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I love that feeling-

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Silly_Kat548 📅︎︎ May 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Oh he will if it's the last thing i do he will know

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/trejfzdjgz 📅︎︎ May 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh ho it's been a long time coming I'm actually good as scared of this game I'm kind of terrified of it because I've wanted to play this for an extremely long time back when it came out back when it was super popular on YouTube back in the good old days remember those and a fire off Wonderland I tried playing this game years and years ago I launched it it didn't work I got into the intro of it and it broke every single time I tried it I mustered up as much strength as I could to try and get it recorded and it just never worked the game was possessed but now I have figured it out now I've gotten into the code now I control this game it actually took me a really long time to troubleshoot at this time as well because it didn't work welcome to SCP containment breach can you believe I'm actually playing this game in 2020 I tried playing it back in like 2015 and it just would not work and I tried so many different times at so many different periods of my life and I just gave up cuz it never worked and I thought it wasn't gonna work now either but I think it is is it here in front of you so I know a little bit about this game but not a whole lot I know I CP 173 let me just give you the old run down here scp-173 is constructed from concrete with traces of Krylon brand spray-paint it is animate and extremely hostile it similar scp-173 a little big old baby that's what he looks like so the only thing I know about this game is that it has a lot of jump scares and you have to constantly blink cuz this thing is like a weeping angel ass dude or if you're not looking at him he'll get you so as soon as you break line in sight he'll get you now I'm probably gonna be terrible at this so let's see what happens press any key to continue I am pressing all the keys it's not working nobody make even a breath on this game because it is breaking on me all over the place I'm telling you the game is possessed sure new game my name is toss boy map seed ok difficulty safe the game can be saved at any time however as in the case of the SCP objects a safe classification does not mean handling it does not pose a threat or is euclid saving is only allowed at specific locations no I want to save wherever I want this game is how kind of worked for very long I want to be able to save however many times I want Oh a baby it's actually happening I'm genuinely excited this is one of the classic horror games back when I started off YouTube and I really wanted to play it and I felt like I was missing out a lot ok what is this on behalf of the SCP foundation and our staff we welcome you to an exciting one month working period in one of our top-secret research facilities unfortunately the exact details of your upcoming work assignments excuse me I'm busy reading I don't get much time I don't get much entertainment in here can I can i finish reading is that a luxury I'm allowed please memorize your designation as the staff will use it to refer to you from now on ok fine I'll step on it herself this guy's very hostile whatever dude put the gun down oh there's two of them I'm actually kind of disappointed he didn't put up a fight I was looking forward I don't think that was supposed to happen am i dead I didn't even get out the door hi I'm back do me a favor hey Larry Jimbo good to see her okay I already did something stupid I died in myself I wasn't even the SCB that got me there's a bunch of lads around here how's it going by yeah I can't hear the conversation if you guys are having them over the sound of hope [ __ ] heavy your footsteps are Hey hi friend don't stay in the Sadler to kill yet the hell is going on in here reminds me a halflife hello so may I go into like my dad or did I didn't get to punch you in the face but whatever oh and by the way we're sadist thank you I mean you can punch me in the face if you want I'm pretty sure I'm gonna die anyway special containment procedures item scp-173 is not to be kept in a locked container at all times oh is to be kept sorry my bad haha it was all that gas in the room that maybe not be able to read anymore personnel must enter scp-173 container no fewer than three may enter at any time and the doors to be relocked behind them at all times two persons must maintain direct eye contact with scp-173 until all personnel have vacated and relock the container all right what's this yellow or orange say the object cannot move while within a direct line of sight line of sight must not be broken at any time yeah okay I knew that already I'm a gamer alright there he is sentient and violent I thought it said silent and violent like my ferrets odds are you guys might are you guys my friends oh god what is wrong with your face okay Oh God should I save you cannot save in this location well dicks hi did you [ __ ] your pants don't want to Oh God hell no hell no hell no oh [ __ ] okay I'm gone I'm gone I'm gone I'm just gonna stare at you Oh Oh God okay now we can see okay wait I'm supposed to keep an eye on you add a contact on it yeah is he there close the door oh that sound door appears be locked face oh no oh no code I got Go Go Go this sucks already Jesus Oh the fact that he can get you when you're not looking is the worst huh well I just do also I have a blink meter in the bottom left that every time that runs down I have to blink that's the moistness of my eyes but like a press space to blink on everyone so we're gonna have to be tactical about it I'm gonna buy if your dad I don't care I'm alive okay just safe save constantly there's the gas that's the gas officer that's the gas to touch me in a no-no place Jesus Christ it's office so the siege is gonna be like Annie where that big shitty diaper ass baby Oh mother of god this is the worst there you are there who are Oh who are you talking to who are you I hear something there's something following me [Music] Jesus Christ one out of two not bad I didn't know there was gonna be other that was him talking and I thought it was just a weird man oh I hear footsteps is that it again I thought I was just gonna have to deal with the giant baby oh don't fall down there oh this is really scary how's that huh night vision how do I use hello Oh Oh No okay save you got night vision that's good oh god he's back he's back I need to dodge thank you that is him talking why is the weird giant dog with no skin talking to me oh wait go this way oh god I grabbed my titties and fear whoa whoa fun something oh it's a hand ooh black severed hand the hell am I supposed to do with a black severed hand thought I lost you for a moment there whoo okay can't do anything with that Oh Oh Lord you are what is happening who's talking one of them's right there is that them talking it's just somebody else okay can I go in here [ __ ] oh man I thought I just had to avoid a giant baby I did not know this is gonna be so much worse than that we're good we're good we're very good you called the elevator oh man oh man not like real life come on if you continue raising this button I will generate a memory access violation well that's a bit mean I'm just doing it like we like for your press to put in a million times to try and get in alright this way too intense for me okay I need a key card got it Oh Lord these RSVPs actually I'm good not opening those doors where am i all right no giant baby anywhere that's a really good sign hello I'm the guy that was in the cell the only one that survived does everybody else dead very unfortunate the use of cameras our equipment our video equipment is prohibited shut it off shut off the entire video the entire Carol I can't I'm not allowed apparently what was that oh do I dare open this door no no no no no I didn't see anything but no no no no no no no Batman what happened to you can somebody give me a gun or something oh I don't like that Oh what was that if it's not a button on a door up early I can't use it checkpoint lockdown containment system failure I'd contain scp-008 now if I knew what these SUVs did that would be great a CB 1 1 2 3 object class safe memetic hazard i love memes i'm coming in buddy ok I'll close the door just in case the big baby wants to interrupt us don't touch when a subject approaches scp-112 3 they will report anomalous sensory phenomena including smells sounds and tactile responses and subjects touch the surface of 1 1 2 3 they will experience a disability of disassociative fugue state initiation of the fugue state appears instantaneous ok keep my answer myself don't touch anything that's not mine that's fine I can I live by that code that is perfect that is quarantine Club all over it I don't plan on touching porkin anything in a gas mask hello 1 1 2 3 complete get you all I want that's great can I even go in I'm not even allowed in all right cool let's save it up and mosey on down I think I'm doing wonderfully I think this is great progress what did you just come from the ceiling hello oh you got messed up I do not want to be turned into a human smoothie like you Missy p00 oh wait this is where I was isn't it I don't like that sound what did you just do I hate everything goggles okay we're safe folks that's a good sound no good since miss are you okay miss dinner ready oh I should not be here I should not be here I should just be a good boy no I guess everything's not okay Jim comes out is no not Jim anybody but Jim poor Jim what was it sir oh god no Jim what do we do well you don't [ __ ] know you're dead I don't know I don't know if I've been here or not it all looks the same Jesus Christ doesn't that terrible oh god no no no no no Oh Lord [ __ ] me baby here we got big baby here we do Oh Lord he's right there what do we do what do we do what do I do I don't know how to deal with this though Jesus Christ you want to come in there you go Dean you go there you go come on in buddy come on in buddy oh he can't open doors Kenny oh god where am I going what what am i doing with myself the [ __ ] is the point do I have a map oh this is interesting you got [ __ ] let me get it again didn't make fun of someone you're gonna get [ __ ] ooh wait a different room oh Jesus Jesus why are you here okay blink no [ __ ] her blankie blankie big bunk bunk bunk okay oh you move so far big baby hey what's up [ __ ] you know was that SCP was that SCP on the ground Oh Lord where am I now what hellish horrible hellscape is this ha ha cuz every time I blink I get this feeling uh hello what the hell just happened what is going on in this [ __ ] game what what am I supposed to be scared of don't Jesus it's still happening what is going on just jump just we may have a life haha take that just stink ESCP oh oh this thing gonna knock me off oh oh oh this thing gonna knock me off no oh lord that was very close go go faster go faster boom now where's it going Oh Lord I survived ooh Jesus I did it I did I did something achievement unlocked no-man's land what did I just do they CP 106 objects class Keter I know what that means oh god why is my movement all wonky no music that's good scp-049 is actually a musician oh oh yes I have a hand nice look at that big brainy balls on me huh I'm sorry I'm sorry you broke the game I don't like this don't be thumpers okay okay close the [ __ ] thing again should I take the elevator down I really don't think I should I have no idea where I'm supposed to be going is there an actual exit to this game or am i perpetually trapped in here Hey oh that's funny wait does it always I saved anyway but okay I was wondering if I could get coasts and then back up and then it doesn't work and then I fly forward again but no you're just dang whatever whatever whatever you guys suck you know I'll take my chances going down I was wondering about it I was curious I was a little scare but you know what pockets scp-049 much better than whatever's in these area bye sighs I take it back Oh Lord this game is a ohh this game is intense everything about this is scary what is that that's pipes Jimbo is gone see you wanted to punch me in the face and no camera came by and killed you you know miss the camera she'll mess back scp-049 hey I saw you in the loading screen what's all what do you do I don't have to keep using my goggles when I pick up Oh whatever four key card notes scp-049 is to be contained in a secure holding cell and research sector redacted not to be removed from its cell scp-049 is a humanoid in is humanoid in appearance standing at 1.9 meter at all that's a big [ __ ] that's a tall [ __ ] and weighing at 95.3 killer that's a tall heavy [ __ ] scp-049 touch is invariably lethal to humans Oh as opposed to all the other s EPS who just love to give us hugs and kisses after contact with his hands the victim dies within moments cool cool just like every relationship I've had when I was a teenager just as soon as I touch anything no relationships over sorry after a period of a few minutes scp-049 2 will resume vital signs attempts to kill and [ __ ] any human beings that can find oh man does SCP just gonna sneak into my room and [ __ ] me in my bed come on that's not on dude that's not cool what he's not here hurry is I don't know that he touched you guys and you died probably that's good story tell it I personally am okay with not meeting it I'm sure he's a cool guy okay generators on Oh God ha why are you awake why are you alive I am gone no no no no no no when things are dead and they get back up dammit Jesus Christ oh oh oh a bullet hit your left shoulder god damn it that's my good shoulder so I like to put that in camera angles like so all right so scp-049 kind of a jerk I'm supposing right now kind of an [ __ ] I think I gotta get away from him and then I don't know I thought should be on okay do I need first aid I don't know I'm gonna save again I'm glad that I picked saving whenever cuz [ __ ] this and that's that they get you too cuz you sprint towards the thing to get away from them but then as soon as you do [ __ ] coming out elevators alright when he comes out I'm gonna turn around and run back okay get a little sprinty going dick okay okay I'm gone I'm gone nope you can't have me I'm probably fine in here right they can't open doors all right I don't need a dad gagoots anymore oh come on you might melting [ __ ] maybe he doesn't see me maybe he's just in here to check on the generator maybe I should stop talking out loud all right when he turns around we're gonna make a break oh [ __ ] okay okay okay we're not gonna make a break dad Jesus Christ I'm dead yeah I'm dead I have to be I have to be I got no sprint left oh come on come on oh god this is the scariest [ __ ] game I've ever played we need the goggles no it's bright lights out here wait I'm hobbling and wobbling I'm gonna take a medkit and just see oh thank god I tried this now and not in the middle of a daring escape you took a painkiller easing the pains lady okay can I walk normal now not really boo boo Jesus oh yeah I turn on the generator you guys are awake now I got this this time I got this this time no problemo no problemo dr. Bobby there you go oh mama doctor doctor please see me now my heart is about to go all right well I'm just going to leave this episode here because I feel like I am about to have a heart attack I knew this game was going to be scary but I didn't realize it was just gonna be like that all the time feel like I can't do anything I feel like I'm just gonna seize up and fall over from tension but very good game I'm enjoying it let me know what you guys think if you want to see more episodes of this because it is an older one by now and so many people have played it in the past already but if you guys wondered enough I will definitely do it hit like on the video if you want to see more of it and maybe I'll see in the next one who knows [Music] I'm gonna go pet my cat now and be happy
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,460,429
Rating: 4.9711056 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, scp containment breach, scp containment, scp containment breach gameplay, scp containment breach jacksepticeye, scp, scp game, copypasta, scp-173, scary scp, scp stories, scp 173, scp foundation, scp gameplay, scp containment breach unity, scp funny moments, reaction, jumpscare reaction, scp jacksepticeye, horror game, scp unity, scp 096, scp scary moments, scary, horror, jumpscares
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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