r/EntitledParents ENTITLED AUNT CONTROLS MY RELATIONSHIP! | r/EntitledParents

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hey there mister read it here welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parents stories our first story we'll be reading today entitled aunts want to decide who I marry Opie stands up for himself for the first time after that me and Karen a love story now for every thumbs up this video gets one Karen gets stood up too so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and huge shout out to Melinda our newest channel member thank you so much for supporting the channel become a member today and I'll give you a special shout out in our next video entitled dance want to decide who I marry Opie stands up for himself for the first time cast we've got Opie we've got entitled aunt one wife of my mom's oldest brother we've got entitled aunt 2 wife of my mom's older brother we've got cousin one entitled aunt one's married daughter my oldest cousin we've got my mother there was too sweet to say anything against anyone to their face so a while back I decided to introduce my girlfriend to my family and start having a mature discussion about me wanting to marry her and seeking their blessing the challenge was that she was from a different religion this was during a long weekend associated with a festival and my extended family had gathered around at my grandmother's place things were going well and I just pulled in the wedding of my older cousin into the discussion and soon the conversation came to where I wanted it to come to my wedding hooray boy I was wrong I wasn't being asked for an opinion there entitled aunt one when it comes to Opie's wedding I think we should all have a say as to who does he marry same woman who informed about her daughters my first cousin wedding just a week before that happened but wants full control of my wedding al cute entitled aunt too yes he is the only boy in our side all my cousins on my mom's side are girls and we have to be 100% involved in his wedding so it is only fair we get to decide the girl the place is India an arranged marriage is still lurking around here I just beeped at my sister and she gave me a sympathetic not as if to let me know that she understands how horribly all of this is turning out for me in a while on the table or names of girls they knew that would be a good fit for me and more garbage so I decided to man up me actually I have a girlfriend I showed them pictures of her and then when they got to know that she's from a different religion they lost their crap my parents were calm upset at me for doing this without discussing it with them first but calm so that was a huge relief my uncles were calm too they were asking logical questions like when do I plan to proceed so I have enough savings for a wedding and more stuff but not my ends they were wailing and whining about how I was going to ruin the family reputation and how I am ruining the name of my parents how my aunts would have to be ashamed in front of all their family and the rest of the world because I decided to pick my partner I have always been the nice kid in the family had zero rebel traits was always soft-spoken so telling them about my girlfriend itself was a big move on my part the next argument from entitled aunt one was how my mother has raised me wrong and that it is what is triggered the whole love and me entitled aunt - he is going to set a bad example for the rest of the kids around here entitled aunt one yes look at your cousin she never fell in love with any man and quietly married the boy we chose for her she's so happy cousin Juan is in a horrible marriage with zero guts to divorce she never had any guts to stand up for herself and I'm guessing you can figure out why my mom cried a bit and that is when I realized that one what the heck was I thinking - I need to step up or have all my cousin's give up on their dreams because their brother could not stand up for himself me entitled dance 1 & 2 you guys practically raised me when I was very young I know you love me a lot entitled aunt 1 now calming down a bit yes we do me I am 25 now I would be marrying in another two years and I would probably live to see 65 so much as that forty more years and 38 years of marriage I hardly get to see you these days how many days do we see each other five days a year let's consider one week so in the next 40 years of my life you'd be seeing me for 40 weeks and you might get to see my partner even less than that let's say 20 weeks that is just five months or less can't my loving aunts pretend to like my wife for 140 days for me and all of this assuming that you'll be alive to see me turn 60 it would break my heart if you died before I did the dinner was a very silent affair that day would you marry someone that your relatives didn't approve of please let me know me and Karen a love story just kidding Karen is a total jerk but buckle up because here is my novel my husband and I are in our late 30s and child-free some people on child-free said I should post here too so enjoy the saga my husband and I had been saving up for almost a decade to move to a tropical paradise about two years ago we bit the bullet and moved to our dream location housing here is super expensive like Hawaii prices so all we could afford was half of a duplex it is beautiful and on the water with places for our boat unfortunately Karen billy-bob the boyfriend and her three gremlins live in the other unit setup there is some period of time we just went for a week here and there but we live here full-time now the entire duplex was owned by an older gentleman who rented out both sides the sides do not match at all one side is a 5-bedroom 3-bath the other side of the duplex is a 2-bedroom 1-bath we bought the five bedroom on our side of the property we have 90 percent of the backyard a gazebo and dockage about 150 feet since it's on a corner the other side has a small backyard patio and maybe 15 feet of dockage the rental leases say the renters are entitled to their specific backyards but there were no fences or anything so all the renters shared the entire backyard after we bought the house Karen immediately tried to throw her weight around that they expected to continue with that privilege I told her if she asked politely we would try to accommodate her she thought this meant she could use our backyard whenever she wanted party incident one day my husband and I are enjoying some drinks outside when a delivery truck shows up to set up a giant blow-up thing in our back yard I asked Karen what she thought she was doing and she said it was for her kids birthday then she had the gall to say it was a family and friends only event so we had to stay inside our house not wanting to be a total jerk and ruined some little kid's birthday I told Karen after this she had no access to our backyard period Karen shrugged and kept setting up for the party during the party a drunk idiot wandered into our house which shocked us all I said Karen's house is the other side and he said Oh Jaron said she owned the whole property and to use whichever bathroom was available I directed him to Karen's bathroom and soon after she came storming into our house screaming about how dare we make her look bad to her friends and how selfish we are we couldn't even spare one bathroom she said we didn't deserve all this space with just us I told Karen to get the heck out of my house or I would be calling the cops she finally left and the party wrapped up shortly after backyard remodel after the party incident we decided we needed to clearly define the backyard and build a fence while we were spending the money we decided to update the patio put in a fire pit and an outdoor kitchen while the contractor was on site nosey Karen had to come investigate since the fence would be the last thing built I was vague and just stuck to telling her about the patio update you could see her face light up because of course in her mind was ours as hers when the workers started on the fence Karen came out screaming for the work to stop I went outside and told the workers to keep working and told Karen to butt out of course in true Karen fashion she called the cops what happened next was hilarity on my part after explaining to the cop that we were building a fence on our property and the landlord of which Karen was not knew about it when the cop gave Karen a stern lecture I thought her head was going explode she went back into her house and slammed the sliding door so hard it sounded like something cracked we got our fence and I thought that would be the end but of course not the boat incident one day billy-bob entered the pitcher and he was as much of a terrible neighbor as Karen was he would throw cigarette butts and empty beer cans over our fence for disrespecting his woman I didn't know paradise had these kinds of folks but Billy Bob really took the cake Billy Bob has a boat a 30-foot fishing boat to be precise of course that side of the duplex only has 15 feet of dockage since we have so much dockage in only one boat we rent out the other dockage spot as a month the month people come and go so if we don't receive rent from them by the end of the month and the boat disappears we think nothing of it we had a renter who tied up their boat on the property line but Billy Bob wanted to park his boat and needed that space Karen and Billy Bob posed as us we were out of town told the renter's to be gone at the end of the month and then parked Billy Bob's boat on the dock äj-- I only found out about it weeks later because the renter left a nasty review on the rental site we use they said we were rude and went back on the verbal agreement to let them stay for three more months I was like what the heck is all this after a phone call I quickly put two and two together I called the cops who told Karen and Billy Bob they need to move their boat or it would be towed the equivalent of it anyway Karen and Billy Bob started screaming the boat is fully on their property it isn't been changed to no one can own the water true but a sea wall is deeded that we are liars and at some point Billy Bob punched a cop and went to jail I felt bad for the cops so took them all snacks the next day with a note apologizing for neighbor drama I ended up winning my small claims suit against them for lost rental income but of course haven't seen a dime I eventually convinced the dacha directors to come back and gave them a few months free as compensation final revenge if you've made it this far congratulations get ready for the juicy justice part so with the collapsing market we were trying to figure out what do with our savings when a perfect opportunity opened up the landlord who owned both properties was in desperate need of some cash and was tired of managing the property from 2,000 miles away because of course Karen is a Karen and calls him weekly for every little thing his only stipulation was we let the poor single mom who has been his renter for eight years finished her lease which is up in July since we just have money we were trying to reinvest and because now we get to control our neighbors heck yeah we jumped on that since we didn't need a realtor or mortgage and an inspection had been done just a week ago for the old landlord to refinance everything closed in just under two weeks karen was unaware of a change of ownership we registered the property under an LLC but didn't know who until eight days ago I went over to Karen's house and knocked on the door Karen answered with a what the heck do you want jerk I smiled handed her our landlord information and sweetly reminded her rent was due by Friday but she could just hand me the check if that was easier I've always heard descriptions of people's faces turning white but this was the first time I have actually seen it I told Karen that we are honoring her lease until the end of July but afterwards she had better make plans to move because we intend to remodel it before these next tenants moved in bye Karen don't touch my horse he bites I own a beautiful horse chip he's a brown and white Palomino with a half gone fuzzy winter coat yeah he looks like a rat right now clumps of fur everywhere he has these amazing blue eyes and I'm so happy to have a horse with blue eyes as they make him show emotions so much more clearly than our other two horses KC and Buddy both having brown eyes he has a long mane and tail with a very heavy bang he's naturally chubby but puts on extra pounds in the winter I love him very much but he is such a brat he nips and bites and no matter what I do he won't stop we refer to him as Sir SAS if we are annoyed with him it gets lippy if you get near his mouth and if agitated he will bite I never let anyone touch his mouth he lives next to a road so he's used to cars but loud noises and sudden approaches still scare him on to the story this just happened today a windy but warm day I've done nothing to past few days due to what's going on I'm sure many of you are in the same situation I decided I might as well start getting chip into shape and it's such a nice day go out run him in our arena brush tack him up and we're off I decide to take a trail I frequently use it's somewhat busy occasionally but it allows horses and has paved paths it's a bit muddy in spring but I don't mind we get about halfway at a slow trot he's behaving beautifully and I'm so proud of him for not acting like a complete jerk in a good mood I do not notice entitled parent approaching with a sudden jolt chip startles entitled parent has marched up to me and grabbed him by the bridle do not do this I reach out yanking her hand off what are you doing I demand glaring at her eye back chip up a few paces putting space between us she stares at me horses aren't allowed on these trails you jerk are you trying to get someone hurt this is clearly a sick and diseased animal she shouts drawing attention she advances preparing to grab chip again I back him up stay away he's nippy I warn padding him low and behold she ignores me and continues lunging trying to grab him I'm starting to panic finally I dismount and holding his reins face her he's not sick he's shedding his winter coat if you knew anything about horses you would know this I in fact own a horse he never grows a coat and sheds it she states as if trying to prove me wrong we are up north all horses grow winter coats here lady in fact it's likely her horse is probably not growing a coat because it's sick God knows she suddenly lunges taking me by surprise she snags the reins out of my hand chip lets out a neigh and instinctively sure enough bites her right on the hand she screams letting go I quickly pick up the reins before he can bolt and awkwardly get on him patting him and trying to stop him he's having a horse panic attack making small bucks and rears meanwhile in title parrot is screaming calling my horse rabid me irresponsible for not watching my horse people who were watching earlier are staring in horror her hand is bleeding everywhere finally I get control of champ she starts screaming firing insults at me said I let my horse bite her my fault that my horse is rabid someone calls the police they show up with an ambulance and she's taken to the ER spent the entire afternoon happy to explain that no my horse does not have rabies no it was not my fault and no I did nothing to her police understand that he's just shedding witnesses are asked then confirmed Mike claims so basically she said this I was riding on a trail where horses are not allowed or spit her for no reason he has rabies a skin disease and I insulted her and made chip bite her thank God for the witnesses her hand is fine so far as I know don't think I'll be riding chip on that trail anytime soon turns out the lady didn't even own a horse so I guess her imaginary horse doesn't shed in spring how interesting boss tried to be slick changing my employment ended up having to pay me more than what he thought to give some background for this story I was working as a legal assistant at a small law firm but started off as the receptionist this was a job I could get straight out of college while I give myself some time to adjust to adulting life and getting ready to apply to graduate slash law school he fired a co-worker over her asking for a higher raise and immediately told me I was going to take over the law firm has 8 employees and has a high turnover rate and I didn't realize until a couple of months ago my boss is a stereotypical boomer and gloats about how he was in the army how he's a ladies man even though his wife is literally our office manager and doesn't train his employees even though he forces his employees to sign a contract saying they will have to pay $2,500 if they don't complete one year over the past months he has tried to say my work is terrible even though I used all of his templates and had to correct him with information I received from the court on how to do these exact family pleadings and I have closed cases that have been with us for years in the span of one to three months blames me for rude to clients even though the clients told him it was not me and was another co-worker who he showed favoritism to and consistently asked me if I found the right man would I be with that man after he met my girlfriend at the firm's annual holiday party there's a lot more but too much to write overall he hated anything about me and my co-workers would often have to vouch for me because he would take out his anger on me because of this I made sure to always send emails of our conversations and clarify things in order to keep track of all the shortcomings and issues I even had a meeting with my officer manager and documented the fact that I wasn't trained by sending a follow-up email and screenshotting an email where they made me train a new person one week after I started someone please tell me if this looks like adequate training three weeks ago he changed my contract to being a non-essential employee and told my coworker before she quit but he lessened my hours because of my poor work and anything I did could be sent by mail or email he often rushes through his work and leaves a lot of loopholes in his contract so cue the malicious compliance the contract said that I would be a non-essential employee and by the way he wrote it he capped phone calls at 0.5 of an hour but I would get paid $15 per call $45 for each family packet I did and $15 per email correspondence so I did a couple of family pleading packets but kept my co-workers in the loop and they told my boss that they were busy with other things and asked if I could make the cost they knew I am the only one in my household working and felt the contract was terrible I also asked them how they would read the contract and they interpret it in the same way I had since I was deemed non-essential and he could not be bothered to draft a letter letting me go into the office I had to send various emails for him to print when he would ask for me to place items on his desk I referenced my contract stating I was a non-essential employee and could risk a fine / jail time I ended up making so many calls always tried to make them as long as possible by asking clients how are they and hearing them complain about what's going on and how difficult it will be for them to make payments at this time but when I sent my hours to my office manager Qi cc'd my boss and as to verify ours and explained I explained and broke it down with my contract my boss couldn't be bothered to go back to his email and asked me to Ford the contract at that point it took them forever to respond and I was eagerly awaiting their response he attempts to spin it back and change the wording of my contract to say each call was only 75 cents and each correspondence was only a dollar fifty this would essentially make my paycheck only less than 100 dollars even though I had originally been paid fifteen dollars an hour and had worked 50 plus hours in the past two weeks at that point I sent my resignation and screenshots of all the times I asked how do they want the timesheets sent along with the governor's stay-at-home order for non-essential employees he attempted to change the story to say that I was an essential employee and finally offered to give me a letter but at that point I had already sent my resignation after reading my email referencing the contract lack of training and mentioning the conversation with his wife he conceded made an agreement that I was leaving on good terms and is giving me the wages I deserve moral of the story document everything and follow-up I have a second-round interview so please wish me luck it's a hard time but we'll get through it get your own dang spoon so I used to work in a really big whiskey bar in my town that also catered for dinner and coffee / cake sort of things I had worked there for a couple years so I guess I was recognizable to a few people and maybe some that hadn't realized I had moved on I was really good friends with all the staff in there so I used to come in for a pint and a chat occasionally the uniform in the whiskey bar his black shirt / tee and black bottoms and being a bar person I happened to wear an awful lot of black on a daily basis even in my newer job which is casual dress so this one evening I call in for a drink and I'm sitting at the bar waiting for the bartender to finish serving this woman next to me after about 10 seconds I realized she's absolutely going out of her way to make life a living heck for the server she's trying to pay for a bunch of stuff separately but want specific changes for each thing for reasons unknown and while the guy serving her is doing everything to accommodate her she creates a new problem with every interaction complains that there's too much coins / not enough coins the cream on the coffee doesn't look nice enough etc and gets quite rude and aggressive sending her server running back and forth a bit bizarre the bartender is a chill guy and does his best to meet her requirements and offers the two Irish coffees she just ordered on the house by way of apology for not understanding her she mutters something under her breath along the lines of yeah dang right while outwardly expressing her impatience by huffing and tapping her phone loudly on the counter the bartender serves the drinks and smiles apologizing again I'm sitting at the end of the bar near where the sugars spoons and milk for coffee is in my black ensemble the woman turns to me and just says spoon without looking at me excuse me I reply taking a bit back give me a dang spoon she says right in my face I looked her dead in the eye and I responded I don't work here I ordered my beer and she went a marvelous shade of red and scuffled off back into whichever pitch she had ascended from she never got her dang spoon and shoutouts to our Regenerist of the day mikono jack chlorine is randomness and jvr become tomorrow's regionals by leaving as many breezes you can in the comments below and please listen to my playlist every night when you go to sleep
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 81,038
Rating: 4.9303756 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: BJGPzApjTsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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