get a slight energy boost on their routes on one of these routes my grandmother who even now is small but at seven was the size of a modern four to five year old when to collect from who we shall refer to as entitled mother or e/m or as my grande calls er the Karen of the 50s brandman octan entitled mothers door an entitled mother greeted her with a very obvious fake smile I'm going to pay you with a $20 bill I'd like you to count up the change first Ranma preceded the count of the change owed before receiving the twenty on request of entitled mother let me check your math dear grandma hands over the huge amount of change requested entitled mother pretends to count it okay have a nice day dear goodbye entitled mother proceeds to put her hands on grandma to push her out of the house grandma says but what about my 20 entitled mother now angry I gave it to you dear grandma opens her bag and shows she was never given the twenty no I gave it to you pushes grandma out of the house and slams the door in her face at this point grandma is sobbing because she knows it will come out of her older brothers paycheck and they'll be working for free when they needed that money for groceries grandma dried her tears and collected from the rest of the customers before solemnly going home after explaining to Gran's mother and father what had happened her father went over and knocked in the woman's door explaining that cheating a child out of grocery money was not okay and to please do the right thing entitled mother slammed the door in his face grandfather went home and comforted gran and told her he would make it right due to religious beliefs normally they would endure and turn the other cheek but grandfather was not okay with entitled mother treating a child like that he would have felt any child treated like that when grandfather made a promise he captained the next Monday he informed little gran that she would no longer be delivering the paper to entitled mother in fact the only other newspaper wasn't delivering to her either as nobody trusts a child cheater and then Gran's father got a gleam in his eye and he smiled at grand grandfather said on your route you'll probably notice that unfortunately somebody's put a brick through mrs. entitled mother's giant picture window from then on entitled mother couldn't get anyone to deliver a paper to her as word spread in a tight-knit community like that and from then on she had to walk to the store and pay slightly more for her morning paper this was a big deal back then no regular person had a TV you had your paper and your radio gran learned young that in some situations you should have compassion for those who wronged you but in a situation like this where it's obviously going to continue and harm others it's societally important to correct egregious behavior just so everyone's aware the entitled mother was not poor or impoverished like Gran's family she had money and could afford nice things she was just entitled it's good to see that even an upstanding religious man like Gran's father when faced with a situation where somebody's cheating a child out of something that they need for their livelihood that they go beyond and above and do what's right entitled mother shames me for stepping out of a crowded elevator background an Australia our elevators are limited to two people per lift unless you are from the same household then you can catch an elevator by yourself there encouraging everyone to use escalators unless they physically cannot I have an invisible disability and also have massive anxiety about going down escalators unless they're the ones without stairs so I push the button on the lift it arrives and I hop in along with random girl as the doors are closing entitled mother and her kids open the door and jump in I say you are only allowed two people per lift entitled mother says children don't count yes they do entitled mother cuts me off and waves to random family momdad stroller and three kids hop in there's plenty of room I say I'm sorry but no there is not random girl and I were here first and these signs all say to people only oh my god it's not that big of a deal I hop out of the elevator as I say I'm just not comfortable with this random family offers me a sympathetic look and says no thank you we will wait for the next lift to entitled mother angrily shouting hence Whitecaps it's not that big of a deal it's just an elevator just get in there's only three cases in state she's making a huge deal about nothing and now I feel guilty for being in an elevator random family walks away shaking their head and she looks at me as I wait for the next one well are you coming she demands to know I shake my head and tell her that I'll wait for the next one and she offers a giant sigh in turns to her kids who have been silent this entire time some people just freak out over nothing I saw her later in the store snapping at someone for sneezing near her kid one sneeze I so desperately wanted to say some people just freak out over nothing but I sadly am NOT that courageous and I had nobody else to say it to so I would have been saying it to the air oh how I've been into situations in the past where I wish I could have said that for a lack a better word zinger but it wouldn't have made any sense because either the people around me wouldn't understand the context or there just wasn't anybody to talk to but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories is your personal favorite of the day and why let me know which story and why in the comment section down below and thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the storytime Channel today if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video from the storytime channel thank you all again so very much for watching and listening to this storytime channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 49,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: k_BlYFyDs6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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