r/EntitledParents ENTITLED FAMILY AT MY RESTAURANT! | r/EntitledParents Top Posts All Time

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hey there mister read it here welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parents stories our first story we'll be reading today entitled mom tries every dessert at a restaurant then tries to get her meal for free after that mega Karen thinks she is special because she has a ten dollar reward program after that I demand you pay for or steal the snacks for my kid's birthday party and after that are you deaf you lazy jerk let me know that you're not a lazy jerk by smashing that like button and if you're new please subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and if you want Karen to read your script for you visit mr. edit on fiver link below entitled mom tries every dessert at a restaurant then tries to get her meal for free this happened while I was being trained as a waitress at school I go to a vocational school and if you don't know what that is look it up so let's say two years ago my senior trainer let's call her CC and I had two squares and around squares see four people and rounds typically seat seven the restaurant closes at 1:00 p.m. so at 12:45 entitled mom and her kid the kid was actually really sweet so we'll just call him kid entered the host brought them to a small two-person table on one side of the room but then entitled mom said that the table was too small and insisted on having a round for her and her kid to share the host politely told entitled mom that we weren't allowed to see parties of two who had a round table min for seven so with a mutter of a few squares or more the pair moved to my table business went around as usual Cece introduced herself and I said that I was only there for observation that's when entitled mom made her first of many comments towards us on she was little old to be trained you should already know what you're doing at the time I was only 15 and had been in shop for only a few months not to mention it was my first time in the dining room Cece explained why I was being trained entitled mom just rolled her eyes and ordered a sandwich while kid just ordered a salad it towards dessert time Cece had to take another tables order so she sent me to ask entitled mom and kid if they would like anything else the conversation that follows is similar to the one we had me will there be any dessert today ladies entitled mom see I knew you were just using your little friends so you didn't have to do any work kid mom please entitled mom just get doesn't menu and take these plates out of the way at the time I was a very shy sophomore so I didn't bother saying something I quietly grabbed their plates and then headed them a menu when Cece came back they decided to order dessert the mother claims she was on a diet so kid ordered a chocolate banana mousse so Cece typed it in and a few minutes later placed the mousse on the table typically we wait to bring over the check when they're either 3/4 of the way done or fully done with their dessert but we barely got around the corner when entitled mom waved us down again I don't like it take it back and off my deal she took the mousse from her kid and gave it back to us Cece I'm sorry is there anything else I can get you entitled mom get me the rice pudding please keep in mind that this was not her dessert this was her kids so we deleted the moves off her bill and got her the rice pudding she so desperately wanted this process repeated with the 10 other dessert items that were on our menu each one had a different excuse not enough caramel or I don't like chocolate meanwhile her poor kid was trying to eat her dessert without her mother changing it out for a new one before we know it we ran out of desserts my teacher aka my savior of the story we'll call her TS came over to me while Cece dealt with the entitled one ts had been watching entitled mom from the moment she walked through the doors she felt it was time to step in she walked over and told me to print the check the conversation that follows was the rudest thing a customer has ever said in our restaurant TS hello ma'am what seems to be the problem entitled mom what are you another one of those brat students no I'm TS the instructor of the dining room my students tell me that none of our desserts have satisfied you yeah they were all awful not to even mention this service was awful yo two students weren't even doing what I wanted I ordered a prime rib and I got a sandwich and her salad was cold I demand that my meal be free yes this mom demanded her meal be free because the service wasn't up to her expectations she came to a student-run restaurant at a school and expected things to fall right into her lap we have a sign hanging above the entrance that says the entire shop is student-run and to be patient and respectful to those working and learning this woman clearly did not understand that TS I'm sorry ma'am but I cannot give you your bill for free I watched you and you ate everything on your plate and didn't even order a prime rib entitled mom this is BS I came here with my daughter before she moves away and I can't even get an ounce of respect from a woman who claims to be a teacher not to mention the service here is crap I demand to speak with your employer this was when the kid jumped in I was later told she was a past student at my school kid mom it's a student-run restaurant things aren't going to be perfect salads are supposed to be cold and you order the sandwich in ate all of it without complaining please just give me the check so I can escape further embarrassment this shut entitled mah mahp on command I walked over and handed kid the check and ended the conversation with have a nice day entitled mom then stormed out and left her daughter with a 25 dollar bill the kid apologized for her mother's behavior and bought us a bag of cookies as an apology that was the last I saw of both of them next we've got make a Karen thinks she is special because she has a ten dollar rewards program okay so this is my first post on here so bear with me I'm also on mobile so buckle up folks the main cast we've got me got entitled mother and entitled kid I've never come in contact with an entitled parent until now recently the new Joker movie came out I decided to go to my local theater I was going to watch a joker movie alone it was pretty cold so I brought a jacket I also brought it to keep my spot when I go to get snacks the movie just came out last week as of this story so I went like an hour and a half early I was fifth in line keep in mind that this is an r-rated movie and kids should not watch this movie this will be important later I sat down and started looking at memes on reddit to pass the time so an hour passes enter entitled mom entitled mom an entitled kid walk in front of everyone I don't notice that first cuz I'm scrolling through reddit I hear the entitled mom grunt as she walks away with her son I'm not sure what happened but she went back in line in a huff I am a 17 year old male bold enough to watch r-rated movies on my own and I'm just a tad bit on the chubby side entitled mom sees this and walks in front of me I noticed right away this time around the conversation goes as follows me um excuse me ma'am what I'm sorry but the end of the line is back there and well I've been waiting here over an hour and you just cut everyone here well I have a rewards card I paid for this I paid for this I bet you don't even have enough money to afford this it's $10 per month and 5% off of everything me well that doesn't mean you get to cut everyone here we've been waiting here for a long time there's a lion for a reason ma'am excuse me I know what a line is I came to watch a movie with my son I graduated college I am a single mother how dare you speak to me like this me fine I'll get somebody else to move you entitled kid I bet you're not old enough to watch this entitled kid was like seven I walk out of line to talk to somebody who works there there's a few men in black suits and walkie-talkies standing by the line they usually do this for new and popular movies I tell them the situation and one of them walks over with me let's call him e4 employee employee ma'am I'm gonna have to ask you to step out of line and into the back entitled mom I am a Rewards member I am qualified to stand here what is it that you people can't understand entitled kid I want to watch the movie already I know sweetie I know see what you did you made him cry he's standing looks perfectly fine employee ma'am please go to the back of the line or we will have to ask you to leave entitled mom stays quiet for a second fine entitled mom and entitled kid walk to the back the movie theater opens then we start to walk in entitled mom starts following close behind me after pushing everyone else out of the way I take my seat in the second row I put my jacket down on the seat and walk out to get snacks I come back with a large coke popcorn and some candy I noticed that entitled mom has taken my seed I think no big deal I'll just sit somewhere else but I realize my jacket was on that seat I call the same employee and it continues as follows employee ma'am you are an Opie seed get up and move employee looks very annoyed and done with this this is my seat if this was his he should have left the jacket on it or something entitled kid dummy me but I did I left it on the seat I left it in a very noticeable ball-like shape I noticed my jacket is stuffed under entitled kid seat I take it me you tried to hide it really entitled mom what no must have fallen why would you accuse me of this well first it stuffed under your seat not in front and second how would it fall one seat to the right and titled mom turns a small shade of red employee ma'am I'm gonna have to ask you to leave what I'll get you fired I know the manager you should watch who you're talking to employee but I am the manager entitled mom turns bright red she starts yelling and cursing Animus she gets dragged out by two security guards employee apologizes for all of this and gives me a free month of the rewards program nice the movie goes on and it well earned it's our rating entitled kids should not watch this that was my first experience with a Karen I hope that I don't run into another one next we've got I demand you pay for or steal the snacks for my kid's birthday party background at the local movie theater you can host birthday parties for kids for free provided you come see a movie of course you have to contact the theater to let us know what movie you'll be seeing and at what time we then reserve the necessary amount of seats in the cafeteria so your party can take place after the movie you have to provide the snacks yourself and still need to pay for the drinks you order but you can hand us over your snacks usually cake our pancakes so we can put them in the fridge behind the bar and get everything ready on your table cake put on plates pancakes heated up etc by the time your movie is over also important my only other job or I had to regularly interact with customers was that my mom's pub I am always polite but when your mom is your boss you can afford to be a bit more crappy with rude customers it's a habit that's hard to break especially when you're still regularly helping out at your mom's pub the story so this happened a couple of years ago while I was still working in the local theatre it was during the winter break which is generally the busiest period of the year I had the cafeteria shift along with someone else before the first movie of the day played we had two sets of parents handover their snacks and we take their info booze party what movie how many people so we could have everything ready on time after the pre movie rush we start refilling the shelves to have everything restocked by break time this is when the person who works the register comes down to help us restock and informs us about the three birthday parties after the first movies I tell him that's odd we've only received the info for two parties luckily he remembered how many tickets he sold them and for what movie so we can have at least their tables ready they'll probably hand over their snacks during a break or get them out of their car after the movie happens from time to time boy was he wrong break time comes and goes and still nothing about our mystery party snacks we restock our shelves and get everything ready for the parties the first two parties came to watch the same movie so we put them in the same part of the cafeteria as we can close this part off to prevent other people from getting to their snacks the party's arrived recognize their respective snacks parents come to get some more drinks which we put on their tab and enjoy their kids respective party by this time the third party arrived at the cafeteria and we point them to their reserved tables this is also when people for the next batch of movies start arriving and ordering drinks and snacks so it's starting to get more busy after taking their seats the entitled mother walks up to the bar and orders 18 sodas these are half liter bottles at two point eight euros apiece she hands me a 100 euro bill and I give her back the change this is when the fun begins entitled mom excuse me but you seem to have made a mistake me sorry what seems to be the problem you didn't give me all my change me you ordered 18 sodas but that's fifty point four euros you gave me a hundred so I returned 49 point 6 shouldn't I get a discount it's my child's birthday party look how many people we brought no sorry ma'am at this point I turned to another customer as it was getting busy she scoffed went back to her table and I thought that was the end of it it wasn't ten minutes later and things had gotten really busy manager had sent someone extra to help out while I was hopping from customer to customer my colleague would only started working there that winter break tapped my shoulder and said she had a customer who demanded to talk to the person in charge as I was the person behind the bar who had worked there the longest and the manager was indisposed that was me I turned around and lo and behold entitled mother was there glaring at me me well what seems to be the problem what is taking you so long excuse me we've been waiting for over 50 minutes and you still haven't taken our order what are you talking about our food you took their orders points at other parties what are you coming to take ours ma'am we don't take orders or provide anything for your party for that matter you're supposed to bring your own snacks what that's BS how are we supposed to know that did you really think we would provide food for 18 people for free now if that's all I really need to get back to yo this will not do I demand you provide us with suitable snacks for my child to party it's what we were promised me still trying to be polite but dropping my customer service voice what do you want me to do lady abandon my shift to drive to the nearest supermarket and buy you some pancakes yes that would be adequate yeah gestures to the busy cafeteria not going to do that lady then take something of theirs points at other parties they obviously have enough and my child is a snacks on his party it's what he was promised one of the parents from these parties stood relatively nearby to order something important for later me so now you want me to steal from our customers I want you to provide me with the service I was promised tell you what I'm gonna do lady I'm getting back to work I turned and left to help take someone else's order she stomped off going on about how she had inform your manager and how he'll be sorry for this 15 minutes later and the rush had subsided the parents of the other parties had had most of their kids guests already picked up and had waited until it was less busy to pay their tabs while I was doing this my manager showed up with entitled mom in tow looking at me with a crap eating grin manager castle fist I have received a complaint from this woman that you refused to give them their snacks is this true I explained how I couldn't give them their snacks as they hadn't even handed them over or brought snacks in the first place manager ma'am is this true entitled mom stammering well yes but you should be more clear and that we're supposed to bring them ourselves also this man was incredibly rude to me at this point the father of one of the other parties from earlier jumped in he told my manager of how entitled mom made a bunch of outrageous demands including ordering me to steal their food and was incredibly rude to both me and my colleague he also told him how helpful I was with their party and how any perceived rudeness was just because I was hurrying up to get back to my other customers after this the entitled mom just fell silent and my manager basically told her to get her head out of her butt and leave the theater she sunk back to her seat and told her party to get ready to leave the parents of the other parties paid their tab and even gave us their leftover cake as a thank-you for our service the father made sure to say it loud enough so that entitled mom could hear it and winked at me we ate the cake during the evening break laughing about that entitled mom it tasted extra sweet to me edit since a lot of people seem curious about it I'm from Belgium the term pancakes seems to cause some duplicity but not the thick American pancakes you see in the movies with lots of syrup what I'm talking about is what in English would be called a [ __ ] pancakes is much closer to what we call them though hence my mistake apologies next we've got are you deaf you lazy jerk so I'm browsing the shelves at my local grocery store palling at the bread to check its softness and freshness as if I'm some sort of squirrel going through the leaves for that elusive tasty walnut when happened much like a squirrel I was oblivious to most of it and only learned of the full extent of the damage caused by Karen later I'm lost in the breed noticing differences and how each loaf feels when I squeeze them as if I'm gripping precious dinnerware I didn't want to ruin the bread for anyone else but I need to know how fresh they are the dates printed on the plastic wrapping aren't always legible and this puts the decision literally in my own hands as I continue I hear someone shouting from some distance away but I pay it no mind people yelling stores for all sorts of reasons I hear it again a bit louder and think to myself I'm glad I'm not any closer to that person like the victim and just about every horror movie ever made I had no idea that person was already coming closer to me with vicious intent I stroked two loaves of bread one in each hand and I'm deciding between them when someone is shouting right next to me I honestly don't know what was said but the shock of that volume level so close startled me like a house cat I naturally form a defensive posture when I feel threatened and I raised my arms and made a startling noise I don't like it when people come up behind or beside me and I don't notice I've been that way since I was a kid which is a longer story that I want to share here both loaves of bread go into the air as I put my hands up ready to defend myself against whatever demon from heck has ruined this grocery trip for me I see a gray-haired older woman with glasses who reminds me a lot of every stereotypical grandmother image you might see she's plump but not huge and waving a stubby finger at me I think maybe she's been scolding me for dodging the bread I'll just explain myself and walk away no real threat then I was wrong as I go to pick up the bread I dropped because of her the which does the needless and turns her whole volume up to ear-splitting and screams are you deaf you stupid lazy jerk at me never want to miss an opportunity to be smart once my ear stopped ringing I replied with no but I might be soon if you don't shut up her eyes burned with the fury of a thousand suns she reached out and grabbed my wrist my instinct kicked in with in a couple seconds I've got an old lady in a hammerlock just in time for a manager to come down the aisle she wails about the horrible employees at this store and acts far more hurt than she could possibly be claiming I attacked her out of nowhere and her arm was broken it wasn't and she'd be suing the store yep I believe I'm going to jail here but that was not to be apparently karen has caused a scene in the grocery store on other occasions this manager had been watching the video feed in the back following her every move around the store in anticipation of the fallout to come in her wake she turns her gale-force winds his direction still shouting about what I had done until the manager looks directly into her eyes and as calmly as the eye of the real hurricane says would you like me to call the police for you she straightens herself and says yes but then just as calmly and without taking his eyes from hers the manager says did you forget we have video again I thought you'd remember from the last time but we can check it if you'd like Karen lets loose a half grunt half scream and waddles away and out of the store faster than I thought possible the manager asks if I'm okay I'm surprised at the whole scenario but none the worse for wear still he offers me a store gift card for $10 and I accept it free bread for the win and shoutouts to our Regenerist of the day Raven Fox Micasa Gore Iain Joey Audra Jessie Spider tones captain and five nights at Freddy's boss become tomorrow's Regenerist by leaving as many reasons you can in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 77,489
Rating: 4.8980122 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: YrYcryvxOxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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