r/idontworkherelady | The RUDE Lady and The AWFUL Boss...

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hey everyone and welcome to story time my name is Jake and today we are gonna be looking at the subreddit our such I don't work here lady where people tell us their craziest stories on when they got mistaken for being an employee as somewhere they didn't work if you know around here please do hit subscribe down below so that you never miss out on another video but for now let's sit back relax and enjoy some reddit stories lady wants me to move a random person stuff off the beach I work as a swim instructor on a very busy beach and our office is based in a little Surf Shack on the edge of the beach the beach is really popular and if you don't get there before about 10:00 in the morning most days you can forget about getting a decent spot for your stuff so it was a little before 3:00 in the afternoon when a random woman came up to the surf shack and it looked like she was yelling but I was a little down the beach as I was wrapping up a class so I couldn't hear her I saw her and hurried over after all the students from the 2 o'clock class was safe on the beach I instructed the class to start bringing their boards up to the shack so I could put them away hi my name is Opie I'm one of the instructors here how can I help you finally I've been waiting forever I literally saw her arrive less than 20 seconds ago me customer service mode activated well I'm very sorry to hear that I was wrapping up a class and I'm the only one on duty right now I don't need the details are you helping me or not do you want to sign up for surfing lessons no do you want to rent some equipment no so what can I do for you help me deal with this she gestures to a few towels with a windbreaker buckets and spades a couple of bottles of drink a board bag everything you would need for a family day out at the beach I'd seen the family a belong to earlier Flay parents in their mid-30s and a couple of kids who didn't look older than 10 you want me to help me move it we're in there she points to the Surf Shack where the students are currently dumping their boards I think there's been a misunderstanding here this is a school not a storage unit stop asking questions and just help me move it she turns towards the staff and I realize she is one early 20s and not the mother nor daughter of this family and to carrying her own beach stuff do you know this family why would I because you want me to move their stuff either you know them or you're moving a stranger's stuff on the beach can you just shut up and do your job you're getting paid to help people not ask questions I'm getting paid to teach surfing not move people stuff well what am I meant to do all the good spots are taken look for another spa she stomps off after this and I thought it was over so I go inside to help the students with their boards but then maybe five minutes later I head back towards the door and there's a pile of beach stuff right outside the door I look over and sure enough the lady from earlier is lying on a beach towel in the exact same spot she'd indicated with the family's possessions bundled up and left for me to look after I didn't really see what else I could do after that I had to stay in the surf shack and keep an eye on the current class while waiting for the other one to arrive as I was the only person on duty plus now it was on the premises I figured it probably came under the surf shacks rule of us taking responsibility for lost or stolen items and I didn't want anything to get nicked I yelled to the lady but she was almost definitely pretending she Hemme the family came back a little while later ten or so minutes asking why some random woman in their Spa was saying I had their stuff and I gave it to them and explained they looked more confused than angry but I saw the dad go over to the lady and they exchanged what looked like some less than friendly dialogue while the mum thanked me for at least making sure best stuff didn't get stolen and she and the kids set off further up the beach I think there's a few things I could think of that I do in that situation I mean you've got all these resources right next year you got sand which might fall on her by accident you've got water which might go all over up by accident and then you've got seagulls which if helped with a little food could fly next to her an attacker you know just just a few things try to cheer up a friend but Mehta Karen instead I'm lucky enough to have never worked in retail or food service but I'm definitely one of the few so when I was in high school my good friend worked in a baskin-robbins for a while and during that time her father got into a terrible accident and passed away my friend was the type who needed to be occupied to keep going so she didn't let the devastation consume her which is a totally valid way to be so even though her boss was more than willing to give time off she insisted she work shifts as usual so I decided to go pay a visit near the end of a shift on a weekend with the intention of treating her to some ice cream and just be together as she clocked out on her co-worker clocked in to relieve her a little league soccer team walked in which I was told was fairly common on a weekend since there's a complex nearby we decided to Southside so the noise didn't bother us and in comes the Karen she walks into the store sees the line of peewee players being served and then walks right back outside and approaches the table where my danai are sitting my friend is still wearing her baskin-robbins sure naturally and the lady asks her why she's not working before she can even say anything Karen just goes on this angry tirade about how they need help in there and she needs to get her ice cream cake now and she's just so disgusted by how lazy teenagers are bla bla bla people like you should get wage cuts or get fired bla bla and then she asks to speak to the manager of course even though that wouldn't help her case at all but then my friend was just looking down at her lap and so I tried to tell Karen that her shift had just ended they were not short-staffed at all and it was simply bad luck with timing and I encouraged her to get the manager so we didn't have to deal with her anymore because I was sure from what I knew about her there would be absolutely no consequence for my friend Karen went back inside and from the window I could see she looked angry and the manager was not having any of her PS the kids looked kinda uncomfortable too so I assumed she was asked to leave because when she stormed back ow she shouted at us that she was never coming to this location ever again I sure hope she didn't good riddance so in the end all I did was make things worse for my friend even though it's not my fault if Karen's decide to be Karen's I still feel bad for it though last thing she needed was to be harassed and told she was being lazy I personally think they made it better by not getting the current to go in this even more angry tirade and saying just go to the manager I think it was the best case scenario there I did landscaping for a random landlord that thought I was a worker I was in New York doing some painting for my aunt and her real estate buddies they put me up in a really really nice brownstone that was within walking distance to all the jobs this thing was massive took up half a block and had a private courtyard in the center one afternoon I was taking a break I'm back at the brownstone relaxing in the courtyard I have a beater on black bandana dirty there's a couple landscaping guys coming in and out this old lady comes in she starts talking to one of the guys and then sees me she starts getting on my Park I don't remember exactly what she said but in a hard New York tone to the effect of get your butt up and do something if that's too hard for you to figure out here mow everything and get the weeds I'm Midwestern and polite so I don't argue I'm oh and I'm crabbing around getting the weeds out she comes back like thirty minutes later and a little bit softer starts chewing me out I don't pay you to sit around if you're not working I'm not going to pay you understand I said ma'am I don't believe I even work for you but I've been staying here so I don't mind doing some work in here she froze for like five seconds and asked are you the nephew to wrap it up she laughed I laughed she showed me some cool things about the building and was really nice well that guy was really polite and at first I was thinking oh she's a bit rude to be shouting at him but then I guess if she was paying this guy to do landscaping and he was sitting on his phone then I'd probably get mad as well finally got to tell a customer what we'd all been thinking a while back I was the server slash bartender at an upscale restaurant was dating another bartender and was good friends with two of the managers the owner was a pompous person but had two locations and was almost never at my location the other one was in the trendy part of town so of course he had to be seen there we had this one lady who loved to come to the bar she would tell anyone and everyone working that she was friends with the owner actually true and used that to treat everyone bad snapping fingers calling out hey you I need another drink all while bragging about the car she drove the presents that her boyfriend would give her since she was actually friends with the owner we just took care we knew she would get most if not all her tab comped and not tip so we just shuddered when she walked in she had to steady boyfriends and a third that seemed to rotate she was good-looking if you like fake pass we'll call her the entitled person when she was with a boyfriend she was only a bit horrible but when she was alone she would get really drunk and anger the other patrons or hit on the older man to the point they would leave affecting your tips all night it's one thing if I know it's just one tab I'm getting screwed on another thing entirely when you affect my whole night fast forward about eight months I left the job to go back to school full time but my girlfriend is still bartending there and I would go infrequently to have a meal on the cheap and a free beer or two one of these nights she shows up the lady snaps of my girlfriend I need another Chardonnay quick my girlfriend who is taking another customers food order I'll be right there in a minute the lady looks at me you you work here get me a drink me watching the game on TV and eating my dinner ignores her the lady gets in my face you I was talking to you get me my drink mom I don't work here anymore yes you do I see you working here all the time get me my drink don't you know who I am I know the owner I look at my girlfriend and give her a little smirk as if to say may I and she nods back I didn't want her to get into trouble but the friendly manager was working that night and the owner was nowhere to be found the Stars had aligned I don't work here and since I don't let me tell you what everyone who does work here thinks of you you are the singularly most obnoxious guest that walks through these doors we call you the entitle person behind your back you're a drunk a gold digger and a fake from head to toe we count down the minutes until you leave I turned to the boyfriend that's with her that night you know she has at least two other boyfriends right apparently no one has ever talked to her like this before and her jaw is on the floor you can see the hamster wheels spinning in her tiny brain and knowing the mess I have started sit back and take a long drink of my beer and prepare to get reamed out but before she can star her boyfriend goes what apparently he did not know about the other boyfriends so what I thought was going to be a runt filled butch ooing coming my way turned completely 180 on her he starts going off on her and the restaurant is dead silent listening to him ream her out how could she be sleeping around after all he is done for her cars condos presents after all that she was messing around on him he storms out and she runs after him that was one of the sweetest beers of my life after story of course she called the owner and whined about me but he confirmed I no longer worked there my girlfriend got written up for allowing me to talk like that but she never came back to that location I was banned by the owner but since he rarely was in I still got to hang out with my girlfriend and manager Fran so the owner wrote her up for allowing her boyfriend to speak like that how ah you just wouldn't want to work for someone like that would you hey everyone I hope you all had a really good day and that you enjoyed that video if you want to check out some of the videos then click on screen right now or check out the playlist down below if you enjoyed that video then please do leave a like and if you want to submit your own stories I think you can do so by joining the discord in the top link in the description but thank you so much for watching and I will see you very soon
Channel: Life Stories
Views: 38,888
Rating: 4.9118805 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, Storytime, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, episode, story, time, stories, reddit stories, reddit story, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, rslash, idontworkherelady, idont, work, here, lady, r/idont, r/work, r/here, r/lady, reddit idontworkherelady, rslash idontworkherelady
Id: qSN8fEjWkvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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