r/Entitledparents Insane Mother Publicly Kicks A Child With a Broken Ankle!

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welcome to our slash entitled parents where an entitled mother kicks an injured child our next reddit post is from the ambers i'm a 25 year old woman and my partner is a 27 year old man and back in march we bought a house together this was a big deal for us and we were so glad we managed to pull this off especially right before the pandemic got bad it's a livable fixer-upper and the lady that lived here bought it in 1967 and was the only owner before us and she made no updates during that time lol it keeps us busy and that's worked out really well being that we're home so often now to the event with the entitled mother in may my big project was pulling out some nasty bushes that had taken over a huge chunk of the front side yard it was hot it was sweaty i'm digging out roots and throwing branches since i'm in our front yard and making a pretty drastic change to the yard people notice most neighbors stop by say a quick hello from the car and drive away but not entitled mother this entitled mother pulls up in a shiny black suburban from the opposite side of the road parking the wrong way and rolls down her window i'd say she's in her 50s and 60s with a gray bob haircut i stand up and pause my music the following conversation isn't exact but it's pretty close and this conversation was just so entitled hey did you buy this house yep just moved in last month did you know the family uh the lady who sold it not really we just got lucky they chose us i guess i was trying to be nice but i was kind of off put that she asked none of the more typical neighbor questions also we made the previous owner a great offer yeah my son really wanted this house he grew up in this neighborhood you know oh darn yeah houses move fast right now he spent his whole life in this area he really deserved to stay in the neighborhood you know yeah that's too bad i was getting major wtf feelings right now how much did you offer you mean over the asking price we were proactive well my son really wanted this house me feeling quite awkward about this whole situation and just looking to shoot this lady along yeah well i'm sure more houses will go up for sale around here well that doesn't help him now does it he had his heart set on that house i just give an exaggerated shrug and decide to resume my root cutting and hope she gets the message you're probably flipping it he would have loved it uh no we're not we're staying long term yeah right she doesn't leave i'm wondering if i should go inside or something she just keeps looking at me expecting me to say something i keep cutting out roots is it just you or did your family help you get it i say in a pretty short tone my partner and i bought it together my grandkids would have loved that yard a loved yard makes a house a home you know well my dogs will love it especially once i'm done seriously i just scoff i pull my route out and throw it on the pile i feel her eyes watching me really ready to be done with this conversation i say well have a good day then with a last layer and an egg she speeds off leaving a quite annoyed and bewildered me in my dirty glory mulling over what the heck just happened did this freaking lady just try to guilt-trip maybe because we bought a house that her son wanted indeed apparently wtf that was definitely the most unwelcoming interaction i've had since we moved in and i haven't seen her since the fact that you haven't seen her since makes me think that she's not a neighbor and she doesn't live in the area which means that she drove by your house repeatedly until she saw you so she could have this exact conversation but what i can't figure out is what was her objective with this conversation was she really expecting opie to just be like oh my mistake i didn't know that your son wanted it here let me sell it to you though down in the comments purplebox guy poses another alternative theory this is the sun's version of the story my mom is super pissed at the house that she wanted me to buy got sold to someone else i never wanted the house because it's her dream home and she probably would want to move in with me our next reddit post is from xylophone player so this happened when i was about 11 or 12 years old i played for a local girls soccer team as the goalie we played on a field not far from my house for home games we went up against another local team in the county tournament this team had a girl on it who i'll call nicole nicole's mother entitled mother was a known problem she'd scream if her daughter was so much as touched and had been known to be threatening to both parents and players nicole was lovely and we actually knew each other from school there was a friendly sort of rivalry between us about a quarter into the game nicole came to the goal and we ended up both going for the ball at the same time her foot connected hard with my ankle and i immediately knew that it was broken nicole had apparently heard the break and held me to the ground yelling for help when i looked down my foot was at a very strange angle both coaches helped me off the pitch with nicole beside me holding my hand and both of us crying other players were gathering around but the coaches told him to step back and give me some space my parents arrived and sat with me while my team's coach called for an ambulance at this point entitled mother appears i hear her before i see her what's going on nicole get back on the field mom i broke op's ankle i want to stay with her i'll be red carded anyway for those who don't know if you do a foul you'll get a yellow card and two yellow cards cause you to be red card and sent off however if a foul is particularly bad or causes serious injury you're red carded straight away red carded why because she didn't get out of the way in time my mom said no because it happened i don't think nicole meant for it to happen but it still did well i think your daughter did this on purpose to make nicole look bad i bet she's faking it i'm still crying and in too much pain for patience so i say if you think i can make my ankle bend like that myself then you're stupid how dare you she turns to the coach i want the police here too for defamation of my daughter's character at this point the referee comes over to check how i am and to let nicole know that as she thought she's red-carded nicole doesn't seem to care but the entitled mother explodes you can't red card my daughter we had card that little b word in fact ban her from the game she's faking it on purpose look at this point she kicks my ankle with her foot she doesn't kick hard but i'm still in agony because of the break i screamed and my mom jumped up to take entitled mother on the other team coach had to get between them to stop a fight the ambulance showed up and the paramedics came to help me they managed to get both nicole and me laughing and help me secure my ankles so as to not cause more injury my dad then told them about what entitled mother had done and one of the paramedics shook her head and said you can't help stupid i guess the police also showed up while i was being sorted out i didn't see this part but i was told about it by the other players the entitled mother started yelling that my mom and i should be arrested for defamation however after being told by several witnesses what had happened the entitled mother was arrested for assault i was taken to the hospital in the ambulance with my mom riding with me and my dad driving in the family car it turned out that i had a break in two places on my ankle i have a strong suspicion that one of the breaks was the result of the entitled mother's kick though that can't be proven i had to wear a cast for six weeks and i missed a week of school nicole and other members of both teams came to visit me at home in the following days the entitled mother was cautioned and released but she was issued with a lifetime touchline banned by the team's coach she apparently tried to show up at a couple of other games but the other parents made her leave again thankfully nicole is still lovely and we remain friends to this day kicking an injured child in front of our parents was a stupid move she's lucky she didn't get clocked by either the father or the mother also how stupid you have to be to call for someone to be arrested for defamation of character you can get sued for defamation of character but i don't think it's a crime like i don't think you can go to jail for it our next credit post is from dr doomstick this just happened not even 30 minutes ago for reference i'm a 23 year old male nurse at a hospital that's been pretty overrun with coven and as such we've been pretty short on personal protection equipment i'm eating lunch and trying to watch a show peacefully when my dad interrupts me trying to ask me a question do you guys have gloves at your facility yeah we do but we don't have as much as we would like do you think you could grab a box for us no we're already short as is and other people have been fired for stealing from the hospital are you telling me you're not gonna do it i'm not losing my job to steal gloves for you when you can buy them at the store at this point my dad walks off in a hub thinking that i was being disrespectful for not depriving myself and my co-workers of supplies that we need to protect ourselves i'm so glad that i'm moving out next month some nurse jobs out there can pay over a hundred thousand dollars imagine losing your six figure job because you stole some freaking gloves our next reddit post is from terrible wombat for context i used to work for a church as an audio technician and just general hand for weekend services and things a few years ago the church pulled enough money together to record a live worship session and put on sale it was a really important event that had been in the works for months and in case you don't know they're really expensive to do so the decision was made to not allow kids under the age of 12 or 13 into the recording service under the logic that kids that young can't be quiet the entire time all this was advertised as the rule well in advance i was standing at the main entrance welcoming people and explaining what to expect when i see the entitled mother walk up with her young kids i say excuse me ma'am but children under a certain age aren't allowed into the service tonight we've set up activities and alternative arrangements ready for them in another building um what i explained the situation again while she stares at me but my kids are really maturing growing up they'll be fine don't worry ma'am that could probably be true but if i let your kids in then i would have to let other kids in who wouldn't be and they could ruin the recording i have to apply the rule equally i don't care about other people's kids i want my kids with me she spots my supervisor hey supervisor op won't let my kids come in but you know they're fine right uh no you know the rules for tonight he's right they can't come in she looks at both of us fuming well if they can't come in then we're going home that's certainly you're right the entitled mother stormed away with her embarrassed kids and we went on for the night without a care in the world side note the cd turned out great and the church raised a lot of money for charity with it if i recall correctly it was supporting local drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers you think it's hard trying to record with a kid in the room try recording with a bored puppy in the room our next reddit post is from johnny tingsbo i had just started university in swansea in wales in the united kingdom i live and grew up in london and we don't get many cairns in the uk especially in london because people just don't have time for that nonsense since swansea is a predominantly white area i assume that i would encounter some racism since i'm of south asian descent and i have brown skin but i was pleasantly surprised to find that everyone is really nice and helpful and much more welcoming than in london anyway i'm at the big tesco in town which is our supermarket chain and i'm buying some food and homewares like frying pans and stuff and with that i'm buying a load of alcohol for the flat i'm talking two bottles of bailey's large bottles of vodka and white rum dieserono an 18 backup corona jagermeister as well as coke red bull and soda water it's not enough to fill a bar but still a fair bit for one person to buy as i'm paying at the checkout i have my driver's license and id ready to show the cashier i'm 19 years old but i have a pretty babyish face and i'm pretty small so i always expect to get id'd but for some reason the guy doesn't ask to see my id and i pay and start loading my shopping back into the trolley as i'm doing this the woman behind me who's there with her teenager maybe 15 to 17 years old starts speaking to the cashier she was english not welsh and the tone of her voice told me everything i needed to know immediately karen alerts she starts whining and scolding the cashier asking why he didn't check my id the cashier also seemed to realize that this wasn't going to be a fun interaction and responded saying that i've shopped here before and then he knows i'm of age i don't know if this is bs or not because i don't recall seeing him before the woman continues to berate him telling him that it sets a bad example for her kid because it shows him that he can get away with buying drinks underage and using fake ids at that point i'm done loading my shopping cart and decide not to engage and leave she instantly forgets the cashier and blocks my way asking me to show her my id and my bank card i politely tell her that she has no right and then she loses her mind she doesn't scream or raise her voice significantly but her tone becomes incredibly aggressive and she starts pointing her finger at me and accusing me of buying alcohol while underage i tell her i am of age and i have every right to purchase what i just did and if she is an issue she can go find a manager because she a fellow customer in the store has no jurisdiction over me the cashier decides to call for a manager and apologizes to me i look at the kid and he gives me a stern look but i'm pretty sure it was just to side with his mom and that he wasn't uncomfortable about the whole ordeal the manager comes over and asks the cashier what's wrong and lo and behold this unbearable b word interrupts the guy and starts berating the manager the manager listens for a little stops her for a second and turns to ask me for an id i give it to him he checks it and he's happy but as he goes to hand it back the woman snaps at him with an expectant look on her face and says something like sorry but i'll have to check it myself not even a please he gives it back to me anyway which triggers a visible storm of anger within her and she then proceeds to block his way and start scolding him about poor customer service a legal business activity etc the cashier tells me to leave and i do so because it's 9 p.m and i really can't be bothered to deal with this i hope that woman was kicked out or something and if so i'm sad i didn't witness it but dear god i feel sorry for that poor kid typical karen logic op buying alcohol sets a bad example for a kid but her screaming at a total stranger the cashier and the manager apparently sets a good example for her kid that was our slash entitled parents and if you like this content check out my podcast where i publish the exact same episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 549,969
Rating: 4.9551806 out of 5
Id: VwKTEqcT9J4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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