r/MaliciousCompliance - Karen Wants a Half Of The House. My Lawyer Doesn't Think So.

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welcome to our slash malicious compliance where we share stories of people conforming to the letter but not the spirit of a request and today's first story is you want half my okay over ten years ago I started dating my ex I didn't know this then but she's an entitled Karen they say hindsight is 2020 cast equals me obviously Karen entitled she-devil we met when I was 20 through my brother's friend we're both the same age both from dysfunctional families I was a seasonal worker working a variety of seasonal jobs like picking fruit and packing sheds hard work with good pay work available 45 weeks of the year she was between jobs we met started dating and things were going well after a year we got a flat together six months later she B grudgingly landed a job but quit one month in when we found out she was two weeks pregnant at this point we got a mortgage and I was working as an apprentice chef working shifts on apprenticeship wages six days a week leaving for work between 7:00 and 9:00 a.m. getting home between 9:00 to 11:00 p.m. depending on how busy we were I won't lie it was tough our daughter was born I was told she became pregnant to trap me but I dismissed it this is where things changed I was working 40 to 60 hours a week coming home to an angry girlfriend in a trashed house just to clarify I don't believe in traditional gender roles it's not a man's place to work or a woman's place to clean I believe in a partnership where both parties pull their weight a typical week for me was working Tuesday to Sunday then spend Monday cleaning every dirty plate cup and pan and a sink which was every dish I owned her week was watching TV and shopping on Facebook Tuesday to Thursday takeaway Friday because we're out of clean dishes then spend Saturday and Sunday and her sisters she developed this the world owes me complex took control of the finances I wasn't allowed to spend any money to the point that she would yell at me if I purchased fuel gas to get to work the amount of money she wasted on useless crap still makes my blood boil fast forward five years things have not changed I work clean on my day off and I'm still explaining why I need to spend money on work-related expenses and fuel one day while working I got a text from her sister emergency please call me ASAP I tell the head chef I've got to make a call and head into this it was the call I will never forget hi it's me Karen's sister I'm not sure if I should tell you this Karen's been cheating on you to summarize seven different men over three years to make it worse she was buying them crap with money I earned read wrong on our mortgage she even spent $800 on fixing one of their cars I was livid I confronted her most of which she eventually admitted to once finding her family had told me I said I wanted to break up I changed my banking password offer to the house to which she declined stating she doesn't want the worthless dumb we agreed to 50/50 custody I spent the next six months working decluttering from years of Karin's impulse spending and staying strong for my now five-year-old daughter my work was understanding and agreed to reduce my hours and gave me a pay raise to make sure I'm not too much out of pocket Karen went on to date and get engaged to one of the guys she cheated with uh-uh number three I think introducing bob bob was twice her age working eight hours a week trying to find ways to work less she was still in between jobs needing money Karen calls me stating she wants her half of the house my country allows two years for assets to be divided before they become the sole possession of either party so she is well within her rights to ask the conversation went like this Karen so I decided I want my half of the house me um okay I thought you said you wanted none of it Karen well I changed my mind now the house is worth 120 thousand dollars by law I'm entitled to half which is $60,000 but I'll do you a favor and settle for $20,000 I explained that she's indeed entitled to half the property she needs to look at the capital amount owed versus value of property house had an estimated value of one hundred and twenty thousand dollars local government evaluation we still owed one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars should be less but she kept withdrawing money from the mortgage and property values dropped that year I said that by this math she is entitled to half of five thousand dollars but I'm willing to give you five thousand dollars remove your name from the mortgage and pay for a con man sir to remove your name from the deed this would cost me ten thousand dollars in total she would walk away with $5,000 more than she would get if we sell right now she said I'm worth more than $5,000 my offers now $30,000 my next week or we sell q the malicious compliance I calmly said okay and hung up letting her think she won she also texted me with the same demand I booked in to see a lawyer and had a letter drafted I also met with two real estate agents one week later Karen came around let herself in I gave her an envelope assuming it was a check she snatched it from my hands tore it open to find a letter for my lawyer to the effect of summarized Karen as directed by yourself on date text screenshot and closed my client my name will vacate property on date mortgage payment made up to this point has been made by my client as you had no use of the property we will not seek compensation for payment made my client spends seven thousand dollars on repairs receipts included as co-owner we are seeking compensation of thirty five hundred dollars from you my client has paid fifteen hundred dollars in rates and utilities receipts included we are seeking compensation of seven hundred and fifty dollars additionally between date of moving out and date of sale you are responsible for half of mortgage payments rates utilities and repairs required for sale she realized the predicament she was in oh I'll just take the five thousand dollars me hmm nah you told me if I don't give you thirty thousand dollars by today we sell Karen oh I was just kidding me no you weren't Karen four thousand dollars me no Karen three thousand dollars and I give you something on the side wink wink me backing away no we're selling her yelling again I can't afford this you know I'm in between jobs and bobbies and working much we need this money for our wedding me not my problem I also suggested she speaks to real estate agents I was told to sell for a profit we need to spend two thousand dollars her chances are we're selling for a loss both estimated house would sell for a hundred and ten thousand dollars her real estate agent have the same evaluation with her written promise to pay me back I did the work spent the two thousand dollars got the house reevaluated and was told we should make a profit at her request we used her lawyer to handle the sale house took nine weeks to sell fifteen weeks including settlement she owed me eight thousand dollars after sales cost fees paying back there was a nineteen thousand dollar profit in typical Karen fashion she assumed her lawyer would give her the whole lot as it's her lawyer I told the lawyer that owes me $8,000 the money can remain in trust until she agrees to pay me back as per settlement laws both parties must agree how the funds are going to be divided before the lawyer can divide it she wasn't happy with this and threatened to sue her lawyer three months go by money is still with her lawyer I get a call from Karen Karen hey listen I know things have been awkward I really need my half of the money can we please split it and I'll pay you back $20 a week me no you get money after you pay me back you could pay me out of your settlement long pause whispers between Karen and presumably Bob if we agreed is seven thousand dollars out of our settlement would you consider the debt paid me that means you get $2,500 Karen I know but I'm in real need of this money right now me put it in writing and you've got a deal the second story is I know how a library operates okay I work in a library almost done with school to become an actual librarian right now I'm just reference staff I mainly do shifts at the desk answering questions checking out materials etc it is very important that if you're scheduled on the desk you must remain on the desk the entire time and you must call in backup even if you're just using the bathroom this is because our cash is in a drawer at the desk along with Wi-Fi hot spots open computers with patron information cell phones both lost and staffs and an array of other very expensive things that people with sticky fingers may walk away with my library is in a bad part of town we have a lot of people who steal either books or computer keyboards or even just toys from the kids area our cash drawer has upwards of a thousand dollars in it in any given time it's a very big deal to pay close attention to your surroundings and not leave the desk unattended for even a moment not to mention the library's policy of no patron left unassisted no matter what enter the big boss and my malicious compliance big boss is the library director the very top you can get she hasn't worked in an actual librarian at least 20 years having been doing the corporate side the whole time she's a little rusty on policies when she shows up we're all supposed to grovel her feet and obey our every command because she can fire us like that it's my desk shift unfortunately our aid that does shelving has been out so all of our shelving carts are full we've all been chipping in when we aren't on desk but returns keep coming and there isn't enough time big boss doesn't like this she says it looks unsightly he sees me bitter it's some shelving done she says I will I reply as soon as I'm off desk there's nobody here she says ignoring the people who are very much here stop being lazy and do your job I am doing my job ma'am I say as nicely as I can however I cannot leave the desk unattended due to the theft and if I leave nobody will be here to assist patrons nobody steals in a library big boss insists I opened my mouth to argue but she holds out a hand as if I'm some plebeian that dared to speak to the royalty I know how a library operates you aren't even a librarian and I have been a librarian manager and now the director I think I can decide what's okay now get this shelving done you're making the branch look bad you want me to leave the desk and shelve instead I asked wanting to clarify she skal's that's what I said she snaps go alright then I struggle and up walking towards the shelving cart and beginning to sort I wheel away a cart of fiction ignoring the patron waiting at the desk for help because I've been directed to shelve and the big boss knows how libraries work I'm shelving for about 15 minutes when my manager comes storming up to me furious I never see this dude furious so I'm bracing myself what the heck are you doing he hisses you're on desk I shrug big boss told me to stop being lazy and shelve I say my manager looks confused did you explain that you're on desk he asks I shove a book yep I say my manager walks away I continue shelving keeping an ear out I don't hear much and I finished that card so I walked to the shelving area to pick up a new load and that is when I see it the miracle the thing I would have never expected a line is formed at the desk of about 20 people they're starting to look impatient at big boss who is seated behind the desk frantically trying to figure out the system she hasn't touched in 20 years my manager makes eye contact with me from where he's standing off to the side not lifting a finger to help big boss I smile grab the next cart and go continue to shell hey she said she knew how a library worked after she left my manager confided to me that she said she was going to ensure our branch gets an aide as quickly as humanly possible he also said he eventually had to step in and take care of the patron because she struggled for 20 minutes just trying to renew a book I guess she didn't really know how libraries work anymore the last story is the nightshift supervisor has a date with malicious compliance many years ago I worked as a maintenance technician on an automated assembly line it was my job to perform quality audits throughout the section of the line where I work if something didn't pass inspection then I would put the product on hold and test additional samples whenever this further tests failed I would stop production notify the leader supervisor and then troubleshoot and repair the machine in question for a few years I worked the night shift the night shift supervisor who I will call TD Gray had a habit of vanishing for most of the night he would be around at the start of the shift we work 12-hour shifts and then he would show up after the morning meeting and maybe dawdle about the office until the end of shift as I was doing my audits one night I found a machine that was drifting out of spec I shut it down and paged mr. gray but he didn't respond I found the issue causing the quality failure and got the parts required for the repair the repair took about an hour followed by testing of a hundred percent of the product for a few minutes meanwhile TD gray returned from the morning meaning he was angry and walked straight up to me and asked who authorized me to shut down his machine I tried to explain that it had failed an audit and that I was just following procedure TD wasn't interested in anything I had to say apparently during the morning meeting he repeated that our area was running with no issues an engineer who would walk our area each morning contradicted him and said that the technician had one of the machines down for an hour and was just now releasing it to production TD gave me a written warning and told me that I do not have the authority to stop production without his approval a month or so later a similar situation arose and I tried paging mr. gray who didn't respond I should mention that this was well before cellphones and no we didn't carry pagers to page someone you had to call the reception desk and they would page them over the PA system since there wasn't a receptionist at night this function was handled by a security guard I told security to page mr. gray every five minutes until he responded they wanted to do it every 30 minutes but I insisted on nothing less than every ten minutes and I also wanted them to log each page this was normal procedure but they often would just record one entry in the log regardless of how many times they repeat the page when the engineer came in he looked at my audit sheet and asked me why I hadn't stopped production I explained that I had been told I couldn't without mr. Grey's approval I also told him that security had been paging him every ten minutes since I found the issue the engineers stopped production told me to begin repairs he then got a copy of the log from security and went to the morning meeting when TD gray reported that all machines were running with no issues the engineer spoke up and asked why security had been paging him every 10 minutes for over three hours I never did find out where mr. gray went every night or what he did but he soon had more time to do whatever it was I hope you enjoyed these stories and if he liked it don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell button
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Id: 5xk8k95HvTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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