r/LegalAdvice - Charged $2500 For A Bad Google Review

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good day there guys it's your main man marky back at it again with some r slash legal advice now if you like today's content i want you to sit back relax chuck a prawn on the barbie and enjoy today's episode thank you posted by user lebecky11 titled getting charged 2 500 because of a google review i got a message from my former rental management company the place i was renting from saying that there was a negative review posted and it was clearly us i looked up the review this is the legal portion of our lease that was sent in the message both parties agree that all disputes and complaints shall be resolved privately and confidentially between tenant and landlord or individually through the courts or collections and further agrees to refrain from making defamatory statements orally or in writing about any other party and the representatives partners or agents of the parties both parties agree that it would be impractical and extremely difficult to ascertain the amount of actual damages caused by a failure to comply with the provision and liquidated damages of 2 500 shall be payable upon demands so they charged us two thousand five hundred dollars they said if we took down the review they would take the charge off the review is not posted under any of our names and has no factors that indicate it's from us is this legal our lease ended last month with this company yenzid7 says generally that sort of clause is not enforceable though they may try anyway attempting to enforce can get them in some trouble particularly if ops state has an anti-slap law i don't know if your state has one but the one i'm in does fee shifting so lawyers love it what does slap stand for strategic lawsuit against public participation i.e a lawsuit intended to silence you did you lie in the review if not then it's not defamation and they have no legal claim against you that being said it doesn't mean they won't try to scare you or even try and file suits even if there's a high chance of them losing against you for that review the is just pictures of parts of the lease that hide hidden fees in the lease and tell people to watch out for them it also says the manager is unprofessional defamation generally requires a false factual statement so make extra sure your review doesn't have any and you're in the clear updating your review with a copy of their threat and the part of the lease they're referencing would also be okay keep in mind though that doesn't mean you won't have to expend time and resources to defend yourself if they press the matter this is illegal it violates the consumer review fairness acts crfa that congress passed in 2016 specifically for this purpose and you should report it to the federal trade commission here you should also report it to your state's attorney general if you're in one of the 29 states with anti-slap laws did you post the review after the end dates on your contract if so then you are likely in the clear anyhow just as a general rule it's always good to frame potentially defamatory statements as opinion rather than fact to avoid risk update so my old landlord threatened and told me that he was charging me 2 500 for a negative review due to my post here i told him about the consumer review fairness act he hasn't mentioned it again but now he actually charged me for re-carpeting the entire duplex let me rewind i moved out and cleaned the place top to bottom and recorded an hour's worth of videos of me running my fingers over every crevice to show there wasn't even dust left behind after my intense cleaning when i moved in i had a move-in documentation that said that the place smells bad like pets and i wouldn't be held responsible for the odor when i left because i moved in with pets the landlord acknowledged the carpet smell and said it was from past tenants he emailed me after move out and said thank you for leaving the place move-in ready and gave me the carpet cleaning bill which i anticipated because it was in the lease now because i thwarted his attempt at trying to remove the negative review he came back and said the carpet is completely ruined and the house smells like pets and i have to replace the entire house's carpet i'm taking him to court over this because he charged me for the whole process and didn't show a bill either just said that it was going to cost an estimated amount of money and charged that my question while i'm in court can i mention that i feel like this is because of all this drama what i wrote about this review or because the lease has the 2 500 legal claim cause that is illegal can i say the whole lease is invalid edit i live in utah hemoglobin blue says where do you live many states allow for double and treble damages for wrongful withholding from a security deposit also carpets have a limited life and he can only charge you for the depreciated value eg carpets have seven years of life and previous tenants removed four years from that either from normal use or excessive animals if you lived there three years you owe nothing if you lived there one year and added so much damage that they had to be replaced then maybe you owe the two years which is roughly two sevenths what your state considers the life of a carpets might be different numbers are made up for the sake of examples i don't really want to argue them do you know where i can find what my state allows i am in utah i don't know the specifics about the depreciation so that will help a lot when arguing my case i'm a landlord in utah and the law does allow for treble damages but it's at the discretion of the judge so you won't necessarily be getting it utah law tends to be landlord friendly but it sounds like it's well documented which will help you out a lot good luck edits now that i've read some more of your concerns landlords have 30 calendar days to return your deposits and or provide you details of amounts withheld those amounts can't be for work they have to be done themselves they will need evidence of the expenses if you take them to court i've been doing property management for 20 years in utah and have dealt with tenants in courts but i am not a lawyer utah definitely has treble damages check out renter's rights you may have to file in small claims court to get it back though here's more info stinker bell says you can bring up that he tried to charge you this exact same amount for a negative review but you have excellent evidence that this charge is not valid in your videos and correspondence with him from when you moved in and when you moved out the attempt to charge you for a negative review is like a cherry on top of your i didn't do this damage argument your location is relevant here because different states have different requirements of landlords and sometimes even damages for improperly withheld security deposits as well as different requirements for where to file suits you will likely want to file in small claims courts your landlord may seek to settle as soon as you file make sure he doesn't owe you any penalties for the late return of your deposit before you settle our next post is by user gta [ __ ] titled landlord wants my roommates and i to leave every time there is a showing of the apartment we rent indiana my roommate works from home and has had to use vacation time to leave because our landlord texted us and told us that it says on the lease that we have to leave every time there is a showing it is in the lease but is this legal we gave landlord our schedules so we could try to be accommodating and they could schedule a showing when we are able to leave but they keep scheduling during the set work hours now down in the comments tata bizkit says it would require a bit of research into indiana law but i'm not certain that a lease provision for this is enforceable it is your home and you have the right to be there you also have some non-zero duty to cooperate with showings to prospective tenants or buyers here's a document from indiana state government implying this it says you have the right to access to your property at all times and it gives a limited list of exceptions that implies but again may not be definitive that the landlord can't boot you for showings the problem is that this document doesn't cite a source within the state code you'd think that the government agencies would go that extra step and op says consulted lawyer and they told me that according to the three codes 32 31 5 6 and 1 this part of the contract is void so i guess now i have to figure out how to tell my landlord without starting a whole thing thanks everyone for the help not a lawyer but for this perhaps start with a positive dear landlord we are happy to accommodate you wherever possible for showings at x time of the day however we will not be able to vacate it other times as specified in these three codes tenants cannot be required to vacate the premises for showings the short answer is no it's called an unconscionable term in the contract for lease unless it's written into your lease your landlord cannot force you to leave your apartment for a showing you have to let them show it if they give you reasonable notice but they can't force you to leave not a lawyer but from my understanding a contract cannot supersede law showing a property is not listed as a valid reason for denying a tenant access seems like this clause would be unenforceable especially given the fact that tenants have already made a good faith effort to comply so while the tenant would be required to allow the owner to show the property with notice the owner is required to allow the tenant access to the property during showings update so it's been a while since a lot of this went down but i keep experiencing issues and there's not much that can be done besides leaving of course but from where i left off after consulting with a lawyer the lawyer sent a strongly worded email to my landlord about how it is illegal to make us leave when she schedules showings and that we will try our best to leave but it will be completely voluntary landlords sent back an email saying that they are very imperative about tenants leaving and that's why it's in the lease sent photos of my apartment that she took while at a showing saying that it's a mess and we need to clean up before i moved in it was a frat house had cigarette butts and liquor bottles and trash all over but i still cleaned up some clutter anyways my landlord frequently had showings sometimes three in one day asking us to leave for a couple hours at a time she even showed up 40 minutes to one and i was changing in the living room when they had walked in she showed up 10 minutes early the second time i was in the bathroom with the door wide open and walked out to strangers in my hallway i had even planned to leave for some of these showings but didn't even get the chance because of how early she showed up it was honestly such creepy behavior she wouldn't knock because she claimed we should be gone anyways and then blamed us for the reason why no one wanted to sign a lease for the place i think maybe it's because the people coming to the showings were seeing how she invaded our privacy to be honest i consistently felt very uncomfortable in my own home i documented every interaction with her and had a lawyer send another email about how it's against her own rules longer story to show up early she is breaking the law etc she sent another email sounding angry blaming my roommate and die on her not being able to sign a lease blames us for a weird smoke smell not us but our upstairs neighbors but she then backed off a little had more showings and she showed up on time but still didn't announce herself or knock fine whatever at least i could prepare then finally people signed the lease and we didn't have to deal with it anymore but recently i walked out to my living room while being home alone to the maintenance man didn't even know he was there and he had been there for hours that was creepy i can't wait for this to be over posted by user extern hartley titled harris county texas someone forged my father's name on the warranty deed to his home transferred the ownership of property to their name then sold the property to another family as the title says my 73 year old father's house was stolen by a con man who either stole the physical original deed from my father or used the information provided by online public record search to create his own warranty deed the con man then forged my father's signature on the grantor line it is obviously a forge as i have a sample of my dad's actual signature from his driver's license and it looks completely different then after having the deed notarized filed it as public record he then turned around and sold the home to another family and apparently pocketed the profits due to his failing health my dad had been staying with my brother across town from his house at the time that this was going on i'd live in colorado not texas so i only found out because my brother who does still reside in texas went by the house one day and saw the family living there he stopped to ask what they were doing and they informed him that they had purchased the home for 45k off facebook marketplace alarmed my brother started looking for the original deed to the house but could not locate it so he went to the county clerk's office and obtained copies of the chain of ownership of the property sure enough we could see that someone forged my dad's name to gain ownership to the property on 8 2019 and then sold it to a second party 9 2019 another interesting thing about this pertains to the notary public someone told me that if there was an issue with the notary it might invalidate the whole transaction so i searched for the notary on the tx secretary of state website in hopes of filing a complaint i searched by both full name and notary id and cannot seem to find the notary is forgery of notary stamps a common thing i am going to call the notary public units of tx tomorrow to see if i can confirm that this notary is or isn't a real person i know enough to know that i will definitely need to speak to a real estate lawyer but i'm wondering if considering my dad's signature on the deed is forged and the notary public does not seem to exist does it seem as though i may have a good case here would i have a chance of getting the house back is something like this going to cost a ton of money i have some money but not a whole lot my dad has owned his house for 30 years and i cannot simply let it go please help mighty metric batman says yes a real estate law is going to be required yes the attorney will be able to get the house back no it will not be cheap or quick there is a specific type of suit that needs to be filed in this situation don't expect to get that money back deed fraud is massively on the rise in the last few years because grifters and scammers found out that nearly no county clerk is actually verifying anything when registering title changes from wfaa.com quote wfaa has found that when property records are filed with the county clerk no one checks to see if it's legitimate dallas county clerk john warren told wfaa that with limited staff it is impossible to check the veracity of each filed and notarized documents he says there's no way for us to determine if it's a clean deed or a dirty deed warren said if his clerks assumed that responsibility warren said he would have to employ a lot more clerks otherwise the clerk's office would come to a near standstill for now the system relies mainly on notaries verifying identities but as wfaa found there are gaping holes in that process to perpetrate a fraud all a scam artist needs to do is find a willing notary be a notary themselves or create a fake notary wfaa found so yes it is entirely possible no notary of that name exists this is big boy lawyer territory there are both civil and criminal moving parts to this situation a lawyer in texas should be hired immediately and a police report should be filed the real estate attorney will be able to help with that it is possible that the dad will get the house back but lots of people here are going to end up coming out the other end with a little less money than they started not a lawyer and a report made to the local adult protective services they usually work closely with police i work as an aps investigator not texas and we get many cases similar to this though we often know or suspect who forged the deed darth kale says i'm a real estate attorney not in texas i can only speak in general terms but get an attorney right away in texas check if your dad has title insurance it will be in closing docks and usually they will cover all costs i can say in most states a forged deed is void on its face the people in the house will not be able to keep the home but you will probably have to go to the court over it hopefully the people who bought the house got owners title insurance from the title company or attorney that closed it the title insurance will reimburse them their money they paid for it and then will try to go after the con artist criminally and civilly source 15 years real estate practice updates like so many others my financial situation is not as such that i could easily hire a real estate lawyer although this is the number one best advice given for this situation when i originally posed this question in july 2020 my father was in a nursing home as of yesterday my father is now deceased my question is since he is dead but did not have a will would that automatically exclude me from legally getting the house back i am expecting to have the money to hire a lawyer soon but don't want to waste anyone's time killer tulip says you'll have to probate the estate with an attorney explain this and they will be able to help or refer you the costs should come from the estate before it's passed down to you so it's not like cash will come directly out of your pocket right away ultimately you should be able to get the house back or the estate should and the people that would be out the money will be the family that bought it however they might even be able to recover their money if there was title insurance on the transaction then the title insurance company would likely have to pay them back that puts the title insurance company in the position of chasing down the con man and trying to recover the money the point is never buy property without title insurance the small amount of money you save by skipping it is not worth it they bought the house for 45k on facebook marketplace i would be surprised if they even had any proper paperwork done not only that but any title company would have seen through this in an instance and you wouldn't even get near closing i.e yes get insurance but also know that in the process of getting insurance these sorts of things get uncovered by the insurance companies doing their due diligence your father's death does not affect the claim except where he obviously cannot now testify that he did not sell the house given the apparently forged notary stamp this should not prove to be an insurmountable obstacle how much it will cost depends on how much fight the buyers or their title insurance if they bought it put up yes title insurance could make remuneration for your father's estate more likely it makes things cleaner for you allows the new homeowners to possibly stay in their home which may be a consideration for you and may not and puts a company who really really wants their money back on the heels of the fraudulent seller you'll need to get the police involved and you need a real estate lawyer preferably one with litigation experience the homeowner's specific policy will have some bearing on this not a lawyer posted by user hypno fedex titled neighbor likes to shoot guns bullets are hitting my mother's house police won't help because he's on his property when he is shooting this is in south carolina hey everyone long time reader first time fetcher i always wondered when something would happen in my personal life to get me to post here so i don't have the talent in ms paint that some others do but the setup is pretty simple my mother lives in a home in a planned housing development and her home is on a roll on the exterior of the overall property being developed behind her is a large drainage which is probably 200 to 300 feet wide or so six months ago my mum moved into a new house and it's been pretty nice however in the last few weeks she's been hearing sounds from the woods across the drainage behind her house she asked the neighbors about the sounds and they told her that it was a neighbor living over that way who likes to shoot wild pigs rabbits squirrels and other assorted varmints apparently they've all gotten used to this for the last month my mom tells me she occasionally hears something hit her house but could never figure out what one night last week she's on her back porch eating dinner when she hears the a-hole neighbor's shooting and then hears the thing hitting her house sounds after which a small piece of metal lands on her table she takes it to a friendly neighbor later who tells her that it's a 22-caliber bullet after soliciting everyone in the world for advice she calls the police a police officer arrives asks her some questions and then at the end tells her that she probably won't like what she's going to hear but since a whole neighbor is shooting guns on his own property he is legally in the clear police officer leaves and my mum talks to the growing crowd of friendly neighbors around her wondering what's going on she talks about it and they confirm her story apparently the police have been getting complaints for years about bullets hitting homes and never do anything because multiple neighbors have had the same thing happen before i really can't believe that my mother doesn't have any recourse here she hasn't been hurt or injured but why would we wait for that to happen she lives in a neighborhood with a lot of young families as well here is the challenge my mum loves to solicit advice but is terrible at following it after the bullet incident she called about seven different people not including me for some reason asking them what she should do every single person suggested she should call the police she did call them after all other seven people told her to although it's probably just because she ran out of other people to call and not because she thought the advice she'd gotten was sound i really need to know what i can do on her behalf because if i tell her to do something it's probably not going to happen unless it's what she would have done anyway update one apparently when she called the police they told her to call the sheriff which she did and apparently the person sent was a deputy she still has his business card and when he left the gaggle of neighbors was already congregating and asking questions again this is apparently an ongoing issue and he said that there will be an investigation and it'll take some time i'm wondering if that's code 4 there won't be an investigation and i'm hoping you forget about this and stop calling either way she's going to wait and see if anything happens i told her to give it a week and then call the sheriff's office back to see if there's been any updates another ania says we had a similar problem the person that was most interested and was ultimately able to solve the problem was the game warden i'm in ohio not south carolina but if he's shooting things out of season the game warden should be interested i am not a lawyer many cities towns etc have ordinances that make it illegal to shoot within city limits my south carolina small city does check into that i'd also escalate to the duty sergeant shift captain and police chief next to the city or county elected district rep and she can also bill the neighbors for any repairs and take them to small claims if they refuse to pay even if the law allows them to shoot they are liable for damages from their actions to piggyback on this the city and county may allow shooting on your own property but within restrictions i live in va but my county ordinances mandate we shoot x yards away from the streets and must be x yards away from a dwelling not our own one of the other people in this thread mentioned the idea of contacting a game warden if he's shooting animals out of season and he most likely is even if it's on his own property it would be a violation and he could get in trouble might solve the problem the other one is to see if he is in violation of any other city or county ordinances my dad used this one time on a guy that was not controlling the weeds on his property in iowa where he was from at the time you have to keep some weeds like thistles under control and if you do not the county can take care of it for you and send you the bill let's just say that we never had a problem after that with the guy just a thought update neighbor likes to shoot guns bullets are hitting my mother's house police won't help because he's on his property when shooting things are currently quite confusing starting off i'd like to reiterate something i hedged in my original request for help i really need to know what i can do on her behalf because if i tell my mother to do something it's probably not going to happen unless it's what she would have done anyway after a few more conversations with her i noticed my mother was being very inconsistent with details exactly how many bullets had hit her home when this had happened details from her conversation with the sheriff's deputy exactly who had called the sheriff's office etc i decided i very much needed to not do anything on her behalf lest the information i give to law enforcement be not just secondhand but 50 inaccurate we did talk more though and i passed on a lot of the information that was shared with us and she was very thankful so that's nice she called her county's game warden and was able to speak with him directly he told her that the fact she actually had bullets changed everything unfortunately as far as i know she hasn't followed up with his office and that's where things with the game warden stopped she also said that her neighbors escalated with the sheriff and two detectives came took statements collected evidence and said that there was an open investigation but did say that the evidence seemed pretty strong on the side of my mother and her neighbors i am not aware of any follow-up in regards to this nor do i know if they actually talked to my mother or took the bullet fragments that she collected by the way i'm positive that either someone will pm me or post that i should be concerned with my mother's lucidity because she is so incredibly inconsistent with details this is just how she is she taught english and creative writing and tends to fill in details with guesses anytime she talks about anything in narrative form when she doesn't understand an important point she makes an explanation up that seems reasonable to her i'm in my mid 30s and she's been like this my whole life i've no doubt that the whole story she's told me is true she's an honest person really but she's frequently an unreliable narrator luckily i know her well enough that i can generally figure out how true something she tells me is on an overall basis and which parts are likely species i've heard nothing else in several months either investigative progress or new bullet fragments sailor v i am hopeful that there is progress i simply don't know about because it seems her neighbors with small children are much more on the up and up with checking in with and pressuring law enforcement to help posted by user snob black titled my 68 year old grandmother was born under strange circumstances and doesn't have a birth certificate hello new to posting on reddit so please let me know if i've broken any rules or i'm in the wrong sub my grandmother was born in 1951 in california and was most likely born out of wedlock she knows who her family says her father was but has no idea who her mother was she's trying to get a birth certificate but has been running into complications her first step was to get her passports she has an affidavit from her father that he wrote for her when she was 15 in order for her to get a job she also has a notarised letter from one of her only living relatives left claiming her identity however the passport office has told her it's not enough information and that she needs to find information from before she was five years old they recommend ancestry.com or going to find a us census from when she was born ancestry is a little bit of an issue because she doesn't have any family alive who might know her mother's name and she genuinely isn't even sure about her father should she use her father's anyway does anyone have any idea of how she could get more information to provide her identity please let me know any thoughts or if i need to provide more information thanks redditers and to be clear she's not an immigrant she has an arizona id because it's one of the few states that allowed her to use her old california id to renew she currently lives in nevada this sounds a bit like a mystery puzzle her arizona id it uses her father's name or her married name does she still have her california id that i'm assuming uses her father's name you say she doesn't have any idea about her mother's name who did she live with growing up does she remember attending any schools they often have records that while they might not work for this might give a lead religion if she was raised in a faith and can pin down where she was raised churches might have records like baptism or sunday school is it possible that her birth was never officially registered i'm a bit confused about the father giving some kind of letter at 15. children born out of wedlock at that time didn't generally have contact with her father unless the father remained part of their life which he obviously did op says thanks for responding her arizona id uses her married name i don't think she kept the california one but if she has it does that help she lived with her grandparents growing up they were on her mother's side from what she was told she and her living relative believe her mother might have been someone she was told was her cousin if that matters i didn't even think about schools we will look for some information there not really religious but i'll ask if she remembers i don't think her birth was ever registered she sent for it in los angeles california where she was told she was born but they had no records she even sent in various spellings of her first name her father was in her life occasionally mostly to provide money he had married and had other children when she was growing up and remembers being around him they weren't all that close though from what she tells me you need to focus your search on where she was raised i think you have her grandparents names possibly and their location if they were her mother's family that might give you a name i'm thinking that you have to consider that her birth was never registered it happens unfortunately and in those cases the government normally wants things like doctors school and religious records hmm does she have a social security number gotcha that makes sense yes she has their names and even their last address she lived with them until she married the school seems like a great lead she does have her high school's information so i'm sure that can get us somewhere and yes she does have a social security number she provided that to the passport office as well census records from 1940 are all online and records from 1950 will be online next year can you find her grandparents census records that might provide the names of all their children which would narrow the search for her mother's name ah thank you i didn't know that i'm going to see her and help her with all of this this weekend so i'll see if we can find them in there i'm not a lawyer but a genealogy nerd familysearch.org has an index of california births if you have any idea of the maiden name of your mother that will make things much easier when searching just focus on the surname her birth could have been logged as baby girl or female surname with the census do you know where your grandmother lived in 1960 if so she can request info from the 1960 census for 65 bucks at this link here census.gov topic population slash genealogy age search.html do you know where she went to school try requesting records from the school district if she went to school in la i imagine lausd has a labyrinth of records but they might be able to find stuff i know nyc has a ton of records maybe la would be similar if she was adopted do you have paperwork for that this is an interesting case has she talked to an immigration attorney no answers for that one unfortunately updates my 68 year old grandmother was born under strange circumstances and does not have a birth certificate hello everyone 11 months ago i posted here asking for help for my grandmother who hasn't had a birth certificate all her life and was trying to get a passport she called me today and her passport was in the mail i just wanted to thank everyone for their help and all of the wonderful advice she has been waiting for this for years and it was such a special moment thank you all we truly appreciate it posted by user skydancer570 titled should i pay my grandmother six thousand dollars in cash i'm not sure what this would fall under but it has to do with wills and estates debts maybe someone said i should post here so here it goes so this is a super long story i'll add a tldr at the bottom if you don't want to read the whole thing the characters names have been changed ah laura my great-grandmother jen one of lorraine's daughters and my grandmother johnny second child of lorraine and my aunt kirsten my mom jake kiersten's husband and my stepdad jeff the lawyer dealing with the inheritance issues the prior lawyer left behind opie is me and there's two wills will won before i was born and before the fighting this will was dedicated to jen johnny and kirsten will too this was the newer will that the lawyer screwed up it was for opie johnny and kirsten background i have a great grandmother named laura she passed away in 2016 and will too left everything to me kirsten and johnny laura got into a fight with her daughter jen several years before she died as she got older they kind of made up but the will was set in stone unfortunately after she passed we found the lawyer screwed up and can't be held legally responsible for fudging up the will so now we had to revert to will one we tried fighting it but no luck soon we found out that if jen was willing to uphold the will she could sign her inheritance over to me and all would be as it should she was greedy and said no so i get nothing good day sir we came up with another plan which she agreed to split it four ways so we all get something kirsten my mum said why should i be punished for the lawyer's mistake yes she actually said that to her only daughter so in the end i got nothing johnny cared for me deeply so he had her will legally changed so i would inherit everything if she passed well a year later she did pass due to complications after a surgery it was a horrible time for me and i was super depressed we picked up a plot of land and buried her an agreement with the plot of land is that four people can be buried there johnny jen kiersten and jake each paid a fourth of the total twelve thousand dollars jen said she would pay if kirsten and jake paid their parts along with johnny i got johnny's share of laura's estate as it wasn't passed out yet morbid how someone else had to pass before i could get any semblance of my first inheritance now kirsten jake and jen said i made an agreement to pay jen back with the inheritance i gots and kirsten and jake would pay me back over time i don't remember this agreement jeff needed signatures and kirsten and jen wouldn't get off their butts to sign so that i could get the money in the first place now that i have the money they want me to pay six thousand dollars in cash so jen can keep her ssi and government benefits she also got a check for over four thousand dollars when i got my money i have a son now and no job i had one but due to being high risk i had to quit and my fiance is between jobs but due to pandemic he hasn't heard anything back we need this money but i came up with a plan laura had stock in universal not actually universal but something similar that was split amongst the three but johnny and kiersten bought jen out of it a while ago now it's split between me and kirsten i offered to buy it from my mum so that kirsten can take the check and pay cash to jen as that would make everyone sort of happy i got all the stock kirsten paid half her debt back and jenny got half the money i had to drive back to washington from connecticut's not the actual states because of a medical emergency i told jen this and she says that i'm screwing her over there is no proof anyone would pay me back had i just handed the cash over and now she's acting like i need to pay her i don't get the luxury of social security money or benefits from the state i have a son that i need to care for and he's expecting me to throw away six thousand dollars i will most likely never see again she threatened to get a lawyer to get the money but there is no evidence that i owe her anything it was a verbal contract but that happened over a year and a half ago that i have zero recollection of i'm gonna read the tldr because that is a very confusing story tldr my grandmother screwed me out of 27 000 in inheritance she just got a check for over four thousand dollars and now she wants me to give her six thousand dollars in cash so she can avoid having to report it to the irs and there's nothing promising i'll ever get paid back should i give her the money that's over half of what i have left i only got a check for fifteen thousand dollars and have been buying much needed baby stuff and paying for food and bills i just paid two thousand dollars in bills for my son's cord blood storage just off the tldr why are you giving someone who stole 27 000 from you an additional six thousand dollars why do you care if she has irs trouble op says when the will reverted and i got cut out she could have legally signed the third back to me but instead she kept it she said that i'd be her sole beneficiary because of how things went down i would get two-thirds instead of one-third or one-quarter i'm worried that if i don't give her the money she won't name me her sole beneficiary and i will lose out again you have no guarantee of inheriting anything at all she also sounds poor the odds of there being something left to inherit are pretty slim don't throw away good money after bad ninety percent of this is irrelevant all this comes down to is do you have an agreement to pay six thousand dollars if you had a written agreement they can come after you if you didn't have a written agreement tell them to show you proof of the agreement or that you aren't paying them anything if they sue retain an attorney people threaten to sue way more often than they do there is no written document or evidence there's actually more evidence that my mother owes her than there is of me even being in the room when they decided on the plan then just stop engaging tell them you won't be paying them anything if they actually hire an attorney and you get caught paperwork get your own attorney people threaten to sue much more often than they actually do when there is no proof update should i pay my grandmother six thousand dollars so i went over some of the documentation i received from the lawyer and it's a mess there's random withdrawals money missing in places that suddenly appears somewhere else bills taken specifically from the state of my aunt and not my great-grandmother which they should have been there is vague wording money handed out beforehand and a whole bunch of other things it smells fishy for sure anyway now i'm debating to hire a lawyer but i don't know which kind would deal with this is it a family matter an accounting matter where should i go to help with this matter and apparently it wasn't forty thousand dollars like i had thought it's near sixty thousand dollars edits i'm in california but all of this was filed in massachusetts you need a probate lawyer based in massachusetts that's what i'm afraid of i don't plan to go back to massachusetts anytime soon so everything would be over the phone and i'm wary of that there's really nothing much different than in person usually you'd have a consult in person then they take care of things for you with some phone updates and signing forms and there really isn't much else information to go off here if we get another update later we will but damn i thought you guys would like that story because it's just huge posted by user throwaway 12798 titled being prosecuted and sued for not reporting a crime that i was a victim of i 34 male ran away from home when i was 16 to escape serious abuse from my parents mostly my father my father isn't a good person he was very abusive to me and my mom he's also a crook the kind that cheats steals from vulnerable people doesn't pay his taxes and so on i haven't had any contact with my father from the day i left home i never reported the abuse to the police i only told a few people at the time and i'm not sure they believed me anyway my mother died shortly after i left and my father married twice more he has kids with both his second and third wives i don't know the wives or their kids at all not even their names i heard through a relative that my father was arrested two or so weeks ago i didn't know the charges against him this was to be expected one day or another so i didn't give it any further thought three days ago though i was called by a very aggressive woman who claims to be his current wife she was understandably upset that he was arrested she accuses him of abusing their kids the woman also told me that he stole from her talked some relatives into investing in shady schemes of his then kept the money and a variety of other accusations i don't know which of these crimes he's been arrested for the woman who called was very angry she says that i enabled my father by not reporting the abuse i went through i have no idea who told her my father abused me she said i knew how he was and didn't tell anyone and because of that he was free to marry her abuse her into their kids and steal from her family she said that she reported me to the police for knowingly enabling a criminal she also said that she would take me to court for the money she lost her and her kids suffering everything she said all i had to do was denounce him and not doing so is a serious crime and i'm going to pay for it because i knew i didn't think she was serious but yesterday i had a missed call from the police department of the city where my father lives they say i need to call them back and it's about him it seems she made good on her threats and told the police about me so now i'm very worried i didn't know one could get in trouble for not reporting abuse should i call them back or is there a risk for me and what can this woman sue me for exactly is there anything i should do about it you don't have a legal obligation to warn people about the abuse you suffered you don't need to speak to the police if you don't want to assuming you're in the u.s it's unclear what she reported or why they're calling you it may be entirely unrelated to her threats yes i'm in the u.s south carolina i wonder what the police want from me though they're from the city where my father lives i've never been there so it has to be about him if they're investigating your father for abusing his children it makes sense to call his older children to investigate whether he's done it before failing to report the abuse you experienced isn't illegal but if you're concerned you can have a lawyer call the detective back it's also possible that your stepmother is unhinged enough to have someone call you pretending to be a detective opie do not call the number that was left for you to call look up the non-emergency phone number for the police in the city they said they were calling from and ask for the detective if the call is legitimate this will get you to them but if it was someone pretending to be a detective to scare you on the behalf of the father's wife you can skip that whole experience endop says i hadn't thought of that and back up the voicemail just in case it is her it could help as evidence if she tries harassing you in the future this is plainly emotional lashing out and looking for someone to blame rather than a set of claims based in law there's a small handful of places and circumstances where people can be criminally punished for not reporting felony crimes or not reporting child abuse or civilly sued for failing a professional obligation to warn about imminent serious violence none of those applied to a 16 year old runaway or to crimes that occurred 18 years ago or to crimes or torts committed by a third party years or decades after you last communicated with him the city police phone call is more likely for ordinary investigatory purposes about crimes that your father is alleged to have committed rather than any investigation of you anywhere in the usa you are well within your ordinary fifth and sixth amendment rights to not answer those calls or to tell the investigators a flat i will not answer any questions without the advice of my attorney a more practical answer if you can commit to strictly limiting your comments would be something to the effect of i left home when i was 16 i don't know anything about my father's conduct after the day i left and i will not answer any more questions without the advice of my attorney if you are served notice of a lawsuit you must respond to it and should hire an attorney to help dismissal will almost certainly follow but angry prose plaintiffs file groundless lawsuits all the time and you need to respond to them to limit the possible damage rp says i currently live in south carolina spent my childhood in ga before i ran away and my father currently lives in florida i never had any participation in my father's illegal activities i would be willing to talk to the police if it helps the investigations against my father i know i have a right not to answer but doesn't it look like i'm guilty of something if i ask for a lawyer no it doesn't make you look guilty it makes you look smart the police know it's stupid to talk to them updates being sued for not reporting abuse i suffered the police in the city where my father lives called me again they told me it was about my father and i answered that he's out of my life and i don't know anything about him or his crimes and i haven't talked to him in over 18 years i thought that would be the end of it but it turns out that my pos father used my identity in some of his fraudulent schemes which is also why his wife was after me initially she thought i was aware of it and complicit i started crapping bricks so i took your advice and lay it up and thankfully we were able to prove that it was identity theft easily actually the police had no trouble believing me because he has stolen a lot of other identities they also encouraged me to come forward about the violence to add even more weight to his other kids accusations the officers were kind and understanding and they told me where to get help if the process is too hard on me the third wife harassed me for a few weeks to take her rage at me and then accused me of being irresponsible and a coward for not reporting my father's abuse she stopped communicating with me so i imagine we're good anyway if she sues me i have a lawyer now posted by user i'm fed up with my hoa titled hoa being difficult because i host support meetings in my own home massachusetts for the last 18 years i've been a member and an organizer of a support group for trauma survivors the room we were using for our meetings in the nearby church was recently flooded and badly damaged and i haven't been able to find another suitable room for our meetings due to the pandemic not wanting the group members to be deprived of an important resource i decided to host some meetings in my basement or in a scheduled area of my garden with a reduced number of attendees we respect social distancing rules wear masks sanitize our hands and everything this came to the knowledge of the hoa board a few weeks ago some hoa board members knocked on my door and told me they weren't pleased with this at all they told me that people in the neighborhood feel unsafe knowing that drug addicts gather at my house i told them that our support group is not for people fighting addiction or maybe some of them are but they don't tell me but for trauma survivors and that this would stop as soon as we could go back to the church they weren't convinced and called me inconsiderate and asked me to stop i didn't because i consider that i have a right to invite people at my house and talk to them yesterday i received a strongly worded letter from the hoa demanding that i stop inviting drug addicts to gather at my house because it puts everyone in danger and they're not the kind of people we want in the neighborhood they said i had a chance to make things right but didn't so they are finding me five hundred dollars they will find me for every meeting i organize from now on and threat me with the lien on my house if i don't pay the fines the reason they invoke is that our meetings are breaching the peace of the neighborhood and making people unsafe this is completely untrue our meetings are six to seven people max we don't make noise we don't drink we park on my driveway or on legal spots in the streets we cause absolutely no disturbance i checked the hoa rules and i can't seem to find which one i would be breaking does the hoa have any right to stop me from organizing meetings at my house i don't see how our support group is any different from having a few guests at my house the hoa is run by people who don't seem to know what they're doing and i think they would stop harassing me if i had real legal arguments to oppose thank you for your advice this is complicated and a firm answer would probably require a detailed reading of your hoas cc and dars by a lawyer but there is a decent chance they can do this the fact that the hoa is run by people who don't seem to know what they're doing is largely irrelevant many hoa rules are written in such a way to exclude just the sort of activities that you are engaging in namely bringing other people into the neighborhood on a regular basis i could run through a list of possible reasons they'll feed you it's a business run out of the home even though you don't get paid it's an unlicensed social club you can't prove you're really doing social distancing etc but at the end of the day they don't want undesirables with no clear link to a residence coming regularly into their space and they will throw fines at you until you stop you would need a lawyer to get a firm answer though agree with this rp may attempt to fight it with a harassment or discrimination claim but depending on the attorney's strategies that could be a huge risk for them and for their neighborhood personally i would stop hosting the meetings if it was causing the rumor mill to run but i would still meet with an attorney to address the fact that the board participated in and took action to place restrictions on my right to invite guests to my home based on rumors that i a member of the association am a drug addict and that my guests are drug addicts this is highly probable to lead to further harassment and discrimination from neighbors yes i might have to stop the meetings and it's what really saddens me some members have a hard time dealing with the added stress from the pandemic and our meetings provide much needed relief i don't even want to go to court or anything i just want to have the possibility to help people who need it and don't bother anyone and thank you for your answer i would have imagined i was free to invite whoever i want as long as i don't cause disturbance i was hoping to avoid spending money on a lawyer but i will if i need to that's the problem with hoas you are never free to utilize your property into whatever manner you choose joining an hoa requires you to give up a significant amount of your rights for the good of the community as has been mentioned above the hoa board probably has half a dozen vaguely worded bylaws they can use to enforce their will on you what rules do they say you are violating request to hearing and refute their claims ultimately it's possible the hoa can restrict this in a number of ways limiting guest parking not allowing non-residential use etc but whether or not you are violating the rules as they are written depends on these specific rules they don't even say what rules i'm supposed to be breaking everything is very vague which makes me think that they have no idea what they're doing someone must have spread the rumor that we're addicts and it scared them they are older people who always lived in a quiet neighborhood and are scared of everyone ask them to specify exactly what rules you are breaking my suggestion would be to send them a nice letter and it's best if it comes from an attorney but i appreciate you wanting to save the money letting them know that you can't pay the fines unless you know the bases of it in the cc and r and ask that they refer you to the relevant section though before you do that as has been suggested by others do go through the bylaws check what they have to do to issue a fine what can they issue a fine for etc they may not have been following the proper procedure as a former hoa manager they cannot find you in arizona or florida without specifying the actual rules that have been broken and should the hoa be represented by an attorney the attorney will not either it sounds to me like they sent out their general letter of non-compliance complete with the maximum penalties which are there to threaten you to seek compliance there are resources in florida you could utilize but if you're in a different state i couldn't offer any further advice yep i think it's more of a shot in the dark to see if they can make me stop i'm not sure if they have a clear idea of what they're doing which is why i think that some legally sound pushback from my part could be enough updates i pushed back and my hoa stopped harassing me about hosting support group meetings i wrote back to the hoa to dispute the fines and sent a polite but firm letter asking them to show me precisely which rule i'm supposed to be breaking as i was advised by commenters in here i also pretended that i feel insulted that they're calling me and the group members drug addicts i felt bad doing so because i know that addiction is a disease and not a sin or whatever and that i would raise hell because of this and call a lawyer as a result the president of the hoa called me and basically confirmed that they haven't found a specific rule i would be breaking but it was more of a general feeling people had that i was making them uncomfortable and that shouldn't go on i asked them why they were uncomfortable so he talked about the fact that they think that i'm letting drug addicts gather at my home and that would bring crime to the neighborhood i explained again that the support group is not about addiction and the members are not drug addicts and the president said he knew but some homeowners have trouble accepting it he confirmed as i suspected that there are other things they have trouble accepting about me and it's not about drugs then i tried my luck a little by pretending that what they are doing amounts to discrimination against people who need mental health support and they were infringing on my rights to peacefully enjoy my property and was adamant that i wouldn't pay a cent in fines he said that i seemed passionate about the argument and he doesn't want to be involved in a legal dispute over this so we came to an agreement that i would move as many meetings as possible online and only have people at my place when there was no other way which makes sense within the pandemic times anyway in return the hoa will drop their claim and leave me alone i haven't heard about them again so i guess i'm fine thanks for everyone's good advice posted by user deleted titled my future sister-in-law is asking for my phone records for her restraining order against my fiance's stalker am i legally allowed to give it to them i live in california if that helps my fiance's ex is a girl he dated almost four years ago she's been constantly harassing him after she broke up with him when we got together after a year they've been broken up she found my facebook and my personal email and phone number and started harassing me as well she would send death threats past text messages and love letters my boyfriend sent me during their relationship and more in order to try to get me to break up with him so she could have him back well it got to a point we had to file our own restraining order against her and her brothers since her brother was also helping his sister harass us and that was due to them obtaining my nudes from my fiance's phone at the time because she apparently still remembered his password to his apple cloud and she managed to get her hand on my nudes his nudes all our important info like family and friends phone numbers and even co-workers info after many death threats she threatened she would expose my nudes if i didn't break up with my fiance i stayed with him so over the course of two years she would blast everyone i know my nudes to try and defame me i've lost friends and even job opportunities over this the entire time this was happening she was using vpns fake emails and fake phone numbers to do this so nothing would be tracked back to her we literally have thousands of texts emails and even voicemails of her crying as evidence anyways we want a restraining order in chords and the only reason why we won is because of all the texts and emails that had intimate information only my fiancee and his crazy ex knew during their relationship they brought us back into court a second time to delete the restraining order and we won that as well now they are harassing my future sister-in-law they have been threatening her over text and email that they will share our intimate photos to her friends and co-workers during her wedding so we've been helping her with her restraining order now comes the sticky part the harasser's lawyer has informed my future sister-in-law that they have my phone records proving i sent harassing text messages to my fiance's ex and they are now implying that i'm the one behind it all my future sister-in-law wants me to submit my entire phone record data to disprove it thing is my question is how in the world can they get my phone records without my consent or even notification and another thing is i've changed my number five different times these past three years my new number is barely a few months old and i don't understand what is going on i do know that in the last three years i've been with my ex i have sent derogatory texts to that ex of his mostly out of frustration because she was texting me first and threatening to kill me or seeing other terrible stuff about my race or education i know in court i will tell the truth but i don't want to incriminate myself if i just give them my phone records my fear is they cherry pick something i said out of frustration and try and prove that it was me somehow i'm not sure i'm just tired and fed up at this point and i just want to know if i should just give them my phone records or wait until i get an official subpoena from the courts our court date is in 10 days likely if you hand the records over their lawyer will allow their ex to see all the numbers that you contact only giving them more information and people to harass regarding yourself and fiance bring this up as a concern to the sister and speak with her lawyer about it maybe portions of the numbers can be redacted to at least give them the proof they need without revealing the actual full numbers obligatory i am not a lawyer there is a lot to unpack here but i'll try to help first off did the harassers have this lawyer when you went to court for the restraining order it seems odd that this wouldn't have been introduced during those times if they recently hired an attorney however you will want your sil to hire an attorney as well however and remember i'm not a lawyer it seems suspicious that the harasser's lawyer thinks text messages between you and your fiance's ex have been any bearing whatsoever on the restraining order to your sil is filing objection relevance seems like a phrase that you'll want your sil to remember at the court hearing seconds did you report the fiance's ex to the police for revenge porn you mentioned fiance's ex distributed your nudes even without direct proof you have copies of the threats that she sent and evidence that other received your nudes even if it doesn't go anywhere you'll want to file a police report that can be used in chords third while i still think it's not relevant for the sil case i would still bring any pertinent documents from your restraining order paper printouts of any text messages from and to fiance's ex copy of a restraining order against fiance's ex and anything that you can share with the judge should they ask fourth good that you're going to tell the truth be honest it's understandable that you're going to react to someone saying they're going to kill you hopefully this helps and i would check any other comments if someone recommends you lawyer up if fiance's ex has a lawyer definitely get one thank you for taking the time and writing this all out this does help to answer some of your questions yes we have reported every single revenge porn blast to the police we currently have four open cases throughout the two years unfortunately we can't prove that it was her because she used spoofed numbers we even paid ten thousand dollars and hired a digital forensics company to try and gain evidence unfortunately all they could come up with is a busted subpoena indicating that whoever sent those emails and texts they used spoofed numbers and emails so that's pretty much a dead end secondly we gave thousands of pages of emails and texts to her and her lawyer we have volumes of intimate texts that show it's her due to the content of the texts and emails thirdly she has her own lawyer and she said her lawyer asked me for my phone records to try and prove i wasn't harassing my fiance's ex but again in a way i was when i was defending myself and i will tell the truth to that fact i'm going to look into getting a lawyer myself i don't understand how they can get my phone records without my isp provider informing first at least not unless her lawyer is lying and trying to use a scare tactic either way thank you i'm researching more and seeing what i can do gotcha thanks for clearing that up i would definitely recommend getting your own lawyer on this one good bit of advice i see on here all the time is to never trust a lawyer that isn't your own your sils lawyer is only interested in what will help your sil not you your lawyer will be able to help you through this sorry that you'll have to spend more money on a lawyer but i think everything will be just fine and best of luck updates my future sil is asking for my phone records for her restraining order against my fiance's stalker am i legally allowed to give it to them california hey everyone i'm just updating for those who were slightly interested so i ended up getting my own attorney and the advice he gave me was that i'm not obligated to give my phone records over but if i do that i need to black out any other numbers i don't want my harasser to get a hold of i ended up skyping with her lawyer and my attorney and we all agreed to not include my phone records they both concluded that if our stalker wanted to use those texts they would submit their own phone records to prove it and if they don't it means it wasn't that important anyway even though we all agreed to this my future sister-in-law was not happy about this she still wanted phone records because she was afraid they already subpoenaed my phone records which they haven't no amount of talking or reasoning with her made it through her not even her lawyer so my relationship with my future sister-in-law is very strange right now the court day was about a week ago and it came and went the week leading up to the court date was emotional and it sucked both harassers fiance's ex and her brother tried their best to hide their identity and make our lives a living hell the day before trial a giant email was sent out to all my co-workers and dad it contained my nudes and a threatening message i told her over and over again to leave him well what does she get what she deserves bam i know 100 of all of you work or have worked with fiance as a writer if any of you decide to work with her do a project with her or even stay friends with her i will come after you your wives girlfriends and company i will photoshop and torment your loved ones with the possibility of infidelity crime or worse i know all of you have high stakes with her her last client's client's name i ruined his marriage by sending nudes to his email and personal work phone his wife of course found out and now he is suffering because she didn't listen i hope no one trusts her now it's your turn if i catch any of you giving her a job you're gone and you better keep fiance around once he and i are back together he needs to make a lot of money in order to keep up with my high status and don't even think about using this in court fiance no one is going to really think it's me i hope all of you have a wonderful day stay away from her if you know what's best for you all she's a dirty [ __ ] and a loser smiley face messages and threats like these are frequents and i've had these so many times in the last two years that now i have to warn any future clients and i now have no hard feelings for people who decide to cut me out of their lives and honestly i'm used to it at this point also unfortunately i lost a client because of this and i had my upwork profile suspended because my ex-client reported me she managed to find my public upwork profile and started harassing the clients i was working for i am still working with upwork to remedy the solution we already went to court and unfortunately my future sister-in-law decided to dismiss her case without prejudice the judge we were assigned to had a criminal background and needed solid evidence that our male stalker was harassing her the harassers were using vpns and fake numbers to harass her and even though we have proof that he was harassing us it couldn't be carried over after she dismissed the case al harasser tried pinning all of the harassment on my fiance and i to try and make my future sister-in-law pay for all their court fees they provided a giant itemized bill of over forty thousand these jerks tried arguing that my future sister-in-law was liable for all of it and the bill included the last two court cases they lost against my fiance and me so out of this entire thing i managed to lose some clients my dignity and my future sister-in-law refuses to talk to me now it sucks but hey life isn't fair the only thing i can do is keep my online life extremely confidential and any clients i work with online i will have to warn them about my stalker lol on the bright side my harasses are 40k in debt and that x still doesn't have my fiance plus even though all of this happens i work in an industry that doesn't care about leaked nudes most of my colleagues and clients still want to work with me and i had a good day today surfing so not everything is bad thank you for everyone who gave me advice and those cute badge things you guys were super helpful posted by user garbage throwaway 207 titled emmy hookup has reported me to police who have gone through my work now this is an ongoing issue last week i started talking to a person on a dating app after a couple of days we met up in person which actually for a combination of nerves didn't really go far after that there was more app messaging they wanted to meet up again but i wasn't sure and didn't have time they responded angrily called me some names and said that if we can't have sex now we are done i responded if that's the way you feel that's the way you feel but the behavior isn't okay i've now been contacted by hr my employer is one of the things they know about me who say that they have been contacted by city police investigating gross sexual assaults i am reasonably sure that message logs will cover me legally but i am in no position to have this cost me my employment and need to get ahead of disputing this to a level that satisfies hr sooner rather than later i would speak to a lawyer i would not readily hand over any messages to the police at this point the police are attempting to gather evidence against you for a crime speak to a lawyer and maybe go through some sort of messages together to get an idea if you've actually done anything wrong or not it sucks to have to spend money on a lawyer but these are serious accusations and you need help from a professional i know that this is going to be a stereotypical answer but i am literally incapable of paying a lawyer right now i've been on four months of reduced income salary cuts and increased cost of living not only can i not make rent this week i'm not 100 sure that i can make it up by the end of next week finding and paying a lawyer to handle this is the most important expense you have right now evictions are on hold basically everywhere so you have time to make up rent and you can eat ramen noodles but she will never get another chance to quash this situation in the early stages which you need to do immediately do not speak to the police without a lawyer present and advising you about what to say at this stage a nascent investigation with no charges filed you are not entitled to representation by a public defender a private paid attorney could help nip this in the bud but if you can't make rent you cannot afford a private attorney i can tell you that it could be money well spent because with an accusation this serious your freedom is on the line but it's also wholly possible that the police will discover that this isn't something worth pursuing don't discuss the facts of your interactions with this person with anyone but an attorney statements that you make to virtually anyone else including your hr department are not privileged and confidential and can be used you in the event this investigation goes somewhere if the police contact you tell them that you will not speak to them if the worst happens and you are arrested say nothing except you are invoking your right to remain silent and want an attorney op says being charged with a felony conviction or not is grounds for my immediate dismissal if i were to be charged i have a reasonable belief that the evidence i have on hand covers me but that this is already getting pretty deep into the worst case for me i'm just trying to figure out the best course of action to not lose my job and my apartment over all of this i'd ask friends and family for money then if the police do reach out to you they will likely try to get a post miranda statement from you that amounts to a confession to some crime before charging you and you don't want to give them that it'll suck to not tell your family the details of what's happening here while asking for money but it's really is never wise to speak to the police without an attorney even very smart people are poor advocates for themselves and will make incriminating statements without an attorney presence even innocent people can make incriminating statements when they don't have the advice and assistance of an attorney updates hookup reported me to the police the day of my original post i continued to receive messages from the person none referencing the police or any issues it was actually more being rather aggressive and abusive about meeting up again i also started calling about criminal defense lawyers this is why i'm making this post i called four local criminal defense officers one advised that they would be able to take me on an immediate basis which seems odd for criminal defense but these are strange times three set up times the next day to go over matters two via zoom and one in person the first zoom meeting covered the basics of events and what evidence i had in my favor it was roughly 20 minutes at which point i was quoted a rate of 450 an hour with an expected minimum of three hours as i don't have one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars to clear my name i told them that i was still consulting with other offices and would get back to them the second zoom call ended up double booked with the job interview apparently they only set up one zoom account for the entire office i gave a brief around five minutes rundown of the events and the lawyer entered into a story of how they proceeded with a previous client from start to finish i was a bit taken aback and asked how they thought in my case to immediately proceed to which he said doing an in-depth interview and setting up a polygraph for myself that seemed fairly odd so i decided to push through and ask what rates would be at this point he said that he wouldn't be discussing rates because i hadn't given him the go-ahead that we would be proceeding together at that point he effectively said that he didn't think we would be a good match and that i would not be taken on question is it standard normal or whatever for lawyers to refuse to discuss rates at this stage the third meeting was a set in person i met at the office we went in spent about 30 minutes going over events and evidence he had recently finished a case involving the same detective and alluded to her being particularly aggressive in investigations early in the meeting he made a brief call to the detective to confirm where things stood and eventually he made a call to dictate events as i had told him so to jump back in the time to that morning i had received another call from the detective i advised her that while i was eager to have this issue cleared it was potentially very serious and i was seeking legal counsel that day i did get out of her additional details from my hookup which included someone i had not met that two kits had been done after birth events that they had a history of mental illness and making false statements i was repeatedly advised not to waste my money on a lawyer to which i responded that considering the seriousness i did not feel comfortable proceeding without covering everything completely the only information i provided was in response to a comment about the particular kits and that i would be in trouble if i claimed nothing happened and they found semen i truthfully responded you will not as no form of penetration let alone ejaculation happened jumping forward again there was a roughly 20 minute phone call with the detective i clarified one or two questions from the detective my lawyer asked the detective if matters were done which the detective confirmed as this had rather escalated with my hr departments the detective offered to confirm via phone and writing that there was no suspicion of crimes and no charges would be made i commented that i would greatly appreciate that as this had directly risked my job and i needed that issue closed sooner rather than later my lawyer billed me for an hour 375 bucks which i'm getting to in the next week after i left the legal office i called my head of hr to confirm that everything was taken care of i then also called my colleague technically manager who was only aware that something serious involving hr happened and in disclosure with him had a bit of a nervous laugh together over the whole thing i've also opened a support ticket with the dating app to have their account suspended as this is apparently a pathological issue on their part thanks to the couple of people on the original post who offered advice beyond basic knowledge as well as those who granted me a sanity check on my behavior screw you to the people pm'ing me about how i shouldn't drop the soap and the like hopefully these two posts will give some info for people moving forward mods if this could at least be briefly left open so that i could have my above question responded to for further use and general knowledge i am not a lawyer but a lawyer has the ability to discuss pay whenever he feels like it don't take it personally who knows why he didn't discuss it with you then but i'd take it as a sign that another attorney is better meant for your case situation so i guess what i'm asking is should a lawyer looking for agreement for services before payment for services be seen as bad it flagged as bad for me because requirements of essentially contractual basis seemed weird and borderline on illegal to me i'm sure they get many people shopping around for quotes i don't find it unreasonable not to discuss rates until you want to work with that lawyer with certainty another lawyer may do it differently and give rates up front like the mod said there is really no standard how do you know if you want to work with them though if you don't know their rates you tell them i won't work with you until you give me your rates if they don't you go somewhere else whereas someone else may walk in like the attorney's work and want to work with them regardless of price it's like buying a car no real rules or methodology in giving out prices posted by user ftt throwaway 123 titled a local business owner attacked a woman with a drill near her groin how is this not a crime how can she make him pay her expenses for this injury a family member of mine was inside a bar with friends over the weekends the bar owner jokingly took a power drill thrust it towards her groin and drilled into her upper thigh it broke skin burned her flesh and the hospital told her it did nerve damage the wound has gotten worse and required a second and third emergency room visits and seems to be developing an abscess she has been referred to the burn unit and has already missed two days of work for this she tried to file a police report the next day but for some inexplicable reason the officer didn't seem to think that this was a crime when she told him she wanted to press charges he told her because alcohol was involved the owner was sober there wasn't much they could do the officer declined to see her won't or even a photo of it he went and spoke to the business owner who apparently admitted it and told him he would pay her medical bills and that she is banned from the bar she obviously had no intention of ever returning another bartender and customer who witnessed the incidents also gave statements to police confirming that he did continue to advance towards her with the drill while she screamed and tried to get away i want to know two things one is there anything that can be done about pressing charges against this man he has been charged in the past for harassing women if that matters two how can she get him to pay her medical bills and time off work he told the officer he would but she has little faith that he will does she need an attorney edited to add this occurred in wisconsin tell your family member to get a personal injury attorney to coordinate both the criminal and civil avenues the cop who brushed her off is not the last stop but having an attorney dramatically increases her odds of a favorable outcome these injuries may be covered by his commercial insurance policy although the insurance company may deny the claims because a reasonable person would not act with such negligence in which case you would sue him in civil courts usually attorneys are willing to take a percentage of the final settlement that person sounds unhinged and possibly dangerous too so you may want to consider a ppo which your attorney can file updates local business owner attacks woman with power drill to groin how is this not a crime so basically almost two years ago my family member was attacked with a power drill by a bar owner he was trying to flirt with her and she was not interested and then jokingly thrust a power drill into her genital area she pushed his hand away and so he drilled through her jeans into her inner thigh instead instead of immediately stopping he continued drilling and the drill bit penetrated her jeans penetrated her skin and also burned her badly enough to require treatment from the burn clinic and caused nerve damage she got an infection from the wound as well picks her on the old post but i am not showing those on this channel it is grim the nurses at the hospital had encouraged her to report the incident to the police and she did the next day especially because there were numerous witnesses present for this entire incident who were horrified and wanted to make a statement now for the updates out of the blue in early 2020 my cousin gets a phone call from an fbi agent i don't know how this works but apparently our local pd has an fbi agent who comes in a couple of days a week and works on or reviews stuff anyways the bar owner was being investigated for separate unrelated sex crimes and the fbi agent came across the report my cousin had made against him she asked my cousin what had happened and she told her the agent was shocked and appalled she said because none of that was in the office's police reports nothing whatsoever about this guy taking a power drill to her groin she told the fbi lady that she had very thorough documentation pictures and medical records from this incident as well as a dozen witnesses and the agent had her send it all to her and set up a meeting the following week to discuss when they sat down the following week she told her that what had happened to her was most definitely a crime possibly even a sex crime the witness confirmed her accounts and were willing to testify in court the officer who had blown her off was reprimanded and disciplined for his inaction and tried to defend himself by claiming i didn't know her wound was that bad to which the fbi agent asked him why did you refuse to look at her wound or pictures of it anyways the fbi lady took this case to the district attorney who agreed to file charges the bar owner has since been arrested and charged with the following second-degree reckless injury felony fourth degree sexual assault misdemeanor disorderly conduct misdemeanor four fourth degree sexual assault misdemeanors and stalking felony isn't it a bit crazy that sexual assault to the fourth degree is only a misdemeanor but stalking is a felony but i guess so his tavern license was revoked his bar was shut down and has since been sold the case is delayed due to the pandemic but they did arrest and charge him finally this guy also sexually assaulted other women both before and after this incidence he has prior disorderly conduct convictions and many restraining orders from women against him these other charges included allegedly quartering a female bartender and demanding she give him oral sex at which point she just ran screaming out of the place he also violently cornered and groped another female bartender and then stalked her mercilessly smashing out her windows slashed her tires etc until he was finally caught on video stalking her it never sat well with me that the police blew this off especially knowing his prior history and hearing stories about him abusing other women obviously this guy was escalating probably because he never faced consequences for his actions before i'm glad to say he will face justice for his crimes thanks to the actions of this fbi agent posted by user hobby advice 912012 titled new york ups dumped around ten thousand dollars worth of product in front of my store at 10 p.m on a friday night long after it was closed over a week ago my supplier is blaming ups ups is blaming me and refusing to do anything what can i do i run a hobby shop in new york state i have a supplier who i've worked with for years who typically sends me products via ups ups has been massively delayed due to the pandemic i went from getting orders multiple times a week to basically almost nothing for the last eight weeks i had nearly 100 packages sitting in ups distribution center some of them have been forever stuck in the state of out of delivery for weeks now to things basically entering the black hole of the local distribution center weeks ago with no updates this hurt my business pretty bad which was already suffering due to the voldemort who shall not be named as a lot of this was items people had either prepaid or waiting for me to get my hands on on june 26th when i was more or less in bed i suddenly got a slew of delivery notifications from ups at around 10 p.m since i live a good 45 minutes away from my store i freaked out and by the time i managed to get there the stuff delivered had been taken i checked the cctv for my store entrance and probably 10 minutes after ups dumped the packages some people came by and picked up all the items and took off i made a police report and passed it along to ups as they had completely screwed up on friday i got an update and ups had closed all my claims stating that it was signed for the signature was basically the word uh it's the voldemort going around which from my understanding is ups not requiring signatures due to said voldemort's the following blame is going around in a circle my supplier is blaming ups and how it isn't their fault and tells me they fulfilled their obligation and i need to contact ups my supplier doesn't have any more of some of the products so i can't actually fulfill many people's orders now ups is putting the blame on me stating that it was signed for and is refusing to discuss it more am i able to do anything save the footage that's your proof the packages were not signed for you are going to have to lawyer up and go against ups since this cannot be solved via customer service any longer they say i have it saved on the cloud and passed along a copy of this footage to the supplier and send a link to an online hosted version of the video as part of my claim with ups have a copy on your computer and not just on the cloud the footage will be the basis of your case and you want to do everything to protect it isn't the supplier the one responsible ups is hired by them to make their deliveries the product op purchased was never delivered to them so it is the suppliers faults op can go after the supplier for a refund then it's up to the supplier to go after ups for any losses caused by their services not a lawyer worked in logistics ups is responsible full stop falls under damaged lost or stolen however if you slapped fragile on the side of a package and it gets damaged you already admitted it was likely to be damaged because it's fragile however since it was delivered to a business and its after hours it physically cannot be delivered regardless of signature again falls on ups ops insurance might actually cover this as well and they would go after ups that saves rp the time of getting their own lawyer calling either though would be a good way to get the ball rolling i think someone just doesn't want to do all the claims since it was a bunch and it's high dollar op i work for ups i process damaged packages in a hub and i know that when something happens to a package we always reimburse the shipper and not the receiver then it becomes the shipper's responsibility to either reimburse the buyer or send a new shipment it could be different since the items were marked as delivered but i'm pretty sure that the shipper would be the one that deals with ups paying them for the merchandise update ups dumped around ten thousand dollars worth of product in front of my store at 10 am on a friday night what can i do so after talking to a lawyer he wrote a strongly worded letter to my supplier basically outlining that they are responsible for losses incurred during shipping fob shipping my supplier has changed their tune drastically after that letter and refunded me unfortunately they have decided to no longer do business with me anymore which hurts a lot however is still a complete and utter mess but someone told me to send it to a local ups store via ups my choice which actually worked for some packages while others seem to be stuck in internal limbo and adjust not moving anyways with my lease renewal coming up i have more or less just decided to start winding down operations in the coming months and plan to close the store by the end of the year this isn't a happy ending but between the voldemorts this screw up and having issues getting products my customers want i simply would rather just wind things down rather than trying to keep something going that isn't profitable thank you for your advice and help though posted by user tl34tf titled new york was involved in a car crash my car was totaled other party was found to be 100 at faults insurance is lowballing the payouts other party and i have the same insurance company so i filed a claim against the other party's insurance policy based on the dashcam footage the other party was assigned a hundred percent of the faults the insurance company geico is offering me a payout that literally isn't enough to replace my vehicle they are taking a much more broad stance on what substantially similar vehicle means despite the clear definitions on the books in new york where this gets difficult is i also have geico as my insurer so it's not like i can get my insurance company to go after them i'm not looking for a payday or anything like that i really just want to replace my vehicle but geico's offer is about six thousand dollars short of what i would need to do that to be clear i'm not referring to aftermarket parts that i installed i already recovered those and reinstalled the factory parts i'm just looking for the replacement cost of the car plus tax plus a reasonable percentage of the cost of the brand's new tires that i installed several weeks earlier and the completely legal window tint that was installed the morning of the crash any helpful advice is appreciated thanks and edits i had a local lawyer fax a letter to geico explaining what i'm looking for and the adjuster called him a few days later and says that he's not going to offer any more money the lawyer i used is a general practice lawyer and isn't entirely sure how to proceed from here lynn066b says so i could be mistaken but your insurance has every right to only pay out what they deem the car is worth this can really frustrate people when they still have lien holders attached to the vehicle and are not offered enough to pay off the loan although the car is totaled this is what gap insurance is for it's purchased with the vehicle and pays the difference when your vehicle is totaled unfortunately i don't see you recovering the extra money from your insurance a possible option is to maybe go through the other party's insurance policy which you can do even though they have the same insurance it's possible that they may have higher limits on their policy but it's likely that your car will be valued at the same payout amount this is a fairly common issue and part of the reason gap insurance is so important to have is it just me or is it ridiculous and sad that you need insurance for your insurance it absolutely is but it is what it is hey dog i heard you like insurance we got some insurance for your insurance so you're insured when they're not insuring you endope says there are no lien holders i have the title free and clear the problem is that my car is somewhat rare there's only one for sale in the whole country right now that matches mine and it costs more than what geico is offering there are so few recent sales recorded that they determined actual cash value based on what they believe is a close enough approximation but looking at the vehicles that they compared against they don't meet the written standard of substantially similar vehicles i've showed all of this to geico and their basic response is well that's your problem that's extremely rare and unless it's an exotic or you imported something special from a non-domestic market seems unlikely mind giving a year make and model and mileage might be able to help you find comps which is how you show that they aren't offering market value and get more money this is something that might be hard for non-car people to understand but this type of car is basically a modern cult classic that is in very high demand in good condition they only produced them for a small period of time and there aren't many out there because they just didn't sell that well while they were available so now there is a low supply and high demand which makes the car considerably more valuable than other cars of their age even with high mileage i actually am car people i understand the difficulty but unless you carry specialty insurance or an additional rider on your contract to the person cutting the check it's just an s2000 if it were an exotic it may have raised a system flag to carry a different flavor of policy sadly to the underwriter it's just another turtle tonda if you had any other cult classic and insured it without doing what i mentioned above you would be in the same boats as the car can still be had with similar options in paints and interior now if the whole car line occult classics and demand a high price you would have comparable cars to easily get what it's worth think the last gen supra before this weird bmw in a toyota badge fiasco those are rare and expensive and op says it's a 2004 honda s2000 in white with a tan interior from 2000 to 2003 the s2000 had a 2.0 liter engine and from 2004 to 2009 it had a 2.2 liter engine white in tan was only offered in 2003 for five in small numbers so finding a 2004 and five and that color combination is a challenge finding one with as few miles as mine had 80k is an even greater challenge geico is offering what they feel is fair market value for the vehicle you can either take it or not take it if you cannot come to an acceptable agreement then your next step is to file suit if you are not satisfied your insurance has to advocate for both drivers and if you don't believe the payout is fair you are going to have to sue the insurance company for the other driver their policy you're in a damned if you do damned if you don't situation you'll need an attorney to determine how to proceed state bar should have a registry of appropriate lawyers to handle insurance disputes this sums it up good opie do not sign anything i actually had an accident where both of us had geico and they were at 100 fault too it didn't total my car but i had injuries they refused to pay what i wanted but i was persistent and sent documents to them eventually they caved when i kept saying i would not accept their offer and would take it to court in your case again do not sign anything start preparing documents that show cars similar to yours that are for sale and have been sold look at carguru ebay craigslist autotrader to see what's out there and what has been sold it might have to go to litigation it might not if you stay persistent on not accepting anything from them they might cave eventually but it also depends on whether or not you need a new car asap endo endop replies thanks for your reply i'm in the fortunate position where i have a second vehicle and i take the train to and from work anyway so i'm not stuck it was my fun summer car that got destroyed and now i'm left driving my slow winter suv though i'd like to replace the car asap to enjoy the summer but i'm not so compelled to replace it so quickly that i'm willing to cave to geico updates was involved in a car crash my car was totaled other party was found to be a 100 at fault insurance is lowballing the payout other party and i have the same insurance company after several months of back and forth with only small increases in the offer from geico i finally accepted their settlements and promptly turned around and sued the other driver in small claims court for the difference geico told the other driver that their duties of subrogation had been met and he was on his own for this so he showed up with his own lawyer for the initial hearing the day after the hearing that lawyer then contacted geico seemingly disputed their stance on subrogation and then geico contacted me with a settlement offer of the amount for which i was suing so in the end geico paid me the total replacement value of the vehicle as i saw it posted by user shankliest titled airport confiscated insulin my diabetic mother t1 flew from michigan to florida today with a connecting flight in philadelphia she has been having a lupus flare-up so i arranged for a wheelchair for her weeks ago to take her to her gates and baggage claim i also confirmed that she could bring a medical bag with her insulin and medication when she landed in philadelphia they said they didn't have a chair for her so she had to walk across multiple terminals to get to her gates when she was boarding the plane the ticketing agent told her she couldn't bring the medical bag on board basically an insulated lunchbox she explained it had insulin in it which she needs to have with her they told her she could check it or she could stay in philadelphia but she couldn't bring it on board she surrendered the bag bordered the plane super upset when she landed in tampa the wheelchair guy was waiting for her he took out a baggage claim and i guess her medical bag was lost she is now in florida with no insulin no medication her doctors are working with her insurance to get authorization for her to get enough to hold her over i am beyond upset i have called aa and they confirmed that insulin is allowed on board what legal ramifications are there for this tldr ticket agent confiscated medical bag and airline lost it location philadelphia adhd curiosity says a i've gotten a chair the day on or of request at an airport due to my own temporary medical issues they should have at least had you driven to the gate in the absence of a chair when a passenger with a disability requests assistance from an airline to move through the airport the airline is required to promptly provide the requested assistance b like others are saying replace the meds and keep the receipts demands not only compensation but accountability for the issues you faced at gate check there is zero reason for them to remove your medication from you ever if people can have their service animals in the cabin they can make room for a small bag of medication and c it's worth consulting an attorney if working with their customer service gets you nowhere they can at least tell you if you have a viable case small claims or not the air carrier access act violation of not providing assistance combined with the loss of the medication makes me think you have one more likely than not this is very odd why would the ticketing agent ever question what's in a bag that's tsa's job she might have had one of those new basic economy tickets that do not allow you to bring a carry-on she still should have been allowed her medication but that could be the source of the gate agent's confusion a small handbag like that isn't considered a carry-on it's considered a personal bag just like a woman's purse and everyone is a loud one it's possible that she had the medical bag and a purse and they said she can only have one that's messed up many drugs are temperature sensitive and can't go in the cargo hold let alone creating a life-threatening situation yeah like most airlines in my experience will even let you bring a bag of medical supplies as a carry-on and a personal item warren ridge says if she is unable to get prescriptions through her doctors back home you can actually buy any of the three main types of insulin at the walmart pharmacy without a prescription they're only 25 a vial and she may need two or more depending on how many units a day she takes keep this in your back pocket just in case because in my experience the logistics of sending prescriptions from a to b can often be a nightmare source co-founder of non-profit pharmacy do you know if this applies in every state or at least if it applies in florida asking for a family member who might need this info soon yes all walmarts throughout the country sell three types of insulins for 25 before tax they are not the best if you have access to faster acting insulin but they definitely get the job done i've always traveled with insulin and sometimes syringes with no problem it's very odd that gatecheck and not tsa is telling her this if it had something to go with a carry-on i would confirm with the airline that carry-on limits do not apply to bags containing medical items have someone send a list of rules for carry-on and make sure your mother was not inadvertently violating any rules sounds like a case of someone with zero common sense or just gone power hungry updates airport confiscated insulin they found her medication the day after her flight they were not able to confirm where it had been for the past 24 hours and so we filed a claim for the package there were three new packages of insulin pens and four vials of steroids she just received a settlement for just over two thousand four hundred dollars for this thank you everyone for your advice posted by user universal tea titled my landlord had my service dog taken away and probably euthanized while i was at work alabama i moved to rural alabama a few months ago and signed a one-year lease on a rental property the lease explicitly states that dogs are allowed with a 300 per deposit i paid the pet deposits and pay an extra 50 a month to have my dog the dog is a professionally trained service dog that i require due to my disability i have all of its papers and documentation proving it is a service dog the landlord also has a copy of the registration papers like i said it's a rural area so i have a large fenced in yard the fence is six feet tall and it locks in front of the house i let the dog out when i get home from work and the neighbors are over half a mile away when i came home from work today my dog was missing she should have been inside like she always is i asked my neighbour we have the same landlord if he had seen anything and he told me that he saw the landlord go into my house and remove the dog he says he saw the dog in the back of her truck as she drove past his house i called my landlord and asked if she had been in my house she said she had been over to check on the electricity meter and the appliances i told her that my dog was missing and that she was not allowed to enter my home without notice she then denied that she had been over to my house i demanded that she returned my dog and she claimed that i had never had a dog the dogs weren't allowed on the property and that i had violated my lease we ended up in a screaming match before i hung up i am on the verge of calling the police but i have no proof that anything happened the only thing i know is that my dog is gone i've only been home for two hours call the police also your landlord is nuts i am planning on it i just hope they believe me and yeah this came out from nowhere you have a witness call the damn police now in case your dog is still alive and make sure to get a police statement from your neighbor saying that they saw her take the dog you're planning after doing what watching a movie and getting a pizza you have no idea where your dog is now you don't know that it's been euthanized but that certainly becomes more likely the longer you wait to involve the cops and try to force him to reveal what he did with your dog take five minutes to copy your lease and print out the bank statements showing you paid the extra fees use your phone to record a video of your neighbor stating your landlord took your dog in his truck and then go and op says i'm wheelchair bound and i've been abused by police before i had to wait for my mom to show up but we got the dog back i also can't operate the scanner without assistance so i would have needed my mum anyway when a wheelchair-bound individual is afraid to call the cops after a witnessed trespass and theft something has gone horribly wrong would you mind telling us about your previous experience with the police sure i was detained by the high school standby officer when i was a teenager they thought i had some cigarettes and they took me out of my chair to search me i can't stand so this was humiliating it's not as bad as some stories i've heard but it was bad for me what you have is a witness who saw an intruder enter your home and remove your property you know the identity of the intruder that's plenty to call the police and report a theft and request that they investigate promptly explain that you are concerned that the thief may injure the dog if they don't investigate promptly the hard part is going to be calming down and making this not seem like a landlord-tenant dispute over a dog you're in the right absolutely but the cops have probably seen plenty of people with not allowed dogs getting arguments that look from the police perspective the same i would be trembling in rage if someone took my dog maybe write down what you need to communicate to the police before calling so you can do it calmly gather the lease and deposit papers and that service dog registration if you can as a landlord i can tell you service dogs are absolutely not pets no fee should be charged and they should not ever be treated like a regular pet would be the police should know that as well once you tell them it's a service animal it's an entirely different type of crime call the police you have proof the neighbor saw and your landlord admitted to you over the phone then blatantly and probably if it's in your lease about you having a dog have you called the shelters and op says i already called the shelter there's only one shelter and they say they scan for microchips on arrival my dog is microchipped with up-to-date info so if it turns up they will call me i plan on calling the police but i wasn't sure if i had enough to be taken seriously a while back on this sub someone posted saying that their wife had given his or her social security number and personal info to a phone scam meant to steal that info at the end of the call someone told her what was going on so the scammers knew that she was onto them and hung up his wife didn't want to do anything about it and people said to report identity theft to lock down the info and make it hard to register for credit cards take out loans etc using it his response was i scheduled a meeting with a financial planner for next week so he can discuss the pros and cons of doing that something like that anyway i don't know how that turned out but i can probably guess the scammers had everything they needed and knew the info would only be good for a few days at most call the police now edit updates after i posted this i called my mom and had her drive over after she arrived we called the police and filed a report a lot of you asked why i hesitated and it's because i've had police hassle me in the past and i wasn't going to be alone with an officer without my dog or some backup i'm wheelchair-bound so i can't take any risks after we filed the reports the police went to see the landlord who lives in the area the landlord's husband surrendered my dog and the dog was returned to me i chose to press charges for trespassing and theft now sweet pea the dog is gnawing on some treats i plan to move out asap all right that's where i think i'm gonna end today's episode guys as always i really do hope you learned something or just really enjoyed the posts that were put up today quick shout out to all my new and existing patreon and channel members you should be able to see your name on screen right now and if you don't then i don't think you're part of the club and you really should join the club because it's a great club and i want to thank every single one of you guys for supporting me in this journey it really means so much to me and i love you all so much for it thank you for helping me out as you can tell i'm now happy and healthy back in australia thank god it's not cold like ireland i don't like wearing jumpers everywhere i prefer the heat thank you very much i know that's an unpopular opinion anyway guys i really do hope you enjoyed today's episode i'll see you in the next one have a good day night sleep whatever you're up to and i'll see you later bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 58,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aita, amitheasshole, r/aita, r/amitheasshole, aita reddit, markee, markee reddit, markee aita, markee amitheasshole
Id: 5s40R-6XeVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 58sec (7198 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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