Reacting To The Scariest Videos On The Internet #2

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hi future Jack here to warn you that there's some seriously messed-up ones in this episode so if you're it if you're an eensy-weensy bit scared of things maybe don't watch all right this is your de saber that's it the Battle of Terror rings for you and it rings true we are back everyone reacting to some scary videos the scariest videos that are on YouTube apparently last time you guys sent me in some scary clips a lot of them were very very good and I had a great time doing it and apparently a lot of you guys had a great time watching it because the ton of people watched it so I'm back for round 2 baby this time I have cooked up a very special spicy scary stew for you I literally just googled scariest videos on YouTube and brought a list and some ones that look pretty interesting grab yourself a snack grab yourself a banana and chomp down at that because it's about to get scary and you're gonna need that potassium to keep your nerves in check the first video we've got is a video dating tape which doesn't sound all that scary but for some reason it was in this list so let's see we might not get scared at all cuz we have an iron will here but if you get scared it's okay you can hold my hand and we'll get through this together they're good for love always [Music] hi I'm Tony I'm 36 years of age five-foot-ten an ultra panda businessman and part-time adventurer Tony's got a tall Tony's the whole package folks if you want a date Tony he might have to get rid of the shirt that might've been the scariest thing I've seen in this video so far hi I'm Tony look I'm 36 years of age five-foot-ten an absolute giant by the way 5 for 10 enormous ly tall I don't know if this is real but I'm excited to find out and a part time adventurer my career is a fully meet a luxury lifestyle I'm looking for someone to share that luxury with oh god no - just leave my hat oh this is gonna get weird I'm looking for someone somebody nice and Oh creepy really creepy Oh who's that somebody tied up in his house Oh Tony hi my name is Tony I'm five for ten I've got businesses and property in the South of France and also I'm a stalker murderer come on to the toy store and pick yourself out a tiny bear oh you change the shirt he's gonna come back covered in blood at some point hi I'm Tony hi Tony all these weird oh no toady give it a rest someone that doesn't mind disappearing for a long period of time what somehow I can share long walks on the beach but he just burp that out please send a photo with your age name and location to the address at the end of this video I look forward to seeing you contact oniy now women Oh bleep your bugs nano formal business sl6 for you sent your body parts today Oh creepy [Music] you can hear somebody crying you gross I don't like it that was pretty good hey I've never seen something like that I've never seen people try and do a horror element around a dating tape like that before I really like that that was very clever I don't know if Tony ever found a soul mate or if he was caught for killing people six out of ten would probably date Tony not gonna lie no God oh no oh god do I wanna watch this this should be in a try not to get anxious video a massive daddy longlegs in a tree is that the daddy longlegs [Music] that is the worst why am I still looking at it you know I've never wanted to commit arson on something as much as I do right now could you imagine just walking along and seeing that and being like Oh bunch of sticks mm-hm bunch of sticks they're gonna walk up your arm get inside your head and control your brain [ __ ] no okay let's relax for a second the fight or flight response is done it's over it has passed my body let's get it on to watching some ghosts in Japan shall we okay I don't speak Japanese so I don't know what's going on and the video has no subtitles so we're just going to have to hope that the medium of horror transcends all language barriers ice cold beer right now hanging out with the gang what's going on there was a dolly oh no I think maybe it's creepier that I don't know Japanese cuz now it's like I have to go on my visuals only guys nihongo jozu is the ghost following you they're gonna walk out from the Train Jesus I don't know what I'm supposed to be seeing oh they were laying down weight that they actually just died and now they're the ghosts of the subway let her head there no [ __ ] that no that was cool it's it's nothing crazy but I like the simplicity of it it's just some good old-fashioned scares is this part of something bigger like a Japanese show or a movie or something or is this just made for YouTube I've never even heard of this video before that's awesome I'm gonna come down into Maya from a scare nest come back into the video my legs are still on the chair though cuz I don't want to know okay I've seen this video before and it's not cool I don't think that this one is fake and this really freaks me out so this video is called my dead great grandma's coffin in my own backyard okay what an intro so this guy uses ASL and says that he has his real grandmother's casket in his backyard okay never matter born eight years later so that means that the old cemetery cannot upkeep because of corruption so I decided to have it move to my own house like this this seems pretty legit right don't be freaked out be considerate and realistic okay now I'm ready to show you this makes me really uncomfortable oh don't do it yeah I know this is going but still Oh God god it's so creepy it gets worse though okay I don't it show too much of that on YouTube okay because if that actually is a real dead person I don't be showing that around this is the part that gets me this is why this is to me this is the creepiest video on YouTube and this is this is up on YouTube right now for you to watch no no one would do that by far the creepiest video I have in like my history on YouTube he's using sign language with the whole thing so there's an eerie stillness to the whole video as well and then all kissing body why ah so weird I've heard about this video man gets lost in catacombs of Paris part 1 of 2 okay I don't think I've ever actually seen it though a city of stunning beauty and light [Music] but underneath Paris there is a darker world yeah [Music] the nation tunnels and mass graves no yeah how many bodies is it that's under like hundreds of thousands it was found deep in the catacombs it was taken by a catacomb explore some people who wander down there ok interesting I'm into it it's a point of view shot point of view shot is somebody just walking forwards with the camera so basically he's filming what he's seeing very deep inside the catacombs other than the point of view shots are pictures of bones I would not go down there on my own even though I don't like actually believe in ghosts I don't think ghosts are actually real or any sort of supernatural stuff like that I would still be in the know Francis friedlin was determined to solve the mystery of the Lost catacombs Explorer they are ways to match things up to try to identify where this person was in the catacombs at times and seasons science painted signs on the wall she's not uncommon people have been painting in the catacombs for potentiates painting he just said it my back oh god no about 40 minutes of these point of view shots and these pictures of bones the person begins to walk faster and faster then he begins to run we hear his breathing at louder and louder as if something was scaring us be he's fighting he's fighting occasionally stops perhaps to try to decide which way to run among all the many different corridors he's running faster and faster and faster deeper and deeper into the catacombs and all the sudden he drops the camera ah and you see his feet just run away just show me it okay I thought like a baby was gonna show up in it or something whatever I watch anything like what's that movie as above so below the POV found footage movie based in the catacombs as well whatever I'm watchin those types of movies I just heard the descent I feel so claustrophobic like I would never ever go into a place like that without knowing that I could get out of it in Paris you have as many miles of tunnels underground as there are streets above-ground damn one knows just how many passageways exist in the catacombs but we believe that they go down over 300 feet sea water and many tunnels have collapsed over the years so Paris is just sitting on like a honeycomb basically what Paris collapses what if it all just goes how do you get into the catacombs do you eagerly of course the ideas to find an entrance but it's way out from the side of town especially edge of the city the railroad tracks for about my and there's a little hole in the ground and if you crawl through it oh god no I have always wondered how you actually get into the catacombs because like Felix even did a series he did a video where he went down into the catacombs and recorded it so there must be like proper entrances but I don't know where the air I've never I've never seen an entrance to the catacombs whoa that's cool that's just what a regular entrance looks like that's so weird that it's just there and then you can go down into this like maze of bones surely it's a bit more mapped out now god that's cool-looking I mean scary but really cool oh my god are so incredibly fast our chances of finding the lost man are probably very slim you think any of those times when it's like really dark and there's a tiny little gap and you have to get through it and you're going deeper haven't you ever watched a horror movie yo you're gonna die but we do know by looking at his video that he got as far as these lower levels where we are now imagine just running out of batteries on your flashback you're dead you're dead and you just look at this just you need a flashlight no you guys have lots of batteries after 6 hours it was exhausted and running low on battery Francis decided to abandon the search six hours you spent six hours down there my god if you're right at the bottom of that ladder and just manhole up there and it's locked wouldn't it just be better to stay there and hope rather than going back [ __ ] five miles through catacombs schools and scary aha [ __ ] flare which the arms straight legs outstretched and I think after this the camera turns right I think you guys are gonna find your your boy like that or you're gonna get turned into that yeah fun with the bow and arrows that's a good idea follow the bone arrows it's fine it's not a bad omen at all that's a lot of bones see he agrees with me that's a lot of bones I don't know if I'd be 320 feet below Cerf isn't the catacombs and see a giant room full of bones and they go oh yeah that's a lot of bones you could find the gate to hell okay we're finding the gate to hell don't come to my Animal Crossing island stay away it's mine the turnips are mine what did you already over the weekend I went into the catacombs accidentally found the gateway to hell you know what were you guys what were you up to you guys go the ground so that I got my buddies involved in this we didn't solve the mystery I don't think anyone ever will way whoever he was and drop the state no you can't leave us there you can't leave us hanging no come on I wouldn't [ __ ] so what my detective skills have come up with is that dude down in the catacombs probably shouldn't have been there probably just looking for like a McDonald's or something went on down I accidentally found the Gateway to hell and just ran for it and you know what I can't really blame them so I know that a lot of these videos are just fake a lot of them are just like done for the sake of soliciting some sort of reaction out of you like that one I don't even know if they were actually in the catacombs or they were just filming in a sewer or if any of that is even real I don't think it really matters if it sends that chill up your back and gets you in those goodie feelings then that's scary to me I still think that the one with the dead grandmother in the back of the yard is the creepiest thing ever because it's just it seems so real and it probably is and it's so straightforward and innocent on a surface level until you actually watch that like mid section of it and then it gets real creepy but that's it I'm gonna go hook my cat now for a while and try and get some sort of like semblance of humanity back into me and feel good about myself cuz right now I don't I know I feel gross I know I feel icky let me know which one you guys thought was the weirdest and also give me more suggestions for creepy videos that you guys find on YouTube because I'd love to see them and I'd love to react to them and see if we can really find some really scary [ __ ] but thank you guys for watching this one don't forget to like the video if you liked it and don't forget to subscribe so you're notified for when the next one comes out and we'll all enjoy it together and get very scared but until then keep the lights on keep your blankets over you don't go outside when you shouldn't and don't check that dark corner in your house where you never know what's hiding behind you
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 7,599,544
Rating: 4.9684043 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, scary videos, reacting to scary videos, scary video, scariest videos, jacksepticeye reacts, jacksepticeye reacting to scary videos, scary animations, jacksepticeye reacting, reacting to scary animations, meatcanyon, crypttv, scary, reaction, mystery, scariest videos on the internet, scariest videos on the internet 2020, no through road, horror, scary stories, reactions, jumpscare, creepy, creepy videos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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